Department of Occupational Therapy Annual Report 2013-2014

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Contents Chair’s Message ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 Notable Events 2013-2014 ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Department Academic & Support Staff ....................................................................................................................... 4 Farewells and Retirements ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Recruitments ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Academic (Faculty) Awards .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Student Awards & Scholarships ................................................................................................................................... 8 New Research Grants Acquired by Department Members in 2013-2014 .................................................................. 9 Publications and Presentations: 2013-2014 .............................................................................................................. 11 Service ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Clinical Education ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 Calgary Satellite .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Admission, Enrollment and Convocation Statistics ................................................................................................... 24

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Chair’s Message Our Vision: The Department of Occupational Therapy promotes health and well-being through occupation with excellence in learning, discovery and citizenship The Department of Occupational Therapy is pleased to share our 2013-2014 Annual Report. This report highlights the Department’s accomplishments in the 2013-14 academic year. A lot has changed over the course of this year during which I took a part-time administrative leave. I had the opportunity to serve on the Renaissance Committee which was a joint committee of the Association of Academic Staff University of Alberta (AASUA) and the Administration (on behalf of the Board of Governors). This committee spent a year interviewing constituent representatives of the AASUA, administration, students, and collecting data to prepare an arms length review of the University of Alberta. It is my hope that the Renaissance Committee’s insights presented in its final report will inform the university community in times of decision making for many years to come. Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity”. The 2013-2014 academic year was certainly a year of difficulty with the continuing budget cut to operational funds at the University of Alberta. Despite the reduced size of the academy across campus, the Department of Occupational Therapy pressed on with its resolve to serve the entire province by establishing a satellite program in Calgary. Our proposal to the Government of Alberta was received positively, and in April 2014, we received news that our program, along with Physical Therapy were two of only three programs on at the University to receive new funds from the Government. I know that this funding commitment was based on early evidence of our Department’s success in the pilot year. The faculty and support staff of the Department of Occupational Therapy are to be commended for their exceptional teaching, research and service. Every instructor taught two cohorts, a large one in Edmonton and a smaller one in Calgary, in each of their courses. They adjusted their teaching and course administration to accommodate students at both sites, they supported each other and sought constructive feedback to continually make their teaching relevant and engaging. Our staff in Calgary and Edmonton communicated effectively with each other. Our Faculty IT team gave us generous and timely support to help us make course delivery and student learning seamless across the province. The instructor and course ratings in our curriculum were stronger than ever, student comments were enthusiastically positive. Although the faculty were challenged with larger classes, a new satellite site, and incorporating technologies in their teaching, they generated more research funding and publications than before. They actively engaged with the community through public media, continuing professional development activities and speaking engagements. Our faculty continue to be leaders on the provincial, national and international stages. Through role modeling they prepare tomorrow’s health service leaders. Our clinical educators are committed professionals who care about the future of our profession. They are our partners in training students to become competent occupational therapists who have the capacity to practice in an evolving practice environment. We are grateful for their partnership. During this year, one of our community partners, a leader in health care, approached me to tell me that she was impressed with one of our graduates who she hired and mentored. Her mentorship experience with our alumnus inspired her to personally fund an award for Leadership and Innovation in Geriatric Care. Laura LaBerge is the first recipient of this award. I am humbled to witness how a former student’s relationship with an employer can inspire the creation of an award that recognizes and encourages future leaders in our profession. I tell this story to remind our staff that they make a difference to our students’ professional identify and growth, and that employers of our graduates recognize graduates from our program. The demand for our program continued to increase. The number of applicants in 2013 increased to 575 from 449 in the previous year. In September 2013, the Department of Occupational Therapy admitted 105 applicants, of which 15 were in the Calgary satellite program. In the second year cohort, we had 102 students, of which 11 were in the Calgary site. A difficulty we faced was the departure of four long-standing department members due to the retirement incentive plan: three faculty and one administrative professional officer. However, funding opportunities allowed us to recruit and welcome four new tenure-track assistant professors and a new administrative professional officer. We offer a heartfelt thank-you to Dr. Joyce Magill Evans who served as Acting Chair during this year of transitions. On behalf of the Department, I would like to congratulate our newest alumni, the class members who convocated in November 2013 and June 2014, and we look forward to hearing about their contributions to the profession. Lili Liu, Chair Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Notable Events 2013-2014 Indonesia Placements In the spring or summer of 2013, eleven occupational therapy students completed a six-week senior placement working with occupational therapists in Indonesia. The U of A Department of Occupational Therapy has had a long-standing relationship with the Indonesian Occupational Therapy program since the 1980s. The students worked in collaboration with occupational therapy students at Surakarta Health Polytechnic – the only Indonesian university with an occupational therapy program recognized by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists. Their placements included experiences in mental health and pediatric settings. Colombia Placement In the spring of 2014, one level-3 occupational therapy student completed a six-week senior placement working with occupational therapists in Bogota, Colombia. The U of A Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has had a relationship with the Universidad de Rosario OT program since 2009. Our student was billeted by and worked in collaboration with occupational therapy students at Universidad de Rosario completing a placements at site in Bogota that serves marginalized populations. Kuwait Placement In the spring of 2014, one level-3 occupational therapy student completed a six-week placement working with a rehabilitation program in Kuwait City. Our student worked in collaboration with the rehabilitation team at the Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute. This opportunity was created via a partnership that was initiated by the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital and was further developed by our Associate Dean – Professional Programs & Teaching to include the University of Alberta rehabilitation departments. MScOT Open House and Community Appreciate Event On March 4, 2014, the Department of Occupational Therapy held an MScOT Open House and Community Appreciate Event to thank members of the clinical community that provide fieldwork placements to our students and to showcase the MScOT curriculum. The event was a huge success with approximately 140 members of the clinical community in attendance.

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Department Academic & Support Staff Professor & Chair

Associate Professor & Associate Chair Lili Liu, PhD, MSc, BScOT

Shaniff Esmail, PhD, MSc, BScOT, BSc

Professors (Tenure-Track) Yagesh Bhambhani, PhD, MSc, BPE, BSc(Hons)

Sharon Brintnell, MSc, BOT, DipPT & OT

Joyce Magill Evans, PhD, MSc, BOT

David McConnell, PhD, BAppSc(OT)

John Misiaszek, PhD, BSc

Associate Dean and Associate Professor (Clinical-Track) Elizabeth Taylor, PhD, MEd, BOT Associate Professor & Associate Dean, Professional Programs & Teaching, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Associate Professors (Tenure-Track) Cary Brown, PhD, MA, BMR

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Masako Miyazaki, PhD, MSc, BOT


Assistant Professors (Tenure-track) Suzette BrĂŠmault-Phillips, PhD, MA, BMR, BSc

Ada Leung, PhD, Dip Epidemiology & Biostatistics, BScOT

Sandy Hodgetts PhD, MCISc, BKin

Shanon Phelan, PhD, MSc

Mary Roduta Roberts, PhD, BScOT

Mary Forhan, PhD, MHSc

Assistant Professors (Clinical Track) Cori Schmitz, MEd, BScOT Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education & Assistant Professor

Clinical Education Coordinators

Calgary Liaison Susan Mulholland MScRehab, BScOT Calgary Liaison (Calgary & Southern AB)

Core Calgary Clinical Instructors

Jutta Hinrichs, BScOT, OT(C) (Calgary & Southern AB)

Deb Froese, BMROT

Michelle Derdall, BScOT (Saskatchewan)

Trish Williams, BHScOT

Loraine Kolber, BScOT (Independent Community Placements)

Safieh Rajan, BHScOT

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Edmonton Course/Module Instructors Kim Adams Peyman Azad Khaneghah Tim Barlott Kathy Cotton Karen Dhillon

Calvin Haws Genevieve Jamin Melissa Jones Cyndie Koning Cheryl McKenna

Joanne Park Annie Paterson Patty Plett Laura Rogers Wendy Tilley

Jean Triscott Earl Waugh Leah Phillips

Natalie Gamache Hutchison Tamara Germani David Goa Natalie Goudreau Janine Halayko Val Halerio Katherine Hay Chad Hiebert Tara Kilkenny Heather Koopman Chelsea Krupa Terry Krupa Jennifer Lee David Liu David Loh Rebecca Martell Liz Mathew Elizabeth Matthew Robin Mazumder Shirley McBride Cheryl McKenna

Andrea Miller Linda Miller Aruna Mitra Chris Moo-Yong Lynne Moulton Glyn Murgatroyd Kathleen O’Grady Teresa O’Riordan Fay Orr Myrna Parker Sheron Parmar Jasneet Parmar Angela Parris Teresa Paslawski Devon Racher Quentin Ranson Beth Ritchie Gwen Roberts Carol Robertson Baker Darryl Rolfson Catlin Ryan

Kathleen Ryan Laura Sarchuk Shelbe Shand Margaret Shim Leila Sidi Liz Sliwa Darolyn Smiley Ryan Sommer Jean Triscott Heather Trowell Valerie Ure Emma Vetsch Cheryl Wall Earle Waugh Chelsea Weiman Chelsey Weleschuk Karin Werther Arnold Wong Linda Woodhouse

Melissa Kuo Cheryl McKenna Gemma Payne Patti Plett Martha Roxburgh Leoardo Salazar Rojas Sukhman Sandhu Angela Sekulic

Janice Straathof Nicole Thompson James Tully Karin Werther Christine Whitelaw Betsey Williams

Guest Lecturers Elizabeth Anderson Jon Ashmead Katrina Binzer Georgina Brown Darcy Butterworth Laura Budzak Elaine Cairns Melanie Campbell Ibolja Cernak Karen Daniels Angela Dick Donna Dobrowolsky Alise Doell Alison Douglas Lindsay Eales Connie Erker Rosemarie Fayant Christin Foisey Rosalie Freund Heritage Steven Friesen Maggie Fulford

Clinicians/Examiners/Facilitators/Clients Ingrid Barlow Kristine Belamisca Michelle Bissell Ewa Bochinski Johanna Boyd Tara Brandt Darcy Butterworth Rudy Cornet

Gemma Cutts Gwen Dziwenko Sandra Florron Robert Gray Gayla Grinde Julie Habiljanac Therese Heidecker Cherie Henderson

Clinical Services Officer, Occupational Performance Analysis Unit (OPAU) Martha Roxburgh, BScOT

Adjunct Appointments Adunct Professors

Ioannis Nikolaidis, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professors

Robert Lederer, MDes

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Jennifer Klein, PhD Sharla King, PhD

Eleni Stroulia, PhD

Kathy Tam, BA Wendy Tilley, BScOT

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Ron Wickman, BA


Administrative Support Administrative Professional Officer

Katherine Shuttle

Executive Assistant to the Chair & Associate Chair

Karmet Wall

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Jacalyn Poulin

Clinical Education/Admissions Records Administrator

Michelle Green

Academic/Student Records Assistant

Jessica Papineau

Volunteer support

Douglas MacNeill

Farewells and Retirements In June 2014, the department bid farewell to three long-standing tenured faculty members and our administrative professional officer. Congratulations to Drs. Yagesh Bhambhani, Masako Miyazaki, Joyce Magill-Evans and Ms. Katherine Shuttle on their retirement and thank you for many years of valuable contribution to the Department, Faculty, and University of Alberta. In addition, our long-term volunteer support staff, Rudy Cornet, decided to take some time off from his volunteering. Rudy Cornet had been serving the Department of Occupational Therapy since 1991. The staff and students will miss his kind and helpful demeanour. Rudy played an integral support role in our department, initially as a guest speaker and client educator and then in our day-to-day operations, taking care of our library and resource room and organizing classroom and lab spaces.

Recruitments Beginning July 1, 2013, the department welcomed four new tenure-track Asisstant Professors : Drs. Mary Forhan, Sandra Hodgetts, Shanon Phelan and Mary Roduta Roberts. Dr. Forhan was trained as an occupational therapist at the University of Toronto. She completed her PhD at McMaster Univeristy and completed two post-doctoral fellowships, one at McMaster University and the other at the University Health Network – Toronto Rehabilitation Institute. Her research focuses on mental health and obesity. Dr. Hodgetts was trained as an occupational therapist at Western University. She completed her PhD at the University of Alberta, and her post-doctoral training in the Faculty of Medicine (Pediatrics) at University of Alberta. Her research focuses on individuals with autism and their families. Dr. Phelan obtained her occupational therapy and doctoral training at Western University. She pursued post-doctoral training in childhood disability at Bloorview Research Institute, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Her research focuses on understanding and improving participation, inclusion, and social justice for children with disabilities and their families. Dr. Roduta Roberts is an alumnus of our Occupational Therapy program and completed her PhD in Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta. Her research focuses on measurement, evaluation and cognition. In February 2013, she received the RMSA Teaching Award in recognition of her exceptional teaching as a sessional instructor.

Academic (Faculty) Awards Sharon Brintnell Shaniff Esmail Sandy Hodgetts

WFOT Fellow Award for outstanding contributions to international development of the profession and significant contributions to the WFOT – June 2014 COTF Certificat of Appreciation, October 2013

Joyce Magill-Evans

Best Poster Award – Glenrose Hospital Foundation, October 2013 Team award: President’s Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research, AHS (led by Drs. L. Zwiagenbaum and J. Volden) SAOT Sharon Brintnell Lifetime Achievement Award - June 2014

Cori Schmitz

RMSA Teaching Award – February 2014

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


Student Awards & Scholarships Name of scholarship/award ACCFCR Doctoral Award nd (2 year of award)

Recipients/year of program $60,000

E Hyun

AIHS Doctoral Award $70,000 CIHR 2013 Health Professional Student Research Award $1,417 $2,125 COTF Future Scholar Award $ 100

Tamara Germani

Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program Government of Canada


Lina Maria Baquero Nunez University of Rosaio, Colombia

FGSR Chrysalis Scholarship 2013-14


Ceira Wickman

FGSR Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Travel Award FRHM Graduate Student Travel Award


Gail Gilewich Scholarship Government of Alberta Scholarships

$1250 $3000 each

FGSR Kuder Memorial Grad Scholarship

$1500 each

Lauren Talley, Lauren Barrett, Laura LaBerge, Blaire Johnson, David Knechtel ($956) Anna Asmadi, Jessica Moo-Yong, Nicole Laberge, Megan Perrin Lauren Talley OT Year 2 - (n=25) Sara Al-Jarrah, Megan Elizabeth de Haan, Joshua Ben Delos Santos, Kaitlyn Anne Ganser, Maeleen Dawn Glover, Alisse Fay Goldberg, Meghan Joyce Harris, Jenna Paige Hatter, Fatema Jivanjee, Blaire Kathleen Rose Johnson, Caitlin Russo King, David James Knechtel, Chiao- Yu Kuo, Laura Lucille LaBerge, Eleanor DesRosier Leverington, Marissa Lo, Amelia Kristin Rajala, Christina Ross, Sandra Rusu, Lauren Bianca Talley, Jenna Christine Thygesen, Carmen Michelle Valle, Kiersten Ann Walls, Aidan Ricki Wawchuk, Patricia White Aidan Wawchuk, Blaire Johnson

Leinweber Memorial OT Grad Scholarship RM Medal in OT FGSR Myer Horowitz FGSR Oil Service Charitable Scholarship FGSR May and John Lockhart Award FGSR Profiling Alberta’s Graduate Students Award Rehabilitation Medicine Clinical Award

$650 $100 $1200 $2200 $ 800 $1300 $1000 $750

Ceira Wickman Almira Tanner/Year 2 David Knechtel Sabrina Li Bethany Alberts Lauren Barrett (supervisor: Leung) Melissa Smyth Michelle-Ann Renaud/Year 2

Rehabilitation Medicine CAOT Award


Kelsey Hagg/Year 2

Rehabilitaiton Medicine Fowler Book Award


Kelsey Waisanen/Year 2

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship


David Knechtel/Year 1

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships

$10,500 $5,400

University of Alberta - Alberta GSA Professional Award

$500 each

Rehabilitation Medicine Vargo Goodwill Award


Sarah Francis (1.0 award) Nicole Little, Jennifer Newman, Julia Mills, Andrea Lagroix, Alex Hampson, Erin Harris (0.5 award) Megan Perrin Laura LaBerge David Knechtel Nicola Laberge Ryley Carleton


WCHRI Doctoral Award $24,000 US VA Interprofessional Fellowship in Psychosocial Rehabilitation & Recovery Oriented Services $32,298 Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Mimi Raymond Lauren Barrett Sandra Rusu

Tamara Germani Mark Smith


Leadership & Innovation Award in Geriatric Care


Laura LeBerge

This was a new award created through funding from an anonymous donor. The award recognized a second year MScOT student who demonstrated leadership, innovation and support of community based occupational therapy services directed towards geriatric care.

New Research Grants Acquired by Department Members in 2013-2014 Authors

Grant Title

Funding Agency


Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI)

Use of the FICA Tool: Integrating Spirituality as a Key Component of Care by Inter-Professional Palliative and Geriatric Hospital-Based Teams A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Electronic versus Paper-based Documentation

Covenant Health


Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research (ICCER)


Advancing Behavioural Supports Alberta

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Government of Alberta, Human Services Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Covenant Health Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) Covenant Health Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) Collaborative Research Grant Initiative – Alberta Health Services


Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists/Alberta Human Services Canadian Centre for Disability Studies Edmonton Pain Interest Group Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation Clinical Research Award


Alberta College of Occupational Therapy Centenary Award


Tse-Wing, J., Tam, K., Hanson, J., Mitra, A., Friesen, S., Lee, J., Brémault-Phillips, S.(coapplicant), Meriel, A. Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI) Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI)

Human Services and Technology

Parmar, J., HolroydLeduc, J., Jette, N., Brémault-Phillips, S.(coPI), Dua, T. Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI), Roduta Roberts, M.

Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes

Brémault-Phillips, S.(PI), Roduta Roberts, M.

Taylor, E., BrémaultPhillips, S. & Brintnell, ES. (co-PIs)

Brown, C.(PI)

Brown, C.(PI), Dutt, R. Brown, C.(PI), Bostick G Park, J.(PI), Esmail, S.(coI), and Gross, D.

Park, J.(PI), Esmail, S.(coI), and Gross, D.

Spreading and Sustaining the Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Model: Development and Evaluation of a DMCA Model Implementation and Sustainability Framework Managing Responsive Aggressive Behaviours: Implementing and Evaluating a Capacity Building Process in Acute Care, Supportive Living, and Long Term Care Community Re-integration of Forensic Clients with Persistent, Chronic Mental Illness: A Retrospective Evaluation of Life Skills training Programs Provided through the House Next Door Society Residential Services Increasing fatigue-related occupational health and safety knowledge-base for regulated occupational therapists Providing the best bedroom environment for children with cerebral palsy (PiBSE) Knowledge translation grant for “Sleep and Pain 101” public workshop Evaluating the Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing as an Interventional Tool for Improving Return to Work Rates for Injured Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders Evaluating the Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing as an Interventional Tool for Improving Return to Work Rates for Injured Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

74,010 23,490



5,000 1,400 5,000


Park, J., Gross, D.(PI), and Esmail, S.(co-I)

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing as an Interventional Tool for Improving Return to Work Rates for Injured Workers with Musculoskeletal Disorders Care and Rehabilitation for Patients with Severe Obesity in Alberta Catalyzing synergizing and mobilizing primary health care research: TUTOR-PHC Knowledge Translation Symposium

Workers' Compensation Board-Alberta


Alberta Innovates Health Solutions Health Services and Policy Research


StressLess: Mental Health Management for University Students. A project designed by students for students. (Development grant) An Exploratory Study of Occupational Therapists’ Beliefs and Perceptions of Treatment Effects with Sensory-Based Approaches in Children with ASD. Preparing for the future: Autonomous goal setting for individuals with ASD. Improving Social Participation for Children with ASD in Elementary School: Proposal Development Examining transition from adolescence to adulthood in autism spectrum disorder Disclosing their child’s diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder to others: Family processes and perceived outcomes.

Campus Wellness


Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Internal Grant Competition Glenrose Hospital Foundation Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research (ACCFCR) ACCFCR


Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation


Liu, L. (PI)

Locator Device Project



Leung, AWS.(PI), Cernak, I. Gomaa, N., Leung, A.(coI), Zhang, M.

Scientific basis of cognitive rehabilitation

China Opportunity Fund Phase 1 Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta


SSHRC special competition




University of Toronto

20,000 ($10,000 subgrant)

Clinical Research Grant, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital


Western University


Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA)


Forhan, M.(PI), Johnson, J., Sharma, AM. Stewart, MA ., Ashcroft, RR., Forhan, MA.(co-I), Martin-Misener, R., Matthews, J., Ryan, B., Terry, A., Thomas RL. Brintnell, ES.(PI) & Sandhu, S. Hodgetts, S.(PI), & Magill-Evans, J. Hodgetts, S. Hodgetts, S., & Phelan, S.(co-PIs), et al. Nicholas, D., Hodgetts, S.(co-I), et al Hodgetts, S., & Phelan, S.(co-PIs), et al.

Phelan, S.(PI) McConnell, D. Lingard, L., Ng, S., Hibbert, K , Phelan, S.(co-I), Reagan, S. Ng, S., Phelan, S(co-PI).

Wiart, L., Phelan, S.(coI), Anderson, J., Guiltner, V., Knutt, K.

Kinsella, E.A. & Phelan, S(co-PI). Vandenhoff, S., Phelan, S.(co-I), Ng, S.

Understanding the neural mechanism of central hearing deficit in patients with subjective idiopathic tinnitus: Investigation using eventrelated potential (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Engaging children with disabilities as coresearchers: innovation in methodology and methods Integrated Systems and Team Working for Children with Disabilities: An Institutional Ethnography of Health Professional Practice in the Special Education Context A comparative analysis of the enactment of policies in school-based health supports by parents, educators, health professionals, and children Engaging children in setting their rehabilitation goals: Feasibility using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) with children with neuromotor impairments in a pediatric outpatient setting Occupational Therapy Practice in The Canadian Health Care System: An Examination of Ethical Tensions and their Negotiation An evaluation of the Hands & Voices Parent Toolkit

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine


10,000 10,000



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Gierl, M., Saiane, O., [et al... Roduta Roberts, M.] Taylor, E.(co-PI), Esmail, S.(co-PI)

Developing a computer-based assessment Office of the Provost and system to support the rapid expansion of online Vice-President (Academic), teaching and learning at the University of Alberta University of Alberta Education Abroad Group Award – Indonesian University of Alberta Project Total Amount of New Grants Awarded


15,000 1,896,215

Publications and Presentations: 2013-2014 Occupational Therapy faculty members reported 178 publications and presentations. They are listed followed by citations: Book chapters & monographs: 7 Invited presentations: 48 Peer-reviewed publications: 34 Media and other publications: 14 Peer reviewed abstracts & proceedings: 72

Book Chapters and Monographs 1. Brown CA (2013) Pain and Complex Adaptive Systems Theory (chapter 25). In: Handbook on Systems and Complexity in Health. Editors J Stramburg & Carmel Martin. New York: Springer. 2. Forhan M & Alter D. (in press). Medical Practice Variations in Acute Myocardial Infraction. In Sobolev B (Ed). Handbook of Health Services Research. Springer Reference. 3. Hodgetts, S. (December, 2013). Connecting the dots: Navigating systems of care for young persons with autism spectrum disorder in Alberta. Final report for the Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research. Available: 4. Kinsella, E. A., Phelan, S., & Bidinosti, S. (In Press). An arts-based approach to ethics education in the health professions. In A. Peterkin & P. Brett-MacLean (Eds.). Keeping reflection fresh: Top educators share their knowledge in health professional education. Kent State Press. 5. Leung A. (2014). Neurophysiological correlates of mental workload. Germany, Deutschland: OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG. ISBN: 978-3-639-71026-7. o

6. McConnell, D. (Fall 2013). The out-of-home-placement of children born to parents with intellectual disability. CW360 , The Intersection of Child Welfare and Disability, pp. 8-10. 7. McConnell, D., Breitkreuz, R., Uditsky, B., Sobsey, R., Rempel, G., Savage, A., & Parakall, M. (2014). Children with disabilities and the fabric of everyday family life. University of Alberta.

Peer Reviewed Publications 1. Anaby D., Hand C., Bradley L., DiRezze B., Forhan, M., DiGiacomo A., Law M (2013) The effect of the environment on participation of children and youth with disabilities: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation. 35(19); 1589-98. Pub Med ID: 23350759. 2. Benzies, K., Magill-Evans, J., Kurilova, J., Nettel-Aguirre, A., Blahitka, L., & Lacaze-Masmontiel, T. (2013). Effects of videomodeling on the interaction skills of first-time fathers of late preterm infants. Infants and Young Children, 26(4), 333-348. DOI: 10.1097/IYC.0b013e3182a4ed5e 3. Bossers, A., Phelan, S., Kinsella, E. A., Jenkins, K., Ferguson, K., Moosa, T., Schurr, S., & Hobson, S. Participants self-identified learning outcomes in an online preceptor education program for health professionals and students. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning. 4. Breitkreuz, R., Wunderli, L., Savage, A., & McConnell, D. (2014). Rethinking resilience in families of children with disabilities: A socioecological approach. Community, Work and Family, 5. Brintnell, E.S., Somers, R., Koncoro S., Pandu, G., Bailey, P. The expression of depression among Javanese patients with major dpressive disorder: A concept mapping study. Iranscultural Psychiatry; 50(4) 579-98; doi: 10.1177/1363461513501709 6. Brown C.A., Berry R, Schmidt A. (2013) Sleep and Military Members: Emerging Issues and Nonpharmacological Intervention. Sleep Disorders Volume 2013, Article ID 160374, 6 pages 7.

Brown C..A, Bostick G, Bellmore L, Kumanayaka D. (2014) Hand self-Shiatsu for sleep problems in persons with chronic pain: A

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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pilot study. Journal of Integrative Medicine 12(2):94-101. 8. Brown C.A., Wielandt P, Wilson D, Jones A, Crick K (2014) Healthcare providers’ knowledge of disordered sleep, sleep assessment tools and non-pharmacological sleep interventions for persons living with dementia: A national survey. Sleep Disorders, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 286274, 9. Clark, B., Magill-Evans, J., & Koning, C. (in press). Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Self and proxy reported quality of life and adaptive functioning. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 10. Forero, J., Misiaszek J.E. The effect of light touch on the amplitude of cutaneous reflexes in the arms during treadmill walking. Experimental Brain Research (epub ahead of print). 18 May 2014, DOI 10.1007/s00221-014-3979-9. 11. Forhan, M., Risdon C., Solomon P (2013 Oct) Contributors to patient engagement in primary health care: perceptions of patients with obesity. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 14(4); 367-72. Pub Med ID: 23237022. 12. Hodgetts, S. (Winter, 2014). Family service needs in autism. Autism Now (official publication of the Autism Society of Edmonton Area). 26 (3), 8-9. 13. Hodgetts, S., McConnell, D., Zwaigenbaum, L. & Nicholas, D. (2014). The impact of autism supports and services on mothers’ occupational engagement. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research: Occupation, Participation & Health, 34(2), 81-92. doi:10.3928/15394492-20130109-01 14. Hodgetts, S., McConnell, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., & Nicholas, D. (2014). The impact of autism services on mother’s occupational balance and participation. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 34, 81-92. Doi:10.3928/15394492-20130109-01. 15. Hodgetts, S., Nicholas, D. & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2013). Home sweet home: Families’ experience with aggression in autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disorders, 28, 166-174. doi: 10.1177/1088357612472932 16. Hodgetts, S., Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L. & McConnell, D. (2013). Families’ and professionals’ perceptions of familycentered care for children with autism across service sectors. Social Science & Medicine, 96, 138-146. 17. Hodgetts, S., Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., & McConnell, D. (2014). Parents’ and professionals’ perceptions of familycentered care for children with autism spectrum disorder across service sectors. Social Science & Medicine, 96, 138-146. 18. Hodgetts, S., Savage, A. & McConnell, D. (2013). Experience and outcomes of Stepping Stones Triple P for families of children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 2572-2585. 19. Hyun, E., Hahn, L., & McConnell, D. (2014). Experiences of people with learning disabilities in the criminal justice system. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, DOI: 10.1111/bld.12076 20. Kiepek, N., Phelan, S.K., & Magalhães, L. (2013). Introducing a critical analysis of the figured world of occupation. Journal of Occupational Science. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/14427591.2013.816998 21. Leung, A. W. S. et al. Neuroplastic changes after auditory working memory training in a patient surviving multiple strokes. Journal of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. Strokes. Journal of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. 2014;1(1):1-22. 22. Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Buttar, V., Ranson, Q., & Goertzen, D. (2014). What factors determine therapists’ acceptance of new technologies for rehabilitation – a study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Disability and Rehabilitation. ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online. 23. Mackie, A. S., Islam, S., Magill-Evans, J., Rankin, K., Robert, C., Schuh, M., Nicholas, D., Vonder Muhll, I., McCrindle, B. W., Yasui, Y., & Rempel, G. (2014). Healthcare transition for youth with heart disease: A clinical trial. Heart, 100 (14), 1113-1118. DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305748 24. McConnell, D., Savage, A., & Breitkreuz, R. (2014). Resilience in families raising children with disabilities and behavior problems. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 25. Ng, S., Stooke, R., Regan, S., Hibbert, K., Schryer, C., Phelan, S., & Lingard, L. (2013). An institutional ethnographic inquiry of health care work in special education: A research protocol. International Journal for Integrated Care, 13(Jul-Sep), URN:NBN:NL:UI:10-1-114741 26. Parmar, J., Jette, N., Brémault-Phillips, S. (Co-PI), Holroyd-Leduc, J. (April 15, 2014). "Caring for Canadian caregivers: Essential to the sustainability of the health care system", Canadian Medical Association Journal, 186(7), 487-488. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.131831 27. Phelan, S.K., Wright, V., Gibson, B. E. (2014). Representations of disability and normality in rehabilitation technology Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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promotional materials. Disability and Rehabilitation. Advance online publication. doi:10.3109/09638288.2014.891055 28. Ramos Salas X, Forhan M. (2014 May). Diffusing obesity myths. Clinical Obesity. Epub ahead of print. Doi:10.1111/cob.12059. 29. Roduta Roberts, M., Alves, C. B., Chu, M. W., Thompson, M., Bahry, L. M., & Gotzmann, A. (2014). Testing expert-based vs. student-based cognitive models for a Grade 3 diagnostic mathematics assessment. Applied Measurement in Education, 27, 173195. doi: 10.1080/08957347.2014.905787 30. Savage, A., McConnell, D., Emerson, E., & Llewellyn, G. (2014). Disability-based inequity on youth subjective wellbeing: Current findings and future directions. Disability & Society, 31. Stewart D., Law M., Young NL., Forhan, M., Healy H., Burke-Gaffney J., Freeman M (2014 Feb) Complexities during transitions to 9. adulthood for youth with disabilities: person-environment interactions. Disability and rehabilitation Early Online; 1-7. Pub Med ID: 24506663 32. Taylor VH., Forhan, M (2013 Oct) Salon. I just played one on TV .... CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne. 185(14); 1288. Pub Med ID: 24043657. PMCID: PMC3787181. 33. Williams, U. and Esmail, S. Association of different identity styles with sexual experience and decision-making among Canadian youth. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality Apr 2014; 23(1);49–58. doi:10.3138 34. Worth, M., Darrah, J., Magill-Evans, J., Wiart, L., & Law, M. (2014). Stability of parent report mobility and self-care item scores on the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 34(3), 289-299. DOI: 10.3109/01942638.2013.823475

Peer-Reviewed Abstracts and Proceedings 1. Brémault-Phillips, S, Brown, C., Cleary, S., Hopper, T., Jones, A., Liu, L., Paslawski, T. Special Interest Group in Aging (SIGA) Community Consultation Symposium. Nibble, Nosh and Network, Edmonton, AB (January 17, 2014) 2. Damberger, T., Moulton, L., Parmar, J., Brémault-Phillips, S. Nurse Practitioner lead mentorship service for decision-making capacity of residents in facility living. 2013 Biennial Conference, Advanced Practice Nurses: Navigating within Health Care, Halifax, NS (October 2-4, 2013) 3. Taylor, L., Brémault-Phillips, S. House Next Door Society. 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan (June 18-21, 2014) 4. McGinn, B., Lehmijoki-Gardner, M., Roy, S., Spencer, D., Brémault-Phillips, S. An Invitation to Conversation: Perspectives from Health Care Professionals and Scholars of Spirituality. 2013 American Academy of Religion Conference, Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality, Baltimore, Maryland (November 22, 2013) 5. Friesen, S., Brémault-Phillips, S., Trotter, V., Rudrum, L., Wells, G. Environmental Design that Supports Healthy Aging: Evaluating a New Supportive Living Facility. Found in Translation 2014, Edmonton, AB (March 7, 2014) 6. Brown, C., Bostick, G., Bellmore, L. Self-Shiatsu Hand Massage to Promote Sleep Efficiency in Persons with Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study. SLEEP 2014, 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, May 31-June 4, 2014 (poster) 7. Knechtel, D., Brown, C. Ergonomic goodness-of-fit between children and computer input devices. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist ASM Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 2014 8. Franklin, J., Smith-Windsor, J., Brown, C. Occupational Therapy for Children with Common Sleep Problems. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist ASM. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist ASM Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 2014 9. Johnston, B., LaBerge, L., Brown, C. Sleep and Dementia Knowledge Translation Needs of Occupational Therapists. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist ASM. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist ASM Fredericton, New Brunswick, June 2014 10. Johnston, B., LaBerge, L., Brown, C. Sleep and Dementia Knowledge Translation Needs of Occupational Therapists. Found in Translation (March 7 2014) Alberta Health Services/ Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program. 11. Ipsiroglu, O., Witmans, M., Brown, C. Self -Medication for Chronic Sleep Problems in Adolescents and Adults with FASD. Contextual implications (panel presentation) International Conference on Prevention of FASD. Edmonton, Alberta, September 23 - 25, 2013. 12. Esmail, S. A Sex-Positive Approach when Working with Special Populations. 11th Biennial Western Canadian Conference on Sexual Health (ASPSH): May 1-2, 2014 Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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13. Esmail, S. Sexability – Sex is for Everyone, Even for people with Disabilities. 11th Biennial Western Canadian Conference on Sexual Health (ASPSH): May 1-2, 2014 14. Esmail, S., Knupp, H., Krupa, C. Occupational Therapist's Role in the Provision of Sexual-Health Education to Children with Physical Disabilities. WFOT (World Federation of Occupational Therapists) June 21, 2014; CH 4-1-2; oral presentation; children 15. Roduta Roberts, M., Esmail, S., Stroulia, E. Corbett Clinic: Development of a virtual resource for integrating occupational therapy theory, evidence, and skills in practice. WFOT (World Federation of Occupational Therapists) June 21, 2014; CH 4-1-2; oral presentation; education 16. Asselin J, Forhan M. Patient perspectives of living with severe obesity in the context of activities of everyday living. The 13 Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods (AQM) Conference. Edmonton, AB; June 23, 2014.


17. Brintnell, ES. The Challenges Facing Social Services And Corrections: FASD Sufferers As Inmates and When Supervised Community Corrections. XXXIII International Congress on Law and Mental Health. Amsterdam Netherlands. July 14-19 2013 18. Brintnell, ES. Enhancing Mental Health Practice: Drawing on WHO Resources. Occupational Therapy African region Group Conference. Harare, Zimbabwe; Aug 17 -24, 2013 19. Brintnell, ES., Roxburgh, M., Sawhney, A. Challenging Conversations: A Basic Human Right - Access to Health and Community Supports. The 6th National Biennial Conference on Adolescence and Adults with FASD changing the Conversation. Vancouver, BC; April 9-12, 2014 20. Brintnell, ES., Sawhney, A., Nelson, M., Palmer, T. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disordered adult offenders: Identifying strengths and areas for community supports. ― Occupational performance supports in vulnerable group. The 16th WFOT Congress & 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo. Yokohama, Japan; June 17 – 21, 2014 21. Laver-Fawcett, A., Bannigan, K., Cronin-Davis, J. & Brintnell, ES. The WFOT global survey of mental health practice in occupational therapy (oral). The 16th WFOT Congress & 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo. Yokohama, Japan; June 17 – 21, 2014 22. Taylor, E., Brintnell, ES. Determining occupational needs to ensure successful community integration of forensic mental health clients (oral). The 16th WFOT Congress & 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo. Yokohama, Japan; June 17 – 21, 2014 23. Talley, L. & Brintnell, ES. The Barriers To Implementing Inclusive Education In Rwanda. CAOT National Conference, Moncton, NB; May 2014 24. Taylor, E. & Brintnell, S. Predicting Resource Needs for Successful Community Integration of Forensic Mental Health Clients. th 8 OTARG (OT African Regional Group) Congress, Harare, Zimababwe. Aug. 19-23, 2013 25. Taylor, E., King, S., Brintnell, S. Teaching through Facilitation within Health Curricula – Supporting Thinking of Students as th they learn. 8 OTARG (OT African Regional Group) Congress, Harare, Zimababwe. Aug. 19-23, 2013 26. Hodgetts, S., Zwaigenbaum, L., & Nicholas, D. Predicting family service needs in ASD. Women & Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI) Research Day; Nov 6, 2013, Edmonton AB 27. Barrett, L., Leung, A.W.S. Can working memory training induce neuroplastic changes post-stroke? Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada, May 7-June 10, 2014. 28. Leung, A.W.S., Kin, K., Dixon, G., Yuen, J., Jackson, M., Alain, C. Process-specific and task-specific training for improving daily living task performance in a stroke patient with executive dysfunction: Evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging techniques. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress 2014, Yokohama, Japan, June 18-21, 2014. 29. Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., & Rios Rincon, A. What factors determine therapists’ acceptance of new rehabilitation technologies – a study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) conference, Yokohama, Japan, June 18-21, 2014. 30. Seghal, R., Benzies, K., Magill-Evans, J., Beer, C., & Glazebrook, C. (2013, September 18). Exploring the reliability and validity of the ORSPI as a measure of fathers’ interactions with their late preterm infants. 33rd Annual Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Conference, University of Hull, United Kingdom. 31. Halayko, J., Magill-Evans, J., Smith, V., & Polatajko, H. (2014, June 18th). Teaching two-wheeled cycling to children with a mild cognitive disability. Oral presentation at the 18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 32. Renaud, M. A. & Magill-Evans, J. (2014, June 18th). Autism, challenging behaviors, and the health care setting: A scoping Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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review of strategies. Poster presentation (PSH 18-25) at the 18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 33. Magill-Evans, J., Rempel, G., Rankin, K., & Mackie, A. (2014, June 19th). Preparing for transition” Preliminary results of an intervention. Oral presentation at the 18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 34. Llambias, C., & Magill-Evans, J. (2014, June 19th). Children with ASD and hippotherapy: Effects on enjoyment and engagement. Poster presentation (PCH 19-34) at the 18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 35. Kuo, M. & Magill-Evans, J. (2014, June 21). Effects of sensory and motor interventions on adolescents and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Poster presentation (PRE 21-128) at the 18th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Yokohama, Japan. 36. Phelan, S., & Kinsella, E.A. Inclusion, participation, and disability: Opportunities for engagement in childhood activities. Women & Children’s Health Research Institute 2013 Research Day. Edmonton, AB. 37. Phelan, S., & Kinsella, E.A. Inclusion, participation, and disability: Opportunities for engagement in childhood occupations. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference: Reflection on Occupation: Enabling Healthy Communities. Fredericton, NB. 38. Kinsella, E. A., Phelan, S., Bossers, A. & McCorquodale, L. Examining Ethical Tensions in Occupational Therapy: A Pilot Study. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference: Reflection on Occupation: Enabling Healthy Communities. Fredericton, NB. 39. Kiepek, N., Phelan, S., & Magalhães, L. A critical analysis of the figured world of occupation. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference: Reflection on Occupation: Enabling Healthy Communities. Fredericton, NB. 40. Beveridge, B., Feltracco, D., Struyf, J., Strauss, E., Dang, S., Phelan, S., Wright, V., & Gibson, B.E. “You gotta try it all": Parentsʼ Experiences with the Lokomat and their approaches to walking therapy for their children with cerebral palsy. Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s National Congress 2014. Edmonton, AB. 41. Bossers, A., Phelan, S., Kinsella, A., Jenkins, K., Ferguson, K., Moosa, T., Schurr, S. & Hobson,S. Participants’ Self-Identified Learning Outcomes in an Online Preceptor Education Program for Health Professionals and Students. Faculty Research Innovation Day, Fanshawe College, London, ON. 42. Bossers, A., Phelan, S., Kinsella, A., Jenkins, K., Ferguson, K., Moosa, T., Schurr, S. & Hobson, S. Learning outcomes in an th online preceptor education program for health professionals and students. The 27 Annual Research Conference. Reorienting the Health System to What Truly Matters: Values of Health Care. London, ON. 43. King, S., Roduta Roberts, M., Cor, M. K., & Lai, H. (2014, April). A comprehensive evaluation framework for an interprofessional program: Systematically getting to student assessment. Poster session presented at the 16th Ottawa Conference, Ottawa, ON. 44. Roduta Roberts, M., Cui, Y. (2014, April). Score validation in cognitive diagnostic assessment: A person fit study. Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA. 45. Roduta Roberts, M., Gotch, C. M., & Lester, J. N. (2014, April). Examining score reports through a communications frame of reference. Paper presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA. 46. Gotch, C. M., & Roduta Roberts, M. An evaluation of state and provincial student score reports and interpretive guides. The 2014 annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA. 47. S Murphy, D Barker, A Bossers, MA Campbell-Rempel, E Constantin, D Drynan, N Perrault, C Schmitz, C Storr & C Donnelly. OT Student Fieldwork: Synchronous or Asynchronous with Canadian Practice? CAOT 2014 Conference. 48. B Harris & C Schmitz. The 2:1 Model of Fieldwork Education: A Critical Literature Review. CAOT 2014 Conference. th

49. Taylor, E. & King, S. Teaching through experimental learning. The 16 International Congress of World Federation of OTs in th collaboration with the 48 Japanese OT Congress and Expo, Yokohama, Japan. June 18 – 21, 2014 50. Drefs, S., Taylor, E. University Development of Interdisciplinary Online Continuing Professional Education Programs for Health Professionals. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 13, 2013. 51. Drefs, S., Taylor, E. Continuing Professional Education for Speech Language Pathologists. Alberta College of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (ACSLPA) annual Conference, Connecting Pathways, Edmonton, AB, October, 2013 Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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52. Drefs, S., Taylor, E. Continuing Professional Education for Speech Language Pathologists. Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON. st

53. Taylor, E., King, S., Drefs, S. Continuing Interprofessional Educator for the 21 . All Together Better Health, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2014 54. King, S., Taylor, E., McFarlane, L., Bates, H., Schmitz, C., Hall, M. Early Learners Perceptional Interprofessionalism. All Together Better Health, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2014 55. Woodhead-Lyons, S., Brémault-Phillips, S. Building Capacity and Sustainability for Behavioural Supports. BSA Symposium, Edmonton, AB (February 20, 2014) 55. Parmar, J., & Brémault-Phillips, S. (co-PI) (2013). The “Provincialization” of the Covenant Health decision-making capacity (DMC) model. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 16(2), 91. DOI: 56. Hodgetts, S., Zwaigenbaum, L. & Nicholas, D. Family Service Needs in Autism. Poster presentation at International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Atlanta, GA. May 15, 2014. 57. Stolte, M. & Hodgetts, S. A critical review of outcome measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive, community-based treatments for preschoolers with ASD. Oral presentation at International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Atlanta, GA. May, 2014. 58. Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., Hodgetts, S. (Co-Chairs). Approaching Adulthood: Transitional and Vocational Issues in ASD. Special Interest Group at International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Atlanta, GA, May, 2014. 59. Barrett, L., Leung, A.W.S. (2014). Can working memory training induce neuroplastic changes post-stroke? Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference Proceedings, pg.42. 60. Leung, A.W.S., Kin, K., Dixon, G., Yuen, J., Jackson, M., Alain, C. (2014). Process-specific and task-specific training for improving daily living task performance in a stroke patient with executive dysfunction: Evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging techniques. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Congress Programme 2014, pg.191. 61. King, S., Peacock, K., & Liu, L. (2014). A Blended Health Science Education Graduate Program: Integrating Technology th 62. Assignments into Coursework. CSEDU, 6 International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Apr 2-4, Barcelona, Spain. 63. Rios Rincon, A.M., Adams, K., Magill-Evans, J. & Cook. A. M. (2013). Changes in playfulness with a robotic intervention in a child with cerebral palsy. Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. Oral presentation # 201, Sept. 13. IOS Press BV, Amsterdam, pp. 161-166. 64. Sehgal, R., Benzies, K., Magill-Evans, J., Johnson, S., Beer, C., & Glazebrook, C. (2013, October 10 - 14) The Observational Rating Scale of Parental Interaction (ORSPI): Further development as a measure of quality of fathers’ interactions with their late preterm infants. 54th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Research, Portugal, Spain 65. Ballantyne, R. T., Dorfman, T., Dahl, N., Rogers, L., Magill-Evans, J., Mackie, A., & Rempel, G. (2013). The relationship of parent well-being, family management, and service utilization in families of children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome from the perspective of mothers and fathers. Circulation, 128 (22S), A19104. 66. Mackie, A. S. Islam, Islam, S., Rankin, K. N., Yasui, Y., Magill-Evans, J., Nicholas, D., Schuh, M., McCrindle, B. W., & Rempel, G. R. (2013). An educational intervention improves transition behaviors and knowledge among youth with cardiac disease, Circulation, 128(22S), A14103. 67. Germani, T., Sacrey, L., Magill-Evans, J., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2013). A scoping review of participation-based assessments of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Program and Abstract Book: WCRHI Research Day, p.63. (Abstract and poster presentation, Nov. 6, Edmonton, AB). 68. Halayko, J., Magill-Evans, J., Polatajko, H., & Smith, V. (2013). “Use your brakes and slow down:” Teaching two-wheeled cycling to children with a cognitive delay. Program and Abstract Book: WCRHI Research Day, p.64. (Abstract and oral presentation, Nov. 6, Edmonton, AB). 69. Rogers, L .G., Rempel, G. R., Shearer, K., Southon, S., Magill-Evans, J. (2014). Interviewing school-aged children with chronic conditions about daily life activities. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist Conference 2014, Fredericton, NB. Abstract (p. 88) and poster presentation May 10. 70. Halayko, J. ,Magill-Evans, J., Polatajko, H., & Smith, V. (2014). Teaching two-wheeled cycling to youth with a cognitive delay. Student Abstracts of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association National Congress, Edmonton, AB. Abstract (# 219) and poster presentation June 20th. Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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71. Phelan, S. (June 24, 2014). Representing Visual Data: More then Meets the Eye. 13 Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, Edmonton, AB. (p. 16-17 in attached proceedings) 72. Ng, S., Lingard, L., Phelan, S., Hibbert, K., Regan, S., Stooke, R…et al. (June 23, 2014). Health Advocacy By Proxy: An th Institutional Ethnography of Healthcare Work in Special Education. 13 Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Invited Publications and Presentations 1. Brémault-Phillips, S. Developing A Spiritual Perspective. The Alberta Pastoral Care Association, 46th Annual Conference , Edmonton, AB (April 28-29, 2014) (Four presentations were given at this conferece: Developing A Spiritual Perspective; …Framework; …Practices; and …Presence.) 2. Brémault-Phillips, S. Bumbling along? How spirituality might help along the way: Fostering Healthy Bodies/Healthy Spirits Across the Generations. Stanton Territorial Health Authority Spiritual Health Educational Event. Yellowknife, NT, (April 21-23, 2014). 3. Brémault-Phillips, S. The Spiritual Journey: Developing Spiritually. Stanton Territorial Health Authority Spiritual Health Educational Event. Yellowknife, NT, (April 21-23, 2014). (Five presentations were given at this conferece: The Spiritual Journey: Developing Spirituality; Developing A Spiritual Perspective; …Framework; …Practices; and …Presence.) 4. Brémault-Phillips, S., Charles, L. Decision-Making Capacity Grand Rounds Presentation: Spreading and Sustaining the Decision-Making Capacity Assessment (D-MCA) Model. Geriatric Grand Rounds, June 16, 2014 5. Brintnell, ES. Enhancing Mental Health Practice: Drawing on the WHO Resources: A Mexican Context Occupational Science Conference. National University of Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico; October 23-25, 2013 6. Brintnell, ES. Functional Assessment and Community Development. SYMPOSIUM, SHARING VOICES INSPIRING HOPE - FASD in Northern Communities Finding Solutions that Work. Yellowknife, YK March 4&5, 2014. 7. Brintnell, ES. Occupational Science Informing Occupational Therapy: Negative Occupations. Occupational Science Conference. National University of Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico; October 23-25, 2013 8. Brintnell, ES. WFOT Consultation The Status of Educational Development in Africa: A Collective Vision. Occupational Therapy African region Group Conference. Harare, Zimbabwe; Aug 17 -24, 2013 9. Brintnell, ES. WFOT Inaugural Lectureship Seizing the Future: Occupational therapy’s readiness for the Global Health Stage. 16th WFOT Congress & 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress & Expo. Yokohama, Japan. June 17 – 21, 2014 10. Brown, C. A review of the evidence for nonpharmacological Environmental interventions for sleep deficit in persons with pain. Alberta Pain Society ASM Banff, AB. Oct 2013 11. Brown, C. Pain and Dementia. Dementia Care 2014. Alzheimer Society of Manitoba; March 10, 2014 12. Brown, C. Sleep and Dementia in Long Term Care. Alberta Health Services, Strategic Care Network Study Day on Reducing Antipsychotic Medication Use. Calgary, February 28, 2014. 13. Brown, C. Sleep and Dementia: Understanding Why it Matters and What to Do. Dementia Care 2014. Alzheimer Society of Manitoba; March 10, 2014 14. Brown, C. Sleep and Pain. Canadian Pain Society - Refresher Course 2014. Toronto, ON. February 2014 15. Brown, C. The relationship between sleep and pain in children with chronic health conditions. (Webinar) Paediatric Sleep Summer School, Qualitative Research Course- University of British Columbia (Organizer Osman Ipsiroglu, Faculty of Medicine, UBC) 16. Cole, M., Woodhead-Lyons, S., Brémault-Phillips, S. Panel presentation: Responsive Behaviours. IQ2013: Inspiring Quality in Continuing Care, Calgary, AB (October 9, 2013) 17. Coppola, S., Jenkins, SA., Brintnell, S., & Lamb, A. Global Connections for Emerging Issues: World Federation of Occupational Therapists Initiatives and Collaborations Panel. AOTA 2014 Conference & Expo. Baltimore, MD; April 3-6, 2014 18. Esmail, S. Assessment, Evaluation and Treatment Planning for Occupational Therapy. Surakarta Health Polytechnic – OT Conference day June 26th 2014; Surakarta, Indonesia. 19. Esmail, S. Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice. University of Indonesia – OT symposium June 23rd 2014; Jakarta, Indonesia. 20. Esmail, S. Sexuality and Disability Role of Occupational. University of Indonesia – OT symposium June 23rd 2014; Jakarta, Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Indonesia 21. Esmail, S. Sexuality and Intimacy Issues for Caregivers: when the person with the disability or illness is your partner. Alberta Caregiver College – Learning Series: March 13, 2014 22. Forhan, M. Obesity and worker safety. Alberta Association of Occupational Health Nurses Symposium. Banff, AB; May 29, 2014 23. Forhan, M. Promoting quality care for patients living with obesity. Alberta Healthy Living Program Education Day, Alberta Health Services-South Zone. Medicine Hat, AB; May 22, 2014 and Lethbridge AB. May 23, 2014. 24. Forhan, M. Weight bias: Clinical experiences and solutions. Primary Care Network, South Edmonton. Presented to practitioners and recorded as a training module as part of the 5AsT of Obesity Management project. November 7, 2013. 25. Hodgetts, S. Discussion facilitator: Articles #3 and #5 in peer-reviewed pubs. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Autism Journal Club, Oct 2, 2013. 26. Hodgetts, S. Navigating Systems of Care for Families of Young Persons with ASD in Alberta: Key Findings and Service Implications. Autism Research Rounds, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Jan 14, 2014 27. Hodgetts, S. Navigating Systems of Care for Families of Young Persons with ASD in Alberta: Key Highlights. Presentation at the quarterly Autism Collaboration Team meeting, Jan 15, 2014, Edmonton 28. Hodgetts, S. Navigating Systems of Care for Families of Young Persons with ASD in Alberta. Annual General Meeting, Centre for Autism Services Alberta; Nov 13, 2013, Edmonton 29. Hodgetts, S. Professionals’ and families’ experiences with services in ASD. Discovering Autism Conference; April 5, 2014, Edmonton, AB 30. Hodgetts, S., & Lynch, S. ASD and disruptive behavior: Family impact and opportunity for capacity building. Behavioural Supports Alberta; Feb 20, 2014, Edmonton 31. Hodgetts, S., & Nicholas, D. Strategies for navigating systems of care in Alberta. Parent research day, Autism Research Centre, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital; July 13, 2013 32. Hodgetts, S., Zwaigenbaum, L., & Nicholas, D. Profiling family service needs in ASD (poster presentation) Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Spotlight on Research breakfast and symposium; Oct 23, 2013, Edmonton AB 33. Kerr, A., Roduta Roberts, M., & Hemingson, R. Predicting potential for positive outcomes in a slow-stream rehabilitation program. Presentation for the Collaborative Research Grant Initiative: Mental Wellness in Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Ideas Fund (Funded by Alberta Health Services and Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program) (November, 2013) 34. L Liu, C Schmitz & J Hinrichs. MScOT Program in Calgary: Teaching Professional Competencies at a Satellite Site. ACOTUP 2014 Innovation Education Forum 35. Leung, AWS. “Occupational therapy education and research seminar”. Department of Occupational Therapy, Sapporo Medical University. December 3, 2013. 36. Leung, AWS. Partial least square analysis on event-related potential analysis. Chinese Academy of Sciences (funded by China Opportunity Fund) November 20, 2013 37. Leung, AWS. Neuroimaging studies of working memory and attention. Chinese Academy of Sciences (funded by China Opportunity Fund) November 14, 2013 38. Liu, L. (2014). Ten reasons for occupational therapists to participate in Hacking Health. OT Now, 163, 29-30. 39. Liu, L. Practical application of gerontechnology for older adults. Canadian Geriatrics society 34th Annual Scientific meeting, Edmonton, AB, April 10-12, 2014. 40. Liu, L. & Stroulia, E. Role of technology in therapeutic environments for seniors with mental health and other complex needs. Found in Translation, March 7, 2014, Sandman Signature Edmonton South (hosted by Alberta Addiction and Mental health Research Partnership Program). 41. Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., & Rios Rincon, A., Buttar, V., Ranson, Q., Goertzen, D. (2014) What factors determine therapists’ acceptance of new rehabilitation technologies at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital? Poster presented at Spotlight on Research, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, October 23, 2013 42. McConnell, D. Maltreatment risk and out-of-home placement. The Path to Success for Parents with Learning Difficulties and Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Other Cognitive Limitations. The Association for Successful Parenting. Mystic, Connecticut, October 1-2, 2013. 43. McConnell, D. Ameliorating bio-psycho-social risk among mothers with intellectual disabilities and their children. Mental health learning Series. Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research, April 9, 2014, Calgary. (webcast) 44. McConnell, D. The Australian Healthy Start strategy: Building systems capacity to promote a healthy start to life for children of parents with learning difficulties. Child Intervention Research Forum. Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research, May 1, 2014, Edmonton. (webcast) 45. Misiaszek, JE., Forero, J., Hiob, E. Automatic postural responses following displacement of a light touch contact during standning. Society of Neurosciences. 46. Misiaszek, JE., Hiob, E., Forero, J. Touched and a little unstable: Balance illusions induced by light touch. Alberta Motor Control. 47. Ng, S. & Phelan, S. Rehabilitation Professionals Cross Borders: Traversing Between Healthcare‬‪and Special Education to Support Children with Disabilities.‬‬Rehabilitation‬Rounds, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto ON.; February 6, 2014.‬‬‪ 48. Ravnsborg, S., Brémault-Phillips, S. Anticipating and Managing Challenging Behaviours Framework. Healthcare Aide Conference, Edmonton, AB (October 4, 2013)

Media and Other Publications 1. Gateway – Sleep deprived students (Vol 10, 13 pg 7) - C Brown 2. Global News June 17 2014 Ancient therapy (Shiatsu) that aids sleep - C Brown 3. University of Alberta Daily News Our story and video: - C Brown 4. National media – Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Regina Leader, Sudbury Star, Vancouver Sun, Lethbridge Herald: Articles profiled bariatric rehab research program, OT and obeisty and the bariatric care suite in ECHA – M Forhan 5. The Gateway (UofA); University Affairs –article on weight bias and health equity – M Forhan 6. Columbia Center Society-Local radio-topic, weight bias in the workplace – M Forhan 7. CAOT OT weekly news – M Forhan 8. January 29, 2014. Text interview: Autism, aggression and service access. Gateway (University of Alberta student association paper) – S Hodgetts 9. January 23, 2014. Broadcast Interview: Family experience with autism and aggression. Breakfast Television, City TV, Edmonton – S Hodgetts 10. January 22, 2014. Text interview: U of A study looks at how families with autistic children deal with aggressive behaviour. Edmonton Journal – S Hodgetts 11. January 22, 2014. Text interview: University of Alberta research shows there's limited support for families with autistic children. Edmonton Sun. – S Hodgetts 12. January 22, 2014. Text interview: U of A researchers hoping to develop supports for families living with autism. Metro News – S Hodgetts 13. January 22, 2014. Broadcast interview: Lived experiences of families with a child with autism and aggression. News Hour Edmonton, Global TV – S Hodgetts 14. Phelan, S. & Kinsella, E.A. (May 2014). Understanding Disability and Identity in Childhood: Perspectives of Children and their Parents. Facts to go…, 10(1). Thames Valley Children’s Centre, London, ON.\htm#understanding%20disability%20and%20identity%20in%20childhood

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Service Occupational Therapy faculty members contributed to the following activities in 2013-2014 Reviews for the Following Journals  Administration and Policy in Mental Health Services Research  Age and Aging  Alberta Centre for Child, Family & Community Research  American Journal of Occupational Therapy  American Jounral of Public Health  Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy  Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education  British Journal of Occupational Therapy  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy  Clinical Neurophysiology  Child Maltreatment  Disability and Rehabilitation  Diversity in Health and Care  Ethnicity and Inequities in Health and Social Care  European Journal of Pain  Experimental Brain Research  International Journal of Social Research Methodology  Journal of Applied research in Intellectual Disabilities  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders  Journal of Intellectual Disability Research  Jounral of Motor Behavior  Journal of Neurophysiology  Journal of Occupational Science  Journal of Physiology  Motor Control  Muscle & Nerve  Neuroscience  Obesity  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder  Research in Developmental Disabilities  Teaching and Learning in Medicine  Transcultural Psyuchiatry  World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) Bulletin Members on Editorial Boards  British Journal of Learning Disabilities  Journal of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation  International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research  Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability  Journal of Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics  Motor Control  Muscle & Nerve  OT Now (Newsletter of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists)  Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research Members on Grant Review Committees  Atlantic Health Authority. Newfoundland Light House Grant  CIHR Allied Health Professionals Grant Fellowships  WCHRI  OOGP-CIHR, Health Canada  NSERC Reseach Tools & Instruments Conference Abstract Reviews  Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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 Canadian Council on Disability Studies (CCDS)  SSO-CSOS-ISOS 2014 Joint International Conference: Globalization & Occupational Science  CIMVHR Forum (Canadian Institute for Military & Veteran Health Research)  Human Brain Mapping Annual Conference Meeting Abstract Offices Held outside of the University of Alberta  Board, Alberta College of Occupational Therapists  Board, Alberta Society for the Promotion of Sexual Health  Board, Centre for Autism Services Alberta  Board, House Next Door Society  Board, Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists  World Federation of Occupational Therapists  CAOT Military and Veterans Affairs  Interprofessional Student Clinic, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital  International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities  Norwegian Occupational Therapy Association, executive  CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, research affiliate  Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, research affiliates  Alberta Council of Professionals for Sexual Health Other Committees Served in the Community  Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research (ACCFCR)  Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy Regulatory Organization (ACOTRO) Harmonization Project  Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP)  Advisory Committee EOPIC (Engaging with Older People and their Caregivers to develop interventions for self-management of chronic pain), University of Greenwich  Alberta Health Services (AHS) – Mental Health & Addictions  Alberta College of Occupational Therapists (ACOT)  AHS – Seniors Strategic Clinical Network  Alumni Committee - Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research-Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC); CIHR Strategic Training Program, Western University, Ontario  Behavioural Supports Alberta  Boyle Street Co-Op Streetworks  British Pain Society  Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health- Research & Knowledge Exchange Network  Canadian Pain Society  Canadian Sleep Society  Canadian Society of Occupational Scientists (CSOS)  CIHR & Health Canada  CIMVHR (Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research) Conference Organizing Committee  Committee on University Fieldwork Education (CUFE), ACOTUP  Edmonton Zone Capacity Assessment Advisory Committee  FASD Support and Services Council of Alberta: A community of Practice  Higher Education Academy (UK)  IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology Development  International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)  Interprofessional Student Service (ISS) Steering Committee, AHS – Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital  National Prevention Strategy Advisory Group - University Health Network, Toronto  OTepp Advisory CAOT/McMaster University Board Member – Community Liaison for AB  Provincial Mental Health Working Group  Sleep Research Society  Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists (SAOT)  U.S. Department of Defense  Weight Bias Advisory Committee  Wing Kei Care Centre Research Committee  World Sleep Association

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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Clinical Education During 2013-2014, the clinical education team consisted of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE), a Calgary (& Southern Alberta) Clinical Education Coordinator, a Saskatchewan Clinical Education Coordinator, a Fieldwork Educator for Independent Community Placements, and a Clinical Education Assistant. 1

This clinical education team organized and supported 560 fieldwork placements at 168 placement sites during 2013-2014 , including 521 placements in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the North West Territories as well as 39 placements in other provinces (31 in BC, 5 in ON, 2 MB, 1 in NS), using the National Fieldwork Placement Service (BC, ON, NL, NS, YT). Thirty-two students completed Independent Community Placements (ICPs) at community sites in Edmonton and Calgary; 11 students completed international Level-3 fieldwork placements in Indonesia; 8 students also completed Level 3 fieldwork placements in Colombia, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Scotland, and the United States; 3 students completed Level-3 fieldwork requirements by participating in the Play Around the World project with the Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation in Cambodia and Thailand. The ACCE and clinical education team maintained and established supportive partnerships with the occupational therapists and practice communities within our catchment areas. Many site visits and information sessions occurred, including an MScOT Open House, appreciation events and advisory meetings, to ensure a forum for input and feedback from clinical educators. During 2013-14, the ACCE was asked to return as the Acting Co-Chair of the national Committee on University Fieldwork Education (CUFE), a sub-committee of the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP). The ACCE also became a designated CUFE representative on the ACOTUP National Fieldwork Placement Service (NFPS) Joint Committee. In October 2013, as part of the Centre for Clinical Education Studies (CSCE), the ACCEs from the departments of Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, and Occupational Therapy hosted a full day clinical education supervision workshop in Edmonton which was also broadcast live to participants at our Calgary satellite. The workshop included half-day sessions focused on introductory training for potential supervisors and strategies for effectively supervising challenging students. The Department of Occupational Therapy would like to express our immense gratitude to the numerous sites that provided clinical education opportunities for our MScOT students during 2013-2014. Alberta Childrens Hospital

Extendicare Eaux Claires

Sensational Kids

Extendicare Hillcrest Extendicare Leduc FACT/OT Fanning Continuing Care Father Lacombe Continuing Care Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Hospital, Kuwait Foothills Hospital

Nanaimo General Hospital Napa State Psychiatric Hospital, California New Heights School Niagara General Hospital Nipawin Hospital Norther AB Regional Health Services Northern Lights Regional Hospital Northwest School Division

Alberta Hospital Edmonton Acquired Brain Injury Ctr Acquired Brain Injury Services Addictions & MH Calgary

Function 1st Pediatrics George Spady Ctr.

Norwood Continuing Care Olds Health Care Ctr.

SK MH Services SK Regional Home Care

Bethany Calgary Bethany College Side Boyle Street Coop Burnaby Hospital Camp Winston Campbell River Hospital

Grey Nuns Hospital High River General Hospital Highland Hospitce, Scotland HIV Community Link Calgary HIVEdmonton Hlutverkasetur, Iceland

Orion Health OT4Kids Ottawa General Hospital Parkridge Ctr Pasqua Hospital Peace River Community Health Ctr. Peace River Community Health Services Ponoka Health Care Ctr. Population Health Services Prairie Spirit School Division Prairie Valley School Division Providence Childrens Ctr

SKY Pediatrics, California South Health Campus St Joseph Estevan St Marys Hospital St Michael Hospital

Bethany Beverly/Lake Midnapore

GFStrong Rehabilitation Ctr Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Good Samaritan Southgate Good Samaritan Zetter Grandview Continuing Care Greater St. Albert School Division

Addictions and MH Edmonton AHS Psychiatric Consult Services Anusarnsunthorn School, Thailand Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital, Australia Arthritis Society Assertive Community Treatment Team Assisted Living Autism Services MH Ctr Banff Hospital Battlefords Union Hospital


Seven Oaks General Hospital Sheldon Chumir Ctr Shellbrook Health Ctr Sherbrook Community Health Sherbrook Health Ctr SimplyOT SK Community Health Services

St Paul Hospital St. Joseph Health Ctr St.Therese Health Care Ctr Strathcona Continuing Care Sturgeon Hospital Supportive Living Edmonton Surakarta Health Polytechnic,

OCCTH 528/Level 3 placements beginning from June 16-30, 2014 were not included and will be reported in 2014/15.

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Camrose Homecare Cape Breton Regional Hospital Cariboo Memorial Hospital

Home Care Home Care Southern AB Home Living Edmonton

CASA House CBI Cdn Forces Cdn Mental Health Assc.

Huoy Pong School, Thailand Invrurie Hospital, Scotland Kelowna General Hospital KelseyTrail Regional Hospital

Providence Place QEII Hospital Ranch Ehrlo Red Deer Regional Health Care Ctr. Regina General Hospital Regional Psychiatric Ctr Rehab and Retreat

Centennial Centre for Mental Health Child/Adolescent Addictions and MH Chilliwack Home Health

Khmer Foundation, Cambodia

Renfrew Educational Ctr

Kinsmen Children's Ctr Kipnes Continuing Care

Ridge Meadows Hospital Rockyview Hospital

Chilliwack Hospital Chinook Regional Hospital Chinook School Division Citadel Continuing Care Community Accesible Rehab Community Health Care Community Integrated Health Services Community Rehabilitation Services Community Services Saskatoon

Ladysmith Health Ctr Leduc Community Health Ctr. Lifemark Calgary Lifemark Institute Lougheed Centre Lurana Shelter

Rosetown Health Ctr Royal Alex Hospital Royal Colombian Hospital Royal Jubilee Hospital Royal University Hospital Rural Community Therapies

Lynnwood Continuing Care MaryPack Arthritis Ctr. Medicine Hat Hospital

Community Services Southern AB

Millwoods Continuing Care

Cross Cancer Institute

Misericordia Hospital

Daysland Hospital Dickensfield Continuing Care

Moose Jaw Hospital Mt St. Joseph Hospital

DraytonValley/Olds Home Care

Mustard Seed Ministry Calgary

Sarcee Contrinuing Care Saskatoon City Hospital Schizophrenia Society SD24 Sturgeon School Division SD28 Buffalo Trail School Division SD7 Edmmonton Public School Division SECorner School Division Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton

Indonesia Surrey Mental Health Surrey Mental Health Tatagwa View Health Ctr Theraplay Tofield Health Ctr. Toronto Rehab Touchmark Wedgewood Universidad del Rosario, Colombia UofA Hospital Vancouver General Hospital Vancouver Island Home and Community Care Vegreville Care Ctr. Vermilion Hospital Vernon Hospital Victoria Hostpital Wascana Ctr Westlock Continuing Care Westlock Health Ctr. Westlock Health Ctr. Westview Contrinuing Care Wetaskiwin Health Care Ctr. Wing Kei Continuing Care Workers' Compensation Board Yorkton District Health Ctr.

Calgary Satellite In the 2013 - 2014 reporting year the Government of Alberta confirmed permanent funding for the Calgary satellite program. We commend the excellent work of all instructors based in Calgary and in Edmonton and, in particular, the following staff members: Dr. Shaniff Esmail (Associate Chair and Coordinator of the Calgary satellite program), Susan Mulholland (Calgary Liaison), Jutta Hinrichs (Clinical Education Coordinator - Calgary & Southern AB) and three part-time Clinical Instructors: Deb Froese, Safieh Rajan, and Trish Williams. The program was delivered in one downtown location leased from TRTech. Renovation is underway with plans to relocate the occupational therapy program with the physical therapy program in the same building in Calgary. All students were in Edmonton for orientation week in September 2013. The student-led Professional Development Committee (PDC) Conference was videoconferenced to allow Calgary students to attend. Whenever possible, lectures and labs were delivered face-to-face, predominantly by the three Calgary-based clinical instructors. As well, this year there was an increase in number of guest speakers and lectures videoconferenced from Calgary to Edmonton thus capitalizing on expertise available in Southern Alberta. An increased number of student selected modules (1 credit, 13 hours) was offered live in Calgary as well as through videoconferencing. We continued to build on our partnerships in Calgary. Occupational therapy students participated in Its Your Move (IYM) with Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

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the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) rehabilitation assistant (RA) students; as well, Interprofessional Launch included occupational therapy, physical therapy and rehabilitation assistant students. Three Calgary students worked as research assistants with a Edmonton based investigator on a research project funded by AHS and AET to examine the use of GPS-enabled technologies for monitoring older adults who have cognitive impairment and are at risk for wandering. Ongoing informal feedback as well as formal focus groups continue to indicate that Calgary students view the program positively. The smaller class size enhances engagement and cohesiveness and students report a balanced lifestyle given that they have been able to remain closer to their home town or preferred location. Academic performance continues to be comparable than the Edmonton cohort.

Admission, Enrollment and Convocation Statistics Convocation (November 2013 & June 2014) - MScOT (Course-Based) Program Sineen Abu Al Itham Heather Anchikoski Claire Andrews Stacy Armstrong Anna Asadi Moghaddam Brook Baker Jasmine Bateman Jocelyn Beaton Kayla Bekolay Julie Boswell Nicole Bretzer Laura Bunn Abby Bunton Ryley Carleton Jessica Chatfield Di Chen

Tiffany Cheung Janice Chiang Jessica Cole Sara Costron Colleen Cramer Natalie Desilet Sara Dettling Amerpreet Dhami Hailey Dublenko Carly Facca Kristen Fair Ryan Falck Shereena Fazal Christine Feehan Jillian Franklin Janaya Friedrich

Leigh Ann Gourlie Leah Grossmith Monique Guerrette Kelsey Hagg Brittany Harris Esther Hawn Kirsten Jette Heather Jim Katrina Kunkel Megan Labas Nicola LaBerge Joelle Lappala Meghan Lee Jessica Lee Laryssa Lemke Denise Lendi

Department of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Dayna Leskiw Angeline Lok Nicole Luchyshin Brett Lunan Shaunne MacDonald Carissa Mancell Logan McColl Katelyn McNeil Karissa McRoberts Jessica Moo Yong Joshua Moser Hoa Mary Nguyen Amy Paul Megan Pedruski Jared Penner Megan Perrin

Caylyn Petracek Erin Pickard Mary Kristy Raymond Michelle Renaud Virginia Rousom Sukhman Sandhu Amy Schumacher Paula Shyba Anthony Siffledeen Mark Smith Jillian Smith Windsor Yojo Smolski Melissa Smyth Jessica Stanley Almira Tanner Jennifer Thai

Alyshah Thobani Katherine Tittemore Rachel Toppin Chrisoula Tsouroulas James Tully Donald Verran Kimberley Vos Kelsey Waisanen Christine Walker Daina Wellington Nicole Wellman Leanne Wist Liliana Yepez Audrey Yong Jamie Zittlau Alyssa Zorn

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