Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2009/10

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Department of Physical Therapy Annual Report 2009 - 2010

Pursuing your best

Table of Contents Chair and Associate Chair’s Message ................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department ................................................. 5 Awards ........................................................................................... 7 Grant Funding ................................................................................. 10 New Developments .......................................................................... 11 Shine Clinic .................................................................................... 14 Clinical Education ............................................................................ 15 Career Accomplishments .................................................................. 20 New Positions ................................................................................. 21 New Hires ...................................................................................... 21 Events ........................................................................................... 22 Convocation ................................................................................... 36 Publications ................................................................................... 37 Department Personnel .................................................................... 52

Message From the Chair and Associate Chair We are delighted to present to you our 2009-10 Annual Report. As in previous years, we accepted 80 new students into the MScPT program and in June we proudly graduated 74 new Physical Therapists. This past year, there were a number of significant achievements by our faculty members. The most notable of which was bestowed upon Dr. David Magee. Because of his internationally recognized leadership in orthopedic physical therapy, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine named its first endowed research chair in his honour. The Faculty is presently engaged in an international search for a world renowned researcher to assume the Dr. David Magee Endowed Research Chair in Musculoskeletal Research. This year, we were also pleased to see that Dr. Shrawan Kumar, a long time member of our faculty and current Professor Emeritus was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada. Our two Canada Research Chairs, Dr. Michele Crites BattiĂŠ (Tier 1) and Dr. Greg Kawchuk (Tier 2) were reappointed and Dr. Lauren Beaupre received an AHFMR Population Health Investigator award. Our faculty members continue to be at the forefront of research; this year they published 59 peer reviewed articles, one book, 3 book chapters and 51 abstracts/ conference presentations. As principle or co-investigators, our faculty members acquired approximately $5.8 million dollars in new grants. The overall funding for all of our research programs exceeds $8.3 million. We are also very proud of our research graduate students who acquired over $374,000 in awards and scholarships this past year. This year we welcomed one new faculty member into the Department; Professor Chris Zarski joined our Department as the Augustana Coordinator. Chris is leading the development of the Physical Therapy program on the Augustana campus which is scheduled to launch in September of 2010. In preparation of the Augustana launch, the department redeveloped two labs and classrooms in Corbett Hall. Further, we were also involved in the development of a classroom and a new lab at Augustana. Each of these rooms is now equipped with state of the art high definition video conferencing equipment and the labs have been fitted with new equipment. The Corbett Hall labs also serve as the home for our Student Clinic which has grown this past year to include an older adult health and wellness program. We are also pleased to note that our students are providing care for the inner city community through their involvement with the Shine Clinic.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair


Our department has also embraced innovation in teaching. Not only are we preparing for synchronous learning between Corbett Hall and Augustana we are using technology to enhance learning among our students and therapists in the community. This past year we moved a number of our courses to an on line format which makes learning more flexible and we provided a series of six webinars for practitioners. The webinars were viewed by therapists from across the country. We are also posting the presentations to our website so those unable to attend an event live are able to view the presentation at their leisure. We hope that this annual report will give you a sense of the ongoing activities within the Department of Physical Therapy and convey the significant achievements of the past year.

Dr. Robert Haennel Chair

Bernaette Martin Associate Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Guiding Principles MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education ◊ Conducting research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy ◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 Three key strategic intentions support the vision and mission of the Departrment of Physical Therapy as well as that of the Faculty of Rehabiltation Medicine and the University of Alberta. These strategic intentions will guide the work of the Physical Therapy Department over the years of 2010 - 2015 and establish the Department as an integral part of the University of Alberta as a transformative organization. These key strategic intentions include: ◊ To attract, retain and nurture outstanding researchers and teachers ◊ To enhance and promote the Physical Therapy Department as a leading educational hub for evidenced based Physical Therapy practice for students and clinicians ◊ To be a leader in serving our external community through novel outreach, collaborative partnerships and Physical Therapy knowledge exchange

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty Awards Dr. Michele Crites Battié Dr. Crites Battié was one of 22 participants invited to attend an NIH/NCCAM Workshop to assist the institute in gaining “Insights Into What Strategies and Future Studies Are Needed to Move the Field Of Back Pain Research Forward.” Tier 1 Canadian Research Chair in Common Spinal Disorders (2010 - 2016) Dr. Lauren Beaupre Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Population Health Investigator (July 2009 - June 2016). Dr. Robert Haennel Reappointed as an Adjunct Professor (Graduate Studies and Research) University of Regina (July 2009 - June 2014). Dr. Allyson Jones Canadian Medical Association Journal Review Commendation Dr. Greg Kawchuk Tier 2 Canadian Research Chair in Spinal Function (2010 - 2016) Dr. David Magee The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine’s first Endowed Research Chair named after one of the world’s foremost Physical Therapists: Dr. David Magee Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Research. Professor Barbara Norton 2009 Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association Teaching Award Dr. Eric Parent Young Investigator Initiative Workshop Program Award US Bone & Joint Decade, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Student Awards and Scholarships Armijo, Susan PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. David Magee Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award $22,500 Bosnjak, Sanja PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Eric Parent Delta Kappa Gamma Supplementary Bursary $2,000 Johnston, Megan MSc Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Robert Haennel Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship $10,000/Annum Graduate Student Scholarship, Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation $3,000 Miciak, Maxi PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Doug Gross CIHR Baning and Best Master’s Award $17,500 CPTA Centenary Scholarship $5,000 Don McColl Graduate Scholarship $1,300 Musselman, Kristin PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Jaynie Yang CIHR Fellowship $50,000/Year AHFMR Scholarship Top-up Stipend Killiam Fellowship (Honorary) Niemelainen, Riikka Postdoctoral Fellow Supervisor Dr. Michele Crites Battié Finnish Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship Funding $33,900 EVO, Finland $ 2,100 Euro

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Student Awards and Scholarships


Pituskin Edith PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Mark Haykowsky Alberta Cancer Research Initiative (Doctoral) Training Award $20,000/year (2009-2011) Stomp, Flo PhD Medicine Supervisor Dr. Allyson Jones AHFMR - OA Team Training Studentship $20,000/Year Tomczak, Corey PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Robert Haennel Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship $22,000/Annum Wang Yue PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Michele Crites BattiÊ Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Scholarship $20,000/Year Canada-China Health Research Scholarship $8,000 Alberta Provincial Training Program in Bone and Joint Health $2,000 Watkins, Elise PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Eric Parent President’s Doctoral Prize of Distinction UofA $15,000 CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award $70,000 Wong, Arnold PhD Rehabilitation Science Supervisor Dr. Greg Kawchuk University of Alberta Scholarship $50,000

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Sources of Grant Funding (2009-2010)TT Provincial Funding $1,889,267 National Funding $3,923,201 International Funding $ 39,000 TOTAL


The new funding for 2009-2010 is shown in the above figure. Note: Training grants and personnel awards are included.

Year over Year Grant Funding 14

Dollars (in Millions)








2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Augustana Campus There is currently a substantial shortage of physical therapists in Alberta and this shortage is even more profound in rural Alberta. Approximately 40% of Alberta’s population is living outside the urban centres of Edmonton and Calgary, while only 10% of Alberta physical therapists work in a rural environment. In response to these challenges, the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has introduced a satellite Masters of Science in Physical Therapy (MScPT) program at the University of Alberta’s Augustana campus in Camrose, Alberta. This program will run conjointly with the MScPT program at the University of Alberta’s main campus. The primary goal for the MScPT program at the Augustana campus is to provide quality physical therapy education to a select group of students who have an interest in pursuing careers in rural settings. The MScPT program at the Augustana campus will accept 10 students to commence training in September of 2010. The Augustana MScPT program is not a new program; it is simply a new, rural, satellite site for the University of Alberta Physical Therapy program. Students entering the MScPT program at the Augustana campus will complete the same courses as their colleagues enrolled in the MScPT program at the Edmonton campus. The Augustana Project is a pilot project determining the feasability of a distributed education model.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic The Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy clinic operates within the Faculty of Rehabiltation Medicine. Students in the MScPT program provide treatment and rehabilitation under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist. This non-profit clinic offers care to University of Alberta students and staff as well as the general public. People who have musculoskeletal/orthopedic or sports injury conditions and/or surgeries are appropriate patients. The clinic is provided to students as a 1 credit elective course and runs 1-2 evenings per week depending on the time of year. For this reporting period, 48 MScPT students participated in this elective. The Students provided treatment to 61 patients. Feedback from the students regarding their experiences with the clinic have been positive. Students feel that the clinic offers them a safe learning enviroment and allows them to practice newly learned skills. A study examining the perceived benefits of the clinic from the perspectives of students, patients and faculty is currently underway. We continue to collaborate with colleagues from the University of the Sciences of Philadelphia which runs a successful student pro bono clinic. Future plans for the clinic include, using the clinic space as a clinical research centre and determining how to enhance student clinic learning opportunities.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Older Adult Health and Wellness Student Clinic The Older Adult Health and Wellness Student Clinic is an extension of the pre-existing Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic. Students in the MScPT program provide treatment and rehabilitation under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist faculty member. The clinic is specifically designed to improve older adults’ general health and wellness. The clinic is open to all abilities and conditions and strives to improve all attendees’ health with special emphasis on preventing falls and improving quality of life. As the clinic is offered as an elective course, the clinic is funded by student tuition and a one-time fee is charged to cover clinic supplies. The clinic provides an opportunity for students to apply the content learned in the Physical Therapy program as well as offering early exposure to the preventative and health promotion aspects of the profession. In the first 6 months of operation, the clinic had 24 student participants and provided service to over 30 older adults living in the community. The clinic has proven to be a referral option for rehabilitation practitioners within the community as well as a starting point for those individuals who are unsure of where to go for further balance and exercise prescription. As we further integrate this clinical elective into the MScPT program, we will continue to collaborate with organizations within the community and other health science disciplines to expand and improve both the student learning experience and the services provided within the clinic.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Shine Clinic Physical Therapy Students Provide Care for Inner-city Community

Our students are putting their skills to the test by providing care for some of our city’s most vulnerable. Every second weekend a group of first and second-year students offer free services for inner city at-risk youth and adults at the Boyle McCauley Health Centre. Students provide services such as exercise, treatment plans and health education for those who suffer from chronic pain, a disability or an injury. The program began in January 2009 and is part of the SHINE Youth Clinic, an interdisciplinary student-directed health clinic that provides comprehensive health services for local youth in the inner city. Mark Hall, clinical co-ordinator for the Department of Physical Therapy, says the importance of the clinic is twofold, “The clinic is an important learning tool for the physical therapy students and it also provides care for the inner-city community.” Hall says the clinic diversifies the students’ clinical practice experiences as they are exposed to a population with different needs and helps them see how they can play a role in improving the quality of life for others in the community. The students also learn about the importance of inter-professional collaboration as they work with other students representing disciplines including medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, social work and nutrition. Through this partnership we hope to raise the awareness of physiotherapy in general, as well as the participation of our faculty with the other faculties involved. Hall adds, “We hope to fill a gap and provide services to at-risk youth and adults who would more than likely not be able to afford private physical therapy services in the community.” “We are afforded the opportunity to apply our skills and take the time to do it well. Above all, we are fortunate to learn from each valuable person that comes into the clinic and add that learning into our tool kits as future physiotherapists. We hope to build up our relationship with this population and our effectiveness to serve them.” by Carmen Leibel

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Placements Clinical placements provide students with exposure to practice and the opportunity to apply their classroom learning to clinical practice. Clinical placements occur in approved facilities under the supervision of qualifed professional staff. The clinical education program underwent some minor revisions in the 2009 – 2010 year. As a result of program restructing the final placement occurs earlier in the program resulting in an 18 week block of three placements. A half day job shadowing experience was added to the first term to give the students some early exposure to acute care physiotherapy practice and the one week introductory placement was repositioned at the end of the term. In addition all remaining placements are now a standard 6 weeks in length bringing the total clinical education time to 31 weeks. Feedback from clinicians and students has been positive about the 6 week placement as both groups feel the extra week allows for consolidation of the work in the placement as well as more independence. The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) organized a total of 501 clinical placements during the year, this includes 479 University of Alberta student placements, 19 placements for students from other Canadian physiotherapy programs and 3 placements for international students. Five U of A students also took part in international placements: two students to London, England, two students to Melbourne, Australia and one student to Bello Horizonte, Brazil. As a result of health care restructuring in Alberta, over the lastt year clinical placements for all levels of student have been difficult to secure. The ACCE continues to work with partners in n the public and private healthcare sectors to ensure enough appropriate placements are secured for students.

Ca ardio Simulation Lab

The ACCE continues to meet regularly with clinical site coordinators to disseminate information about the program, to discuss clinical education and to solicit feedback from sites. In addition a number of site visits were designed to meet clinical supervisors and receive facility orientation. Two half day interprofessional clinical supervision workshops were held in Grande Prairie. The workshops

focussed on educating potential supervisors about the basics of student supervision as well as dealing with challenging students.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Placement Sites The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. Access Physiotherapy Action Sports of Clinic Airdrie Physiotherapy Alberta Children’s Hospital Alberta Hospital Edmonton ARBI Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Banff Physical Therapy and Sports Injuries Clinic Barrhead Healthcare Centre Bow Corridor Community Care Broxton Park School Burnaby Hospital Calgary Health Regin Home Care Calgary Winter Club Sports Physiotherapy Calgary Youth Physiotherapy Callingwood Physical Therapy Canadian Back Institute (Burnaby, Lethbridge, Northeast, Red Deer) Capital Care (Grandview, Lynnwood) Capital Health Home Care Program PT Carewest Dr Vernon Fanning Centre Carewest Glenmore Park Carewest Sarcee Caritas Centre for Lung Health Castleridge Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation CBI Health Deer Valley Physical Therapy Centennial Centre for Mental Health and Brain Injury Central Community Accessible Rehab CHA, Community Rehab Interdisciplinary Service Cold Lake Healthcare Centre Corona Station Physical Therapy Limited Coronation Physiotherapy Corporate Sport Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Cross Cancer Institute Crystal Park School CSA Physiotherapy South Edmonton

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Placement Sites


Daniels Kimber Physiotherapy Clinic Devon Physiotherapy Drayton Valley Hospital and Care Centre Drumheller Health Centre Dynamic Physiotherapy East Central Health Provost Eaton Centre Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Fraser Valley Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Grande Cache Community Health Centre Grey Nuns Community Hospital GRIT Program Hay River Health and Social Services Authority Healthy Living Centre Hinton Healthcare Centre Homecare Lethbridge Innisfail Health Centre Innovation Physical Therapy Island Hand Therapy Clinic Island Physiotherapy Jasper Physiotherapy and Massage Incorporated Kensington Physical Therapy Kinesis Physical Therapy Corporation Lacombe Hospital & Care Centre Lacombe Phsyiotherapy Clinic Ltd. Lakeridge Health Corporation Lethbridge Physiotherapy Ltd. Life Mark Heritage Hill LifeMark Health Centre (Grande Prairie, Talisman Centre, SE, Calgary NW) LifeMark Health Institute LifeMark Physiotherapy (Academy Place, Crowchild Twin Arena, Kingsway, Lake Beaumaris, Max Bell Arena, Village Square, Southland) Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Millard Health Rehabiiltation Centre WCB Misericordia Community Hospital Moose Jaw Union Hospital Morinville Health Centre Nor Med Therapies Ltd. (Central and West Location)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Placement Sites


North Community Accessible Rehabilitation North Town Physiotherapy Northern Lights Regional Health Centre Nose Creek Sports Physical Therapy - Beddington Oilfields General Hospital Olds Hospital and Care Centre One to One Health and Fitness Centre Orion Health Canmore Pain Clinic Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy Services Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus Panther Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Peace River Community Health Peak Physical Therapy Peter Lougheed Centre Pindara Physiotherapy Sports Medicine Pleasantview Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd. Ponoka Hospital and Care Centre Ponoka Physiotherapy and Acupuncture Clinic Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Red Deer 49th Street Community Health Red Deer Community Health Centre Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Renfrew Educational Services, Main Office Rocky Mountain Rehab and Sports Medicine Clinic Rockyview General Hospital Royal Alexandra Hospital Royal Oak Sport Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Saskatoon City Hospital Shelburne Physiotherapy Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Smoky Lake Healthcare Centre Southlake Regional Health Centre Sport Institute Physiotherapy St. Albert Physical Therapy and Sports Injuries St. Joseph’s General Hospital St. Therese Health Centre

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Placement Sites


Stanton Territorial Hospital Strathcona Physiotherapy Sturgeon Community Hospital Summit Injury Management - Nanaimo Sundre Hospital and Care Centre Taber Health Centre The Australian Ballet Three Hills Health Centre Tofield Health Centre Two Hills Health Centre University of Alberta Hospital Rehab Medicine Valleyview Health Centre Wainwright Health Centre Westlock Healthcare Services Westside Sport Physiotherapy Wetaskiwin Hospital and Health Centre Youville Home

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Career Accomplishments Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Research

The University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has established its first endowed research chair and named it in honour of Dr. David Magee.

Officer of the Order of Canada

Dr. Shrawan Kumar, Professor Emeritus

Sessional Teaching Award 2009 Bazilia DaSilva, Sessional Department of Physical Therapy

Faculty Teaching Award 2009 Iain Muir, Assistant Professor Department of Physical Therapy

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Career Accomplishments


VibeDx Technology

Dr. Greg Kawchuk, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and inventor of the VibeDx technology, has been working with TEC Edmonton to create the company. VibeDX is a new technology for diagnosis of spinal abnormailities, injuries and pathologies that holds promise to improve long term outcomes and quality of life for millions of back pain suffers.

New Positions Tamie Heisler-Schafer, Academic Assistant

Tamie is the Academic Assistant for the Department of Physical Therapy a new position wthin the Department. In this role, Tamie is responsible for curriculum and instructor support, student advisory services and accreditation planning. Tamie has worked on campus since 1982, 17 years with the Office of Public Affairs and the last 10 as the Clinical Education Assistant in Physical Therapy.

New Hires Deborah Martens, Clinical Education Assistant

In October 2009, Deborah started working in the Department of Physical Therapy as the Clinical Education Assistant.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Faculty Presentations/Workshops/Seminars

Arthritis: A pain in the joints and health-care system Lauren Beaupre PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Rehab Dialogue A Series of Interactive Posts Published by the University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Careers in Aging Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Alberta Aging Centre CIHR CafĂŠ Scientifique: Chronic pain, bones, joints and mental health Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Exercise Limitations & Training Benefits in Heart Failure Patients With Preserved or Reduced Ejection Fraction Presentation Mark Haykowsky PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy University of Alberta, Calgary Centre This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar

Dr. Mark Haykowsky Dr. Margie McNeely

Dr. Lauren Beaupre

Dr. Allyson Jones

Exercise in Cancer: Leader’s Network Inservice Margie McNeely PhD, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Alberta Health Services (Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Faculty Presentations/Workshops/Seminars


Exercise Prescription for Special Populations entering Cardiac Rehabilitation. Robert (Bob) Haennel PhD, Chair & Professor, Physical Therapy Video Presentation for the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation’s Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. 3rd edition. Calgary, Alberta Exploring Assumptions of Manual Therapy: Can vertebrae be pushed in specific directions? Greg Kawchuk Canada Research Chair in Spinal Function Associate Professor, Physical Therapy University of Alberta, Corbett Hall Seminars in Rehabilitation Science This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar

Dr. Bob Haennel

Chris Zarski

Judy Chepeha

Dr. Greg Kawchuk

Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficits in Overhead Varsity Athletes Judy Chepeha PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy University of Alberta Corbett Hall This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar High Def Satellite Teaching Presentation Video and In-Person Delivery of Lectures and Lab Sessions Chris Zarski Coordinator, Augustana MScPT Satellite Project Festival of Teaching, University of Alberta

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Faculty Presentations/Workshops/Seminars


Innovative Teaching Session: Conversion to eclass use Barb Norton BScPT, Clinical Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar Rehabilitation for Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Joint Effort: Stepping through the continuum of care workshop Lauren Beaupre PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Edmonton, Alberta Measuring Spinal Function Greg Kawchuk PhD, Canada Research Chair in Spinal Function Association Professor, Physical Therapy University of Alberta Calgary Centre Mobilization & Stabilization Specialization Course David Magee PhD, Professor & Associate Dean, Physical Therapy Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte “Motor Learning In Children - Slower Than Adults But More Enduring?� Jaynie Yang PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy Seminars in Rehabilitation Science This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar

Dr. Eric Parent

Professor Norton

Dr. Jaynie Yang

Measurement Properties of Quality-of-life and External Deformity Measures Related to Scoliosis. Progress and Future Projects. Eric Parent PhD, Assistant Professor/Clinical-Scientist Seminar in Rehabilitation Sciences (This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Faculty Presentations/Workshops/Seminars


Musculoskeletal Assessment - What Is Important? David Magee PhD, Professor & Associate Dean, Physical Therapy International Centre for Disability 7 Rehabilitation (The Philippine Working Group) Toronto, Ontario Physical Activity and Exercise Programming for Stroke Survivors Across the Continuum of Care Trish Manns PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy Teleconference

Dr. Doug Gross

Pre-operative Exercise Programs For Persons With Total Knee Arthroplasties Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Homecare, Edmonton Alberta Putting Evidence into Practice Workshop Allyson Jones PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Lauren Beaupre PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Group Leaders for the Allied Health Small Group Discussions University of Alberta/Alberta Health Services Evidence-based Practice Centre

Dr. Trish Manns

Retraining Walking After Spinal Cord Injury Jaynie Yang PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy University of Alberta Calgary Centre This seminar was broadcasted as a webinar

Dr. David Magee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Faculty Presentations/Workshops/Seminars


Role of Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) in Work Rehabilitation Workshop Doug Gross PhD, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Gross gave instructions on performing the short-form FCE.

The Treatment-based Classification System For Low Back Pain: Updated with a prediction rule to identify responders to extension exercises Eric Parent PhD, Assistant Professor/Clinical-Scientist Canadian Physiotherapy Association Teleconference Understanding Cancer Associated Lymphedema & Principles of Compression Bandaging Margie McNeely PhD, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Healthcare Solutions Symposium, Edmonton, Alberta

Guest Speakers Challenges and Opportunities in Pulmonary Rehabiliation - Or Why An Australian Physical Therapist Is So Far From Home Dr. Anne Holland, Associate Professor of Physiotherapy La Trobe University and the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia This seminar is available on live webcast at:

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Faculty and Students In the News Matters of the Heart: Heart transplant patients push physical limits at Ironman Mark Haykowsky PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy CNN Health Proactive: Step into action for better health - Chronic pain Doug Gross PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy Body & Health, Edmonton Journal Proactive: Step into action for better health - Mending an (almost) broken heart Bob Haennel PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy Body & Health, Edmonton Journal University of Alberta Physical Therapy Students Provide Care for Inner-city Community Physical Therapy students from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine are putting their skills to the test by providing care for some of our city’s most vulnerable...(This story was featured on CBC, CTV and Global TV)

Other Service Activities Hosted the Genodisc Research Consortium Meeting Collaborators from Finland, the U.K., Holland, Germany, Slovenia, Greece, Hungary and Italy attended the 2 day meeting Michele Crites Battié PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy Helsinki Finland

Dr. Crites Battié

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Other Service Activities


Chaired: Scientific Session 1: Surface Topography Eric Parent PhD, Assistant Professor/Clinical-Scientist Society of Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) 2010 Chaired: Abstract Oral Presentations Bob Haennel PhD, Chair & Professor, Physical Therapy Canadian Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientifc Meeting, Edmonton Alberta Summer Journal Club: Motor Learning Jaynie Yang PhD, Professor, Physical Therapy Edmonton, Alberta Taught a course to exercise therapists preparing for the CSEP Certification. Geoff Bostick PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy (Organized through the Faculty of Physical Education, UofA) Professor Bostick Webinar: Infection Control The PTHER 557 modules on infection control were delivered live over the internet. This was a pilot module that was developed in conjunction with the College of Physical Therapists of Alberta (CPTA). The Webinar sessions were made available to all Physical Therapists across the province. 30 Clinical sites registered for the sessions. Iain Muir MScPT, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy The modules were delivered by: Dr Adelia Santos,Alberta Government Consultant, Infection Control

Professor Muir

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Health In Motion 2009 A Conference for Rehabilitation Professionals November 14 - 15, 2009 On November 14 - 15, clinicians, researchers and students gathered for a day of presentations and a day of practical workshops. It was a weekend of sharing knowledge, networking and professional celebration. Keynote Presentations: Advanced Practice: What is it and what is in it for physical therapists, patients and the system? Linda Woodhouse, Assistant Professor, School or Rehabilitation Sciences McMaster University (Presentation Podcasted)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



Health In Motion


So There’s These Three Blind Guys and An Elephant In A Bar... Saifee Rashiq, Associate Professor and Director, Division of Pain Medicine, Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Alberta (Presentation Podcasted) Practical Workshops: Labral Repairs of the Shoulder: Surgical and rehabiltation considerations. Judy Chepeha, PhD Candidate, Assistant Professor Marty Bouliane, MD, FRSCP, Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UofA Advanced Practice: Techniques and case studies. Linda Woodhouse, Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, McMaster University Motivational Interviewing in Health Care Settings: Practical strategies for clinicians. Lu-Anne McFarlane, Associate Professor, Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Alberta Treatment-based Classification Systems and Prediction Rules to Help Match the Right Treatment to the Right Patient with Low Back Pain. Eric Parent, PhD, Assistant Professor The Great Search--for Evidence, Answers and Other Treasures. Jeannette Buckingham, Librarian Emeritus, John W Scott Health Sciences Library, University of Alberta Bariatric Rehabiliation: Best practices, care challenges and facilitating function. Sarah Kerslake, Sessional Lecturer, Physical Therapy

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events MScPT Major Projects The Major Project is a required component of the course-based graduate program in physical therapy. It is completed within the second year of the program and involves the supervised investigation of a problem relevant to physical therapy practice.

MScPT 2010 Best Project: Reliability of the Wheelchair Skills Test Version 4.1. Presented at the: Health in Motion Conference 2009 Research Team: Trent Magis, Patricia Walton, Jessica Rispin, Noelle Lindquist Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Trish Manns

The following is a list of the Major Projects for 2009-2010: Long Term Outcomes of Adults With Cerebral Palsy. Presenters: Kelsey Payne, Devon Plesuk, Janelle Reimer Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Darrah ICF Knowledge Gap: Bridging the Divide in Communication Between Therapists and Parents’ of Children With Disability Using the ICF-CY. Presenters: Deanna Butler, Gillian Chong, Allison Thornton Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Darrah Physical Activity Measurement Tools for Parkinson Disease. Presenters: Marilyn Koch, Karla Kushniruk, Jen McNutt, Veronica Niehaus Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Allyson Jones Can Pre-Season Fitness Measures Predict Time to Injury in University of Alberta Varisty Athletes? Presenters: Kristine Caughell, Robyn Fisher, Lauren Lefaivre, Janelle Molzan, Lauren Vickery Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Eric Parent Shoulder Arthroplasty: Recommendations for post-operative rehabilitation. Presenters: Eric Lau, Ivan Nicoloff, Graham Rayment Faculty Supervisor: Professor Judy Chepeha

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Major Projects


A Short-form Functional Capacity Evaluation Predicts Time to Recovery But Not Sustained Return-to-work. Presenters: Sheena Appelt, Kelly Arnold, Megan Bernes, Erin Branton Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Doug Gross A Systematic Review of the Effect of Flexion-oriented Range of Motion (ROM) Exercies in Patients With Non-Specific Low Back Pain (LBP). Presenters: Nathan Bruneau, Kevin Chen, Jeff Vagay, Nicole Vander Heyden, Jesse Wharton Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Eric Parent Wheelchairs Skills Test Version 4.1: Inter-rater, intra-rater and test-retest reliability. Presenters: Noelle Lindquist, Trent Magis, Jessica Rispin, Patricia Walton Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Trish Manns Changes in Balance When Nintendo Wii Fit is Included in Conventional Physical Therapy Treatment for Patients Post-Stroke: A Feasibility Study. Presenters: Kristi Andrusiak, Jane (Heather) Austin, Brandon D’Hont, Shari Jonker, Jaclyn Switzer Faculty Supervisor: Professor Bernadette Martin Cardiovascular Responses to Wii Therapy in Community-dwelling Stroke Survivors: A pilot study. Presenters: Megan Davies, Courtney Heise, Kyley Mohrenberger Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Bob Haennel Initiation of A Normative Database For A New Outcome Measure For Walking. Presenters: Yvonne Hetze, Joel Leathem, Chris Nelson, Kendra Nordquist, Haley Olson Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Jaynie Yang The Relation Between Robot Platform Velocity, Acceleration and Trunk Muscle Response. Presenters: Elia Fong, Shirley Ma, Reiko Otsuki, Karol Rosolski Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Greg Kawchuk

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Major Projects


Development of A Survey Tool To Determine Physical Therapists Usage Patterns and Beliefs About Therapeutic Ultrasound. Presenters: Deana Clarke, Joel Corlazzoli, Derek Geldrich, Dan Krebs, Eric Lee Faculty Supervisor: Professor Iain Muir Concordance of Proxy Reported and Performance-based Assessments of Function in Patients With Dementia Living in Long-term Care: A pilot study. Presenters: Teresa Agar, Kim Byrne, Joelle Koch, Gina Montgomery Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Lauren Beaupre The Impact of Resistance Training on the Function and Quality of Life of People With Age-related Muscle Loss: A systematic review. Presenters: Airan Felzien, Anne Fleming, Holly Tarleton Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Bob Haennel SHINE Needs Assessment: A Look At the Health Needs of Edmonton’s Inner City Youth. Presenters: Christine Jackson, Andrea McIvor, Tracy Perrault, Avaleigh Wagner Faculty Supervisor: Professor Mark Hall Evaluation of the Use of Evidence Based Practice Among Alberta’s Private Practice Physiotherapists. Presenters: Merrylee McDougall, Catherine Nicholl, Kelsy Smither, Jacqueline Steward Faculty Supervisor: Professor Barbara Norton Student Perceptions of Learning Teamwork Skills in Their Professional Program. Presenters: Rhonda Ashmore, Jodi deVries, Stanley Kolodziej Faculty Supervisor: Professor Barbara Norton The Relation Between Body Mass and Depth of Spinal Landmarks. Presenters: Sheena Chapman, Marianne Custodio, Maria Manzon, Amanda Wiebe Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Greg Kawchuk

Clinician Presentations: Finding Balance - Prevent A Fall Before It Happens. Lynda McPhee, School of Public Health, University of Alberta

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Events Clinician Presentations


The Development of a Dynamic Resisted Neck Exercise Program. Rob Holmes, Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy Co-authors: Albert Chan, Blair Schachterle, Heather Enns Stamina Alignment Therapy - A New and Innovative Approach to Treatment of the Whole Patient. Pat Tannant, Stamina Clinic and Stamina Academy Neck Flexor Endurance in Individuals Without Neck Pain or Headache Using the Chin Tuck-head Lift. Rob Holmes, Nose Creek Sport Physical Therapy Co-authors: Carrie Elaine Little ACL Reconstruction and Rehabilitation - Clinical Outcomes Compared With Current Research and Best Rehabilitation Practices. Sarah Kerslake, Sessional Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best



The Department of Physical Therapy Open House Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Department of Physical Therapy hosted a Two Site Open House (Augustana Campus and the Edmonton Campus) for all of the MScPT students and applicants. Students were invited to meet the Dean of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty and Staff members. Students toured the facilties, including the Student Clinic and had a chance to see the new teaching technologies in action.

Augustana Campus Dave Polvere, Manager IT Systems and Support Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Convocation 2010 The Department of Physical Therapy congratulates the class of 2010: Agar Teresa Andrusiak Kristi Appelt Sheena Arnold Kelly Ashmore Rhonda Austin Heather Wagner Avaleigh Branton Nathan Butler Deanna Byrne Kimberly Chapman Sheena Chen Kevin Chong Gillian Clarke Deana Corlazzoli Joel Custodio Marianne D’Hont Brandon Fairbanks Kristine Felzien Airan

Fischer Robyn Fleming Anne Fong Elia Geldrich Derek Heise Courtney Hetze Yvonne Hodges Megan Jackson Christine Jonker Shari Koch Joelle Kolodziej Stanley Krebs Daniel Kushniruk Karla Lau Eric Leathem Joel Lee Eric Lefaivre Lauren Lindquist Noelle Ma Shirley

Magis Trent Manzon Maria McDougall Merrylee McIvor Andrea McNutt Jennifer Mohrenberger Kyley Molzan Janelle Montgomery Gina Nelson Christopher Nicholl Catherine Nicoloff Ivan Niehaus Veronica Nordquist Kendra Olson Haley Otsuki Reiko Payne Kelsey Perreault Tracy Plesuk Devon Purdy Marilyn Anne

Rayment Graham Reimer Jannelle Rispin Jessica Rosolski Karol Smither Kelsy Steward Jacqueline Davies Megan Switzer Jaclyn Tarleton Holly Thornton Alison Vagay Jeffrey Vander Heyden Vickery Lauren Walton Patricia Wharton Jesse Wiebe Amanda deVries Jodi-Lynn

Awards The Dean’s Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine - Graham Rayment The Dr. JR Fowler Memorial Book Award - Christine Jackson The Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award - Devon Plesuk A Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Student Clinical Award - Lauren Lefaivre The Canadian Physiotherapy Association Prize - Trent Magis

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Publications Book Magee DJ, Zachazewski J, Quillen W. Athletic & Sports Issues in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. WB Saunders.

Book Chapters Haennel RG, Brassard CP, Tomczak CR, Manns PJ, Stickland MK, McNeely M, Haykowsky MJ, Audelin M. Special Populations. Canadian Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. 3rd edition. Stone J, Arthur H and Suskins N. Eds. Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation 2009. pp 499-515. Wieler M, Jones A. Health-related Quality of Life in Parkinson Disease: An Introduction to Concepts and Measures. Martin W, Suchersky O, Burns Koacs K, Jonnson E (Eds). Parkinson Disease. Health Policy Perspective. Wiley & Sons 2010. Jones A, Pohar SL. Measuring Health-related Quality of Life in Parkinson Disease: How It Compares to the Canadian General Population? Martin W, Suchersky O, Burns Koacs K, Jonnson E (Eds). Parkinson Disease. Health Policy Perspective. Wiley & Sons 2010.

Journal Articles Armijo-Olivo S, Fuentes J, Major P, Warren S, Thie N, Magee D. The Association Between Jaw Disability and Neck Disability. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. 2010. Armijo-Olivo S, Fuentes J, Major P, Warren S, Thie N, Magee D. Is Maximal Strength of the Cervical Flexor Muscles Reduced in Patients With Temporomandibular Disorders? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2010. Bhambhani Y, Gross D, Haykowsky M, Rashiq S. Effect of Opioid Administration on Cardiorespiratory and Muscle Oxygenation During Lifting in Chronic Back Pain Patients. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2010, 109(2):241-50.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Bostick GP, Jomha NM, Suchak AA, Beaupre LA. Factors Associated With Calf Muscle Endurance Recovery 1-year After Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy. 2010, 40(6):345-351. Branton EN, Arnold KM, Appelt SR, Hodges MM, BattiĂŠ MC, Gross DP. A Short-Form Functional Capacity Evaluation Predicts Time to Recovery But Not Sustained Return-to-Work. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. February 2010, Published Online. Brennan GP, Parent EC, Cleland JA. Description of Clinical Outcomes and Postoperative Utilization of Physical Therapy Services Within Four Categories of Shoulder Surgery. Journal of Orthopeadic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2010, 40(1):20-9. Budnick K, Campbell J, Esau L, Lyons J, Rodgers N and Haennel RG. Cardiac Rehabilitation for Women: A Systematic Review. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2009, 19(4) 18-25. Chan H, Beaupre LA, Bouliane M. Injury of the Suprascapular Nerve During Arthroscopic Repair of Superior Labral Tears: An Anatomic Study. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow surgery. April 2010, (eprint ahead of press). Cheng-Baron J, Chow K, Scze Khoo N, Esch B, Scott J, Haykowsky M, Tyberg J, Thompson R. Measurements of Changes in Left Ventricular Volume, Strain and Twist During Isovolumic Relaxation Using MRI. American Journal of Physiology: Heart Circulation Physiology. 2010, 298(6):H1908-18. Clark A, Haykowsky M, Kryworuchko J, Scott J, DesMeules M, Luo W, Liang Y, McAlister F. A Meta-analysis of Home-based Secondary Prevention Programs on Coronary Artery Disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. 2010, 17(3):261-70. Courneya KS, Sellar CM, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Peddle CJ, Friedenreich CM, Tankel K, Basi S, Chua N, Mazurek A, Reiman T. Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Physical Functioning and Quality of Life in Lymphoma Patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009, 27(27): 4605-4612.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Courneya KS, Sellar CM, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Friedenreich CM, Peddle CJ, Basi S, Chua N, Tankel K, Mazurek A, Reiman T. Moderator Effects in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Exercise Training in Lymphoma Patients. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 2009, 18(10): 2600-2607. Courneya KS, Stevinson C, McNeely ML, Sellar C, Peddle C, Friedenreich C, Mazurek A, Chua N, Tankel K, Basi S, Reiman T. Predictors of Adherence to Supervised Exercise in Lymphoma Patients Participating in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010, DOI 10.1007/s12160-010-9205-5. Da Costa B, Armijo-Olivo S, Gaddoti I, Warren S, Reid D, Magee D. Reliability of Scapular Positioning Measurement Procedure Using the Palpation Meter (Palm). Physiotherapy. 2010, 96(1), pp.59-67. Esch BT, Scott JM, Haykowsky MJ, Paterson I, Warburton DE, Cheng-Baron J, Chow K, Thompson RB. Changes in Ventricular Twist and Untwisting With Orthostatic Stress: Endurance Athletes Versus Normally Active Individuals. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2010, 108(5):1259-66. Friedenreich CM, Woolcott CG, McTiernan A, Ballard-Barbash R, Brant RF, Stanczyk FZ, Terry T, Boyd NF, Yaffe MJ, Irwin ML, Jones CA, Yasui Y, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Karvinen KH, Wang Q, Courneya KS. Alberta Physical Activity and Breast Cancer Prevention Trial: Sex Hormone Changes in a Year-long Exercise Intervention Among Postmenopausal Women. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2010, 28(9):14581466. Friedenreich CM, Woolcott CG, McTiernan A, Terry T, Brant RF, Ballard-Barbash R, Irwin ML, Jones CA, Boyd NF, Yaffe MJ, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Karvinen KH, Courneya KS. Adiposity Changes After A One Year Aerobic Exercise Intervention Among Postmenopausal Women: Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Obesity. (In press): Accepted for Publication June 10, 2010. Fritz JM, Koppenhaver SL, Hebert J, Parent EC. Beyond Minimally Important Change: Defining a Successful Outcome of Physical Therapy for Patients with Low Back Pain. Spine. 2009, 34(25):2803-9.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Fuentes J, Armijo-Olivo S, Gross D, Magee D. Does Amplitude Modulated Frequency (AMF) Have a Role in the Hypoalgesic Response of Interferential Current on Pressure Pain Sensitivity in Healthy Subjects? A Randomized Cross-Over Study. Physiotherapy. 2010, 96(1), pp.22-29. Fuentes JP, Armijo SL, Magee D, Gross DP. Hypoalgesic Effects of Interferential Current Therapy on Experimental Pressure Pain Thresholds in Healthy Subjects. Physiotherapy. 2010, 96: 22-29. Gross DP. The Use of Functional Capacity Evaluation in Workers’ Compensation Claimants: A Research Update. Canadian Journal of Kinesiology. 2009, 3: 7-12. Gross DP and Battié MC. Recovery Expectations Predict Recovery in Workers With Back Pain But Not Other Musculoskeletal Conditions. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques. April 2010, Published Online. Gross DP, Russell AS, Ferrari R, Battié MC, Schopflocher D, Hu R, Waddell G, Buchbinder R. Evaluation of a Canadian Back Pain Mass Media Campaign. Spine. 2010, 15: 906-13. Hebert JJ, Koppenhaver SL, Parent EC, Fritz JM. A Systematic Review of the Reliability of Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging for the Quantitative Assessment of the Abdominal and Lumbar Trunk Muscles. Spine. 2009, 34(23):E848-56. Hu Y, Wong YL, Lu WW, Kawchuk GN. Creation of An Asymmetrical Gradient of Back Muscle Activity and Spinal Stiffness During Asymmetrical Hip Extension. Clinical Biomechanics. 2009 Dec;24(10):799-806. Ikezawa Y, Battié MC, Beach J, Gross DP. Do Clinicians Working Within the Same Context Make Consistent Return-to-Work Recommendations? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. February 2010, Published Online. John J, Haykowsky M, Brubaker P, Stewart K, Kitzman D. Decreased Left Ventricular Distensibility in Response to Posture Change in Elderly Patients With Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. American Journal of Physiology: Heart Circulation Physiology. 2010.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Kawchuk GN, Carrasco A, Beecher G, Goertzen G, Prasad N. Identification of Spinal Tissues Loaded by Manual Therapy: A Robot-based Serial Dissection Technique Applied in Porcine Motion Segments. Spine. (In press). Kelly M, Darrah J, Sobsey D, Haykowsky M, Legg D. Effects of a Community-based Aquatic Exercise Program For Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Single Subject Design. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy. 2009, 17(2):1-11. Kemp K, Sheps D, Luciak-Corea C, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre LA: A Systematic Review of Rotator Cuff Tears in Patients Insured by Workers’ Compensation: Prevalence of Injury, Characteristics of Rotator Cuff Injuries and Outcomes following Operative and Non-Operative Interventions. Prepared for the WCB of Alberta (2010). Kilbreath SL, Ward LC, Lane K, McNeely M, Dylke ES, Refshauge KM, McKenzie D, Lee MJ, Peddle C, Battersby KJ. Effect of Air Travel on Lymphedema Risk in Women With History of Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2010, 120(3):649. Koppenhaver SL, Hebert JJ, Parent EC, Fritz JM. Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging is A Valid Measure of Trunk Muscle Size and Activation During Most Isometric Sub-maximal Contractions: A Systematic Review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2009, 55(3), 153-169. Koppenhaver SL, Parent EC, Teyhen DS, Hebert JJ, Fritz JM. The Effect of Averaging Multiple Trials on Measurement Error During Ultrasound Imaging of Transversus Abdominis and Lumbar Multifidus Muscles in Individuals with Low Back Pain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2009, 39(8):604-11. Lam A, Molnar R, Vu T, Sadowski CA, Jones CA. On-line Continuing Education Module for Community Pharmacists: Assisting Clients with Ambulatory Devices. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning (corresponding author). 2009, 1(2):87-92. Manns PJ, Tomczak C, Jelani A and Haennel RG. Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: Associations With Ambulatory Activity and Physical Functional Performance in Stroke Survivors. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010, 42(3): 259-264.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Manns PJ, Tomczak C, Jelani A, Cress ME and Haennel RG. Use of the Continuous Scale Physical Functional Performance Test (CS-PFP-10) in Stroke Survivors. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2009, 90: 488-493. Mathison C, Chaudhary R, Beaupre L, Joseph T, Adeeb S, Bouliane M. Biomechanical Analysis of Proximal Humeral Fixation Using Locking Plate Fixation With An Intramedullary Fibular Allograft. Journal of Clinical Biomechanics. (In press). McNeely ML, Campbell KL, Courneya KS, Mackey JR. Effect of Acute Exercise on Upper Limb Volume in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study. Physiotherapy Canada. 2009, 61:244-251. McNeely ML, Campbell KS, Ospina M, Rowe B, Dabbs K, Klassen T, Mackey J, Courneya KS. Exercise for Upper Limb Dysfunction Due to Breast Cancer Treatment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2010, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD005211. DOI: 10.1002/14651858. CD005211.pub2. McNeely ML, Courneya KS. Exercise Programs for Cancer-Related Fatigue: Evidence and Clinical Guidelines. Journal of National Comprehensive Cancer Network. (In press): Release August, 2010 edition. McNeely ML, Peddle CJ, Yurick JL, Dayes I, Mackey JR. Conservative and Dietary Interventions for Cancer-Related Lymphedema: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Cancer. (In press): Accepted for Publication June 1, 2010. Näkki A, Kouhia ST, Saarela J, Harilainen A, Tallroth K, Videman T, Battié MC, Kaprio J, Peltonen L, Kujala UM. Allelic Variants of IL1R1 Gene Associate With Severe Hand Osteoarthritis. BMC Medical Genetics. 2010, Mar 30;11(1):50. Nelson M, Haykowsky M, Petersen SR, DeLorey DS, Cheng-Baron J, Thompson RB. Increased Left Ventricular Twist, Untwisting Rate and Suction Maintain Global Diastolic Function During Passive Heat Stress in Humans. American Journal of Physiology: Heart Circulation Physiology. 2010, 298(3):H930-7. Parent EC, Dang R, Hill D, Mahood J, Moreau M, Raso J, Lou E. Score Distribution of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 Questionnaire in Subgroups of Patients of All Ages With Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine. (Phila Pa 1976). 2010, Mar 1;35(5):568-77.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Parent EC, Wong D, Hill D, Mahood J, Moreau M, Raso VJ, Lou E. The Association between SRS-22 Scores and Scoliosis Severity Changes at a Clinically Relevant Threshold. Spine. (Phila Pa 1976). 35(3):315-22, 2010. Parent EC, Hill D, Mahood J, Moreau M, Raso J, Lou E. Discriminative and Predictive Validity of Scoliosis Research Society-22 Questionnaire in Management and Curve Severity Subgroups of Adolescents With Idiopathic Scoliosis. Spine. 2009, 34(22):2450-7. Pimlott BJ, Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC, Majumdar SR. Prognostic Impact of Pre-operative Albumin on Short-term Mortality and Complications in Patients With Hip Fracture. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 2010. (In press). Pimlott B, Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Johnston DWC, Majumdar SR. The Impact of Pre-operative Serum Albumin on In-Hospital Mortality of Patients With Hip Fractures. Archives of Gerontology and Gerontology Science. (In press). Roy FD, Yang JF, Gorassini MA. Afferent Regulation of Leg Motor Cortex Excitability After Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2010, 103:2222-2233. Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Paterson I, Warburton D, Chow K, Cheng Baron J, Lopaschuk G, Thompson R. Biventricular Dysfunction Following Brief High Intensity Exercise in Endurance Trained Individuals. American Journal of Cardiology. 2010, 106:278 –283. Thompson RT, Paterson I, Chow K, Cheng-Baron J, Scott J, Esch B, Ennis D, Haykowsky M. Characterization of the Relationship Between Systolic Shear Strain and Early Diastolic Shear Strain Rates: Insights Into Torsional Recoil. American Journal of Physiology: Heart Circulation Physiology. 2010. Tomkins CC, Dimoff KH, Forman HS, Gordon ES, McPhail J, Wong JR, Battié MC. Physical Therapy Treatment Options for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2010 Jan;23(1):31-7. Tomkins CC, Battié MC, Rogers T, Jiang H, Petersen S. A Criterion Measure of Walking Capacity in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and Its Comparison With A Treadmill Protocol. Spine. 2009, Oct 15;34(22):2444-9.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Journal Articles


Trump M, Palathinkal DM, Beaupre LA, Otto D, Leung P, Amirfazli A. In Vitro Biomechanical Testing of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Traditional Versus Physiologically Relevant Analysis (Knee). (In press). Vaillent M, Pickar J, Kawchuk GN. Performance and Reliability of a Variable Rate, Force/Displacement Application System. Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics. (In press). Videman T, Gibbons LE, Kaprio J, BattiĂŠ MC. Challenging the Cumulative Injury Model: Positive effects of Greater Body Mass on Disc Degeneration. Spine Journal. 2010, Jan;10(1):26-31. Woolcott CG, Courneya KS, Boyd NF, Yaffe MJ, Terry T, McTiernan A, Brant R, Ballard-Barbash R, Irwin ML, Jones CA, Brar S, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Karvinen KH, Friedenreich CM. Mammographic Density Change With 1 Year of Aerobic Exercise Among Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 2010, 19(4):1112-21.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Abstracts Alassaf N, Beaupre LA, Lewicke J, Liggins A, McIvor J. Are Hinged Ankle Foot Orthoses In Children With Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy Associated With Crouch Gait? Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting July 2009. Beaupre LA, Morrish DW, Hanley DA, Maksymowych WP, Bell NR, Juby AG, Majumdar SR. Oral Bisphosphonate Use After Hip Fracture Associated With Reduced Mortality. Osteoporosis International. 2010, 21:(Suppl 1) S33. International Osteoporosis Foundation Annual Meeting May 2010. Burrows L, Parent E, Kennedy M. Intra-rater and Inter-rater Reliability of a Single Leg Squat Test. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009, Volume 34, Suppl. S1: S12-3. Presented at: CSEP annual conference November 2009. Chan H, Stewart T, Beaupre L, Bouliane M. Injury of the Suprascapular Nerve During Arthroscopic Repair of Superior Labral Tears: An Anatomic Study. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting July 2009. Cheng-Baron, Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Tyberg J, Thompson R. Relationship Between Mitral Velocity and Mitral Flow Time-Profiles During Ventricular Filling. Presented at: ISMRM-ESMRMB 2010 Joint Annual Meeting May 2010. Damaraju S, Parent EC, Hill DL, Lou E, Smetaniuk D. Comparison of the Intra and Inter-evaluator Reliability of Common Surface Topography Parameters in Persons With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Presented at: 10th Annual Alberta BME Conference October 2009. Haennel RG, Budnick K, Campbell J, Esau L, Lyons J, Rogers N. Cardiac Rehabilitation for Women. A Systematic Review. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009, 29:5; 333. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Hill DL, Parent EC, Lou E, Moreau MJ, Mahood JK, Hedden DM. Brace Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – Protocols of the Canadian Spinal Deformity Study Group Surgeons. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities. SOSORT May 2010. Presented at: COA Annual Meeting June 2010.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Damaraju S, Parent EC, Hill DL, Lou E, Smetaniuk D. Comparison of the Intra and Inter-evaluator Reliability of Common Surface Topography Parameters in Persons With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Presented at: 10th Annual Alberta BME Conference October 2009. Decker C, Kawchuk GN. The Effect of Skin on the Ability of A Non-invasive Vibration Analysis Tool to Detect Spine Movement. Presented at: Alberta Bioengineering Conference October 2009. Haennel RG, Budnick K, Campbell J, Esau L, Lyons J, Rogers N. Cardiac Rehabilitation for Women. A Systematic Review. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009, 29:5; 333. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Hill DL, Parent EC, Lou E, Moreau MJ, Mahood JK, Hedden DM. Brace Treatment for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – Protocols of the Canadian Spinal Deformity Study Group Surgeons. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities. SOSORT May 2010. Presented at: COA Annual Meeting June 2010. Holm S, Rodgers WM, Vogan N, Haennel RG, Wong E and Stickland M. Generalizability of Self-Efficacy for Exercise and for Activities of Daily Living in Men and Women Following Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2009, 25 (Suppl B) 76B. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Johnston M, Rodgers W, Lightfoot R, Senaratne M and Haennel RG. Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Self Efficacy for Exercise and Subsequent Physical Activity in Elderly Cardiac Patients. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009, 29:5; 336. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Johnston M, McDonald K, Manns T, Senaratne M and Haennel RG. Does Cardiac Rehabilitation Improve the Ability of Elderly Patients to Perform Common Household Tasks? Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009, 29:5; 333.Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Jones CA, Pimlott B, Beaupre L, Johnston DWC, Majumdar SR. Prognostic Impact of Pre-operative Albumin on In-hospital Mortality and Complications After Hip Fracture. Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2009. Jones CA, Beaupre LA, Jhiangri GS, Suarez-Almazor ME. The effect of Diabetes on the 6 Month Recovery After Total Knee Arthroplasty. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2009, 60:10 suppl, S26. American College of Rheumatology 73rd National Scientific Meeting October 2009. Kato DJ, Yarborough C and Haennel RG. Validation of An Electronic Armband Sensor in Healthy Individuals Engaged in Low Intensity Activity. Presented at: NSCA National Conference July 2009. Kawchuk GN, Carrasco A, Beecher G, Goertzen D, Prasad N. Use of a Robot-based Sequential Dissection Technique Applied in Porcine Motion Segments to Identify Which Spinal Tissues Are Loaded During the Application of Manual Therapy. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine April 2010. Kennedy MD, Fairbanks K, Fischer R, Lefaivre L, Molzan J, Vickery L, Parent EC. Differences in Pre-season Baseline Fitness Between Canadian Varsity Athletes Reporting Injuries or Not Over A Competitive Season. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009, Volume 34, Suppl. S1: S47. Presented at: CSEP Annual Conference November 2009. Koppenhaver SL, Hebert JJ, Parent EC, Fritz JM. Validity of Quantitative Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging Measurements to Assess the Morphology and Function of Muscles of the Trunk: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Chiropractic Education. 2009, 23(1) P77. Presented at: ACC-RAC Conference March 2009. MacKenzie J, O’Connor G, Pettit P, Marshall DA, Faris PD, Dort L, Khong H, Werle J, Powell J, Beaupre L, Frank C. On Behalf of the Alberta Hip Improvement Project (HIP) Advisory Committee and the Alberta Arthroplasty Research Group (AARG): Functional Outcomes Over 2 Years Comparing Hip Resurfacing and Total Hip Replacement. The Alberta HIP Study. American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting 2010.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Manns PJ, Tomczak CR and Haennel RG. Oxygen Uptake Kinetics: Association With Ambulatory Activity and Physical Function Performance in Stroke Survivors. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009, 29:5; 333. Presented at: Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Maragh K, Beaupre LA, Jones CA, Otto D. Soccer and ACL Reconstruction in Teenage Girls. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting July 2009. Mathison C, Chaudhary R, Beaupre L, Adeeb S, Bouliane M. Biomechanical Evaluation of Proximal Humerus Fracture Repair Techniques Using Intramedullary Bone Peg with Plate Fixation. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting July 2009. McCargar AL, Southon S, Hill D, Mahood J, Moreau M, Parent E, Hedden D, Hill A, Downs S. Web Survey of Physical Activity and Nutrition: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients. Presented at: Pediatric Orthopedic Practitioners Society 5th Annual Conference May 2010. Morrish DM, Beaupre LA, Dieleman SD, Majumdar SR. Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Long-term Care Centres. Osteoporos International. 2010, 21: (Suppl 1) S79-80. International Osteoporosis Foundation Annual Meeting May 2010. Musselman KE, Brunton K, Yang JF. Introducing the Spinal Cord Injury Functional Ambulation Profile (SCI-FAP): A Validity and Reliability Study. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting February 2010. Musselman KE, Brunton K, Yang JF. Introducing the Spinal Cord Injury Functional Ambulation Profile (SCI-FAP): Sensitivity to Change. Canadian Physiotherapy Association 2010. Nelson M, Haykowsky M, Petersen S, DeLorey D, Cheng-Baron J, Thompson R. Global Diastolic Function is Preserved During Passive Heat Stress Due to Augmented Left Ventricular Untwisting. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2010, 24: 991.20.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Olsen K, Haennel RG, Field C, Turner AR and Baracos V. Weighing Research Objectives Against Patients’ Capacity for Participation. Supportive Care Cancer. 2010, 18(Suppl. 3): S98. Presented at: MASCC/ISOO International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer June 2010. Parent E, Hill D, Moreau M, Mahood J, Sainder A. Determining Changes in Surface Topography of the Back from Before to 6, 12 and 24 Months After Posterior Spinal Surgery in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. (Poster) Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Spotlight on Research Breakfast November 2009. Parent E, Watkins E, Emrani M, Hill D. Differences in Measures of Full-torso Surface Topography Among Healthy Teenagers Are Independent of Growth Indicators. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities. SOSORT May 2010. Parent E, Hill D, Moreau M, Mahood J, Sainder A. Determining Changes in Surface Topography of the Back From Before to 6, 12 and 24 Months After Posterior Spinal Surgery in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Presented at: WCHRI 2nd Annual Research Day November 2009. Parent EC, Hill EC, Moreau MJ, Mahood JK, Chin J. Lack of Association Between the Progression of Surface Topography Abnormalities and Maximal Cobb Angle in Adolescent with Idiopathic Scoliosis. (Poster) COA-CORS Meeting July 2009. Patrick SK, Musselman KE, Vasudevan EVL, Bastian AJ, Yang JF. Emergence of Characteristics of Learning on a Split-belt Treadmill in Infants and Toddlers. Society of Neuroscience. 2009. Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Meeting October 2009. Sadowski CA, Nguyen V, Jones CA, Feeny DH. Fall Risk Awareness Questionnaire in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. . Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2010, 58; suppl1: S48. Presented at: American Geriatrics Society May 2010. Scott J, Esch B, Haykowsky M, Paterson I, Warburton D, Chow C, Cheng-Baron J, Lopaschuk G, Thompson R. Biventricular Dysfunction Following Brief High Intensity Exercise in Endurance Trained Individuals. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009, Vol. 34: S.83.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Secretan C, Lavoie G, Johnston D, Glasgow R, Beaupre L. Patellar Resurfacing Versus Patellar Retention in Total Knee Arthroplasty: 10 Year Results of A Randomized Clinical Trial. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting June 2010. Sheps D, Styles-Tripp F, Beaupre L, Wiens S, Luciak-Corea C, Balyk R. Prospective Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Using a Bioabsorbable Tack. Canadian Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting July 2009. Stickland M, Schulte F, Haykowsky M, Paterson I, Ezekowitz, McMurtry S. Carotid Chemoreceptor Modulation of Muscle Blood Flow During Leg-extension Exercise in Healthy Humans. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2010, 24: 807.7. Tomczak CR, Paterson I, Lawrance R, Martellotto A, Jelani A, Haykowsky MJ, Pantano A, Gulamhusein S and Haennel RG. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Improves Peak Aerobic Capacity and Peak Exercise Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Heart Failure. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2010, 25 (Suppl B) 58B. Presented at: Canadian Cardiovascular Congress Annual Scientific Meeting October 2009. Vaillant M, Pickar J, Kawchuk GN. The Effect of the Displacement and Duration of Spinal Manipulations on Spinal Stiffness: Preliminary Results. Presented at: Alberta Bioengineering Conference October 2009. Vasudevan EVL, Torres-Oviedo G, Yang JF, Bastian AJ. Development of Motor Learning From Childhood to Adulthood. Society of Neuroscience. 2009. Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Meeting October 2009. Watkins EM, Parent E. Clinical Prediction Rules: Tools to Classify Patients Likely to Benefit From Specific Treatment Strategies. (Poster) Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Spotlight on Research Breakfast November 2009. Watkins E, Parent E, Emrani M, Hill D. Test-retest Standard Error of Measurements for Full-torso Surface Topography Parameters Obtained With the Arms At 30 and 90 Degrees of Elevation in Healthy Teenagers. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities. SOSORT May 2010.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Wieler M, Allen J, Jones A and Haennel RG. Aerobic Capacity and Activity Level in Persons With Parkinson Disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 2010, 16 (Suppl 1), S61. Presented at: 3rd International Congress on Gait and Mental Function February 2010. Wieler M, Jones CA, Martin WRW, Voaklander DC. Incidence Rate of Hip Fracture in Parkinson Disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 2010, Volume 15 (Suppl 2), S74. Presented at: World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders 2009. Wieler M, Jones CA, Allen JA, Haennel R. Physical Activity in Parkinson Disease. Physiotherapy Canada. 2010, 62: suppl, A071. Presented at: Physiotherapy Canada Congress 2010. Wieler M, Voaklander DC, Jones CA, Martin WRW. Incidence and Prevalence of Parkinson Disease in Canadian Seniors. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2009, Volume 285, (Suppl 1), Page S286. Presented at: 19th World Congress of Neurology October 2009. Wong YL, Hu Y, Lu WW, Kawchuk GN. Concurrent Measures of Muscle Activity and Stiffness in the Lumbar Spine. Presented at: Alberta Bioengineering Conference October 2009.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Faculty & Staff Academic Staff


Amort-Larson, Gail (MSc) Associate Professor

Beaupre, Lauren (PhD) Assistant Professor

Bostick, Geoff (PhD Candidate) Assistant Professor

Chepeha, Judy (PhD Candidate) Assistant Professor

Crites Battie, Michele (PhD) Professor & CRC

Darrah, Johanna (PhD) Professor

Gross Douglas, (PhD) Associate Professor

Haennel, Robert (PhD) (FACSM) Chair & Professor

Hall, Mark (MScPT) Clinical Coordinator & Assistant Professor

Haykowsky, Mark (PhD) Professor & CIHR New Investigator

Jones, Allyson (PhD) Associate Professor, CIHR New Investigator & AHFMR Population Health Investigator Kawchuk, Gregory (PhD) Associate Professor & CRC

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Academic Staff



Magee, David (PhD) Professor & Associate Dean

Manns, Trish (PhD) Associate Professor

Martin, Bernadette (MA) Associate Chair

McNeely, Margaret (PhD) Assistant Professor

Norton, Barbara (BScPT) Clinical Assistant Professor

Palmer, Deborah (MA) Academic Professional Officer

Parent, Eric (PhD) Assistant Professor/Clinical-Scientist

Yang, Jaynie (PhD) Professor Zarski, Chris (BScPT) Coordinator, Augustana MScPT Satellite/Sessional Instructor


Administrative Staff Heisler-Schafer, Tamie Academic Assistant

Low, Cheryl Secretary to the Chair

Pietrzykowski Debbie Receptionist

Martens, Deb Clinical Education Assistant

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professor Emeritus

S Kumar, PhD, DSc M Parker, MCSP, HT DipPT JE Semple, MEd, BPT, Grad Dip Phys, HT, DipPT

Clinical Professor Emeritus J Loomis, BPT, MEd

Adjunct Assistant Professors D Delorey PhD R Kell, PhD G Liang, PhD H Meyer, MSc M Strickland, PhD

Guest Lecturers D Anderson S Armjio-Olivo J Bashow M Bazzarelli S Bergsten S Beropten H Bredy D Bristow K Brunton J Buckingham V Buttar P Caveny G Cutforth L Daneyko S Deforge S Doberstein J Dunstan N Fennig L Flakstad K Head C Henderson

P Hoeppner J Holman W Hong S Jamieson D Jones S Kemp S Kerslake S Kollias S Kossey A Kwok G Lane B Lasair A Liggins A Lowe A Magnaye D Martin D Paches M Parfitt C Powell M O’Connor E Olson

M Parfitt C Powell B Schular R Smith C Sorochuk K Steil E Steinbring W Tung B Vandermeer E Vieira R WannechkoKoenig L Wiart T Wolansky M Wood S Wyness J Yurick L Zorilla

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers C Abraham L Adams N Amusat S Andres C Archer S Armstrong J Ashmead E Baldwin J Bashow D Baron A Barreda A Bealer J Begg J Belter K Benterud M Berthier A Bhambhani B Birmingham J Black A Botelho E Bowen H Box C Bradner J Bradwell D Brewster-Mellett J Brodeur J Brohman J Brooker E Brown R Cash Mottram C Cavenagh A Chan L Chang M Ching P Clare

M Clark L Coley B Corie N Cuff S Cuff H Cunningham H Curilla G Cutforth V D’Souza J Dame J Dean M Deenen N Deenen S DeForge B Delarue V Demkiw L Dey S Dey W Diepeveen S Dirk B Djkowich K Dooling V Doyle K Drysdale J Dunstan C Durham V Durham D Eddie K Eldred H Enns T Falk J Fehr E Ferguson S Finnbogason S Fisher

S FitzGerald L Flakstad K Flanagan N Fletcher J Flett Y Forman L Fowler T Fulton S Fung-Gee S Funk A Gallagher L Gartner D Gilroy A Glass B Graham H Grant T Gray E Groft D Hajek K Hanrahan L Harrison-Edge L Hattingh T Hawken M Hayes K Head B Henry K Histon J Hockridge H Hoeven L Hoffart A Holliday R Holmes J Huang M Huget J Hunter

M Hunter D Hurta T Jensen R Jiwa A Kaye C Kelly J Kelly A Kendall K Kennedy L Kim F Kirkby C Klass J Koch N Koch J Kowalchuk B Larson M Labrentz L Lahey B Lasair M Laurensse H Lawrence D MacDonald M MacPherson A Magnaye K Maitland K Mang C Mann M Marcynuk H Marta J Mathews-White J Mazuryk R McLenahan E Meikle J Miller N Milligan

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Lecturers M J Minni K Mulligan F Nucci S Olsen S Ostrem K Oura D Panasiuk A Peter T Peters L Petersen J Pletts L Pohlod J Polk B Poon J Poon D Probst K Raiser-Morse E Reimer K Reinhardt L Robert D Ross K Ross N Ryks R Sanderson B Schachterie J Schmidt G Shaw S Herman B Shukalak J Simonds F Sprigings J St. George-Rennie T Stadnek L Steenbergen R Steer

E Stefanska K Steil P Stoller J Sultanian S Sundararajan E Swanepoel P Tannant D Wake R Wannechko-Koenig

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Department of Physical Therapy Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine University of Alberta 2-50 Corbett Hall Edmonton Alberta T6G 2G4 Telephone: 780.492.5983 Facsimile: 780.492.4429 Email: Website:

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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