INSIDE: Local bicentennial legacy project
Boys Cross Country goes back to semistate
Dearborn County register
154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 42 $1
South Dearborn administration shares ALICE info Parent questions get answers By Denise Freitag Burdette Assistant Editor
No one wants to think about a possible active shooter situation taking place in a Dearborn County school, but it is a reality school corporations have to face. South Dearborn Community School Corporation held a meeting Monday, Oct. 6, for parents to guide them through the ALICE training program being implemented in the schoolsAlert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. “Our job is to protect your children,” said Jason Cheek, assistant principal at South Dearborn High School, Aurora. ALICE training will give students another option in a survival situation, he said. “I don’t know if you can be 100 percent prepared,” said Cheek. But the training is one way the school corporation is trying to keep students safe, along with existing safety programs such as tornado and fire drills, he said. Along with members of the
staff being trained, students were shown videos about what to do in an active shooter situation, he said. The presentation was watered down for the elementary school kids so it would not seem so scary, he said. “We are not teaching your kids to fight the bad guy,” said Cheek. The techniques used are to help throw off an active shooter, give students a way to protect themselves until law enforcement is able to arrive on the scene, he said. Also present at the parent forum, from the Dearborn County Sheriff’s Department, was Sgt. Max Socks and Deputy Steve Jackson. A lot can happen before law enforcement can respond, especially in the more isolated parts of the county, said Socks. One of the techniques taught is how to barricade. By teaching these techniques starting in kindergarten, these skills hopefully will be second nature to the students, said Jackson. One parent asked how the kids would be kept safe in a situation outside the school, such as time on the playground. There are no guarantees, but the kids are being taught how to make decisions. Before they were basically told to freeze and beg for their lives, not to
America’s Safe Schools Week Oct. 19-25
See ALICE, Page 8
Red Cross turns page on local chapter
First and third photos: East Central High School Lady Trojans celebrate chalking up their 10th Class 2A Regional Championship Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18. They will play in the Final Eight Saturday, Oct. 25, taking on Castle High School, Greater Evansville, in Evansville. Second and fourth photos: The No. 1 ranked Lawrenceburg High School Lady Tigers are Class A Regional Champions. They take on the Triton Central Green Tigers from Fairland in the Final 8 game Saturday, Oct. 25. Both teams took their games into overtime, with penalty kicks the deciding factor. See SPORTS, Page 6 for all the game details. Look for live game updates and more this Saturday on Register Publications’ Facebook Page. © REGISTER PUBLICATIONS, 2014
For the last three years Dearborn, Ripley, Ohio, and Switzerland counties have been served by the Southeastern Indiana Chapter of the American Red Cross, based in Lawrenceburg. There is also a satellite office in Osgood. The Chapter is part of the Greater CincinnatiDayton Region of the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross will have a new look in Southeastern Indiana Saturday, Nov. 1. Due to a national restructuring, Dearborn and Ohio counties will continue to be part of the Greater Cincinnati-Dayton Region. Switzerland and Ripley counties will become a part of the Indianapolis Region. This is just a change in internal reporting, not a change in services. “This will not change in any way the coverage of the American Red Cross in any of these counties. We will still be there to help families after fires, tornados, floods, etc. We will still help families find their loved ones in the military. We will still be there to teach classes such as First Aid, CPR, AED, Swimming, and Baby Sitting,” said John Ryle, Southeastern Indiana Chapter executive director. This chapter has responded to every call over the past three years. They have worked with local fire departments, Emer-
Today: High:59 Low 45
Wed: High: 54 Low: 42
gency Management Agencies and local governments to provide comprehensive coverage for the people. They have quietly gone about doing what they can to help the local people. “Although I will not continue to serve as Executive Director, I plan to volunteer as I did before becoming a part of the staff. This organization offers a service that no other can. We are a part of the community and plan to stay that way” said Ryle. The American Red Cross needs your help. Have you ever considered becoming a volunteer? There are many things that you can do: You can go to http://www. and become a part of this great organization, or you can contact the Red Cross at 513579-3000 and ask for volunteer information. The American Red Cross is funded solely by donations. Your donation can stay local or serve national and international operations. It is up to YOU, said Ryle. “It has been a pleasure to have been a staff member for three years. I have worked with people from all over the United States that have the same goal as me: to help. I hope you will consider volunteering alongside me and proudly wear the Red Cross,” added Ryle. Contact Register Publications
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