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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

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Judge Searcy takes on new job with family stability in mind

Shiny and sharp

Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer

Amy Searcy, former director of the Hamilton County Board of Elections, who resides in Crosby Township and grew up in Harrison, took the bench in Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court as the newest county judge Monday, June 2. “The work of that court is so very important because it serves families and children of Hamilton County,” said Searcy. The Domestic Relations Court handles cases involving divorce, dissolution, care and Amy Searcy support of children, and protection of victims of domestic violence. Searcy says that in such a position, a real difference can be made for the betterment of the family. “Couples may decide that they don’t wish to continue life together as a married couple and they can divorce each other but they cannot divorce the fact that they are parents,” said Searcy.

Excellent programs offered There are many excellent programs that help newly di-

vorced families continue to function in a healthy way, including parenting education classes, early intervention mediation, a guide for parents living apart, and more. “I think the greatest challenge is going to be managing the time and the docket, and the sheer volume of work that comes through the court in order to ensure that all the decisions are made in a timely manner, that no-one is waiting to have a decision that affects the family.” Timeliness is vital because the outcome is something that affects families and children. They cannot just be left waiting, she said. Coupled with that challenge, however, will be the task of maintaining diligence in every case. Searcy appreciates fully the gravity of the decisions made in the courtroom, “It’s as if the governor is saying ‘OK, I’m giving you a really, really important job. Now you go out there, and you work hard, and you make sure you do it well.’” Interviews were conducted by the Hamilton County Republican Party Judicial Selection Committee. Three prospective applicants were submitted to Gov. John. R. Kasich’s staff which performed extensive background tests on applicants and conducted interviews. In the end, Kasich determined that Searcy is the most suitable fit. “He called yesterday morning (Thursday, May 29) and said his selection was me,” said Searcy. Searcy is the youngest of seven children, the daughter of James and Margaret Searcy.

Middle class roots For 45 years, her parents owned Searcy Nursery, Harrison,

and her dad served on the Southwest Local School board 16 years, 12 of which, he served as president. “I come from a very middle class background,” said Searcy. She understands what it means to be laden with constant struggles such as paying bills, making dinner, making it to soccer practice, doing the laundry, getting to sleep on time and getting the kids ready for school and back to work on time. “I mean I understand those struggles. I also have been through divorce myself, so I understand those emotions and that sadness… and I understand the confusion and the sadness of the children when their parents go through a divorce because I’ve lived through it.” Searcy earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Xavier University in 1985, and her certificate to teach high school social studies from the College of Mount Saint Joseph in 1999. She earned her juris doctorate from Salmon P. Chase College of Law in 1990. She worked as a Hamilton County public defender and a magistrate for the Hamilton County Municipal Court. She served as deputy director for the Hamilton County Board of Elections from 2009 until 2012 when she became director of the Hamilton County Board of Elections. Searcy must run in November’s general election to retain the seat for the full term commencing July 1, 2015.

Copyright Register Publications, 2014

89th Year, No. 23

photo by joe awad/Harrison Press

Harrison Police Officer Bobby Seiter kicks nails, screws, bolts and other fasteners to the side of Harrison Avenue at State Street Tuesday, May 28, after plastic gates broke on a flatbed causing a drum carrying 750 pounds of hardware to crash to the street. The drum slid under a parked car damaging the undercarriage, and the straps from the flatbed damaged the driver’s side of the parked vehicle. The driver of the flatbed was charged with operating an unsafe vehicle.

Drunk man damages newspaper office The Harrison Press, Harrison’s leading news provider, found itself in the middle of wild episode when a drunk man came through the unlocked back door of the newspaper office and violently knocked over several objects Wednesday evening, May 28. Andrew Nelson, 19, of 554 Pedretti Road, Delhi Township, has been charged with six misdemeanors after Harrison police chased him on foot for about a block before he was tackled in a front yard on Dair Avenue, according to Officer Joe Ramsey. Nelson faces obstructing official business, resisting arrest, criminal trespassing, criminal damaging/endangering, disorderly conduct/intoxication, and underage consumption of alcohol. He knocked over several objects, including a gum ball machine that shattered on the floor of the front office. Joe Awad Harrison Press Editor

The episode unfolded as Press Staff Writer Patricia Huelseman was conducting an interview in the conference room. Huelseman said she heard the back door open and assumed Editor Joe Awad had entered the building. About five minutes later, she heard a crashing sound. “In the middle of an interview with Daphne Walter, co-chair of the Relay For Life, I heard someone come in the unlocked back door of Andrew Nelson The Harrison Press. I know it was the back door because of the distinct sound,” said Huelseman.

See Intruder, Page 4

Living In the Moment Denise Freitag Burdette Register Assistant Editor

“It started with a cough drop.” That is the simple way Lawrenceburg High School senior Lauren Hill begins her complex story. Because there is nothing simple about finding out you have an inoperable, fatal brain tumor. But that is the news she received while sitting in a room at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Nov. 20, 2013. That is the news she received while she sat there hoping she did not have a basketball-season ending concussion injury. “There was a lot of doctors, nurses, all these people with a lot of sad looks on their faces. ... My stomach started taking a dive when they all started coming in with these sad looks. ... All that time I was praying ‘I hope I don’t have a concussion’ and it turns out it was a lot worse,” said Lauren Hill. Lauren was diagnosed with Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, a rare pediatric brain tumor. “There is no cure and there hasn’t been any significant advancements in three decades,” said her mother, Lisa

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(Harper) Hill, a Harrison High School graduate. Basically the tumor is embedded in the pons of the brain stem, the “motherboard” of the body. So few people are diagnosed with the tumor each year, drug companies are not willing to pursue drug research, she said. Although the prognosis is not good, Lauren has continued to live each day as normally as possible, with plans to attend the College of Mount St. Joseph in the fall. In the meantime, the family cherishes the support they have received from the community and holds each day they have together close to their hearts, including dad Brent, and Lauren’s brother Nate, 16, and sister Erin, 13. “The time we do spend together seems to mean more now,” said Lauren Hill. “You learn really quick to savor the little moments while you have them,” said Lisa Hill.

Something is wrong See Moment, Page 4

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