Life touching moments

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Life Touching Moments Photography by Alex Soh

All rights reserved. Copyright Š 2007 Alex Soh. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the photographer.

Writing and photography by Alex Soh Mobile phone: (+65) 9048 3366 E-mail:

Publisher : 29 Mayo Street #02-02, Singapore 208315. ISBN 978-981-05-8323-1

A note from the photographer. I believe that “a good photograph is all about

As I journeyed on, I looked into a tank and saw a

opportunity. An artist doesn’t make art—art

young boy sleeping in it. He was lying motionless

happens.” My desire is to ”share with people

as life slipped by. That instant, I felt that he should

pictures of God’s creation and images that touch

be doing some work to begin his life again. But

lives.” Hence, I hope that this book will touch

as I placed myself in his shoes, I realized that if

your life, too.

I had lost my family, what would be the point of living on?

I believe that photography is not just about going out there to capture some nice scenes. It is

I captured a shot of the clock that had stopped at

about having a heart to observe what is going on

the moment the wave struck, the toys along the

around me, to capture the essence of life, and to

beach, the boats on land, the fisherman fixing his

get in touch with nature as I do my photography.

net, etc.

Such as, observing the scenery, appreciating the view of the sky, mountains, rivers, and how the

To bring back these life-touching pictures to share

light rays beam through the trees.

with people­—this is photography to me.

Or walking down a road in Sri Lanka and

Every picture in this book tells a story. I hope that

discovering that some people have lost their trust

these images will trigger your memories. You can

in the land. They’re now building their houses

then make use of the blank pages in this book to

on top of the trees. And as I walked on, I met a

jot down some of your own life stories. Make this

lady who shared with me what happened to her

book your own—a journal of memories. Life will

when the tsunami struck. The waters swept her 25

lose its meaning if we let our happy occasions

meters away from where she had been standing.

and fond memories fade away.

Real Love Children are the most real. This picture reminds me of their simple act of care toward someone they love; their childlike way of showing love with a hug that says it all.

Sweet Moment I was sitting by the dock enjoying the beauty of a peaceful morning. From a distance I saw this man and his dog in the boat. Without hesitation, I triggered my shutter. It was so silent that moment he noticed me. I looked at him, nodded my head with a smile, and he did likewise. It was a sweet moment. Yet, no words were spoken.

Unconditional Love It was a spontaneous moment. Without a second thought, the boy simply stretched out his hand to help the little girl. This willing act of love is perhaps a lesson we should learn.

Friendliest Hugs A friendly tease, a warm hug by the street. Life can be boring but we can choose to make our day a joyful one.

Heart to Heart Communication It is not just about speaking your mind; it is about the willingness to listen. I’ve heard that many parents today have difficulty communicating with their children. I think it might be due to the lack of a listening ear.

Time is precious . . .

enjoy the moment before the sun sets.

Smile for Your Loved Ones You don’t have to go far to look for love . . . love is just around you. A lovely family portrait.

Children are our greatest gifts and the joy of our life.

From Grapes to Wine . . . Despite coming from the same family, the character of each creation is always different. It takes time to nurture each one. Each is unique. Each is precious.

They can’t be acting . . . it must be the funny bone in them.

“Let me show you how to appreciate flowers”,

“Somewhere over the rainbow.”

Celebration of Life National Day of Singapore­—my home.

A journey of love . . .

. . . is strengthened by trust and comfort.

The Smile of a Japanese Boy

The Care from a Japanese Mom

Romantic Beauty of Sakura A unique tree that is full of flowers that grow virtually on any part—from the branches to the trunk. Each year, the cherry blossom season never fails to bring many friends and family together to enjoy this special moment.

Surrounded by the Sakura bloom.

Capturing the Moment of Beauty Cherry blossoms, Yoshino Mountain, Nara-ken, Japan.

Life can be rushed . . .

but you can slow it down. Remember, you set your own pace.

The rushing commuters in a subway station, Japan.

The slow moves of a “Go” (Asian chess) game.

Motions of Life

A romantic walk, New York City, USA.

A fun spin, New York City, USA.

A peaceful ride, Osaka, Japan.

Sharing of Joys

Fowl play in Bali, Indonesia.

Children whispering, Lombok, Indonesia.

Making cotton string for a living, Lombok, Indonesia.

Stressful Life but Peaceful Sleep This photograph was taken at a market in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The woman was selling traditional handicrafts for a living while carrying her child who was sleeping peacefully, oblivious to all that was going on. This picture shows us that even in the harsh reality of life, we can still enjoy rest and peace.

This picture won the Honourable Mention in the Epson World’s Largest Digital Imaging Photo Contest 2004 in Japan. A total of 105,033 pictures were entered.

A 116-year-old great grandmother, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Feeding This picture was taken in an orphanage in Myanmar. It was meal time for these children, and each teacher fed seven of them from the same bowl. These orphans would gather quickly as they saw what was in their teacher’s hand. With eyes wide opened, they stared at the spoon each time it was lifted up, wondering if the next turn would be theirs. This scene reminds me of a mother bird feeding her babies in the nest.

Contrast this image with today’s children in large cities where they take hours to finish a meal. I wonder about how fortunate or perhaps how spoiled our children are when they can choose or even demand for what they like to eat.

I think we need to appreciate what we have in life. We ought to help our children learn this precious lesson by not giving them what they want all the time. The more we give them, the more we may be taking away from them.

Grace Home, Myanmar.

Friends are hard to come by . . . let’s keep it transparent, Bali, Indonesia.

Together we share the load, India.

The Magical Smiles The curiosity that brought them to look into my lens, also draws you to look back at them, Pangkor Island, Malaysia.

A joke goes, “When you pay peanuts, you’ll get monkeys.” But this man sells peanuts to make a living, India.

This used to be home, Sri Lanka.

Tsunami Houses along 150 km stretch of beach were all

a sad, single wall. When I took this photo in March

suddenly destroyed, leaving behind total devastation.

2005, they were still waiting for help.

Does life go on in Sri Lanka after the tsunami on December 2004? As I walked along the beach, I found

About 1500 people—children, the elderly, able-

evidence of what used to be people’s belongings—

bodied men—took refuge in a train when the giant

shoes, toys, shirts, and even a lonely house number

wave crashed in. But they were wrenched away

plate. How did the victims respond to their grief and

by the huge torrents, leaving the train to stand

loss? A dejected boy lying in the tent was still numbed

alone, soulless. Still today, many are waiting for the

by the loss of his loved ones. For a family in Matara,

promised help. If you wish to make your holiday more

South Sri Lanka (left), three walls and the roof of what

meaningful, take a trip there. Find a ministry partner

was once their home were swept away, leaving behind

and offer your help.

After the Tsunami When I went back again in October 2006, I could still find fishing boats swept inland by the waves. Still today they remain there—no longer in use. They are like monuments that remind people: “It is better to remember the loss of our loved ones than to forget what happened.” We ought to look back at the past and move on towards the future.

Boat on land, Sri Lanka.

Finding Peace As I walked along the beach, I saw them standing, facing the sea. I quickly positioned myself to capture this moment of mourning. Looking at the peaceful sea while remembering the devastation and the losses caused by the tsunami, the people of India are learning once again to feel safe with the beauty and power of nature.

Marina beach, Chennai, India

Beach that heat by the Tsunami, India

Old lady, streets of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

She smiled . . .

because she finally found something that could be eaten from the dumps. When I first saw this old lady sitting by the tree on the

Through this old lady, I learned that contentment in

roadside, she was holding in her hand a packet of rice.

life is important.

Food that she had just found from the dumps. I can see from across the road that her face was filled with

Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For


we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and

My tears rolled down as I felt for her. In my mind I

clothing, with these we shall be content. But those

was thinking, How would I feel if she is my mom? I

who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare,

often put myself in a person’s shoes to understand their

and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown

situation. I think about how we often complain that we

men in destruction and perdition. For the love of

don’t have enough money, and how we struggle and

money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some

fight for position. When will we ever say, “Stop! It is

have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and


pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. —1 Timothy 6:6-11 (NKJV) I wiped away my tears as I walked away.

My journey and purpose in life. _________________________________________________






































Life loses its meaning if we let our happy

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occasions and memories fade away. Never lose your sight. Never lose your life’s meaning. Take a moment to remember the happy occasions and memories.

Tiny Fingers It was an amazing moment to feel the gentle squeeze from these little fingers as she grabbed my hand for security.

She held your hand and walked the journey with you.

A Miracle Nothing could be more joyful than to hold this little foot in my hand.

Now she has grown . . . it was just like yesterday.

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