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INSIDE: Lady Knights roll to Regional!

Dearborn County register


154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 22 $1


New courthouse annex plans head to commish, council

Joint meeting set for 5 p.m. June 17

By Chris McHenry Contributor Preliminary plans to provide much needed courtroom and office space for Dearborn County call for a new structure that would connect the present courthouse and administration building. Eric Ratts of DLZ architects recently met with County Administrator Terri Randall and representatives of historic organizations to explain the proposal. The plans did not meet with immediate approval from at least one historic organization member. Ratts pointed out that by using

the currently vacant space between the two buildings the addition could avoid using scarce parking space and provide for enhanced security as well as preventing the necessity for attorneys and others to travel among separate buildings. A new single point of entrance to the entire complex would be located in the new central portion and the present High Street entrance to the courthouse would no longer be used. The new component would also allow inmates headed from the jail to court rooms to be transported without passing along public hallways. The addition would block the lower clear glass portion of the present Circuit Court windows

Mary Street

Admin. Building

Proposed Addition Courthouse SUBMITTED

Draft Plans obtained from a source, show a glass rotunda as part of the new Dearborn County Courthouse Annex. Dearborn County Historical Society board member Art Wenzel said the two-story rotunda takes up 17 percent of the space in the new building that would join the current courthouse and administration buildings. It also would add to maintenance and heating and cooling costs, he said. but not the upper portion which is superior courts would be located at with a door connecting the two stained glass, said Ratts. the same level of the new structure. components. The present circuit courtroom One window in the current clerk The clerk of courts and county would remain as it is, and the two of courts office would be replaced See PLANS, Page 5



East Central High School graduation ceremonies were held Saturday, June 1, in the gym. Above: After the granting of diplomas, the class banner ceremony took place before the turning of the tassels, below right. Below left: Cars and trucks in the parking lot could be seen decorated for the graduating seniors.

Top: Graduates stop to take a selfie before the ceremony. Bottom: A message on the St. Leon water tower behind the school remembers classmate Jacob Amberger, who was killed in a car accident on his way to a soccer game his junior year.

School’s out, time for fun

With Dearborn County schools finishing up last week there early and set up your chair. Music on the River and this week it’s time for some summer fun. The runs every Thursday through mid-September. fun isn’t just for kids, there’s plenty for adults The first Music on the River also marks the to enjoy. beginning of the second Farmers Market The Aurora and Lawrenceburg public in Lawrenceburg, the Backstreet Market library districts will offer their summer kicked off in May on Saturdays, and Looking for more to do this sumreading programs for kids and adults. will now be Thursday afternoons 4 mer? Check out Register Publications’ Sign ups are under way at both library p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday mornevent calendars in print every Tuesday districts for FIzz, Boom, Read! Check ings 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursday, as well as online at thedout what they have to offer, Aurora’s Lawrenceburg Main Street and Have an event you’d like website is, and Lawrencedowntown merchants also encourage to have listed? Send the details via burg’s is folks to come into Lawrenceburg for email: page@registerpublications For music lovers, Lawrenceburg Main Wine Walk & Shop 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. or newsroom@registerpubliStreet kicks off another year of Music on Friday, June 5. Register for door prizes, the River Thursday, June 5, with a perforand check out the bargains. Registration mance by The Belairs. The music goes from 7 is at 131 Walnut St., the former American See PAGE 7 p.m. to 9.m. at Short and East High streets. Get See FUN, Page 5

What’s Going On?


INSIDE TODAY OPINION............................6


Ohio Co. death investigation continues The individual found dead by Indiana State Police has been identified as Raymond Green, 62, of Ohio County, according to ISP Information Officer Sgt. Noel Houze Jr. The undetermined death in Ohio County remains under investigation, according to ISP. Police doing a welfare check on an individual residing off Hartford Pike about 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 28, discovered Green dead at the


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residence, said Houze. Investigators were at the residence all day processing the scene. The body was transported to the Hamilton County, Ohio, morgue where an autopsy was being performed Thursday morning, May 29, to positively identify the victim and determine the manner and cause of death, said Houze. No more information is available at this time, said ISP.

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