Winter weather is just around the corner and children in Dearborn County need your help!
How can I help, you ask?
It’s easy! Please fill out the form below indicating how you would like to help children in need this year and submit it to:
WARM THE CHILDREN c/o Chip Munich Register Publications 126 W. High Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
Or stop by our office at 126 W. High Street in Lawrenceburg. You can also reach our office at 812-537-0063 for information or questions, or to sign up to be a volunteer shopper. * Families interested in receiving help must contact Kimberly Elliot at SIEOC 812-926-1585 or toll free at 888-292-5475 or visit 110 Importing St, Aurora, IN 47001. Enclosed is my donation to WARM THE
include my name in the published list of donors (Circle One)
YES ! I would like to make a donation and be a volunteer shopper. YES ! I would like to make a donation only. Please make check payable to Warm the Children. Donations are tax deductible.