INSIDE: The SIRC-it continues
Dearborn County register
70 Years Later
154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 29 $1
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2014
World War II Navy veterans meet at RidgeWood Health Campus
By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Of about 300 crew members on the World War II ship Adair, what would be the chances of two of them meeting in the same care center? Raymond Gordon, 88, and Estel Gover, 89, both of Aurora, now reside at RidgeWood Health Campus, Lawrenceburg. Recently, each was wearing Navy clothing while being visited by relatives, and through a discussion, realized they'd both not only been on the Windsorclass attack transport, but had been there at the same time. Gordon, whose memory has faded, enlisted in the Navy in March 1943, and served on Liberty ships before his transfer to the brandnew Adair. Gover, who can talk a mile a minute, joined up in October 1943, and was sent to the University of Chicago for communications school after basic training. “They put me in the amphibious forces landing division,” he said. Sent first to Florida as an instructor at Fort Pierce, he was transferred to Baltimore in May 1944. “That's when I got on the Adair,” he said. “When the ship was christened, the band was playing and we were sliding down into the water, stern first,” he said. That was at Sparrows Point Shipyard, Maryland, where the USS Adair was built, the first ship the United States had that was welded together rather than put together with rivets, said
DearbornHamilton Cos. head up multistate drug trafficking bust Sheriff Jim Neil reports that members of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, Regional Narcotics Unit (“RENU”) have been involved in a large scale heroin and cocaine trafficking investigation over the last 12 months that has resulted in the disruption of a drug trafficking network operating in California, Texas, Nevada, lllinois, as well as cities throughout Ohio, including Dayton, Springfield and Cincinnati. During this investigation to date 14 individuals have been arrested and law enforcement has seized approximately 35 pounds of heroin, 18 pounds of cocaine, as well as over $600,000 dollars in assets derived from the drug trafficking activities of these individuals. Further investigation identified two individuals responsible for organizing the drug trafficking activities as a current and former inmate of the London Cor-
See BUST, Page 8
Gover. From Chesapeake Bay, the Adair sailed into the Atlantic on a shakedown cruise, he said. “We got in a real bad storm,” said Gover. “The waves were so big …. I saw the bow of the ship dip water – about 60 feet it went down and dipped water.” Gordon remembers almost going overboard in a bad storm, most likely the same one. Talking to this reporter a couple of years ago, he said the whole ship shuddered. The bow went into the water and the propeller at the back of the ship rose into the air. “I looked up, on the deck … and seen green water above me,” he said. But there was a box on deck that saved him, as the water washed him under it. “His leg caught under the box,” said his daughter Debbie Gordon Brunner, Aurora. “He had to be on crutches.” But he remained on the ship, which returned to port in Virginia. One of the wales had broken open from the stress, and though it hadn't admitted water, the ship went into dry dock for a few days for repairs, said Gover. The Adair carried troops and cargo in 1944 and 1945. But she got hit in the North Atlantic on her first trip to North Africa, said Gover. “We had 400 troops aboard,” he said. The other ships in the convoy would circle the Adair to protect the troops, but somehow either she was struck by a torpedo or perhaps hit a floating mine. “We got a hit in the side. They couldn't figure out how
Two RidgeWood Health Care Campus residents share their memories of serving on the same ship during World War II during a visit with their daughters. From left: Joy Bruehl, WW II veteran Estel Gover, Debbie Brunner and WW II veteran Raymond Gordon. a torpedo could ever get to us,” said Gover. “It disabled us. They had to unload the troops and send us back to Virginia.” That was his first and last mission. As the crews were unloaded in LCVPs (landing craft, vehicle, personnel) lowered over the sides, Gover, as a communications man, stood in one of the boats to tell those lowering it how close it was to the ship's side. “When we got about halfway down the side, the cable broke and we fell,” said Gover. “... It felt like it drove my legs right up.” Then a
coil of the cable fell, hitting him in the head and knocking him off the boat into the cold Atlantic. “I was fighting the water to stay away from the boat because the waves were hitting the boat so hard,” he said. Three men on board the LCVP saved him. “They got a mop and stuck it out to me and pulled me back in,” said Gover. But he couldn't eat or drink or do anything, as his brain swelled from the injury, he said. Doctors drilled into the back of his head to drain the fluids, telling him he had
a fractured skull. Eventually he was sent to a Veterans Administration hospital in Louisville, Ky., then given a medical discharge. “He lived the rest of his life with that scar on his brain,” said his daughter Joy Bruehl, Middletown, Ohio. Gover's folks were working in an aircraft factory in Michigan, but after visiting there, Gover went back to the home place in Pulaski County, Ky., about eight miles west of Somerset. Living alone, he put out crops and farmed for two years, despite the occasional blackout spells his
daughter said he had. “My uncle watched out for me,” said Gover. From time to time, he'd “get on a horse and be gone for two or three days. … I rode for miles, all the way down into Cumberland Bottoms,” he said. With a rifle and fishing gear, he'd shoot a rabbit or catch fish for his meals. Eventually, Gover met a woman at a Christmas party in Kentucky. She was someone he'd known from high school but hadn't seen for five years, Violet Haggard, who had a little girl, Joy,
See 70, Page 8
Dillsboro wary of county’s new 911 fee By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Anyone getting a $5,000 bill might have questions. For Dillsboro Town Council, the fee from Dearborn County for police dispatching raised questions of how the town will afford it year after year, but also of fairness. Dearborn County 911 Director Charles Ashley attended the Monday, July 14, council meeting but had only a few specific answers for councilmen's questions. The county 911 center started with
12 dispatchers in 1995, and still has “We're looking to hire one or the same number of dispatchers, he maybe two more staff members … said. hopefully before “The call volthe end of the ume has about year,” he said. gone out the Dearborn “To make it equitable to roof … so we're County 911 gets everybody would be to do money from the trying to add to our staff,” said state 911 board it at the county level.” Ashley. Deargenerated by a Rick Fields 90 cent fee on born County Commissioners land and cell Dillsboro Town Council came up with a phones and any funding plan to other device that charge all the can be used to entities served by the dispatch center, dial 911, said Ashley. That generates based on call volume, he said. about $56,000 per month, a total of
$671,000 this year, all of which goes toward the 911 side of the county's dispatch service. But that doesn't cover the total cost even of the 911 side, so the county supplements the funding with $331,000 from its general fund, which comes from county property taxes, said Ashley. Dillsboro Councilman Rick Fields asked why the county is seeking funds from other entities for 911, and Ashley said he did not know. “Where do the commissioners think communities like Dillsboro will get this money?” asked Fields. Again,
See FEE, Page 8
Fritch named general manager of Register Publications April Fritch, 53, Lawrenceburg, has “I come from a sales background, been named general manager of Reg- with the last 18 years spent in print ister Publications, the largsales,” said Fritch. est print media business in “We will continue to enDearborn and Ohio counties sure that we provide our and in the Greater Harrison readers and advertisers with region of Southwest Ohio. excellent products. The team Fritch, named to the poat Register Publications is by sition by company owner far one of the most helpMurray Cohen, has been adful and cooperative group of vertising director for nearly employees that I have ever two years. She will retain her had the pleasure of working responsibilities as ad director, with. Our team will continue but also will oversee daily to review our newspapers and April Fritch operations of the media comspecial sections to provide pany’s other departments, inthe community with compelcluding circulation, distribution, Inter- ling, interesting, and useful informanet, and production. tion.”
INSIDE TODAY OPINION............................4
Fritch, who comes from a newspaper family, said she has been an avid reader of and subscriber to the local papers for the 25 years she has lived in Dearborn County. “I feel many years from now there still will be a place for community newspapers,” said Fritch. “But as trends change, I’m aware that providing mobile apps, and constantly improving our websites, gives our readers more options to enjoy our products, and gives advertisers more opportunities to reach our subscribers and other folks who visit our websites.” Fritch pointed out subscribers invite Register Publications’ newspapers into their homes, and many people read
Today: High: 92 Low 70
them from front to back, which is a decisive advantage for local advertisers. “They want the information and the advertising in our papers, whether they choose to subscribe to the traditional format or go online,” she said. Fritch’s father, Bill Fritch, began his career at The Greensburg Daily News, and went on to become a reporter, sports editor, columnist, and copy editor at newspapers in northwestern Indiana. “I grew up with the newspaper. I had a love of the newspaper before my relationship here ever started. It’s easy for me to sell, and easy for me to promote. It’s easy for me because I believe in it,” said Fritch.
Wed: High: 86 Low: 63
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NEWS BRIEFS Slip repairs close Wilson Creek LAWRENCEBURG- Wilson Creek Road will be closed for about a week about a quarter of a mile from U.S. 50 for slip repair and culvert replacement. This work is being done in advance of the paving to be done at a later date.
Fundraiser helps Spurlock family AURORA- Jent Construction, Aurora, is holding a fundraiser for the family of Shaylyn and Jocelyn Spurlock, the twoyear-old twins who died in a drowning accident earier this year. Raffles tickets are being sold at $20 each for a new roof up to 2,200 square feet. All proceeds to donate the Spurlock family. For more info call 1-812-926-1311. Drawing will be held when all tickets are sold. Three hundred tickets remain. Need not to be present to win.
Museum receives film project grant MILAN- Milan 54, Inc. was awarded a $12,000 grant
from the Efroymson Family Fund for the historic film project at the new Milan ’54 Hoosiers Museum in Milan. The film project will include for the first time ever individual interviews from all 11 surviving players from the 1954 Milan High School Boys Basketball State Championship Team. The new audio/video film presentations will play in front of each player’s locker on demand in three separate 30-second presentations providing each player’s unique experiences about growing up in Milan, and of course basketball. In addition, a 15 to 20 minute film presentation will be produced that will play in the museum’s media room. Visitors will be able to view the new film sitting in school desks from the old Milan High School as the film “sets the table” for each person’s visit to the museum. This is a project that we have wanted to do for a long time,” said Marianne Wiggers, president of Milan 54, Inc. “We want to get all this history recorded while all of these players are still with us. We would like to thank the Efroymson Family Fund for making these historically significant film projects possible. Future gen-
erations of historians and basketball enthusiasts will now always be able to hear firsthand from the players who did what was considered impossible.” For more information visit
Historic site lowers for familes in need METAMORA, Ind. -The Whitewater Canal State Historic Site is joining The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, The Terre Haute Children’s Museum, Conner Prairie Interactive History Park, Wonderlab of Bloomington, NCAA Hall of Champions, Indiana Historical Society and the Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western Art in offering greatly reduced admission to families in need throughout the State of Indiana. As part of its ongoing effort to provide extraordinary learning experiences for as many Indiana children and their families as possible, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis created the Access Pass program in 2004. This successful statewide initiative provides low-income Hoosier families with opportunities to
visit at the reduced rate of $1 per family member per visit. Indiana families with at least one member who is 18 years of age or older and who are part of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps or Hoosier Healthwise Insurance are eligible to participate in the Access Pass program. To enroll in or renew an existing Access Pass program membership, qualifying families can visit any of the participating venues with required documentation and a completed Access Pass application. They will be issued an Access Pass card that is renewable annually. To learn more about the program and Whitewater Canal State Historic Site admission fees, call 1-765-647-6512. A downloadable application will be available soon at
Free beginner waterfowl hunting workshops INDIANAPOLIS- Two free waterfowl hunting workshops for beginners will be offered in August and September by the Department of Natural
Resources. The focus of the workshops is on hunting Canada geese, with some information presented on duck hunting. The workshops are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 16, at Pigeon River Fish & Wildlife Area, 8310 E. County Road 300 N., Mongo, and Sept. 27, at the DNR Fish & Wildlife Field Office, 5596 E. Ind. 46, Bloomington. Similar material will be covered at each workshop, no need to attend both. All ages are welcome. Lunch is provided. Workshops occur at least partially outdoors in rain or shine. Bring a lawn chair and weather-appropriate clothing. Registration is required. To register: Mongo 1-260-367-2164, or Bloomington, 1-812-3341137 or email aphelps@dnr.
Give gift of life
CINCINNATI- You have the chance to help save another life at two upcoming community blood drives. Rising Star Casino & Resort has partnered with Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati to host a Community Blood Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7. The Hoxworth
Donor Bus will be parked on the Casino lot, located at 777 Rising Sun Drive, in Rising Sun. All donors will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win two tickets to Kings Island. To schedule your appointment, e visit or call Amy Peelman at 1-812-438-5068. Priority will be given to donors who have scheduled an appointment. Walk-in donors are welcome and will be seen as soon as possible. Donors must be at least 17 years old, or 16 with a signed parental consent, and in good health. I ndividuals must weigh at least 110 pounds and bring identification to donate. It is recommended that donors eat a good meal and drink plenty of water within four hours before donating. Brookville Eagles also has partnered with Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati to host a Community Blood Drive from 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 7, at 770 Main St. in Brookville. To schedule your appointment, call Hoxworth Blood Center at 1-800-830-1091.
Kent Cerrone
Kent M. Cerrone, beloved husband of Lynne Dozer Cerrone went to be with the Lord on July 17, 2014. He was born Jan. 19, 1949, and was preceded in death by his parents, Carmen and LaVe r n e Cerrone of Park Ridge, Kent Cerrone Ill. He is survived by his wife, Lynne and his mother and father-in-law, Floanna and Don Hay, his brother and sister-in-law Richard & Karie Dozer and his niece and nephew, Danielle and Jack Dozer. Kent was a graduate of Iowa State University in Hotel & Restaurant Management. During his career, he was a consultant to Fortune 500 Companies
Corrections/ Clarifications The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-537-0063.
The Journal-Press (USPS 037-880)
■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus
and Hospitals, worked for the Kentucky Hospital Association and Price Waterhouse and founded and co-owned Precision Digital Images, a graphics service bureau, for 15 years. His past volunteer service included President of the Arts Consortium in Cincinnati’s west end, Lay Leader and financial chairman for Dearborn Hills Church. Kent was a man of extraordinary and varied talents: gourmet cook, guitar player, pilot, boat captain, and a technical genius. Kent had a sophisticated wit; was a wonderful husband and a man of great patience and kindness. He lived life with zest, in-spite of living with uncertainty due to fighting Amyloidosis, a rare blood disease, for 15 years. He will be remembered for his musicality, his technical prowess and his love for technical advances in any form ... from cars, computers, boats to watches. His favorite place in the world was Cabo San Lucas, where the Cerrone’s spent their winters. He left this world with a devout faith in his Creator and died with the assurance of eternity in Heaven. Visitation will be held at Dearborn Hills United Methodist Church, 25365 State Line Road Lawrenceburg, Ind, Tuesday, July 22, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Wednesday, July 23, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Celebration of Kent’s life and memorial service will be at 11 a.m., also at Dearborn Hills Church. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Dearborn Hills United Methodist Church or Hands and Hearts for Haiti, 6612 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh North Carolina 27613.
Edward Callaway
Edward L. Callaway, 67, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., passed away Friday, July 18, 2014. He was born Oct. 12, 1946, in Lawrenceburg, Ind., son of the late Fred Callaway and Clara (Swales) Callaway. He is survived by his mother, Clara Mae Swales Callaway; two sons, Brad Cal-
Wed - Thurs 11am - 9pm • Fri - Sat 11am -10pm 329 Second St. • Aurora, IN
laway of Lawrenceburg, Ind., Eddie Callaway of Yorkvillle, Ind.; four brothers, Fred Callaway, Chuck Callaway, Darrell Callaway, Mooch Callaway; four grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father, Fred Callaway, and brother, Tommy. Family and friends will be received Tuesday, July 22, 2014, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Fitch-Denney Funeral Home, Greendale. Funeral services will be held at Fitch-Denney Funeral Home, Wednesday, July 23, 2014, at 11 a.m. Interment will follow in the Gibson Cemetery, Bright, Ind. Contributions may be made to the Family to defray funeral costs.
Dolores Emley
Dolores Emley, age 85, of Moores Hill, Ind., passed away Sunday morning , July 20, 2014, at The Waters of Dillsboro following a long illness. Dolores was born Jan. 15, 1929, in Cincinnati to Chester Erb and Elizabeth Lockard Erb. On Sept. 1, 1950, Dolores was united in marriage to Fred Emley, and they were blessed with one son, Edward Emley. Fred served his country in the U.S. Navy for three years, during which Dolores and he lived in Washington D.C., before moving back to Cincinnati. In 1955 Fred joined the Cincinnati Fire Department, where he stayed for 15 years, attaining the rank of Lieutenant. In 1983 Fred and Dolores moved to Moores Hill, Ind., where they purchased a small farm. Dolores was a partner with Fred in these ventures. They purchased a 1953 Chevrolet truck from Schutte’s General Store and began a huckster route selling fruits and veg-
etables in and around the Dillsboro area. They did well for a few years, until the big stores were too much competition for them. Following this stint, they planted 4,200 French Hybrid and American grape vines. With help from Dolores they operated the “Queens Vineyard” for several years. They also traveled the United States selling telephone book covers as advertising. After visiting each state, they decided to return home and be with their son and his family. At the urging of their friend, Dellas Ross, Fred and Dolores started a senior magazine, called “Over 50,” which after several years had a circulation of approximately 50,000. They eventually sold the magazine to the Register Publications. Dolores was active in the women’s auxillary of the Shrine, a cause that was deep in their hearts. On Jan. 31, 2009, her husband, Fred Emley passed away. This left a big void in Dolores’s life and she missed him very much. Two years ago, when her health started to fail, Dolores moved to The Waters of Dillsboro, where she received excellent care. She is survived by her son, Edward Emley and his fiancée Jayne Weber, of St. Leon, Ind.; two grandaughters, Lisa (Eric) Sierra, of Harrison, Ohio, and Eve Emley, of New York; three great-grandchildren, Megan, Nicholas, and Nathan Sierra. The funeral service for Dolores will be Wednesday, July 23, 2014, at noon at The Church of Christ, 11771 Old U.S. 50 in Dillsboro, with the Rev. Otto Conley officiating. She will be laid to rest at South Sparta Cemetery in Moores Hill next to her husband, Fred. Friends may meet her family Wednesday
from 10 a.m. until the time of the service. Arrangements are entrusted to DeVries Funeral Home, Dillsboro. The family suggests memorial tributes in her memory be given to The Shriners Burn Institute.
Ronald Dorman
2014, from noon to 2 p.m. at Fitch-Denney Funeral Home, Greemdale. Funeral services will be held at Fitch-Denney Funeral Home, Thursday, July 24, 2014, at 2 p.m. Interment will follow in the Greendale Cemetery, Greendale, Ind.
ALVEY, PAULINE- 84, Milan, died Friday July 18, 2014. Laws-CarrRonald Scott Dorman, 47, Moore Funeral Home, Milan, is of Greendale, Ind., passed on charge of arrangements. away Saturday, July 19, 2014. He was born Nov. 15, 1966, MINOR, DR. REVA- 72, Branson, in Covington, Ky., son of Mo., died Friday, July 18, 2014. the late Ronald Dorman and Cremations of the Ozarks, Hollister, Mo., is in charge of arConnie (Schmidt) Lischkge. He worked as a mechanic rangements. at Ownes Brockway Inc. He is survived by his DUGAN, LUCILLE- 93, Cincinnati, Ohio, died Friday, July 18, 2014. mother, Connie Lischkge of Jackman Kercheval Meyers FuGreendale, Ind.; grandmothneral Home is in charge of arer, Marie Schmidt of Ryland rangements. Heights, Ky.; son, Andrew Dorman; two daughters, KRAMER, JOYCE ANN- 78, Milan, Megan Dorman, Samantha died Sunday, July 20, 2014. Dorman; stepbrother, Jeff Laws-Carr-Moore Funeral Taylor, and two aunts, Angie Home, Milan, in charge of ar(Gary) Hoskinds, and Brenda rangements. (Louie) Dunn. He was preceded in death MOORE, MAY MARGARET- 91, Milan, by his father, Ronald F. Dor- died Sunday, July 20, 2014 Arman. rangements are pending at Family and friends will be Laws-Carr-Moore Funeral received Thursday, July 24, Home, Milan.
We would like to thank everyone that assisted in any way during the loss of our loved one. Phone calls, flowers, donations, cards, visitation, prayers and condolences. We also greatly appreciated the military service. May God Bless You. The Family of John A. Wright
Public Auction
The following Real Estate will be offered for sale at Public Auction. Located at 223 S Mulberry St, Rising Sun, IN. Watch for auction signs at 4-way intersection of Hwy, 56, High St, Main St and Hwy 262 and on Mulberry St.
The following Personal Property will be offered for sale at Public Auction. Located at 125 S Mulberry St, Rising Sun, IN. Watch for auction signs at intersection ofHwy 56, High St, Main St and Hwy 262 and on Mulberry St.
Friday. July 25. 2014 6:00 o’clock p.m. E.S.D.T.
Saturday. July 26, 2014 10:o0 o’clock a.m. E.S.D.t.
Real Estate: Nice frame home with a 2 car detached garage; fenced in back yard; Alley access. Home has kitchen; Living room; family room; dining room; bedroom; full bath and closed in sun room downstairs. Two additional bedrooms upstairs. New vinyl in kitchen with new refrigerator. stove, washer & dryer. New carpet in most rooms, nice hardwood floors in others. Natural gas heat, central air. Terms on Real Estate: 10% down. non-refundable on day of auction. Balance within 30 days, possession upon closing. Seller will pay the fall installment of real estate taxes; buyer will assume the spring. Seller does reserve the right to reject final bid. To view real estate prior to auction, call owner for appointment.
Antiques & Collectibles: Love seat w /2 matching chairs; stand tables; chifferobe; sm. wardrobe; sm. wooden kitchen cabinet; sewing rocker; desk.; mantel clocks; lamps; umbrella vase; sets of dishes; lots of collectible glassware; sewing basket; Lg. wooden bowl; old hand tools and many other items . Household: Maple table w/ 6 chairs & hutch; maple table w/ 6 chairs & china cabinet; several living room chairs; Jiving room sofa & chair; 2 - TV’s; washer; 2 - (Two) 3 pc bedroom suites and many other household items. Tools & Misc: New Spartan Industrial air compressor; new Spartan contractor pump; Coleman air compressor; 3 pt hitch mowing machine; table saw; bench saw and grinder; vise; lawn cart; hand tools; 2 - panel gates; alum. Extension ladder; log chains and many other items.
Terms: Cash or Checks w/ I.D. Bid # with I.D. OWNERS: Cliff & Regina Shanks 812-438-2181 Auctioneer: Denny Brown • AU01032230 • 812-438-4624
Terms: Cash or Checks w/ I.D. Bid # with I.D. OWNERS: Leroy Guard Auctioneer: Denny Brown • AU01032230 • 812-438-4624
Not Responsible For Accidents. Go to #22149 for pictures
Lunch will be served. Not Responsible For Accidents. Go to #22149 for pictures
Wildlife photographer was people person too animals until they were ready to be on their own, and then send them on their way. They had deer, foxes, birds The late Ron Austing’s of all sorts, opossums, racphotography is featured in coons, and snakes. They even publications world wide, and came home to a lion in their he is revered as a uniquely yard. skilled wildlife photographer “That’s what we always but to some he was special remember growing up, rehabfor reasons entirely different. bing stuff,” said Ronda. Austing, born Aug. 5, “It wasn’t like we were 1931, in Cinout playing cinnati, dediand going on cated his life picnics. We to animals had a refriguntil the day erator full of he died at 82 chicken heads of lymphoma and mice, and on June 18, in your friends his Dillsboro came over home. and opened it For many up, and they years, he lived would slam it in Miami shut.” Whitewater A u s t Forest during always ing his long was one for career as park Ron Austing with screech a joke. “Dad ranger with owls. would ask our the Hamilton friends if they County Park District. wanted mice cream because Just a week after his death, we always had frozen mice in his daughters, Ronda Austing the freezer,” said Ronda. and Beverly “Gigi” Burton, One time, when Louise left sat down to talk about life in Austing in charge of the kids, the Austing household. he pulled out a ladder and put “Priceless, absolutely all them on the roof. Then priceless,” said Ronda, the he took the ladder down and youngest of six children. took their pictures to show His entire life, Austing was her later. devoted to the observation “That was the last time he and rehabilitation of animals. had to babysit,” said Ronda. In third or fourth grade, he Even in the depth of his started keeping a journal, illness, Austing maintained complete with hand drawn good spirits. He never raised pictures, of wildlife near his his voice or snapped at peoCincinnati home. ple around him. Even then, he was saving “I’m not going to say injured animals. His love for thank you all the time when them never faltered. you do something,” he told While still in high school, his kids. “I’m gonna say his first illustrated article was ‘One.’ And I’m not gonna published. At 18, he took a say I love you. That’s two.” job at the Cincinnati Zoo. Whenever someone would Austing’s immersion in do something for him, he’d nature led him to a career say, “One.” as park ranger for 30 years, “And I’m like, what?” said reaching the rank of captain Ronda, “And then he goes, before his resignation. Im- ‘Two,’ and I’d ask him two mediately after, he was ap- what?” pointed the park district’s “Two!” he’d insist, and first wildlife manager, and then Ronda would remember, held the job until he retired. “OK, Dad, I love you back.” He and his wife, LouBeverly would tell him, ise, had six children: The- “Your water will be here if resa Austing, Beverly “Gigi” you want it Dad.” He would Burton, Julie Austing, David respond, “Well where’s it Austing, the late Michael gonna be if I don’t want it?” Austing, and Ronda Austing. They’d ask him, “How do While the family lived at you feel,” and he would pat MWF, Austing never was his skin and reply, “like this.” afraid to take his work home, Austing was devoted to said Beverly and Ronda. his work. He always was at“I loved always having tending to the park or shootthe animals around, the birds. ing wildlife photography. He We had a mountain lion for a especially was dedicated to while to raise,” said Beverly. photographing birds of prey. In the days before the He would spend hours, Cincinnati Zoo’s nursery, the days even, on just one picAustings would raise needy ture. Using scaffolding, he By Patricia Huelseman Harrison Press Staff Reporter
St. Martin Church Annual Festival
License # 134547
8044 York Ridge Rd. Yorkville, IN 47022
Saturday • July 26
Mass - 5:30pm Hamburger Concession Stand Games • Kiddie Land • Quilts • Raffles • Beer Garden Live Music by York Ridge Boys 7:30pm - 11:30pm
Sunday • July 27th
Buffet Style Chicken Dinner 11:30am - 5:00pm Lunch Stand • Games • Raffles Quilts • Country Store • Kiddie Land Beer Garden • Themed Baskets DJ by Makin’ Noise 1:30pm - 9:00pm 5K Country Run Call 812-487-2665 to enter ROUTES TO FESTIVAL: Take I-275 to Lawrenceburg (exit #16). Cross US 50 and follow Rte. #1 (North) to Yorkridge Rd., Guilford (5miles). Left onto Yorkridge Road to Yorkville, about 4 miles to the church. OR I-74 to St. Rte. #1South (3miles) to North Dearborn Rd. (West) to New Alsace, Left onto Yorkridge Road to the church
would create a blind near his target nest so that he could get the perfect shot. Beverly and Ronda remember following him through the woods with piece after piece of scaffolding. They’d bring one down, drop it, and go back for more. “He’d build his towers all the way up to the nest so he could get his shots,” said Ronda. In the early days, before color photography, Austing would take the pictures and Louise and her sister, Johann, would color them in with transparent paints for photographs. Though he did not have any formal photography education, Austing’s work is globally admired. His photos were published in National Geographic, Sports Illustrated, Audubon, National Wildlife, and Ranger Rick, to name a few. His shots often are described as “rare” and “unique,” a testimony to his dedication. He traveled the world, getting shots in many parts of the U.S., Candian Arctic, Ecuador, Galapagos, Mexico, Africa, and India, though his major focus was on Midwestern raptors. Among a plethora of pamphlets and booklets about wildlife, Austing also wrote several books including I Went to the Woods, The World of the Red-Tail Hawk, and The World of the Great Horned Owl. The ladder was turned into a film by Disney. Austing also appeared on the classic game show, To Tell The Truth. He would give school presentations and bring in hawks or owls, the girls remembered. “I couldn’t be more proud of him with all the stuff he’s done,” said Beverly. Though his photography did not translate to his children, his love for animals is a sentiment they all share. For two, that love resulted in career choices. Theresa works in the Bug House at the Cincinnati Zoo, and Ronda owns a dog grooming shop, Ronda’s, in Miami-
Ron Austing was a Dillsboro resident who raised six children along side countless critters, and made a name as a wildlife photographer.
Photos Courtesy of Rich Wagner town, and also works at the Miamitown Pet Hospital. A Memorial service was held for Austing at Miami Whitewater Forest Monday,
June 30 with many matted copies of his photography showcased. “It’s just hard to put into words,” said Ronda. “I
wouldn’t trade a million dollars to have grown up in somebody else’s family. We’ve been blessed.”
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Dearborn County register
theJOURNALpress Protecting Indiana’s agricultural heritage Erika Schmidt Russell, Editor Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus CONTACT REGISTER PUBLICATIONS: Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 / P.O. Box 4128 / (812) 537-0063 USPS 037-880
A knight in shining armor rides to the rescue in the tomato war
I was having my cof- he can’t have more than fee one morning on the two pair.” back porch when the first “Do not discount Lilone hit me and the next lian’s contribution,” said two came in rapid order. I Maria. wiped my face and dabbed Lillian did have a great at my bathrobe and told many shoes, but the barMaria, “Homer is throw- rage ended by ten o’clock ing tomatoes again.” at which time I decided to He always started in have a yard sale consistJuly, when the bumper ing entirely of shoes and crop was coming in. He had filled the fridge with and his 12 kids ate the en- tomatoes. We had eggs to tire crop up through June, return, which I did. but in July they were just That night, as Maria overwhelmed. and I lay abed, we Lillian, Homer’s C.G. could hear sounds wife, didn’t eat SCAVOLA of sawing and tomatoes, which hammering and is odd when you see the flickerthink about the rest of ing lights of arc-welding the family eating them, from over the fence. Maria but even with her scarf- said such did not augur ing they would have been well and I was inclined to overwhelmed. agree, so the next morning They had a roadside I woke early to perk the stand for a time and sold coffee before the festivitheir overage to the people ties got started. who stopped. Then the I was having my first county stepped in and said cup when the cannon barthey did not have proper rel nosed over the fence, permits and such, so they shifted itself right and left started to throw the to- then up and down and fimatoes at the people who nally fired a tomato at the drove by the place at the henhouse. The hens were curb where their stand had not amused as the tomato been. The sheriff put a entered a window on one stop to that. end of the house and came Homer cut down on his out the other with two crop the next year, plant- chickens atop it. ing it half tomatoes and Maria was not amused, half squash. But Lillian either, and she went to her was the only one who ate workshop in the basement squash and the rest of the as the barrage continued. family said the squash By the time Homer had made the tomatoes taste fired his day’s supply of funny, so the next season ammunition it was a sure it was back to all toma- thing the hens would not toes. lay for a week and I should That’s when Homer have closed the shutters started to throw them at on the house, because we the neighbors. Three years were going to need to rehad gone by and I was paint and order new furtired of it and his aim was niture. That’s when Maria getting better. So when the emerged. first tomatoes hit me, I put I told her it was the my new emergency action quietest suit of armor I plan to work. had ever seen because “Don’t do it,” Maria had it had not clanked when counseled. “It will only she climbed the baseegg him on.” ment stair. She smiled and That was a joke, of kissed me, forgetting she course, because I began was wearing a helmet. to fling the overage eggs When I came to the pofrom our henhouse at lice had a water cannon Homer’s place, that very working on Maria, but she morning. The tomatoes was still standing, which stopped. That night and is more than could be said the next day brought an for Homer’s workshop uneasy and eerie silence and one end of his house. while I waited for the The tomato garden was other shoe to drop. also a thing of the past. It dropped early the Homer’s kids were next morning, while I was flinging what was left of still waiting for the coffee the tomatoes at Maria, to perk, and it dropped but turned on me when I through the window, a poked my head over the shoe with a tomato in it. fence. The police turned This was a good and a the water cannon in my bad thing. It broke the direction, too, which gave window, but the shoe left Maria a chance to use her the tomato unharmed (un- crossbow to puncture their like the unshod tomatoes water line. which previously had As the police stood been flung) and so I ate watching their water turn the tomato with my ham from powerful stream to and sausage and it was sputtering spurt and the pretty good. kids ran out of tomatoes, Maria was quick to Homer and I stood looking point out that we could at each other. He smiled probably import a great and shrugged and I did the many tasty tomatoes for same. Then Lillian raised the price of replacing all a fist and shouted, “Next the windows in the house, year, we plant pumpkins!” but I outsmarted Homer Maria raised the visor and opened all the win- on her helmet and told me, dows the next morning “George, rebuild the hen before I flung the overage house, but make it bigeggs. I had two tomatoes ger. Next year, we collect with my ham and sausage goose eggs.” and put six more in the The sheriff chief sat fridge yet counted nary a down on the curb and broken window. So I flung began to sob while Homsome more eggs just be- er’s kids flung three-yearfore it got full-dark. old squash at him. “He has got to run out Copyright 2014, Robert A. of shoes sometime soon,” Markwalter. For more from C.G. I told Maria as we lay Scavola and Bob Markwalter, visit in bed that night. “Those, home of the kids never wear any and Stray Lake Signal-Gazette.
With the 4-H fairs in full swing, I what a strong agricultural state we live wanted to take this opportunity to talk in. However, did you know that Indiana about agriculture. Since Indiana became imports nearly 90 percent of its food? a state back in 1816, agriculture has When we began discussing this legplayed a vital role in our liveliislation and that number was hood. presented to me, I nearly did For those who are not from not believe it, but it gave me Indiana, our state is practically even more of a reason to want synonymous with corn and even to be a part of something which our capital city lies surrounded allowed Indiana to showcase by flat, rich farmland. the strength of its agriculture As you can imagine, this industry. lends itself to a General AsBy promoting local goods sembly filled with strong agriand helping connect producers culture advocates, myself inwith local vendors, Indiana will cluded. Just this past session, RANDY join what several other states we had nine bills successfully have already done quite sucpass out of the House Commit- FRYE cessfully. For instance, South tee on Agriculture and Rural Carolina developed the CertiDevelopment, each benefiting fied South Carolina program our rural communities in a different way. and has since seen $265 million in new One noteworthy example was House economic value in addition to $23 milEnrolled Act (HEA) 1039 which created lion in new tax revenue. the Indiana Grown Commission. State leaders are constantly looking This commission will be comprised of for ways to further boost our already Indiana residents and marketing experts, strong economy, and this provides a as well as representatives from the agri- way to do that with resources we already culture industry, local retailers, farmers’ have readily at our disposal. markets and restaurants who will meet We also passed legislation this session quarterly to come up with new ways to that allows students to be excused from market and promote Indiana produced school for up to five days if they, or a agricultural products. member of their household, is participatGiven our district’s landscape, I am ing in the State Fair. confident that you already understand Our thought behind crafting this legis-
lation was that we did not want students, especially those interested in agriculture, to be discouraged from competing in the State Fair due to conflicts with the school calendar. According to the Department of Education, 99 percent of all Indiana schools have a start date in August or before, which means there are very few schools that do not overlap with the State Fair. If students are not granted an excused absence to participate in fair activities, there is a chance they could have to forgo a project they worked long and hard on, in addition to forgoing the educational knowledge they could obtain by participating in the fair. The 4-H program has been a part of Indiana for a long time, and student participation affords them a significant educational opportunity that cannot be learned from a textbook. In fact, for some this may even be training for their future career. I hope that you will join me in supporting our Hoosier homegrown agriculture, and I look forward to seeing you soon at one of our local 4-H fairs! 67th District Rep. Randy Frye, RGreensburg, represents Ohio and Switzerland counties, as well as portions of Ripley, Decatur, Jennings, Jefferson and Dearborn counties.
LETTERS Redefining marriage not about equality, but redefining sin
Editor, Brian Howey’s opinion about redefining marriage should not go unchallenged. It is not an issue of equality, but a campaign (some say a devil inspired campaign) to redefme marriage. I believe it is preposterous to use the 14th Amendment, Section 1 to defend the redefining of marriage. Do you really believe that the people who supported and voted for that amendment had any idea that it would be twisted to redefine God’s definition of marriage? Which holy book of any major religion that believes in a creator teaches that homosexual behavior is not a sin. It’s always referred to as bad behavior or an abomination. Who believes that murder, theft, rape, and other bad behaviors deserve the status that good behavior has under the law? While it is true that some theologians believe their god gave them the right to rewrite the Bible or other holy book to accommodate their personal feelings, most religious people oppose that kind of arrogance. The Hand of Providence that most of our founding fathers referred to was the Hand of the Christian God. The values and virtues taught to us by the God of the Bible are the base degrees by which this country became great in the eyes of world. Many are now scorning those base degrees. The loss of greatness that America is now experiencing parallels the decline in morality so prevalent today. That includes the attitude toward homosexual behavior. Yes, respect for Christianity and its teachings is declining just as respect for our country is declining. We never
were and never should be a theocracy, but the relationship between our government and the Christian religion as our standard of values is imperative for our survival as a healthy nation. Many major newspapers, electronic news agencies, and Hollywood celebrities have become mouthpieces to support the redefining of marriage. The enemy of God has also won over many federal judges. Who came up with the idea that the founding documents of this nation inform us that among the unalienable rights endowed to us by our Creator is the right to defy the teachings of our Creator? Recently in Utah two federal judges ruled that the state’s ban on polygamy was unconstitutional. In North Dakota a man who is a partner in a “same sex marriage” in a state where that is legal has been granted a license to marry a female in a traditional marriage in North Dakota where “same sex marriages” are illegal. Is this man a bigamist or a polygamist and will a federal judge rule that a ban on this arrangement is unconstitutional? In Massachusetts three females are in one relationship they call a “marriage.” In Georgia five people (three males and two females) are in such a relationship. Representing a small percentage of the population, the homosexual lobby and its many influential mouthpieces have been trying to convince us that redefining marriage will have no negative effects on the social structure of our nation. The examples cited above make it perfectly clear that it is dramatically destructive to society. Most people know that the traditional family is the essential foundation for any healthy society. The great mouthpieces are trying to convince everyone that the only talented people in the workforce are homosexuals and their demands must be met.
The homosexual lobby is following a familiar pattern. First they plead for tolerance; then they insist on equality; and finally they want dominance. They are forcing the resignations of organizational leaders who in any way support God’s definition of marriage. They wage campaigns to stigmatize and try to damage the reputations of influential people who dare to state an opposing view. The great mouthpieces demand that Biblical points of view be stricken from any public forum. Is it you, me, or God? Who defines morality? Who defines marriage? God’s Word is trying to warn us. In Lev. 18:22,24; 20:13; I Cor. 6:9-20; and 1 Tim. 1 : 10 we are warned that homosexual behavior is an abomination. In Romans 1 we learn in verse 22 “While claiming to be wise, they became fools.” In verse 25 we read “These people have exchanged God’s truth for a lie.” Verses 26, 27, and 28 reveal to us “For this reason God allowed their shameful passions to control them. Their women have exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. Likewise their men have given up natural sexual relations with women and bum with lusts for each other. And because they thought it was worthless to acknowledge God, God allowed their indecent minds to control them. So they do these indecent things.” “The wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men.” (Psalm 12: 8) Christians know that it is right to love the sinner, but that does not mean condoning the sin. Condoning sin is also a sin. America needs to be reawakened to the truth before God decides that our hardened hearts will condemn us because we adamantly refuse to acknowledge Him and the truth of His Holy Word. John A. Rahe Aurora, Ind.
THEY WORK FOR YOU Have something to say about the recent federal government shutdown? Is there a state issue sticking in your craw? Here is contact information for national and state lawmakers.
U.S. Government The President
Barack Obama, D: 1-202-456-1414, The
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. 20500. Term runs through 2016.
U.S. House, Sixth District
Luke Messer, R:1-202-225-3021 508 Cannon House
State Government Governor
Mike Pence, R: 1-317-232-4567; Statehouse,
Room 206, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.
Lt. Governor
Sue Ellspermann, R: 1-317-232-4545; State-
house, Room 333, Indianapolis, IN 46204. Term runs through 2016.
Office Building, Washington D.C. 20515. Indiana offices: 107 W. Charles St., Muncie, IN 47305; phone: 765-747-5566; Senate, 43rd District Richmond Municipal Building, 50 N. 5th St., Richmond, IN Johnny Nugent, R: 537-0628; 523 W. Eads Park47374; phone: 765-962-2883; 2 Public Square, Shelbyville, IN way, U.S. 50, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. Indianapolis: 1-317-23246176; phone: 317-421-0704. District is composed of Dear9541 or 1-800-382-9467; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Inborn, Ohio, Ripley, Franklin, Jennings, Jefferson, Bartholomew, Decatur, dianapolis, IN 46204. The 43rd District is composed of parts of Shelby, Rush, Fayette, Union, Wayne, Hancock, Henry, Randolph and Dearborn, Ripley, Decatur and Jennings counties, and all of Ohio Delaware counties, and part of Scott County. Term runs through 2014. County. Term runs through 2014.
U.S. Senate
Dan Coats, R: 1-202-224-5623; fax: 1-202-
Statehouse, 67th District
Randy Frye, R: Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9841; e228-1820. 493 Russell Office Building, Washington, D.C. mail; Statehouse, 200 W. Washington St., Indianapo20510-1403. Indiana: 1-317-554-0750; 1650 Market Tower, lis, IN 46204. The newly redrawn 67th House District is composed 10 W. Market St., Indianapolis, IN 46204; or 1-812-218-2317. of parts of Dearborn, Ripley, Jennings, Decatur and Jefferson coun1201 E/ 10th St., Suite 106, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Term runs ties, and all of Ohio and Switzerland counties. Term runs through 2014. through 2014. Statehouse, 68th District Joe Donnelly, D: 1-202-224-5011; 720 Hart Jud McMillin: 1033 Cliff St., Brookville, IN 47012; Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510; 10 West Market Indianapolis: 1-800-382-9842; Statehouse, 200 W. WashingSt., Suite 1180, Indianapolis, IN 46204, phone: 1-317-226ton St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. The 68th House District is composed of most of Dearborn County, all of Franklin Coun5555; 205 West Colfax Ave., South Bend, IN 46601, phone: ty, and part of Union County. Term runs through 2014. 1-574-288-2780. Term runs through 2018.
page 5
The journal-press
Thursday, September TUESDAY, JULY 22, 201427, 2012
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 22269 State Line Road, Lawrenceburg. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of MILLER TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of MILLER TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of MILLER TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, MILLER TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of MILLER TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing: 8/25/2014 Time of Public Hearing: 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place: 22269 State Line Road, Lawrenceburg Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/4/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting: 1:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place: 22269 State Line Road, Lawrenceburg Estimated Civil Max Levy: 5,825 Estimated Fire Max Levy: 149,931
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 7386 E Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 9/23/2014 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place 7386 E Laughery Creek Road, Aurora Date of Adoption Hearing 10/14/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place 7386 E Laughery Creek Road, Aurora Estimated Civil Max Levy 19,666 Estimated Fire Max Levy 22,383 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 23,800 19,000 17,985 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 12,400 2,000 1,164 FIRE 30,000 24,000 21,768 TOTAL 66,200 45,500 90,917 C-7-22-JP-2t 49866 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
Fund Name
Budget Estimate
Max.Estimated Funds to be raised (Including appeals & levies exempt from max. levy limitations) 4,800 1,800 151,000 157,600 C-7-22-JP-2t C-7-24-R-2t
27,250 15,450 190,000 232,700
Excessive Levy Appeal(included in Column 3)
Current Tax Levy 3,833 1,533 145,661 151,027 hspaxlp
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 8020 Yorkridge Road, Guilford. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of YORK TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of YORK TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of YORK TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, YORK TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of YORK TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 9/29/2014 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place 8020 Yorkridge Road, Guilford Date of Adoption Hearing 10/20/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place 8020 Yorkridge Road, Guilford Estimated Civil Max Levy 6,297 Estimated Fire Max Levy 19,216
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 8948 State Road 262, Dillsboro. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of CLAY TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of CLAY TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of CLAY TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, CLAY TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of CLAY TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing: 9/13/2014 Time of Public Hearing: 8:00 am Public Hearing Place: 13030 Executive Drive Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/11/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting: 9:00 am Adoption Meeting Place: 13030 Executive Drive Estimated Civil Max Levy: 16,277 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 26,920 13,000 8,903 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 9,500 8,000 6,904 FIRE 50,940 51,000 47,623 TOTAL 87,360 72,000 63,430 C-7-22-JP-2t 49834 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
Fund Name
Budget Estimate
13,126 2,380 20,281 35,787
Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy to be raised (Including Appeal(included appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) 3,500 5,000 21,000 29,500 C-7-22-JP-2t C-7-24-R-2t
Current Tax Levy 2,471 3,615 18,672 24,758 hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 29819 Trackville Road, Brookville. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of JACKSON TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of JACKSON TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of JACKSON TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, JACKSON TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of JACKSON TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing: 8/12/2014 Time of Public Hearing: 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place: 29819 Trackville Road, Brookville Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/7/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting: 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place: 29819 Trackville Road, Brookville Estimated Civil Max Levy: 8,005 Estimated Civil Fire Levy: 17,189 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 15,490 7,300 6,206 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 4,000 2,000 1,570 FIRE 22,500 19,000 16,674 TOTAL 41,990 28,300 24,450 C-7-22-JP-2t 49982 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 28866 Post 464, Brookville. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of KELSO TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of KELSO TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of KELSO TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, KELSO TOWNSHIP shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of KELSO TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 8/14/2014 Time of Public Hearing 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place 28866 Post 464, Brookville Date of Adoption Hearing 10/23/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place 28866 Post 464, Brookville Estimated Civil Max Levy 8,056 Estimated Fire Max Levy 10,569 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 11,465 6,100 5,379 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 2,500 3,000 2,436 FIRE 12,000 12,000 10,295 TOTAL 25,965 21,100 18,110 C-7-22-JP-2t 49979 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 501 Manchester Street, Aurora. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of CENTER TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of CENTER TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of CENTER TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, CENTER TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of CENTER TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing: 9/11/2014 Time of Public Hearing: 7:00 pm Public Hearing Place: 501 Manchester Street, Aurora Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/9/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting: 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place: 501 Manchester Street, Aurora Estimated Civil Max Levy: 23,844 Estimated Fire Max Levy: 16,444 1 2 3 4 5 Maximum Estimated funds to be raised Excessive Levy Current Fund Name Budget (including appeals and Appeals (included Tax Levy Estimate levies exempt from in Column 3) maximum levy limitations) GENERAL 20,306 10,500 13,272 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 24,600 15,000 9,869 29,000 20,200 15,967 FIRE Total 73,906 45,700 39,108 C-7-22-JP-2t 49835 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 100 Railroad Avenue, West Harrison. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of WEST HARRISON CIVIL TOWN will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 8/11/2014 Time of Public Hearing 6:30 pm Public Hearing Place 100 Railroad Avenue, West Harrison Date of Adoption Hearing 10/13/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 6:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place 100 Railroad Avenue, West Harrison Estimated Civil Max Levy 93,934 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 147,503 96,000 92,991 LOCAL ROAD & STREET 4,000 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 14,050 RIVERBOAT 300,000 TOTAL 465,553 96,000 92,991 C-7-22-JP-2t 49847 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 13030 Executive, Dillsboro. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of DILLSBORO CIVIL TOWN will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 9/8/2014 Time of Public Hearing 6:30 pm Public Hearing Place Dillsboro Town Hall, 13030 Executive, Dillsboro Date of Adoption Hearing 10/13/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 6:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place Dillsboro Town Hall, 13030 Executive, Dillsboro Estimated Civil Max Levy 195,340 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 281,850 197,000 187,571 LOCAL ROAD & STREET 12,000 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 50,000 CUMULATIVE FIRE SPECIAL 9,000 4,169 3,269 PARKS & RECREATION 10,000 4,000 CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMP (CIG TAX) RIVERBOAT 500,000 TOTAL 866,850 201,169 190,840 C-7-22-JP-2t 49893 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 16907 Manchester Street, Moores Hill, IN 47032. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of SPARTA TOWNSHIP, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of SPARTA TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of SPARTA TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, SPARTA TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of SPARTA TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing: 8/04/2014 Time of Public Hearing: 4:00 pm Public Hearing Place: 16907 Manchester Street, Moores Hill, IN 47032 Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/20/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting: 4:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place: 16907 Manchester Street, Moores Hill, IN 47032 Estimated Civil Max Levy: 16,895 1 2 Fund Name GENERAL TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE
Budget Estimate
26,530 15,000 FIRE 21,100 CUMULATIVE FIRE (TOWNSHIP) 100,000 Total 162,630
Estimated Fire Max Levy: 14,471 3 4 Maximum Estimated funds to be raised Excessive Levy (including appeals and Appeals (included levies exempt from in Column 3) maximum levy limitations) 13,000 5,000 16,000 21,565 55,565 C-7-22-JP-2t C-7-24-R-2t
5 Current Tax Levy 11,448 4,999 14,080 20,930 51,457 hspaxlp
34th annual St. Martin's 5K Sunday Staff Report YORKVILLE – The pastoral northern Dearborn County Catholic parish, which dates back to 1852, may now be part of the All Saints Church consolidation. But Yorkville's St. Martin's 5K Country Run - part of the popular St. Martin Church Festival - will extend its tradition for a 34th consecutive year Sunday. Dearborn County's longest-running road race is scheduled for a 9:30 a.m. start Sunday, rain or shine. It was a gruelling 8K (4.8mile) circuit, from Yorkville to New Alsace and back, for the first 28 years of the race's existence. The 3.1-mile course starts in front of St. Martin's Church, proceeding north on York Ridge Road and doubling back. The fast course completely follows asphalt roads, with some small hills. Race day registration will be $10, starting at 8:30 a.m. Official race t-shirts will be available for an extra $10. Trophies and awards will be presented to the overall men's and women's winners, plus the top three finishers in each age group for men and women, including 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and over. St. Martin's signature Most Improved Runner award also will be presented. Candidates must have completed the 2013 race and be pre-registered to qualify. An award for the top Masters runner also will be given. Modern restroom facilities will be available in the parish hall before and after the race. Water will be available at the start-finish line and on the course during the race. Split times will be given at each mile. Defending St. Martin's Country 5K Run winners from the 2013 race include men's overall champion Jordan Brown (18:15), a May graduate of East Central High School, and women's winner Alexandra Stevens (20:25). Top Masters runner a year ago was Aurora's Jim Rector, with the Most Improved Runner award going to Tony Mapes. For more information contact race directors Joe Rauch at (812) 623-2097 or Theresa and Mark Widolff at (812) 487-2665.
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2014
Way to go (again) Joe! Rector, Andi, Cannon win 2nd SIRC-it races Staff Report BROOKVILLE – Hanover College cross country and track and field recruit Joe Rector, of Aurora, won his second consecutive Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit (SIRC-it) title in Saturday's Lakeside 5K Run event at Franklin County High School. So did women's division 5K Run winner Lisa Andi, as well as 5K Walk overall winner Bill Cannon, both of West Harrison. Rector, 18, a May graduate of South Dearborn High School, clocked the winning time of 17:42 on a perfect cool, overcast morning for running on Lakeside 5K's second year of following its 3.1-mile Brookville street course. The lanky blond youngster won the 2013 Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit overall leaderboard title with a combined time of 1:27.08 for all five 5K races. Runner-up Justin Noppert, 38, of Lawrenceburg, third finisher in the previous weekend's Trojan Trot 5K SIRCit series kickoff, came in at 18:12 Saturday. Working mom Lisa Andi, 32, women's 5K Run champion in four of the five SIRC-
Lawrenceburg's Lindsay McFelea, 26, finished second overall in the 5K walk as women's division champion in a time of 38:50. Saturday's fifth annual Lakeside 5K Run/Walk came off with few hitches, despite the fact that Brookville Middle School CC coach John Jackson had just 21 days to prepare in advance – due to coaching changes, vacation conflicts, etc. Lakeside 5K PHOTOS BY JIM BUCHBERGER/Journal-Press Run men's age Aurora's 18-year old Joe Rector, who'll group winners continue his running career at Hanover Saturday includCollege this fall, won his second SIRC-it ed: Adam Grant (10), Drew Canseries race in as many weeks in Saturday's fifth annual Lakeside 5K Run at non (12), AuroBrookville, posting a top time of 17:42. ra's Sam Rector (14), Dillsboro's it races in a breakout sea- Sean Groves (16), Joe Recson a year ago, followed last tor, Derrick Moster (21), week's 19:08 winning time at West Harrison's Joe Paul St. Leon with a 19:03, finish- (27), Noppert, Jim Cole (43), ing fifth overall among a field Aurora native Ronnie McAlof 114 runners at Brookville. lister (49), West Harrison's Cannon, 48, topped a slim Mike Hamilton (53), Steven field of eight race walkers Kelts (57), Stephen Stoll with a 31:43 effort. Cannon (61), Wayne Doehlman Sr. swept all five SIRC-it 5K (69) and grandpa Jim Rector walk races in 2012. (73), of Aurora, who contin-
West Harrison mom Lisa Andi won her secondstraight 2014 SIRC-it series 5K Run women's race title with a 19:03 time Saturday at Brookville.
Bill Cannon of West Harrison, who swept all five SIRC-it series 5K Walk races in 2012, won his second 2014 walk title in two weeks in Saturday's Lakeside 5K.
ued to battle through injuries. Lakeside 5K Run women's age group winners were: West Harrison's Kyla Ryan (9), Josie Selm (11), Megan Cole (13), Lawrenceburg's Sarah Ruehl (16), Isabella Gramaglia (17), Guilford's Sarah Oehlman (21), Kelli McFadden (28), Andi, Rachel Pietrykowski (37), Lawrenceburg's Kelly Schoenefeld (44), Cindy Batta (47), LeeAnn Beiser (52), Hamilton's Sherry Hyden (60), Linda Borgman (65) and Guilford's Arlene Wilgenbusch (72). Masters runner Doehlman, of Fairfield, Ohio, was Lakeside's 5K Run winner on the basis of age-graded results, with his 21:51 time, which finished a respectable 21st overall, a full 79.76 percent of the World Masters Athletics top time for his men's 65-69 division. That ranks Doehlman just shy of the 80 percent National Class for Masters athletes. Women's 5K Walk age group winners Saturday were McFelea (20-29), Lawrenceburg's Connie Mitchell (4049) and Belinda Arthur (50 & up). Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit's 2014 series continues with next Saturday's inaugural Shiner Dash 5K Run/Walk at Rising Sun High School. On-line entry and complete information is available
Todd wins NHRA Mile-High Top Fuel title Staff Report MORRISON, Colorado – Lawrenceburg's J.R. Todd earned his first Top Fuel win of the season and first since 2008 Sunday at the Mopar Mile-High Nationals at Bandimere Speedway. Todd, driver of the Team Optima Batteries dragster, trailed Brittany Force at the start of the final elimination run. Winner of the 2006 Auto Club Road to the Future award, as the NHRA's topperforming rookie driver, he was able to defeat the driver of the Castrol Edge dragster with a run of 3.878 seconds at 317.87 miles per hour, besting Force's 3.968 at 297.35. It was the second career win at Bandimere Speedway for Todd, who claimed his first career NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series win at the facility in 2006. His last previous NHRA Top Fuel division champion-
L a s t weekend in the Mopar N H R A Mile-High Nationals, Todd defeated Terry McMillan, Steve Torrence, and Larry Dixon in elmination runs en route to the final round. “These things are hard to come by whether you are fullNHRA MEDIA time or partLawrenceburg's own J.R. Todd is all smiles after his first NHRA Top Fuel time,” said win since 2008 in Sunday's Mopar Mile-High Nationals at Bandimere Todd, who Speedway, near Denver, Colorado. returned to racing fullship came at Dallas, Texas, Upped his Top Fuel career in 2008, ending a record- wins to eight in 10 final round time this season, for dragbreaking win streak by Tony appearances. He has recorded racing legend Connie KalitSchumacher. a career-best elapsed time of ta's racing team, at the AmaSon of Mario and Kim 3.747 seconds and speed of lie Motor Oil Gatornationals at Gainesville, Fla., March Todd, Lawrenceburg, J.R. 325.30 miles per hour.
13-16. “I knew at the time I got the opportunity to drive for the Kalitta group it was probably the best opportunity I was ever going to have to win one of these things.” With the victory, Todd moves from 10th in season Top Fuel points to the eighth with only four races left until the Countdown to the Championship, scheduled for Sept. 12-14 at Zmax Dragway in Charlotte, N.C. “I’m pretty solid now, but I want a cushion,” Todd continued. “I want to make the Countdown because after that, anything can happen. “We were fortunate enough to put a little distance on the guys behind us and gain on the ones in front of us.” Robert Hight (Funny Car), Allen Johnson (Pro Stock) and Andrew Hines (Pro Stock Motorcycle) were winners in their respective categories at the NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series event outside of Denver.
Fans were lined up outside the Lawrenceburg Speedway main gate early Saturday evening to witness the popular Night of Destruction thrill show, which featured a variety of motorized mayhem, including monster truck freestyle, school bus races, the mini-van demolition derby, rollover contest, Hornet cars enduro racing, and more.
The driver of this souped-up entry in Saturday night's Night of Destruction school bus races at Lawrenceburg Speedway had to contend with a flat right front tire, as well as the rest of the field, in the well-atttended fan-favorite thrill event, held on the track's 3/8-mlle high-banked oval.
5th Annual LAKESIDE 5K RUN/WALK Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit 2014 Race No. 2 Saturday, July 19 At Franklin County H.S., Brookville
5K RUN (3.1 miles) OVERALL MALE WINNER 1. Joe Rector, 18, Aurora, 17:42 OVERALL FEMALE WINNER 5. Lisa Andi, 32, West Harrison, 19:03 Top 10 finishers: 1. Joe Rector, 18, Aurora, 17:42 2. Justin Noppert, 38, Lawrenceburg, 18:12 3. Dustin Beach, 17, Dillsboro, 18:35 4. Sean Groves, 16, Dillsboro, 18:54 5. Lisa Andi, 32, West Harrison, 19:03 7. Michael Bradley, 17, Holton, 19:22 8. Alex Pruitt, 15, Lawrenceburg, 19:25 9. Ronnie McAllister, 49, Batesville, 19:26
10. Sean Gish, 18, Lawrenceburg, 19:31 6. Jim Cole, 43, Versailles, 19:19 Top 10 female finishers: 5. Lisa Andi, 32, West Harrison, 19:03 17. Megan Cole, 13, Versailles, 21:21 18. Sarah Oehlman, 21, Guilford, 21:45 20. Kelly Schoenefeld, 44, Lawrenceburg, 21:49 25. Kelli House, 34, Connersville, 22:39 27. Isabella Gramaglia, 17, Versailles, 22:48 30. Kelli McFadden, 28, Cleves, Ohio, 23:01 32. Kate Tekulve, 30, Oldenburg, 23:07 33. Ashley Harnishfeger, 17, Batesville, 23:21 34. Megan Hay, 17, Lawrenceburg, 24:12 Age group winners: MEN UNDER 11 – 38. Adam Grant, 10, Laurel, 27:38 MEN 11-12 – 43. Drew Cannon, 12, West Harrison, 28:18 MEN 13-14 – 20. Sam Rector, 14, Aurora, 22:08 MEN 15-16 - 4. Sean Groves, 16, Dillsboro, 18:54 MEN 17-19 - 1. Joe Rector, 18, Aurora, 17:42
WHAT’S GOING ON Ongoing events Cross Eyed Riders #752, Christian Motorcyclists Association meets the first Friday of the month at 7 p.m. for food and fellowship. Meeting held at The Gathering Place, 1932 Jamison Road, Bright, Ind. Call 513-2189707 or 513-574-6550 or email for directions or other information. Hillforest Museum Open For Tours- The 1855 Victorian home of Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Fifth Street, Aurora offers guided tours Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is $6 - 14 and up, $3 for students (ages 7-13), and children 6 and under are free. An exhibit entitled Bags, Bonnets, & Bloomers...a Victorian Lady’s Secret” features antique hats, purses, and ladies unmentionables from Hillforest’s private collection. For information call 812-9260087 or visit We The Hoosiers meet monthly, the second Thursday at the Lawrenceburg Fire House at 7 p.m. The Dearborn County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors meets monthly on the second Thursday at 8 a.m. at the USDA Service Center, 10729 Randall Avenue, Aurora, in the Aurora Industrial Park, four miles west of Aurora. All interested persons are welcome to attend. Bright Farmers Market will host Jim McBride and his one man band on Friday, Aug. 15 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy the market, bring a lawn chair and be entertertained. On Fridays, Aug. 15 and Sept. 12 we will have Molly from the Dearborn Recy-
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER TUESDAY, JULY 22, 201427, 2012 MEN 20-24 – 14. Derrick Moster, 21, Brookville, 20:22 MEN 25-29 – 34. Joe Paul, 27, West Harrison, 26:09 MEN 35-39 - 2. Justin Noppert, 38, Lawrenceburg, 18:12 MEN 40-44 - 6. Jim Cole, 43, Versailles, 19:19 MEN 45-49 – 8. Ronnie McAllister, 49, Batesville, 19:26 MEN 50-54 – 27. Mike Hamilton, 53, West Harrison, 25:21 MEN 55-59 – 55. Steven Kelts, 57, Batesville, 35:28 MEN 60-64 – 26. Stephen Stoll, 61, Harrison, Ohio, 24:56 MEN 65-59 – 17. Wayne Doehlman Sr., 69, Fairfield, Ohio, 21:51 MEN 70 & UP – 48. Jim Rector, 73, Aurora, 29:30 WOMEN UNDER 11 – 21. Kyla Ryan, 9, West Harrison, 26:40 WOMEN 11-12 – 34. Josie Selm, 11, Brookville, 30:42 WOMEN 13-14 - 17. Megan Cole, 13, Versailles, 21:21 WOMEN 15-16 – 14. Sarah Ruehl, 16, Law-
renceburg, 24:55 WOMEN 17-19 - 27. Isabella Gramaglia, 17, Versailles, 22:48 WOMEN 20-24 - 18. Sarah Oehlman, 21, Guilford, 21:45 WOMEN 25-29 - 30. Kelli McFadden, 28, Cleves, Ohio, 23:01 WOMEN 30-34 - 5. Lisa Andi, 32, West Harrison, 19:03 WOMEN 35-39 – 16. Rachel Pietrykowski, 37, Madison, 26:07 WOMEN 40-44 - 20. Kelly Schoenefeld, 44, Lawrenceburg, 21:49 WOMEN 45-49 – 19. Cindy Batta, 47, Harrison, Ohio, 26:27 WOMEN 50-54 – 32. LeeAnn Beiser, 52, Metamora, 29:55 WOMEN 60-64 – 38. Sherry Hyden, 60, Hamilton, Ohio, 24:51 WOMEN 65-69 – 45. Linda Borgman, 65, Batesville, 36:05 WOMEN 70 & UP – 46. Arlene Wilgenbusch, 72, Guilford, 36:06 TOTAL MALE FINISHERS: 58 TOTAL FEMALE FINISHERS: 56 TOTAL RUNNERS: 114 5K WALK (3.1 miles)
east of Sunman. For additional information about the program, contact DCRTA President Denise Kaffenberger, 812-537-3520, or Educator Grant/Award Chair Betty Bourquein, 812-934-4454.
cling center. Stop by to chat and learn the lastest on recycling. She willl be there approximately 3 to 6:30 p.m. The market is located at the intersection of State Friday, July 25, Line Rds and Salt Fork in the Saturday, July 26 Presbyterian Church parking lot Bright Community Festival every Friday from 3 to 6:30 p.m. At Bright Firehouse #1, Salt Fork All is weather permiting. For Road, Bright. Bright Parade • 3 more information contact Linda p.m. Saturday Johnson 812-637-3898 Friday, July 25Summer Display City of Spires Museum, 111 Fifth Sunday, July 27 Street in Aurora announces the The Rivertown Players presents theme for this summer’s display: Lerner & Loewe’s, Brigadoon The Historic Churches of Aurora. July 25, 26, and 27, 7 p.m. at Artifacts and old pictures from Lawrenceburg High School. $10 the churches will be on view Adults, $8 under $17. Tickets along with brief histories of the available at www.rivertownplaycongregations. City of Spires will or 812-532-3078 be open on the first and third NOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS July 26 Sundays of July, August, and WITHSaturday, DISABILITIES ACT the requirements September from 1 In to accordance 4 p.m. and with Sunday, July 27 of title II of the Americans with of 1990 ("ADA"), also by appointment, and there is Disabilities St. MartinAct Church Annual Festthe City of Lawrenceburg will not discriminate against no charge. Call 812-926-0944 for 8044 York Ridge Rd., Yorkville, qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of information. Saturday, July 26:orMass-5:30 disability in its services, programs, activities.
OVERALL MALE WINNER 1. Bill Cannon, 48, West Harrison, 31:43 OVERALL FEMALE WINNER 2. Lindsay McFelea, 26, Lawrenceburg, 38:50 Top 8 finishers: 1. Bill Cannon, 48, West Harrison, 31:43 2. Lindsay McFelea, 26, Lawrenceburg, 38:50 3. Belinda Arthur, 56, New Palestine, 48:53 4. Marty Ryan, 45, West Harrison, 49:20 5. Connie Mitchell, 49, Lawrenceburg, 49:21 6. Brenda Bruns, 55, Lawrenceburg, 49:37 7. Jamie Gish, 49, Lawrenceburg, 50:07 8. Laura Priebe, 45, Lawrenceburg, 50:11 Age group winners: MEN 40-49 - 1. Bill Cannon, 48, West Harrison, 31:43 WOMEN 20-29 - 2. Lindsay McFelea, 26, Lawrenceburg, 38:50 WOMEN 40-49 - 5. Connie Mitchell, 49, Lawrenceburg, 49:21 WINEB 50 & UP - 3. Belinda Arthur, 56, New Palestine, 48:53 TOTAL MALE FINISHERS -2 TOTAL FEMALE FINISHERS-6 TOTAL WALKERS-8
Shiner Dash 5K Run/Walk debuts on SIRC Saturday Staff Report RISING SUN – The first annual Shiner Dash 5K Run/ Walk makes its debut on the Southeast Indiana Racing Circuit summer series Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. A fund-raiser for Rising Sun High School's boys and girls cross country program, the event returns Ohio County to the SIRC-it series for the first time since 2011, when it hosted the Beast of the Southeast 5K cross country race at the Denver Siekman Environmental Park. Shiner Dash takes to the streets of Rising Sun Saturday, starting and finishing at the high school. It's the third of five 2014 SIRC-it races, all at the 5K distance, with 8:30 a.m. Saturday starts, that serves as fund-raisers for area cross country teams. Race day entry fee is $20 per individual, including an official Shiner Dash t-shirt, while supplies last. Race day
entry is $15 without the tshirt. On-line entry remains available at the Stuart Road Racing LLC web site. Go to: Awards will be given to the overall male and female 5K run winners, along with the top three finishers in each 5K run age group, male and female. Awards for 5K walkers will include the overall male and female winners, plus the top finishers in each age group. Age group divisions for the Shiner Dash 5K Run, both both male and female runners, include: 12 & under, 13-14, 15-16, 17-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-69 and 70 & over. 5K Walk age groups include: 19 & under, 20-39 and 40 & over. For more information email race director Caitlin Sauerhage at: CSauerhage@
p.m.-Quilts-Kiddie Land-Conces- Aurora Church Of Christ, 814 each evening at 6 p.m. to 8:30 sions-Beer Garden-Live Music by Sunnyside Ave., Aurora, Monday, p.m. For more info call: 812-926York Ridge Boys 7:30 p.m. to July 28 to Friday, Aug. 1. Starts 2259. Ages 3-12 years old. 11:30 p.m.; Sunday, July 27, Chicken Dinner 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Lunch Stand-Quilts-Country Store-Kiddie Land-ConcessionsBeer Garden-DJ by Makin’ Noise 1:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.-5K Country Run-Call 812-487-2665 to enter. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
Sunday, July 27
South Dearborn Community School Corporation Registration Dates Aurora Municipal Utilities
South Aurora Municipal Utility Dearborn Department,Middle a municiSouth DearbornThe Schools, pal utility of the City of Aurora, Indiana, School students andisarequestparK-12, will be open for reging proposals to lease a certain parcel of property ent/guardian must attend istration for the 2014-2015 located within the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn registration receive school year onCounty, the followIndiana, and owned bytothe AuroramanMunicipal Utility Department. property approxidatoryThe training on istheanoperaing dates: mate 14 acre parcel located southeast of U.S. HighAurora Elementary School, tion of their digital device. way 50 (Eads Parkway), with access to Highway 50 New student orientation Dillsboro Elementary School, via Links Way. property was will mostbe recently used as a1golf drivFriday, Aug. from Manchester The Elementary ing range and putt-putt golfto facility. 11 a.m. 1 p.m.The Aurora MuSchool and Moores Hill Elnicipal Utility is soliciting proposals for the property ementary School registerand used as a recreational facility, to will be leased South Dearborn most use, such asHigh a golf driving on Thursday, July 24likely from a11similar School students will regisrange. However, the Aurora Municipal Utility will rea.m. to 6:30 p.m. view and considerter all proposals of recreational use. as follows: The following book fees Proposals of residential, industrial or manufactur■Monday, July 28, 9 a.m. will not be ■ considered. grades Monday, July 28-Friday, Aug. 1 will be chargedingforuse to 3 p.m.within or the City of Law The property is located K-6: VBS renceburg. Any lessee will beJuly required abide by ■ ■ Tuesday, 29, 9toa.m. Join in the fun at God’s backyard ■■Kindergarten $31.25 all local, state and federal rules, laws and regula to 3 p.m. bible campi under the stars at tions related to operating a recreational business in Grade One $78.50 New andtheRe-enrolling Employment: The City of Lawrenceburg does not this location. In addition, property is located in ■■Grade Two $70.86 Tuesdays, Julydiscriminate 22 and 29on the basis of disability in its hiring or a designated flood■ area. FEMA regulations, and the ■ Wednesday July 30, 11 Painting classes at the Framery, ■■Grade Three $81.37 employment practices and complies with all regulaCity of Lawrenceburg, will not allow additional ima.m. to 6 p.m. or 575 Main Street Suite 1, Lawtions promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment proved structures or substantial improvements to ■■Grade Four $42.32 ■■Thursday July exceed 31, 11 a.m. Opportunity title I of the ADA. renceburg, Tuesdays, July 29 Commission the existing structures that would 50% of ■■Grade Five $44.57 Newunder Student Enrollment Day is Monday, July 28, from 8 Effective Communication: The City of Lawrencethe current value to of6the existing improved struc p.m. / Registration from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The costs ■ ■ Grade Six $50.02 a.m. until 3 p.m. Call Mrs. Pelsor at 812-576-4811 extenwill generally, upon request, provide appropritures located on the premises. The premises are of painting classesburg are $17.50 for Book fees for grades 7-12 11915 beginning the week of July 21 to schedule an ate aids and servicession leading to effective communialso located in an area of well-head protection and one or $30 for both. Payment can will be determined cation for qualified persons with disabilities so they wells that supply fresh water to the CityatofregisAurora. South Dearborn Middle appointment to meet with a counselor to enroll. be included with registration or can participate equally in the City of Lawrence tration upon courses All provisions of the City ofbased Auroraʼs well-head proSchool students will have Bookand days are scheduled burg'sisprograms, activities, includingfor Wednesday, July 30, and upon arrival. This event open to services, tection plan will be required to be followed. Any taken by individual students. open enrollment on awarded the fol- will be subject to termination if Thursday,documents July 31, from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. qualified in lease all girls not currently in Girl sign language interpreters, All supply book fees reflect a re-of Braille, and other ways ofand making to the residents lowing dates: needed for future water also,information Friday, Aug.and 1, from 8 a.m.REQUEST until 3 p.m. Scouts entering grades 1st-8th. FOR PROPOSALS communications accessible to people who have the City of Aurora.duction of $50 per student ■ JulyProposals 29, 6 p.m.should be submitted to the attention of The building will be open all three Aurora days for For questions, please contact Municipal Utilities■Tuesday, speech, hearing, or vision impairments. due to contributions from the Christine Sevindik atModifications 513-619- to Policies andstudents The Aurora Municipal munici- Randolph Turner, Aurora Utility Superintendent and to 8 ap.m. andThe parents locate lockers and Utility Department, Procedures: City to South Dearborn Schools Office, Enutility of the City of Aurora, Indiana, of Lawrenceburg will make all reasonableonly modifica1438 or christinesevindik@ to the Clerk-Treasurerʼs ■Wednesday, ■ is request- should July 30,be6delivered classrooms duringpalthe hours specified. tion to policies and programs to ensure that people ing proposals to lease a certain parcel of property 235 Main Street, Aurora dowment RiverCity Corporation Building, Aurora, p.m. to 8 p.m. East Central’s Open House will be with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy located within the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn ana, on or before boat 4:00 Gaming p.m. on Thursday, July 31, Revenue. ■Thursday, ■ July 31, 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, from 5:30 until 7 p.m. Homecoming New Life So. Baptist Church, 19936 Schaefer Road Sunman, Sunday, July 27, 10:30 a.m. Special singing with: The Spirituals from Edmond, Ky. Come and be blessed with each and every person. See what God has in store. For info call Pastor: Melvin Barrows at 812-926-1390, cell 812 584-3785; Asst. Pastor: Dwayne Barrows at 812-537-024, cell 812-655-4532.
East Central High School
Friday, July 25all of its programs, services, and activities. For ex-
County, Indiana, and owned by the Aurora Munici- 2014.
Utility Department. The property to is an approxi- To be considered,The ample, with We service animals area grillout wel - palwith all first proposals 8 p.m. will be having food and drinks. day ofshould schoolinclude for all all Teachers’ Treasures Saleindividuals to be of U.S. High- of the following information: comed in The City of Lawrenceburg offices, even mate 14 acre parcel located southeast■Friday, ■ Aug. 1, 8 a.m. to More detailed information will be available on Book Days. held Friday, July 25, 9 a.m. to 4 South Dearborn students will way 50 (Eads Parkway), with access to Highway 50 1. Name of the individual or business entity submitwhere pets are generally prohibited. p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran 10 a.m. student will befor on via Wednesday, be Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014. Links Way. Aug. 6, 2014. Anyone who requires First an auxiliary aidday or service ting the proposal who will be subject to the lease if Church on North Dearborn effective Road communication, or a modification of poli- The property was most recently used as a golf driv- one is entered into.
cies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of The City of Lawrenceburg, should contact the office of Mr. Carl Fryman, ADA Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. The ADA does not require the City of Lawrence NOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS burg to take any action that would fundamentally alWITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the requirements of title II of the ter the nature of its programs or services, or im Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the pose an undue financial or administrative burden. City of Lawrenceburg will not discriminate against Complaints that a program, service, or activity of qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of the City of Lawrenceburg is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to Su disability in its services, programs, or activities. Employment: The City of Lawrenceburg does not zanne Orndorff (ADA Coordinator Asst) in care of discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or Mr. Carl Fryman, ADA Coordinator at 212 Walnut employment practices and complies with all regula- Street, Lawrenceburg IN 47025 or by phone at tions promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment 812.537.7136. The City Of Lawrenceburg will not place a sur Opportunity Commission under title I of the ADA. Effective Communication: The City of Lawrence- charge on a particular individual with a disability or burg will generally, upon request, provide appropri- any group of individuals with disabilities to cover ate aids and services leading to effective communi- the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reacation for qualified persons with disabilities so they sonable modifications of policy, such as retrieving can participate equally in the City of Lawrence - items from locations that are open to the public but burg's programs, services, and activities, including are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. C-7-15-JP-2t qualified sign language interpreters, documents in C-7-17-R-2t hspaxlp Braille, and other ways of making information and 49794 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments. Aurora Municipal Utilities Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The City The Aurora Municipal Utility Department, a municiof Lawrenceburg will make all reasonable modifica- pal utility of the City of Aurora, Indiana, is requesttion to policies and programs to ensure that people ing proposals to lease a certain parcel of property with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy located within the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn all of its programs, services, and activities. For ex- County, Indiana, and owned by the Aurora Municiample, individuals with service animals are wel - pal Utility Department. The property is an approxicomed in The City of Lawrenceburg offices, even mate 14 acre parcel located southeast of U.S. Highwhere pets are generally prohibited. way 50 (Eads Parkway), with access to Highway 50 Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for via Links Way. effective communication, or a modification of poli- The property was most recently used as a golf drivcies or procedures to participate in a program, serv- ing range and putt-putt golf facility. The Aurora Muice, or activity of The City of Lawrenceburg, should nicipal Utility is soliciting proposals for the property NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS contact the office of Mr. Carl Fryman, ADA Coordito be leased and used as a recreational facility, nator as soon as possible but no later than 48 most likely a similar use, such as a golf driving The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 range. However, the Aurora Municipal Utility will rehours before the scheduled event. The ADA does not require the City of Lawrence view and consider all proposals of recreational use. Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of burgunit to take any action that wouldFawn fundamentally al- Proposals of residential, or manufacturthis of government at 14631 Lane, Dillsboro. For taxes payable andindustrial due in 2016, notices will ing use will not be considered. ter the nature of its programs or services, or im not be printed in the newspaper. pose an undue financial or administrative burden. The property is located within the City of Law Complaints that given a program, service, activityCREEK of renceburg. AnyDEARBORN lessee will be required to abide by Notice is hereby to taxpayers of or CAESAR TOWNSHIP, County, Indiana that the the Cityofficers of Lawrenceburg not accessible towill per-conduct all local, state hearing and federal rules, regula proper of CAESAR is CREEK TOWNSHIP a public on the year laws 2015 and budget. Fol-sons with directed to Su - tions related to operating a recreational in lowing this disabilities meeting, anyshould ten or be more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy business by filing an location. In addition, the property is located in zanne Orndorff (ADA Asst) in of this objection petition with Coordinator the proper officers of care CAESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after Mr. hearing. Carl Fryman, ADA Coordinator at 212 Walnutthe a designated FEMA the The objection petition must identify provisions flood of thearea. budget, taxregulations, rate, or taxand levythe to Street,taxpayers Lawrenceburg or isby phone at City of Lawrenceburg, will not allow im-a which object. IN If a47025 petition filed, CAESAR CREEK TOWNSHIP shall adopt withadditional the budget proved structures or substantial improvements to 812.537.7136. finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned The City Lawrenceburg not place a TOWNSHIP sur - the existing structures thatfollowing would exceed hearing, theOfproper officers of will CAESAR CREEK will meet to adopt the budget:50% of charge onDate a particular individual the current value of the existing improved struc of Public Hearing: with a disability or 8/19/2014 tures any groupTime of individuals with disabilities to cover of Public Hearing: 7:00 pm located on the premises. The premises are the cost ofPublic providing auxiliary alsoFawn located in Dillsboro an area of well-head protection and Hearing Place:aids/services or rea14631 Lane, sonable modifications of policy, such as retrieving wells that supply fresh water to the City of Aurora. Date of Adoption Meeting: 10/7/2014 items fromTime locations that are open to the public but Allpm provisions of the City of Auroraʼs well-head proof Adoption Meeting: 7:00 are not accessible persons who use wheelchairs. tection will be required to be followed. Any AdoptiontoMeeting Place: 14631 Fawnplan Lane, Dillsboro lease awarded be2,213 subject to termination if Estimated Civil MaxC-7-15-JP-2t Levy: 8,374 Estimated Fire Max will Levy: 49794Name C-7-17-R-2t hspaxlpMax.Estimated needed for Funds future waterExcessive supply toLevy the residents Fund Budget Estimate Currentof City (Including of Aurora. to bethe raised Appeal(included Tax Levy Proposals should be submitted appeals & levies exempt in Columnto 3) the attention of Randolph Turner, Aurora Utility Superintendent and from max. levy limitations) should Office, GENERAL 9,725 8,000 be delivered to the Clerk-Treasurerʼs7,154 235 Main Street, Aurora City Building, Aurora, IndiTOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 1,000 1,000 1,000 ana, on or before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July FIRE 5,250 3,250 2,14431, 2014. TOTAL 15,975 12,750 10,298 To be considered, all proposals should include all C-7-22-JP-2t of the following information: 49837 C-7-24-R-2t hspaxlp 1. Name of the individual or business entity submit-
ing range and putt-putt golf facility. The Aurora Mu- 2. Amount of offer of yearly rent, stated in terms of nicipal Utility is soliciting proposals for the property total amount paid per year, offered to be paid. to be leased and used as a recreational facility, 3. Length of lease proposed in terms of years. most likely a similar use, such as a golf driving 4. A description of the type of use or business purrange. However, the Aurora Municipal Utility will re- pose proposed for the property during the term of view and consider all proposals of recreational use. the lease. Proposals of residential, industrial or manufactur- 5. Experience or qualifications of the individual or ing use will not be considered. business entity submitting the proposal related to The property is located within the City of Law - successful operation of a similar or related busi renceburg. Any lessee will be required to abide by ness. all local, state and federal rules, laws and regula - 6. Any other information pertinent to consideration tions related to operating a recreational business in of the proposal. this location. In addition, the property is located in The Aurora Municipal Utility Department reserves a designated flood area. FEMA regulations, and the the right to select the best and most qualified proCity of Lawrenceburg, will not allow additional im- posal, or to reject all proposals. proved structures or substantial improvements to Jeffrey E. Stratman the existing structures that would exceed 50% of Aurora City Attorney the current value of the existing improved struc C-7-22-JP-1t tures located on the premises. The premises are 49978 C-7-24-R-1t hspaxlp also located in an area of well-head protection and wells that supply fresh water to the City of Aurora. PUBLIC NOTICE All provisions of the City of Auroraʼs well-head pro- Dearborn County Solid Waste Management Dis tection plan will be required to be followed. Any trictʼs Board of Directors will hold an executive seslease awarded will be subject to termination if sion at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday July 22nd, at the Law needed for future water supply to the residents of renceburg City Hall Building Conference room, 203 the City of Aurora. Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN. Executive sessions Proposals should be submitted to the attention of are closed to the public by law. The meeting is beRandolph Turner, Aurora Utility Superintendent and ing held to discuss personnel performance evaluashould be delivered to the Clerk-Treasurerʼs Office, tions and may include discussion of records classi235 Main Street, Aurora City Building, Aurora, Indi- fied as confidential by federal statute pursuant I.C. ana, on or before 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 31, 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(7) and I.C. 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(9). 2014. Immediately following the executive session, at To be considered, all proposals should include all 4:45 pm, the District will have an emergency board of the following information: meeting for the purpose taking final action on mat1. Name of the individual or business entity submit- ters discussed in executive session. ting the proposal who will be subject to the lease if Shane McHenry one is entered into. Board President 2. Amount of offer of yearly rent, stated in terms of 50019 C-7-22-1t hspaxlp total amount paid per year, offered to be paid. 3. Length of lease proposed in terms of years. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS 4. A description of the type of use or business purThe Notice tofor Taxpayers is available at or by calling (888)739-9826 pose proposed the property duringonline the term of the lease. details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of 5.Complete Experience or qualifications of the individual or this unit of government at 18555 Days Way Lane. toFor taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be business entity submitting the proposal related printed in the newspaper. successful operation of a similar or related busi ness. is hereby given pertinent to taxpayers of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP, Deaborn County, Indiana that the 6. Notice Any other information to consideration proper officers of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Folof the proposal. lowing this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an The Aurora Municipal Utility Department reserves objection petition the proper officers of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP not more than seven days after the right to select with the best and most qualified prothe hearing. The all objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to posal, or to reject proposals. which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP shall adopt with the budget a findJeffrey E. Stratman ing concerning the objectionsAurora in theCity petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned Attorney hearing, the properC-7-22-JP-1t officers of MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP will meet to adopt the following budget: Hearing 9/16/2014 49978 Date of Public C-7-24-R-1t hspaxlp Time of Public Hearing 6:00 pm Public Hearing Place 18555 Days Way Lane Date of Adoption Hearing 10/7/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Place 18555 Days Way Lane Estimated Civil Max Levy 28,134 Estimated Fire Max Levy 108,104 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 46,080 23,600 21,931 TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 13,500 5,600 5,454 FIRE 95,500 110,000 105,223 TOTAL 155,080 139,200 132,608 49894 C-7-22-JP-2t hspaxlp
BUST, From page 1
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now Bruehl. Married in January 1951, the couple had an additional daughter, Beverly DeSalvo, Aurora, and Gover now has three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. The family moved to Cincinnati in 1955 and Gover went to work for Trail Mobile, which built trailers, then for many years for Victory Welding, retiring in 1986. The latter did structural work for Coney Island, then King's Island, and Gover spent the last seven years before retirement as a structural technician for the steel roller coasters, said Bruehl. “I worked and worked on the Bat, trying to slow it down because it was too dangerous,” said Gover. Finally, he told the bosses they should get rid of it before it killed someone, and they did, building the Vortex in its place, he said. Gover and his wife moved to Stoney Lonesome Road in Aurora in 1987, on 40 acres he'd purchased. But she died in 2012, the same year Gordon's wife died, said Bruehl and Gordon’s daughter Debbie Brunner. Gover never received any military medals or awards, and the accident causing his injury was not notated in the ship's records, he said. But it is documented in hospital records, said Bruehl. Meanwhile, Gordon continued serving as a gunner on the Adair until his discharge in 1946. The Adair participated in the Lingayen Gulf and Luzon landings in the Philippines and in the Invasion of Okinawa. She was the only Allied ship not to be hit or lose any crew members in the latter, said Brunner. Gordon no longer remembers those battles, but he remembers sailing “all the way around the world,” he said. He crossed the equator twice and went to China, Australia, Egypt and India, he said. He also went through the Suez and Panama canals, said Brunner. Married to Betty LaFollette in September 1947, Gordon has only the one daughter and one grandchild. He worked for the American Red Cross Shoe Company, Harrison, retiring after 26 years. His military decorations and awards include the American Area Ribbon, European American Middle Eastern Ribbon, Asiatic Pacific Area Ribbon WW II, and the WW II Victory Medal. When asked if he had ever met Gover aboard the Adair, Gordon said, “That was a long time ago.” But he has attended the Adair crew reunions, the most recent the last week of April at Pigeon Ford, Tenn. Only one of the group still drives; the rest were brought by their children, said Brunner. Gover attended the 2001 reunion, which apparently Gordon missed, as the two didn't recall meeting at any of the Adair reunions. In any case, they've met now.
rectional Facility, located in London, Ohio. During the investigation, RENU agents discovered that these two inmates, both from Mexico, would develop relationships with incarcerated drug traffickers from southern Ohio, all housed together at the London Correctional Facility. Through these relationships, and from inside the correctional facility, the two Mexican inmates were able to arrange drug shipments to local Southern Ohio drug traffickers. These shipments would be received and distributed by non-incarcerated associates of the incarcerated inmates at the London Facility. ln January of this year, RENU agents and members of the lndiana State police participated in a joint investigation involving the seizure of 8.8 pounds of heroin and the arrests of two individuals in lndiana. Further investigation revealed the heroin shipment was destined for distribution in Cincinnati and Springfield, Ohio. Subsequent to the arrests and seizure of heroin in January, law enforcement agencies in Ohio and lndiana along with the Dearborn County Prosecutor continued to investigate these individuals cooperatively, resulting in the collection of evidence against additional individuals, one currently incarcerated at the London facility and two additional subjects who are not yet in custody. This investigation included assistance from the following agencies: the lndiana State Police, the Greensburg lndiana Police Department, the Batesville lndiana Police Department, the Dearborn County Sheriff’s Office, the Springfield Ohio Police Department, and lnvestigators with the Ohio Department of Corrections.
Ashley said he didn't know, but he thinks county officials understand they may not get the fees, or not get them right away. “Do they understand this means triple taxation for Dillsboro residents?” asked Fields. Not only are residents paying the 90 cent fees, they also are paying county taxes. With the 911 fee, they will be paying for 911 through town taxes as well. In contrast, county residents are paying only the 90 cent fees and county taxes. “To make it equitable to everybody would be to do it at the county level,” said Fields. The county has been providing police dispatch services at no fee to Dillsboro, Moores Hill and other entities since 911 started, said Ashley. It would cost those towns and cities much more if they had to hire their own dispatchers, he said. The fees sought from Dearborn County's municipalities would provide around $120,000 per year, he said. David “Woody” Fryman, Dillsboro Council vice chairman, asked if the county expected the entities to pay the fee this year, for 2014, and Ashley replied, “If it's possible.” If not, he said, he thinks it would be all right to start paying in 2015. Will this be an ongoing fee, and if so, what input will Dillsboro have into the amount charged, asked Fields. While it's $5,000 this year, next year the
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county could decide to charge $8,000 or $10,000, he said. “I think we're putting the community out on a limb,” he said. But he knows the 911 service is needed, he said. “... You guys do an excellent job.” “But I just don't know if this is the right approach, to double tax our residents,” said Fields. And if the county officials are thinking Dillsboro can pay for it from riverboat gambling sharing revenue, they should know the town is getting “fewer and fewer dollars” from that source. Monday, July 22, Dillsboro Town Manager Scott Fortner said he thinks the riverboat money is down 30 percent so far this year. The town had a budget of $271,000 for 2014, which clerktreasurer Janice Sullivan proposes increasing by about 3 percent for 2015, he said. But every bit of those funds is slated for town needs. “It really is, so we don't have much wiggle room,” said Fortner. As for the police department, the town budgets $75,000 from its general fund for salaries, plus $5,000 for miscellaneous. While the town must realize the county does its police dispatching, “I think … in order to get our council on the same page, they're going to have to explain … how they came up with this dollar amount,” he added.
calendar. Dillsboro Police Chief Ryan Brandt said he was busy the past month with junk vehicles on Maple Glen, as well as talking to property owners about junk and high weeds and grass. Since then, most of the properties have been halfway mowed, he said. Opened by Fryman in the absence of council president Mary Lou Powers, three salt shed bids were received: $63,900 from Mike Stehling; $88,000 from Poole Group, Inc.; and $91,000 from Maxwell Construction. The bids will be reviewed before council takes any action. Bids for a generator and HVAC system at the town hall came in higher than expected, said Fortner. The specifics for both will be changed and the work rebid. Meanwhile, a public hearing on the 2015 Dillsboro budget will be Monday, Sept. 8, when the town council has its monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the town hall, said Sullivan. The budget adoption is slated for the council's regular meeting Monday, Oct. 13. The town council also approved $1,100 funding for Lifetime Resources, paid GAI $5,173 for interviews related to the town's comprehensive plan update, and learned the Small Business Development Center will offer an entrepreneur conference Tuesday, July 29. Fortner said the conference is open In other business July 14, the coun- to everyone, with the town supplying cil discussed junk violations, bids for refreshments. It will be at 6 p.m. at salt shed construction, a generator and the Fifty Plus Community Center on HVAC system, and the 2015 budget Lenover Street.
Bids, budget dates
Lawson implements crowdfunding in Indiana Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson announced the rules for crowdfunding in Indiana which will allow Indiana investors to direct their equity investments to homegrown Hoosier entrepreneurs through the Internet. Indiana entrepreneurs can raise up to $2 million and Indiana investors can invest up to $5,000 per opportunity. “Crowdfunding creates a new way for Hoosier entrepreneurs and investors to invest in Indiana,” said Lawson. “Previously, entrepreneurs could only solicit funding from wealthy investors, limiting their ability to grow their business and preventing smaller investors from taking advantage of up and coming opportunities. Now, all Hoosiers will have a chance to invest in Indiana.”
Crowdfunding began as an online fundraising strategy to facilitate the public donating small amounts of money, often through social networking websites, to help musicians, filmmakers and other artists finance their projects. Indiana moves to the forefront of using the concept of crowdfunding as a tool to help facilitate the equity investment market. Through Indiana’s new crowdfunding rules, small businesses and entrepreneurs will be able to tap into the “crowd” in search of investments to finance their business ventures. Congress passed the JOBS Act in April of 2012
authorizing the Securities Exchange Commission to write federal rules for crowdfunding. Those rules have not been finalized. The Indiana General Assembly passed crowdfunding legislation for the state during the 2014 legislative session and tasked the Secretary of State’s office with writing the rules. Secretary Lawson, Securities Commissioner Carol Mihalik and their team worked tirelessly to complete the rules by July 1 to give emerging Indiana businesses the tools they needed the day the law went into effect. “Crowdfunding has potential to be a great capital formation tool for start-up businesses,” said Securities
Commissioner Carol Mihalik. “Hoosiers need to be aware of the risks before they invest and they should always do their research before investing. As always, our efforts to fight fraud and impose consequences will continue regardless of the type of investment.” For more information and to view the rules, entrepreneurs and investors can view Secretary Lawson’s website Investors and entrepreneurs with questions about crowdfunding may also call the Securities Division of Secretary Lawson’s office at 1-317-2326681.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PURCHASE OF PROPERTY CITY OF LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA The City of Lawrenceburg, Indiana through its Redevelopment Commission is accepting proposals for the purchase of the vacant lot located on Industrial Drive, Lawrenceburg, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Lot #11 of the Hillcreek Park Subdivision, Section 2, as recorded on Slide 194 of Subdivision Cabinet 1 in records of the Dearborn County Recorder’s office, Dearborn County, Indiana. The property is in the near vicinity of U.S. 50, Greendale and Lawrenceburg, and is part of the City’s industrial/business
ACROSS 1.____ of Gibraltar 5. Pointy instrument 8. Plays a role 12. Smooth out 13. Route 14. Cranny’s pal 15. Calling-card info 16. Be incorrect 17. Reproduction 18. Great joy 19. Netting 21. Thin board 24. Tiny bits 28. Supporter 31. Grasp 32. Delete 33. Winter hazard 34. Pistons and Celtics 36. Hive-building insect 37. Shed light
39. Mouse’s kin 40. Fool 41. Male voice 42. Cage 44. A single time 46. In the know 50. Elated 53. Tack on 55. Brood 56. Squeal 57. Pesky insect 58. Heavy brews 59. Runner’s distance 60. Private ____ 61. Inheritors DOWN 1. Bell sound 2. Kind of tradition 3. Approach 4. Bow down
5. Deep respect 6. With kindness 7. Old instrument 8. Head newscaster 9. Bird cry 10. Outdo 11. Star’s locale 20. Nap 22. To the rear of a ship 23. Golfing device 25. Small flaps 26. On the Pacific 27. Leak 28. Closed hand 29. Throbbing pain 30. Bright light 35. Scratch 38. Soup ingredient 43. Cougars 45. Restaurant 47. Shirt type 48. Shop sign 49. Agent Eliot ____ 50. Recreational are 51. Luau necklace 52. The whole amount 54. Colorize
park. The Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission is interested in getting the property developed for such uses to be started within six (6) months. Persons interested should submit a detailed plan for the project including purchase price, development use or concept, time frame, cost estimates, job creation, new tax base, and desired assistance from the City or Redevelopment Commission. Any plan must also conform with the existing zoning ordinances and State statutes. All submittals need to be delivered to the City of Lawrenceburg Clerk- Treasurer’s Office, 212 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025 on or before 12:00 p.m. on August 11, 2014, and will be opened at the Lawrenceburg Redevelopment Commission meeting on August 11, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. For additional information call Grant Hughes at 812-290-4764. The Redevelopment Commission retains the right to review, negotiate and award a contract as it so desires, taking into consideration the value, clarity, desirability, time frames, and past development record.
July 22nd - July 24th, 2014 The Journal Press
The Harrison Press
The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News
The Dearborn County Register
To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011
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tion only.
HOUSES FOR HOUSES FOR MOBILE HOMES APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT 11 11 12 21 21 21 21 SALE SALE Brick ranch on quiet no outlet street. New/roof, windows, granite/kitchen, concrete, landscape, freshly/painted. Open 27x27L-shaped/familyroom, bay-window, gas-fireplace. 3BR/2BA, oversized/garage. Cov ered plus extra patio. $139,000 812-537-5640
Cape Cod-Vinyl-siding, New windows, roof. 3BR/1BA, close to Hollywood Casino. By Owner, 812-655-2097 812-655-6167 For Sale By Owner 718 Wilson-Rising Sun, 2Bdrm/2Bath, front-back porch, all appliances, new washer & dryer, lots of updates. 812-290-4693
Newly renovated 4BR/2BA home in quiet, neighborhood in Greendale. Brand new kitchen, updated bathrooms, new carpet, gorgeous hardwood floors. WBFP, window seat as well as wrought-iron/vinyl fenced in-ground pool. Full basement with family room and bath. Perfect home for first-time homeowners. Purchase only, no renters or land-contracts. OPEN HOUSE July 27,1-3, $162,900. Serious inquiries only. 812-478-1552 Ohio Co.-House in middle of 19+wooded acres. 3BR/2.5BA, 3600sq.ft., stone-FP, cedar-closets, attached 2-car garage, 750ʼ driveway, 28x30 ft. detached workshop, pond. 1200ʼ-rd. frontage. 812-438-2935
Harrison - 3 bdrm/2.5 bath home FSBO located in a quiet cul de sac. /17EvansCourt for addʼl info/pics or call (513)607-0123. $159,000
Open house Sunday July 27th, 1:00-3:00pm. 84 Tebbs, Greendale. Updated 2 bedroom, 1 bath ranch. Walk through and enjoy refreshments. $89,900. Empire Real Estate. 812-907-0277.
12088 Stewart St., Aurora, Investment Property in IN; priced to sell; $20,000; Historic Lawrenceburg, within walking distance to call 812-926-1258 Hollywood casino. Over 68 acres on Huseman Rd. 3,000sq.ft., fenced yard, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car 1-car garage, full-base garage home. Will sell to- ment. Great rental potential. By Owner. gether or separate. 812-655-2097 812-584-3340 812-655-6167 859-322-4183
Six-year-old House with 6/acres, 3BR/2BA, full poured basement. $143,000. 812-667-4109. Moving to apartment. Many items included with sale. LOW TAXES IN RIPLEY COUNTY. UN DER $600/YEARLY.
Aurora-Nice Brick Home, 1656 sq. ft. 2BR/1BA, Full basement, 2-car garage. Stainless steel appliances, Tray ceilings, Large closets, Enclosed Sunroom, on almost 1 acre. 513-446-7144
New Alsace - 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, two story house on 1+ acres with large outbuilding $80,000. Call (812) 623-4389.
Very nice 2 story home in Aurora. 3BR, 1BA, equipped kitchen, front porch with tree shaded back yard and deck. For more information call 812-926-0522 or visit www.homesteadforsale
See page 2 for more Real Estate Ads!
Abandoned Doublewide with land, PLEASE TAKE OVER $3500 deposit. 888-221-4503
0 steps! Miamitown, large 1 or 2 bedroom at Via Manor Apts. Private patio, lovely grounds. $395 and up. Free heat! Owner Finance - No inter- (513)353-0398. est. 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, awning and shed. Hazelhurst MHP, Lot 32, 1 & 2 Bedroom apartments Mt. Healthy, Ohio. $14,000 for rent in Aurora, $475 & $1,500 down, $250/month. $500/month. References (513)505-2978. required. Call 812-926-0256 Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA Set up $4500 859-371-3386 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in West Harrison, Ind. $550-$650/month or $150-$175 a week. All utilities included. No pets. Will work with Deposit Camp Site For Sale. 3280 (513)235-0869. North Landing Road, Rising Sun, IN. 47040, 6 acres, Deep creek front- 1 BR/2BA, Spacious 3rd age for your boat to the Floor Apt. for rent in DillsOhio river! Water, Septic boro. $500/mo, plus deand Electric on property. p o s i t and utilities. Asking $49,000.00 Will do 812-667-5072 land contract. 812-438-3366 1BR $560, 2BR $650-$665 Harrison-Tippecanoe Apts. Spacious remodeled, dishwasher, balcony, very clean, No pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400
0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bedroom at Village Square Apartments in downtown Harrison. Free heat! $425 and up. (513)367-6366.
For rent when available, 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities included, AC, no pets. Deposit required. Call (812)537-5796, (812)432-9605, (812)584-3822.
Aurora- Downtown, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom. Water and sewage included, Tenant pays electric. Laundry room available. No pets. $550/month and $550 deposit 1yr l e a s e . Cleves/North Bend, 1 and 812-577-5334 2 bedrooms, heat, water, equipped kitchen, no pets. For Rent: Efficiencies $165.00 per week utilities Call (513)546-8330. included. Deposit required. Country Hill Apts., 1BR Also 1 & 2 bedrooms in Aurora- Second Street, $475, No Steps, Carports, Lawrenceburg. Deposit Laundry On-site, across required. 859-512-3899 1BR, furnished, 2nd floor. No pets/smoking. from the Ludlow Hill Park Utilities paid by tenant. 812-539-4339 Greendale- 1BR apart Also Office and Retail Space available for Rent. For Rent Downtown Law- ment, equipt, $425/month renceburg, 1 Bedroom +deposit and utilities. 1yr Leave message nicely furnished Apart - lease. No pets. W/D (812)926-1083 ment. References required hookup. Please call and deposit. 812-655-1565 812-623-4130
Aurora- 2 bedroom, stove/refrigerator, off street parking, 2nd floor, no pets; $500/month plus deposit; includes water, sewage, and trash; 812-926-3204.
Huff Realty Would Like to Welcome Their Newest Agents!
2 bedroom duplex in Greendale all utilities included, fenced yard, W/D hook-up stove and fridge, AC, off street parking, no pets. $780/month + de posit. Call 812-926-3204.
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171 OPEN HOUSE!!! SUNDAY 7/27 1pm-3pm
3BR 2BA home on level lot in Hidden Valley Lake. Elec. fireplace in LR, master bdrm has walk in closet, vaulted ceilings in living room, kitchen and master bdrm, appliances incl washer/dryer stays, deck off back, fire pit and covered front porch. $159,900. Call Niki Campbell 513-888-0387
Scott Petty 812.584.7742
Laura Lee Willmore 859.653.9162
GREENDALE • 812.537.HOME RisiNG suN • 812.438.3966
GolF Guide 16022 HWY 250 Rising Sun, IN
Dearborn Country Club “The Jewel of Southern Indiana”
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Book your tee time (812) 926-1747
170 Country Club Ln. • Aurora, IN •
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Restaurant opens daily at 11am for lunch
Advertise here! Call Today! 812-537-0063
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
July 22 - July 24, 2014
APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 31 HELP WANTED 31 HELP WANTED 31 HELP WANTED 31 HELP WANTED 34 JOB TRAINING 43 21 21 FOR RENT FOR RENT Greendale: Apartment 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, large kitchen, W/D H/U, gas heat, AC, off-street parking. $545/month + util + sec. dep. 812-537-2846 Greendale: Duplex 1BR, upstairs, $425/mo + deposit. Call 513-266-1383 Harrison – Large 1 bedroom apt. 2nd floor, washer/dryer, hook ups, central air, $525 deposit, $525 monthly. Call after 4 p.m., (513)479-5155 or (765)647-0439. Harrison - 1 bedroom apartments available, $450-$475 per month. Call for details, and move in specials. (513)515-2569. Harrison - 1 bedroom, 2nd floor, in 3-family building. Heat, hot water included, very quiet area No pets. $450/month plus deposit. (513)477-1975 or (513) 295-2154. Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555.
Small Apt. for Rent, all utilities furnished, includes WiFi and Satellite TV, $135/wk + $200 deposit. 812-926-3641
2 bedroom house for rent in Lawrenceburg, $600 per month + security deposit. Call Frank a t American Development 513-519-0037. is hiring for new construction site in Harrison, 3-4 bedroom, completely Ohio. Must have experiremodeled, 1.5 bath. Nice ence in framing, concrete lot in Addyston, Ohio. and carpentry work. Email Brand new s c h o o l . resume to $850/month plus deposit. American.development@y Call Wen (513)604-6522. or call (513)367-4999. Aurora/Moores Hill-2Bedroom, 1Ac. some appli ances, garage, oak floors, patio, CA.,ceiling fans, main Hwy. $735-$800. APPLY NOW! DO 812-926-3202 TAXES! Goepperʼs Liberty Tax Beautiful 1 bedroom cotWork 9-1,1-5 or 5-9 tage on the scenic WhiteChoose 3-7 shifts Hourly+Bonus=$14water river. Daily, weekly $16/hour or monthly rates available. FREE Tax Training Call for information (513)288-8229. Small book fee Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Colerain Harrison- 2BR, 1BA, reCall 513-801-9129 cently remodeled, nice by Aug 30 backyard, Southwest local schools. $800/month +deposit+utilities. Call Wen 513-604-6522.
Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free Hidden Valley area-3 BR, heat! $460 and up. No 2 BA, duplex, one car gapets. (513)845-4222. rage. Laundry room, all apHarrison, efficiency apart- pliances. Pets O.K. $850 ment, $350 monthly + per month. Sunman Dear$350 deposit plus utilities. born Schoosl. Available Call (765)647-0439 or June30th . (513)652-9921. (513)479-5155. Please call House for Rent-St. Leon, 3 after 4 p.m. bedrooms, natural gas Harrison- 660+ Quality heat. Call for Details, 2BR in amenity-rich $1000/mo. 513-284-6760 community. Available w/vaulted ceilings and Large 3BR/2BA house in electric fireplace. W/D d o w n t o w n LBURG. Hookups $850/month with $850 Available. Great area! depsit. Walking distance to Call to set up a tour, Casino and schools. Call (513)367-4999 502-414-4032 http://www.shakerpoint.c om/ Small one bedroom house in country in Dillsboro. FurLawrenceburg Downtown, nished or unfurnished. 2 bedroom Condo, new Possible pasture and barn. construction, water and $500/month plus deposit. sewage included. Rent 812-290-5804 $925/mo. 513-532-8933.
New Haven Near Harrison. 1 bedroom apartment. Equipped kitchen with large pantry. New flooring. Harrison - $400 per month Central, A/C. Very nice plus utilities and deposit, condition. $500/month. on country cul-de-sac. No (812)623-2524. pets. (513)367-4422. North Street, DillsboroBeautiful, one bedroom, upstairs apartment. Laminated wood flooring. Newer appliances. Electric baseboard heat. Tenant Aurora- in shopping plaza pays electric. $450 de - with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. posit, $450 monthly. for lease, high traffic. 812-532-3000. 513-532-8933.
Rising Sun large 1 bed room apartment, off street parking, water/sewage included, large yard. $400 month + deposit. 812-926-2303 513-615-4318 Rising Sun, 1st Floor, 1BR on River Front, beautiful, no pets, no smoking, referances. Includes all utilities and laundry. $750/mo. 812-667-7679 Rising Sun- 1 bedroom apartment on first floor with private entrance. Washer/dryer provided. Water and sewage in cluded. $450/month. References & deposit re quired. 513-607-0438
$1500 Sign On Bonus, $60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or app l y o n l i n e
For Rent or Lease, I-275-US 50-Greendale IN. 40ftX60ft Warehouse with Office for storage or use of Business $1500 per month. 812-537-1074, 512-218-5406 Office / warehouse / retail space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100.
Huge four car garage with attic storage and oversized door. Ideal for camper storage, on one acre located in Harrison TownRising Sun- 1 BR effi - ship. (513)367-9694. ciency apartment. Up stairs. No smoking and No animals. Partially fur nished. $550 includes utilities, $250 deposit. 812-926-2258
Case Management Field Supervisor -Strong functional and environmental assessment skills, care plan development abilities, reasoning and problem solving skills, excellent computer skills and prior supervisor experience required. Bachelorʼs Degree in Social Work, Psychology, Gerontology, Sociology, Counseling, or Nursing, or a Bachelorʼs De gree in any field with two years experience with the elderly or disabled. Send resume to LifeTime Re sources, Attn: HR/CM Field Supervisor, 13091 Benedict Drive, Dillsboro, IN 47018. EOE CDL-A Truck Driver-Solo & Teams. Up to $5,000 Sign-on Bonus & $.56 CPM! Dedicated Opportunities Available! Great Miles & Time Off! Call 7 day/wk! EOE 866-402-3449
Aurora- Seeking mature, trustworthy and responsible individual to manage a small retail operation. Must have management experience. This is a full time position. If interested, please send resume with background experience and salary requirements to: P.O. Box 3544, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.
Automotive/diesel technician opening. Local dealership seeking experienced SELF- MOTIVATED individual. Ford/ASE certification preferred. Must be willing to participate in Ford continuing enrollment training. Base pay plus performance based bo nuses. Please apply in person at 811 N Buckeye Osgood, IN 47037 or send resume to struckmandford@gmail. com
Fred Clark Ohio/Indiana
DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED NOW at Stevens Transport! New drivers earn $750 per week! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! CDL & Job ready in 15 days! 1-877-649-3156. Driver Wanted. Class A CDL preferred, will consider Class B. Equipment Moving Experience De sired. HAZMAT Experi ence a Plus, Not required. Apply in person at: 5780 State Route 128, Cleves, OH 45002 Drivers short haul & re gional tractor/trailer jobs: start now! Top pay! Paid holidays, paid vacations, guaranteed hometime, great benefits. Class A CDL 877-261-2101 Drivers Wanted. Class A CDL. Clean Driving Re cord. Experience a Plus. Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Sales 513-367-4133
Cathy WassOn Ohio/Indiana
Guilford- 4300+ sq. ft. home on almost 14 acres. 4BR, 3BA, 3 half baths, stocked lake, ingrd pool w/pool house, 3 stall horse barn, corral, 2 fenced pastures. $425,000. Harrison- Brick ranch w/3BR, 1 ½ BA, part fin bsmt. Covered patio, 1 car att gar. $127,900.
Ready to buy oR sell? Call us!
L’burg Open 1-3pm 36 Pebble Beach (L279042) Luxury 2br,2bath ranch condo. True one-floor living,Gas FP & 2C garage. $185,000 Noah Haring HVL Open 1-3pm 507 Cresthaven (L281165) 3br, 2.5bath home w/1st flr mstr suite, kit w/bksft bar, pantry & wooded views. $198,900 Sandy Hirsch HVL Open 2-4pm 1294 Skyview (L281223) 3br, 2bath cottage style home on Lvl lot. Close to Pool, tennis & park! $142,900 Ryan Goode
HVL: NEW LISTING! Immediate occupancy 3 bed, 2.5 bath, double lot, in ground pool, & 1st flr laundry. $199,900 GUILFORD: PRICE REDUCED! Nice home with 3 large bedrooms, 2.5 bath, bonus rm on upper level, finished LL w/ walk-out. $209,900 GUILFORD: Exceptional home & setting! 4 bed, 5.5 bath home w/ heated pool, hot tub, finished LL, 3 car attached, & 3 car detached garages on 3.4 acres. $549,9000 BRIGHT: Immediate occupancy on a 2 bed, 3 bath condo w/finished LL and screened in patio. $134,900 WEISBURG: Former country store w/ residence. Rough condition, sold as is. $39,000 LOGAN: Mostly wooded 9.6 ac lot. $64,000
1(866)336-9642 Drivers: Local/Regional Great Pay, Excellent Benefits, Awesome Home Time. Sign-on bonus. Steady Employment. CDL-A. 2yrs exp req. Tony: 1(888)208-5112
DRIVERS: Money & Miles… New Excellent Pay Package, 100% Hands OFF Freight, Great Home time, Monthly Bonus, 1 yr. OTR exp., No Hazmat (877)704-3773 Drivers: Owner Op's. CDL-A. Pay increase as of July 6th. Great Home time. Dedicated lanes. Sign-on bonus! DAILY RUNS. Cimarron Express 1(855)397-0850 x6
Dump Truck Drivers Class B CDL with experience. Clean driving record and Diesel Mechanic needed meet all DOT and Drug with heavy duty trucks ex- Testing requirements. Loperience in Harrison area cal haul, home every night. (513)367-5700 Call (513(367-5700. Flatbed Drivers- Starting Do you want to earn Mileage Pay up to .41cpm. $9-$17 an hour? Train to Health Ins., 401K, $59 be a CNA or QMA today. daily Per Diem pay, Home 800-648-9915 Tri-State Health Care Weekends. or Training Center can train ATTENTION: Operate a you in three to six weeks. Great Clips Mini-Office Outlet from Now offering full-time. Lo- Harrison/White Oak is hirhome. Free online training, cated at 116 Front Street ing full time stylist flex. hrs, great income. in the Durbin Plaza, Law- 37+hours, must be flexible http://jakeandrach.yourrenceburg. C a l l and willing to have fun, please inquire within. 812-577-0055
Drivers: Home Nightly Florence, KY Flatbed Openings! Great Pay, Benefits! CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply:
Sunman (L280253) 3br, 2F bth home w/ laminate flooring, Fenced in backyard w/deck. $ 99,900 Patrick Martini Moores Hill (L280316) 3BR, 2.5 bth ranch w/WBFP, hdwd firs,hickory kit cabinets. Ig mstr ste, full w/o bsmt w/FR $159,900 Patrick Martini HVL (L280317) 5br,5.5bath,log home w/ Granite & SS appls,hdwd flrs/tile,2nd Kit/ LR on 2nd flr,FR w/WB Stv in full W/O bsmt $264,900 Patrick Martini Brookville (L280334) 3br, 2bath home with 1 car garage. Sold “as is” $ 37,800 Joe James Moores Hill (L280350) 3br, 2bth home on almost an acre. Family rm w/FP, Lg 2C garage. $109,900 Debi Hornsby Sunman (L281470) Fantastic Setting! Decks overlooking 1.5ac fish pond,sunroom, Amish made cabinets,granite & more! $595,000 Ken Maddin Patriot (L281487) 3BR,2B A newer mnfc home on almost 4acs w/river views & river access. 2car det.garage. $124,900 Lawrenceburg (L281504) Medical bldg in Medical District. 4 Apts in bsmt. Excellent Opportunity! $259,900 Ken Maddin
Heartland Engineered Products – Harrison, OH Is accepting application for the following positions. Industrial Painter 1st and 2nd shift, Experienced Machine Operator 2nd shift Includes Brake Press - Hydraulic punch press Experienced Welders 1st and 2nd shifts Apply within at: 355 Industrial Drive Harrison, OH 45030 Call Gary Mullins@ 513-452-1073 email gmullins@
Looking for Line/Prep A+ TAX SCHOOL Cook @ Country Barrel Goepperʼs Liberty Tax Restaurant in Okeana. FREE tuition Fun, friendly, fast paced. Apply now, limited space Pay based on experience Certified instructors Apply in person at 6179 8 Weeks, 2 class times/wk Cincinnati-Brookville Rd. Mornings or Evenings Small Book Fee Call 513-801-9129 Classes Start Sept. 8 Can lead to employment Midwest Cylinder and Lawrenceburg, Harrison, Kaplan Industries are now Colerain accepting applications for full-time General Laborers. Applications are available AIRLINE CAREERS begin M-F 8 a.m.- 4 p.m., 6001 here- Get FAA approved Dry Fork Rd., Cleves, Ohio Aviation Tech training. Job 45002 (513)367-6227. placement assistance. Delta, Southwest, Boeing and many other hire AIM grads! CALL AIM NOW HIRING 877-523-5807 HEBRON/NKY AREA, ALL SHIFTS, $10-$15/HR, GENERAL LABOR/WAREHOUSE, MACHINE OPERATOR, WELDERS, PACKING, START AS SOON AS POSSIBLE DONʼT MISS OUT. CALL TODAY 859-371-7898 OR APPLY AT 8140 DREAM ST. FLORENCE KY. 41042 ADOPT Caring, nurturing home for your newborn baby. Beautiful life, much “Partners in Excellence” love, secure future. Ex OTR Drivers A P U penses paid. Legal, confiEquipped P r e - P a s s dential. Devoted married EZ-pass passenger policy. couple, Walt/Gina. Call 2012 & Newer equipment. 1-800-315-6957 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 Loving married couple longs to adopt newborn. Weʼll provide a beautiful Stone Belt Freight Lines life, unconditional love, opNeeds Owner Operators portunities & security. ExNow! Run 48 & Canada. penses paid. Tricia & Don at Percentage Plus 100% a n y t i m e Fuel Surcharge. Plate Pro- 1-800-348-1748. gram & Insurance Avail- https://donandtriciaadopt. able. Call K e l s y 1-800-489-2332. Young, married couple wishes to adopt of any Werner Enterprises is HIR- race. Loving, secure, ING! Dedicated, Regional, happy home. Promises & OTR opportunities! hugs, reading and fun. ExNeed your CDL? 3 wk penses paid. Jamieandtraining avail. Donʼt wait, call today to get started! 917-324-4884 1-866-467-1836
Whitewater Processing is now accepting applications Affordable childcare in Hidfor male/female full time den Valley. Immediate work. 513-367-4133 openings for all age groups, before and after school. Please call (513)260-7366 spots are limited. References available.
Landscape construction-general labor. Applicant must have driver license and be willing to work overtime. Please send resume or brief work Aurora- Seeking mature, history. trustworthy and ble individual to manage a Fax-812-487-2806. small retail operation. Must Local company accepting have management experiresumes for equipment op- ence. This is a full time poerator. Full-time positions sition. If interested, please available. Requires out of send resume with backtown travel. Apply online at ground experience and or salary requirements to: or call P.O. Box 3544, Lawrence812-926-3205. burg, IN 47025.
TLC Daycare- state li censed child care home, Lawrenceburg. Openings available. Newborn-11 years. Call for information. 812-584-5804 or 812-537-0337. Accepting River Valley Resource vouchers program.
Bowman Painting- interior and exterior; house painting and roofing; 812-689-6771 or 812-537-4677 Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677. Busse Excavating, Bush Hogging and Lawn Service. Dozer Work, Ponds, Driveways, Clearing, Finish Grade, Building Prep, Demolition, Bush Hogging, Lawn Mowing. 30 years experience 812-926-0823 Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call (812)926-1995 or (513)310-0835 GEOFFʼS ROOFING AND PAINTING New Roofs and repair. Interior painting, handyman service. Clean out basements, attics, garages. Also, tear down old houses. Free Estimates. 812-577-2907 Greendale Self - Storage Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call (812)537-3131 or (812)637-1787. Hers & His Services Grass Cutting, Trash Removel, Free Estimates, Partners in Life and in Business. Bonnie & Steve Telinda Aurora IN. 513-703-4416, 513-309-9460 Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals and apartments. Monthly, weekly, bi-weekly, or one time. Fully insured. De pendable. Free estimates. Call (812)637-9171 or cell (513)256-0698. Residential Cleaning. You make the mess, weʼll do the rest. Insured/bonded. Specializing in commercial or residential, office and home. Assist in moving in/out. 812-290-4490.
Medical Coding-CPC Exam Prep, 12 week EVENING class forming in Lawrenceburg. Enroll now for 7/22/14. Contact AAPC Certified Instructors, Theresa 513-608-5159 or Nancy 513-518-5210 for details.
July 22 - July 24, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
MISCELLANEOUS GARAGE & GARAGE & 58 MISCELLANEOUS 69 49 55 55 SERVICES/NOTICES YARD SALES YARD SALES !!!-A-A-A Absolutely no trespassing of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison.
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners, or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone, Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of G.E. Stacy, 27357 Stacy Lane, 1905 Pinhook Rd., West Harrison, Ind., 47060.
YARD SALE DEADLINE BEFORE 10 A.M. FRIDAYS Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063. 3 family sale- Friday 25th 8:00-5:00; Saturday 26th 8:00-3:00; 649 Tanner Avenue, Greendale. Children and adult clothing, toys, household items, jewelry, books, movies, miscellaneous
Crosby Township- Fort Scott community yard sale (off Blue Rock Road). Multifamily. 6803 Knox Lane. July 26th 8:00am-1:00pm. Household items, furniture, kitchen, clothes, toys, miscellaneous.
I Nick McQueary, of Cincinnati OH, is seeking Title of a 2008 Ford Crown Victoria from Shawn Aracaro of Harrison OH. Please call 513-646-4986 Friday/Saturday-July 25th&26th, 9am-3pm. 315 S. Poplar, Rising Sun, Womenʼs clothing, Coleman grill, dishes, entertainment center, Curio cabinet, Christmas decorations and much more.
53 FARM/PRODUCE Small squares, mixed grassed $2 to $3; Timothy or orchard $4.50; 4x5 grass $20 to $30 stored inside; Call 513-417-1185 or 812-438-3757
Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860.
WORK BOOT SALE! Redwing-ThorogoodWoolverine, 25% to 40% off at Neff Shoe Store in Aurora In.
House-hold items, Clothing sizes infant-adult, 120V Air Compressor, Presser washer, TV, Toys. Friday July 25, 8am-3pm. 2052 Carolina Trace West Harrison Huge Garage Sale 5030 Salem Ridge Aurora, To Much to Mention! Sat. July 26th, 8:30-5:00, Rain or Shine
Huge multi-family yard sale. 35 DeJerus Lane, Greendale. July 31stAugust 1st & 2nd. 8:00-1:00. Office desk, chairs, treadmill, weight bench, weights, toys, childrenʼs clothes, loft beds, and many other things.
Huge-Multi-Family-July 24/25/26-8:30-5:30, Sat.-8.30-2.00, Lykins-9983 St.Rd. 46, St. Leon. Clothing Infant/to-plus sizes, Harley-items, odds&ins furniture, new-lighting, tires, Many items to numerous to mention. Price to sell! Large Estate Sale-An tiques, tools, stove, saddle, garage/barn items, Lots-of nice misc. Rain/Shine inside 3 barns. July 25-26, 9am-5pm. 6030 Highland Center Rd. Brookville IN. 47012
NEW LOCATION-Ace Appliance, Heating, and Air ConditioningReconditioned appliances with warranty. Also sell parts and repairs in home/shop. 254 Charles Large Flea Market A. Liddle Dr. #7 Lawrence- Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 8600 Harriburg, 812-537-0032 son Pike, Cleves.
Full Time Production Employees Packers/Operators All ShiFTS AvAilAblE
Ability Read/Interpret Instructions/ Documents Relating to: Production, Reporting, Safety Rules, Equipment Operating/Maintenance Candidates Must Have: Mathematical Understanding/Capability Mechanical/Production Knowledge Interpersonal/Teamwork Eye/Attention to Detail Medical benefits Company Provided With NO Employee Contribution Please send resumes to: or Mail/Apply within at: 924 S Meridian St. Sunman, in 47041 Attn: Amber haas No Phone Calls Please
CLASS A & B CDL DRIVERS Applicants must be at least 23 years of age, 2 years experience, pass DOT physical and all DOT requirements. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package. Our benefits include health, dental and life insurance, retirement program, vacation time and a good work atmosphere.
If interested in any of the above positions, please reply to: Rod Johnson - Email: Josh Laudick - Email: Phone: 812/623-3070 Fax: 812/623-4166
Milan yard sale (6-family). July 24th-25th. 8:00-5:00. Across from Milan car wash on 101. Huge amount of nice name brand clothing, womens(6-20), teens(M-L), mens(M-XL). Longaberger, Vera Bradley, Coach, bedding, bar stools, lots of miscellaneous! DONʼT MISS THIS ONE!
DISH TV Retailer- Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-283-0560
1993 Jeep Wrangler, 6 cylinder, 5-speed, 2 tops, 2 summer doors, 4 new tires, $2,500. (some rust) 812-584-5068 Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.
GUN SHOW!! Greenfield, IN- July 26th & 27th, Han- Will Buy & Haul Scrap & Trucks cock County Fairgrounds, C a r s 620 North Apple Street, (812)716-0781. Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For inMulti Family-July 23,24,25, f o r m a t i o n call 8am-4pm. 28823 St. Joe 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Dr. ST. Leon. Wii Trade! console,w/games/accesoAbsolutely no dogs, huntries, jewelry, desk, patio HOMEOWNERS set, flute, clothing, lots of WANTED!! Kayak Pools is ing, trapping, fishing, misc/$1.00 items looking for demo home- swimming, trash dumping sites to display our mainte- of any kind, wire fence cutMulti-family Garage/Mov- nance-free pools. Save ting/breaking, horse riding, ing Sale - Fri. July 25, 8-6, thousands of $$$ with this woodcutting, motorized veSat. July 26, 8-4. 1071 year-end clearance sale. hicles, firearms, or tres Seldom Seen Drive, C A L L N O W ! passing for any reason, unless written permission. Bright. Furniture, small an- 800-315-2925 tiques, kids clothes, Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for stroller/car seat, toys, Discount code: 607L314 accidents or injuries on the many household items! Postage Stamp Show. property. Dennis and Gail Multi-family Yard Sale Sat- Free admission. Lawrence Connelly, 6651 Stimson urday, July 26; 8-1. 228 Parks Center, 5301 N. Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14 Locust St., Greendale. Franklin, Lawrence, IN. July 26 and 27, Hours Multi-family Yard/Moving 10-4. Buy and sell Stamps Absolutely no fishing, no Sale - July 25 & 26, 8-2. info: swimming, no hunting, or Rain or shine. Memorial trespassing permitted. Not Drive off Jamison in Bright, responsible for any injuries Ind., Refrigerator, clothes, REDUCE YOUR CABLE or accidents on the proplots of misc.! BILL! Get a whole-home erty belonging to : Rod Satellite system installed and Brenda Cafouras, Multifamilyat NO COST and program- 12476 Gordon lane, Dills9:00am-2:00pm, 7/24 m i n g starting a t boro, IN 47018 3/19/15 through 7/26, 18173 Keller $ 1 9 . 9 9 / m o . FREE Rd Lawrenceburg. Kids HD/DVR Upgrade to new Absolutely no fishing, no and maternity clothes, in- callers, SO CALL NOW swimming, no hunting, or fant carrier, Greco stroller, 1-800-914-5307 trespassing permitted. Not crib, other baby items, responsible for any injuries books, miscellaneous. or accidents on the property belonging to: Mark & Neighborhood yard sale, Eva Roll, End of DiefenSaturday July 26th, bach Road, Bright IN 9:00-3:00. Rain date Always Buying, antiques, 47025 August 2nd . 2 0 5 9 9 estates or partial estates, 09-4-14 Georgetown Rd. For Sale sign in yard. Plenty of old military items, guns, Absolutely no hunting or swords, old advertising parking. signs, and clocks, toys, trespassing. No dirt bikes Yard Sale - July 26, 8-2. jewelry, pottery, etc. Call or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible Rain or shine. 95 Ryan Bob 812-637-5369 for accidents, injuries or faDrive, Harrison. Clothes, Tyʼs Vintage Sports - talities on the property of toys, much more! Looking to buy vintage Helen Amm & Teresa sports cards prior to 1960. Stone, 18060 Union Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. (513)616-6013. 9/18/14 m Absolutely no hunting, fishAll New! Happy Jack DuraSpot : Kills & Repels fleas, Wanted Fill Dirt-Please ing or trespassing for any reason w/o written permisticks, larvae. Repels ites, call 812-571-3715 sion on the properties lice, mosquitoes. Contains owned or leased by us. No Nylar IGR. Orschein Farm excuses. Violators will be & Home. arrested and prosecuted. Harry and John Hud dleston, 8731 SR 56N, Aurora, IN or 5311 Yorkridge Road, Guil ford, IN Bad teeth? Extractions 10/23/14 and Dentures using oral We buy and haul junk cars sedations. Free ConsultaAbsolutely no hunting, fishtions. Dr. McCall info,be- & trucks with titles. Call ing, or trespassing. Not re812-621-0961 or email fore/after photos at sponsible for accidents on m davesautosalvage1@gmai the property of: Richard 317-596-9700 Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, DirectTV- 2 Year Savings IN 47001 1-1-15 Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only Absolutely no hunting, fishDirectTV gives you 2 ing, dog running, woodcutYEARS of savings and a 1982 Suzuki - GS 750E, ting, dumping, animal FREE Genie upgrade! Call 127,000k, $500 OBO, abandonment, motorized cash only. (812)637-6973. 1-800-246-2073 vehicles, bikes, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree cutting, snowmobiling, creek rock hunting, turning around in private circle drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or personal property. Activities of any kind will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the properties of:John Niehaus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Aurora, Ind., 47001. 08/28/14
70 Posted Column
IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Lawrenceburg Campus, is recruiting applicants for part time faculty positions in MEDICAL ASSISTING for CNA Preparation and QMA Preparation.
To see complete job descriptions and credentialing requirements and to apply, visit our website at Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
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70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Perry & Tracy Boone, 18002 Lost Creek Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: John Stegemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Guilford, IN 47022. 9-11-14
Absolutely no hunting, trapping, woodcutting, motorized bikes, or trespassing for any reason or purpose. These activities are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for accidents on the property of: Rodney & Arlene Miller 8824 North Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 08-12-14
ABSOLUTELY no hunting/trapping, no fishing, no riding motorized vehicles or animals, and NO trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties owned by: Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte & Bells Branch Rds, Caesar Creek Twp, Dearborn County, Dillsboro, IN and Floyd P & Teresa Martini – North Hogan & Holt Rds, Manchester Twp, Dearborn County, Milan, IN. NO exceptions! Not responsible for any accidents or injuries of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 11/13/14
Absolutely no swimming, fishing, hunting or tres passing permitted, not responsible for any injuries or accidents on any property or lakes belonging to: Ralph Eugene Clark, Jr. and Mary Clark, 1505 Water Street, Hardin town, Lawrenceburg, IN Anyone caught in the auto salvage yard or above property will be prose cuted. 09-2-14
Drivers! Holland is hiring at its Cincy, OH terminal. 21 yr old w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. Local drivers are home daily, Regional Drivers are home weekly. Company paid health ins. Find your direction at! EEO/AAE Minorities/Females Persons with Disabilities/ Protected Veterans
Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Robert L. Kist, Matter horn DR, lot 1090, Hidden Valley Lake. 4-16-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents and or injuries on the property of: Gerald&Charlene Powell 8964 Sycamore St 9098 Stitts Hill Rd. Moores Hill, In. 47032 7-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason, not responsible for accidents or injuries. Violators will prosecuted at their own ex penses.: The Beverly J. Neihardt Trust, 14950 Old State Road 350, Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Valley Golf Club, Rupel Development Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Road, Fairway Drive, Alpine Drive and Oberting Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. 03-19-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Land Trust 3/26/15
ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 19150 COLLIER RIDGE GUILFORD, IN 47022. 09/11/14 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of: The Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15 Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Robert & Deborah Lischkge, 9794 Alans Branch, Moores Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025 01-15-15 Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-2-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents of injuries on the property of: Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence burg Trojan Rd., Extending to Beneker Rd., St. Leon Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier Rd., Sunman,St rd 46 property, North Dearborn property 4-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property be longing to: Patricia Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Way, Moores Hill, IN 47032. 10-9-14
See more Help Wanted ads on page 4!
The 6th Congressional District
Job Fair THUrSDaY aUgUST 7, 2014
RN - Part time days in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit. RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time openings in the E.D. and the Birthing Center.
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Hosted by Congressman Luke Messer in cooperation with Ivy Tech Community College, WorkOne and Dearborn County Commissioners.
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
July 22 - July 24, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the James, properties of Wilma, Samuel Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-25-14
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, woodcutting, quad or cycle riding. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jim & Larry Gabbard, Lattire Farm, Gregory Bier (The Land) Union Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Will not be responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property of: Mark & Bonnie Pennington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, In 47001 4-16-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, or wood cutting. Not re sponsible for any injuries or accidents. Property consists of 10 acres. Richard and Melanie Wiedeman, 18554 Collier Ridge, Guilford, IN 47022 05-21-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutting, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, bikes. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, fatalities. No trespassing, soliciting, or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent from Ron and Debbie Seaver, 23718 James Lake Road, Guilford, IN 47022 04-23-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCI DENTS, INJURIES, OR FATALITIES. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR EXPENSE. SHELIA BLOCK 9163 OLD S.R. 350 AURORA, IN 47001 9-25-14 Absolutely no trespassing of any kind allowed on all properties belonging to Ola & Julie Miller. No exceptions. Not responsible for injuries, accidents or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind, horseback riding, etc, unless written permission is given. Ola & Julie Miller, 11302 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 3-19-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quad runners or 4-wheelers allowed for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: Darrell & Susan Sexton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., Lawrenceburg, IN 470205. 3-12-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will b e prose cuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: The Gary Steinmetz Farm, 9783 Wesseler Road, Sunman, IN 05-14-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 Absolutely No Trespassing 03-15 of any kind, for any reason at any time. No Excep - Absolutely no trespassing, tions! Owner not responsi- hunting, firearms, woodble for any accidents, inju- cutting, trapping. No mories or fatalities. Violators torized vehicles of any will be prosecuted at their kind. Violators will be own expense. Tresa Man- prosecuted at their own ford 11510 North Hogan expense. Also not responRoad Aurora, IN 47001 sible for any injuries, acci5-7-15 dents or fatalities on the property of: James ChrisAbsolutely no trespassing, man, Yorkridge Road, for any reason. No hunting Guilford, IN 5-28-15 or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission Absolutely no trespassing, from owner. Violators will no hunting, no woodcutbe prosecuted at their own ting, no 4-wheeling, no expense. Grimsley Farm quad running. Violators will on Grimsley Rd. Moores be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 for any accidents on the Absolutely no trespassing, property of: Ronald W. hunting, trapping, trash Fields, 2488 Sneakville dumping, tree cutting, tree Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN damaging in any way, tree 47025. 4-30-15 stands, firearms, bows, knives, or loitering. Not re- Absolutely no trespassing, sponsible for accidents, no hunting, no woodcutpersonal injuries, property ting, no walking, no sightdamage, or fatalities. Vio- seeing, no motorized vehilators will be prosecuted to cles. Violators will be the fullest extent of the law prosecuted at their ex at their expense of the penses. Not responsible properties of Gerald for accidents or injury on Conn, Cove Circle East the property of: lots 2534 and 2535, Hid- Patrick Holland den Valley L a k e . 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 8-28-14 08-14-14
Kitchen Help & Servers Full & Part Time Apply in person: 615 Ring Rd Harrison, Ohio
Find the Perfect Job and be Sure to Keep It! Looking for
RN’s / LPN’s HHA’s / CNA’s
I-275 Enterprises, Inc., is the owner of property located in the Horseshoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana, bounded on the West and North by the right-of-way of interstate Highway 275 and on the South by the Chessie Railroad right-of-way and on the eastern edge of the I-275 Lagoon (hereinafter called “the property”). Hunting, trapping, dis charging firearms, shooting arrows, fishing, turtle hunting, dog running, tree cutting, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, hiking, bicycling, motor biking, operating quads or after ATV vehicles, horseback riding, sledding, ice skating, snowmobiling, bird watching, camping, operation of aircraft, swimming, row boating, motor boating, sailing, creek rock hunting, turning around or trespassing of any kind on the property for any reason is absolutely forbidden without written and signed permission of a duly authorized agent of I-275 Enterprises, Inc., I-275 Campgrounds, Inc., and-or Horseshoe Camp grounds. I-275 Enter prises, Inc. 10860 In deco Drive, Cincinnati OH 45241 09-4-14
No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg .) 8-28-14 No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or trespassing on the Hostetler Farms, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill. They will be prosecuted. Harry Hostetler, 13450 Chesterville Rd., Moores Hill, IN 12-4-14 No hunting or shooting, no woodcutting,, littering or dumping, no motorized vehicles, machinery or trespassing. Not liable or responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prosecuted if found on property of: Dennis G. and Ann J. Elder, 17800 Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN 7-9-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Stonegate Property Owners, Bordering on Stonegate Dr. & Essex Lane. 05-28-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing and not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Jerome & Ruth Martini, York Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Rd., York Township. 4-9-15
No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15
NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted No hunting, fishing, or tres- at their expense. 7-22-14 passing for any reason and not responsible for No Trespassing for any any injuries occurring on reason. Violators will be the property owned by: prosecuted at their own Hidden Valley Lake Prop- expense. Not responsible erty Owners Associa - for any injuries or acci tion, Bordering on State- dents. line Road and George- 20042 Stateline RD. Lawtown Road, Lawrence- renceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14 burg, In 04/09/15
No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law renceburg, IN 04-09-15
No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing or ATVʼs. Violators will be prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15 No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 Chesterville Road. Violators will be prosecuted. 4-2-15
Advantage Home Care
800-807-6839 or 812-537-0325 460 Ridge Ave. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 EOE
No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015
No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. No hunting, no ATV/bike West Harrison, IN 47060 riding, no wood cutting 9-11-14 without written permission. Not responsible for per - No trespassing for any sonal or property injury on reason. Not responsible property owned by: Mi- for accidents or injuries. chael and Roberta Hank- Marshall Alford ins, 27106 Cranes Run 15778 W. County Line Road, W. Harrison IN Rd. Moores Hill, IN 47060 1/15/15 No hunting, no fishing, no 10-9-14 bike riding, absolutely no trespassing on the prop- No trespassing of any kind erty of: Irene Beckett Es- for any reason on the tate, 1005 Nowlin Ave- properties of the Tri-Townnue, Property on west ship Water Corporation. side of Tanners Creek Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex 08-21-14 pense. Also not responsiNo hunting, no motorized ble for any accidents, injubikes or vehicles, no tres- ries, or fatalities. Tri-Town passing of any kind and Water Corporation 75 Janot responsible for acci- mison Rd., 24192 State dents, violators will be Line Rd., 1813 Morgan prosecuted on the property Rd., 25333 Henderson of: Stanley Harmeyer & Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, Sondra Lewis 22643, 902 Justis Rd. 22747, 22915 Jackson 4-9-15 Ridge, Lawrenceburg, IN No trespassing of any kind 09-4-14 on the properties & private No hunting, no motorized drive of Marvin Zimmer bikes or vehicles, no tres- 28817 Evergreen Lane, passing of any kind and West Harrison, IN 47060 not responsible for acci- 08-14-14 dents on the property of: No trespassing of any kind John McKay on property of : All Rite 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14 Ready Mix Of Indiana, LLC, 10513 Morgans No hunting, trespassing, Branch Road, Aurora, IN quad or dirt bike riding on 4-9-15 the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located post frame at 6919 E. Laughery buildings Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14 speCial No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15
INSIDE SALES West side, well established manufacturer / distributor will add one person to an exp’d inside sales team. Customer contact, order entry and follow up. Can prepare one for outside sales. 1-5 years experience in customer contact & some college helpful. Contact our recruiter at
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No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Debi & Stephan Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, Guilford, Indiana 47022 No Trespassing! Abso 04-30-15 lutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcut- No trespassing, hunting, ting, discharging firearms fishing, trapping or dumpor fireworks or explosives ing of any kind. Absolutely of any kind, riding motor- no motorized vehicles, ized vehicles or animals. bikes, quadrunners or Not responsible for prop- 4-wheelers allowed on my erty damage, accidents, in- property. Not responsible juries or fatalities. Violators for accidents, injuries or fawill be prosecuted at their talities. Beware of dogs. own expense to the fullest Violators will be prose extent of the law on the cuted at their expense to property of: Joseph F. the fullest extent of the Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 Bayer, 17365 Church Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 Rd., Lawrenceburg, In Dean Rd., Aurora, In 47025 1-15 47001. 9-14 No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15 No trespassing! No hunting, tree stands, firearms, bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense. Lowell & Donna Hollins, 10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsboro, IN. 10/23/14 No trespassing, hunting or fishing. The Browning Farm, 9516 & 9321 Texas Gas Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 12-14
No trespassing, hunting, 4 wheeling etc. on property owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other owned entities on North Hogan Rd. between SR 48 and Holt Rd., Dear born County Indiana. Not responsible for any accidents of any kind. 7-02-15
No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15 No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motorcycles. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on the property of: John Kemme, 24464 State Line Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 9-4-14
24'x36'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 40'x64'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 1-20' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 24'x45'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 50'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center
Check our prices on garage doors!
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No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 3-19-15 No trespassing, motorized vehicles, hunting, trapping, fireworks or explosives of any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller Ridge Estates. Also not responsible for any acci dents or injuries occurring on this same property. Mike and Connie Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Ridge, 22102 Hickory View Lane, Guilford, IN 47022 12-11-14 No trespassing, no fishing, no hunting or artifact hunting. Nick Domaschko, Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In 47001 6-11-15 No trespassing, no hunting or fishing. Absolutely no 4 wheelers or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Earl & Thomas Sullivan, 18253 & 18350 Keller Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 5-21-15 No trespassing, no hunting, violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Glen & LaVerne Burkhardt, Corner of Keller Rd., & SR 48, Lawrenceburg, In 1-8-15 No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15
No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14
32'x40'x12' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 60'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-16' Split Slider 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4' Center Truss on 4' Center
No Trespassing, hunting, four wheelers, dirt bikes, fishing, swimming for any reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sunman, IN 47014 7-2-15
No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15
Responsible school bus drivers needed in Lawrenceburg area. Valid CDL with proper endorsements. Meet all certifications and statute requirements for State of Indiana. Pass an expanded Background Check. Training is available. Competitive wages and benefits. Please call 812-537-7201.
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 Anderson Rd., Law renceburg, IN 47025. 4-9-15
No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15
Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation
Late Evenings & Night Shift
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No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also Goose Run, Aurora, IN 1/29/15
No trespassing without written permission and not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, 6960 Nelson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi County. 9-25-14
METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm
No trespassing. No fishing, no swimming, no hunting or four wheelers. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb Hornberger and family 9758 E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunman, IN 47041 07-16-15 No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13 No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 05-21/15
Metal Roofing & Trim
12 Colors • Custom Trim Available • Delivery Available Next Day Service • Buy Factory Direct & Save $1.89 Lin Ft #1 • $1.69 Lin Ft #2 • $.99 Lin Ft Scratch & Dent Madison Metals 812-273-5214 •
Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Aurora, IN 03-5-15 Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15 Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001 4-14
July 22 - July 24, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
Service Directory APARTMENTS
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SALVAGE & TOWING Owner Mary Clark
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Buy direct from manufacturers! Roof trusses for house, barn, garages & commercial
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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
July 22 - July 24, 2014
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Football Preview Football fans are passionate about their teams - almost as passionate as you are about your business. Huddle up with these fans to support your school and promote your business with our 2014 High School Football Preview. These pages will be full of photos, bios, interviews and information that sports fans can’t live without. Each team – the Lawrenceburg Tigers, East Central Trojans, South Dearborn Knights – will be represented with game schedules, rosters and outlooks.
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