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Dearborn County register


L’burg utility rate changes are discussed By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor

Any action toward changing Lawrenceburg Utilities customers’ rates has been put off until after the City of Lawrenceburg has done its riverboat revenue budgets. The utility board, which is the city council members, tabled an ordinance, voting 3-2, that would have raised some customers’ rates for water and sewer service Monday, June 2. An ordinance to change the electric utility rates was not on the agenda June 2. Outgoing utilities director Mel Davis, who is retiring in August, had a rate study done by Crowe Horwath LLP, Indianapolis. He wants the rates to pay for the utility without any subsidies from city riverboat revenues. Minus major capital projects, for 2013 the city was subsidizing the utilities with about $505,000 from city casino revenues, according to figures supplied by clerktreasurer Jackie Stutz. Aurora and Greendale utilities also use riverboat revenues shared by Lawrenceburg to foot the bill for many of their capital improvement projects, said those directors. As of January 2014, when Crowe Horwath surveyed sewer rates, Greendale had the lowest rate for 5,000 gallons of use at $18.19. While Aurora had the lowest water rate with $15.50 for 5,000 gallons. Aurora’s sewer rate, however is much higher, at $50.85 for 5,000 gallons. Greendale’s sewer rate is $18.19. In the three cities and many other places, the sewer use is determined by the amount of water used by a household, business or industry. Lawrenceburg’s rate for sewer use is currently $25.70, and the proposed rate would be $25.55. John Skomph with Crowe Horwath explained Lawrenceburg’s sewer and water rates under the new structure will have a base charge and have rates in 1,000 gallon increments. That change means some folks who use 1,000 to 2,000 gallons could see a decrease in their water-sewer bill. The water-sewer bill for a household using 5,000 gallons a month would go from $48.73 currently to $52.76

under the proposal, an increase of $4.03 or about 8 percent. The sewer rate for 5,000 gallons would go from $25.70 currently to $25.55, a decrease of $.15, while the water rate will increase from $23.03 to $27.21, an increase of $4.38 or about 18 percent. Councilwoman Jane Pope did not like the 18 percent increase, but Skomph stressed it is a total increase of about 2 percent for the combined water-sewer bill. After more discussion of the proposed rate increases, former city councilwoman Pat Krider, who is now Lawrenceburg Main Street director, noted when she was on city council in the mid-1990s the city had low rates, no money, and it was “patching the patches.” Aurora is in the same predicament now, she said. Aurora Utility Director Randy Turner said the city’s sewer rate is where it is because of overflow problems into the Ohio River and an order from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to fix it. Most of Aurora’s aging sewer system has been fixed, and one of the final components is being put into place, a new main to the treatment plant in Lawrenceburg. That main is being paid for with a grant from Lawrenceburg, said Turner. Aurora’s last increase was for 107 percent in 2007 when as part of the IDEM order it built another new sewer line. The water rates have remained low for the time being because of the IDEM order, said Turner, warning repairs to the water system do need to be addressed soon through rates. Aurora has accomplished many improvements using money shared by Lawrenceburg, but Turner knows that amount is going to go down. “You’re not doing anyone a favor by keeping the rates low while the money is there, because if it falls away it could really hit rates hard,” said Turner, adding a small amount in dollars can look like a large percentage increase. While Greendale City Manager-Utility Director Steve Lampert said the city is not looking at raising watersewer rates in the near term, since it last did a study and

See RATES, Page 8

County council, commissioners joint meeting has been cancelled A joint meeting between the Dearborn County commissioners and council members set for Tuesday, June 17, to discuss projected costs for a proposed courthouse annex has been cancelled. However, the regular Dearborn County commissioners meeting will be held at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 17, at the county administration building, 215B W, High St., Lawrenceburg. A Dearborn County council meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, at the county administration building.


154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 23 $1

TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014



Some people brought lawn chairs, but this little girl was able to stretch out in style during the first Music on the River concert of the season Thursday, June 5, in Downtown Lawrenceburg. The Belairs kicked off the concert series.

Army veteran joins Aurora police force By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter

Aurora's newest police officer spent three years in active duty in the Army, including a year in Iraq beginning in March 2003. Otherwise stationed at Fort Hood, Jason Siekman said he always planned to go into police work when he finished serving in the military. While not going into detail, Siekman, 33, said during that year in Iraq he saw “a little bit of everything,” from having close friends wounded or killed in combat to encountering improvised explosive devices. “We were in a lot of stuff,” he said, explaining he was a scout with the Fourth Infantry Division. Did the experience change him? He's sure it did, but he would do it again if asked. “You don't notice when you change yourself but other people around you do,” said Siekman, a Rising

See POLICE, Page 8

$230,000 approved for Aurora’s Westside improvements Riverboat revenue will cover paving, sidewalks & more By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter

Thanks to riverboat gambling sharing revenue, Aurora's Westside neighborhood will undergo a $230,000 paving, curbing and sidewalk project in the near future. The project will involve the loss of some trees, however, at an additional cost of about $15,000, said Aurora City Attorney Jeff Stratman. Aurora Utility Board voted Monday, June 2, to approve the project, with member and city councilman Joe Milish abstaining. The utility board consists of city councilmen. Milish ex-

INSIDE TODAY OPINION............................4


Aurora Police Chief Josh Daugherty pins new Aurora officer Jason Siekman with his police badge Friday, May 30, as Siekman’s daughter Isabel Siekman watches. Sun resident. tice from Ivy Tech earlier After the Army, the 1999 this year. Rising Sun High School Siekman's interest in pograduate worked 10 years lice work was spurred by as a mill operator at North riding with his cousin's son American Stainless, Ghent, David Bradley when BradKy., to support his family. ley was an Ohio County He then turned back to his Sheriff's deputy. Five years goal, receiving an associ- older than Siekman, Bradate's degree in criminal jus- ley later worked as a Green-

dale Police officer and now is a detective for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department where he received a Medal of Bravery in 2013. Police work attracted Siekman because it's “something different all the time, interacting with people, just serving your community,” he said. Officially joining Aurora Police Department Monday, May 12, Siekman volunteered with APD for about a month before that. What's been most interesting as well as most challenging has been learning all the laws and how to deal with different kinds of people, he said. “Just learning everything, it's kind of overwhelming,” he said, but added he has “good guys training me.” “I want to be a good officer,” said Siekman. But “it's like everything else, you don't get good at it right off.” Once he's had some training on the job, he will attend the Indiana Police


plained it was a lot of money and he'd not had time to consider the project. Councilman Mike Crider, who made the motion, specified it would include repaving all of Hanover Avenue, its side streets and the portion of Westside Drive that have been torn up in the city's water line replacement project in the area. It also includes replacing all the sidewalks on the left side as one goes down the street, but only those which need replacing on the right side. At intersections, however, the project will include backing into the right side sidewalks with handicapped accessible portions, as required by law. “There's ... sidewalks out there that don't need to be replaced,” said Rick Seaver, Paul H. Rohe Company, who provided the city with a cost estimate for the work. The original estimate was

$250,000, which included traditional curbs and gutters and would require moving utility poles. Going with barrier curbs not only would reduce the cost but result in less trees removed and no utility pole relocation, he said. Those curbs are 6” wide by 18” tall, whereas the traditional curbs would add 4' to the project width, he said. The bid does not include curbs on side streets unless residents pay for them themselves, and even then, said Seaver, he doesn't recommend permitting “piecemeal” curbing. Will owners split the cost of sidewalks, asked councilman John Borgman. “You own those sidewalks,” replied Seaver. Asked about storm drains, he said the street has a crown and generally has good drainage. Crider noted existing


Today: High: 76 Low 67

Wed: High: 79 Low: 64

curbs are crumbling. Made of limestone, those are “kind of unique to the area” but efforts to save a section of them on the Ind. 56 project downtown failed, said Seaver. Brett Fehrman, a former councilman, asked if the street's width would be the same. Yes, said Seaver. “That's why we have to demo (demolish) certain trees,” he said, explaining those trees are up against the old limestone curbs. Aurora Clerk-treasurer Randy Turner, who also is utilities superintendent, told the board the city has cash reserves to cover repayment of loans for the construction of the firehouse and renovation of the city building. Those are the two past projects whose funding otherwise would “hang over the

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