June 26–29, 2023 • Salem, Oregon
“The Mandate” Schedule of Events
8:00 a.m. Council of Eighteen Meetings
3:00 p.m Registration Opens
7:00 p.m. General Session 1: David Strope
8:30 p.m. Faith Baptist Bible College Reception
9:00 a.m. General Session 2: Philip De Courcy
10:30 a.m. General Session 3: Patrick Odle
Noon Lunch (Food truck—sponsored by Generate and Baptist Network Northwest)
1:00 p.m. Optional Campus Tour - p. 16
1:45 p.m. Workshops: Matt Papa/Chris Anderson, Clare Jewell, Sam Baker, Terry Thompson, Gil Thomas
3:00 p.m. Business Meeting
7:00 p.m. General Session 4: Philip De Courcy
8:30 p.m. Clarks Summit University Reception
9:00 a.m. General Session 5: Ryan Frank
10:15 a.m. General Session 6: Chris Anderson
11:15 a.m. Speakers Forum
Noon Lunch (Travis Memorial Dining Hall)
1:15 p.m. Optional Campus Tour - p. 16
2:00 p.m. Workshops: Philip De Courcy, Ryan Frank, Linda Pausley, Mark Ward
6:30 p.m. Matt Papa Concert
7:20 p.m. General Session 7: Philip De Courcy
8:30 p.m. Corban University Reception
Thursday 9:00 a.m. Prizes Drawing
9:30 a.m. General Session 8: Philip De Courcy
“The Mandate” Location of Events
Business Meeting—Main Auditorium, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Campus Tour—Outside the front doors of Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Conference Registration—Lobby, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Council of Eighteen Meetings—Downstairs, El Cerrito, Building 25: Schimmel
Exhibitors—Auditorium Lobbies, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
General Sessions—Main Auditorium, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Infant Nursery—PV 108, Building 27: Pavilion
Kids Check In—Past the Mezzanine (to the right of the RBM exhibits), Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Kids Program—PA 200, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
• Kids Program Schedule - p 14
Luncheons & Receptions—Upstairs, Building 25: Schimmel
Preschool—PV109, Building 27: Pavilion
RBM Exhibits—Mezzanine, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
RBP Book Table—Mezzanine, Building 28/29: Psalm Center
Students Alive! (Youth)—4424, Upstairs, Building 26: Academic Center
Workshops—PV101–PV103, PV107, Building 27: Pavilion
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
With more than 100 years of missions experience, we have a proven past with an exciting future. We’re solidly biblical yet actively flexible to help you take the gospel to our ever-changing world.
Whatever your interests or skills, there’s a place for you at Baptist Mid-Missions.
“The Mandate” Conference Schedule
Monday, 6/26
8:00 AM Council of 18 Meetings
Tuesday, 6/27
9:00 AM General Session 2: Philip De Courcy 9:30 PM 10:00 AM 10:15 AM 10:30 AM
General Session 3: Patrick Odle 11:15 AM
Food truck sponsored by Generate and Baptist Network Northwest
1:00 PM Campus Tour - p 16
1:15 PM
1:45 PM
2:00 PM
Workshops: Chris Anderson / Matt Papa, Sam Baker, Clare Jewell, Terry Thompson, Gil Thomas
3:00 PM Registration Opens Business Meeting
4:30 PM Optional Campus Tour - p 16
Dinner Travis Memorial Dining Hall Travis Memorial Dining Hall
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:20 PM
8:30 PM
General Session 1: David Strope
General Session 4: Philip De Courcy
Faith Baptist Bible College Reception
Clarks Summit University Reception
Conference Schedule (continued)
Wednesday, 6/28
8:00 AM
9:00 AM General Session 5: Ryan Frank Prize Drawings
9:30 PM General Session 8: Philip De Courcy 10:00 AM
10:15 AM General Session 6: Chris Anderson
10:30 AM 11:15 AM Speakers Forum Noon Lunch
1:00 PM
1:15 PM Campus Tour
1:45 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Workshops: Philip De Courcy, Ryan Frank, Linda Pausley, Mark Ward
Dinner Travis Memorial Dining Hall
6:30 PM Matt Papa Concert
7:00 PM
7:20 PM General Session 7: Philip De Courcy
8:30 PM Corban University Reception
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
“The Mandate” Facility Floor Plan
• Upstairs: Emitte (Workshops & Receptions)
• Downstairs: Dining Hall & El Cerrito
Exposition Fuels Preaching
Become a more effective expositor.
• Today’s churches are at risk of preaching that intentionally — or unintentionally — twists, replaces, or ignores Scripture.
• You can get advanced training to faithfully proclaim every part of every text in your ministry with an affordable and accessible program like our doctor of ministry in expository preaching.
• Invest in your preaching as one who will give an account for the souls in your care.
“The Mandate” Conference Extras
Friends of two exhibiting schools are invited to attend receptions to hear about the great things God is doing through these organizations .
• Faith Baptist Bible College
Monday, 8:30 p.m.
Building 25: Schimmel
Kids Program Schedule
Monday, June 26 3:30 Conference Registration
• Clarks Summit University
Tuesday, 8:30 p.m.
Upstairs, Building 25: Schimmel
We keep children busy until all are picked up. When you are ready to pick up your child:
• tell the worker at the door, and your last name will be called;
• sign your child out on the sign in / sign out sheet .
“The Mandate” Workshops
The Priority and Practice of Expository Preaching
Philip De Courcy, senior pastor of Kindred Community Church in Anaheim Hills, Calif., and teacher on the daily media program
Know The Truth
It has been well said that the church can survive without great preaching, but she cannot survive without good preaching This workshop will encourage the priority of expository preaching by answering the why question with five motivations for good preaching, and also answer the how question with five elements of good preaching
Who Is Shaping Whom?
Sam Baker, chair of the Christian Ministry & Intercultural Studies Department, Corban University, Salem, Ore.
Together assess various forms of technology from a Biblical perspective, evaluating technology’s true effects on believers’ spiritual, ministerial, marital, familial, and personal lives .
A Strategy for Church Revitalization
Terry Thompson, lead pastor of Rock Point Church, Crawfordsville, Ind., for 24 years; founder of Small Church USA
Should the topic of church revitalization be a priority? Aubrey Malphurs says, “The church of Jesus Christ in North
America is in a freefall with no bottom in sight ” The statistics are alarming and the need overwhelming . Where do we start? Strategy! Join us as we uncover four foundational steps .
Excellence in Church Music
Chris Anderson, vice president of Global Opportunities at Biblical Ministries Worldwide and hymnwriter
Matt Papa, artist-in-residence at Marco Presbyterian Church in Marco Island, Fla., and songwriter/musician
Music is a powerful part of the church’s teaching ministry and a vital piece of corporate worship This workshop from two experienced hymnwriters and worship leaders will provide Biblical and practical insights on hymn selection, service planning, meaningful segues, the use of prepared music, and hacks to improve congregational singing
Church Planting Play-by-Play
Ryan Frank, lead pastor, Involve Church, Nampa, Idaho
Church planting from points A to Z—learn from the seven-year church-planting experiences of Involve Church . The church now supports two staff members and a growing missions budget, and has developed several discipleship paths Also learn what the church is doing to participate in planting another church
“The Mandate”
Forming a Biblical Worldview in Your Church
Mark Ward, senior editor for Digital Content, Logos Bible Software
Barna surveys come out every other Tuesday showing that self-professed evangelical Christians don’t have a Biblical worldview . Mark Ward has written two BJU Press textbooks on the subject . Learn what pastors can do to develop a Biblical worldview in their congregations Insights will also be drawn from Christopher Watkin’s somewhat controversial new book, Biblical Critical Theory .
Ministry Wives’ Forum
Linda Pausley (MC), wife of Chuck Pausley, State Representative of the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Wives whose husbands serve on the Council of Eighteen will discuss the joys and challenges of ministry
Sharing the Gospel so It Sticks
Gil Thomas, executive director of Good Soil Ministries, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Learn the three different ways Jesus describes the “Good Soil Person” and the importance of understanding those descriptions as we share the gospel with unbelievers During this workshop, you’ll see that sharing the gospel is a process and why embracing that process makes a difference .
Developing a Disciple-Making Culture
Clare Jewell, director of Generate
Disciple-making is the core command of the Great Commission A key responsibility for pastors and church leaders is to make sure disciple-making is at the core of their local church ministry .
How do we do that? This workshop will focus on shaping a culture of disciplemaking You will leave with clear, practical steps you can take, simple tools you can use, and the philosophical changes necessary to get your church more fully engaged in God’s mission .
Enjoy a 35–40 minute walking tour of Corban University! You’ll hear more about what Corban University has to offer by learning about its history, campus activities, and the purpose and service to the community of each building. The campus tour includes stairs and hills.
Meet outside the Psalm Center front doors, Tuesday, 1:00/4:30 p.m., or Wednesday, 1:15 p.m.
“The Mandate”
Notes & Other Information
“The Mandate”
Go Digital
• Visit garbc .org and GARBC on Facebook for photos and audio from this year’s conference
• Tweeting? Use #TheMandate and #GARBC23 .
• Interact on the GARBC social media pages:
Facebook: GARBC
Twitter: @RegularBaptist
Instagram: @RegularBaptist
• Download a digital version of the conference notebook at garbcConference.org/digital .
“The Mandate” Speakers
David Strope
David E Strope serves as interim national representative of the GARBC In this role, David shares God’s Word in church and ministry settings, counsels and encourages pastors and churches, assists with pastoral placement, and mentors and trains pastors—all while championing the association’s doctrinal distinctives
Prior to serving in this role, David was a pastor for 45 years in four New York churches and at Ankeny (Iowa) Baptist Church Additionally, he has served on the GARBC Council of Eighteen and two local associations of Regular Baptist churches
David and his wife, Debbie, have three grown children and eleven grandchildren
Philip De Courcy
Philip De Courcy is pastor of Kindred Community Church in Anaheim, California, and teacher on the daily media program
Know The Truth
Philip was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to Christian parents who instilled in him a love for the Lord Jesus Christ At sixteen, he trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior .
Philip spent six years shepherding a congregation in Ireland, then relocated his family in the US so he could attend the Masters’ Seminary He later served as senior pastor in churches in Southern California and central Ohio In 2007 Philip began his current ministry
Philip and his wife, June, have three grown daughters, one son-in-law, and a granddaughter
Ryan Frank
Ryan Frank is a church planter who serves as lead pastor of Involve Church in Nampa, Idaho, which he helped start in 2015 He says, “God does not want His children sitting on the sidelines He wants them involved in the Body of Christ, and Involve Church exists to involve people in an authentic relationship with Jesus Christ .”
He and his wife, Rebecca, have five children
Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson was the founding pastor of Tri-County Bible Church in Madison, Ohio, where he pastored for 15 years He also pastored Killian Hill Baptist Church in Lilburn, Georgia, where more than 10 families were launched into missions or church ministry He now serves as vice president of Global Opportunities at Biblical Ministries Worldwide While Chris’s primary gift is preaching, he has published hymns like “His Robes for Mine” and “For the Sake of His Name,” the Gospel Meditations devotional series, and books like The God Who Satisfies, Panosian, and Theology That Sticks: The Life-Changing Power of Exceptional Hymns
Clare Jewell
Clare Jewell is the director of Generate, a ministry that assists Regular Baptist church planters in North America Prior to joining with the GARBC, Clare was a senior pastor in Auburn, Indiana, for more than 20 years and the administrator of a Christian school for five years .
Clare is in the final stage of completing a Doctor of Ministry degree in Strategic Leadership at Corban University
Clare has been married to Donna for over 40 years . They currently reside in Salem, Oregon . They have four daughters and thirteen grandchildren
Patrick Odle
In 2020 after 26 years of pastoral experience in Iowa and Ohio, Patrick Odle became Baptist Mid-Mission’s ninth president He also served as vice president of enrollment and student life for three years at Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary God developed Patrick’s heart for missions through connections to BMM missionaries and council members, along with numerous missions trips
Patrick and his wife, Ruth, have four adult children and two grandchildren
You’re passionate about DISCIPLESHIP. So are we!
Discipleship is best developed with intentionality, and developing strong leaders is at the heart of all we do. Every church resource that RBP provides is designed to equip your church’s leadership to encourage maturity in Christ. That’s why churches just like yours choose to build lives by the Book with GARBC-trusted discipleship resources from RBP.
• Strong Curriculum equips you to build stronger by teaching all Scripture to produce spiritually mature believers of all ages who measure up to the stature of Christ.
• Vacation Bible School equips you to reach kids in your community with gospelsaturated themes to teach Bible truths to children you may or may not see each week.
• Kids4Truth Clubs equips you to teach students key doctrines so they understand how Biblical truth applies to their own lives. This systematic theology for kids helps them understand what they believe and why they believe it.
• Bible Studies & Regular Baptist Books equip you to lead individuals and small group participants into a deeper knowledge of and relationship with the Lord.
“The Mandate”
Day/Time Speaker Message
Monday, 7:00 PM David Strope The Mandate from Beginning to End - p . 40
Tuesday, 9:00 AM Philip De Courcy To Boldly Go - p . 44
Tuesday, 10:30 AM Patrick Odle Loving the Lost - p . 50
Tuesday, 7:00 PM Philip De Courcy Stress Fractures - p . 52
Wednesday, 9:00 AM Ryan Frank The Mandate according to John - p . 54
Wednesday, 10:15 AM Chris Anderson Anybody Can Be a Barnabas - p . 56
Wednesday, 7:20PM Philip De Courcy Spread the Word - p . 58
Thursday, 9:30 AM Philip De Courcy It’s All about Leadership - p . 60
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
“The Mandate” Exhibitors
Ariel Ministries
Baptist Church Planters
Baptist Mid-Missions
Baptist Network Northwest
Bibles International
Bob Jones University Seminary
Brains and Bibles
Brotherhood Mutual
Cedarville University—Church Relations
Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Children’s Rescue Mission
Clarks Summit University
Corban University
Faith Baptist Bible College
Faith Baptist Mission
Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship, ABWE
Live Global Servant Solutions
Small Church USA
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
TwoTone Creative
Regular Baptist Ministries
Regular Baptist Ministries
Regular Baptist Press
Regular Baptist Chaplaincy
Regular Baptist International
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
“The Mandate” Passport to Prizes
Name: Address:
City/State/Zip: Email: Phone:
Several exhibitors are offering prizes this year. To be eligible to win one of these prizes, you must
• secure a signature from the exhibitors listed below,
• put your completed passport of signatures in the container on the registration desk before 9:00 a m on Thursday, June 29,
Ariel Ministries
Baptist Church Planters
Baptist Mid-Missions
Baptist Network Northwest
Bob Jones University Seminary
Brains and Bibles
Cedarville University—Church Relations
Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Clarks Summit University
Faith Baptist Mission
• be an adult to secure signatures from exhibitors,
• be in the foyer for the drawing at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 29, and
• be present to win.
Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship, ABWE
Small Church USA
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
TwoTone Creative
Regular Baptist Press
“The Mandate” Prizes
The following exhibitors donated items as part of the prize drawing. Be sure to stop by their booths, say thank you, and find out more about their ministries.
Ariel Ministries | Book
Baptist Church Planters | Books
Baptist Mid-Missions | $100 Visa gift card
Baptist Network Northwest | Selection of Northwest goods
Bob Jones University Seminary | $25 gift card
Brains and Bibles | Coffee, mug, and books
Central Baptist Theological Seminary | Stack of faculty books plus Visa gift card
Cedarville University—Church Relations | Select CU authors and Jeremiah Study Bible
Clarks Summit University | $500 scholarship toward any undergraduate, graduate, or seminary class
Faith Baptist Mission | $50 gift card
Good Soil Evangelism & Discipleship, ABWE | Reflections From God’s Story of Hope heirloom / coffee table book
Regular Baptist Press | 2024 VBS Kit (choose version) & $100 RBP gift certificate
Small Church USA | $1,500 scholarship for a one-year engagement with Small Church USA
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry | The Common Thread with thumb drive teaching presentation
Tourismora | One rolling carry-on
TwoTone Creative | $300 Logos software gift card
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
Workshop Notes
“The Mandate” Workshop Notes
Tuesday, 1:45 p.m.
“The Mandate” Workshop Notes
Wednesday, 2:00 p.m.
Intensive Bible Teaching from a Messianic Jewish Perspective
• Visit garbc .org and GARBC on Facebook for photos and audio from this year’s conference
Messianic Jewish Studies
ww w.arielshoshanahcampus.com
• Tweeting? Use #TheMandate and #GARBC23
• Interact on the GARBC social media pages:
Facebook: GARBC
Twitter: @RegularBaptist
Instagram: @RegularBaptist
SHOSHANAH 2023 Ariel Publications
• Download a digital version of the conference notebook at garbcConference.org/digital
Enjoy a 35–40 minute walking tour of Corban University! You’ll hear more about what Corban University has to offer by learning about its history, campus activities, and the purpose and service to the community of each building. The campus tour includes stairs and hills. See page 16 for more details.
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
Sermon Notes
“The Mandate”
The Mandate from Beginning to End
2 Peter 1:1–11 - David Strope - Monday, 7:00 p.m.Our Mandate: Gathering Decisions or Making Disciples?
Religious pluralism and cultural corruption abound. The pagan culture is taking its toll on the contemporary believers, and the church needs constant admonition to be called back to the demonstration of saving faith by living distinctively virtuous lives. The church needs constantly to be warned against any tendency to treat sin lightly, to suppose that an immoral lifestyle can be pursued without penalty all while maintaining profession of faith.
Some have slid into moral apostasy and are now promoting the false teaching of libertine Christianity that justified their sensual lifestyles. The attitudes and ethical lapses of these false teachers, especially the immoral, were an accommodation to the permissiveness of pagan society, . . . especially when Christian morality impeded participation in the social life of the cities. . . . Christian teaching seems to be more an embarrassment in their cultural environment. . . . These false teachers see themselves as daring young radicals trying to clear a lot of traditional nonsense out of the church.
Disciples not only express faith but grow in faith; spiritual maturity is a growing reality for every disciple.
Matthew 28:19–20 is a
___________________________ mandate, not a _____________________ mandate.
The Well-Known: Disciples are made by ________________________!
• by ________________________ new believers with __________________ and His
by _______________________ them to ___________________________ all things taught by Christ!
A seeming contradiction: Everyone truly saved is saved by ___________________ through ________________________ in the work of Christ at Calvary. Everyone—the unrighteous and the righteous—is _____________________ by God by his or her ______________.
How greatly we need to be reminded of and to remember the gospel of Christ!
2 Peter 1:9 “Having forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.”
2 Peter 1:12 “I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things.”
2 Peter 1:13 “As long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you.”
2 Peter 1:15 “To ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.”
2 Peter 3:1 “Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder).”
2 Peter 3:8-10 “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”
4. God
______________________ of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord (2 Peter 1:2)
Divine __________________________ (2 Peter 1:3)
“Exceedingly great and precious ___________________________” (2 Peter 1:4) . . . God’s Word . . . . . . that brings __________________________!
. . . _____________________________ from the world’s _______________________________!
5. Disciples
2 Peter 1:5 “But also for this very reason, giving all diligence . . .” Grow! Progress! Mature!
Know, believe, embrace, accept, trust the gospel, and grow in that same gospel!
2 Peter 1:2 “Grace and peace be multiplied to you . . . ”
2 Peter 1:4 “That you might be partakers of the divine nature.”
2 Peter 1:5–7 “Giving all diligence [σπουδη, i.e., (verb) ‘to speed,’ ‘urge,’ ‘hasten,’ ‘press.’ (Noun) ‘speed,’ ‘haste,’ ‘earnestness,’ ‘diligence,’ ‘zeal’], add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, to brotherly kindness love.”
2 Peter 1:8 “If these things [qualities] are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
2 Peter 1:10 “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure.”
2 Peter 3:18 “But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
“Many of our churches have ceased _____________________ because we, the spiritual leaders of our churches, have ceased ________________________.”
Personal pursuit of Christian character is not incidental to our Christian experience; it is primary evidence that Christ does, indeed, dwell in us. . . . Peter in this epistle gives the strategy for overcoming the pull of the ungodly world around us and for resisting the lure of the similar libertine false teachings in the church today. But the world and false teaching appeal to our fleshly nature, and Peter prescribes full-grown Christian character as the cure to both. If we are to represent Christ well in this day, we need a generous dose of the antidote—a fuller likeness of Christ stamped on our souls.”
6. God _____________________________________ transformed sinners!
This is what we must be:
This is what we must reproduce:
Because of you, Regular Baptist International can make a profound and immediate impact around the world spiritually and physically.
The needs around the world are great—but none is greater than the need for the gospel.
Financial security is more than just a future hope . It is a worthy and responsible goal to pursue. Servant Solutions provides a cost effective retirement plan for churches and ministry organizations, and we are proud to be an official partner with Regular Baptist Ministries. As a non-profit 403b(9) Church Plan, our plan is available with NO COST TO YOUR ORGANIZATION. And account holder fees are approximately half the cost of other providers! The Servant Solutions Retirement Plan helps you approach the future with a sense of security. We’re here to serve you—visit our booth today!
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Generate helps equip churches and leaders to focus on God’s mission through grants, consultation, and coaching.
APPLY TODAY! generate.church GENERATE
Chaplaincy can be a great next step for pastors and ministry workers who want to bring the gospel to others in a new context.
Apply to become a chaplain endorsed by the GARBC!
“The Mandate”
Stress Fractures
Acts 6:1–7 - Philip De Courcy - Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
A plan you can trust. Growth you can measure. Results that last forever.
Your Kids’ Program Strengthen Your Kids’ Lives
Kids4Truth Clubs is a program like no other! It’s much more than memorizing verses. Every aspect of the club program helps students understand what they’re memorizing and how it applies to their own lives. It helps them know what they believe and why they believe it!
Visit garbc org and GARBC on Facebook for photos and audio from this year’s conference .
• Tweeting? Use #TheMandate and #GARBC23 .
• Interact on the GARBC social media pages:
Facebook: GARBC
Twitter: @RegularBaptist
Instagram: @RegularBaptist
• Download a digital version of the conference notebook at garbcConference.org/digital .
Enjoy a 35–40 minute walking tour of Corban University! You’ll hear more about what Corban University has to offer by learning about its history, campus activities, and the purpose and service to the community of each building. The campus tour includes stairs and hills. See page 16 for more details.
After the conference, look for a link to a survey that will provide feedback to RBM so we can improve future conferences.
2023 Annual Report
Regular Baptist Ministries
Dr. David E. Strope, Interim National Representative GARBC.orgThe past 12 months have been quite a ride! In the space of that year, I have represented Regular Baptist Ministries in 53 churches, conferences, universities and colleges, and pastors’ meetings. As I report in these venues, I share my responsibilities as interim national representative:
• to establish and extend the ministry of our fellowship to our constituency;
• to oversee the Regular Baptist Ministries office staff;
• to provide leadership to the fellowship;
• to represent the fellowship as widely as possible;
• to recruit new churches and to recruit men called by God to pastoral ministry; and
• to articulate the heritage, purpose, and relevance of Regular Baptist Ministries.
This past year I spent an average of three days per month at the Regular Baptist Ministries office in Elgin, Illinois. And I participated in multiple online meetings per week with Regular Baptist Ministries staff, men seeking pastoral ministries, churches seeking pastors, Council of Eighteen committees, and others.
I also participated in the Council of Eighteen Search Committee’s analysis of Regular Baptist Ministries. Consequently, the Council established a new position, head of operations for Regular Baptist Ministries. I led the interview committees for this new position and am assisting in the search for a new director of Regular Baptist Press.
In the absence of a director of RBP, I participated with coeditors Drs. Daniel Davey and Chris Miller in laying the groundwork for the New Testament Exposition Commentary series, published by RBP under the Regular Baptist Books imprint. NTEC volumes will cover all 27 books of the New Testament. The first volume, Matthew, is available for sale at the GARBC conference. The release of the next volume, Romans, is scheduled for later this year. I appreciate Alex Bauman, interim director of RBP, and the RBP staff for their work on the NTEC. I also assumed responsibility as executive editor of The Baptist Bulletin I have been very capably assisted in this responsibility by Melissa Myer, the magazine’s managing editor.
I have been delighted to represent the fellowship and to preach God’s Word to congregations large and small, urban and rural. Serving as interim national representative is not the post-pastoral life I anticipated, yet I exclaim, “As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” (Ps. 18:30).
People often ask me, “How healthy is our fellowship?” I respond that our fellowship is as healthy as our churches are healthy. The GARBC includes thriving, disciple-making churches of various sizes. These healthy churches should be the models for all the churches in our fellowship. We must connect these healthy churches with those exhibiting signs of stagnation and ill health. Therefore, my goal is to encourage pastors and wives, to bring wisdom and Biblical vision to discouraged congregations, and to cheer on pastors and churches that are reaching new levels of disciple-making.
I appreciate the people who have assisted me over the last 19 months. First among them is my beloved wife, Debbie. We have now served Christ in marriage and pastoral ministry for 47 years. She remains my best encourager, intercessor, evaluator, champion, and friend. I would not have been able to serve our fellowship apart from her affirmation, love, and support.
I am grateful for the office staff at Regular Baptist Ministries, who have been incredibly helpful and faithful in their service. I am grateful, too, for the Council of Eighteen and the National Representative Search Committee, who have given me tools, support, and latitude to effectively serve in my role as interim national representative.
My favorite part of my role is being in churches—connecting with pastors and congregations, seeing what God is doing in different places, acquainting new friends with the value of our fellowship, and reminding others of all that God has done and is yet doing. Serving as interim national representative has been thrilling and exhausting, joyous and burdensome, new and certainly stretching.
I remind myself continually that “God has chosen what is insignificant and despised in the world—what is viewed as nothing—to bring to nothing what is viewed as something, so that no one may boast in his presence. It is from him that you are in Christ Jesus. . . . Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord” (1 Cor. 1:28–31, CSB).
Regular Baptist Ministries
Kerry Watkins, Head of Operations / HR Director GARBC.orgHEAD OF OPERATIONS
Since the role of head of operations is a new position with new responsibilities, I do not have a lot to report. I am excited to work with the great team at the home office and to align the branches of Regular Baptist Ministries to get them working well together. Several important projects and new initiatives are being considered.
Home office staff: 24 full-time; 4 part-time; 2 contract (both part-time). The staff has been reduced by two full-time positions since July 2022. However, hiring to fill those two employees’ work may take place. That is being reviewed.
As the HR director, I have been and will be assisting the Council of Eighteen as needed in the search for the new national representative. Preliminary work is being done in anticipation of posting the position. Please be praying about the search for a national representative.
Other HR Projects
Several other projects were completed, and other changes were made:
• switched to a new health plan organized summer staff brunch (families included) and Christmas party
• updated the employee handbook
Employment Opportunities
It is important for our constituency to know that we are always open to hearing from individuals and accepting résumés for employment. Pastors and church members can be great recruiters for RBM. We never know when openings will occur, so it is helpful to have on hand résumés from qualified and interested individuals. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you or someone you know is interested in working for Regular Baptist Ministries: kwatkins@garbc.org.
I anticipate that some of the work as director of church engagement will change, since I have taken on the role of head of operations. Much of what I was trying to accomplish as director of church engagement will be rolled into new initiatives, which are already being planned. Watch for information about
these initiatives. They will promote connections between churches, pastors, and ministries for help and encouragement.
State/Regional Association Meetings
Over the last two years I have coordinated travel schedules to increase the frequency of home office staff attending state and regional association meetings. Since the 2022 GARBC Conference, I have attended state/regional meetings in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and a combined meeting of the Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio associations. These were great opportunities to meet with pastors, hear what their needs are, and build relationships.
Online Meetings with Pastors
David Strope and I led six online meetings with pastors since last year’s conference. Most participants pastor GARBC churches. If you would like to take part in one of these meetings, sign up at the RBM table at the conference. We need only your name and email address.
Online Meetings with State/Regional Leaders
I meet with state/regional leaders each spring and fall. The main purpose of these meetings is to gather the leaders so they can share ideas with one another and encourage one another in their work. During the spring 2023 meeting, we discussed the responsibilities of state/regional associations in contrast to those of the national association so that RBM can better help its churches and pastors. Some good ideas came from the meeting.
Purpose Survey
An important part of making good decisions is having sufficient, accurate information. In January we sent out a church survey that asked several questions related to the purpose of the GARBC. Thank you to each person who completed the survey. We collected information related to our purpose that will help RBM going forward. ***
I enjoy my work at the home office. It is a privilege to serve the Lord through this ministry. My desire is to help RBM develop resources and tools that will encourage our pastors and churches to come together for the benefit of all our churches. I would love to hear ideas about how we can do that. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Please pray that I will have wisdom in all I do and that I will serve well.
Regular Baptist Ministries
Mark Johnson, Treasurer GARBC.orgIt is my pleasure to present to you the annual financial report for 2022–2023. Despite continued challenges, we have made progress toward restoring a positive bottom line and positioning the ministry for the future. Here are some highlights from the past year:
• Overall revenues were under budget, mostly attributed to weaker-than-expected VBS sales; however, there were many bright spots outside of that category.
• Curriculum sales rebounded close to predicted levels, and donations increased in the latter part of the year, which is an encouraging sign of support from individuals and association churches.
• Investment gains and partnership revenue helped to offset some of the revenue shortfall.
• The sale of the Arlington Heights facility generated a modest paper gain, which was offset by a contribution to the pension plan that will further secure our promises to employees.
• Costs to produce and distribute Regular Baptist Press materials remained high, and inflation had a pronounced effect on this area of ministry.
• Marketing expenses decreased, while general operations exceeded budget due to onetime transition expenses
We anticipate a positive overall financial performance in 2023; and we credit this outlook, in part, to the successful sale of our former office building and the federal loan we obtained during the pandemic. These actions have significantly transformed our balance sheet and allowed us to focus on financial assets that have the potential for growth and appreciation. We are now in the early stages of a long-term investment strategy that aims to create an endowment-type fund, which will provide more long-term financial stability. Our target is to achieve a debt-free reserve balance of $10 million within 30 years to support ministry operations and special initiatives.
We present a summary of the financial results for the fiscal year 2022–2023. Please note that these figures are preliminary and are subject to final adjustments and review by an independent CPA, which may result in updates. A more detailed report will be provided during the annual conference business meeting.
Regular Baptist Chaplaincy
Manning Brown, Director of Regular Baptist Chaplaincy RegularBaptistChaplaincy.orgThe past year saw a reopening of opportunities to travel. My wife, Jennifer, and I cherish every opportunity to visit churches and Regular Baptist chaplains.
The biggest challenge to our military chaplains came through the COVID-19 vaccination mandate. Some chaplains took the vaccination willingly, others took it under duress, and several refused. I told those who asked for my advice that it was a matter of personal conviction. Based on our association’s belief in individual soul liberty, I counseled that whatever their decision, as their endorser I would support them. I told those who refused that I could not, however, provide a letter on their behalf stating a Regular Baptist position on the vaccination. But I did counsel and pray with several of our chaplains regarding their decisions. With the mandate now rescinded, there have been no reported cases of retribution against those chaplains who refused.
Our total number of chaplains remains at nearly 100. As in previous years, this number has remained consistent. As chaplains retire or withdraw from ministry, the Lord provides new men and women who are called to chaplaincy. I am blessed by this and by the opportunity to work with the Council of Eighteen’s chaplaincy committee to ensure that those endorsed by the GARBC are of the highest caliber.
Transgender and other woke issues continue to challenge our chaplains as they minister. Our military chaplains remain protected from being compelled to perform duties that violate our faith and doctrine, but they are still expected to “provide or provide for” the spiritual care of all those who wear the uniform. This is well within their responsibility to ensure the freedom of expression and practice of religion, but the pressure to conform to changing cultural standards becomes more challenging. It is imperative that as an endorsing agency, we ensure that their rights are not infringed upon.
I continue to serve as a chaplain with my local police department. The trust between the officers and me continues to grow, as all the officers have welcomed me to ride along with them. I was also contacted on several occasions to assist with death notifications. While these are difficult circumstances, I am privileged to assist the officers and to be a listening ear.
The financial position of Regular Baptist Chaplaincy remains stable, allowing the ministry to meet its financial obligations. In conjunction with the rebranding of the GARBC to Regular Baptist Ministries, the chaplaincy updated its website, now offering easier navigation as well as making the application process completely online. The new look is fresh and contemporary. I am very happy with the new site.
The support of the chaplaincy ministry from the home office remains exceptional. Jennifer and I are blessed to be a part of this ministry, and we look forward to many more years of serving.
ROSTER CHANGES Since the June 2022 Council of Eighteen meeting
• Tom Bauder
• John Jensen
• Oscar Galan (hospice)
• Garry Moore (hospice)
• Jack Dowden
• David Carr
• Elijah Schewe (first responder)
Germantown Hills Baptist Church, Germantown Hills, Ill.: Spoke at men’s event, presented the chaplaincy ministry
Biloxi, Miss.: Visited Ch. (Lt) Wileslie Wint and Ch. (Col) David Carr, met with command leadership, fellowshipped with families
Calvary Baptist Church, Rochester, Minn.: Presented the chaplaincy ministry, participated in dedicated law enforcement officer service
Mayfair Bible Church, Flushing, Mich.: Spoke at men’s event, presented the chaplaincy ministry, commissioned Pastor Michael Breznau as a captain in the Air Force to serve as an active duty chaplain
Regular Baptist International
Darrell Goemaat, Coordinator GARBCinternational.orgThe past twelve months have been challenging for our international partners. They have suffered under the effects of war, natural disasters, and persecution for their faith. But they are undaunted in their zeal for ministry, the proclamation of the gospel, and their love for others who are suffering.
In India, one of our partners is receiving pressure to get government permission to hold services and to turn over all names and contact information of church members. While they ask us to pray about the persecution of all believers, they are teaching the gospel to children whose parents are in prison. Another India partner is praising God for thriving ministries that are sharing the gospel, distributing gospel tracts, holding prayer meetings, and regularly baptizing people in outdoor services.
Since last summer, our international ministry has awarded eight grants totaling more than $31,000 to our partnering ministries. The money for these grants comes from churches, individuals, and the offerings raised through our VBS missions projects. With these grants we were able to assist a partner in India with printing RBP Sunday School material in the Telegu language. We also helped provide food, medicine, and educational materials for orphans. And we provided funds to purchase audiovisual equipment so a partner in Africa could conduct evangelistic meetings in surrounding villages. We also helped purchase building materials—like roofing, lumber, windows, and doors—to help complete three churches in Africa. Further, we provided meals, teaching materials, and help with transportation costs for church leaders attending a Bible-training conference hosted by one of our partners. We also gave money to help buy food for church families displaced by war and natural disasters. And we funded the printing of 65,000 RBP gospel tracts in French for one of our partners in Togo.
Our partners often send words of encouragement and express their gratitude for your prayers, financial support of Regular Baptist International, and the RBP Sunday School materials we send.
Pastor Bertin Mwema says, “God bless you abundantly. We can’t wait to start the church construction!”
Pastor Ndiho Pascal says, “This is great news for our church leaders and for victims and displaced people. Praise God!”
Pastor Philemon Gwelikporlusohm of Liberia says, “Thank you for your labor of love for us as you continue to pray and encourage God’s people.”
Last November our association was represented in Liberia when Council of Eighteen member Greg Linscott was invited to speak during a weeklong conference of Association of Independent Baptist Churches of Liberia. He was hosted by James Togba and Thomas Yeeson. Greg and missionary Bill Brittain of ABWE spoke on the theme “Except You Abide” based on John 15:3–7.
Longtime partner representative Jermi Babu Gowdiperu went Home to be with the Lord this spring. Jermi was the director of Hope Now Interior Ministries. As one of the partner representatives who attended last year’s GARBC conference, he reported on his ministry during the International presentation. Former RBI Director Chris Hindal says, “Jermi enjoyed the benefits of the Biblical Baptist Partnership International. He often gleaned ideas from partnering leaders and made every effort to attend the regional and international conferences. Though his life and ministry included hardships and sorrow, all who knew him saw the joy of the Lord in his face and demeanor.”
We continue to be amazed at the perseverance of our international partners as they continue to fervently work to spread the gospel, disciple believers, and plant churches. Our ministry resources were drastically depleted this year, especially in the compassion fund. Please join us in prayer and financial support for what God is doing around the world! To learn more about our ministry, visit GARBCinternational.org.
Clare Jewell, Director Generate.ChurchGRANTS
Providing grants is the primary way that Generate lives out its mission to fuel the health and multiplication of leaders and churches in the GARBC. We love using the resources God has provided to help pastors and churches fulfill the mission of God.
Generate provides the following grants:
• Generate Church grants help churches plant churches. We provide $10,000 per year for up to three years.
• Generate Renewal grants pay 50 percent of the fees for a church to work with a trained consultant to walk through a process of revitalization.
• Generate Leaders grants provide up to $1,000 per month for up to a year for a future pastor or church planter to go through a residency program at a church that is focused on reproducing disciples, leaders, and churches.
• Generate Facility grants give churches up to $20,000 in grants or no-interest loans to complete building projects that enhance a church’s mission.
• Generate Assistance grants enable churches to recover or serve their communities after natural disasters.
This past November, we gave a $20,000 Facility grant and a $600 Renewal grant. We are currently evaluating five Church grants (total $50,000), four Facility grants (total $80,000), and one Renewal grant.
Churches can apply for a grant at generate.church. Please let other pastors and churches know about the grants we offer!
In addition to awarding grants, Generate has been providing $10,000 per year to sponsor Church Solutions conferences, which equip pastors and church leaders to get their churches on a path to reproducing disciples, leaders, and churches. We have sponsored 16 of these conferences, with more than 100 GARBC pastors in attendance. We give each pastor close to $100 in resources so he can take the next steps in developing a culture of multiplication. We will
be sponsoring more of these conferences this year and next year. However, they will be under a different name, M3 Conference. Please register for an M3 conference near you!
You can help sponsor a pastor to receive these resources when he attends an M3 conference. Please go to generate.church to partner with us. Every $100 equips a pastor to lead another church toward multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches.
The Spring 2023 Baptist Bulletin featured First Baptist Church, Spring Valley, California. Under the leadership of Pastor RJ Cabugwas, this church of less than 200 people has planted six churches! We are seeing other churches catch a similar vision for church planting.
You don’t have to be a large church to plant a new church! Here are two ways your church could get involved in church planting, regardless of the size of your weekly attendance.
1. Support a church plant. If you are a pastor, engage members of your church in the process, and see how God uses this to ignite missional thinking and living in your congregation. This is one of the approaches taken by First Baptist in Spring Valley.
2. Start a Bible study in a coffeehouse or some other venue. Focus the study on reaching people who are disconnected from God. Pray. See how God works. If the Spirit moves in a particular area, focus your time and energy on that location and prepare to launch a church. In this scenario, a church is planted as people accept Christ as Savior, are discipled, and gather under Biblical leadership to worship, fellowship, serve, and fulfill the Great Commission.
You can be a catalyst for planting churches within the GARBC! More importantly, you can help people who don’t know Jesus become part of God’s family through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Don’t settle for just “doing” church. Be the church and see what God does.
Please join me in praying that God will pour out His blessing on our churches and pastors as they take the steps of faith to make disciples in their churches and communities.
Regular Baptist Press
Alex Bauman, Interim Director RegularBaptistPress.orgIam glad to have had the privilege of filling the role of RBP director on an interim basis over the past year. Adding those responsibilities has been challenging, but God has provided the strength and wisdom to accomplish His will. I am grateful He never invites us to challenges without also promising to walk beside us.
Over this past year, RBP has added customers but has yet to return to prepandemic sales. Adding a director of RBP will be a key step in our continued recovery. We have excellent resources, making strong the potential for growth.
Being without a permanent director of RBP means we have had to pause some of the products we would normally produce in a year. We have not, for instance, been able to produce Bible studies as we have in past years. Yet we have taken on challenges. We added four courses to our Strong Students curriculum for Sunday School. We produced a course on basic Bible truths called Bedrock, a course on Mark called Here to Serve, a course on Philippians called Connected, and a James course called Action!. These courses provide solid teaching and are geared for middle and high school student understanding and application.
I am excited to announce that RBP finished a commentary on Matthew, the first volume of the New Testament Exposition Commentary series. The remaining NTEC volumes are slated to be released over the coming years. Chris Miller and Daniel Davies are the series’ general editors. Chris Miller also happens to be the author of the Matthew volume. Our goals for the NTEC are to exalt God by making His written Word clear to today’s reader, to strengthen Christ’s Body so each believer may be properly trained in righteousness and adequately equipped to serve God, and to present the gospel to readers who have yet to trust in Christ for salvation. RBP hopes to release the commentary on Romans later this year.
We are pleased to announce the RBP VBS theme for 2024 is “WildLIVE! Showing Christ’s Character.” This is an animal theme where kids encounter creatures from around the planet, complete with amazing skills, special habitats, and surprising features. Through the lessons, students will focus on Jesus’ captivating character and discover how to follow Him in their own “habitats.”
Our Kids4Truth Clubs program continues to grow. We are adding almost 150 clubs a year. We ended 2022 with at least 1,014 clubs, more than double the number using the program just four years ago. Churches who use Kids4Truth Clubs are excited about the material and the impact the program is having on their students’ lives.
This past year RBP added Beth Prassel to work with our curriculum projects. She is an excellent writer and editor and a quick learner. I appreciate her ongoing contributions to our Strong Students courses. She came to RBP with valuable experience and a solid skillset.
Please pray for God’s leading in bringing other staff to RBP so we might provide maximum impact for churches in our fellowship and beyond. In the meantime, pray that our current staff might be efficient and effective in producing Bible-based materials that honor God and change lives.
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12).