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Regis University

Honorable News Volume 7, Issue 4

—Pearl Shields, class of 2009


“I engage with social reality by showing students how their writing transforms the communities to which they belong.”

Inside this issue: Senior Thesis Excerpts

A Tale of Two Universities


Dr. Howe’s and 2 Dr. Jacobson’s Senior Sendoff Dr. Palmer’s Senior Sendoff


Director’s Note


Since graduating from Regis I have had a lot of time to think a lot about the idea of a university. I also think a lot about Idea of a University—the freshman seminar class which invites us to see our education as pursuit of truth, quality and unity of heart and mind. I think about these things because I am an English instructor at Auburn University, one of the largest universities in Alabama and the institution from which I received my M.A. in 2011.

reminds me of Fr. Ignacio Ellacuria’s Santa Clara commencement speech where he declared that “[the university] must be concerned with the social reality—precisely because a university is inescapably a social force: it must transform and enlighten

In many ways, my experiences at Regis feel as far removed from Auburn as Alabama is from Colorado. (They do it all with their football team!) The two universities, however, share one important question in common: “How ought we to live?” Auburn’s mission attempts to answer this question by way of its identity as a Land-grant institution—a university designed to offer instruction in “practical arts” such as agriculture, science, and engineering. These institutions were specially created during the 19th Century so that people who wouldn’t ordinarily go to college, such as farmers, could further their learning. Effectively, Auburn wants all of us to live with the opportunity to learn regardless of how “common” or “industrial” our interests are. This educational inclusiveness

the society in which it lives.” Regis’ “social force” is shaped by its Jesuit identity, liberal arts curriculum, and emphasis on service learning, while Auburn’s is shaped by research programs, wide instructional access, and outreach toward Alabamians. In my role as a writing instructor, I engage with social reality by showing students how their writing transforms the communities to which they belong. This semester, I had my students contribute posts to a class Tumblr to explore one focused issue related

to sustainability to be made available publically on the Internet. Through this assignment, my students have come to understand how their writing can work to transform their readers—the Tumblr community— as more people “like” and reblog their posts. They see their work not just as an activity to enhance their own knowledge, but as a work of service to teach something new to their Internet audience. This is just a small example, but I think it models Ellacuria’s idea of transformation and enlightenment in a way that my students see as relevant to their own lives. As you continue your work at Regis and in the Honors program, I hope you can see this social reality at work in your own life. The writing seminars, Honors community events, and yes, even the thesis, work to enlighten us in some way, whether or not the message is one we really want to hear. It’s all preparation for the day when we’ll graduate and go on to extend Regis’ social force into our own vocations. For me, I know that whatever job I happen to hold next year, five, or fifteen years from now, I’ll still hold close the idea of transforming social realities that Regis and Auburn espouse; that is, to live in service of those who are willing to learn.

Senior Thesis Presentations Emmie Altepeter

Rose Aspholm

Kaleb Brooks

Madagascar: Transitions in Health Care

A Change in Habit: Benedictine Sisters, Vatican II, and the Pursuit of a Meaningful Renewal

Contesting Competitiveness: The Case for a Democratized Workforce

Tension developed between women's religious communities and the Catholic Church hierarchy following the Second Vatican Council and the call to renew religious life. I examined how Sister's relationships with the hierarchy and with each other changed. Vatican II was an opportunity for these women to find their agency and voice, and they did so through hard work.

Neoclassical growth theories would be improved by including considerations of social capital. Through a series of case studies, I develop a model of industrial relations designed to foster social capital accumulation and improving productivity. This process applies a variety of research from sociological and political studies to economic problems.

In the poor island country of Madagascar, research companies seeking to isolate the active biomolecules in plants used in traditional healing, and the development of more integrative health centers, are the most effective ways to revalidate traditional medicine. Not only will this help traditional healers, but it will also provide a more affordable health care option for the Malagasy people.

James Estes

Anne Flower

The Effects of Achievement Goals and Feedback on Performance

A Healthy Disparity: The Link Between Socioeconomic Status and Type II Diabetes

I conducted a psychology study in which I examined the relationship between achievement goal orientations, inherent to the individual, and the type of feedback they received while working on a cognitive task. Specifically, I examined how this relationship impacts a person's performance and enjoyment of a cognitive task.

Type II diabetes disproportionately affects individuals living in low socioeconomic situations and the cyclic natures of poverty and disease are profound matters of justice. After working at La Casa Clinic, I have come to know these individuals and will articulate how stress, depression, culture, resources, and disease are inextricably connected. Diabetes does not have to elicit a stoic fatalism, but resource distribution and primary care medicine must creatively change in order for wellness to be a reality in our futures.

Words From Dr. Jacobson: “The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from over-rating the difference between one permanent situation and another. Avarice over-rates the difference between poverty and riches: ambition, that between a private and a public station: vain-glory, that between obscurity and extensive reputation. The person under the influence of any of those extravagant passions, is not only miserable in his actual situation, but is often disposed to disturb the peace of society, in order to arrive at that which he so foolishly admires.� -Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Will Fulton

Kari Garren

Alex Ghincea

The Population Growth and Control of African Elephants: Modeling, Management and Ethics Concerning a Threatened Species

Rethinking the Marketing of Rural Destinations: A Comprehensive Model and Case Study of Gunnison County, Colorado

Beauty and Elegance in the World Around Us

I examine the relationships between elephants and their environment. Elephant populations have been steadily rising to the point where overgrazing threatens the overall biodiversity of the preserve. I also discuss the social importance of elephants, not only as icons of conservation and Africa but also as economic resources for African societies.

A Comprehensive Rural Destination Marketing Model uniquely combines the heretofore disconnected practices of destination marketing organization establishment, asset identification, destination personality development, target market selection, destination branding, and destination promotion into a user-friendly, start-tofinish model that can be implemented by rural destination marketers. the model is applied to a case study of Gunnison County, Colorado to illustrate its usefulness.

Elucidating the higher order structure of the B12 Riboswitch in Thermatoga maratima and reflections concerning the interface between science and religion

Chris Ghincea

Lauren Kersey

Words From Dr. Howe

Why did you come here? To fall in love, have your hearts broken and be ruined forever?

Who Needs Thomas Pynchon? The Role of a Post-foundational Reader Response Author

When my roommates and I traveled to El Salvador and Guatemala to learn about the violence and injustice staining their history and live in solidarity with the poor, I had to open my eyes and recognize the pervasive and systemic injustice in the world, and then to ask, why? What is my role? How can my faith inspire justice? In this thesis, I explore the principles of Liberation Theology (specifically Latin American), the challenges it posed to the Catholic Church (and conversely, the response of the Catholic Church), and an evaluation of how it can meet the demands of our present.

My thesis provides a survey of post-foundational philosophy and explains reader response theory as a form of application towards literary theory. It ultimately centers around the central question of whether or not a postmodern author who buys into these theories can presume to influence readers or larger society. Through a reader response analysis of certain works by Thomas Pynchon, I argue that postfoundationalism allows authors to influence readers in a less specific or direct, though important, manner.

For the graduating seniors, I offer some words from my favorite philosopher Alfred North Whitehead: Seek simplicity and distrust it.

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Honorable News

Class of 2012 Josh Kniss

Cassi Konopasek

Sarah Magill

Propranolol: A Treatment for PTSD or a Breach in Neuroethics?

Holistic Learning: Seeking a Purposeful Life by Engaging Science and the Liberal Arts

Stitchin’ Quarters, Inc.

I attempted to develop an animal model for PTSD, imposed on a sample of rats, and tested an experimental treatment (propranolol) for PTSD symptoms. Then I explored the philosophical and ethical questions surrounding the treating PTSD on risks associated with a preventative treatment, posttraumatic growth, the value of memories, and the value of emotions.

I explore developing a mutant Escherichia coli Alkaline Phosophatase enzyme and examine the role of science in seeking a purposeful life. In personal reflection, holistic learning is enhanced by blending science and a liberal arts core curriculum because metaphysical and material dialogue is encouraged in seeking a purposeful life.

A business plan for my family's locally owned and operated computerized embroidery business. The plan sets forth a strategy to increase market share of wearable goods sold to owners, handlers, and breeders of the Border Collie market. Included in the plan are a situation analysis of the industry, target market, and value proposition, a strategic marketing plan and evaluation of financial feasibility, and ideas for future growth.

Angela Mercier

Molly Moss

Mary Beth Navo

She Has a Lovely Face: Performative Female Death and the Lady of Shalott

Globalization and Sweatshop Labor: the Role of Student Activism in Educational Institutions and Ethical Business

The Love Triangle: Reasons why Romantic Relationships Don’t Work and How to Attain a Relationship that Does

With roots in colonization, exploitive practices like the use of sweatshop labor are prevalent in most mainstream apparel companies. After dismissing solutions like the World Bank or Corporate Social Responsibility, I found hope in the student-created company, Alta Gracia. Alta Gracia provides a framework for a true ethical business and aids educational institutions like Regis University in supporting ethical labor practices.

My thesis involves an in-depth look at the reasons relationships don't work, and the tools needed to attain a happy, healthy relationship. I look critically at the negative implications of stereotypes our culture holds, where they come from, and why they need to change. I also look at the components to a healthy relationship, and the tools necessary to achieve them.

Shannon Quirk

Lana Schamberger

Worrying Ourselves Sick: Biological, Psychological, and Social Components to StressRelated Disease

Words From Dr. Palmer

The Changing Face of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comprehensive Look at History, Legislation, and School-Based Interventions of ASD

In 1833, Alfred Tennyson published a poem in which his character, the Lady of Shalott, performs her death for a male audience and gaze. Today, this "beautiful" image of death still permeates, appearing everywhere from Flickr to the music video for the popular song "If I Die Young." I explore this image and its modern translations and, finally, analyze my own public performance (did you see the boat on the quad?) that reformulated the concept of beautiful performative death.

Chronic stress can really wreak havoc on our bodies. What are the physiological mechanisms behind our inborn stress response and the accompanying health concerns? Why are people with a lower socioeconomic status (SES) are more likely to suffer from chronic stress? I argue that we can counter the negative effects of chronic stress by altering our internal perception of the world around us.

Endings are beginnings, but that doesn’t make endings easy. Answers don’t work that way, exactly. Check out “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen).”

I review the legislation that provides federal funding for special education and additional services for children with autism. I examine current intervention strategies of school-based programs for children with ASD, and how we can improve these practices in public schools. How will a change to the definitions of such disorders affect the eligibility of children with ASD for special education services?

Carlee Taga

Olivia Tracy

Caitlin Wojienhoski

Maybe She’s Born With It: Observations of Physical Beauty, Sexual Selection Signals, Mate Choice, Culture, Society, and the Media

Hundreds of Years in Every Face: Counting Colonial Influence in Postcolonial Representations of Women

Thoughts Before Dying: Ethics and Morality of the End

Is beauty a universal, solid measurement that developed via evolution, or it is a construction of society and culture? Some standards arise from evolution, many are cultural inventions. We can overcome our current situation of hatred and disgust by introducing a new concept of beauty.

How does "double colonization" affect the role women from a native society and the expectations of the previous colonizer? I will look at literary works from Nigeria, Antigua and India in my quest to determine whether male or female authors present the most mimetic representation of their female characters and to what extent native authors from each of these countries are still being influenced by the social mores of the Western world.

Volume 7, Issue 4

Attempts at making general rules about end of life care are wrong because specific situations may call for different morally correct actions. I believe there is an element beyond biological life that humans possess which makes them alive and when this element is no longer present allowing a person to die can be morally right. Page 3

Regis University Honors Program Address: Carroll Hall 121 3333 Regis Blvd H-16 Denver Colorado 80221 PHONE: 303-458-4360 E-MAIL: honors@regis.edu WEBSITE: www.regis.edu/honors

We’re on Facebook!! “Honors Program Students”

Reaching New Heights... The Honors Program at Regis is an alternative way of fulfilling the liberal arts core requirements which are an essential part of the Regis College degree. Students in the Honors Program enjoy courses designed especially for them by faculty from all divisions of the college. The program stresses interdisciplinary study, small group interaction, and individual student initiative. Although it overlaps the standard core in several respects (number of credit hours required to complete the honors core is essentially the same as the standard core), the Honors Program is an excitingly different way to experience the broader education of a liberal arts college.”

Director’s Note —Dr. Bowie, Honors Program Director As we bid farewell to our seniors, I’m still amazed by the variety of thesis topics they engaged, by the serious contemplation each gave to the question that animates our core education at Regis: “How ought we to live?” They’ve invited us to ask great questions, and they’ve integrated their learning across disciplines, experiences, and ways of knowing. Their work on these projects, and throughout their time at Regis, promises bright futures—in medical school, with Teach for America, in law school and grad school, with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, just to highlight a few of the places they’re going. But in every case, they’ve lashed themselves with great courage to the fuselage of life, inspiring us as by their example. As you reflect on your education this past year, on your evolving “idea of a university” if you will, what has inspired you? Consider again the words from the Jesuit martyr Ignacio Ellacuria that Pearl quotes on page one: a university “must transform and enlighten the society in which it lives.” Although Ellarcuria delivered these words over 25 years ago, they still call out urgently to us today. How are you transforming and enlightening our society? How are you, to borrow a phrase from Annie Dillard, redeeming your speck of the world, “the world in which you live, just as it is and not otherwise”? Good luck on your journeys this summer. Enjoy wherever life takes you! All the best, Dr. B

Newsletter requests, ideas, submissions? Contact James Persichetti at jpersichetti@regis.edu for further information.

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