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South Dearborn Lawrenceburg East Central: notch on Friday night



154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 38 $1


Former driving school owner faces 56 felonies

By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor

Kimberly J. Cleeter, the operator of the now defunct KC Driving School, formerly in Aurora and relocated to Milan, is facing 56 felony charges ranging from corrupt business influence to theft and attempted theft as well as forgery. An affidavit of probable cause filed by Aurora Police Detective Vernon McBride in Dearborn Circuit Court Friday, Sept. 19, states in the corrupt business influence charge Cleeter “knowingly or intentionally received

proceeds, ... payments from customers for expected services, derived from a pattern of racketeering activity ... and used said proceeds to establish and/or operate an enterprise ... known as KC Driving School.” Cleeter, 48, Dillsboro was arrested Sunday, Sept. 21, and as of Monday afternoon was still in the Dearborn County Law Enforcement Center. On the forgery count Cleeter allegedly printed and signed a former KC Driving Instructor’s name in November 2013. The driving instructor, Christopher Nobbe, ceased working for

Cleeter in April 2013, and the funds for these courses.” was owed $500, according The money was for drivto the affidavit. ing and classroom instrucFifty of the 56 tions or driving felonies Cleeter is instruction only. facing are for theft. Fifty people are The theft charges listed as paying for allege Cleeter took the classes but not payment from KC receiving the instudents’ and/or struction for which their parents and they paid. exerted “unauthorThe affidavit ized control of the also details Cleetproperty....” er failing to pay Kimberly According to the three instructors, Cleeter affidavit Cleeter Jeremy Baney, met with “complainants at Paul Dicken, and Jay Malvarious locations between lott. McBride in the affidaJanuary 1, 2013 and July 2, vit noted two of the people 2014, within Dearborn and paid for instruction after Ripley counties to collect Cleeter failed to renew KC

Driving School’s license, as well as another person who received driving instruction on July 2, 2014. Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle records show Cleeter failed to renew the business’s license which expired June 30, 2014. In a story published in the July 17 edition of The Dearborn County Register, BMV officials said letters and emails had been sent notifying Cleeter about renewing the business’s license. To read the original story online click here. Another Aurora Police officer received a message via his personal Facebook page

in July from Cleeter stating “...she had done nothing wrong and she had completed the paperwork and paid the necessary fees to the BMV ... she was notified on July 3, 2014 that one of her customers had been turned away from a BMV license branch ... she indicated she had not taken any funds from anyone beyond that date ... she was attempting to work with the... “ BMV, according to the affidavit. McBride stated in the affidavit the BMV provided copies of the correspondence with Cleeter, and

See SCHOOL, Page 8



Above left: Veterans Bush White and Bill Rowling place a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlrington National Cemetery, while Ron Harrell and Tom Hughes salute the Tomb Saturday, Sept. 20. Above right: White, Rowling, Harrell and Hughes follow one of the honor guard to the Tomb. Rowling and Hughes will be honored with Purple Heart plaques at Lawrenceburg Fall Fest at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26. Rowling was a prisoner of war in World War 11 after his B-17 was shot down; White went ashore at Normandy on D-Day and also is a purple heart recipient. Hughes received a Silver Star for his service at Guadalcanal as well as a Bronze Star, and he received a Purple Heart from wounds sustained on Iwo Jima. Harrell is a Vietnam veteran. For more about Rowling and Hughes pick up last week’s Dearborn County Register.

Council warns cuts loom in not-too-distant future for nonprofits By Denise Freitag Burdette Assistant Editor

As Dearborn County council members looked for ways to cut down the proposed 2015 budget during hearings held last month, nonprofits aided in the past were placed on notice that this may be the last year their funding requests are approved. The discussion first surfaced during the first day of budget hearings when Carla Burkhart of Lifetime Housing Group, for the first time, approached council for matching grant funds to helping low income, disabled and senior county residents with house modifications, such as removing lead paint. The state board of accounts already does not want the county using riverboat casino sharing revenues to provide funding to nonprofits, said council president Dennis Kraus Sr. He did not think council should add another nonprofit to that list. Council member Liz Morris pointed out the county was struggling with declining revenues. The county will spend about $70,000 just to maintain the nonprofit funding requests it has approved in the past, said council member Bill Ullrich. County auditor Gayle Pennington confirmed the riverboat casino sharing revenues were not supposed to be used for nonprofits. Ullrich did point out that part of the original pitch for bringing a riverboat casino to the area was some of the revenues would be shared © REGISTER PUBLICATIONS, 2014

with nonprofit groups. The list of nonprofits asking for money continues to grow each year, said Kraus. Nonprofits are experiencing the same financial difficulties as the county on a different level, said council member Dan Lansing. “This is not a slap at any group or office. ...We are making hard choices for our own budget,” said Morris. It has nothing to do with this particular group, it deals with the whole concept of the county approving casino riverboat funds to nonprofits, said Kraus. Later during the hearings, Safe Passage, Bateville, outreach director Allen Benecker spoke before council about the organization’s efforts to help with domestic violence intervention and prevention. Safe Passage was requesting an increase in funding, $20,000. Last year council approved $5,000 for the organization. Safe Passage definitely makes a positive impact, said council member Ryan Brandt, who also is Dillsboro police chief. But with riverboat casino revenue declining, the county might not be able to continue funding these nonprofit requests, he said. Kraus complimented the organization on its preventative services, which was reiterated by Morris. The council will try to maintain support for these types of programs as long as possible. Funding might be possible for another year at last year’s level, said Ullrich. “We completely understand if the money is not there,” said Benecker.



On the last day of budget hearings, council decided to maintain funding requests from nonprofits aided in the past, but agreed these request might be denied or approved at lesser amount as needed in the future.

Squeeze in 2 percent

Despite the deep cuts to the proposed 2015 budget, council members looked to find a way to provide 2 percent raises to county employees, whose salaries are not dictated by the state. County employees received a raise in 2014, but a stipend in 2013. The suggestion was made to cover the cost of the raises with riverboat revenue that would otherwise go toward savings. Hopefully next year the revenue outlook will be better and that money can be rerouted back to the savings account, said Lansing. Council members passed a vote to give the employees a 2 percent raise. A public hearing on the recommended 2015 county budget, is set for 9 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8, at the county administration building, 215B W. High St., Lawrenceburg. The budget adoption meeting is set for 9 a.m. Friday, Oct. 25, at the county administration building. After adoption, final approval of the budget must be made by the state. This was third part of a three-part series on the county’s 2015 budget. The other stories ran Sept. 16 and Sept. 18 in the Journal-Press and The Register.


Friday’s right for window gazing

are put in place, she added. “They just take on a life of their own once they're on the building.” The reception and unveiling will Folks attending the artists' re- be 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. this Friception for the fourth phase of day, Sept. 26, at the Southeastern Windows of Aurora won't be dis- Indiana Art Guild in the Schuck appointed when they see the new Building, Main and Second streets, window murals, said Judy Hizer. Aurora. The public is invited and “They are absolutely gorgeous,” light refreshments will be served, said Hizer, Main Street Aurora said Main Street Aurora Director Design Committee chairman. She Bethany Ross. can't wait until the 22 new murals See WINDOW, Page 8 By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter


Earlier this year Mayor Donnie Hastings unveiled a mural of Main Street Aurora’s former director, Karla Schmeltzer, and president Matt Probst.


Today: High: 70 Low 46

Wed: High: 72 Low: 48

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