PT Annual report 2014/2015

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Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2014-2015 Pursuing your best

Chair and Associate Chair’s Message .................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department .................................................. 5 Strategic Plan ................................................................................... 6 Department Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Faculty Awards ................................................................................ 19 Student Ratings of Instruction ........................................................... 20 MScPT Student Awards ..................................................................... 21 Research Funding ............................................................................. 25 Publications ..................................................................................... 30 Service ........................................................................................... 65 Clinical Education ............................................................................ 70 Satellite Campuses .......................................................................... 76 Alberta Internationally Educated Physical Therapists Bridging Program...... 79 Student Clinic .................................................................................. 80 Events ............................................................................................ 81 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ................................................ 82

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair We are pleased to present the University of Alberta Department of Physical Therapy annual report for 2014-15. This has been another productive year for the Department with notable highlights for our satellite campuses, teaching and research. Campuses This year we welcomed a total of 110 students into the first year of the MScPT Program as the class of 2017, 80 in Edmonton, 12 in Camrose and 18 in Calgary. In the fall of 2014, 106 students from across all 3 campuses completed program coursework and headed out into the working world. This was the first graduating class to include students who had attended the Calgary MScPT Satellite Campus. With permanent funding for our two satellite sites announced in April 2014 this will be the new normal going forward. These graduates were the 10th MScPT class and convocated in June 2015. Internationally Educated Physical Therapists (IEPT) Bridging Program The AIEPB program is now in its third year and admitted a third cohort of 24 students in May 2015. A third satellite site was added in Medicine Hat to meet demand in this region. Three students are commuting from out of province (BC, SK, MB) to attend Saturday labs, validating the Pan-Canadian vision for the program. With grant funding ending in March 2016, the AIEPB administrative team has been working hard to convert the program to a cost recovery free standing Post-Baccalaureate Certificate. Research Researchers in the Department continue to be very successful with external grant funding and productive in knowledge translation activities. Researchers attracted over $2,600,000 in new funding and published 97 peer reviewed papers and 133 abstracts. Two new researchers joined our department, Drs. Lesley Wiart (Pediatrics) and Jackie Whittaker (Research Director of the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic), while Dr. Mark Haykowsky accepted a position as Professor & Moritz Chair in Geriatrics at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair... Honours In January 2015, the PT Department’s teaching team once again took home awards at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching Awards: Jacky Chow (Calgary site) was awarded the FRM Sessional Teaching Award and Rhonda Ashmore won the FRM Teaching Assistant Award. The Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association PT teaching award was given to Dr. Lesley Wiart. Drs. Doug Gross and Michele Crites-Battié’s research team received an international research award for best paper at the 2014 WDPI Conference – the Liberty Mutual Work Disability Prevention award. Dr. Eric Parent and his PhD Student Sanja Schreiber won the annual SOSORT award. All very well deserved awards! This report highlights another busy, productive year for the PT Department and all the dedicated faculty and staff members who truly care about providing an exceptional educational experience for our students and advancing the field through world class research. These activities would not be possible without the dedicated physical therapists across the province and beyond who continue to give of their time and expertise to mentor and supervise our students on clinical placement. We could not run our programs without your help and we thank you for your continued support.

Doug Gross, PhD, BScPT Professor & Interim Chair

Bernadette Martin, PT, MA, BScPT Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education at all levels ◊ Conducting scholarly research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy

◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Department of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2010 - 2015 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: ◊ To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers ◊ To enhance and promote the Physical Therapy Department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based Physical Therapy practice for students and clinicians ◊ To be a leader in serving our external community through novel outreach, collaborative partnerships and Physical Therapy knowledge exchange

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Michele Crites-BattiĂŠ, PhD Professor

Karim Fouad, PhD Professor

Doug Gross, PhD Professor & Interim Chair

R.G (Bob) Haennel, PhD, FACSM Professor & Interim Dean

Mark Haykowsky, PhD Professor

Allyson Jones, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Greg Kawchuk, PhD Professor

Trish Manns, PhD Professor

David Magee, PhD Professor

Jaynie Yang, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Lauren Beaupre, PhD Associate Professor

Mark Hall, PhD Associate Professor & Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education

Bernadette Martin, BScPT, MACT Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Eric Parent, PhD Associate Professor

Linda Woodhouse, PhD Associate Professor David Magee Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Clinical Research Scientific Director of the Bone and Joint Network

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Assistant Professors Geoff Bostick, PhD Assistant Professor

Judy Chepeha, PhD Assistant Professor

Margie McNeely, PhD Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors Michelle Barnes, BScPT Clinical Lecturer & AIEPB Program Mentorship Placement Coordinator

Colleen Britton, BPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIEPB Program Co-Director

Kim Dao, DPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Heather Bredy, MCIScPT, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Jacky Chow, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Jon Gabbai, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Calgary Clincal Education Coordinator

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors... Lisa Jasper, MSc, BMR (PT) Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Augustana

Barb Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIPEB Program Co-Director

Iain Muir, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Lesley Wiart, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor

Christopher Zarski, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Professor Emeritus S Kumar, PhD, DSc M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT JE Semple, MEd, BPT, HT J Darrah, PhD Clinical Professor Emeritus J Loomis, BPT, MEd Adjunct Professor B Stephens, PhD W Janzen, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor N Prasad, PhD Adjunct Assistant Professors S Armijo, PhD K Bruno, PhD J Fuentes, PhD K Reiss, PhD

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Guest Lecturers Ashmore, R Beckers, K Bergsten, S Boissonnault, W Buckingham, J Bragg, E Coombs, W Culbert, S Dhillon, R Edwards, A Flakstad, L Furler, B Harrison, C Haydo, M Hunter, S Jamieson, S

Janz, J Kemp, K Kerslake, S Kossey, S Kwok, A Labrentz, M Mandhane, R McLellan, C Meyer, H Miciak, M Millett, D Musselman, K Noele, A Schell, S Schneider, G Steinbring, E

Stobbe, M Thopson, N Tromfiuk, E Wentland, C Wheeler, S Wolansky, T Vandermeer, B

Ayoade, V Baldwin, T Baron, DR Barreda, A Barton, K Bayapaneni, S Bayless, K Beaupre, L Belisle, V Bell, K Belter, J Benard, L Benoit, M Benoit, L Benterud, K Benterud, D Bergen, C Bergsten, S Bishop, D Bissoni, F Bles, D Bocchinfuso, S

Bodet, M Boer, C Bogaart, J Bonnenfant, D Borde Sawatsky, A Botelho, A Bradley, D Branton, E Brohman, J Brososky, C Brosseau, K Brown-Hall, B Burrows, B Butler, S Byrne, M Caballero, C Calder, K Canezal, M Castro, R Cavenagh, A Cavenagh, B Celinskis, L

Clinical Lecturers Abbud, G Abraham, L Acheson, L Adams, K Adelman, T Agbabiaka, O Akins, L Alexander, M Amundson, C Ansari, R Anthony, S Arbeau, V Ardell-Ehmann, K Arial, N Armstrong, D Ashmead, J Assenheimer, C Atkinson, J Audet, T Auger, K Auger, R Axelson, M

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Cerantola, G Chalmers, S Chamberlain, A Chan, C Charbonneau, E Chase, C Chatterton, E Chen, L Chilibecki, K Ching, M Chiu, A Chow, J Chung, A Clark, R Collier, J Connors, C Cooney, T Couto, J Cuff, S Cuglietta, N Cushing, S Custodio-Fox, M Da Costa, J Dai, Y Daling, E Dalton, A Daneyko, L Dao, K Darbellay, C Darrah, A Davies, R Dawkins, M De Chastelaine, A de Fleuriot, R Dean, J deCastro, R Deenen, N DeGuzman, C Demkiw, V den Otter, D Desaulniers, N

Desfosses, M DeVries, J Dey, L Dickenson, N Donaldson, J Dorn, P Douglas, J Downey, R Downing, D Doyle, J Doyle, D D’Souza, V Duchscherer, T Dueck, P Dyer, J Eatmon-Powell, S Eddy, D Edmunds, R Eggink, M Eldred, K Engelbrecht, A Evenson, J Fasakin, J Fehr, J Feng, L Fennig, N Ferguson, J Fernando, N Firth, G Fleet, S Fong, E Forman, Y Francis, B Frank, J Friesen, K Friesen, M Fung Gee, S Furler, B Gagnon, S Gainer, F Gallagher, A

Gallent, E Gamblin, T Gartner, L Gavriloff, M Gibas, K Gibbons, K Giesbrecht, A Gilbert, S Gilbertson, D Gillespie, D Giratalla, M Glass, A Gossens, M Gover, T Greg-Alabi, M Gregor, W Gregory, T Groshong, J Hale, B Hallworth, I Hamelink, M Hamirlik, L Harbidge, C Harris, M Harrison, L Hartley, Steve Hartley, Sarah Hasham, F Hawken, T Hayday, K Hebblewhite, S Hebert, A Hein, J Hemsley, A Henry, B Highland, R Hobson, C Hockridge, J Hoda, A Hodges, M Hodson, K

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Holloway, L Holman, J Holowaychuk, S Holt, C Hornick, E Howard, V Hranac, B Huget, M Humphrey, A Hunt, J Hurta, D Huynh, P Huynh, J Igbiki, J Ishani, I Jack, B Jacob, S Jacobs, J Jacobson, D Janot, L Jones, B Jones, S Jones, N Jones-Ensz, C Junck, T Kalinocka, S Kaup, C Kaura, A Keegan, L Kelly, P Kempster, L Kennedy, C Kidd, K Kiely, L Kilgour, J Kingston, A Kingswell, S Klapstein, G Klass, C Kopat, K Kortegaard, K

Kozel, L Kozina, I Krepela, M Kresowaty, B Kristian, N Krueger, N Kruithof, S Kuleba, L Kunzelman, D Kuzyk, C Kwok, Alyson Kwok, Andrew LaBerge, Jolene Labrentz, M Lai, C Lam, A Lambert, J Lange, J LaRocque, D Lassen, J Latta, L Lau, W Laurensse, M Lavoie, N Lawrence, H Lawson, D Lebans, C Leblanc, D LeBlanc, T Lee, E Leedahl, S Lee-Knight, K Lemke, A Lengyel, S Lester, R Leung, B Lew, L Lewis, O Littke, N Little, R Llewellyn, D

Lo, M Loarch, A Locke, Z Longares, R Lopetinsky, B Loven, B Lowey, M Lukinuk, E MacDonald, J Macey, K MacFarlane, K MacGillivray, K MacIssac, J MacKay, S Maclellan, C MacNeil, C Magis, T Mandeville, T Mandhane, R Mang, K Mann, C Martyn, J Massey, D Mathew, R Mathews, S Matsuba, L May, K Mazzei, D McCaan, N McDiarmid, E McFadyen, S McGregor, J McIntosh, K McIntosh, L McKay, T Mckenzie, K McLaren, T McLeod, V McNeely, M McWatt, A Mecham, T

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Meldrum, B Mertley, B Middlebrook, E Miller, S Milligan, N Mills, S Minor, A Missikewitz, R Mohamed-Kassam, A Molzan, J Moorthy, S Morgan, B Morgan, M Morier, R M’Pova, G Muhlbeier, J Mullapudi, S Murray, G Mustard, M Nadeau, G Nallusamy, A Namboory, M Natrasony, C Newans, S Nhan, H Nordman, M O’Brien, D Ogunlola, T Olabode, J Ollewagen, A O’Mahony, C Orban, A Ostowari, F Oura, K Overton, V Pabani, S Padilla, M Palechuk, T Paquet, D Park, L

Patterson, J Pauls, D Pearce, A Pereira, L Perreault, T Peter, L Peter, A Peters, T Pettipas, S Pierson, L Pilipchuk, V Pletsch, S Pletts, J Pollard, E Pollock, H Poon, B Poon, J Pound, S Powell, C Powell, S Probst, D Prohar, J Purushothaman, P Radke, L Rana, D Rayment, G Reimer, J Renner, D Richards, S Richardson, J Riewe, H Robbie, K Roberts, J Rogerson, S Rose, A Ross, T Ross, C Roth, K Roy, M Russell, W

Russell, D Russell, J Saini, A Sawka, L Schell, S Schmidt, L Schreiber, N Schroeder, G Shultz, K Scott, J Scott, R Sedgwick, C Sequeira, S Sexton, C Shaw, C Shenoy, S Sherman, S Shewaga, K Shore, K Shukalak, B Shular, B Siebold, T Singh, H Sistoso, L Skitsko, T Smith, C Smith, Sarah Smith, Susan Smitheram, M So, E Sommerfeld, S Spate, S Squire, J Stang, R Stang-Lee, C Stanhope, A Stapleton, C Stark, C Starkey, K Steenbergen, L

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Stewart, M Stork,T Swales, D Taggert, D Taphorn, A Tarleton, H Tays, E Teece, A Teitelbaum, D Thomas, C Thompson, H Thompson, L Tiedemann, K Tizzard, S Toporowski, S Tosh, M Townsend, K Tremblay, C Troop, K Truong, L Tulloch, K Tung, W Turner, K Vaillancourt, M Van Campenhou, K van Gelder, S Van Heyst, K Van Vlack, T Vande Glind, C Vaughan, D Velasco, V Velusamy, S Vihos, J Vogels, C Vun, N Wade, R

Wake, D Wannechko-Koenig, R Wasylyniuk, E Webber, C Webster, D Weeks, E Wendell, G Werner, S Wharton, J White, T Whyte, S Wiebe, A Wiebe, L Wigston, R Willes , T Williams, Chris Williams, Carolyn Williams, R Wilson, K Wilton, J Wolansky, T Wong, M Wong, Y Wright, L Yee, F Young, E Yurick, J Zachar, K Zacharias, M Zahariuk, A Zahary, E Zarsky, T Zayac , D Ziemmer, J Zuluaga, L

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Administrative Staff Cheryl Ackerman Reception Katelyn Brown Executive Assistant to the Chair Connie Harrison Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Tamie Heisler-Schafer Academic Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Jordan Koch Physical Therapy Assistant, Calgary Gillian Luff Admissions and Awards Assistant Susan Lynch Administrative Professional Officer Deborah Martens Clinical Education Assistant Jacalyn Poulin Physical Therapy Assistant, Edmonton Alyson Ryan Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Meagan Simon Research Assistant Nicole Stogrin Program Assistant Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Jacky Chow Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award (2015)

Rhonda Ashmore Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Graduate Teaching Assistant Award (2015)

Lesley Wiart Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association Teaching Award (2015)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Following its formation, the Teaching Interest Group expanded to include faculty from the other Rehabilitation Medicine Departments (SPA and OT). The FRM TIG has been a valuable addition for teaching enhancement within the Faculty. New initiatives by the TIG include an FRM-specific peer observation program for teaching enhancement. The program aims to provide instructors the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their teaching in a non-punitive context. Peer observers meet with the instructor to discuss their teaching objectives and together reflect on the strengths and opportunities for improvement. The peer observation program has been successfully piloted and implemented with 12 instructors (6 from PT) actively participating in the program. The graph below uses weighted averages to summarize Student Ratings of Instruction for the courses taught by staff members in 2014-2015. Each statement in the evaluation is rated from 1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree; 5 being a perfect score. The questions on the student evaluations are separated into two categories: Course Specific (includes questions regarding course content and structure) and Instructor Specific (includes questions specific to the instructor’s knowledge and delivery).

Student Ratings 2014-2015 5.0 4.5



4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0

Course Specific Instructor Specific

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The following is a list of awards received by students enrolled in the MScPT program.


Award/Scholarship Name


Amanda Durling

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Amanda Matton

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Amanda Matton

QEII Scholarship


Amanda Rygh

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Amy Stober

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Andrea Bui

CPA - Physiotherapy Student Leadership Award of Excellence

Andrea Ginter

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Andrea Noppers

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Andrea Noppers

QEII Scholarship


Andrea Tarrant

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Astrid Hartling

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Blair Browning

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Bonnie Hagan

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Bonny Hong

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Brittany Robertson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Brittney Achtymichuk

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Caitlin McDowell

Physiotherapy Alberta Graduate Scholarship


Christoper Montgomery

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Claire Mackenzie

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Claire Mackenzie

QEII Scholarship


Daisy Pun

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Daniella Ongaro

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best





Award/Scholarship Name


Daniella Ongaro

QEII Scholarship


David Henderson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Desirae Sinclair

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Dustin Bru

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Emily Kenyon

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Emily Leis

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Grace Phipps

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Greg Cugnut

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Greg Cugnut

QEII Scholarship


Jacalyn Moore

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


James Murphy

Dr. JR Fowler Memorial Book Award

James Murphy

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association Prize

Jennifer Olynyk

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jeremy Gerhardt

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jessica Lobe

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Jessie Gill

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Julie Spindler

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kaila Sweeney

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Karin Kunkel

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Karmen Li

Millard Scholarship in Recognition of Ilse Koerner and Sabine Reich

Kayla Rogers

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kayla Rogers

E Wulliam Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Kaylyn Gordon

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best

$200 $0






Award/Scholarship Name


Kelsey Friesen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kevin Arkko

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Keylee Kast

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Leah Shewfelt

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Leanne Mireault

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Leanne Mireault

QEII Scholarship


Lindsay Fraser

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lindsay Fraser

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Lindsay Fraser

QEII Scholarship


Lindsay Walker

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lisa Lorenz

Davies Park Graduate Student Scholarship

Lisa Lorenz

QEII Scholarship


Lisa Lorenz

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Long Nguyen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lori Hales

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lorna Roberts

QEII Scholarship


Lorna Roberts

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Marta Diduch

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Matthew Goertzen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Megan Luck

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Melissa Tomiyama

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Mitchell Sime

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Natalia Brown

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Nicholas MacLeod

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best





Award/Scholarship Name


Peter Tenove

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Raelene Lang

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Robyn Dargis

Deans Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine

Ruben San Martin

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Samara Paull

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Samara Paull

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Sara Austin

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sarah Maass

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Shane Pattyson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Shuan Turner

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Shuan Turner

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Shelby Hall

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sonja Beyer

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Stephanie Weist

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Stephen Pollard

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Steven Novakowski

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Taman McWatt

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Thanh Tang

Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship


Tracy Job

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Virginia Huynh

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Virginia Huynh

J Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award - FGSR Graduate Travel Award

Zachary Peters

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship

Sterling Gilt Medal


$698 $3,000 $263,298

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Sources of New Grant Funding Provincial Funding $ 1,393,505

International Funding $ 601,420

National Funding $ 675,820 International Funding $ 601,420

National Funding $ 675,820

______________________ TOTAL

Provincial Funding $ 1,393,505


New Grant Distribution 34% 56% 10%

Principal Investigator


Co-Principal Investigator








Summary of Grant Funding


Total Funding - Comprehensive


Total New - Comprehensive Total Funding - PT Lead


Total New - PT Lead 8.00




0.00 2012/13



Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Beaupre LA, Majumdar SR, Hanson H, Juby A, Kivi P PRIHS II - STOP Fracture

AIHS - PHRIS $750,000 2015-2017

Author: Title of Grant:

Beaupre LA Appropriate and Efficient Management of Shoulder Injuries: Who Needs Surgery? Funding Agency: WCB Alberta Total Amount of Award: $43,350 Dates of Funding: 2014-2017 Author: Title of Grant:

Beaupre LA, Sheps D Sturgeon Community Hospital Upper Extremity Clinical Research Program Funding Agency: Sturgeon Community Hospital Total Amount of Award: $250,000 Dates of Funding: 2015-2019 Author: Title of Grant:

Bostick GP Women’s perspectives on the assessment of pain

Funding Agency: Women’s and Children Health Research Institute Total Amount of Award: $7897.78 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016 Author: Title of Grant:

Bostick GP Culturally sensitive pain assessment in physical therapy

Funding Agency:

Clinical Research Innovation Fund - CPTA and Department of Physical Therapy

Total Amount of Award: $12,184.80 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

Fouad K Reopening the window of opportunity for rehabilitative training after chronic spinal cord injury

Funding Agency: Wings for Life Total Amount of Award: 200,000 Euro / $299,477 CAD Dates of Funding: 2015-2017 Author: Title of Grant:

Gross, D The Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing (MI) as an Interventional Tool for Improving Return to Work Rates for Injured Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders Funding Agency: WCB Alberta Total Amount of Award: $79,731 Dates of Funding: 2014-2016 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Jones, A LAPLACE: Late life location of care research team CIHR Team Grant Late Life Issues - LOI $25,000 June 30, 2015 - December 1, 2015

Author: Title of Grant:

Manns P The feasibility of a home-based transition intervention to reduce sedentary behaviour and improve function within the first 6 months after stroke Funding Agency: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Clinical Research Fund Total Amount of Award: $10,000 Dates of Funding: January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 Author: Title of Grant:

McNeely, M Alberta Cancer Exercise:Evaluation of impact indicators

MSI Foundation Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: $65,000 2015-2016 Dates of Funding: Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

McNeely, M Night-time Compression for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema: A randomized controlled efficacy trial

Funding Agency: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Total Amount of Award: $186,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2017 Author: Title of Grant:

McNeely, M Ultrasound therapy in the treatment of pain for chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy: A placebo controlled pilot study Funding Agency: Alberta Physiotherapy Association and College Total Amount of Award: $10,700 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016 Author: Title of Grant:

McNeely, M Therapeutic, aerobic and resistance group exercise training for head and neck cancer survivors Funding Agency: Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Internal Grant Total Amount of Award: $6,000 Dates of Funding: 2014-2015 Author: Title of Grant:

Parent, E Evaluation of the Effects of Compression and Traction on Intervertebral Disc Water Content and Disc Morphology in Patients with and without Low Back Pain Funding Agency: Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada Total Amount of Award: $5,000 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

Parent, E Development of a Program for Automatic Quantitative Measurements of Lumbar Disc and Vertebra Signal Intensity and Morphology using T2-weighted MR images Funding Agency: Alberta Spine Foundation Total Amount of Award: $10,000 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency:

Woodhouse, L AIHS Strategic Initiative - Knowledge Translation Funding provided in support of the BJHSCN AIHS

Total Amount of Award: $10,000 Dates of Funding: April 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 Author: Title of Grant:

Woodhouse, L BJHSCN Research Network

Funding Agency:


Total Amount of Award: $400,000 Dates of Funding: 2012-2017 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award:

Woodhouse, L Scientific Director, BJHSCN AHS $250,000

Dates of Funding:


Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award:

Zarski, C PT Thesis Research Operating Grant Program Department of Physical Therapy $350

Dates of Funding:

April 1, 2015 - July 1, 2015 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Publications (2014-2015) Patents


Book Chapters


Journal Articles


Abstracts and Conference Presentations


___________________________ TOTAL 236

The Department reported 236 publications for 2014-2015. Book Chapters Chepeha JC, Bouliane M, Sheps D (in press). Rotator Cuff Pathology. Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, Vol. III Pathology and Intervention, 2nd ed.. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Chepeha JC (in press). Shoulder Trauma and Hypomobility. Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Series, Vol. III Pathology and Intervention, 2nd ed.. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Kitzman D, Taffet G, Haykowsky M. Effects of aging on the cardiovascular system. Section B. Cardiology, Chapter 74. Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology. 2015. McNeely ML, Campbell KL (in press). Breast Cancer. Evidence-based Therapeutic Exercise Prescription for the Rehabilitation Specialist. Oregon: F.A. David Company. Patents AUSTRALIAN PATENT: Title: Biological skeletal system monitoring Inventor Name(s): Kawchuk, Greg Date of Patent: 19 Feb 2015 Expiry Date: 22 May 2029 JAPANESE PATENT: Title: Biological skeletal system monitoring Inventor Name(s): Kawchuk, Greg Date of Patent: 3 April 2015

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Soer R, Coppes MH, Koke A, Vroomen CAJ, Speijer LGN, Reneman MF, Smeets R, Gross DP (2015). Reference values of the Pain Disability Index in patients with painful musculoskeletal and spinal disorders. Spine, 40: E545-E551. Algarni F, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battie MC (2015). Ageing workers with work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Occupational Medicine, 65: 229-37. Carson J, Sieber F, Cook DR, Hoover DR, Noveck H, Chaitman BR, Fleisher L, Beaupre L, Macaulay W, Rhoads GG, Paris B, Zagorin A, Sanders D, Zakriya K, Magaziner J (2015). Liberal versus Restrictive Transfusion Strategy - 3 Year Survival and Cause of Death: Results from the FOCUS Trial. Lancet, published online: published online. Bouliane M, Beaupre L, Ashworth N, Lambert R, Silveira A, Sheps D (2015). Suprascapular Nerve Injury During Arthroscopic Superior Labral Repair: A Prospective Evaluation. . Knee Surgery Sports Traumatol Arthrosc , 23 (2): 517522. Bouliane M, Saliken D*, Beaupre LA, Silveira A, Saraswat MK, Sheps D (2015). Evaluation of the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS) and the Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index (WOSI) as Predictors of Surgical and Clinical Failure Following Arthroscopic Bankart Repair . Bone Joint Journal, 96-B: 1688-92. Amusat N*, Beaupre LA, Warren S, Simpson S, Jones CA (2015). Diabetes that impacts on routine activities predicts slower recovery after total knee arthroplasty: an observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy, 60: 217-223. Pitzul K*, Munce S, Perrier L, Beaupre L, Morin S, McGlasson R, Jaglal SB (2015). Quality indicators for hip fracture patients: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open Reviews, 4(10): Article number e006543. Bornes TD*, Jaremko JL, Beaupre LA, Bouliane MJ (2015). Radiographic sclerotic contour loss in the identification of glenoid bone loss. Knee Surgery Sport Traum Arthr, Epub ahead of print. Bostick, G., Hall, M. and Miciak, M. (2015). Novel clinical learning from a student-led clinic. The Clinical Teacher, 11: 512. Paslawski, T., Kahlke, R., Hatch, T., Hall, M., McFarlane, L., Norton, B., Taylor, E., King, S (2015). Action, Reflection, and Evolution: A Pilot Implementation of Interprofessional Education across Three Rehabilitation Disciplines. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 4: Online Journal. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Anderson,C., Cosgrove, M., Lees, D., Chan, G., Gibson, B.E., Hall, M., Mori, B. (2015). What Clinical Instructors Want: Perspectives for a New Assessment Tool for Students in the Clinical Environment. Physiotherapy Canada, 66: 322. Fouad K, Forero, J and Hurd C (2015). A simple analogy for nervous system plasticity after injury. Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 43(2): 100-6. Fenrich KK, May Z, Hurd C, Bennett DJ, Boychuk C, Whishaw IQ and Fouad K (2015). Improved single pellet grasping using automated ad libitum full-time training robot. Behav Brain Res, 16,281: 137-148. Helmbrecht MS, Soellner H, Truckenbrodt AM, Sundermeier J, Cohrs C, Hans W, de Angelis MH, Feuchtinger A, Aichler M, Fouad K, Huber AB (2015). Loss of Npn1 from motor neurons causes postnatal deficits independent from Sema3A signaling. Dev Biol, 399(1): 2-14. Fouad K and Hurd C (2015). Repairing the injured spinal cord: sprouting versus regeneration. Is this a realistic match?. Neural Regen Res, 1;9(5: 462). May Z, Fouad K, Shum-Siu A, Magnuson DS (2015). Challenges of animal models in SCI research: Effects of pre-injury task-specific training in adult rats before lesion. Behav Brain Res, Epub ahead of print. Helmbrecht MS, Soellner H, Castiblanco-Urbina MA, Winzeck S, Sundermeier J, Theis FJ, Fouad K, Huber AB (2015). A critical period for postnatal adaptive plasticity in a model of motor axon miswiring. Plos one, 10(4): e0123643. Trovato A*, Komeili A*, Westover L, Parent E, Moreau M, Adeeb S (2015). Examination of the Breast Asymmetry Associated with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Using Surface Topography Methods. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 34(6): 612-617. Komeili A*, Westover L, Parent E, El-Rich M, Adeeb S. (2015). Correlation between a Novel Surface Topography Asymmetry Analysis and Radiographic Data in Scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 3(4): 303-311. Hebert JS, Parent E, Rehani M, Hebert LJ, Stiegelmar R, Besemann M. (2015). Use of the CAREN System as a Treatment Adjunct for Canadian Armed Forces Members with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study. Journal of Military Veteran and Family Health, 1(1): 47-58.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Morrison DG, Chan A, Hill D, Parent EC, Lou EHM. (2015). Correlation between Cobb angle, spinous process angle (SPA) and apical vertebrae rotation (AVR) on posteroanterior radiographs in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). European Spine Journal, 24(3): 306-312. Komeili A*, Westover L, Parent E, El-Rich M, Adeeb S. (2015). Monitoring for idiopathic scoliosis curve progression using surface topography asymmetry analysis of the torso in adolescents. The Spine Journal, 15(4): 743-751. Negrini S, Bettany-Saltikov J, De Mauroy JC, Durmala J, Grivas TB, Knott P, Kotwicki T, Maruyama T, O’Brien JP, Parent E, Rigo M, Romano M, Stikeleather L, Villagrasa M, Zaina F. (2015). Letter to the Editor concerning: Active SelfCorrection and Task-Oriented Exercises Reduce Spinal Deformity and Improve Quality of Life in Subjects with Mild Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Results of a randomised controlled trial, by Monticone M. European Spine Journal, 23(10): 2218-20. Schreiber S*, Parent EC, Hedden DM, Moreau M, Hill D, Lou E. (2015). Effect of Schroth Exercises on Curve Characteristics and Clinical Outcomes in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Protocol for a Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Physiotherapy, 60(4): 234. Qin Z, Armijo-Olivo S, Woodhouse LJ, Gross DP (2015). An Investigation of the Validity of the Work Assessment Triage Tool Clinical Decision Support Tool for Selecting Optimal Rehabilitation Interventions for Workers With Musculoskeletal Injuries. Clinical Rehabilitation, Epub first. Yang JF, Mitton M*, Musselman KE*, Patrick SK, Tajino J* (2015). Characteristics of the developing human locomotor system: similarities to other mammals. Developmental Psychobiology, 57(4): 397-408. Eric Chalmers, Lindsey Westover, Johith Jacob, Andreas Donauer, Vicky H. Zhao, Eric C. Parent, Marc J. Moreau, James K. Mahood, Douglas M. Hedden, Edmond H. M. Lou (2015). Predicting success or failure of brace treatment for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, May: May 23. [Epub ahead of print]. Wong AY*, Parent EC, Dhillon SS, Prasad N, Kawchuk GN. (2015). Do participants with low back pain who respond to spinal manipulative therapy differ biomechanically from non-responders, untreated or asymptomatic controls?. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), May: [Epub ahead of print]. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Article Articles.... Zewdie ET*, Roy FD, Yang JF, Gorassini MA (2015). Facilitation of descending and spinal inhibitory networks from training of endurance and precision walking in participants with incomplete spinal cord injury. Progress in Brain Research, 218: 127-55. Ezeugwu, V. E*., Klaren, R., Hubbard, E., Manns, P. J., & Motl, R. (2015). Mobility disability and pattern of accelerometer-derived sedentary and physical activity behaviours in people with multiple sclerosis.. Preventive Medicine Reports, 2: 241-246. A. Silveira,*, I.C.Gadotti*, S. Armijo - Olivo*, D.A. Biasotto-Gonzalez, & D. Magee (2015). Jaw Dysfunction is Associated with Neck Disability & Muscle Tenderness in Subjects with & without Chronic Temporomandibular Disorders. Biomed Research International, 2015: 1 - 7. Kawchuk GN, Fryer J, Jaremko JL, Zeng H, Rowe L, Thompson R. (2015). Realtime visualization of joint cavitation.. PLoS One, 10(4): N/A. Koppenhaver SL, Hebert JJ, Kawchuk GN, Childs JD, Teyhen DS, Croy T, Fritz JM. (2015). Criterion validity of manual assessment of spinal stiffness.. Manual Therapy, 19(6): 589-94. Kawchuk G, Newton G, Srbely J, Passmore S, Bussières A, Busse JW, Bruno P (2015). Knowledge Transfer within the Canadian Chiropractic Community. Part 2: Narrowing the Evidence-Practice Gap. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 58(3): 206-14. Xia T, Wilder DG, Gudavalli MR, DeVocht JW, Vining RD, Pohlman KA, Kawchuk GN, Long CR, Goertz CM (2015). Study protocol for patient response to spinal manipulation - a prospective observational clinical trial on physiological and patient-centered outcomes in patients with chronic low back pain. BMC Complement Altern Med, 14: 292. Sunita Vohra, Greg Kawchuk, Heather Boon, Timothy Caulfield, Katherine Pohlman, Maeve O’Beirne (2015). An Interdisciplinary Research Program to Support a Safety Culture for Spinal Manipulation Therapy. European Journal of Integrative Medicine , 6: 473-477.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Chesworth BM, Hamilton CB, Walton DM, Benoit M, Blake TA, Bredy H, Burns C, Chan L, Frey E, Gillies G, Gravelle T, Ho R, Holmes R, LavallÊe RLJ, MacKinnon M, (Jamal) Merchant A, Sherman T, Spears K, Yardley D. (2015). Reliability and Validity of Two Versions of the Upper Extremity Functional Index. Physiotherapy Canada, 66: 243-253. James CL, Reneman MF, Gross DP (2015). Functional Capacity Evaluation Research: Report from the Second International Functional Capacity Evaluation Research Meeting. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Online Publication: NA. Bostick, G. P., Toth, C., Carr, E. C. J., Stitt, L. W., Morley-Forster, P., Clark, A. J., ‌ Moulin, D. E. (2015). Physical functioning and opioid use in patients with neuropathic pain. . Pain Medicine, Epub ahead of print: Feb 3. Banarjee, G., Bostick, G. P (2015). Nonspecific Non-Acute Low Back Pain and Psychological Interventions: A Review of Evidence and Current Strategies. Indian Journal of Pain, 29: 21-28. Bostick, G. P., Toth, C., Dick, B. D., Carr, E. C. J., Stitt, L. W., Moulin, D. E. (2015). An adaptive role for negative expected pain in patients with neuropathic pain?. Clinical Journal of Pain, 31: 438-43. Brown, C. A., Bostick, G. P., Bellmore, L., Kumanayka, D. (2015). Hand selfShiatsu for sleep problems in persons with chronic pain: A pilot study. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 12: 94-101. Uddin, Z.*, Macdermid, J.C., Woodhouse, L.J., Triano, J.J., Galea, V., Gross, A.R. (2015). The effect of pressure pain sensitivity and patient factors on self-reported pain-disability in patients with chronic neck pain. The Open Orthopaedics Journal, 8: 302-309. Lewinson, R.T*., Collins, K.H.*, Vallerand, I.A., Wiley, J.P., Woodhouse, L.J., Reimer, R.A., Worobets, J.T., Herzog, W., Stefanyshyn, D.J. (2015). Reduced knee joint loading with lateral and medial wedge insoles for management of knee osteoarthritis: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 15: 405. Whittaker, J.L., Woodhouse, L.J., Nettel-Aguire, A., Emery, C.A. (2015). Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23(7): 1122-1129. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Dagenais, L.M.*, Boliek, C.A., Woodhouse, L.J., Paslawski, T.M. (2015). Comparing service delivery models on communication outcomes in adults with aphasia secondary to stroke. International Journal of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, 4: n/a. Battié MC, Ortega-Alonso A, Niemelainen R*, Gill K, Levalahti E, Videman T, Kaprio J (2015). Lumbar spinal stenosis is a highly genetic condition partly mediated by disc degeneration. Arthritis & Rheumatology, 66: 3505-10. Fortin M*, Gibbons LE, Videman T, Battié MC (2015). Do variations in paraspinal muscle morphology and composition predict low back pain in men?. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, Epub ahead of print: 00. Algarni F*, Gross D, Senthilselvan S, Battié MC (2015). Ageing workers with musculoskeletal injuries. Occupational Medicine, 65: 229-37. Wang Y*, Videman T, Boyd SK, Battié MC (2015). The distribution of bone mass in the lumbar vertebrae: Are we measuring the right target?. The Spine Journal, Epub ahead of print: 00. Ezzo J, Manheimer E, McNeely ML et al. (2015). Manual lymphatic drainage for breast cancer related lymphedema. Cochrane Collaboration of Systematic Reviews, 5: 1-52. Barber B, McNeely ML, Chan KM, Beaudry R, Olson J, Harris J, Seikaly H, O’Connell D. (2015). Intraoperative brief electrical stimulation (BES) for prevention of shoulder dysfunction after oncologic neck dissection: study protocol for randomized controlled trial . Trials, 16 (1): 240. Amin Javaheri* P, Nekolaichuk C, Haennel R, Parliament M, McNeely ML. (2015). Feasibility of a pedometer-based walking program for survivors of breast and head-and-neck cancer undergoing radiation therapy. Physiotherapy Canada, 67 (2): 205-13. Beaudry* R, Kruger C, Liang Y, Parliament M, Haykowsky M, McNeely ML. (2015). Effect of supervised exercise on aerobic capacity in cancer survivors: adherence and workload predict variance in effect. World Journal of MetaAnalysis, 3 (1): 43-53. McNeely ML,MacDonell CM (2015). A framework for ensuring competence and credibility in cancer rehabilitation services. Physiotherapy Canada, 66 (4): 335339. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Amusat NT*, Beaupre L, Jhangri GS, Pohar, SL, Simpson S, Warren S, Jones CA. (2015). Diabetes that impacts on routine activities predicts slower recovery after total knee arthroplasty: an observational study. Journal of Physiotherapy, 60: 217-223. Slaughter S, Eastbrook CA, Jones CA, Wagg A, Eliaswiz M. (2015). Mobility of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE) Study: Effect of the Sit-to-stand Activity on Mobility, Function and Quality of Life. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA), 16(2): 138-143. Barnabe C, Hemmelgarn B, Jones CA, Peschken CA, Voaklander D, Joseph L, Bernatsky S, Esdaile J, Marshall D. (2015). Imbalance of prevalence and specialty care for osteoarthritis for First Nations People in Canada. Journal of Rheumatology, 42:2: 323-328. Suleman S*, Cleary S, Bremault-Phillips S, Hopper T, Jones A, Paslawski T, Brown C. (2015). Rehabilitation Research for Older Adults: Outcomes of a Knowledge Translation and Network Engagement Event. Sage Open, 4(4): 1-5. Buchbinder R, Golmohammadi K, Johnston RV, Owen RJ, Homik J, Jones A, Dhillon SS, Kallmes DF, Lambert RGW. (2015). Percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4: Art. No.: CD006349. Chan C*, Slaughter S, Jones CA, Wagg A. (2015). Greater independence in activities of daily living is associated with higher health-related quality of life scores in nursing home residents with dementia. Healthcare, 3: 503-518. Kaur M*, MacDermid J, Grewal R, Stratford P, Woodhouse L. (2015). A systematic review of functional outcome and complications post-Radial Head Arthroplasty. Shoulder and Elbow, 6(2): 108-114. Lou E, Chen L, Zhang P, Le L, Hill D, Parent E, Hedden D, Mahood J, Moreau M. (in press). Center of Pedicle Method: Reliable Method to Detect Coronal Curvature of Scoliosis Spine. Spine. Kawchuk GN, Edgecombe T*, Wong A*, Cojocaru A*, Prasad N. (in press). A non-randomized clinical trial on the impact of non-rigid, inelastic corsets on spine function in low back pain participants and asymptomatic controls. The Spine Journal.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Upadhya B, Haykowsky MJ, Eggebeen J, Kitzman DW. Exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. More than a heart problem. J Geriatric Cardiology. In Press May 14, 2015. Haykowsky MJ, Tomczak CR, Scott JM, Patreson ID, Kitzman DW. Determinants of exercise intolerance in patients with heart failure and reduced or preserved ejection fraction. J Appl Physiol. In Press April 24, 2015. Scott JM and Haykowsky MJ. Can Intensive Exercise Harm the Heart? Circulation. Online June, 2015. Jun 9;131(23):e523. McNeely M, Cournyea K, Haykowsky M, Parliament M, Marseh J, Magee D. Sustainability of Outcomes following a Randomized Crossover Trial of Resistance Exercise for Shoulder Dysfunction in Head and Neck Cancer Survivors. Physiother Canada. 67(1):85-93, 2015. Upadhya B, Haykowsky MJ, Eggebeen J, Kitzman DW. Sarcopenic obesity and the pathogenesis of exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Curr Heart Fail Report. In Press March 10, 2015. Butler C, Savu A, Bakal JA, Toma M, Thompson R, Chow K, Wang H, Kim DH, Mengel, Haykowsky MJ, Pearson GJ, Kaul P, Paterson I. Correlation of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging findings and endomyocardial biopsy results in patients undergoing screening for heart transplant rejection. The Journal of Heart and lung Transplantation. 34(5)643-50, 2015. Haykowsky MJ, Riess KJ, Schneider C. Ironman Triathlon Performance Pre and Post Heart Transplant. The Journal of heart and lung Transplantation.43(5):756, 2015. Edgell H, McMurtry MS, Haykowsky MJ, Paterson I, Ezekowitz JA, Dyck JRB, Michael K. Stickland MK. Peripheral chemoreceptor control of cardiovascular function at rest and during exercise in heart failure patients. J Appl Physiol.118(7):839-4, 2015. Scott J and Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular Function and Exercise Capacity in Patients with Colorectal Cancer: Does Anti-Cancer Therapy Matter? J Am Coll Cardiol.65(13):1380-1381, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Fleg J, Cooper L, Borlaug B, Haykowsky M, Kraus W, Levine B, Pfeffer M, Piùa I, Poole D, Reeves G, Whellan D, Kitzman D. Exercise Training as Therapy for Heart Failurem Current Status and Future Directions. Circ Heart Fail. 2015;8:209-220. Mathewson K, Haykowsky MJ, Thompson R. Feasibility and Reproducibility of Measurement of Whole Muscle Blood Flow, Oxygen Extraction and VO2 with Dynamic Exercise Using MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Published online December 22, 2014). Beaudry R, Kruger K, Liang Y, Parliament M, Haykowsky M, McNeely. Beaudry R, Kruger K, Haykowsky M, McNeely. Effect of supervised exercise on aerobic capacity in cancer survivors. Adherence and workload predict variance of effect. World Journal of Meta Analysis (Published online December 31, 2014). Arbab-Zedah A, Perhonen M, Peschock R, Zhang R, Haykowsky MJ, Levine BD The elaboration of the athletes heart: Cardiac remodeling in response to one year of endurance training. Circulation. 2014.130:2152-2161. Myers J, Brawner C, Taylor R, Haykowsky MJF. Prognosis: Does exercise training reduce adverse events in heart failure. Heart Failure Clinics. 2015:11(1):59-72. Stone JA, Hauer T, Haykowsky MJ, Aggarwal S. Exercise therapy for heart failure patients in Canada. Heart Failure Clinics.2015.35(1):83-88. Ramadi A, Haennel RG, Stone JA, Arena R, Threlfall TG, Hitt E, Aggarwal SG, Austford LD, Haykowsky M, Martin B. The sustainability of exercise capacity changes in home versus center-based cardiac rehabilitation. The Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.2015:35(1):21-28. Smirl J. Haykowsky M, Nelson M, Tzeng Y, Marsden K, Jones H, Ainslie P.Relationship between cerebral blood flow and blood pressure in long-term heart transplant recipients. Hypertension. 2014; 64: 1314 – 1320. Colbert J, Martin BJ, Haykowsky MJ, Hauer T, Austford L, Arena R, Knudtson M, Meldrum D, Aggarwal SG, Stone JA. Cardiac rehabilitation referral, attendance and mortality in women. European Journal of Preventative Cardiology. (Published online October 3, 2014). Haykowsky MJ, Riess K, Baggish A. Heart Transplant Recipient Finishes the 118th Boston Marathon 27 Years Post Surgery. J Heart and Lung Transplant.2014.1197. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Ezekowitz JA, Becher H, Clark AM, Duff H, Friedrich M, Haykowsky MJ, Howlett J, Kaul P, Kassiri Z, Kaul P, Kim D, Knudtson M, Light PE, Lopaschuk GD, McAlister FA, Noga ML, Oudit GY, Paterson DI, Quan H, Schultz R, Thompson RB, Weeks SG, Anderson TJ, Dyck JR. The Alberta Heart Failure Etiology and Analysis Research Team (HEART) study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 14(1):91, 2014. Hall M* Poth C, Manns P, Beaupre L (in press). To supervise or not to supervise: A national survey of Canadian physical therapists. Journal of Physical Therapy Education. Dulai SK, Firth K, Cave D, Silveira A, Kemp K, AlMansoori K*, Saraswat M, Beaupre LA (in press). Does topical anesthetic reduce pain during intraosseous pin removal in children? – A randomized clinical trial . Journal Pediatric Orthopaedics. Beaupre LA, Carson JE, Noveck H, Magaziner J (in press). Recovery of Walking Ability and Return to Community Living within 60 days of Hip Fracture does not Differ between Male and Female Survivors . JAGS. Saliken D*, Bornes T*, Bouliane M, Sheps D, Beaupre LA (in press). Imaging Methods for Quantifying Glenoid and Hill-Sachs Bone Loss in Traumatic Instability of the Shoulder: A Scoping Review. BMC MSK Dis. Hall M*, Manns P, Poth C, Beaupre L (in press). What’s Preventing You from Supervising a Student? . Physiotherapy Canada. Hall M*, Manns P, Poth C, Beaupre L (in press). Perspectives on a New Evaluation Instrument for Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Canada. Sheps DM, Bouliane M, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre L, Saraswat M, Luciak-Corea C, Silveira A, Glasgow Jr, R, Balyk R (in press). Early Mobilization Following MiniOpen Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized Control Trial . Bone and Joint Journal. Manns PJ, Ezeugwu V*, Armijo-Olivo S, Vallance J, Healy GN (in press). Accelerometer-Derived Pattern of Sedentary and Physical Activity Time in Persons with Mobility Disability: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003 to 2006. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles.... Martha Funabashi*; Marwan El-Rich; Narasimha Prasad; Gregory N Kawchuk (in press). Quantification of loading in biomechanical testing: the influence of dissection sequence. Jounral of Biomechanics. Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk GN, Pickar JG. (in press). Neural responses to the mechanical characteristics of high velocity, low amplitude spinal manipulation: Effect of specific contact site. Manual Therapy. Capozzi L, Nishimura KC, Lau H, McNeely ML, Culos-Reed SN (in press). Physical activity to improve health related fitness and quality of life for head and neck cancer patients: a systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Westby M*, Klemm A*, Li L, Jones CA. (in press). The emerging role of quality indicators in physical therapy practice and health services delivery. Physical Therapy - Special Issue: Health Service Delivery. Sadowski CA, Li JC, Pasay D, Jones CA. (in press). Walking the talk: Interprofessional peer teaching of pharmacy students by physical therapy students.. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Hall, M., Poth, C., Manns, P., Beaupre, L. Factors influencing physiotherapists’ decisions to supervise physiotherapy students: Results from a Canadian national survey. Singapore, Singapore. May 2, 2015. Abdollah V*, Parent EC, Battié MC. The Effects of Extension Exercise on Disc Morphological and Signal Characteristics. 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS). June 8, 2015. Abdollah V*, Parent E, Battié MC. Reliability of Disc Signal, Area and Height Measurements using Semi-automated Lumbar Disc Segmentation on the T2weighted MR Images. 42nd International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) annual meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. Beaupre L, Elliott D, Holroyd-Leduc J, Gossmann P, Evens L, Smith C, Hildebrand K. Developing a provincial clinical pathway for care of hip fracture patients: A systems-based approach. Fragility Fracture Network Congress, Madrid Spain. September 1, 2014. Jasper L*, Jones CA, Mollins JE, Pohar S, Beaupre L. Challenges in Data Synthesis When Examining Long-Term Follow-Up for Total Knee Replacements. Cochrane, Canada Symposium. May 1, 2015. Powell J, Beaupre L, Hildebrand K, Russell I, Patel J, Weiss S. The Alberta Hip Fracture Registry: Initial Assessment of an Acute Care Clinical Pathway. Canadian Oorthpaedic Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Weber D, WestgeestJ, Dulai S, Bergman J, Buckley R, Beaupre L. Factors Associated with Non-Union of Open Fractures: A Prospective Cohort Study of 736 Subjects. Canadian Oorthpaedic Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Sheps DM, Bouliane M, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre L, Saraswat M, Luciak-Corea C, Silveira A, Glasgow Jr, R, Balyk R. Early Mobilization Following Mini-Open Rotator Cuff Repair: Two Year Results from A Randomized Control Trial. COA Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Balyk R, Saraswat M, Styles-Tripp F, Luciak-Corea C, Otto D, Lalani A, Beaupre L. Functional Outcome and Health-Related Quality of Life After Surgical Repair of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear Using Mini-open Technique: A 10 Year Follow-up. Canadian Orthpaedic Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Al Mansoori K; Dobbe A, Beaupre L, Scharfenberger A. Infra-syndesmotic Fractures of the Fibula: Non-operative Management Outcomes. Canadian Orthpaedic Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Paul R*, Sheps D, Beaupre L, Silveira A, Saraswat M, Bouliane M. The Subsupraspinatus Recess and Superior Labral Motion: An Arthroscopic Analysis. Canadian Oorthpaedic Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Styles-Tripp F, Sheps DM, Bouliane M, Beaupre L, Saraswat M, Luciak-Corea C, Silveira A, Glasgow Jr, R, Balyk R. Early Mobilization Following Mini-Open Rotator Cuff Repair: Two Year Results from A Randomized Control Trial. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Styles-Tripp F, Balyk R, Saraswat M, Luciak-Corea C, Otto D, Lalani A, Beaupre L. Functional Outcome and Health-Related Quality of Life After Surgical Repair of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear Using Mini-open Technique: A 10 Year Follow-up. Canadian Physiotherapy Association Annual Meeting. June 1, 2015. Soer R, Gross DP, Chapman E. Man or Machine?. Toronto, Ontario. October 2, 2014. Qin Z, Armijo-Olivo S, Woodhouse L, Gross DP. Concurrent validity of the WATT Clinical Decision Support tool for selecting optimal rehab interventions for musculoskeletal conditions in injured workers. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Brown CA, Bostick GP, Lim J, Gross DP. Perceived injustice in injured workers: analysis of public responses to an injured worker who took Workers’ Compensation Board employees hostage. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Colangelo A, Abada A, Haws C, Park J, Niemeläinen R, Gross DP. Are memory functioning and cognitive response bias different in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury claimants with and without MRI-detected intracranial abnormalities?. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Koponen M, Haws C, Niemeläinen R, Gross DP. Do Extended Occupational Rehabilitation Programs Result in Better Return to Work Outcomes?. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Gross DP, Armijo-Olivo S, Steenstra IA, Shaw WS, Williams-Whitt K, Shaw N, Hartvigsen J, Ha C, Qin Z. A Scoping Review of Clinical Decision Support Tools for Managing Patients with Painful Musculoskeletal Disorders. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battié MC. Aging workers with workrelated musculoskeletal injuries. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Steenstra IA, Alavinia M, Beaton D, Cullen K, Geary J, Gignac M, Gross DP, Irvin E, Loisel P, MacDonald S, Mahood Q, Pransky G, Puts M, Scott-Marshall H, Tompa E, Van Eerd D, Wilkie R, Yazdani A. A systematic review on the role of aging in return to work and stay at work. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Gross DP, Asante AK, Miciak M, Battié MC, Carroll LJ, Sun A, Mikalsky M, Huellstrung R, Niemeläinen R. A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Functional Capacity Evaluation and Functional Interviewing as Components of Occupational Rehabilitation Programs. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Gross DP, Asante AK, Miciak M, Battié MC, Carroll LJ, Sun A, Mikalsky M, Huellstrung R, Niemeläinen R. Are Performance-Based Functional Assessments Superior to Semi-Structured Interviews for Enhancing Return-To-Work Outcomes?. Toronto, Ontario. September 28, 2014. Steenstra IA, Alavinia M, Beaton D, Cullen K, Geary J, Gignac M, Gross DP, Irvin E, Loisel P, MacDonald S, Mahood Q, Pransky G, Puts M, Scott-Marshall H, Tompa E, Van Eerd D, Wilkie R, Yazdani A. A systematic review on the role of aging in return to work and stay at work. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October 16, 2014. Steenstra IA, Alavinia M, Beaton D, Cullen K, Geary J, Gignac M, Gross DP, Irvin E, Loisel P, MacDonald S, Mahood Q, Pransky G, Puts M, Scott-Marshall H, Tompa E, Van Eerd D, Wilkie R, Yazdani A. A systematic review on the role of aging in return to work and stay at work. Saskatoon, SK. October 19, 2014. Wesner M, Defreitas T, Bredy H, Pothier L, Qin Z, McKillop A, Gross DP. An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Treatment of Tendinopathy within a Sports Medicine Clinic. Ottawa, ON. February 14, 2015. Wesner M, Defreitas T, Bredy H, Pothier L, Qin Z, McKillop A, Gross DP. A Pilot Evaluation of Platelet Rich Plasma Injection in the Degenerate Rotator Cuff. Ottawa, ON. February 14, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battié MC. Ageing workers with workrelated musculoskeletal injuries. Hopkinton, MA. March 3, 2015. Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battié MC. Do Prognostic Factors for Return to Work Differ Between Older and Younger Workers? . Hopkinton, MA. March 3, 2015. Manns P, Darrah J. Use of the Alberta Context Tool to Understand Characteristics of the Workplace important to Evidence Based Practice. Singapore. May 4, 2015. Schreiber S*, Parent E, Hedden DM, Moreau MJ. Clinical significance of the effect of a six-months Schroth exercise intervention in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, Atlanta Georgia. April 29, 2015. Balyk RA, Bouliane MJ, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre L, Saraswat MK, Luciak-Corea CR, Silveira A, Glasgow Jr. RR, Sheps DM. Early Mobilization Following MiniOpen Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas. March 1, 2015. Hall M*, Manns P, Poth C, Beaupre L. To Supervise or Not to Supervise: A National Survey of Canadian Physical Therapists. Singapore. May 1, 2015. Carson JL, Sieber F, Hoover DR, Noveck H Chaitman BR, Beaupre L, Maculay W, Rhoads G, Fleisher L, Cook DR, Sanders D, Zakriya K, Paris B, Zagorin A, Magaziner J. A Randomized Clinical Trial of Liberal Versus Restrictive Transfusion Strategy Evaluating Long Term Survival and Cause of Death: Results from the FOCUS Trial. American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting and Exposition 2014; USA. November 1, 2014. Wozniak L, Johnson JA, McAlister FA, Beaupre L, Bellerose D, Rowe BH, Majumdar SR. Patient perspectives on prescription treatments for osteoporosis: “It was recommended, not required.”. 20th Annual Qualitative Health Research Conference, Victoria, BC. October 21, 2014. Pitzul KB*, Munce SEP, Perrier L, Beaupre L, Morin SN, McGlasson R, Jaglal SB. Quality indicators for hip fracture patients: A scoping review. Health Quality Transformation, Toronto, ON. November 20, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Beaupre L, Elliott D, Holroyd-Leduc J, Gossmann P, Evens L, Smith C, Hildebrand K. Developing a provincial clinical pathway for care of hip fracture patients: A systems-based approach. Madrid, Spain. September 1, 2014. Wong A, Kawchuk G, Parent E, Huang C. In vivo evidence that task-specific modifications of trunk muscle activity protect painful spines. 42nd annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS), San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. Hebert JS, Rehani M, Parent E, Hebert LJ Stiegelmar R, Beseman M. A New Treatment Protocol for Chronic Low Back Pain using the Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment. The 5th annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum. November 25, 2014. Watkins E*, Parent E, Schreiber S*, Hill D, Hedden D, Moreau M, Southon S, Moreau A. Predictors to identify Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis who will benefit from Schroth exercises within a randomized control trial. Women and Children’s Health Research Institute annual research day. November 12, 2014. Abdollah V*, Parent E, BattiÊ MC. Reliability of Lumbar Disc Measurements Using Semi-automatic Segmentation of the Disc on Magnetic Resonance Images. Glenrose Spotlight on Research Breakfast, Edmonton, AB. October 15, 2014. Wong AY*, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Parent E, Kawchuk GN. Can the change in water diffusion within lumbar intervertebral discs following spinal manipulation explain the clinical outcome of low back pain?. The 15th World Congress on Pain 2014; Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 11, 2014. Wong A*, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Parent E, Kawchuk G. A novel potential mechanism of spinal manipulative therapy in treating on-specific low back pain. Brazil XIII International Back Pain Forum. October 1, 2014. Kawchuk G, Wong A*, Sharp C, Parent E, Dennett E, Richter A*, Laing K, Funabashi M*, Prasad N. A systematic review of the relation between selfreported measures of spine function and physical measures of spine function. Brazil XIII International Back Pain Forum. September 30, 2014. Komeili A*, Parent E, El-Rich M, Adeeb S. Monitoring the Thoracic/ Thoracolumbar Scoliosis Curves Progression Using Surface Topography Asymmetry Analysis of the Torso in Adolescents. Valencia, Spain. July 16, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Komeili A*, Parent E, El-Rich M, Adeeb S. Monitoring Scoliosis Progression using Non-invasive 3D Markerless Symmetry Analysis of Surface Topography Data. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. July 6, 2014. Wong AYL*, Kawchuk GN, Parent E, Prasad N. Do spinal manipulative therapy responders, non-responders and asymptomatic individuals share similar spinal stiffness and multifidus muscle characteristics?. World Federation of Chiropractic’s 13th Biennial Congress; Athens, Greece. May 15, 2015. Parent E, Richter A*. The functional properties of paraspinal muscles in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): A systematic review of the literature. Katowice, Poland. May 7, 2015. Schreiber S*, Parent E, Kawchuk G, Hedden D. Reliability of the Schroth curve type classification in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Katowice, Poland. May 8, 2015. Schreiber S*, Parent E, Khodayari Moez E, Hedden DM, Hill D, Moreau M, Lou E, Watkins E*, Southon S. The effect of Schroth exercises added to the standard of care on the quality of life (QOL) and muscle endurance in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) – an assessor and statistician blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT). Katowice, Poland. May 9, 2015. Zapata K, Parent E, Sucato D. Immediate effects of scoliosis-specific corrective exercises on the Cobb angle after 1 week and after 1 year of practice. Katowice, Poland. May 9, 2015. Khan AS*, Patrick S, Roy F, Gorassini M, Yang JF. Changes in spasticity-related reflexes after two forms of walking retraining in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury. Washington, DC. November 18, 2014. Yang JF. My journey to restore and improve walking in people with CNS damage. University of Alberta. June 23, 2015. Lissinna B*, John R*, Yang JF. Motor learning on a split-belt treadmill in children. Edmonton, AB. November 12, 2014. Yang JF, Livingstone D, Khan A*, Gorassini MA, Misiaszek J, Roy F, Stein RB. Training with the ReWalk after spinal cord injury: preliminary impressions and findings. Kananaskis, AB. September 26, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Khan A*, Livingstone D, Misiaszek J, Stein RB, Gorassini MA, Roy F, Yang JF. Training with the ReWalk: improvements in walking and balance. Kananaskis, AB. September 26, 2014. Yang JF. Early walking training in children with perinatal stroke – preliminary findings. Copenhagen, DK. May 29, 2015. Yang JF. Training to walk in a powered exoskeleton after spinal cord injury – a pilot study. Calgary, AB. June 13, 2015. Wong A*, Dhillon S, Parent E, Prasad N, Kawchuk G. Do Low Back Pain Participants Receiving Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically from Untreated or Asymptomatic Controls. San Francisco, USA. June 9, 2015. Hall, Poth, Manns, Beaupre. Factors Influencing Physiotherapists’ Decisions To Supervise Physiotherapy Students: Results from a Canadian National Survey. Singapore. May 4, 2015. Manns, Ezeugwu, Armijo-Olivo, Vallance, Healy. Accelerometer Derived patterns of physical activity and sedentary time in persons with mobility disability: NHANES 2003-2006. Singapore. May 3, 2015. Martin B., Barnes M., Norton B., Millette D., Britton C., Abbud G. Guided Introduction To The Candadian Healthcare System: A Mentorship Model Within A Bridging Program For Internationally Educated Physiotherapists. Singapore. May 4, 2015. Abbud, G; Pearce, A.; Barnes,M. Does Participating In Cardiovascular Exercise Plus Education Enhance Exercise Endurance And Self-reported Physical Activity Up To Three Months Post Intervention?. Singapore. May 2, 2015. Wong A*, Kawchuk G, Parent E , Huang C. In Vivo Evidence that Task-specific Modifications of Trunk Muscle Activity Protect Painful Spines. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, San Francisco. June 8, 2015 Wong A*, Dhillon S, Parent E, Prasad N, Kawchuk G. Comparing Multiple Biomechanical Characteristics of Low Back Pain Individuals Receiving Spinal Manipulative Therapy with Asymptomatic or Untreated Controls. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, San Francisco. June 8, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Funabashi M*, Kawchuk G, Nougarou F, Descarreaux M, Prasad N. Does the application site of spinal manipulation therapy alter spinal tissue loading?. International Society for the study of the Lumbar Spine, San Francisco. June 8, 2015. Wong A*, Parent E, Kawchuk G. Do spinal manipulative therapy responders, non-responders, and asymptomatic individuals share similar spinal stiffness and multifidus muscle characteristics?. The World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congrees, Athens, Greece. May 13, 2015. Funabashi M*, Kawchuk G, Nougarou F, Descarreaux M, Prasad N. Does the application site of spinal manipulation therapy alter spinal loading?. The World Federation of Chiropractic Biennial Congress, Athens, Greece. May 13, 2015. Kawchuk G, Fryer J, Jeremko J, Zeng H, Rowe L, Thompson R. Visualization of joint cavitation in real-time. World Congress of Physical Therapy, Singapore. May 1, 2015. Kawchuk G, Matyas J, Duncan N, Klein G. Gene expression response in the porcine intervertebral disc following spinal manipulation. World Congress of Physical Therapy, Singapore. May 1, 2015. Kawchuk G, Wong A*, Sharp C*, Parent E, Dennett L , Richter A*, Laing K*, Funabashi M*, Prasad N. A systematic review of the relation between selfreported and objective measures of spine function. Low Back Pain Forum, Sao Paulo. October 1, 2014. Stanton TR, Lorimer Moseley G, Kawchuk G. Perceptual Dysfunction In Chronic Low Back Pain. Low Back Pain Forum, Sau Paulo. October 1, 2014. Schreiber S, Parent E, Kawchuk G, Hedden D. Reliability of the Schroth curve type classification in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). International Conference on the Management of Spinal Deformities. Katowice. May 7, 2015. Naserkhaki S, Jaremko J. L. , Kawchuk G, Adeeb S and El-Rich M. Investigation of Lumbosacral Spine Anatomical Variation Effect on Load-Partitioning Under Follower Load Using Geometrically Personalized Finite Element Model. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Montreal. November 14, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Naserkhaki S, El-Rich M, Kawchuk G and Jaremko J.L. How Does Lumbosacral Spine Geometry Affect Spinal Load-Sharing? Finite Element Analysis Using Personalized Geometries. 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston. July 6, 2014. Kawchuk G, Bronfort G, Ostelo R, Hartvigsen J, Funibashi M*, Wong A*. Establishing a preliminary framework to evaluate objective measures of spine function. Low Back Pain Forum, Sao Paulo . October 1, 2014. Wong A*, Huang C, Kawchuk G. The Relation Between Experimental Pain And Spinal Stiffness - A Pilot Study. 15th World Congrees on Pain, Buenos Aires. October 7, 2014. Wong A*, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Parent E, Kawchuk G. Can The Change In Water Diffusion Within Lumbar Intervertebral Discs Following Spinal Manipulation Explain The Clinical Outcome Of Low Back Pain?. 15th World Congrees on Pain, Buenos Aires. October 11, 2014. Marni Wesner, MD, MA, FCFP, Dip Sport Med,Terry Defreitas, BSc, MD, Dip Sport Med, Heather Bredy, PT, MCIScPT, Louisa Pothier, RN Ashley McKillop, PhD candidate, Ziling Qin, BSc, MScRS, Douglas Gross, PhD, BScPT. An Evaluation of the Effectivness of Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection Treatment of Tendinopathy. CASEM and OMA Sport Med Conference 2015. February 11, 2015. Marni Wesner, MD, MA, FCFP, Dip Sport Med, Terry Defreitas, RN, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med, Heather Bredy, MSc, PT, Louisa Pothier, RN, Ziling Qin, MSc, Doug Gross, PhD, BScPT. A Pilot Evaluation of Platelet Rich Plasma Injection in the Degenerate Rotator Cuff. CASEM and OMA Sport Med Conference. February 11, 2015. Wong AY*, Dhillon S, Parent C, Prasad N, Kawchuk G. A novel potential mechanism of spinal manipulation in treating low back pain?. Low Back Pain Forum, Sao Paulo, Brazil. October 1, 2014. Wong AY*, Kawchuk G, Huang C. Does spinal stiffness change with low back pain intensity?. Low Back Pain Forum; Sao Paulo, Brazil. October 1, 2014. Stanton T, Moseley L, Wong AY, Kawchuk G. Perceptual dysfunction in chronic low back pain. Low Back Pain Forum, Sau Paulo Brazil. October 1, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Barnabe C, Jones CA, Voaklander D, Marshall D, Peschken C, Bernatsky S, Esdaile J, Hemmelgarn B. Prevalence of Inflammatory Arthritis Conditions in the First Nations Population of Alberta. Boston, MA. November 14, 2014. Sadowski C, McPhee L, Jones CA. Integration of health professional students into a public health falls education program. National Harbor, Maryland, USA. May 16, 2015. McKillop AB, Carroll LJ, Jones CA, Crittes-Battie M. The relation of social support and depression in patients with chronic low back pain. San Francisco, CA. June 8, 2015. Garvelink M*, Jones CA, Archambault P, Roy N, Blair L, Legare F. SPINACH: SupPortIng seNiors And Caregivers to stay mobile at Home. Sydney, Austr. June 20, 2015. Jasper L*, Jones CA, Beaupre LA. Challenges in Data Synthesis When Examining Long-Term Follow-Up for Total Knee Arthroplasty. Calgary. May 22, 2015. Garvelink M*, Jones CA, Archambault P, Roy N, Blair L, Legare F. Development of videos to support seniors and caregivers in deciding about how to remain mobile at home (protocol). Quebec City, QC. May 4, 2015. Slaughter S, Estabrooks C, Jones CA, Wagg A, Bampton E, Maina G. Developing and implementing a novel peer reminder intervention for health care aides. Charlottetown, PEI. May 27, 2015. Jones CA, Alvadj-Korenic T, Mayan M, Beaupre LA, Hawker G. Delivering preoperative rehabilitation exercise program to patients with severe functional limitations awaiting total knee arthroplasty: Experiences of patients and physical therapists.. Quebec City, QC. February 5, 2015. Prasad A*, Senthilselvan A, Barnabe C, Jones CA. Intensity of physical activity in arthritis: Canadian Community Health Survey. Quebec City, QC. February 5, 2015. Drummond L*, Slaughter S, Jones CA, Wagg A. Agreement of the Resident Assessment Instrument: Minimum Data Set version 2.0 with the Functional Independence Measure compared by time between assessments. Edmonton, AB. November 24, 2014. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Chan C*, Slaughter S, Jones CA, Wagg A. Higher independence in activities of daily living is associated with higher quality of life in nursing home residents with dementia. Edmonton, AB. November 24, 2014. Whittaker JL*, Woodhouse LJ, Jaremko JL, Nettel-Aguirre A, Emery CA. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. 2nd Annual McCaig Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases Meeting, Calgary, Canada. May 1, 2015. Whittaker JL*, Woodhouse LJ, Nettel-Aguirre A, Emery CA. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Ottawa, Ontario. February 13, 2015. L Macedo*, T Videman, MC Battié. The association between occupational loading and spine degeneration on imaging: a systematic review. The International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. V Abdollah*, E Parent, MC Battié. Reliability of Lumbar Disc Measurements Using Semi-automatic Segmentation of the Disc on Magnetic Resonance Images. Glenrose Spotlight on Research Breakfast, Edmonton, AB. October 15, 2014. Qin. Z.*, Armijo-Olivo, S.*, Woodhouse, L.J., Gross, D.P. Concurrent validity of the WATT Clinical Decision Support Tool for selecting optimal rehab interventions for musculoskeletal conditions in injured workers. Toronto, Ontario. September 29, 2014. Battié MC. Report - Disc Degeneration Focus Group. International Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 12, 2015. Laudon, J.C.*, Whittaker, J.L.*, Woodhouse, L.J., Hart, D., Krawetz. R.J., Emery, C.A. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein expression 3-10 years following sport-related intra-articular knee injury in 15-26 year olds. Seattle, USA. May 2, 2015. Laudon, J.C.*, Whittaker, J.L.*, Woodhouse, L.J., Hart, D., Krawetz. R.J., Emery, C.A. The association between oligomeric matrix protein expression and 3-10 year history of sport-related intra-articular knee injury in 15-26 year olds. Ottawa, Ontario. February 13, 2015. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Battié MC. Understanding the role of work in back pain. Edmonton, Canada. September 30, 2014. Emery, C.A., Whittaker, J.L.*, Toomey, C.*, Woodhouse, L.J. Prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis: An evidence-based perspective informing practice. Halifax, Nova Scotia. June 19, 2015. Whittaker, J.L*, Woodhouse, L.J., Nettel-Aguire, A., Emery, C.A. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Seattle, USA. May 1, 2015. McNeely ML, Yurick J, Radke L. Standardizing Lymphedema Assessment Practices: A Quality Improvement Initiative In Alberta Canada. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 27, 2015. Berni Martin, Barb Norton, Dianne Millette, Colleen Britton, Michell Barnes, Gabriela Abbud. Bridging The Gap To Working In Canada: Experience Of Internationally Educated Physiotherapists With An Innovative Multicomponent, Blended Format Bridging Program. Singapore. May 3, 2015. F Algarni*, D Gross, S Senthilselvan, MC Battié. Do Prognostic Factors for Return to Work Differ Between Older and Younger Workers?. Hopkinton, MA, USA. March 3, 2015. F Algarni*, D Gross, S Senthilsevan, MC Battié. Ageing workers with workrelated musculoskeletal injuries. Hopkinton, MA, USA. March 3, 2015. V Abdollah*, E Parent, MC Battié. Reliability of disc signal, area and height measurements using semi-automated lumbar disc segmentation on T2-weighted MR images. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine annual meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. V Abdollah*, E Parent, MC Battié. The effect of extension exercise on disc morphological and signal characteristics. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. A McKillop*, MC Battié. Measures of participation in low back pain: a review. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... A McKillop*, L Carroll, A Jones, MC Battié. The relation of social support and depression in patients with chronic low back pain. International Society of the Study for the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. M Fortin*, A Lazary, P Varga, MC Battié. Paraspinal muscle asymmetry and fat infiltration in patients with symptomatic disc herniation. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. L Macedo*, T Videman, MC Battié. The association between whole-body vibration and spine degeneration on imaging: a systematic review. The Society of the Study of the Lumbar Spine 42nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. June 8, 2015. Bostick, G.P.*, Miciak, M.*, Woodhouse, L.J., Carr E.C. Taking any chance, any risk: Deciding to undergo total joint arthroplasty. Seattle, USA. May 2, 2015. Lacny, S.*, Faris, P.D., Bohm, E., Woodhouse L.J., Robertsson, O., Marshall, D.A. Alternative survival analysis methods to estimate time to revision following hip and knee arthroplasty: Can the Kaplan-Meier method compete?. Seattle, USA. May 2, 2015. Wideman, T., Bostick, G. P., Scott, W. Keeping the “I” in pain: novel approaches for integrating the subjective pain experience into theory, research and practice. Charlottetown, PEI. May 22, 2015. Martin Bernadette, Britton Colleen. Mentorship Model for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists in a Bridging Program. Metropolis Conference, Vancouver, BC. March 26, 2015. Woodhouse, L., Gandhi, R., Warden, S.J., Poiraudeau, S., Myers, S.L., Benson, C.T., Hu, L., Ahmad, Q., Linnemeier, P., Gomez, E., Benichou, O. Phase 2 Randomized Study of Myostatin Antibody LY2495655 Versus Placebo in Older Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). Boston, USA. April 25, 2015. Martin Bernadette, Barnes Michelle, Norton Barbara, Millette Dianne, Britton Colleen, Abbud Gabriela. Guided Introduction to the Canadian Healthcare System: A Mentorship Model within a Bridging Program for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists. World Congress for Physical Therapy, Singapore. May 3, 2015. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Switzer-McIntyre Sharon, Martin Bernadette, Norton Barbara. A Collaborative Approach to the Development of a Competency-based Admission Assessment for Entry to Bridging Programs for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists. World Congress for Physical Therapy, Singapore. May 2, 2015. Martin Bernadette, Haennel Robert, Daniels Jason. Academic and Clinical Performance of Entry-Level Students who Attended a Satellite Campus Using a Distributed Learning Model. World Congress for Physical Therapy, Singapore. May 3, 2015. Bostick, G. P., Toth, C., Carr, E. C. J., Stitt, L. W., Morley-Forster, P., Clark A. J., Moulin, D. E. Physical functioning and opioid use in patients with neuropathic pain. Buenos Aries, ARG. October 11, 2014. Brown, C. A., Bostick, G. P., Lim, J., Gross, D. P. Perceived injustice in injured workers: analysis of public responses to an injured worker who took Workers’ Compensation Board employees hostage. Toronto, ON. September 30, 2014. B. Martin, B. Norton, C. Britton, M. Barnes. Inclusion of a mentorship model within a professional bridging program at the University of Alberta. Quebec City, Canada. October 16, 2014. Barnes M, Britton C, Martin B, & Norton B University of Alberta and Millette D. Physiotherapy Alberta. Mentorship Model for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists in a Bridging Program. Vancouver, Canada. March 26, 2015. Martin B, Barnes M, Norton B, Millette D, Britton C, Abbud G. Bridging the Gap to Working in Canada: Experience of Internationally Educated Physiotherapists with an Innovative Multicomponent, Blended Format Bridging Program. Singapore. May 1, 2015. Whittaker, J.*, Woodhouse, L.J., Nettel-Aguirre, A., Emery, C.A. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Singapore. May 2, 2015. Martin B, Barnes M, Norton B, Millette D, Britton C, Abbud G. Guided Introduction to the Canadian Healthcare System: A Mentorship Model within a Bridging Program for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists. Singapore. May 1, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences... Toomey, C.M.*, Whittaker, J.L.*, Ghali, B., Doyle-Baker, P.K., Woodhouse, L.J., Emery, C.A. Youth and young adults have increased abdominal and total fat mass 3-10 years following intra-articular knee injury. Seattle, USA. May 2, 2015. Yavari M, Buijs D, Haykowsky M, Podder M, Irwin M, Dyck J, Haennel R. Volume and patterns of physical activity in heart failure patients. Physiotherapy, Volume 101, Supplement 1, May 2015, Page 501.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Barnes M. Practice Wise (AHS). Overview of the AIEPB Program. Barnes M. OSCE Workshop. Nov 2014/April 2015. Barnes M. MCQ Workshop. September 2014. Barnes M. Medicine Hat Information Session at Medicine Hat Hospital for the AIEPB. Beaupre L. Canadian Hip Fracture Management Conference: Using National Quality Indicators to Improve the Care Of Patients with Hip Fracture: The Next Phase Of Collaborative Work. Toronto, ON, Mar 2015. Beaupre L. Lunch and Learn: Managing Hypotension and Low Hemoglobin after Hip Fracture. Beaupre LA, Gossmann P; Fragility and Stability Working Group, Bone and Joint Strategic Clinical Network Webinar Oct 2014. Beaupre L. Fragility Fracture Network Third Global Congress. Clinicians, researchers and policy makers. Madrid, Spain, September 2014. Bostick G. 2015 Orthopedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Symposium in Halifax, NS. June 21 2015. Bostick G. 2015 Alberta Occupational Health Nursing Association Conference in Edmonton, AB. May 29 2015. Bostick G. Annual Pain Society of Alberta Meeting in Banff, AB. Sept 27 2015. Chepeha J. Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic Grand Rounds, “Rehabilitation Management of the Arthritic Shoulder”. Edmonton, January 2015. Chepeha J. Cross Cancer Institute Rehabilitation Medicine Lecture, “Shoulder Rehabilitation: An Update”. Edmonton, February 2015. Crites-Battie M. Duke University, March 18, 2015, on “Intervertebral disc degeneration and low back pain” at the monthly Pain Seminar Series hosted by the Department of Anesthesiology and Neurobiology. Fouad K. “Data Bias in Basic Research”. Research Data Management week 2015. Fouad K. Harvard University, Boston. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Fouad K. ICORD, UBC, Vancouver. Fouad K. Ohio State University (Columbus). Fouad K. UCSD in San Diego. Fouad K. Road to Rehab. Edmonton. Fouad K. Drexel University, Philadelphia. Gross DP. Research Presentation on Work Assessment, Alberta Occupational Therapy Medico-legal Interest Group, Edmonton, Alberta. Oct. 17, 2014 Gross DP. Introductory and Advanced Functional Capacity Evaluation Workshops, Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town, South Africa. May 2-11, 2015 Gross DP. Fostering Change in Population Pain Beliefs and Behaviours: When Education Isn’t Enough. 2 workshops at the Calgary Pain Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. December 5, 2014. Gross DP. Determinants of RTW Outcomes Course, CIHR Work Disability Prevention Training Program, University of Toronto, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Toronto, ON. June 11, 2015. Gross DP. Clinical Decision Support Tools for Managing Disabling Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2 workshops for WCB-Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. April 8, 2015. Gross DP. Ageing Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders, Environmental Health and Safety Training Meeting, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. June 24, 2015. Gross DP. Millard Health Lunch-and-Learn Training Session, Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta Millard Health, Edmonton, AB. June 25, 2015. Hall M. Visiting Researcher appointment in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney, Effectiveness of Telesupervision in Allied Health Fieldwork Education project. Hall M. Physical Therapy and Interprofessional Education at UAlberta. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Haykowsky M. Benefits of exercise for your heart. Edmonton Rotary club. June 8, 2015. Edmonton, AB, Canada. Haykowsky M. Muscle metabolic changes in heart failure with preserved (HFPEF) versus reduced (HFREF) ejection fraction. In the symposium “The Two Faces of Heart Failure: Exercise Intolerance in HFrEF vs HFpEF patients”. 62nd American College of Sports Medicine Conference. May 27th 2015. San Diego, CA, USA. Haykowsky M. Keynote Speaker - Benefits of exercise training to prevent cardiac dysfunction in cancer patients duri g adjuvant therapy. British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Exercise Professionals Group. Aston University, Birmingham, UK. May 15, 2015. Haykowsky M. Keynote Speaker- Role of cardiac (exercise) rehabilitation to prevent ventricular remodeling post myocardial infarction. British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Exercise Professionals Group Annual conference. Coventry, UK. May 15, 2015. Haykowsky M. Pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Cardiac Exercise Research Group, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-Trondheim. April 10, 2015. Haykowsky M. Cardiovascular limits to Exercise Performance in heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction. In the symposium “Treating cardiovascular disease with exercise: Mechanistic insight translated from animal models“. Experimental Biology, 2015. Boston Massachusetts, USA. March 33, 2015. Haykowsky M. Ventricular-arterial coupling in heart failure with preserved and reduced ejection fraction. University of Missouri-Veterinary Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, Seminar Series. Columbia Missouri. March 19th, 2015. Haykowsky M. Acute effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on intracranial and intraocular pressure: Implications for astronaut exercise training at the International Space Station. NASA. February 23, 2015. Houston, Texas. Haykowsky M. Determinants of exercise intolerance in heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. University of Texas at Arlington. January 20, 2015. Arlington, Texas, USA.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Haykowsky M. Upper limits of human performance post heart transplant. Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CRG) Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim. Trondheim, Norway. January 8, 2015. Haykowsky M. Women’s secrets? Exercise training in breast cancer survivors and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) in the symposium titled “Efficacy and Adherence to Exercise Training in Heart Failure”. Cardiac Exercise Research Group (CRG) Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyTrondheim, and St. Olavs Hospital. Trondheim, Norway. January 6, 2015. Haykowsky M. Determinants of exercise intolerance in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Cedars Sinai Heart Institute. Las Angeles, CA, USA. November 23, 2014. Haykowsky M. Pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction. Montefiore Einstein Centre for Heart and Vascular Care. Faculty of Medicine (Department of Cardiology), Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Bronx, New York, October 31, 2014. Haykowsky M. Finding a Research Supervisor That’s Right for You. Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Trainee Day. Canadian Cardiovascular Society Annual meeting. Vancouver, BC. October 25, 2014. Jasper L. Challenges in Data Synthesis When Examining Long-Term Follow-up In Total Knee Replacements. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day June 4, 2015. Jones A. Forhan M, Jones A, Obesity and Fear of Falling, Alberta Health Services webinar, June 3, 2015. Jones A. Interprofessional Peer Teaching (Apr 8, 2015) Presented with Cheryl Sadowski (Faculty of Pharmacy Audience: Faculty of Pharmacy and students. Kawchuck G. World Federation of Chiropractic - The Biomechanics of SMT: Facts, Fiction, and Future Kawchuck G. Danish Chiropractic Association - What has research done for us and where will it take us? Kawchuck G. Chiro Swiss - Mechanisms underlying spinal manipulative therapy Kawchuck G. Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie - 30th Anniversary Lecture Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Kawchuck G. Hong Kong Chiropractic Association - Mechanisms of spinal manipulation Kawchuck G. Macquarie University - Mechanisms of spinal manipulation Kawchuck G. Chiropractic Association of Australia, New South Wales Chapter Mechanisms of spinal manipulation Kawchuck G. The George Institute - Measuring spinal function: do we need more than self-reported outcomes? Manns P. American Physiotherapy Association Evidence based practice special interest group. International Journal Club, June 26, 2015. Manns P. Educational session to Steadward Centre staff about shoulder pain in persons with hemiplegia. Martin B. One of 3 innovative projects (Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging Program) invited to present to the Health Canada Internationally Education Health Professionals Initiative recipient meeting. Ottawa, October 2014. McNeely M. Grand Rounds Cross Cancer Institute: Lymphedema Research at the CCI; Parade of Stars, March 10th 2015. McNeely M. Canadian Back Institute: Cancer Rehabilitation April 14th, 2015. McNeely M. Alberta Cancer Exercise: Training for exercise specialists. Cancer Rehabilitation; July 9th, 2014. McNeely M. Cancer and Exercise course: Canadian Physiotherapy Association Course Calgary Alberta November 14th and 15th. Norton B. Practice Wise AHS weekly inservice September 4, 2014. Norton B. Foreign Qualifications Network Forum March 24, 2015. Parent E. Instructor at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital. January 30 2015. Parent E. Schroth Exercise Trial for Scoliosis. Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, Dallas, Texas, USA. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Parent E. Fortin C, Parent E, Feldman D, Poliquin ME, Cheriet F, Labelle H, Parent S, Hedden D, Moreau M. (2014). Responsiveness of a New Standardized Clinical Photographic Posture Assessment Method in Children and Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis. Annual meeting of the Canadian Pediatric Spinal Deformity Study Group, Lake Louise, Canada (Carole Fortin presented). Parent E. Second SOSORT research course “Selecting, Describing and Standardizing Exercise Interventions” lecture. SOSORT 2015 Katowice, Poland. Parent E. Second SOSORT research course “Maxing out on quality appraisal of your research: Avoiding common pitfalls” lecture. SOSORT 2015 Katowice, Poland. Woodhouse L. Safe Transitions in Care Pre-Conference, Canadian Patient Safety Institute. Rapid Fire: Leading Practices in Safe Transitions. Co-presented with Bichel A, Barnes C, Donaldson-Kelly S. Edmonton, Alberta, October 28, 2014. Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. General Session Panel: Clinical Research Pearls, Pitfalls, and Perils. Co-presented with Mintken P, Cook C, Childs J, Clealand J, Rivett D, Hartman L. San Antonio, Texas, October 25, 2014. Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. Breakout Sessions 1&2: Physical Therapists as First Contact MSK Providers: How to get there. San Antonio, Texas, October 25, 2014. Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. Panel Discussions: Clinical Reasoning: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Co-presented with Rivett D, Hartman L, Shacklock M. San Antonio, Texas, October 24, 2014. Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. Panel Discussions: Thrust vs. Non-Thrust Manipulation: What does the evidence tell us? Co-presented with Mintken P, Cook C, Childs J, Cleland J, Rivett D, Hartman L, Shacklock M. San Antonio, Texas, October 24, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. Keynote: Physical Therapists as First Contact MSK Providers: How to get there. San Antonio, Texas, October 24, 2014. Woodhouse L. ERAS 2.0 – Inspiring Change. Mobilize Early: Reduce Post-op Complications. Edmonton, Alberta, October 18, 2014. Woodhouse L. Clinical Reasoning: The Science, Skills and Value of AAOMPT, American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists Annual Conference. Pre-Conference Sessions: Developing the Role of Physical Therapists as First Contact MSK Providers: How to get there. San Antonio, Texas, October 23, 2014. Woodhouse L. Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress 2014. An International Physiotherapy Workforce for the 21st Century. Co-presented with Stokes E, & Friedman M. June 21, 2014. Woodhouse L. Wood Forum on Juvenile Inflammatory Arthritis, March 7, 2015. Helped to plan and host. Woodhouse L. Presentation to AHS Executive Committee on Accountability Framework for Total Hip and Knee Joint Arthroplasty, March 10, 2015. Woodhouse L. SPARC Integrated Secondary Use Data Platform Meeting Hosted by Alberta Innovates Health Solutions. Secondary Use Data Analytics. Edmonton, Alberta March 12, 2015. Woodhouse L. Health Research Methods Webinar: Choosing Your Research Orientation and Study Design, University of Calgary, March 12, 2015. Woodhouse L. Elam-Plowman Keynote Lecture. Physical Therapists as First Contact MSK Providers: Why is it Essential that we Get There. Oklahoma University March 27, 2015. Woodhouse L. Spine Access Alberta PRIHS Grant Presentation to Surgery Strategic Clinical Network. Leduc, Alberta March 26, 2015. Yang J. Retraining walking after injury to the CNS – a neurophysiological approach. Grand Rounds, Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Nov 7, 2014.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations.... Yang J. Locomotor training after spinal cord injury: treadmill, walking skill and powered exoskeletons. Albertaneuro 2014, Campus Alberta Neuroscience Symposium, Oct 24, 2014. Yang J. Enhancing function, neuroplasticity and health through training to walk after spinal cord injury. Alberta Physiatry Meeting, Keynote Address, Edmonton, Oct 18, 2014. Yang J. Walking in young children – a neurophysiological approach. In-service, University of Alberta Hospital, Rehabilitation Department, Jan 8, 2015. Yang J. Intensive leg exercise in children with perinatal stroke – preliminary findings. Physiotherapy Alberta Webinar, Jan 22, 2015. Yang J. Training to walk with the ReWalk exoskeleton – early findings. Inservice, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Feb 17, 2015. Zarski C. Camrose Family Resource Center-Healthy Kids Talk August 14 2014. Zarski C. Camrose District Support Services May 22, 2015. Zarski C. Charlie Killam Junior High Health Fair May 20, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best





Scientific Director


Clinician Researcher Training Stream Review Committee

Alberta Bone and Joint

MSK Core Committee

Alberta Health Services

Orthopaedic Residency Training Committee

Alberta TOP

Rehabilitiation Section

Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators of Canada

Evaluating Exam Project -Subject Matter Expert Alliance Exam

BC Hip Fracture Redesign Project

Steering Committee

Bone and Joint Canada

Fragility and Stability Clinical Committee Fragility and Stability Steering Committee OA Steering Committee Provincial Research Agenda Committee Steering Committee

Camrose Physician Recruitment

Committee Member

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Evaluation Services Committee

Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative

Guideline Advisory Committee Opinion Leaders

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

National PT Cirriculum Committee Data Committe Member

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Review Panel Member Movement and Exercise Committee Member (Open Operating Grants)

Canadian Pain Society

Scientific Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Canadian Physiotherapy Association

President Board of Directors Executive Commitee - Oncology Division

Choosing Wisely Campaign Initiative

Steering Committee

Congress Defence Military Research

Program Review Panel Member

Data Safety Monitoring Board


Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre

Research Steering Committee

Federation of Canadian Chiropractic

Federation Board

Fragility Fracture Network

Steering Committee

Health Research and Innovation Collaboratory

Privacy and Access Working Group

National Association of Clinical Educators for Physiotherapy


Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute


Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada


Provincial Head and Neck Tumor Group


Provincial Breast Cancer Group


Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton

Chair Member

Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Scientific Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Sensorimotor Rehabilitation Neuroscience Group


Steadward Centre

Scientific Committee

Supportive Care Council


University of Calgary

Medicine Admissions Committee

World Federation of Chiropractic

Chair Research Council

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Beaupre L

Global Hip Fracture Recovery Research Network, 2 workshops at the annual Fragility Network Congress

Beaupre L

6th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar. Novemeber 2014.

Beaupre L

Sharifi B*, Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC: 10 year results of an RCT. (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Alhoukail A*, Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC: 10 year results of an RCT (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Stampe K*, Beaupre LA, O’Connor G, Lavoie G, Masson E: PROSTALAC (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Bezuidenout L*, McInnes J, Bouliane M, Majumdar SR, Beaupre LA: Proximal Humerus (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Paul R*, Beaupre LA, Sheps D, Bouliane M: Video study (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Paul R*, Beaupre LA, Sheps D, Bouliane M: Video study (Surgery Resident Research Day; Poster)

Bostick G

Canadian Physiotherapy Association teleconference series on November 19th, 2014.

Bostick G

Canadian Physiotherapy Association Congress - Small things that make a big impact. June 2015.

Bredy H

Co-chair of the inaugural Annaul Dr. David C. Reid Sports Medicine Conference. September 27, 2014.

Fouad K

International Spinal Cord Injury Summer School, taught 2 lectures

Fouad K

5th Canadian SCI meeting in Banff

Jasper L

Camrose Rehabilitation Community - provision of educational resources via webinars

Jones A

6th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar - November 22, 2014 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Parent E

Joint SOSORT-IRSSD meeting - local co-host and organizer

Parent E

SOSORT Research Course - Organizer, chair, and lecturer

Parent E

IRSSD President Visit - Host, organize

Parent E

Presentation to Mr Terry Findley and Medtronic representative of the activities of our Edmonton Scoliosis Research Group. E. Parent Physiotherapy and Measurement Research February 10, 2015

Parent E

Deirs Biomedical Solutions - Host, organize Helmut Diers visit

Parent E

Edmonton Scoliosis Research Group. E. Parent Physiotherapy and Measurement Research February 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2014-2015 academic year a total of 582 placements were coordinated through the office of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education. These include: 547 U of A student placements, 25 student placements for students from other programs in Canada and 6 international students completing placements in Alberta. Additionally, 3 U of A students completed placements internationally: one each in New Zealand, Nepal, and Hong Kong. There were 109 shadow experiences also organized for first year students in facilities in Edmonton, Calgary, and Camrose. A rough breakdown of offers per course and practice setting are presented in the tables below. Course PTHER 517 PTHER 518 PTHER 520 PTHER 521 PTHER 522 PTHER 523 UofA Students placed out of province Out of province/international students placed in Alberta

Number of Placements 109 106 111 111 N/A 106 4 25

Practice Setting Acute Care Hospital Rehabilitation Facility Private Practice / Occupational Rehabilitation Corbett Clinic

Number of Placements 196 93 148 20

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Program changes came into effect this spring - Clinical Practice PTHER 522 moved to the fall 2015 session and as a result no PTHER 522 placement occurred in the 2014-2015 year. The spring 2015 session was particularly challenging again this year; with both satellite campuses at full capacity the required placements for the May/June time frame exceed 220 positions. The ACCE revisited with AHS the challenges of securing placements and despite changes to the offer process, we struggled to secure enough placements for spring and fall 2015 in the public practice sector. Even with these challenges we have been able to ensure that each student will graduate with the required hours in cardiorespiratory and neurological practice. January 2015 (PTHER 520) saw the adoption of the newly developed Assessment of Clinical Performance (APC) evaluation instrument. Feedback from Clinical Instructors so far has been positive. Clinical Instructors appreciate the concrete anchor descriptions and shorter evaluation form. The PT Clinical Educator of the Year award was presented for the fourth time this year at the Rehabilitation Medicine Students Association gala. Sian Richards from Bowden Physiotherapy was this year’s recipient for excellence in student supervision. Community Partners Two site coordinator’s meetings were held in each of Edmonton and Calgary with site placement coordinators and rehab managers to discuss issues related to clinical education, communicate PT program changes, and build placement capacity. The Edmonton meeting teleconference capabilities allowed for site coordinators from across the province to participate in information sharing and decision making. Jon Gabbai, Assistant Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (AACCE) led the Calgary meetings, with the ACCE attending via video conference. In addition, the AACCE continued to meet with PT and Rehab leaders within the Calgary zone to discuss the opportunities for increasing placement capacity. The AACCE also took lead for second year student placements this year to provide a consistent point person for student issues. This format has worked well. Both the ACCE and AACCE have shadowed students on clinical placements at sites in and around Edmonton and Calgary to increase the visibility of the Department in clinical sites. The main goals of the visits are to offer support to students and to observe them in situ, as well as connect with supervising therapist, build relationships with them and get a sense for student performance.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. Academy Place - LifeMark Physiotherapy Active Physio Works - Dynamic Active Physio Works - Kensington Active Physio Works - St. Albert Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton Alberta Physical Therapy Clinics Association for the Rehabilitation Brain Injured Athabasca Centre - LifeMark Physiotherapy Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital Bethany Care Society - Calgary Black Diamond Oilfields General Hospital Bonnyville Health Centre Bourassa and Associates Rehab Centre Bowden Physiotherapy & Gym Brooks Health Centre Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Callingwood Physical Therapy Camrose Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Camrose St. Mary’s Hospital Canmore General Hospital Capital Care Dickinsfield Capital Care Grandview Capital Care Strathcona Care Centre CBI - Action PT - Red Deer CBI - Burnewood Physical Therapy CBI - Calgary Central CBI - Calgary Industrial CBI - Calgary North East CBI - Calgary South CBI - Health Centre - Red Deer CBI - Hospital Side-Red Deer CBI - Lethbridge CBI - Medicine Hat CBI - ReMed CBI Physiotherapy Clinic - Northside Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury Chestermere - LifeMark Physiotherapy Child Development Centre Chinook Regional Hospital Claresholm General Hospital Clearwater Physiotherapy Community Health Services - Calgary Fall Prevention Clinic Community Health Services - High River Community Health Services Camrose - Community Rehabilitation Program Community Health Services Camrose - Healthy Living Centre

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Community Health Services Healthy Living - Supervised Exercise Program Community Health Services Red Deer Community Health Services Sylvan Lake Community Health Services Vegreville Community Health Services - Vermilion Community Health Services CRIS-West Community Health Services - Westlock Community Health Services - Lethbridge Community Neurorehab Services Physio Clinic Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic Cross Cancer Institute Daysland Health Centre Department of Physical Therapy - Research Based: Lauren Beaupre Department of Physical Therapy - Research Based: Margie McNeely Didsbury District Health Centre Diverse Sports Physical Therapy Clinic Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre Drayton Valley Hospital and Care Centre Edmonton General Cont Care Centre Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Physiotherapy Clinic Edmonton Public School Division #7 Edson Healthcare Centre Elves Special Needs Society Excel Physical Therapy Father Bauer Arena - LifeMark Health Centre Fit Physiotherapy Foothills Medical Centre Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital Franklin Centre - LifeMark Physiotherapy Genesis Place - LifeMark Physiotherapy Glen Sather UofA Sports Medicine Centre Glenmore Park Physiotherapy Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Grande Cache Community Health Complex Grange Physical Therapy and Sports Injury Clinic Grey Nuns Community Hospital & Health Centre Hardisty Health Centre Heritage Hill - LifeMark Physiotherapy Clinic Hinton Healthcare Centre Home Care - Red Deer Home Care (Bremner) Home Care - Camrose Home Care Home Care Calgary Zone Home Living Program - Edmonton Zone Hong Kong - Tung Wah Hospital Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


In Step Physical Therapy Clinic Innisfail Health Centre Integrated Supportive & Facility Living - Allied Health Intercare Kensington Physical Therapy Kinesis Physical Therapy Corp Kingsway - LifeMark Physiotherapy Lacombe Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd. Lake Beaumaris - LifeMark Physiotherapy Lamont Health Care Centre Leduc - LifeMark Physiotherapy Lime Physical Therapy Max Bell Arena - LifeMark Physiotherapy Mayor Magrath - LifeMark Physiotherapy Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Mills Memorial Hospital Millwoods - LifeMark Physiotherapy Mira Health Centre - Lifemark Physiotherapy Misericordia Community Health Centre Momentum Health - Creekside Clinic Momentum Health - Ogden Clinic Momentum Health - West Springs Clinic Momentum Spine and Sport Physiotherapy Nepal Matri Griha Physiotherapy Clinic New Zealand - Manakau City Physiotherapy North East Calgary - LifeMark Health Centre Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy - Beddington Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy - Thorncliffe Panther Sport Medicine & Rehab Centres - Cardel Place Panther Sport Medicine & Rehab Centres - Trico Centre Parkland Rehabilitation Ltd. Parkland School Division #70 Peak Physical Therapy Performance Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Peter Lougheed Centre Pivotal Physiotherapy - Fort Saskatchewan Pivotal Physiotherapy - North Edmonton Primary Care Networks - North Zone Propel Sports Physical Therapy PT Health - Advantage Health Aspen PT Health - Advantage Health Corporate Sport Physio PT Health - Belmead Physical Therapy PT Health - Maximum Potential Physiotherapy PT Health - Sherwood Park PT Health - Sturgeon Valley Physiotherapy Quarry Park - LifeMark Physiotherapy Rebound Health Centre Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Rockyview General Hospital Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Royal Alexandra Hospital Rutherford Physical Therapy and Sports Injury Clinic Seton - Jasper Healthcare Centre Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Silverado Sport Physiotherapy South Calgary Health Centre South Health Campus Southland Leisure Centre - LifeMark Physiotherapy Sports Medicine Centre Sports Plus Physical Therapy Clinic Spring Hill Sport Physiotherapy - LifeMark Springborough - LifeMark Physiotherapy St. Boniface Hospital St. Michael’s Health Centre Stanton Territorial Hospital Stony Plain - LifeMark Physiotherapy Strathcona Community Hospital Strathcona Physiotherapy Strathmore Hospital Sturgeon Community Hospital Summerside Children’s Sport and Physiotherapy Sundre Hospital and Care Centre Sunridge Way NE- LifeMark Health Centre Sunrise Physical Therapy Supportive Living Program Talisman Centre - LifeMark Health Centre Tamarack Physical Therapy Tawa Physical Therapy Three Hills Health Centre Tofield Health Centre Tom Baker Cancer Centre University of Alberta Hospital Vermilion Health Centre Village Square Mall - LifeMark Physiotherapy Wainwright Health Centre WE Physio Performance & Wellness Westlock Healthcare Centre Westview Health Centre - Stony Plain Hospital Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Whitecourt Healthcare Centre Willow Brook-LifeMark Physiotherapy Worker’s Compensation Board Yellowhead Tribal Council

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


During this past year, we entered the 5th year of operations for delivering the MScPT Satellite program. Student demand for the MScPT program has grown substantially since the starting of the satellite programs: 2012: 30% campus 2013: 35% campus 2014: 37% campus 2015: 38% campus

of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice

Since the implementation of the Augustana campus in 2011 and the Calgary campus in 2012, we have had 24 Augustana graduates and 18 Calgary graduates. 2014-2015 was the first graduating class to include students from the Calgary Campus, boosting the total number of students who graduate to 106.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The fourth cohort of students completed the program at Augustana. Student response has been positive. All classes continued to be connected through the Bridge with an iPad app, this technology worked well throughout the year. Several of the Physiotherapy Alberta and Canadian Physiotherapy Association webinar educational sessions were offered via videoconference from the Augustana seminar room to the Augustana community to promote attendance, information sharing and as a service to the Camrose community. An educational session for local clinicians was hosted in December 2014 as a thank you to the Camrose community, to provide an additional educational opportunity, promote information sharing between clinicians, and to increase awareness of the Augustana MScPT satellite program. Response was favourable with 16 people attending. Collaboration between the MScPT students and the Augustana nursing students occurred through shared InterD 410 classes, combined promotional activities, and a volunteer collaborative educational activity where the second year physical therapy students taught nursing students about gait aides. Several of the second year physiotherapy students started an initiative to support the Healing Hands for Haiti charity raising funds for mobility supplies such as wheelchairs for Haitians. The students have worked with the Augustana community collecting bottles from the campus and community members. Half of the proceeds from the annual curling bonspeil, and a fundraiser at the Rehabilitation Medicine Students Association gala contributed to the raising of over $2000 for Healing Hands for Haiti. The Augustana community continues to be very supportive of the MScPT program through the provision of clinical placements, student community electives, assistance in finding patients for student learning experiences, acting as standardized patients and assisting with practical exams.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Renovations at the University of Calgary’s Downtown campus began in January 2015. The purpose of the renovations was to expand our current space to accommodate both the Calgary MScPT and Calgary MScOT programs. The Occupational Therapy program moved into their new space on May 30, 2015. Scope of the renovations includes the development of the basement into an OT mutilpurpose room, a PT multipurpose room, a research lab and an additional room for future use. Four rooms on the 3rd floor were converted to accommodate both the MScOT program and the MScPT program. The Alberta Internationally Educated Physical Therapy Bridging Program continues to use the Calgary teaching lab every second or third Saturday. The Calgary campus hosted a two day Cancer and Lymphedema Management (CALM) workshop in May 2015. This was broadcast from Edmonton to clinicians in Calgary. A job fair was organized by the clinical education team for the 2016 Calgary cohort in June 2015. Employers in attendance included: PT Health, Rebound Health, Clearwater PT, Centric Health, Panther Sports, Alberta Health Services, CBI Health Group. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to meet and explore future job opportunities. We look forward to welcoming in the 2018 Calgary cohort this fall and graduating our second cohort of Calgary students in the spring. We also look forward to working side by side with our Occupational Therapy colleagues. Having both Departments at one site will open up more opportunities for collaboration and interdisciplinary teaching and learning.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy in partnership with the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta (CPTA) launched the Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program (AIEPB) in 2011. With grant funding to 2016 from Health Canada, the pilot program is designed to provide internationally educated physical therapists (IEPTs) with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet Canadian credentialing requirements and practice in Canada. In August 2014, the first cohort completed their studies. The first cohort had an enrollment of 17 students, completion by 16 students, and graduation of 14 students, 6 of whom have successfully completed the Physiotherapy Competency Exams and are fully licensed physiotherapists working in Alberta. The remaining students are in the process of completing the national exams. The program is well on its way to meeting its obligation of graduating 2 cohorts of students. In May 2014 a second cohort of 20 students was admitted, of whom 16 are in the final phase of completion of the program. A grant amendment has allowed the program to admit a third cohort of 24 students in May 2015 and add a satellite site in Medicine Hat College. Three students are commuting from out of province (BC, SK, MB) to attend Saturday labs, validating the Pan-Canadian vision for the program. With grant funding ending in March 2016, the AIEPB administrative team has been working hard to convert the program to a cost recovery free standing Post-Baccalaureate Certificate.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


During the 2014-2015 academic year, the Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic has strengthened our position within the faculty, the university, and the Edmonton community. We have had students from various provinces and countries develop their skills in a challenging learning environment while also providing physical therapy treatment to the underserved community. In addition to continuing our efforts with the Young Hip Program and providing individual treatment sessions to clients with chronic pain, musculoskeletal, and neurological conditions we are proud to have introduced our Parkinson’s Rehabilitation in Movement Enhancement (PRIME) program in June 2015. We also offered a class to improve bone health in the elderly, led a balance class at the Steadward Centre on campus for those with neurological conditions, and continued our partnership with local seniors centers to offer balance classes. In January 2015, we hosted “Introduction to the Clinical Application of Rehabilitation Imaging: Lumbo-Pelvic Dysfunction” by Dr. Jackie Whittaker for clinicians and several current physical therapy students. We also plan to offer “Level 1- Osteoporosis: A Comprehensive Treatment Strategy” by Sarah Meeks in January 2016. Placements U of A Students Canadian Students International Students PTA (MacEwan) Pharmacy Students Electives U of A MScPT Students U of A Pharmacy Students

Number of Students 10 10 5 2 2 Number of Students 9 2

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Annual Dr. David C. Reid Sports Medicine Conference The inaugural Annual Dr. David C. Reid Sports Medicine Conference was hosted by the Department of Physical Therapy at Corbett Hall in September 2014. This one day event, entitled “Sports Medicine 101�, was attended by 110 sports medicine professionals ranging from Physicians, Physical Therapists, Athletic Therapists, Nurses, and students. 6th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar A one day workshop in November 2014, focused on Rehabilitation for Bariatric Patients Undergoing TKA for Rehabilitation Professionals was offered at UAH Campus as well as by Telehealth and remote webinar. Wood Forum on Juvenile Arthritis The Wood Forum on Juvenile Arthritis was held on March 7, 2015 at the Telus World of Science. This event was organized by Linda Woodhouse and hosted by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. It connected families from the community affected by juvenile arthritis with clinicians, students, researchers, and other professionals.

Recruitment Fair

A recruitment fair, now in the 4th year, was held on June 12 in Edmonton and July 15 in Calgary as an opportunity for students and potential employers to meet. The event was attended by 17 employer agencies in Edmonton and 8 in Calgary. The event was well attended by students and feedback from both employers and students was very positive.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2014 Enrollment September 2014: 110 students admitted to the MScPT (coursebased) program. • 66 female, 44 male • 94 Alberta residents; 16 Out of province • Average GPA: 3.82 Enrollment summary: • MScPT 2016 Cohort • MScPT 2015 Cohort • MScPT 2014 Cohort

- 113 (Admission year 2013) - 110 (Admission year 2012) - 94 (Admission year 2011)

Convocation 2015 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT Program Adams, Kailie Adams, Karlee Agopsowicz, Ryan Andersen, Kelsey Anderson, Arne Anderson, Carleen Armstrong, Emily Asmussen, Christina Atkinson, Alyssa Baron, Luke Beauchamp, Meagan Behrens, Janelle Bergevin,Lindsey Boe, Erin Bourque, Chelsea Branch , Morgan Brunt, Hallie Brydges, Kimberley Buffel, Katherine Bui, Andrea Cahoon, Kirstyn Carson , Michael Chan, Sin Hang Clarke, Meaghan Cook, Brett Costello, Amy Cunningham, Camira Dargis, Robyn Dennis, Karina Deol, Abninder Dorn, Paige Ebbern , Hilary Elford, Stephanie Finnerty, Darryl Forsyth, Keira Freiburger, Emily

Gill, Jessie Glenister, Lauren Gordon, Kaylyn Grant, Alexander Grant, Devin Hall, Lisa Harris, Kristen Hartling,Astrid Hawthorne, Raina Heimbach, Robert Henry, BreAnne Ho, Shirley Hosford, Ellen Jafreen, Sara Johnson, Teagen Kalisa, Pauline Kanik, Julia Kast, Keylee Keay, Jenna Koehn, Joshua Koleyak, Elizabeth Krys, Tara Laing, Kara Lee, Sabina Lew, Leon Lieuwen, Erica Lindemulder, Benjamin Luu, Gia-Linh Mahjour, Paria McCreight, Chantelle McFarlane, Devin McGregor, Jillian McGugan, Robert Mollins, Juliana Moon, Joon Munro, Kristen

Murphy, James Niemann, Marise Oxtoby, Sandra Parkyn, Cale Pasloski, Lynsey Peddie, Megan Pinard, Matthew Poon, Lauren Powelske, Brandyn Price, Steven Ramsay, Sandabria Restall, Jennifer Rochacewich, Loring Rop, Alison Rudko, Jennifer Ruff, Casey Schneider, Laura Shlapak, Teagan Sonego, Jamie Sreibers, Lara Stepnisky, Marissa Tam, Kevin Taylor, Jessica Tchilinguirova, Tzvetelina Tremblay, Candice Tschritter, Nicole Tumibay, Dean Van Kleeck, Sandra Verhesen, Jill Wadowski, Michael Walper, Eric Weber, Lauren Wong, Matthew Wort, Courtney

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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