Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2008/2009

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Annual Report 2008-2009



Welcome from the Chair and Associate Chair...................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department...............................................4-5 Department Personnel..........................................................................6-13 Awards.................................................................................................. 14-16 Research Funding .................................................................................... 17 Publications ......................................................................................... 18-34 Service .................................................................................................. 35-40 Clinical Education .............................................................................. 41-43 New Developments............................................................................ 44-45 Events................................................................................................... 46-50 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ................................................ 51


Department of Physical Therapy

Welcome from the Chair and Associate Chair It is our pleasure to present to you the 2008-09 annual report from the Department of Physical Therapy. We are proud of our accomplishments over the past year. Our Physical Therapy program continues to grow; this year we accepted 80 new students into the MScPT program and in June we proudly graduated 74 new Physical Therapists. Our faculty members continue to be at the forefront of research; this year they published 51 peer reviewed articles, 9 book chapters, a book and 127 abstracts/conference presentations. During the period of this report, our faculty members acquired approximately $2.5 million dollars in new funding from provincial, national and international agencies and the overall funding for our research programs approached $6.5 million dollars. We are also very proud of our research graduate students who acquired over $300,000 in awards and scholarships. This year we welcomed one new faculty member into the department; Dr. Margaret McNeely whose research interests are in the area of cancer rehabilitation and exercise. Her research to date has focused on upper limb dysfunction and cancer-related symptoms of pain, fatigue and lymphedema. Our department remains committed to life-long learning. The 2008 Reaching Forward Conference was more comprehensive and reached a larger audience than our previous annual conference. We also podcast a number of visiting scholar presentations to clinical facilities throughout the province. The accomplishments captured in this annual report are a tribute to the quality of our faculty, students and staff and demonstrate the innovation in research and education integral to the Department of Physical Therapy.

R.G. (Bob) Haennel Ph.D. FACSM Professor & Chair

Bernadette Martin MSc Professor & MScPT Program Director


Department of Physical Therapy

MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:  Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education  Conducting research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science  Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where:  The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy  Innovation is embraced  Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES  Talented People  Learning, Discovery and Citizenship  Connecting Communities  Transformative Organization and Support


Department of Physical Therapy

STRATEGIC INTENTIONS 2005—2010 Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Department of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2005 – 2010 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: 

To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers. Our faculty members will be nationally and internationally recognized for their research and its application to the practice of physical therapy


To establish the department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based physical therapy practice for students and clinicians


To be a leader in serving our external community through collaborative partnerships and physical therapy knowledge exchange


Full-Time Faculty

PROFESSORS Michele Crites Battie, PhD Professor & Canada Research Chair in Common Spinal Disorders Co-Director, Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health

Johanna Darrah, PhD Professor Physical Therapy

R.G. (Bob) Haennel PhD, FACSM Chair Physical Therapy

Mark J Haykowsky, PhD Professor CIHR New Investigator

David J. Magee, PhD Associate Dean Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Full-Time Faculty

PROFESSORS CONT’D Jaynie, F Yang, PhD Professor Physical Therapy

ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS Allyson Jones, PhD Assistant Professor Physical Therapy School of Public Health (Cross Appoinment) CIHR New Investigator AHFMR Population Health Investigator


Lauren Beaupre, PhD Assistant Professor Physical Therapy and Surgery (Division of Orthopaedic Surgery)

Judy C. Chepeha, (PhD Candidate) Assistant Professor Physical Therapy

Douglas Gross, PhD Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Research Affiliate WCB-Alberta Millard Health


Full-Time Faculty


Mark Hall, MScPT Clinical Coordinator Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Greg Kawchuk, PhD Assistant Professor Canada Research Chair in Spinal Function

Trish Manns, PhD Assistant Professor Physical Therapy

Bernadette Martin, BScPT, MACT Associate Chair Physical Therapy

Margaret McNeely, PhD Assistant Professor Physical Therapy Oncology (Division of Radiation Oncology)


Full-Time Faculty

ASSISTANT PROFESSORS Iain Muir, BScPT, MScPT Assistant Professor Physical Therapy

Eric Parent, PhD Assistant Professor/Clinical-Scientist at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital within the Edmonton Scoliosis Research Group


Barbara Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Physical Therapy


Staff Listing PROFESSOR EMERITUS S Kumar, PhD, DSc M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT JE Semple, MEd, BPT, Grad Dip Phys, HT, DipPT



M Strickland, PhD

G Liang, PhD

GUEST LECTURERS B Agur J Ashmead N Amusat S Armjio-Olivo V Baracos K Bayless K Benterud S Bergsten C Blahut J Belter G Bostick J Buckingham V Buttar B Casault P Caveny G Cutforth L Daneyko B DaSilva S Deforge W Diepeveen

S Doberstein J Dunstan B Edgington P Edney J Flett L Flakstad Y Forman G Goldsand C Henderson H Hoffman J Holman I Hallworth E Howes G Hunter D Jones S Keeling S Kossey G Lane D Langlois-Klassen

B Lasair A Liggins A Lowe K MacKenzie H Marta J Mather M McNeely H Meyer L Molton L Morin K Mussleman A O’Hara M Parfitt S Patrick M Raven-Jackson D Rolfson M Roy C Sadowski B Schular K Steil

E Steinbring J Sultanian E Trofimuk W Tung M Vaillant B Vandermeer D Van Driesum E Vieira J Vogelgesang R Wannechko-Koenig L Wiart M Wieler J Withers T Wolansky M Wood L Zorilla


Staff Listing CLINICAL LECTURERS C Abraham L Adams N Amusat S Andres C Archer S Armstrong J Ashmead E Baldwin J Bashow D Baron A Barreda A Bealer J Begg J Belter K Benterud M Berthier A Bhambhani B Birmingham J Black A Botelho E Bowen H Box C Bradner J Bradwell D Brewster-Mellett J Brodeur J Brohman J Brooker E Brown R Cash Mottram C Cavenagh A Chan L Chang M Ching P Clare

M Clark L Coley B Corie N Cuff S Cuff H Cunningham H Curilla G Cutforth V D’Souza J Dame J Dean M Deenen N Deenen S DeForge B Delarue V Demkiw L Dey S Dey W Diepeveen S Dirk B Djkowich K Dooling V Doyle K Drysdale J Dunstan C Durham V Durham D Eddie K Eldred H Enns T Falk J Fehr E Ferguson S Finnbogason S Fisher

S FitzGerald L Flakstad K Flanagan N Fletcher J Flett Y Forman L Fowler T Fulton S Fung-Gee S Funk A Gallagher L Gartner D Gilroy A Glass B Graham H Grant T Gray E Groft D Hajek K Hanrahan L Harrison-Edge L Hattingh T Hawken M Hayes K Head B Henry K Histon J Hockridge H Hoeven L Hoffart A Holliday R Holmes J Huang M Huget J Hunter

M Hunter D Hurta T Jensen R Jiwa A Kaye C Kelly J Kelly A Kendall K Kennedy L Kim F Kirkby C Klass J Koch N Koch J Kowalchuk B Larson M Labrentz L Lahey B Lasair M Laurensse H Lawrence D MacDonald M MacPherson A Magnaye K Maitland K Mang C Mann M Marcynuk H Marta J Mathews-White J Mazuryk R McLenahan E Meikle J Miller N Milligan


Staff Listing CLINICAL LECTURERS MJ Minni K Mulligan F Nucci S Olsen S Ostrem K Oura D Panasiuk A Peter T Peters L Petersen J Pletts L Pohlod J Polk B Poon J Poon D Probst K Raiser-Morse E Reimer K Reinhardt L Robert D Ross K Ross N Ryks R Sanderson B Schachterie J Schmidt G Shaw S Sherman B Shukalak J Simonds F Sprigings J St.George-Rennie T Stadnek L Steenbergen R Steer

E Stefanska K Steil P Stoller J Sultanian S Sundararajan E Swanepoel P Tannant D Wake R Wannechko-Koenig E Watkins J Weber L Wells A Yong J Yurick D Zayac L Zorrilla


Staff Listing Department of Physical Therapy Administrative Staff

Deborah Palmer Administrative Professional Officer

Debbie Pietrzykowski Secretary/Receptionist

Jamie Rishaug Student Records Coordinator

Tamie Heisler-Schafer Clinical Education Assistant

Cheryl Low Secretary to the Chair


Faculty Awards 2008-2009

Dr. Michele Crites Battie 2009 Outstanding Paper Award for Medical and Interventional Science - North American Society (10,000 USD) for: Videman T, Gibbons L, Kaprio J, BattiĂŠ MC. Challenging the Cumulative Injury Model - Positive Effects of Greater Body Mass on Disc Degeneration (notified of award in June, paper will be presented at the annual NASS meeting in the fall and subsequently published in The Spine Journal). Canada Research Chair in Common Spinal Disorders (Tier 1) Renewed (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2014).

Dr. Allyson Jones Robert J. Herndon Award for Outstanding Article in the International Journal of MS Care 2008- 2009. Warren S, Turpin KVT, Pohar SL, Jones CA, Warren KG. Co-morbidity and Health-Related Quality of Life in People with Multiple Sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care 2009.

Barbara Norton 2008 Faculty Sessional Teaching Award 2008 RMSA Teaching Award

Dr. Eric Parent Young Investigator Initiative Workshop Program Award US Bone & Joint Decade, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta


Student Awards and Scholarships 2008–2009

Recipient Armijo Susan

Award/Scholarship Name Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Award

Value $30,000

Bostick Geoff

CIHR Banting and Best Canada Graduate Scholarship

$30,000/year for 3 years

Briand Marie-Michele

REPAR – Exchange program award to support Marie-Michele’s travel to the UofA and work on our proposed project.

$11,000 (New)

Decker Colleen

Alberta Advanced Education Graduate Student Scholarship


Decker Colleen

FGSR – Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award


GSRA – Professional Development and Travel Grant


Decker Colleen

Canadian Federation of University Women – Margaret Brine Graduate Scholarship


Hlushak Curtis

Alberta Advance Education & Technology Graduate Student Scholarship


Johnston Megan

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship


Johnston Megan

Graduate Student Scholarship, Advanced Education


Miciak Maxi

Al Cook Graduate Scholarship in Rehab Med


Miciak Maxi

QE II Doctoral Scholarship


Decker Colleen


Student Awards and Scholarships 2008-2009 Student awards and scholarships cont’d

Recipient Musselman Kristin

Niemelainen Riikka

Niemelainen Riikka

Award/Scholarship Name CIHR Fellowship AHFMR Scholarship top-up Killiam Fellowship (Honorary) Finnish Academy (beginning Jan/09) - 14 mo. post-doctoral fellowship funding Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Travel Award

Value $50,000/year Stipend $33,900 (New)

$1,000 (continuing)

Rayment Meredith

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship


Tomczak Corey

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship


Tomczak Corey

Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship


Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Travel Award

$1,000 (travel)

Wang Yue

AHFMR Health Research – Full-Time Studentship (beginning Jan/09)

$20,000/yr + $1,500 (New)

Wang Yue

Canada-China Health Research Scholarship

$8,000 year (cont, but at decreased amount to suppl AHFMR award)

Tomkins Christy

Wang Yue

Wang Yue

Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health

$6,000/yr + $2,000 (travel) (continuing, but expires when STIHR program funding ends 8/09) $1,500 – Support for research exchange program (New)

Watkins Elise

CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Award

$35,000/yr with $5,000 Allowance

Watkins Elise

Research in Germany Travel Award


Watkins Elise

Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association Scholarship

$1,000 16

Research Funding 2008-2009

The total funding applicable to 2008/2009 (i.e. ongoing and new funding allocated to that year) is shown in the figure above. Note: Training grants and personnel awards are included.


Publications for 2008-2009 TOTAL PUBLICATIONS FOR 2008-2009

Books Book Chapters Journal Articles Abstracts

The Department reported 138 publications for 2008-2009. The following is the breakdown of the publications: Books (1), Book Chapters (9), Published Journal Articles (55) and Abstracts (73).

Book Magee DJ. Zachazewski J, Quillen W. Treatment of Pathology and Injuries in Musculoskeletal Therapy, WB Saunders.

Book Chapters Buchbinder R, Gross DP, Werner EL, and Hayden JA. Mass Media Campaigns for the Prevention of Back Pain-Related Disability. In Chronic Pain: A Health Policy Perspective. Edited by S. Rashiq, D. Schopflocher, P. Taenzer, and E. Jonsson. Pp 193-204. WileyVCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2008. Courneya KS, McNeely ML, Peddle CJ, Sellar CM. Cancer. In: ACSM’s Resource for Clinical Exercise Physiology: Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, Neoplastic, Immunologic, and Hematologic Conditions, 2nd Edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 2010; pp. 206-19. Gross DP, Davis B, Wood S. A Social Marketing Intervention: Back Pain Media Campaign. Vue: The Magazine of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. September 2008; pages 22-25. Gross DP, Mrazik M, and Muir I. Chronic Pain in Injured Workers. In Chronic Pain: A Health Policy Perspective. Edited by S. Rashiq, D. Schopflocher, P. Taenzer, and E. Jonsson. Pp 193-204. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2008. Haennel RG, C Tomczak. Return to Work following a cardiac event. Ergonomics for Rehabilitation Professionals. S. Kumar Ed. Taylor & Francis Group Boca Raton FL, 2009, pp 243-269. 18

Publications for 2008-2009 Book Chapters cont’d Hill D, Parent E, Lou E, Mahood J. Can Future Back Pain in AIS Subjects be Predicted During Adolescence from the Severity of the Deformity? Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 140, Research into Spinal Deformities Ed. Peter H Dangerfield, IOS Press, 6:249-253, July 2008. Lou E, Hill D, Parent E, Raso J, Moreau M, Mahood J, Hedden D. Preliminary Validation of Curve Progression Model. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 140, Research into Spinal Deformities Ed. Peter H Dangerfield, IOS Press, 6:294-298, July 2008. McNeely ML, Courneya KS. Exercise and Cancer-Related Fatigue Syndrome. In: Exercise after Cancer Diagnosis: Impact on Health Outcomes and Quality of Life. Saxton J, and Daley A, editors. Springer, New York (in press). Reneman MF, Wittink H, and Gross DP. The Scientific Status of Functional Capacity Evaluation. In Guide to the Evaluation of Functional Ability, Edited by Elizabeth Genovese and Jill Galper. Pp 393-420. American Medical Association, 2009.

Report Mark Hall wrote a section on Respiratory and cardiovascular complications in Long term follow up for the Alberta Spinal Cord Injury Education Initiative: For Health Care Professionals and Physicians.

Journal Articles Armijo Olivo S, Warren S, Magee D. Intention to treat analysis, compliance, dropouts & how to deal with missing data in clinical research: a review Physical Therapy Reviews. 2009, 14:36–49. Balyk R, Otto D, Luciak-Corea C, Baysal D, Beaupre L: Does Compensation Status impact Recover following Surgical Repair of Full Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2008, 466:3025–3033. Battié MC, Videman T, Kaprio J, Gibbons LE, Gill K, Manninen H, Saarela J, Peltonen L. The Twin Spine Study: contributions to a changing view of disc degeneration. Spine J. 2009, Jan-Feb;9(1):47-59. Battié MC, Videman T, Levälahti E, Gill K, Kaprio J. Genetic and environmental effects on disc degeneration by phenotype and spinal level: a multivariate twin study. Spine. 2008, Dec 1;33(25):2801-8. Bigos SJ, Holland J, Holland C, Webster JS, Battie M, Malmgren JA. High-quality controlled trials on preventing episodes of back problems: systematic literature review in working-age adults. Spine J. 2009 Feb;9(2):147-68. Butler C, Thompson R, Haykowsky M, Toma M, Paterson I. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Acute Heart Transplant Rejection: a Review. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2009, 11:7. 19

Publications for 2008-2009 Journal Articles cont’d Courneya KS, Sellar C, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Peddle C, Friedenreich C, Tankel K, Basi S, Chua N, Mazurek A, Reiman T. Effects of aerobic exercise on physical functioning and quality of life in lymphoma patients: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009 (In Press). Chaudhary R, Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC. Knee Range of Motion over the First Two Years using Posterior Cruciate Stabilizing or Posterior Cruciate Retaining Prostheses in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Clinical Trial. J Bone Joint Surg. 2008, 90A:2579-2586. Darrah J, Senthilselvan A, Magill-Evans J. Trajectories of serial motor scores of typically developing children – Implications for clinical decision making. Infant Behavior and Development. 2009, 32, 72-78. Darrah J, Wiart L, Magill-Evans J. Do therapists’ goals and intervention for children with cerebral palsy reflect principles in contemporary literature? Pediatric Physical Therapy. 2008, 20, 334-339. Esch B, Scott J, Warburton DER, Thompson R, Taylor D, Baron J, Paterson I, Haykowsky M. Left Ventricular Torsion and Untwisting during Exercise in Heart transplant Recipients. J Physiol. 2009; 587:2375 - 2386. Gadotti I, Magee D. Validity of surface measurements to assess craniocervical posture in the sagittal plane: a critical review. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2008, 258–268. Galambos N L, Magill-Evans J, Darrah J. Psychosocial maturity in the transition to adulthood for persons with and without motor disabilities. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2008, 53 (4), 498-504. Gibson B E, Darrah J, Cameron D, Hashemi G, Kingsnorth S, Lepage C, Martini R, Mandich A, Menna-Dack D. Revisiting therapy assumptions in children’s rehabilitation: clinical and research implications. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2009. Goertzen DJ, Kawchuk GN. A novel application of velocity-based force control for use in robotic biomechanical testing. J Biomech. 2009, Feb 9;42(3):366-9. Gooch KL, Smith D, Wasylak T, Faris PD, Marshall DA, Khong H, Hibbert JE, Parker RD, Zernicke RF, Beaupre L, Pearce T, Johnston DW, Frank C. The Alberta Hip and Knee Replacement Project: A Model T for health technology assessment based on comparative effectiveness of clinical pathways. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2009, 25:113-23. Gorassini MA, Norton JA, Nevitt-Duchcherer J, Roy FD, Yang JF. Changes in locomotor muscle activity after treadmill training in subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury. J Neurophysiol. 2009,101:969-979. Gross DP, Battié MC, Asante AK. The Patient-Specific Functional Scale: validity in workers' compensation claimants. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008, Jul;89(7):1294-9. 20

Publications for 2008-2009 Journal Articles cont’d Gross D, Stephens B, Bhambhani Y, Haykowsky M, Bostick G, Rashiq S. Opiod prescriptions in Canadian workers’ compensation claimants: Prescription trends between 2000-2005 and associations between early prescription and future recovery. Spine. 34 (5):525-531, 2009. Gross DP, Lowe A. Evaluation of a knowledge translation initiative for physical therapists treating patients with work disability. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2008; 26:1-9. Gross DP, Stephens B, Bhambhani Y, Haykowsky M, Bostick GP, Rashiq S. Opioid prescriptions in Canadian workers’ compensation claimants: Prescription trends and associations between early prescription and future recovery. Spine. 2009; 34: 525-531. Haykowsky M, Mackey J, Thompson R, Jones L, Paterson I. Adjuvant Trastuzumab Induces Ventricular Remodeling Despite Aerobic Exercise Training. Clinical Cancer Research (In Press). Haykowsky M, Riess K, Burton I, Jones L, Tymchak W. Heart Transplant recipient completes ironman triathlon 22 years after surgery. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2009; 28(4):415. Haykowsky M, Taylor D, Kim D, Tymchak W. Exercise training improves aerobic capacity and skeletal muscle function in heart transplant recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. 2009; 9:734-739. Jones CA, Pohar SL, Patten S. Major depression and health-related quality of life in Parkinson Disease. General Hospital Psychiatry (corresponding author) 2009. Jones L, Eves ND, Peddle C, Haykowsky M, Courneya KS, Mackey JR, Joy AA, Kumar V, Winton TW, Reiman T. Effects of Presurgical Exercise Training on Systemic Inflammatory Markers Among Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery for Malignant Lung Lesions. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009,34(2):197-202. Jones LW, Eves ND, Haykowsky M, Freedland SJ, Mackey JR. Physiologic and molecular mechanisms of exercise intolerance in cancer and role of aerobic training to mitigate dysfunction. Lancet Oncology. 2009; 10: 598-605. Kawchuk GN, Decker C, Dolan R, Carey J. Structural health monitoring to detect the presence, location and magnitude of structural damage in cadaveric porcine spines. J Biomech. 2009, Jan 19;42(2):109-15. Kawchuk GN, Haugen R, Fritz J. A true blind for subjects who receive spinal manipulation therapy. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2009, May;22(3):214-8. Kawchuk GN, Perle SM. The relation between the application angle of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and resultant vertebral accelerations in an in situ porcine model. Manual Therapy. 2009 (In Press). 21

Publications for 2008-2009 Journal Article cont’d Kennedy M, Warburton D, Boliek C, Esch B, Scott J, Haykowsky MJ. The oxygen delivery response to acute hypoxia during incremental knee extension exercise differs in active and trained males. Dynamic Medicine. 2008, 7:11. Koppenhaver S, Hebert J, Fritz J, Parent E, Teyhen D, Magel J. Reliability of Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging of the Transversus Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus Muscles. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009, 90(l):87-94. Macedo L, Magee D. Difference in range of motion between dominant & nondominant sides. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics. 2008, 31:577 – 582. Majumdar SR, Lier DA, Beaupre LA, Hanley DA, Maksymowych WP, Juby AG, Bell NR, Morrish DW. Osteoporosis case-manager for hip fracture patients: results of a costeffectiveness analysis conducted alongside a randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 2009, 169:25-31. Manns PJ, Baldwin E. Ambulatory activity of stroke survivors: Measurement options for dose, intensity and variability of activity. Stroke. 40:864-7. Manns PJ, Tomczak CR, Jelani A, Cress ME, Haennel RG. Use of the continuous scale physical functional performance test (CS-PFP10) in stroke survivors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2009, 90:488-93. McNeely ML, Campbell KL, Courneya KS, Mackey JR. Effect of acute exercise on upper limb volume in breast cancer survivors: a pilot study. Physiotherapy Canada (In Press). Mayne J, Haykowsky M, Nelson M, Hartley T, Butcher S, Jones R, Petersen S. Effects of the selfcontained breathing apparatus on left-ventricular function at rest and during graded exercise. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism (In press). Morrish DW, Beaupre LA, Bell NR, Cinats JG, Hanley DA, Harley CH, Juby AG, Lier DA, Maksymowych WP, Majumdar SR. Facilitated bone mineral density testing versus hospital-based case management to improve osteoporosis treatment for hip fracture patients. Arthit Care Res. 2009, 61: 209-215. Musselman KE, Fouad K, Misiaszek J, Yang JF. Response to invited commentary from Andrea Behrman. Phys Ther. 2009, 89:615-616 (Short response to commentary) Musselman KE, Fouad K, Misiaszek JE, Yang JF. Training of walking skills over ground and on the treadmill: Case series on individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. Phys Ther. 2007, 89:601-611 Nelson M, Haykowsky M, Mayne J, Jones R, Petersen S. Effects of selfcontained breathing apparatus on ventricular function during strenuous exercise wearing firefighter protective equipment. J Appl Physiol. 2009, 106:395-402.


Publications for 2008-2009 Journal Article cont’d Niemeläinen R, Battié MC, Gill K, Videman T. The prevalence and characteristics of thoracic magnetic resonance imaging findings in men. Spine. 2008, Nov 1;33(23):2552-9. Patrick SK, Noah JA, Yang JF. Quadrupedal coordination in human crawling reveals similarities in development and neural control with other quadrupeds. J Neurophysiol. 2008, 100:2225-2234. Pohar SL, Jones CA. The burden of Parkinson Disease and concomitant comorbidities. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2009, 48(3). Rogers A, Furler B L, Brinks S, Darrah J. A systematic review of the effectiveness of aerobic exercise interventions for children with cerebral palsy: An AACPDM evidence report. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2008, 50(11), 808-814. S.P.R.I.N.T. Investigators. Randomized Trial of Reamed versus Non-Reamed Intramedullary Nailing of Tibial Shaft Fractures. J Bone Joint Surg. 2008, 90A:2567-2578. Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Warburton D, Toma M, Jelani A, Taylor D, Paterson I, Poppe D, LiangY, Thompson R. Cardiovascular responses to incremental and sustained sub-maximal exercise in heart transplant recipients. Am J Physiology: Heart & Circulatory Physiology. 2009, 296:H350-H358. Suchak A, Bostick G, Beaupre LA, Durand D, Jomha NM. The Influence of Early Weightbearing versus Non-Weightbearing after Surgical Repair of the Achilles Tendon. J Bone Joint Surg. 2008, 90A: 1876-83. Tomczak, CT, Jelani A, Haennel RG, Haykowsky MJ, Walsh R, Manns PJ. Cardiac reserve and pulmonary gas exchange kinetics in patients with stroke. Stroke. 2008, 39: 3102-3106. Videman T, Gibbons LE, Battié MC . Age- and pathology-specific measures of disc degeneration. Spine. 2008, Dec 1;33(25):2781-8. Videman T, Saarela J, Kaprio J, Näkki A, Levälahti E, Gill K, Peltonen L, Battié MC. Associations of 25 structural, degradative and inflammatory candidate genes with lumbar disc desiccation, bulging, and height narrowing. Arthritis Rheum. 2009, Feb; 60(2):470-81. Warren S, Turpin KVT, Pohar SL, Jones CA, Warren KG. Co-morbidity and health-related quality of life in people with Multiple Sclerosis. International Journal of MS Care. 2009, 11: 6-16. Wasiak R, Young AE, Dunn KM, Côté P, Gross DP, Heymans M, von Korff M. Back pain as a health condition – Defining recurrence using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Spine. 2009; 34: 970-977. Werner EL, Gross DP. The effects of a media campaign on beliefs and utilisation of imaging examinations in Norwegian patients with low back pain. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology. 2009; 19: 73-78. 23

Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts Beaupre LA, Maragh K, Jones CA, Otto D: Soccer and ACL Reconstruction in Teenage Girls. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Meeting May 2009. Bostick G, Suchak A, Jomha N, Beaupre LA. Calf Endurance Recovery 1-year After Surgical Repair of an Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Meeting May 2009. Brown C, Hemsing J, Orr B, McCormick T, Pound S, Beaupre L: Knee Injuries in Female Soccer Players: Observing the Knowledge Gap between Players/Coaches and Current Research Evidence (The KNOW study). Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Meeting May 2009. Chan H, Stewart T, Beaupre L, Bouliane M: Injury of the Suprascapular Nerve during Arthroscopic Repair of Superior Labral Tears: An Anatomic Study. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, February 2009. Charlebois A, Bredin S, Haykowsky M, Esch B, Gatto S, Warburton D. Heart rate variability in clinical populations with a high prevalence of physical inactivity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009. Charoensuk J, Haennel RG, Manns PJ. Validation of the Sensewear Pro Armband for the assessment of energy expenditure in healthy subjects: a pilot study. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism: 33:S17, 2008. ASM of the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Banff AB. 2008. Cheng Baron J, Scott J,Esch B, Chow K, Paterson I, Haykowsky M, Thompson R. Measuring changes in morphology, hemodynamics and mechanical function by controlling ventricular preload using an MRI-compatible lower body negative pressure chamber. 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009. Cheng Baron J, Esch B, Scott J, Haykowsky M, Paterson I, Thompson R. Pressure gradient wave propogation in the left atrium and left ventricle during early diastole. 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine,2009. Chow K, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Paterson I, Thompson RB. Measurement of Regional and Global Lung Ventilation Using Non-Rigid Image Registration. 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2009. Chow K, Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Thompson RB, Paterson I. Quantification of Pulmonary Edema in Heart Failure Patients and Controls with B1-Field Corrected FreeBreathing MRI. 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, April 2009.


Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts cont’d Chow K, Toma M, Esch B, Scott J, Haykowsky M, Thompson R, Paterson I. Comparison of MRI-derived pulmonary edema measures with LVEDP and serum BNP. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2009. 11(Suppl 1):P41. Clark A, Haykowsky M, Kryworchuko J, Scott S, Desmeules M, Luo W, Liang G, McAlsiter F. A meta-analysis of randomized trials of home-based secondary prevention programs: Comparisons to usual care and hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. 2009:S117. Courneya KS, McNeely ML. Exercise during cancer treatment. American College of Sports Medicine Fit Society Page. Spring 2009, p. 3. Dang R, Parent EC, Hill D, Moreau M, Mahood J. Associations between Changes in Surface Topography Parameters and Cobb Angles during a l-year Follow-up of Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Darrah J. Variability in childhood, from evidence to clinics. International Congress of Physical Therapy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. November 2008. Darrah J, Ray L, Magill-Evans J, Church J, Wiart L, Andersen J. Rehabilitation services for children with cerebral palsy in Alberta, Canada. Proceedings of the International Cerebral Palsy Conference, Sydney, Australia. February 2009. Darrah J, Magill-Evans J, Wiart L, Andersen J, Ray L. Early intensive therapy for children with cerebral palsy - Time to reflect on the service delivery model. Workshop presented at the International Cerebral Palsy Conference, Sydney, Australia. February 2009. Decker C, Kawchuk GN. The Effects of Soft Tissue in Spinal Frequency Response Testing. Alberta Bioengineering Conference. Banff. Decker C, Kawchuk GN. The Role of Soft Tissue Damping in Spinal Vibration Analysis. International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando. 2009. Esch B, Scott J, Thompson R, Warburton D, Taylor D, Tymchak W, Paterson I, Poppe D, Haykowsky M. Ventricular Untwisting during Exercise in Heart Transplant Recipients. Proceedings of the Cardiovascular Systems Dynamic Society. No.4, 2008. Gross D, Stephens B, Bhambhani Y, Haykowsky M, Bostick G, Rashiq S. Opiod prescriptions in Canadian workers’ compensation claimants: Six-year trends and associations with return to work outcomes. 12th World Congress on Pain, 2008. Emrani M, Hill D, Lou E, Adeeb S, Parent E, Raso J. Torso Surface Indices Describing the Rib Cage Deformity in Scoliosis. In Program CMBEC 32 – The 32nd Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, Calgary, AB, May 19-22, P25, 2009.


Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts cont’d Hill DL, Parent EC, Lou E, Mahood JK. Can Future Back Pain in AIS Subjects Be Predicted during Adolescence from the Severity of the Deformity? Hughes JM, Petit MA, Reed KE, Macdonald HM, Cousins JM, Warburton D ER, Lewanczurk R Z, Scott JM, McGavock JM, Haykowsky MJ, McKay HA. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2008(23): S133-S133. Johnston M, McDonald K, Manns T, Senaratne M, Haennel RG. Impact of cardiac rehabilitation on the functional ability of elderly cardiac patients. 13th Annual Cardiac Sciences Research Day. Edmonton AB, June 2009. Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Jhiangri G, Suarez-Almazor ME. The impact of back pain on recovery after total hip arthroplasty. Physiotherapy Canada Congress (Calgary, AB), Physiotherapy Canada 2009, 61: 41, AS005. Jones CA, Suarez-Almazor ME, Cox, V. Delineating the impact of obesity and its relationship with heart disease and diabetes on recovery after total joint arthroplasties American College of Rheumatology 72nd National Scientific Meeting (San Fransisco, CA): Arthritis and Rheumatism 2008, 58:9 suppl, S894. Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Midodzi W, Suarez-Almazor ME. Functional implication of comorbidities during recovery of total joint arthroplasties. American College of Rheumatology 72nd National Scientific Meeting (San Fransisco, CA): Arthritis and Rheumatism 2008 , 58:9 suppl, S199. Kawchuk GN, Decker C, Dolan R, Carey J. Structural health monitoring to detect spinal damage states. International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando. 2009. Kawchuk GN, Glass J, Knight C, Third S, Timmermans D, Prasad N. The Effect of External Bracing on Trunk Muscle Activity During Multi-Axial Movements. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Miami. 2009. Kawchuk GN, Haugen R, Fritz J. A true blind for subjects who receive spinal manipulation therapy. Low Back Pain Forum, Boston. 2009. Kennedy MD, Burrows L, Parent E. Assessment of musculoskeletal function with single leg squat tests in female and male varsity athletes. Koppenhaver SL, Herbert JJ, Parent EC, Fritz JM. Validity of Quantitative Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging Measurements to Assess the Morphology and Function of Muscles of the Trunk: A Systematic Review. Lou E, Hill D, Parent E, Raso J, Moreau M, Mahood J, Hedden D. Prediction of Curve progression for AIS patients treated with a TLSO brace. European Spinal Resonances (Journal).Special Issue: 6th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities (SOSORT 2009). Vol.16 (51): 2186-92, 2009. 26

Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts cont’d Lou E, Hill D, Parent E, Raso J, Moreau M, Mahood J, Hedden D. Preliminary Validation of Curve Progression Model. Magill-Evans J, Darrah J, Wiart L, Ray L. Family-centred services for children with cerebral palsy: How are we doing? Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(Suppl. 2), 34. International Cerebral Palsy Conference, Sydney, Australia. February 2009. Magill-Evans J, Darrah J, Galambos N. Effects of parenting young adults with severe impairments: Mothers’ perceptions. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(Suppl. 2), 83. February 2009. McNeely ML. Exercise improves cancer-related fatigue. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2008;54(3):216 (Review of: Cramp F, Daniel J. Exercise for the management of cancer-related fatigue in adults. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews. 2008 Apr 16;(2):CD006145. Nelson M, Haykowsky M, Mayne J, Jones R, Petersen S. The effects of the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) on left-ventricular function during prolonged, strenuous exercise. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2008. Vol 33, S70. Nessim S, Scott J, Esch B, Warburton D, Jelani A, Toma M, Poppe D, Taylor D, Haennel R, Haykowsky M. Comparison of impedance cardiography with two-dimensional echocardiography for non-invasive measurement of stroke volume and cardiac output in heart transplant recipients and healthy individuals. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2008. Vol 33, S70. Parent EC, Herman N, Renner D, Robbie K, Fritz J.Correlation Between Change in Low Back Pain and Disc Height From Before To After Extension Exercises. PHYSIO9. Parent EC, Fitz J, Hayes B. The Effect of a Lumbar Extension Intervention on the Excitability of the Soleus H –Reflex in Persons with Low Back Pain. A Pilot Study. Parent EC, Fritz J, Brennan GP, Hunter SJ, Long A. The Effect of a Workshop on Using Specific Exercises on the Outcomes of Patients with Low Back Pain and Treatment-Based Classification. Parent EC, Wong D, Hill D, Mahood J, Moreau M, Raso J, Lou E. The association between SRS-22 scores and scoliosis severity changes at a clinically relevant threshold. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society, Salt Lake City. 2008. Patrick SK, Musselman KE, Vasudevan EVL, Bastian AJ, Yang JF. Emergence and characteristics of learning on a split-belt treadmill in infants and toddlers. Soc Neuroscience Abstract. 2009. Russell D, Ketelaar M, Cameron D, Darrah J, Gorter JW, Rosenbaum P, Roxborough L. Knowledge brokers: What are they and how can they help move cerebral palsy research into clinical practice? Workshop presented at the International Cerebral Palsy, Sydney, Australia. February 2009.


Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts cont’d Russell D, Rivard L, Walter S, Bartlett D, Darrah J. Moving cerebral palsy research into practice: Do ‘knowledge brokers’ make a difference? Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 51(Suppl.2):76. Refereed paper presented at the International Cerebral Palsy Conference, February 21, Sydney Australia. Schulte F, Tomczak C, Esch B, Scott J, Haykowsky M, Welsh R. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing improves detection of angiographically significant coronary artery disease. Proceedings for the 13th Annual Cardiac Sciences Research Day, University of Alberta. 2009. 84. Scott J, Esch B, Warburton D, TomaM, A Jelani A, D. Taylor D, Thompson R, Paterson I, Poppe D, Liang Y, Haykowsky M. Ventricular-vascular coupling during peak aerobic exercise in heart transplant recipients. Proceedings of the Cardiovascular Systems Dynamic Society. No. 23, 2008. Tham E, Tourangeau J, Cheng Baron J, Haykowsky M, Thompson R. Larger Ventricular Volumes In Infants With Single Ventricle Correlate With Increased Total Pressure Gradient Measured By Cardiac MRI.Circulation, Oct 2008;118: S911. Thompson RB, Scott JM, Esch BT, Cheng Baron J, Chow K, Paterson I, Haykowsky M. Controlling Ventricular Preload using an MRI-Compatible Lower Body Negative Pressure Chamber: Measuring Changes in Volumes and Mechanical and Hemodynamic Function. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2009, 11(Suppl 1):O77. Thompson RB, Cheng Baron J, Chow K, Paterson, Scott JM, Esch BT, Haykowsky M, Paterson I. Comprehensive Evaluation of Diastolic Function with MRI. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 2009, 11(Suppl 1):O95. Thompson R, Baron J, Chow K, Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Paterson I. Spatiotemporal Relationship between Ventricular Expansion and Flow Propagation during Early Filling. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2009 11(suppl 1):091. Thompson R, Baron J, Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Warburton D, Paterson I. Propagation of Pressure Gradient Waves in the Left Atrium and Left Ventricle during Early Filling. Proceedings of the Cardiovascular Systems Dynamic Society. No. 33, 2008. Tomczak C, Paterson I, Lawrance R, Martellotto A, Jelani A, Haykowsky M, Pantano A, Gulamhusein S, Haennel R. Cardiac resynchronization therapy mediated improvements in peak aerobic capacity and peak exercise left ventricular systolic function in heart failure. Proceedings for the 13th Annual cardiac Sciences Research Day, University of Alberta. 2009. 79. Tomczak C, Tomczak R, Paterson I, Martelloto A, Jelani A, Alfie A, Hruczkowski T, Haykowsky M, Pantano A, Gulmanhusein S, Haennel R. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism. 2008. Vol 33, S102.


Publications for 2008-2009 Abstracts cont’d Vaillant M, Pickar, J Kawchuk GN. The Effect of the Duration of Spinal Manipulations on Spinal Stiffness. Alberta Bioengineering Conference. Banff. 2008. Vaillant M, Kawchuk GN. Performance of a newly constructed stiffness testing device. Physio 9, Calgary. 2009. Vasudevan EVL, Torres-Oviedo G, Yang JF, Bastian AJ (2009) Development of motor learning from childhood to adulthood. Soc Neurosci Abstract Verschuren O, Ketelaar M, Darrah J, Gorter JW. Fitness tests and exercise training in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Workshop presented at the International Cerebral Palsy Conference, Sydney, Australia. February 2009. Watkins EM, Parent E, Emrani M, Hill D. Test-retest standard error of measurements for full-torso surface topography parameters in healthy teenagers. European Spinal Resonances (Journal). Special issue: 6th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities (SOSORT 2009). Vol. 16 (51):2170-77, 2009. Wiart L, Darrah J, Ray L, Magill-Evans J, Andersen J. Is it time to facilitate parent-toparent support as part of family-centred pediatric rehabilitation? Proceedings of the International Cerebral Palsy Conference, Sydney, Australia, p. 62. February 2009. Wiart L, Darrah J, Ray L, Magill-Evans J. Parents’ perspectives on goals and goal setting processes in occupational and physical therapy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology (Supplement), 50, S4 (Abstract).September 2008.


Conference Presentations 2008-2009 Battie M. Spine—Structural Degeneration. American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians, 22nd Annual Scientific Mtg, Indian Wells, CA, January 2009. Battié MC. The Twin Spine Study: Changing Views of Disc Degeneration. Thurston Seminar Series, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, & UNC Physical Therapy Grand Rounds, April 2009. Battié MC, Videman T, Gibbons L, Kaprio J. Challenging the Cumulative Injury Model Positive Effects of Greater Body Mass on Disc Degeneration. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 36th Annual Mtg, Miami, FL, May 2009. Battié MC, Gross D, Russell AS, Ferrari R, Schopflocher D, Hu R, Waddell G, Buchbinder R. Evaluation of a Canadian Mass Media Campaign: Effects on Beliefs and Work Disability Outcomes. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 36th Annual Mtg, Miami, FL, May 2009. Battié MC, Jones A, Schopflocher D, Hu R, Pohar S. What is the Burden of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis on Health-Related Quality of Life. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 36th Annual Mtg, Miami, FL, May 2009 & International Forum on Primary C a r e Research on Low Back Pain, Boston, MA, June 2009. Battié MC, Niemelainen R, Gibbons L, Dhillon S. Is Side and Level-Specific Multifidus Muscle Asymmetry A Marker For Disc Related Pathology. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 36th Annual Mtg, Miami, FL, May 2009. Battié MC, Tomkins C. Factors Associated with Symptom Limited Walking Capacity in Patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 36th Annual Mtg, Miami FL, May 2009. Beaupre L, Brown C, Hemsing J, Orr B, McCormick T, Pound S. Knee Injuries in Female Soccer Players: Observing the Knowledge Gap Between Players/Coaches and Current Research Evidence (The KNOW Study). Alberta Physical Therapy Conference. Beaupre L, Bostick G, Suchak A, Jomha N. Calf Endurance Recovery 1-Year After Surgical Repair of An Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture. Alberta Physical Therapy Conference. Beaupre L, Chow R, Adeeb S, Bouliane M. Biomechanical Analysis of Proximal Humeral Fixation Using Locking Plate Fixation With An Intramedullary Fibular Allograft. Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day - Junior Resident Award. Beaupre L, Lou E, Kemp K, Dulai S,Al Dosari S. Development and Pilot Testing of An Accelerometer to Evaluate Community-based Gait Patterns. Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day. Beaupre L, Kemp K, Huang E, Bouliane M. Rate of Failure of Fixation for Proximal Humeral Fracture in Adults Undergoing Surgical Intervention. A Chart and Radiographic Review. Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day. 30

Conference Presentations 2008-2009 Beaupre L, Secretan C, Lavoie G, Johnston D, Glasgow R. Patellar Resurfacing Versus Patellar Retention in Total Knee Arthroplasty: 5 Year Results of A Randomized Clinical T r i a l . University of Alberta Surgery Research Day. Beaupre L, Wiens S, Kemp K, Styles-Tripp F, Sheps D, Balyk R. Prospective Two-year Follow-up of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair. University of Alberta Surgery Research Day. Darrah J. What Really Matters Anyway? Canadian Network, Child, Youth Rehabilitation, October 2008, Edmonton, Alberta. Darrah J, Cameron D, Russell D, Rivard L, Palisano R. Perspectives From Administrators: Do Knowledge Brokers Make A Difference. Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services Conference, October 2008, Waterloo, Ontario. Darrah J. Variability in Childhood, from Evidence to Clinics. Physical Therapy, November 2008 Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

International Congress of

Darrah J. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - How Can It Be Used in Pediatric Rehabilitation. Pediatric Symposium ‘09, February 2009, Burnaby BC. Darrah J. What Really Matters Anyway - Focus on Participation and Function. Pediatric Symposium ‘09, February 2009, Burnaby, BC Darrah J, Cameron D, Russell D, Rivard L, Palisano R. Perspectives From Administrators: Do Knowledge Brokers Make A Difference. BC Pediatric Therapy Symposium, February 2009, Vancouver, BC. Darrah J, Cameron D, Russell D, Rivard L, Palisano R. Perspectives From Administrators: Do Knowledge Brokers Make A Difference. International Cerebral Palsy Conference, February 2009, Sydney, Australia. Darrah J. Participation and Pediatric Rehabilitation: How Do We Get There. Leaders in Rehab Conference, March 2009 Edmonton Alberta. Darrah J, Magill-Evans J, Galambos N. Mothers of Young Adults With Severe Impairments: Their Perceptions of Ongoing Challenges. Family Centered Care in Context Conference, May 2009, Edmonton, Alberta. Darrah J, Wiart L, Ray L, Magill-Evans J. Parents’ Perspectives on Goals and Goal Setting Processes in Occupational and Physical Therapy. Family Centered Care in Context Conference, May 2009, Edmonton, Alberta. Darrah J, Wiart L, Ray L, Magill-Evans J. Parent to Parent Support: A Lost Component of Pediatric Rehabilitation Programs. Family Centered Care in Context Conference, May 2009, Edmonton, Alberta.


Conference Presentations 2008-2009 Gross DP, Lowe A. Evaluation of A Work Disability Prevention Knowledge Translation and Exchange Initiative for Physical Therapists. Canadian Physiotherapy Association C o n g r e s s , Calgary, Alberta, May 2009. Gross DP, Young AE, Wasiak R, Phillips L. Recovery and Recurrence Following Return to Work After Disabling Low Back Pain: Injured Workers’ Perspectives. Boston International Forum X On Primary Care Research On Low Back Pain, Boston, MA, June 2009. Gross DP, Lowe A. Evaluation of a Knowledge Transfer Initiative for Physical Therapists Treating Injured Workers. Research Transfer Network of Alberta Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta, September 2008. Gross DP, Stephens B, Bhambhani Y, Haykowsky M, Bostick GP, Rashiq S. Opioid Prescriptions in Canadian Workers’ Compensation Claimants: Six Year Trends and Associations With Return-To-Work Outcomes. 12th International Association for the Study of Pain World Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 2008. Gross DP, Fuentes JP, Armijo SL, Magee D. Hypoalgesic Effects of Interferential Current Therapy On Experimental Pressure Pain Thresholds in Healthy Subjects. 12th International Association for the Study of Pain World Contress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 2008. Gross DP, Bostick GP, Harley DD, Carroll LJ, Ferrari R. Validity Evidence and Factor Structure of the Whiplash Beliefs Questionnaire. 12th International Association for the Study of Pain World Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, August 2008. Gross DP. Evaluation of A Back Pain Social Marketing Campaign. Workers’ Compensation Board of Saskatchewan 2009 Compensation Institute, Saskatoon, SK. Haennel RG, Manns P. Exercising People With Chronic Conditions. Reaching Forward 2 0 0 8 Integrating Practice and Research in Physical Therapy. Haykowsky M. Cardiac Fatigue: A Historical Perspective. Cardiac Fatigue Symposium. Haykowsky M. Cardiac Fatigue: A Historical Perspective. 2008 Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Conference. Haykowsky M. Interval Training for Cardiac Transplant Recipients. Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Meeting 2008 Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Haykowsky M. Exercise Performance Post Heart Transplant. 2009 Canadian Association of Transplantation Scientific Meeting Haykowsky M. Benefits of Exercise in Pulmonary Hypertension. University of Alberta Pulmonary Hypertension Program. Haykowsky M. Ventricular-vascular Coupling During Exercise Post Heart Transplant. Cardiovascular Research Group, University of Alberta. 32

Conference Presentations 2008-2009 Haykowsky M. Impaired Cardiovascular Function Post Heart Transplant: Why It Sucks To Be In Diastole. University of Alberta, Thoracic Transplant Research Group. Jones A, Sadowski CA. Falls Risk Awareness Questionnaire In Community Dwelling Older Adults. Research On Aging: Nibble, Nosh and Network IV, January 23, 2009. Jones A, Morgan M, Godbout S, Vani A, Wong G. Mini-Open Versus Arthroscopic Surgical Repair of Rotator Cuffs in Alberta: A Health Technology Assessment (HTA).Alberta Physical Therapy Conference October 2008. Jones A, Lam A, Molnar R, Schreiber N, Skitsko J, Vu T. Pharmacists and Ambulatory Assistive Devices (PAAD) Study: A Collaboration Between Pharmacists and Physiotherapists In Developing A Continuing Education Module. Alberta Physical Therapy Conference October 2008. Jones A, Sadowski CA. Collaboration Between Pharmacists and Physiotherapists In Developing A Continuing Education Module On Ambulatory Assistive Devices. Strengthening the Bond: Triprofession Conference, Banff 2009. Kawchuk GN, Decker C. The Effects of Soft Tissue in Spinal Frequency Response Testing. Alberta Bioengineering Conference, Banff. Kawchuk GN, Decker C, Dolan R, Carey. Structural Health Monitoring to Detect Spinal Damage States. International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando. Kawchuk GN, Decker C. The Role of Soft Tissue Damping In Spinal Vibration Analysis. International Modal Analysis Conference, Orlando. Kawchuk G. Assessment of Spinal Function. Invited Speaker, Visiting Professor P r o g r a m , Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. Kawchuk G. Assessment of Spinal Function. Invited Speaker, Annual General Meeting, College of Chiropractors of Alberta. Kawchuk G. Research Program. Invited Speaker, World Federation of Chiropractic. Manns PJ, Baldwin E. Ambulatory Activity of Stroke Survivors: Measurement Options for Dose, Intensity and Pattern of Activity. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections February 2009 . Manns PJ, Andrews J, Levesque T, Lennox A. Development and Evaluation of A Pediatric Neurological Web-based Learning Modules. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Congress 2009. Manns PJ, Charoensuk J, Haennel R. Validation of the SenseWear Pro Armband™ for t h e Assessment of Energy Expenditure (EE) in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study. Presented As A Poster Presentation At the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology (CSEP) Annual Meeting, October 2008. 33

Conference Presentations 2008-2009 McNeely M, Hodgson P, Bowles S, Chafranskaia A, Di Casmirro L, Evans I, Grant N, Hilliard P, Keast D, King M, Reddick M, Ryan M, Towers A. Lymphedema Care in 12 Canadian University-affiliated Hospitals-A Survey. First International Lymphedema Framework Conference: Ascot England, April 27th, 2009. McNeely ML. Exercise for Cancer-related Fatigue. Cancer Care, Calgary, May 7th, 2009. McNeely ML, Peddle CJ, Yurick JL, Mackey J. A Systematic Review of Conservative Treatments for Cancer-related Lymphedema. Cancer Care, Calgary, May 8th, 2009. McNeely ML, Courneya KS, Sellar C, Stevinson C, Peddle C, Friedenreich C, Tankel K, B a s i S, Chua N, Mazurek A, Reiman T. Effects of Aerobic Exercise On Physical Functioning and Quality of Life in Lymphoma Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American College of Sports Medicine Conference: Seattle Washington, May 28, 2009. McNeely ML, Woolcott CG, Courneya KS, Boyd NF, Yaffe MJ, Terry T, McTiernan A, Ballard-Barbash R, Brant R, Irwin ML, Jones CA, Brar S, Campbell K, Karvinen KH, Cameron B, Friedenreich CM . Changes in Mammographic Measures With One Year of Aerobic Exercise Among Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 4th International Workshop On Breast Densitometry and Breast Cancer Risk Assessment: S a n Francisco, California, June 25 and 26, 2009. Martin B, Norton B, Loomis J. Reflecting on the Reflective Process: A Program Portfolio to Enhance Critical Thinking in Education and Practice. American Physical Therapy Association, Combined Sections Meeting Las Vegas NV, February 2009. Norton B, Amort-Larson G. A New Online Educational Resource to Engage Rehabilitation Medicine Students in Appropriate Skills Practice. University of Alberta, Festival of Teaching and Learning January 2009. Parent E. Preliminary Development of A Prediction Rule to Identify Patients With Low Back Pain Responding to Extension Exercises, Opportunities for Collaborations. Invited to Present to the Board of Directors Regional Meeting, October 22, 2008. Parent E. Preliminary Development of A Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients with L o w Back Pain Responding to Extension Exercises. McKenzie Conference of the Americas, Orlando Florida, July 2008. Parent E. MRI Changes Resulting From Extension Exercises - A Comparison of Responders and Non-Responders. McKenzie Conference of the Americas, Orlando Florida, July 2008. Yang JF, Musselman KE, Patrick SK, Bastian AJ. Motor Learning on A Split-belt Treadmill in Young Children. Alberta Motor Control Association Meeting, Special Symposium ForTessa Gordon, Kananaskis, AB March 2009. Yang JF. Neurol Control of Human Walking As Seen Through the Study of Infant Stepping. Bodian Lecture Series, Mind Brain Institute, John Hopkin’s University, B a l t i m o r e , MA, April 2009. 34

Service 2008-2009

Organization Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research International Forum for Primary Care Research in Low Back Pain Cochane Collaboration Back Group WCB-Alberta FOCUS Hip Fracture Transfusion Trial Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute Capital Health FOCUS Hip Fracture Transfusion Trial (Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick NJ) Canadian Physiotherapy Association Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Quebec International Symposium on Cardiopulmonary Prevention & Rehabilitation Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Capital Health Canadian Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation Canadian Spinal Deformity Study Group

Committee Program Advisory Committee International Advisory Committee Cochrane Collaboration Back Group Advisory Committee Scientific Advisory Group Steering Committee Provincial Arthroplasty Pilot Study Scientific Committee Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Research Steering Committee Publications Committee

Alberta Sports Physiotherapy Division Planning Committee – Edmonton Clinic Executive Committee Treatment Outcomes Committee Scientific Committee Senior Personnel Committee, Scientific Review Committee Scientific (abstract) Review Committee Cardiac Rehabilitation Research Committee Scientific Committee Surface Topography Interest Group 35

Service 2008-2009

Organization Alliance of PT regulators College of Physical Therapists of Alberta Canadian Spinal Deformity Study Group Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy, University of Alberta Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Alberta Paraplegic Association Alberta Health Services Alberta Health and Wellness WCB, CPTA, APA and PT private practice members Canadian Physical Therapy Association College of PT of Alberta CUPAC College of PTs of Alberta Alberta Physiotherapy Association College of Physical Therapists of Alberta Canada Research Chair Spinal Cord Injury: Solutions Network (National network, formerly SCI-TRN) Glenrose / WCB Orthopaedic Surgery Residency (University of Alberta)

Committee Evaluation Services CPTA Discipline committee Outcomes Database Committee Stroke Certificate Committee

Care of SCI Steering Committee Rehabilitation Integration Project Care Pathways Best Practice Working Group Provincial Back and Spine Project WCB-PT advisory group committee RTW / Disability Management Project Committee Discipline Committee Canadian Universities Physiotherapy Academic Council Continuing Competence Professional Development Continuing Competence Committee College of Reviewers

Locomotor Working Group Glenrose / WCB Research Initiative Committee Training Committee 36

Service 2008-2009

Organization Creating Bone and Joint Health from the Bedside to the Bench and Back Again Designer Therapies to Reduce the Burden of Osteoarthritis (OA) - from Mechanisms to Prevention (AHFMR Team Grant) Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Alberta Arthroplasty Research Group


Executive Committee/Training Committee

Glenrose Systems of Care Executive Committee Executive Committee


Service 2008-2009 Faculty Member


Battié MC

Co-chaired and Organized Final Annual Meeting of the Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health, Banff, AB

Battié MC

Moderated Scientific Session: Disc Degeneration & Back Pain, International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Annual Meeting Miami, FL

Battié MC

Organized Twice Monthly UofA Spine Interest Group Meetings

Battié MC

Chaired/Moderated Session at 10th International Forum of Low Back Pain Research in Primary Care, Boston, MA

Chepeha J

Assessment and Treatment of Shoulder Related Injuries - Canadian Orthopedic Nurses Symposium

Chepeha J

An Update on Shoulder Rehabilitation - Aspen Health Region Physical Therapists

Darrah J

Pediatric Physical Therapy Workshop, Refresher Workshop for 27 Therapists, Camrose, AB

Darrah J

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - How Can It Be Used In Rehabilitation, In-service to Regional Rehabilitation Managers of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Darrah J

Alberta Education Orientation for Early Childhood Education, Presentation of Results of ‘Evaluation of Rehabilitation Services for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Alberta’, Peace River and Edmonton, AB

Gross D

Alberta Health and Wellness ‘Hot Topics’, Session, Edmonton

Gross D

Cross Cancer Institute Grand Rounds, Edmonton

Gross D

Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Healthcare in BC, Vancouver, BC

Gross D

Chaired Reaching Forward 2008: Integrating Practice and Research in Physical Therapy, Edmonton, AB

Haennel B

Haennel B

Cardiac Rehabilitation in Rural Alberta, Presented to the Aspen Health Physical Therapists, Westlock, AB Exercise Prescription for Special Populations Entering Cardiac Rehabilitation, Video Presentation for the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation’s Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, 3rd edition, Calgary AB 38

Service 2008-2009

Faculty Member


Haennel B

Establishing an Exercise Program for Patients With Chronic Conditions, A Presentation to the Senior Administration at Vancouver Island University

Haennel B

Presentation on the Academic Interview, Alberta Bone and Joint Health Training Program

Haennel B

Session Chair: Aging, Health, Physical Activity and Rehabilitation, 2008 Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Annual Scientific Meeting, Banff, AB

Hall M

Workshops: Supervision, Evaluation of Rehabmed Students and Dealing with Challenging Students, Edmonton and Lethbridge, AB

Haykowsky M

Chaired Cardiac Fatigue Symposium, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Conference 2008

Haykowsky M

Chaired Cardiovascular Physiology I, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Conference 2008

Jones A

Practice-based Research; Home Living Program Workshop

Jones A

What is the Effect of Cognitive Status on the Function and Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with Hip Fractures, Regional Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Committee

Kawchuk G

Summer Biomechanics / Spine Seminar Series, UASpine

Manns T

Moderated - Physiotherapists Leading Change in Complex Systems, The Experience of the Ontario Stroke Strategy, Canadian Physiotherapy Congress, Calgary, AB

Manns T

Reaching Forward Conference - Workshop Presentation, Exercise for People with a Chronic Condition: Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury

McNeely M

CALM: Cancer Associated Lymphedema Management Course, Grande Prairie, AB

Muir I

Calgary Health Region Rehabilitation Grand Rounds: Update on Therapeutic Ultrasound

Muir I

Alberta Health Services - Calgary Region: Ultrasound Update Workshop


Service 2008-2009

Faculty Member


Magee D

Mobilization & Stabilization - in Specialization Course at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte

Magee D

The Unstable Shoulder - Sao Paulo, Brazil

Martin B

Organized and Presented the National PT Clinical Education Forum, Calgary, AB

Parent E

Chaired, Student Scientific Sessions for Research Days Moving Forward Conference, Edmonton, AB

Parent E

Speaker, Preliminary Development of a Prediction Rule to Identify Patients with Low Back Pain Responding to Extension Exercises, Seminar in Rehabilitation Sciences

Yang J

News & Views, Rehabilitation Neuroscience Group, Journal Club Presentation

Yang J

Laboratory Summer Journal Club on Motor Learning

Yang J

Chaired Session #5, Alberta Motor Control Meeting, Special Symposium in Honour of Tessa Gordon

Yang J

Reaching Forward Conference, Chaired Session, MScPT Capping Exercise


Clinical Education 2008-2009 The Department organized 495 placements for the 2008-2009 year for our students as well as for Canadian students at other Canadian Universities and International students. One UofA student travelled to Bangladesh to complete his final placement and students from Australia, The Netherlands and the United States were placed in Alberta.

PT Student on placement in Bangladesh

We continue to have a large number of offers for our intermediate and senior students from both the public and private sectors. Novice clinical placements can be challenging to secure but we successfully placed all novice students. The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) continues to build bridges with the clinical community; regular meetings are scheduled with site coordinators in the Edmonton and Calgary regions. In addition, ACCE undertook road trips to the northern and southern parts of the province to meet with clinicians and visit sites that host our students. Areas visited included Grande Prairie, Peace River, Fairview, Valleyview, Lethrbidge and Medicine Hat.


Clinical Placement Sites 2008-2009 Access Physiotherapy Action Sports Clinic Airdrie Physiotherapy Alberta Children's Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton ARBI Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Banff Physical Therapy and Sports Injuries Clinic Barrhead Healthcare Centre Bow Corridor Community Care Broxton Park School Burnaby Hospital Calgary Health Region, Home Care Calgary Winter Club Sports Physiotherapy Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Callingwood Physical Therapy Canadian Back Institute Burnaby Canadian Back Institute Lethbridge Canadian Back Institute Northeast Canadian Back Institute Red Deer Capital Care Grandview Capital Care Lynnwood Capital Health Home Care Program - PT Carewest Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre Carewest Glenmore Park Carewest Sarcee Caritas Centre for Lung Health Castleridge Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation CBI Health - Deer Valley Physical Therapy Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury Central Community Accessible Rehab Centre (Sheldon M Chumir Health Centre) CHA, Community Rehab Interdisciplinary Service Cold Lake Healthcare Centre Corona Station Physical Therapy Limited Coronation Physiotherapy Corporate Sport Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Cross Cancer Institute Crystal Park School CSA Physiotherapy South Edmonton Daniels Kimber Physiotherapy Clinic Devon Physiotherapy Drayton Valley Hospital and Care Center Drumheller Health Centre

Dynamic Physiotherapy East Central Health - Provost Eaton Centre Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Fraser Valley Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Grande Cache Community Health Centre Grey Nuns Community Hospital GRIT Program Hay River Health and Social Services Authority Healthy Living Centre Hinton Healthcare Centre Homecare Lethbridge Innisfail Health Centre Innovation Physical Therapy Island Hand Therapy Clinic Island Physiotherapy Jasper Physiotherapy and Massage Incorporated Kensington Physical Therapy Kinesis Physical Therapy Corp Lacombe Hospital & Care Centre Lacombe Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd. Lakeridge Health Corporation Lethbridge Physiotherapy Ltd. LifeMark - Heritage Hill Lifemark Health Centre - Grande Prairie LifeMark Health Centre - Talisman Centre LifeMark Health Centre SE LifeMark Health Centre, Calgary NW LifeMark Health Institute LifeMark Physiotherapy - Academy Place LifeMark Physiotherapy - Crowchild Twin Arena LifeMark Physiotherapy - Kingsway LifeMark Physiotherapy - Lake Beaumaris LifeMark Physiotherapy - Max Bell Arena LifeMark Physiotherapy - Village Square LifeMark Physiotherapy (Southland) Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Millard Health Rehabilitation Centre WCB Misericordia Community Hospital Moose Jaw Union Hospital Morinville Health Centre Nor Med Therapies Ltd. (Central Location) Nor Med Therapies Ltd. (West) North Community Accessible Rehabilitation North Town Physiotherapy Northern Lights Regional Health Centre Nose Creek Sports Physical Therapy - Beddington Oilfields General Hospital Olds Hospital and Care Centre 42

Clinical Placement Sites 2008-2009 One to One Health and Fitness Centre Orion Health Canmore Pain Clinic Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy Services Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus Panther Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Peace River Community Health Peak Physical Therapy Peter Lougheed Centre Pindara Physiotherapy Sports Medicine Pleasantview Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd. Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Ponoka Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Red Deer 49th Street Community Health Red Deer Community Health Centre Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Renfrew Educational Services, Main Office Rocky Mountain Rehab and Sports Medicine Clinic Rockyview General Hospital Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Oak Sport Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Saskatoon City Hospital Shelburne Physiotherapy Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Smoky Lake Healthcare Centre Southlake Regional Health Centre Sport Institute Physiotherapy St. Albert Physical Therapy and Sports Injuries St. Joseph's General Hospital St. Therese Health Centre Stanton Territorial Hospital Strathcona Physiotherapy Sturgeon Community Hospital Summit Injury Management - Nanaimo Sundre Hospital and Care Center Taber Health Centre The Australian Ballet Three Hills Health Centre Tofield Health Centre Two Hills Health Centre University of Alberta Hospital Rehab Medicine Valleyview Health Centre Wainwright Health Centre Westlock Healthcare Services Westside Sport Physiotherapy Wetaskiwin Hospital and Health Centre Youville Home 43

New Developments 2008-2009 . Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic The Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy clinic is operated within the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Students in the MScPT program provide treatment and rehabilitation under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. This non-profit clinic offers care to University of Alberta students and staff as well as the general public. In the past year, students have treated patients with musculoskeletal/ orthopaedic and sport injury conditions. For the upcoming year, it is hoped that the student clinic will accommodate a wider variety of conditions. As the student clinic is offered as a selective ‘course’, the clinic is funded by student tuition and a ten dollar one-time fee is charged to cover clinic supplies. The clinic provides the opportunity for students to apply the content learned in the Physical Therapy program. As we further integrate the clinic selective into the MScPT program, we will continue to work with the University of the Sciences of Philadelphia which runs a successful student pro bono clinic. Info/Appt. Bookings: email: or call (780) 492-5983 (Mon-Fri 8-4:30) for more information.


New Developments 2008-2009

Clinical Simulation Centre The Clinical Simulation Centre is used mainly in acute care basic cardiorespiratory and advanced critical care courses. In the Clinical Simulation Centre, students are familiarized with equipment and then put through their paces in a safe learning environment. Simulation with both medium fidelity mannequins and standardised patients is used regularly. Basic and advanced skill practice (auscultation, vitals monitoring, suctioning) as well as real life scenarios develop students’ critical thinking skills. Scenarios include heart attack, shortness of breath and pulmonary embolus. On the whole, the feedback from the courses is very encouraging; students seem to be able to apply concepts taught in class and get safe practice before being required to test their skills in the real world. “I thought this course was really helpful in reinforcing some concepts from the cardioresp class…I really enjoyed this class and I thought the scenarios were helpful”.


Events 2008-2009 MScPT Major Projects The Major Project is a required component of the course-based graduate program in physical therapy. It is completed within the second year of the program and involves the supervised investigation of a problem relevant to physical therapy practice.

MScPT 2009 Best Project: Knee Injuries in Female Soccer Players: Observing the Knowledge Gap Between Players/Coaches and Current Research Evidence (The KNOW Study) Presented at the Reaching Forward 2008 Integrating Practice and Research in Physical Therapy Conference Faculty Supervisor: Assistant Professor Lauren Beaupre Research Team: Brandy Orr, Jamie Hemsing, Shawna Pound, Chelsea Brown and Tara McCormick

MScPT (Course-based) Major Projects 2009 The following is a list of the Major Projects for 2008-2009. A copy of the abstracts for these Major Projects can be accessed by visiting the Department’s website: Our_Research.cfm  A Systematic Review Examining the Effects of Exercise on Immune Function in Women with

Breast Cancer  Cardiac Rehabilitation Guidelines for Women  Care-Seeking Behavior and Back Pain: Do Beliefs and Coping Strategies Influence the

Decision to Seek Care


Events 2008-2009 MScPT (Course-based) Major Projects 2008 cont’d  Correlation Between Change in Low Back Pain and Disc Height From Before to After

Extension Exercises  Knee Injuries in Female Soccer Players: Observing the Knowledge Gap Between Players/

Coaches and Current Research Evidence (The KNOW Study)  Patient Education Handbook for a Pediatric Population with an Atrial Septal Defect Repair  Rehabilitation of the Patient with Posterior Capsule Tightness & Glenohumeral Internal

Rotation Deficit (GIRD) - A Recommendation Document  Satisfaction with Physiotherapy Services Among Injured Workers in Alberta  Shoulder Injuries in Paraplegic Wheelchair Users: A Clinician Handbook  The Effect of External Bracing on Trunk Muscle Activity During Multi-Axial Movements  Treatment for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: Critical Review and Patient Education

Handbook  Using Gross Motor Play to Promote Language Development in Pre-School Age Children

with Developmental Delays: An Education Resource for Caregivers  Validation of the SenseWear Armband ® for Energy Expenditure Measurement in Stroke

Survivors: A Grant Proposal  Virtual Reality in Stoke Rehab: Do Wii Need It


Events 2008-2009

Reaching Forward 2008 Integrating Practice and Research in Physical Therapy Conference October 24 - 26, 2008 Reaching Forward 2008 conference was an opportunity for clinicians, students and academics to connect, exchange ideas, learn from one another, participate in practical workshops, hear keynote speakers, and learn from projects undertaken by the graduating students of the Masters of Science in Physical Therapy program.

Keynote Presentations:

Facing the Tsunami! Dr. Andrew Pipe, Chief, Division of Prevention and Rehabilitation, University of Ottawa Heart Institute

Quality and Leadership: Is Collaboration the New Competitive Edge? Ms Jackie Schleifer Taylor, Vice President , Quality, Standards & Performance, Women’s College Hospital

Hurdle the Weak - Trample the Dead: The Tribulations of Integrating Research and Practice. Dr. Chad Cook, Assistant Professor, Graduate Program, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Duke University Medical Centre

Hosted by:


Events 2008-2009

Reaching Forward 2008 cont’d, Practical Workshops: Differential Diagnosis Functional Anatomy Review Sport Injury Prevention in Children and Adolescents Physical Therapy and the Cancer Survivor: What every clinician should know Differential Prognosis Exercising People with Chronic Conditions Physical Therapy in Acute Care: What’s New? Sound Off: Is Current Clinical Practice for Ultrasound Compatible with Best Available Evidence?

Centenary Highlights Sponsored by the Department “Laughing into the Next 100 Years” Laughter Workshop with Laughter Coach Billy Strean As part of the University’s centenary celebration the Department of Physical Therapy offered a free Laughter workshop on the front lawn of Corbett Hall.

Guest Speakers Dr. Keith George Liverpool, John Moores University “A Athlete’s Heart” Dr. Hamilton Hall, FRCSC Medical Director, CBI Health “Improving the Effectiveness of Spinal Treatment” 49

Events 2008-2009

Guest Speakers cont’d, Dr. Mark Hancock, Discipline of Physiotherapy Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney “Identifying Subgroups of Responders to Treatment” Dr. Rachel Shupak, MD, FRCP Director at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, ON “Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ADPAC)” (videoconference held in Corbett Hall) Tasha Stanton, PhD Candidate Musculoskeletal Division of The George Institute of International Health Sydney, Australia “Low Back Pain: Research from Down Under” (MScRS Degree received from University of Alberta)

Seminars: Jeanette Buckingham, Librarian John W. Scott Health Sciences Library University of Alberta Libraries “How to Bake a Systematic Review” Dr. Michele Crites Battie, Professor Department of Physical Therapy Canada Research Chair in Common Spinal Disorders Co-Director, Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health “The Twin Spine Study: Contributions to a Changing View of Disc Degeneration”

Workshop/Demo: Iain Muir, BScPT, MScPT Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Modalities Workshop offered to the Physiatrist Residents Cam MacLean & Aleyna Sheradha Muscle Works Clinic, Lethbridge, AB Stamina Technique Demo


Admissions and Convocation

Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2008 Enrollment September 2008: 80 students admitted for commencement to the MScPT (course based) program.  56 female, 24 male  47 Alberta residents; 33 out of province Enrolment Summary:  MScPT 2009 Cohort - 78 (Admission year 2006)  MScPT 2010 Cohort - 80 (Admission year 2007)  MScPT 2010A Cohort - 80 (Admission year 2008) Scholarship: For the September 2008 admission year, 27 scholarships were given to students with the top ranked GPA.

Convocation June 2008 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT (Course-Based) Program Allen Melissa Ambrosio Salvatore Archibald Joanne Barnes Stephanie Beaulieu Melanie Booth Janna Boudreau Alison Bradwell Leslie Brown Chelsey Brunke Kirstin Budnick Karen Campbell Jennifer Casson Rebecca Cripps Ashley Dhatt Arminder Dherari Navtej Dixon Laura Duff Kevin Duran Nicolas Eisbrenner Sarah Esau Lauren Furze Melanie Gaudet Allison Glass Jonathan Godbout Simone Groshong Jennifer

Hart Angela Hauser Erin Hemsing Jamie Herman Natasha Hootnick Rakefet Hudson Megan Huggins Richard Huls Carla Jongkind Monique Kinshella Cheryl Knight Carolyn Koppejan Andrew LaRoy Jennifer Lam Andrea Lam Stephanie Leydon Shannon Lo Janice Lyons Jessica McClelland Pamela McCormick Tara Molnar Rosanne Morgan Miles O’Connor Kerry Orr Brandy Peters Ian Pletsch Sarah

Pound Shawna Prokop Melissa Rayment Meredith Reagan Katherine Renner Dannielle Robbie Kimberly Rogers Elizabeth Russell Darren Rutherford Susan Sawitsky Heather Schreiber Natalie Skitsko Jillien Third Serena Thomas Claire Thompson Lindsay Timmermans Daniel Vani Aaron Vu Teresa Wilton Janine Wong Gabriel Wong Tracy Worthing Roberta


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