PT Annual report 2015/2016

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Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2015-2016 Pursuing your best

Chair and Associate Chair’s Message .................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department .................................................. 5 Strategic Plan ................................................................................... 6 Department Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Faculty Awards ................................................................................ 20 Student Ratings of Instruction ........................................................... 21 MScPT Student Awards ..................................................................... 22 Research Funding ............................................................................. 27 Publications ..................................................................................... 32 Service ........................................................................................... 59 Clinical Education ............................................................................ 64 Satellite Campuses .......................................................................... 70 Alberta Internationally Educated Physical Therapists Bridging Program...... 73 Student Clinic .................................................................................. 74 Events ............................................................................................ 75 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ................................................ 76

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair We report on another successful and productive year for the Department of Physical Therapy. Our Annual Report for the 2015-2016 year includes highlights from each of our three pillars - Education, Research and Service and outlines achievements and accomplishments of our faculty, staff and students. Campuses This year we welcomed a total of 106 students into the first year of the MScPT Program as the class of 2018. Of these students, 76 were admitted in Edmonton, 12 in Camrose and 18 in Calgary. In December of 2015, 112 students from across all 3 campuses completed the program coursework and headed out into the working world. This was the second graduating class to include students who had attended the Calgary MScPT Satellite Campus. These graduates comprise the 11th MScPT class and they convocated in June 2016. Internationally Educated Physical Therapists (IEPT) Bridging Program The funding provided by the Government of Alberta, Ministry of Health ended March 31, 2016. The AIEPB program continued with its third cohort and admitted a fourth cohort of 19 students in September 2016. To sustain this successful program, a proposal was submitted by the AIEPB administrative team to create a cost recovery Post-Baccalaureate Certificate. The proposal has been vetted through the University of Alberta Goverance Committees and we are awaiting the decision of Advanced Education. Funding for the program is currently provided by the Department of Physical Therapy. Research Researchers in the Department continue to successfully acquire external grant funding and have been active in knowledge translation activities. Researchers attracted over $5.2 million in new funding and published 64 peer reviewed papers and 120 abstracts. A notable accomplishment was a $1.25 million AIHS Cancer Prevention Research Opportunity recieved by Dr. Margie McNeely. Dr. McNeely’s team is evaluating community-based exercise participation for health promotion and secondary cancer prevention.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Honours In January 2016, the PT Department’s teaching team once again took home Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching Awards: Dr. Trish Manns won the Faculty Teaching Award, and Michelle Barnes received the FRM Sessional Teaching Award. Other notable research-related honours include: Dr. Lesley Wiart received a Career Development Award from CCHCSP and an early career transition award from the Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research. Dr. Margie McNeely was the recipent of the Award for Excellence in Innovation from Physiotherapy Alberta - College and Association. Dr. Jackie Whittaker was awarded the Tom Pashby Award (Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine, CASEM) for the best paper relating to the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of catastrophic injury at the CASEM annual conference. Additionally, Dr. Greg Kawchuk was nominated for a Killam Award in Mentoring. All very well deserved awards! Of note, Lisa Jasper, Augustana Satellite coordinator, successfully completed her doctoral candidacy exam. Congratulations Lisa. This report highlights another busy, productive year for the PT Department. We continue to advance the field of physical therapy through innovative teaching, cutting edge research and service to our community. We are fortunate to have dedicated faculty and staff members who truly care about providing an exceptional educational experience for our students and advancing the field through world-class research. Our accomplishments would not be possible without the dedicated physical therapists across the province, and beyond, who continue to volunteer their time and expertise by providing outstanding clinical education experiences for our students as they continue to develop and refine their physical therapy skills on placement. We could not run our programs without your help, and we thank you for your continued support.

Doug Gross, PT, PhD Interim Chair

Mark Hall, PT, PhD Associate Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education at all levels ◊ Conducting scholarly research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy

◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Department of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2010 - 2015 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: ◊ To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers ◊ To enhance and promote the Physical Therapy Department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based Physical Therapy practice for students and clinicians ◊ To be a leader in serving our external community through novel outreach, collaborative partnerships and Physical Therapy knowledge exchange

MScPT students interact with one of the Deaprtment’s Double Robots

Bonnie Hagan, MScPT 2016, was awarded the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Michele Crites-BattiĂŠ, PhD Professor

Karim Fouad, PhD Professor

R.G (Bob) Haennel, PhD, FACSM Professor & Interim Dean

Lauren Beaupre, PhD Professor

Doug Gross, PhD Professor & Interim Chair

Allyson Jones, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Greg Kawchuk, PhD Professor

David Magee, PhD Professor

Trish Manns, PhD Professor

Jaynie Yang, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Geoff Bostick, PhD Associate Professor

Judy Chepeha, PhD Associate Professor

Mark Hall, PhD Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Bernadette Martin, MA Associate Dean, Strategic Initiatives

Margaret McNeely, PhD Associate Professor

Eric Parent, PhD Associate Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Linda Woodhouse, PhD Associate Professor Chair/Musculoskeletal Research

Assistant Professors Jackie Whittaker, PhD Assistant Professor Research Director GSSMC

Lesley Wiart, PhD Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors Michelle Barnes, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIEPB Program Mentorship Placement Coordinator

Heather Bredy, MCIScPT, BScPT Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education & Clinical Assistant Professor

Colleen Britton, BPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIEPB Program Co-Director

Jacky Chow, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Kim Dao, DPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Lisa Jasper, MSc, BMR (PT) Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Augustana

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors Iain Muir, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Barb Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIPEB Program Co-Director

Bryce Rudland, HBKin MScPT Clinical Education Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Christopher Zarski, BScPT, MEd Clinical Assistant Professor

Professor Emeriti Johanna Darrah Shrawan Kumar John Semple

Associate Adjunct Professors Narasimha Prasad Donald Schopflosher

Clinical Professor Emeritus Joan Loomis

Assistant Adjunct Professors Susan Olivo Armijo Karen Buro Jorge Contreras Fuentes Edith Pituskin Kenneth Riess

Adjunct Professors Wonita Janzen Brian MacIntosh Brian Stephens

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Guest Lecturers Amort Larson, Gail Arial, Noele Ashmore, Rhonda Bergsten, Suzanne Bragg, Elaine Calder, Krista Culbert, Stacy Coombs, Wendy Daneyko, Leanne Dhillon, Raj Dolgoy, Naomi Fenning, Nadine Flakstad, Lois Furler, Barb Haydo, Michael Hunter, Simone

Johns, Carolyn Kaup, Cara Keshwani, Nadia Kim, Esther Kossi, Sandi Kwok, Alyson Labrentz, Mark MacLellan, Crystal Mandhane, Rashmi Miller, Lora Musselman, Kristin Radke, Lori Roy, Michelle Russell, William Schell, Sylvia Schneider, Kathryn

Schreiber, Sanja Singh, Janelle Speers, Sharon Stobbe, Mike Wannechko-Koeing, Rita Wheeler, Sonya Wolansky, Todd Wood, Mary Yurick, Janice

Teaching Assistants Ashmore, Rhonda Banzan, Claire Benterud, Karen Bergsten, Suzanne Branton, Erin Calder, Krista Chen, Lucia Chrapko, Phillip Ellaschuk, Lori Goertzen, Mathew Harrison, Connie Holt, Chris Hunter, Simone Johns, Carolyn Kruger, Calvin Kwok, Alyson Kwok, Andrew Lee Germain, Brenda Lopetinsky, Barbara Mandhane, Rashmi McComb, Aly Ospina, Paula

Perry, Danielle Pratt, Michelle Radhakrishnan, Jey Radke, Lori Ramadi, Ailar Schell, Sylvia Schneider, Geoff Shanks, Robin Troung, Linda Tung, William Walker, Lindsey William, Carolyn Wolanksy, Todd

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Abd Elkway, H Abraham, C Adelman, T Adelowokan, F Akins, L Alabi, M Alex, J Alexander, M Alexander, MC Almond, P Amusat, J Andersen, K Anderson, N Ankerman, M Ansari, R Anthony, S Appelt, S Archibald, K Arial, N Armstrong, D Ashmead, J Asmussen, C Atkinson, J Audet, T Auger, R Austen, A Axelson, M Ayoade, V Baldwin, S Barreda, A Barrett, K Barton, K Bayless, K Begg, J Belisle, V Bell, K Belter, J Benoit, M Bergen, C Bergsten, S

Bernard, S Berthier, M Bett, R Bhandari, N Bhullar, G Bittner, L Bles, D Bocchinfuso, S Bochno, D Bolokoski, D Bonesky, B Bonnenfant, D Boshoff, W Botelho, A Boucher, J Bourque, C Bradley, D Branton, E Brickwell, H Brodeur, J Brohman, J Brooks, J Brosseau, K Byrne, M Caballero, C Cahill, R Cahoon, K Cairns, T Calder, K Caron, K Carter, A Casey, L Cash Mottram, R Catellier, S Caton, M Cavanagh, A Cavanagh, B Cerantola, G Chagas, L Chalmers, S

Chamberlin, A Chan, C Chapman, A Chatterton, E Cheng, I Chernos-Macleod, R Chilibecki, K Chisholm, A Chiu, A Chow, J Chuchmuch, M Clarke, M Coleman, N Coley, L Collison, J Connors, C Corie, B Coyne, M Coyne, C Crandell, C Crane, E Cuff, S Cuglietta, N Cunningham, C Cunningham, H Custodio-Fox, M Dai, Y Dalton, A Daneyko, L Darbellay, C DaSilva, E Davies, R de Castro, R De Heus, T Dean, J Deblois, C Deenen, N Dello, N Demkiw, V Dempster, K

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers den Otter, D Deol, S DeVries, J Dewitz, M Dey, L Dhillon, R Dollmaier, S Donaldson, J Dorn, P Douglas, J Downey, R Downing, D Doyle, J Duchscherer, T Dunn, J DuPlessis, C Eatmon-Powell, S Edmunds, R Eggink, M Eldred, K Engelbrecht, A

Enriquez-DeGuzman, C

Erickson, N Fairbanks, K Fasakin, J Felix, A Feng, L Fernando, N Firth, G Fitzgerald, S Fong, E Forman, Y Forsyth, S Fournier, V Fowler, L Frankow, H Fung Gee, S Gabrush, B Gagnon, S Gainer, F

Gainor, J Gallagher, A Gamache, V Gamblin, T Gartner, L Garvie, L Gee, H George, R Gerry, K Gibbons, K Giesbrecht, A Gilbertson, D Gillespie, D Gillis, B Glass, A Glennie, G Gokavi, C Goosens, M Gordon, K Grant, K Green, J Gregory, T Gruszka, J Guydash, M Hajek, D Hall, L Hallworth, I Hanrahan, K Harbidge, C Hartley, Sarah Hartley, Steve Hartman, K Hawes-Bernbaum, N Hawken, T Hawkins, D Hayday, K Herbert, A Hender, B Hirtle, S Hladniuk, M

Hockridge, J Hoda, A Hodges, M Hodson, K Holman, J Holmes, E Holowaychuk, S Holt, C Howard, A Howatt, L Hranac, B Huang, A Huculak, B Hudec, A Hui, S Hum, A Humphrey, A Hurta, D Huynh, E Huynh, J Idle, M Ingwersen, c Irwin, G Iyizoba, M Jacobs, J Janovcik, H Janz, K Jenkins, M Jones, Sandra Jones, N Jones, Steven Jones, T Joyees, J Junck, C Junck, T Kast, K Keegan, L Keeping, R Kelly, P Kempster, L

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Kennedy, K Kennedy, C Kidd, K Kilgour, J Kim, L Kingston, A Kingwell, S Klapstein, G Knopf, K Kopat, K Korsensky, O Kowalczyk, M Krawczyk, I Kraweck, R Krueger, N Kruithof, S Kuleba, L Kunzelman, D Kurio, B Kutash, T Kwok, A Labrentz, M Lahey, L Lahey, M Lally, A Lam, A Lassen, J Latta, L Lau, W Laurensse, M Lawrence, H Lawrence, A Le, C Leathem, J Lebans, C Leblanc, D LeBlanc, T Lee, E Leedahl, S Lehman, J

Lemke, A Levesque, T Lewis, O Lindquist, N Littke, N Llewellyn, D Lo, M Locke, Z Loven, B Lowey, M Luckhurst, B Lui, K Lukinuk, E Lundmark, A Luu, S MacDonald, C MacDonald, J MacFarlane, K MacFayden, L MacGillivray, K MacKinnon, A MacLean, S Maclellan, C Mahjour, P Mahood, S Madeville, T Mandhane, R Mang, K Mann, C Martin, D Martyn, J Maryniak, N Massey, D Mathew, R Mathews, S McCreight-Devalia, C McDiarmid, E McDonald, K McFayden, S McIntosh, K

McIntosh, L McKay, T Mckenzie, K McLaughlin, C McLeod, L McLeod, V McMullin, R Mctaggart, L Mecham, T Meldrum, B Middlebrook, E Migorska, A Miller, J Miller, S Milligan, N Minor, A Minor, L Miskin, E Mitchell, N Mohamed-Kassam, A Moorthy, S Morgan, B MPova, G Muhlbeier, J Mullapudi, S Mullin, B Murphy, J Murphy, V Murray, G Murray, L Mustard, M Nadeau, G Nallusamy, A Namboory, M Naylen, A Newmans, S Ohashi, S Oishi, K Olabode, J Orr, K

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers O’Shaughnessy, T Ostowari, F Oucharek, C Oura, K Pabani, S Padilla, M Page, C Painchaud, C Pammidi, S Pan, J Panasiuk, D Paquet, D Paredes, M Park, L Parker, V Parrott, M Parzen, F Pasloski, L Peesker, R Perchard, J Peter, A Peters, M Peters, T Phillips, J Pilipchuk, V Plett, C Pletts, J Pollock, H Poncsak, D Poon, J Postma, J Pothacamuri, M Powell, C Powell, S Prakash, S Pratt, M Probst, D Prystupa, K Purushothaman, P Radke, L

Rayment, G Reimer, C Reimer, J Reinhardt, K Richard, B Richards, S Robbie, K Rogerson, S Romeril, L Ross, A Ross, C Ross, P Rudolf, S Ruohonen, N Russill, J Ryniak, A Sabo-Richards, J Sadowski, R Saju Ramji, N Sale, R Sametz, L Sasidharan, H Savrtka, G Sawatsky, A Schempp, H Schlaht, T Schreiber, N Scott, J Scott, S Shah, K Shah, S Shannon, A Sharum, J Shedden, H Sherwin, A Shlapak, T Shore, K Short, M Shukalak, B Shular, B

Shular, M Siebold, T Simonson, K Sinha, R Skitsko, T Smith, B Smith, C Smith, S Sommerfeldt, S Spate, S Speers, S Sreibers, L Stang, M Stapleton, C Starkey, K Statham, K Stauffer, H Stawski, M Steenbergen, L Steinbring, E Stewart, M St.Georges, V Stobbe, R Stork, T Swales, D Switzer, J Switzer, K Taddeo, J Teece, A Teitelbaum, D Teppler, A Thompson, L Tiedemann, K Timotijevic, M Toews, M Toner, P Toporowski, S Tosh, M Townsend, J Townsend, K

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers Trang, B Trefiak, D Tregubov, S Troop, K Troung, L Tulloch, A Tulloch, K Tumibay, D Turner, C Tycholis, N Uchytil, L Vaillancourt, M Van Campenhout, K Van Halteren, C Van Ry, H Vanderkelen, J Vaughan, D Vebo, A Velasco, V Velusamy, S Vihos, John Virag, D Vogels, C Vu, T Vun, N Wake, D Wannechko-Koenig, R Watkins, B Webb, B Webber, C Webster, D Weeks, E Weeks, K Weir, T Werner, S Wiebe, A Wiebe, L Wightman, A Williams, Carolyn Williams, Chris

Williams, R Wills, K Wilson, K Wolansky, T Wong, J Wong, M Wong, Y Wray, K Yamabayashi, C Yee, E Yep S Young, E Young, L Zachar, K Zahariuk, A Zahary, E Zayac, D Zhou, S Ziemmer, J Zorilla, L

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Administrative Staff Cheryl Ackerman Reception Katelyn Brown Executive Assistant to the Chair Wei-Lang Chan Physical Therapy Assistant, Edmonton Francine Hamilton & Alyson Ryan Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Tamie Heisler-Schafer Academic Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Jordan Koch Physical Therapy Assistant, Calgary Gillian Luff Admissions and Awards Coordinator Susan Lynch Administrative Professional Officer Amy Peters Clinical Education Assistant Meagan Simon Research Assistant Nicole Stogrin Program Assistant Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapists Bridging Program

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Michelle Barnes Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award (2015)

Trish Manns Faculty Teaching Award Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association Teaching Award

Greg Kawchuk Nomination for Killam Award in Mentoring

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Following its formation, the Teaching Interest Group expanded to include faculty from the other Rehabilitation Medicine Departments (SPA and OT). The FRM TIG has been a valuable addition for teaching enhancement within the Faculty. New initiatives by the TIG include FRM-specific peer observation program for teaching enhancement. The program aims to provide instructors the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their teaching in a non-punitive context. Peer observers meet with the instructor to discuss their teaching objectives and together reflect on the strengths and opportunities for improvement. The peer observation program has been successfully piloted and implemented with 12 instructors (6 from PT) actively participating in the program. The graph below uses weighted averages to summarize Student Ratings of Instruction for the courses taught by staff members in 2015-2016. Each statement in the evaluation is rated from 1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree; 5 being a perfect score. The questions on the student evaluations are separated into two categories: Course Specific (includes questions regarding course content and structure) and Instructor Specific (includes questions specific to the instructor’s knowledge and delivery).

Student Ratings 2015-2016 5.0 4.5



4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5

Course Specific Instructor Specific

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The following is a list of awards received by students enrolled in the MScPT program. Recipient

Award/Scholarship Name


Arkko, Kevin

Respiratory Physical Therapy Graduate Prize


Arkko, Kevin

Dean’s Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine

Arkko, Kevin

CAMPT Student Award

Barlow, Chelsea

QEII Scholarship


Barlow, Chelsea

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Beard, Vanessa

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Begg, Asha

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Carrao, Nicole

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Cummings, Allyson

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Dale, Mark

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Dickie, Blair

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine


Dickie, Blair

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Fast, Steven

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Fast, Steven

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Fenrich, Robert

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Firsow, Josh

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Floreani, Amanda

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Floreani, Amanda

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Funk, Kristen

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Gibson, Colleen

Indigenous Graduate Award

Gilroy, Scott

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Gilroy, Scott

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


1 Sterling Gilt Medal Certificate


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Goertzen, Matthew

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Goertzen, Matthew

The Canadian Physiotherapy Association Prize

Certificate & 1 year membership

Gothard, Russell

Physiotherapy Alberta President’s Book Award


Gratton, Joanne

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship

Hagan, Bonnie

Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award

Hanson, Brooke

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Hazlett, Steven

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Hazlett, Steven

Indigenous Graduate Award

Henderson, Brett

QEII Scholarship


Henderson, Brett

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Ip, Brendon

Momentum Health Entrepreneurial Prize in Physical Therapy


James, Colin

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Job, Tracy

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Johnson, Ivory Anne

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Kanuka, Gloria

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lamontagne, Nicole

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Lee, Wing Yin Agnes

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Lee, Wing Yin Agnes

Physiotherapy Alberta President’s Book Award


Li, Karmen

Millard Scholarship in Recognition of Ilse Koerner and Sabine Reich


Lobe, Jessica

Joan Loomis Graduate Scholarship in Physical Therapy


Louie Poon, Connor

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship



$3,000 $750


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Lowe, Ashley

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Lowe, Ashley

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Luck, Megan

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Maass, Sarah

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Maghfourian, Mohammad

CPA - Physiotherapy Student Leadership Award of Excellence

Mann, Adam

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Mann, Adam

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Mcdowell, Caitlin

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Michayluk, Katrina

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Moore, Jacalyn

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Novakowski, Steven

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Pasquariello, Christina

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Pasquariello, Christina

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Paull, Samara

Ian Sim Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Pootz, Spencer

Physiotherapy Alberta Graduate Scholarship


Robertson, Brittany

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Roelen, Inez

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Roelen, Inez

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Roesch, Nolan

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Rombough, Lisa

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Rombough, Lisa

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Ruetz, Diana

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Certificate & 1 year membership



Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Scammell, Alanna

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sime, Mitchell

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Sime, Mitchell

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Skillen, Jessica

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sloan, Preston

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Sloan, Preston

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine


Sloan, Darby

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Snyman, Gavin

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


So, Karman

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Spindler, Julie

CPA - Cardiorespiratory Division Student Award

Steinbring, Kimberly

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Tang, Thanh

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Thom, Robert

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Thom, Robert

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Tomiyama, Meliss

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Van Wijk, Shauna

Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship


Vipond, Juliana

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Vipond, Juliana

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Webber, Talia

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Webber, Talia

QEII Scholarship


Werenka, Jaime

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship


Werenka, Jaime

QEII Scholarship



$300 & 3 year membership in CRD

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Award/Scholarship Name


Whiting, Jack

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship

Wogsberg, Shelby

Millard Scholarship in Recognition of Ilse Koerner and Sabine Reich

Yuen, Diana

Calgary Health Trust Music in Motion Scholarship


Zenith, Laura

Alberta Government Graduate Student Scholarship



$3,000 $500


Dr. Greg Kawchuk and his lab team

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Sources of New Grant Funding

International Funding $ 385,039

Provincial Funding $ 2,106,913 National Funding $ 2,781,734

Provincial Funding $ 2,106,913

International Funding $ 385,039

Total New Funding $5,273,686

National Funding $ 2,781,734

New Grant Distribution 39% 59%



Principal Investigator $3,123,470 Co-Principal Investigator $119,794 Co-Investigator $2,030,422

Summary of Grant Funding


Total Funding Comprehensive Total New Comprehensive Total Funding - PT Lead

12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 2012/13




Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Beaupre LA, Chan R, Sheps D

Author: Title of Grant:

Bostick G Building Capacity for Best- Practices in Assessment

Early Functional Return to Work folling Distal Biceps Repair

WCB Research Program Fund $25,000 2015-2019

Funding Agency:

University of Alberta - Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Total Amount of Award: $35,332.16 Dates of Funding: 2016-2018 Author: Title of Grant:

Fouad, K Promoting spinal plasticity to enhance recovery following stroke Funding Agency: Heart and Stroke Foundation Total Amount of Award: $210,080 Dates of Funding: 2016-2019 Author: Title of Grant:

Jasper, L PhD Thesis Student Operating Grant

Funding Agency:

Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Total Amount of Award: $3000 Dates of Funding: 2016-2017 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Jones, A LApLACE:LAte life LocAtion of CarE CIHR - Late Life Issues Team Grant - LOI $25,000 2015

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

Jones, A

Hip fracture In patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: incidence, complications and health services used.(HIRA Study) Canadian Initiative Outcomes for Rheumatology Care Funding Agency: (CIORA) Total Amount of Award: $54,872 2016-2017 Dates of Funding:

Author: Title of Grant:

Jones, A Coaching for older adults (with OA) for community health (COACH Study) Funding Agency: Covenant Health – Network of Excellence for Seniors’ Health and Wellness Total Amount of Award: $176,000 Dates of Funding: 2016-2018 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Kawchuck, G Product Development: Commercial Embodiment Industrial Research Assistance Program $250,000 2016-2017

Author: Title of Grant:

Manns, P Reducing sedentary behaviour: A Novel opportunity for managing comordity in MS? Funding Agency: Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Total Amount of Award: $267, 205 Dates of Funding: 2016-2018 Author: Title of Grant:

McNeely, M The Alberta Cancer Exercise “ACE” Program for Cancer Survivors: Supporting Community-based Exercise Participation for Health Promotion and Secondary Cancer Prevention

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: $1,250,000 2016-2021 Dates of Funding: Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

McNeely, M Alberta Cancer Exercise Study

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions $9,750 2016

Author: Title of Grant:

Parent, E Endurance of torso muscles in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis compared to matched health control participants: Can endurance predice curve progression? Funding Agency: Women and Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI), Clinical Research Seed Grant Total Amount of Award: $15,000 Dates of Funding: 2016-2017 Author: Title of Grant:

Parent, E 2016 WCHRI Scientific Knowledge Exchange Program (Conference) SOSORT IRSSD 2016 First Joint Conference on Spinal Deformity Funding Agency: Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Total Amount of Award: $2,000 Dates of Funding: 2016 Author: Title of Grant:

Wiart, L Recruitment and Retention Award

Funding Agency: Women and Children’s Health Research Institute Total Amount of Award: $60,000 Dates of Funding: 2015-2018 Author: Title of Grant:

Wiart, L Career Development Award

Funding Agency:

Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Training Program (CCHCSP) Total Amount of Award: $280,000 Dates of Funding: 2016-2020 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following outlines NEW grants for which our staff members are Prinicpal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included.

Author: Title of Grant:

Wiart, L Evaluation of the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Normative Values and Reproducibility. Funding Agency: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation Total Amount of Award: $8,000 Dates of Funding: 2015-2016 Author: Title of Grant:

Wiart, L Engaging children in setting their rehabilitation goals: Feasibility of using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) with children with neuromotor impairments in a pediatric outpatient setting Funding Agency: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation Total Amount of Award: $9,774 Dates of Funding: 2016-2017 Author: Title of Grant: Funding Agency:

Wiart, L Early Career Transition Award Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research Total Amount of Award: $110,000 Dates of Funding: 2016-2018 Author: Title of Grant:

Yang, J Restoring walking with a powered exoskeleton

Funding Agency: Craig H Neilsen Foundation Total Amount of Award: $281,924 USD ($372,654CAD) Dates of Funding: 2015-2017

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Publications (2015-2016) Books


Book Chapters


Journal Articles


Abstracts and Conference Presentations




The Department reported 190 publications for 2015-2016.

Book Chapters Gross, D. P., Bostick, G. P., & Carroll, L. J. (2016). Risk identifications and prediction of return to work in musculoskeletal disorders. Handbook of Return to Work. New York: Springer. Wiart, L. (2016). Goal Setting in Pediatric Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Goal Setting: Theory, Practice and Evidence . New York:CRC Press.

Books DJ Magee, JE Zachazewski, WS Quillen, & RC Manske (2016). Pathology & Interventions on Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (2nd edition). St Louis: Elsevier.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Jasper L*, Jones CA, Mollins J, Pohar SL, Beaupre LA (2016). Risk factors for revision of total knee arthroplasty: A scoping review. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17: 182. Sobolev B, Guy P, Sheehan KJ, Kuramoto L, Bohm E, Beaupre L, Sutherland JM, Dunbar M, Griesdale D, Morin SN, Harvey E, for The Canadian Collaborative Study on Hip Fractures (2016). Time trends in hospital stay after hip fracture in Canada, 2004-2012: Database Study. Archives of Osteoporosis , 11: 13. Westgeest J*, Weber D, Dulai SK*, Bergman J*, Buckley R, Beaupre LA (2016). Factors associated with the development of nonunion or delayed healing after open fracture : A prospective cohort study of 736 subjects . Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma , 30(3): 149-155. Hill S*, Adeeb S, Chapman C*, Duke K, Beaupre LA, Bouliane M (2016). Biomechanical evaluation of the Nice Knot. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery, 10(1): 15-20. Beaupre LA, Al-Houkail A*, Johnston DWC (2016). A Randomized Trial comparing Ceramic-On-Ceramic Bearing versus Ceramic-On-CrossfireÂŽ-Polyethlene Bearing Surfaces in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Abbreviated Clinical Follow-up Report of 10-Year Outcomes. Journal of Arthroplasty, 31(6): 1240-1245. Resnick B, Beaupre L, McGilton KS, Galik E, Liu W, Neuman MD, Gruber-Baldini AL, Orwig D, Magaziner J (2016). Rehabilitation interventions for older individuals with cognitive impairment post hip fracture: A systematic review . Journal of American Directors Association, available online: 25 November 2015. Beaupre LA, Rezansoff AJ* (co-1st author), Clark M, Jen H, Lambert R, Majumdar SR (2016). Bone mineral density changes in the hip and spine of men and women 1-year after primary cemented total knee arthroplasty: Prospective cohort study. Journal of Arthroplasty, 30(12): 2186-2189. Saraswat MK, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre LA, Luciak-Corea C, Otto D, Lalani A, Balyk RA (2016). Functional outcome and health-related quality of life after surgical repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tear using a mini-open technique: A concise follow-up, at ten years, of a previous report . American Journal of Sports Medicine, 43(11): 2794-9. Jones CA, Jhangri GS, Feeny DH, Beaupre LA (2016). Cognitive status at hospital admission: Trajectory of 6 month recovery for hip fracture. Journal of Gerontology Bilogical Sciences and Medical Sciences, first published online: 25 August 2015. Dulai SK, Firth K, Cave D, Silveira A, Kemp K, AlMansoori K*, Saraswat M, Beaupre LA (2016). Does topical anesthetic reduce pain during intraosseous pin removal in children? - A randomized clinical trial.. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 36(2): 126-31.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Wesner M, Defreitas T, Bredy H, Pothier L, Qin Z, McKillop A, Gross DP. (2016). A pilot study evaluating the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma therapy for treating degenerative tendinopathies: A consecutive case series with synchronous observational cohort. . PLOS-ONE, February 5, 2016: 14. Fenrich KK, May Z, Torres-EspĂ­n A, Forero J, Bennett DJ, Fouad K (2016). Single pellet grasping following cervical spinal cord injury in adult rat using an automated full-time training robot.. Behavioral Brain Research, Feb 15;299: 59-71. Di Narzo AF, Kozlenkov A, Ge Y, Zhang B, Sanelli L, May Z, Li Y, Fouad K, Cardozo C, Koonin EV, Bennett DJ, Dracheva S (2016). Decrease of mRNA Editing after Spinal Cord Injury is Caused by Down-regulation of ADAR2 that is Triggered by Inflammatory Response.. Science Reports, Jul 30;5:12615: 12615. May Z, Morrill A, Holcombe A, Johnston T, Gallup J, Fouad K, Schalomon M, Hamilton TJ (2016). Object recognition memory in zebrafish.. Behavioral Brain Research, Jan 1;296: 199-210. Cote P, Wong JJ, Sutton D, Shearer HM, Mior S, Randhawa K, Ameis A, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Yu H, Lindsay G, Southerst D, Varatharjan S, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A, van der Velde G, Gross DP, Brison R, Paulden M, Ammendolia C, Cassidy JD, Loisel P, Marshall S, Bohay R, Stapleton J, Lacerte M, Krahn M, Salhany R. (2016). Management of Neck Pain and Associated Disorders: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. European Spine Journal, Published online: Epub ahead of print. Sutton DA, Gross DP, Cote P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Wong JJ, Stern P, Varatharajan S, Southerst D, Shearer HM, Stupar M, Goldgrub R, van der Velde G, Nordin M (2016). Multimodal care for the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 24: 1-20. Randhawa K, Cote P, Gross DP, Wong JJ, Yu H, Sutton D, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Mior S, van der Velde G, Stupar M, Shearer HM, Lindsay GM, Jacobs C, Taylor-Vaisey A. (2016). The effectiveness of patient education for the management of soft tissue injuries of the upper and lower extremities: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 59: 349-362. Colangelo A, Abada A, Haws C, Park J, Niemelainen R, Gross DP. (2016). Word Memory Test Predicts Recovery in Claimants with Work-Related Head Injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97: 714-719.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Gross DP, Armijo-Olivo S, Shaw WS, Williams-Whitt K, Shaw NT, Hartvigsen J, Qin Z, Ha C, Woodhouse LJ, Steenstra IA (2016). Clinical Decision Support Tools for Selecting Interventions for Patients With Disabling Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Scoping Review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Published online: Epub ahead of print. James CL, Reneman MF, Gross DP (2016). Functional Capacity Evaluation Research: Report from the Second International Functional Capacity Evaluation Research Meeting. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 26: 80-83. Southerst D, Marchand A, Cote P, Shearer HM, Wong JJ, Varatharajan S, Randhawa K, Sutton D, Yu H, Gross DP, Jacobs C, Goldgrub R, Stupar M, Mior S, Carroll LJ, TaylorVaisey A (2016). The effectiveness of non-invasive interventions for musculoskeletal thoracic spine and chest wall pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 38: 521531. Karpman S, Reid P, Phillips L, Qin Z, Gross DP (2016). Combative Sports Injuries: An Edmonton Retrospective. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, Published online: Epub ahead of print. Hall, M., Poth, C., Manns, P., & Beaupre., L. (2015). To Supervise or Not to Supervise a Physical Therapy Student: Results from a Canadian National Survey. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 29 (3): 58-67. Hall, M., Poth, C., Manns, P., & Beaupre, L. (2016). An Exploration of Canadian Physiotherapists’ Decisions Whether to Supervise Physiotherapy Students: Results from a National Survey. . Physiotherapy Canada, 68(2): 141-148. Hall, M., Manns, P., Poth, C., & Beaupre, L (2016). Examining the need for a new instrument to evaluate Canadian physiotherapy students during clinical education experiences. Physiotherapy Canada, 68(2): 151-155. *Westby M, *Klemm A, Li L, Jones CA. (2016). The emerging role of quality indicators in physical therapy practice and health services delivery. Physical Therapy , 96: 90-100. *Drummond L, Slaughter S, Jones CA, Wagg A (2016). Affirming the value of the Resident Assessment Instrument: Minimum. Healthcare, 3: 659-665. Sadowski CA, Li JC, Pasay D, Jones CA (2016). Inter-professional peer teaching of pharmacy students by physical therapy students.. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 79: 155. Jones CA, Jhangri GS, Feeny D, Beaupre LA. (2016). Cognitive status at hospital admission: post-operative trajectory of functional recovery for hip fracture. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences , 0: 1-8.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Lui M, Jones CA, Westby MD* (2016). Effect of non-surgical, non-pharmacological weight loss interventions in patients who are obese prior to hip and knee arthroplasty surgery: A rapid review. Systematic Reviews , 4: 121. *Chan CS, Slaughter SE, Jones CA, Wagg AS. (2016). Measuring activity performance of continuing care residents using the activPAL: an exploratory study.. The Journal of Frailty and Aging , online: 1. Barnabe C, Jones CA, Bernatsky S, Peschken CA, Voaklander DC, Homik D, Crowshoe LF, Esdaile JM, El-Gabalawy H, Hemmelgarn B. (in press). Inflammatory arthritis prevalence and health services use in the First Nations Population of Alberta,. Arthritis Care & Research, : . *McKillop A, Carrol L, Jones CA, Crites-Battie M. (in press). The relation of social support and depression in patients with chronic low back. . Disability and Rehabilitation , : . Slaughter S, Bampton E, Erin DF, Ickert C, Jones CA, Estabrook CA. (in press). Development of a novel peer reminder implementation strategy to sustain evidence-based practice: A qualitative focus group study with health care aides in residential care settings. . Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing , : . Després C, Légaré F, Morales E, Blair L, Jones CA, Sandalack B, Hanson H, Brière N. (in press). Le logement et les soins dans le grand âge : rapprocher tous les acteurs pour mieux agir. [Housing and care in late life years : Breaking down silos]. Gérontologie et société , : . D’Angelo K, Triano JJ, Kawchuk G, Howarth SJ. (2016). Patient-Induced Reaction Forces and Moments are Influenced by Variations in Spinal Manipulative Technique. Spine, 27270638: 27270638. Mieritz RM, Kawchuk G (2016). The Accuracy of Locating Lumbar Vertebrae When Using Palpation Versus Ultrasonography. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 16: 30076-8. *Wong AY, Parent EC, Prasad N, Huang C, Chan KM, Kawchuk G (2016). Does experimental low back pain change posteroanterior lumbar spinal stiffness and trunk muscle activity? A randomized crossover study. Clinical Biomechanics, 34: 45-52. Kawchuk G, Hartvigsen J, Edgecombe T, Prasad N, van Dieen JH (2016). Structural health monitoring (vibration) as a tool for identifying structural alterations of the lumbar spine: a twin control study. Scientific Reports, 6: 6:22974. Erwin WM, DeSouza L, Funabashi M, Kawchuk G, Karim MZ, Kim S, Madler S, Matta A, Wang X, Mehrkens KA (2016). The biological basis of degenerative disc disease: proteomic and biomechanical analysis of the canine intervertebral disc. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 17: 240. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Reed WR, Long CR, Kawchuk G, Sozio RS, Pickar JG. (2016). Neural Responses to Physical Characteristics of a High Velocity, Low Amplitude Spinal Manipulation: Effect of Thrust Direction.. Spine, 26863348: 26863348. Hubbard E, Motl R, Manns P (2016). The descriptive epidemiology of daily sitting time as a sedentary behaviour in multiple sclerosis. . Disability and Health, 8: 594-601. Stephen R. Samuel, Sundar K. Veluswamy , Arun G. Maiya, Donald J. Fernandes, and McNeely M (2016). Exercise-based interventions for cancer survivors in India: a systematic review. Springer-plus, 4 (655): 1-16. Capozzi LC, McNeely M, Lau HY, Reimer RA, Giese-Davis J, Fung TS, Culos-Reed SN (2016). Patient-reported outcomes, body composition, and nutrition status in patients with head and neck cancer: Results from an exploratory randomized controlled exercise trial.. Cancer , April 15 122(8) : 1185-200. Smith-Turchyn, Jenna; Richardson, Julie; Tozer, Richard; McNeely, M; Thabane, Lehana (in press). Physical Activity and Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Descriptive Study on the Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise Promotion from the Perspective of the Health Care Professional. Physiotherapy Canada , : . Kerry Courneya; McNeely M; Nicole Culos-Reed; Jeff Vallance; Gordon Bell; John Mackey; Charles Matthews; Andria Morielli; Diane Cook; Sarah MacLaughlin; Megan Farris; Stephanie Voaklander; Rachel O’Reilly; Christine Friedenreich (in press). The Alberta Moving Beyond Breast Cancer (AMBER) Cohort Study: Recruitment, Baseline Assessment, and Description of the First 500 Participants”. BMC Cancer , : . Ho C*, Parent EC, Watkins E**, Moreau M, Hedden D, El-Rich M, Adeeb S (2016). Asymmetry assessment using surface topography in healthy adolescents. Symmetry (special issue: Symmetry and Asymmetry in Biology), 7(3): 1436-54. Wong AYL*, Parent EC, Dhillon SS, Prasad N, Kawchuk GN (2016). Do participants with low back pain who respond to spinal manipulative therapy differ biomechanically from non-responders, untreated or asymptomatic controls?. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 40(17): 1329-37. Schreiber S**, Parent EC, Moez EK, Hedden DM, Hill D, Moreau M, Lou E, Watkins EM**, Southon S. (2016). The effect of Schroth exercises added to the standard of care on the quality of life and muscle endurance in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis-an assessor and statistician blined randomized controlled trial: “SOSORT 2015 Award Winner”. Scoliosis, 18(10): 24. Wong AY*, Parent EC, Prasad N, Huang C, Chan KM, Kawchuk GN (2016). Does experimental low back pain change posteroanterior lumbar spinal stiffness and trunk muscle activity? A randomized crossover study. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol Avon), 34: 45-52.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Whittaker JL, Emery CA (2016). The impact of the FIFA11+ on the structure of the trunk and lower extremity muscles in adolescent female soccer players. Physical Therapy in Sport, August 16(3): 228-235. Whittaker JL, Woodhouse L, Emery CA (2016). Outcomes associated with early posttraumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health consequences 3-10 years post knee joint injury in youth sport. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, July 23(7): 1122-1129. Whittaker JL, Small SC, Maffey L, Emery CA (2016). Risk factor for groin injuries in athletes: An updated systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 49(12): 803-809. Emery CA, Roy TO*, Whittaker JL, Nettel-Aguirre A (2016). Neuromuscular training injury prevention strategies in youth sport: A systematic Review of the literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine, July 49(13): 865-870. Baltich J*, Whittaker JL, Nettel-Aguirre A, Von Tscharner V, Nigg B, Emery CA (2016). The impact of previous knee injury on force plate and field-based measures of balance. Clinical Biomechanics, October 30(8): 832-838. Kenny S*, Whittaker JL, Emery CA (2016). Risk factors for injury in adolescent preprofessional dancers: A systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, Published online: Epub ahead of print. Wiart, L., Rosychuk, R.J., Wright.V. . BMC Neurology. 16 (86). DOI: . Retrieved from: (2016). Evaluation of the effectiveness of robotic gait training and gait-focused physical therapy programs for children and youth with cerebral palsy: A mixed methods RCT. BioMed Central (BMC) Neurology , 16: 1-10. Baghbani F*, Armijo-Olivio S, Woodhouse L (2016). Fundamentals of randomization in clinical trial. International Journal of Advanced Nutritional & Health Science , 4(1): 174178. Woodhouse L, Gandhi R, Warden S, Poiraudeau S, Myers SL, Benson CT, Hu L, Ahmad Q, Linnemeier P, Gomez E, Benichou O. (2016). A Phase 2 randomized study investigating the efficacy and safety of myostatin antibody LY2495655 versus placebo in older patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty (eTHA) . The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(1): 62-70. Barber C*, Patel J, Woodhouse L, Smith C, Weiss S, Homik J, LeClercq S, Mosher D, Christiansen T, Howden J, Wasylak T, Greenwood-Lee J, Emrick A, Suter E, Kathol B, Khodyakov D, Campbell-Scherer D, Phillips L, Hendricks J, Marshall D (2016). Development of key performance indicators to evaluate centralized intake for patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Research & Therapy, 17: 322.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Baghbani F*, Woodhouse L, Abbas A. (2016). Dynamic postural control in female athletes and non-athletes following a whole-body fatigue protocol. . J. Strength & Conditioning Res. , 7: 1942-7. Barber CE*, Marshall DA, Mosher DP, Akhavan P, Tucker L, Houghton K, Batthish M, Levy DM, Schmeling H, Ellsworth J, Tibollo H, Grant S,Khodyakov D, Lacaille D; Arthritis Alliance of Canada Performance Measurement Development Panel. Collaborators (35) Ahluwalia V, Averns H, Barnabe C, Bombardier C, Bartlett SJ, Bernatsky S, Burt J, Feldman D, Gladman DD, Greene B, Haraoui B, Haroon N,Hofstetter C, Huber AM, Keeling S, Lang B, Le Clercq SA, Lupton T, Mandhane R, Morishita K, Papachristos A, Patrick P, Richards D, Robinson D, Shiff NJ, Taylor T, Taylor-Gjevre R, Thomson GT, Thorne C, Toupin-April K, Tugwell P, Westby MD, Widdifield J, Woodhouse L, Zummer M. (2016). Development of System-level Performance Measures for Evaluation of Models of Care for Inflammatory Arthritis in Canada. J. Rheumatol. 43(3): 530-40. Holtby R, Christakis M, Maman E, MacDermid JC, Dwyer T, Athwal G, Faber K, Theodoropoulos J, Woodhouse L, Razmjou H. (in press). Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Arthroscopic Repair of Small to Medium-Sized Rotator Cuff Tears: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. Vasudevan EV, Patrick SK, Yang JF (2016). Gait transitions in human infants: Coping with extremes of treadmill speed. PLoS One, 11(2): e0148124.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Martin B, Barnes M, Britton C, & Norton B University of Alberta and Millette D Physiotherapy Alberta. Early Experience with a Bridging Program For Internationally Educated Physical Therapists (IEPTs). APTA CSM - Anaheim CA USA. February 17, 2016. Martin B, Norton B, Millette D, Barnes M, Britton C. Assessing Workplace Readiness Using A Multi-component Assessment Model in a Canadian Bridging Program for Internationally Educated Physiotherapists. Perth, Australia. March 19, 2016. Chepeha J*, Magee D, Sheps D, Beaupre LA. Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficits in the Overhead Collegiate-Level Athlete can be Reliably Detected through Measurement of Glenohumeral Rotation and Horizontal Adduction Range of Motion. COMOC Annual Meeting 2016, Capetown, South Africa. April 11, 2016. Chepeha J*, Magee D, Sheps D, Beaupre LA. Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficits in the Overhead Collegiate-Level Athlete can be Reliably Detected through Measurement of Glenohumeral Rotation and Horizontal Adduction Range of Motion. ICSES Annual Meeting 2016, Jeju, South Korea. May 18, 2016. Chepeha J*, Magee D, Sheps D, Beaupre LA. Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficits in the Overhead Collegiate-Level Athlete can be Reliably Detected through Measurement of Glenohumeral Rotation and Horizontal Adduction Range of Motion. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2016, Quebec City, Canada. June 16, 2016. Chepeha JA*, Magee D, Sheps D, Bouliane M, Beaupre LA. Effectiveness of the ‘Sleeper Stretch’ for Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in Overhead Athletes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. COMOC Annual Meeting 2016, Capetown, South Africa. April 11, 2016. Chepeha JA*, Magee D, Sheps D, Bouliane M, Beaupre LA. Effectiveness of the ‘Sleeper Stretch’ for Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in Overhead Athletes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. ICSES Annual Meeting 2016, Jeju, South Korea. May 18, 2016. Chepeha JA*, Magee D, Sheps D, Bouliane M, Beaupre LA. Effectiveness of the ‘Sleeper Stretch’ for Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit in Overhead Athletes: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2016, Quebec City, Canada. June 16, 2016. Sharifi B*, Johnston DWC, Beaupre LA. 10 year Outcomes from a Randomized Clinical Trial comparing Posterior Cruciate Ligament Substituting (PCS) or Posterior Cruciate Ligament Retaining (PCR) Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA). Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2016, Quebec City, Canada. June 16, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Scharfenberger A, Al-abbasi K*, Beaupre LA, Smith S, Dulai S, Weber D, Bergman J. Does Primary Wound Closure following Open Fracture affect Development of Deep Infection or Non-Union? A Prospective Cohort Study of 83 Subjects with 84 Open Fractures. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2016, Quebec City, Canada. June 16, 2016. Stampe K*, Lavoie G, Masson E, O’Connor G, Clark M, Joffee M, Boychuk L, Beaupre LA. Health Related Quality of Life is Maintained with Long-term Retention of the PROSTALAC System following Infection Resolution in Low Demand Patients. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2016, Quebec City, Canada. June 16, 2016. Sheps D, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre LA, Saraswat MK, Luciak-Corea C, Otto D, Lalani A, Balyk RA. Functional Outcome and Health-Related Quality of Life after Surgical Repair of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear Using a Mini-Open Technique: A Concise Follow-up, at Ten Years, of a Previous Report. COMOC Annual Meeting 2016, Capetown, South Africa. April 11, 2016. Sheps D, Paul R*, Balyk R, Beaupre LA, Silveira A, Saraswat M, Bouliane M. The SubSupraspinatus Recess and Superior Labral Motion: An Arthroscopic Analysis. ICSES Annual Meeting 2016; Jeju, South Korea. May 18, 2016. Sheps DM, Bouliane M, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre LA, Saraswat M, Luciak-Corea C, Silveira A, Glasgow Jr, R, Balyk R. Early Mobilization Following Mini-Open Rotator Cuff Repair: A Randomized Control Trial. COMOC Annual Meeting 2016, Capetown, South Africa. April 11, 2016. Weber D, Westgeest J*, Dulai S, Bergman J, Buckley R, Beaupre LA. Factors Associated with Development of Non-Union or Delayed Healing following Open Fracture: A Prospective Cohort Study of 736 Subjects. Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting 2015, San Diego, California, USA. October 7, 2015. Scharfenberger A, Al-Abbasi K*, Smith S, Weber D, Dulai S, Bergman J, Beaupre LA. Does Primary Wound Closure following Open Fracture affect Development of Deep Infection or Non-Union? A Prospective Cohort Study of 83 Subjects with 84 Open Fractures. Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting 2015, San Diego, California, USA. October 7, 2015. Powell J, Jaiswal P, Khong H, Smith C, Phillips L, Beaupre LA. Early Surgery for Proximal Femoral Fractures is Associated with Lower Mortality: Report Of 12,654 Patients from Alberta, Canada. Facility Fracture Network Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands. September 3, 2015. Pitzul K, Munce S, Perrier L, Beaupre LA, Morin S, McGlasson R, Jaglal S. Quality Indicators for Hip Fracture Patients: A Scoping Review. Facility Fracture Network Congress, Rotterdam, Netherlands. September 3, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Boom, A., Dell’Elce, J., Bergeron, K., Fugère, J., Lu, X., Bostick, G.P., Lambert, H., Wideman, T.H. Change narratives that elude quantification: A mixed-methods analysis of how people with chronic pain perceive the impact of pain rehabilitation. Montreal. January 21, 2016. Bostick, G.P., Hart, D.A., McDougall, J.J., Durand, D., Powell, J., Johnston, K., Matyas, J. Examining the validity evidence of neuropathic pain as a co-morbid diagnosis in knee osteoarthritis: preliminary data. Smithfield, RI. July 28, 2015. Fitzsimmons, M., Bostick, G.P. Clinical evidence of neuropathic pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis undergoing total joint arthroplasty. Victoria, BC. May 25, 2016. *Karpman J, Manns PJ, Tomkins-Lane C, Gross DP. Do Wearable Fitness Devices Correlate With Performance-Based Tests of Work-Related Functional Capacity. Edmonton, Alberta. June 3, 2016. *Park J, Esmail S, Rayani F, Norris, CM, Gross DP. Motivational Interviewing: An intervention for improving return to work outcomes. Banff, Alberta. April 19, 2016. *Jean LMY, Hallworth I, Gross DP, Chiu LZF. Ten Weeks Full Squat Training In Persons With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Preliminary Results. New Orleans, Louisiana. July 6, 2016. *Perigny-Lajoie S, Hebert JS, Parent E, Gross DP, Mohr A. The Return to Duty Intervention: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Service Members of the CAF with Physical and Non-physical Disorders. Quebec City, Quebec. November 23, 2015. Steenstra IA, Cullen K, Mahood Q, Irvin E, Yazdani A, Van Eerd D, Alavinia M, Beaton D, Gignac M, Scott-Marshall H, Gross DP, Geary J. Interventions to promote work participation in older workers: Results from a systematic review of intervention studies. Calgary, Alberta. October 24, 2015. *Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battie MC. Do Prognostic Factors for Receiving Wage Replacement Benefits Differ Between Older and Younger Workers? Calgary, Alberta. October 24, 2015. *Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battie MC. Ageing workers with work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Calgary, Alberta. October 24, 2015. *Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battie MC. Age Differences in Prediction of Occupational Disability Three Months After Functional Restoration. Toronto, Ontario. June 21, 2016. *Algarni FS, Gross DP, Senthilselvan A, Battie MC. Do Prognostic Factors for Receiving Wage Replacement Benefits Differ Between Older and Younger Workers? Toronto, Ontario. June 21, 2016. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences *Six Dijkstra WMC, Soer R , Bieleman HJ, Behrmann M, McCraty R, Oosterveld FGI , Gross DP, Reneman MF. Exploring the diagnostic value of heart rate variability for sustained employability. Toronto, Ontario. June 22, 2016. Steenstra IA, Cullen K, Gross DP. Preventing disability in older workers at risk for developing of musculoskeletal disorders or with musculoskeletal disorders. Toronto, Ontario. June 19, 2016. Nagarajan, S., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Avery, L., Drynan, D., Roots, R., Murphy, S., Lam, M. Australian and Canadian Student and Supervisor Experiences of Telesupervision in Allied Health Clinical Education. Melbourne, Australia. July 6, 2015. Sadowski, C.A., Jones, A., Hall, M., Bertholet, R. Interprofessional reciprocal peer teaching to address device technique and safety – Success with pharmacy and physiotherapy students. The Canadian Association on Gerontology 44th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting. Calgary AB. October 23, 2015. Del Genio J, Suleman, S., McFarlane, L., Paslawski, T., Hall, M., Bostick, G., Kanuka, H., Zarski, C., Schmitz, C., Esmail, S., Martin, B. Work readiness and the rehabilitation disciplines: A qualitative study examining the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that facilitate a successful entry to practice. Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Conference. Expanding Clinical Practice. October 24, 2015. Schmitz, C., Drynan, D., Nagarajan, S., Hall, M., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Roots, R. Telesupervision for Remote and Role-Emerging Fieldwork: Student and Supervisor Experiences. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy National Conference, Banff, AB. April 20, 2016. *Leese J, Tran BC, Backman C, Townsend AF, Davis A, Jones CA, Gromala D, AvinaZubieta JA, Li L. Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Arthritis Patients Use of Physical Activity Monitoring Tools. San Francisco, CA. November 9, 2015. *Westby MD, Li LC, Marshall D, Squire-Howden J, Johnston DWC, Jones CA. Development of quality indicators for hip and knee arthroplasty rehabilitation. Vancouver, BC. October 22, 2015. Jones CA, Feeny DF, Slaughter S, Wagg AS. The relationship between physical disability and overall health-related quality of life of residents in long-term care facilities. Vancouver, BC. October 24, 2015. Forhan M, *Torti J, Jones CA. Weight bias among healthcare providers: Quality of life implications for patients with obesity bariatric. Vancouver, BC. October 24, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Jones CA, Barbos A, Landon G, Siff S, Suarez-Almazor ME. Total knee replacement provides joint pain and function improvement but are patients overall happy? Vancouver, BC. October 23, 2015. Jones CA, Jhangri GS, Beaupre LA, Suarez-Almazor ME. The importance of comorbidity in understanding the 6 month trajectories of pain and function after total hip arthroplasty. San Francisco, CA. November 9, 2015. *Westby MD, Marshall D, Squire-Howden J, Johnston DWC, Jones CA. Development of Quality Indicators for Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation. San Francisco, CA. November 9, 2015. Sadowski CA, Jones CA. Preparing Pharmacy Students for Practice – Interprofessional Reciprocal Peer Teaching. Vancouver, British Columbia.. June 1, 2016. Harbidge C, *Oluwaseyi O, Hogan D, Jones CA. A feasibility study: Evaluating the FallsProof Program in high risk fallers. Calgary, AB. May 16, 2016. Sadowski CA, Jones CA. Risks for falls in seniors attending a public health falls education program. Calgary, AB. May 16, 2016. Sadowski CA. Jones CA. Changes in awareness of fall risk factors after a public health education program. Calgary, AB. May 16, 2016. Després C, Légaré F, Morales E, Jones CA, Sandalack B, Hanson H, Brière N, Blair L. Loger les aînés : enjeux et défis. Journée d’automne de l’Institut sur le vieillissement et la participation sociale des aînés. Québec, Canada: . November 11, 2015. *Perry D, Forhan M, *Torti J, Jones CA. Weight bias among physiotherapists. Poster presentation. Edmonton, AB. October 28, 2015. *Roop SR, Battie CM, Jhangri GR, Jones CA. Surgical recovery for older patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Calgary AB. October 24, 2015. *Wisnesky UD, Slaughter SE, Ikert C, Wagg AS, Jones CA, Estabrooks CA. Validating the peer reminder conceptual framework for healthcare aides in residential care settings. Calgary AB. October 24, 2015. Slaughter S, Ickert C, Jones CA, Wagg A, Estabrooks C. Intervention Research Challenges in Continuing Care Settings: A Case Example. Calgary AB. October 24, 2015. Sadowski C. Jones CA, Hall M, Bertholet R. Interprofessional reciprocal peer teaching to address device technique and safety – Success with pharmacy and physiotherapy students. Calgary AB. October 24, 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences *Bolina M, Jones CA, Koshman S, Heintz E, Lehmann, Sadowski C. Documentation of functional medication management in older adults within an acute care hospital. Calgary AB. October 24, 2015. *Garvelink M, Jones CA, Archambault P, Roy N, Blair L, Légaré F. SPINACH: Supporting Seniors And Caregivers to stay mobile at Home. Sydney, Austr. July 19, 2015. Arnold Wong, Kawchuk G, Eric Parent, Narasimha Prasad, Sukhvinder Dhillon, Dino Samartzis. Does lumbar degeneration affect the treatment outcome of low back pain individuals after spinal manipulation? Buxton, England. June 3, 2016. *Wong A., Parent E., Dhillon S., Prasad N., Samartzis D., Kawchuk G. The influence of lumbar degeneration on the treatment outcome of individuals with low back pain following spinal manipulation. Singapore. May 18, 2016. Kawchuk G., Mieritz R. Does Minimal Instruction In Ultrasonic Imaging Improve The Ability Of Students To Locate Spinal Landmarks When Compared To Palpation? Oslo. May 5, 2016. *Morrison M, Swain M, Downie A, Brown B. Kawchuk G. Correlations Between Spinal Stiffness And The Lumbar Spine Instability Questionnaire: A Study Protocol. Oslo. May 5, 2016. Spencer Bell, Jay Triano, Kevin D’Angelo, Kawchuk G and Samuel Howarth. Procedure selection and patient positioning influence spine kinematics during high-velocity lowamplitude spinal manipulation applied to the low back. Orlando. March 1, 2016. Martha Funabashi, Kawchuk G, Narasimha Prasad. Comparison of spinal loads created by spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and passive lumbar movements. Orlando. March 1, 2016. M.R. Gudavalli, T. Xia, J.W. DeVocht, R.D. Vining, Kawchuk G, C.R. Long, W. Che, D.G. Wilder, C.M. Goertz. Comparison of 3 methods of measuring posterior-to-anterior lumbar spinal stiffness in prone position. Houston. November 13, 2015. Ting Xia, Maruti R. Gudavalli, James W. DeVocht, Robert D. Vining, Kawchuk G, Cynthia R. Long, Wen Che, David G. Wilder, and Christine M. Goertz. Discrepancies Between Subjective And Objective Assessment Of Spinal Stiffness. Columbus. November 13, 2016. Russell, Ezeugwu, Manns P. Terming and defining the transfer effect: synthesis of 120 years of research to improve applications to persons with stroke. Toronto. September 14, 2015. Manns P & Kwok A. Worked Examples in Physical Therapy Education: Development and Evaluation. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress, Victoria, BC . May 28, 2016. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Ezeugwu & Manns P. Sedentary behaviour in people with stroke: what is it and how can it be changed?. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress. May 27, 2016. Kane, Manns P, Musselman. Clinician decision making for the prescription of ankle foot orthoses in children. Canadian Physiotherapy Congress. May 27, 2016. Manns. Fostering clinical reasoning through the use of computer based worked examples in physical therapy education. University of Alberta. May 6, 2016. Martin B., Barnes M., Britton C., Millette D. and Norton B. Early Experience with a Bridging Program. Anaheim, CA USA. February 19, 2016. McNeely, M. New Technologies in the Measurement of Lymphedema. Calgary, Alberta. October 24, 2016. Parent EC, Pietrosanu M, Redford E**, Schmidt S**, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S, Lou E. Correlation between surface topography measurements and largest Cobb angle vary depending on adolescent idiopathic scoliosis curve type. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 25, 2016. Aslanzadeh F**, Parent EC, MacIntosh B. A systematic review of torso motor control impairments in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) with implications for the planning of conservative interventions. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 27, 2016. Schreiber S**, Parent EC, Moez EK, Hedden DM, Hill D, Moreau M, Lou E, Watkins EM**, Southon SC. The effect of Schroth exercises added to the standard of care on the Cobb angle in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis: An assessor and statistician blinded randomized controlled trial. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 28, 2016. Parent EC, Schreiber S**, Moez EK, Sloan**, Hedden D, Moreau M, Hill D, Southon S, Watkins E** Effects of Schroth exercises added to standard care in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) on surface topography parameters: A randomized controlled trial (RCT). Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 28, 2016. Sbihli A, Parent EC. Description of physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercise treatments for adults with scoliosis and self-perceived results and compliance with home exercises after discharge. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 28, 2016. Schreiber S**, Parent EC, Hedden DM, Hill DL. Minimal important differences in Scoliosis Research Society-22R, Spinal Appearance Questionnaire, Cobb angle and Biering-Sorensen back muscle endurance test following a six-month Schroth exercises intervention in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 28, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Fortin C, Aubin-Fournier JF, Bettany-Saltikov J, Parent EC, Ehrmann-Feldman, D, Bernard JC. Preliminary results of the implementation of a new software-based clinical photographic posture assessment tool (CPPAT) in the clinic: Translating knowledge into practice. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 25, 2016. Chan A**, Parent EC, Lou E. Does intraoperative image guidance decrease pedicle screw-related complications in surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A systematic review. Banff, Alberta, Canada. May 25, 2016. Parent EC, Redford E**, Schmidt S**, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S, Lou E. Is posture affected by rotation of the vertebrae in adolescent with idiopathic scoliosis? A surface topography validity study. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. October 28, 2015. Adeeb S, Lin M, Komeili A*, Parent EC, Jomha N. Structural engineering in medicine and sports: applications in scoliosis assessment (Medicine) and in Squash (Sports Performance). Cairo, Egypt. December 20, 2015. Ho C*, Parent EC, Watkins E**, Moreau MJ, Hedden D, El-Rich M, Adeeb S. Asymmetry assessment of adolescents without spinal deformity utilizing Surface Topography. Montreal, QC, Canada. September 1, 2015. Moreau M, Parent EC, Schreiber S**, Hill DL, Hedden D, Southon S. Test-retest reliability of the spinal appearance questionnaire (SAQ) in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Quebec, Quebec. June 16, 2015. Hong A*, Jaswal N*, Parent EC, ElRich M, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S. Assessment of the Progression of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Using Surface Topography. Montreal, Canada. September 1, 2015. Jaswal N*, Hong A*, Parent EC, ElRich M, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S. Markerless Assessment of Degree of Severity of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Using Surface Topography. Montreal, Canada.. September 1, 2015. Abdollah V**, Parent EC, Crites Battie M. The Signal Intensity Weighted Centroid Is a Reliable Measurement of Fluid Distribution within the Disc. Edmonton AB. June 3, 2016. Su A, Underschultz J, Abdollah V, Parent EC. Evaluation of the Effects of Loading on the Signal Intensity Profile of Lumbar Discs. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta. June 20, 2016. Wong AYL*, Parent EC, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Samartzis D, Kawchuk GN. Do different dichotomization strategies of responders and non-responders find different corresponding biomechanical responses following spinal manipulative therapy?. Singapore. May 16, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Whittaker JL. Ultrasound imaging of the abdominal wall: It is only one piece of the puzzle. Madrid, Spain. June 4, 2016. *Ezzat A, Whittaker JL, Toomy C, Doyle-Baker P, Emery C. Knee Confidence and Physical Activity in Youth Adults at Risk of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis. Kananaskis, Canada. October 22, 2015. Whittaker JL. Primary and secondary prevention in early pre-radiographic post-traumatic osteoarthritis in Osteoarthritis Prevention. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April 1, 2016. Whittaker JL, Toomey CM*, Woodhouse LJ, Jaremko J, Nettel-Aguirre A, Emery CA. MRI defined osteoarthritis is discordant with self-reported pain and function 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Victoria, Canada. May 19, 2016. Whittaker JL, Toomey CM*, Nettel-Aguirre A, Jaremko J, Woodhouse LJ, Emery CA. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis 3-10 years following knee joint injury in sport. Victoria, Canada. May 27, 2016. Ezzat A*, Whittaker JL, Toomey CM*, Doyle-Baker P, Emery CA. Knee Confidence in those at Risk of Post-Traumatic after Knee Injury. Victoria, Canada. May 27, 2016. Whittaker JL, Toomey CM*, Woodhouse LJ, Jaremko J, Nettel-Aguirre A, Emery CA. MRI defined osteoarthritis is discordant with clinical and functional outcomes associated with post-traumatic osteoarthritis 3-10 years following sport-related knee joint injury in youth. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April 30, 2016. Toomey CM*, Whittaker JL, Ghali B*, Doyle-Baker P, Woodhouse LJ, Emery CA. Youth and young adults have increase abdominal and total fat mass 3-10 years following intraarticular knee injury. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 31, 2016. Ezzat A*, Whittaker JL, Toomey CM*, Doyle-Baker PK, Emery CA. Knee confidence: An important consideration in youth and young adults at risk of post-traumatic osteoarthritis 3-10 years following intra-articular knee injury. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April 30, 2016. *Laudon JC, Whittaker JL, Slather G, Hart DA, Woohouse L, Palacious-Deflingher L, Krawetz, R, Emery CA. The association between serum levels for cartilage oliogomeric matrix protein and history of sport-related intra-articular knee injury in youth. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April 30, 2016. *Ren G, Pailton P, Whittaker JL, Leonard C, Salo PT, *Laudon JC, McAllister J, Wiley JP, Powel J, Emery CA, Krawetz R. CCL22 is a potential bio-marker for osteoarthritis pain and cartilage degeneration. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 1, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Presentations at Refereed Conferences Whittaker JL, *Toomey CM, Nettel-Aguirre A, Jaremko J, Woodhouse LJ, Emery CA. Woodhouse LJ, Emery CA. Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. Kananaskis, Canada. October 22, 2015. *Ren G, Railton P, Whittaker JL, Wiley JP, McAllister J, Powell J, Emery CA, Krawetz R. Detecting osteoarthritis early via proteins in the blood. Kananaskis, Canada. October 22, 2015. *Kenny S, Whittaker JL, Emery CA. Risk factors for musculoskeletal injury in pre-professional dancers: A systematic review. Pittsburgh, USA. October 17, 2015. Wiart, L., Andersen, J., Watkins, B., Prowse, M., Watt, M.J. Current practices for hip surveillance for children with cerebral palsy in Northern Alberta. Stockholm, Sweden. June 3, 2016. Maltais, D.B., Wiart, L., Fowler, E., Verschuren, O., Damiano, D. Physical Fitness and Physical Activity in Children with Cerebral Palsy. CP in Motion Conference, Quebec, QC. Sept. 11, 2015. Lacny S*, Faris PD, Bohm E, Woodhouse L, Robertsson O, Marshall DA. Monitoring Quality of Care for Joint Replacements: Assessing Alternative Statistical Methods to Accurately Estimate Time to Revision. University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta. October 30, 2015. Roberts GM*, Wolfaardt J, Woodhouse L, Rieger J. Determining functional outcome criteria for wait list assessment in head and neck cancer. Edmonton, Canada. October 22, 2015. Miller J*, Wideman TH, Desmeules F, Woodhouse L. Does sensitivity to physical activity differ by pre-surgical rehabilitation outcome? Victoria, BC.. May 27, 2016. Barber CE*, Patel JN, Woodhouse, L, Smith C, Weiss S, Homik J, LeClercq S, Mosher D, Christiansen T, Howden J, Wasylak T, Greenwood-Lee J, Emrick A, Suter E, Kathol B, Khodyakov D, Grant S, Campbell-Scherer D, Phillips L, Hendricks J, Marshall DA. Key performance indicators for evaluation of centralized intake systems for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis healthcare teams in Alberta. Lake Louise, Alberta. February 18, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Creative Presentations and Performances Kawchuck, G. Tools for surviving the next Millenium, Month or Monday. Canadian Chiropractic Association Annual Convention, Niagara Falls. September 1, 2016. Kawchuck, G. McAndrews Leadership Lecture. Washington DC, Washington DC. February 26, 2016. Kawchuck, G. Tools for surviving the next Millenium, Month or Monday. Annual General Meeting of the Alberta College and Association of Chiropractors, Red Deer. September 26, 2015. Kawchuck, G. Building Bridges. European Chiropractic Union Annual Convention, Oslo. May 5, 2016. Kawchuck, G. Convocation Address. Macquarie University, Sydney. April 22, 2016. Rudland, B. University of Alberta MScPT Clinical Education. Phyiotherapy staff quarterly meeting , Coombs Theatre, Foothills Medical Centre. March 22, 2016.

Department Faculty at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting in California

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Barnes, M. University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department Rounds - Oral presentation on the Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging Program. Main focus was on the UAH’s role in Mentorship, Super Mentor Program and Clinical Placements. Beaupre, L. The 7th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar: Infection following Total Joint Arthroplasty: full day session for Rehabilitation Professionals offered at UAH campus as well as by Telehealth and remote webinar (Host and Co-organizer with CA Jones). Edmonton, Nov 2015. Beaupre, L. Fragility Fracture Network Fourth Global Congress. Clinicians, researchers and policy makers (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, September 2015). Bostick, G. 2015 Alberta College and Association of Physical Therapists Conference in Kananaskis, AB. Exercise for Complex Pain. Bostick, G. Workers Compensation Board of Alberta’s monthly Compensation Medicine Rounds (January 14, 2016). “An alternative perspective on the development of myofascial pain syndrome - lessons learned from Fibromyalgia”. Britton, C. IEHPI Recipient Meeting (Health Canada) Dec 2015 Ottawa Ontario Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging Program Sustainability Plan – from grant funding to a cost recovery. Bostick, G. Alberta College and Association of Physical Therapists on the management of complex pain in a busy clinical practice. The webinar was available to the Alberta Physical Therapy roster and occurred on May 12th, 2016. Chepeha, J. 2nd Annual Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic Conference: The Aging Shoulder. Edmonton, October 2015 “Physical Therapy Management of the Patient with Glenohumeral Arthritis” Chepeha, J. 2nd Annual Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic Conference: The Aging Shoulder. Edmonton, October 2015. “Rehabilitation Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures”. Chepeha, J. Sports Medicine Council of Alberta’s K2A Conference, Edmonton, May 2016. “The Athlete’s Shoulder: How to Identify the Ticking Bombs”. Chepeha, J. Sport Medicine Council of Alberta’s K2A Conference, Edmonton, May 2016. “Shoulder Injury Prevention for the Overhead Athlete”. Chepeha, J. Ignite Physio Podcast, May 2016. “Appropriate and Efficient Management of Shoulder Injuries: Who Needs Surgery?” This interview consisted of an overview of this study on best management of the patient presenting with shoulder pathology. Ignite Physio is an online resource that provides physical therapists with a forum to share, learn and ask questions related to physical therapy. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Chepeha, J. Alberta Health Service “Practice Wise” Session, November 2015. Weekly webinar session provided by clinicians, leaders, researchers, regulators and educators on clinically relevant topics. “Development and Utility of Regional Postoperative Shoulder Rehabilitation Guidelines”. Chepeha, J. Physio Speak Website: Video on “Physiotherapy Perspectives: Careers in Physical Therapy”. Edmonton, May 2016. Fouad, K. Oral presentation at annual meeting of the Step by Step Foundation (Barcelona, Spain). Fouad, K. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the American Spinal cord Injury Association (ASIA) in Philiadelphia. Fouad, K. Oral presentation at EMORY, Atlanta. Fouad, K. Poster presentation (as grant holder) at the annual meeting of the International Spinal Research Trust (London, UK). Fouad, K. Poster presentation (as grant holder) at the annual meeting of Wings for Life (Salzburg, Austria). Fouad, K. Co-Author on 5 posters at the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience. Gross, D. April 7, 2016 - Invited plenary presentation. Clinical Decision Support Tools and Employability in Canada, SHIFT Project Stakeholder Meeting. Saxion University, Enschede, The Netherlands. Gross, D. Invited plenary presentation at the American Physical Therapy Association Section on Research Retreat: Piecing Together The Pain Puzzle: The Biopsychosocial Model, Bryant University, Smithfield, Rhode Island. Hall, M. Improving Teaching and Assessment Practice in Rehabilitation Medicine presented at Assess this: Educational Assessment Challenges and Practical Solutions, CTL Summer Symposium. 6 August 2015. Jones, A. Evaluation of FallsProof Finding Balance Campaign. Practitioner’s Day. Finding Balance (Edmonton, AB). December 1, 2015. Jones, A. Designing an inter-professional peer teaching laboratory involving pharmacy and physiotherapy students. Festival of Teaching, University of Alberta. May 5, 2016. Jones, A. Activity along the continuum of care: total joint arthroplasty. Consortium to Improve Physical Actvity across the Adult Lifespan: Maximizing the Potential of Digital Technologies (Vancouver, BC) May 6, 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Jones, A. Stepping along the continuum of care for total joint replacements; McCaig Seminar, April 27, 2016. (Calgary). Manns, P. Invited speaker at MS Connections Conference (Edmonton - Oct 2015). I gave a one hour interactive talk about exercise/physical actiivity/sedentary behaviour to persons with MS. Manns, P. Invited speaker at the Alberta Physiotherapy Conference (Oct 2015). Title: Exercise Prescription post-stroke: starting and progressing exercise. Martin, B. Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging Program Collaboration Authors: Martin B., Britton C., Norton B., Barnes M., Millette D. This presentation provided an overview of the Alberta Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging (AIEPB) Program for all Health Canada provincial coordinators of Health Canada’s Internationally Educated Health Professionals Initiative meeting in Ottawa, Dec 2015. The AIEPB Program was selected to present as a strong blended format bridging program. McNeely, M. Type: Oral Impairment-based cancer rehabilitation for the head and neck cancer survivor: 1.trismus, 2. shoulder dysfunction, neck tightness. McNeely, M. Local Studies in Cancer Rehabilitation Provincial Breast Tumor Group: Northern Alberta Meeting. Parent, E. A Novel Approach to use Surface Topography Results for Assessing Scoliosis. Lunchtime Symposia: Research Grant Outcomes, Scoliosis Research Society 50th annual meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Oct 2, 2015. Parent, E. Endurance testing of paraspinal and external oblique muscles during trunk rotation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and healthy subjects. Canadian Pediatric Spine Society (full day session) during Canadian Spine Society Meeting, Whistler, BC, Canada February 24th, 2016. Parent, E. What is Schroth? Setting Scoliosis Straight, Power over Scoliosis, Patient Education Course, Session A. May 14 2016. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Parent, E. Indications for PSSE in Idiopathic Scoliosis according to the SOSORT Guidelines. Pre-conference clinical course SOSORT-IRSSD 2016 Held in Banff Alberta, May 24 2016. Parent, E. Appraisal of studies. Post-Conference Research Course, SOSORT-IRSSD 2016. Whittaker, J. Prevention of osteoarthritis: Is it possible. Canadian Orthopedic Nursing Association Annual Conference. Edmonton, Canada, June 2016 (Key Note).

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Whittaker, J. Systematic review of movement screening tools; Assessing study quality. Arthritis Research UK Centre for Sport, Exercise and Osteoarthritis Movement and Interventions for Preventing Injury and Osteoarthritis Symposium, Southampton, UK, October 2015. Whittaker, J. What are the consequences of hurting my knee in youth sport and what can I do about it? Wood Forum, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, Calgary, October 2015. Whittaker, J. What are the consequences of hurting my knee in youth sport and what can I do about it? Wood Forum, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, Edmonton, October 2015. Whittaker, J. Rehabilitation of youth sport injuries; Minimizing future osteoarthritis and obesity. Ignite Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Alberta College+Association, Improve your practice without effort lecture. Edmonton, Canada. Whittaker, J. Clinical outcomes research; Whose outcome is it anyway? Council for Allied Health Professions Research UK, Southampton, UK, October 2015. Whittaker, J. Prevention of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis: An Evidence-based Perspective Informing Practice. Exercise + Complexity, Physiotherapy Alberta Conference, Kananaskis, Canada, October, 2015. Wiart, L. The Art and Science of Goal Setting in Pediatric Rehabilitation. Pediatric Rehabilitation Seminar Video Conference. Calgary, AB. April 19, 2016. Wiart, L. Lead for workshop on development of logic models for program evaluation (2 workshops with 9 clinical teams). Wiart, L. Lead for workshop for 5 Glenrose clinical teams on developing evaluation plans. Woodhouse, L. Presentation to the Faculty on PRIHS 3 Grants. Woodhouse, L. Ethics and Challenges of Collecting and Using Healthcare Data in Rehabilitation - presentation as part of National Health Ethics Week - invited by AIHS & AHS through the John Dosseter Ethics Centre. April, 2016. Woodhouse, L. AHS Practice Wise - Provincial Presentation for AHS “Models of Care” via Live Webinar - January 14th 2016. Woodhouse, L. Presentation to UAH Physiotherapy Rounds. re: The Evolving PT role in Models of Care” Co-presented with Rashmi Mandhane and Kathy Cotton. May 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Woodhouse, L. Wood Forum - Presentation to educate the public on knee injuries and Osteoarthritis - October 24th 2015. Yang, J. Enhancing function and neuroplasticity through retraining to walking after spinal cord injury. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Conference, Oct 3, 2015, Hong Kong. (Keynote). Yang, J. Intensive training to enhance walking in young children with unilateral perinatal brain injury. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Conference, Oct 4, 2015, Hong Kong.(Keynote). Yang, J. Neurophysiology of walking in young children and implications for rehabilitation. Pre-conference Workshop of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Oct 2, 2015, Hong Kong. Yang, J. Intensive training to enhance walking in young children with early brain injury. Pediatric Rehabilitation Research Seminar Series, Jan 18, 2016, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary. Yang, J. The ReWalk exoskeleton for walking after spinal cord injury. Public Event of the ICORD Annual Research Meeting, March 7, 2016, Vancouver. Yang, J. The ReWalk exoskeleton for walking after spinal cord injury. Plenary Lecture, ICORD Annual Research Meeting, March 8, 2016, Vancouver. Yang, J. Friend or foe: is botulinum toxin preventing or promoting deformities in children with CP? Grand Rounds and NMHI-Glenrose Hospital joint seminar series, March 11, 2016, Edmonton. Yang, J. Early intensive leg training to enhance walking after perinatal stroke. Pre-conference symposium on Early Intervention: State of the Science. Part of the International Conference on Cerebral Palsy and other Childhood-Onset Disabilities. Karolinska Hospital, May 31, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. Zarski, C. August 6, 2015 University of Alberta Center for Teaching and Learning-Summer Teaching Symposium-Assess This! Educational Assessment Challenges and Practical Solutions. Zarski, C. April 12, 2015 Rehabilitation Medicine Teaching Interest Group-Presented on Skills Assessment using video conferencing versus video recordings. Zarski, C. May 27, 2016 Camrose Family Resource Center-Post Partum Moms Grouppresented on injury prevention, back pain and return to physical activity.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Zarski, C. February 19, 2016-Bawlf School Health Fair. Presented on injury prevention and rehab to junior high and senior high students. Zarski, C. January 22, 2016 Camrose Centra-Cam Injury Prevention Talk. Local not forprofit organization requested that I speak on injury prevention and physical activity. Zarski, C. December 15, 2015- Camrose and Area Physical Therapy Lunch and Learn hosted at Augustana. Finding Balance.

Jersey Day in Calgary

Matthew Goertzen, MScPT 2016, is awarded the Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Self-Submitted Presentations Beaupre, L. Ankle Survey (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016). Beaupre, L. Inter-rater Reliability of Pediobarography (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016). Beaupre, L. Inter-rater Reliability of Proximal Humerus Fracture Classification (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016). Beaupre, L. Impact of Perioperative Anemia on Healing and Recovery after Hip Fracture (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016). Beaupre, L. Impact of Preoperative Nerve Blocks on Pain Management in Hip Fracture (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016). Fouad, K. Presentation of 2 posters at the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience (Chicago). Jasper, L. Facilitator in an educational talk to rehabilitation professionals in Camrose on falls prevention December 2015. Parent, E. Is posture affected by rotation of the vertebrae in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? WISEST research day, Edmonton AB, August 13 2015. ---Also presented at the Edmonton Scoliosis Group Research day held at the Robbins Pavillion in the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Aug 14th. Parent, E. Can Changes in Posture in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Detect Changes in Vertebral Rotations on X-rays? WISEST research day, Edmonton AB, August 13 2015. ---Also presented at the Edmonton Scoliosis Group Research day held at the Robbins Pavillion in the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton, Aug 14th. Parent, E. The Effect of McKenzie Extension Exercises on the Location of the Weighted Centroid of the Signal Intensity of the Upper Lumbar Intervertebral Discs. Health Youth Heritage Scholar Summer Program Research day, University of Alberta, Edmonton Aug 17 2015. Parent, E. Summer Camp 2015 at the Robbins Pavillons of the Royal Alexandra Hospital on Aug 14 2015 by Albert Hong: Analysis of progression surface topography scans for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and by Neha Jaswal: Using Surface Topography to Predict Degree of Curve Severity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Parent, E. Self-Image Perception Questionnaires for Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis, Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, May 27 2016.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Self-Submitted Presentations Whittaker, J. Physical Activity participation 3-10 years after intra-articular knee injury in youth sport. Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute for Child and Maternal Health Annual Symposium, Calgary, Canada, August 2015. Whittaker, J. ross-cultural adaptation and validation of the English version of the Knee Self-Efficacy Scale. Canadian Child Health Clinicians Scientist Program Annual Meeting, May 2016. Whittaker, J. Pre-surgical lean mass and physical activity in youth that undergo early versus late Anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction. University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Undergraduate Research Summer Camp, Edmonton, Canada, June 2016. Wiart, L. Families taking the lead: The collaborative development of a transition portal. Quality Summit: Igniting Change. Edmonton. October 2015.

High school students from across the Edmonton region explored careers in Physical Therapy during Discovery Days

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best





Scientific Director

Alberta Bone and Joint

MSK Core Committee Health Strategic Clinical Network Provincial Research Advisory Committee

Alberta Health Services

Orthopaedic Residency Training mittee

Alberta TOP

Low Back Pain Guidelines Headache Guidelines

American Physical Therapy Association

Scientific Advisory Member

BC Hip Fracture Redesign Project

Steering Committee

Bone and Joint Canada

Fragility & Stability Clinical Committee Fragility & Stability Steering Committee National Director for Hip Fracture OA Steering Committee Provincial Research Agenda Committee

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators

Evaluation Services Committee

Canadian Chiropractic Association

Guideline Advisory Committee Assistant Editor

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Curriculum Committee Data Committe Member

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Fellowships-PostPhD Awards Committee Reveiwer Project Scheme Stage 1 Reviewer Special Project Reveiwer HTA Committee Grant Reviewer - Pilot Projects

Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability

Member Scientific Committee

Canadian Pain Society

Scientific Advisory Committee

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

President Board of Directors Annual Congress Abstract Review Oncology Division Executive


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Chiropractic and Manual Therapies


Choosing Wisely Campaign Initiative

Steering Committee

Data Safety Monitoring Board


Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre

Research Steering Committee Chair

Encyclopedia of Behavioural Medicine

Associate Editor

Federation of Canadian Chiropractic


Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes Inc

Scientific Advisory Board Member

Fragility Fracture Network

Co-Chair Steering Committee

GLA:D Evaluation Committee


Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Research Affiliate

Global Hip Fracture Recovery Research Network

Founding Member Communication Director

Health Research and Innovation Collaboratory

Privacy and Access Working Group

Methods Hub (AB SPOR)


McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health

Research Affiliate Executive Committee Member

National Association of Clinical Educators for Physiotherapy


National Curriculum and Professional Exam Project

Steering Committee Member Subject Matter Expert

National Institutes of Health

Safety Review Member

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute


Physiotherapy Education Accreditation Canada


Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada

Board of Directors

Provincial Head and Neck Tumor Group


Provincial Breast Cancer Group


Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton

Chair Member

Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Co-Chair Annual Meeting

Steadward Centre

FES Assessor

Supportive Care Council


The Arthritis Society

Award Review Panel Member

University of Calgary

Medicine Admissions Committee

Women and Children’s Health Research Institute

Summer Studentship Competition Reviewer

World Federation of Chiropractic

Chair Research Council

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Barnes, M

MCQ & OSCE Workshops, September 2015 & March 2016.

Beaupre L

Badre A*, Beaupre LA, Pedersen ME: Ankle Survey (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016)

Beaupre L

Harding G*, Beaupre LA, Dulai SK: Inter-rater Reliability of Pediobarography (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016)

Beaupre L

Bezuidenhout L*, Beaupre LA, Majumdar SR, Bouliane M: Interrater Reliability of Proximal Humerus Fracture Classification (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016)

Beaupre L

Bezuidenout L*, McInnes J, Bouliane M, Majumdar SR, Beaupre LA: Proximal Humerus (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day)

Beaupre L

Bowes J*, Beaupre LA, Menon M: Impact of Perioperative Anemia on Healing and Recovery after Hip Fracture (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016)

Beaupre L

Al-Maazmi K*, Beaupre LA, Menon M: Impact of Preoperative Nerve Blocks on Pain Management in Hip Fracture (Edmonton Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, 2016)

Jasper L

Falls Prevention Presentation. Camrose Rehabilitation Professionals. December 2015.

Kawchuk G

American College of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting. Chicago. October 2015.

Parent E

Muccio M, Pancholi-Parekh C, Parent E, What is Schroth? Setting Scoliosis Straight, Power over Scoliosis, Patient Education Course, Session A. May 14 2016. Philadelphia USA.

Parent E

Redford E**, Schmidt S**, Parent E, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S, Lou E. Is posture affected by rotation of the vertebrae in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis? WISEST research day, Edmonton AB, August 2015.

Parent E

Schmidt S**, Redford E.**, Parent E, Hill D, Moreau M, Hedden D, Adeeb S, Lou E. Can Changes in Posture in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Detect Changes in Vertebral Rotations on Xrays? WISEST research day, Edmonton AB, August 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Member


Parent E

Kee C*, Abdollah V**, Parent EC, BattiĂŠ MC. The Effect of McKenzie Extension Exercises on the Location of the Weighted Centroid of the Signal Intensity of the Upper Lumbar Intervertebral Discs. Health Youth Heritage Scholar Summer Program Research day, University of Alberta, Edmonton, August 2015.

Parent E

Summer Camp 2015. Royal Alexandra Hospital. August 2015.

Parent E

Dajim N, Alghannam S, Abdollah V, Aslanzadeh F, Parent E, Hedden D. Self Image Perception Questionnaires for Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis, Orthopaedic Resident Research Day, May 27 2016.

Whittaker J

Ghali BM*, Toomey CM*, Whittaker JL, Emery CA. Physical Activity participation 3-10 years after intra-articular knee injury in youth sport. Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute for Child and Maternal Health Annual Symposium, Calgary, August 2015.

Whittaker J

Ezzat A*, Brussoni M, Whittaker JL, Emery CA. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the English version of the Knee Self-Efficacy Scale. Canadian Child Health Clinicians Scientist Program Annual Meeting, May 2016.

Whittaker J

Wayne C*, Macedo L, Short H, Whittaker JL. Pre-surgical lean mass and physical activity in youth that undergo early versus late Anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction. University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Undergraduate Research Summer Camp, Edmonton, Canada, June 2016.

Whittaker J

Self-reported pain, function and MRI outcomes 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport. 50th Anniversary Injury Prevention Workshop, co-hosted by the University of Calgary and Bath University, UK. Calgary June 2016.

Wiart L

Koning, C., Mumme, L., Wiart, L., Wilson, S., Nicholas, D., Jones, C. Families taking the lead: The collaborative development of a transition portal. Quality Summit: Igniting Change. Edmonton. October 2015.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2015-2016 academic year a total of 672 placements were coordinated through the office of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE). These include: 646 U of A student placements, 24 student placements for students from other programs in Canada and 5 international students completing placements in Alberta. Additionally, 2 U of A students completed placements internationally: one in London, UK and one in Amsterdam. There were 105 shadow experiences also organized for first year students in facilities in Edmonton, Calgary, and Camrose. A rough breakdown of offers per course and practice setting are presented in the tables below. Course PTHER 517 PTHER 518 PTHER 520 PTHER 521 PTHER 522 PTHER 523 UofA Students placed out of province Out of province/international students placed in Alberta

Number of Placements 103 103 108 105 110 109 9 26

Practice Setting Acute Care Hospital Rehabilitation Facility/Community

Number of Placements 147 148

Private Practice/Occupational Rehabilitation Corbett Clinic

164 19

MScPT students learn via the Department’s LifeSize System

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Clinical Education Team underwent significant changes in 2015-2016. There was complete staffing turn over with Heather Bredy stepping in to the ACCE role, Bryce Rudland as the Calgary Clinical Education Coordinator (CCEC) and Amy Peters as the Clinical Education Assistant. The spring 2016 session was particularly challenging again this year; with both satellite campuses at full capacity the required placements for the May/June time frame is approximately 210 positions. The ACCE, CCEC, Associate Chair and Acting Chair met with groups from all hospitals in Calgary to try to increase capacity in the Calgary region. Despite these challenges, we have been able to ensure that each student will graduate with the required hours in cardiorespiratory and neurological practice. Starting with the PTHER 520 placement, the Assessment of Clinical Performance online version (ACP-E) evaluation instrument was piloted. Due to the success of the PTHER 520 pilot, it was then implemented for all PTHER 518 and 521 placements in the spring. Feedback from Clinical Instructors (CIs) has so far been positive. This significantly cut down staff work of trying to track down assessment forms. The PT Clinical Educator of the Year award was presented for the fifth time this year at the RMSA gala. Todd Wolansky from Canmore was this year’s recipient for excellence in student supervision.

Community Partners Two site coordinator meetings were held in each Edmonton and Calgary with site placement coordinators and rehab managers to discuss issues related to clinical education, to communicate PT program changes, and building placement capacity. Heather Bredy, ACCE led the fall meetings in both sites with Bryce Rudland, CCEC leading the spring meeting in Calgary. Both sites have teleconference facilities which allows for site coordinators from across the province to participate in information and decision making. The CCEC made numerous site visits in Calgary in order to increase support to those sites in an attempt to continue to build capacity. In summary, the clinical education team has had a busy year. We continue to build capacity for diverse clinical placements and foster our relationships with our clinical partners. Student performance is steady and inline with previous years, and overall students report positive learning experiences on placement where they are supported and mentored by clinicians who encourage critical thinking and serve as role models for practice.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. Academy Place - LifeMark Active Physio Works - Dynamic Active Physio Works - Kensington Active Physio Works - St. Albert Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton Alberta Physical Therapy Clinics Associtae Clinic Physiotherapy & Massage Association for the Rehabilitation Brain Injured Athabasca Centre - LifeMark Banff Physical Therapy & Sports Injuries Clinic Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital Bethany Care Society - Calgary Black Diamond Oilfields General Hospital Bonnyville Health Centre Bowden Physiotherapy Bridlewood Sport - Lifemark Brooks Health Centre Calgary Sports Therapy - LifeMark Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Camrose Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Camrose St. Mary’s Hospital Canmore General Hospital Capital Care Dickinsfield Capital Care Grandview Capital Care Strathcona Care Centre CBI - Action PT - Red Deer CBI - Burnewood Physical Therapy CBI - Calgary Central CBI - Calgary Industrial MScPT students in CBI - Calgary North East Edmonton interact with CBI - Calgary South Jacky Chow in Calgary via CBI - Health Centre - Red Deer the Double Robots CBI - Hospital Side-Red Deer CBI - Lethbridge CBI - Medicine Hat CBI - ReMed CBI Physiotherapy Clinic - Northside Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury Chestermere - LifeMark Child Development Centre Chinook Regional Hospital Claresholm General Hospital Clearwater Physiotherapy - Sylvan Lake Clearwater Physiotherapy - Vegreville Community Health Services - Calgary Fall Prevention Clinic

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Community Health Services - High River Community Health Services Camrose - Community Rehabilitation Program Community Health Services Camrose - Healthy Living Centre Community Health Services Healthy Living - Supervised Exercise Program Community Health Services Red Deer Community Health Services Sylvan Lake Community Health Services Vegreville Community Health Services - Vermilion Community Health Services CRIS-West MScPT Augustana Community Health Services - Westlock students and Chris Zarski Community Health Services - Lethbridge particapte in the Heart Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic & Stroke Foundation Big Corona Physio-Rehab Centre Bike Fundraiser Coronation Physiotherapy Cross Cancer Institute Crowchild Twin Arena - Lifemark Crowfoot Physiotherapy CSA Physiotherapy Didsbury District Health Centre Diverse Sports Physical Therapy Clinic Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre Drumheller Health Centre Dynamic Physiotherapy Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Edmonton Public School Division Edson Healthcare Centre Elves Special Needs Society England - Royal Free London NHS Foundation Excel Physical Therapy Father Bauer Arena - LifeMark Fit Physiotherapy Foothills Medical Centre Fort McMurray - Northern Lights Regional Health Centre Fort Saskatchewan Community Hospital Genesis Place - LifeMark Glen Sather UofA Sports Medicine Centre Glenmore Park Physiotherapy Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Grand Prairie - Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Grand Prairie School District Grey Nuns Community Hospital & Health Centre GRIT Program Hanna Health Centre Heritage Hill - LifeMark High Level - Northwest Health Centre Hinton Healthcare Centre Home Care - Red Deer Home Care (Bremner) Home Care - Camrose Home Care Home Care Calgary Zone Home Living Program - Edmonton Zone I’m For Kids Team Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Imagine Health Centres Edmonton Innisfail Health Centre Institute - Lifemark Health Jasper Physiotherapy & Health Centre Kinesis Physical Therapy Corp Kinsman Sports Centre Lake Beaumaris - LifeMark MScPT Augustana students lead Leduc - LifeMark a Parkinson’s Rehabilitation Class Leduc Community Hospital Lethbridge - Chinook Regional Hospital Lethbridge St.Michael’s Health Centre Lime Physiotherapy Max Bell Arena - LifeMark Mayor Magrath - LifeMark Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Millwoods - LifeMark Mira Health Centre - Lifemark Misericordia Community Health Centre Momentum Health - Creekside Clinic Momentum Health - Ogden Clinic Momentum Health - West Springs Clinic Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy Beddington Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy - Thorncliffe Olds Hospital and Care Centre Parkland Rehabilitation Ltd. Peak Physical Therapy Peter Lougheed Centre Physiotherapy Alliance Pincher Creek Health Centre Pivotal Physiotherapy - Fort Saskatchewan Pivotal Physiotherapy - North Edmonton Primary Care Networks - North Zone Prince Rupert Regional Hospital PT Health - Advantage Health Aspen PT Health - Advantage Health Corporate Sport Physio PT Health - Belmead Physical Therapy PT Health - Maximum Potential Physiotherapy PT Health - Sherwood Park PT Health - Sturgeon Valley Physiotherapy Quarry Park - LifeMark Physiotherapy Rebound Health Centre Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Regina Sports & Physiotherapy Clinic Renfrew Educational Services Richmond Road Diagnostic & Treatment Centre Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Rocky Mountain Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic Rockyview General Hospital Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Columbian Hospital Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Seton - Jasper Healthcare Centre Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Silverado Sport Physiotherapy South Calgary Health Centre South Health Campus Southland Leisure Centre - LifeMark St. Joseph’s Care Group St. Michael’s Health Group Stanton Territorial Hospital Strathcona Community Hospital Strathcona Physiotherapy Strathmore Hospital Sturgeon Community Hospital Summerside Children’s Sport & Physiotherapy Sundre Hospital and Care Centre Sunpark Plaza - Lifemark Sunridge Way NE- LifeMark Supportive Living Program Surrey Memorial Hospital Taber Health Centre Talisman Centre - LifeMark Tamarack Physical Therapy Tawa Physical Therapy The Netherlands - Hogeschool van Amsterdam Tom Baker Cancer Centre Two Hills Health Centre University of Alberta Hospital University of Ottawa Vermilion Health Centre Village Square Mall - LifeMark Wainwright Health Centre Wascana Health Centre Westlock Healthcare Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Willow Brook-LifeMark Physiotherapy Worker’s Compensation Board MScPT students in the Corbett Hall PT Student Clinic

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


During this past year, we entered the 6th year of operations for delivering the MScPT Satellite program. Student demand for the MScPT program has grown substantially since the starting of the satellite programs: 2012: 30% campus 2013: 35% campus 2014: 37% campus 2015: 38% campus 2016: 35% campus

of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice of applicants selected a satellite campus as their first choice

Since the implementation of the Augustana campus in 2011 and the Calgary campus in 2012, we have had 46 Augustana graduates and 36 Calgary graduates. The Annual Augustana Bonspiel hosted by the MScPT students in Camrose

Christmas in Calgary

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The fifth cohort of students completed the program at Augustana this year. Student response has continued to be positive and the distributed education technology continues to run smoothly with the assistance and support of RMTG. For the second year in a row, an educational session for local clinicians was hosted in December 2015 as a thank you to the Camrose community, to provide an additional educational opportunity, promote information sharing between clinicians, and to increase awareness of the Augustana MScPT satellite program. Collaboration between the MScPT students and the Augustana nursing students occurred through shared InterD 410 classes, combined promotional activities, and several volunteer collaborative events where the physiotherapy and nursing students discussed their professions with interested junior high students participating in Young Medical Minds, a rural health initiative. The Augustana MScPT students hosted the fifth annual Augustana Curling Bonspiel in November 2015. The event was a success with faculty, current students and alumni in attendance. The department continues to participate in the Augustana Preview Days, providing education and promotion of the program to the public and potential students. Looking forward, the Augustana campus will continue to participate in the planning process for new facilities and potential increase in rural health research. The community of Camrose continues to be very supportive of the program through the provision of clinical placements, student community electives, assistance in finding patients for student learning experiences, acting as standardized patients and assisting with practical exams.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The 2015-2016 Academic year was a busy one at the Calgary Satellite. The renovations were completed in June 2015 and the Occupational Therapy program was welcomed into the building in downtown Calgary. Sharing the same building has been of mutual benefit to both programs and collaboration will continue in the coming year so that we can maximize our resources and enhance the learning experience of students. With the renovations complete, the Grand Re-Opening of the Calgary Campus was held September 10, 2015 and was well attended by dignitaries, media, and supporters of the faculty. The Calgary campus hosted a number of community engagements and events in the 2015-2016 year, including the Alumni and Student Calgary Pub Night, the Wound Care Workshop, the Karin Greaves Seminar, and the PT Job Fair. The Wound Care Workshop was a collaborative effort between the OT and OT Departments and was attended by 1st year OT students and 2nd year PT students to learn skills related to wound care. With the addition of Gabriela Abbud (1.0 FTE) and Bryce Rudland (0.6 FTE), the Calgary campus now has a staff of 2.6 FTE of Physical Therapists. The strong team we have put together for the coming year offers exciting opportunities to continue the success of the Calgary Campus and look for ways to improve in the areas of classroom education, clinical education and community engagement.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The AIEPB Program funding through Health Canada’s Internationall Educated Health Professionals Initiative (IEHPI) ended on March 31, 2016. Overall, the program was highly regarded by Health Canada and along with a national award for innovation (International Qualifications Network), it was presented at the past two IEHPI meetings as an example of a successful initiative. As part of the sustainability planning done over the final 2 years of the grant, the curriculum of the program was revised from a 4 month (16 month) to a 3 course (12 month) program with a pre-requisite added. The process of transition from the Health Canada grant funded program to a cost recovery post graduate certificate is still underway. The proposal has been approved through all levels of University committees and is currently awaiting approval by Alberta Advanced Education. Presentations in the 20152016 year included the Health Canada’s IEHPI meeting in Ottawa, the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections meeting in Anaheim, and the Ottawa Conference on Assessment in Medical Education in Perth Australia. Since the program began 2013, 57 students across 3 cohorts have graduated. In total, 15 students have passed both parts (written and practical) of the Physiotherapy National Exam (PNE) and are licensed to practice. Twenty-four students have passed the written PNE and have provisional licenses.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The 2015-2016 academic year was a successful one for the Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic. The clinic continued to provide novel and innovative placement opportunities for MScPT students and facilitated community engagement by offering impactful physical therapy services that addressed physical therapy gaps within the community. The Young Hip Exercise Group was offered on a continual basis with a class size of 10 to 28 participants. Parkinson’s Rehabilitiation in Movement Enhancement (PRIME) began June 2015 to address ongoing needs of clients with movement disorders and is offered on a continual basis with class sizes of 1 to 5 participants. Chronic Pain Management, musculoskeletal, and neurological services continued to be offered by the clinic with an increase in patient visits by 59% compared to 2014-2015. Revenue also increased by greater than 50% compared to 2014-2015. The clinic offered 34 full-time student placements this year, exceeding the goal of 24. Interdisciplinary shadowing and cotreatment opportunities with Communication Disorder Sciences students was initiated in fall 2015 and continues to be a success. In addition, the student clinic continues to offer Student Electives in areas including Older Adult Health Balance & Exercise, Better Bones & Balance, and Young Hip Program. Placement Type UofA National International PTA

Number of Students 18 8 5 3

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Annual Dr. David C. Reid Sports Medicine Conference The Second Annual Dr. David C. Reid Sports Medicine Conference was hosted by the Department of Physical Therapy at Corbett Hall in October 2015. This one day event, entitled “Managing the Aging Shoulder: Conservative & Surgical Care�, was well attended by sports medicine professionals ranging from Physicians, Physical Therapists, Athletic Therapists, Nurses, and students. 6th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar A one day workshop on November 21, 2015 focused on complications following Total Joint Arthroplasty and was held at Corbett Hall and the Calgary PT Campus. Wood Forum on Knee Injury The Wood Forum on Knee Injury was held on October 24, 2015 at the Newcap Radio Stage in West Edmonton Mall This event was organized by Linda Woodhouse and hosted by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. The public had the opportunity to learn more about prevention, treatment and research in sports injuries. Recruitment Fair A recruitment fair, now in the 5th year, was held on in Edmonton on June 10 and in Calgary on June 13 as an opportunity for students and potential employers to meet. The event was attended by employer agencies in Edmonton and in Calgary. The event was well attended by students and feedback from both employers and students was very positive. The N.E.R.D Run The N.E.R.D (Neuroscience Education, Research and Discovery) Run was held on September 19, 2015 in support of brain research. The 5km walk or 10km run was a resounding success with over 300 participants.

Wood Forum on Knee Injury October 2015

Faculty members Karim Fouad and John Misiaszek at the N.E.R.D Run

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2014 Enrollment September 2015: 106 students admitted to the MScPT (coursebased) program. • 67 female; 39 male • 91 Alberta residents; 16 Out of province • Average GPA: 3.83 Enrollment summary: • MScPT 2017 Cohort • MScPT 2016 Cohort • MScPT 2015 Cohort

- 108 (Admission year 2014) - 111 (Admission year 2013) - 110 (Admission year 2012)

Convocation 2016 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT Program Achtymichuk, Brittany Arkko, Kevin Austin, Sara Azzopardi, Michael Baker, Caitlin Begg, Asha Beyer, Sonja Brown, Natalia Browning, Blair Bru, Dustin Castonguay, Sierra Clarke, Blake Csolle, Michelle Cugnet, Greg Dale, Mark Diaconu, Adina Diduch, Marta Diduck, Georgia Durling, Amanda Easter, Jamie Fraser, Lindsay Friesen, Kelsey Gee, Jordan Gerhardt, Jeremy Ginter, Andrea Goertzen, Matthew Grainger, Emily Guay, Patrice Hagan, Bonny Huang, Betty Huellbusch, Nicole Huynh, Virginia Ip, Brendon Job, Tracy Kennedy, Steven Kenyon, Emily

Kiss, Meghan Klein, Kyra Kunkel, Karin Lamontagne, Nicole Lang, Raelene Lapointe, Jennifer Leis, Emily LePage, Karissa Li, Karmen Lobe, Jessica Lorenz, Lisa Luck, Megan Maass, Sarah Mack, Jillian Mackenzie, Claire MacKinnon, Lauren MacLeod, Nicholas Maghfourian, Mohammad Matton, Amanda McElroy, Rebecca McWatt, Taman Mireault, Leanne Mitton, Mary Mohamedtaki, Alina Montgomery, Christopher Moore, Jacalyn Nagel, Michele Nguyen, Long Noppers, Andrea Novakowski, Steven Olynyk, Jennifer Ongaro, Daniella Pascheit, Hans Peter Pattyson, Shane Paull, Samara Pernsky, Julie Ann

Peters, Zachary Phipps, Grace Pollard, Stephen Pun, Daisy Pynn, Melissa Ringham, Shane Roberts, Lorna Robertson, Brittany Rogers, Kayla Rosnes, Lee Rygh, Amanda Safi, Fahad San Martin, Ruben Shewfelt, Leah Sime, Mitchell Sinclair, Desirae Snell, Sandra Souveny, Alicia Spindler, Julie Sterling, Leanne Stober, Amy Sweeney, Kaila Tarrant, Andrea Tenove, Peter Thrainsdorrir, Hlif Tomiyama, Melissa Turner, Shaun Van Camp, Bryce Walker, Lindsay Wiest, Stephanie Wilson, Diana

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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