OT Annual Report 2014-15

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Annual Report (2014 – 2015)

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Table of Contents Message from the Chair ...................................................................................................... 3 Vision and Mission ............................................................................................................... 4 Department Personnel ........................................................................................................ 5 Academic Staff ................................................................................................................ 5 Adjunct Academic Colleagues ....................................................................................... 6 Administrative & Support Staff ...................................................................................... 6 Guest & Clinical Lecturers ............................................................................................ 7 Awards ................................................................................................................................ 7 Academic Staff ................................................................................................................ 7 Sudents ........................................................................................................................... 8 Research Funding ............................................................................................................... 9 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 9 New Funding ................................................................................................................. 10 Continuing Funding ..................................................................................................... 14 Publications ...................................................................................................................... 19 Books ............................................................................................................................ 19 Chapters ....................................................................................................................... 20 Peer reviewed articles ................................................................................................. 20 Abstracts ...................................................................................................................... 22 Presentations at Refereed Conferences ..................................................................... 22 Community Service ........................................................................................................... 27 Creative Presentations and Performances ................................................................. 27 Presentations at Non-refereed Conferences .............................................................. 27 Clinical Education .............................................................................................................. 32 Calgary Satellite Campus .................................................................................................. 35 Admissions and Convocation ............................................................................................. 37 Occupational Performance Analysis Unit (OPAU) .............................................................. 38 AT A GLANCE Academic Year 2014-15 ............................................................................... 39

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Chair’s Message The Departm ent of Occupational Therapy is pleased to share our 2014-2015 Annual Report. The department’s Vision and Mission are aligned with the University of Alberta’s 2011-2015 Dare to Deliver Academic Plan that emphasizes Learning, Discovery and Citizenship. In concert with clinical educators, the Department of Occupational Therapy educate graduate students to be competent therapists who have the capacity to practise in evolving sociopolitical and healthcare environments, local and global. Faculty members’ recognized research programs create knowledge and discovery that contribute to evidence-based occupational therapy practice in Canada. The theme of this reporting period is that of renewal and continued expansion. After two rounds of volunteer retirements during the period of budget cuts, the Department has now renewed its greatest asset – human resources. In the past year alone, we have recruited three new Assistant Professors. This brings the total current number of assistant professors to 6. These junior faculty members bring renewed energy to the Department through their innovative research, dynamic teaching and strong citizenship participation. After receiving notice of permanent funding, the Department has successfully completed renovations to our permanent space in Calgary for our satellite program. The number of students in our entire program has expanded to 120 between the Edmonton and Calgary sites. To accommodate this increase we have also recruited more instructors at both sites. Members of the Department of Occupational Therapy have worked diligently to complete a comprehensive self-study report in preparation for our accreditation in Fall 2015. This process has brought out leadership capacity in each member of the Department. I am humbled to call these individuals my colleagues. The successes of our students and faculty rely on the generous support of our numerous stakeholders, including occupational therapy practitioners, adjunct appointments in other disciplines, donors and volunteers at various committees. On behalf of the Department of Occupational Therapy, I extend our gratitude to you for helping make our 2014-2015 a successful year.

Lili Liu, Chair

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Annual Report (2014-2015)


Department Personnel Academic Staff

Staf f Mem b er

Ap po intm ent

Cr edenti als

Ten ure Tr ac k F acul ty Bremault-Phillips, Suzette

Assistant Professor


Brintnell, Sharon


MSc, BOT, PDipPT and OT

Brown, Cary



Esmail, Shaniff

Associate Chair & Professor


Forhan, Mary

Assistant Professor


Hodgetts, Sandra

Assistant Professor

PhD, MScOT, BKin

Leung, Ada

Assistant Professor


Liu, Lili

Chair & Professor


McConnell, David



Misiazek, John


PhD, BSc

Phelan, Shanon

Assistant Professor


Roduta Roberts, Mary

Assistant Professor


Schmitz, Corilie

Assistant Professor / Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education


Taylor, Elizabeth

Associate Dean & Associate Professor


Cli ni cal Track Facu lty

Cli ni cal Educati on Coordin ators (CEC) Derdall, Michele

CEC (Saskatchewan)


Kolber, Loraine

CEC (Independent Community Placements)


Hinrichs, Jutta

CEC (Calgary and Southern Alberta)/ Sessional


S ess ion al In stru ctor s ( Fu ll -tim e) Werther, Karin

Sessional (Edmonton)


Mulholland, Susan

Calgary Liaison / Sessional (Calgary)

MScRehab, BScOT

S ess ion al In stru ctor s ( Part- tim e) Froese, Deb

Sessional (Calgary)


Rajan, Safieh

Sessional (Calgary)


Williams, Patricia

Sessional (Calgary)


Annual Report (2014-2015)


 Adjunct Academic Colleagues

Nam e


Adjunct Assistant Professor Friesen, Stephen

Bethany Care Society, Calgary

Froese, Debra

Professional Private Practice OT, Calgary

King, Sharla

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Dept of Educational Psychology, UofA

Klein, Jennifer

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Edmonton

Lederer, Robert

Associate Professor, Art and Design, Industrial Design Studio, Faculty of Arts, UofA

Miller, Linda

Ergo Works Inc., Edmonton

Rajan, Safieh

Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre, Community Accessible Rehabilitation, Calgary

Shankar, Janki

Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, Edmonton

Tam, Kathy

Wing Kei Care Centre, Calgary

Tilley, Wendy

Rehabilitation Services, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton

Wickman, Ronald

Principal, Ron Wickman Architecture

Williams, Trisha

Professional Private Practice OT, Calgary

Adjunct Professor Redmond, Mark

Executive Director, Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine, UofA

Nikolaidis, Ioanis

Professor, Computing Science UofA

Stroulia, Eleni

Rehabilitation Services, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton

 Administrative & Support Staff Administrative Professional Officer Dawn MacRitchie, PhD Clinical Education/ Admissions Records Administrator Ms. Michelle Green Academic/ Student Records Assistant Ms. Jessica Papineau Executive Assistant Chair and Associate Chair Ms. Karmet Wall & Ms. Arlene Knudson Occupational Therapy Assistant Ms. Jacalyn Poulin

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Calgary Administrative Coordinator Ms. Jamie Rishaug


Guest & Clinical Lecturers


Allison Carpentier

Janna McLachlan

Michelle Barrett

Amanda Chen

Jasmine Maser

Michelle Derdall

Amelia Rajala

Jennifer Seida

Mike Johnson

Annie Paterson

Joanne Park

Monica Berezowski

Ava Calfat

Jon Ashmead

Naida Feldman

Beth Ritchie

Jong Park

Nancy Nassef

Betsey Williams

Josie Neilson

Natalie Hutchison

Brodi Roberts

Karen Dhillion

Norah Gafuik

Calvin Haws

Kate Morissett

Pam Hung

Chelsea Weiman

Katherine Cotton

Patti Plett

Cherie Henderson

Kathleen O'Grady

Peyman Azad Khaneghah

Cheryl McKenna

Kathryn Wolf

Pranshu Arora

Christine Foisy

Kim Rau

Rhina Degado

Cindy Koning

Kristen Rabel More

Robert Gray

Cindy Tom

Kristine Belamisca

Rosalie Freund-Heritage

Connie Erker

Laura Rogers

Sandra Florian

Elaine Cairns

Lauren Ross

Shane Lynch

Elizabeth Ferguson

Leah Phillips

Sharon de Waal

Ellie Park

Leila Sidi

Shelley Thompson

Ewa Bochinski

Lesley Wiart

Sheron Parmar

Gayla Grinde

Lindsay Eales

Stephanie Warren

Genevieve Jamin

Liz Mathew

Tamara Germani

Georgina Brown

Lyndsey Hahn

Tara Weaver

Glyn Murgatroyd

Megan Bulat

Valerie Ure

Gordon Self

Megan Khols-Wiebe

Wendy Tilley

Heather Trowell

Megan Metzer

William Tung

Ingrid Barlow

Melissa Jones

Janine Halayko

Awards Faculty Awards & Honours


Cary Brown - Graduate Students Association Supervisor Award Sandy Hodgetts - RMSA Teaching Award Shaniff Esmail - Delta Phi Excellence in Teaching Award

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Student Awards & Scholarships

Total Awards for MScOT (course-based) Students: $173,525 Name of Award or Scholarship



Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Clinical Award Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Vargo Award Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Award Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Medal in Occupational Therapy Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Gail Gilewich Memorial Scholarship Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research May and John Lockhart Award Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Chrysalis Award Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Kuder Memorial Scholarship Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Evelyn and Gene Norville Memorial Scholarship Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Friends of the FGSR Award Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Gauk-Westfield Award Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Oil Service Scholarship

Chrisitna Ross


Meghan Harris


Laura LaBerge


Meghan Harris


Sarah Francis


Samantha Van iperen


Lindsay Hoehne


Rebecca Gano Erin Harris Sarah Francis


Jennifer Newman


Miranda Skjel


Chelsea Robinson Cecilia Agius


Government of Alberta Graduate Scholarship

K. Apers, C. Brown, J. Buckland, A. Cook, A. Cuglietta, B, English, E. Fagnan, C. Fernando, S. Francis, M. Gan, R. Gano, A. Hampson, S. Harris, C. Ho, J. Hoang, A. Hobmaier, L. Hoehne, K. Hughes, S. Lai, J. Leonard, HM Lai, N. Little, K. MacInnes, M. Martineau, J. Mills, K. Mirkovich, A. Moore, J. Newman, S. Panton, K. Sorenson, N. Plummer, L. Purves, C. Reid, L. Richards, J. Robertson, K. Ruttan, T. Short, M. Skjel, S. Tilburn, N. Till, S. VanIperen, B. Vols, MC Yang, H. Zinkhofer Kimberly Bitz


Karen Nabuurs


CIHR Health Professional Student Research Award Department of Occupational Therapy Leadership & Innovation in Geriatric Care Award

Annual Report (2014-2015)




Name of Award or Scholarship


Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation Future Scholar Award Government of Alberta Gary McPherson Leadership Scholarship Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Leinweber Memorial Occupational Therapy Scholarship Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship


Angelica Reyes


John Stuart Layton


Mandy Chan Megan Martineau


Esther Wong Kristi Muchalla Chelsea Robinson Joesph Siracky




Research Funding Research Funding Summary  Total Research Funding (2014-15): $1,266,828.00 NOTE: The following outlines grants for which our staff members are the Principle Investigator (PI), Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI) or Co-Investigator (Co-I). The total represents the amount applicable in 2014-15 only.

Category New Funding (PI/ Co-PI) Continuing Funding (PI/ Co-PI) Co-I on funds held elsewhere Total:

Am ount $281,259 $572,929 $412,640 $1,266,828

Co-I on funds held elsewhere 33%

New Funding 22%

Continuing Funding 45%

New Funding (with Department member as PI or Co-PI) NOTE: The values represent the total amount awarded over the life span of the grant. Funder CIHR Alberta Health - Workforce Division CIHR & NSERC Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research (ACCFCR) Jewish General Hospital - Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists/Alberta Human Services, OHS

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Value $399,858 $328,427 $131,000 $110,000 $100,000 $11,900


Program Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Canada Summer Jobs Summer Student Subsidy Program University of Alberta - Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund Professional Development Kule Institute of Advanced Studies Alberta Pain Society Total:

$6,000 $5,000 $1,848 $1,780 $500 $1,096,313

Continuing Funding (with Department member as PI or Co-PI) NOTE: The total represents the amount applicable to 2014-15 only. Funder WCHRI/Stollery Hospital Foundation AIHS-PRIHS Alberta Health Services and Advanced Education and Technology Teaching and learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), University of Alberta Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) Faculty Start-up funds NSERC Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) ACCFCR Glenrose Foundation ACCFCR SSHRC Insight Government of Alberta, Workforce Division Collaborative Research Grant Initiative - Alberta Health Services Total:

Value $152014 $125,000 $72,015 $50,000 $35,700 $32,200 $31,000 $31,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $6,000 $0 $8000 $572,929

 New Research Funding (by faculty member)

New Funding (with Department member as PI or Co-PI) Faculty Mem ber:

Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Cary Brown Increasing emotional health knowledge-base and resource access for regulated occupational therapists. Brown CA Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists/Alberta Human Services, OHS Program 11,900.00 (8925.00 available this year) May 1, 2015 - September 30, 2015

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Cary Brown A Resource gateway for OTs working in the area of pain Brown CA Alberta Pain Society 500.00 (500.00 available this year) August 1, 2014 - October 1, 2014

Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency:

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber:

Sandy Hodgetts Early Career Developmental Award (New Investigator Award) Sandy Hodgetts Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research (ACCFCR) $110,000 ($50,000 available this year) July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2017 Sandy Hodgetts Interventions to improve social participation for children with ASD: A systematic review Sandy Hodgetts CIHR UNDER REVIEW ($100,000 requested) (0 available this year) January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Mary Forhan Canadian Institutes for Health Research Team Gran in Bariatric Care-Pediatrics Geoff Ball CIHR 299,858.00 (59,971.00 available this year) April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2020

PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Mary Forhan Occupational therapy and sarcopenic obesity: prevalence and measurement in a cohort of patients with severe obesity Mary Forhan Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine 6,000.00 (6,000.00 available this year) July 10, 2014 - July 9, 2015

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Shaniff Esm ail Student Wage Subsidy Shaniff Esmail Canada Summer Jobs Summer Student subsidy program 5000 (2015 available this year) June 1, 2015 - August 30, 2015

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s):

Corilie (Cori) Schm itz TLEF - Professional Development Schmitz, C. University of Alberta - Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund - Professional Development 1848 (1848 available this year) October 23, 2014 - October 25, 2014

Title of Grant:

Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s):

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Mary Roduta Roberts Equipping care providers not regulated by legislation or governed by a regulatory body (CPs-NR) to more effectively manage responsive behaviours Drs. Suzette Bremault-Phillips and Mary Roduta Roberts


Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Alberta Health - Workforce Division $328,427 ($0 available this year) December 1, 2014 - September 30, 2016

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Spirituality and Health Consultation Bremault-Phillips, S. Kule Institute of Advanced Studies 1,780 (1000 available this year) January 1, 2015 - June 1, 2015

Faculty Mem ber:

Lili Liu Aging gracefully across environments using technology to support well, engagement, and long life (AGE-WELL) Work Package 6.1 CIHR & NSERC $131,000.00 ($131,000.00 available this year) April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2018

Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Lili Liu Gerontechnology and dementia Lili Liu Jewish General Hospital - Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging $100,000 ($20,000 available this year) April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2018

New Funding (with Department member not PI or Co-PI) Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber:

Cary Brown Developing a best-practice resource for occupational therapists designing multiple choice questions in patient education outcome tools. N Smith (student) mentorship SAOT 1,000 (1000.00 available this year) August 1, 2014 - July 1, 2015

PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Cary Brown Development, implementation, and evaluation of an internetbased behavioural sleep intervention and melatonin for children with NDD and insomnia. Dr. Penny Corkum / Dr. Shelly Weiss Co-investigator NeuroDevNet 939,900.00 (313,300.00 available this year) November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2017

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant:

Shaniff Esm ail KIAS Cluster Grant

Title of Grant:

Annual Report (2014-2015)


PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Jan Selman Co-Investigator Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) 100,000 (50,000 available this year) May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2018

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

John Misiaszek Restoring walking with a powered exoskeleton Yang JF Co-Investigator Craig H Nielsen Foundation $281,924.00 USD ($0 available this year) September 30, 2015 - September 29, 2017

Faculty Mem ber:

Corilie (Cori) Schm itz The effectiveness of tele-supervsion in allied health fieldwork education: Student of Canadian and Australian student and supervisor experiences Nagarajan, S. co-investigator University of Sydney - International Program Development Fund (IPDF) 13340 (13340 available this year) January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015

Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award:

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Implementation and evaluation of a multi-component online resource for caregivers of persons with dementia Holroyd-Leduc, Jayna Co-Investigator Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) 100,000 (20,000 available this year) April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2017 Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Creation of a Customized Tool to Facilitate Confidence and Ease in Decision-Making Capacity Assessments among Family Physicians: A Pilot Study Charles, L. Co-Lead Northern Alberta Academic Family Medicine Fund $4917.00 (2500 available this year) August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2015 Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Supporting family caregivers of seniors with complex needs: Building the foundation for program development and research Jasneet Parmar Co-Lead Northern Alberta Academic Family Medicine Fund 4787.20 (2500 available this year)


Dates of Funding:

August 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015

Faculty Mem ber:

David McConnell Child welfare process and outcomes for children of parents with cognitive impairment [II]. D. McConnell n/a Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research (ACCFCR) $30,579,60 ($10,000 available this year) March 1, 2015 - March 1, 2016

Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

 Continuing Research Funding (by faculty member)

Continuing Funding (with Department member as PI or Co-PI) Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

John Misiaszek Neural Control of Walking Balance Misiaszek, JE NSERC 155 000.00 (31 000.00 available this year) April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2017

Faculty Mem ber:

Sandy Hodgetts Disclosing their child's diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder to others: Family processes and perceived outcomes Sandy Hodgetts, Shanon Phelan WCHRI/Stollery Hospital Foundation $50,000 (n/a - started Dec 15, 2014 but not starting project until Dr. Phelan returns. available this year) December 15, 2014 - December 14, 2016

Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber:

Sandy Hodgetts Improving Social Participation for Children with ASD in Elementary School Sandy Hodgetts, Shanon Phelan ACCFCR $10,000 ($10,000 available this year) May 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015

PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Sandy Hodgetts Preparing for the future: Autonomous goal setting for individuals with ASD Sandy Hodgetts Glenrose Foundation $10,000 ($10,000 available this year) July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015

Faculty Mem ber:

Mary Forhan

Title of Grant:

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Care and Rehabilitation for Patients with Severe Obesity in Alberta's Tertiary Care Settings Mary Forhan AIHS-PRIHS 741,179.00 (125,000.00 available this year) January 1, 2014 - March 31, 2017 Ada Leung Neural mechanisms of executive function and working memory Leung, A.W.S. Faculty Start-up funds 50,000 (32,200 available this year) August 15, 2011 - July 31, 2020 Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Equipping Unregulated Workers to More Effectively Manage Responsive Behaviours Brémault-Phillips, S. Government of Alberta, Workforce Division 328,437.00 (confirmation of funding given in Fall 2014; due to fiscal constraints, funds withheld Feb. 23, 2015; awaiting further funding indication) (0 available this year) Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Managing Responsive Aggressive Behaviours: Implementing and Evaluating a Capacity Building Process in Acute Care, Supportive Living, and Long Term Care Brémault-Phillips, S. Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) 200,000 (31,000 available this year) March 9, 2015 - March 8, 2016 Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Spreading and Sustaining the Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Model: Development and Evaluation of a DMCA Model Implementation and Sustainability Framework Brémault-Phillips, S. Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) 200,000 (35,700 available this year) March 9, 2014 - March 8, 2015 David McConnell Social inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in Canada D McConnell SSHRC Insight $208,000 ($60,00 available this year) March 1, 2012 - October 30, 2015


Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Elizabeth Taylor The Use of Mobile Technology to Enhance Learning Through online Communities of Practice Among Occupational Therapy Students in Edmonton and Calgary L. Liu, S. Esmail, E. Taylor, S. King, E. Stroulia University of Alberta 111,010 ($50,000 available this year) September 1, 2013 - September 1, 2015 Elizabeth Taylor Community re-integration of forensic Clients with Persistent, Chronic Mental Illness: A Retrospective Evaluation of Life Skills training Programs Provided through the House Next Door Society Residential Services E. Taylor, S. Bremault-Phillips, S. Brintnell Collaborative Research Grant Initiative - Alberta Health Services 8000 (8000 available this year) Shanon Phelan Improving Social Participation for Children with ASD in Elementary School: Proposal Development S. Phelan, S. Hodgetts ACCFCR 10,000 (10,000 available this year) March 1, 2014 - March 1, 2015 Lili Liu The use of mobile technology to enhance learning through online communities of practice among occupational therapy students in Edmonton and Calgary Lili Liu Teaching and learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF), University of Alberta $111,010 ($50,000 available this year) April 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015 Lili Liu Locator Device Project Lili Liu Alberta Health Services and Advanced Education and Technology $40,000 (Final report submitted on September 7, 2015) January 1, 2015 - December 1, 2015

Continuing Funding (with Department member not PI or Co-PI) Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant:

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Sandy Hodgetts Examining transition from adolescence to adulthood in autism spectrum disorder 16

PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

David Nicholas Co-Investigator ACCFCR $40,000 ($40,000 available this year) November 1, 2014 - November 1, 2015

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Shaniff Esm ail TLEF Lili Liu Secondary Investigator Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund $110,00 ($50,000 available this year) -

Faculty Mem ber:

Ada Leung Understanding the neural mechanism of central hearing deficit in patients with subjective idiopathic tinnitus: Investigation using event-related potential (ERP) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Gomaa, N. Co-PI Edmonton Civic Employees Research Grants 9,900. (9,900. available this year) September 1, 2014 - March 31, 2016

Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role:

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Mary Roduta Roberts Managing Responsive Aggressive Behaviours: Implementing and Evaluating a Capacity Building Process in Acute Care, Supportive Living, and Long Term Care Dr. Suzette Bremault-Phillips Co-Lead Covenant Health-Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) Innovation Fund $200,000 ($80,000 available this year) May 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 Mary Roduta Roberts Spreading and sustaining the Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DCMA) Model: Development and evaluation of a DCMA Model implementation and sustainability framework Dr. Suzette Bremault-Phillips Co-Lead Covenant Health - Network of Excellence in Seniors Health and Wellness (NESHW) Innovation Fund $200,000 ($80,000 available this year) May 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015 Suzette Brem ault-Phillips Optimizing Seniors Surgical Care – The Elder-Friendly Surgical Unit Khadaroo, R. Co-investigator


Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Alberta Innovates Health Solutions & Alberta Health Services 749,417.00 (0 available this year) January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2017

Faculty Mem ber:

Suzette Brem ault-Phillips A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Electronic versus Paper-based Documentation Tse-Wing, J. Co-applicant Institute for Continuing Care Education and Research (ICCER) 10,000 (8,000 available this year) June 1, 2014 - December 31, 2015

Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber:

David McConnell Engaging children with disabilities as co-researchers: innovation in methodology and methods. S Phelan Co-I Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Special Competition $8,337 (0 available this year) June 1, 2014 - June 30, 2016 Shanon Phelan Integrated Systems and Team Working for Children with Disabilities: An Institutional Ethnography of Health Professional Practice in the Special Education Context Lingard, Ng Co-I CIHR 134,404 (67,202 available this year) October 1, 2013 - October 1, 2015

PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Shanon Phelan A comparative analysis of the enactment of policies in school-based health supports by parents, educators, health professionals, and children Ng Co-PI University of Toronto 20,000 (10,000 available this year) March 1, 2014 - March 1, 2016

Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Shanon Phelan An Evaluation of the Hands & Voices Parent Toolkit Vandenhoff Co-I, Research Mentor Canadian Academy of Audiology 5,000 (5,000 available this year) October 1, 2013 - October 1, 2014

Title of Grant:

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding: Faculty Mem ber: Title of Grant: PI(s): Member Role: Funding Agency: Total Amount of Award: Dates of Funding:

Shanon Phelan Occupational Therapy Practice in the Canadian Health Care System: An Examination of Ethical Tensions and their Negotiation Kinsella Co-I Western University 3000 (3000 available this year) September 1, 2013 - September 1, 2014 Lili Liu Technologies for living independently: a technology case study on remote patient monitoring Martin Ferguson-Pell Co-applicant, supervisor of Post-Doc Fellow Mitacs-Accelerate Internship Program $403,334 ($100,000 available this year) July 1, 2013 - June 1, 2015

Publications Publication Summary


Total Publications: 102 Category Books Book Chapters Peer reviewed journal articles Abstracts / Conference Presentations Total:

No 1 7 30 64 102

Books 1%

Book Chapters 7%

Abstracts / Conference Presentations 63%

Publications (by category)

Peer reviewed journal articles 29%


Books 1. Backman CA, Forhan M (in press). Measuring time use and occupational balance. International: SLACK.

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Published Refereed Book Chapters 1. Franklin J*, Smith-Windsor J*, Brown C. (2015). Children’s Sleep (chapter 9) . An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems . London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2. Green A & Brown CA. (2015). Introduction (chapter 1) . An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems.. London: Jessica Kingsley Publications. 3. Boswell J*, Thai J*, Brown C. (2015). Older Adults’ Sleep (Chapter 10). An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems . London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 4. Stubbs N*, Aishford N*, Brown C. (2015). Sleep and Trauma Exposed Workers (chapter 12) . An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems . London: Jessica Kingsley Publications. 5. Brown C, Green A (2015). The Relationship Between Sleep and Pain (Chapter 16) . An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems . London: Jessica Kingglsey Publishers. 6. Green A, Brown C. (2015). Waking Up: Concluding Remarks (Chapter 19) . An Occupational Therapist's Guide to Sleep and Sleep Problems . London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers . 7. Alain, C., Arnott, S.R., Gillingham, S., Leung, A.W.S., Wong, J. (2015). Interplay between auditory attention and working memory. Mechanisms of sensory working memory: Attention and Performance XXV. San Diego, CA, USA: Elsevier Inc..

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 1. Suleman, S., Cleary, S., Brem ault-Phillips, S., Hopper, T., Jones, A., Paslawski, T., Brown, CA. (2015). Rehabilitation Research for Older Adults - Outcomes of a Knowledge Translation and Network Engagement Event. SAGE Open, 4: 1-5. 2. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Olson, J., Brett-MacLean, P., Oneschuk, D., Sinclair, S., Magnus, R., Weis, J., Abbasi, M., Parmar, J., Puchalski, C. M. (2015). Integrating Spirituality as a Key Component of Patient Care. Religions, 6(2) : 476-498. 3. Parmar, J., Brém ault-Phillips, S., Charles, L. (2015). The Development and Implementation of a Decision-Making Capacity Assessment Model. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 18(1): 15–28. 4. Dutt, R.*, Roduta- Roberts, M., Brown CA. (2015). Sleep and Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Review of Current Evidence and Environmental Non-Pharmacological Interventions. . Children, 2: http://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/2/1/78/html. 5. Brown CA, Bostick G, Bellmore L, Kumanayaka D*. (2015). Hand self-Shiatsu for sleep problems in persons with chronic pain: A pilot study. . Journal of Integrative Medicine, 12(2): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S2095-4964(14)60010-8. 6. Watson M**, Garden J, Swedlove F, Brown CA (2015). Back to the basics: Sleep and occupation.. OTNow, 16(5): 8-9. 7. Suleman S*, Cleary S, Bremault-Phillips S, Hopper T, Jones A, Paslawski T, Brown CA. (2015). Rehabilitation Research for Older Adults: Outcomes of a Knowledge Translation Annual Report (2014-2015)


and Network Engagement Event.. Sage Open, Dec 2014: http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/4/4/2158244014560550. 8. Puhl RM, Latner JD, O'Brien K, Luendicke L, Danielsdottier S, Forhan M (2015). A multinational examination of weight bias: predictors of anti-fat attitudes across four countries. International Journal of Obesity, Epub ahead of print: 1-8. 9. Avis J, Perez A, Forhan M, Ball G (2015). Is waiting room behaviour an accurate proxy for families actual dietary habits. A comment regarding "Junk Food" seen at paediatric clinic visits: Is it a problem?. Clinical Pediatrics, 2: 197. 10. Alter DA, Zagorski B, Marzolini S, Forhan M, Oh PI (2015). On-site programmatic attendance to cardiac rehabilitation and the healthy-adherer effect. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, Epub ahead of print: 1-15. 11. Alter DA, O'Sullivan M, Oh PI, Redelmeier DA, Marzolini S, Liu R, Forhan M, Silver M, Goodman JM, Bartel LR (2015). Synchronized personalized music audio-playlists to improve adherence to physical activity among patients participating in a structured exercise program: a proof of principle feasibility study. Sports Medicine-Open, 2:7: 1-13. 12. Forhan M (2015). Weight loss interventions for rehabilitation patients with obesity.. Current Obesity Reports, 3: 330-335. 13. Li, X., Xiao, Y., Zhao, Q., Leung, A.W.S, Cheung, E.F.C., Chan, R.C.K. (2015). The neuroplastic effect of working memory training in healthy volunteers and patients with schizophrenia: Implications for cognitive rehabilitation. Neuropsychologia, 75: 149-162. 14. Shankar, J., Liu, L., Nicholas, D., Warren, S., Lai, D., Tan, S., Zulla, R., Couture, J., & Sears, A. (2015). Employers' perspectives on hiring and accommodating workers with mental illness. SAGE Open, 4(3): 1-13. 15. McConnell, D., & Savage*, A. (2015). Stress and Resilience Among Families Caring for Children with Intellectual Disability: Expanding the Research Agenda.. Current Developmental Disorders Reports, 2: 100-109. 16. McConnell, D., Savage*, A., Sobsey, D., & Uditsky, B. (2015). Benefit-finding or finding benefit? The positive impact of children with disabilities.. Disability & Society, 30(1): 2945. 17. McConnell, D., Parakkal*, M., Savage*, A., & Rempel, G. (2015). Parent-mediated intervention: adherence and adverse effects.. Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(10): 864872. 18. Isbel*, S., Chapparo, C., McConnell, D., & Ranka, J. (2015). Home-based constraint induced movement therapy poststroke. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2 (4): Article 3. 19. McConnell, D., Savage*, A., Breitkreuz, R., & Sobsey D. (2015). Sustainable family care for children with disabilities. Journal of Child and Family Studies, on-line early: 1-15. 20. Forero*, J., & Misiaszek, J.E. (2015). Balance-corrective responses to unexpected perturbations at the arms during treadmill walking. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(7): 1790-1800. 21. Forero*, J., & Misiaszek, J.E. (2015). The amplitude of interlimb reflexes in the leg is Annual Report (2014-2015)


influenced by fingertip touch and vision during treadmill locomotion.. Experimental Brain Research, 233(6): 1773-1782. 22. Altalibi, M.*, Saltaji, H., Roduta Roberts, M., Major, M., Maclean, J., & Major, P. (2015). Developing an index for the orthodontic treatment need in pediatric patients with obstructive sleep apnea: A protocol for the development of a communication tool between physicians and orthodontists. BMJ Open, 4: e005680. 23. Friesen, S., Brém ault-Phillips, S., Rudrum, L., and Rogers, LG. (in press). Environmental Design that Supports Healthy Aging: Evaluating a New Supportive Living Facility. Journal of Housing for the Elderly. 24. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Friesen, S., Moulton, L., Germani, T., Miciak, M., Parmar, J., and Rogers, LG. (in press). Managing Responsive Behaviours: A Wicked Problem Addressed through a Grassroots Approach. Healthcare Quarterly. 25. Talley*,L. & Brintnell, E,S. (Received 12 September 2014; accepted 4 August 2015) (in press). Scoping the barriers to implementing policies for inclusive education in Rwanda: an occupational therapy opportunity. Journal of international Inclusive Education. 26. LaBerge B*, Johnson B*, Brown CA. (in press). Evaluation of a Sleep Knowledge Translation Strategy for Occupational Therapists Working with Persons who have Dementia.. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy. 27. Puhl R, Latner JD, O'Brien K, Luedicke J, Forhan M, Danielstottir S (in press). Cross cultural perspectives about weight-based bullying in youth. Pediatrics. 28. Tracy, P.*, Leung, A.W.S. (in press). Reviewing the impact of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome on daily functioning using a holistic model: Its implication on intervention. Journal of Alternative, Complementary & Integrative Medicine. 29. Tanner, M.*, Rammage, L., Liu, L. (in press). Does singing and vocal strengthening improve vocal ability in people with Parkinson's disease?. Arts & Health. 30. Arora, P.*, Liu, L., Roberts, M.R., King, S., Freund-Heritage, Rosalie (in press). Reliability and validity of the Hindi version of Falls Efficacy Scale - International among older adults in Alberta. Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

Published Abstracts 1. Hodgetts, S., Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., and Stolte, M. (July, 2014). Autonomous goal setting in children and adolescents with ASD. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27:44, 396. 2. Hodgetts, S., McConnell, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., and Nicholas, D. (July, 2014). The relationship between autism services and mothers' wellbeing. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27:44, 353.

Presentations at Refereed Conferences 1.

Author(s) Charles, L., Parmar, J., Brém ault-Phillips, S. Keating, N., Tian, P.,

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Title of Paper Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors with Complex Needs.

Conference Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta. October 15, 2014.


Author(s) Johnson, M.

Title of Paper



Charles, L., Parmar, J., Brém ault-Phillips, S.

Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes.

Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, AB. October 15, 2014.


Brém ault-Phillips, S., Woodhead Lyons, S., Cole, M.

Addressing Responsive Behaviours in the Alberta Context.

Niagara Falls, ON. October 17, 2014.

Family and the Spiritual Journey: A Vehicle for Fostering Life, Becoming, and Humanness. Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes. Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes.

Newman College, Edmonton, AB. October 24, 2014.

Addressing Responsive Behaviours in the Alberta Context.

Banff, AB. November 3, 2014.



Brém ault-Phillips, S. Parmar, J., Brém aultPhillips, S., Johnson, M.


Parmar, J., Brém aultPhillips, S., Johnson, M.


Brém ault-Phillips, S., Woodhead Lyons, S., Mollie C. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Jette, N., Holroyd-Leduc, J. et. al.











Brém ault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Charles, L. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Johnson, M., Tian, V. Charles, L., Parmar, J., Dobbs, B., Brém aultPhillips, S. Charles, L., Parmar, J., Dobbs, B., Brém aultPhillips, S. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Johnson, M., Tian, V., Mann, A., Huhn, A. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Roduta Roberts, M., Phelan, S., Waugh, E., Triscott, J., Szafran, O. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Puchalski, C., Olson, J., Sinclair, S., Oneschuk, D., Parmar, J., Abassi, M., Brett-MacLean, P. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Woodhead Lyons, S., Mollie C. Brém ault-Phillips, S., Parmar, J., Jette, N., Holroyd-Leduc, J. et. al.

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes. The DMCA Model: An Interdisciplinary Model for Assessing Decision-Making Capacity. The Voices of Family Caregivers: A Window into their Experiences. Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Training for Physicians. Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Training for Physicians.

Edmonton, AB. October 27, 2014. Edmonton, AB. October 27, 2014.

Banff, AB. November 3, 2014. Banff, AB. November 3, 2014. Banff, AB. November 4, 2014. New York, NY. November 21, 2014. Edmonton, AB . February 5, 2015.

The Voices of Family Caregivers: A Window Into their Experiences.

Edmonton, AB. February 5, 2015.

Enhancing Cultural-Spiritual Diversity Awareness in Future health Care Professionals.

Edmonton, AB . February 5, 2015.

Use of the FICA Tool: Integrating Spirituality as a Key Component of Care by Inter-professional Palliative and Geriatric HospitalBased Teams.

Edmonton, AB . February 5, 2015.

Addressing Responsive Behaviours in the Alberta Context.

Edmonton, AB . February 5, 2015.

Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors: Improving Care and Caregiver Outcomes.

Edmonton, AB . February 5, 2015.





Author(s) Charles, L., Parmar, J., Dobbs, B., Brem aultPhillips, S., Tian, P. Charles, L., Parmar, J., Brémault-Phillips, S.. Johnson, M., Triscott, J, Tian, P. Charles, L., Parmar, J., Dobbs, B., BrémaultPhillips, S.. Babendo, O, Triscott, J, Tian, P.


Moulton, L., Brem aultPhillips, S., Germani, T, Friesen, S.


Taylor, E., Brem aultPhillips, S., Brintnell, S. Peterson, R.


Leung, A.W. & Brintnell, E.S.


Brintnell,E.S. & Leung,A.W.


Taylor, E., BremaultPhillips, S., & Brintnell, S.


Supporting Family Caregivers of Seniors with Complex Needs.

Montreal, QC . April 16, 2015.

Decision Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Training for Physicians. .

Montreal, QC . April 16, 2015.

Supporting the management of responsive behaviours through a grassroots approach: Behavioural Supports Alberta. Occupational Justice for Forensic Clients: A Community Housing Society. Neurobehavioral Characteristics in Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Exploring the neural mechanisms of cognitive function in adults with FASD. Occupational justice for forensic clients: A community housing society.

Brown CA.

Brown CA, Bostick GP, Lim J, Gross DP

Perceived injustice in injured workers: analysis of public responses to an injured worker who took Workers’ Compensation Board employees hostage..

Brown, CA, Bostick G, Bellmore L

“Self-Shiatsu Hand Massage to Promote Sleep Efficiency in Persons with Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study”.

Brown CA Bostick G, Bellmore L.

Teaching people with chronic pain to use hand self-Shiatsu to improve sleep: A pilot study..

Cori Schmitz, Susan Mulholland, Shaniff Esm ail, Jutta Henrichs Mary Roduta Roberts,

Expanding orientation week: Laying a foundation for student learning. The design and implementation of





What do MSc occupational therapy students understand the components of ‘scholarship’ to include? ..



Title of Paper Decision-Making Capacity Assessment (DMCA) Training for Physicians.

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Banff, AB. February 26, 2015.

Banff, Alberta . April 30, 2015. Winnipeg, MB . May 28, 2015. Vancouver BC. March 7, 2015. Vancouver BC. March 6, 2015. Winnipeg MN. May 27, 2015. Hawaii International Conference on Education: HICE, Honolulu . January 1, 2015. 3rd Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration, Toronto, Ontario, . September 28, 2014. SLEEP 2014, 28th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. May 31, 2015. Hawaii International Conference on Education: HICE, Honolulu . January 1, 2015. Winnipeg Manitoba . May 29, 2015. Winnipeg Manitoba.


Author(s) Shaniff Esm ail, Eleni Stroulia, Karin Werther, Lauren Barrett 32. 33.

Shaniff Esm ail Forhan M, Sharma AM, Hatanaka D

34. Forhan M, Ferguson C 35.




McPherson A, Swift J, Chen L, Forhan M. Johnson J, Norris C, Padwal R, Sharma AM, Janzen W, Forhan M Johnson J, Norris C, Padwal R, Sharma AM, Janzen W, Forhan M Terada T, Boule N, Forhan M, Prado C, Kenny G, Prud'homme D, Sigal R

39. Forhan M, Bitz K, Sharma AM, Hatanaka D 40.


42. 43.


Caneiro IBP, Prado CMM, Forhan M, Baracos VE, Sharma AM, Padwal R. Forhan M, Law M, Vrkljan B, Taylor V, Asselin J Forhan M Pederson JL, Majumdar SR, Padwal RS, Kahlon S, Belga S, Lau D, Fradette M, Boyko D, Forhan M, Johnson J, McAlister F. Sandy Hodgetts, Elly Park*

Title of Paper multimedia case studies for clinical reasoning.

Conference May 30, 2015.

Sexuality and Persistent Pain Strategies for Practice. Developing Best Practice in Rehabilitation for Patients with Severe Obesity. Preventive Care 2020: A workshop to design the ideal experience to engage patients with obesity in preventative health care. Clinical Dilemmas and Research Practices in an Underserved Population: Obesity in young people with physical disabilities . Obesity predicts differential rates of coronary revasculariztion following cardiac catheterization. Obesity predicts differential rates of coronary revascularization following cardiac catheterization.

Banff Alberta. September 27, 2014.

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Toronto. April 29, 2015.

Toronto. April 29, 2015. Toronto. April 30, 2015. Montreal. May 26, 2015.

Sarcopenic obesity in type 2 diabetes: Characteristics and responses to exercise training.

Toronto. April 30, 2015.

Effectiveness of an interprofessional post-graduate educational program on knowledge about obesity, weight bias and practice behaviours.

Toronto. April 30, 2015.

Sarcopenic obesity in a bariatric cohort.

Winnipeg. May 28, 2015.

Severe obesity, resiliency and drive: Opportunities to enable participation. Occupational Justice for Persons Living with Obesity. Depression is associated with higher 30-day readmission or mortality risk in older patients discharged from general internal medical wards: A multi-site prospective cohort study. Autonomous Goal Setting for Youth with ASD: A Scoping Study of Tools and Strategies.

45. S. Hodgetts

Toronto. October 9, 2014.

Family-centered services versus family-centered systems.

Winnipeg. May 28, 2015. Winnipeg. May 29, 2015.

Niagara Falls. October 8, 2014.

CAOT Conference, Winnipeg. May 29, 2015. Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research National conference,






Nicholas, D., Zwaigenbaum, L., Hodgetts, S. (Co-Chairs), Shattuck, P., Wehman, P., Bailey, A., Jounds Taylor, J., Bauman, M., Clarke, M., Handen, B.L., Howlin, P., Mailick, M., Szatmari, P., Roberts, W. Bossers, A., Murphy, S., White, C., Storr, C., Schmitz, C., Shimmell, L., Barker, D., Campbell Rempel, M.A., Drynan, D., Duncan, A., Kolber, L., Mendez, L., Constantin, E., Boucher, D., & Dennis, D.


International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City, UT. May 16, 2015.

Role emerging fieldwork: Academic influcence on new directions for practice.

Winnipeg, Manitoba. May 28, 2015.

Neuroplastic Changes after Auditory Working Memory Training in A Patient Surviving Multiple Stroke.

Leung, A.W.S.

Neurobehavioral characteristics in adults with FASD.

Brintnell, S.E., Leung, A.W.S.

Exploring the neural mechanis,s of cognitive function in adults with FASD.

Liu, L., Ruptash, T., Miguel Cruz, A.

Usability of GPS technology to support people with dementia living in the community: client and caregiver experiences. Usability evaluation of online personal health records in monitoring and management of patients with type II diabetes.


Azad Khaneghah, P., Miguel Cruz, A., Liu, L., Stroulia, E., FergusonPell, M.


Hodgetts, S.,McConnell,D., Zwaigenbaum, L., & Nicholas, D.

The relationship between autism services and mothers’ wellbeing.

McConnell, D., Feldman, M., Granqvist, P., Sigurjonsdottir,H., Pacheco*, L., Llewellyn, G., & Mildon, R. D. McConnell, E.

Pushing the frontiers of knowledge in the field of parents and parenting with intellectual disability [1]:there is nothing so practical as a good theory. Pushing the frontiers of knowledge



Annual Report (2014-2015)

Conference Montreal QC. May 28, 2015.

Intervention and Measurement/Outcomes in Vocation for Individuals with ASD.

Ng, B.P.S.*, Chen, X.*, Tuchak, C., Miyazaki, M., Butterworth, D., Martens, J., Leung, A.W.S.



Title of Paper

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital 10th Annual Spotlight on Research Breakfast. October 15, 2014. Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 6, 2015. Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 6, 2015. e-Health 2015: Making Connections, Toronto, Ontario. June 1, 2015. e-Health 2014: Making Connections, Toronto, Ontario. June 1, 2015. Fourth International IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress, Vienna. July 17, 2015. Fourth International IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress, Vienna. July 15, 2014. Fourth International


Author(s) Emerson,G. Llewellyn, B. Horglund, T. Laliberte, G. Hindmarsh,L. Hahn*, M. Aunos & N. Wing Man

Title of Paper in the field of parents and parenting with intellectual disability [2]: utilising populationbased and administrative data to push the frontiers of knowledge.

Suicidal Ideation among Adults with Intellectual Impairment in Western Canada.

28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, June 16-20, 2015, MontrĂŠal, Canada. June 18, 2015.

Expanding orientation week: Laying a foundation for student learning.

Winnipeg MB. May 29, 2015.

Role-emerging fieldwork: Academic influcence on new directions for practice.

Winnipeg MB. May 28, 2015.

56. McConnell, D. & Savage, A.





Schm itz C., Mulholland, S., Esmail, S. & Hinrichs, J. Bossers, A., Murphy, S., White, C., Storr, C., Schm itz, C., Shimmell, L., Barker, D., CampbellRempel, M.A., Drynan, D., Duncan, A., Kolber, L., Mendez, L., Constantin, E., Boucher, D., & Dennis, D. Werther, K., & Schm itz, C.

Schm itz, C, & Werther, K.


Taylor, E. & Taylor, M.


Taylor, E., BremaultPhillips, S. & Brintnell, E.S.

Conference IASSIDD Europe Regional Congress. July 16, 2014.

Valued qualities exhibited by occupational therapy students: An exploration of preceptor perspectives. Inter-professional fiedlowrk placements: Effectively utilizing peer learning and collaborative supervision. Occupation on the Street - building success stories. Occupational justice for forensic clients: A Community Housing.

Nijmegen, The Netherlands. October 25, 2014. Nijmegen, The Netherlands. October 24, 2014. Winnipeg Manitoba. May 28, 2015. Winnipeg Manitoba. May 29, 2015.

Community Service Presentations (by category) Â Creative Presentations and Performances Presenting Author Shaniff Esmail

Author(s)/Contrib utor(s) Shaniff Esmail

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Presentation Title



Telus World of Science, Edmonton Alberta. August 20, 2015.


Suzanne Vuch

Hodgetts, S.

Supporting autism awareness across the spectrum

ExpressNews, Edmonton. March 18, 2015.

Presentations at Non-refereed Conferences (Workshops, Talks, Professional Presentations) Faculty Mem ber


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


Suzette BremaultPhillips


E Sharon Brintnell


E Sharon Brintnell


Annual Report (2014-2015)

Contribution Government of Canada, National Defense – Chaplains, Edmonton, AB (November 19-20, 2014). Keynote and Facilitator: 2 Day Conference: Spiritual Fitness and Resilience (Edmonton Garrison). Alberta Government/Alberta Health Services, Edmonton Complex Needs & Community Learning Forum, Edmonton, AB (December 4, 2014) (2014). Invited presentation: Research Activities: Complex Needs Specialized Workforce and Innovations. Presenters: Brémault-Phillips, S., Liu, L. Government of Canada, National Defense, Casualty Training Days, Edmonton, AB (January 28, 2015). Invited Presentation: Care for the Caregiver: Building resilience and recognizing warning signs. Presenters: Brémault-Phillips, S., Thibeault, R., Taylor, L. AGNA (Alberta Gerontological Nurses Association) 33rd Annual General Meeting and Education Day, 2015, Red Deer, AB (April 24th, 2015). Invited Keynote: Finding Balance: Fostering Happiness in a Technological Age. Presenter: Brémault-Phillips, S. Alberta Association on Gerontology (AAG) – Edmonton Chapter, Networking Dinner and Student Poster Festival, Edmonton, AB, (March 5, 2015). Invited Presentation: Behavioural Supports for Older Adults. Presenter: Brémault-Phillips, S. Ottawa Colloquium on the UGCC in North America, Ottawa, ON (May 8-10, 2015). Invited Presentation: Current Factors Impacting the UGCC in North America. Invited presenter: Brémault-Phillips, S. Southern Alberta Continuing Care Therapists, Calgary, AB (June 18, 2015). Invited Presentation: Person and Family-Centred Dementia Care: Managing “Responsive Behaviours. Presenter: Bremault-Phillips, S. Olson, J., Magnus, R., Bremault-Phillips, S. (2014) Improving Care Outcomes, Patient Family Centred Care week, October 2, 2014. Panelist discussion Plenary 1 Brintnell, ES.(2015).Compassion Fatigue: A Risk for All Health Care Providers_. South Africa Dementia Society Master Classes & Workshops 26-28 March, 2015. Johannesburg, Gauteng SA Plenary Session 7: What the Caregivers and Clients are saying: Specifically narratives /research on what the “on the line” family and person with dementia are saying is important to them vs helpers and


Faculty Mem ber


E Sharon Brintnell


E Sharon Brintnell


E Sharon Brintnell


E Sharon Brintnell


E Sharon Brintnell


Cary Brown


Cary Brown


Michele Derdall

Self Submitted

Michele Derdall

Self Submitted

Shaniff Esmail


Mary Forhan


Annual Report (2014-2015)

Contribution professionals South Africa Dementia Society Master Classes & Workshops 26-28 March, 2015. Johannesburg, Gauteng SA PS06 Intervention Strategies:A more detailed content on actual health maintenance for the caregiver Prof. E. Sharon Brintnell with acknowledgement Prof Kreitzer.South Africa Dementia Society Master Classes & Workshops 26-28 March, 2015. Johannesburg, Gauteng SA Training Workshop North West Central FASD Network, Barrhead AB. Expert: Occupational Therapy _Contributions to FASD diagnosis and interventions Planning_ November 19 20, 2015. Keynote Address: Happiness and Wellbeing Come From The Ordinary Everyday Things in Life. 2015 International Occupational Therapy Conference: Function, Lifestyle, Health and Happiness held in Shenzhen China PRC. Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy with the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. March 20-22, 2015. Oral paper: Brintnell , E.S.(2015). Occupational Therapy _Services in Canada.2015 International Occupational Therapy Conference: Function, Lifestyle, Health and Happiness held in Shenzhen China PRC. Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy with the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. March 20-22. Oral paper: Brintnell, E.S.(2015). Occupational Therapy _Education in Canada. In conference program 2015 International Occupational Therapy Conference: Function, Lifestyle, Health and Happiness held in Shenzhen China PRC. Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy with the Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. Brown CA Sleep and Dementia: Why it Matters and What You Can Do. Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba Annual Provincial Conference Winnipeg May 12 2015 Brown CA Sleep and Dementia. Occupational Therapy Month presentation for Riverside Geriatric Rehabilitation Hospital, Winnipeg Manitoba, Sept 2014 Recruitment sessions for the Dept. of Occupational Therapy held at University of Saskatchewan Nov. 19, 2014 and University of Regina, October 23,2014 Introduction to Fieldwork Supervision workshops for occupational therapists. One afternoon workshop held Oct. 9, 2014 in Saskatoon and October 29, 2014 in Regina. Presented at "Innovative Teaching Seminar" on the impact of using mobile technologies to enhance learning in a health professional program. Invited to speak at the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders. One hour


Faculty Mem ber


Mary Forhan


Mary Forhan


Mary Forhan


Mary Forhan


Mary Forhan


Mary Forhan


Sandy Hodgetts

Self Submitted

Sandy Hodgetts


Sandy Hodgetts


Sandy Hodgetts


Sandy Hodgetts


Ada Leung


Annual Report (2014-2015)

Contribution presentation entitled "Health impact of weight bias". Montreal August 27 2014 Invited to speak at the Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Nurses National Conference. One hour presentation entitled "Promoting quality care for rehabilitation patients with obesity". Edmonton, June 5, 2015 Invited to present on behalf of the Provincial Bariatric Resource Team on "Obesity and the Fear of Falling". Webinar hosted by Alberta Health Services, June 3, 2015. Invited to speak at the Canadian Weight Bias Summit. One hour talk entitled "Weight sensitivity in Alberta's tertiary care settings". Calgary Alberta, March 12, 2015. Occupational Therapy Month talk for Alberta Health Services at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. Title of talk "Profile of occupational therapy contributions & research opportunities in obesity management and secondary prevention". October 16, 2014. Occupational Therapy Month education day. Three hour session/keynote entitled "Obesity management and treatment in the context of occupational therapy practice". The Ottawa Hospital, October 14, 2014. Invited to do a one hour talk entitled "State of the evidence for rehabilitation of patients living with obesity". Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar, November 22, 2014. Edmonton. Hodgetts, S. (2015, February 2). Special workshop on critical appraisal of single-case research designs (optional preparation for occth903). 90 minutes. Attended by approx. 1/3 of year 2 OT students. Hodgetts, S. & Park, E. (2015, June 9). Autonomous Goal Setting for Children and Youth with ASD. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Autism Research Rounds. (Audience: clinicians & researchers). Hodgetts, S. (2015, January 22). State of Research in ASD Intervention and Services. CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University, Hamilton. Hodgetts, S. (2015, December 17). Clinical considerations for sensory-based approaches in ASD. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Department of Occupational Therapy. Edmonton. Hodgetts, S. (2015, September 16). Gaps in Disability Services. Keynote presented at Continuing the Transformation: Human Services Ministry, Disability Services Staff Conference. Edmonton, AB. (Audience: 350 Ministry of Human Services, Disability Services staff, and policy/decision makers) CognSem Seminar Series at the Department of Psychology, University of Alberta. Date of presentation: November 7, 2014. Audience:


Faculty Mem ber


Lili Liu

Self Submitted

Lili Liu

Self Submitted

Lili Liu


Lili Liu


Lili Liu


Lili Liu


David McConnell


John Misiaszek

Self Submitted

John Misiaszek

Self Submitted

Corilie (Cori) Schmitz


Elizabeth Taylor


Annual Report (2014-2015)

Contribution Departmental faculty and graduate students Arora, P., Liu, L., Roberts, M., King, S., Freund, R. Reliability and validity of the Hindi version of Falls Efficacy Scale - International (FES-I) among older adults in Alberta. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day. June 4, 2015. Daum, C., Liu, L., Mayan, M. Thinking outside the home: Examining the function of activities in the lives of older women residing in inner city neighbourhoods. Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day. June 4, 2015. Note. Christine Daum received "Best Poster Presentation" award. Liu, L. Seniors Care, Dementia and Innovation. Presented at the CLPNA Think Tank on Dementia. October 23, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta. Liu, L. Home and independent living: Safe home design and technologies to monitor your safety at home. Presented to Seniors United Now, Edmonton Northeast Chapter, February 10, 2015, Edmonton, Alberta. Liu, L. Home and independent living: Safe home design technologies to monitor your safety at home. Presented at Seniors' Housing Forum 2014, Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre, September 27, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta. Liu, L., & Nikolaidis, I. New technologies in the Independent Living Suite (ILS). What can it do for you and how do you want to use it? Presented to the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, December 19, 2015. Title of presentation: Social connectedness matters. Venue: Alberta FASD Parent/Child Advocates Conference. Edmonton, AB, Canada. Yang, J.F., Livingstone, D., Khan, A., Gorassini, M., Misiaszek, J.E., Roy, F., Stein, R.B. (2014) Training with the ReWalk after spinal cord injury: preliminary impressions and findings. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Alberta Motor Control, Sept. 26-28, 2014, Kananaskis, Alberta. Khan, A., Livingstone, D., Misiaszek, J.E., Stein, R.B., Gorassini, M., Roy, F., Yang, J.F. (2014) Training with the ReWalk: improvements in walking and balance. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Alberta Motor Control, Sept. 26-28, 2014, Kananaskis, Alberta. Represented FRM and OT as panel speaker: Health Pros Tell All: A Career Panel Discussion Discovery Days in Health Sciences University of Alberta Presented here in the faculty with Dr. Liu and Dr. Esmail work from our TLEF on May 22, 2015. The title of the presentation was: Can mobile technologies enhance learning in a health professional program?


Clinical Education Highlights

During 2014-15, the clinical education team consisted of the Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE), a Calgary (& Southern Alberta) Clinical Education Coordinator, a Saskatchewan Clinical Education Coordinator, a Clinical Education Coordinator for Independent Community Placements, and a Clinical Education Assistant. This clinical education team organized and supported 612 fieldwork placements during 2014-2015*, at 514 placements in Alberta, Saskatchewan and the North West Territories as well as 43 placements in other provinces using the National Fieldwork Placement Service (NFPS). 37 students completed Independent Community Placements (ICPs) in role-emerging practice areas at community sites in Edmonton and Calgary. 11 students completed Level 3 fieldwork placements in via our ongoing partnership with the Surakarta Health Polytechnic in Indonesia. 7 students also completed Level 3 fieldwork placements in Scotland, Iceland, Australia, and the United States. 1 student completed Level 3 fieldwork requirements by participating in the Play Around the World project with the Faculty of Physical Education & Recreation in the Northwest Territories. OT students develop sensory room to help people with disabilities.

OT students Katie Johnston (top left) and Gina Hargreaves (bottom right) with campers in the Sensory Shed at Easter Seals Camp Horizon.

Photo courtesy FRM Communications

Full story available here

The ACCE and clinical education team maintained and established supportive partnerships with the occupational therapists and practice communities within our catchment areas. Many site visits and information sessions occurred, as well as appreciation events and advisory meetings, to ensure a forum for input and feedback from clinical educators. During 2014-15, the ACCE was a contributing member of the national Committee on University Fieldwork Education (CUFE), a sub-committee of the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP). The ACCE also served as the CUFE representative on the ACOTUP NFPS Joint Committee. As part of the faculty’s re-named Collaborative for Studies in Clinical Education (CSCE), the ACCEs from PT, SLP and OT hosted a full day of clinical education supervision workshops in Edmonton on November 13, 2015, which was also broadcast live to our Calgary satellite

Annual Report (2014-2015)


location. The workshop included half day sessions focused on: (1) introduction to student supervision for clinical educators and (2) strategies for effectively supervising challenging students.

Clinical Placements Sites


The Department of Occupational Therapy would like to express their immense gratitude to the numerous sites that provided clinical education opportunities for our MScOT students during 2014-2015. Alberta Children's Hospital Foothills Medical Centre Black Diamond Oilfields Hospital Canmore Hospital Acadia Community Health Centre Cambrian Heights Health Centre High River Health Centre Corrections Canada AHS HomeCare Edmonton AHS HomeCare Airdrie AHS HomeCare Calgary AHS Integrated Supportive/Facility Living Peter Lougheed Centre Okotoks Health and Wellness Centre Rockyview General Hospital South Calgary Health Centre Sheldon Chumir Health Centre South Health Campus Strathmore Health Centre Strathmore Hospital Red Deer 49th St. Health Centennial Centre for Mental Health Camrose Community Rehab Program Daysland Health Centre Drumheller Health Centre AHS HomeCare Red Deer AHS HomeCare Sedgewick AHS HomeCare Wetaskiwin Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre Olds Hospital and Care Centre Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Red Deer Regional Health Centre Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre Stettler Hospital and Care Centre Tofield Health Centre Vegreville Care Centre Vermilion Health Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Alberta Hospital Cross Cancer Institute Community Aids to Independent Living Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Services Regional Collaborative Delivery Services Continuing Care Psychiatric Consulting Services Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Home Living Program Edmonton Home Living Program Morinville Home Living Program St. Albert Royal Alexandra Hospital Sturgeon Hospital Supportive Living University of Alberta Hospital Westview Health Centre Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital Community Health Services Barrhead Community Health Services Edson Community Health Services Hinton Northern Lights Regional Hospital North West Health Centre AHS HomeCare Grande Prairie LacLaBiche Healthcare Centre Peace River Community Health Centre Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Seton-Jasper Healthcare Centre Slave Lake Healthcare Centre Westlock Healthcare Centre Lethbridge Community Health services AHS HomeCare Lethbridge Lethbridge Hospital Medicine Hat Hospital Carewest Beddington Carewest Belcher Carewest Boyack Carewest Fanning


Carewest Garrison Green Carewest Glenmore Park Carewest Sarcee Bethany Airdrie Bethany Calgary Father Lacombe Care Centre Bethany CollegeSide Allen Gray Continuing Care Capital Care Dickensfield Capital Care Lynnwood Capital Care Norwood Capital Care Strathcona Citadel Care Centre Extendicare Eaux Claires Extendicare Leduc ExtendLedu Good Samaritan Southgate Good Samaritan Dr. Gerald Zetter Kipnes Centre for Veterans Rehab and Retreat Shepherd's Care Kensington Shepherd's Care Millwoods Edmonton General Continuing Care Grey Nuns Community Hospital Misericordia Community Health Centre St. Marys Hospital St. Michael's Health Centre Youville Home LifeMark Institute Boyle Street Community Services Canadian Mental Health Association Children's Autism Services of Edmonton Centre for Autism Services Alberta Elves Special Needs Society ImForKids Providdence Child Development Society Between Friends Canadian Forces Easter Seals Camp Horizon George Spady Centre Society HIV Community Link Potential Place Society Schizophrenia Society Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton Workers Compensation Board Womens Emergency Accommodation Centre Burnaby Home Health, BC Annual Report (2014-2015)

CBI, BC Fernie Home Care, BC Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, BC GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, BC Hope Mental Health Centre, BC Island Hand Therapy Clinic, BC Kelowna General Hospital, BC Kootenay Lake Hospital, BC Kootenay Health Services, BC Nanaimo Child Development Centre, BC Highland Health and Family Development, BC Orion Health, BC Pacifc Spirit Community Health Centre, BC Prince George Child Development Centre, BC Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, BC Queen Alexandra Centre for Children, BC Quesnel Dhild Development Centre, BC Royal Columbian Hospital, BC St. Pauls Hospital, BC University Hospital of Northern BC, BC Vernon Hospital, BC Curtin University, Australia LifeTec, Australia Hlutverkasetur, Iceland Surakarta Health Polytechnic, Indonesia Camphill Veterans, NS SD24 Sturgeon SD #24 Black Gold SD #18 Integrated Chronic Care Service, NS Deh Cho Health & Social Services, NT Stanton Territorial Hospital, NT Hamilton General Hospital, ON Victoria Hospital, ON Queen Elizabeth II HO CBI Health Group, SK Community Services Saskatoon, SK Fitzpatrick's Occupational Therapy, SK Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, SK iPM Occupational Therapy, SK Kinsmen Children's Centre, SK Lloydminister Hospital, SK Lloydminister Public School Division, SK McKerracher Centre, SK North Battleford Medical Clinic, SK Northwest School Division, SK Parkridge Centre, SK


Pasqua Hospital, SK Prairie Spirit School Division, SK Providence Place, SK Regina General Hospital, SK Royal University Hospital, SK School Wellness Team, SK Sherbrook Community Centre, SK St. Joseph's Hospital, SK Saskatoon City Hospital, SK St. Paul's Hospital, SK Sunrise Health Authority, SK Theraplay, SK University of Saskatchewan, SK

Victoria Hospital, SK Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, SK CBI Calgary CBI Red Deer Function 1st Pediatrics Sensational Kids Simply OT Renfrew Educational Services Edmonton Catholic SD#7 Edmonton Public SD #7

Calgary Satellite Campus Highlights


The 2014–2015 academic year was highlighted by our move in the Summer of 2015 to newly renovated classroom and lab space within the University of Calgary Downtown Campus where the UofA Physical Therapy program is also located. The new space promotes sharing of resources and space, as well as the development of interprofessional communities of practice within student cohorts. Although OT students and instructors will miss their previous TRTech location and helpful staff, they are looking forward to learning and working in their new location. In particular, students are excited to having student benefits such as C-Train passes as well as access to University gym facilities. It took a huge team to negotiate and navigate all these changes; Dr. Shaniff Esmail (Associate Chair) and Susan Mulholland (Calgary Coordinator) and supported by Jutta Hinrichs (Clinical Education Coordinator - Calgary & Southern AB) and three core part-time Clinical Instructors, Deb Froese, Safieh Rajan, and Trish Williams. In September 2014 a new strategy was used for Foundation Week whereby Calgary students attended their first two days in Calgary then joined the rest of the students in Edmonton for the final two days. In January 2015 the student-led Professional Development Committee (PDC) Conference was video-conferenced for the Key Note speakers with the smaller breakout sessions done independently and with local guest speakers in Calgary. The three Calgary primary Clinical Instructors continued to deliver lectures and labs face-toface whenever possible. Again, this year there was an increase in number of guest speakers and lectures broadcast from Calgary to Edmonton capitalizing on expertise available in Southern Alberta as well as building capacity and community. In August 2015 two new OTs, Kimberly Coutts and Michele Moon, were welcomed onto the Calgary team in response to increased student interest in the program as well as to increase hands-on and interactive learning opportunities.

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Partnerships continued to be strengthened; OT students participated in Its Your Move (IYM) with the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Rehabilitation Assistant (RA) students as well as the Inter-Disciplinary Launch with the RA and University of Alberta physical therapy students. This year we had the opportunity to host and support a number of meetings in Calgary including the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) and Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists (SAOT) annual general meeting. Collaboration with traditional fieldwork partners continued to be strong this year and we also had opportunities for two new fieldwork collaborations with "role-emerging" sites. Students were placed with Central Clinic/HIV Community Link to enhance their services and to address the needs of individuals with HIV/Aids as well as students were placed with Between Friends Camp Bonaventure over the summer to work with children with multiple needs. In an assignment for a course taught by Professor Sharon Brintnell (OCCTH 558), a Calgary student group developed a proposal for peer-led activities to reduce student stress. This resulted in two Wellness Representatives being appointed to lead wellness activities through the school. The student reps applied for and received a $1,000 grant from the Wellness Project, an initiative funded by Alberta Health that aims to contribute to creating a culture of wellness at the U of A.

Calgary student group organize peer-led activities to reduce student stress.

Image courtesy S Mulholland

Annual Report (2014-2015)

Full story available here


Admissions and Convocation Admissions

Enrollment Summary for September 2014 MScOT (course-based) Program: 122 Year 1 students admitted Campus Distribution: Edmonton Campus: 102 Calgary Campus: 20 Gender Distribution: Females: 112

Males: 10

Geographical Origin: Alberta Residents: 65

Out of province: 57

International: 0

Entrance Standard: Minimum GPA: 3.5


Professional Practice Entry level MScOT Program Convocation List – Fall 2014 Al-Jarrah,Sara Alberts,Bethany Louisa Pauline Alexander,Amanda Jean Alexander,Katherine Elizabeth Alibhai,Shaheer Barrett,Lauren Maria Beauchamp,Robyn Mary Bilodeau,Lisa Marie Blake,Lindy Breanne Boer,Jessica Marie Calverley,Katrina Lucile Calyniuk,Stephanie Mary Ann Canby,Kristin Marie DeBlois,Danielle Marie Delos Santos,Joshua Ben Deluca,Kassandra Maria Der,Melanie Lynne Dhindsa,Vikram Annual Report (2014-2015)

Dunbar,Adrienne Eerkes,Charmaine Ettrich,Christa Marie Fehr,Kelsey Mary-Beth Flewell,Jade Elyse Ganser,Kaitlyn Anne Gauthier,Stephane Joseph Jacques Gilliland,Jennifer Lindsay Glover,Maeleen Dawn Gordon,Chelsea Storm Habijanac,Julie Skye Elora Hargreaves,Georgina Ann Harris,Meghan Joyce Hatter,Jenna Paige Heeres,Alanna Michelle Hegg,Dana Anne Hepworth,Raquel Terri Yvonne Hergert,Christina Elyse Hirch,Elisabeth Mary

Isenor,Angela Jessica Jivanjee,Fatema Johnson,Blaire Kathleen Rose Johnston,Kathleen Elizabeth Kapach,Mallory Hope Knechtel,David James Kuo,Chiao-Yu LaBerge,Laura Lucille Lee,Allison Lap Ka Lee,Janice Chia-Yiing Leverington,Eleanor DesRosier Lo,Marissa Lydiate,Charlotte Ruth Ma,Rachel Jacqueline Macauley,Anne Kathryn Micek,Victoria Katherine Mix,Niomi Lynn Moen,Chantal Mary Neufeld,Jade Elisha 37

Njaa,Kiersti Lynn Nunweiler,Diana Lindsay O'Neill,Meagan Marie Ouellette,Alisse Fay Parsons,Kimberley Allison Paterson,Carly Lynn Pauley,Keith William Petracek,Ben Riley Playter,Nicole Elizabeth Rabel,Kristen Janel McKague Rajala,Amelia Kristin Beverley Ramanauskas,Christal Alicia Ramji,Shabina Ross,Christina Emily

Ross,Lauren Mary Luther Rusu,Sandra Schmidek,Rachel Laura Stevens,Lisa Storey,Whitney Marie Sutton,Tiffany Joy Michele Talley,Lauren Bianca Teske,Katelyn E Thygesen,Jenna Christine Tran,Wendy W Truscott,Christopher Ryan Valji,Abid Hussein Poppat Valle,Carmen Michelle VanderWekken,Emily Joy Vandergriendt,Annemarie

Vogel,Sara Pauline Vogt,Stefanie Ann Walls,Kiersten Ann Walsh,Julie Elizabeth Wang,Yi Yih Watson,Mallory Catherine Wawchuk,Aidan Ricki White,Patricia Wickman,Ceira Lashelle Wills,Natalie Christina Marie Wollmann,Nathalie Ann Zapparoli,Ajodele de Haan,Megan Elizabeth

Professional Practice Entry level MScOT Program Convocation List – Spring 2015 Morin,Nicole Marie Sim,Yie Wei Jacky

Occupational Performance Analysis Unit (OPAU) Highlights

The Occupational Performance Analysis Unit (OPAU) is the not for profit, fee for service unit of the Department of Occupational Therapy. Originally conceptualized to demonstrate application of the CMOP in private practice, over the past 30 years OPAU has supported the Department’s mandate in Education, Research and Service through direct and indirect contributions. In 2014-15, OPAU continued its core work of providing rehabilitation services to veterans of the CAF, as well as to members of the Kehewin First Nation twice per week in their community. In addition, OPAU collaborates with community agencies to conduct functional assessments with people affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and with people receiving AISH. OPAU also functions as a resource to Rehabilitation Medicine faculty and students in the area of work evaluation and community-based rehabilitation, including curriculum and research support. Finally, OPAU fields many questions and queries from the academic and the general community and attempts to connect callers with the contacts and resources according to their needs.

Annual Report (2014-2015)


AT A GLANCE Academic Year 2014-15 Department of Occupational  Therapy New research grants: $1,266,828 Publications and presentations: 102 Book(s): 1 Book Chapters: 7 Peer Reviewed Articles: 30 Abstracts/ Conference Presentations: 64

122 First-year MScOT students admitted 112 Female, 10 Male 65 Alberta residents, 57 out of province, 0 International Minimum GPA: 3.5 Student Awards & Scholarships (MScOT Course-Based Students): $173,525 612 Clinical Placements at sites: Alberta Children's Hospital Foothills Medical Centre Black Diamond Oilfields Hospital Canmore Hospital Acadia Community Health Centre Cambrian Heights Health Centre High River Health Centre Corrections Canada AHS HomeCare Edmonton AHS HomeCare Airdrie AHS HomeCare Calgary AHS Integrated Supportive/Facility Living Peter Lougheed Centre Okotoks Health and Wellness Centre Rockyview General Hospital South Calgary Health Centre Sheldon Chumir Health Centre South Health Campus Strathmore Health Centre Strathmore Hospital Red Deer 49th St. Health Centennial Centre for Mental Health Camrose Community Rehab Program Daysland Health Centre

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Drumheller Health Centre AHS HomeCare Red Deer AHS HomeCare Sedgewick AHS HomeCare Wetaskiwin Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre Olds Hospital and Care Centre Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Red Deer Regional Health Centre Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre Stettler Hospital and Care Centre Tofield Health Centre Vegreville Care Centre Vermilion Health Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Alberta Hospital Cross Cancer Institute Community Aids to Independent Living Community Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Services Regional Collaborative Delivery Services Continuing Care Psychiatric Consulting Services Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Home Living Program Edmonton Home Living Program Morinville Home Living Program St. Albert Royal Alexandra Hospital Sturgeon Hospital Supportive Living University of Alberta Hospital Westview Health Centre Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital Community Health Services Barrhead Community Health Services Edson Community Health Services Hinton Northern Lights Regional Hospital North West Health Centre AHS HomeCare Grande Prairie LacLaBiche Healthcare Centre Peace River Community Health Centre Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Seton-Jasper Healthcare Centre Slave Lake Healthcare Centre Westlock Healthcare Centre Lethbridge Community Health services AHS HomeCare Lethbridge Lethbridge Hospital Medicine Hat Hospital

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Carewest Beddington Carewest Belcher Carewest Boyack Carewest Fanning Carewest Garrison Green Carewest Glenmore Park Carewest Sarcee Bethany Airdrie Bethany Calgary Father Lacombe Care Centre Bethany CollegeSide Allen Gray Continuing Care Capital Care Dickensfield Capital Care Lynnwood Capital Care Norwood Capital Care Strathcona Citadel Care Centre Extendicare Eaux Claires Extendicare Leduc ExtendLedu Good Samaritan Southgate Good Samaritan Dr. Gerald Zetter Kipnes Centre for Veterans Rehab and Retreat Shepherd's Care Kensington Shepherd's Care Millwoods Edmonton General Continuing Care Grey Nuns Community Hospital Misericordia Community Health Centre St. Marys Hospital St. Michael's Health Centre Youville Home LifeMark Institute Boyle Street Community Services Canadian Mental Health Association Children's Autism Services of Edmonton Centre for Autism Services Alberta Elves Special Needs Society ImForKids Providdence Child Development Society Between Friends Canadian Forces Easter Seals Camp Horizon George Spady Centre Society HIV Community Link Potential Place Society

Annual Report (2014-2015)


Schizophrenia Society Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton Workers Compensation Board Womens Emergency Accommodation Centre Burnaby Home Health, BC CBI, BC Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, BC GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre, BC Hope Mental Health Centre, BC Island Hand Therapy Clinic, BC Kelowna General Hospital, BC Kootenay Lake Hospital, BC Kootenay Health Services, BC Nanaimo Child Development Centre, BC Highland Health and Family Development, BC Orion Health, BC Pacifc Spirit Community Health Centre, BC Prince George Child Development Centre, BC Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, BC Queen Alexandra Centre for Children, BC Quesnel Dhild Development Centre, BC Royal Columbian Hospital, BC St. Pauls Hospital, BC University Hospital of Northern BC, BC Vernon Hospital, BC Curtin University, Australia LifeTec, Australia Hlutverkasetur, Iceland Surakarta Health Polytechnic, Indonesia Camphill Veterans, NS SD24 Sturgeon SD #24 Black Gold SD #18 Integrated Chronic Care Service, NS Deh Cho Health & Social Services, NT Stanton Territorial Hospital, NT Hamilton General Hospital, ON Victoria Hospital, ON Queen Elizabeth II HO CBI Health Group, SK Community Services Saskatoon, SK Fitzpatrick's Occupational Therapy, SK Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, SK iPM Occupational Therapy, SK Kinsmen Children's Centre, SK Lloydminister Hospital, SK Lloydminister Public School Division, SK

Annual Report (2014-2015)


McKerracher Centre, SK North Battleford Medical Clinic, SK Northwest School Division, SK Parkridge Centre, SK Pasqua Hospital, SK Prairie Spirit School Division, SK Providence Place, SK Regina General Hospital, SK Royal University Hospital, SK School Wellness Team, SK Sherbrook Community Centre, SK St. Joseph's Hospital, SK Saskatoon City Hospital, SK St. Paul's Hospital, SK Sunrise Health Authority, SK Theraplay, SK University of Saskatchewan, SK Victoria Hospital, SK Wascana Rehabilitation Centre, SK CBI Calgary CBI Red Deer Function 1st Pediatrics Sensational Kids Simply OT Renfrew Educational Services Edmonton Catholic SD#7 Edmonton Public SD #7

Annual Report (2014-2015)


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