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theHARRISONpress Here for you since 1925

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Harrison, West Harrison, Crosby, Harrison & Whitewater TWPs.

City of Refuge will soon move to Harrison Faith-based community service agency expanding For nearly three years, City of Refuge in Hooven has provided hope, healing and restoration. Now the faithbased community service organization is moving to a more cost-friendly building in Harrison next door to Church on Fire Ministries at the former Blockbuster site. Director Rosanne Moore credits God for the organization’s success, but to expand and improve programs that have made a difference in people’s lives, it’s time to move. Since 2011, City of Refuge has been in the 26,000-square-foot former Hooven Elementary building. The site initially was ideal. Southwest School District officials didn’t want the building sitting empty and Moore needed a home for City of Refuge. Eventually, costs and upkeep became too much. “I had to really evaluate how much we are putting into the building and the upkeep versus the people and the programs,” she said. Some sections of the old school are about 100 years old, and the entire building is kept warm with the original boiler heating system. There is no air conditioning. “Especially this past winter, we were putting in a lot of money just to keep the doors open,” said Moore. As the organization expands, new programs arise, but with growth comes other challenges. “Now we’re looking at building codes,” said Moore. The century-old building, for instance, has no sprinkler systems. The cost of getting the building up to code would exceed $100,000 said Moore. Though she loves the building and what it has become, Moore said the organization will be completely operating in Harrison by Monday, Sept. 1. The move will entail several changes. The clothing ministry, called Threads of Hope, will be decommissioned. Other programs, including Open Gym, will be nixed because Moore plans to create an improved ministry that provides constructive activity as well as entertainment for children. Moore said it was time to evaluate the programs that have been most successful or most important to the community. At the new location, volunteers will run JoyFull Harvest Food Pantry, which provides clients monthly with a variety of canned goods, boxed goods, fresh produce and frozen meats. The space will be decorated in an old world market theme. “It’s adorable,” said Moore. Meanwhile, HEAP (Heat and Electric Assistance Program) will provide people assistance with bills. Near the top of the list, City of Refuge will continue to offer Celebrate Recovery, the main recovery Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer



Bobby Ruwe has a passion for riding, and he thinks shooting is pretty cool too. Ruwe is one of the original members of 1st Ohio Cowboy Mounted Shooters, based in Miamitown. Between Bobby and his wife, Barb, every office in the group has been filled by a Ruwe. Now, they help at larger events throughout the nation.

They ride, they shoot & share to boot

Harrison couple leads charge in fastest-growing equestrian sport

Cowboy Mounted Shooting is said to be the sport that most resembles the Old West of Wyatt Earp, Buffalo Bill, and Annie Oakley. It is among the fastest-growing equestrian sports in the nation and several local residents have been involved since nearly the beginning. Out West, Jim Rogers created CMS in 1993 and passion for the sport quickly spread through the nation. Riders sit horseback in an arena. They wear a double holster with a single action .45 caliber pistol on each side. Each gun is loaded with five blanks. Maneuvering their horses through a set path, the riders shoot at 10 balloons along the course. Heat from the blanks pop the balloons in a combination of thunder and smoke. Every missed balloon costs the rider five seconds, and the rider with the fastest time wins. Prizes include cash and a gleaming belt buckle. Bobby and Barb Ruwe have been involved with the sport since the early days. The couple, who have lived in Harrison 34 years, moved here 10 years after their wedding. The two always have been devoted to horses and equestrian sports. “The horses are like you best friends,” said Barb. “They’re just there. They know when your in the barn. … They’re just like a part of your family.” In 1998, Don Burress and Dan App learned about the event and wanted to bring it home. They secured an arena in Madison, Ind., and sent letters to everyone they knew with horses inviting them to join. “Bobby had gotten a letter and he went down,” said Barb. By 1999, Bobby was on horseback and shooting. Bobby and Barb were a few of the founding members of 1st Ohio Cowboy Mounted Shooters, whose home arena is in Miamitown. The local group is the third to have been formed west of the Mississippi. When Bobby and Barb got involved, the national association was fairly small. “When you join the national association, you’re given a membership number and, just to give you an idea, his number is 65, OK, and we’re in the 1,300s now,” said Barb. The association gains 3.4 members every day. The sport has expanded to Germany and Swedan. Next year, the association will branch to Canada, and there is strong communication between the Cowboys and France. Bobby’s expertise in the arena has paid off. In 2001, he took first in world competition. In 2002, he earned reserve champion in the nation. In 2003, Bobby was the nation’s high-point shooter. Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer

He now is a chairman, one of 20, on the National Advisory Board for the “When you join the CMSA. On the local level, Bobby and Barb were an national association, integral part of the offices. you’re given a “He was president for several years. He’s held membership number just about every office that and, just to give you there was to have except for secretary, and I was secre- an idea, his number tary for several years,” said is 65, OK, and we’re Barb. They were around for the in the 1,300s now. ” beginning of 1st Ohio CowBARB RUWE boy Mounted Shooting in Cowboy Miamitown, to ensure those Mounted Shooting events made sense. But on the national level, their input seemed just as natural. The first year Bobby competed at the worlds, Barb had mailed his registration. When she found out he wasn’t on the roster, she decided to meet the association president to get things squared away. “He and I got to talking then, and I said well if you need any help with anything, I’m here,” Barb chuckled. “He put me to work immediately!” The two frequently help at the larger events. “We work hard when we work there,” said Bobby. Perhaps most endearing to the Ruwes is the community created by those involved. “The Cowboy Mounted Shooters are probably a real unique bunch of horse people because they treat each other like family. They don’t treat each other like competitors they’re trying to beat. They just really, really treat each other like family,” said Barb. Bobby cited scores of times when competitors offered their guns, equipment, even horses to fellow riders in need. Bobby once lent his horse for two or three weeks, and shooters took the horse to shoots all around the nation. The couple is enraptured by the atmosphere and by the camaraderie they have found in the association. Though participation requires traveling throughout the nation and working hard morning to night at the shoots, they’ll keep going as long as they can. “Mom says if you want to do it, you better do it,” said Bobby. “Otherwise, you’ll be sitting on the porch thinking about what you wish you would have done. I always try to remember that.”

Spanking new kitchen on menu for Crosby firefighters and rescue squad Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Writer


Rosanne Moore, director of City of Refuge, stands in the boutique-looking Threads of Hope clothing ministry room. When City of Refuge moves from Hooven to Harrison, Threads of Hope will be cut from the ministry. The group will focus on recovery programs and similar outreach.

Over the month of June, the Crosby Township Fire Department made 49 squad runs; 35 were medical emergency runs while 14 were for fire/rescue. The staff, about 30 strong, dealt with structural fires and came to the rescue of residents experiencing strokes or hyperthermia. On call 24/7, the staff keeps the community’s safety its top priority. But this September, those same men and women will experience just a little bit of luxury with a $9,000 renovation to


the kitchen in the New Haven firehouse. “When the kitchen was first put together, it was kind of piece-mealed through whatever was available,” said Mark Garrett, a member of the fire department. The building that serves as the New Haven firehouse today originally was a community building. The kitchen to which Garrett refers is a small hallway type space that leads to an exit. On one side of the hallway is an old, yellowish


I-74, Exit 169

Alumnae Soccer Game, Page 6 Too much violence, Page 4 Making The Grade, Page 5 Looking Back, Page 3 Court News, Page 2 Copyright Register Publications, 2014

89th Year, No. 31


SUMMER DRIVE 2014 Silverados Financing for APR 72 Months*


& no payment for the rest of the summer!



*To qualified buyers, in lieu of rebates. Tax, title and license fees additional. Not everyone will qualify, see dealer for details. Payment is $13.89 per $1,000. Must take retail delivery by 8/4/14.



Joe Franklin, age 43, of Harrison, Ohio, passed away Wednesday, July 23, 2014, at Mercy West Hospital. He was born on Sept. 15, 1970, in St. Mary’s, Ind., and is the son of William A. and Nancy (Campbell) Franklin. He married Patti Homer on July 28, 2005, in Covington, Ky., and worked for the South Dearborn Regional Sewer District. Joe is survived by his wife Patti Franklin; his mother Nancy Franklin of Bright, Ind.; children Joseph Franklin of Bright, Ind., Gary Michael Malone of New York City, N.Y. He will also be missed by his grandchildren Morgan, Bradley and Maci Blanchet; siblings Jeri Beth (Tim) Wyatt of Bright, Ind., and Michael Franklin of Bright, Ind.; father-in-law and mother-in-law Gary and Kay Homer of Harrison, Ohio, and dear friend Doc Lane of Lawrenceburg, Ind., and Kevin (Tina) Denton of Guilford, Ind. In addition to his father William A. Franklin, he was

preceded in death by his buddy Sparky. Visitation was Monday, July 28, 2014, Memorial Service, with the Rev. Dr. Harold Shackelford officiating at Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home, Harrison, Ohio. Memorials are suggested to the Heart Institute at Mercy West Hospital c/o the funeral home. Online condolences at

Death notices

Beardsley, Catherine C. (nee Nowlin) - 82, Harrison, died Tuesday, July 22, 2014. Brater-Winter Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements. *** Hampton, William “Tom” - 67, Harrison, died Friday, July 25, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home in charge of the arrangements. *** Richardson, Roxie L. 95, Bright, Ind., died Monday, July 21, 2014. Jackman Kercheval Meyers Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

COURT NEWS The following legal actions were filed in Hamilton County courts and previously published in the Cincinnati Court Index. Lawsuits Angela Fanelli, Harrison, sued by Thompson Heating Corporation, dba Help Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical, $3,399.47 with interest plus costs on an account. Kimberly Herrman, Harrison, sued by Midland Funding, LLC., $2,900.73 with interest plus costs on an account. Dry Fork Farms, LLC., vs. City of Harrison, for Notice of Administrative Appeal. Brian Whisman and Dee Lawson, Harrison, sued by American Development Group for eviction. Nationstar Mortgage, LLC., vs. Mark and Deborah McQuade-Kraus, Cleves, for foreclosure and money in the sum of $104,101.30 plus interest. William Scheidt, Harrison, sued by John Lawyer for eviction, $450 rent plus $20 per day until vacated and costs. Bankruptcy James and Debra Lohm-

iller, Harrison, filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Ronald and Missy Wolfe, Harrison, filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Real estate transfers Harrison 10350 West Road - Brian S. and Pamela S. Puckett sold to Daniel Palacios, $56,000. 110 Mackie Lane - John M. and Denise M. Schmidt sold to Bryon and Kristina Wilber, $141,000. 1140 Stone Drive - Nathan Souders sold to Terrence A. Lane, $45,000. 117 Deerfield Drive - James and Sarah Jones sold to Michael J, Schwing, $183,500. 225 George Lewis Court - Jason and Angela Harvey sold to Rebecca Cepluch, $255,000. 9488 Tunis Drive - Nvr Inc., sold to Matthew and Brittani, Ristau, $282,779. Harrison Township 10355 New Haven Road - Raymond Roessler sold to Ilene Fischer and Dennis Steele, $132,000. 9975 Flora Road - Mhp Holdings Flora Ltd., sold to 9975 Flora Mhp LLC., $500,000.



Harrison Council members, Greater Harrison Chamber members, and even peers in the restaurant industry came out for the grand opening and ribbon cutting of the Big Greek Cafe in Harrison Premier Plaza on Friday, July 25. Owner Dimitios Evangelou sliced through the ribbon as Mayor Joel McGuire and others celebrate the event.

Premier Plaza buzzing with activity The Harrison Premier Plaza is alive with activity as new businesses open next to Tall Oaks Shopping Center on Harrison Avenue. The Big Greek Cafe opened its doors with a ribbon cutting on Friday, July 25, with several councilmen, mayor, and Harrison Chamber of Commerce members in attendance. Owner Dimitrios Evangelou originally hosted a soft opening with family and friends, many of whom are restaurant owners. “These are my worst critics. If I pass their inspection, I’m good to go,” said Evangelou. Kicking off the month of August, Off the Edge Dance studio will hold an open house Tuesday, Aug. 5, from p.m. We6 p.m.-7:30 want your

news, photos

Classes being offered are ballet/lyrical, tap, jazz, hip hop, pom, and tumbling. Competitive teams and recreational classes are available. Mark your calendar for Saturday, Aug. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. when Harrison Premier Fitness celebrates its grand re-opening. Owners Joe and Debbie Smith have invested in new equipment, and look forward to signing up new members. They will offer 15-minute demo classes for Silver Sneakers, Cycling, TRX, Piloxing, Drum, and Muay Thai. Drawings, door prizes, and food samples are in the works. Paradise Island Salon will be on hand grilling burgers and hot dogs between 11a.m. and 1p.m. Take time to stop in and meet new stylist, Nikki.

2014 High

The following guidelines should assist you in getting news releases and items of interest printed in the Harrison Press.

by Township. “Families matter, and that is why I took on a full docket my first day on the job as judge,” said Searcy. provides viewers with insight to her background, information about Domestic Relations Court, and opportunities to donate to her campaign.

Schedule an appointment for a hair cut, manicure, or even a set of eyelashes. Kneaded Healing Massage by Shannon Kleine will be participating on Aug. 9 as well with free five-minute “chair massages” and a raffle basket. Another retail store will

Multi-FaMily yard Sale

202 eaSt broadway • HarriSon Friday, august 1st & Saturday august 2nd • 9a-5p Yard tools, dishes, and china, bicycles, new school supplies, upright piano, books, magazines, Christmas items, nice toys and more!


USPS 236-100The following guidelines should assist you in getting news releases and items of interest An independent newspaper published every printed in the Harrison Wednesday by Register Publications / Press.

Football Preview

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PUBLISHES: August 27 • The Harrison Press


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Call 513-367-4582 to reserve your space!

open soon in the corner unit of the plaza. Games Galore, specializing in pre-owned video games, plans to open by Monday, Sept. 1, said owners David and Sarah Durham, who already own a store in the Northgate Mall.


We want your The Harrison Press news, photos

DEADLINE: August 15

Judge launches Web site as November election nears Judge Amy Searcy has launched a campaign Web site that highlights her strengths in a bid to retain her job as Hamilton County domestic relations judge. “I am the only candidate for judge who has judicial experience and the unique experience as a spouse, parent and grandparent,” said Searcy. “These unique experiences are critical in the race for domestic relations judge because domestic relations judges make important decisions that affect families forever.” The site is . Searcy is the only candidate for domestic relations judge with judicial experience as a municipal court magistrate and domestic relations judge. Searcy is a mother of two and grandmother of five. She and her husband live in Cros-


The Harriso Harrison Press THE

USPS 236-100 USPS 236-10 The Harrison Press is published An independent newspape each Wednesday at 307 Harrison Ave., Harrison, Ohio by 45030, Wednesday Register phone 1-513-367-4582. Delphos Newspapers Annual subscription prices are $22 for Hamilton and Butler counEditor ............................................... Ollie ties (Ohio) and Franklin and Dear...................................................... born counties (Indiana); $31 in all 513-3 ................................... hpresseditor@cinc other Ohio counties; $44 for all Advertising ...........................Mary other locations. Single-copy price Lou He is...................................................... 75 cents. Periodicals postage 513-3 paid at Harrison, hpadv@registerpublicatio Ohio, and addi......................... tional mailing offices. Publisher ..........................................Tom POSTMASTER: Send address ...................................................... 812-5 changes to: publisher@registerpublicatio .................... Harrison Press Publishers Emeritus ...................... Gene 307 Harrison Ave. ......................................... Dale Harrison, Ohio 45030. theharrison-pr Web site ........................... ADVERTISING: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising Subscription prices only for the space occupied for ................................................................ the error and not the entire porHamilton, Butler, Franklin and Dearborn c tion of the advertising. All other counties in Ohio ........................ ADVERTISING DEADLINES: DisAll other locations ................................... play advertising must be finalized by 10 a.m. 307 on theHarrison Friday prior Ave., to Ha publication. Mail: P.O. Box 601, Harr Classified ads must be submitted by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to publication. Here for you sinc

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THE HARRISON PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 3 THE HARRISON PRESS, Thursday, September 27,2014, 2012,

Looking Back 15 years ago - 1999 The limited state hiring freeze that Gov. Bob Taft enacted in January has ended with the new fiscal year on July 1. Taft says he is pleased with the results of the freeze. *** A new telephone book will be distributed in Harrison, West Harrison, Bright and several small communities in Southern Franklin County this fall with a comprehensive listing of area residents and businesses. 20 years ago - 1994 “Big Bud,” the 52-pound shovelhead swimming in Miami Whitewater Forest Lake remains free despite the best efforts of scores of anglers.

*** Matt Motsinger and Nicole Huff were voted to receive the 1993-94 Harrison Junior School Archie Griffin Sportsmanship Award. 25 years ago - 1989 Bev Nusekabel is walking on air this week. Next week, she’s hoping she’ll be wading through green. The 28-year-old Harrison resident and mother of three just found out she was drawn to be a contestant on the Ohio Lottery. *** The building site of the Southwest Local School District’s new elementary school on Campbell Road sits, wet and weedy, waiting for work to begin on the new school.

30 years ago - 1984 Forced fluoridation goes into effect August 6th in Harrison. Fluoridation. It has been mandatory since 1971 for all public water systems in Ohio serving more than 5,000 people. After Aug.6, Harrison’s water supply will contain fluoride concentrations to comply with state guidelines, though many residents and officials oppose its addition to the drinking water. *** A Senior Girl Scout from Harrison, Jennie Mericle of Kater Avenue, has been chosen to participate in a special Demonstration Patrol at the 25th World Conference of the World Association of Girl Guides and

Girl Scouts. 35 years ago - 1979 One of the largest Indian villages ever to be discovered in the Greater Cincinnati area was recently excavated by the University of Cincinnati Department of Anthropology. The Indian village dates 1100 to 1200 A.D. The ruins were discovered near US 50 and State Line Road and had a population of about 500 people, *** The curfew law is still in effect in the Village of Harrison and Councilman Terry Burge has asked that the public be reminded of the fact. Under an ordinance adopted in 1968 all persons under the age of 18

Around Town

Aug. 1 1858 Morgan Township House Museum Open House Friday, Aug. 1, 2:30-4:30, Okeana. 937-442-1160, for more information. 20th Morgan Township School Alumni Friday, Aug. 1, Social hour 5 p.m., dinner 6 p.m., Ross High School Cafeteria, Ross, Ohio. N. Dearborn Legion Fish/Chicken Breast Dinner Friday, Aug. 1, 7:30 p.m., 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace. Fish/Chicken breast, french fires, coleslaw, desserts, $6.50, drinks extra. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers available. 812-623-2771, 812-576-4186, 812-623-4158. Aug. 2 Canceled Harrison Nazarene Church Vacation Bible School Sat. Aug. 2, VBS has been canceled. 367-9727. Marvin Chapter OES Rummage Sale Saturday, Aug. 2, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., O’Reilly Auto Parts parking lot. 10563 Harrison Ave., Harrison. 389-0176. Aug. 3 AMVETS Post 13 Breakfast Buffet Sunday, Aug. 3, 8 a.m.-noon. 515 South State St., West Harrison. 812-637-2024. Harrison Co-Op Preschool Reunion in the Park Celebrating 30 Years of Preschool. Sunday, Aug. 3, noon-5 p.m., Tanager Meadow, Miami Whitewater Park. See teachers, students, parents from years past. Looking for class pictures. Call Gayla, 513-367-1778. Aug. 5 Free Tuesday Night Music Tuesday, Aug. 5, 7 p.m., The Tuna Project, Harrison Community Center. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. No coolers permitted. Food and drinks available for purchase. Proceeds benefit Mayor’s Fund. Collecting canned good donations for Mayor’s Fund. Harrison Library Imagine, Discover, Explore! Kids Club

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 7 p.m., ages 6-12. Hands-on activities, science, technology, history, art and more. Registration re-

quired. History of Cincy-style chili The history and success of Cincinnati Style Chili will be presented Tuesday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m. at the Harrison Village Historical Society, Harrison Township Civic Center, 9940 New Haven Rd. Public invited. Aug. 7 Harrison Branch Library Children, Legos in the Library

Thursday, Aug. 7, 10:30 a.m., ages 12 and under with caregiver. Aug. 8 Harrison Free Movie Night Friday, Aug. 8, starts at dusk, Harrison Community Center, behind garage. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. Free popcorn, snow-cones, water and pizza from LaRosa’s (limited supply). Bring lawn chairs and blankets. No coolers permitted. Collecting canned goods for Mayor’s Fund. N. Dearborn Legion Fish/Chicken Breast Dinner Friday, Aug. 1, 7:30 p.m., 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace. Fish/Chicken breast, french fires, coleslaw, desserts, $6.50, drinks extra. Hamburgers and cheeseburgers available. 812-623-2771, 812-576-4186, 812-623-4158. Aug. 11 American Legion Post 199 Meeting Aug. 11, 7 p.m., 10700 Campbell Road, Harrison. Aug. 13 Sons of American Legion Post 199 Meeting Aug. 13, 7 p.m., 10700 Campbell Road, Harrison. Aug. 14 Harrison Branch Library Teens, Homemade Water Filter

Thursday, Aug. 14, 6:30 p.m., so you can survive the inevitable zombie apocalypse. Aug. 15 SOAA Youth Football Texas Hold’em Tournament Friday, Aug. 15, 7 p.m.. Sign-up before 6:30 p.m. for free 1000 chip. American Legion Hall 10700 Campbell Road, Harrison. $30 buy-in, sign-up 6 p.m.-7 p.m. 18 and over can

years are subject to the curfew while in the Village of Harrison. 40 years ago - 1974 *** Found in the classifieds: TO MY WIFE Versa Burns With The Soft Lips And Brown Eyes I LOVE YOU, Lloyd. *** Mrs. Bonnie Phellps and daughter Joda, Mrs. Leona Carroll of Harrison, Ohio and Mrs. Inzia Bibee of Okeana, Ohio returned home last week from a vacation and sight seeing trip through the South stopping in Alabama to see some friends and visited other interesting places along the way. 45 years ago - 1969 A searching party of more

than 200 volunteers took to the woods and byways in an effort to find Teri Neal, age 8, and Andy Struthers, age 9. They were reported missing to the Miamitown Fire Department at approximately 8:30 p.m. on Monday night, July 7th and the search began, and ended after midnight when the two youngsters were found near the Lake Mansion on Harrison Pike about five miles from their home. 50 years ago - 1964 State Theater (air conditioned) now showing The Three Stooges Go Around the World in a Daze and The Main Attraction.

play open to public, drinks, snacks, food available. Ted Pryse, 382-2426. Aug. 16 John Klump Memorial Annual Motorcycle Ride Saturday, Aug. 16, registration 10:30 a.m., kickstands up at noon! Start at Harrison VFW, Lawrenceburg Road, Harrison. $10 per person. Raffles, music, food. Proceeds benefit John Klump Memorial Scholarship Fund and FOP Lodge 113 of SW Ohio. For more information, or to donate door prizes call Debbie, 490-5360. Aug. 17 N. Dearborn Legion Post 452 Euchre Tournament Sunday, Aug. 17, sign-ups noon, play starts 1 p.m., 25329 Legion Rd., New Alsace. $5 per player, lunch available, public invited. 812-576-4186, 812-623-2771; American Legion Post 199 All You Can Eat Breakfast Sunday, Aug. 17, 8 a.m.-noon., 10700 Campbell Rd., Harrison. $7 adults, $5 kids 12 and under. Aug. 19 Free Tuesday Night Music Tuesday, Aug. 19, 7 p.m., The Menus, Harrison Community Center. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. No coolers permitted. Food and drinks available for purchase. Proceeds benefit Mayor’s Fund. Collecting canned good donation for Mayor’s Fund. Aug. 21 Crosby Township Historical Society Thursday, Aug. 21, 7:30 p.m., 8910 Willey Rd., New Haven, Crosby Township Senior/Community Center. The Ruth Lyons Story Presented by Mike Martini, American Radio and T.V. Museum. Public invited; 367-0228; 367-9671. Aug. 26 Harrison Branch Library Adults Deer Resistant Plants Thursday, Aug. 26, 7 p.m., Gail Chuck from Shaker Farms Garden Club. Aug. 26 American Legion Riders Meeting Aug. 27, 7 p.m., 10700 Campbell Rd., Harrison.

PROFESSIONAL FORUM CHIROPRACTIC/ACUPUNCTURE Dr. Stricker, what is the cause of sciatica and can you help? There can be many causes of sciatica. Sciatica is a Latin word which means leg pain and many times it is caused by a disc putting pressure on a nerve root, or possibly a disc putting pressure on the spinal cord itself. Other common causes Raymond Stricker could be a tight muscle putting pressure D.C. FIAMA, Dipl. AC LLC on the sciatic nerve, or it could be referred pain from the lumbar or sacroiliac joints. Other causes could be much more serious such as a tumor or other pathology. Sciatica is a serious health concern and something which should be examined by a health care provider such as a chiropractor. This is diagnosed by doing a physical exam, possible x-rays, and if needed an MRI or electromyogram. My office is able to help diagnosis the cause of sciatica, and if we cannot help the condition thru chiropractic care or acupuncture we can refer you to a health provider who can better handle your condition. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

AUTO BODY I was in an accident caused by another driver. An ‘adjuster’ is coming to inspect my car, who is this? The ‘adjuster’ you are referring to is someone coming to inspect your car and write an estimate to repair the damage. Most estimates are written in several ways: 1) Insurance companies have a drive-in center, where you take your vehicle to them and one of Ed Gerstner their adjusters will inspect the vehicle and write an estimate. 2) Insurance companies have their own team of adjusters that come to you, inspect the vehicle and write an estimate. Or, 3) Insurance companies hire independent contractors that will come to you, inspect the vehicle, and write an estimate for the insurance company. At Randy Lane's Auto Body, Inc., we write our own estimate for every vehicle that comes into our facility for repairs and we compare it against the insurance estimate to make sure all areas that need to be repaired are addressed. Remember, you are free to take your vehicle to the collision repair facility of your choice.

10555B Harrison Ave., Harrison, OH Fax (513) 367-5752

PHARMACIST Is there much difference between generic and brand name drugs?

Good question. Generic drugs must be approved by the FDA just as brand name drugs. They are required to have the same active ingredient, strength, Jeff Biddle and dosage. The only difference is they do not need to contain the same inactive ingredients as the brand name product. Through bioequivalence data, the generic drug must perform the same as its respective brand name product, whether immediate or controlled release. Generic manufacturers can sell their products at lower prices because they save costs on advertising and marketing. In the long run, the biggest difference is the cost!


114 Harrison Ave., Harrison, OH

Dr. Ringel, what is a “lazy eye”?

“Lazy eye” is a term often used when referring to the condition called amblyopia. Amblyopia is the result of an eye and the brain not working properly together. There are many Michael F. Ringel, O.D. causes of amblyopia including large differences in the prescription between the two eyes and crossing of the eyes. A “lazy eye” can be treated if discovered at a young age. Eye patching is the most common treatment. The American Optometric Association recommends that all children have their eyes examined by the age of two, in part to help detect this common condition. I routinely examine and treat children in my office for this and many other conditions.



(513) 367-5799


10250 Harrison Ave., Harrison, Ohio 45030



DENTISTRY How can I have whiter teeth?

Teeth whitening is the number one cosmetic dental procedure and is fast, safe and effective when performed by dental professionals. Cosmetic bleaching can erase stains and discolorations revealing a brighter and whiter smile. Teeth appear darker due to natural aging, genetics, root canals, fluorosis, tetracycline use, tea, Dr. Diane Arel colas, coffee and smoking. We can help you choose the best whitening technique based on the type and degree of discoloration. We offer ZOOM! In-office teeth whitening which can whiten teeth up to eight shades and the results can last for years. We send everyone home with a personal touch-up kit to help maintain that just-whitened sparkle. We also offer at-home supervised programs. Brighter and whiter teeth can help you smile more and boost self-confidence. Call us for a consultation!

1003 Harrison Ave.,Ste. 100 Harrison, Ohio 45030

INSURANCE Can you explain the request for Proof of Financial Responsibility I received? Ohio law states that you must have insurance to operate a motor vehicle on the road and you are required to insure any vehicle that is Registered in the state! If you don't want to insure an inoperable vehicle or one that is being restored, then one option is to remove Doris Gibbons the plates and return them to the BMV. Cancel your vehicle registration, when a vehicle becomes inoperable or is under customization before cancelling or removing insurance coverage to prevent a driver's license suspension. There are very few exemptions and evidence is required to be approved by the Registrar. More importantly it is best to have insurance in place in case the vehicle rolls out of gear and causes harm and insurance verification can be submitted.

1008 Harrison Avenue Harrison, OH 45030

10548 Harrison Avenue Harrison, OH 45030


Do you have a question for these professionals? Send them to:


The Harrison Press, 307 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, Ohio 45030 or email:




Truth in advertising is tricky business Find myself listening to a lot of radio these days, and JIM there are certain commer- ROBERTSON cials that raise the hackles on the back of my neck. I know. I went to business school and my marketing and statistical classes showed us how to present our client or employer in the most favorable light. No problem with that. Free commerce has always been based on the principle of Caveat emptor, or “buyer beware.” My irritation arises from the claims that are made as though there is some sort of certification functioning. Heard the one where a guy is buying a

diamond for his girl? They get into a dissertation on GIA (Gemological Institute of America) certification. True enough. The stones are independently certified not the jeweler. The seller says the gem is not GIA certified but that it is EG -cough, cough - I certified. The cough, no doubt, inserted to keep them from being sued by the EGI which is another certifying body. In fact there are five or so certifying bodies out there. Based on my research, GIA seems to have the most stringent standards, but be aware that most of the time it will not certify a stone of less than a half carat or with a value less than $1,000. So while not exactly lying, the advertiser certainly is implying the relative merits of buying from its store due to its GIA certifica-

tion. Any jeweler can submit a stone for grading. Stones that are already mounted cannot be thoroughly examined. GIA’s fees for this service are based on the weight of the stone. Happy hunting.

Sleep tight

How old is your mattress? One advertiser puts forth the view that they are shot after eight years. Funny. The most pessimistic outlook I can find online says the average life of your average pocket coil spring type mattress is 10 years. But then all estimates, no matter who puts them forth, are subject to a range of years. In the case of the lovely spokeswoman

who is teaching her class to say words that end in “ate,” assertions are made about how much sweat is soaked up by the mattress and dead skin flakes and dust mites. I’ve got a mattress that is probably about 25 years-old. It’s amazing what a vinyl mattress cover will do to prolong that life by stopping the effusions of sweat and skin from soaking the main mattress. It’s easier to wash bedding and a mattress pad then to lift that suddenly twice as heavy mattress to dispose of it. Jim Robertson is a longtime Harrison resident, a member of Harrison City Council, and a weekly columnist for The Harrison Press.


Gratuitous TV, movie violence getting worse I’m amazed at the amount of bad, bloody behavior witnessed on television and in the movies, but I guess I’m to blame as much as anyone because I watch some of it.

We give filmmakers artistic freedom to show us a grittier lifestyle, but how artistic are the gallons of fake blood that show up on the screen. Earlier this summer, I watched the TV series, Fargo on the FX Network, a network specializing in the grizzliest of violence. The series was loosely based on the movie of the same name, and outdid the movie version in everything violent save the movie’s wood-chipper scene. Next month, the final season of a series called Sons of Anarchy returns to FX. This is about a Northern California motorcycle gang with a modern take on William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The bard could never have imagined the

number of people his prince would murder in the course of 10 episodes. And he’s the protagonist. The cartoonish violence on the recent return of 24: Live Another Day was incredible, particularly for a show on one of the broadcast networks, which have tighter rules thanks to the Federal Communications Commission. Kiefer Sutherland’s Jack Bauer character threw two characters out a fifth-floor window in one episode.

Movies are even crazier

Movies, of course, are even crazier. I recently watched Olympus Has Fallen, and if the Korean bad guys killed one Secret Service agent as they took over the White House, they killed 100. Villainy failed to triumph, though, thanks to one man who pretty much saved the world and killed 40 or 50 bad guys himself. People don’t just suffer violent deaths on these shows, they are murdered in all sorts of ugly and sadistic ways.

A recent staple of this type BOB HYLE of televised violence is the throat slit. This allows for blood to pour out all over the murder scene in all its redness. It doesn’t seem so long ago that when someone was murdered on TV (murder has always been a staple of drama), they would be stabbed, shot, or poisoned. Throats were never slit. Usually there would be a stab from behind, and the victim would go down with all bleeding done internally. Gunshot wounds could barely be detected on the TV victim, but we knew they were dead because their head would flop to the side. You might see one or two entry wounds, but never a trace of blood. Poison victims would gasp with eyes agog in disbelief that they were about to die, unlike today’s more graphic victims who gurgle out some white substance from their mouth as they twitch along the floor. I’m not a prude. I’ve watched all the shows

I have listed above, but there has to be some entertainment value to balance the underappreciation of human life.

Don’t pay the guy

People die violent deaths every day but a police officer who killed a dozen criminals over a couple of years on the job would likely be looking for another line of work, or at least a good psychiatrist, not a continuing paycheck. There is a time and place for violence on the screen, but does it have to be so graphic? I don’t believe we will go back to the older days of TV violence, but it might be a welcome change to return to good detective work rather than a handgun with an improbable 100 rounds of ammunition in one clip, which you need if you are going to kill 25 or 30 bad guys in one scene. Bob Hyle covers sports and writes a weekly column for The Harrison Press. He lives in Bright.


Incumbents’ advantages ‘baked’ into system It’s no news that Congress is unpopular. In fact, at times it seems like the only real novelty on Capitol Hill would be a jump in its approval rating.

In June, a Gallup poll found members standing with the American people at a historic low for a midterm-election year. That might have been notable except, as The Washington Post pointed out, “Congress’s approval rating has reached historic lows at least 12 times since 2010.” Nearly three-quarters of Americans want to throw out most members of Congress, including their own representative, yet the vast majority of incumbents will be returning to Capitol Hill in January. In other words, Americans scorn Congress but keep re-electing its members. How could this be? The first thing to remember is that members of Congress didn’t get there by being lousy politicians. They know as well as you and I that Congress is unpopular, and they’re masters at separating themselves from it and running against it. They appear to be outsiders trying to get in, rather than insiders who produce the Congress they pretend to disdain. They’re also adept at talking up their own

bipartisanship, which is what most generalelection voters want, when they almost always vote with their own party’s leadership, especially on the obscure procedural votes that can decide an issue before the actual upor-down vote is taken. Just as important, incumbents enjoy an overwhelming advantage in elections: a large staff in Washington and at home, whose jobs focus on helping constituents. They find lost Social Security checks, help get funding for economic development projects, cut through red tape to secure veterans’ benefits. At election time, voters remember this. That’s not the only help members can expect. They’re buttressed in ways challengers can only dream about. They’re paid a good salary, so they don’t have to worry about supporting their families while they campaign. They get to spend their terms effectively campaigning year-round, not just at election time, and they are able to saturate their state or district with mass mailings. The nature of their work allows them to build ties to various interest groups back home, which quite naturally seek out the incumbents and ignore challengers. Incumbents receive invitations to more events than they can possibly attend. Challengers have trouble finding a meeting interested in having them. Incumbents get the honored place in the parade, the prime speaking position, the

The Harrison Press USPS 236-100

Established 1925

Joe Awad, Editor Donna Metzger, Chip Munich, Sales Representative Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus The Harrison Press is an independent weekly newspaper devoted to the interest of Harrison and the surrounding area. The Harrison Press (USPS 236-100) is published each Wednesday by Register Publications, 307 Harrison Ave., Harrison, Ohio 45030.

upper hand when it comes to raising money. Challengers must fight for visibility and money. And the news media seek out incumbents, often ignoring challengers.

Trudging uphill

Challengers are at a disadvantage at almost every point in a campaign. From building name recognition to arranging meetings to building credibility with editorial boards, donors, and opinion leaders, they’re trudging uphill. They do get one leg up in that they’re in the district all the time, while the incumbent has to be in Washington regularly. But that’s a small advantage compared to the obstacles arrayed against them, especially when districts are gerrymandered, as they often are, to protect incumbents. This means that in primaries incumbents generally must focus just on the most active voters, while in general elections the vast majority can consider themselves on safe ground. But there’s another reason incumbents keep getting re-elected that’s also worth considering. Most Americans don’t vote, which means that a U.S. senator or representative might be elected by only 20 percent of the eligible voters. Those who vote often cast their ballots for narrow or unusual reasons. They like the way they got treated by the incumbent’s staff, or

They serve us! United States Senators - *Sherrod Brown 425 Walnut St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-684-1021 *Rob Portman 36 E. 7th St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-684-3265 United States House of Representatives -

LEE HAMILTON they shook his or her hand at a county fair, or they like his or her stand on a particular social or economic issue, or perhaps they just recognize the name. Whatever the case, they don’t look at an incumbent’s entire record, including votes on a cross-section of vital issues; willingness to work with members of different ideologies and backgrounds; ability to explain Washington back home and represent home in Washington; skill at forging consensus on tough policy challenges. It’s really no mystery that incumbent members get re-elected. Their advantages are baked into the system. Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.

gov *1st District *Steve Chabot 441 Vine St., Suite 3003 Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-684-2723 *Governor - John Kasich Riffe Center, 30th Floor 77 South High Street Columbus, OH 43215-6117 614-466-3555






Since 1994, Architecture by Children has been providing opportunities for K-12 students to learn about architecture from local architects and designers. This past school year marked the fourth year for the Talented and Gifted Students from Whitewater Valley Elementary to participate. Students designed plans for the area around Fort Washington Way called Urban Edge. They worked with an architect and two students from the University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. From left: Noah Kathman, UC DAAP student Kaitlyn Slokowski, Caroline McElroy, Emma Roush and Vinny Fiorino. SUBMITTED PHOTO/HARRISON PRESS

Karen Weingartner from Shaker Farms Garden Club presents Miamitown Elementary fifth-grade social studies teacher Jade Staft and her students with a certificate of appreciation for creating and maintaining a monarch way station at Miamitown Elementary. The way station provides food and shelter for monarch butterflies throughout their annual cycle of migration to North America, where they reproduce. The monarch butterfly is endangered and gardens like these help in the conservation of this “king of the butterflies.”

MAKING THE GRADE College of Mount St. Joseph Junior Dyan Ramsey, a 2011 graduate of Harrison High School, recently was inducted into Alpha Chi, a national college honor society that honors the top 10 percent of junior and senior scholars. Ramsey, who earned dean’s list honors in all five semesters, is a campus ambassador and a member of Tri Beta Club, a biology honor society. She plans to graduate next year with a bachelor of science degree in neuroscience. *** Brittany Hall, Harrison, recently was honored at the University of Findlay during a student teacher dinner. Hall was a student teacher at Arcadia Elementary School in Arcadia, Ohio. Hall graduated from the University of Findlay in Findlay, Ohio, this past spring. Hall received a bachelor of science degree in early childhood education *** Cassandra Brakers, Harrison, has been named to the University of Dayton Dean’s List for the 2014 spring semester. To qualify, an undergraduate must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average for the semester and must have been enrolled for 12 or more credits that semester. *** Andrew Tumlin, Harrison, graduated from the University of Findlay this past spring. Tumlin received a bachelor of science degree in marketing. *** Bellarmine University, Louisville, named Harrison resident Cory Hopper to the spring dean’s list. Hopper, now a junior, is a psychology major. Bellarmine’s dean’s list recognizes students who receive a grade point average of 3.5 or above on a 4.0 scale. *** Jessika Denny, Harrison, completed degree require-

Subscribe Today! Call 367-4582

ments in May at Butler University, Indianapolis. *** Meghan Denny, Harrison,completed degree requirements in May at Butler University, Indianapolis. *** Dylan Ramsey, Harrison, has earned a bachelors degree in communications and advertising from Morehead State University in Morehead, Ky. Ramsey now works for Touchstone in Mason, Ohio. *** Michael Phillips, Harrison, received a diplomas at Marietta College’s 1 7 7 t h graduation ceremony this past May. Phillips earned a bachelor of science degree in geology. Phillips also received the Charles Fritz Absolon Memorial Award, and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s most prestigious academic honor society. To be considered for election to membership, a student must be of good character and must have achieved a scholastic record of outstanding excellence in a broad program of studies, the major part of which must be in liberal arts and sciences. Phillips also was one of 21 Marietta students who selected for the 2014 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. *** Zachary William Lonneman, Harrison, was named to the dean’s list for the spring 2014 semester at Washington University, St. Louis. Lonneman is enrolled in the university’s School of En-

gineering and Applied Science. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a semester grade point aver-

age of 3.6 or above and be enrolled in at least 12 graded units.


At Lutz Auction Center

Take I-74 to St. Leon-Lawrenceburg exit, then south on SR 1 for 3 miles to Dover, IN. East on N. Dearborn Rd for 1.4 miles to Auction Ln. From Lawrenceburg, take SR 1 North to Dover, right on N. Dearborn Rd to Auction Ln.

Saturday, August 2, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m.

Complete contents of Delores Strunk Knippenberg home which includes 3 king size beds; living room furniture; front load washer and dryer; Liberty gun safe; curio and china cabinets; cedar chests; flat screen TV’s; bookcases; kitchen tables and chairs; lawn and patio furniture; picnic tables; Roland Atelier organ; Yamaha keyboard; home deco; crocks; jewelry; collectibles and more. Also consigned are a 2013 5ft. by 8 ft. utility trailer with ramp; Pronto Power Chair. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Check for details, pictures, and late additions. 2 buildings full of nice clean newer furniture and household items, also with some neat antique pieces. The Estate of Delores Strunk Knippenberg - Owners Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium

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COMMUNITY CALENDAR CITY GOVERNMENT •Harrison City Council, first and third Tues, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. Meetings broadcast on Warner cable television, Channels 15 & 17, Sunday, 3 p.m.; and Channel 24, Monday, 11 p.m. • Harrison Planning Commission, second Tues, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. Meetings broadcast live, Channel 4, replay Saturday, 6 p.m., Channel 4. •Harrison Recreation Commission, second Thursday, 7 p.m. • Harrison Board of Zoning Appeals, fourth Tues, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Mayor’s Court, first and third Thursday, 3 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Civil Service Commission, meets as needed , Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • Harrison Recreation Commission, fourthThursday, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. • West Harrison Town Council, second Monday, 6:30 p.m., 100 Railroad Ave., West Harrison. TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT • Crosby Township Trustees, second Monday, 7 p.m., Community Center, 8910 Willey Road, New Haven. • Harrison Township Trustees, third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Harrison Community Center. •WhitewaterTownshipTrustees, third Monday, 7 p.m.,Whitewater Community Center, 6125 Dry Fork Road. SCHOOL BOARDS • Southwest Local School District, third Thursday, 7 p.m., Meetings take place at district schools. Call 367-4139 for location. • Sunman-Dearborn School District, second Thursday, 6:30 p.m., administration office, Lawrenceville Road. GROUPS, CLASSES, AGENCIES • Alcoholics Anonymous, Tues, 8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St., Harrison. • Amazing Grace Quilters - 1st & 3rd Monday of the month, 10-3. Amazing Grace Church, 9961 New Haven Road. (513) 202-0688. • American Legion Bingo - American Legion Bingo will be held every Thursday, doors open at 6 p.m., bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. at 10700 Campbell Road. • American Legion Trivia - Trivia is held every Wednesday at American Legion Post 199, 10700 Campbell Road, 8 p.m. • Beta Sigma Pi Sorority XI Eta Iota Chapter, second Monday, 7:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St., 267-4301. • Bountiful Hearts, third Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Harrison Church of the Nazarene, 249 Sunset Ave. Free, hot meals served and clothing available. Bob Tau, 367-0316. • CAP Harrison Cadet Squadron,Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Harrison Airport,West Rd. Come fly with us! 367-4669. • Crosby Senior Center Crochet - Have you ever wanted to learn to crochet? A Free beginners class taught by Sue Corson on the first Tuesday of each month at the Crosby Senior Center beginning at 1 pm. Bring your own needles and yarn. • Crosby Township Historical Society, third Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Senior Center, Willey Road. • Fernald Community Alliance, first Monday, 6:30 p.m., Fernald Preserve Visitor Center, Willey Road. •Greater Harrison Rotary - Every Thursday 7:30 a.m. Cracker Barrel, 615 Ring Road, Harrison; www. • Ham Shoot - A ham shoot will be held every Sunday at 11:45 a.m. except the third Sunday of each month at Harrison VFW, 9150 Lawrenceburg Road. Sign-ups begin at 10:45 a.m. • Harrison High School Athletic Boosters, second Monday, 7:30 p.m., Harrison High School, 9860West Road. • Harrison High School Drama Boosters, fourth Tuesday, 7 p.m., high school commons, 367-4169. • Harrison High School Music Boosters, fourth Monday, 7 p.m., Harrison High School, 9860West Road, music department, 367-4169. • Harrison Kiwanis, first and third Thursday, noon, Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, 9961 New Haven Road, 367-2015. • Harrison Nazarene Food & Clothing Ministry, open Thursdays, 12 to 3pm or call Suzanne Spangler (513) 252-3155 or Donna Duncan (812) 926-2066 for an appointment. Also open in conjunction with the“Bountiful Hearts Ministry”during their free, hot meal served the 3rd Saturday of each month at our location.We are operating a non-food pantry through partnership with Love, Inc. If you’re in need of non-food items, please call Love, Inc. at 367-7746 to schedule an appointment to pick-up these items from the Harrison Nazarene Church at 249 Sunset Ave. in Harrison, OH. • Harrison Republican Club, first Thursday, 7 p.m., Harrison Community Center. • Harrison Veterans Color Guard - The Harrison veterans color guard 10700 Campbell Road Harrison, is looking for a few good people to join. We do 4 or 5 parades in the community and Veteran Day services at the schools. If interested please contact Al Buxton at (513)225-1489 or Gary Hembree at (513) 312-4887. • Harrison Weight Watchers, Tuesdays, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 115 S. Vine St. • Miami Historical Society of Whitewater Township, second Thursday, 7 p.m., Miamitown Hall. • MOMS Club ofWest Harrison, thirdWednesday, 10 a.m., St. John’s United Church of Christ, Broadway and Sycamore Streets, Harrison, 637-1947. • Overeaters Anonymous, Wednesdays, 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Broadway and Vine Streets. 910-7032. • Shaker Farms Garden Club, fourth Wednesday, 367-9379. • Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church - corner of Broadway & Vine Streets., Donna Cooper, 367-1125. • Water aerobics classes - Water aerobics classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays by certified water aerobics instructor Sarah O’Connor. Lifeguard provided for each class. No class fee, donations accepted. For additional information call Brandon Loveless (812) 576-4811 or email bsloveless@ . • West Side Democratic Club, second Wednesday, 7 p.m., Harrison Bowl, 1152 Stone Drive. E-mail to



Soccer season starts with alumnae game Summer freedom is about to end for members of the Harrison High School girls’ soccer team. Tryouts for the new season begin on Friday of this week as the team prepares for a short pre-season that ends with the opening game on Monday, Aug. 18, when the Ladycats host Glen Este. Harrison coach Troy Kinnett believes his team will be ready, particularly after their outstanding performance in the recent Mason summer tournament. Harrison went 4-1 and posted victories over opponents such as Mason and Lakota West, both members of the powerful Greater Miami Conference. “Winning breeds confidence and confidence brings great things to the team,” said Kinnett. Harrison also had wins against Cincinnati Country Day and Western Brown at the Mason tournament. The lone loss was a 2-1 defeat at the hands of Princeton, which scored the winning goal on a free kick from 25 yards out after a Harrison foul. “I think we learned a great lesson from that game,” said Kinnett. Harrison also played a game on Saturday against alumnae. Kinnett said some of the alumnae were in great condition, but the game was mainly a fun time. “We’ve had a lot of success the last couple of years and it was the graduates who paved the way for us,” he said. “Seniors have always been our leaders and because of them the team has reaped the benefits.” Kinnett was pleased with how the team played at Mason, but he believes the time is best spent evaluating the returning players and gauging whether younger players are ready to step up from the junior varsity to take key positions on the varsity this season. One important opening is at goalkeeper where Logan Lake is looking to take the starting job after spending her sophomore season as the goalkeeper for the junior varsity. The keeper position is one of the three spots on defense that are open due to graduation. The offense should be in high gear once again. Juniors Kayla Childs and Kayla Nowlin and senior Cassidy Hatfield are back and all three are more than capable of putting the ball in the net. Childs scored 29 goals as a sophomore and will likely own every offensive record for the Ladycats by the time she is through. Nowlin had 13 goals last year and Hatfield had 14. Harrison had a 13-4-1 record last season and finished third in the Southwest Ohio Conference behind Ross and Edgewood. Kinnett would love to get another conference title. “Expectations have shifted for us in the last three or four years,” he said. “One of the reasons is the commitment the girls have made in the summer months.” Several Ladycats have attended “prospect camps” on college campuses this summer. That should help lead to a crisp start to this season. School begins a week earlier than last year and the season starts early. Kinnett has two scrimmages scheduled against Seven Hills PHOTO BY SANDY MINOR/HARRISON PRESS and Middletown as he works his squad to be ready for the opener with Glen Este. Alumnus Carah Kreimer, left, takes control of the ball as she maneuvers around Harrison High School soccer player “Glen Este beat us last year,” he said. “That will be in the Alex Tidwell. They were joined by about 60 other former and current Wildcat soccer players at the Girls Soccer back of our minds entering the pre-season.” Alumnae Game on Saturday, July 26.

Bob Hyle Contributing Writer

Future Stars tryouts wrapping up The Cincinnati Future Stars will wrap up baseball tryouts for its 25th anniversary season in 2015 this weekend, according to Shawn Sowders, whose family has run the Future Stars program since its inception and operates out of a baseball complex on River Road in New Baltimore. There will be teams competing in the following age groups for the 2015 season: 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, and 17 & 18. The 10-, 11- and 12-year-old teams will have a final tryout session on Sunday, Aug. 3. Those teams will have a practice session from 1 to 3 p.m. The eight-, 16-, and 17 & 18-year-old teams will practice from 3 to 5:30 p.m. For information on tryouts or on the Future Stars, contact Shawn Sowders at 513-305-3929 or Shane Sowders at 513-910-6135.

Success at Little Miami Soccer Fest The Harrison High School boys’ soccer team gets an extra weekend off before the first day of tryouts, thanks to the outstanding performance the Wildcats turned in as they swept three opponents in the Little Miami Soccer Fest last weekend. “I decided to give them a couple of days to rest up after the weekend tournament,” said Harrison coach Chris Johnson. Ohio allows teams to begin tryouts on Friday, Aug. 1, but Johnson pushed back the first official day for his team to Monday, Aug. 4. Harrison outscored its opponents by 11 goals in sweeping Middletown (5-0), Trotwood Madison (4-0), and Little Miami (3-1). Junior goalkeeper Andrew Schroer received credit for two shutouts, although he was not under heavy pressure thanks to the dominant Harrison offense. In the win over Middletown, senior Austin Scheidt scored two goals. Fellow seniors

Bob Hyle Contributing Writer

Kirby Eckel and Alonzo Alvarez also scored, as did freshman Preston Sutton. Against Trotwood Madison, Alvarez, Michael Hall, Eckel, and Scheidt scored in what Johnson termed “a spirited game.” “We held our poise, so I was really proud of the team,” he said. Cyle Baker was given the Sportsmanship Award for the tournament that totaled eight teams. On Sunday, Harrison fell behind to conference rival Little Miami early in the game by a score of 1-0, but snapped back thanks to goals by Alvarez, Eckel, and Scheidt. Johnson was pleased with the turnout for his team and is excited at the possibility of having more depth on this year’s squad. “There are going to be lots of new people on the field this year,” he said. “Our seniors have displayed great leadership. They almost have a chip on their shoulder because people have told them we won’t be very good this year. We’ll stay grounded and keep working hard.”

LAWRENCEBURG MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY RESULTS Saturday, July 25 Go-Karts: Junior 3 2nd place: Jeff Grieser, Harrison Motorcycles: 65cc-200cc 4th place: Zack Hensler, Harrison, Ohio

Wildcats football coach talks strategy Bob Hyle Contributing Writer

Ohio high school football teams are not allowed to begin their first practices until Monday, Aug. 4, but judicious use of the 10 days the OHSAA allots teams for summer practices in June and July means the Harrison Wildcats will get in four practice days this week— the last four days of July.

early start to the school year, the team will have only two weeks of two-a-day sessions and he feels those practice days will be more valuable for his team than a third scrimmage. The scrimmage schedule is at McNicholas High School on Thursday, Aug. 14, and at home against defending Division II state champion Loveland on Friday, Aug. 22. The season begins at home on Friday, Aug. 29, against East Central. The sessions this week will focus on changes planned on both the offense and the defense this season. “At the end of last season we did a lot of evaluation on what worked and what didn’t work,” said McCullough.

Great expectations

The coach is expecting big things from The team will have workouts from 7 the offense this season despite the loss of a.m. to 11 a.m. each of those four days, Justin Conners, the team’s leading rusher from a year ago. according to coach Kent The offense looks McCullough. The team fast and strong,” said used five of its 10-day McCullough. “It helps allotment in early June to have your quarterand the sixth day last back for a third year.” week for a seven-onMcCullough was reseven workout. ferring to Weber, who Since McCullough poses dual threats to took over the program opponents with his runthree years ago, Harrining and passing abilson has taken part in ity. Weber was co-playa passing camp with er of the year in the Troy and Fairmont Southwest Ohio Conhigh schools, but those ference in 2013. schools moved up the Conditioning and date for the scrimmage weight lifting have to July 18, and that did been going on since not match with Harri- Kent McCullough school ended in June son’s schedule as both senior Jake Weber and junior Mitchell and McCullough proclaims this his stronHogue, the team’s two experienced quar- gest team yet. Twenty-one players bench terbacks, were unable to attend on that pressed over 225 lbs. last week. Once tryouts begin on Monday, Mcdate. Cullough expects 90 players in the program, including a large freshmen class. “We have some holes to fill like every Harrison will compete in just two pre- year,” he said. “Kids need to step up and season scrimmages in August rather than take charge of those positions. We’ve got the three permitted by the OHSAA. Mc- the potential to be good.” Cullough explained that because of the

One scrimmage short


HHS HONOR ROLL Harrison High School 3rd Quarter 4.0 Honor Roll Acra, Louis Acra, Mark Back, Jacob Baglien, Jack Baird, Cory Bemmes, Kristy Bernhardt, Katherine Bernhardt, Michelle Bock, Miranda Bowling, Madison Britton, Molly Bruce, Brianna Carr, Nathaniel Casaceli, Anna Crawford, Sarah Cron, Lindsey Crosley, Whitney Dipuccio, Kyle Dorsch, Rebecca Dowler, Cherokee Eckel, Kirby Eicher, Kaitlyn Ernst, Joseph Ferneding, Nikki Fette, Jessica Fiorino, Mario Fisher, Eleni Forbeck, Sara Fox, Mallory Gartner, Allison Glines, Alec Grubbs, Rachelle Helcher, Stacey Hiler, Rebekah Hogue, Robert Holland, Sydney Hollis, Bradlee Hollis, Emilee Hopkins, Rachel Huber, Madison Hursh, Kaitlyn Huston, Kayla Jester, Joseph Keenan, Abigail Kinsel, Kyle Klotter, Shelby Kreinest, Kevin Lake, Logan Lathery, Alexander Leppert, Brittany Linder, Jake Lowery, Alexandra Mahoney, Eva Mara, Nicole Marston, Marjorie May, Abigail McElroy, Chelsea McIntosh, Bo Mellis, Heather Michutka, Paige Milesky, Kaitlyn Miller, Jeffery Morawek, Denise Nakoff, Christopher Nowlin, Kayla Oelerich, Mary Potter, Brandon Potzick, Lindsey Power, Danielle Quinlivan, Kevin Reeves, Savanah Rice, Jared Rueter, Debra Sams, Benjamin Schmidt, Tyler Schwering, David Seider, Jacob Smith, Darien Smith, Isabella Smith, Sydney St. John, Jordan Stenger, Tyler Stubenrauch, Hannah Swope, Cameron Ulm, Stephen Vanderpohl, Ellie Vanderpohl, Nick Wallin, Jenna Watson, Matthew Williams, Hanna Willman, Rebecca Wormald, Megan Young, Madalyn Zwick, Sophia Great Oaks 4.0 Honor Roll Bernhardt, Michelle Bock, Miranda Dowler, Cherokee

Eckel, Kirby Esterkamp, Megan McManus, Stephanie Reinstatler, Bria Rolfes, Sierra Rueter, Debra Seider, Jacob Tidwell, Thomas Ulm, Stephen Harrison 3.99 – 3.50 Honor Roll Acra, Eric Adkins, Megyn Anderson, Alex Ashley, Kayla Baglien, Zoe Baker, Austin Becker, Britney Bennett, Reilly Benton, Morgan Bernhardt, Luke Biehl, Katelyn Bittner, Jodie Bley, Gage Boston, Christian Boston, Darian Bowen, Luke Boyle, Olivia Brafford, Miranda Brauch, Sarah Britton, Mikel Brown, Connor Brueneman, Andrew Brunner, Mason Buschelman, Haley Bush, Taylor Byrd, Angeline Campagna, Jillian Charls, Miranda Collins, Zachary Cook, Natasha Courtney, Richard Cox, Samantha Crawford, Mitchell Cruey, Andrew Cushing, Benjamin Dawson, Claudia Dawson, Victoria Dipuccio, Jenna Disbro, Nicole Dole, Michael Dreyer, Morgan Duncan, Jason Edge, Bethany Edwards, Jeremiah Elrod, Jennifer Engel, Veronica Engstrom, Erin Fanelli, Emma Feldhaus, Jarrett Flint, Kendra Fohl, Dane Fox, Kaylee Fuell, Amaryl Gabbard, Elizabeth Glines, Nicholas Gober, Brandon Green, Emmie Greer, Brittney Grieser, Jeffery Griffin, Mary Grubbs, Gabrielle Gutapfel, Garrett Gwinner, Jacob Gwinner, Taylor Hackman, Emma Haney, Taylor Harper, Matthew Hartman, Seth Hasting, Shaye Hawk, Meghan Hawn, Cassie Helton, Austin Hemberger, Kierstan Hiatt, Mitchel Hoerst, Courtney Hoffman, Mark Hogeback, Shaun Holton, Megan Horney, Danielle Houchin, Jasmine Houston, Ansley Hucker, Danielle Huellemeier, Morgan Hughes, Jessica Hunsche, Timmothy Hutchinson, Emily Huth, Hannah Jezek, Madeline Jonas, Elizabeth Jones, Karley Jones, Mya

Kappen, Matthew Keith, Sara Kelley, Jordan Keppler, Taylor Kercheval, Bryden Kinnett, Kailey Knollman, Michael Kukelhan, Emma Lake, James Leppert, Brian Loechel, Devlun Lofton, Katie Looney, Briana Loos, Amie Ludwick, Cole Luken, Natalie Mains, Joshua Martinez, Jeanette Mason, Athena McCord, Andrew McIntyre, Rachel McKain, Allyson McMahan, Griffin McMullen, Brittany McNutt, Kaitlynn Mechlem, Autumn Milesky, Christopher Miller, Evan Montemurro, Domenic Moore, Chaille Moore, Sydni Moorman, Victoria Morgan, Hayden Mueller, Jacob Mullins, Randi Napier, Tyler Neyer, Hannah Niederbaumer, Jacob Owen, Justin Pahls, Miranda Parnell, Rockell Payne,, Rachel Payne, Thomas Peaslee, Sarah Perinovic, Connor Perinovic, Nathan Petty, Angel Potter, Ashley Quinlan, Katilyn Quinlan, Kennedy Reatherford, Sara Rechel, Madeline Retherford, Brooke Richards, Morgan Ritter, Kira Roark, Nicole Rose, Rebecca Ross, Danielle Runck, Jacob Ruter, Alex Sams, Noah Sanders, Jasmin Santos, Nathalia Sarber, Katelin Sawyers, Timothy Scarlato, Angelo Scarlato, Liliana Scheidt, Austin Scheurer, Stephanie Schiery, Benjamin Schmidt, Danielle Schmidt, Rebecca Schroer, Andrew Scott, Sidney Sellers, Grace Shillcock, Gwendolyn Shindi, Adam Shipp, Haleigh Sittason, David Sizemore, Olivia Smith, Alexis Smith, Sarah Sovern, Kirsten Spencer, Jennifer Stehlin, Hannah Thayer, Krissa Thiemann, Brooklyn Thomas, Michael Thrasher, Kaleb Toerner, Sara Turner, Sydney Vandeventer, Amanda Vinson, Kane Ward, Megan Watson, Benjamin Weber, Jacob Wewe, Jayne Whitt, Alyssa Wiesman, Jennifer Wilder, Russell Wilkins, Jessica Willis, Bailey Willner, Michael Wolfe, Emily Wright, Haley Wright, Lauren

Wright, Morgann Yunger, Madison Yunger, Nathaniel Great Oaks 3.99 – 3.50 Honor Roll Cook, Ashley Ecklar, Austin Green, Emmie Hughes, Jessica Loos, Amie Verkley, Kelsey Vinson, Kane Winters, Daniel Wisman, Marissa Harrison 3.499 – 3.00 Honor Roll Adams, Branden Adams, Samuel Akemon, Dakota Akjemon, Erin Alvarez, Alejandra Bailey, Cheyenne Ball, William Bambach, Jamie Banks, Olivia Bernecker, Kristen Bernhardt, Megan Bernhardt, Tyler Berry, Alisa Berry, Arielle Bertsch, Alexis Blankenship, Jamie Boccadoro, Erica Bogle, Alana Bolen, Cora Bolser, Kaylen Bond, Mackenzie Bonfield, Nicholas Bonfield, Samantha Bonnlander, Peyton Borgemenke, Alyssa Bowman, Holly Bowshier, Rebecca Brinson, Ciara Brinson, Noah Brown, Jerilynn Burton, Brandon Busch, Paul Bussell, Robert Butler, Jessica Calabrese, Cara Campton, Madline Cantrell, Bethany Caplinger, Alexi Chaney, Katie Chuck, Gregory Cioffi, Dylan Cioffi, Megan Coffey, Raven Conners, Justin Cook, Ashley Corman, Allen Corman, David Courtney, Ethan Cox, Ryan Dadosky, David Dangel, Jona Davis, Natasha Day, Miranda Decker, Natalie Degeneffe, Adam Del Angel, Katie Dennis, Devin Dinkins, Austin Doolan, Tristen Douget, Haley Duffy, Jamie Dyer, Julia Eckel, Meredith Edge, Anna Edwards, Jacob Eichhorn, Joshua Emerson, Alexys Erb, Madeline Esterkamp, Megan Eversole, Benjamin Farringer, Andrew Fausz, Jonathan Ferneding, Conrad Fette, Leah Frank, Johnathan Gabbard, Samantha Gafford, Richard Galligan, Jennifer Garvey, Cylee Garvey, Cullen Getz, Ciera Gigous, Olivia Gilbert, Alexis Glassmeyer, Abby Gleason, Steven Gober, Rebecca Graham, Adam Gregory, Kyle Grim, Julia

Gruber, Kaylan Hacker, Coey Hafley, Phyllis Haggard, Brittaney Hall, Michael Halusek, Jacob Hammergren, Kyle Harper, Zachart Harrison, Molly Hatfield, Cassidy Hayes, Justin Hein, Peter Helcher, Brandy Hermsen, Frank Hines, Cole Hoerst, Douglas Holliday, Joseph Hon, Peyton Huff, Tyler Hunsche, Joshua Jackson, Taylor Jacobs, Ralph James, Tylyn Jenkins, Victoria Johnson, Kyle Jones, Ryan Klapper, Erin Kleine, Hunter Kleiner, Juliane Kling, Anna Knauer, Dylan Leffler, Brianna Leigh, Brandon Littleton, Brandon Loechel, Jacob Long, Gabrielle Lonneman, Luke Loos, Nicholas Loux, Joseph Mains, Lizabeth Mauldin, Sydney McBride, Kristina McCarroll, Peyton McCurley, Conner McElroy, Lauren Means, Taylor Mendel, Paige Meyer, Kaitlyn Millward, Nicole Minella, Gina Mitchell, Barry Montemurro, Madison Moore, Beau Mosley, Dylan Mullis, Cameron Myers, Brenton Nagel, Ciara Nelson, Hannah Nelson, Jacob Noes, Phoebe Pack, Amanda Perry, Nathaniel Petit, Hannah Phelps, Heather Phillips, Therese Potter, Kyle Potzick, Mackenzie Rauck, Brandon Reamer, McKinzie Reinstatler, Bria Reynolds, Megan Rhoads, Gregory Robben, Natalie Roberts, Jordan Rodgers, Allyu Rolfsen, Christopher Rueter, Devon Runck, Jordan

Ruter, Jacob Sandlin, Savannah Schlotman, Casey Schneider, Christopher Schorsch, Hanna Seider, Amanda Seiller, Sarah Shillcock, George Silcox, Nathaniel Simpson, Shawna Sipes, trent Siska, Cameron Sitton, Brendan Sivick, Andrew Sizemore, Ryan Smith, Jocelyn Sovern, Kaitlyn Sowders, Madison Spangler, Brittany Speth, Johnathan Steers, Brianah Steffey, Charles Stevens, Cale Stevens, Erin Stewart, Dylan Stewart, Natalie Sitegelmeyer, Aspen Stone, Haley Strong, Mark Stubenrauch, Tanner Taft, Rebecca Tedesco, Jacob Teeters, Matthew Thiemann, David Tidwell, Thomas Troutwine, Jacob Uhlman, Nesha Urbanski, Jacob Vanluit, Caitlin Wachter, Morgan Ward, Cody Ward, Kevin Warnken, Thomas Waters, Alyssa Weaver, Morgan Weil, Tabbetha Wheeler, Kylie Whitem Alayna Wilkins, Katelyn Wilkins, Zachary Wilson, Alexis Winters, Daniel Wisman, Marissa Withrow, Shawn Wolfe, Eric Wolfe, Nicholas Worley, Amanda Young, Bridgett Zieger, April Great Oaks 3.499 – 3.0 l Bailey, Cheyenne Baker, Gulia-Maria Berry, Alisa Coffey, Raven Eichhorn, Joshua Gabbard, Samantha Harrison, Jessica Hucker, Danielle Jones, Ryan Meyer, Kyle Sipes, Trent Stephenson, James Stone, Haley Stubenrauch, Tanner Taft, Rebecca Vandeventer, Amanda Young, Bridgett

Harrison Fury Baseball

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Harrison High School’ football coach Kent McCullough has been working hard and strategizing on how to make his team as strong as possible. dealing with the OHSAA’s rules about summer practices, he has worked the ten allotted days in a few spurts throughout July.He works his team hard with two-a-day practices for two weeks and he expects the best from his athletes. “We’ve got the potential to be good,” he said. He works hard to turn out strong athletes, keep it up Coach McCullough, Athlete of the Week.

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Grand jury indicts driver in vehicular homicide case

Scott Williams, 27, Miamitown has been indicted by a Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas grand jury for charges associated with the death of Jena Nicole Higgins. On Thursday, July 24, Williams was indicted for two counts of aggravated vehicular homicide and one count of failure to stop after an accident. More than a month ago, on June 16, Higgins, the 29-year-old mother of four, was found abandoned in the wreckage of Williams’ car on Kilby Road. Scott Williams The night before, Willams had been drinking and was driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.121, said police. Hitting at least 90 in a 35 mile per hour speed zone, Williams lost control of his car and crashed into two trees and then a utility pole, police charged. The crash killed Higgins who was in the passenger seat. Williams fled the scene. He was arrested Thursday July, 17. The arresting officers found him hiding in the attic of his mother’s house. Bond is set at $300,000.


Crosby Fire Department’s Mark Garrett, left, and West JAD’s Jim Corbin are excited to see the planned renovated kitchen that should provide more room for the folks on duty. “We take pride in what we do,” said Garrett, and creating a professional looking kitchen “kind of reflects that.”


- Patricia Huelseman


refrigerator and a sink. Cabinets line what wall space is available. The other side holds the stove and another set of cabinets. At the end of the hall on this side, the cabinets extend further than the wall leaving the unfinished back side of the cabinet exposed. Elsewhere in the firehouse, a shelf along the wall is lined with various spices and dry foods. Without enough space in the kitchen, the staff has been forced to create a makeshift pantry. “Over the past few years, we’ve been raising money through fish fries and pancake dinners, things like that, to help to fund this,” said Garrett. Drawing from the auxiliary, the Crosby Fire Department will pay for a third of the cost. Crosby Township trustees also agreed to fund a third of the cost. The final third will be covered by Western Joint Ambulance District. “The reason West JAD’s throwing money into that is because Crosby lets us stay here to serve the community with our paramedic service so we use the kitchen as well as they do, said Jim

group, and The Landing, the teen version. Celebrate Recovery and “We don’t just want The Landing follow the 12step recovery program, but en- to give them a hance those steps by coupling handout, we want to faith and scripture with the 12 practical steps of overcoming give them a handsubstance abuse or any other up” “hurt, habit, or hangup.” ROSANNE MOORE Moore has many new proDirector, grams in mind. As an afterCity of Refuge school ministry, volunteers will work with kids at their schools to deal with issues coming from “brokenness.” The condition manifests in many forms: poverty, parents with abuse issues, depression … there isn’t just one type of person that needs support and hope, she said. Moore also is looking for a certified counselor to join her volunteer staff; one more resource that could make a significant difference. Perhaps most exciting, Moore and her team are creating Freedom Housing for men seeking to overcome addiction and women who need a transition home to get on their feet. Moore anticipates the houses to be up and running by 2015. A house and support will be available to women who are six months clean to further recuperate in their battles against using again, though the home isn’t limited to women with substance abuse issues. The women’s house is meant to be a one-year transitional home, and children will be welcomed with their mothers. The staff will help women find jobs, education, or whatever they need to be successful. The men’s housing will be a little different. Men interested in recovery can come straight off the street. It is described as “a six- to nine-month recovery home that will allow for men to recover from addictions and regain stability in their lives.” Hope is the City of Refuge’s one overarching goal, realized through many programs. When people are starving, desperate, or addicted, they have no hope, said Moore. So City of Refuge feeds the hungry, gives them clothes, helps them through substance abuse issues, but the volunteer staff also seeks to treat the deeper issues and provide a lasting solution. “We don’t just want to give them a handout, we want to give them a hand-up,” said Moore. Throughout the move, City of Refuge will continue to offer its Celebrate Recovery program. For more information or to volunteer, call 353-5552.

Blood drive at Monk’s 8/6

Hoxworth Blood Center will have two mobile blood donor units set up in the parking lot of Monk’s Kitchen, Harrison Avenue, Wednesday, Aug. 6, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. According to Hoxworth, blood recipients at the 30 Tri-State hospitals rely on the generosity of others who donate their time and life-saving blood to provide the minimum 350 units of blood needed. Monk’s asks that you sign up now. A free sandwich will be provided with every donation.

Corbin, captain at West JAD. “You can see, it’s woefully inadequate and when you have three, four, five guys on duty then you need, obviously, more cooking space.” On a typical shift, three fire and one West JAD employees share the space. It’s vital the staff is within their jurisdiction so pretty much, the firehouse is their home. “We’re here for 24 hours usually. It’s our home away from home. And we spend more time with each other than we do with our families,” said Corbin. “And our families appreciate that,” added Garrett. The same space will be used but the exit will be covered because there already are two other exits in the same general area. The refrigerator will be moved from the corner so someone can stand at the stove and someone else can stand at the refrigerator at the same time. New, taller cabinets will create more storage space. Cabinets also will replace the bookshelf-pantry. The kitchen will be

equipped with all new appliances including the stove and refrigerator. Home Depot, Harrison, was a great help with the new design to enhance the space, said Garrett. “We’ve had a very good working relationship with them out in Harrison,” said Corbin. Meanwhile, new bunkhouses, just big enough to hold a bed and a chair, were added to the side so the main living space wasn’t also the sleeping area. “This building has undergone major renovations in order to keep it compliant and current with the current needs,” said Corbin. The staff also recently started working on enhancing the grounds by volunteering to plant flower beds along the building. “This is a public space also, so we want to present a good image,” said Garrett, “And we take pride in what we do, and this kind of reflects that.” The Crosby Fire Department graciously accepts donations. For more information, call 738-1830

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For rent when available, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities included, AC, no pets. Deposit required. Call (812)537-5796, 0 steps! Miamitown, large (812)432-9605, 1 or 2 bedroom at Via (812)584-3822. Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free h e a t ! For Rent- All new, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, handi(513)353-0398. cap friendly. Full kitchen; 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments stove, refrigerator, microfor rent in Aurora, $475 & wave included. Pantry $500/month. References room with washer/dryer required. C a l l hook-up (washer/dryer not 812-926-0256 furnished). Ceramic wood pattern tile 1 & 2 bedroom apartments g r a i n in West Harrison, Ind. through-out. Lawn care provided. High efficiency $550-$650/month or $150-$175 a week. All utili- heat and air systems for ties included. No pets. Will economical utility bills. 1 work with D e p o s i t pet may be allowed with certain requirements. (513)235-0869. $700.00 per month. Call 1 BR/2BA, Spacious 3rd 812-438-3366 or email Floor Apt. for rent in Dills- baminks@gmail for an apboro. $500/mo, plus de- plication posit and utilities. 812-667-5072 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366.

1BR $560, 2BR $650-$665 Harrison-Tippecanoe Apts. Spacious remodeled, dishwasher, balcony, very clean, No pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400 2 BR Rising Sun, Private Decks, On-Site Laundry, Low Utilities, Off-Street Parking, Great Location! 438-2300

2- one bedroom apart ments, downtown Aurora. Water, sewage, heat paid. Stove/fridge furnished. No pets. One apartment completely remodeled No Pets.. Lease/security deposit required. 812-926-2219

dry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555.

Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $460 and up. No pets. (513)845-4222.

Rexville (L280382) 3br, 2bath home on 2+ acres. Stocked pond, barn & out bldgs. Wood FP & more! $ 99,999 Noah Haring Aurora (L280468) Nicely rehabbed brick ranch on corner lot. New paint, flooring, kitchen, baths & more! $115,500 Ken Maddin

Lawrenceburg (L281559) Brick ranch w/3,200 sqft. Fin bsmt w/2nd kit. Florida rm. Fenced bkyard. Imm.Occ. $164,900 Jeanie Denning Sunman (L281554) 3BR, 1.5BA. Many updates. Huge fenced in yard w/shade trees. $89,000 Patrick Martini Aurora (L281540)3Unit aparment Bld. Updated w/positive Cash Flow located in town. $69,000 Ken Greive Lawrenceburg (L281522)3br, 2.5bath brick ranch on corner lot. Great Fam. rm w/ WBinsert. Beautiful back yard. $154,900 Debi Hornsby

Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100.

Lawrenceburg Downtown, 2 bedroom Condo, new construction, water and sewage included. Rent $925/mo. 513-532-8933.


New Haven Apartments Near Harrison. 4 rooms with equipped kitchen. Central heating, A/C. New tile and laminate flooring. Very nice condition. $575/month. (812)623-2524.



$1500 Sign On Bonus, $60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. New Haven Near Harrison. Call 888-409-6033 or ap1 bedroom apartment. p l y o n l i n e Equipped kitchen with large pantry. New flooring. APPLY NOW! DO Central, A/C. Very nice TAXES! condition. $500/month. Goepperʼs Liberty Tax (812)623-2524. Work 9-1,1-5 or 5-9 Choose 3-7 shifts North Street, DillsboroHourly+Bonus=$14Beautiful, one bedroom, $16/hour upstairs apartment. LamiFREE Tax Training nated wood flooring. Small book fee Newer appliances. Electric baseboard heat. Tenant Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Colerain pays electric. $450 de Call 513-801-9129 posit, $450 monthly. by Aug 30 812-532-3000. Rising Sun large 1 bed room apartment, off street parking, water/sewage included, large yard. $400 month + deposit. 812-926-2303 513-615-4318 Rising Sun- Very nice 1 BR, 1 block from river front, appliances, deck, second floor, 2-family. Tenant pays own utilities. Deposit, references, $450. 812-667-7679



3-4 bedroom, completely remodeled, 1.5 bath. Nice lot in Addyston, Ohio. Brand new school. $850/month plus deposit. Call Wen (513)604-6522. Beautiful 1 bedroom cottage on the scenic Whitewater river. Daily, weekly or monthly rates available. Call for information (513)288-8229. House for Rent-St. Leon, 3 bedrooms, natural gas heat. Call for Details, $1000/mo. 513-284-6760 Small one bedroom house in country in Dillsboro. Furnished or unfurnished. Possible pasture and barn. $500/month plus deposit. 812-290-5804



Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171

Sunman (L280475) 4br, 2bath farmhouse in great condition?!! Original Hdwd flrs,Many newer mechanics. $124,900 Noah Haring

Bright (L281534) Plenty of room! Newer amenities, sunrm, hot tub & pool. $189,900 Sue Griffin

For Rent or Lease, I-275-US 50-Greendale IN. 40ftX60ft Warehouse with Office for storage or use of Business $1500 per month. 812-537-1074, 513-218-5406

ATTENTION: Operate a Mini-Office Outlet from home. Free online training, flex. hrs, great income. Aurora- Seeking mature, trustworthy and responsible individual to manage a small retail operation. Must have management experience. This is a full time position. If interested, please send resume with background experience and salary requirements to: P.O. Box 3544, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.




BRIGHT: NEW LISTING! 3 bed, 3 full bath ranch condo w/hardwood flrs, finished LL, & covered rear deck overlooking woods. $132,500 MANCHESTER: Neat country setting. 3 bed, 2 bath home on 2 ac w/heated pool, bonus rm, & 2 car detached garage. $189,900 BRIGHT: Well maintained open floor plan ranch w/3 bed, 2 bath, hardwood floors, part finished LL, & covered deck. $159,900 BATESVILLE: Well maintained ranch home on level lot with 3 bed, 2 bath. $142,500 HVL: All brick ranch w/3 bed, 2.5 baths, partially finished LL, & 8x44 deck. Immediate occupancy! $144,900 AURORA: Excellent multi-purpose facility w/over 16,000 sq ft & M-1 zoning on over 8 acres in Aurora’s Industrial Park. Possible lease. $324,900

Spacious 4 BR ranch both inside and out offering new flrs throughout, freshly painted and a new kitchen. Newer windows and roof as well. MOVE IN READY! Sits on 1.84 acres in Moores Hill and priced at only $129,900. Call Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655 or 513-367-2171.

Move In ready • dIllsboro

DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW at Stevens Transport! New drivers earn $750 per week! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CDL & Job ready in 15 days! 1-877-649-3156. Drivers short haul & re gional tractor/trailer jobs: start now! Top pay! Paid holidays, paid vacations, guaranteed hometime, great benefits. Class A CDL 877-261-2101

Drivers Wanted. Class A CDL. Clean Driving Re cord. Experience a Plus. Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Sales 513-367-4133 DRIVERS! Stone Belt Freight puts drivers first! Competitive pay! Home weekends! Excellent benefits! Pre-loaded trailers. Call Kelsy, 888-272-0961. Drivers: Home Nightly Florence, KY Flatbed Openings! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: 1(866)336-9642

Drivers: Local/Regional Great Pay, Excellent Benefits, Awesome Home Time. Sign-on bonus. Steady Employment. CDL-A. 2yrs exp req. Tony: 1(888)208-5112 DRIVERS: Money & Miles… New Excellent Pay Package, 100% Hands OFF Freight, Great Home time, Monthly Bonus, 1 yr. OTR exp., No Hazmat (877)704-3773 Dump Truck Drivers Class B CDL with experience. Clean driving record and meet all DOT and Drug Testing requirements. Local haul, home every night. (513)367-5700

Great Clips Harrison/White Oak is hiring full time stylist 37+hours, must be flexible Automotive/diesel techni- and willing to have fun, cian opening. Local dealer- please inquire within. ship seeking experienced Harrison area cleaning poSELF- MOTIVATED indi- sition for an experienced vidual. Ford/ASE certifica- person. Must have phone tion preferred. Must be and a background check is willing to participate in required. Good pay and Ford continuing enrollment h o u r s . Please call training. Base pay plus (513)354-2338. performance based bo nuses. Please apply in Heartland Engineered person at 811 N Buckeye Products – Harrison, OH Osgood, IN 47037 or send Is accepting application for resume to the following positions. struckmandford@gmail. Industrial Painter 1st and com 2nd shift, Experienced Machine Operator 2nd shift AVERITT EXPRESS New Includes Brake Press - HyPay Increases For Re - draulic punch press gional Drivers! 40 to 46 Experienced Welders 1st CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, and 2nd shifts Post-Training Pay In - Apply within at: 355 Induscrease for Students! (De- trial Drive Harrison, OH pending on Domicile) Get 45030 Home EVERY Week + Ex- Call Gary Mullins@ cellent Benefits. CDL-A 513-452-1073 email req. 888-602-7440 Apply gmullins@ @ Equal Opportunity Em ployer - Females, minori- Kemper Concrete Con ties, protected veterans, struction-Looking for expeand individuals with dis- rienced foundation workabilities are encouraged to ers. Top Pay. Phone or apply. Text 812-212-7157

Nicer 2 bedroom, 2 bath located in Shady Lane MHP, Aurora, IN. $525/month plus $525 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. Baldwin Cleaning Service 812-438-3651. Residential and business cleaning. Non-janitorial. Location: Bright, Ind. Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Harrison, efficiency apartM-F Part-time $7.75 per ment, $350 monthly + hour. Call (812)637-5861. $350 deposit plus utilities. Aurora- in shopping plaza Call (765)647-0439 or with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. Carpenter- experienced. (513)479-5155. Please call for lease, high traffic. Dearborn County area. after 4 p.m. 513-532-8933. Must have transportation. 513-315-8776 or 812-926-9250

Logan OPEN 1-3pm 4420 North Dearborn Rd. (L281024) 4br ranch home w/flat yard. Original hdwd flrs,Covered front porch! $169,900 Cindy Johnston

Aurora (L281531) Charming! 3BR, 3BA ranch with open liv. area. Ingrd pool & beautiful valley views! Fin.bsmt. $139,900 Debi Hornsby

Greendale- 1BR apart ment, equipt, $425/month +deposit and utilities. 1yr lease. No pets. W/D hookup. Please call 812-623-4130

Greendale- 2 bedroom apartment. Nice yard, off street parking, carpeting, water & sewer included, deposit and references required. No pets or smoking. $550/mo. 812-537-4060/ Aurora- Downtown, 2nd 812-584-8796 floor, 2 bedroom. Water and sewage included, Tenant pays electric. Laundry Greendale- 2 bedroom duroom available. No pets. plex, 1 full bath, den, W/D $550/month and $550 hookups, central air, gas deposit 1yr l e a s e . heat, 1 car garage, $800/month plus deposit, 812-577-5334 no pets, no smoking, Aurora- 2 bedroom, 812-584-3542 stove/refrigerator, off street parking, 2nd floor, Greendale: Apartment 5 no pets; $500/month plus rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 deposit; includes water, bath, large kitchen, W/D sewage, and trash; H/U, gas heat, AC, 812-926-3204. off-street parking. Aurora- 3 room apartment. $545/month + util + sec. Fully furnished,. Off/street dep. 812-537-2846 parking. No pets, No smoking. $400/month plus Harrison – Large 1 bed$400 depostit. Utilites in- room apt. 2nd floor, cluded. 206 Walker Ave washer/dryer, hook ups, Aurora.. (812)926-1028. central air, $525 deposit, Cleves/North Bend, 1 and $525 monthly. Call after 4 2 bedrooms, heat, water, p.m., (513)479-5155 or equipped kitchen, no pets. (765)647-0439. Call (513)546-8330. Country Hill Apts., 1BR Harrison - 1 bedroom $475, No Steps, Carports, apartments available, Laundry On-site, across $450-$475 per month. Call for details, and move in from the Ludlow Hill Park specials. 812-539-4339 (513)515-2569. For Rent Downtown Lawrenceburg, 1 Bedroom Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom nicely furnished Apart - apt., Leasing special, ment. References required $495, $595/month incl. waand deposit. 812-655-1565 ter, sewer, garbage. Laun-


Rising Sun (L280496) 5br,4.5bth cape cod on 5.5+ acres. In-law suite in bsmt, Hdwd thruout. $294,900 Ken Maddin

For Rent: Efficiencies $165.00 per week utilities included. Deposit required. Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Lawrenceburg. Deposit required. 859-512-3899

Harrison- 660+ Quality 2BR in amenity-rich community. Available w/vaulted ceilings and electric fireplace. W/D Hookups Available. Great area! Call to set up a tour, (513)367-4999 http://www.shakerpoint.c om/


Local company accepting resumes for equipment operator. Full-time positions available. Requires out of town travel. Apply online at or or call 812-926-3205.

Looking for Line/Prep Cook @ Country Barrel Restaurant in Okeana. Fun, friendly, fast paced. Pay based on experience CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo Apply in person at 6179 & Teams. Up to $5,000 Cincinnati-Brookville Rd. Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Midwest Cylinder and Miles & Time Off! Call 7 Kaplan Industries are now day/wk! E O E accepting applications for 866-402-3449 full-time General Laborers. Applications are available M-F 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., 6001 Diesel Mechanic needed Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio with heavy duty trucks ex- 45002 (513)367-6227. perience in Harrison area Call (513(367-5700. New Pay-For-Experience program pays up to Do you want to earn $0.41/mile. Class A Pro$9-$17 an hour? Train to fessional Drivers Call be a CNA or QMA today. 877-968-7986 for more deTri-State Health Care tails or visit Training Center can train you in three to six weeks. Now offering full-time. Lo- Painter wanted: Must have cated at 116 Front Street 10 years experience and in the Durbin Plaza, Law- have own transportation. after 7:00pm renceburg. C a l l Call 812-577-0055 812-926-4041

L’Burg~WaterView Apts.

812-655-9753 Now accepting applications for Our 1, 2, & 3 BR apt. homes. Just past Walmart at 1200 Sycamore Est. Dr.

13130 e. adams st, dillsboro - 2BR, 2BA newly remodeled & ready to move in. This lovely home features spacious rooms, good storage, open floor plan on a quiet street. Lg oversized 2 car garage w/ workshop. A Must see! $109,900. Call 812-290-7702

All units have W/D hook ups and kitchen appliances including dishwasher and microwave.

$199 security deposit Call Rhonda for the “Special of the week”



The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


“Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 PEST CONTROL OPERATOR-Needed immediately! Will train. Call 513-367-6828. Want a Career Operating Heavy Equipment? Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. “Hands On Training” & Certifications Of fered. National Average 18-22 Hourly! Lifetime Job Placement Assistance. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497 AC1213


Medical Billing & Coder Training! Begin a career in Billing, Coding & Insur ance processing! No experience needed! Online training at Bryan University gets you ready! HS di & ploma/GED Computer/internet needed. 1-877-259-3880




Busse Excavating, Bush Hogging and Lawn Service. Dozer Work, Ponds, Driveways, Clearing, Finish Grade, Building Prep, Demolition, Bush Hogging, Lawn Mowing. 30 years experience 812-926-0823 Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call (812)926-1995 or (513)310-0835











Full Time Production Employees Packers/Operators All ShiFTS AvAilAblE

Ability Read/Interpret Instructions/ Documents Relating to: Production, Reporting, Safety Rules, Equipment Operating/Maintenance Candidates Must Have: Mathematical Understanding/Capability Mechanical/Production Knowledge Interpersonal/Teamwork Eye/Attention to Detail Medical benefits Company Provided With NO Employee Contribution Please send resumes to: or Mail/Apply within at: 924 S Meridian St. Sunman, in 47041 Attn: Amber haas No Phone Calls Please

Pro-Duce-It. Tomatoes. Peaches. Corn. Water melon. Cantaloupe. Two locations. Eads Parkway next to Jeff Wyler in Lawrenceburg. Harrison Ave across from Monk's in Harrison. Under tents. Small squares, mixed grassed $2 to $3; Timothy or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inside; Call 513-417-1185 or 812-438-3757

Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860. WORK BOOT SALE! Redwing-ThorogoodGreendale Self - Storage Woolverine, 25% to 40% Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call off at Neff Shoe Store in (812)537-3131 o r Aurora In. (812)637-1787.

ADOPT Caring, nurturing home for your newborn baby. Beautiful life, much love, secure future. Ex penses paid. Legal, confiWerner Enterprises is HIR- dential. Devoted married couple, Walt/Gina. Call ING! Dedicated, Regional, Hers & His Services & OTR opportunities! 1-800-315-6957 Grass Cutting, Trash ReNeed your CDL? 3 wk movel, Free Estimates, training avail. Donʼt wait, Partners in Life and in Young, married couple call today to get started! Business. Bonnie & wishes to adopt of any Steve Telinda Aurora IN. 1-866-467-1836 race. Loving, secure, 513-703-4416, happy home. Promises 513-309-9460 Whitewater Processing is hugs, reading and fun. Exnow accepting applications penses paid. JamieandLisaʼs Cleaning Service for male/female full time Residential, office, rentals work. 513-367-4133 917-324-4884 and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. De pendable. Free estimates. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698. Affordable childcare in HidAurora- Seeking mature, den Valley. Immediate trustworthy and responsible individual to manage a openings for all age small retail operation. Must groups, before and after have management experi- school. Please call ence. This is a full time po- (513)260-7366 spots are Lost: Large Siamese cat, sition. If interested, please limited. References avail- July 16th, Walnut Street send resume with back- able. Rising Sun. Reward. ground experience and 812-209-0126. salary requirements to: P.O. Box 3544, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. TLC Daycare- state li censed child care home, Lawrenceburg. Openings available. Newborn-11 Absolutely no trespassing years. Call for information. of any kind for any reason. 812-584-5804 o r No exceptions. Not re A+ TAX SCHOOL 812-537-0337. Accepting sponsible for accidents, inGoepperʼs Liberty Tax River Valley Resource juries or personal property. FREE tuition Violators will be prose Apply now, limited space vouchers program. cuted at their own ex Certified instructors pense. Property located at 8 Weeks, 2 class times/wk 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, Mornings or Evenings OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Small Book Fee Maher, Mary Ison. Call 513-801-9129 Classes Start Sept. 8 Can Bowman Painting- interior Absolutely no trespassing, lead to employment Lawrenceburg, Harrison, and exterior; house paint- hunting, fishing, swim ing and r o o f i n g ; ming, trapping, horseback Colerain 812-689-6771 o r riding, woodcutting, motor812-537-4677 ized bikes, quad runners, AIRLINE CAREERS begin or 4-wheelers allowed for here- Get FAA approved any reason. Not responsiAviation Tech training. Job Bowman Tree Service. ble for accidents or injury placement assistance. Trimming, topping, tree re- to anyone, Violators will be Delta, Southwest, Boeing moval, lot clearing, storm prosecuted at their own and many other hire AIM damage, fully insured and expense to the full extent grads! CALL AIM free estimates. Call of the law on the property (812)537-4677. 877-523-5807 of G.E. Stacy, 27357 Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060.



Hogan Water Corporation will be raising their prices for Disconnecting and Reconnecting water to $40 each. Water sample will be raised to $45. This is a reminder to all plumbers in the area that if you are working on a house and need to turn the water off or on for any reason that you are to notify Hogan Water Corporation. You are liable for any damage to the meter if you turn the water on or off at the meter. Questions, contact Hogan Water Corporation at (812)926-9229. I Nick McQueary, of Cincinnati OH, is seeking Title of a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria from Shawn Aracaro of Harrison OH. Please call 513-646-4986


The 6th Congressional District

Job Fair


58 MISCELLANEOUS 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

ROOFINGDiscount Economy Dimensional Shingles $16 per bundle, Multi-Color Shingles only $8 per bundle, great for Barns, Sheds & Garages www.CardwellHomeCenMulti-Family Y a r d, Sale-Thursday 7/31 and 3205 Madison Avenue, InFriday 8/1, 8am-6pm. Lots dianapolis (317)788-0008 of baby items/clothes and Misc. items. 10478 US 50 Aurora, Near the Red Barn Multi-family Yard Sale Aug. 1, 9-? Rain or shine. 4561 and 4520 Chappelow Ridge, West Harrison. Go-cart, mini bike, girls clothing, lots of misc.!

Yard Sale - Aug. 1 & 2, 7-1. 221 Country Trace Dr., Harrison. Childrenʼs clothes, toys, winter coats, changing table, household items and more!



Always Buying, antiques, estates or partial estates, old military items, guns, swords, old advertising signs, and clocks, toys, jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Yard Sale - Aug. 1-2, 8-3. Bob 812-637-5369 530 South State St., #5 (condos), Harrison. Very nice household items, some tools and furniture Tyʼs Vintage Sports *also Condo #7 selling an- Looking to buy vintage sports cards prior to 1960. tiques and primitives. (513)616-6013. Yard Sale - Fri. and Sat. NEW LOCATION-Ace Ap- Aug. 1 & 2, 9-3. 65 Jacob m pliance, Heating, and Air Drive, off New Haven, Harrison. ConditioningReconditioned appliances Yard sale- one day only, with warranty. Also sell parts and repairs in Saturday August 2nd, 8 home/shop. 254 Charles am to 3 pm, 23434 A. Liddle Dr. #7 Lawrence- Mapleridge Drive, Law renceburg, IN 47025. Reburg, 812-537-0032 frigerators, freezers, dog crate, misc items.






!!!-A-A-A YARD SALE DEADLINE BEFORE 10 A.M. FRIDAYS Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063. 18027 Possum Ridge Rd. 7/31,8/1,8/2,8/3, 8am-6pm. Furniture, dishes, clothing, appli ances, Lots of Misc. Huge multi-family yard sale. 35 DeJerus Lane, Greendale. July 31stAugust 1st & 2nd. 8:00-1:00. Office desk, chairs, treadmill, weight bench, weights, toys, childrenʼs clothes, loft beds, and many other things. Large Flea Market Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 8600 Harrison Pike, Cleves. Multi-family Sale - Aug. 1 & 2, 8:30-3:30. Foxgate lane (off Mt. Pleasant near Sneakville)Lots of an tiques, collectibles, bud steins, new Vera Bradley, much more! Multi-family Yard Sale Aug. 1 & 2, 8:30-2. No early birds. 2719 Pinhook, West Harrison. Home Interiors, Sizzix, Longaberger, 2013 Quad, kids clothes, 2004 Polaris, guitars, and more!

Veterans Only

2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Open to the Public ivy Tech Community College 50 Walnut Street • Fourth Floor Lawrenceburg, indiana Free aDmiSSion no Pre-regiSTraTion reqUireD For aTTenDeeS For more information visit or call 317-421-0704 or1-855-341-8196

Hosted by Congressman Luke Messer in cooperation with Ivy Tech Community College, WorkOne and Dearborn County Commissioners.

Absolutely no hunting, fishing, dog running, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, motorized vehicles, bikes, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree cutting, snowmobiling, creek rock hunting, turning around in private circle drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or personal property. Activities of any kind will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the properties of:John Niehaus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Aurora, Ind., 47001. 08/27/15

Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15

Absolutely no hunting, fishing, or trespassing. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Richard Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, IN 47001 1-1-15

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15

Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not We buy and haul junk cars responsible for accidents & trucks with titles. Call or injuries on the property All New! Happy Jack Dura- 812-621-0961 or email of: Perry & Tracy Boone, Spot : Kills & Repels fleas, davesautosalvage1@gmai 18002 Lost Creek Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15 ticks, larvae. Repels ites, lice, mosquitoes. Contains Nylar IGR. Orschein Farm & Home. Absolutely no hunting, trapping, woodcutting, motorized bikes, or trespassWill Buy & Haul Scrap ing for any reason or purpose. These activities are Cars & T r u c k s strictly forbidden and will (812)716-0781. not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for accidents on the property of: Rodney & Bad teeth? Extractions Arlene Miller 8824 North and Dentures using oral sedations. Free Consulta- Absolutely no dogs, hunt- Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN tions. Dr. McCall info,be- ing, trapping, fishing, 47001 fore/after photos at swimming, trash dumping 08-12-14 m of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, 317-596-9700 woodcutting, motorized veDirectTV- 2 Year Savings hicles, firearms, or tres - Absolutely no hunting, Event! Over 140 channels passing for any reason, trapping, fishing, swim only $29.99 a month. Only unless written permission. ming, trash dumping, DirectTV gives you 2 Violators will be prose - woodcutting, motorized veYEARS of savings and a cuted. Not responsible for hicles, firearms, or tres FREE Genie upgrade! Call accidents or injuries on the passing for any reason. property. Dennis and Gail Violators will be prose 1-800-246-2073 Connelly, 6651 Stimson cuted. Not responsible for DISH TV Retailer- Starting Road, Aurora, IN 47001 accidents or injuries on the at $19.99/month (for 12 property of: John Ste12-14 gemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., mos.) & High Speed InterGuilford, IN 47022. net starting at 9-11-14 $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask Absolutely no fishing, no About SAME DAY Installa- swimming, no hunting, or tion! CALL N o w ! trespassing permitted. Not no responsible for any injuries A B S O L U T E L Y 1-800-283-0560 or accidents on the prop- hunting/trapping, no fishGUN SHOW!! Bedford, IN- erty belonging to: Mark & ing, no riding motorized Jugust 2nd & 3rd, Law - Eva Roll, End of Diefen- vehicles or animals, and rence County Fairgrounds, bach Road, Bright IN NO trespassing of any 11261 US Hwy 50 W., Sat. 47025 kind for any reason on the 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For informa- 09-4-14 properties owned by: tion call 765-993-8942 Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte Buy! Sell! Trade! & Bells Branch Rds, Caesar Creek Twp, Dearborn REDUCE YOUR CABLE Absolutely no fishing, no County, Dillsboro, IN and BILL! Get a whole-home swimming, no hunting, or Floyd P & Teresa Martini Satellite system installed trespassing permitted. Not – North Hogan & Holt at NO COST and program- responsible for any injuries Rds, Manchester Twp, ming starting a t or accidents on the prop- Dearborn County, Milan, $19.99/mo. F R E E erty belonging to : Rod IN. NO exceptions! Not HD/DVR Upgrade to new and Brenda Cafouras, responsible for any accicallers, SO CALL NOW 12476 Gordon lane, Dills- dents or injuries of any 1-800-914-5307 boro, IN 47018 3/19/15 kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Absolutely no hunting or 11/13/14 trespassing. No dirt bikes or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fa- Absolutely no swimming, talities on the property of fishing, hunting or tres Helen Amm & Teresa passing permitted, not reStone, 18060 Union sponsible for any injuries Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. or accidents on any prop9/18/14 erty or lakes belonging to: Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. and Mary Clark, 1505 Absolutely no hunting, fish- Water Street, Hardin ing or trespassing for any town, Lawrenceburg, IN reason w/o written permis- Anyone caught in the auto sion on the properties salvage yard or above owned or leased by us. No property will be prose excuses. Violators will be cuted. arrested and prosecuted. 09-2-14 Harry and John Hud dleston, 8731 SR 56N, Aurora, IN or 5311 Yorkridge Road, Guil ford, IN 10/23/14





58 MISCELLANEOUS 70 Posted Column

Kitchen Help & Servers Full & Part Time Apply in person: 615 Ring Rd Harrison, Ohio

Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents and or injuries on the property of: Gerald&Charlene Powell 8964 Sycamore St 9098 Stitts Hill Rd. Moores Hill, In. 47032 7-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason, not responsible for accidents or injuries. Violators will prosecuted at their own ex penses.: The Beverly J. Neihardt Trust, 14950 Old State Road 350, Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-25-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property be longing to: Patricia Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Way, Moores Hill, IN 47032. 10-9-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025 01-15-15 Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15


Responsible for cleaning and sanitary maintenance of the kitchen, assists with dishes, equipment cleaning and check/unloading stock. Apply online at

THUrSDaY aUgUST 7, 2014 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

July 29 - July 31, 2014

NURSING RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time openings in the E.D. and the Birthing Center.

CLINICAL SUPPORT Occupational Therapist - Part time day shift. Indiana license required.

PHYSICIAN OFFICES Medical Assistant - Full time and Occasional openings in physician practices in Lawrenceburg. Certified Medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required.


Clinical Applications Analyst - Full time position in I.S. Department supporting clinical information systems. Must be able to support Allscripts ProEHR and Allscripts PM. Must have experience with Crystal Report writing. Bachelors degree in Information Systems related field required. Technical Specialist - Full time position in Information Systems department providing application and technical support/problem resolution for hospital computer systems. Associates degree in Information Systems related field required.

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For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at


July 29 - July 31, 2014

The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register


70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the The properties of: Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15



Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Land Trust 3/26/15

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Valley Golf Club, Rupel Development Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Road, Fairway Drive, Alpine Drive and Oberting Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. 03-19-15

Drivers! Holland is hiring at its Cincy, OH terminal. 21 yr old w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. Local drivers are home daily, Regional Drivers are home weekly. Company paid health ins. Find your direction at! EEO/AAE Minorities/Females Persons with Disabilities/ Protected Veterans

Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-2-15

Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep tions! Owner not responsible for any accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Tresa Manford 11510 North Hogan Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCI DENTS, INJURIES, OR FATALITIES. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR EXPENSE. SHELIA BLOCK 9163 OLD S.R. 350 AURORA, IN 47001 9-25-14

Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents of injuries on the property of: Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence burg Trojan Rd., Extending to Beneker Rd., St. Leon Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier Rd., Sunman,St rd 46 prop- Absolutely no trespassing erty, North Dearborn of any kind allowed on all property 4-9-15 properties belonging to Ola & Julie Miller. No exAbsolutely no trespassing ceptions. Not responsible for any reason. Will not be for injuries, accidents or faresponsible for any acci- talities. No vehicles of any dents or fatalities. Viola- kind, horseback riding, etc, tors will be fined and unless written permission prosecuted on the property is given. Ola & Julie of: Mark & Bonnie Pen- Miller, 11302 N. Hogan nington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 Rd., Aurora, In 47001 3-19-15 4-16-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutting, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, bikes. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, fatalities. No trespassing, soliciting, or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent from Ron and Debbie Seaver, 23718 James Lake Road, Guilford, IN 47022 04-23-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Robert L. Kist, Matter horn DR, lot 1090, Hidden Valley Lake. 4-16-15

Exp’d ASpHALT pERSONNEL for west side Cincinnati company.

Call 513.451.3100 or email

Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, trapping, trash dumping, tree cutting, tree damaging in any way, tree stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not responsible for accidents, personal injuries, property damage, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law at their expense of the properties of Gerald Conn, Cove Circle East lots 2534 and 2535, Hidden Valley Lake. 08-14-14

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, firearms, woodcutting, trapping. No motorized vehicles of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, accidents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisman, Yorkridge Road, Guilford, IN 5-28-15

Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 03-15

Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback Absolutely no trespassing, riding, woodcutting, motorhunting, fishing, swim - ized bikes, quad runners ming, woodcutting, quad or 4-wheelers allowed for or cycle riding. Not respon- any reason. Not responsisible for accidents or inju- ble for accidents or injury ries on the property of: to anyone. Violators will be Jim & Larry Gabbard, prosecuted at their own Lattire Farm, Gregory expense to the full extent Bier (The Land) Union of the law on the property Ridge Road, Aurora, IN of: Darrell & Susan Sexton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., 47001 5-21-15 Lawrenceburg, IN 470205. 3-12-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motor- Absolutely no trespassing, ized bikes, quadrunners or no hunting, no woodcut4-wheelers allowed on my ting, no walking, no sightproperty for any reason. seeing, no motorized vehiNot responsible for acci- cles. Violators will be dents or injury to anyone. prosecuted at their ex Violators will b e prose - penses. Not responsible cuted at their own expense for accidents or injury on to the full extent of the law the property of: on the property of: The Patrick Holland Gary Steinmetz Farm, 14130 Brown Rd. 9783 Wesseler Road, Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 Sunman, IN 05-14-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, or wood cutting. Not re sponsible for any injuries or accidents. Property consists of 10 acres. Richard and Melanie Wiedeman, 18554 Collier Ridge, Guilford, IN 47022 05-21-15

Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no 4-wheeling, no quad running. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Ronald W. Fields, 2488 Sneakville Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15


Responsible school bus drivers needed in Lawrenceburg area. Valid CDL with proper endorsements. Meet all certifications and statute requirements for State of Indiana. Pass an expanded Background Check. Training is available. Competitive wages and benefits. Please call 812-537-7201.


CLASS A & B CDL DRIVERS Applicants must be at least 23 years of age, 2 years experience, pass DOT physical and all DOT requirements. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package. Our benefits include health, dental and life insurance, retirement program, vacation time and a good work atmosphere.

If interested in any of the above positions, please reply to: Rod Johnson - Email: Josh Laudick - Email: Phone: 812/623-3070 Fax: 812/623-4166

Beamer’s Piggy Back sales & service

Now HiriNg:

Diesel Mechanics Equipment recondition Mechanics To apply, please visit 11989 Tramway Drive, Sharonville, ohio

I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14

No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15

No hunting, fishing, or trespassing for any reason and not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Associa tion, Bordering on Stateline Road and Georgetown Road, Lawrenceburg, In 04/09/15 No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15

No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15 No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15

No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, No trespassing for any 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law - reason. Not responsible renceburg, IN 04-09-15 for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose No hunting, fishing, trap- cuted at their own expense ping or trespassing or on the properties of: Wm. ATVʼs. Violators will be G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., prosecuted at own ex - Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. pense, Not responsible for Harrison, IN 2-12-2015 accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and NO TRESPASSING for Cindy Meyung, 10998 any reason. Not responsiCounty Farm Rd, Aurora, ble for any accidents, injuNo bikes, skateboards, IN, 47001, 01-15 ries or any fatalities on roller blades. No trespassproperty of Betty J. Weing for any reason; not re- No hunting, four wheeling, ber, Bloom Road Moores sponsible for injuries or ac- hiking, gardening, or tres- Hill, Indiana 47032. Violacidents on property of: passing of any kind. Joan tors will be prosecuted Dillsboro Civic Club, Fidler will not be held liat their expense. 7-23-15 9824 Central Ave. and able for any injuries ac 12930 North St., Dills - quired on the property on boro, IN (formerly both sides of 10419 Ches- No Trespassing for any Doctors Bldg . ) terville Road, next to reason. Not responsible 10095 Chesterville Road, for accidents, injuries or fa8-28-14 and across from 10386 talities to persons or propChesterville Road. Viola- erty. The Kremer Family No fishing, swimming, tors will be prosecuted. 28483 Barber Rd. hunting, four wheelers, or 4-2-15 West Harrison, IN 47060 trespassing on the Hos9-11-14 tetler Farms, 13450 Ches- No hunting, no ATV/bike terville Rd., Moores Hill. riding, no wood cutting They will be prosecuted. without written permission. No Trespassing for any Harry Hostetler, 13450 Not responsible for per - reason. Violators will be Chesterville Rd., Moores sonal or property injury on prosecuted at their own property owned by: Mi- expense. Not responsible Hill, IN 12-4-14 chael and Roberta Hank- for any injuries or acci ins, 27106 Cranes Run dents. No hunting or shooting, no Road, W. Harrison IN 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 woodcutting,, littering or 47060 1/15/15 10-2-14 dumping, no motorized vehicles, machinery or tres- No hunting, no fishing, no passing. Not liable or re- bike riding, absolutely no No trespassing for any sponsible for injuries or ac- trespassing on the prop- reason. Not responsible cidents. Violators will be erty of: Irene Beckett Es- for accidents or injuries. prosecuted if found on tate, 1005 Nowlin Ave- Marshall Alford property of: Dennis G. nue, Property on west 15778 W. County Line and Ann J. Elder, 17800 side of Tanners Creek Rd. Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN 08-21-14 Moores Hill, IN 7-9-15 No hunting, no motorized 10-9-14 bikes or vehicles, no tresNo hunting, fishing or tres- passing of any kind and No trespassing of any kind passing and not responsi- not responsible for acci- for any reason on the ble for accidents or injuries dents, violators will be properties of the Tri-Townon the property of: Jerome prosecuted on the property ship Water Corporation. & Ruth Martini, York of: Stanley Harmeyer & Violators will be prose Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Sondra Lewis 22643, cuted at their own ex Rd., York Township. 22747, 22915 Jackson pense. Also not responsi4-9-15 Ridge, Lawrenceburg, ble for any accidents, injuIN ries, or fatalities. Tri-Town 09-4-14 Water Corporation 75 JaNo hunting, fishing or tresmison Rd., 24192 State passing for any reason. No hunting, no motorized Line Rd., 1813 Morgan Not responsible for any in- bikes or vehicles, no tres- Rd., 25333 Henderson juries occurring on the passing of any kind and Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, property owned by: Sto- not responsible for acci- 902 Justis Rd. negate Property Owners, dents on the property of: 4-9-15 Bordering on Stonegate John McKay Dr. & Essex Lane. 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14 No trespassing of any kind 05-28-15 on the properties & private drive of Marvin Zimmer 28817 Evergreen Lane, West Harrison, IN 47060 08-14-14

NEEDED: FULL TIME RN - 12 HOUR SHIFTS If interested please call Brenda at (812) 537-0930 or apply at:


36 Valley Drive Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lawrenceburg location, is recruiting applicants for the following positions: FULL TIME STAFF Financial Aid Specialist: The Financial Aid Specialist provides financial aid related customer service assistance and advising to students, resolves issues raised by Student Services Professional, and provides general assistance to the Director of Financial Aid. Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP) - Program Coordinator: Provides overall supervision for the ASAP program. The ASAP Program Coordinator provides leadership and supervision for the development and coordination for the ASAP program, activities and part-time employees, i.e., Work Study students. He/She will be tasked with providing a structure that takes into account the general welfare of students, promotes the personal growth and development of students and complements and supplements experiences in the classroom. To see complete job descriptions and credentialing requirements and to apply, visit our website at Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

No hunting, trespassing, quad or dirt bike riding on the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located at 6919 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14

IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lawrenceburg Campus, is recruiting applicants for part time faculty positions in MEDICAL ASSISTING for CNA Preparation and QMA Preparation. To see complete job descriptions and credentialing requirements and to apply, visit our website at Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15

No Trespassing! Abso lutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not responsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: Joseph F. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. Bayer, 17365 Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, In 47025 1-15 No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. Lowell & Donna Hollins, 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsboro, IN. 10/23/14 No trespassing, hunting or fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 12-14 No trespassing, hunting, 4 wheeling etc. on property owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other owned entities on North Hogan Rd. between SR 48 and Holt Rd., Dear born County Indiana. Not responsible for any accidents of any kind. 7-02-15 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15

No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15

No trespassing, hunting, fishing, trapping or dumping of any kind. Absolutely no motorized vehicles, bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities. Beware of dogs. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense to the fullest extent of the law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 No trespassing of any kind Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 on property of : All Rite Dean Rd., Aurora, In Ready Mix Of Indiana, 47001. 9-14 LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN No trespassing, hunting, 4-9-15 fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. No trespassing without Not responsible for acciwritten permission and not dents, injuries, or fatalities responsible for accidents of any persons or personal or injury on the property of property. Violators will be Jim and Beth Marting, prosecuted at their own 6960 Nelson Road, expense. Debi & Stephan Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, County. Guilford, Indiana 47022 9-25-14 04-30-15


Deliver the new cincinnati bell telephone Directories • be your own boss • work a minimum of 6 daylight hours per day • Must have vehicle with proof of insurance • Must be 18 years or older with a valid drivers license and social security card • also looking for clerks & loaders Delivery begins septeMber 5th in anD arounD aDDyston & harrison ohio as well as Dearborn county inDiana. call 513-768-6547 between 8aM-4:30pM Mon-Fri reFer to job # 60001-c eoe

IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, is recruiting applicants for the following positions:

Part Time Faculty Positions:

COMMUNICATION: Public Speaking LIBERAL ARTS: English MEDICAL ASSISTING: Qualified Medication Aide (QMA), Clinical Instructor, Health Science To see complete job descriptions and credentialing requirements and to apply, visit our website at Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.


The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register

post frame buildings speCial

July 29 - July 31, 2014

70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column

No trespassing, hunting, 20x24 • $3,995 w/ 2 doors fishing, wood cutting, four 30x30 • $5,995 w/ 2 doors wheeling or tree cutting. 40x60 • $11,900 w/ 2 doors Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal Built on your lot! 50 Years Experience property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own Large selection of expense. Cindy & Micolors & sizes chael McAndrew, 19446 Material packages Anderson Rd., Law available IN 47025. gosman inC. 812-265-5290 renceburg, 4-9-15

24'x36'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 40'x64'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 1-20' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 24'x45'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 50'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 32'x40'x12' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 60'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-16' Split Slider 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4' Center Truss on 4' Center

Check our prices on garage doors!

METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm

No Trespassing, hunting, four wheelers, dirt bikes, fishing, swimming for any reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sunman, IN 47014 7-2-15

No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15 No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14

No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their No trespassing. No fishing, own expense. 3-19-15 no swimming, no hunting No trespassing, motorized or four wheelers. Not revehicles, hunting, trapping, sponsible for accidents or fireworks or explosives of injury of any kind on my any kind, discharge of fire- property. Barb Hornarms or shooting of arrows berger and family 9758 on or onto the approximate E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sun23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller man, IN 47041 Ridge Estates. Also not re- 07-16-15 sponsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. No trespassing. Not re Mike and C o n n i e sponsible for personal or Crossley, Lot #8 Miller property injury on the propRidge, 22102 Hickory erty of: Rita Bennett, 170 View Lane, Guilford, IN and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 47022 12-11-14 05-21/15 No trespassing, no fishing, no hunting or artifact hunt- No trespassing. Not re ing. Nick Domaschko, sponsible for accidents or Ohio County, 9748 St. injury. We will prosecute Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In trespassers on property owned by: Robert & 47001 6-11-15 Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, No trespassing, no hunting Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo or fishing. Absolutely no 4 & Knopf Roads, Man wheelers or motorized ve- chester Township. 10-13 hicles of any kind. Not re- Not responsible for accisponsible for accidents or dents. No hunting, fishing, injuries on the property of: woodcutting, swimming, Earl & Thomas Sullivan, recreational 4x4 riding, or 18253 & 18350 Keller trespassing on the propRd., Lawrenceburg, IN erty of: Hassel W. and 5-21-15 Pamela M. Brashears No trespassing, no hunt- Possum Ridge Road ing, violators will be prose- Aurora, IN 03-5-15 cuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15 No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15 No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15

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Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15

Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001 4-14

LEGAL NOTICE Public Notice The Harrison Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on a proposed building sign at 1110 Harrison Avenue, which exceeds the maximum size requirement as allowed by the City of Harrison Zoning Code. Said hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. on August 26, 2014 at the Harrison Community Center.



PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Harrison City Council of the City of Harrison will hold a public hearing on proposed zone changes with regards to Chapter 1134, Zoning Use Dis tricts. Said hearing will be held on August 19, 2014 in council cham bers at 300 George Street, Harrison, Ohio 45030. Persons with questions or comments may present them at this time.

Carol Wiwi, Clerk Harrison City Council City of Harrison 31-2tc

Public Hearing The Harrison Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on 7 proposed building signs at 620 Ring Road, which are in excess of the allowed mounting height per the City of Harrison Zoning Code. Said hearing will be held on August 26, 2014, at 7:00 p.m, at the Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. 31-1tc Public Hearing The Harrison Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on a proposed pole sign at 620 Ring Road, which is not allowed per the City of Harrison Zoning Code. Said hearing will be held on August 26, 2014, at 7:00 p.m, at the Harrison Community Center, 300 George St. 31-1tc

DEADLINE IS EVERY FRIDAY AT 10AM FOR THE NEXT ISSUE Call or bring in your ad to one of our offices: 126 W. High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 235 Main Street, Rising Sun, IN • 307 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, OH No refunds or credit given if your items/ads are sold or rented or cancelled after ad or ads are submitted. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If you would like to place your CLASSIFIED AD by mail, fill out the bottom and send to: Register Publications • 126 W. High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025


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2014 High


for area Look insided college l an high schoo portunities. op ion educat

Football Preview Football fans are passionate about their teams - almost as passionate as you are about your business. Huddle up with these fans to support your school and promote your business with our 2014 High School Football Preview. These pages will be full of photos, bios, interviews and information that sports fans can’t live without. Each team – the Lawrenceburg Tigers, East Central Trojans, South Dearborn Knights – will be represented with game schedules, rosters and outlooks.

Fact-filled guide on regional educational opportunities. Includes Universities, Colleges, Private/ Christian Schools, & More!

on i 3 t 114 0 a 0 2 c 2 u e Ed id u G


The Education Guide will be published in The Dearborn County Register (6000), The Ohio Co. Papers (1550), and The Harrison Press (4000). Plus, 4,000 extra distributed to local schools!

ADVERTISING DEADLINE • AUGUST 7, 2014 The Education Guide will be published and distributed in August 20 & 21, 2014. Total circulation of 16,000. Ask about editorial submission opportunities.





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PUBLISHES: August 21 • Register & Rising Sun This year’s section will run in the Dearborn County Register, Rising Sun Recorder and on giving your message a total audience of nearly 50,000 readers. Don’t be left on the sidelines – contact your advertising representative today to take advantage of these great prices!




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