Department of Occupational Therapy Annual Report 2012-2013

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Table of Contents. Chair’s Message ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Highlights from 2012-2013 ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Notable Events 2012-2013 ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Department Academic & Support Staff ........................................................................................................................... 4 Farewells and Retirements ............................................................................................................................................... 7 Recruitments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Academic (Faculty) Awards .............................................................................................................................................. 7 Student Awards & Scholarships ....................................................................................................................................... 7 New Research Grants Acquired by Department Members in 2012-2013 ...................................................................... 8 Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 ......................................................................................... 10 Service ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Clinical Education ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Calgary Satellite .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 Admission, Enrollment and Convocation Statistics ....................................................................................................... 21

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Chair’s Message The Department of Occupational Therapy is pleased to share our 2012-2013 Annual Report. This year marks the last year of our five-year strategic plan (2008-2013). The department’s Vision and Mission are aligned with the University of Alberta’s 2011-2015 Dare to Deliver Academic Plan that emphasizes Learning, Discover and Citizenship. Department of Occupational Therapy Vision The Department of Occupational Therapy promotes health and well-being through occupation with excellence in learning, discovery and citizenship.

Department of Occupational Therapy Mission The Department of Occupational Therapy discovers, shares, and applies knowledge related to healthy occupation and occupational therapy practice through innovative teaching, life-long learning, research and creative activity, community involvement and imaginative collaboration with community partners in Alberta and beyond. In concert with clinical educators, we educate competent therapists to ensure they have the capacity to practice in evolving socio-political and healthcare service environments, both local and global. Recognized research programs set the standard for knowledge and discovery supporting occupational therapy practice in Canada.

Highlights from 2012-2013 In September 2012, twelve students began their occupational therapy education in Calgary as part of a pilot satellite program. Although this represented a major step for our program, it built upon earlier experiences offering courses at a distance for a portion of our undergraduate program. Because we had learned from those experiences, we chose to use an instructional approach combining real-time video-conferencing, face- to- face instruction, and asynchronous delivery of course content. While the Calgary program was being implemented and refined over 2012-2013, we were also seeking government funding for a second cohort of students. Funding was received for more cohorts beginning in September 2013. Demand for our program remains high with an ever increasing number of applications and we were pleased with the excellence of our new 102 students. They were able to learn in newly renovated space in Corbett Hall that is dedicated to the occupational therapy program and allows easy interaction with students and staff in Calgary. The following report highlights the department’s achievements in one academic year. These achievements are built on the collective efforts and dedication of our Faculty, administration/support staff, and community partners. The excellence of our faculty members is seen in their national and international leadership roles in occupational therapy. Lili Liu was selected as one of 10 creative academics to participate on the Renaissance Committee making recommendations for the future of our University in an era of fiscal restraint. This commitment has required countless hours of meetings and deliberations that continue while she is on administrative leave for the 2013-2014 academic year. Our research is highly relevant to service delivery and department members are sought out as collaborators on team grants that include researchers, policy makers, and consumers. Our knowledge translation activities range from publications to workshops for service providers or members of the public resulting in a direct impact on public health. We extend a heartfelt thank you and recognize our staff for their excellent work in and outside of the classroom and our community partners (guest lectures, clinical educators, etc.) who make our students’ learning a successful experience. We celebrate the accomplishments of each of our students and congratulate the class members who convocated in November 2012 and June 2013. Their impressive awards are listed in this report.

Joyce Magill-Evans, Acting Chair

Lili Liu, Chair

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Notable Events 2012-2013 Introduction of OPAAL The renovations of the north wing of Corbett Hall, consisting of rooms 3-01, 3-07, 3-21 and 3-29 are now completed. The new Occupational Performance Activities and Analysis Lab (OPAAL) is fully operational. This state-of-art occupational therapy educational space boasts the latest in equipment and technology for both in-class as well as distance learning. This multifunctional, flexible space comprises a resource room, which houses test kits and equipment; a library; an activities of daily living suite; a physical assessment lab; a light-activities lab; an orthotics lab; and a psychosocial lab. Since the renovations, this space has had a high utilization rate, including student independent study. Indonesian Placements In the summer of 2012, four occupational therapy students completed a six-week senior placement working with occupational therapists in Indonesia. The U of A Department of OT has had a long-standing relationship with the Indonesian OT program since the 1980s. The students worked in collaboration with OT students at Surakarta Health Polytechnic – the only Indonesian university with an occupational therapy program recognized by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Their placements included experiences in mental health and pediatric settings. Colombian Placements In the spring of 2013, nine level-3 occupational therapy students completed a six-week senior placement working with occupational therapists in Bogota, Colombia. The U of A Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has had a relationship with the Universidad de Rosario OT program since 2009. Our students were billeted by and worked in collaboration with OT students at U de R completing placements at sites around Bogota which included experiences in mental health, pediatric and communitybased practice settings. Kuwait Placements In the spring of 2013, one level-3 occupational therapy student completed a six-week placement working with a rehabilitation program in Kuwait City. Our student worked in collaboration with the rehabilitation team at the Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute. This opportunity was created via a partnership that was initiated by the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and was further developed by our Associate Dean – Professional Programs & Teaching to include the University of Alberta rehabilitation departments.

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Department Academic & Support Staff Professor & Chair Lili Liu, PhD, MSc, BScOT

Associate Professor & Associate Chair Shaniff Esmail, PhD, MSc, BScOT, BSc

Yagesh Bhambhani, PhD, MSc, BPE, BSc(Hons)

Sharon Brintnell, MSc, BOT, DipPT & OT

Joyce Magill Evans, PhD, MSc, BOT

David McConnell, PhD, BAppSc(OT)

John Misiaszek, PhD, BSc

Elizabeth Taylor, PhD, MEd, BOT Associate Professor & Associate Dean Professional Programs & Teaching, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Associate Professors (Tenure-Track) Cary Brown, PhD, MA, BMR

Masako Miyazaki, PhD, MSc, BOT

Assistant Professors (Tenure-track) Suzette BrĂŠmault-Phillips, PhD, MA, BMR, BSc

Ada Leung, PhD, Dip Epidemiology & Biostatistics, BScOT

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Department Academic & Support Staff Assistant Professors (Clinical Track) Cori Schmitz, MEd, BScOT ACCE (Edmonton) & Assistant Professor

Calgary Liaison

Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education Jutta Hinrichs, BScOT, OT(C) Clinical Education Coordinator (Calgary & Southern AB)

Core Calgary Instructors

Susan Mulholland MScRehab, BScOT Calgary Liaison (Calgary & Southern AB)

   

Deb Froese Allan Funk Safieh Rajan Trish Williams

Edmonton Course /Module Instructors

   

Sandra Ayre Kathy Cotton Lindsay Eales Calvin Haws

Guest Lecturers  Tim Barlott  Darolyn Black  Giovanna Boniface  Georgina Brown  Sandra Brown  Laura Budzak  Kirsten Buhr  Darcy Butterworth  Elaine Cairns  Bazilia daSilva  Angela Dick  Alison Douglas  Rosemarie Fayant  Christin Foisey

   

Sandra Hodgetts Genevieve Jamin Melissa Jones Peyman Azad Khaneghah

   

Tara Kilkenny Cyndie Koning Cheryl McKenna Annie Paterson

   

Danielle Peers Laura Rogers Wendy Tilley Reg Urbanowski

             

Rosalie Freund Heritage Maggie Fulford Val Halerio Janine Halayko Katherine Hay Natalie Gamache Hutchison Heidi Janz Terry Krupa Esther Lapierre Coralie Lennea Laura Locher David Loh David Liu Rebecca Martell

             

Liz Mathew Shirley McBride Jennifer McNish Linda Miller Aruna Mitra Lynne Moulton Glyn Murgatroyd Josie Nielsen Kathleen O’Grady Teresa O’Riordan Joanne Park Myrna Parker Sheron Parmar Jasneet Parmar

            

Quentin Ranson Beth Ritchie Gwen Roberts Margaret Shim Leila Sidi Liz Sliwa Ryan Sommer David Tran Heather Trowell Chelsea Weiman Chelsey Weleschuk Karin Werther Arnold Wong

        

Heather Scott Angela Sekulic Angie Sillery Krista Tameling Marliss Taylor Jelle Van Ens Sarah Wharmby Christine Whitelaw Betsey Williams

Clinicians/Examiners/Facilitators/Clients Kristine Belamisca  Gayla Grinde Crystal Bittman  Eric Huang Louise Burridge  Jennifer Hutton Erin Carpenter  Lenora Lys Judith Clachrie  Desiree Kadelbach Connie Erker  Hilary Knox Leslie Erskine  Laura Krefting Brandee Fossen  Adrienne Lawlor Sandra Florian  Michele Markham

        

        

Robin Mazumder Shannon McKnight Tracy Mercier Steve Paneluk Sister Mary Lucinda Patterson

Patti Plett Rose Plett Martha Roxburgh Kathleen Ryan

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Department Academic & Support Staff Clinical Services Officer, Occupational Performance Analysis Unit (OPAU) Martha Roxburgh, BScOT Adjunct Appointments Adunct Professors Adjunct Associate Professors Adjunct Assistant Professors

 Eleni Stroulia, PhD  Ioannis Nikolaidis, PhD      

Robert Lederer, MDes Susan Mulholland, MSc, BOT Steven Friesen, BSc Sharla King, PhD Jennifer Klein, PhD Linda Miller, PhD

   

Nancy Reynolds, BScOT Kathy Tam, BA Wendy Tilley, BScOT Ron Wickman, BA

Administrative Support Administrative Officer

 Katherine Shuttle, MA

Executive Assistant to the Chair & Associate Chair

 Melody Gerber (Note: Retired in February, 2013)  Karmet Wall, April 2013

Clinical Education/ Admissions Records Administrator

 Michelle Green, BA

Department Receptionist

 Jessica Papineau, BA

Occupational Therapy Assistant

 Jacalyn Poulin

The Department of Occupational Therapy is fortunate to have the on-going volunteer support of Rudy Cornet and Douglas MacNeill as part of our team. Rudy Cornet has been with the Department of Occupational Therapy since 1991. Rudy is a car-accident survivor. After sustaining a life-altering brain injury 20 years ago, Rudy has worked diligently to regain his independence and is a friendly and fantastic member of the program’s support team. He has been a guest speaker as a client educator, and now is a volunteer and active part of our day-to-day operations. He assists Jacalyn Poulin, our Occupational Therapy Assistant, with the new Occupational Performance Activities and Analysis Lab (OPAAL). Specifically his responsibilities include taking care of our library and resource room, along with organizing and general set-up, take-down, and clean-up of OPAAL.

Douglas MacNeill has been with the Department of Occupational Therapy for more than 10 years. He has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Disorder/high-functioning autism, and holds a Master’s Degree in Sociology. Under supervision, Douglas is a research assistant for occupational therapy. He has been a guest speaker as a client educator in various classes and student tutorials, and he conducts an annual seminar on Refworks. In addition, Douglas provides literature reviews and responds to faculty and student requests for literature searches. He is an invaluable member of our team. We are grateful that he supports the program and students with his skills. Individuals like Rudy and Douglas help our department address our vision to, “...[promote] health and well-being through occupation.”

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Farewells and Retirements In June 2013, the department celebrated Melody Gerber’s retirement at the Faculty Club. The assistant to the Chair has seen a lot of changes since she began her work with the Department of Occupational Therapy as a part-time receptionist in 1983. By 1988, she was supporting the department Chair and worked with six Chairs/ Acting Chairs who all had very different leadership styles. Her extensive knowledge of the history of Corbett Hall and her understanding of the policies and procedures of the department were a huge asset during times of transition and she has influenced many key decisions. Melody played an important role in initial contact with applicants for faculty positions and many current and past faculty members remember her kindness and support during the stressful interview process and then the early days of settling in to their positions. She was an ideal balance of personable and professional. She will be particularly missed at the annual faculty gathering where she used her beautiful soprano voice to sing songs of the season with the “Rehabaneros”. The department is grateful for the many important contributions that she made to the University of Alberta. The department also bid farewell to two clinical track department members. Congratulations to Susan Burwash who successfully defended her PhD thesis and convocated in June 2013. Dr. Susan Burwash is currently an Assistant Professor at Eastern Washington University. Anita Hamilton continues her doctoral studies and is a lecturer in the Occupational Therapy Program at University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.

Recruitments The department welcomed Karmet Wall. Karmet joined Occupational Therapy as Executive Assistant (EA) to the Chair in April 2013, having previously been an EA in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and most recently in the office of the Associate VP International. She brings a broad range of aptitudes to her position, including service-oriented administrative support, “outside-the-box” thinking, process and logisitics coordination, and progressive problem solving and implementation. We welcome her organizational and collaborative skills.

Academic (Faculty) Awards Lili Liu

May 2013, COTF Scholar

Cary Brown

CAOT Certificate of Appreciation

Liz Taylor

CAOT Certificate of Appreciation (Nominations Committee Chair)

Sharon Brintnell

June 2013, WFOT Lectureship Award Malaysian Occupational Therapy Association Letter of Appreciation

Student Awards & Scholarships Name of Scholarship/Award  Peter McCracken Legacy Scholarship

Recipients/Year of Program $1000

Christine Daum, PhD

(Glenrose Rehab Hospital Foundation)

 Gyro Club of Edmonton Graduate Scholarship (PhD Level)  Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Award (FGSR, UofA) Gail Gilewich Scholarship

$1200 $524 $1250

Almira Tanner/ Year 2

Oil Service Charitable Org Grad Scholarship


Nathalie Wollman/ Year 1

Convocating Student Award


Rachal Pattison/ Year 2

Vargo Goodwill Award


Ann Boyd/ Year 2

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Student Awards & Scholarships Student Clinical Award

$750 split

Amanda Boyce & Laura Mireault/ Year 2

Medal in OT Medal


Bryan Fleet/ Year 2

Kuder Memorial Grad Scholarship in RM

$1500 each

Kristen Fair, Nicola Laberge/ Year 2

FGSR Chrysalis Scholarship 2012-13


Jared Penner/ Year 2

GSA Professional Development Grant


Kelsey Waisanen/ Year 2

Government of Alberta Scholarships

$3000 each

Gauk-Westfield Award


Year 2 H. Anchikoski, C. Andrews, J. Boswell, J. Chang, S. Dettling, K. Fair, J. Friedrich, M. Guerrette, K. Hagg, K. Jette, H. Jim, N. LaBerge, J. Lappala, J. Lee, D. Lendi, D. Leskiw, K. McNeil, K. McRoberts, J. Penner, E. Pickard, M. Renaud, M. Smith, J. Smith-Windsor, M. Smyth, J. Stanley, A. Tanner, J. Thai, C. Tsouroulas, J. Tully, K. Vos, and L. Yepez Jade Bateman/ Year 2

Friends of the FGSR


Janice Chiang/ Year 2

Future Scholar Award


Melissa Smyth/ Year 2

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship


David Knechtel/ Year 1

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships


Leinweber Memorial OT Grad Scholarship


Lauren Talley, Aiden Wawchuk, Blaire Johnson, Laura LaBerge, Amelia Rajala, Alisse Goldberg, Sandra Rusu, Marissa Lo/ Year 1 Kim Vos/ Year 2

 Autism Society of Edmonton Area & Autism Research Centre Grad

Tamara Germani (PhD)

Student grant  Autism Research Training grant WCHRI Science Shop Studentship

$5000 $20,000 $5200

Janine Halayko (Thesis, MSc, Rehab Science)

 Myer Horowitz  Saint Elizabeth Community OT Scholarship

$1200 $5000

College of Physical Therapists Centenary PhD Scholarship

Cecilia Llambias (Thesis, MSc, Rehab Science) Hercules Grant (PhD)


Alberta Innovation in Rehabilitation Award

Mayank Rehani (Thesis, MSc, Rehab Science)

New Research Grants Acquired by Department Members in 2012-2013 Team Grants

Individual Grants

Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program - Collaborative Research Grant Initiative: Ideas Fund and Alberta Health Services Interdisciplinary Health Research Academy





Alberta Health Services



Massage Network of Canada




Grant title

Funding Agency

Brémault-Phillips, S.(co-PI) & Rundrum, L.

Young Adult Unit: Improving Caregiver Relationships at Bethany College Side

Brémault-Phillips, S.(co-PI), ICCER Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI), et al.

Challenging/Responsive Behaviours Symposium - Developing an Alberta Action Plan Advancing Behavioural Supports Alberta

Brown, C.(PI), Bellmore, L., Bostick, G. & Dick, B.

Self-Shiatsu hand massage to promote sleep in persons with pain

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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New Research Grants Acquired by Department Members in 2012-2013 Team Grants

Individual Grants

Canadian Massage Therapy Association Peter Wall Institute (UBC)





Interdisciplinary Health Research Academy



Mitacs‐Accelerate Internship Program (external)


Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program - Ideas Fund and Alberta Health Services Glenrose Research Foundation







Faculty Internal Research Grants



Glenrose Hospital Foundation



Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund, UofA (internal)



Glenrose Hospital Foundation (external)



Multi-provincial grant in aid (external) Heart and Stroke Foundation






Campus Alberta Grant for International Learning (CAGFIL)

13,750 21,250



Grant title

Funding Agency

Brown, C.(PI), Bellmore, L., Bostick, G. & Dick, B. Carlton, B.(PI), Ipsiroglu, O. & Brown, C.

Self-shiatsu hand massage for sleep problems in persons with pain Phenotyping Sleep Behaviours. Lessons from the Past, Directions for the Future. Exploratory Workshop Grant Stakeholder consultation – Western Canadian Institute of Sexology, Interdisciplinary Health Research Academy Technologies for Living Independently: A Technology Case Study on Remote Patient Monitoring Environmental Design that Supports Healthy Aging: Evaluating a New Supportive Living Facility

Esmail, S.(PI), Brockman, L. & Morrish, D. Ferguson-Pell, M.(PI), Liu, L. & Stroulia, E. Friesen, S. & Brémault-Phillips, S.(Co-I)

Kuo, M.(PI), Magill-Evans, J. & Zwaigenbaum, L.

Leung, AWS.(co-PI) Leung, AWS.(PI)

Leung, AWS.(PI) & Miyazaki, M.

Liu, L.(PI), Esmail, S., Taylor, L.(co-PI), Stroulia, E. & King, S.

Liu, L.(PI), Miguel Cruz, A., Goertzen, D., Ranson,Q. & Buttar, V.

Mackie, A.(PI), Anthony, S., Kaufman, M., Kovacs, A., Magill-Evans, J., McCrindle, B., Nicholas, D., Oeschslin, E., Rempel, G., Sananes, R., & Yusa, Y Rempel, G.(PI), Ray, L., Holt, N. L., Nicholas, D., Mackie, A. S., & Magill-Evans, J.

Taylor, E., Esmail, S. & Hall, M.

The role of media during the transition into adulthood of youth with an autism spectrum disorder: Parents' and Youth's perspectives Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Language and Working Memory Neural networks for the processing of familiar faces in working memory – An fMRI study A Pilot Study Aims to Investigate the Effectiveness of a Computerized Memory Training Program for Stroke Survivors: Evidence from Behavioral and Neuroimaging Techniques The use of mobile technology to enhance learning through online communities of practice among occupational therapy students in Edmonton and Calgary What factors determine therapists’ acceptance of new rehabilitation technologies – a study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) The CHAPTER II Study: Congenital Heart Adolescents Participating in Transition Evaluation Research, Multi-provincial grant in aid (external), Heart and Stroke Foundation School-age children with moderate to severe congenital heart disease: A qualitative study to elicit stories about everyday life from the child with CHD and their school-age siblings. International Clinical Partnership Experience Program in Indonesia

Total Amount of New Grants Awarded

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 Occupational Therapy faculty members reported 105 publications and presentations. They are categorized below and citations follow.  Book Chapters & Monographs: n=4  Invited Presentations: n=27

 Peer Reviewed Publications: n=20  Presentations: Conference Abstracts & Presentations: n=54

Book Chapters & Monographs (n=4) 1. Brown, CA. (2013) Pain and Complex Adaptive Systems Theory. In J. Sturmberg & C. Martin (Eds.) Handbook on Systems and Complexity in Health (pp. 397-421). New York: Springer. 2. Miyazaki, M., Igras, E., Liu, L., & Ohyanagi, T. (2012) Global health through eHealth/Telehealth. In Amir Hajjam El Hassani (Ed.) e-Health and Remote Monitoring. (p. 1-16). InTech. DOI:10.5772/47922. 3. Hodgetts, S., Savage, A., et. al., & McConnell, D. (2012) Impact of Stepping Stones Triple P on Parent Efficacy and Service Needs for Families of Children with Autism. 4. Savage, A. & McConnell, D. (2012) The Well-being of Canadian Youth with Learning Difficulties. Peer Reviewed Articles (n=20) 1. Benzies, K. M., Magill-Evans, J., Hayden, A., & Ballantyne, M. (2013). Key components of early intervention programs for preterm infants and their parents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13(Suppl 1), S10. 2. Bolton, DA. & Misiaszek, JE. (2012). Effects of ankle extensor muscle afferent inputs on hip abductor and adductor activity in the decerebrate walking cat. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108 (11), 3034-42. 3. Bostick, G., Carroll, L., Brown, C., Harley, D., & Gross, D. (2013). Predictive capacity of pain beliefs and catastrophizing in Whiplash Associated Disorder. Injury, 44 (11), 1465-1471. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2012.10.007 4. Brown, C. A., Turlipati, L., & Swedlove, F. (2012). Occupational therapists’ health literacy interventions for children with disordered sleep and/or pain. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59 (2), 9-17. 5. Brown, C. & Schmidt, A. (2012). I like it but I don’t have time to tell patients’ families: Exploring barriers and facilitators of pain and dementia knowledge flow between healthcare providers and family caregivers. Advances in Aging Research, 3 (1), 60-71. 6. Brown, C. A., Berry, R., & Schmidt, A. (2012). Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for youth with chronic health conditions: A critical review of the methodological quality of the evidence. Disability and Rehabilitation, 15 (35), 1221-1255. 7. Cleary, S., Misiaszek, J.E., Kalra, S., Wheeler, S., & Johnston, W. (2013). The effects of lung volume recruitment on coughing and pulmonary function in patients with ALS. Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis & Frontotemporal Degeneration, 14 (2), 111-5. 8. Fernandes, IA., Kawchuk, G., & Bhambhani, Y., &Gomes, P.S. (2013). Does vibration counteract the static-induced deficit on muscle force development. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16(5), 472-476. 9. Forero, J., & Misiaszek, JE. (2013). The contribution of light touch sensory cues to corrective reactions during treadmill locomotion. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation Cerebrale. 226 (4), 575-84. 10. Gomes, PS., Matsuura, & Bhambhani, YN. (2012). Effects of hypoxia on cerebral and muscle haemodynamics during knee extensions in healthy subjects. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 (1), 13-23. 11. Jamieson-Lega, K., Berry, R., & Brown, CA. (2013). Pacing: A concept analysis of the chronic pain intervention. Pain Research & Management, 19(4), 207-213. 12. Len, KT., Meary, J.P., Asmundson, G.J., Candow, D.G., Goodman, D. G., Bjornaon, B., & Bhambhani, Y. N. (2013). Serial monitoring of CO2 reactivity following sport concussion using hypocapnia and hypercapnia. Brain Injury, 27 (3), 346-353. PMCID: 23438354. 13. Leung, A.W.S., He, Y., Grady, C., & Alain, C. (2013). Age differences in the neuroelectric adaptation to meaningful sounds. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68892. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0068892. 14. Liu, L. (2013). COTF Lunch with a Scholar: Occupational therapy scholarship and information communications technology. Occupational Therapy Now, 15 (4), 22-23. 15. Rempel, G., Ravindran, V., Rogers, L., & Magill-Evans, J. (2013). Parenting under pressure: A grounded theory of parenting Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 young children with life-threatening congenital heart disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69 (3), 619-630. 16. Rempel, G., Rogers, L., Ravindran, V., & Magill-Evans, J. (2012) Facets of parenting a child with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Nursing Research and Practice, 12, 9 pages DOI:10.1155/2012/71417 17. Schofield, .P, Sofaer-Bennett, B., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Zwakhalen, S., Brown, C., Westerling, D., Weissbrod, D., KrčevskiŠkvarč, N., & Wright, S. (2012). A collaborative expert literature review of pain education, assessment and management. Aging Health, 8(1) , 43-54 (doi: 10.2217/ahe.11.53) 18. Shearer, K., Rempel, G, Norris, C., & Magill-Evans, J. (2013). It’s no big deal”: Adolescents with congenital heart disease. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28 (1), 28-36. 19. Stroulia, E., Nikolaidis, I., Liu, L., King, S., & Lessard, L. (2012). Home care and technology: A case study. Global Telehealth, 182, 142-152. 20. Hodgetts, S., Savage, A., & McConnell, D. (2013). Experience and outcomes of Stepping Stones Triple P for families of children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(9), 2572-2585. Presentations: Conference Abstracts (n=33) 1.

Ballantyne, R., Fricker, L., Robert, C., Duffley, M., Caligiuri, S., Nicholas, D., Magill-Evans, J., Mackie, A., & Rempel, G. (2012). Texting teens in transition: The use of social networking in clinical intervention research. Circulation, 126 (1), A14883.


Benzies, K., Magill-Evans, J., & Kurilova, J. (2012). Effects of video-modeled play on fathers’ interactions skills with late preterm infants. Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, 493-494.


Brown, C. & Schmidt, A. Exploring knowledge users’ awareness and use of the Understanding Pain and Dementia website. AHS/Mental Health and Addictions.


Brown, C. Sleep, Pain and Children with Sensory Processing Disorders, UBC; Webinar to UBC Sleep Summer School (Faculty of Medicine).


Brown, CA. Sleep and Children: A Report from the Occupational Therapy Pediatric Sleep and Pain Health Literacy Survey. The 10th Anniversary Research Showcase, Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research. Edmonton, AB. Video archive: (slide time bar to 1:05:45 to start).


Brown, C. & Schmidt, A. Exploring knowledge users’ awareness and use of online resources for pain and dementia, Centre on Aging, University of Alberta.


Brown, C. Sleep and injured workers, Rehabilitation Return to Work Partnership.


Clark, B., Koning, C., & Magill-Evans, J. (2012). Factors associated with development of quality of life in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, 227-228.


Clark, BG., Koning, C., & Magill-Evans, J. (2012). Health related quality of life for teens with ASD: Application of a modified ICF Model of functioning and disability. Pediatrics and Child Health, 17 (Supplement A), 19A.

10. Esmail, S., Gratton, C., Boyd, J., & Leung, A. (2013). Contraceptive use and gynecological care amongst women wheelchair users. CAOT Conference, T77; page 30. 11. Forero, J. & Misiaszek, J. Regulation of interlimb cutaneous reflexes during walking while maintaining light touch in an unstable environment. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. 12. Green, T., Mackay-Lyons, M., Grant, M., Amusat, N., Churchward, K., Findlater, S., Longman, S., Lund, L., Magee, D., Manns, T., Poole Boyko, C., Swinton, L., Taylor, E., Tuchak, C., Wellman, L., & Drefs, S. (2012). Reaching the Clinical Community through Online Continuing Professional Education. Canadian Stroke Congress. 13.

King, S., Liu, L., Stroulia, E., & Nikolaidis, I. (2013) Using Simulations to Integrate Technology into Health Care Aides’ Workflow. Presented at the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace (ICELW). New York, NY.

14. King, S., McFarlane, L., Hatch, T., Guirguis, L., Davies, J., Sommerfeldt, S., Peterson, K., & Schmitz, C. (2013).Launching students successfully into collaborative practice: An interactive interprofessional workshop, Collaborating Across Borders IV. 15. Kuo, M., Magill-Evans, J., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2012). The association between media use and social relationships of adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Proceedings of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 Development, 547. 16. Leung, A. W. S., Moreno, S., & Alain, C. (2013) Sex differences in the auditory "What" and "Where" neural networks. CIHR Institute of Gender and Health Advancing Excellence in Sex and Health Conference Proceeding. TM

17. Liu, L., Lederer, R., Rasmussen, G., Sadowski, C., & Nikolaidis, (2013). The Smart Condo - Inter-professional Health Sciences Education meets Innovation. Presented at the Hawaiian International Conference on Education; Honolulu, HI. 18. Mackie, A., Rankin, K., Robert, C., Rempel, G., Magill-Evans, J., Nicholas, D., & Kovacs, A. (2013). Transition readiness among young adults with congenital heart disease. SA Heart Journal, 10 (1), 174. 19. Mackie, A., Robert, C., Rempel, G., Magill-Evans, J., Rankin, K., Nicholas, D., & Kovacs, A. (2013). Psychosocial maturity, quality of life and parental fostering of autonomy among young adults with congenital heart disease. SA Heart Journal, 10 (1), 175-176. 20. Paslawski, T. & Schmitz, C. (2013). Early perspectives on interprofessional collaboration: Content analysis of first year health science student's reflections. Collaborating Across Borders IV 21. Rempel, G., Dorfman, T.L., Dahl, N., Rogers, L., & Magill-Evans, J. (2013). The relationship of child and family functioning in families of children with complex heart disease: A pilot study. SA Heart Journal, 10 (1), 378. 22. Schoefield, P., et al. Technological advances to manage pain in older adults with dementia, University of Bath, University of Greenwich. KT-Equal for quality of Life Project. Comments: this symposium came out of a collaboration to revise my family member educational website (Pain and Dementia) for a British audience. 23. Schuh, M., Rempel, G., Ballantyne, R., Caliguiri, S., Rankin, K., Robert, C., Magill-Evans, J., & Mackie, A. (2013). Preparing youth for transition from paediatric-to-adult congenital heart programmes: An intervention protocol from Edmonton, Canada. SA Heart Journal, 10 (1), 176. 24. Taylor, J., Benzies, K., Magill-Evans, J., Beer, C., & Glazebrook, C. (2012). The Observational Rating Scale of Parental Interactions (ORSPI): A useful measure of the quality of fathers’ interactions with their infants? Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97 (Supplement 2), A69. 25. Taylor, L. & Drefs, S. (2013) Reaching an Inter-D Clinical Community through Online Continuing Professional Education. Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Quebec City, QC. 26. Savage, A. & McConnell, D. (2012) Partnering over the Life Course: Women with Disabilities in Canada. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. 27. Savage, A. & McConnell, D. (2012) The well-being of Canadian youth with and without learning difficulties: A rights based perspective. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSIDD) World Congress. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 28. Pancheo, L. & McConnell, D. (2012) The Experiences of Mothers with an Intellectual Disability from Cultural Communities. International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability (IASSIDD) World Congress. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 29. Savage, A. & McConnell, D. (2013) Disability-based Inequalities in Adolescent Subjective Well-being. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. 30. Pancheo, L. & McConnell, D. (2013) Messages from the Narratives: Supporting Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities from Cultural Communities. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. 31. Hyun, E. & McConnell, D. (2013) A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Young Women with Learning Difficulties in the Canadian Criminal Justice System. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. 32. Hahn, L. & McConnell, D. (2013) Health and Well-being Outcomes of Children being raised by a Parent with a Disability. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. 33. McConnell, D., Feldman, M. & Aunos, M. (2013) Child Welfare Process and Outcomes for Children of Parents with Disabilities. Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) biennial conference. Turku, Finland. Refereed Presentations (n=21) 1.

Ballantyne, R., Fricker, L., Nicholas, D., Magill-Evans, J., Mackie, A., & Rempel, G. (2013). Texting teens in transition: The use

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 of social networking in clinical intervention research. Women's and Children's Health Research Institute Research Day. Abstract published in Program and Abstract Book p98. 2.

Brown, C. (2013). Healthcare providers’ knowledge and practice related sleep problems of persons with dementia: A national survey. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist’s conference in Victoria, BC.


Brown, CA., Kuo, M., Phillips, L., & Berry, R. A critical review of methodological quality of research into non-pharmacological sleep interventions for youth with health conditions. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial meeting.


Brown, C. Photographic media for pain expression, Faculty of Design, University of Alberta.


Brown, CA. Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for persons with dementia: Pragmatic approaches in the community. Canadian Coalition of Seniors’ Mental Health/Canadian Association of Geriatric Psychology Joint Conference. Banff, Alberta.


Brown, CA., Halabi, ML., MacDonald, K., Campbell, L., & Guenette, L. Photographic Media for Pain Expression: Develop Skills in Applying Theory-to-Practice. University of Alberta - Design, the Health Humanities, and the Community Edmonton.


Brown, CA., Kuo, M., & Phillips, L. (2012). Sleep matters: Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for young persons. International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development.


Brown, CA., Kuo, M., & Phillips, L. Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for young persons. Sleep Research Society ASM.


Cheung, T., Guana, V., Labas, M, Lok, A., Liu, L., & Stroulia, E. (2013). Computerized tablet‐based cancellation assessment for spatial inattention. Poster presented at the CAOT Conference. PB56: p46; 29May-01 Jun; Victoria BC.

10. Kuo, M., Brown, C., & Phillips, L. (2012). A systematic review of non-pharmacological interventions on sleep problems in youth with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Toronto (Poster), International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). 11. LaBerge, N., Asadi-Moghaddam, A., & Brown, C. (2013). Occupational therapy, sleep, and trauma-exposed workers: An emerging area. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist’s conference in Victoria, BC. 12. Llambias, C. & Magill-Evans, J. (2013). Hippotherapy: Motivating children with autism to participate in purposeful activities. Women's and Children's Health Research Institute Research Day. Abstract published in Program and Abstract Book p. 120. 13. Llambias, C. & Magill-Evans, J. (2013). Hippotherapy: Motivating children with autism to participate in purposeful activities. Poster presented at the CAOT conference in Victoria, BC. 14. Magill-Evans, J., Mackie, A., Rempel, G., Rankin, K., & Robert, C. (2013). From pediatric to adult programs: Implications of a transition intervention. Poster presented at the CAOT conference in Victoria, BC. 15. Moo-Yong, J., Perrin, J., & Brown, C. (2013). Safety matters: Product evaluation techniques illustrated with a grab-bar example. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist’s conference in Victoria, BC. 16. Mulholland, S., Esmail, S., Taylor, L. & Liu, L. (2013). The future is here! An occupational therapy university satellite program. Poster presented at the CAOT Conference; PB123: p54; 29May-01 Jun; Victoria, BC. 17. Rogers, L. Rempel, G., Dorfman, T., Dahl, T., Dahl, N., Wiart, L., Alton, G., & Magill-Evans, J. (2012). Rehabilitation services utilization for children with children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital; Poster presented at Spotlight on Research, Edmonton, AB. 18. Sekulic, A., Liu, L., Brémault-Phillips, S., Esmail, S., & King, S. (2013). Occupational Therapist as Ethnographer: A natural fit? Poster presented at the CAOT Conference; PB179: p61; 29May-01 Jun; Victoria, BC. 19. Sekulic, A., Liu, L., Brémault-Phillips, S., Esmail, S., & King, S. (2013). Information and communication technology use by Health Care Aides. Poster presented at the CAOT Conference; T30: p23; 29May-01 Jun; Victoria, BC. 20. Smyth, M., Dublenko, H., Liu, L., Wickman, R., & Wilson, V. (2013). Aging-friendly homes: Validity of the Home for LifeTM Guideline. Poster presented at the CAOT Conference, PB27: p43; 29 May-01 Jun; Victoria, BC. 21. Stroulia, E., Bazelli, B., Fairbairn, S., Gibbs, D., Liu, L., & Lederer, R. (2013). Mobile self-health applications for lasting behavior change and health management. Poster presented at eHealth 2013 by Victor Guana Garcias; 26-29May; Ottawa, ON. Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 Invited Presentations (n=27) 1. Tanner, M., Liu, L. (author), Campbell, M., Warren, S., Ratzlaff, L., &Rammage, L. Does voice and singing therapy improve quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease? Glenrose Spotlight on Research; Breakfast and Symposium. 2012 25Oct; Edmonton, AB. 2. Forhan, M., Fisher, K., Liu, L. (lecturer & co-presenter), Hung, P., & Hodgkinson. Topics in rehabilitation for persons with obesity. Shoppers Home Health Care - Health Care Innovations. 2012. 3. Stroulia, E., Liu, L. (co-presenter). Technology Solutions for People with Disabilities; Health care aid and technology project. Alberta Human Services; 2013 Mar21; Standard Life Centre Room 330. 4. Stroulia, E., Liu, L. (co-presenter), & Nikolaidis, I. Seminar #2: U of A Smart Condo Team, Seniors Housing Society of Alberta; iSenior – Innovations in Seniors’ Living. 2012 16Nov; LifeStyle Options; Terra Losa, Edmonton, AB. 5. Clark, B., Magill-Evans, J., & Koning, C. 2013 12Mar. Quality of life and adolescents with ASD: A pilot study. Presented at the Autism Rounds, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital. 6. Koning, C., Magill-Evans, J., & Volden, J. 2013 22May. Efficacy of CBT-Based social skills intervention for school aged boys with ASD. Poster presented at the Alberta Centre for Child, Family, and Community Research symposium. 7. Esmail, S., Liu, L. Use of technology to improve the quality of care provided to home care clients by health care aides. Presented by Lili Liu at the 5th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC). 8. Esmail, S. Effective On-Line Discussions, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine; Inter professional Webinar. 9. Taylor, L., Schmitz, C. Professionalism in the Workplace: Effectively Embracing Familiarity and Technology in the Professional Interactions. 2013 17Jan. Alberta Health Services – Allied Health Webinar. 10. Brémault-Phillips, S. Exploring the Body/Spirituality Interface Across the Generations. Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana; Center for Spirituality (CFS)2013 Spring Lecture Series: “Mind, Body, Spirit: Connected” 11. Brémault-Phillips, S. Technology Innovations: Integrating e-health research into Occupational Therapy practice, design and policy, MSOT Research and Innovation Committee; MSOT Research and Innovation Symposium 2012. 12. Brémault-Phillips, S. & Liu, L. Home Care Policies and Mobile Health Applications: Converging Tracks? Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) Occupational Therapy; Presentation to representatives of the government of Manitoba and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. 13. Forero, J. & Misiaszek, JE. Regulation of interlimb reflexes during walking while maintaining touch in an unstable environment. Presented by Juan Forero at the Annual meeting of Alberta Motor Control. 14. Brown, CA., Kuo, M., Phillips, L., & Berry, R. A Critical review of methodological quality of research into non-pharmacological sleep interventions for youth with health conditions. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Biennial meeting. 15. Brown, C. Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for persons with dementia. Canadian Association of Geriatric Psychologists. ASM of the Canadian Association of Geriatric Psychologists. 16. Brown, CA. & Schmidt, A. Exploring how knowledge users become aware of and evaluate the on-line resource Understanding Pain in Persons with Dementia. Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health/Canadian Association of Geriatric Psychologists (CCSMH/CAGP) 17. Brown, C. Non-pharmacological sleep interventions for persons with dementia. Workshop for the Department of Geriatric Medicine and the Care of the Elderly – residents. 18. Brown, C. Health literacy skills for children with pain and/or sleep disorders, ACCFCR. 19. Ohyanagi, T. & Miyazaki, M. Preliminary results of new reaction time tasks of detecting velocity change of amoving stimulus to assess visual attention skills in Occupational Therapy. Society of Computers in Psychology (SCiP 2012). 20. Brintnell, ES. (2012) WFOT Evaluation Process Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Education Programs. Chinese Association Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Peer-reviewed Publications and Presentations: 2012-2013 of Rehabilitation Medicine Education Committee of Chinese Rehabilitation Therapists and Kunming Medical University. Kunming, China. 21. Brintnell, ES. (2012) Fieldwork in Alberta: An Approach to Canadian National Evaluation Process of Occupational Therapy Students. Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Education Committee of Chinese Rehabilitation Therapists and Kunming Medical University. Kunming, China. 22. Brintnell, ES. (2012) The World Report on Disability: An Agenda for the Health Profession (Arab Region). Rehabilitation Conference: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Orthotics/Prosthetics, and Speech Therapy. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 23. Brintnell, ES. (2013) An Ecological Approach to DP & R Physical and Psychosocial Considerations Forum on Post-Disaster Revival and International Disaster Reduction. Chengdu China Institute of Disaster Preparedness and Recovery. Sichuan University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Chengdu, Sichuan, China. 24. Brintnell, ES. (2013) Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, Recovery and Well Being. Conference Turkish Association of Occupational Therapists. Hacettepe University; Ankara, Turkey. 25. Brintnell, ES. (2013) Minding the Gap: Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice, Malaysia, and Advancing Professional. Malaysian Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26. McConnell, D. (2012) Article 23: The Right to Marriage and Family. IASSID World Congress. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 27. McConnell, D. (2013) Supported parenting: A brief history of ideas. Collaboration-Development-Parenting, SUF-RC. Uppsala, Sweden. Letters to Editors, Multimedia, and other publications (n=5) 1.

Brown, C. (2012) SleepRight: Resource for youth with chronic health conditions.


Brown, CA. (2012). Pain and occupational therapy: The time is now. Guest editorial. Occupational Therapy Now, 5 (14), 3-4.


Miyazaki, M., Liu, L., & Pankiw, T. (2013). Robotics and occupational therapy. OT No, 2(15), 13-15.


Unruh, AM., Brown, CA., Jones, D., Strong, J., & Engel, J., et al (2013) Pain curriculum guidelines for occupational therapists nd (2 ed.). International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). International Association for the Study of Pain.


Woo, K., & Liu, L. (2013). Medication adherence technologies and older adults. OT Now, 3(15), 20-21.

Service Occupational Therapy faculty members contributed to the following activities in 2012-2013. Article Reviews for the Following Journals  Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly  Age and Aging  American Journal of Occupational Therapy  Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism  Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education  Brain Sciences  British Journal of Learning Disabilities  British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research  British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,  British Journal of Occupational Therapy  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy  Child Maltreatment  Child: Care, Health & Development  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology  Disability and Rehabilitation  Experimental Brain Research  Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Service            

Journal of Neurophysiology Journal of Physiology Muscle & Nerve Neuroscience Research Pediatrics Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder Research in Developmental Disabilities Scandinavia Obstetrica Gynacolica Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Sleep Research Spinal Cord

Members on Editorial Boards  Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy/Japanese Association of Occupational Therapy - L Liu  British Journal of Learning Disabilities- D McConnell  International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research- A Leung  Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability- D McConnell  Motor Control - J Misiaszek  Muscle & Nerve - J Misiaszek  OT Now (Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists) – C Brown, L Liu /M Miyazaki  Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics - J Magill-Evans  Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research- D McConnell Members on Grant Review Committees  AIBS (American Institute for Biological Sciences) - M Miyazaki  CIHR – M Miyazaki  CIHR Grant Fellowships – C Brown  NSERC- J Misiaszek  OOGP-CIHR, Health Canada – A Leung  Research Grants Committee, Capital Care - L Liu  WFOT - M Miyazaki Conference Abstract Reviews  CAOT (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists) – L Taylor, M Miyazaki  CIMVHR (Canadian Institute for Military & Veteran Health Research) – L Taylor  Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting 2013 – A Leung  IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology Development) – M Miyazaki  WFOT – M Miyazaki, L Taylor Conference Abstract Review Committees, Panel Chair  International Society for the Study of Behaviour Development – J Magill-Evans Conference Planning Committees  Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists Conference Planning Committee – L Taylor  Conference Co-Chair, Alberta Motor Control Annual Meeting – J Misiaszek  Conference Organizing Committee, Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health – S Esmail  Conference Organizing Committee, Canadian Institute of Military and Veteran Health – L Taylor  Conference Planning Committee, Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality 2013 – S Brémault-Phillips Offices Held  Board Member, Alberta College of Occupational Therapists – L Taylor  Chair, Academic Trust Appeals Committee – L Liu  Chair, Awards Committee – L Taylor Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Service                     

Chair, Behavioral Supports Alberta – S Brémault-Phillips Chair, Competence Committee, Alberta College of OT - J Magill-Evans Chair, Department Admissions Committee – J Magill-Evans Chair, Edmonton Zone Capacity Assessment Advisory Committee; Data Collection sub-committee - S Brémault-Phillips Chair, Executive, World Federation of Occupational Therapists – S Brintnell Chair, FRM Nomination Committee – S Esmail Chair, Innovative Teaching Committee – L Taylor Chair, MScOT Orientation – C Schmitz Chair, Teaching Awards Committee – L Taylor Chair, Today’s Innovative Music Edmonton (TIME) – L Taylor Co-Chair Academic Standing Committee – S Esmail Co-Chair CAOT/ACOTUP Education Committee, Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists – S Esmail Co-Chair, Committee of University Fieldwork Educators (CUFE), Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP) – C Schmitz Co-Chair, Department of OT Committee – S Esmail Co-Chair, Interprofessional Student Clinic, Glenrose Rehab. Hospital – L Taylor Community Liaison for Alberta, Occupational Therapy Examination Preparation Project (OTepp)/Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists – C Schmitz Coordinator, Military Relations Committee – L Taylor President, House Next Door Society – L Taylor President, World Federation of Occupational Therapists – S Brintnell Vice President, Advisory Council, Alberta Council of Professionals for Sexual Health – S Esmail Vice President, Board of Directors, Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health – S Esmail

Other Committees Served  ACOTUP Council of Canada - A Leung  Advisory Council for Graduate Studies and Research – Y Bhambhani  Advisory Group to implement and evaluate three Family Care Clinic Pilot Projects - Alberta Health and Wellness (Chair: Fred Horne) - L Liu  AHS CRGI Mental Health Network – C Brown  Alberta Health Services (AHS), Seniors SCN, Appropriate Use of Antibiotics (AUA) Project, Expert Advisory Group – S Brémault-Phillips  Alberta Health Services (AHS), Seniors SCN, Appropriate Use of Antibiotics (AUA) Project, Outcomes Evaluation Subcommittee – S Brémault-Phillips  Alberta Health Services (AHS), Seniors SCN, Appropriate Use of Antibiotics (AUA) Project, Tools Subcommittee – S Brémault-Phillips  Alberta Health Services (AHS), Seniors SCN, Appropriate Use of Antibiotics (AUA) Project, Knowledge Translation Subcommittee – S Brémault-Phillips  Annual Report Software Revision – J Magill-Evans  Board of Directors, Concrete Theatre – S Esmail  CAOT ACOTUP Education Committee - Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health – S Esmail  COTF Awards Committee – J Magill-Evans  Developmental Paediatrics Fellowship Steering Committee, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital – J Magill-Evans  Edmonton Eparchial Catechetical Commission, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy – S Brémault-Phillips  Edmonton Zone Capacity Assessment Advisory Committee – S Brémault-Phillips  FOMD Center for Neuroscience, University of Alberta – A Leung  FRM Chair Review Committee – J Magill-Evans; C Brown  FRM CSCE Committee - C Schmitz  FRM Faculty Evaluation Committee - C Brown  FRM Faculty Executive Committee – S Esmail, J Misiaszek, L Taylor  FRM Faculty Safety Committee – S Esmail  FRM FEC Revision sub-committee - C Brown Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Service                         

FRM Graduate Studies Committee - C Brown FRM Internal Research Awards Committee - J Magill-Evans FRM Professionalism Committee - C Schmitz FRM Space Committee – S Esmail FRM Teaching Award Committee – A Leung FRM Teaching Innovation Committee - S Brémault-Phillips Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital/Alberta Health Services – A Leung Health Sciences Placement Coordinators - C Schmitz HSERC Interprofessional Launch Planning - C Schmitz INTER D 410 Advisory Committee - S Brémault-Phillips Interprofessional Students Services Steering Group, Joint Meeting: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital & UofA - C Schmitz NSERC – Expert consultant for 2 appeals – J Misiaszek OTAAC (OT Academic Advisory Committee ) – S Esmail Paralympic Development Committee, Canadian Paralympic Committee – Y Bhambhani Renaissance Committee - L Liu Research Affiliate - AHS (Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital) L Liu Research Grants Committee - Capital Care - L Liu Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, University of Toronto – A Leung SAOT Awards Committee – J Magill-Evans SAOT Representative - C Brown Special Interest Group on Aging (SIGA) Committee - S Brémault-Phillips UofA Research Ethics Board – J Misiaszek UofA, Dean’s Review Committee - C Brown UofA, General Faculty’s Council - C Brown Wing Kei Care Centre Research Committee – S Brémault-Phillips

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Clinical Education During 2012-2013, the clinical education team consisted of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE), a Calgary (& Southern Alberta) Clinical Education Coordinator, a Saskatchewan Clinical Education Coordinator, a Fieldwork Educator for Independent Community Placements, and a Clinical Education Assistant. This clinical education team organized and supported 499 fieldwork placements during 2012-2013, including 407 placements in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the North West Territories as well as 31 placements in other provinces using the National Fieldwork Placement Service (BC, ON, NL, NS, YT). Thirty-three students completed Independent Community Placements (ICPs) at community sites in Edmonton and Calgary. Four students completed level-III fieldwork placements in Indonesia. Nine students completed level-III placements in Colombia. Four students also completed level-III fieldwork placements in India, Kuwait and the U.S. The ACCE and clinical education team maintained and established supportive partnerships with the occupational therapists and practice communities within our catchment areas. Many site visits and information sessions occurred, as well as appreciation events and advisory meetings, to ensure a forum for input and feedback from clinical educators. During 2012-13, the ACCE was the co-Chair of the national Committee on University Fieldwork Education (CUFE), a sub-committee of the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP). As part of the Centre for Clinical Education Studies (CSCE), the ACCEs from the departments of Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, and Occupational Therapy hosted a full day clinical education supervision workshops in Edmonton which was also broadcast live to a Calgary location. The workshop included half-day sessions focused on introductory training for potential supervisors and strategies for effectively supervising challenging students. The Department of Occupational Therapy would like to express their immense gratitude to the numerous sites that provided clinical education opportunities for our MScOT students during 2012-2013. Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton Abbotsfield Regional Hospital Banff Hospital Barrhead Health Care Centre Belcher Continuing Care Bethany Airdrie Bethany Calgary Beverly Centre Lake Midnapore Continuing Care Bissell Centre Bonnyville Health Centre Boyle Street Burnaby Hospital Calgary Board of Education Calgary Self Help Camp Winston Campbell River Hospital Canadian Back Institute Canadian Forces Canmore Hospital Carnat Centre Services, Calgary CASA Society Canadian Mental Health Association Edmonton Centennial Centre for Brain Injury Chimo Youth and Family Services Society Chinook Regional Hospital Chinook School Division Chronic Pain Centre Calgary Citadel Continuing Care Cold Lake Community Health Community Health Care Calgary Community Accessible Rehab Calgary Community Services Saskatchewan Cross Cancer Institute Cypress Hills Hospital Daysland Hospital

Drumheller Hospital Easter Seals Edmonton Public School Division Extendicare Eaux Claires Extendicare Hillview Extendicare Leduc FACT OT Fairview Health Centre Fanning Continuing Care Father Lacombe Continuing Care Fawzia Sultan Rehab Hospital - Kuwait Foothills Hospital Foothills Medical Centre Function 1st Pediatrics Glenmore Park Centre Glenrose Hospital Grande Prairie School Division Grandview Continuing Care Grey Nuns Hospital High River Hospital Hinton Health Care Centre Home Care Calgary HomeLiving Edmonton Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, India Inverurie Hospital - Scotland Kelowna General Hospital Kipnes Centre for Veterans LifeMark Lurana Shelter Lynnwood Continuing Care Medicine Hat Hospital Misericordia Hospital Moose Jaw Hospital Mustard Seed Ministry Napa State Hospital - US Neil Squire Society

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Northern Lights Regional Health Centre Norwood Continuing Care Northwest School Division Olds Health Centre, Rural Centres Olds Health Care Centre Pasqua Hospital Peace River Community Health Prosper Place Providence Child Development Providence Place QEII Hospital Queen Alex Centre Queensway Carlton Hospital RA Site Radway Continuing Care Centre Ranch Ehrlo Society Reach Child Development Red Deer Health Services Red Deer Regional Hospital Regina General Hospital Regina Home Care Regina Public Schools Rehab and Retreat Renfrew Educational Services Rimbey Health Centre Rockyview Hospital Calgary Rosetown & District Health Centre Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Columbia Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal Jubilee Hospital Saskatoon City Hospital School Health Initiative AHS Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton

Sensational Kids Shellbrook Health Centre

Sherbrooke Community Health Simply OT Saskatchewan Mental Health Services Solutions at Santa Barbara - US South Terrace Continuing Care St. Joseph's Estevan St. Paul's Hospital Stanton Hospital Settler Health Centre St. Joseph Continuing Care Strathcona Continuing Care Strathmore Care Centre Sturgeon Hospital Sturgeon School Division Supportive Living Edmonton Surakarta Health Polytechnic, Indonesia Theraplay Tofield Health Centre Touchmark at Wedgewood Unity Health Centre Universidad del Rosario - Colombia U of A Hospital Vancouver General Hospital Vegreville Care Centre Vermilion Hospital Vermilion School Division Wascana Rehabilitation Centre West Vancouver Health Centre Westlock Continuing Care Westlock Health Centre Wetaskiwin Health Centre Wing Kei Continuing Care Women’s Emergency Accommodation Workers' Compensation Board Yorkton Nursing Home Zetter Continuing Care

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Calgary Satellite The 2012- 2013 academic year has been marked by the implementation of the pilot project in Calgary under the direction of Shaniff Esmail (Associate Chair) and Susan Mulholland (Calgary liaison). They were supported by Jutta Hinrichs (clinical education coordinator) and four core part-time sessional instructors, Deb Froese, Allan Funk, Safieh Rajan, and Trish Williams. The program was delivered in three locations: 1) TRTech, 2) Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, and 3) University of Alberta-Calgary Centre, building on important partnerships.

All students were in Edmonton for orientation week in September 2012 and again for one week in January 2013 that included the student-led professional development conference. Whenever possible, lectures and labs were delivered face-to-face, predominantly by four local occupational therapists. Weekly classes were also held synchronously by videoconference for approximately four to eight hours per week. Speakers were based in either Edmonton or Calgary, depending on topic and area of expertise. Initial challenges with the technology were resolved by mid-December. One course (a student selected module) was offered over a weekend in Calgary, and Edmonton based students attended as well. There were a number of opportunities to build collaborations for the students in Calgary. The students shared three activities and one interdisciplinary course with the 18 physical therapy students who were attending the Calgary satellite located in a University of Calgary building. The OT students had an event with the SAIT rehabilitation assistant students. One Calgary student will do her major project with an industry partner of TRTech, an innovation incubator technology company. Preliminary feedback indicates that the students view the program positively. The smaller class size enhances engagement and cohesion and students report a more balanced lifestyle given that they have been able to remain closer to their home town or preferred location. Academic performance is comparable or better than the Edmonton cohort. Demand for a Calgary site continues with 19 students who were offered admission for 2013-14 expressing a strong preference for Calgary. A poster highlighting the program was presented the conference of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists in June. Additional benefits of the satellite program include engagement with the practitioner community and professional opportunities for local clinicians. The community views the presence of the satellite positively. Funding for a second cohort starting in September 2013 has been provided, but longer term support for the program is needed. Ultimately, a location to allow sharing of space and equipment with the Physical Therapy Satellite Program is needed, as is the use of technology to create interprofessional communities of practice required.

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Admission, Enrollment and Convocation Statistics Convocation (November 2012 & June 2013) MScOT (Course-Based) Program Addington, Laura Dawn Badiuk, Michelle Leanne Bailey, Carmen Faith Balderston, Nicole Julia Ann Batth, Parmdeep Berry, Amy Boon, Shannon Marie Boyce, Amanda Lynn Boyd, Johanna Theresa Bradshaw, Karlee Anne Breukelman, Lisa Dawn Brighton, Laura Ann Buckell, Lauren Ann Carroll, Julie Anne Chan, Constance Chan, Frankie Chu Kwan Chenard, Real Robert Cherry, Steven Wayne Cheung, Melissa Yien Chong, Laura Elizabeth Andrea Christopherson, Katelin Jo Cicione, Tania Deo, Rajbir Dolman, Ashley Michelle Duebel, Erin Elizabeth Riediger Durrant, Christine Joy Fan, Jeanie Hiu-Yen Fleet, Bryan Kyle Flemming, Julie Anne Fong, Matthew Isaac Chi-kwok

Gamache, Chantelle Josee Gauthier, Jenna Lee Anna Gerstmar, Ashley Dianne Hainsworth, Amanda Lynn Hall, Miranda Haugan, Courtney Lee Hnatiuk, Nicole Linda Ho, Daylyn Hiu-Wai Hoselton, Erin Milner Kaiser, Lansea Jayne Kennedy, Jacqueline Ann Kong, Sally Hiu Yung Krentz, Kalee Marie Langer, Stephanie Lapointe, Paul Anthony Law, Wing-Yin Grace Le Drew, Chelsa Krisjan Ma, Carmen Mar, Alan Wai Maloney, Patrick Daniel McCargar, Kelly Leanne McDonald, Leanne Nicole McKenzie, Kristina Leigh Meyer, Jeffery Walter Dennis Miller, Dulcie Dawn Mireault, Laura Joan Muller, Gillian Munce, Amanda Whitney Overend, Ashley Brianne Paquette, Leann

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Park, Krista Michelle Pattison, Rachal Kate Pedrola, Stacey Anne Perrott, Amanda Jean Perry, Jacqueline Ann Piercey, Courtney Charmaine Reade, Carleen Elaine Roth, Kayla Ann Seida, Jennifer Ann Senez, Anne Marie Sethi, Shradha Silva, Stephanie Nicole Spackman, Rachelle Lorae Stewart, Devon McGuire Summerfeldt, Nathan James Taimur, Mobinul Tang, Richard Sheng-Wing Teeter, Kaitlin Tamara Thorson, Tiara Lee Threlkeld, Jenna Lynn Tse, Hoi Ting Tse, Stephanie Hoi Yan Tsim, Frances Man-Kwun Turcanu, Delia Yablonski, Angela Marlene Yakimowich, Karrie Madeline Yaqub, Marlene Yu, Queena Yu, Xiao Zuran, Barbara

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