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Dearborn County register
154TH YEAR ISSUE NO. 36 $1
Catch Boogie Bob on the flip side
Longtime county health inspector retires By Erika Schmidt Russell Editor
By day Bruce Canfield works at Dearborn County Hospital, but in his spare time he creates beautiful hand-thrown pottery ranging from plates to bowls to vases sold under the name Earthworks Pottery. Canfield rings up a sale to Jared and Janie Tebben at the Phi Beta Psi Arts & Crafts in the Park Sunday, Sept. 7. The Lawrenceburg event in Newtown Park drew a large crowd of shoppers with fall-like temperatures and a gentle breeze.
Brenda Robinson, Bethlehem, Ky., has been selling personalized decorations at Arts & Crafts in the Park for at least 10 years. Sunday her booth featured Halloween and Christmas items.
I-74 bridge work continues The Indiana Department of Transportation will close single lanes at individual bridges on Interstate 74 in Dearborn County while contracted crews repair pavement and apply epoxy polymer deck overlays. RAM Construction Services, the state’s contractor, plans to begin operations late in the week—weather permitting—for this $563,481 INDOT Seymour District bridge preservation project. Nine I-74 bridges at five locations will be rehabilitated between the IndianaOhio state line and a structure site west of St. Leon. ■■Johnson Fork and Johnson Fork Road—I-74 eastbound and westbound bridges—1.23 miles east of U.S. 52 ■■White’s Hill Road—I-74 eastbound and westbound bridges—1.23 miles west of U.S. 52 ■■U.S. 52 and the Indiana & Ohio Railroad—I-74 eastbound and westbound bridges—5.44 miles east of Ind. 1 ■■East Fork of Tanners Creek
See I-74, Page 8 © REGISTER PUBLICATIONS, 2014
Cathy Ward and Paula Daugherty, both of Lawrenceburg, check out jewelry. The annual event had a wide range of crafts including wood toys, quilts, crocheted scarves and more. Also on sale were paintings and photographs.
Rampage run benefits Red Wolf Sanctuary of wildlife native to this area, including black bears, gray wolves, coyotes, foxes and raptors including both hawks and owls. Many of its residents are former “pets,” given up when their Folks who love to run and walk competi- owners realized wild animals do not make good tively and have a ken for wildlife may want to pets for a variety of reasons. Others lived wild check out the Red Wolf Rampage set for Satur- until injuries or illness made that impossible. day, Sept. 27. Participants The 5K and who pre-register 10K trail run and by Friday, Sept. walk will begin 12, will receive a at 9 a.m. at the commemorative Red Wolf Sanctushirt and be regisary near Rising tered to win extra Sun. Both trails door prizes. are very scenic, Those registersaid sanctuary coing after Sept. 12 owner Jane Straswill not be guaranser. teed a shirt. Regis“The 5K is tration is capped BOB MATTINGLY PHOTO pretty flat but the at 500. 10K has some These three young timber or gray wolves, shown at Rising Star Caquite challeng- about 6 weeks old, became Red Wolf Sanctuary resi- sino, a race sponing hills. Walkers dents this spring. sor, will provide can do either trail. parking and disProceeds from the race benefit Red Wolf Sanc- counted room rates for participants. Participants tuary,” she said. can pick up their packets between 6:30 p.m. The routes go through beautiful Indiana and 8:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 26, at the casino in landscapes, taking participants past the large Rising Sun. All participants will be shuttled to wildlife enclosures. The 10K is a challenging Red Wolf Sanctuary for the race itself from the course to hike and a serious challenge for even casino, beginning at 7 a.m. Sept. 27. the most seasoned trail runner, taking runners Early bird prices are $25 per person, with sigup 240-plus feet in elevation, then back down nificant price breaks for groups of over four. For in a stretch of less than a mile. the larger group prices, one must call to make The non-profit sanctuary cares for a variety See RUN, Page 8 By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
INSIDE TODAY OBITUARIES.......................2
“You’re an Andy Griffithtype inspector.” The comment from a state health department official a few years ago may have been meant as a compliment or an insult, but as a compliment it is fitting. Bob Skidmore is a vestige of another era. That era is drawing to a close. After almost 30 years on the job, Bob, 65, is leaving the Dearborn County Health Department where he has been a food service inspector since the mid-1990s. As an Andy Griffith-type health inspector, Bob preferred to be friends with the owners and managers of the places he was inspecting. That wasn’t always possible, but for the most part it worked for him and for the health and safety of diners in Dearborn County. Sitting down for a chat in the Lawrenceburg Library on a Thursday afternoon, Bob is casual in shorts and a baseball hat. A restaurant cook greets him with a smile and the two chat. It’s Andy Griffith.
See FLIP, Page 8
Aurora man charged with confining, battering juvenile
Sheriff's Deputy Dee Smith. Smith said the girl said she had been picked up by a man named Nick who took her to Aurora resident Dante N. the Childers residence, wrote Childers, 25, of 258 Lower Slack. She told Smith she was John St., has been charged drinking alcohol until Nick with criminal confinement and Dante got into a fight, then had a friend take her resulting in bodily home. injury, a level 5 Slack also interfelony; and battery viewed the juve(bodily injury) and nile and her father, furnishing alcohol and the girl gave to a minor, both Slack Nick's phone Class B misdenumber, said Slack. meanors, according Nick said Childers, to Dearborn Circuit a friend, asked him Court records. to pick up the juveIn his affidavit Dante Childers nile and come over, for probable cause, Aurora Police Sgt. Shane and he did so, wrote Slack. Slack said he went to the John At Childers' house, they all Street location looking for a begin drinking, then Childers runaway juvenile from Ohio got rough with the juvenile, County. Slack was assisted by getting on top of her, Nick Indiana State Trooper Cam- told Slack. Childers smacked her in eron McCreary. Childers, who had an in- the face and told her she was jury to his right eye and what going to have sex with both of appeared to be dried blood them, Nick said, wrote Slack. on his T-shirt, gave the two Nick, however, got Childers officers permission to search off the girl, punched him in the residence for the juvenile, the face and told the juvenile wrote Slack. They saw mul- to get out for her safety, said tiple open alcoholic beverage the affidavit. Nick also left. In a second interview with containers in the living room, but did not find the juvenile. the girl and her dad, she told When McCreary showed Slack Childers held her shoulChilders her photo, he said ders and arms down as well he knew who she is but de- as slapped her on the face, nied seeing her overnight, wrote Slack. As the two men said Slack. Shortly thereaf- began fighting, she got in beter, Ohio County dispatch tween them and told them to advised the juvenile had re- stop, but Childers pushed her turned home, where she was to the floor, telling her to shut interviewed by Ohio County up, said the affidavit. By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
See CHARGED, Page 8
Today: High: 86 Low 64
Bob, whose last day on the job was Aug. 29, had stopped in the county health department office earlier Thursday, Sept. 4, to fill out some more retirementrelated paperwork. “They laughed and said I couldn’t even wait a week,” said Bob, admitting he is going to miss his daily interactions with people. “I’m a people person. I just love talking to people,” he says. That people person side will be difficult to suppress, but more on that later. Back when he started at the county health department on Nov. 3, 1986, he handled a variety of duties from septic complaints to indoor air quality to stream pollution reports. That changed when food service inspections were separated from environmental health in the mid-1990s, he said. Through those years, Bob has seen his fair share of changes. “Computers back then were just babies compared to where we are now,” said Bob. But computers’ role in his job has increased and evolved through the intervening years. Just as the number of restaurants inspected and the job itself has evolved. Continuing education was always a part of it, and that
Wed: High: 87 Low: 65
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NEWS BRIEFS Homework Hotline open TERRE HAUTE, Ind. – Middle and high school students across the state who need extra science and math help can get it for free by calling, emailing or chatting online with tutors at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology’s Homework Hotline. The Homework Hotline is a free math and science tutoring service that helps Indiana students in grades six through 12. Phone lines and the online chat system will be available between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, through May. Students can also email questions to the Hotline at any time of the day, and they will receive a response during operating hours. “Our tutors are available to help students when they’re stuck on a homework problem or don’t understand a concept,” said Susan Smith Roads, director of the Homework Hotline. “From algebra and biology to calculus and chemistry, we provide an extra, free resource to help Indiana students tackle math and science subjects.” Tutors are Rose-Hulman students who provide free ses-
sions and assistance with homework problems to students who call 877-ASK-ROSE (toll free) or submit questions via email or live chat at More than 30 tutors are available each night to answer calls and online questions, and approximately 150 tutors and supervisors will be employed this year. Tutors are selected based on their technical knowledge and communication skills. During the 2013-14 school year, Homework Hotline tutors answered 34,000 calls, conducted a record 6,800 online sessions and helped students from every Indiana county. The service has responded to more than half a million tutoring inquiries since 1991.
Discussion focus on voting LAWRENCEBURG- We the Hoosiers, a Tea Party + group, will hold the discussion Good Government Begins at Home- Part 2, focused on voting and registration, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, at Lawrenceburg Fire Department, Tate Street, Lawrenceburg. The public is en-
couraged to attend.
High schoolers can enter video contest INDIANAPOLIS- As a part of America Recycles Day, the Indiana Recycling Coalition is hosting a recycling video contest. This year’s theme is “I Want to be Recycled.” This is also Keep America Beautiful’s campaign for the year. Find out more information about the “I Want to be Recycled” campaign by visiting The IRC is looking for Indiana high school students, grades nine through 12, to produce 30-second videos to help educate Hoosiers on the environmental impacts of recycling. This year’s theme focuses on the value of recycled goods and what they can become if they are recycled rather than thrown in the trash. Participating schools will have the opportunity to receive cash prizes for their work. Prizes are $600, first place; $400, second place, and $200, third place.
State police seeks recruits INDIANAPOLIS- The Indiana State Police is now accepting applications for the 75th Recruit Academy. Individuals who are interested in beginning a rewarding career as an Indiana State Trooper may apply online at isp/2368.htm. This website will provide a detailed synopsis of the application process as well as career information about the Indiana State Police Department. Applications must be received via e-mail by 11:59 pm Sunday, Nov. 30. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted for the 75th Recruit Academy. Basic Eligibility Requirements and consideration factors for an Indiana State Trooper: 1. Must be a United States citizen. 2. Must be at least 21 and less than 40 years of age when appointed as a police employee. (Appointment date is November 20, 2015) 3. Must meet a minimum vision standard (corrected or uncorrected) of 20/50 acuity in each eye and 20/50 distant binocular acuity in both eyes. 4. Must possess a valid driver’s license to operate an automobile.
5. Must be willing, if appointed, to reside and serve anywhere within the State of Indiana as designated by the Superintendent. 6. Must be a high school graduate as evidenced by a diploma or general equivalency diploma. The Indiana State Police Department salary is competitive with the surrounding agencies. A recruit is paid $1,417.40 bi-weekly during the academy training. At the completion of academy training, the starting salary is $38,444.00 a year. The Indiana State Police also offers an excellent health care plan, which includes medical, dental, vision and pharmacy coverage for both current and retired employees, along with their families. The Indiana State Police pension program provides a lifetime pension after 25 years of service. Additionally, the Indiana State Police Department provides comprehensive disability coverage and a life insurance program. Interested applicants can obtain additional information about a career as an Indiana State Trooper by visiting htm to find the recruiter assigned to your area.
Dinner benefits adoption advocates AURORA- Be The One, a local non-profit who advocates for adoption, is uniting three area churches in Dearborn County for a progressive dinner called Sharing Supper. The dinner will be held 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 27. There are millions of children worldwide in need of a family; however, the costs associated with adoption keep many families from considering this option. Be The One gives out grants to Christian couples who have begun the process. The dinner will begin with the 1st course at 5 p.m. at the Vineyard in Aurora. It will then progress to Community Fellowship Church for the entrée and concludes at Trinity Christian Center with dessert. At each stop on the dinner, Be The One will present a part of its orphan ministry. The cost for the dinner is $15 for adults; $7 for children 12 and under, or $50 per family. Tickets can be purchased by calling Mary Beth at 1-812-571-0632. All funds raised will be used for grants in supporting families in the adoption process.
Wanda L. Long, 61, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., passed away Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014. She was born Oct. 20, 1952, in Lawrenceburg, Ind., daughter of the late Roger and Alice (Widener) Hooten. Wanda worked as a nurse aide at Dearborn County Hospital, Lawrenceburg. She is survived by her husband, Calvin Long of Lawrenceburg, Ind.; son, Andy (Susan) Long of Lawrenceburg, Ind.; daughter, Amy (Cory) Wells of Rising Sun, Ind.; sister, Zelda (Robert) Bills of Lawrenceburg, Ind., and seven grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her mother and grandmother. Memorial services will be held at the Vineyard Community Church, Saturday, Sept. 6, 2014, at 1 p.m. with David Hall officiating. Contributions may be made to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital.
The Journal-Press (USPS 037-880)
■■ Publication: The Journal-Press is published each Tuesday at Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. The Lawrenceburg office is at 126 W. High St. ■■ Telephone: 1-812-537-0063. ■■ Annual subscription prices: Sold in combination with The Dearborn County Register: $41.55 for Dearborn County residents; $63, Indiana (outside Dearborn County), Ohio and Kentucky; $91.90, all other states. All subscriptions payable in advance. Single copy price is $1. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrenceburg and additional mailing offices. ■■ Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal-Press, 126 W. High St., Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025. ■■ Advertising: This newspaper is liable for errors in advertising only for the space occupied by the error, and not the entire portion of the advertising. ■■ Gene McCann and Dale McCann, Publishers Emeritus
Kenneth Gullion
Kenneth E. “Bub” Gullion, 61, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., passed away Thursday, Sept. 4, 2014. He was born Saturday, Aug. 1, 1953, in Batesville, Ind., son of the late Charles Kenneth Gullion and the late Ruby Johnson Gullion. He worked with Barrett Landscaping for 20 years, HK Systems in Hebron, Ky., for 10 years and Gardens Alive for three years. He loved to draw and play guitar, but his grandchildren were his greatest joy. Surviving are his wife, Brenda Gullion; children, Brendy (Adam) Strader of Lawrenceburg, Ind., Mindy (Gene) Gullion of Lawrenceburg, Ind., Kenneth (Linda) Gullion Jr. of Corpus Christi, Texas; siblings, Vicki (Zeke) Bishop of Versailles, Ind., Beverly (late Lucky) Harrell of Lawrenceburg, Ind., Tammy (late Alvin) Barrett of Vevay, Ind., Charles (Kim) Kenneth Gullion of Holton, Ind., grandchildren, Aason Strader, Mariah Gullion, and Isabella Strader. Friends will be received 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014, at the Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, Ind. Services will be held at Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014, at 2 p.m. with Mark Tanner officiating. Interment will follow in Riverview Cemetery, Aurora, Ind. Contributions may be made to the family.
Annie Riggs
Annie Riggs, of Aurora, Ind., passed away Saturday, Aug. 30, 2014, in Ripley Crossing Milan, Ind., surrounded by her loving family. She was born Saturday, July 21, 1923, in Caddixton,
Great Brittain, daughter of the late James B. Roberts and Bessie (Earl) Roberts. She was a member of the Aurora American Legion and the Aurora Moose Lodge. Annie was married to John Humphrey Riggs in 1944. A World War II marriage which survived all of life’s trials, and ended with the true definition of love and devotion. She loved her husband John and their family. She also enjoyed gardening, and never stopped loving her home country of Wales. While still alive, Annie and her sisters were inseparable. As a child she loved riding her bike and playing with her sisters and friends at Aberdulais Falls. As an adult she and John traveled with their children in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Annie will be dearly missed by all her family and friends. Surviving are her husband, John H. Riggs of Aurora, Ind.; son, John Gregory Riggs of Newport, Ky.; three daughters, Beverly (Larry) McConnell of Milan, Ind., Deborah Lynn (Greg) Bissinger of Terre Haute, Ind., and Terri Elizabeth (Ron) Fox of Manassas, Va.; 12 grandchildren; 25 greagrandchildren; four greatgreat-grandchildren; three sisters-in-law, and numerous nieces and nephews. She was the last living member of her family. She was preceded in death by her father, James Brinley Roberts; mother Bessie Roberts; sisters: Gwyneth Dennett, Muriel Roberts, Betty Hopkins, Alma Whitelock, and brother, James Bertram Roberts. Services will be held at the convenience of the family. Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, is in charge of arrangements. Contributions may be made to the Moose Heart Organization.
Corrections/Clarifications The Journal-Press will correct errors of substance. To request a correction or clarification, call Erika Schmidt Russell for editorial, news or trends pages and Jim Buchberger for sports pages. Russell and Buchberger can be reached at 1-812-537-0063.
Mildred Johnson
Mildred Johnson, 89, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., formerly of Guilford, Ind., passed away Saturday, Sept. 6, 2014, in Lawrenceburg, Ind. She was born Wednesday, March 4, 1925, in Lawrenceburg, Ind., daughter of the late Stanley Holdcraft and the late Bessie May Wales Holdcraft. She was a member of Grace Church of the Valley. Mildred enjoyed shopping, crossword puzzles, yard sales, bingo and chocolate covered cherries. She especially loved being around her many friends and her family. Surviving are son, Rick (Mary Jane) Johnson of Guilford, Ind.; grandchild, Scott (Jennifer) & Dustin (Christina) Johnson of Lawrenceburg, Ind.; greatgrandchildren, Kory, Abby, Luke and Lilly Johnson, several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 64 years, John Johnson. Friends will be received from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014,
at the Rullman Hunger Funeral Home, Aurora, Indiana. Services will be held 11 a.m. Friday, at the Funeral Home, with Pastor Roger Webb officiating. Interment will follow in the Greendale Cemetery, Greendale. Contributions may be made to the Grace Church of the Valley Missionary Fund.
BRANDT, LOUIS H. JR.- 92, Sunman, died Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. He was a World War II Army Veteran. Laws-Carr-Moore Funeral Home, Milan, is in charge of arrangements. ADDISON, JACK L.- 61, Moores Hill, died Monday, Sept. 8, 2014. Services are pending at Sibbett-Moore Funeral Home, Moores Hill.
At Lutz Auction Center
Take I-74 to St. Leon-Lawrenceburg exit, then south on SR 1 for 3 miles to Dover, IN. East on N. Dearborn Rd for 1.4 miles to Auction Ln. From Lawrenceburg, take SR 1 North to Dover, right on N. Dearborn Rd to Auction Ln.
Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014
at 9:00 a.m. Doors open at 8 a.m.
From the Hountz estate: International 684 diesel utility tractor with loader; 2002 International 16 ft deck tandem axle trailer with 2 ft. beavertail and 6 ft. loading ramps; J.D. 3 pt. 3 bottom moldboard plow; American Sports utility vehicle; Yard Machine 25 ton splitter; rear tine tillers; weed and brush cutters; long guns & hand guns, listing of guns will be on webpage; large selection of household, garage, shop and farm related items. Consigned items are 2002 Ford F 150 XL, 5 speed manual, 6 cylinder with 61,815 miles; heavy duty pull log splitter powered by tractor cylinder; Snapper rear engine mower; and more. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Check for details, pictures, and late additions. Estate of Joe Hountz and Various consignors – Owners Dale & Randy Lutz – Auctioneers AU01030327, AU10100126, AH29900027 513-266-1859 / 513-266-1860 TERMS: Cash or check with ID. No Buyers Premium
Winter weather is just around the corner and children in Dearborn County need your help!
How can I help, you ask?
It’s easy! Please fill out the form below indicating how you would like to help children in need this year and submit it to:
WARM THE CHILDREN c/o Chip Munich Register Publications 126 W. High Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Or stop by our office at 126 W. High Street in Lawrenceburg. You can also reach our office at 812-537-0063 for information or questions, or to sign up to be a volunteer shopper. * Families interested in receiving help must contact Kimberly Elliot at SIEOC 812-926-1585 or toll free at 888-292-5475 or visit 110 Importing St, Aurora, IN 47001. Enclosed is my donation to WARM THE
include my name in the published list of donors (Circle One)
YES ! I would like to make a donation and be a volunteer shopper. YES ! I would like to make a donation only. Please make check payable to Warm the Children. Donations are tax deductible.
Dillsboro seeks input
Staff Report Residents of Dillsboro: the town wants your opinions! All town residents are invited to a brain-storming session at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18, in the town hall, 13030 Executive Drive. Lately, town officials have been discussing actions the town could take to attract more businesses to Dillsboro, said Susan Greco, Dillsboro executive assistant. “We thought we would start with a neighborhood discussion of what we would all like to see,” she wrote in a letter sent to
residents this week. “And then, what we could do about making it happen,” she added. Dillsboro has several green spaces, and town officials are seeking residents' input on how they could be used, she said. There also are empty buildings and properties that perhaps could be put to different uses. “This is your neighborhood. You should decide what you want to happen here,” said Greco. The meeting will be conducted by the Dillsboro Redevelopment Commission, but the town council also intends to attend.
Search begins for top youth volunteers
Above left: Terri Toops, Dearborn County Farm Bureau agency manager, touches up some face paint during the agency’s community appreciation day Saturday, Sept. 6. Above right: Farm Bureau Insurance Agent Loretta Day paints Claire Elliot’s face. Right: Farm Bureau Insurance Agent Kristi Roland poses with Park and Trent Donk and their balloon creations. Besides balloon animals and face painting there was food and information about both Farm Bureau and the separate insurance wing.
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards begins its search for Indiana’s top youth volunteers of 2015. Last year Mariah Reynolds, of Moores Hill, was one of the recipients of the award. Now through Nov. 4, students in grades five through 12 are invited to apply for Prudential Spirit of Community Awards if they have made meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service within the past 12 months. The application is available at and spirit. This program year marks The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards’ 20th year of honoring youth volunteers. The program, sponsored by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, was created in 1995 to recognize middle level and high school students for helping people in need, promoting health and safety, protecting
the environment, or volunteering in other ways. The awards are presented annually on the local, state and national level. Indiana’s top youth volunteers of 2014 were Shanze Tahir, 17, of Zionsville and Reynolds. Tahir, Indiana’s top high school volunteer, advocates against bullying by leading focus groups in her community and mentoring other young people. Reynolds, Indiana’s top middle level volunteer, launched an effort in 2008 to collect and distribute coldweather clothing, school supplies and other items to children’s organizations and young victims of natural disasters. Applicants for 2015 awards must complete their online applications by Nov. 4, then submit them for certification to a middle or high school principal, Girl Scout council, county 4-H agent, American Red Cross chapter, YMCA or HandsOn Network affiliate. Paper application forms can be requested by calling 1-877525-8491.
vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated chemical test refusal. ■■Jon Mathew Franz, 38, of 5660 Vogel Road, Cincinnati, was arrested at 12:41 a.m. Monday, Aug. 25, for
possession of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■■Brandi Renee Cuneo, 26, of 507 Rover Drive, Lawrenceburg, was arrested at 3:04 a.m. Monday, Aug. 25, for probation violation.
PUBLIC RECORD The following arrests list was obtained from the county sheriff. It contains arrests made by police agencies in the county. ■■Jimmy Shane Amburgey, 31, of 4956 Main St., Guilford, was arrested at 12:36 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for failure to appear in court. ■■Hermelinda Avalei Mejia, 32, of 138 Duff Road, Elsmer, Ky., was arrested at 4:04 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for operator never licensed. ■■Jerome Michael Sanders, 44, of 2655 Wendee Drive, Cincinnati, was arrested at 8:34 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for probation violation. ■■Gino Ray Laney, 37, of 321 Linden Ave., Newport, Ky., was arrested at 10:31 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for failure to appear. ■■James Odus Prince, 48, 16 of N. Depot St., Batesville, was arrested at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for probation violation. ■■David Allen Peters, 54, of 235 Second St., Aurora, was arrested at 1:38 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for probation violation. ■■Alyssa Sue-Ellen Hynes, 22, 410 Ninth St., Columbus, Ind., was arrested at 3:09 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for probation violation. ■■Kelly Callis Lane, 30, of 290 Prairie Ave., Wilmington, Ohio, was arrested at 3:41 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, for nonsupport of a dependent child and probation violation. ■■Lysandra Kay Neal, 27, of 6025 Bischoff Hill Road, West Harrison, was arrested at 12:22 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for driving while license suspended (susp/prior). ■■Colton Eric Disbro, 26, of 414o Ind. 129, Versailles, was arrested at 12:01 Wednesday, Aug. 20, for violating the home detention program. ■■Quinlan Justin Zinser, 35, of 8296 Stahley Drive, Cincinnati, was arrested at 12:27 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for possession of cocaine. ■■Michael Vincent Deamron, 23, of 3228 Sharpsville Road, Linchburg,
Ohio, was arrested at 1:12 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for probation violation. ■■Troy Palmer Tripp, 46, of 4312 Petersburg Road, Burlington, Ky., was arrested at 1:18 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for probation violation. ■■Seth Adam Swango, 32, of 8368 Old State Road 350, Aurora, was arrested at 3:31 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for resisting law enforcement, possession of marijuana under 30 grams, possession of paraphernalia, habitual traffic violator- subsequent offenses and possession of marijuana (previous conviction). ■■Anita Louise Smith, 50, of 4343 Chappelow Road, West Harrison, was arrested at 5:33 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for conspiracy. ■■Douglas Ray Cutter, 51, of 21775 Lake Tambo Road, Sunman, was arrested at 5:39 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for probation violation. ■■Jerry Jones, 56, of 28591 Chappelow Ridge, West Harrison, was arrested at 7:33 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for manufacture of methamphetamine and conspiracy. ■■Chauntel M. Jones, 54, of 28591 Chappelow Hill, West Harrison, was arrested at 7:57 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, for manufacture of methamphetamine and conspiracy. ■■Frank Michael Riley, 41, of 5351 Beyview Drive, Latonia, Ky., was arrested at 10:04 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for possession of marijuana under 30 grams and possession of paraphernalia. ■■Terrence W. Shane, 30, of 10258 N. County Road, 500E, Sunman, was arrested at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for possession of of paraphernalia and possession of marijuana under 30 grams. ■■Ryan Phillip Bokeno, 24, of 7576 Silvercreek, Cleves, was arrested at 1:11 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for probation violation. ■■Dustin Michael Heid, 31, of 1 Main St., Addyston, Ohio, was arrested at
Wed - Thurs 11am - 9pm • Fri - Sat 11am -10pm 329 Second St. • Aurora, IN
1:13 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for probation violation. ■■Mikayla Lachelle Moore, 19, of 321 Second St, Aurora, was arrested at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for operator never licensed and resisting law enforcement (vehicle). ■■Teresa Ann Mills, 28, of 146 Conwell St., Aurora, was arrested at 10:43 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for leaving the scene of an accident. ■■William Kyle Ryan, 27, of 12981 Rummel Drive, Moores Hill, was arrested at 11:54 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 21, for domestic battery with a child present. ■■Krystle Augusta Kraus, 29, of 25658 Ind. 1, Guilford, was arrested at 3:41 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated with a prior and operating a motor vehicle. ■■Michael William Thorton, 35, of 14633 Ind. 350, Moores Hill, was arrested at 4:51 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Kelly A. Connaughton, 38, of 6334 Soap Hill Road, Aurora, was arrested at
9:50 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, for leaving the scene of an accident and operating a otor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Russell James Edwards Kaiser, 28, of 16058 Ind. 148, Aurora, was arrested at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 23, for theft and attempted theft. ■■Dewayne Garth Bates, 34, of 13212 Mary Ann Drive, Rising Sun, was arrested at 12:23 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 24, for driving while license suspended (susp/prior) and operating without financial responsibility. ■■Bethany M. Salamin, 42, of 2448 Venetion Way, Burlington, Ky., was arrested at 2:59 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 24, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated- chemical test refusal and resisting law enforcement. ■■Anthony S. Bennett, 42, of 3480 Lawrenceburg Road, North Bend, was arrested at 6:37 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 24, for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. ■■Jamie Ryan Livengood, 42, of 29695 Peppertown Road, West Harrison, was arrested at 11:27 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 24, for operating a motor
ader of the Week e R AudreY TeAneY Aurora
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September 13-21 • Daily 9am-? Vendor spaces selling a wide variety of goods and specialty foods. Horse drawn trolley rides to and from town, stay late and enjoy the campfire and live country music. Additional information call 812-667-5645 or 859-341-9188
ACROSS 1. Airplane part 5. Circle segments 9. Trendy 12. No good 13. Kind of knot 14. Copy 15. Mistake in print 16. Garlic feature 17. Evergreen plant 18. Have debts 20. Black 22. Andes climber 25. English drink 26. Black gold 27. Trucker’s rig 30. Radar spot 34. Moistureless 36. Shoulder ____ 37. Aristocrat 38. Computer fodder
39. Inkling 41. Court romantically 42. Snow White’s pal 44. Au pair 46. Rice dish 49. Recreational area 50. King-topping card 51. Record 54. Tooted 58. Fountain ____ 59. College final 60. Observer 61. Museum display 62. Information 63. Bank (on) DOWN 1. Soaked 2. Trailing vine 3. Little bite 4. Dimness 5. Burn-soothing plant
6. Curtain holder 7. Make like a pigeon 8. Binge 9. BLT dressing 10. Cafe sign 11. Damp with morning drops 19. Used to be 21. Pig movie 22. Pile on 23. Italian money, once 24. Touched ground 25. Ocean surge 28. Hero’s story 29. Frantic 31. Grass a la mowed? 32. Press clothes 33. Scheme 35. Word from a crib 40. Whatever 43. On a regular basis 45. Fossil resin 46. Mama’s mate 47. Bakery worker 48. Fasting season 49. Valued minerals 52. Chopper 53. Cat’s foot 55. Soap ingredient 56. Long, slippery fish 57. Twisted, as a grin
page 4
TUESDAY,September SEPTEMBER27, 9, 2012 2014 Thursday,
The journal-press
LegaL Notice
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of govemment at 300 Tiger Boulevard, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of LAWRENCEBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION, Deaborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Community School Corporation will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 10/20/2014 Time of Public Hearing 6:00 pm Public Hearing Place 200 Tiger Boulevard, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Date of Adoption Hearing 10/30/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 5:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place 300 Tiger Boulevard, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Est. Transportation Max Levy 760,150 Est. Bus Repl. Max Levy 302,424 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) 0061 - RAINY DAY 1,100,000 0 0 0101 - GENERAL 15,173,479 0 0 0180 - DEBTSERVICE 2,223,146 2,680,449 1,623,348 4,470,442 2,203,771 1214 - CAPITAL PROJECTS SCHOOL 4,591,379 6301 - TRANSPORTATION 722,609 699,434 665,420 6302 - BUS REPLACEMENT 140,000 129,343 311,652 TOTALS $23,950,613 $7,979,668 $4,804,191 C-9-9-JP-2t 51645 C-9-11-R-2t hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826. Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 6109 Squire Place, Aurora, IN 47001. For taxes due and payable in 2016, no tices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION, Deaborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of SOUTH DEARBORN COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION will meet to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date Monday, September 15, 2014 Public Hearing Time 6:00 pm Public Hearing Location Central Office Adoption Meeting Date Monday, October 20, 2014 Adoption Meeting Time 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Location Central Office Estimated Civil Max Levy 1,630,674 Estimated Bus Repl. Max Levy 31,637 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt from max. levy limitations) 0061-RAINY DAY 350,000 0 0101-GENERAL 18,129,554 0 0180-DEBT SERVICE 3,806,100 3,281,306 4,071,218 0186-SCHOOL PENSION DEBT 224,248 300,779 187,494 2,305,000 2,298,875 1,395,973 1214-CAPITAL PROJ. (School) 6301-TRANSPORTATION 1,914,683 1,609,180 1,566,874 6302-BUS REPLACEMENT 250,587 207,286 0 TOTALS 26,980,172 7,697,426 7,221,559 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of the Bus Replacement Fund plan may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at the following address: S.D.C.S.C. Central Office, 6109 Squire Place, Aurora, Indiana 47001. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation that the proper officers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 proposed Bus Replacement Fund Plan pursuant to IC 20·46·5·6.1. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions. Public Hearing Date: September 15, 2014 Public Hearing Time: 6:00 PM Public Hearing Place: S.D.C.S.C. Central Office, 6109 Squire Place, Aurora, Indiana 47001 Taxpayers are Invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan Is adopted by resolution, such plan will be submitted to the Department of Local Government FInance for approval. The following Is a general outline of the proposed plan: No. of Buses to be Total Estimated Year No. of Buses Owned Replaced Replacement Cost Total Contract Costs 2015 10 1 80,000 2016 10 1 50,000 2017 10 1 83,000 2018 10 1 84,000 2019 10 1 85,000 2020 10 1 86,000 2021 10 1 100,000 2022 10 1 90,000 2023 10 1 90,000 2024 10 1 90,000 2025 10 1 90,000 2026 10 1 90,000 2015 SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE 1) Projected January 1 Cash Balance 43,301 2) Less: Encumbrances Carried Forward from Previous Year 3) Estimated Cash Balance Available for Plan (Line 1 mlnus Line 2) 43,301 4) Property Tax Revenue 207,286 5) Auto Excise, CVET and FIT receipts 6) Other Revenue TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN (Add lines 3, 4, 5 and 6) 250,587 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Complete details of the Bus Replacement Fund plan may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at the following address: S.D.C.S.C. Central Office, 6109 Squire Place, Aurora, Indiana 47001. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation that the proper officers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 proposed Capital Projects Fund Plan pursuant to IC 20·46·5·6.1. Following the public hearing, the proper officers of South Dearborn Community School Corporation may adopt the proposed plan as presented or with revisions. Public Hearing Date: September 15, 2014 Public Hearing Time: 6:00 PM Public Hearing Place: S.D.C.S.C. Central Office, 6109 Squire Place, Aurora, Indiana 47001 Taxpayers are Invited to attend the meeting for a detailed explanation of the plan and to exercise their rights to be heard on the proposed plan. If the proposed plan Is adopted by resolution, such plan will be submitted to the Department of Local Government FInance for approval. The following Is a general outline of the proposed plan: Dept. 2015 2016 2017 EXPENDITURES 1) Land Acquisition and Development 4100 2) Professional Services 4300 235,000 240,000 245,000 3) Education Specifications Development 4400 470,000 500,000 4) Building Acquisition, Construction & Improvement 4510,4520,4530 435,000 5) Rental of Buildings, Facilities & Equipment 4550 6) Purchase of Mobile or Fixed Equipment 4700 110,000 120,000 130,000 7) Emergency Allocation 4900 50,000 50,000 50,000 8) Utilities (Maintenance of Buildings) 2620 470,000 NOTICE 470,000 470,000 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Dearborn County, 9) Maintenance of Equipment 2640 80,000 85,000 90,000 Indiana, Council 65,000 of Dearborn County 10) Sports Facility 4540 that the County 65,000 65,000will have a meeting on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 6:30 11) Property or Casualty Insurance 2670 100,000 100,000 100,000 p.m., in the Dearborn County Administration Bldg., 215-B 12) Other Operation & Maintenance of Plant 2680 West High Street, 3rd Floor- Commissioners Room, Law13) Technology renceburg, IN., to hear the following Additional AppropriaInstruction-Related Technology 2230 760,000 760,000 760,000 tions that are in excess of the budget of the current year: Admin Tech. Services 2580 AMOUNT REQUESTED SUBTOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES 2,305,000 2,360,000 2,410,000 RIVERBOAT SAVINGS 14) Allocation For Future Projects COMMISSIONERS Final 15) Transfer From One Fund To Another 6010Draw for Jail Addition and Renovation $3,126,509.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES, ALLOCATIONS & TRANSFERS 2,305,000 2,360,000 2,410,000 CUM CAP DEV SOURCES AND ESTIMATES OF REVENUE CIRCUIT COURT Purchase copier 50,000 $8,500.00 1) Projected January 1 Cash Balance 50,000 50,000 RIVERBOAT 2) Less: Encumbrances Carried Over From Prev Year SUPERIOR COURT50,000 II 3) Estimated Cash Balance Available For Plan 50,000 50,000 Public defender fees $60,000.00 4) Property Tax Revenue 2,298,875 2,315,000 2,340,000 PROSECUTOR 170,000 5) Auto Excise, CVET and FIT receipts 175,000 180,000 Depositions $20,000.00 6) Other Revenue Childrenʼs Advocacy Center 25,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR PLAN 2,518,875 2,540,000 2,570,000
C-9-9-JP-2t C 9-11-R-2t NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at 230 Walnut Street, City Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. oʼclock on the 15th day of September, 2014. Fund Name: Riverboat Major Budget Classification: Amount 10000 Personal Services 0.00 20000 Supplies 0.00 30000 Other 0.00 40000 Capital Outlays 1,300,000.00 50000 Other Capital Outlays 0.00 1,300,000.00 Total for Riverboat Fund TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION $1,300,000.00 Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Notice is hereby given the taxpayers of the City of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper legal officers will consider the following additional appropriations in excess of the budget for the current year at their regular meeting place at 230 Walnut Street, City Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. oʼclock on the 15th day of September, 2014. Fund Name: Riverboat Major Budget Classification: Amount COMMUNICATIONS/911 10000 Personal Services 0.00 Overtime funding 20000 Supplies 0.00 C-9-2-JP-2t PLANNING AND ZONING C-9-4-R-2t 30000 Other 0.00 51341 Attorney/Legal Fees 40000 Capital Outlays 1,300,000.00 SHERIFF/JAIL NOTICE 50000 Other Capital Outlays 0.00 Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Dearborn County, Gasoline hspaxlp 1,300,000.00 Indiana, that the County Council of Dearborn County will Total for Riverboat Fund Inmate meals TOTAL ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION $1,300,000.00 have a meeting on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 6:30 Jail addition Taxpayers appearing at the meeting shall have a right to be heard. The additional appropriations as finally made will be referred to the Department of Local Government Finance ("DLGF"). The DLGF will make a written determination as to the sufficiency of funds to support the appropriations made within fifteen (15) days of receipt of a Certified Copy of the action taken. Dated: August 26, 2014 Jackie Stutz, Clerk-Treasurer City of Lawrenceburg C-9-2-JP-2t 51270 C-9-4-R-2t hspaxlp
p.m., in the Dearborn County Administration Bldg., 215-B West High Street, 3rd Floor- Commissioners Room, Lawrenceburg, IN., to hear the following Additional Appropriations that are in excess of the budget of the current year: AMOUNT REQUESTED RIVERBOAT SAVINGS COMMISSIONERS Final Draw for Jail Addition and Renovation $3,126,509.00 CUM CAP DEV CIRCUIT COURT Purchase copier $8,500.00 RIVERBOAT SUPERIOR COURT II Public defender fees $60,000.00 PROSECUTOR Depositions $20,000.00 Childrenʼs Advocacy Center 25,000.00 COMMUNICATIONS/911 Overtime funding $3,000.00 PLANNING AND ZONING Attorney/Legal Fees $6,000.00 SHERIFF/JAIL Gasoline $90,000.00 Inmate meals 100,000.00
hspaxlp$6,000.00 $90,000.00 100,000.00 38,971.73
CCUF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS Budget modification $200,000.00 COUNTY GENERAL OR RIVERBOAT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Radio Equipment $2,610.00 Repair/replace equipment 5,000.00 PARK BOARD CAPITOL PARK BOARD Bright Meadows Park $3,943.00 Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thereon. The Additional Appropriation as finally made will be referred to the State Board of Tax Commissioners, which Board, will make written determination within 15 days of receipt of Certified Copy of action taken. Gayle L. Pennington Dearborn County Auditor
1 Harold + 2 Dorothys -1 Helen + x(Stevens) = 1 tipsy Jillian “There is no one here named Dorothy.” of something besides “what?” and murJillian started to put the phone back into mured, “Who are you?” its cradle, reproaching herself for even an“As I explained, we are the ...” swering it. “You,” said Jillian. “Who am I speaking “Are you sure?” ... no, that’s wrong. To whom am I speakJillian stared at the phone, started to slam ing?” it home, then put it to her ear and said, “Harold.” “Quite sure. There is no one here named “Harold,” said Jillian, pausing to take a Dorothy.” long pull at her Scotch, “are you “Has there ever been somecrazy?” C.G. one?” “Not any more,” said Harold. “I Jillian felt a headache begin- SCAVOLA was, until the Harold Placement ning. She unclenched her jaws and Bureau found me a place with the said, “Never. Now please ...” Smiths. Do you know the Smiths?” “Never, ever?” “I don’t think so,” said Jillian, “and beIt was too early for even a tiny drink, so fore you ask, I don’t want to.” Jillian rubbed her forehead, then said, “I am “Oh, that’s a shame,” said Harold. quite sure there is no one named Dorothy “They’re very nice, except on Tuesdays. at this number, and that there has never, Now, about Dorothy ...” ever, been someone named Dorothy at this Jillian started to ask about the Smiths on number, so ...” Tuesdays, hit herself in the side of the head “Would you like there to be?” with the glass she held, saw the glass was Jillian ground her teeth, remembered Dr. empty and began to refill it, when someone Rolly’s cautions, drew a deep breath, and said, “Well? Do I get to go or not? I haven’t said, “What?” She closed her eyes, tried to got all day.” place the phone in its cradle, but before she “Who was that?” said Jillian. “No, forget could ... I asked.” “I can arrange for Dorothy to be there, “That was Dorothy,” said Harold. part or full time.” “Duh,” said Dorothy. “Do I have to go to Jillian walked toward the liquor cabinet this one? They sound kind of lame.” and heard herself say, “What?” “Well what do you expect when you “I represent the Dorothy Placement Bu- place a cold call?” said Harold. reau. We are a non-profit organization dedi“This is a lame organization,” said Dorocated to placing Dorothys in every house- thy. “I think I’m going to change my name hold that does not have one.” and find another placement bureau.” Jillian tried to think of something to say Jillian finished downing her Scotch and as she groped for the Scotch, but only man- said, “Just where do you get off criticizing aged, “What?” Harold? And besides, we don’t want you. “And because you have never, ever had a Harold, you said we had choices? Let’s drag Dorothy, you have our highest priority and another one out.” a wide range of choices.” “Sure,” said Harold. “Uh, Dorothy, come Jillian began to mix a drink, tried to think on out and say hello.”
“And just what the hell is wrong with me?” said Dorothy. “You’re too pushy,” said Dorothy. “Ladies, please!” said Harold. “And who’s behind curtain number three?” said Jillian, as she finished another drink. “Hang on while I get out of this diving suit,” said Dorothy. “Harold, does she live near some water?” “She’s dripping on my teddy bear!” said Dorothy. “Good,” said Dorothy. “Your teddy bear just threw up on my kangaroo.” Jillian said, “I hope you aren’t working on commission, Harold.” “I’m a volunteer,” said Harold. “Want to try another one?” “Pass,” said Jillian. “Do you have any Helens? I had an Aunt Helen who was nice.” “Sorry, only Dorothys,” said Harold. “But I’ll be on the phone for the Letitia bureau tomorrow.” “I hated Aunt Letitia,” said Dorothy. “Well, I work Stevens every other Monday.” “Kismet,” said Jillian. “My high school boyfriend was Steven, but his parents sent him away so we would break up.” “I had a husband named Steven, if that would help” said one of the Dorothys. “Sweetie, we haven’t got time for the catalogue of your husbands,” said Dorothy. “Dorothy!” said Harold. “Put down the diving helmet!” “Call after noon,” said Jillian. “I don’t like to start this early.” Copyright 2014, Robert A. Markwalter. For more from C.G. Scavola and Bob Markwalter, visit www., home of the Stray Lake Signal-Gazette.
Historical Society ice cream social Sept. 14 The Dearborn County Historical Society will once again celebrate the end of summer with an annual homemade ice cream social and garden walk open house. Visitors are also invited to churn ice cream, tour the recently renovated pioneer area, visit the beautiful blooming gardens and walk to the levee. The public is welcome at no charge on Sunday, Sept. 14, at 2 p.m. at the Vance-Tousey House, 508 W. High St., Lawrenceburg.
Laughery Valley Food & Growers meet Sept. 25
All Food and Growers Association of Laughery Valley and Environs members and the public are invited to attend the annual meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, at Batesville Intermediate School Cafeteria. The theme of the meeting is ‘Local Food.’ Two presenters will speak on this topic: Jodee Ellett, Local Foods Coordinator with Purdue University Extension, and Kathy Cooley, dietitian at MMH. Desserts, featuring fresh, local fruits will be presented by Susie Gryspeerdt. Tastings of coffees will be offered by the committee planning the Amack’s Well café. Reservations should be made by Saturday, Sept. 20, by calling Bonnie Robbins at 812-934-3010 or email Donations at the door to FGA will be appreciated for this event. Monies will go toward the education of our local growers and producers. The Food and Growers Association of Laughery Valley & Environs was formed to respond to the needs of farmers, parents and health professionals who see the connections between community health improvement, sustainable agriculture and a viable local economy in the Laughery Valley and its Environs. FGA is an initiative to build a sustainable local market for foods produced in and around Laughery Valley.
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826.
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826.
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at Aurora Public Library, 414 Second Street, Aurora. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of AURORA PUBLIC LIBRARY will meet to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date 9/22/2014 Public Hearing Time 6:00 pm Public Hearing Location Aurora Public Library, 414 Second Street, Aurora Adoption Meeting Date 10/27/2014 Adoption Meeting Time 6:00 pm Adoption Meeting Location Aurora Public Library, 414 Second Street, Aurora Estimated Civil Max Levy 780,219 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 1,101,927 785,000 759,931 RAINY DAY 100,000 0 0 0 0 LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT RESERVE 100,000 TOTALS 1,301,927 785,000 759,931 C-9-2-JP-2t 51327 C-9-9-R-2t hspaxlp
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at Kelso Township. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of KELSO TOWNSHIP, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of Kelso Township will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Kelso Township not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Kelso Township shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Kelso Township will meet to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date Thursday, September 25, 2014 Public Hearing Time 7:00 pm Public Hearing Location 28866 Post 464, Brookville Adoption Meeting Date Thursday, October 23, 2014 Adoption Meeting Time 7:00 pm Adoption Meeting Location 28866 Post 464, Brookville Estimated Civil Max Levy 8,056 Estimated Fire Max Levy 10,569 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt from max. levy limitations) 0101 - GENERAL 11,465 6,100 5,379 0840 - TOWNSHIP ASSISTANCE 2,500 3,000 2,436 12,000 12,000 10,295 1111 - FIRE TOTALS 25,965 21,100 18,110 C-9-9-JP-2t 51566 C-9-11-R-2t hspaxlp
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826.
The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826.
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 16610 North Broadway Street, Moores Hill. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper.
Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at Office of the Clerk, 212 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, IN. For taxes due and payable in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available at or by calling (888) 739-9826. Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of LAWRENCEBURG CIVIL CITY, Dearborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Civil City will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Civil City not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which taxpayers object. If a petition is filed, Lawrenceburg Civil City shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of Lawrenceburg Civil City will meet to adopt the following budget: Public Hearing Date Monday, September 15, 2014 Public Hearing Time 6:00 pm Public Hearing Location City Hall Council Chambers, 230 Walnut St, Lawrenceburg, IN Adoption Meeting Date Monday, October 06, 2014 Adoption Meeting Time 6:00 pm Adoption Meeting Location City Hall Council Chambers, 230 Walnut St, Lawrenceburg, IN Estimated Civil Max Levy 6,800,000 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt from max. levy limitations) 0005 - CASINO/RIVERBOAT 27,058,382 0 0 0101 - GENERAL 7,451,079 6,600,000 5,288,833 0342 - POLICE PENSION 350,000 0 0 0706 - LOCAL ROAD & STREET 20,000 0 0 100,000 33,631 0708 - MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 872,428 1303 - PARK 453,387 100,000 53,292 0 0 9501 - MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT 12,228,000 9502 - PARK NONREVERTING 137,500 0 0 65,000 0 0 9503 - PLANNING NONREVERTING 155,000 0 0 9504 - FIRE NONREVERTING 9505 - BLDGS/MOMUMENT NR 450,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 9506 - PARK MAINT NR 0 0 9507- UTILITY ANNEXATION IMP NR 400,000 9508- UTILITY CAPITAL IMP NR 400,000 0 0 0 0 9509- LAWRENCEBURG REDEVOPMT 475,000 9510- NR BLDG. COMMISSIONER 75,000 0 0 TOTALS 51,040,776 6,800,000 5,375,756 C-9-2-JP-2t 51257 C-9-9-R-2t hspaxlp
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of MOORES HILL CIVIL TOWN, DEARBORN County, Indiana that the proper officers of MOORES HILL CIVIL TOWN will conduct a public hearing on the 2015 budget. Following this meeting any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of MOORES HILL CIVIL TOWN not more than seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy to which the taxpayers object. If a pertition is filed, MOORES HILL CIVIL TOWN shall adopt with the budget a finding concerning the objections in the petition and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of MOORES HILL CIVIL TOWN will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing 9/22/2014 Time of Public Hearing 6:30 pm Public Hearing Place 16610 North Broadway Street, Moores Hill Date of Adoption Hearing 10/7/2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 6:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place 16610 North Broadway Street, Moores Hill Estimated Civil Max Levy 43,834 Fund Name Budget Estimate
Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy to be raised (Including Appeal(included appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) GENERAL 79,095 61,000 LOCAL ROAD & STREET 10,188 MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 24,225 5,000 FIRE 11,586 8,000 CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMP (CIG TAX) 1,655 RAINY DAY 15,000 RIVERBOAT 358,358 TOTAL 500,107 74,000 C-9-9-JP-2t 51103 C-9-11-R-2t
Current Tax Levy 33,808 8,994
42,802 hspaxlp
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The Notice to Taxpayers is available online at or by calling (888)739-9826. Complete details of budget estimates by fund and/or department may be seen by visiting the office of this unit of government at 488 Ludlow Street, Greendale, Indiana 47025. For taxes payable and due in 2016, notices will not be printed in the newspaper and will only be available online at or by calling (888)739-9826 Notice is hereby given to taxpayers of CITY OF GREENDALE , Deaborn County, Indiana that the proper officers of City of Greendale, will conduct a public hearing on the year 2015 budget. Following this meeting, any ten or more taxpayers may object to a budget, tax rate, or tax levy by filing an objection petition with the proper officers of City of Greendale within seven days after the hearing. The objection petition must identify the provisions of the budget, tax rate, or tax levy that taxpayers object to. If a petition is filed, City of Greendale shall adopt with its budget a finding concerning the objections filed and testimony presented. Following the aforementioned hearing, the proper officers of City of Greendale will meet to adopt the following budget: Date of Public Hearing Wednesday, October 08, 2014 Time of Public Hearing 6:00 pm Public Hearing Place 510 Ridge Avenue, Greendale, Indiana 47025 Date of Adoption Hearing Monday, October 27, 2014 Time of Adoption Meeting 5:30 pm Adoption Meeting Place 510 Ridge Avenue, Greendale, Indiana 47025 Estimated Civil Max Levy $2,445,706 Fund Name Budget Estimate Max.Estimated Funds Excessive Levy Current to be raised (Including Appeal(included Tax Levy appeals & levies exempt in Column 3) from max. levy limitations) 0101 - GENERAL 4,564,768 2,428,724 2,267,180 0706 - LOCAL ROAD & STREET 150,000 0 0 0708 - MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY 480,981 237,450 115,886 2379 - CUMULATIVE CAPITAL IMP 30,000 0 0 (CIG TAX) 2391 - CUMULATIVE CAPITAL 590,000 29,630 30,453 DEVELOPMENT 9500 - TIF 2,100,000 0 0 9501 - RIVERBOAT 4,219,000 0 0 TOTAL 12,134,749 2,695,804 2,413,519 C-9-2-JP-2t 51008 C-9-4-R-2t hspaxlp
READ YOUR LEGAL NOTICES. The reason publication of legal notices is required in newspapers is YOU, the citizen. In a democracy, the government is required to inform you of the public business, because you and your neighbors are the basis of government. These notices provide essential information about all local government entities including schools, cities, villages and counties. A democracy is a system of checks and balances. Your right to be informed is a check on government. Public notices shed light on the actions of all government bodies--but it’s up to you, the citizen, to read them and obtain more information on the actions that have an impact on you.
L'burg offense clicks, at last Steuer's 5 TD threaten record in 44-0 romp BY JIM BUCHBERGER Sports Editor LAWRENCEBURG - It took all of one snap for Lawrenceburg football's two-game offensive drought to take a powder Friday night. Senior runningback Zach Steuer broke an inside run through the left side of the LHS offensive line, cut back right and was gone - 75 yards for the first of his five rushing touchdowns in a 44-0 victory over visiting Milan. “We needed a win in the worst way,” said Tiger head coach Ryan Knigga, whose varsity brought a shocking 0-2 record into Friday's non-conference clash at Dick Meador Stadium/ Neary Memorial Field. Lawrenceburg (1-2), which had scored a grand total of 16 points in its two previous starts, put up three TDs in each of the first two quarters and never was headed by the Indians (1-2). “We got back to what we do,” Knigga explained. “We picked up the tempo and went back to the basics that have made us successful the past three years. When you can work fast and execute your plays, it wears a defense down physically and mentally.” It took the Tigers only three plays to score again, after a high kickoff hit behind Tribe returner Michael Thompson, bounced back toward LHS territory and was recovered be a swarm of LHS special teamers at the
No. 1 Tigers hold Wildcats shotless, 8-0 Staff Report BROOKVILLE – No. 1-ranked Lawrenceburg girls soccer made doubly sure of preserving its 8-0 shutout win at EIAC rival Franklin County Wednesday. Moving to 5-0 overall and 2-0 in Eastern Indiana Athletic Conference play, LHS held the Wildcats without a shot on goal for the entire 80 minutes while scoring four times in each half. Freshman Hailee Hinthorne scored twice Wednesday, while six other Tiger teammates found net, Juniors Lauren Kittle and Sydney Lovins split halves in goal, each with nothing much to do. Junior Peighton Cook scored a head ball goal at 36:13 in the first half off a corner kick by classmate Rachel Magee. Senior Alexis Fussnecker followed, at 29:28, with a goal, assisted by sophomore Josie Denton. Senior Emily Sampson assisted on Hinthorne's first score, which made the LHS lead 3-0 at 11:09 before halftime. Hinthorne assisted on the Tigers' fourth goal, by sophomore Holly Nutley, just 1:56 prior to intermission. Denton raised Lawrenceburg's lead to 5-0 at 39:05 in the second half, with the assist from sophomore Audrey Schwier. Junior Paige Weaver gave the visitors a 6-0 cushion with 34:39 left, off the assist from senior Tori Stuard. Freshman Alyssa Oyler scored with 16:05 to play, assisted by senior Phoebe Beiderhake. Beiderhake assisted on Hinthorne's second goal, and Lawrenceburg's last, with 3:51 on the game clock. Lady Tigers face another EIAC road test at Batesville tonight (Tuesday).
Milan 23. Steuer, who finished with 227 rush yards on 25 carries - threatening the LHS single-game record of six rushing touchdowns set by Chad Banschbach in 2012 - gained 10 yards a first-and-goal at the Indians' eight yard line on his second carry. He basically walked across the goal line, behind a host of blockers, on the next snap for the 14-0 Lawrenceburg lead at 9:45 in the first quarter. “Records are made to be broken,” Knigga said. “We will never take an opportunity away from any individual when it comes to breaking records. To be honest, it never crossed my mind that he was that close. Zach had an outstanding game. What I was most impressed with was what Zach carried over from practice last week into the game. He was on a mission and he had his best game as a Tiger yet.” Mitch Martin picked off the first of the Tigers' two pass interceptions to end Milan's next possession on third-and-six at the Tribe 25, returning it to the 29. Steuer converted a key fourthand-nine with a 10-yard sweep to the Milan 18 and Konner Jackson caught a play-action screen for 17 yards on third-and 12 to set up LHS with first-andgoal at the Milan four. Jackson dove across the goal line on a quick snap fourth-and-two play for the 21-0 lead at 4:19 in the first period. Jackson appeared to score on a 45-yard interception return in the final minute of the first quarter, but an LHS illegal block penalty brought it back to the Milan 40. Steuer scored from two JIM BUCHBERGER/Journal-Press yards out on the ensuing nineplay drive, for the 28-0 lead at LHS senior Zach Steuer (24) breaks through the Milan defense for a game-opening 75-yard touchdown run, his first of five rushing TDs, in Friday’s 44-0 offensive explosion by the Tigers, now 1-2. See L’BURG, Page 7
SD wins (2nd half) at Batesville Staff Report BATESVILLE – Unbeaten Batesville, ranked No. 15 in last week's Class 3A football state coaches' poll, scored 35 unanswered points in the last 17 minutes of the first half to sew up Friday's 35-10 EIAC nondivisional win over visiting South Dearborn. Coach Eric Heppner's Bulldogs, Eastern Indiana Athletic Conference 3A Division champion a year ago, improved to 3-0, marking their 12th consecutive regular season win. If there was a bright spot for South Dearborn's Knights, now 1-2, it was that they “won” the second half, outpointing the hosts 10-0 while in full catchup mode. “We came back out and won the second half for the second week in a row,” said SD had coach Chris Nobbe. “But we must be better prepared in the first. I will take responsibility for not having us ready these past two weeks.” Another was senior placekicker Tanner Anderson's school record 43yard field goal, which ignited a brief scoring flurry by the Knights, avoiding the shutout with five seconds gone in the fourth quarter. “I am happy for Tanner Anderson getting the opportunity to break the school record,” Nobbe said of the senior fourth-year kicker, also a mainstay on the SD boys varsity soccer team. “Tanner is a very deserving young man for this honor. He puts in a great deal of work to hone his craft.”
Batesville senior Peter Heil caught two touchdown passes from classmate Connor Schuck en route to a five-catch, 137-yard night Friday. Heil also went 5-for-5 in extra points in his placekicking role for the Bulldogs. Schuck, a third-year starter, completed eight of 16 passes for 197 yards, with one interception against the two TD tosses. Junior Jacob Koehne picked off a pass from South Dearborn QB Wyatt Schwing (12-23 passing, 191 yards, TD) and returned it for a 64-yard touchdown at 9:44 in the second quarter to give Batesville the 21-0 lead. Dogs had scored twice in the last 4:52 of the first period, on a fiveyard run by junior fullback Zach Mears and Schuck's first TD hookup with Heil, a 41-yarder with exactly one minute left in the quarter. Driving again just before halftime, Batesville upped the ante to 28-0 on Schuck's 15-yard TD ross to Heil at the 3:48 mark. Senior Neal Nobbe, BHS backup fullback and nephew to SD head coach Chris Nobbe, set the 35-0 halftime score with his eight-yard touchdown run 33 seconds prior to intermission. Neal Nobbe led all rushers Friday with 10 carries for 45 yards. Knights' brief scoring outburst finally came in just a two-minute span to start the fourth quarter. Senior Tanner Anderson connected on a
See SD, Page 7
East Central defensive end Chase Fette (37) makes a stop of LaSalle's Kevin Ferguson (8) during the Trojans' 48-0 shellacking at Lancer Stadium/Marge Schott Field Friday.
Lancers make EC short work Staff Report
CHRISTOPHER AUNE/Batesville Herald
South Dearborn quarterback Evan Oatman sets to pass early in the football Knights' 35-10 loss at Batesville Friday night.
MONFORT HEIGHTS, Ohio – There's a reason that Cincinnati LaSalle's Lancers (now 2-0) at the top-ranked team in the Division II city coaches' poll. One week after shocking the high school football-mad Queen City with a 40-21 rout of public school powerhouse Colerain, LaSalle made short work of East Central's Trojans Friday, 48-0, at Lancer Stadium/Marge Schott Field on North Bend Road. Sophomore Jarrel White added two rushing TDs, carrying 10 times for 89 yards Junior speedster Jeremy Larkin scored twice on the ground, netting 88 rush yards on 13 carries, and caught a 40-yard touchdown pass from classmate QB Nick Watson (7-10 passing, 118 yards, 2 TDs). LaSalle racked up 394 yards total offense, building a 34-0 halftime bulge, while limiting EC, now 0-3 for the second year in a row, to just 49 total yards. Lancers' suffocating defense has allowed just 189 yards in two games so far.
East Central never established any kind of offense and never sniffed the end zone Friday. Trojans netted just 12 rushing yards on 20 attempts and 37 yards passing on 7-for-15 throws, with three interceptions. Adding one lost fumble, EC turned it over four times. Trojan quarterbacks were sacked a total of four times, as well. Senior tailback Andrew Keilholz was East Central's rushing leader, with eight carries for 20 yards. Junior QB Luke Patton completed four of eight passes for 20 yards, with two picked off. Tight end Colton Hoog's one 12-yard catch constituted EC's best receiving gain of the night. If there was one positive Friday, it was that the game was blessedly short. Kicking off at 7 p.m. and ending at exactly 9:02, the lopsided contest lasted all of two hours, two minutes. East Central tries to regroup to begin pursuit of a second-straight Eastern Indiana Athletic Conference 4A Division title back home this Friday against Franklin County (2-1, 0-1).
H.S. football
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Batesville 35, SOUTH DEARBORN 10 Cincinnati LaSalle 48, EAST CENTRAL 0 LAWRENCEBURG 44, Milan 0 Eastern Ind. Athletic Conference 4A Division: CONNERSVILLE 48, Greensburg 43 FRANKLIN COUNTY 24, Rushville 14 CLASS 4A Sectional 23: COLUMBUS EAST 61, Seymour 6 Delta 34, SHELBYVILLE 14 GREENWOOD 17, Martinsville 14 MADISON 28, Floyd Central 21 CLASS 3A Sectional 30: HAMILTON HTS. 22, Maconaquah 8 INDIAN CREEK 40, Eastern Hancock 0 Terre Haute South 24, GUERIN CATHOLIC 23 (OT) INDPLS. MARSHAL 24, Gary West 8 (Sat.) Other area teams: New Albany 44, Jennings County 19 Wes-Del 15, North Decatur 6 (Sat.) Knightstown 49, South Decatur 8 EASTERN INDIANA ATHLETIC CONFERENCE 2014 Varsity Football STANDINGS (Through Sept. 5) 4A DIVISION School All Div. Pts. PA Connersville 2-1 1-0 90 82 Franklin County 2-1 0-1 64 63 SO. DEARBORN 1-2 0-0 31 74 EAST CENTRAL 0-3 0-0 31 100 3A DIVISION School All Div. Pts. PA Batesville 3-0 0-0 89 42 LAWRENCEBURG 1-2 0-0 60 23 Greensburg 0-3 0-0 71 113 Rushville 0-3 0-0 38 60 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Franklin County at EAST CENTRAL, 7 p.m. * Greensburg at LAWRENCEBURG (Homecoming), 7 p.m. * SOUTH DEARBORN at Connersville, 7 p.m. * Eastern Ind. Athletic Conf. 3A Division: Batesville at Rushville * * - EIAC Divisional game Tigers 44, Indians 0 Friday, Sept. 5 At Lawrenceburg Milan 0 0 0 0 – 0 Lawrenceburg 21 21 0 2 – 44 Scoring: LB – 1Q – 10:24 – Zach Steuer 75-yd. run, Brandon Flaum kick (LB 7-0) LB – 1Q – 9:45 – Steuer 9-yd. run, Flam kick (LB 14-0)
LB – 1Q – 4:19 – Konner Jackson 1-yd. run, Flaum kick (LB 21-0) LB – 2Q – 10:08 – Steuer 2-yd. run, Flaum kick (LB 28-0) LB – 2Q – 6:00 – Steuer 5-yd. run, Flaum kick (LB 35-0) LB – 2Q – 0:43 – Steuer 1-yd. run, Flaum kick (LB 42-0) LB – 4Q – 0:30 – Ball snapped out of end zone for safety (LB 44-0) Team statistics: LB M First Down 14 7 Rushing Att./Yds. 48/293 32/79 Passing Yards 209 65 Pass Cmpl./Att./Int. 12/23/0 7/21/2 TOTAL OFFENSE 502 144 Offensive Plays 71 53 Avg. Gain/Play 7.1 2.7 Fumbles/Lost 1/1 2/1 Punts/Average 1/44.0 5/35.6 Penalties/Yds. 7/65 5/35 Possession Time 23:40 24:20 3rd Down Conv. 4/15 1/11 4th Down Conv. 2/8 1/5 Individual statistics: RUSHING – LB: Steuer 25 att./227 yds./5 TD, Fette 7/30, Jackson 12/27/TD, Schneider 3/8, McNaughton 1/1. M: Healy 10/34, Thompson 9/33, Vinup 2/13, Beck 8/2, Offill 2/0, Fox 1/-3. PASSING – LB: Fette 11 compl./22 att./203 yds./0 TD/0 Int., Tuberville 1/1/6 yds. M: Beck 7/20/65 yds./0 TD/2 Int., Fox 0/1. RECEIVING – LB: Kauffman 5 rec./137 yds., Jackson 4/37, Martin 3/35. M: Turpin 3/36, Layden 3/20, Vinup 1/9. PUNTS – LB: Tuberville 1 att./44 yds./44.0 avg. M: Vinup 5/178/35.6. PUNT RETURNS – LB: Steuer 1 ret./15 yds., Schneider 3/115, Martin 1/12. M: Fox 1/0. KICK RETURNS – LB: McNaughton 1 ret./24 yds., Kauffman 1/13. M: Thompson 6/77. Bulldogs 35, Knights 10 Friday, Sept. 5 At Batesville South Dearborn 0 0 0 10 -- 10 Batesville 14 21 0 0 -- 35 Scoring: BV - 1Q - 4:52 - Zach Mears 5-yd. run, Peter Heil kick (BV 7-0) BV - 1Q - 1:00 - Connor Schuck to Heil 41-yd. pass, Heil kick (BV 14-0) BV - 2Q - 9:44 - Jacob Koehne 64-yd. interception return, Heil kick (BV 21-0) BV - 2Q - 3:48 - Schuck to Heil 15-yd. pass, Heil kick (BV 28-0) BV - 2Q - 0:33 - Neal Nobbe 8-yd. run, Heil kick (BV 35-0) SD - 4Q - 11:55 - Tanner Anderson 43-yd. field goal (BV 35-3) SD - 4Q - 10:21 - Wyatt Schwing to Evan Oatman 9-yd. pass, Anderson kick (BV 35-10) Team statistics: SD BV First Downs 14 13
Rushing Att./Yds. 31/71 28/110 Passing Yards 191 197 Pass Cmpl./Att./Int. 12/24/1 8/16/1 TOTAL OFFENSE 262 307 Offensive Plays 55 44 Fumbles/Lost 1/1 0/0 Penalties/Yds. 7/45 12/98 3rd Down Conv. 2/12 4/7 4th Down Conv. 1/1 0/1 Individual statistics: RUSHING - SD: Disbro 6 att./39 yds., Dae.Lane 7/18, Schwing 17/17, Probst 1/-3. BV: Nobbe 10/45/TD, Koehne 6/36, Schuck 4/18, Mears 2/8/TD, Ayette 2/2, Schebler 4/1. PASSING - SD: Schwing 12 compl./23 att./191 yds./TD/Int., Kirkey 0/1. BV: Schuck 8/16/197 yds/2 TD/Int. RECEIVING - SD: Probst 6 rec./128 yds., Oatman 2/33/TD, England 1/14, Lane 1/8, Frazer 1/4, Kirkey 1/4. BV: Heil 5/137/2 TD, Schebler 2/38, Koehne 1/22. Lancers 48, Trojans 0 Friday, Sept. 5 At Cincinnati LaSalle East Central 0 0 0 0 -- 0 LaSalle 14 20 7 7 -- 48 Scoring: LS - 1Q - 10:13 - Jeremy Larkin 35-yd. run, Nick Veite kick (LS 7-0) LS - 1Q - 3:42 - Nick Watson to Larkin 40-yd. pass, Veite kick (LS 14-0) LS - 2Q - 11:22 - Watson to Maurice Warren 10-yd. pass, Veite kick (LS 21-0) LS - 2Q - 7:50 - Jarrel White 7-yd. run, Veite kick (LS 28-0) LS - 2Q - 1:02 - Larkin 15-yd. run, kick failed (LS 34-0) LS - 3Q - 2:32 - White 5-yd. run, Veite kick (LS 41-0) LS - 4Q - 3:29 - Christian Turner 38-yd. run, Veite kick (LS 48-0) Team statistics: EC LS First Downs 7 18 Rushing Att./Yds. 20/12 34/276 Passing Yards 37 118 Pass Cmpl./Att./Int. 7/15/3 7/10/0 TOTAL OFFENSE 49 394 Offensive Plays 35 44 Fumbles/Lost 1/1 0/0 Punts/Avg. 3/42.0 0/0 Punt Returns/Yds. 0/0 1/19 Kick Returns/Yds. 7/124 0/0 Int. Returns/Yds. 0/0 3/43 Penalties/Yards 3/29 10/103 Possession Time 24:46 21:26 Sacks By/Yds. 0/0 4/16 Individual statistics: RUSHING - EC: Keilholz 8 att./20 yds., Koch 1/3, Kammer 1/-1, Frick 1/-1, Patton 9/-9. LS: White 10/89/2 TD, Larkin 12/89/2 TD, Turner 3/63/TD, Watson 4/15, Doerger 1/9, Anderson 2/6, Jones 1/3, Green ½. PASSING - EC: Patton 4 compl./8 att./20 yds./0 TD/2 Int., Koch 3/7/17 yds./0 TD/Int., LS: Watson 7/10/118 yds./2 TD/0 Int. RECEIVING - EC: Hoog 1 rec./12
6:30 p.m. Chef Anne Alexander of Annie’s Classics Café will demonstrate cooking with a French their students for field trips or any flair at Hillforest Museum. A full other groups, families and individ- dinner of French dishes will be uals. Call 812-432-5401 or 812served to all guests. Also, all at667-5330. No Charge. tendees will receive a free Hillforest cookbook. Bring your family Tuesday, Sept. 9 and friends to savor a night out 84 Years and still Growing! Jack and delicious gourmet meal. Sutton, Executive Director of Cost: Hillforest members $35, Great Parks, will present the his- non-members $40. For reservatory of Great Parks of Hamilton tions call 812-926-0087 or visit County, including its mission Hillforest Vicand key focus on conservation of torian House Museum, is located natural resources, outdoor recre- at 213 Fifth Street, Aurora. ation and nature education Tues- Thursday, Sept. 11, 7 p.m., day, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. at 301 ‘Good Government Begins at Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, the Home – part 2’. A discussion foOxbow, Inc. Office. The talk will cused on voting and registration. also include an update on Oak Meeting is at Lawrenceburg Fire Glen Nature Preserve and the Dept., Tate St. The public is enrestoration efforts underway fol- couraged to attend. Sponsored lowing the March, 2014 oil pipe- by We the Hoosiers, a Tea Party line spill. + group. Storytime, ages 3-6 Tuesday, Sept. 9, 11 to 11:45 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 11Dillsboro Public Library Description: Storytime lasts from Saturday, Sept. 13 St. John Lutheran School Fall 30-45 minutes and will include books and a craft or other activity. Rummage Sale will be on ThursEach session is designed to meet day, Sept. 11 and Friday, Sept. 12 from 3 to 6 p.m. and Saturday, your child’s social and developSept. 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. mental needs. Advance registraThe Rummage Sale will be locattion is required. Call 812-9260646 to register or register online ed in the gym at St. John Lutheran School at 222 Mechanic at: Fused glass making class at the Street in Aurora. Framery, 575 Main Street Suite 1, Lawrenceburg, will be taking place Friday, Sept. 12 on Tuesday, Sept. 9 from 5:30 to End of Summer Outdoor Music Palooza 8 p.m. The cost of fused glass RidgeWood Health Campus inmaking is $27.50. Payment can vites you to our outdoor family be included with registration or upon arrival. This event is open to concert featuring the Ashby Fork Band Friday, Sept. 13, 5:30 to 7 all girls not currently in Girl p.m. $5 box meals available, hot Scouts entering grades 1st-8th. dog, chips, water, cookie. 50/50 For questions, please contact raffle for Toys for Tots. Family Christine Sevindik at 513-619fun for all, kids activities. RSVP 1438 or christinesevindik@ by Sept. 5 to 812-537-5700.
Q: Virginia Tech upset No. 7-ranked Ohio State 35-21 Saturday night in Columbus, ending their 25-game win streak at Ohio Stadium. What team holds the record for longest home win streak in NCAA Division I college football?
Today in
1965 – Sandy Koufax pitches a perfect game for the Dodgers, while Bob Hendley of the Cubs allows just one hit in a 1-0 Los Angeles victory at Dodger Stadium. Koufax strikes out 14 batters while throwing a total of just 113 pitches. Dodgers left fielder Lou Johnson is the only player to reach base, doing so twice on a walk and a double. Hendley has his own perfect game going until the fifth inning, when L.A. Scores a run without a hit. Johnson walks, moves to second on a sacrifice fly by Ron Fairly, steals third and continues home on a high throw from Chicago catcher Chris Krug. Johnson collects the only hit in the game with a double in the seventh inning. Koufax fans the last six Cubs batters to face him, setting down Ron Santo, Ernie Banks and Byron Browne in the eighth and Krug, Joe Amalfitano and pinch-hitter Harvey Kuenn in the ninth.
Lions Hall of Fame defensive back & Steelers defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau, born 1937. Redskins QB Joe Theismann, born 1949. yds., Bonomini 2/9, Moser 1/8, Kammer 2/7, Keilholz 1/1. LS: Larkin 2/57/TD, Perdue 1/19, White 1/13, Warren 1/10/TD, Gebing 1/10, McNally 1/9. INTERCEPTION RETURNS - LS: A.Larkin 1 ret./27 yds., Flynn 1/10, Turner 1/6. SACKS - LS: Farwick 2 sacks/6 yds., Rumpke 1/5, Herbert 1/5.
Watch for more Information, it will be Saturday, Sept. 13 at the Dearborn Trail RAA Goes Big with Country Ongoing events Music Concert in Batesville National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) AssociaJohn Michael Montgomery will tion, Indiana Chapter 0813, has a be in concert Saturday, Sept. 13 monthly meeting at 10 a.m., on at 8 p.m., at The Plex, which is the third Tuesday of each month the baseball complex at 115 at the Ponderosa Steakhouse, corCoonhunters Road, Batesville, ner of North Lincoln St. and Fourth Ind. Doors open at 5 p.m. OpenSt., Greensburg, Ind. Optional ing act, Hayden Kaye, will start at lunch afterward. We have guest 6:30 p.m. Tickets $20 and can be speakers on a variety of topics and purchased online at www.ruralalitems. Come meet your current, or in person at and retired Federal Employee comrades. The next meeting is Sept. WRBI, Kroger, Batesville Cham16. For more information call 765ber of Commerce, or Mayor’s of629 2720. fice in the Memorial Building. Hillforest Museum Open For Tickets also available at the WRBI Tours- The 1855 Victorian home booth at the Ripley, Decatur, and of Thomas and Sarah Gaff, 213 Franklin County Fairs. No coolFifth Street, Aurora offers guided ers, food, or beverages allowed tours Tuesday through Sunday. to be brought into concert area Admission is $6 - 14 and up, $3 Rising Sun-Ohio County Walk for students (ages 7-13), and chilfor ALS to be held on Saturday, dren 6 and under are free. For information call 812-926-0087 or Sept. 13. Registration 8 to 9 a.m. visit Walk begins at 9 a.m. and will be Quilts of Yesteryear Exhibit at in Shiner Park behind the school Hillforest September-October and community pool. RegistraTour Hillforest Victorian House tion is $20. All proceeds go to Museum and view on exhibit anthe ALS Association Indiana tique quilts from Hillforest’s private Chapter. If you can’t make the collection. walk you can still donate. Send Bright Farmers Market donations to Clayton Lamkin, The market is located at the inter601 Main Street, Rising Sun, IN section of State Line and Salt Fork in the Presbyterian Church parking 47040 or call him at 812-438lot every Friday from 3 to 6:30 3758 with questions. Make p.m. On Friday, Sept. 12 we will checks payable to Rising Sun have Molly from the Dearborn ReLions Club. cycling center. Jim McBride with P.A.W.S. 5K Bark-N-Run/Walk his one man band will be playing 5k competitive race (running/ Sept. 19 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the walking) 1 mile non-competitive Bright Farmers Market. Stop by to dog walk (free) and Pet/owner chat and learn the latest on recyand family portraits cling. She will be there approxiP.A.W.S. mobile pet adoption mately 3 to 6:30 p.m. All is weathSaturday, Sept. 13, 9 a.m. Regiser permitting. For more information contact Linda Johnson 812tration starts at 7:30 a.m. at 637-3898. Greendale Cabin, 827 Nowlin AvSummer Display enue, Lawrenceburg. Mail-in enCity of Spires Museum, 111 Fifth tries must be postmarked by FriStreet in Aurora announces the day, Aug. 29, 2014. Online registheme for this summer’s display: tration and info: www.pawThe Historic Churches of Aurora. Friday, Sept. 12, or www. Artifacts and old pictures from the Wednesday, Sept. 10 Storytime, ages 3-6, WednesSaturday, Sept. 13 churches will be on view along Questions: Rob Hartman (812with brief histories of the congre- day, Sept. 10, 11 to 11:45 a.m. St. Leon BBQ Smoke Fest and Chili Cook Off 221-0075) or Bobbie Hartman gations. City of Spires will be open and 1 to 1:45 p.m. at Aurora Public Library. Description: Sto- The St. Leon Community Park on the first and third Sundays of (512-260-0691) September from 1 to 4 p.m. and rytime lasts from 30-45 minutes will host the second annual Hoo- Movie Night also by appointment, and there is and will include books and a craft sier Lottery St. Leon BBQ Smoke First Baptist Church, 45 Tebbs no charge. Call 812-926-0944 for or other activity. Each session is Fest and Chili Cook Off Presented Avenue, Greendale/Lawrenceburg information. designed to meet your child’s soon Saturday, Sept. 13 at 5 p.m. One Room School House Museum cial and developmental needs. Ad- by Art’s Rental on Friday, Sept. 12, and Saturday, Sept. 13, at the in the Life Center. We invite the Listed on National Register of His- vance registration is required. Call St. Leon Community Park. For community to join us for a free, torical Places, built in 1888, re812-926-0646 to register or regis- more information about the St. “family-appropriate” movie stored in 1950. Farmers Retreat, ter online at: Leon Community Park and to be shown on two screens. Popcorn four miles west of Dillsboro on a volunteer for any or all of the and beverages provided. Bring a Ind. 62 next to St. John’s Lutheran grams/Storytime, ages 3-6 Church. Open Sundays in Septemevents log on to folding chair(s) or use our Life ber and October, 2 to 4 p.m. Fall Thursday, Sept. 11 Center seating. For information tours by appointment. We invite Cooking With Chef Annie at Saturday, Sept. 13 or directions, call 812-537-1642 fourth grade teachers to bring Hillforest Thursday, Sept. 11, Walk to End Alzheimer’s or visit the church website: www.
A: The Hurricanes of Miami (Florida) University, a.k.a. “The U,” won 58 consecutive home games in the original Orange Bowl between 1985-1994, Alabama ranks second all-time, with 57-straight home wins from 1963-1982.
L’BURG, From Page 6
10:08 in the second stanza. Steuer crossed the goal line for a fourth time with six minutes left until the half, capping a quick four-play, 47-yard Lawrenceburg drive on a third-andgoal toss sweep from the five and outrunning the defense to the left corner. That made it 35-0, and the Tigers' No. 24 wasn't finished. Milan broke into LHS territory for the first time on its next drive, reaching first down at the Tiger 21 following an unsportsmanlike conduct call for a little too much celebrating of a sack of Milan QB Blane Beck. Indians came up short on fourthand-six at the 17, however. Lawrenceburg started what proved to be its final scoring drive in the game from there, marching 73 yards in nine plays, culminating with Steuer's fifth touchdown run, an untouched third-and-goal sweep from one yard out, with 43 seconds to intermission. Ahead 42-0 at the half, Knigga and company vowed to keep the “pedal to the metal” to boost the Tigers' offensive rhythm and confidence. Steuer appeared to tie the single-game school record with a 63-yard TD breakaway on the
From Page 6 43-yard field goal with 11:55 left to play. Knights lowered the 35-3 deficit to 35-10 in short order. Schwing found classmate Evan Oatman open for the nine-yard TD pass with 10:21 remaining. South Dearborn had the chance to narrow the gap to 35-17 on its next drive, despite starting at their own 12-yard line after being penalized on the return of a Heil punt. They drove 82 yards in the next three minutes, only to fumble the ball away on firstand-goal at the six with about six minutes left. SD senior James Sterling picked off a Schuck pass quickly on the ensuing possession – Batesville's only turnover – and the Knights took over at the Dogs' 31 with 4:13 to play. A first down moved South Dearborn into position for another long field goal try by Dillsboro Civic Center Community indoor yard sale Saturday, Sept. 13, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Setup Friday, Sept. 12, 9 a.m. to noon. All tables are $5 each. Lunch will be available. For info call Shirley, 812-926-1819. Bake Sale Aurora First Baptist Church is holding a Bake Sale on Saturday, Sept. 13 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Aurora Walmart. Come out to find some sweet things to eat and support the Youth Group’s Operation Christmas Child Project. All proceeds will go towards filling and mailing shoe boxes filled with Christmas gifts for third world countries around the world. Operation Christmas Child uses gift-filled shoe boxes to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world. Spaghetti Dinner Moores Hill Faith Free Will Baptist spaghetti dinner Saturday, Sept. 13, 4 to 6 p.m. at the Moores Hill Senior Center. Proceeds to aid the building fund for much needed upkeep of church building. Free will donations accepted. Very special thank you to Moores Hill Senior Center, Moores Hill Community Food Pantry and the town of Moores Hill. Yard Sale Mt. Sinai UMC on Ind. 350 between Aurora and Moores Hill Saturday, Sept. 13. Set up begins at 6 a.m. Sell your items in our parking lot. $10 for your first spot; $5 for additional spots. Proceeds from parking spot sales going toward the playground enhancement project. For more information: 812-926-3836.
Saturday, Sunday, Sept. 13-21
NMLRA National Championship Shoot Muzzle loading rifle competition, living history events, lectures, classes, youth activities, primative encampment, and rifle museum, State Route 62, Friendship. Hours vary. Parking and adm. chg. Contact NMLRA, 812667-5131, . Friendship Flea Markets Almost 500 vendor spaces selling a wide variety of new, used, antiques and collectibles and lots of specialty foods. Hours vary. Flea markets and campgrounds: Old Mill, 812-667-5645 or Friendship, 859-341-9188,
Tigers' third snap after halftime, only to have the play called back for a holding penalty. Milan's best drive of the night followed, a 57-yarder in 13 plays that died with an incomplete fourth-and-goal shot at the end zone from seven yards out, which wasn't close. LHS senior quarterback Sam Fette hooked up with fellow AllStater Jordon Kauffman for a 43-yard bomb to the Milan five on the first play of the fourth quarter. But the football popped out of Jackson's grasp on the next play, recovered by Milan at the two to end the threat. When the Tiger varsity offense came up short on its final series, turning it over on downs at the Milan 27 with 7:37 left, Lawrenceburg's reserves got the call for the remainder of the night. Ironically, the only two points scored in the second half came with 30.6 seconds left, after the LHS junior varsity defense forced a fourth-and-13 punt at the Tribe 26. The center snap sailed over the head of Indians punter Caleb Vinup and into the end zone, where Vinup nudged it across the end line for the safety. Lawrenceburg hosts Greensburg (0-3) for its EIAC opener on homecoming night at Dick Meador Stadium this coming Friday. Anderson, but his 36-yard attempt was blocked this time. Batesville took over and ran out the clock with five-straight running plays. Senior KJ Probst was the top target for the Knights, grabbing six passes for 128 yards. Junior Matt Disbro led SD in rushing with six carries for 39 yards. “We must learn to put forth the effort from the opening kickoff that was present in week one “ Coach Nobbe added. “ I believe this team can compete with all in this conference. But we cannot succeed if we do not take advantage of the opportunities to prepare properly for a game. “Defensively, we gave up too many big plays. We often had them in third and long situations. only to have Batesville capitalize on some of our mistakes.” South Dearborn faces its first EIAC 4A Division matchup this coming Friday at Connersville (2-1, 1-0).
Sunday, Sept. 14
Fried Chicken Dinners St. John’s United Church of Christ, at 8917 E. County Road, 1300 N. Sunman (Penntown) will be serving fried chicken dinners inside from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Freewill offering. Carryouts and outside seating available. Silent auction items and country store. Oxbow Inc. Field Trip 8:30 a.m. Meet in the upper Oxbow parking lot at the main entrance to the Oxbow. Ned Keller, 513-349-3369, Fall migration is well under way during September and that will be the focus of this month’s field trip. Warbler (as well as other songbirds) migration peaks during mid-September and shorebirds continue to move south throughout the month. Raptors are also on the move at this season. The Oxbow area is a great place to see all of this avian diversity so we hope you come out and join us for what should be a great morning visit to the Oxbow. Our trip leader, Ned Keller, is a skilled and expert birder and has birded the Oxbow area for many years. While we sometimes go to the Shawnee Lookout side of the Great Miami during peak songbird periods, Ned plans to stay in the Oxbow this time around. The Oxbow can actually be an excellent spot to find migrating warblers and other songbirds. Plus, it has the advantage of the wetland habitats that attract so many water oriented birds. So we can expect a great diversity of species on this trip. Ned also has a great interest in butterflies as well as plants, so expect a full morning on this trip. This trip should wind down a little before noon. Expect to do some walking but at a leisurely pace. Feel free to contact Ned if you have any questions. Ice Cream Social and Garden Walk Open House The Dearborn County Historical Society will once again celebrate the end of summer with an annual homemade ice cream social and garden walk open house. Visitors are also invited to churn ice cream, tour the recently renovated pioneer area, visit the beautiful blooming gardens and walk to the levee. The public is welcome at no charge on Sunday, Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. at the Vance-Tousey House, 508 West High Street, Lawrenceburg.
Aurora city manager not yet chosen By Chandra L. Mattingly Staff Reporter
Who will be the City of Aurora's first city manager? The city received over 30 applications for the job after city attorney Jeff Stratman, who had been fulfilling the duties of the job but without the title, decided he wanted to get back into private law practice, said Aurora Mayor Donnie Hastings. Wednesday, Sept. 3, Aurora City Council met in executive session to review the applications. The session was followed by a public session, but the council took no action, said Hastings. “They want to speak with the person I recommended before they take action on it,” he said. The person he has in mind could make a big difference in
Aurora, he added. “I'm pretty excited about it,” he said. He expects the council to take another couple of weeks before making any decision. “I think they're all going to meet with her one on one,” perhaps in another executive session in a couple of weeks, he said. He does not expect any decision about the position at city council's regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22, in the city building, 235 Main St. In other business during the executive session, council discussed two properties that might be available for economic development, one in the flood plain in downtown Aurora, and the other near U.S. 50 east of town. City officials thought the latter might be offered in a sheriff's sale, but so far it is not listed, said Hastings.
Fall Fest Lawrenceburg resident ticket info If you reside within the City limits of Lawrenceburg, you are entitled to complimentary tickets to this year’s Fall Fest concerts. Each resident will receive 1 ticket per night (Friday and Saturday) of the event. City residents will receive a postcard in the mail with information on picking up their tickets. They may bring their postcard to City Hall along with appropriate identification during the following times:
■■Wednesday, Sept. 10, 10am2pm
From Page 1 includes being able to trace a food borne illness from restaurant to farm. It also includes being able to teach safe food handling classes. Of 300 businesses to inspect now, about 100 of those have been in Dearborn County since he began as an inspector in 1986. Most still have the same name they had back then, but there are some that have changed names, like the Dairy Isle in Aurora is now Flavors, and Tedesco’s in Bright is now home to a Shell Gas Station and Subway sandwich shop, he explained. On a personal level, Bob’s changed as well. He could have been stopped by crippling arthritis, but he kept going, refusing to feel sorry for himself. His latest hurdle is losing his beloved wife Suzanne quite suddenly in January. There was little that could be done for her although the doctors and staff at Dearborn County Hospital tried all they could, he said. His wife kept him grounded. He asked he what the state health department official meant by the Andy Griffith comment. She broke the hard news that it may have been an insult, but “you know the more I think about it, Andy Griffith got the job done. He could be tough when he had to be,” said Bob. Bob could be tough, and did make some “enemies.” But mostly he was greeted with smiles and jokes whereever he was inspecting So after 33 years, Bob is alone, but not quite. He has his hobbies, friends, and his dog to keep him company, and even though he’s retiring, part-time work is calling in some form. Too many people to meet.
CHARGED, From Page 1
After she recovered she called a friend to pick her up, but Childers became agitated when he heard her use his name, she told Slack, said the affidavit. Childers yanked her hair and threw her back into the house as she attempted to
■■Saturday, Sept. 13, 10am-2pm ■■Wednesday, Sept. 17, 4pm-8pm ■■Saturday, Sept. 20, 10am-2pm There will be no complimentary tickets after Saturday, Sept. 20. No complimentary tickets at the gate. If you live within City of Lawrenceburg City limits and would like more information on complimentary tickets, please call City Hall; 812-532-3550 For more information on Fall Fest, visit; or call 1-800-322-8198.
Bob’s hobbies include gardening, fishing, caring for animals, and “Music.” While being a health inspector may have been his official vocation, music is his avocation. It earned him a nickname many, many years ago. Boogie Bob. He started out playing records at sock hops, then was a disc jockey a bit at Purdue University from 1967-69. Uncle Sam came calling in 1969, but Bob got to continue doing what he loved - spin records. He was the morning DJ with WKIS FM from 1969-73. Then returning to college, this time at Eastern Kentucky University, he was known as Boogie Bob. Periodically, he has DJ’d at benefits and other occasions, and plans on getting back into the DJ boogie now that he’s retired. The first step is finishing converting his record collection into mpg files so he can store them on a lap top and flash drives, “since I can’t carry them around anymore, and that’s just now how it is now anyway,” said Bob. His record and music collection includes all kinds from Jazz to classical to rock to country. “Everything really but rap and heavy metal,” said Bob, adding sometimes he does listen to those styles. A satellite radio fan, because it offers so many choices, Boogie Bob’s favorites are the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, but “there are some songs from the 90s I like. Each decade has good music,” he said. He’d love to do a radio program tracing a song‘s history, for example the song At Last. “Etta James was not the first person to do that song,” said Boogie Bob, adding it was written in 1941. So, Boogie Bob is entering the B-side of life, ready for new opportunities.
Celebrate National Recovery Month Staff Report In 2012, 43.7 million people aged 18 or older had a mental illness, according to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an annual survey released by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. However, only 34.1 million people received mental health services. In addition, 23.1 million aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem in 2012, but only 3.8 million received treatment at a specialty facility for substance use disorders. September is National Recovery Month, and Community Mental Health Center, Inc., Lawrenceburg, joins mental health services providers in Indiana and nationwide in marking this important celebration of the accomplishments of people in recovery. The nationwide observance of National Recovery Month is sponsored by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSA, within the U. S. Department of Health
From Page 1 and an adjacent Dearborn County road—I-74 eastbound and westbound bridges—2.07 miles west of Ind. 46 ■■I-74 ramp and bridge over the Indiana & Ohio Railroad—5.32 miles east of Ind. 1 RAM’s epoxy polymer overlay will be applied in two lifts with a covering of flint rock chips spread across each application. Polymer seals the bridge decks from moisture intrusion, extending service life. The flint reestablishes surface friction and resists polishing to enhance driver safety for years to come. INDOT officials anticipate bridge overlays with lane restrictions will continue through October. Motorists will be alerted to single-lane work sites by message signs and arrow boards.
and Human Services. National Recovery Month raises awareness of substance use and mental disorders, celebrates individuals in longterm recovery, and acknowledges the work of treatment and recovery services providers. Recovery Month spreads the message that behavioral health is an essential part of one’s health and overall wellness, and that prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover from substance use and mental disorders. The month highlights the importance of communities nationwide to promote prevention, treatment and recovery services, not only in September, but throughout the year. In spite of all the positive information relating to the benefits of treatment, there still exists a considerable amount of stigma and discrimination directed at individuals with substance use and mental disorders. Stigma and discrimination continue to present a barrier for people who want to access and obtain treatment.
Coming Thursday
Read about Dearborn County Citizens Against Substance Abuse’s unique effort to mark National Recovery Month in The Dearborn County Register. Stigma related to admitting a substance use or mental disorder and being identified after this admission and during the treatment and recovery processes often present difficulties for the individual within their community, sometimes within their own family. Work is ongoing every day to minimize or eliminate such stigma and to encourage those in need of treatment to take the first steps toward reaching out and beginning the recovery process. CMHC is working hard to facilitate a focus on wellness in the agency and in the local community. CMHC’s mission statement, “Partnering for Wellness: Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Life,” is indicative of this. “We are reaching out to develop collaboration with primary health care and other providers to develop better integrated care in our com-
munity,” CMHC Executive Director Tom Talbot. “Wellness is a key element in this effort, and it plays an essential part in the recovery process.” Every year, Community Mental Health Center, Inc. provides services to thousands of residents in the Southeastern Indiana counties of Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley and Switzerland. CMHC offers programs for individuals who want to begin the recovery process. Treatment is available for individuals of all ages. To inquire about services at Community Mental Health Center, Inc., please contact CMHC’s South Region Outpatient Services Dearborn County office in Lawrenceburg at 1-812- 537-7375, or CMHC’s North Region Outpatient Services George Street office in Batesville at 1-812-934-4210.
Extension service has resources for homeowners with tree damage Residential trees have been taking a beating during the recent outbreak of summer storms across Indiana. Homeowners will need to determine if they can take care of the damage themselves or if they will need the help of a professional tree service, says Purdue Extension’s consumer horticulturist. “There are trees with just small limbs down, but there are a lot of trees that suffered major breakage,” said Rosie Lerner. “It can be hard for homeowners to decide whether trees with severe damage should be removed. Homeowners often are reluctant to cut down a tree, either because of sentimental attachment or because the tree provides shade or screening that won’t quickly be replaced. It can also be quite expensive to have a large tree removed.” Safety is the top priority
when evaluating a damaged tree, Lerner said. Homeowners should first determine if the tree or some of its branches are in danger of falling now or in the near future. Small, lower branches can be removed with loppers or a pruning saw. Larger limbs, or those too far up to reach, should be left to arborists who have the appropriate tools and equipment to safely bring down large or high limbs. Purdue Extension’s Education Store has publications available for free download to help homeowners assess storm-damaged trees, remove broken branches or find a professional arborist “Trees that have decay, previous injury, infection with disease or insects, or have poor architecture have a higher likelihood of breaking up in a big storm,” said Lerner. Trees such as ornamental
pear, silver maple and river birch frequently have narrow angles between the main trunk and branches and/or soft wood that compromise their structure. Just because a tree trunk has damage does not necessarily mean the tree will need to be removed right away, Lerner said. Large, split branches or trunks that have not broken off the tree may be braced and possibly saved by an arborist. “Trees can live for quite some time with some massive holes in their trunks,” she said. “But the damage makes them more susceptible to disease, rotting, and insects and increases the likelihood they will come down in the next storm. Homeowners must assess the risk damaged trees pose to property, people and pets. It’s always best to err on the side of safety.”
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leave, wrote Slack. She then said she needed the bathroom and was able to run out the back door, wrote Slack. Childers remained jailed at the Dearborn County Law Enforcement Center as of Monday morning, Sept. 8, according to jail records. He previously has been found guilty of driving while intoxicated and possession of marijuana, said Slack.
click on events. Sponsors include primary sponsor Aerofulfillment, as From Page 1 well as Rising Star Casino, arrangements. Otherwise, rac- Rocky's Bar and Grill, Fiekerts ers may go to the online regis- Homestead Wines, Video Protration site: https://www.event- duction Group, Gigity and others. Sponsors are providing tickets-12264061137?aff=es2 refreshments and door prizes. Email redwolfsanctuary@ ( and search for red wolf rampage. Or go or call 812-438to Facebook: www.facebook. 2306 with any questions. com/redwolfsanctuary then
Equal Opportunity Lender
PUBLICATIONS September 9th - September 11th
The Journal Press
The Harrison Press
The Rising Sun Recorder & Ohio County News
The Dearborn County Register
To place an ad call: Lawrenceburg 812-537-0063 • Harrison 513-367-4582 • Rising Sun 812-438-2011
Publisher reserves the Very nice 2 story home in Aurora. 3BR, 1BA, right, at any time, in its APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR equipped kitchen, front sole discretion and with FOR RENT porch with tree shaded SALE out notice, to reject or back yard and deck. For cancel any advertising Aurora-3BR/2BA, finished more information call 0 steps! Large 1 or 2 bed812-926-0522 or visit copy. Publisher’s ad tak- walk-out lower level. 1.2 www.homesteadforsale room at Village Square Apartments in downtown acres secluded but close ers have no authority to Harrison. Free heat! $425 to town. Move in ready bind Publisher to pub- with many new updates. and up. (513)367-6366. lish an ad. Only publica- Price to sell, asking MOBILE HOMES 0 steps! Miamitown, large tion of an advertisement $154,900 FOR SALE 1 or 2 bedroom at Via 812-290-4346 Manor Apts. Private patio, will constitute final lovely grounds. $395 and Find Southeastern Indiana Abandoned Doublewide a c c e p t a n c e o f t h e foreclosure listings free. up. Free heat! with land, PLEASE TAKE advertiser’s order. No registration required. OVER $3500 deposit. (513)353-0398.
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Photos and list prices in- 888-221-4503 cluded. Empire Real Estate Owner Finance - No inter859-652-5986 est. 2 bedrooms, 2 full OPEN HOUSE SAT & baths, awning and shed. SUN. SEPT. 13 & 14th Hazelhurst MHP, Lot 32, 1-3 PM. Nice Brick Home, Mt. Healthy, Ohio. $14,000 2 BR 1 BA, Encl Sunroom, $1,500 down, $250/month. Full Bsmt. 1656 Sq. Ft. 2 (513)505-2978. C. Gar., Almost 1 Acre , Stainless appliances, Marble window sills, Tray Ceil- Used Singlewide 3BR/2BA up $4500 ings, Lg closets. $130,000 S e t 15318 SR#148, Aurora, IN 859-371-3386 (2 miles from Aurora) Call 513-446-7144 Rising Sun: 3BR/2BA Ranch, attached garage, full basement on partially wooded 5 acres on private drive. $140,000 812-532-9959 or 606-348-5505
33 acres between Sunman and Milan. Mostly wooded, nice building site, city water, $134,900. 812-623-4413
1 & 2 Bedroom apartments for rent in Aurora, $475 & $500/month. References required. Call 812-926-0256
1BR $560, 2BR $650-$665 Harrison-Tippecanoe Apts. Spacious remodeled, dishwasher, balcony, very clean, No pets. 812-637-1787, 513-574-4400
Aurora- 2 bedroom, stove/refrigerator, off street parking, 2nd floor, no pets; $500/month plus deposit; includes water, sewage, and trash; 812-926-3204.
Aurora- Downtown, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom. Water and sewage included, Tenant pays electric. Laundry room available. No pets. $575/month and $575 deposit 1yr lease. 812-577-5334
Greendale- 2 bedroom, nice yard, off street parking. Water & sewage included. Deposit and references required. No pets or smoking. $575/mo. For rent when available, 812-537-4060 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, utilities in- Greendale- very large, 1 cluded, AC, no pets. De- bedroom, refinished hardposit required. Call wood floors, ornate fire(812)537-5796 place, marble floor, claw (812)432-9605 foot tub, oriental rug, ceil(812)584-3822 ing fans, newer carpet, vi-
Aurora - 1 bedroom, equipped kitchen, all utilities except electric, free internet and cable, 2nd floor $425/month + deposit. Call 812-926-2514.
1 & 2 Bedroom apartments in Dillsboro and 2 Bed - Aurora- Second Street, 1BR, furnished, 2nd room Home in Osgood. Contact Quality Property floor. No pets/smoking. Utilities paid by tenant. Management. Also Office and Retail 812-432-3230. Space available for Rent. Leave message (812)926-1083 1 & 2 bedroom, living room, dining room, bath, Aurora- 2 bedroom, 1 kitchen, water and sewage bath, large covered front included. Quiet setting. porch, W/D hookup, Walking distance to town. $575/month plus deposit, (Aurora). Taking applica- 82-584-1498 tions, 513-309-4399. Aurora- 2 bedroom, new 1 bedroom: all utilities in- kitchen & bath, all electric, cluded in Lawrenceburg. $675/month + deposit + Deposit required. No pets. utilities, no pets, no smokCall 812-438-4883. ing, 812-926-1604
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13699 US 50, Dillsboro
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Harrison, 1 and 2 bedroom apt., Leasing special, $495, $595/month incl. water, sewer, garbage. Laundry on site. Security deposit required. (513)205-5555. Harrison, 1-2 bedroom. Paragon West Apts. Private patio with breathtaking view of the valley. Free heat! $460 and up. No pets. (513)845-4222.
See more Real Estate and Rental ads on Page 2!
Cathy WassOn
Open Sun. 1-3! Harrison- 212 Sunset- Brick ranch w/3BR, 1 ½ BA, full bsmt, 1 car att gar. New heat/air. Very well kept! $125,900. Open Sun. 1-3! Bright- 23736 Brightwood- Nice 3BR, 2BA, home. New windows, newer carpet, lighting, and countertops. 1 yr warranty. Price Reduced! $132,500.
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APARTMENTS 21 FOR RENT 22 In Aurora, Sunset Drive, energy efficient, 2 bed room, duplex, tile and laminated wood, new appli ances, washer/dryer hookup with basement and garage. Tenant pays utilities, no pets, $695/mo and $695 deposit. 812-532-3000 Monday Friday 8am-5pm Lawrenceburg Downtown, 2 bedroom Condo, new construction, water and sewage included. Rent $925/mo. 513-532-8933. Lawrenceburg- large, spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment with full size washer/dryer hookup. Close to Route 50, shopping, and easy access to the interstate. Deposit required. Call 812-539-2818
Milan- Hoosier Country Square Apts. 2BR with dining room, fridge, stove, dishwasher, on-site laundry facilities, patio area, $550/month $550 deposit. No pets. 812-577-6781 513-265-8460
New Haven Apartments Near Harrison. 4 rooms with equipped kitchen. Central heating, A/C. New tile and laminate flooring. Very nice condition. $575/month. (812)623-2524.
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
Dillsboro, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer hook-up, tile, hardwood floors, tenant pays utilities, $945/month, $895/month with dis count - 1 year lease. 513-593-3191 Downtown Harrison - 3 bedroom home, 208 South Sycamore. Nice yard, very good condition, equipped kitchen. $900/month plus utilities, plus deposit. No pets. Tom (513)738-3499. Executive home- 8 rooms include, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, office, 2 car garage, view of Ohio river, $1200.00 per month, credit check & references re quired. Call 812-614-0610.
Amara Medical- STNAs, certified home health aides, and LPNs for home care visits. Now hiring for Hamilton County. Full & part-time positions require: *Must be a state tested nurse aide or a certified home health aide *LPNs must have a current li cense in good standing *Background check re quired *Must be dependable and have reliable transportation. We offer direct deposit, flexible scheduling, competitive pay. Please call Michele at 513-377-4341 Apartment owner needs qualified sub contractor to do miscellaneous maintenance, plumbing, light electrical, carpentry, etc. Please call (513)203-3633. Body Tech Needed-Must have 5 years experience. Preferable own tools and back ground check. Taking applications by phone. Call 513-646-1218 Johnʼs Auto Body
House for Rent-1 bed room, $600+deposit+utilites. No pets, no smoking. Located in the Manchester area. Call 812-926-0027
“Can You Dig It?” Heavy Equipment Operator Training! 3 Wk Hands On Program. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. Lifetime Job Placement Assis tance. National Certifications. VA Benefits Eligible866-362-6497 AC1213
Carpenter- experienced. Dearborn County area. Must have transportation. 513-315-8776 or 812-926-9250
Driver needed, class A CDL. West side Cincinnati Office / warehouse / retail Contractor. 513-451-3100. space for lease in Law renceburg, 1500 sqft to Drivers short haul & re 3 bedroom house in 5000 sqft. 812-537-1100. gional tractor/trailer jobs: Aurora, large yard, off start now! Top pay! Paid street parking, W/D holidays, paid vacations, hook-up, energy efficient guaranteed hometime, furnace, new paint, remodgreat benefits. Class A eled. No pets. $700/mo + CDL 877-261-2101 deposit. 812-926-3204 2-Room Office for Rent. 3BR/1BA with huge de - I-275 Greendale/US 50. Drivers Wanted tached garage in Dillsboro Nice. Medical Transportation close to park. All appli - Yeltonʼs 513-218-5406 or Company transporting paances i n c l u d e d . 812-537-2084 tients to and from medical $765/month, plus mini appointments. Looking to mum deposit $865 and hire in your area. Great utilities. Supplemental or retire 812-926-6025 ext 222 ment income. Call for interview 812-663-9990 4BR/1.5BA, with garage in Sunman. All electric with Drivers Wanted. Class A appliances included CDL. Clean Driving Re $795/month plus $895 decord. Experience a Plus. posit and utilities. 812-926-6025 ext. 222 Hourly Pay. Koppʼs Turkey Aurora- For rent/sale, $1500 Sign On Bonus, Sales 513-367-4133
3-bedroom house with river view. Renter pays all utilities. No pets. $700/month and $700 deposit. References re quired. Call after 6 pm. 812-584-5519/812-5329112.
$60K-$70K Annually! Experienced Class A CDL Drivers Wanted! Dedicated Customer, Home Weekly, and Excellent Benefits. Call 888-409-6033 or app l y o n l i n e
Bischoff Realty (513) 367-2171
Drivers: Carter Express Now Hiring. CDL-A Dedicated Routes. Home Daily & Weekly. No Touch, Newer Equipment (855) 347-2703
Drivers: CDL-A. Average $52,000 per yr. plus. Excellent Home Time + Weekends. Monthly Bonuses up to $650. 5,000w APU's for YOUR Comfort + E-Logs. Excellent Benefits. 100% no touch. 877-704-3773
MUST SEE!!! Immed possession wooded lot in picturesque setting, great view overlooking whitewater river valley. River frontage great for fishing, front & rear decks, walkout balcony, finished basement with walkout, new carpet, newer roof, and brand new kitchen with ceramic floor and appliances. New paint inside and out. A must see! Call Todd Bischoff 513-616-0655
L’burg (L281111) Nice 4br, ranch w/full walk-out bsmt. Lg Deck & porch. 2C garage $114,900 Scott Petty Batesville (L281119) 3-4 bdrm home w/2.5baths, Family rm w/stone FP. W/O to deck. $169,900 Patrick Martini Sunman/Manchester (L281191) 5 acre mini-farm! 4 bdrm home w/too many newer upgrades to list, 2C att gar, outbldg/wkshop & barn. $289,900 Patrick Martini HVL (L281223) 3br, 2bath cottage style home on Lvl lot. Close to Pool, tennis & park! $139,900 Carol Hofmann HVL (L281240) 3br, 2.5bath rustic log home on 1/2 acre. Double wooded lot w/dbl deck. $159,900 Ken Maddin Manchester (L281855) Nice 5BR,2BA home w/lots of room & amenities. Kidney shaped pool. $104,900 Scott Petty Sunman (L281862) 3BR brick ranch. Full w/o bsmt. 2 C att.gar. Pool, all seasons rm & more! $274,900 Patrick Martini Hidden Valley (L281873) Great Layout for Entertaining! Lg.rms. Great Rm with w/o to deck. Lots of Storage. $166,900 Sandy Hirsch Dillsboro (L281882) Private Nostalgic Farmhouse! Fencing, barn & creek on 95 acres. $379,000 Debi Hornsby Moores Hill (L281907) Charming 4BR,1BA brick farmhouse. Open flr plan. HDWD flrs, s.pond. $179,900 Debi Hornsby Milan (L281911) Spacious home & garage areas. Prop. Needs work! 2C att. garage. $67,500 Patrick Martini
September 9 - September 11, 2014
Harrison - 3 bedroom, 1 bath, storage shed carport nice yard, central air, equipped kitchen. $795 plus utilities. (513)738-2406.
Spacious 2 bedroom duplex in Greendale, large kitchen, shed, stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer all fur- Aurora- in shopping plaza nished. $675 month + utili- with Subway, 1770 sq. ft. ties, no pets. Call Regina for lease, high traffic. at 812-584-4218. 513-532-8933.
Dump Truck Drivers Class B CDL with experience. Clean driving record and meet all DOT and Drug Testing requirements. Local haul, home every night. (513)367-5700.
Seeking to fill positions for full-time Certified Medical Assistants and full-time Radiological Technologists in Harrison, Ohio. Applicants must be available to work days, evenings & weekend hours. Proof of certification/registry is reDUMP TRUCK DRIVERS quired for employment. Now taking applications Please send resume to for Class A and Class B 126 West High St. Lawdrivers with at least 5 renceburg, In. Attn: Mr. D years experience. Must be familiar with the Southwest Local School Greater Cincinnati area. Bus driver needed, Asphalt experience a part-time afternoons, CDL plus. Must be willing to preferred but will train. work 6 days a week and Please apply in person at be able to pass a drug District office, 230 South test. Please c a l l Elm Street, Harrison Ohio. 513-367-0379 Stone Belt Freight Lines Needs Owner Operators Gordon Trucking, Inc. Solo Now! Run 48 & Canada. & Team Positions. CDL-A Percentage Plus 100% Driving Jobs for: OTR *ReFuel Surcharge. Plate Progional *Dedicated *Home gram & Insurance AvailWeekend Opportunities able. Call Kelsy *Big Sign-on Bonus & Pay! 1-800-489-2332. No Northeast. EOE Call 7 days/wk! 866-402-3449 Thermoform Customer Service and Scheduler. Responsible for ordering Laborers needed, heavy materials to cover cus lifting required. Flexible tomer orders, re-quoting jobs, schedule production hours. CDL a plus. to complete by customer Call 812-537-0324 due date. Effectively communicate to Local company. Driver and customers, managers, suMechanic wanted, or pervisors and their departdriver with mechanic expe- ments. rience. Class A/B with Knowledge of Word, Exdump experience, Greater cel, SAP, and Outlook. Cincinnati street knowl - Please send resumes to: edge, and good driving re- cord. Full/part-time day or mail to: 924 S Meridian St. Sunman, In 47041 shift. Retirees w e l c o m e . Attn: Amber Haas 812-438-4578. Werner Enterprises is HIRING! Dedicated, Regional, New Pay-For-Experience & OTR opportunities! program pays up to Need your CDL? 3 wk $0.41/mile. Class A Protraining avail. Donʼt wait, fessional Drivers Call call today to get started! 877-968-7986 for more de- 1-866-467-1836 tails or visit Whitewater Processing is now accepting applications Painter wanted: Must have for male/female full time 10 years experience and work. 513-367-4133 have own transportation. Call after 7:00pm 812-926-4041
Part-Time-Maintenance person needed for local apartment community. The ideal candidate must have experience, a valid driverʼs license and their own tools. Please fax resume to: 812-438-3049. This institution is an equal opportunity employer. (EOE)
Will come in your home and do light cleaning, must furnish your own cleaning supplies. 4 hours max., $20 per hour, references available. (513)532-0100.
AIRLINE CAREERS begin here- Get FAA approved Aviation Tech training. Job placement assistance - Delta, Southwest, Boeing and many others hire AIM grads 888-242-3197.
“Partners in Excellence” OTR Drivers APU Equipped Pre-Pass EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & Newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler E m p l o y e r s need Transport 1-800-528-7825 work-at-home Medical Transcriptionists! Get the online training you need to fill these positions with Personal Assistant needed training through Ivy Tech. to organize and help. Ba- train at home to work at Visit sic computer skills needed h o m e ! good with organization. to tart for your Willing to pay $300 per s work-at-home career toweek interested person day. Should contact:
812.637.2220 CSTONEREALTY.COM MANCHESTER: Neat country setting. 3 bed, 2 bath home on 2 ac w/heated pool, bonus rm, & 2 car detached garage. $189,900 HVL: All brick ranch w/3 bed, 2.5 baths, partially finished LL, & 8x44 deck. Immediate occupancy! $144,900 BRIGHT: 3 bed, 3 full bath ranch condo w/hardwood flrs, finished LL, & covered rear deck overlooking woods. $132,500 AURORA: Clean older home on double lot with North Hogan Creek frontage. $49,900 SUNMAN: Clean open floor plan ranch with full basement, oversized garage, covered patio on nearly 2 aces. 1st floor laundry, concrete driveway, wooded backdrop. $219,900 BRIGHT: Well maintained open floor plan ranch w/3 bed, 2 bath, hardwood floors, part finished LL, & covered deck. $159,900 AURORA: Excellent multi-purpose facility w/over 16,000 sq ft & M-1 zoning on over 8 acres in Aurora’s Industrial Park. Possible lease. $324,900 LOGAN: Lot 3 & 4 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision. Large lake, 6.78 acres, all city utilities available. $124,900 LOGAN: Lots 5 of Morgan’s Ridge Subdivision, all city utilities available, .76 acres. $24,900
Internet Auction. Home on 1.74+/-acres. Bloominton, IN ends 9/17, 2:00pm Personal Property-Vehicles, Tools & more ends 9/9, 2:00pm 812-824-6000 UC-Coffey Realty & Auction Lic@AC30200042/#AU19 600056 Seller: Sudbury
Bowman Painting- interior and exterior; house painting and roofing; 812-689-6771 or 812-537-4677 Bowman Tree Service. Trimming, topping, tree removal, lot clearing, storm damage, fully insured and free estimates. Call (812)537-4677. Monroe Excavating, Hauling, LLC Limestone, Topsoil, Fill Dirt, Mulch, Sand, Gravel, Driveways Demolition, Digging, Basements, Dump Truck, Bobcat, Track Hoe Work Call (812)926-1995 or (513)310-0835
Wanted to buy cattle and horses. Crippled or sound. Also buying wild cattle. Will pay cash. (859)620-5860.
Please Call for Early Holiday Dealines $15 four papers 25 words or less Call Harrison Press (513)367-4582 or Lawrenceburg (812)537-0063.
1968 650 Thunderbolt BSA motorcycle, TAOTAO 150cc scooter, elliptical, carpet shampooer and lots more. 13135 E. Adams St. Dillsboro Greendale Self - Storage Thursday/Friday Indoor storage available 24 hour access. Call Sept. 11-12, 7am-? (812)537-3131 or (812)637-1787. 5 family garage tent sale, Hers & His Services 11018 Stoops Road, DillsGrass Cutting, Trash Re- boro, Sept 12th and 13th, movel, Free Estimates, 8-? Wooden rocker, roastPartners in Life and in ers, tupperware, TV stand, Business. Bonnie & old windows, rolls craft paSteve Telinda Aurora IN. per, new shopping/utility cart, clothes (kids to adult 513-703-4416, 2x), jewelry, wedding 513-309-9460 dress 14, many items Jim Jones Painting priced to sell Int/Ext. Pressure wash- 9am-3pm Saturday, Sept ing. Got faded, ugly alu- 13th, 9761 Baughman minum siding metal Road, Harrison. Items buildings? Our spray fin- such as riding lawn ish will make your home mower, furniture, toys, look like new again with houseware, a little bit of our bright satin finish. everything All colors available. Also, spray finish log Aurora In-9/12 & 9/13 homes, cedar siding, ca- 9am-4pm, 5381 Outer Dr. thedral ceilings, ect. Large Estate Sale by Solutions. Refs. 25 years exp. HVL, D o w n s i z e Harrison/Dearborn. HVL Lawn/Garden, Tools, Anresident. 812-539-4929 tique furniture and decor. See pictures on FB page 513-379-4204, Insured. Downsize Solutions. Lisaʼs Cleaning Service Residential, office, rentals Dillsboro Civic Center inand apartments. Monthly, door yard sale September weekly, bi-weekly, or one 13th space available $5.00 time. Fully insured. De - per table set-up on Friday Call pendable. Free estimates. September 12th. Call (812)637-9171 or cell Shirley at 812-926-1819 (513)256-0698. Garage Sale 981 Linley Residential Cleaning. You Lane Greendale (Beckett make the mess, weʼll do Landing) September 12 & the rest. Insured/bonded. 13 8am-1pm. Premier Specializing in office and Jewelry, fishing, general home. Assist in moving household items, two anin/out.. Junk removel. tique moped & elliptical 812-290-4490. Garage Sale-September ASG/EDDIE $ 12 & 13, 9am-3pm, 23132 Hawley Drive, Bright. Lots of WWII military, fishing ,hunting, tools, antiques, & older unusual items. No Absolutely no trespassing children items of any kind for any reason. No exceptions. Not re sponsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Property located at 8692 Willey Rd., Harrison, OH. Molly Jansen, Cathy Maher, Mary Ison.
Garage Sale: Sept. 12 and 13. 149 Circle Dr. 45030. Appliances, dishes, furniture, tools, toys, fishing tackle, etc. HARRISON, 9/13, 8 to? Street sale. Compass Point Condos, West Road behind Kroger Market Place. Rain date: 9/20. Furniture, collectables, household goods, much more. 11 plus families selling. Huge assortment of baby clothes, high chair, strollers, pack-n-play, household goods, golf clubs, chairs, movies, etc. September 13 & 14, 8am-3pm, 1304 Skyview Circle, Lawrenceburg(HVL) Multi-family September 12 & 13, 8am-? furniture, exercise equipment, clothing, lots of odds and ends. Sept 11 & 12, 2pm-8pm; Sept 13, 8am-?; house hold, CDs, DVDs, videos, flying memorabilia, out door furniture; 950 Pribble Circle, Lawrenceburg September 11, 12, & 13 9am-5pm 10071 Huesman Rd, Aurora, lots of name brand clothes and many other misc items. September 13, 2014. One day only. Boys clothes, kids toys, misc. home items including used wood trim. Something for everyone 8am-3pm 6716 Wilmington Pike, Aurora Yard Sale: Sept. 13 8a.m. 591 Deerfield Drive, Harrison, Ohio, 45030. Rain date: Sept. 20.
Free German Shephard puppy to a good home born mid May. Black and silver. Call Lou, 812-637-0486. Happy Jack Liquivic: Recognized safe & effective against hook & round worms by US Center for Veterinary Medicine. Mer rilees Supply 637-0090. Traveling Dog Groomer, pet sitting, non traditional kennel. Like our face book page. Call or text 513-309-9353 Doggie daycare available.
Drivers! Holland is hiring Regional Drivers at its Cincy terminal. See the recruiter Sept 23 & 24, Noon-5pm. 21yr old w/ 1 yr or 50k mi. exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. Local drivers home daily. Company pd health ins. Find your direction at careers! EEO/AAE Minorities/Females Persons with Disabilities/ Protected Veterans
IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, is seeking a full-time COMPUTER DIRECTV starting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months DESKTOP SUPPORT HBO, starz, HARBOR VIEW o f SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. TECHNICIAN. This position APARTMENTS FREE RECEIVER Up performs diverse job tasks grade! 2014 NFL Sunday Addyston, OH 1 Main Street 45001 Ticket Included with Select including but not limited to, Packages. Some exclu1 BR-$425 sions apply- Call for details general hardware and software 1-800-319-1528. (regular price $470) maintenance and support of PC’s, 2 BR-$525 GENERAL printers, projectors, scanners, (regular price $575) For credit qualifying applicants MERCHANDISE and related IT equipment. For Near Mt. St. Joe, a complete job description, W. Hills Shopping Center qualifications, or to apply, please Three Rivers School District FARM/PRODUCE visit Heat & Water Paid Small squares, mixed Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal $2 to $3; Timothy SEPTEMBER grassed opportunity, affirmative action or orchard $4.50; 4x5 $20 to $30 stored inMOVE-IN SPECIAL grass community college. side; Call 513-417-1185 or
Present this coupon for
$300 OFF
1st Month Rent
Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:00 AM 107 Cottage Drive, Aurora, IN 47001 To benefit Habitat for Humanity, Heart of Madison
Jim Pruett Auction Services will be selling at public auction, real estate located in Aurora, IN. Home with the preverbal white picket fence. Charming 3 Bedroom, 1.5 bath home with a 24 X 28 detached garage is sitting on a 80 x 190 lot. Thermo pane windows, High Efficiency Gas Furnace with Central Air. Great family home, rental or weekend getaway. Located on a quiet dead end street. NO BUYERS PREMIUM! Terms: $5000 down day of auction. Balance due within 30 days. Property is sold “as is, where is”. All announcements made day of sale supersede any previous written or verbal statements. Seller to pay for deed. Taxes current thru May 2014, buyer to pay taxes payable November 2014. This is an Absolute Auction! This property will sell to the highest bidder! Owner: Habitat for Humanity, Heart of Madison. Directions: US 50 to Aurora, SR 350 West, Right on Walker Avenue, immediate Left on Westside Drive, Right on Hanover Avenue, Left on Cottage Drive, house at end of Street.
Jim Pruett Auctioneer, AU11000125, 812-701-1000 See , ID 30433 for pictures and more info!
NURSINg RNFA or Surgical Assistant - Full time days (includes some evenings) in the O.R. RN - Part time opening in the Emergency Department. PCA's - Part time openings various shifts. C.N.A. required.
CLINICAL SUPPORT Radiologic Technologist - Part time evening shift position. Indiana license required.
Medical Assistants - Full & Part time openings in Lawrenceburg & Rising Sun. Certified Medical Assistant preferred, suitable medical office experience required. AVAILABLE FOR FULL & PART TIME EMPLOYEES 403(b) Program • Health & Dental Insurance Tuition Reimbursement • Competitive Salary 3 Weeks Vacation after 1 Year Full Time • EOE
600 Wilson Creek Rd. • Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-8120 • (800) 676-5572 ext 8120 For an up-to-date listing of job opportunities at DCH, visit our website at
September 9 - September 11, 2014
DISH TV Retailer- Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-283-0560 GUN SHOW!! Crown Point, IN - September 6th & 7th, Lake County Fairgrounds, 889 Court St., Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-3 For information call 765-993-8942 Buy! Sell! Trade! Home Medical Equipment. Patient Transport Wheel Chair, Deluxe Bed Rail, Safety Tub Rail, Walker, Bedside commode REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-914-5307
Always Buying, antiques, estates or partial estates, old military items, guns, swords, old advertising signs, and clocks, toys, jewelry, pottery, etc. Call Bob 812-637-5369 Robben Antiques now buying slag and reverse painted lamps. Silver, flow blue, cut glass, roseville, nippon, cranberry, senton, rookwood, one piece/entire collections. 812-637-0798.
1995 Chevy Corvette Convertible, torch red, white top, two tone leather interior. Just turned 52,000 miles, garage kept, traction control ,LT-1 350 motor $12,500. 812-926-2195
Will Buy & Haul Scrap Cars & Trucks (812)716-0781.
Posted Column
Absolutely no dogs, hunting, trapping, fishing, swimming, trash dumping of any kind, wire fence cutting/breaking, horse riding, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason, unless written permission. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property. Dennis and Gail Connelly, 6651 Stimson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 12-14
Absolutely no fishing, no swimming, no hunting, or trespassing permitted. Not responsible for any injuries or accidents on the property belonging to : Rod and Brenda Cafouras, 12476 Gordon lane, Dillsboro, IN 47018 3/19/15
Absolutely no hunting or trespassing. No dirt bikes or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or faWe buy and haul junk cars talities on the property of & trucks with titles. Call Helen Amm & Teresa 812-621-0961 or email Stone, 18060 Union davesautosalvage1@gmai Ridge, Aurora, In 47001. 9/18/14
2005 Yamaha Wave runner FX cruiser high output, 4 stroke, 4 cylinder, 20 valve, 120 hrs operating in excellent condition. In cludes trailer-$5800 call 513-442-9717
Absolutely no hunting, fishing, or trespassing. Not responsible for accidents on the property of: Richard Noggler, 7334 St. Rd. 48, 6521 St Rd. 48 Aurora, IN 47001 1-1-15
Local financial services firm in Harrison, OH is seeking a detail-oriented, well organized individual as a Data Entry Clerk. This part-time, seasonal position will work 20 hrs/week entering and editing information into our database. Hours can be flexible. Requirements include being self-motivated with a good working knowledge of Excel and extreme attention to detail. If interested in this position, please email your resume and cover letter to
Entry level machinist seeking to increase his/her machining knowledge and perform missed duties within the machine shop. Ideal candidate will be flexible, reliable, and capable of dealing with occasionally tight deadlines while remaining positive, productive, and courteous to fellow employees. Candidate needs to possess strong basic machinist skills and fundamentals and entry level knowledge and understanding of CNC equipment and operation. MIG/TIG welding capability a plus capable of staying on task with minimal supervision. Please send resumes to: or mail to: 924 S Meridian St. Sunman, In 47041 Attn: Amber Haas
Gardens Alive! Inbound Call Center
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Call toll free today to schedule a phone interview!
866/503-6357 EOE
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column Absolutely no hunting, fishing, dog running, woodcutting, dumping, animal abandonment, motorized vehicles, bikes, trapping, firearms, swimming, tree cutting, snowmobiling, creek rock hunting, turning around in private circle drive or trespassing of any kind for any reason . Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or personal property. Activities of any kind will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the properties of:John Niehaus, 16827 St. Rt. 148, Aurora, Ind., 47001. 08/27/15 Absolutely no hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason w/o written permission on the properties owned or leased by us. No excuses. Violators will be arrested and prosecuted. Harry and John Hud dleston, 8731 SR 56N, Aurora, IN or 5311 Yorkridge Road, Guil ford, IN 10/23/14 Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: John Stegemiller, 24569 Hiltz Rd., Guilford, IN 47022. 9-11-14 Absolutely no hunting, trapping, woodcutting, motorized bikes, or trespassing for any reason or purpose. These activities are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Also not responsible for accidents on the property of: Rodney & Arlene Miller 8824 North Hogan Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 08-20-15 Absolutely no hunting, trapping, fishing, swim ming, trash dumping, woodcutting, motorized vehicles, firearms, or tres passing for any reason. Violators will be prose cuted. Beware of dog. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Perry & Tracy Boone, 18002 Lost Creek Lane, Lawrenceburg, IN 4-2-15
ABSOLUTELY no hunting/trapping, no fishing, no riding motorized vehicles or animals, and NO trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties owned by: Nolte Farms, LLC – Nolte & Bells Branch Rds, Caesar Creek Twp, Dearborn County, Dillsboro, IN and Floyd P & Teresa Martini – North Hogan & Holt Rds, Manchester Twp, Dearborn County, Milan, IN. NO exceptions! Not responsible for any accidents or injuries of any kind. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 11/13/14
Absolutely no trespassing - of any kind - for any reason. It is illegal to tres pass. No hunting, trapping, trash dumping, wood cutting, swimming, discharging firearms or explosives of any kind, riding animals or bicycles, or any motorized vehicles including ATVʼs, quad runners, motorcycles, motor bikes, etc. Not responsible for property damage, accidents. Injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is a 44 acre tract bounded on the south by Lutz Road and on the north by Harley Springs Subdivision. Welbourne G. Williams, 4738 Lutz Rd., Guilford, Indiana. 04-23-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at there own expense. No vehicles including ATVʼs, Motorcycles etc. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property of P.A.W.S. Humane Center, 200 Charles A. Liddle DR. Lawrenceburg, IN. 47025 01-15-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason including motorized vehicles - hunting of any kind (bow or gun - nor trapping) or sledding. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their expenses to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Irvin J. Hartman & Frances M. Hartman, 221 Locust St., Greendale, IN 47025 1-15-15
HIRING IMMEDIATELY! ALL PosITIoNs Full & Part Time Apply in person: 615 Ring Rd Harrison, ohio
of Rising Sun
Part Time Licensed Nurse RN or LPN
Full Time CNA
Apply at: 405 Rio Vista Lane Rising Sun, in Or call Christy York, DOn at 812-438-2219
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property. Belonging to: S. Graves Keegan, 4920 Speier Rd. Dillsoboro IN. 47018 5-21-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Not re sponsible for any acci dents and or injuries on the property of: Gerald&Charlene Powell 8964 Sycamore St 9098 Stitts Hill Rd. Moores Hill, In. 47032 7-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. No fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, woodcutting, or swimming. No motorized vehicles of any kind or 3 wheelers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any accidents or injuries on the property be longing to: Patricia Stewart, 13409 Wynnʼs Way, Moores Hill, IN 47032. 10-9-14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of James and Wilma Goff and Carolyn Goff/Brown, 13337 Goff Lane, Moores Hill,In 09-24-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason, not responsible for accidents or injuries. Violators will prosecuted at their own ex penses.: The Beverly J. Neihardt Trust, 14950 Wood St., Moores Hill, IN 8-27-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the properties of Hidden Valley Lake, Inc, Hidden Valley Golf Club, Rupel Development Corp., Country Acreage, Inc., Jacob Properties, bor dered by Georgetown Road, Fairway Drive, Alpine Drive and Oberting Road, Miller Township and City of Greendale. 03-19-15
Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, hunting, trapping, swimming or open fires. No motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. We are not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the property. Ryan Stroud Heartland, Homestead Land Trust 3/26/15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REASON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE. 7152 KAISER DR. LAWRENCEBURG, IN 47025 09/11/14 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason. Will not be responsible for any accidents or fatalities. Violators will be fined and prosecuted on the property of: Mark & Bonnie Pennington, 12947 N. Hogan Rd., Aurora, In 47001 4-16-15 Absolutely no trespassing for any reason; no fishing, no hunting, trapping, swimming, no motorized vehicles, firearms, trash dumping, open fires, wood cutting, horseback riding, 4 wheelers, bikes. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, fatalities. No trespassing, soliciting, or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent from Ron and Debbie Seaver, 23718 James Lake Road, Guilford, IN 47022 04-23-15
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason, no fishing, hunting, trapping, dumping, wood cutting, or swimming, no motorized bikes, 4-wheelers or other motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense, not responsible for any accidents on the property of: Gale Banta, 4304 State Road 48, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING FOR ANY REA4-2-15 SON. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT Absolutely no trespassing THEIR OWN EXPENSE. for any reason. Violators 19150 COLLIER RIDGE will be prosecuted. Not re- GUILFORD, IN 47022. sponsible for any acci - 09/11/14 dents of injuries on the property of: Absolutely no trespassing Tom & Kathy Klump Tower Rd., Lawrence - for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their burg Trojan Rd., Extending to own expense. Not responBeneker Rd., St. Leon sible for any accidents or injuries on the property of Kildeer Ln., Guilford Mosmeier R d . , Robert L. Kist, Matter Sunman,St rd 46 prop- horn DR, lot 1090, Hiderty, North Dearborn den Valley Lake. property 4-9-15 4-16-15
Your #1 Choice for Home Health Care
We’re expanding into Dearborn County and seeking Indiana licensed clinicians for PRN work to develop into full-time positions as we grow our census. Also hiring for a variety of health care positions. Visit our website at:
DEPUTY’S POSITION The Ohio County Sheriff’s Department will be accepting applications for a Deputy’s Position. Applications are available at the Ohio County Sheriff’s Office located at 123 South Mulberry Street Rising Sun, Indiana. Applications need to be returned to the Sheriff’s office by midnight September 12, 2014.
Absolutely No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted. Not responsible for any acci dents or injuries on the The properties of: Bowlins, Bordering on Lipscomb Dr., Mud Lick Creek and Rainbow Road, Manchester Township and 7327 Kaiser Drive, 2-5-15
Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, boating, swimming, trapping, motorized bikes, 4 wheelers, RVʼs, woodcutting, horseback riding, firearms. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Robert & Carolyn K. Holtegel, 12466 Rullman Dr. Dillsboro, IN 47018 03-15 Absolutely No trespassing for any reason. Not re - Absolutely no trespassing, sponsible for any acci - hunting, firearms, wooddents or injuries on the cutting, trapping. No moproperties of Robert & torized vehicles of any Deborah Lischkge, 9794 kind. Violators will be Alans Branch, Moores prosecuted at their own Hill, IN 47032 2-19-15 expense. Also not responsible for any injuries, acciAbsolutely no trespassing dents or fatalities on the property of: James Chrisof any kind allowed on all man, Yorkridge Road, properties belonging to Guilford, IN 5-28-15 Ola & Julie Miller. No exceptions. Not responsible Absolutely no trespassing, for injuries, accidents or fa- hunting, fishing, swim talities. No vehicles of any ming, woodcutting, quad kind, horseback riding, etc, or cycle riding. Not responunless written permission sible for accidents or injuis given. Ola & Julie ries on the property of: Miller, 11302 N. Hogan Jim & Larry Gabbard, Rd., Aurora, IN 47001 Lattire Farm, Gregory 3-19-15 Bier (The Land) Union Ridge Road, Aurora, IN 47001 5-21-15 Absolutely No Trespassing of any kind, for any reason Absolutely no trespassing, at any time. No Excep - no hunting, no woodcuttions! Owner not responsi- ting, no 4-wheeling, no ble for any accidents, inju- quad running. Violators will ries or fatalities. Violators be prosecuted at their own will be prosecuted at their expense. Not responsible own expense. Tresa Man- for any accidents on the ford 11510 North Hogan property of: Ronald W. Fields, 2488 Sneakville Road Aurora, IN 47001 5-7-15 Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 4-30-15 ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING OF ANY KIND, FOR ANY REASON OWNER NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCI DENTS, INJURIES, OR FATALITIES. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED AT THEIR EXPENSE. SHELIA BLOCK 9163 OLD S.R. 350 AURORA, IN 47001 9-25-14
Absolutely no trespassing, no hunting, no woodcutting, no walking, no sightseeing, no motorized vehicles. Violators will be prosecuted at their ex penses. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Patrick Holland 14130 Brown Rd. Moores Hill, IN 9/3/15
No bikes, skateboards, roller blades. No trespassing for any reason; not responsible for injuries or accidents on property of: Dillsboro Civic Club, 9824 Central Ave. and 12930 North St., Dills boro, IN (formerly Doctors Bldg.) 8-27-15
Absolutely no trespassing, for any reason. No hunting or trapping. No motorized v vehicles, 4-wheelers etc. without written permission from owner. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Grimsley Farm on Grimsley Rd. Moores Hill IN 47032 04/02/15 No fishing, swimming, hunting, four wheelers, or Absolutely no trespassing, trespassing on the Hoshunting, fishing, swim - tetler Farms, 13450 Chesming, trapping, horseback terville Rd., Moores Hill. riding, woodcutting, motor- They will be prosecuted. ized bikes, quad runners Harry Hostetler, 13450 or 4-wheelers allowed for Chesterville Rd., Moores any reason. Not responsi- Hill, IN 12-4-14 ble for accidents or injury No hunting or shooting, no to anyone. Violators will be woodcutting,, littering or prosecuted at their own dumping, no motorized veexpense to the full extent hicles, machinery or tresof the law on the property passing. Not liable or reof: Darrell & Susan Sex- sponsible for injuries or acton, 17537 Hillcrest Dr., cidents. Violators will be Lawrenceburg, I N prosecuted if found on 470205. 3-12-15 property of: Dennis G. and Ann J. Elder, 17800 Duncan Lane, Aurora, IN Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, quads, dirt bikes, 7-9-15 or wood cutting. Not re - No hunting, fishing or tressponsible for any injuries passing and not responsior accidents. Property con- ble for accidents or injuries sists of 10 acres. Richard on the property of: Jerome and Melanie Wiedeman, & Ruth Martini, York 18554 Collier Ridge, Ridge Rd., Leatherwood Guilford, IN 47022 Rd., York Township. 05-21-15 4-9-15 Absolutely no trespassing, hunting, fishing, swim ming, trapping, horseback riding, woodcutting, motorized bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property for any reason. Not responsible for accidents or injury to anyone. Violators will b e prose cuted at their own expense to the full extent of the law on the property of: The Gary Steinmetz Farm, 9783 Wesseler Road, Sunman, IN 05-14-15
No hunting, fishing or trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Stonegate Property Owners, Bordering on Stonegate Dr. & Essex Lane. 05-28-15 No hunting, fishing or trespassing of any kind. Not responsible for property or personal injury on the property of: Maria Teresa Maturana, 21940 Lake Tambo Rd., Manchester, IN 01/22/15
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IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE, is seeking a full-time FINANCIAL AID SPECIALIST. Provides financial aid related customer service assistance and advising to students, resolves issues raised by Student Services Professional, and provides general assistance to the Director of Financial Aid. For a complete job description, qualifications, or to apply, please visit http://jobs.ivytech. edu. Ivy Tech is an accredited, equal opportunity, affirmative action community college.
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
September 9 - September 11, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column
No hunting, fishing, or trespassing for any reason and not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property owned by: Hidden Valley Lake Property Owners Associa tion, Bordering on Stateline Road and Georgetown Road, Lawrenceburg, In 04/09/15 No hunting, fishing, or trespassing without written permission on the Chipman farm. 7442 White Road, Rising Sun, Indiana . Violators will be prosecuted. 4-30-15
No hunting, fishing, swimming or trespassing and not responsible for accidents on the property of: Robert & Beth Baylor, 6155 St. Rd. 48, Law renceburg, IN 04-09-15
No hunting, four wheeling, hiking, gardening, or trespassing of any kind. Joan Fidler will not be held liable for any injuries ac quired on the property on both sides of 10419 Chesterville Road, next to 10095 Chesterville Road, and across from 10386 No hunting, fishing, trap- Chesterville Road. Violaping or trespassing or tors will be prosecuted. ATVʼs. Violators will be 4-2-15 prosecuted at own ex pense, Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of, Dennis and Cindy Meyung, 10998 County Farm Rd, Aurora, IN, 47001, 01-15
No hunting, no ATV/bike riding, no wood cutting without written permission. Not responsible for per sonal or property injury on property owned by: Michael and Roberta Hankins, 27106 Cranes Run Road, W. Harrison IN 47060 1/15/15 No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents on the property of: John McKay 11307 N. Dearborn Rd. Sunman, IN 47041 12-14
No hunting, no motorized bikes or vehicles, no trespassing of any kind and not responsible for accidents, violators will be prosecuted on the property of: Stanley Harmeyer & Sondra Lewis 22643, 22747, 22915 Jackson Ridge, Lawrenceburg, IN 09-3-15 No hunting, trespassing, quad or dirt bike riding on the property of Bill and Donna J. Fisher located at 6919 E. Laughery Creek Road, Aurora. 9-25-14
No hunting, woodcutting or trespassing and not re sponsible for accidents on the property of: Joseph and Edna Imholt, 8289 Leatherwood Road, Yorkville, Guilford, IN 4-30-15
No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for injuries or accidents. Violators will be prose cuted at their own expense on the properties of: Wm. G. Rudicil, Barber Rd., Gobblerʼs Knob Rd., W. Harrison, IN 2-12-2015
NO TRESPASSING for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, injuries or any fatalities on property of Betty J. Weber, Bloom Road Moores Hill, Indiana 47032. Violators will be prosecuted at their expense. 7-23-15
No trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for any accidents, Injuries, fatalities or personal property. This applies to all property owned by us.Beware of dog. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expence. Randy & Mary Lynn Hayes, 3382 Sneakville Rd., Law renceburg IN, Also No trespassing for any Goose Run, Aurora, IN reason. Not responsible 1/29/15 for accidents or injuries. Marshall Alford 15778 W. County Line Rd. Moores Hill, IN 10-9-14
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September 9 - September 11, 2014
The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column No Trespassing for any reason. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Not responsible for any injuries or acci dents. 20042 Stateline RD. Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 10-2-14
No Trespassing for any reason. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities to persons or property. The Kremer Family 28483 Barber Rd. West Harrison, IN 47060 9-11-14
No trespassing of any kind for any reason on the properties of the Tri-Township Water Corporation. Violators will be prose cuted at their own ex pense. Also not responsible for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Tri-Town Water Corporation 75 Jamison Rd., 24192 State Line Rd., 1813 Morgan Rd., 25333 Henderson Rd., 6483 Gaynor Ridge, 902 Justis Rd. 4-9-15
No trespassing of any kind on property of : All Rite Ready Mix Of Indiana, LLC, 10513 Morgans Branch Road, Aurora, IN 4-9-15
24'x36'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 40'x64'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 1-20' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 24'x45'x8' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 50'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-9'x7' Garage Door 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4½' Center Truss on 4' Center 32'x40'x12' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 60'x80'x14' • 1-36" Walk-in Door 1-16' Split Slider 2- 24' Split Slider Truss on 4' Center Truss on 4' Center
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METAL ROOFING - 40 YEAR Warranty - choice of 16 colors • Lumber • Hardware • Plumbing Supplies • Paint & Supplies Vinyl siding •Windows & Doors • Ammunition Laminated Floor • Greenhouse & Garden Supplies 5123 W. Co. Rd 550 South - Holton, IN 47023 (812) 689-6276 (or leave a message) From Versailles, take US 421 S. Turn right onto Co. Rd. 550 S. (watch for sign). Located approx. 3 miles on the left. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm • Sat. 8:00 am - 4 pm
No trespassing! Absolutely no hunting, trapping, trash dumping, woodcutting, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. Not re sponsible for property damage, accidents, injuries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of: David L. Shuter & Deborah L. Shuter, Church Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 01-15 No Trespassing! Abso lutely No Hunting, trap ping, discharging firearms or fireworks or explosives of any kind. Riding motorized vehicles. No killing dogs, cats or deers. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense to the fullest extent of the law on the property of Kenneth & Joyce Stroop, 6275 Salem Ridge Rd. Aurora, IN. 47001 8-27-15
No trespassing without written permission and not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of Jim and Beth Marting, 6960 Nelson Road, Aurora, IN 47001 - in Ohi No trespassing! No huntCounty. ing, tree stands, firearms, 9-25-14 bows, trapping, fireworks, motorcycles or quads. Not responsible for accidents. Violators will be prose No Trespassing! Abso cuted at their expense. lutely no hunting, trapping, Lowell & Donna Hollins, trash dumping, woodcut10625 St. Rt. 262, Dillsting, discharging firearms boro, IN. 10/23/14 or fireworks or explosives of any kind, riding motorized vehicles or animals. No trespassing, hunting or Not responsible for propfishing. The Browning erty damage, accidents, inFarm, 9516 & 9321 Texas juries or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their Gas Rd., Aurora, IN own expense to the fullest 47001 12-14 extent of the law on the property of: Joseph F. Bayer, Jr. & Donna S. No trespassing, hunting, 4 Bayer, 17365 Church wheeling etc. on property Rd., Lawrenceburg, In owned by Ken and Kathy Scherzinger or other 47025 1-15 owned entities on North Hogan Rd. between SR 48 and Holt Rd., Dear post frame born County Indiana. Not buildings responsible for any accidents of any kind. speCial 7-02-15
20x24 • $3,995 w/ 2 doors 30x30 • $5,995 w/ 2 doors 40x60 • $11,900 w/ 2 doors
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, trapping or dumping of any kind. Absolutely no motorized vehicles, bikes, quadrunners or 4-wheelers allowed on my property. Not responsible for accidents, injuries or fatalities. Beware of dogs. Violators will be prose cuted at their expense to the fullest extent of the law. Jeffrey Long, 9027 Old St. Rd 350 & 13385 Dean Rd., Aurora, In 47001. 9-14
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Cindy & Michael McAndrew, 19446 Anderson Rd., Law renceburg, IN 47025. 4-9-15
No trespassing, hunting, fishing, wood cutting, four wheeling or tree cutting. Not responsible for accidents, injuries, or fatalities of any persons or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. Debi & Stephan Kraeling 7233 Bonnell, Guilford, Indiana 47022 04-30-15 No Trespassing, hunting, four wheelers, dirt bikes, fishing, swimming for any reason. Rick & Dawn Gilb 1075 ST. RTE. 48 Sunman, IN 47014 7-2-15
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No trespassing, no hunting or fishing. Absolutely no 4 wheelers or motorized vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries on the property of: Earl & Thomas Sullivan, No trespassing, motorized 18253 & 18350 Keller vehicles, hunting, trapping, Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN fireworks or explosives of 5-21-15 any kind, discharge of firearms or shooting of arrows on or onto the approximate 23 acres of Lot #8 in Miller No trespassing, no huntRidge Estates. Also not re- ing, violators will be prosesponsible for any acci - cuted. Not responsible for dents or injuries occurring accidents on the property on this same property. of: Glen & LaVerne BurkMike and C o n n i e hardt, Corner of Keller Crossley, Lot #8 Miller Rd., & SR 48, LawrenceRidge, 22102 Hickory burg, In View Lane, Guilford, IN 1-8-15 47022 12-11-14
How can I help, you ask?
It’s easy! Please fill out the form below indicating how you would like to help children in need this year and submit it to:
c/o Chip Munich Register Publications P.O. Box 4128 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Or stop by our office at 126 W. High Street in Lawrenceburg. You can also reach our office at 812-537-0063 for information or questions, or to sign up to be a volunteer shopper. * Families interested in receiving help must contact Kimberly Elliot at SIEOC 812-926-1585 or toll free at 888-292-5475 or visit 110 Importing St, Aurora, IN 47001.
No trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling, dirt bikes. Not responsible for accidents on the property of Ronald Henry 8680 Lower Dillsboro Rd. Aurora, IN 47001 05-21-15
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No trespassing, no fishing, no hunting or artifact hunting. Nick Domaschko, Ohio County, 9748 St. Rd. 56 N., Aurora, In 47001 6-11-15
Winter weather is just around the corner and children in Dearborn County need your help!
trespassing, hunting, 4-wheeling or motor vehicles of any kind. Not responsible for accidents or injuries of any kind on the property of: Mark & Roberta Klem, Seldom Seen Estates, Lot #1,#2, #3, 22505 State Line Rd., Bright, IN 06-11-15
Built on your lot! 50 Years Experience
No trespassing, hunting, or fishing for any reason on the properties of Knigga Properties LLC, and Knigga Holdings LLC, owned by Tim, Nancy, and Casey Knigga. These include properties bordering South Fork, Kirkpatrick, Goodner and Aberdeen Roads. Also not responsi ble for any accidents, injuries, or fatalities. Violators will be prosecuted at their own expense. 3-19-15
Enclosed is my donation to WARM THE
include my name in the published list of donors (Circle One)
I would like to make a donation and be a volunteer shopper.
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Please make check payable to Warm the Children. Donations are tax deductible.
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The Journal Press • The Harrison Press • R.S. Recorder/O.C. News • The Dearborn County Register
September 9 - September 11, 2014
70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column 70 Posted Column PAWSitively Awesome!
No trespassing, or hunting, on the farm of : Barry & Judy Pruss, Rt. 50 Mt. Tabor Rd., Aurora, IN 4-2-15
No trespassing, soliciting , or visitation from strangers, family, or friends without written consent by Billie R. Powell on my properties located on North Hogan Rd.Billie R. Powell 10514 North Hogan Rd. Aurora, IN 47001. 3-23-15
No Trespassing. Not responsible for accidents or injury on the property of: Larry and Kim Jackson, 6720 Lipscomb Rd., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025. 9/18/14
No trespassing. No fishing, no swimming, no hunting or four wheelers. Not responsible for accidents or injury of any kind on my property. Barb Hornberger and family 9758 E. Co. Rd. 1350 N, Sunman, IN 47041 07-16-15
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Rita Bennett, 170 and 172 Conwell Street, Aurora, IN 47001 05-21/15
No trespassing. Not re sponsible for accidents or injury. We will prosecute trespassers on property owned by: Robert & Deborah Schroeder, Gary & Pam Schroeder, Ridge Drive, Lake Tambo & Knopf Roads, Man chester Township. 10-13
Not responsible for accidents. No hunting, fishing, woodcutting, swimming, recreational 4x4 riding, or trespassing on the property of: Hassel W. and Pamela M. Brashears Possum Ridge Road Aurora, IN 03-5-15
Oxbow Inc. and Oxbow of Indiana, Inc. (”Oxbow”) are the owners of property located in the area com monly known as Horse shoe Bottoms, Lawrenceburg Township, Dearborn County, Indiana. Most of Oxbowʼs land is located between I-275 to US 50 exit ramp, the CSX tracks, and the levee along US 50 and the Argosy entrance road. Oxbow also owns land immediately west of I-275 between the CSX tracks and the Ohio River, as well as land east of I-275 between the CSX tracks, the Ohio River, and the state line. Maps of Oxbowʼs properties are available on our website at Oxbow,Ind. land is a wildlife sanctuary. Hunting, trapping, discharge of firearms, and the shooting of arrows is prohibited except in certain designated areas and only with the written permission of Oxbow. ATVʼs may not be operated on Oxbow property at any time. Operating other motorized vehicles (except for the purpose of ap proved farming and land management operations) off clearly established roads or on a road in any manner contributing to the need to repair the road is prohibited. Those who operate a motor vehicle on Oxbow property do so at their own risk, and are advised that the dirt roads may be impassable when wet. Under no circum stances will Oxbow be responsible for damage to a vehicle or injury to its occupants. Bank fishing only with appropriate license is al lowed and is monitored by conservation officers. Camping, bonfires, and overnight parking are prohibited. Swimming in streams, lakes and other watercourses is strictly prohibited, as are motorized watercraft of any sort. Removing, destroying or disturbing wildlife and plants, or farm crops with out express written consent of Oxbow is prohibited. Oxbow property is regularly patrolled by law enforcement officers who have been instructed to prosecute all violators. Activities such as bird watching, hiking and the activities not expressly prohibited by these rules or state law may be done at ones own risk. Oxbow is not responsible for any injuries occurring on the property for those wishing to visit. Those in doubt of the lawfulness of their activity on Oxbow properties are encouraged to first contact: Oxbow, 854 Ligoria Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45218 04-23-15
Private property. Abso lutely no trespassing of any kind on all properties belonging to Dana and Phyllis Weisickle. No exceptions. Not responsible for any injuries, accidents, or fatalities. No vehicles of any kind allowed to drive through or park without written permission. Dana & Phyllis Weisickle 12904 Probst Rd, Aurora, IN 47001 4-14
We really appreciate the PAWS Pet Page in The Register because it makes people aware of what great pets we have for adoption and the Center. People often come in and say that they’ve seen a certain pet on the pet page. I believe that this wonderful exposure has helped find homes for dozens of our precious furry friends! We want to thank the sponsors for making this page possible!
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No trespassing, not re sponsible for personal or property injury on the property of: Midwest Data Inc., 326 Walnut St., Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 4-9-15
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