LHSON Newsletter Winter 2015

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Vol. 1 , 2015 Alumni Alumni updates and events

2 (RSNA) Regis Student Nurses Association


It is a new year and we welcome students back to classes. When you stop to consider how many alumni are registered nurses in Colorado and other states, and how many students will be completing clinical experiences in those same healthcare agencies, it is no surprise that the Loretto Heights School of Nursing has a wonderful reputation for graduating competent and compassionate nurses. I hope you find this newsletter fun and informative.

Pinning/Commencement Pictures and Information about December 2014 events and Spring 2015 updates


Cork Board Important dates, announcements and more


Carol J Weber, PhD, RN Dean, LHSON Do you have a passion for teaching?

Alumni Save the Date Please join us for Regis Connections Happy Hour, occurring on Regis Main Campus Thursday, February 19th. More details coming soon. Please check your RegisNET email.

LHSON is always looking to our graduates to provide precepted clinical experiences to our current students and to join the ranks of our affiliate faculty for teaching in our various programs. Please contact Rosann Messere rmessere@regis.edu for on-campus undergraduate opportunities, Maura Kroh mkroh@regis.edu for Nurse Practitioner opportunities and Lora Claywell lclaywel@regis.edu for postlicensure opportunities.

Pre-licensure Have you ever wondered about students in other cohorts at LHSON? Current enrollment in our pre-licensure programs: Traditional students: 67 Juniors 66 Seniors CHOICE: 24 at PSL 24 Seniors 23 Juniors Accelerated: 49 May 96 January

Post-licensure Post-Licensure RN-BSN and MS Leadership programs practicum preparation Plan a minimum of 8 weeks in advance for upcoming practicum courses: NR 478R- 45 precepted hours NR 609- 105 precepted hours NR 623- 105 precepted hours Ensure your compliance record is complete! Email rhcomply@regis.edu to find out if anything is outstanding or outof-date. Contact Dr. Mary “Murpee� Castang, practicum faculty, by email at casta321@regis.edu or phone at 303-458-4962 for assistance with practicum planning for the NR 478R, NR 609, and NR 623 courses.

Regis Student Nurse Association (RSNA) Upcoming RSNA events: ANA Webinar: Navigating the Complex World of Delegation Monday, February 9, 12-1pm, PCH 315 RSNA Presents Career Paths in Nursing With special presentations by: Linda Campbell, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE ; Kasey Grohe, MS, RN, CNE and Jennifer Sorensen, MS, RN, CNE

Did you know that you can now self- register for RSNA updates and information on WorldClass? Follow self-registration prompts after you log in and search RSNA. Questions? Contact Carolyn Ackerman at cackerman@regis.edu


Tuesday, February 10, 12-1 pm, PCH 315 US Army Nurse Corps Career Event RSVP by February 10 for Free Pizza http://goo.gl/forms/6e6E476G0B Tuesday, February 17, 12-1 pm, PCH 315 RSNA General Meeting Monday, February 23, 12-1 pm, PCH 315 Special Presentation by Denver CASA on Volunteer Opportunities Speaker- Shalene Onyango, Program Director, Denver Court Appointed Special Advocates for children (CASA) Tuesday, February 24, 12-1 pm, PCH 315 Colorado Student Nurses Association (CSNA) Spring Convention Saturday, February 28, Adams State University, Alamosa, Colorado

Register here: http://www.coloradostudentnurses.org/convention.html


December 2014 Award Recipients Excellence in Nursing Accelerated BSN Sarah Kirk Kelly Craven RN-BSN Courtney Donovan CHOICE Jeffery Courson Outstanding Achievement Leadership in Nursing Management Rachel Erin Gingrich Leadership in Nursing Education Virginia Biffaretti Service Learning Accelerated BSN Brenna Nienke CHOICE Brittany Wilson RN-BSN DesireeGrandPre MS Pamela Soden Jennifer Snider

Pinning & Recognition ceremony The pinning ceremony is a symbolic welcoming of newly graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nurses into the nursing profession. The new nurses and baccalaureate degree completion nurses are presented with nursing pins by family and friends at the ceremony. Hooding/recognition ceremonies are for students graduating with a master’s or doctoral degree. The hooding ceremony and recognition of students’ accomplishments draw attention to the scholarly and the personal achievements of the candidates for graduation who have completed their advance degree requirements. May 2015 Pinning and Recognition will take place at 1:00 PM on May 1, 2015 in the Field House. Please plan to stay afterward for a cookies and punch reception in the Ranger Dome immediately following the ceremony.


Cork Board Important Dates: Upcoming University Holiday Closures: April 3- Good Friday April 5- Easter Sunday

May 25- Memorial Day Dates to remember: Summer Registration Opens February 9 9 Health Fair April 11, 2015 Loyola Hall Reminder to current students: Please be sure to check your Regis NET email for updates DNP Students: DNP Class of 2015 Save the Date! Please plan to attend a light Meet and Greet lunch with your family and faculty before your Convocation and Commencement. Lunch will take place on May 2, 2015 at 1:30 PM in MOD A 185. The graduation ceremony will take place at 4:30 PM on Saturday, May 2, 2015.


Spring Commencement Dates: Graduate Programs: May 2, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Doctoral Programs: May 2, 2015 at 4:30 p.m.

Undergraduate Programs: May 3, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. Undergraduate students are permitted to march in the commencement ceremony if they are within 15 semester hours of completing their degree requirements. Graduate students are permitted to march in the commencement ceremony if they are within 6 semester hours of completing their degree requirements. Visit http://www.regis.edu /graduation and click on the Graduation and Certificates tab for updated information and to submit the required Graduation Application form.

Contact Courtney Duggan at cduggan@regis.edu for questions, comments or for more information.

Project Homeless Connect Regis students participated in Project Homeless Connect on November 17, 2014 at the Colorado Convention Center. Nursing students provided care for homeless and at-risk adults and families. Services provided included health assessments and education; screenings for heart health, diabetes and vision; and referrals to appropriate sources. Thank you to all who participated in this amazing service to the community.

Sigma Theta Tau Alpha Kappa Chapter-at-Large Sigma Theta Tau (STTI) scholarship applications are due February 11, 2015. Additional information may be found at http://www.sttialphakappa.org Like us on Facebook : Loretto Heights School of Nursing

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