U of A Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2011-2012

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Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2011-2012 Pursuing your best

Chair and Associate Chair’s Message ................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department ................................................. 5 Strategic Plan .................................................................................. 6 Department Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Awards .......................................................................................... 18 Research Funding ...........................................................................


Publications ...................................................................................


Service .........................................................................................


Clinical Education ...........................................................................


Satellite Campuses .........................................................................


Student Clinic ................................................................................. 66 Events ........................................................................................... 69 Webinar Series ............................................................................... 71 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ............................................... 73

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair We are pleased to present the 2011-2012 annual report for the Department of Physical Therapy. This year was quite a busy year. We underwent a Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC) review and signed on with Physiotherapy Alberta to develop a bridging program for internationally educated physical therapists. Our Corbett Hall Student PT Clinic expanded its services and began to offer full clinical placements. We received approximately 550 qualified applicants, an increase of about 70 applications from the previous 3 years for the MScPT program. This year, for the first time, we introduced the multiple mini interviews (MMI) into the admission process. Two hundred students participated in the MMI and 94 new students (66 women and 28 men) were accepted into our MScPT program. Eighty-two students were accepted at the University of Alberta’s North Campus (Edmonton) and another 12 were accepted to the Augustana Campus (in Camrose). In November we proudly graduated 83 new Physical Therapists. The PEAC peer review team visited the Edmonton and Augustana campuses in early March. In addition to concluding that the MScPT Program was fully compliant with all the PEAC standards, the peer review team made note of the innovations in teaching and delivery they observed while on site. The UofA MScPT Program was granted full PEAC Accreditation until 2018. The inclusion of a satellite campus in the evaluation was a first for Canadian PT programs. A grant received from the Alberta Government (Employment and Immigration) is providing funding for the development of an Internationally Educated Physical Therapist Bridging Program (IEPTBP). This project is being undertaken by a partnership between Physiotherapy Alberta and the Department. Carol Puri joined the Department in February 2012 as the IEPTBP bridging program director. The first intake of students is planned for May 2013. The Department is also involved with some current for-credit and certification courses as well as the development of upcoming certification programs. The Department is a leader in Canada in the use of technology for delivery and this is something that continues to enhance our entry-level, graduate and continuing professional education programming.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair... Within the Department there were a number of significant projects completed this year. We completed construction of a second lab at our Augustana Campus. This space was developed to accommodate the doubling of the Augustana cohort with 12 students entering year 1, joining the initial cohort of 10 students who are now in second year. The construction of the Calgary satellite site in the University of Calgary Downtown Centre was completed in late spring of 2012 and the grand opening of the Calgary satellite, which was well attended by those in the physical therapy and education communities, was held in June. Our faculty members continue to be at the forefront of research; this year they published 75 peer-reviewed articles, one book, 7 book chapters and 127 abstracts/conference presentations. Our faculty also conducted 31 workshops over the course of this past year and our Department also hosted 9 Webinars for the professional community. As principle or co-investigators our faculty members acquired approximately $1.4 million dollars in new grants while the overall current funding for all of our research programs approaches $10 million. We are also very proud of our research graduate students who acquired over $467,000 in awards and scholarships this past year. The Corbett Hall Student PT Clinic has significantly expanded both its services and student learning opportunities. Beginning in November 2011, along with MScPT clinical and research protocol elective courses, full student placements have been offered to UofA MScPT and Kinesiology students. Students from other Canadian PT Programs as well as international students and IEPTs are also completing placements with us. Several Clinical Track faculty members are working within the clinic providing patient care and student supervision. The caseload remains mixed including patients with MSK, Neuro or Chronic Pain concerns, for example. This venue continues to develop as a hub for both education and rehabilitation and educational research. We hope that this annual report will give you a sense of the ongoing activities within the Department of Physical Therapy. R.G. (Bob) Haennel Ph.D. FACSM Professor & Chair

Bernadette Martin MA, BScPT MScPT Program Director

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education at all levels ◊ Conducting scholarly research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy

◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Department of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2010 - 2015 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: ◊ To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers ◊ To enhance and promote the Physical Therapy Department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based Physical Therapy practice for students and clinicians ◊ To be a leader in serving our external community through novel outreach, collaborative partnerships and Physical Therapy knowledge exchange

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Michele Crites Battie, PhD Professor & Canada Research Chair in Common Spinal Disorders Co-Director, Alberta Provincial CIHR Training Program in Bone and Joint Health

Johanna Darrah, PhD Professor

R.G. (Bob) Haennel PhD, FACSM Professor & Chair

Mark J Haykowsky, PhD Professor

David J. Magee, PhD Professor, Associate Dean Professional Programs

Jaynie, F Yang, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Lauren Beaupre, PhD Associate Professor AHFMR Population Health Investigator

Doug Gross, PhD Associate Professor

Allyson Jones, PhD Associate Professor CIHR New Investigator AHFMR Population Health Investigator

Greg Kawchuk, PhD Associate Professor CRC Tier II

Trish Manns, PhD Associate Professor

Bernadette Martin, BScPT, MACT Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Linda Woodhouse, PhD Associate Professor, David Magee Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Clinical Research

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Assistant Professors Geoff Bostick, PhD Assistant Professor

Judy Chepeha, PhD Assistant Professor

Mark Hall, MScPT, PhD Candidate Assistant Professor and Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE)

Margie McNeely, PhD Assistant Professor

Eric Parent, PhD Assistant Professor and Clinical Scientist, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors Heather Bredy, MCIScPT, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Jacky Chow, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Sylvia Ciurysek, MScPT, BPE, CAT(C) Clinical Assistant Professor, Sessional

Kim Dao, DPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Lisa Jasper, MSc, BMR (PT) Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Augustana

Jon Gabbai, BScPT Calgary Clincal Education Coordinator

Barb Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Carol Puri, PT, MHSc Program Director AIEPB

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors... Lesley Wiart, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor

Christopher Zarski, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Professor Emeritus

S Kumar, PhD, DSc M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT JE Semple, MEd, BPT, Grad Dip Phys, HT, DipPT

Clinical Professor Emeritus J Loomis, BPT, MEd

Adjunct Professor R Ferrari, PhD B Stephens, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor V Mushahwar, PhD

Adjunct Assistant Professors K Bruno, PhD D Delorey, PhD A Liggins, PhD H Meyer, PhD K Reiss, PhD

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Guest Lecturers K Adams K Benterud S Bergsten J Buckingham P Caveny L Daneyko S Doberstein J Dunstan L Flakstad J Flett J Fuentes C Harbidge J Holman J Janz C Kaup

S Kerslake S Kossey A Kwok B Lasair J Loomis A Lowe L Macedo C MacLellan J Mather H Marta L McFarlane L Morin G Murgatroyd K Musselman I Muir

M Parfitt T Paul S Pletsch S Rashiq M Raven-Jackson S Rivalin M Roy K Steil E Steinbring E Trofimuk M Vaillant R Wannechko-Koenig M Wood J Yurick L Zorilla

D Balmain M Barnes D Baron A Barreda K Barton K Bayless J Bealer P Beavan J Begg M Beland V Belisle K Bell J Belter M Benoit D Benterud C Bergen S Bergsten M Berthier A Bhambhani W Bierbach T Boake J Boelman

J Bogaart D Bolokoski A Borde Sawatsky A Botelho A Boudreau V Bradley J Bradwell H Bredy J Brohman J Brooks C Brososky B Brown-Hall W Busse J Calon S Card M Carr B Casson R Castro B Cavanagh A Cavanagh L Celinskis M Cerr

Clinical Lecturers M Abdullah C Abraham L Acheson T Adelman J Allen S Amarjeet N Amusat N Anderson B Anderson R Ansari S Anthony C Archer K Armstrong B Arnold K Arnold J Ashmead T Audet R Auger J Avery V Ayoade T Baldwin E Baldwin

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... L Chan R Chandra D Charters S Chawla M Ching M Chinnaraj A Chiu B Chometsky J Chow S Ciurysek I Clennin N Coleman J Cooling T Cooney S Cooper C Corbett L Corey B Corie J Couto J Couto A Cripps J Cross G Crossman A Crowley S Cuff C Cunningham S Cushing J Dame M Danaseresht L Daneyko J Daoust C Darbellay M Dawkins R De Castro M De Smet J Dean C DeBlois J Deere S DeForge K Del Rosario N Desaulniers

N Desaulniers V Deunk J DeVries M Dewitz R Dhillon B D'Hont S Doberstein F Dods O Dong J Douglas D Downing J Doyle K Drysdale P Dueck J Duffy L Dunsmuir C Dutton J Dyer J Dzioba S Eatmon-Powell D Eddy M Eggink K Eldred A Ellis C Enriquez-DeGuzman J Evenson T Falk E Farrell J Fasakin L Faulkner J Fehr E Ferguson L Fernandes S Finnobagson M Fisher S Fitzgerald J Flett Y Foreman V Fournier L Fowler L Fowler

H Frankow V Fraser S Friend J Frison S Fung Gee C Fuss J Gabbai B Gabruch J Gainor A Gallagher E Gallant L Gartner L Garvie J Gehl J Gerbrandt K Gerry C Giacobbo T Gibson A Giesbrecht D Gilbertson C Gill C Gill M Giratalla A Glass D Glen G Glennie H Gonyou B Graham E Groft J Groshong J Gruszka D Guerard M Haire D Hajek B Hale I Hallworth R Hamad C Harbidge L Harrison S Hartley F Hasham

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... T Haslinger S Hathaway L Haufe E Hauser T Hawken P Heffner B Henry S Hirtle A Hoda M Hodges K Hodson J Holman S Holowaychuk C Holt W Hong E Hornick M Hudson M Huget S Hui C Huynh K Janz M Jenkins M Jindani B Johnston H Jol R Jones S Jones C Jones T Junck B Kadatz K Kaufhold S Keating L Keeling F Keeling C Kelly P Kelly L Kempster C Kennedy K Kidd L Kiely N Kilberg

J Kilgour A Kingston S Kingwell L Kirkpatrick G Klapstein C Klass D Klassen C Knight S Kolodziej K Kopat A Kovac S Kowch-Gordon L Kozel D Krasteva K Krawec N Krueger M Kubsch R Kumar N Kumar Karn D Kunzelman T Kutash C Kuzyk A Kwok A Kwok M Labrentz A Lam J Lassen L Latta N Lavoie H Lawrence D Lawton G Leclerc E Lee E Lee S Leedahl A Lemke O Lewis J Lidstone N Lindquist K Lis N Litke

D Llewellyn M Lo A Lobay-Ness Z Locke P Lohani A Loonen V Lowe B Luckhurst E Lukinuk K Luu C MacDonald K Macey K MacFarlane S Maclean R MacLeod-Chernos B Maddaford T Magis C Mann H Marta D Massey H Massie S Mathews L Matsuba-Lee S McFadyen K McIntosh L McIntosh K Mckenzie C McLaughlin D Michaud K Mileski S Miller D Miller J Millington E Mills S Mills K Mohrenberger D Morin B Morrison G M'Pova K Mulder M Mustard

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... T Naidu M Namboory D Nenshi D Newans K Newcomb C Nissen A Nunweiler C Nyhoff J Olabode A Ollewagen C Olm S Olsen G Omondi F Ostowari S Ostrem C Oucharek V Overton R Panesar M Parfitt L Park M Parrott J Patterson A Pearce T Penney E Penny K Penrice A Peter L Peter T Peters L Petersen M Pfeifer M Phillips A Phung J Pittis S Pletsch C Plett K Ploch H Pollock H Pollock A Poodel

B Poon J Poon L Porteous C Powell P Power K Prasanna M Pratley L Price K Pronovost P Purushothaman A Quackenbush L Rasmuson L Reid J Reimer R Requiestas E Reuter S Richards K Robbie L Roberts-Rousselle N Robinson L Rocchio C Rodgers J Rohs A Rose T Ross P Ross L Rossi B Rudland N Ruohonen J Russill Y Sabraw A Saini K Salmon R Sanderson H Sasidharan G Savrtka H Sawitsky T Schlaht R Schmuland N Schreiber

J Schroder J Schultz R Scott J Scott C Sedgwick J Sharum M Shelley A Sherwin E Shields M Short B Shukalak M Shular B Shular T Siebold L Simmonds T Skitsko C Smith K Smith T Smith C So K Sparks S Spate C Spotowski J Squire T Stadnek D Steadward K Steeves L Steinke J Stenner H Stevens T Stork E Sutton F Taheri N Tallion H Tarleton G Taylor L Tennant A Teppler A Thien N Thiessen

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... B Thomas C Thomas K Thompson L Thompson A Thornton K Tiedemann N Tiemstra M Timotijevic B Tittlemier S Toporowski J Torrance M Tosh J Tremblay W Tung M Tuninga N Tycholis K Van Campenhout K Van Heyst A Vebo

R Venugopal L Vickery T Vu A Wamsley R Wannechko-Koenig G Warren C Webber K Weeks T Weir A Whiffen L Wiebe R Wightman S Wilkie S Wilkinson T Willes R Williams K Wilson J Wilton T Wolansky

L Woloshyn M Wong J Wong C Wouters S Yeo J Young J Young L Young J Yurick L Zahany T Zaplitney T Zarsky D Zayac L Zorilla H Zygun

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Administrative Staff Cheryl Ackerman Reception Katelyn Brown Physical Therapy Assistant Connie Harrison Physical Therapy Assistant Tamie Heisler-Schafer Academic Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Cheryl Low Department Secretary Gillian Luff Admissions and Awards Assistant Deborah Martens Clinical Education Assistant Deborah Palmer Administrative Professional Officer

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Dr Lauren Beaupre AHFMR Population Health Investigator Award (2009 - 2016)

Dr Kim Dao Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award (2012)

Professor Jon Gabbai Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Clinical Educator of the Year - Physical Therapy (2012)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


PhD candidate Jorge Fuentes Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Graduate Teaching Asssiant Award (2012)

Professor Mark Hall Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Faculty Teaching Award (2012)

Dr Allyson Jones AHFMR Population Health Investigator Award (2007 - 2014)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Barbara Norton Rehabilitation Medicine Students’ Association Excellence in Teaching Award - Physical Therapy (2012)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Algarni, Fahad

Saudi Cultural Bureau Scholarship


Boljanovic-Susic, Dragana

CIHR Chronic Pain Community Alliance Knowledge Transfer Grant

Boljanovic-Susic, Dragana

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Grant

Boljanovic-Susic, Dragana

Basmajian Travel Award

Chen, Wei

China Scholarship

Colligne, Wesley

MScPT Travel Program


Fuentes, Jorge

PT Thesis Research Operating Grant


Fuentes, Jorge

UofA Dissertation Scholarship (Includes Tuition and Fees)

Lawrence, Logan

AIHS Summer Studentship


Lawrence, Logan

Singleton Family Award in Bone and Joint Health


Lochhead, Lois

CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship


Lochhead, Lois

WorkSafeBC - Research Trainee Award

Macedo, Luciana

CIHR Fellowship Award


Macedo, Luciana

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions: Health Research Fellowship


Miciak, Maxi

PT Thesis Research Operating Grant


Miciak, Maxi

Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship


Mollins, Julianna

Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions OA Team Grant Trainee


Prasad, Abhaya

OA Team Trainee Award


$5,000 $13,352 $500 $19,200



Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Schreiber, Sanja

Faculty of Medicine/Rehabilitation Medicine Interfaculty Graduate Studentship

Schreiber, Sanja

Graduate Students’ Association Professional Development Grant for Research Related Travel


Wang, Yue

ISSLS Prize in Clinical Research


Wang, Yue

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Scholarship

Wang, Yue

Canada-China Health Research Scholarship

Wang, Yue

UA Spine Surgery Fellowship

Watkins, Elise

Women and Children Health Research Institute Graduate Scholarship

Watkins, Elise

CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship

Wong, Arnold

Physical Therapy Operating Grant

Wong, Arnold

Presidential International Doctoral Scholarship


Wong, Arnold

Faculty of Rehabilitation Scholarship


Wong, Arnold

Golden Key Award


$20,000 $8,000 $22,000 $7,000 $35,000 $4,000

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



The total new funding applicable to 2011/12 is shown in the figure above Note: Training grants and personnel awards are included

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Geoff Bostick Reliability of practical skills assessment in distributed education University of Alberta Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund $2,807 2012

Author: Title of Grant:

Geoff Bostick Equipment funding in support of student clinics in the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta

Funding Agency:

Alberta Health and Wellness Health Workforce Action Plan -Building Educational & Clinical Capacity Fund $14,270 2012

Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Author: Title of Grant:

Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Author: Title of Grant:

Dr. Michele Crites Battié Novel diagnostics for prevention and repair of disc-degeneration linked pathologies; the search for genetic biomarkers European Union FP-Health-2007 $68,157 2011-2013

Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Dr. Doug Gross Development of a Triage Decision-Making Model for the Rehabilitation of Injured Workers Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta Research Grant $74,732 2011-2012

Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Dr. Doug Gross Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions Conference Grant Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions $6,000 2012

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency:

Mark Hall TLEF Professional Development Grant University of Alberta

Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

$4,442 2011-2012

Author: Title of Grant:

Dr. Allyson Jones Access and utilization of health care for rheumatoid arthritis in Aboriginal people in Alberta Canadian Initiative Outcomes for Rheumatology Care (CIORA) $58,513 2012-2013

Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Dr. Allyson Jones Aboriginal Albertan’s Perceptions of Health Service Delivery for Osteoarthritis and Total Joint Replacement AIHS- OATeam Grant $15,000 2011-2012

Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Dr. Greg Kawchuk Evolution to a Commercial Product Alberta Biovantage $90,000 2012-2013

Author: Title of Grant:

Dr. Greg Kawchuk Understanding the effects of lumbar back braces on back pain and spinal function Aspen Medical Products $30,000 2012-2013

Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Dr. Margie McNeely Feasibility of Night-time Compression Systems for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Prairies, NWT chapter $101,001 2011-2013

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department reported 210 publications for 2011-2012. The following is the breakdown of the publications: Books (1), Book Chapters (7), Published Journal Articles (75) and Abstracts and Conference presentations (127). Book Zachazewski JE & DJ Magee (eds), Sports Therapy Services – Organization & Operations; Handbook of Sports Medicine & Science Series (an IOC Medical Commission Publication), Hoboken, NJ: Wiley – Blackwell, In Publication – To Be Published in Fall 2012. Book Chapters Beaupre LA: Pre-Evaluation Report: Hip Fracture National Model of Care and Toolkit Implementation: Improving Care for Patients to Help Them Return Home. Commissioned by Bone and Joint Decade Canada for Health Canada, April 2012. Beaupre LA. National Hip Fracture Toolkit. July 2011, Ed: J Waddell. http://www.boneandjointcanada.com/

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Book Chapters... Gross DP and Reneman MF. Functional Capacity Evaluation in Return-to-Work Decision Making: Risk, Capacity and Tolerance. In AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Work Ability and Return to Work, 2nd Edition Edited by J.B. Talmage, J.M Melhorn, and M.H. Hyman. American Medical Association 2011, Pp 87-98. Haykowsky M. Revisiting Breathing Techniques During Resistance Exercise in “Health-related Exercise Prescription for the Qualified Exercise Professional.” Edited by Warburton DER. Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology British Columbia. Katayose, M & Magee DJ. “Logistical & Treatment Considerations for Team Travel Prior to An Olympic Event” – Chapter 5 in Sports Therapy Services – Organization & Operations, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Blackwell – To Be Published in Fall 2012. McNeely ML. Inpatient PT Management of An Adult Status – Post Neck Dissection. Case Files in Physical Therapy. Erin Jobst, Editor. McGraw Hill, 2012. (In Press). Zachazewski JE & Magee DJ. “Sports Therapy – Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How – Chapter 1 in Sports Therapy Services – Organization & Operations, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Blackwell – To Be Published in Fall 2012. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Battie MC, Jones CA, Shopflocher D, Hu R. Health-related Quality of Life and Comorbidities Associated With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. The Spine Journal. 2012, 12:189-195. Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC, Dieleman S, Tsui B. Pre-Emptive Multi-Modal Analgesia With or Without Femoral Nerve Blockade Following Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Controlled Clinical Pilot Study. TSW J. 2012, Article ID 273821, 6 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/273821. Beaupre LA, Secretan C, Johnston DWC, Lavoie GJG. A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Patellar Retention Versus Patellar Resurfacing in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: 5-10 Year Follow-up. BMC Research Notes. 2012, 5:273. Beaupre LA, Jones CA, Johnson DWC, Wilson DM, Majumdar SR. Recovery of Function Following A Hip Fracture in Geriatric Ambulatory Persons Living in Nursing Homes: REGAIN-I Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. (In press). Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Bostick GP, Carroll L, Brown C, Gross DP. If They Can Put A Man on the Moon They Should Be Able to Fix A Neck Injury: A Mixed-methods Study Characterizing and Explaining Pain Beliefs About WAD. Disability and Rehabilitation. May 2012. Published Online. Bordignon C, Fioravanti A, Pettit S, Ansley B. Woodhouse LJ. The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills: Evaluating Outcomes in Rehabilitation. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2012, 79(3). Brown C, Bostick GP, Lim J, Gross DP. Perceived Injustice in Injured Workers: Analysis of Public Responses to An Injured Worker Who Took Workers’ Compensation Board Employees Hostage. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. February 2012. Published Online. Buddingh S, Liang J, Allen JK, Koziak A, Buckingham J, Beaupre LA. Rehabilitation for Long-term Care (LTC) Residents Following Hip Fracture: A Survey of Current Practices, Barriers and Facilitators to Care. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy (In press). Campbell KL, Pusic A, Zucker D, McNeely ML, Binkley J, Cheville AL, Harwood KJ. A Prospective Model of Care for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Function. Cancer. 2012, 118: SUPPL.8:2300-2311. Carson JL, Terrin ML, Noveck H, Sanders DA, Chaitman BR, Rhoads GG, Glynn S, Nemo G, Dragert K, Beaupre L, Hildebrand K, Macaulay WB, Lewis C, Cook DR, Zakriya KJ, Magaziner J. Transfusion Trigger Trial for Functional Outcomes in Cardiovascular Patients Undergoing Surgical Hip Fracture Repair (Focus): Main Results. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011, 365(26): 2453-62. Chung CLR, Manga J, McGregor M, Michailidis C, Stavros D, Woodhouse LJ. Interprofessional Collaboration and Turf Wars: How Prevalent Are Hidden Attitudes? Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2012;26(1). Clarke H, Woodhouse LJ, Kennedy D, Stratford P. Strategies Aimed At Preventing Chronic Post-surgical Pain: Comprehensive Peri-operative Pain Management After Total Joint Replacement Surgery. Physiotherapy Canada. 2011, 63(3):289-304.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Courneya KS, Sellar CM, Trinh L, Forbes CC, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Peddle-McIntyre CJ, Friedenreich CM, Reiman T. A Randomized Trial of Aerobic Exercise and Sleep Quality in Lymphoma Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or No Treatments. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. 2012, Jun;21(6):887-94. Courneya KS, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Sellar CM, Friedenreich CM, Peddle-McIntyre CJ, et al. Effects of Supervised Exercise on Motivational Outcomes and Longer-term Behavior. Medicine & Science in Sports Exercise. 2012,44(3):542-9. Darrah J & Bartlett D. Infant Rolling – The Same or Different 20 Years After the Back to Sleep Campaign? (In press) Desmeules F, Hall J, Woodhouse LJ. Triaging Individuals With Severe Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis Who Are Severely Disabled to Prehabilitation Improves Physical Function. Physiotherapy Canada. (In press) Desmeules F, Roy JS, MacDermid JC, Champagne F, Hinse O, Woodhouse LJ. Advanced Practice Physiotherapy in Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Systematic Review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2012, Jun 21;13(1):107. Dolinsky V, Jones K, Sidhu R, Haykowsky M, Czubryt M, Gordon T, Dyck J. Improvements in Skeletal Muscle Strength and Cardiac Function Induced By Resveratrol Contribute to Enhanced Exercise Performance in Rats. The Journal of Physiology. 2012: 590, 2783-2799. Fortin M, BattiÊ MC. Quantitative Paraspinal Muscle Measurements: Inter-Software Reliability and Agreement Using OsiriX and ImageJ. Physical Therapy. 2012, June;92(6):853-64. Fuentes JP, Armijo SL, Magee D, Gross DP. A Preliminary Investigation Into the Effects of Active Interferential Current Therapy and Placebo on Pressure Pain Sensitivity: A Random Crossover Placebo Controlled Study. Physiotherapy. 2011, Dec, 97:291-301. Funabashi M, Warren S, Kawchuk GN. Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Translation in Physical Therapy and Manual Therapy Fields: Barriers, Facilitators and Issues. Physical Therapy Reviews (In press).

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Gross DP, Haws C, Niemeläinen R. What Is the Rate of Functional Improvement During Occupational Rehabilitation in Workers’ Compensation Claimants? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2011, Dec. Published Online. Haldeman S, Kopansky-Giles D, Hurwitz EL, Hoy D, Erwin M, Dagenais S, Kawchuk GN, Strömqvist B, Walsh N. Bone and Joint Decade Report: Moving Together Beyond the Decade. Advancements in the Management of Spine Disorders. Best Practice and Research. Clinical Rheumatology (In press). Harris AW, Jones CA, Voaklander DC, Rowe B. A Population-based Assessment of Sport and Recreation-related Head Injuries Treated in A Canadian Health Region. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 2012, 15 298–304 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsams.2011.12.005. Harris S, Schmitz K, Campbell KL, McNeely ML. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Syntheses of Guideline Recommendations and Qualitative Appraisals. Cancer. 2012, 118: SUPPL.8:2312-2324. Harris AW, Voaklander DC, Jones CA, Rowe B. Time-to-subsequent Head Injury From Sports and Recreations Activities. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012, 22(2): 91-97 Jan 16 PMID: 22252163. Haykowsky M. LV Remodeling and the Athletes Heart: Revisiting the Morganroth Hypothesis. The Journal of Physiology. 2011:589(24)5915-5915. Haykowsky M, Brubaker P, Kitzman D. Role of Physical Training in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. Current Heart Failure Report. 2012, Jun;9(2):101-6. Haykowsky M, Brubaker P, Stewart K, Morgan TM, Eggebeen J, Kitzman D. Effect of Endurance Training on the Determinants of Peak Exercise Oxygen Consumption in Elderly Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2012, Jul 10;60(2):1208. Haykowsky MJ, Herrington DM, Brubaker P, Morgan T, Hundley WG, Kitzman D. Relationship of Flow Mediated Arterial Dilation and Exercise Capacity in Older Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. Journal of Gerontology A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Henderson CA, Manns PJ. Group Modified Constraint-induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT) in A Clinical Setting. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2012, doi: 10.3109/09638288.2012.673686. Jasper L and MacNeil B. Diverse Sensory Inputs Permit Priming in the Acidic Saline Model of Hyperalgesia. European Journal of Pain. 2012, Doi:10.1002/ j.1532-2149.2011.00103.x. Jones CA, Cox V, Jhiangri GS, Suarez-Almazor ME. Delineating the Impact of Obesity and Its Relationship on Recovery After Total Joint Arthroplasties. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 2012, 20:511-518. Jones CA, Li L. Total Joint Arthroplasty. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2012, 28(3): (In press). Jones CA, Martin WRC, Wieler M, King-Jesso P, Voaklander DC. Incidence and Mortality of Parkinson’s Disease in Older Canadians. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 2012, 18(4):327-331 doi:10.1016/j.parkreldis.2011.11.018. Jones CA, Pohar S. Health-related Quality of Life After Total Joint Arthroplasties: A Scoping Review. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2012, 28(3) (In press). Jones LW, Courneya KS, Mackey JR, Muss HB, Pituskin EN, Scott JM, Hornsby WE, Coan AD, Herndon JE 2nd, Douglas PS, Haykowsky M. Cardiopulmonary Function and Age-Related Decline Across the Breast Cancer Survivorship Continuum. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30:2530-2537. Keeling SO, Majumdar SR, Conner-Spady B, BattiÊ MC, Carroll LJ, Maksymowych WP. Preliminary Validation of A Self-reported Screening Questionnaire for Inflammatory Back Pain. Journal of Rheumatology. 2012, Apr;39(4):822-9. Kemp KA, Sheps D, Beaupre LA, Luciak-Corea C, Styles-Tripp F, Balyk R. An Evaluation of the Responsiveness and Discriminant Validity of Shoulder Questionnaires Among Patients Receiving Surgical Correction of Shoulder Instability. TSW J. 2012, Article ID 410125, 7 pages; doi:10.1100/2012/410125. Kaila K, Haykowsky MJ, Thompson RT, Paterson IP. Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: Scope of the Problem. Heart Failure Reviews. 2011. 2012 Sep;17(4-5):555-62.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Kitzman D, Morgan T, Haykowsky M, Brubaker P: Determinants of Exercise Intolerance in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Reply. Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2011;58:2548-2549. Koppenhaver SL, Fritz JM, Hebert JJ, Kawchuk GN, Parent EC, Gill NW, Childs JD, Teyhen DS. Association Between History and Physical Examination Factors and Change in Lumbar Multifidus Muscle Thickness After Spinal Manipulation in Patients With Low Back Pain. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (In press). MacKenzie J, O’Connor G, Pettit P, Marshall DA, Faris PD, Dort L, Khong H, Werle J, Powell J, Beaupre L, Frank C. On Behalf of the Alberta Hip Improvement Project (HIP) Advisory Committee and the Alberta Arthroplasty Research Group (AARG): Functional Outcomes Over 2 Years Comparing Hip Resurfacing and Total Hip Replacement. The Alberta HIP Study. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2012, 27(5): 750–757.e2 doi.org/10.1016/j.arth.2011.10.004. Manns PJ, Dunstan DW, Owen N, Healy GN. Addressing the Nonexercise Part of the Activity Continuum: A More Realistic and Achievable Approach to Activity Programming for Adults With Mobility Disability? Physical Therapy. 2012, 92(4), 614-625. Manns PJ & Darrah J. Scenario Development: A Useful Process for the Evaluation of Curriculum Principles. (In press) McNeely ML. Cancer Rehabilitation: Opportunities and Challenges. Physiotherapy Canada. 64 (2), pp. 111-112. McNeely ML, Binkley J, Pusic AL, Campbell KL, Gabram-Mendola S, Soballe PW. A Prospective Model of Care for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Post-operative and Post-reconstructive Issues. Cancer. 2012, 118: SUPPL.8:2226-2236. Miciak M, Gross DP, Joyce A. A Critical Application of Psychotherapeutic ‘Common Factors’ Theory to Physical Therapy: The Need to Consider Non-Specific Effects in Physical Therapy Practice. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2012, 26: 394-403. Mielenz TJ, Devellis RF, Battié MC, Carey TS. Stop Using the Modified Work APGAR to Measure Job Satisfaction. Pain Res Treat. 2011, 2011:406235.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Orr B, Brown C, Hemsing J, McCormick T, Pound S, Otto D, Emery CA, Beaupre L. Knee Injuries in Female Soccer Players: Observing the Knowledge Gap Between Players/Coaches and Current Research Evidence (The KNOW Study). Scand J Med Sci Sport. 2011, Epub Ahead of Print doi: 10.1111/j.16000838.2011.01381.x. Patrick SK, Noah JA, Yang JF. Developmental Constraints of Quadrupedal Coordination Across Crawling Styles in Human Infants. Journal Neurophysiology. (In press). Pituskin E, Haykowsky MJ, Mackey J, Thompson R, Ezekowitz J, Koshman S, Oudit G, Chow k, Pagano J, Paterson I. Rationale and Design of the Multidisciplinary Approach to Novel Therapies in Cardiology Oncology Research Trial (MANTICORE 101 - Breast): A Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial to Determine If Conventional Heart Failure Pharmacotherapy Can Prevent Trastuzumab-mediated Left Ventricular Remodeling Among Women With HER2+ Early Breast Cancer Using Cardiac MRI. BMC Cancer. 2011, Jul 27;11(1):318. Pituskin E, Paterson I, Haykowsky M. The Role of Exercise Interventions in Reducing the Risk for Cardiometabolic Disease in Cancer Survivors. Current Cardiovascular Risk Reports. (In Press) Phillips L, Carrol L, Voaklander D, Gross DP, Beach J. Pain Coping in Injured Workers With Chronic Pain: What’s Unique About Workers? Disability and Rehabilitation. March 2012. Published Online. Pollock N, Sharma N, Christensen C, Law M, Gorter JW, Darrah J. Change in Parent-identified Goals in Young Children With Cerebral Palsy Receiving A Context-focused Intervention: Associations With Child, Goal and Intervention Factors. (In Press) Scott J, Khakoo, Mackey J, Haykowsky M, Douglas P, Jones L. Modulation of Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity by Aerobic Exercise in Breast Cancer: Current Evidence and Underlying Mechanisms. Circulation. 2011, 124:642650. Scott SD, Ball GDC, Dryden DM, Hartling L, Hofmeyer A, Jones CA, Kovacs Burns K, Newton AS, Thompson D, Klassen TP. Results From A Systematic Review of Knowledge Translation Strategies in the Allied Health Professions. Implementation Science. 2012, (In press).

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Smirl JD, Haykowsky MJ, Nelson MD, Altamirano-Diaz LA, Ainslie PN. Resting and Exercise Cerebral Blood Flow in Long-term Heart Transplant Recipients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplant. 2012. Slaughter SE, Estabrooks CA, Jones CA, Wagg AS. Mobility of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE): Study Protocol to Evaluate the Implementation and Outcomes of A Mobility Intervention in Long-term Care Facilities. BMC Geriatrics. 2011, 11:84 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2318/11/84. Sipola P, Leinonen V, Niemeläinen R, Aalto T, Vanninen R, Manninen H, Airaksinen O, BattiÊ MC. Visual and Quantitative Assessment of Lateral Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis With Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Acta Radiol. 2011, Nov 1;52(9):1024-31. Stickland M. Fuhr D, Haykowsky M, Jones K, Paterson I, Ezekowitz J, McMurtry MS. Carotid Chemoreceptor modulation of blood flow during exercise in healthy humans. Journal of Physiology. 2011:6219-6230. Stout N, Binkley J, Schmitz KH, Andrews K, Hayes SC, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Soballe PW, Berger AM, Cheville AL, Fabian C, Gerber L, Harris SR, Johansson K, Pusic AL, Prosnitz RG, Smith R. A Prospective Surveillance Model for Rehabilitation for Women With Breast Cancer. Cancer. 2012, 118: SUPPL.8:2191-2200. Stubblefield MD, McNeely ML, Alfano CM, Mayer DK. A Prospective Surveillance Model for Physical Rehabilitation of Women with Breast Cancer: Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Cancer. 2012, 118: SUPPL.8:2250-2260. Teodorczyk-Injeyan JA, Triano JJ, McGregor M, Injeyan HS, Puhl A, Woodhouse LJ. Elevated Production of Inflammatory Mediators Including Nociceptive Chemokines in Patients With Neck Pain: A Cross-sectional Evaluation. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2011, 34(8):498-505. Tomczak C and Haykowsky MJ. Discrepancy Between Cardiac and Physical Functional Reserves in Stroke. Stroke. (In Press). Tomczak C, Paterson I, Haykowsky M, Lawrance R, Martellotto A, Pantano A, Gulamhusein S, Haennel R. Effects of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy On Oxygen Uptake Kinetics and Left Ventricular Function in Clinical Heart Failure. American Journal of Physiology - Heart Circulation Physiology. 2012, Jun;302(12):H2635-45.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles... Vaillant M, Edgecombe T, Long CR, Pickar J, Kawchuk GN. The Effect of Duration and Amplitude of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) on Spinal Stiffness Manual Therapy. Manual Therapy (In press). Videman T, Battié MC. Commentary: Back Pain Epidemiology--The Challenge of Case Definition and Developing New Ideas. The Spine Journal. 2012, Jan;12(1):71-2. Wang Y, Battié MC, Videman T. A Morphological Study of Lumbar Vertebral Endplates: Radiographic, Visual and Digital Measurements. European Spine Journal. 2012, Jun 29. Wang Y, Boyd SK, Battié MC, Yasui Y, Videman T. Is Greater Lumbar Vertebral Bone Mineral Density Associated With More Disc Degeneration? A study Using Micro-CT and Discography. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2011, Nov;26(11):2785-91. Wang Y, Boyd S, Battié MC, Yasui Y, Videman T. Response To “Vertebral Fracture and Intervertebral Discs”. Journal of Bone and Mineral Bone Miner Res. 2012, Jun;27(6):1433-4. Wang Y, Videman T, Battié MC. Modic Changes: Prevalence, Distribution Patterns and Association With Age In White Men. Spine Journal. 2012, May; 12(5):411-6. Wiart L, Darrah J, Kelly M, Legge D. Community Fitness Programs: What Is Available for Children With Motor Disabilities and What Do Parents Want? (In press). Woodhouse LJ. Clinical Commentary – Do Ibuprofen or Glucosamine in Addition to Resistance Exercise Training Improve Muscle Strength in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis? Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2012, 22(3) 2902. Yang JF, Musselman KE. Training to Achieve Over Ground Walking After Spinal Cord Injury: A Review of Who, What, When and How. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine (In press).

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations Albrecht L, Scott S, Ball G, Dryden D, Hartling L, Jones A, Newton A, Klassen T, Hofmeyer A, Kovacs K, Thompson D. A Systematic Review on Research Implementation in Allied Health Professions. Presented at: Cochrane Canada 9th Annual Symposium, Vancouver BC 2011. Baser J, Jones CA, Feeny DH. Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease: Methodological Challenges. Presented at: Canadian Research Data Centre Network National Conference “Coming of Age: The Policy Impact of An Aging Population” Edmonton, 2011. Battie MC. Disc Degeneration Has Mainly A Genetic or Biomechanical Basis? Presented at: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting, Amsterdam 2012. Battié MC. A Perspective On “Are Patterns of Lumbar Disc Degeneration Associated With Low Back Pain? New Insights Based on Skipped Level Disc Pathology”. Presented by: Samartzis et al. At the ISSLS Annual Meeting in 2011. Battié MC. Epidemiology and Genetics of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration. Presented at: 15th SGNS Annual Meeting, Tokyo Japan 2011 (cancelled due to earthquake). Beaupre LA, Arafah O, Masson E, Lewicke J, Luckhurst B, Weicker D, O’Connor G. Impact of An Intensive Postoperative Rehabilitation Program in Patients Less Than 65 Years of Age Following Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Randomized Pilot Study. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2011. Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC, Tsui B. The Impact of a Femoral Nerve Block on Recovery Following A Primary TKA: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2011. Beaupre LA, Jones CA, Johnston DWC, Wilson D, Majumdar SR. Functional Status & Mortality in Nursing Home Patients After Hip Fracture: Prospective Cohort Study. Presented at: The Gerontological Society of America, Boston. The Gerontologist. 2011, 51, suppl S2:554.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Boljanovic-Susic D, Macdermid J, Stratford P, Rachevitz M, Gollish J, Macritchie I, Petruccelli D, de Beer J, Woodhouse LJ. Prevalence of Chronic Pain Following Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty. Presented at: International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) 14th World Congress on Pain, Milan 2012. Boljanovic-Susic D, Rachevitz M, Gollish J, MacRitchie, de Beer J, Stratford P, Woodhouse LJ. Does the McGill Pain Subscale Differentiate Between Neuropathic and Non-neuropathic Chronic Pain in the Total Joint Arthroplasty Population? Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress, Whistler BC 2011. Bostick GP, Schneider GM, Smith A, Schneider KJ, Jones D, Walton DM. Barriers and Facilitators to Physiotherapist Engagement in Clinical Research. Presented at: International Federation of Manual Physical Therapists Meeting, 2012. Bostick GP, Brown CA, Carroll LJ, Gross DP. If They Can Put A Man On the Moon, They Should Be Able To Fix A Neck Injury: A Mixed-methods Study Characterizing and Explaining Pain Beliefs About WAD. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2012. Bostick GP, Carroll LJ, Brown CA, Harley DD, Gross DP. Predictive Capacity of Pain Beliefs and Catastrophizing in Whiplash Associated Disorder. Presented at: Annual Canadian Pain Society Meeting, 2012. Bouliane M, Chan H, Beaupre LA, Ashworth N, Lambert R, Silveira A, Sheps D. Suprascapular Nerve Injury Risk During Arthroscopic Superior Labral Repair Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2012. Bouliane M, Chan H, Lambert R, Glasgow R, Beaupre L, Sheps DM. An Examination of Inter and Intra-rater Reliability of Shoulder Radiographs Among Patients With Recurrent Instability Requiring Surgical Correction. Presented at: Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting 2011. Brown CA, Bostick GP, Lim JL, Gross DP. Perceived Injustice In Injured Workers: Analysis of Public Responses to An Injured Worker You Took. Workers’ Compensation Board Employees Hostage. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2012, doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6712.2012.00967.x.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Butler C, Darrah J. An Outcome that Matters: Effective Mobility. Presented at: American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Dvelopmental Medicine, Las Vegas 2011. Chepeha JA, Magee D, Sheps D, Warren S, Beaupre LA. Effectiveness of A Posterior Shoulder Stretch on Overhead Varsity Level Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual General Meeting 2012. Chepeha J, Beaupre LA, Magee D. The Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) and Minimal Clinical Difference (MCD) Associated With Measuring Internal Rotation, External Rotation and Horizontal Adduction At the Glenohumeral Joint. Physiotherapy Canada. 2011, 63 (Suppl):24. Chow R, Begum F, Beaupre LA, Carey J, Adeeb S, Bouliane M. Proximal Humerus Fracture Fixation: Locking Plate Construct +/- Intramedullary Fibular Allograft. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2011. Clark M, Chow R, Rudniski C, Otto D, Beaupre LA. Occupational Risk in Orthopaedic Surgery: Is the Use of Fluoroscopy Hazardous to Your Vision? Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2012. Cocker M, Haykowsky M, Friedrich M. Can A Single VO2max Test Induce Reversible Myocardial Injury in Healthy Endurance Trained Men:Insights From T2-Weighted Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. Volume 27, Issue 5, Supplement, September-October 2011, Pages S209-S210. Collinge WR, Gross DP, Bostick GP, Cutforth G, Maroun C, Rutten G, Oostendorp RAB. Evaluating Clinician Awareness of and Adherence to A Guideline for The Evidence-Informed Primary Care Management of Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver BC 2012 and Annual Congress of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Saskatoon SK 2012. Cote AT, Haykowsky M, Riess K, Bredin S, Warburton DER. Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health in Heart Transplant Recipients. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation. 20th Annual Meeting. Vancouver BC 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Cote AT, Haykowsky MJ, Bredin SD, Phillips AA, Esch BT, Warburton DER. Baroreceptor Sensitivity in Active Organ Transplant Patients. Presented at: 2011 American College of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Conference. Daniels J & Martin B. Evaluation of Augustana MScPT Project: A Distributed Learning Model for Physical Therapy Education. Presented at: UofA Festival of Teaching 2012. Darrah J. Function and Family: New Fundamentals for Children With Motor Impairments. Presented at: 2011 China-Canada Pediatric Neurosciences and Rehabilitation National Conference, 2011. Davis AM, Cott C, Li L, Landry M, Jones A, Wong R, Frank C, Bergeron L, Birtwhistle R, Badley EM. Organization of Care Delivery for People With Arthritis: Models and Processes. Presented at: American College of Rheumatology 75th National Scientific Meeting (Chicago): Arthritis and Rheumatism 2011. 63(10) S678 and Canadian Arthritis Network Annual Scientific Conference, Quebec City 2011. Davis AM, Cott C, Li L, Landry M, Jones A, Wong R, Frank C, Bergeron L, Birtwhistle R, Badley EM. Innovative Models and Processes Care Delivery for People With Arthritis. Presented at: The Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research, Montreal 2012. Desmeules F, Petruccelli D, Alvarado K, Johnson G, Evans B, Woodhouse L. A New Interprofessional Model of Care Improves Access to Care for Patients With Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis. Presented at: Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR), Montreal Canada, 2012. Desmeules, F, Hall J, Bellavia M, Manson G, Gillem J, Hannah M, Woodhouse LJ. Effects of Prehabilitation on Pain and Physical Function of Patients With Severe Disability Awaiting TJA: Results of A Pilot Study. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress, Whistler, BC 2011. Edgecombe T, Kawchuk GN, Long C, Pickar P. Biomechanical Responses to the Mechanical Characteristics of A Spinal Manipulation: Effect of Varying Segmental Contact Site. Presented at: International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Portland 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Emery C, Woodhouse LJ, Jones CA, Beaupre LA. Prevention and Management of Osteoarthritis: An Evidence-based Perspective Across the Spectrum of Disease. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress May 2012 and Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress, Saskatoon SK 2012. Funabashi M, Warren S, Kawchuk GN. Knowledge Exchange and Knowledge Translation in Physical Therapy and Manual Therapy Fields: Barriers, Facilitators and Issues. Presented at: Alberta Graduate Conference 2012, Edmonton. Gross DP, Young AE, Wasiak R. Measuring Recurrence of Back Pain in Workers’ Compensation Claimants Using Administrative Data. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver BC 2012. Gross DP, Asante AK, Miciak M, Battié MC, Carroll LJ, Sun A, Welch J, Mikalsky M, Huellstrung R, Niemeläinen R. Does Performance-based Functional Testing Enhance Return to Work Assessment? Presented at: Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health, Vancouver BC 2012. Gross DP. Musculoskeletal Injury The Right Treatment At the Right Time. Presented at: Infonex Occupational Health & Safety Conference, Calgary AB 2012. Gross DP. Knowledge Transfer and Exchange in Occupational Health PT: When Education Isn’t Enough. Presented at: Australian Physiotherapy Conference, Brisbane, Australia 2011. Gross DP. Advances in Work Disability Assessment and Prevention From Silos to Systems. Presented at: Australian Physiotherapy Conference Occupational Health International Keynote Lecture, Brisbane Australia 2011. Hall M, Hatch T, King S, Norton B, McFarlane L, Taylor E, Paslawski T, Kahlke R, Gurguis L, Sommer felt S, Peterson K, Schmitz C, McLaughlin A. Busting Out of the Silos; Integrating Inter Professional Competencies Early in Health Sciences Programs. Presented at: Ottawa Conference Kuala, Lampur Malaysia 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Haennel RG. Exercise in the Management of Patients With Cardiac Device Implants. Presented at: Southern Physiotherapy Symposium, Queenstown NZ, 2011. Haennel RG. Exercise Prescription for Chronic Disease Patients. Presented at: Southern Physiotherapy Symposium, Queenstown NZ, 2011. Hashem M, Parent E, Hill D, Hedden D, Moreau M, Mahood J. Correlations Between Changes in Surface Topography and Changes in Radiograph Measurements from Before to 6 Months After Surgery in Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis. Presented at: Canadian Spine Society Meeting, Sun Peaks Ab, No. 0075 Can J Surg 55 Suppl Juin 2012, 1.2.12, S39. Hatch T, King S, Hall M, Paslawski T, Schmitz C, Taylor E, Guirguis L, Kahlke R, MacGregor D, McLaughlin A. It Takes a Village: Partnering for Authentic and Sustainable Interprofessional Education. Presented at: Alberta’s Triprofessional Conference, Banff AB 2012. Haykowsky M. Expectations of Physical Fitness After Transplant. Presented at: International Transplant Nurses Association, Edmonton AB 2012. Haykowsky M. Physical Fitness After Transplant. Presented at: International Transplant Nurses Association, Edmonton AB, 2012. Haykowsky M. Acute Effects of High-intensity Interval Exercise on Biventricular Function: A View From the Athletic to the Falling Heart. Presented at: Exercise Physiology of Western Canada, Edmonton AB 2011. Haykowsky M. Determinants of Exercise Intolerance in Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction: More Than A Pump Problem. Presented at: Alberta Heart Training Program Seminar Series, Edmonton AB 2011. Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Research Program. Presented at: Mazankowski Alberta Heart Research Symposium, Edmonton AB 2011. Haykowsky M. Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction: More Than a Pump Problem. Presented at: Cardiology Divisional Rounds Mazankowski, Edmonton AB 2012 and Cardiology Divisional Rounds Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal QC 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Haykowsky M. Pathophysiology of Exercise Intolerance Post Heart Transplantation. Presented at: Alberta Transplant Institute University of Alberta Edmonton AB 2012. Haykowsky M. Pathophysiology of Exercise Intolerance in Heart Transplant Recipients: Role of High-intensity Training. Presented at: 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, Liverpool UK 2011. Haykowsky M. Contribution of Cardiac and Conduit Artery Function to Exercise Capacity In Older Persons. Presented at: Faculty of Medicine Grand Medical Rounds, Edmonton AB 2012 and Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centre Annual Meeting, Bethesda MN 2012. Haykowsky M. Evolving, Innovative New Exercise Training Modalities and Combinations. NHLBI Working Group: Exercise Training As Therapy for Heart Failure. Presented at: National Heart, Lun and Blood Institute, Bethesda MN 2012. Haykowsky M. Upper Limits of Human Performance: 25 Years Post Heart Tranplantation: Ironman Journey Begins With A Single Step. Presented at: School of Nutrition and Human Performance Arizona State University, Phoenix Arizona 2011. Henderson CE & Manns PJ. Group Delivery of a Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Program. Presented at: Canadian Stroke Congress, Ottawa 2011. Hill D, Parent E, Jacob J, McWhae R, Zhang P. Intra-rater Reliability and Normative Values for A New Cosmetic Score to Quantify the Surface Topography of Patients With Scoliosis Curves Affecting the Lumbar Spine. Program and Abstract Book of the Women Children Health Research Institute WCHRI research day, November 30th 2011 Edmonton, p100. Hofmeyer A, Scott, SD, Albrecht L, Ball G, Dryden D, Hartling L, Jones A, Newton A, Klassen T, Kovacs Burns K, Thompson D. A Systematic Review on Research Implementation in Allied Health Professions. Presented at: 7th Health Services and Policy Research Conference, Adelaide Australia 2011. Jacob J, Parent E. Correlations Between Changes in Patho-anatomical Findings and Changes in Pain From Before To After Flexion Exercises in Persons With Low Back Pain. A Study Using Clinical and MRI Assessments. 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Jasper L, Daniels J, Haennel RG, Johnson R and Martin B. Teaching Physical Therapy Using Video Conferencing Technology: Early Experience With A Rural, Satellite Master’s of Science in Physical Therapy program. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Congress AGM, Saskatoon SK 2012. Jones CA, Prehab Thru Rehab. Presented at: Arthritis Care Clinical Symposium, Vancouver 2011. Jones CA, Baser J, Feeny DH. How Physically Active Are Persons With Parkinson Disease? Presented at: 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Denver Colorado 2011, Quality of Life Research 2012 20: 91. Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Jhangri GS, Suarez-Almazor ME. Identifying Comorbid Conditions That Affect the 6-month Recovery Pattern of Total Knee Arthroplasty. Presented at: American College of Rheumatologists Annual Meeting 2011. Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Majumdar SR. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Residents After Hip Fracture. Presented at: 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Denver Colorado 2011. Kaneko S, Tham E, Nelson M, Koo N, Mackie A, Smallhorn, Thompson R, Haykowsky MJ. Impaired Diastolic Reserve During Exercise in Children After Anthracycline Therapy With Normal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction. Presented at: American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions. Orlando FL 2011. Kato D, Stickland M, Rodgers W and Haennel R. Determination of the Ability to Perform Activities of Daily Living in People With Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. Presented at: National Strength and Conditioning Association Annual Scientific meeting, Las Vegas 2011. Published in: Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 26:S-130, 2011. Kawchuk GN, Hartvigsen J, Edgecombe T, Prasad N. Structural Health Monitoring (Vibration) As A Diagnostic Tool To Identify Spinal Pathologies: A Twin Study Using MRI Validation. Presented at: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Amsterdam 2012. Kawchuk GN, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Carlson V, Fowler L, Gabrush B, Gibson T, McLaren T. The Effect of Lumbar Bracing on Back Muscle Area in Ambulatory Asymptomatic Subjects. Presented at: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Amsterdam 2012. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Kawchuk GN, Prasad N, Chamberlain R, Klymkiv A, Peter L. The Effect of A Standardized Massage Application on Spinal Stiffness in Asymptomatic Subjects. Presented at: International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health 2012, Portland. King S, Hall M, McFarlane L, Taylor E, Norton B, Paslawski T, Guirguis L, Hatch T, Kahlke R, Peterson K, Schmitz C. Integration of Interprofessional Competencies in Health Sciences Programs: A Bridge From Classroom to Practice. Presented at: Collaborating Across Borders III (CAB III), Tucson Arizona 2011. Lopetinsky B, Richter A, Parent EC, Andersen J, Watt JM. Improvement in Caregiver Mobility Goals and Satisfaction After Robotic Gait Training in Children With Cerebral Palsy. Presented at: CP in Motion 2012, Edmonton Alberta. Macedo L, Wang Y, BattiÊ MC. The Sedimentation Sign for the Differential Diagnosis of Spinal Stenosis. Presented at: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting, Amsterdam 2012. Magdanz E, Parent EC, Henhoeffer G, and Kennedy MD. The Ability of Musculoskeletal Screening and Fitness Measures to Predict Time to Injury in Varsity Athletes. Presented at: ACSM 59th Annual Meeting, San Francisco California May 29-June 2 2012. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 44. (5) Suppl S141. Manns PJ. Intervening to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Conference, May 2012. Manolescu A, Beaupre LA, McMillan J, Weber D, Cinats J, Russell KJ, Greidanus T, Johnston DWC: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Alumina Head/ Alumina Liner Versus Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene/Alumina Liners in Patients Less Than 60 Years of Age: Five Year Functional Outcomes and Re-operation Rates. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2011. Al-Mansoori K, Firth K, Cave D, Kemp KAR, Silveira A, Beaupre LA, Dulai SK. The Effect of Liposomal Lidocaine on Perceived Pain in Children During Percutaneous Intraosseous Pin Removal in The Outpatient Setting: A Triple Blinded, Randomized Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial. Presented at: Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Annual Research Day 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Martin B, Daniels J, Haennel RG and Johnson R. Learning From A Distance: The Experience of Offering Physical Therapy Programs to Students Attending Classes Via Video Conferencing Technology At A Satellite Campus. Presented at: Ottawa 2012 Conference: Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 2012. Martin B, Jasper L. Teaching Physical Therapy Using Video Conferencing Technology: Early Experience With A Rural Satellite Masters of Science in Physical Therapy Program. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress 2012. McGlasson R, Beaupre LA. Development of A National Hip Fracture Toolkit. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual General Meeting, May 2012. McNeely M. Development of A Lymphedema Assessment and Surveillance Program: Phase I. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Conference, Whistler BC 2011. McNeely M, Roger L. Exercise After Head and Neck Cancer Diagnosis: Opportunities and Challenges: Tutorial. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco CA 2012. Mollins JE, Beaupre LA, Meropoulis A, Crowell C, Stevens H, Jones CA. A Scoping Review Approach to Manage Heterogeneous and Low Level Evidence: the Case of Risk Factors and Determinants of Revisions for Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasties. Presented at: Cochrane Canada 10th Annual Symposium, Winnipeg 2012. Mollins JE, Jones CA, Clark M, Beaupre L. Characteristics Associated With Increased Pain and Low Functional Recovery Three- five Years Following Total Knee arthroplasty. Presented at: Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Student Conference, Saskatoon 2012. Musselman KE, Gorassini MA, Brunton K, Livingstone D, Yang JF. Is Repetitive Mass Practice Better Than Focused Precise Walking for Retraining Walking After Chronic Incomplete Injury of the Spinal Cord? Presented at: Society of Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans 2012 (accepted). Parent EC. Physical Rehabilitation for the Treatment of AIS. Presented at: OREF Funding BrAIST II Study Planning Group, Chicago 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Parent EC. Overview of the Pilot Study At University of Alberta, Brief Comments on Schroth Experience. Presented at: OREF Funded Planning Workshop, Louisville KY 2011. Parent EC. We Can’t All Be Right? Can We? Learnings from Varation. Presented at: CPA Congress, Saskatoon 2012. Parent EC. The Treatment-based Classification System for Low Back Pain: Using Prediction Rule to Identify Responders to Popular Treatments. Presented at: Millard Health Physical Therapy, Edmonton AB 2011. Parent EC, Alderdice C, Evans J, Feldman S, Robinson S, White L, Long A, McDougall M, Bonnet F, Brososky C. Repeated Movement Testing in Patients With Low Back Pain (LBP) Using the Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) Approach: How Much Is Enough? Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress 2012, Saskatoon Saskatchewan. A056, Physiotherapy Canada 64 Suppl 1, P 28. Parent EC, Breitkreitz R, Ladd J, McIntosh K, Pauls D, Urhbach S, Koppenhaver S. A Pilot Sensitivity to Change Study of Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging of the Transversus Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus in Patients With Low Back Pain. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress 2012, Saskatoon Saskatchewan. A057, Physiotherapy Canada 64 Suppl 1, P28. Parent EC, Buyks D, Clough J, Jespersen L, Gibson J, Lessard J. Therapy Objectives, Treatments Modalities and Outcomes Used By Physiotherapists for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Alberta, Canada. Presented at: SOSORT 9th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Milan Italy 2012. Parent EC, Zhang P, Hill D, Hedden D, Moreau M, Adeeb S, Lou E. Testretest Reliability of Full-torso Surface Topography Measurements in Patients With Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis With A Main Thoracic Curve Type. Program and Abstract Book of the Women Children Health Research Institute WCHRI research day, November 30th 2011 Edmonton, P123. Parent EC, Zhang PQ, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Lou E. Sensitivity-toChange of Full Torso Surface Topography Measurements in Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis and A Main Thoracic Curve. Presented at: International Research Society for Spinal Deformity Meeting, Poznan Poland 2012. Research into Spinal Deformities 8, Kotwicki T and Grivas TB (eds), vol 176. p484, 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Parent E, Caveny P, Richter A, Tiedemann K, Steil K. The 2mwt in Glenrose Geriatrics Program to Document Effect of the Inpatient Redesign and Predict Discharge Destination. Presented at: Spotlight on Research Breakfast, Edmonton AB 2011. Patrick SK, Musselman KE, Tajino J, Bastian AJ, Yang JF. Error Size and Prior Exposure Influence Adaptation to Split-belt Walking in Children But Not Adults. Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Washington DC, 2011. Pickar J, Reed W, Long C, Kawchuk GN. Neural Responses to the Mechanical Characteristics of A Spinal Manipulation: Effect of Varying Segmental Contact Site. Presented at: International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Portland 2012. Pickar J, Reed W, Long C, Kawchuk GN. Neural Responses to the Mechanical Characteristics of A Spinal Manipulation: Effect of Varying Segmental Contact Site. Prasad A, Jones A, Senthilselvan A. How Active Are Respondents With Arthritis: An Explanation of the Association Between Physical Activity and Arthritis. Presented at: Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Student Conference, Saskatoon 2012. Pun SC, Figura M, Chow K, Haykowsky M, Thompson R, Paterson I. A Simple Method for Characterizing Left Ventricular Remodeling by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 2011,13 (Suppl 1) P277. Presented at: 2011 SCMR/Euro CMR Joint Scientific Sessions, Nice France. Ramadi A, Buijs D, Strickland M, Haennel RG. Impact of Supervised Exercise Training on Daily Physical Activity of Elderly Cardio Pulmonary Rehabilitation Patients. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, ASM Vancouver BC, 2011. Published in: Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2011; 31(5) pE-4. Rezansoff A, Beaupre LA, Jen H, Lambert R, Majumdar SR, Clark M. Bone Mineral Density Changes following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Presented at: Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Rodgers W, Holm S, Vogan N, Selzler AM, Haennel R, Wong E, Stickland M. Change in Self-efficacy During and Following Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Relationship to Exercise Intentions. Presented at: European Health Psychology Society, Annual Scientific meeting, 2011. Published in: Psychology and Health 26(Suppl. 2) p208, 2011. Sadowski CA, Jones CA, Pasay D. Designing An Inter-professional Peer Teaching Laboratory Involving Pharmacy and Physiotherapy Students. Presented at: Festival of Teaching, University of Alberta, Edmonton 2012. Schofield J, Adeeb S, Parent E. An Assistive Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis and Sit-to-stand Biomechanics. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Fajardo Puerto Rico 2012. Presented at: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Research Symposium 2011, Edmonton AB and 12th Annual Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference Poster Contest, Banff AB and CSCE 2012 3rd International Structural Speciality Conference, Edmonton AB. Schreiber S, Parent EC, Hedden DM, Watkins EM, Hill DL, Moreau M, Southon S, Mahood JK. Feasibility and Three Months Preliminary Results of An RCT on the Effect of Schroth Exercises in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). Presented at: SOSORT 9th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Milan Italy, 2012. Scott S, Albrecht L, O’Leary K, Ball GDC, Dryden DM, Hartling L, Hofmeyer A, Jones CA, Kovacs Burns K, Newton AS, Thompson DS, & Klassen TP. A Systematic Review on Knowledge Translation Strategies in the Allied Health Professions. Presented at: Research Transfer Network of Alberta (RTNA) Conference, Edmonton AB 2011. Scott S, Albrecht L, O’Leary K, Ball GDC, Dryden DM, Hartling L, Hofmeyer A, Jones CA, Kovacs Burns K, Newton AS, Thompson DS, Klassen TP. A Systematic Review on Research Implementation in Allied Health Professions. Presented at: Academy Health Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle Washington, 2011 and TP Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton 2011. Scott, SD, Albrecht L, Ball G, Dryden D, Hartling L, Hofmeyer A, Jones A, Newton A, Klassen T, Kovacs Burns K, Thompson D. Evidence synthesis: Knowledge translation strategies to put research into practice in allied health. A systematic review. Presented at 2011 Joanna Briggs International Convention, Adelaide Australia, 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Sellar CM, Bell GJ, Haennel RG, Au HJ, Chua N and KS Courneya. Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of An Exercise Training Program for Colorectal Cancer Survivors. Presented at: American College of Sports Medicine ASM, San Francisco 2012. Published in: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2012, 44(Supplement):S76, 922. Selzler AM, Rodgers W, Senaratne M and Haennel RG. Examining Changes in Self-efficacy for Exercise and Activities of Daily Living in Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, ASM Vancouver BC, 2011. Published in: Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2011; 31(5) pE-7. Selzler AM, Rodgers W, Haennel R, Holm S, Vogan N, McKillop A, Wong E, Stickland M. An Exercise-based Implementation Intention Intervention in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Patients. Presented at: European Health Psychology Society, Annual Scientific Meeting, 2011. Published in: Psychology and Health 26(Suppl. 2) p218, 2011. Slaughter S, Estabrooks C, Jones A, Wagg A. Mobility of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE): Translating Knowledge to Health Care Aides in Long-Term Care Facilities. Presented at: 25th Annual Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton 2011. Smirl J, Haykowsky M, Marsden K, Jones H, Nelson M, Ainslie P, Alimirano-Diaz, L. Cerebral Blood Flow and Heart Transplant Recipients: Rest and During Exercise. Presented at: Physiological Society. Oxford UK 2011. Somerfeldt M, Beaupre LA, Rowe B, Otto D, Bouliane M. The Use of Early Mobilization in the Management of Soft Tissue Knee Injuries – The Results of a Survey of Emergency Room Physicians, Sport Medicine Physicians and Orthopaedic Surgeons. Presented at: Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day. Souster M, Sheps D, Styles-Tripp F, Luciak-Corea C, Bouliane M, Bury J, Glasgow Jr. R, Beaupre LA, Balyk R. Early Mobilization Following Mini-open Rotator Cuff Repair. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2012. Selected As A Top 10 Abstract To Be Re-presented At the AAOS 2013 As Part of Canada’s Guest Nation Presentations. Sterling M, Huijbregts M, & Hopkins-Rosseel DH, Woodhouse LJ. Facilitating Behavioural Change in Rehabilitation. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress 2011, Whistler BC. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Styles-Tripp F, Sheps D, Souster M, Luciak-Corea C, Bouliane M, Bury J, Glasgow Jr. R, Beaupre LA, Balyk R. Early Mobilization Following Mini-open Rotator Cuff Repair. Presented at: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual General Meeting May 2012 and Ontario Physiotherapy Association Annual General Meeting March, 2012 and The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual General Meeting 2012. Tajino J, Patrick SK, Musselman KE, Bastian AJ, Yang JF. Adaptation on A Split-belt Treadmill: Effect of Prior Exposure in Kids vs. Adults. Presented at: Alberta Motor Control Meeting, Jasper AB 2011. Taylor E, Hall M, King S, McFarlane L, Norton B, Paswlaski T, Guirguis L, Stobart K. Creating Effective Interprofessional Practitioners from the Classroom to Practice. Presented at: Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy Conference, Quebec 2012. Tham E, Haykowsky MJ, Chow K, Kaneko S, Spavor M, Khoo N, Pagano J, Mackie A, Thompson R. Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis Negatively Correlates With Exercise Capacity in Children With Subclinical Anthracycline Cardiotoxicity. Presented at: American Heart Association, Scientific Sessions. Orlando FL 2011. Vasudevan E, Patrick SK, Yang JF. Gait Transitions in Human Walking: Can Babies Run? Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans 2012 (accepted). Verma S, Beaupre LA, Kemp K, Smith S, Scharfenberger AV. A Preliminary Safety Analysis of Primary Closure of Long Bone Compound Fractures: A Matched Series Evaluation. Presented at: Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual General Meeting 2011. Wang Y, Videman T, BattiĂŠ MC. Lumbar Vertebral Endplate Lesions: Association With Disc Degeneration and Back Pain History. Presented at: International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting, Amsterdam 2012. Weeks C, Begum F, Beaupre LA, Adeeb S, Bouliane M. Locking Plate Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures in Osteoporotic Bone with Impaction of the Fracture Site to Restore Medial Column Support. Presented at: Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Research Day.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts... Yang JF, Gorassini MA, Yager J, Roy F, Andersen J, Kirton A. Working With Gait: Optimizing Leg Function Using Intensive, Early Training. Presented at: CP in Motion, Edmonton AB 2012. Yang JF, Musselman KE, Livingstone D, Brunton K, Gorassini MA. Is Repetitive Mass Practice Better Than Focused Precise Walking for Retraining Walking After Chronic Incomplete Injury of the Spinal Cord? Presented at: Society of Neuroscience Meeting, New Orleans 2012 (accepted). Yang JF, Patrick SK, Noah A. Non-walking Forms of Locomotion in Human Adults. Presented at: Alberta Motor Control Meeting, Jasper AB 2011.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Alberta Arthroplasty Research Group

Executive Committee

Alberta Health and Wellness Institute of Health Economics

Ambassador Guideline - Development Group for Migraine Headache

Alberta Health Services

Alberta Bone and Joint Strategic Clinical Research Network Committee

Alberta Health Services

Alberta Strategic Clinical Network Oversight Committee

Alberta Health Services

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Research Steering Committee

Alberta Health Services

Lymphedema Working Group

Alberta Innovates Health Solution

Postgraduate Fellowship Committee

American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Scientific Program

Bone and Joint Decade Canada - Hip Fracture Toolkit Development

Steering Committee

Brazilian Journal of Physiotherapy

Editorial Board

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Evaluation Services

Canadian Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation

Scientific Committee

Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program

Selection Committee Executive Committee

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Past Chair

CIHR Social & Developmental Aspects of Children’s and Youth’s Health

Peer Review Committee

Canadian Institute of Health Research

Allied Health Professionals - Fellowships Committee

Canadian Institute of Health Research

Reviewer for Operating Grant Submissions

Canadian Lymphedema Framework

Research Sub-Committee

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

National Sports Physiotherapy Division - Examination Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Pain Sciences Division

Canadian Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Board of Directors

Childcare: Health and Development (journal)

Editorial Board

Chiropractic and Manual Therapies

Editorial Board

Creating Bone and Joint Health from the Bedside to the Bench and Back Again Designer Therapies to Reduce the Burden of Osteoarthritis (OA) - from Mechanisms to Prevention (AHFMR Team Grant)

Database Committee KT Outputs Committee Project Coordinator Committee Executive Committee Training Committee

Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Research

Research Committee

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Rehabilitation Research Grant Review Committee

Global Hip Fracture Recovery Research Network

Founding Committee

Heart & Stroke Foundation of AB, NWT & Nunavut

Board of Directors

Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal

Editorial Board

International Forum for Primary Care Research in Low Back Pain

International Advisory Committee

International Hip Fracture Collaborative

Executive Committee

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine

Fellowship Committee

Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics

Editorial Board

Millard Health

Research Committee

National Lymphedema Network Conference

Scientific Advisory Group

The Open Spine Journal

Editorial Board

Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (Journal)

Editorial Board

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Physiotherapy (Journal)

International Advisory Board

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association

Conduct Committee

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association

Alberta Rehabilitation Conference 2012

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association

Discipline Committee

Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada

Peer Review Team

Provincial Hip Fracture Pathway

Working Group

Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton

Research Committee

Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment

Scientific Committee

Spine Journal

Editorial Board

Steadward Centre

Board of Directors

US Musculoskeletal Review

Editorial Board

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Beaupre, L

Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar in Rehabilitation for Total Joint Arthroplasty

Bostick, G

CSEP Certification Preparation Course, Faculty of Physical Education, UofA

Bostick, G

Alberta Health Services Workshop Series for Primary Health Care - Chronic Pain

Chepeha, J

Shoulder Stretch gets Athletes Back in the Game

Chepeha, J

Shoulder Injuries in Swimmers

Chepeha, J

Rotator Cuff Tears: Management from Injury to Outcome

Chepeha, J

Post-operative Shoulder Rehabilitation Guidelines

Crites-Battie, M

Spine Imaging: What do you make of all those degenerative findings?

Darrah, J

American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Podium Presentation

Darrah, J

Guangzhou Children’s Hospital In-service

Darrah, J

Canadian Child Health Scientist Clinician Program Panel

Gross, D

Innovations in Occupational Health and Safety Session

Hall, M

Rehabilitation Medicine Student Supervision Workshops

Hall, M

Early Mobilization in ICU

Haykowski, M

Exercise Prescription in Transplant Patients

Haykowski, M

Physiology-Cardiac Structure and Function

Haykowski, M

Strength Training

Jones, A

Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar in Rehabilitation for Total Joint Arthroplasty

Jones, A

Seniors’ Rehabilitation: An update on research that matters to you

Magee, D

Mobilization and Stabilization

Magee, D

Sports Injuries

Manns, P

Stroke and activity behavior: past and future research. Sansom Institute Seminar Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Manns, P

Measurement of Sedentary Behaviour

Parent, E

Modeling Collaborative Teams: Moving Practice Support to an Interprofessional Lens

Parent, E

Evaluation 2 Session: International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities

Woodhouse, L

Spine Access: An innovative Health Service Delivery and Spine Disease Management Model

Woodhouse, L

Ask a Researcher: Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress 2011, 2012

Woodhouse, L

Measuring Physical Function

Woodhouse, L

Osteoarthritis and Total Joint Arthroplasty

Woodhouse, L

Physical Therapy Management of Cumulative Trauma

Woodhouse, L

Endocrine factors in Cumulative Trauma

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2012 academic year a total of 457 placements were coordinated through the office of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE). These include placements for U of A students placed within Alberta, U of A students placed elsewhere in Canada or internationally as well as students from other Canadian and international universities placed in Alberta. In addition, there were 115 spare placements for this time frame. These numbers represent placements for the 1 September 2011 – 31 July 2012 time frame and do not include placements for PTHER 523 which was completed in July 2011 and will run again in September 2012. A full breakdown of offers per course, practice area and practice setting are presented in the tables below. Course

Number of Placements











PTHER 523 (July 2011)

82 (6 Intl - Kenya, Turks and Caicos, Nepal, USA)

UofA Students placed out of province


Out of province/international students placed in Alberta


Practice Setting

Number of Placements

Acute Care Hospital


Rehabilitation Facility


Private Practice / Occupational Rehabilitation


Corbett Clinics


Long-term Care Facilities


Small Rural Community Hospital


Core Areas of Practice

Number of Placements





Mixed Caseload


Neurology Adult




Paediatric Neuro


Paediatric Other


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Clinical Education Team continues to work with partners in the public and private health care sectors to ensure enough appropriate placements are secured for students. Placement offers for the fall currently are healthy, particularly in private practice. All students have been placed for 523 with 70 spare offers for this time slot alone. The Team will continue to work with community partners to increase placement capacity in the public health care system in preparation for our increased enrollment. The Corbett Clinic has had three students complete full placements in the clinic which will be augmented by out of province students in the fall. In addition, four students have completed placements in the students led clinic initiative at the Glenrose hospital which will also be augmented by out of province students to ensure continuity of care. The ACCE and Calgary Coordinator of Clinical Education continue to meet regularly with clinical site coordinators to disseminate information about the program, to discuss clinical education and to solicit feedback from sites. In addition, a number of visits to sites have been undertaken in and around both Edmonton and Calgary while students are on clinical placement to meet clinical supervisors and get oriented to facilities. A program update and feedback webinar was held in October 2010 to further connect with clinicians across the province. The webinar aimed to provide information about changes in the academic and clinical program and to seek feedback from clinicians about student and new graduate clinical performance. This has been well received and will be repeated in 2011. Two half day interprofessional clinical supervision workshops were held in both Edmonton and Red Deer. For the first time these workshops were also offered using the PT Department video conferencing system and delivered live to 22 clinicians in the PT satellite campus in downtown Calgary. The workshops focused on educating potential supervisors about the basics of student supervision as well as dealing with challenging students. Workshops were well attended in both cities with a good mix of therapists from all three rehabilitation disciplines. In addition, the Clinical Education Team has offered additional preparatory sessions and workshops to physiotherapists in both Edmonton and Calgary.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. Access Physiotherapy Action Sports Clinic Active Physiotherapy & Wellness Centre Advantage Health - Aspen, Castleridge, Corporate Sport, Creekside, Eaton Centre, Royal Oak, Belmead, Market Mall, Sherwood Park Airdrie Physiotherapy Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton Alberta Physical Therapy Clinics Alta-Sask Resolution Rehab & Sports Athabasca Healthcare Centre Banff Physical Therapy & Sports Injuries Clinic Barrhead Health Care Centre Beaumont Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Bonnyville Health Centre Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Callingwood Physical Therapy Camrose St. Mary’s Hospital Canadian Health & Sport Rehab, Cold Lake, AB Canmore General Hospital Capital Care, Dickensfield, Grandview, Lynnwood, Norwood Carewest Rehab, D. Vernon Fanning, Glenmore Park, Sarcee and more CBI Health Group Ltd., Burnaby, Lethbridge, Northeast, Red Deer and more Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury (BIRP) Central - Nor Med Therapies Chinook Regional Hospital Chronic Pain Centre Clearwater Physiotherapy Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR) - all locations, Calgary Community Health East Central - Camrose Public Health Unit, Camrose MSK Clinic Community Health Centres, Calgary Region - Living Well with a Chronic Condition, St. Paul, Red Deer (Bremner), Cold Lake, Red Deer (49th), Hinton, Westlock, Barrhead, Supportive Living Community Neurorehab Services Community Services, South Zone - Coaldale, Lethbridge Coronation Physiotherapy Cross Cancer Institute Crowfoot PT, Calgary Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


CSA Physiotherapy, South Edmonton and Grandin Plaza, St. Albert Daysland Community Health Centre Devon Physiotherapy Drumheller Health Centre Dynamic Sports Physio Therapy Inc. Edgeworth Centre Edmonton General Cont Care Centre - Centre for Lung Health Edmonton General Hospital Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Edmonton Public School Division #7, Hazeldean School (Early Education Program) Elves Special Needs Society Foothills Medical Centre Function First Pediatrics Glen Sather UofA Sports Medicine Centre Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Good Samaritan Place Grande Prairie Public School District #2357 - Crystal Park School Grey Nuns Community Hospital & Health Centre Health Sciences Centre of Eastern Health HealthPoint Medical Centre, Edmonton High River General Hospital Hinton Healthcare Centre Home Care, Calgary Zone - Adults West and Seniors Central Home Care Program, Edmonton Zone - Northeast, North, Strathcona, Southwest, Southeast, Ft. Saskatchewan Innisfail Health Centre Jasper Physiotherapy & Massage Inc. Kelowna General Hospital Kinsmen Sports Centre Leonard A Miller Centre Life Care Planning, Northwest Territories LifeMark Health Centre, Grande Prairie, Talisman , SE, Calgary NW, Stony Plain LifeMark Health Institute LifeMark Physiotherapy, Academy Pl., Crowchild Twin Arena, Kingsway, Lk. Beaumaris, Max Bell Arena, Village Swaure, Southland, Bridewood, Dynamic, Genesis and more Mayerthorpe Health Care Centre Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Millwoods Physical Therapy Misericordia Community Health Centre Nepal Matri Grigha, Kathmandu, Nepal Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy Olds Hospital and Care Centre Orion Health Calgary Bridgeland Panther Sport Medicine & Rehab Centres Parkland Rehabilitation Ltd. Peace River Community Health Centre Performance Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Peter Lougheed Centre Pivotal Physiotherapy Clinics Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Provost Health Centre, East Central Region Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Renfrew Educational Services Rocky Mountain Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic Rockyview General Hospital Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Columbian Hospital, B.C. Royal University Hospital, Sask. Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Smoky Lake Health Care Centre South Calgary Health Centre South Edmonton Physical Therapy & Sport Rehab Inc. St. Albert Physical Therapy & Sport Injuries St. Joseph’s General Hospital St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre St. Therese Healthcare Centre Stanton Territorial Hospital Sturgeon Community Hospital Surrey Memorial Hospital, B.C. Tawa Physical Therapy Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Rumsey Site Two Hills Community Health Centre University Of Alberta Hospital Varsity Sports Teams, University of Alberta West - Nor Med Therapies Westlock Healthcare Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Worker’s Compensation Board, Millard Health Youville Home of St. Albert

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Augustana Satellite in Camrose was launched in 2010 in response to the Government of Alberta’s forecast of significant shortages of Physical Therapists in the Alberta workforce. Building on the success of the Augustana satellite, funding was received to develop an additional satellite program in Calgary in 2012. Beginning in September 2012, the Department of Physical Therapy will offer the MScPT program at three sites in Alberta: Edmonton, Camrose and Calgary. Students at each campus will complete the same core program of required courses by attending class via videoconferencing technology. Each location offers unique elective opportunities reflective of local expertise and community partnerships in addition to the online electives available to all students enrolled in the program. Preliminary findings indicate that the distributed education model piloted in Augustana is very successful. Feedback from students, faculty and staff at both sites is positive and students are performing on par with their counterparts at the Edmonton Campus. The Associate Chair of the Physical Therapy Department, Professor Bernadette Martin, leads a three year research project to evaluate the impact of the Augustana satellite project on student performance and engagement, instructor experience and community relations. Final results are anticipated in 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The 2011-2012 academic year marks the second operational year of the Augustana satellite. Under the leadership of the new MScPT Coordinator Augustana, Lisa Jasper, the second cohort of 12 Augustana students was admitted and the inaugural cohort prepared for their final term. With the addition of a second cohort, the program welcomed Ms Connie Harrison to the staff as a Physical Therapy Assistant and a third educational space was renovated. The new multi-functional room was developed and equipped to operate as a lab, seminar room or practical exam space as required. The MScPT program partnered with the Augustana Vikings Athletic Program to launch a Physical Therapy Varsity Clinic directed by Physical Therapy Professor Chris Zarski. Additional partnerships with the Augustana Campus and Camrose community resulted in the development of several elective opportunities for the Augustana Cohort of students. The Augustana campus and community of Camrose have been both extremely welcoming and supportive of the MScPT program.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The 2011-2012 academic year has been one of preparation at the MScPT Calgary Satellite Campus. The Department worked closely with various departments at the University of Alberta and University of Calgary to find the MScPT program a home in the University of Calgary’s Downtown Centre. A lab, classroom, seminar room and practice space were renovated to meet the needs of the MScPT program and the space was equipped with the distributed education technology necessary to conduct classes. Jacky Chow, MScPT Coordinator-Calgary solidified a unique arrangement with the University of Calgary that allows the MScPT students access to the UofC libraries, recreational facilities and transit passes. Students will also have access to UofA services enjoyed by the Augustana and Edmonton cohorts. In preparation for the first cohort, the Calgary Clinical Education Coordinator, Jon Gabbai, began expanding the program’s existing clinical networks in southern Alberta with great success.

During this time, the Calgary satellite campus faculty worked closely with the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Technology Group and faculty at both Augustana and Edmonton to trial the technology over the three sites. The testing was successful and the site is ready to welcome the first Calgary cohort in the fall of 2012.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic was launched in 2009-2010 with a multi-fold purpose of teaching, service and research. Students in the MScPT program provide treatment and rehabilitation under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist gaining valuable clinical experience in a learning environment. Within the clinic, students are also able to engage in related learning activities such as the production of educational videos for University Health Services. As a student clinic, nominal fees for service allow the clinic to provide a valuable service for under-served populations who may not be able to access AHS public or private clinics. Researchers are able to make use of the well-equipped facility to conduct clinical research and through the use of student research assistants provide rich learning opportunities. Building on the successful experience of the initial year of the Clinic, the Clinic Lead, Dr. Geoff Bostick, was able to secure a grant for clinic development and the Department worked with external consultants Myers Norris Penny to develop a Student Clinic Expansion Plan. At the close of 2012 a number of the pilot initiatives developed in the plan were implemented, such as moving from students attending the Clinic only in short term electives to hosting full clinical placements for students from the University of Alberta and from Physical Therapy programs across Canada. In 2011-2012 the Clinic hosted 4 placements: 2 University of Alberta students and 2 external students. In addition, the Clinic partnered with the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation to provide a Varsity Clinic to treat University of Alberta Athletes. The Clinic continues to offer its two founding clinics: Mixed Caseload and Older Adult.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Mixed Caseload Clinic This non-profit clinic offers care to people with neurological or musculoskeletal/ orthopedic injuries or conditions. As student learning is emphasized, assessment and treatment sessions typically take longer than what patients would experience in a community physical therapy clinic/ambulatory setting. Physician referrals are not required. Number of Patients: 173 Number of Visits: 459

Older Adult Health and Wellness Student Clinic The clinic is specifically designed to improve older adults’ general health and wellness, from improving balance and preventing falls to minimizing pain due to arthritis or developing a strength and conditioning program. The clinic is open to all abilities and conditions and strives to improve all attendees’ health with special emphasis on conditions that affect those aged 55 years and older. Number of Patients: 24 Number of Visits: 237

Varsity Clinic Offered in partnership with the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, the Varsity Clinic runs during the academic year and serves the needs of the University of Alberta student athletes. One full-time Physical Therapist is dedicated to the care of athletes and also supervises student placements in the Varsity Clinic. Number of Patients: 143 Number of Visits: 1642

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The SHINE Youth Clinic is a student-run health clinic providing a variety of free services to Edmonton’s underserved youth at the Boyle McCauley Health Centre. The clinic is run by University of Alberta healthcare students from eight disciplines: physical therapy, medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, counseling and psychology. Students are supervised by licensed health professionals. The SHINE Youth Clinic provides services for free. No ID or Health Care number is required. No appointment necessary. The clinic is open on Saturdays from 2-6pm. Physical therapy services are available on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month to help treat mainly musculoskeletal injuries, movement problems, repetitive stress injuries, pain, muscle soreness or stiffness, weakness and any difficulties with daily activities. Participation in the SHINE Clinic is voluntary. Students take the lead in assessing and treating clients, and preceptors provide approval to the assessment finds and treatment plan and serve as a resource to guide clinical decisions.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Physical Therapy Recruitment Fair On June 25, 2012 the Department of Physical Therapy hosted a recruitment fair where potential employers were invited to connect with upcoming graduates and discuss job opportunities within their organizations. Employers were also given an opportunity to give a brief presentation to interested students. This was the first year the fair was put on and it was very well attended by both employers and students.

Calgary Media Launch and Open House During the afternoon of June 12, 2012, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine held an official media launch event to mark the opening of the Calgary Satellite Campus. Invitations were extended to key figures whose support has made the Calgary expansion possible. The event was well attended by approximately 40 people including 2 media groups. Later on that eveving an open house event was held to introduce the Calgary Satellite Campus to the Calgary and area clinical community. Invitations were also extended to students accepted to the MScPT program at the Calgary site as well as to internationally educated physical therapist interested in learning more about the Department’s bridging program. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The ARA Annual Awards Dinner (formerly known as ARCC) is an

interdisciplinary event attended by members and friends of the rehabilitation fields - Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. It is an opportunity to honour professionals and support personnel who have provided exemplary service within their respective fields. Congratulations to those individuals from the Physcial Therapy community who were nominated and received awards. Clinical Excellence (Assistant) Rural Nominated - Joanne Thomsen Rehab Student Supervisor / Urban Winner - Nadia Robinson Jim Vargo Leadership and Mentoring Winner - Lisa Froese Nominees - Lois Flakstad, Gwen Harris, Karen Hurtubise Sunrise (Therapist) Nominated - Tyson Plesuk

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy and the Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association provided a series of nine webinars for practitioners. These webinars were viewed by therapists from across the country. The webinars cover current trends in chronic pain, obesity management and stroke rehabilitation. Each webinar will update clinicians on the latest developments in each topic area and how these impact practice.

Best evidence for post-operative Bankart and rotator cuff rehabilitation Presenter: Judy Chepeha, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. Her research interests include shoulder pathology and rehabilitation in the overhead athlete/worker. Spine Imaging: What do you make of those degenerative findings? Presenter: Michele Crites Battie, Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy will provide an update on current knowledge of environmental and individual risk factors for disc degeneration and its relevance to clinical practice. The findings of the Twin Spine Study, a University of Alberta based, multidisciplinary, multinational research program that has spanned 20 years, will be discussed, which have paralleled this changing view and new model of disc degeneration. Screening the dizzy patient – differential diagnosis and directing your dizzy client’s care. Presenter: Sheelah Woodhouse is a Physical Therapist (BScPT), Certified Vestibular Therapist and National Manager of Vestibular Rehabilitation for LifeMark Health. Sheelah has been working in the field of Vestibular Rehabilitation since 1993 and in 2000, she started one of Canada’s first private clinics exclusively dedicated to this area. She is committed to supporting her team of therapists, ensuring quality of care, and in educating the public, insurance and medical communities about Vestibular Rehabilitation. Early mobilization of the ICU patient - a physiotherapy perspective Presenter: Mark Hall, Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education in the Department of Physical Therapy, and is responsible for the cardiorespiratory physiotherapy content of the MScPT entry level program. He has worked in a variety of acute and critical care environments prior to working at the Department of Physical Therapy.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Alberta guidelines and best practices in wound management Presenter: Jane Ratay, RN and Instructor at Grant MacEwan University/ Enterostomal nurse consultant at WestView Community Care Wound Clinic as well as with the development of the Post Diploma Certificate in Wound Management at MacEwan. Currently delivers on-line instruction for three of the five courses that comprise the certificate. Jane was one of the original members of Capital Health’s Regional Wound Care Guidelines Committee, transitioning to Alberta Health Services’ RWCGC (1998 to 2010). Beyond Kegels – What Every Physiotherapist should know about Pelvic Health Conditions Presenter: Mary Wood, Physiotherapist at Cura Physical Therapies. Mary began as a manual therapist in orthopedics and then expanded into pelvic health treatments 17 years ago. Mary is an active clinician and clinic director at CURA Physical Therapies with 10 physiotherapists – seven of whom focus on pelvic health for half or all of their practice. If they can put a man on the moon they should be able to fix a neck injury: the relevance of WAD-related pain beliefs Presenter: Geoff Bostick, PhD Candidate and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. Geoff’s research interests centre on cognitive aspects of pain and his PhD thesis work focused on pain beliefs after whiplash (WAD). Musculoskeletal pain (MSK) + Interferential current (IFC). Alone or as a co-intervention? That’s the question Presenter: Jorge Fuentes, PhD Candidate. Mr. Fuentes is originally from Chile, where he completed two degrees in Physical Therapy. Jorge worked as an Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy at the Catholic University of Maule. He recently completed his Master’s at the University of Alberta and is now working towards his PhD. Jorge’s research interests are in the fields of pain management and evidence-based practice Application of anti-gravity treadmill in private practice Presenter: Bruce Stewart, owner and physiotherapist of Fit Physiotherapy in Lethbridge. Bruce has been working in outpatient orthopedics in Lethbridge since graduation in 2002. His interests are in orthopedics, sports, running injuries, gait mechanics, and cycling injuries.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2011 Enrollment September 2011: 94 students admitted to the MScPT (course-based) program. • 66 female, 28 male • 76 Alberta residents; 17 Out of province; 1 International Enrollment summary: • MScPT 2012 Cohort • MScPT 2011 Cohort • MScPT 2010A Cohort • MScPT 2010 Cohort


80 83 80 80

(Admission (Admission (Admission (Admission

year year year year

2010) 2009) 2008) 2007)

Convocation 2011 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT Program Alderdice, Cheryl Atkinson, Jennifer Banzon, Anne Barnett, Jerilee Beach, Jacquelyn Benko, Stephanie Bernard, Stacey Best, Sheila Bles, Danielle Breitkreitz, Randall Carmichael, Dana Carter, Kim Chaudhary, Sameera Cheng, Innes Chu, Charlene Coulthard, Kenda Del Fabbro, Vanessa Doering, Leanne Douglas, Jason Duguid, Ashley Emerson, Candace Erdman, Brittany Evans, Jeshua Feldman, Viacheslav Feng, Linda

Gibbons, Kristen Grainger, Erica Gregor, Brittany Hafso, Crystal Heinz, Lissa Henton, Jenna Hill, Meghan Hum, Abraham Janke, Catherine Jesney, Mark Johnston, Amanda Kehrer, Corrine Kingston, Andrea Kong, Patrick Kuleba, Laura Kwok, Pei Ladd, Justin Le, Christina Lewis, Anneliese Li, Rebecca Liang, Jennifer Lim, Jeannette Lim, Sarah Lowey, Michelle MacColl, Kristin

MacDonald, Sheila McIntosh, Kyle Mitchell, Brooke Mitchell, Kirstin Mo, Joey Morfitt, Whitney Moser, Fabienne Moss, Stephanie Niwa, Laura Nordman, Megan Nordstrom, Kyle O’Mahony, Colleen Oviatt, Stephanie Owchar, Heather Pauls, Dawn Pilipchuk, Vance Prefontaine, Angela Puiras, Susanna Robinson, Sarah Ryniak, Ashley Sherk, Brian Slivka, Jessica Teece, Adam Truong, Linda Uhrbach, Stephen

Vogels, Cara White, Lisa Wilkinson, Kimberly Wong, Albert Yang, Fang Yee, Erika Yeung, Mankeen Yousif, Jacob

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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