Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 20013/14

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Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2013-2014 Pursuing your best

Chair and Associate Chair’s Message .................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department .................................................. 5 Strategic Plan ................................................................................... 6 Department Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Faculty Awards ................................................................................ 18 Student Ratings of Instruction ........................................................... 19 Student Awards ............................................................................... 20 MScPT Awards ................................................................................. 22 Research Funding ............................................................................. 26 Publications ..................................................................................... 29 Service ........................................................................................... 51 Clinical Education ............................................................................ 56 Satellite Campuses ........................................................................... 62 Alberta Internationally Educated Physical Therapists Bridging Program...... 65 Student Clinic .................................................................................. 66 Events ............................................................................................ 67 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ................................................ 68

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair It’s our pleasure to present our 2013-2014 Annual Report from the Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta. This year was an especially memorable year for our educational programs, because we received additional permanent funding at a time when cuts to some facets of university education have been significant. We hope you enjoy reviewing our accomplishments. Here are the highlights. Permanent funding for the satellites: In April, 2014, we received the exciting news that the Government of Alberta approved permanent funding for the Augustana and Calgary satellite campuses. The Government further approved $1.4 M one-time funding for expansion and renovation of the Calgary campus. This funding will allow us to secure the personnel and infrastructure for the two satellites, and continue to offer innovative and excellent programming. Accreditation: In February 2014 Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada (PEAC) completed the last component of our accreditation review with a site visit at our Calgary PT Campus. The MScPT Program, including all 3 campuses, was granted Accreditation, Fully Compliant status and included the comment: ‘PEAC would like to congratulate the MScPT program faculty and staff on the quality of the educational experience being provided not only to students in Edmonton, but to those at both the Camrose and Calgary distributed sites.’ MScPT Program review: In 2012 the Department faculty and staff members began a comprehensive review of the MScPT Program including the curriculum, academic courses, clinical education and admissions process. Based on feedback gathered regularly from students, academic and clinical instructors, and from the accreditation process, a series of retreats and workshops were held to review and update the program appropriately. Some of the changes will come into effect in the 2014-15 academic year, most notably a curricular addition of primary care and medical screening content. Expansion of space in Edmonton campus: Custom renovations were completed on the 6th floor of the Clinical Sciences Building to allow expansion of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. This space now houses the Collaborative Orthopedic Research (CORe) Group of our Department, which includes the research teams of Drs Lauren Beaupre and Eric Parent. Dr Linda Woodhouse also has space for some of her team in this location.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair... Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program: The first cohort of students, admitted in May, 2013 completed the program in the summer of 2014. A second cohort of 20 students began their studies in May of 2014. Early experience and feedback suggests that the Bridging Program has been a vital support for the students and several have been able to pass the National Exam and secure employment as a PT. The Bridging Program’s innovative, blended format was recognized with a national award from Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s International Qualifications Network. Additional funding from Health Canada will allow for a third cohort of students to benefit from the program in 2015-16. Research productivity: Research faculty members continue to be highly successful with external funding. Our researchers attracted over $5M in new funding, published 67 peer-reviewed papers and 84 abstracts. Honours: We congratulate the recipients of the following awards – Trish Manns for the McCalla Professorship, Heather Bredy for the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award, Maxi Miciak for the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Award and Crystal McLellan for the Rehabilitation Medicine Students’ Association Excellence in Teaching Award. Finally, we sincerely thank all the clinical preceptors that have given generously of their time to help train our students. We could not run the clinical training programs without you.

Jaynie Yang, PT, PhD Professor & Acting Chair

Bernadette Martin, PT MA, BScPT Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education at all levels ◊ Conducting scholarly research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy

◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Department of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2010 - 2015 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: ◊ To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers ◊ To enhance and promote the Physical Therapy Department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based Physical Therapy practice for students and clinicians ◊ To be a leader in serving our external community through novel outreach, collaborative partnerships and Physical Therapy knowledge exchange

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Michele Crites-Battie, PhD Professor Tier I Canada Research Chair

Johanna Darrah, PhD Professor

R.G (Bob) Haennel, PhD, FACSM Professor & Acting Dean

Mark Haykowsky, PhD Professor

David Magee, PhD Professor

Jaynie Yang, PhD Professor & Acting Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Lauren Beaupre, PhD Associate Professor

Doug Gross, PhD Associate Professor

Mark Hall, PhD Associate Professor & Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education

Allyson Jones, PhD Associate Professor

Greg Kawchuk, PhD Associate Professor Tier II Canada Research Chair

Trish Manns, PhD Associate Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors... Bernadette Martin, BScPT, MACT Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Eric Parent, PhD Associate Professor

Linda Woodhouse, PhD Associate Professor David Magee Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Scientific Director of the Bone and Joint Network

Assistant Professors Geoff Bostick, PhD Assistant Professor

Judy Chepeha, PhD Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Assistant Professors... Margie McNeely, PhD Assistant Professor

Clinical Assistant Professors Michelle Barnes, BScPT Clinical Lecturer & AIEPB Program Mentorship Placement Coordinator

Heather Bredy, MCIScPT, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Colleen Britton, BPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIEPB Program Co-Director

Jacky Chow, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Kim Dao, DPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Jon Gabbai, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Calgary Clincal Education Coordinator

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors... Lisa Jasper, MSc, BMR (PT) Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Augustana

Iain Muir, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Barb Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIPEB Program Co-Director

Christopher Zarski, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Lesley Wiart, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor

Professor Emeritus S Kumar, PhD, DSc M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT JE Semple, MEd, BPT, HT Clinical Professor Emeritus J Loomis, BPT, MEd Adjunct Professor B Stephens, PhD W Janzen, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor N Prasad, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professors S Armijo, PhD K Bruno, PhD J Fuentes, PhD K Reiss, PhD

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Guest Lecturers K Beckers K Benterud S Bergsten K Cotton L Dennett R Dhillon S Doberstein S Esmail L Faulkner L Flakstad J Flett C Harrison M Haydo C Holt S Jamieson J Janz

C Kaup K Kemp L Lam A Lowe L McFarlane H Meyer K Millar J Molzan G Murgatroyd K Mussleman J Nunweiler L Price L Radke S Rashiq M Raven-Jackson S Rivalin

M Shular J Signh E Steinbring M Stobbe D Treloar E Trofimuk M Vaillant B Vandermeer E Vetsch J Vogelesang S Wheeler T Wolansky J Wong M Yaceyko J Yurick

M Axelson T Baldwin C Banzon D Baron G Barre A Barreda K Barrett K Barton E Bates D Batt P Beavan J Begg S Bejoy V Belisle K Bell J Belter M Benoit L Benoit C Bergen S Bergsten W Bierbach V Biondo

D Bles W Blondell D Bochno A Boily S Boitson B Bonesky A Bopp A Botelho C Boucher H Box D Bradley B Bradner E Branton M Brassil H Bredy J Brohman S Brooker J Brooks C Brosseau B Brown-Hall J Buckingham C Burnie

Clinical Lecturers G Abbud C Abraham L Acheson T Adelman L Akins M Alexander S Amarjeet G Amort-Larson N Amusat K Andermatt N Anderson K Annicchiarico R Ansari S Anthony K Archibald K Arnold J Ashmead R Ashmore J Atkinson M Attridge R Auger J Avery

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... E Butler M Byrne C Caballero B Cavanagh A Cavanagh L Celinskis R Chabot D Chalmers C Chan E Charbonneau C Chase E Chatterton L Chen R Chernos-Macleod S Chhokar M Ching Alex Chisholm Alec Chisholm A Chiu K Christensen P Claeys N Coleman C Connors J Cooling A Cooper C Cooper B Corie A Corrick Jim Couto Justyna Couto J Cowan E Crane A Cripps N Crocker J Cross C Crowell S Cushing B Da Silva M Dacosta C Dallison A Dalton

J Dame M Danaseresht L Daneyko K Dao C Darbellay A Darrah R Davies M Dawkings R De Castro T De Heus J Dean T Deeb S DeForge D Degenhardt C DeGuzman D den Otter N Desualniers J DeVries M Dewitz B D'Hont L Dinn J Douglas J Doyle D Doyle T Duchscherer P Dueck A Duguid J Duke J Dunn L Dunsmuir J Dyer S Eatmon-Powell D Eddy R Edmunds M Eggink J Eisenhaur K Eldred C Elliott S Engelbrecht C Erdman J Evenson

N Eyolfson L Faulkner J Fehr G Firth S Fitzgerald L Fleming E Fong J Forbes Y Forman M Friesen S Friess S Fung Gee B Furler S Gagnon F Gainer J Gainor A Gallagher E Gallant V Gamache T Gamblin N Garga L Gartner L Garvie H Gee J Gehl C Giacobbo K Gibbon C Gibson Coyne A Giesbrecht D Gilbertson D Gillespie A Glass A Goldstrom M Goosens B Graham K Grant E Groft J Gruszka D Guerard W Gunasiri H Gupta

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... M Guydash D Hajek B Hale M Hall I Hallworth S Hamilton L Hamirlik K Hanrahan C Harbidge L Harrison Steve Hartley Sarah Hartley K Hartman L Haufe P Haugen N Hawes-Bernbaum T Hawken D Hawkins S Hebblewhite J Hein S Heltke B Henry R Highland S Hirtle A Ho J Hockridge A Hoda M Hodges P Hoeppner J Holman S Holowaychuk C Holt C Hon B Hopkins E Hornick V Howard T Huck A Hudec M Huget A Humphrey S Hunter

D Husar C Huynh N Ives M Iyizoba S Jacob J Jacobs K Janz B Johnston B Jones Sandra Jones Steven Jones T Junck D Kaine P Karunapema M Kathuria K Kaufmann C Kelly L Kempster K Kennedy C Kennedy S Kerslake K Kidd L Kiely L Kim L Kingwell G Klapstein D Klassen C Knight K Kopat M Kowalczyk S Kowch-Gordon L Kozel A Kraby M Krepela N Kristian N Krueger S Kruithof Alyson Kwok Andrew Kwok J LaBerge M Labrentz

S Lahonyaih C Lai A Lam M Landry C Langer L Latta N Lavoie H Lawrence C Lebans D Leblanc T LeBlanc A Lee E Lee C Lee S Leedahl A Lemke T Lerner T Levesque Colleen Lewis Carrie Lewis O Lewis M Lewis S Leydon K Lis N Littke D Llewellyn Z Locke L Loturco S Lourod M Lowey B Luckhurst K Lui E Lukinuk A Lundford K Luu C Mac L MacDonald J MacDonald C MacLellan S Mahood K Mang

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... A Mann C Mann P March B Marino S Martin W Mason D Massey H Massie R Mathew S Mathews E McDiarmid S McFadyen K McIntosh L McIntosh T McKay K Mckenzie C McLaughlin M McMahon L McShane A McWatt T Mecham K Meghji W Melanie B Meldrum B Mertley J Miller N Milligan J Millington N Mitchell A Mohamed-Kassam A Moore A Moores S Moorthy K Moreau B Morgan R Morier G M’Pova S Mullapudi R Murphy A Murphy

V Murphy M Mustard G Nadeau J Nagy C Natrasony N Neigel S Nenshi S Newans R Newton T Nguyen M Nordman K Nordstrom T Numrich J Olabode A Ollewagen C Olm C O’Mahony A Orban F Ostowari S Ostrem C Oucharek M Ouellet V Overton S Oviatt S Pammidi H Pandia D Paquet M Parsons J Patterson R Peesker E Penny K Penrice A Peter L Peter M Phillips A Phung J Pickerell C Plett J Pletts K Ploch

E Pollard H Pollock B Poon L Porteous C Powell S Powell S Prakash L Price M Prokop P Purushothaman J Rabnett C Ramirez K Ramsay D Rana L Reid J Reimer K Reinhardt S Richards L Richardson J Roberts S Robinson L Rocchio B Rooke B Rosendahl P Ross C Ross R Ruddick N Ruohonen D Russell J Russell J Russill S Rutherford A Ryniak J Sabo K Salmon R Sanderson G Savrtka L Sawka N Schreiber J Schroder

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers... Janis Scott Jeffery Scott R Scott J Sharum A Shaw S Shenoy S Sherman A Sherwin K Shore M Short B Shukalak M Shular B Shular T Siebold A Siemens K Simonson T Kitsko N Slomp C Smith B Smith S Spate S Speers C Stang-Lee C Stapleton C Stark L Steenbergen H Stevens R Stobbe T Stork K Switzer N Takarini C Tam K Tameling A Taphorn H Tarleton M Tawadros

A Teece P Thomas C Thomas K Thompson L Thompson K Tiedemann D Timmermans M Timotijevic E Tomas S Toporowski M Tosh J Townsend B Trang S Tregubor L Truong K Tulloch W Tung K Turner S Uhrbach T Unger M Vaillancourt P Vaillant C Van Bavel C van Halteren K Van Heyst C Vande Glind D Vaughan V Velasco S Velusamy J Vihos L Vivian C Vogels N Vun R Wade D Wake F Walji

R Wannechko-Koenig W Warawa J Wasdal E Wasylyniuk J Watamaniuk B Watkins F Watson K Watters C Webber E Weeks L Wells S Werner L White A Wiebe B Wigston T Willes R Williams C Wilson K Wilson T Wolansky L Wolfe J Wong M Wood C Wouters F Yang S Yeo M Yeung L Young K Zachar M Zacharias L Zahany D Zayac J Ziemmer M Zoratti L Zorilla L Zuluaga

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Administrative Staff Cheryl Ackerman Reception Katelyn Brown Physical Therapy Assistant, Edmonton Laura Gamble Department Secretary Connie Harrison Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Tamie Heisler-Schafer Academic Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Gillian Luff Admissions and Awards Assistant Deborah Martens Clinical Education Assistant Deborah Palmer Administrative Professional Officer Alyson Ryan Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Nicole Stogrin Program Assistant Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professor Heather Bready Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award (2014)

Crystal MacLellan Rehabilitation Medicine Students’ Association Excellence in Teaching Award - Physical Therapy (2014)

Maxi Miciak Faculty of Rehbailitation Medicine Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (2014)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Physical Therapy Department is committed to providing high quality education to its students. In 2012 the Department formed a Teaching Interest Group (TIG) to allow staff members to discuss teaching strategies and promote consistent instruction among the satellite campuses. Following it’s formation, the TIG expanded to include faculty from the other Rehabilitation Medicine Departments (SPA and OT). The FRM TIG has been a valuable addition for teaching enhancement within the Faculty. New intiatives by the TIG include an FRM-specific peer observation program for teaching enhancement. The program aims to provide instructors the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their teaching in a non-punitive context. Peer observers meet with the instructor to discuss their teaching objectives and together reflect on the strengths and opportunities for improvement. The peer observation program has been successfully piloted and implemented with 12 instructors (6 from PT) actively participating in the program. The graph below uses weighted averages to summarize Student Ratings of Instruction for the courses taught by staff members in 2013-2014. Each statement in the evaluation is rated from 1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree; 5 being a perfect score. The questions on the student evaluations are separated into two categories: Course Specific (includes questions regarding course content and structure) and Instructor Specific (includes questions specific to the instructor’s knowledge and delivery).

Student Ratings 2013/14 5.0 4.5



4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0

Course Specific Instructor Specific

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The following is a list of awards received by MSc and PhD students supervised by our staff members.


Award/Scholarship Name


Arnold Wong

SA Professional Development Award


Arnold Wong

College of Physical Therapists of Alberta Centenary PhD Scholarship


Arnold Wong

Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize


Arnold Wong

CIHR Travel Award


Brittany Lissinna

AIHS Summer Studentship


Brittany Lissinna

WCHRI Summer Studentship


Callum Lavoie

Al Cook Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine


Daniel Crumback

Department of National Defense Tuition Award


Geoff Bostick

Arthritis Society PDF Award


Geoff Bostick

PT Department Graduate Student PhD Award


Faha Algarni

Saudi Cultural Bureau Scholarship


Jackie Whittaker

Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Program Rising Researcher Travel Award

Jackie Whittaker

AIHS Clinical Fellowship Award

Jillian Beveridge

Arthritis Society PDF Award


Jillian Beveridge



Jillian Beveridge

AIHS Osteoarthritis Team Meeting Best Poster


Jillian Beveridge

Arthritis Alliance of Canada Best Research Proposal


Jillian Beveridge

AIHS Osteoarthritis Team Travel Award

$500 $225,000


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Jillian Beveridge



Joanne Park

Alberta College of Occupational Therapists Centenary PhD Scholarship


Kyria Slomp



Marie Westby

Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Award


Maxi Miciak

U of A Dissertation Award

Rhys Beaudry

Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship

Sanja Schreiber

University of Freiburg stipend

Sanja Schreiber

Special recognition of the SOSORT

Susan Armijo-Olivo

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Music in Motion Fellowship


Vahid Abdollah

U of A Doctoral Recruitment Award


Victor Ezeugwu

U of A Doctoral Recruitment Award


Victor Ezeugwu

PT Department Graduate Student PhD Award

William Russell

Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship

$22,000 $5,400 $670 $1,900

$10,000 $5,400



Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The following is a list of awards received by students enrolled in the MScPT program.


Award/Scholarship Name


Abninder Deol

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Alexander Grant

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Alison Rop

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Alison Rop

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Alison Rop

QEII Scholarship


Amy Costello

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Astrid Hartling

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Benjamin Lindemulder

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Brandyn Powelske

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


BreAnne Henry

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Brett Cook

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Cale Parkyn

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Candice Tremblay

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Chantelle McCreight

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Chelsea Bourque

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Chelsea Bourque

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Christina Asmussen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Colleen Sharp

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award

Courtney Wort

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship

Danielle Hannigan

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award


Darren Bishop

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association Prize

$300 value

$750 $3,000

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Devin Grant

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Devin McFarlane

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Ellen Hosford

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Emily Armstrong

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Emily Freiburger

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Eric Walper

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Erica Lieuwen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Erin Boe

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Hallie Brunt

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


James Murphy

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jennifer Restall

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Jennifer Restall

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jennifer Restall

QEII Scholarship


Jennifer Rudko

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jeremy Warford

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Jessica Taylor

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jill Verhesen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Joshua Koehn

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kailie Adams

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kara Laing

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Karina Dennis

Don McColl Graduate Scholarship


Karina Dennis

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Katelyn Starkey

Respiratory Physical Therapy Graduate Prize

Katelyn Starkey

Deans Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine


$600 Sterling Medal

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Katherine Buffel

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kaylyn Gordon

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Kaylyn Gordon

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kelsey Andersen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kevin Arkko

Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship


Kevin Arkko

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association Graduate Scholarship


Kevin Tam

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Keylee Kast

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kimberley Brydges

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kirstyn Cahoon

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kristen Munro

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lara Sreibers

Millard Scholarship in Recognition of Ilse Koerner and Sabine Reich

Laura Schneider

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lauren Glenister

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lauren Poon

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Leanne Mireault

Physiotherapy Alberta President's Book Award

Like Baron

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lindsey Bergevin

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lisa Hall

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lynsey Pasloski

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Marissa Stepnisky

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Matthew Pinard

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship




Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Matthew Wong

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Meaghan Clarke

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Megan Peddie

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Michael Carson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Morgan Branch

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Nicole Tschritter

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Paria Mahjour

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Raina Hawthorne

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Robert Heimbach

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Robert McGugan

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Robyn Dargis

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Ryan Agopsowicz

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sandra Van Kleeck

RMSA Student Scholarship


Sandra Van Kleeck

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Shirley Ho

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Stephanie Elford

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Teagan Shlapak

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Teagen Johnson

Strathcona Physiotherapy Research Award


Teagen Johnson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Yung Yung Wong

Ian Sim Memorial Graduate Scholarship

$1,000 TOTAL


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Sources of Grant Funding International Funding Provincial Funding

International Funding $ 250,876

$250,876 $3,379,758

National Funding $3,611,593 _______________________________


National Funding $ 3,611,593

Provincial Funding $ 3,379,758


New Grant Distribution Principal Investigator


Co-Principal Investigator 54%


$1,644,141 $759,744 $2,828,937

__________________________ TOTAL





Summary of Grant Funding Total Funding - Comprehensive


Total New - Comprehensive Total Funding - PT Lead


Total New - PT Lead 8.00




0.00 2012/13


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

Beaupre LA, Finegan B Evaluating smoking cessation as a preoperative standard of care for total hip or knee arthroplasty in a centralized intake clinic mode Funding Agency: Pfizer Total Amount of Award: $198,664 Dates of Funding: 2014-2015 Author: Title of Grant:

Kawchuk G VibeDx – a novel diagnostic device

Funding Agency: Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures (AITF) Total Amount of Award: $150,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2015 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Manns PJ Physiotherapist in Training (PITN) e-learning Modules University of Alberta – McCalla Professorship $20,000 2014-2015


McNeely ML, Campbell KL, Webster M, Kuusk U, Mackey J Title of Grant: Efficacy of Night-time Compression for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Funding Agency: Alberta Cancer Foundation Total Amount of Award: $50,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2016 Author:

Parent E, Fortin C,Parsons D, Hedden D, Hill D, Lou E, Dinu I, Moreau M, Tsuyuki R, Parent S Title of Grant: Multicenter Schroth Exercise Trial for Scoliosis (Multicenter SETS study) Funding Agency: Sick Kids Foundation (SKF) Total Amount of Award: $300,000 Dates of Funding: 2013-2016 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Author: Title of Grant:

Wiart L, Andersen J, Phelen S, Guiltner V, Knutt K Engaging children in setting their rehabilitation goals: Feasibility of using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) with children with neuromotor impairments in a pediatric outpatient setting Funding Agency: Glenrose Hospital Foundation Total Amount of Award: $9,774 Dates of Funding: 2014-2015 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency:

Woodhouse L, Kawchuk G, Phillips L SpineAccess Alberta: An innovative health service delivery and spine management model Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions (AIHS)

Total Amount of Award: $750,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2017 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency:

Marshall D, Woodhouse L Optimizing centralized intake to improve arthritis care for Albertans Alberta Innovates – Health Solutions (AIHS)

Total Amount of Award: $750,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2017 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award:

Yang JF Restoring Independent Walking with an Exoskeleton Alberta Paraplegic Foundation $10,000

Dates of Funding:


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Publications (2013/2014) Books


Book Chapters


Journal Articles


Abstracts and Conference Presentations


_____________________________ TOTAL 179

The Department reported publications for 2013-2014. The following is the breakdown of the publications: Books (1) Book Chapters (1), Published Journal Articles (67) and Abstracts and Conference presentations (110). Books Magee, David. Orthopedic Physical Assessment. St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier, 2014. 6th Edition. Book Chapters Wang Y and BattiĂŠ MC. Chapter 9. Epidemiology of Lumbar Disc Degeneration in The Intervertebral Disc, Eds. I Shapiro and M. Ridbud, Springer, 2013.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Armijo-Olivo S, Fuentes J, Muir I, Gross DP. Usage Patterns and Beliefs about Therapeutic Ultrasound in Canadian Physical Therapists: An Exploratory, Population Based, Cross-Sectional Survey. Physiotherapy Canada. 2013; 65: 289-299. Associated Clinical Commentary Page 300-301. Battié MC, Lazáry A, Fairbank J, Eisenstein S, Heywood C, Brayda-Bruno M, Varga PP, McCall I. Disc degeneration-related clinical phenotypes. Eur Spine J. 2013 Jul 25. Beaupre LA, Binder EF, Cameron ID, Jones CA, Orwig DL, Sherrington C, Magaziner JS: Maximizing Recovery after Hip Fracture in Frail Seniors. Best Pract Rheumatol (2013) 27:771–788. Beaupre LA, Masson ECO, Luckhurst BJ, Arafah O, O’Connor GJ: A Randomized Pilot Study of an Intensive Postoperative Exercise Program compared with Usual Care following Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty in Subjects less than 65 Years of Age: Feasibility, Selection of Outcome Measures and Timing of Assessment BMC Musculoskel Dis. (2014) 15:192. DOI: 10.1186/1471- 2474-15-192. Bettany-Saltikov J, Parent E, Romano M, Villagrasa M, Negrini S. Physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2014 Feb; 50(1):111-21. Epub 2014 Feb 13. PMID: 24525556. Bostick GP, Miciak M, Hall M. Novel learning experiences in a student-led clinic. Clin Teach. In Press. Brown CA, Wielandt P, Wilson D, Jones A, Crick K. Healthcare Providers’ Knowledge of Disordered Sleep, Sleep Assessment Tools, and Nonpharmacological Sleep Interventions for Persons Living with Dementia: A National Survey. Sleep Disorders 2014. Article ID 286274. Butler C, Kim D, Toma M, Thompson R, Chow K, Haykowsky M, Pearson G, Paterson I. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging predicts five year adverse clinical outcomes in heart transplant recipients. American Journal of Transplantation. In Press. Capozzi LC, Nishimura KC, Lau H, McNeely ML, Culos-Reed SN. Physical Activity to Improve Health Related Fitness and Quality of Life for Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review. The International Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Accepted April 24, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Chan ACY., Morrison DG., Nguyen DV., Hill DL., Parent E., Lou HME, Intra- and Inter-observer Reliability of the Cobb Angle窶天ertebral Rotation Angle Spinous Process Angle for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 2014, 2 (3): 168-175 DOI: 10.1016/j.jspd.2014.02.006. Cheifetz O, Park Dorsay J, Hladysh G, MacDermid J, Serediuk F, Woodhouse LJ. CanWell: meeting the psychosocial and exercise needs of cancer survivors by translating evidence into practice. Psycho-Oncology 2013; DOI: 10.1002/ pon.3389. Desmeules F, Toliopoulos P, Roy JS, Woodhouse LJ, Lacelle M, Leroux M, Girard S, Feldman D, Fernandes J. Validation of an advanced practice physiotherapy model of care in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2013 14:162. Dolinsky V, Rogan K, Haykowsky M, Young ME, Jones LW, Dyck J. Exercise Training and Resveratrol Supplementation Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiovascular Injury in Mice. Am J Physiol: Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013; 305(2):E243-53. E. Chalmers, M Mizianty, E Parent, Y Yuan, E Lou. Toward maximum-predictivevalue classification, Pattern Recognition (2014). In Press. Edgecombe TL, Kawchuk GN, Long CR, Pickar JG. The effect of application site of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) on spinal stiffness. Spine J. 2013 Oct 16. pii: S1529-9430(13)01402-2. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2013.07.480. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24139864; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3989461. English CE, Manns PJ, Tucak, C, Bernhardt, J. Physical activity and sedentary behaviours in community dwelling stroke survivors. A systematic review. Physical Therapy. 2014: 94; 185-196. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130175 Fortin M, Videman T, Gibbons LE, Battiテゥ MC. Paraspinal muscle morphology and composition: a 15-yr longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2014 May; 46(5):893-901. Fuentes JF, Armijo-Olivo S, Funabashi M, Miciak M, Dick B, Warren S, Rashiq S, Magee D, Gross DP. Enhanced Therapeutic Alliance Modulates Pain Intensity and Muscle Pain Sensitivity in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Experimental Controlled Study. Physical Therapy 2014; 94:477-89.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Gadotti, IC, s. Armijo-Olivo, A. Silveira, D. Magee. Reliability of the craniocervical posture assessment: visual & angular measurements using photographs & radiographs. J. Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics. 36(9);619 - 625, 2013. Gross DP, Algarni F, Niemeläinen R. Reference values for the SF-36 in Canadian injured workers undergoing rehabilitation. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation (Published Online June 2014). Gross DP, Asante AK, Miciak M, Battié MC, Carroll LJ, Sun A, Welch J, Mikalsky M, Huellstrung R, Niemeläinen R. Are Performance-Based Functional Assessments Superior to Semi-Structured Interviews for Enhancing Return-ToWork Outcomes? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2014; 95:807815. Gross DP, Asante AK, Miciak M, Battié MC, Carroll LJ, Sun A, Welch J, Mikalsky M, Huellstrung R, Niemeläinen R. A Cluster Randomized Clinic Trial Comparing Functional Capacity Evaluation and Functional Interviewing as Components of Occupational Rehabilitation Programs. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. Published online January 2014. Haykowsky M, Kuba B, Brubaker P, Nicklas B, Eggebeen J, Kitzman D. Skeletal Muscle Composition and Its Relationship to Exercise Intolerance in Older Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. Am J Cardiol. 2014;113(7):1211-1216. Haykowsky MJ and Kitzman DW. Exercise Physiology in heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. Heart Failure Clinics.2014. 10(3):445-452 Haykowsky MJF and Tomczak CR. Left ventricular hypertrophy in resistance or endurance trained athletes: The Morganroth hypotheses is obsolete, most of the time. HEART (Epub ahead of print). Hill S, Franco-Sepulveda E, Komeili A, Trovato A, Parent E, Hill D, Lou E, Adeeb S. Assessing asymmetry using reflection and rotoinversion in biomedical engineering applications. Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2014 Apr 11;228(5):523-529. [Epub ahead of print] 10.1177/0954411914531115 [doi] PMID: 24727591. Jones CA, Pohar SL, Feeny DH, Eng K. Longitudinal construct validity of the Health Utilities Indices Mark 2 and Mark 3 in hip fracture. Quality of Life Research 2014 23(3): 805-813. DOI 10.1007/s11136-013-0531-5. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Jones CA, Roop SC, Pohar, SL, Albrecht L, Scott SD. Translating knowledge in rehabilitation: a systematic review. Special Issue: Knowledge Translation and Implementation Physical Therapy. 2014, 94(10):PHYS THER published ahead of print June 5, 2014, doi:10.2522/ptj.20130512. Kaur MN, MacDermid JC, Grewal RR, Stratford PW, Woodhouse LJ. Functional outcomes postradial head arthroplasty: a systematic review of the literature. Shoulder and Elbow 2014 6:108. DOI:10.1177/1758573214524934. Kitzman, DW, Nicklas B, Kraus W, Eggebeen J, Haykowsky MJ. Skeletal muscle abnormalities and exercise intolerance in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 306: H1364 H1370, 2014. Komeili, A.; Westover, L.; Parent, E.; Moreau, M.; El-rich, M. and Adeeb, S. (2014). Surface Topography Asymmetry Maps Categorizing External Deformity in Scoliosis. The Spine Journal, 14(6): 973-983. PMID: 24361358. doi: 10.1016/j. spinee.2013.09.032. Li L, Adam P, Backman C, Lineker S, Jones C, Lacaille D, Townsend A, Yacyshyn E, Yousefi C, Tugwell P, Leese J, Stacey D. A Proof-of-Concept Study of ANSWER, A Web-Based Methotrexate Decision Aid for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research 2014 doi: 10.1002/acr.22319. Manns PJ. Task-specific and impairment-based training improve walking ability in stroke. Journal of Physiotherapy 2014: 60; 110. Invited commentary on Nadeau, S.E., et al., Effects of task-specific and impairment based training compared with usual care on functional walking ability after inpatient stroke rehabilitation: LEAPS Trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2013. 27(4): p. 370-80. Manns, P.J., A. Norton, and J. Darrah, A cross-sectional study to examine evidence based practice skills and behaviours of physical therapy graduates: is there a knowledge to practice gap? Physical Therapy, 2014. Epub ahead of print. Mathur S, Janaudis-Ferreira T, Wickerson L, Singer L, Patcai J, Rozenberg D, Blydt-Hansen, T, Hartmann E, Haykowsky M, Helm D, High K, Howes N, Kamath B, Lands L, Marzolini S, Sonnenday C. Meeting Report: Consensus Recommendations for a Research Agenda in Exercise in Solid Organ Transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation. In Press.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... McKillop AB, Carroll LJ, Battié MC. Depression as a prognostic factor of lumbar spinal stenosis: a systematic review. Spine J. 2014 May 1;14(5):837-46. McNeely ML, Parliament M, Seikaly H, Jha N, Magee DJ, Haykowsky M, Courneya KS. Sustainability of Outcomes following a Randomized Crossover Trial of Resistance Exercise for Shoulder Dysfunction in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors. Physiotherapy Canada , accepted June 6, 2014. In Press. Näkki A, Battié MC, Kaprio J. Genetics of disc-related disorders: current findings and lessons from other complex diseases. Eur Spine J. 2013 Jul 10. Patrick SK, Musselman KE, Tajino J, Ou H-C, Bastian AJ, Yang JF (2014) Prior experience but not size of error improves motor learning on the split belt treadmill in young children. PLoS ONE 9(3):e93349. doi: 10.1371/journal. pone.0093349. Ramadi A, Haennel RG, Stone JA, Arena R, Threlfall TG, Hitt E, Aggarwal SG, Austford LD, Haykowsky M, Martin B. The sustainability of exercise capacity changes in home versus center-based cardiac rehabilitation. The Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. In Press. Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. Neural responses to the mechanical parameters of a high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation: effect of preload parameters. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2014 Feb;37(2):68-78. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.12.004. Epub 2014 Jan 3. PubMed PMID: 24387888; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3946664. Riess K, Haykowsky M, Lawrence R, Tomczak C, Welsh R, Lewanczuk R, Tymchak W, Haennel R, Giurishankar S. Combined Endurance and Strength Training Improves Exercise Capacity, Cardiac Function, Muscle Strength and Quality of Life in Renal Transplant Recipients. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 2014. 39: 566–571. Schofield, J.; Parent, E.; Lewicke, J.; Carey, J.P.; El-Rich, M. and Adeeb, S.(2013). Characterizing Asymmetry across the Whole Sit to Stand Movement in Healthy Participants. Journal of Biomechanics, 46(15):2730-5. Schofield, J.; Parent, E.; Lewicke, J.; Carey, J.P.; El-Rich, M. and Adeeb, S.(2014). Leg Dominance may not be a Predictor of Asymmetry in Peak Joint Moments and Ground Reaction Forces during Sit to Stand Movements. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 30(1):179-83. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Scott J and Haykowsky MJ. Exercise is still medicine: transient alterations are critical for adaptation. J Physiol. 2014:4-5. Silveira, A., S. Armijo-Olivo, I. Gadotti, & D.Magee. Masticatory & cervical muscle tenderness & pain sensitivity in a remote area in subjects with a temporomandibular disorder & neck disability. J Oral Facial Pain Headache, 28(2):138 - 146, 2014. Slaughter S, Eastbrook CA, Jones CA, Wagg A, Eliaswiz M. Sustaining transfers through affordable research translation (START): A protocol to assess knowledge translation interventions in continuing care settings. Trials 2013 14, 355 doi:10.1186/1745-6215-14-355. Sommerfeldt M, Bouliane M, Otto D, Rowe BH, Beaupre L: The use of early immobilization in the management of acute soft tissue injuries of the knee- the results of a survey of emergency physicians, sports medicine physicians and orthopedic surgeons.(Can J Surg) In Press. Tham E, Haykowsky M, ChowK, Spavor M, Kaneko S, Khoo N, Pagano J, Mackie A, Thompson R. MRI myocardial tissue characterization by T1 mapping and exercise capacity in children with subclinical anthracycline cardiotoxicity. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Published online May, 2013.Jun 10;15:48. Thurston W, Coupal S, Jones CA, Crowshoe L, Marshall D, Homik J, Barnabe CM. Discordant Indigenous and provider frames explains challenges in improving access to arthritis care: a qualitative study using Constructivist Grounded Theory. International Journal for Equity in Health 2014 13:46 doi:10.1186/14759276-13-46. Tomczak C, Tymchak W, Haykowsky MJ. Exercise Training Improves Pulmonary Oxygen Uptake Kinetics in Heart Transplant Recipients. Am J Cardiol 2013;112:1489-1492. Tomkins-Lane CC, BattiĂŠ MC, Hu R, Macedo L. Pathoanatomical characteristics of clinical lumbar spinal stenosis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2014 Jan 1;27(2):223-9. Tomkins-Lane CC, BattiĂŠ MC, Macedo LG. Longitudinal construct validity and responsiveness of measures of walking capacity in individuals with lumbar spinal stenosis. Spine J. 2013 Nov 26. pii: S1529- 9430(13)01845-7.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Vanderzalm, J., Hall, M., McFarlane, L., Rutherford, L., & Patterson, S.K. (2013). Fostering Interprofessional Learning in a Rehabilitation Setting: Development of an Interprofessional Clinical Learning Unit. Rehabilitation Nursing: 38, 178-185. doi: 10.1002/rnj.78. Verschuren, O., Darrah, J., Novak, I., Ketelaar, M., Wiart, L., (2014) Health enhancing physical activity in children with cerebral palsy- More of the same is not enough. Physical Therapy Journal. 94(2) 297-305. Videman T, Battié MC, Gibbons LE, Gill K. Aging changes in lumbar discs and vertebrae and their interaction: a 15-year follow-up study. Spine J. 2014 Mar 1;14(3):469-78. Wang Y, Owoc JS, Boyd SK, Videman T, Battié MC. Occupational loading may not affect the association between vertebral trabecular bone and intervertebral disc narrowing. Bone. 2013 Dec;57(2):375-6. Weber D, Dulai SK, Bergman J, Buckley R, Beaupre LA: Time to Definitive Operative Treatment following Open Fracture does not impact Development of Deep Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study of 736 Subjects (J Orthop Trauma) In Press. Wessel J, Pierrynowski MR, Pennell K, Woodhouse LJ. Reliability and validity of spinal coordination patterns during treadmill walking in persons with thoracic spine pain – a preliminary study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2013 14:345. Wiart, L., Kehler, H., Rempel, G., Tough, S. (2014) The current state of inclusion of children with special needs in child care programs in one Canadian province. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 18(4): 345 358. Wong AY, Parent EC, Funabashi M, Kawchuk GN. Do changes in transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus during conservative treatment explain changes in clinical outcomes related to nonspecific low back pain? A systematic review. J Pain. 2014 Apr;15(4):377.e1-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2013.10.008. Epub 2013 Nov 1. PubMed PMID:24184573. Wong AY, Parent EC, Funabashi M, Stanton TR, Kawchuk GN. Do various baseline characteristics of transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus predict clinical outcomes in nonspecific low back pain? A systematic review. Pain. 2013 Dec;154(12):2589-602. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2013.07.010. Epub 2013 Jul 16. PubMed PMID: 23867731. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Yang JF, Musselman KE, Livingstone D, Brunton K, Hendricks G, Hill D, Gorassini MA (2013) Is repetitive mass practice better than focused precise practice for retraining walking after chronic incomplete spinal cord injury? Neurorehab and Neural Repair 28(4):314-24. Young AE, Wasiak R, Gross DP. Recurrence of Work-Related Low Back Pain and Disability: The Association between Self- Report and Workers’ Compensation Data. SPINE. 2013 Dec 15;38(26):2279-86. Yu H, Côté P, Southerst D, Wong JJ, Varatharajan S, Shearer HM, Gross DP, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Mior S, Ameis A, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. Does structured patient education improve the recovery and clinical outcomes of patients with neck pain? A systematic review from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. 2013. The Spine Journal. Published Online April 2014. Zenith L, Meena N, Yavari M, Harvey A, Carbonneau M, MaM, Abraldes J, Paterson I, Haykowsky M, Tadon P. Eight weeks of aerobic exercise training improves aerobic capacity, muscle mass, and symptoms of fatigue in patients with Child- Pugh class A and B cirrhosis. American Journal of Gastroenterology. In Press. Zewdie ET, Roy FD, Okuma Y, Yang JF, Gorassini MA (2013) Long-latency homonymous group I inhibitory spinal pathway to ankle flexors and its facilitation by motor training in spinal cord injury. J Neurophysiol 111(12):254453. Zhang J, Cao P, Gross DP and Zaiane OR. On the application of multi-class classification in physical therapy recommendation. Health Information Science and Systems 2013; 1:15.

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Abstracts and Conference Presentations Alabbasi K, Beaupre LA, Scharfenberger A. Primary Closure in Simple Compound Fractures. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. Amin Javaheri P, Nekolaichuk C, Haennel R, Parliament M, McNeely ML. Feasibility of a Supported Walking Program during Radiation Therapy for Survivors of Breast and Head-and-Neck Cancer. Physiotherapy Canada Congress 2014. Bampton, E., Slaughter,S., Estabrooks, C., Jones, A., Wagg, A., & Erin, D. Healthcare Aides’ Perceptions of the Sit-to-Stand Activity with Residents with Dementia in Long Term Care. The 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 2013, Halifax. Barnabe C, Jones A, Enns E, Voaklander D, Peschken C, Homik J, Esdaile J, Bernatsky S, Hemmelgarn B, Marshall D. Epidemiology and health services use for osteoarthritis by First Nations People in Alberta, Canada. American College of Rheumatology 77th National Scientific Meeting (San Diego, CA) Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013 64(10) S46-47. BattiÊ MC, Gibbons L, Bruno- Brayda M, Fairbank JC, Heywood C, Lazary A, McCall I, Roberts S, Varga PP. Defining disc herniation: Is clinical diagnosis enough? 41st Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Seoul, Korea, June 3-7, 2014. Beaudry R, Kruger C, Yang Y, Parliament M, Haykowsky M, McNeely ML. The Effect of Supervised Exercise on Aerobic Capacity in Cancer Survivors: Adherence and Workload Predict Variance in Effect. Physiotherapy Canada Congress 2014. Beaupre LA, Jones CA. Living with Osteoarthritis. Edmonton Wood Forum for OA (Oct 2013). Beaupre LA, Robertson S, Jones CA, Wilson D, Johnston DWC, Majumdar SR: An Outreach Rehab Program for Nursing Home Residents after Hip Fracture: Challenges and Approaches. Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting November 2013. Beaupre LA. Why is Early Mobility after Hip Fracture so Important? Fragility and Stability Working Group, Bone and Joint Strategic Clinical Network, RAH, MCH and UAH (Jan-Jun 2014).

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Bostick GP, Paslawski T, McFarlane L, Hall M. Fostering a Culture of Teaching Enhancement; ‘Watch’ & Learn. 6 Annual Dr Olive Yonge Teaching and Learning Scholarship Day, Edmonton, AB, March 2014. Bouliane M, Saliken D, Sheps D, Silveira A, Saraswat M, Beaupre LA: A Prospective Evaluation of the Instability Severity Score and Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Score in Patients with Recurrent Anterior Glenohumeral Instability. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting June 2014. Butler C, Kim D, Toma M, Thompson R, Chow K, Haykowsky M, Pearson G, Paterson I. Cardiovascular MRI Imaging Independently Predicts Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Heart Transplant Recipients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.2014:33(4):S136-137. Butler C, Preiksaitis J, Singh R, Toma M, Thompson R, Chow K, Kim D, Haykowsky M, Pearson G, Paterson I. Cardiac MRI of Heart Transplant Recipients With Previous CMV Infection Demonstrates Ventricular Hypertrophy and Dysfunction. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation.2014:33(4) :S136. Butler C, Savu A, Bakal J, Toma M, Thompson R, Chow K, Kim D, Haykowsky M, Pearson G, Kaul P, Paterson I. Correlation of Cardiac MRI Findings and Endomyocardial Biopsy Results in Patients Undergoing Screening for Heart Transplant Rejection. American Heart Association 2013 Annual Meeting. Chepeha J, Beaupre L. Moving Evidence into Practice: Development and Utility of Regional Postoperative Shoulder Rehabilitation Guidelines. Association’s National Congress June 2014, Edmonton Alberta. Chepeha J, Bouliane M. Physical Therapy Management of the Patient with Glenohumeral Arthritis. Updates in Total Shoulder & Ankle Arthroplasty November 2013. Chepeha J, Bouliane M. Post-operative Shoulder Arthroplasty Guidelines. Updates in Total Shoulder & Ankle Arthroplasty November 2013. Chepeha J. CPA Session: Ask A Researcher. Association’s National Congress June 2014, Edmonton Alberta. Updates in Total Shoulder & Ankle Arthroplasty November 2013. Chepeha J. Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures in the Elderly Population. Updates in Total Shoulder & Ankle Arthroplasty November 2013. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Chepeha J. Postoperative Shoulder Rehabilitation Guidelines. Physiotherapy Alberta Conference October 2013, Edmonton Alberta. Crites BattiĂŠ MC. Engaging stakeholders in common spinal disorders research. Seminar Series, Sheps Center for Health Services Research, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct 28, 2013. Davis AM, Cott C, Wong R, Landry M, Li LC, Jones A, Frank C, Lineker SC, Bergeron L, Hawker GA, Mosher DP, Ahluwalia V, Zimmer M, Jaglal SB, McGlasson R, Birtwhistle R, Bar S, Badley EM. Models of care for arthritis: drivers, facilitators and barriers to their development and implementation. American College of Rheumatology 77th National Scientific Meeting (San Diego, CA) Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013 64(10) S822-S823. Davis AM, Cott C, Wong R, Landry M, Li LC, Jones A, Frank C, Lineker SC, Bergeron L, McGlasson R, Hawker GA, Mosher DP, Jaglal SB, Birtwhistle R, Bar S, Badley EM. Approaches and challenges to reducing wait times for total hip and knee replacement. American College of Rheumatology 77th National Scientific Meeting (San Diego, CA) Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013 64(10) S816-817. DeSutter C, Finegan B, Masson E, Beaupre LA. Effective Smoking Cessation Programsin Pre-operative Surgical Patients. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. Dobbe A, Almansoori K, Beaupre LA, Scharfenberger A. Infra-syndesmotic Fractures of the Fibula: Non-Operative Management Outcomes. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. DuManoir G, Haykowsky M, Taylor D, Syrotiuk D, Bell G. Combined strength and endurance training does not improve left ventricular systolic function in response to a high-intensity exercise in females. FASEB J.2014.28(10):881.7. English CE, Manns PJ, Tucak, C, Bernhardt, J. From sitting to running, How active are stroke survivors across the activity continuum? A systematic review. 24th Scientific Meeting of Australia. July 31-August 2, 2013. Feeny D, Jones A, Pohar SL, Eng K. Evaluating the longitudinal construct validity of the Health Utilities Indices Mark 2 and 3 over recovery from hip fracture. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life Research (Miami, FL) October 26, 2013, Abstract Supplement Quality of Life Research 2013:22:108. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Foroozandeh, F., Slaughter,S., Wagg, A., Jones, A., Ickert, C., & Estabrooks, C. Effect of the Sit-to- Stand Activity on the Incidence of Falls among Long-Term Care Residents with Dementia. The 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 2013, Halifax. Fortin C, Parent E, Feldman D, Poliquin M-E, Cheriet F, Labelle H, Parent S, Hedden D, Moreau M. Responsiveness of a new standardized clinical photographic posture assessment method in children and adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis Canadian Paediatric Spine Study Group (CPSSG) Session as part of the 2014 Combined Spine Conference of the Canadian Spine Society New Zealand Orthopaedic Spine Society Spine Society of Australia Fairmont Ch창teau Lake Louise Lake Louise, Alberta Tuesday, Feb. 25. Goodine T, Beaupre LA, Pedersen ME. Ankle Stiffness after Malleolar Fracture. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. Kawchuk G, Edgecombe T, Wong A, Funabashi M, Cojocaru A, Prasad N. Spine Function Before And After Two Weeks Of Soft Lumbar Bracing. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Seoul Jun 3-7 2014. Kennedy M, Steinback , Skow R, Parent E. Test-retest reliability of eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea test performance and pre-post spirometry in elite swimmers. Experimental Biology 2014, Conference Proceeding; LB783, Pg 33, April 26-30, 2014; San Diego, California. Khan AS, Patrick SK, Roy F, Gorassini M, Yang JF. Changes in spasticity-related reflexes after two forms of walking retraining in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, planned for Nov, 2014. Khan AS, Patrick SK, Roy F, Gorassini M, Yang JF. Changes in spasticity related reflexes after two forms of walking retraining in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. Research Days, Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health, U of Alberta, March 10, 2014. Kim S, Jones A, Sadowski C. Validation of the Falls Risk Awareness Questionnaire. 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geriatrics Society. Edmonton, AB Apr 12, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Klemm A, Westby M, Jones A, Li L. Understanding barriers and facilitators for implementing quality indicators for Total Knee or Hip Arthroplasty in Edmonton, Alberta.Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC April 26, 2014. Komeili A, Westover L, Parent E, Moreau M., El-Rich M, Adeeb S. (2013) A Novel Surface Topography Technique to Evaluate Torso Asymmetry in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis . J Can Chir 56 (4 Suppl 2) Aug 2013 s56. (1.2.07). Komeili, A., Westover, L., Parent, E., Moreau, M., El-Rich, M., Adeeb, S. Assessment of torso deformities using 3D markerless asymmetry analysis and its clinical applications. Scoliosis 2013, 8(Suppl 2):O25. 18 September 2013. Manns PJ & Darrah J. From Classroom to Practice – Do Physical Therapist Use their Evidence Based Practice Skills? International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Annual Meeting. Oct 4, 2013. Raleigh, North Carolina. Martin, B. Norton, B. Development and Implementation of a Canadian Pre Bridging Competency Based Assessment of Internationally Educated Physical Therapists. Canadian Conference on Medical Education Ottawa, ON. April 24 – 28/14. Mathewson K, Haykowsky MJ, Thompson R. Feasibility and Reproducibility of Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Blood Flow, Oxygen Extraction and VO2 with Dynamic Exercise Using MRI International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Porc. Intl.Mag.Reson. Med. 2014.22:0830. McGlasson R, Beaupre LA: A National Toolkit Improves Care for Hip Fracture Patients. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Senior’s Division Newsletter December, 2013. McInnes J, Beaupre LA, Bouliane M, Majumdar SR. Reliability of Radiographic Criteria for Satisfactory Reduction in Elderly Patients with Proximal Humeral Fractures: A Pilot Study. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. Naserkhaki S, El-Rich M, Kawchuk G, Jaremko J. How Does Lumbosacral Spine Geometry Affect Spinal Load-Sharing? Finite Element Analysis Using Personalized Geometries”, 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, USA July 6-11, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Naserkhaki S, Jaremko J, Kawchuk G, Adeeb S, El-Rich M. Investigation of Lumbosacral Spine Anatomical Variation Effect on Load Partitioning Under Follower Load Using Geometrically Personalized Finite Element Model. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada November 14-20, 2014. Norton, B. Evans, C. Martin, B. Switzer-McIntyre, S. Participation of internationally educated physical therapists (IEPTs) in Canadian university online bridging courses Podium presentation. Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Conference Edmonton, AB. June 20, 2014. Parent E, Chabot S, Westover L, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Lou E, Adeeb S. Are full torso surface topography postural measurements more sensitive to change than back only parameters in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and a main thoracic curve? J can chir, Vol. 57 (3 Suppl 2) June 2014 (1.1.03) Combined Spine Conference of the Canadian Spine Society New Zealand Orthopaedic Spine Society Spine Society of Australia Fairmont Château Lake Louise Lake Louise, Alberta Tuesday, Feb. 25 to Saturday, Mar. 1, 2014. Parent E. Is there any evidence for nonsurgical interventions other than bracing and Physiotherapy Scoliosis Exercises 2014 SOSORT Educational Course May 06th, 2014, Wiesbaden Germany. Parent EC, Chabot S, Westover L, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Lou E, Adeeb S. The ability of surface topography postural measurements to detect Cobb angle progression in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and a main thoracic curve? Full torso scans compared to back only parameters. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the SOSORT May 08 -10, 2014 Wiesbaden, Germany, P33 SS2IST/006. Parent EC, Schreiber S, Hedden D, Moreau M. The effect of a 6-month Schroth exercise program: a pilot study using subjects as their own controls. Scoliosis. 2013;8(Suppl 2):045. Perle S, Harrison, N, Koloski J, Kawchuk G. Thoracic adjusting in the wild. Characteristics of Chiropractic Adjustments unconstrained by professional standards. Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia’s 10th Biennial Conference. Melbourne October 12-13, 2013. Pinto S, Daniels J, Martin B. The evaluator role in creating spaces for deliberation and dialogue: An example from practice. American Evaluation Association: Evaluation 2013! October 2013. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Richter A, Parent EC, Kawchuk G, Moreau M. Comparing the fatigability of paraspinal muscles between sides and curve levels while performing a modified side plank in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the SOSORT May 08 -10, 2014 Wiesbaden, Germany, P34 SS3Bsc/001. Roop S, Jones A, Albrecht L, Scott S. Translating Knowledge in Rehabilitation. Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics National Student Conference (Hamilton, ON) May 8, 2014. Roots R, Fricke M, Crowley H, Jones CA McQuarrie A, Oosman S. SymposiumPassing Around the Talking Stick: Sharing Stories of Physiotherapists Engaged in Advocating for Aboriginal Health and Wellness. Physiotherapy Congress 2014, Program Book p18. Edmonton, AB June 20, 2014. Sadowski CA, Jones CA. Interprofessional Reciprocal Peer Teaching - Success with Pharmacy and Physiotherapy Students’ Canadian Pharmacists Conference Saskatoon, SK June 1, 2014. Saliken D, Beaupre LA, Sheps D, Silveira A, Saraswat M, Bouliane M. Evaluation of the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) and the Western Ontario Stability Index (WOSI) as Predictors of Failure following Arthroscopic Bankart Repair. Surgery Resident Research Day; 3rd Prize Clinical Paper. Schreiber S, Parent EC, Hedden DM, Moreau M, Hill D, Watkins EM. The effects of a 6-month Schroth intervention for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): preliminary analysis of an ongoing randomized controlled trial. Scoliosis. 2013;8(Suppl 2):O44. Slaughter S, Wagg AS, Jones CA, Estabrooks, Brampton E, Erin DF. Optimizing innovation sustainability: knowledge translation interventions with healthcare aides. The Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA Nov 24, 2013 The Gerontologist 2013, 53: Supplement 1; 526. Slaughter S, Wagg A, Jones A, Bampton E, & Estabrooks C. Education is Not Enough‌..Strategies to Sustain New Care Practices. The 2014 ASHCA/ACCA Convention and Tradeshow, March 2014, Calgary. Slaughter S, Jones A, Risling E, Wagg A, & Estabrooks C. Comparing the RAI ADL Long Form and the Functional Independence Measure(FIM) in Long-term Care Residents. The Canadian interRAI Conference, October 2013, Ottawa. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Slaughter,S., Jones, A., Schopflocher, D., Wagg, A., Schalm, C., Milke, D., Ickert, C., & Estabrooks, C. Effect of the Sit-to-Stand Activity on the Function of Residents with Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities: Results of a Controlled Trial. The 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting, Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 2013, Halifax. Smirl J, Haykowsky M, Marsden K, Jones H, Nelson M, Ainslie P. Dynamic cerebral pressure-flow relationships in aging and long-term heart transplant recipients. FASEB J.2014.28:1068.11. Trovato A, Komeili A, Westover L, Parent E, Moreau M, Adeeb S, Sepúlveda E. Examination of the breast asymmetry associated with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis using surface topography methods Scoliosis 2013, 8(Suppl 2):O39. 18 September 2013. Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) Conference Chicago, Illinois, May 2013. Trovato, A., Komeili, A., Westover, L., Parent, E., Moreau, M., Adeeb, S. Examination of the Breast Asymmetry Associated with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Using Surface Topography (ST) Methods. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Spotlight on Research Breakfast & Symposium Edmonton, AB, October 2013. Weber D, Dulai S, Bergman J, Buckley R, Beaupre L: Time to Definitive Operative Treatment following Open Fracture does not impact Development of Deep Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study of 736 Subjects. Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual General Meeting Nov 2013. Westberg S, Beaupre LA, Chan R. Distal Radius Fractures; Operative versus Non-operative Management. Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day. Westover LM, Parent EC, Zhang PQ, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D (2013). Testretest and Inter-rater Reliability of Full Torso Surface Topography Measurements in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis, J Can Chir 56 (4 Suppl 2) Aug 2013 p S76 (paper 3.5.19). Whittaker JL, Woodhouse LJ, Jaremko J, Krawetz R, Emery CA. Consequences of knee joint injury in youth sport: Implications for osteoarthritis. OARSI, Paris – April 24-27, 2014. Wong A, Kawchuk G, Huang C. The causal relation between experimental pain and spinal stiffness - a pilot study. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Seoul Jun 3-7 2014. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts and Conference Presentations.... Wong AY, Parent EC, Funabashi M, Kawchuk GN. Can changes in deep trunk muscles predict post-treatment clinical outcomes in non-specific low back pain? A systematic review. 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP速 Chapters (EFIC速) - PAIN IN EUROPE VIII, Florence, Italy, October 9 - 12, 2013. Wong AY, Parent EC, Funabashi M, Kawchuk GN. Can morphology or function of deep trunk muscles predict future clinical outcomes in non specific low back pain? A systematic review. 8th Congress of the European Federation of IASP速 Chapters (EFIC速) - PAIN IN EUROPE VIII, Florence, Italy, October 9 - 12, 2013.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Battié MC. Degenerative disc disease: What’s in a name? New Horizons in Intervertebral Disc Research, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Nov 6-8, 2013. Battié MC. Disc degeneration-related clinical phenotypes. Spine Sciences State of the Art Forum, sponsored by Eur Spine J & Eurospine Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept 13-14, 2013. Battié MC. Engaging stakeholders in common spinal disorders research. Seminar Series, Sheps Center for Health Services Research, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, Oct 28, 2013. Gross DP. Advances in Work Disability Prevention in Canada. Bellikon Rehabilitation Clinic, Plenary Presentation, Bellikon, Switzerland. Aug. 28, 2013. Gross DP. Advances in Work Disability Prevention Research. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mar. 25, 2014. Gross DP. Advances in Work Rehabilitation Research. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Plenary Session, Sun Yat-sen University and Affiliated Hospitals, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. Mar. 31, 2014. Gross DP. Assessment and Rehabilitation of Injured Workers for Facilitating RTW. Manitoba Physiotherapy Association’s Plenary Lecture, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Feb. 7, 2014. Gross DP. From Silos to Systems Back Pain Mass Media Campaigns and ‘Common Factors’ Theory in PT. University Medical Center Groningen Beatrixoord Rehabilitation Centre, Plenary Presentation, Haren, The Netherlands. Aug. 7, 2013. Gross DP. Functional Capacity Evaluation: Evidence and Issues. Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada – Alberta Society Annual General Meeting, Invited Presentation, Red Deer, AB. Sept. 27, 2013. Gross DP. Functional Capacity Evaluation: The Canadian Perspective. Swiss Rehabilitation Ergonomics Association Annual Training Day 2013, Valens, Switzerland. Aug. 30, 2013.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Gross DP. Mass Media Campaigns for Preventing Work Disability: When Education Isn’t Enough. PREMUS: 8th International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Busan, Korea. July 10, 2013. Gross DP. Problems and Prevention in the Ageing Workforce. Healthy Working into OldAge Symposium, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Mar. 29, 2014. Gross DP. Work Disability Prevention. Guangdong/Hong KongWork Rehabilitation Experience Sharing Symposium, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. Mar. 30, 2014. Hall M. Evidence-based management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Lecture to clinicians in Bandung, Indonesia, July 25. 2013. Haykowsky M. Acute cardiac adjustments to high-intensity interval training in heart failure. 61st Annual American College of Sports Medicine, May 2014. Haykowsky M. Acute effects of resistance exercise alone or with a Valsalva maneuver on intracranial pressure. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/National Space Biomedical Research Institute Conference. Houston, USA. Haykowsky M. Anti-remodeling benefits of high intensity interval training for heart failure patients. Cardiff School of Sport, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Wales, April 2014. Haykowsky M. Benefits of exercise on the heart: Take care of your heart so your heart will take care of you. University of Alberta Alumni-Victoria. Victoria, BC. Haykowsky M. Benefits of exercise on the heart: taking care of your heart so your heart will take care of you. University of Alberta Alumni Educated Luncheon. Edmonton, AB 2014. Haykowsky M. Benefits of marathon running on cardiovascular health across the age and fitness continuum. London Marathon Medicine Conference, April 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular consequences of cancer care. Canadian Cardiovascular Congress. Montreal, Quebec 2013. Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular consequences of cancer therapy and the role of exercise to prevent cardiotoxicity. Cardiff School of Sport, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff Wales, April 2014. Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular consequences of cancer therapy. Australian Catholic University. Melbourne, Australia, March 2014. Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular Response to Exercise in Breast Cancer Patients. Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB. Haykowsky M. Cirrhosis: The role of exercise and nutrition. Gastrointestinal Grand Rounds, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Haykowsky M. High intensity interval training for cardiac patients Exercise as Medicine: Beyond Pills and Procedures. Arizona Sate University. Tempe, Arizona. Haykowsky M. Heart failure and preserved ejection fraction: Is it time to target the skeletal muscles? Cardiology divisional rounds, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Haykowsky M. High intensity interval training for heart failure patients. Australian Catholic University. Melbourne, Australia, March 2014. Haykowsky M. High intensity training for the older adult. Physiotherapy Alberta conference. Edmonton, AB July 2014. Jones A. Falls and mobility in vulnerable patient populations. 21st Annual Shades of Grey Conference. Jones A. Total joint arthroplasties. Arthritis Research Centre of Canada Retreat. Martin B, Cahoon K, Cugnet G, Guay P and Jasper L. Physiotherapy School in the 21st Century, CPA Congress, June 2014. McNeely ML. Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: What’s new? Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Symposium February 2014 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... McNeely ML. Developing a Community and Home-based Exercise Program for Survivors with Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema. 10th Australasian Lymphology Conference, April 2014 Aukland, New Zealand. McNeely ML. Physical Activity for Survivors of Multiple Myeloma. Canadian Myeloma Foundation Conference May 2014 Edmonton, Alberta. McNeely ML. Cancer Rehabilitation Alberta Health Physical Activity Guidelines for Survivors of Multiple Myeloma. Provincial Multiple Myeloma Conference November 2013 Edmonton, Alberta. McNeely ML. Cancer Rehabilitation Research in Alberta. Alberta Health Services Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta. McNeely ML. Rehabilitation Intervention for Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Breast Cancer Rehabilitation Symposium February 2014 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. McNeely ML. The Feasibility of Night-time Compression Systems for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema International Lymphedema Framework Conference June 2014 Glasgow, Scotland. McNeely ML. The Feasibility of Night-time Compression Systems for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema. 10th Australasian Lymphology Conference, April 2014 Auckland, New Zealand. McNeely ML. What does the evidence say about conservative treatments for breast cancer related lymphedema? 10th Australasian Lymphology Conference, April 2014 Auckland, New Zealand. Yang JF, Gorassini MA. Development of locomotion in infants and implications for improving walking after early brain injury. International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, CA, November 7, 2013

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Alberta Health Services

Alberta Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network - Core Committee - Knee Transformation Working Group - Leadership Committee - Research Advisory Comittee

Alberta Health Services

Alberta Cancer Exercise Committee

Alberta Health Services

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Research Steering Committee

Alberta Health Services

MSK Core Committee

Alberta Health Services

Provincial Breast Cancer Tumor Team

Alberta Health Services

Provincial Head & Neck Cancer Tumor Team

Alberta Health Services

Stability and Fragility Working Group

Alberta Health Services

Supportive Care Council

Alberta Innovates: Health Solutions

Creating Bone and Joint Health from the Bedside to the Bench and Back Again - Designer Therapies to Reduce the Burden of Osteoarthritis (OA) from Mechanisms to Prevention (AIHS Team Grant) - Database Committee - Executive Committee - Trainee Committee

Alberta Innovates: Health Solutions

Vascular Risk Reduction KT Subgroup

American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine

Board of Directors

Bone and Joint Canada-Hip Fracture

Steering Committee

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Evaluation Services Committee

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Appeals Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Executive Committee

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Curriculum Committee

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Database/Annual Report Committee

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Board of Directors

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Division Knowledge Management Committee (DKMC)

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Oncology Division Executive

Canadian Research Chair

College of Reviewers

Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Research

Research Committee

FOCUS Hip Fracture Transfusion Trial

Steering Committee

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS)

Executive Committee

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS)

Fellowship Awards Committee

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS)

Nomination Committee

Journal of Neurologic Physiotherapy

Editorial Board

National Model for Low Back Pain

Organizing Committee

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association

Conduct Committee

Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada

Board of Directors

Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton

Research Committee

Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment

Scientific Committee

Sport Physiotherapy Alberta

Board of Directors Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Steadward Centre

Scientific Committee

University of Calgary - Faculty of Medicine

Interview Development Committee

World Federation of Chiropractic

Research Council

6th National Spinal Cord Injury Conference

Scientific Planning Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Beaupre L Jones A

5th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar in Rehabilitation for Total Joint Arthroplasty - Session co-Chairs

Beaupre, L

Global Hip Fracture Recovery Research Network, Berlin Germany - Session co-Chair

Bostick G

Alberta Health Services Chronic Pain Workshop for Primary Care

Chepeha J

University of Alberta Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic Grand Rounds – Scapular Dyskinesis

Chepeha J

University of Alberta Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic & Sports Physiotherapy Alberta – Management of the Overhead Athlete’s Shoulder

Crites-Battié M

Spine Sciences State of the Art Forum, Session I: Low Back Pain Diagnosis, Geneva, Switzerland - Session Moderator

Crites-Battié M

Biology and Degeneration, International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine annual meeting, Seoul, Korea - Session Moderator

Gross D

Determinants of RTW Outcomes Course, CIHR Work Disability Prevention Training Program, University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Toronto, ON

Gross D

Principles of Occupational Orthopaedics & Vocational Rehabilitation Course, Chinese University Hong Kong Course, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Gross D

Functional Capacity Evaluation Workshop, Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Gross D

Exercise Prescription and Workplace-based Interventions Workshop, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Gross D

Introductory and Advanced Functional Capacity Evaluation Workshops, Occupational Therapy Australia, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth, Australia

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Kawchuk G

Semi-annual Canadian Chiropractic Research Meeting Session Chair

McNeely M

Australasian Lymphology Conference: Nutrition and Lymphedema - Session Chair

Martin B Norton B

IDI (Intercultural Competence Inventory) Training Workshop. Philadelphia, PA

Parent E

Edmonton Scoliosis Research Half-day - Host

Parent E

Physiotherapy at Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation treatment Wiesbaden, Germany - Session co-Chair

Parent E

Training course for the management of scoliosis using Schroth exercise - Host

Woodhouse L

Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), Paris, France - Session co-Chair

Zarski C

Camrose Men’s Conference - AHS lead conference on men’s mental health.

Zarski C

Charlie Killam Junior High Hockey Academy-Hockey Injury Prevention session

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2013-2014 academic year a total of 670 placements were coordinated through the office of the ACCE. These include: 642 U of A student placements, 25 student placements for students from other programs in Canada and 3 international students completing placements in Alberta. Additionally, 13 U of A students completed placements internationally: six in Indonesia, two in Kuwait, two in New Zealand, and one each in Australia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. 113 shadow experiences were also organized for first year students in facilities in Edmonton, Calgary and Camrose. A rough breakdown of offers per course and practice setting are presented in the tables below. Course PTHER 517 PTHER 518 PTHER 520 PTHER 521 PTHER 522 PTHER 523 UofA Students placed out of province Out of province/international students placed in Alberta

Number of Placements 113 113 105 107 107 92 25 28

Practice Setting Acute Care Hospital Rehabilitation Facility Private Practice / Occupational Rehabilitation Corbett Clinic

Number of Placements 236 109 164

Long-term Care Facilities Small Rural Community Hospital

18 66

Core Areas of Practice Cardio-respiratory Gerontology Mixed Caseload Neurology Adult Musculoskeletal Paediatric Neuro Paediatric Other

Number of Placements 97 47 144 94 221 22 12


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The spring 2014 session was particularly challenging again this year; with both satellite campuses at full capacity the required placements for the May/June time frame exceed 220 positions. The ACCE has discussed the challenges at length with Alberta Health Services in particular, and a new process for placements will be initiated for the fall 2014 request. Sites will be given a number request based on the previous year’s placement offerings for that time frame instead of always starting at zero. It is hoped that with a target number to work towards in specific areas that the program will receive the required number of placements in areas appropriate for student learning. So far sites have been receptive to the changes. The PT Clinical Educator of the Year award was presented for the third time this year at the RMSA gala. Jon Ashmead from the Transplants Team at the University of Alberta Hospital, was this year’s recipient for excellence in student supervision. Jon has been an active participant in student supervision since he graduated from the U of A MScPT Program in 2007 and student feedback about Jon’s supervisory style is exemplary. Community Partners Two site coordinator’s meetings were held in each of Edmonton and Calgary with site placement coordinators and rehab managers to discuss issues related to clinical education, communicate PT program changes, and build placement capacity. The Edmonton meeting teleconference capabilities allowed for site coordinators from across the province to participate in information sharing and decision making. Jon Gabbai, Assistant Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (AACCE) led the Calgary meetings, with the ACCE attending via video conference. In addition, the AACCE continued to meet with PT and Rehab leaders within the Calgary zone to discuss the opportunities for increasing placement capacity. The AACCE also took lead for second year student placements this year to provide a consistent point person for student issues. This format has worked well. Both the ACCE and AACCE have shadowed students on clinical placements at sites in and around Edmonton and Calgary to increase the visibility of the Department in clinical sites. The main goals of the visits are to offer support to students and to observe them in situ, as well as connect with supervising therapist, build relationships with them and get a sense for student performance.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. Abbotsford Regional Hospital, BC Active Body Centre, New Zealand Active Physio Works - Dynamic Active Physio Works - Kensington Active Physio Works - St Albert Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton Alberta Physical Therapy Clinics Allied Health Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Beaumount Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Bethany, Calgary Bonnywille Health Centre Bowden Physiotherapy & Gym Brooks Health Centre Calgary Sports Therapy Camrose Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Canmore General Hospital Capital Care, Dickensfield Capital Care, Grandview Capital Care, Norwood Capital Care, Strathcona Care Centre Capital Health Centre P.C, NB CBI - Burnewood Physical Therapy CBI - Calgary Central CBI - Calgary Foothills Industrial CBI - Calgary North East CBI - Calgary South CBI - Edmonton NW CBI - Edmonton SE CBI - Erindale CBI - Hospital Side-Red Deer CBI - Medicine Hat CBI - Red Deer CBI - ReMed Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury Child Development Center Chinook Regional Hospital Clearwater Physiotherapy Cold Lake Healthcare Centre Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR) Central Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR) North Community Accessible Rehabilitation (CAR) South Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Community Health, Camrose Community Health Centres - Calgary Community Health Centres - Red Deer Community Neurorehab Services Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Services (CRIS), Edmonton Cooper Physitherapy Clinic Coronation Physiotherapy Cross Cancer Institute CSA Physiotherapy Cura Physical Therapies Daysland Community Health Centre Didsbury District Health Services Diverse Sports Physical Therapy Dr Vernon Fanning Centre Drayton Valley Hospital and Care Centre Edgeworth Centre Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Edmonton Public School Division #7 Empower Physical Rehabilitaion Excel Physical Therapy Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute, Kuwait For Saskatchewan Community Hospital GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Grande Cache Community Health Complex Grande Prairie Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Grey Nuns Community Hospital HealthPointe Rehabilitation & Sport Therapy High River Health Services Hinton Healthcare Centre Home Care Seniors Centre - Calgary Region Home Living Program, Edmonton Innisfail Health Centre Inuvik Hospital, NWT Jasper Physiotherapy and Health Centre Kinsmen Sports Centre Physical Therapy Clinic Lacombe Hospital Care Centre Lacombe Physiotherapy Clinic Lamont Health Care Centre Lifemark - Academy Place Lifemark - Athabasca Centre Lifemark - Chestermere Lifemark - Genesis Place Lifemark - Heritage Hill Lifemark - Institute Lifemark - Kingsway Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Lifemark - Lake Beaumaris Lifemark - Max Bell Arena Lifemark - Mayor Magrath Lifemark - Millwoods Lifemark - Mira Health Centre Lifemark - Quarry Park Lifemark - Southland Leisure Centre Lifemark - Springborough Lifemark - SpringHill Sport Physiotherapy Lifemark - Stony Plain Lifemark - Sunpark Plaza Lifemark - Sunridge Way Lifemark - Talisman Centre Lifemark - Village Square Mall Llifemark - Willow Brook Mayerthorpe Healthcare Centre Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Misericordia Community Health Centre Momentum Health Physiotherapy Northern Lights Regional Health Centre Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy Oilfields General Hospital Orion Health Panther Sport Medicine & Rehab Centres Partners in Rehab Peace River Community Health Centre Peak Physical Therapy Peter Lougheed Centre Pincher Creen Health Centre Pindara Physiotherapy Sports Medicine, Australia Pivotal Physiotherapy, Edmonton and Ft. Saskatchewan Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Prairieview Physiotherapy Provost Health Centre PT Health - Advantage Aspen PT Health - Advantage Corporate Sport PT Health - Advantage Royal Oak PT Health - Market Mall PT Health - Maximum Potential Physiotherapy Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Rehabilitation & Rheumatology Hospital, Sri Lanka Rocky Mountain Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic Rockyview General Hospital Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Columbian Hospital, BC Seton Jasper Healthcare Centre Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Shaunavon Hospital & Care Centre Sheldon Chumir Centre Sherwood Care Silverado Sport Physiotherapy Slave Lake Healthcare Centre St. Boniface Hospital St. Mary’s Hospital, Camrose Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation Stanton Territorial Hospital, NWT Sturgeon Community Hospital Summerside Children’s Sport and Physiotherapy Sundre Hospital and Care Centre Supportive Living, Calgary Supportive Living, Edmonton Surakarta Health Polytechnic, Indonesia Tamarack Physical Therapy Two Hills Health Centre University of Alberta - Corbett Clinic University of Alberta - GlenSather Sports Medicine Centre University of Alberta Hospital Vermillion Health Centre Vulcan Community Health centre Wascana Rehabilitation Centre West End Physiotherapy Westlock Healthcare Centre Westview Health Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Whitecourt Health Care Centre Worker’s Compensation Board - Millard Health Rehabilitation Centre

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


During this past year, we entered the 4th year of operations for delivering the MScPT Satellite program as a pilot project in Camrose and Calgary. Student demand for the MScPT program has grown substantially since the starting of the satellite programs. To date 22 students have completed the MScPT Program at the Augustana Campus and another 30 (12 Augustana and 18 Calgary) will graduate in Fall 2014. With permanent government funding starting in the 2014-15 academic year, there will be a minimum of 26 additional MScPT graduates each year (12 Augustana and 14 Calgary). This boosts the total MScPT graduates from 80 to 106 annually. With the successful training of two cohorts of MScPT students at the Augustana satellite (majority of the first graduating class choosing to work in rural settings); the Calgary site successfully delivering the first year of the program to its first cohort; and being included in the recent successful accreditation review, a proposal for permanent funding for the Satellite program was submitted and approved.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The third cohort of students completed the program at Augustana. Student response has been positive. This is the first year with cohorts of students in the second year of the program at all 3 campuses. Transition for the students was smooth. As of September 2013, all classes were connected through the Bridge with an iPad app. This has addressed the demand for bandwidth and ensures quality of audio and video regardless of the number of sites connected. Further, this app has allowed all sites to have camera control in Edmonton. Lisa Jasper continues to participate in the General Space Planning and Design Process for a new Augustana Science Building. Chris Zarski continued to provide physical therapy services to the Augustana athletes September to December. Collaboration between the MScPT students and the Augustana nursing students occurred through shared InterD 410 classes, combined promotional activities, a collaborative educational activity, and a shared educational activity with a visiting distinguished Augustana alumni. The Augustana community has been very supportive of the MScPT program through the provision of clinical placements, student community electives, assistance in finding patients for student learning experiences, acting as standardized patients and assisting with practical exams.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


This past year marks the first time that the Calgary satellite site operated with two cohorts of students. The 2015 cohort of 18 students completed their second year of studies and the 2016 cohort of 19 students completed their first year of studies. Starting in September 2013 the majority of Lifesize connections were made through the newly added Bridge which allowed for better audio and video quality while decreasing the bandwith demand of each individual connection. In using the Bridge, we have also started using a custom app that was developed to allow us to use the Bridge while maintaining important functionality such as the ability for a remote site to move the cameras in Edmonton. The app is run on iPads at the sattelite sites. Head set microphones have been purchased for the Calgary classroom and Calgary lab. The new microphones have greatly improved the audio quality received at the other sites when instructors are teaching from Calgary. The 2015 Calgary cohort and the 2016 Calgary cohort have been the main users of the Calgary space in the past year. The current space has been sufficient to run all classes while supplying study space for students outside of class time. The Alberta Internationally Education Physical Therapy Bridging Program continues to use the Calgary teaching lab every second or third Saturday. We look forward to welcoming in the 2017 Calgary cohort this Fall. This coming year will also mark the graduation of the first cohort of Calgary satellite students with their official convocation in June 2015. Big changes are on the way as the Calgary Occupational Therapy program prepares to move in to the University of Calgary’s Downtown Campus (DTC). Plans are well underway for the expansion of our current space at DTC to include the OT program. The new space will also allow the PT program to increase Calgary enrollement.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy in partnership with the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta (CPTA) launched the Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program (AIEPB) in 2011. With grant funding to 2016 from Health Canada, the pilot program is designed to provide internationally educated physical therapists (IEPTs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet Canadian credentialing requirements and practice in Canada. In May 2013, the first cohort began their studies. Following a one-week Boot Camp, three online academic courses with accompanying biweekly Saturday labs and biweekly one day mentorship sessions, and a final six-week full time clinical placement, our first cohort of 16 students completed the program at the end of August 2014. Seven of seven students successfully passed the written portion of the national exam. Four students have successfully begun employment as provisionally licensed Physiotherapists in Alberta. Input from students, faculty, sessional instructors, and other stakeholders will form the Program Evaluation. The program is well on its way to meeting its obligation of graduating two cohorts of students. The second cohort of 20 students began May 2014. Twelve students are attending the Edmonton site and eight students are attending from our Calgary satellite site. With the early success of the AIEPB Program, a grant amendment for 2015 - 2016 was received to allow for an additonal cohort and establish a third satellite site in another location, potentially allowing IEPTs from Saskatchewan to attend. The department is developing a sustainability plan to transition the pilot to a permanent program. In March 2014 the Bridging Program was awarded the International Qualification Network (IQN) award by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. The IQN is a national community of practice linking people and organizations working in international qualifications assessment and recognition. The AIEPB Program was recognized with the IQN Advisory Council’s Special Award as an initiative of special distinction for demonstration of exceptional qualities in conception and execution.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2013-2014 academic year, we are proud to have been able to incorporate the Young Hip Exercise group through coordination with the Bone and Joint Clinic. This provides a needed service to the community to help people who have had hip replacements rehabilitate and progress towards their goals of returning to work and sport. We have also started our Better Balance Program at the Strathcona Senior Center, offering weekly sessions to the older adult community for exercise and balance training. We have continued to offer our services to patients with musculoskeletal complaints, neurological conditions, or those with chronic pain. In June, 2014 we hosted the Electrical Stimulation Therapy to Treat Chronic Wounds continuing education course. This course increased awareness of our clinic in the Edmonton community and enabled one of our students to participate. Moving forward into 2014-2015, the Corbett Hall Student Clinic will be hosting “Introduction to the Clinical Application of Rehabilitation Imaging: Lumbo-Pelvic Dysfunction” in January. We are also very excited to be planning an exercise group session for patients with movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s Disease. Placements U of A Students Canadian Students International Students PTA (MacEwan/Norquest) AIEPB Pharmacy Students Electives U of A MScPT Students U of A Pharmacy Students Clinic Statistics Total Number of Patients Total Number of Visits

Number of Students 10 8 1 3 1 2 Number of Students 10 2

575 2789

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Primary Care Physical Therapy Workshop Dr William Boissonnault, an expert in primary care physical therapy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, came to the University of Alberta in mid November 2013 to discuss curriculum renewal and the integration of more primary care content into our curriculum. Dr Boissonnault spent one afternoon presenting a faculty development workshop for 8 teaching faculty members and shared his experiences with the development and integration of this content in the UWM PT program. He also gave a short lecture and demonstration of special tests to first year PT students, and finished off with a workshop for PT Clinical Instructors focussing on primary care, triage and referral. This workshop was provided free of charge in recognition of the work done by clinical instructors in supervising PT students. Dr Boissonnault has also shared a number of resources with us from his courses that will be used as we develop our own primary care course.

Recruitment Fair

A recruitment fair was held on 16 July in Edmonton and 17 July in Calgary as an opportunity for students and potential employers to meet. The event was attended by 18 employer agencies in Edmonton and 9 in Calgary. The event was well attended by students and feedback from both employers and students was very positive.

5th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar A one day workshop, Total Shoulder and Ankle Athroplasty, was broadcast from Edmonton through the LifeSize system on November 30th. Ten Calgary clinicians attended the session at the Calgary campus.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2013 Enrollment September 2013: 114 students admitted to the MScPT (coursebased) program. • 81 female, 33 male • 88 Alberta residents; 26 Out of province Enrollment summary: • MScPT 2015 Cohort • MScPT 2014 Cohort • MScPT 2012 Cohort

- 110 (Admission year 2012) - 92 (Admission year 2011) - 78 (Admission year 2010)

Convocation 2014 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT Program Allison, Andrea Apel, Jytte Bain, Kelsea Bennett, Carli Bialkoski,Colin Bishop, Darren Cairns, Matthew Carson, Demian Chan, Carmen Clay, Heather Collier, Joshua Collinge, Wesley Cuthbert, Michelle de Fleuriot de la Colinière,Robert Dollmaier, Samantha Dow, Nellie Drever, Christy Dyck, Jason Fernando, Luckmini Filion, Marc-Andre Franklin, Kelli Friesen, Kayla Gilbert, Stephanie Gillis, Kimberly Goehring, Blake Hagstrom, Laura Hannigan, Danielle Hemsing, Laura Hender, Brooke Henderson, Stephanie Hutchings, Grant

Huynh, Jade Huynh, Phi Jones, Travis Kalnins, Carol Kheong, Zachary Kiani, Imran Kim, Elina Kloepfer, Jennifer Kortegaard, Kyle Kurio, Brett Lam, Alan Langner, Robin Lazuardi, Sean Lehman, Joshua Little, Roberta Loach, Alexander MacDonald, Sarah MacGillivray, Kimberley Majewski, Kyla Markiewicz, Brittany Martel Poirier, Amanda Martyn, Jason May, Kerri McDermott, Hilary McEwen, Mary McTaggart, Lisa Mitchell, Andrea Moncur, Tyler Moon, Michelle Mountain, Kelsey

Murray, Shannon Pettipas, Sarah Plewes, Carolyn Rude, Aaron Sandeman-Allen, Amber Schmidt, Janelle Sharp, Colleen Shewaga, Kaylynn Shouldice, Sonja Smith, Jessica Smith, Sarah Smolik, Nicole Sobiewski, Jessica Stang, Mary Starkey, Katelyn Tan, Sarah Taylor, Kirsten Telford, Shauna Tompkins, Kelsey Van Aerde, Nele Walper, Michael Warford, Jeremy Willcocks, Amber Wong, Jane Wong, Yung Yung Worobeck, Afton Wright, Laurin Yemen, Shannon Young, Eric Zhou, Shu

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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