alexsoh biography

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爱与关怀 洋溢天地间

Nature in their most caring and tender moments.




从智利利、到冰岛到斯⾥里里兰卡 新加坡摄影师苏其忠穿越时空


Alex Soh captures a series of wildlife that speaks 他语重⼼心⻓长地说: 野⽣生动物 尽其⼀一⽣生 以爱相伴 看似⼀一贫如洗 实则富⾜足⾃自在 ⼈人类 穷其⼀一⽣生 劳劳役役 看似⽆无所不不缺

the essence of love found in Fox and Granaco of Torres Del Paine, Chile. From the wild horses in Iceland showing companionship running freely in the open to the deer and elephants at Yala National Park showing the love and care of their infant.


Nature touched our hearts with their actions. We


may have a lot but we didn’t show much, but nature have nothing but they show and give everything

愿这系列列的照⽚片 让爱的本能重现

they have.

 No.14 Wanghai Road ground floor, Software park, Siming, Xiamen 361008 收货⼈人: 提摩太 18876406702
 Timothy Chou (Gallery Manager)
 mobile: +86 18876406702 (Xiamen)


新加坡摄影师,拥有25年年摄影和设计经验,专注于⼈人⽂文与⾃自然⻛风光 摄影,⾜足迹遍及中国及世界多个国家。曾在国内外举办多场个⼈人摄影 展,开展近20场主题为“我是谁?⾃自我探索”讲座,并以新加坡摄影师 的身份担任国际研讨会讲师,参与摄影⽐比赛的评选⼯工作。

2010年年- 2015年年担任尼康相机品牌⼤大使;2016年年⾄至今担任爱普⽣生彩 ⾊色激光打印机新加坡品牌⼤大使;2017年年⾄至今担任ILFORD品牌⼤大使及 ILFORD Master。他也是世界上为数不不多,为华盖创 (gettyimages) 的摄影师之⼀一。其摄影作品被全球⼏几⼗十个国家印刷使⽤用,刊登在尼康 摄影,国家地理理(亚洲版)以及德国Profifoto等国际杂志上,是新加 坡和中国艺术摄影的积极推动者。

Alex Soh出⽣生于新加坡农村,其成⻓长经历激发了了摄影的潜能。他坚信 摄影能够传达情感,能够捕捉触动⽣生命的瞬间。如今,他透过个展投 ⼊入到公益项⽬目中,出版了了个⼈人影集《感动⽣生命的瞬间》。详情请登录 或 查 看其摄影作品。

在2018年年1⽉月,Alex Soh 与伊尔福(ILFORD)合作创办天路路+,在 厦⻔门成⽴立了了⼀一个天路路+⼈人⽂文空间,带有咖啡厅功能的摄影艺廊。这个 平台,旨在将⼈人们带⼊入⼀一站式的摄影体验,从捕捉精彩的瞬间到印刷 成品的全部过程,都能亲⾃自体验。

微 信 : alexsoh1



Alex Soh Alex Soh is a firm believer in the power of photography to communicate ideas and emotions. He desires to capture the wonders of nature that will compel people to worship its wonderful Creator.

Formally trained in Graphic Design, Alex’s journey as a graphic designer started in 1995. He started in an advertising firm, TV production house and there after in a design house. Later on, he setup his own design studio, providing one-stop service from photography to design and print. In his creative path for the last 25 years, he literally travelled all over the world and was involved in numerous projects, from TV commercials to documentary production. He has done shoots for big brands such as Nikon Tokyo, Adobe, Singapore Tourism Board from photo documentory to corporate clients. Today, he does mostly travel and fine art photography, concentrating on scenery to build a photo library companies. Alex is also one of the world few gettyimages contributing photographer. You are able to view his photographs at,

With many years of experience in handling print media, Alex has comprehensive and authoritative knowledge in this particular area. He has been commissioned by one of the publishers in US to conduct press check in China. He was also invited to be one of the ILFORD Master photographer and ILFORD Brand Ambassador to be featured together with some world-class photographers and artists from around the world. Nikon Ambassador in Singapore (2010-2015), Epson Ambassador in Singapore. He is an active promoter of fine art photography in Singapore and China. He has given talks to thousands of photographers on fine art photography to promote photographic exhibitions in the region. He has accomplished six solo exhibitions and many group exhibits in Asia.
 mobile: +86 13712884247 (China)
 mobile: +65 90483366 (Singapore)

Alex believes that a good photograph is all about opportunity. An artist doesn't make art—art happens. He loves photography because it is a way in which he can express himself. Through this medium, he is able to share with others his passion—that is to capture pictures that touch lives.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Alex is a founder of The Rice Project and Project Road, which aims to use photographs as a medium to create public awareness, to raise funds for the needy. He conducts overseas photography expeditions. His photographic works had also been featured in international magazines such as Asian Geographic and Germany’s Profifoto. He is also a frequent speaker/trainer on at local and international seminars and engaged on judging panels for photography competitions such as: e.g. Nikon The Big Shot TV Show and SYPA.

Alex said “Photography is a window that has brought him to see the world. Photography is his teacher, it has made him to be a better person.” With his own initiative, he has been conducting talks to young professional and student on "Who Am I? A Self-Discovery Journey”, to inspire them to discover their very own giftedness.

Alex grew up in a village in Singapore and his adventures there inspired the creativity that has led to a passion for photography. He has published a coffee table book Life Touching Moments together with an exhibition in Singapore. On January 2018, Alex Started TianLu+ in collaboration with ILFORD to launch a photo gallery & cafe in Xiamen. A platform that aims to inspire photographers by bringing them to a one stop photographic experience, from capture to print.

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