Pt department annual report, 2016 2017

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Pursuing your best

Chair and Associate Chair’s Message .................................................... 3 Guiding Principles for the Department .................................................. 5 Strategic Plan ................................................................................... 6 Department Personnel ....................................................................... 7 Faculty Awards ................................................................................ 19 Student Ratings of Instruction ........................................................... 20 MScPT Student Awards ..................................................................... 21 Research Funding ............................................................................. 25 Publications ..................................................................................... 30 Presentations .................................................................................. 41 Service ........................................................................................... 63 Clinical Education ............................................................................ 68 Satellite Campuses .......................................................................... 74 Student Clinic .................................................................................. 77 Events ............................................................................................ 78 Admissions and Convocation Statistics ................................................ 79

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Message From the Chair and Associate Chair It is our pleasure to report on another productive and eventful year for our Department. This Annual Report details the accomplishments of our faculty members, staff and students. We highlight the following notable achievements. Education This year we admitted a total of 106 new students to the first year of the MScPT Program: 76 students to the main campus in Edmonton, 18 in Calgary and 12 in Augustana. This becomes the MScPT Class of 2019. We continue to attract students of outstanding caliber to our program. In December 2016, the class of 2017 completed their final clinical placements and OSCE to complete the program and head off into the workforce. We congratulate the following exceptional teachers: Dr. Judy Chepeha awarded both the Faculty Teaching Award and the Rehabilitation Medicine Students Award for excellence in teaching in the Department of Physical Therapy, Professor Lisa Jasper - awarded the Faculty Sessional Teaching Award, and Suzanne Bergsten and William Tung – who both assist in the cardiorespiratory course shared the Faculty Teaching Assistant Award (Clinician). Our students are competitive for a number of scholarships and awards on campus. Notably, Steven Hazlett and Colleen Gibson were each awarded the $15 000 Indigenous Graduate Award, and eight students (Katelyn Kaufman, Candace Mazur, Jacqueline Meyers, Ciaran O’Flynn, Leah Peterson, Nolan Tracey. Georgi Trifanov, and Alyssa Wildeman) each received a half award of the Queen Elizabeth II Scholarship worth $5,400 each. Research Researchers acquired $2,718,000 of new external grant funding as principal investigators this year, and were co-investigators on national and international research teams acquiring $6,124,000 of new funding. The tenure track faculty members each had an average of $210,000 this year to run their labs.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Notable research-related awards included:  Dr. Karim Fouad - awarded the Canada Research Chair in Spinal Cord Injury, Tier I. This is a seven year personnel award, and the only CRC Chair in our Faculty.  Dr. D Gross - received the Award for Research Excellence at the national conference: Safe, Healthy and Productive Workplaces: Learning from Research and Practice.  Dr. M McNeely - Selected as the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine nominee for the Martha Piper Award at the University of Alberta.  Dr. J Whittaker - awarded the Tom Pashby Award from the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine for a second consecutive year.  Dr. L Wiart - continued as the recipient of two personnel awards from Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist Training Program Career Development Award, and the Alberta Centre for Child, Family and Community Research Early Career Transition Award. Service Our faculty members were heavily involved in many service activities. We highlight Dr. Lauren Beaupre’s role as National Director for Hip Fracture, Bone and Joint Canada, Professor Berni Martin’s role as Chair of the Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs – Curriculum Committee, and Dr. Linda Woodhouse’s role as President of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Our support staff continued their commitment to quality service. They efficiently provided support to our clinical education program, to the program applicants, to students in the program, and to researchers. They ensured the smooth running of day-to-day Department activities. Summary We thank our students, staff and faculty members for their commitment to serve our community through advancing the field of physical therapy. We especially thank the many dedicated physical therapists who help train our students as clinical preceptors, providing them with invaluable experience and mentoring. Your help is essential to the training of the next generation of physical therapists. Jaynie Yang, PT, PhD Interim Chair

Mark Hall, PT, PhD Associate Chair

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


MISSION Through leadership and vision, the Department of Physical Therapy promotes excellence in physical therapy practice by:

◊ Providing the highest quality of physical therapy education at all levels ◊ Conducting scholarly research at the frontiers of rehabilitation science ◊ Engaging in collaborative community partnerships

VISION The University of Alberta Physical Therapy Department is the place where: ◊ The best students, educators, clinicians and researchers are drawn and inspired to learn and discover physical therapy ◊ Innovation is embraced ◊ Active sharing and engagement with the community enhances lifelong health and the value of physical therapy

OUR CORNERSTONES ◊ Talented People ◊ Learning, Discovery and Citizenship ◊ Connecting Communities ◊ Transformative Organization and Support

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The short-term strategic planning session was designed and organized by the Department Executive (Interim Chair, Associate Chair, Administrative Professional Officer), with the approval of the Department Staff. The session was 3-hours on May 11, 2017. Based on the four goals (Culture, Research, Education, Profile) identified in the Faculty Strategic Plan, the Department sought to identify no more than two strategic actions for each of the goals, on which the Department would focus in the next two years. We developed strategic intentions related to:  Culture - Team building  Research - Increasing innovative partnerships to improve stakeholder collaboration, and formalizing a mentorship process.  Education - Curriculum review and comparisons with other entry-level programs; working with stakeholders to align expectations of clinical skills of students; and ensuring comprehensive program evaluation and comparison of student performance and outcomes at all three sites.  Profile - Developing a strategy to highlight achievements and activities of the Department, and Alumni engagement.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors Lauren Beaupre, PhD Professor, Endowed Chair in Musculoskeletal Research

Karim Fouad, PhD Professor

Doug Gross, PhD Professor

R.G (Bob) Haennel, PhD, FACSM Professor & Interim Dean

Allyson Jones, PhD Professor

Greg Kawchuk, PhD Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professors David Magee, PhD Professor

Trish Manns, PhD Professor, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies

Jaynie Yang, PhD Professor, Interim Chair

Associate Professors Geoff Bostick, PhD Associate Professor

Judy Chepeha, PhD Associate Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Associate Professors Mark Hall, PhD Associate Professor & Associate Chair

Bernadette Martin, MA Associate Professor & Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives

Margaret McNeely, PhD Associate Professor

Eric Parent, PhD Associate Professor

Linda Woodhouse, PhD Associate Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Assistant Professors Jackie Whittaker, PhD Assistant Professor Research Director GSSMC

Lesley Wiart, PhD Assistant Professor

Clinical Assistant Professors Gabriela Abbud, BScPT, MSc Clinical Assistant Professor

Michelle Barnes, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIEPB Program Mentorship Placement Coordinator

Heather Bredy, MCIScPT, BScPT Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education & Clinical Assistant Professor

Jacky Chow, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Assistant Professors Kim Dao, DPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Lisa Jasper, MSc, BMR (PT), PhD (candidate) Clinical Assistant Professor Coordinator, MScPT Augustana

Crystal MacLellan, MScPT, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor

Iain Muir, MScPT Clinical Assistant Professor

Barb Norton, BScPT Clinical Assistant Professor AIPEB Program Co-Director

Bryce Rudland, HBKin MScPT Clinical AssistantProfessor Clinical Education Coordinator, MScPT Calgary

Christopher Zarski, BScPT, MEd Clinical Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Professor Emeriti Michelle Crites-Battie Johanna Darrah Shrawan Kumar John Semple

Adjunct Professors Wonita Janzen Mark Haykowsky Constance Lebrun Carolyn Emery

Clinical Professor Emeritus Joan Loomis Associate Adjunct Professors Puneeta Tandon Donald Schopflocher

Assistant Adjunct Professors Susan Olivo Armijo Sanja Schreiber Audrey Long Edith Pituskin Kenneth Riess

Guest Lecturers Boucher, Suzanne Bragg, Elaine Ezeugwu, Victor Flakstad, Lois Harrison, Connie Johns, Carolyn Kaup, Cara Kim, Esther Kossi, Sandi

Kwok, Allyson Mandhane, Rashmi Musselman, Kristin Roy, Michelle Russell, William Schell, Sylvia Schneider, Kathryn Wolansky, Victor

Teaching Assistants Ariel, Noele Ashmore, Rhonda Barlow, Chelsea Boudreau, Kaitlyn Branton, Erin Calder, Krista Carolyn, Williams(Crowell) Firsow, Josh Holt, Chris Johns, Carolyn Kwok, Andrew Kwok, Allyson Lopetinsky, Barbara

Mandhane, Rashmi McCabe, Erin McComb, Aly Miazga, Kirsten Murphy, James Perry, Danielle Pinkowski, Adam Radhakrishnan, Jeyasundar Schell, Sylvia Schneider, Geoff Tung, William Walji, Farah

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Educators Abd Elkawy, H Abraham, C Acheson, L Adams, K Adelman, T Agbabiaka, O Albrecht, A Alcorn, A Allen, J Amusat, N Anandan, J Anderson, C Aneja, M Ankerman, M Ansari, R Anthony, S Arial, N Arkko, K Armstrong, E Arndt, R Ashley, K Ashmead, J Asmussen, C Auger, R Aure Del Rosario, K Baker, C Balogun, O Banzon, C Barnes, M Baron, D Barreda, A Barrett, K Barton, K Beavan, P Behrens, J Bell, K Belter, J Benoit, L Benterud, K Bergen, C

Berndtsson, M Berthier, M Best, J Black, M Bles, D Bocchinfuso, S Boily, A Boitson, S Bonesky, B Bonin, C Borde Sawatsky, A Bostick, G Boucher, J Boucher, S Boudreau, J Bourque, C Braden, K Bradley, V Bradley, D Branton, E Brassil, M Brecht, K Bredy, H Brickwell, H Brimms, J Brohman, J Brookes, A Brooks, J Brooks, S Brown, K Brown-Hall, B Brunton, K Brydges, K Burrows, B Butler, S Byrne, M Caballero, C Cahill, R Carlos, M Carvajal, J

Cash Mottram, R Castaneda, M Castro. R Catellier, S Cavanagh, A Cavanagh, B Chagas, L Chalmers, S Chamberlain, A Chan, S Chan, A Chandrasekaran, J Chatterton, E Chauhan, N Chepeha, J Chilibecki, K Ching, M Chisholm, A Chiu, A Chong, S Chow, J Christopher, S Church, K Clarke, A Clennin, I Coley, L Collinge, W Connors, C Corie, B Coughlan, B Couto, J Coyne, M Crandell, C Cuff, N Cuglietta, N Cunningham, C Cunningham, H Cushing, S Da Costa, J Dacosta, M

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Educators Dai, Y Daling, E Dame, J Daneyko, L Dao, K Darrah, A Dawkins, M Dean, J DeBlois, C Deenen, N Del Fabbro, V den Otter, D Dennis, K Denzler, J Desfosses, M DeVries, J Dewitz, M D’hont, B Dickenson, N Diduck, G Dijk, F Dmyterko, M Doerksen, N Doig, J Dollmaier, S Donaldson, J Douglas, J Downey, R Doyle, J Doyle, D Drever, C D’Souza, V Duchscherer, T Dueck, P Duguid, A Dunn, J Dunsmuir, L DuPlessis, C Dupre, T Dwarika, M

Dyer, J Eatmon-Powell, S Eddy, D Eggink, M Eidsness, J Eldred, K Evenson, J Fasakin, J Fehr, J Felix, A Feng, L Fennig, N Ferguson, J Fernando, N Finnerty, D Firth, G Fleet, S Fong, E Forman, Y Franklin, K Friesen, K Fuoco, L Furler, B Gagnon, S Gainor, J Gallagher, A Gamache, V Gamblin, T Gartner, L Garvie, L Gee, H George, R Giblin, T Gibson Coyne, C Giesbrecht, A Gilbertson, D Gill, J Gillespie, D Glennie, G Goosens, M

Gover, T Goyetche, N Grant, K Green, C Green, J Gregory, T Groshong, J Grover, V Guerard, D Hale, B Hall, S Hallworth, I Hanrahan, K Harbidge, C Hartley, S Hasham, F Haufe, L Hawken, T Hayday, K Hender, B Highland, R Hineman, J Hoar, R Hoda, A Hodges, M Hoeppner, T Holman, J Holowaychuk, S Holt, C Hong, W Hornick, E Hranac, B Hurta, D Ingledew-Donauer, T Ingwersen, C Irsag, A Ishani, I Jack, B Jacob, S Jacob, J

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Educators Jafreen, S James, E Janelle, N Janz, K Johnson, T Jones, N Jones-Ensz, C Joyees, J Junck, T Ka Man Chan, C Kadatz, B Kanakaraj, S Kandaswamy, M Kanik, J Keane, O Keegan, L Kelly, P Kempster, L Kennedy, C Kercher, C Kim, E Kingston, A Kingwell, S Klapstein, G Klass, C Kopat, K Korsensky, O Kowalczyk, M Kozel, L Krawczyk, I Krebs, D Kristian, N Kruithof, S Kugler, M Kuleba, L Kurian, B Kurio, B Kutash, T Kwan, K Kwok, A

Labrentz, M Lahey, M Laing, K Lam, L Lam, A Lambert, J Langner, R Lapointe, J Lassen. J Latta, L Lau, W Lavoie, N Lawrence, H Leathem, J Lebans, C Leblanc, D LeBlanc, T Lee, E Leedahl, S Lehman, J Leigh, S Leis, E Levesque, T Lewis, C Lewis, O Lewis, M Littke, N Little, R Lo, M Longares, R Loven, B Lucero, M Luckhurst, B Lui, K Mabanta, S Macartney, G MacDonald, D MacDonald, C MacDonald, J MacDonald, S

MacFarlane, K Mack, J MacKinnon. A MacLellan, C Magnusson, A Mahjour, P Mahood, S Mammen, P Mandhane, R Mang, K Mann, C Marino, B Martin, D Martins, S Martyn, J Maryniak, N Matchullis, D Matsuba, L Maxner, S May, K Mazaredo, D McDermott, A McDiarmid, E McFadyen, S McFarlane, D McGugan, B McIntosh, L McKay, T Mckenzie, K McLaughlin, C McLeod, V McMullin, R McNeely, M McWatt, T Mecham, T Meldrum, B Meredith, L Migorska, A Millar, A Miller, S

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Educators Miller, J Milligan, V Minor, A Mireault, L Missikewitz, R Mitchell, N Mitton, M Mohamed-Kassam, A Moorthy, S Motan, A Mozayan-Bashman, B Muhlbeier, J Mullapudi, S Murphy, J Murray, S Mustard, M Nadeau, G Namboory, M Neigel, N Newans, S Newcomb, K Nguyen, J Nielsen, J Niemann, M Nikolovski, B Novakowski, S Numrich, T O’Donahue, M Oishi, K Olabode, J O’Mahony, C Ongaro, D Orban, A Orr, K Osicki, C Ostowari, F Ota, Y Oura, K Overton, V Padilla, M

Painchaud, C Pammidi, S Panasiuk, D Paquet, D Paredes, M Parsons, E Pearce, A Pereira, L Perreault, T Peter, L Peter, A Peters, M Peters, T Peterson, L Petten, S Phillips, M Phillips, J Phung, A Pilipchuk, V Pletts, J Ploch, K Pollard, L Pollock, H Powell, C Powell, S Powelske, B Prakash, S Prefontaine, A Price, L Prokop, M Purushothaman, P Radke, L Rathinasamy, R Reimer, J Reinhardt, K Richard, B Richardson, L Richardson, L Robbie, K Roberts, J

Rochacewich, L Romeril, L Ross, P Ross, C Row, V Rowein, M Russo, T Samarumaraj, H Sawatsky, A Schindelka, S Schreiber, N Schroeder, G Schroter, D Scott, J Scott, S Scott, S Sexton, C Shah, S Sharma, N Sharum, J Shelrud, L Shenkariuk, J Shenoy, S Sherman, S Sherwin, A Shewaga, K Shore, K Shukalak, B Shular, M Shular, B Siebold, T Siemens, A Sime, M Singh, P Sinha, R Sistoso, L Sivasankaran, S Smith, C Smith, T Smith, K

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Clinical Educators Smith, S Smith, S Smolik, N Snell, S Sommerfeldt, S Spate, S Sreibers, L Stang, M Stang-Lee, C Stanhope, A Stanley, L Starkey, K Stauffer, H Steenbergen, L Steinbring, E Stewart, M St-Georges, V Stone- Ross, J Sutton, E Swami, R Sweeney, K Switzer, K Tam, C Tarleton, H Taylor, A Tejada, E Teppler, A Thien, A Thomas, C Thompson, L Tiedemann, K Tizzard, S Toews, M Toner, P Tosh, M Townsend, J Townsend, K Trajan, C Truong, L Tulloch, A Turner, K

Turner, S Vadodariya, P Vaillancourt, M Vaillant, P Velasco, V Velusamy, S Venugopal, R Virag, D Voll, M Vu, T Vun, N Waddell, J Wade, R Wadowski, M Wait, A Wake, D Wall, L Wannechko-Koenig, R Watkins, B Watson, F Webber, C Webster, D Wendell, G Werner, S Wharton, J White, H Whyte, S Wiebe, A Williams, C Williams, C Willis, R Wilson, K Wilson, C Wilson, K Wilton, J Woelk, A Wolansky, T Wong, M Wong, T Wong, Y Woo, A

Worobey, K Yeo, S Young, T Young, E Zachar, K Zahary, E Zarsky, T Zayac, D Ziemmer, J Zorilla, L

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Administrative Staff Cheryl Ackerman Reception Katelyn Brown Executive Assistant to the Chair Wei-Lang Chan Physical Therapy Assistant, Edmonton Francine Hamilton Physical Therapy Assistant, Camrose Tamie Heisler-Schafer Academic Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Shannon Kowalchuk Clinical Education Assistant Susan Lynch Administrative Professional Officer Amy Peters Admissions and Awards Coordinator Ashling Teslak Physical Therapy Assistant, Calgary

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Lisa Jasper Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Sessional Teaching Award (2016)

Judy Chepeha Faculty Teaching Award Rehabilitation Medicine Student Association Teaching Award

Karim Fouad Canada Research Chair, Tier 1

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Following its formation, the Teaching Interest Group (TIG) expanded to include faculty members from the other Rehabilitation Medicine Departments (SPA and OT). The FRM TIG has been a valuable addition for teaching enhancement within the Faculty. New initiatives by the TIG include FRM-specific peer observation program for teaching enhancement. The program aims to provide instructors the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their teaching in a non-punitive context. Peer observers meet with the instructor to discuss their teaching objectives and together reflect on the strengths and opportunities for improvement. The peer observation program has been successfully piloted and implemented with 12 instructors (6 from PT) actively participating in the program. The graph below uses weighted averages to summarize Student Ratings of Instruction for the courses taught by staff members in 2016-2017. Each statement in the evaluation is rated from 1-strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree; 5 being a perfect score. The questions on the student evaluations are separated into two categories: Course Specific (includes questions regarding course content and structure) and Instructor Specific (includes questions specific to the instructor’s knowledge and delivery).

5.0 4.5

Student Ratings 2016-2017 4.3


4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0

Course Specific Instructor Specific

1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The following is a list of awards received by students enrolled in the MScPT program. Recipient

Award / Scholarship Name


Anderson, Lewis

Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship


Goedhart, Taylor

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine


Louie-Poon, Connor

Joan Loomis Graduate Scholarship in Physical Therapy


Aldrich-Witt, Isabel

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Baird, Kieran

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Bamber, Gregory

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Beeforth, Lee

Dean’s Medal in Rehabilitation Medicine

Berlin, Myles

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Bibeau, Michelle

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Bosse, Jessica

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Britz, Hayley

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Byblow, Alicia

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Cavanagh, Mary

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Curtis, Shannon

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Dahlby, Julia

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Dahlby, Julia

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Dahlby, Julia

Davies Park Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation


Entz, Katelyn

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Fitzsimmons, Matt

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Fitzsimmons. Matt

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Floreani, Amanda

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Stirling Gilt Medal


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Foreman, Taylor

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Fredericks, Caitlin

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Geier, Nicole

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Geier, Nicole

Radostits Family Graduate Scholarship in Physical Therapy


Gibson, Colleen

Indigenous Graduate Award

Gibson, Colleen

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Hauck, Mesha

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Hazlett, Steven

Indigenous Graduate Award

Hickman, Leah

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Jee, Sunghee

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Kaufman, Katelyn

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Kim, Daniel

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Klein, Richard

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Kother, Nicole

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Le, William

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Leah Petersen

Davies Park

Lo, Helen

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Losch, Robyn

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Mazur, Candace

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Mazur, Candace

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Meyers, Jacqueline

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Meyers, Jacqueline

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Newman, Joel

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship





Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Nishimura, Kathryn

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


O’Flynn, Ciaran

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


O’Flynn, Ciaran

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Peterson, Leah

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Peterson, Leah

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Phan, John

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Pootz, Spencer

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Proudfoot, Jocelyn

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Punja, Farhana

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Rebke, Quinton

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Schwabe, Adam

Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award

Shin, Sung Yong

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Simpkin, Devin

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Simpkin, Devin

E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine


Tang, Thanh

CPA - Cardiorespiratory Division Student Award

Thom, Robert

Respiratory Therapy Graduate Prize


Thompson, Alexandra Jim and Fran Vargo Goodwill Award



$300 & 3-year membership

Tracey, Nolan

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Tracey, Nolan

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Trifonov, Georgi

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Trifonov, Georgi

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Van Besouw, Caroline Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Van Wijk, Shauna

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Vipound, Catherine

Alberta Government Gradaute Student Scholarship


Wildeman, Alyssa

Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship - Master’s level


Wong, Jason

CPA - Physiotherapy Student Leadership Award of Excellence Total

Certificate & 1 year membership $225,899.99

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


New Funding from External Sources

Sources International, $467,000 Local, $346,000

Provincial, $1,937,000

National, $6,107,000

Total New Grant Funding, $8,857,000

Investigator Role

Principal Investigator, 2,718,000

Co-Investigator, 6,139,000

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


New and Ongoing Funding from External Sources

Investigator Role

Principal Investigator, $7,328,000

Co-Investigator, $25,025,000

Total Grant Funding, $32,353,000

Type of Funding

Other Funds, $8,221,000

Operating Funds, $24,132,000

"Other" includes Equipment, Personnel, Meetings Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Note: the following table outlines NEW external grants for which staff members are Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator only. Training grants and personnel awards are not included. PI (Nominated) Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding:

Beaupre, L Early Func onal Return to Work following Distal Biceps Repair ECE Charitable Founda on Grant $10,000 2016-2018

PI Grant Title:

Fouad, K Trea ng spinal cord injury by augmen ng ac vity dependent cellular pathways driving neuronal plas city Canadian Ins tutes of Health Research $749,700 2017-2022

Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title:

Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding:

Fouad, K Bone marrow-derived stem cells mobiliza on as an acute treatment for spinal cord injury Alberta Spinal Cord & Campus Alberta Neuroscience $30,000 2017-2018 Hall, M Physiotherapy Graduates’ Career Decisions: To What Extent do Clinical Placement Experiences Contribute to Graduates’ Decisions about Employment? Canadian Physiotherapy Associa on $3,800 2016-2017 Jones, A Understanding Built Environments in Rural and Urban Communi es to promote Social Par cipa on, Mobility and Health of Older Adults Canadian Ins tutes of Health Research $17,440 2017-2018 Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Co-PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding:

Kawchuk, G Op miza on of Spinal Manipula ve Therapy (SMT) Protocols NIH $189,714 2016-2019

PI (Lead) Grant Title:

McNeely, M The Alberta Cancer Exercise “ACE” Program for Cancer Survivors: Suppor ng Community-based Exercise Par cipa on for Health Promo on and Secondary Cancer Preven on Alberta Innovates Health Solu ons $1,250,000 2016-2021

Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title:

Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding:

Parent, E Endurance torso muscles in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis compared to matched healthy control par cipants: Can endurance predict curve progression? Physiotherapy Founda on of Canada $5,000 2016-2017 Parent, E Determining the immediate effect of scoliosis-specific 3D autocorrec on exercises using 3D non-invasive ultrasound imaging Women and Children’s Health Research Ins tute (WCHRI) (Alberta) $37,000 2016-2018 WhiƩaker, J Characteriza on of Modifiable Factors that Compound the Risk for Osteoarthri s a er Youth Sport-Related Knee Injury The Arthri s Society $304,368 2016-2019

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


PI Grant Title: Funding Agency:

Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI (Supervisor) Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding: PI Grant Title: Funding Agency: Total Award: Dates of Funding:

WhiƊaker, J Improving the Clinical Iden fica on of ACL Tears: Clinical Predic on Rule Deriva on from a Retrospec ve Clinical Chart Review Department of Surgery (Division of Orthopedic Surgery), Faculty of Medicine and Den stry, University of Alberta $8,000 2016-2017 Wiart, L Towards increased Health Care Professional Engagement in Special Olympics Canada: Poten al Roles for Physiotherapists Special Olympics Canada $19,595 2017-2018 Wiart, L Evidence-based muscle strengthening protocol for children with cerebral palsy. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine $4,440 2017-2018 Wiart, L Evalua on of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy WCHRI $49,209 2017-2019 Yang, J Early intensive leg exercise to improve walking in children with spas c diplegia from encephalopathy of prematurity Women and Children’s Health Research Ins tute (WCHRI) $40,000 2016-2017

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Publications & Presentations 2016-2017




Peer Reviewed Journal Publications Invited Presentations Abstracts and Conference Presentations

Book Chapters McNeely M.L., & Dolgoy, N. (2017). Cancer Rehabilitation: Principles and Practices . Stubblefield, Michael (Ed.). Principles of Physical and Occupational Therapy . : Demos Medical .

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Majumdar, SR, Lier, DA, Hanley, DA, Juby, AG, Beaupre, LA for the STOPFracture PRIHS Team (2017). Economic evaluation of a population-based osteoporosis intervention for outpatients with nontraumatic fractures: The “Catch a Break” 1i(type C) FLS. Osteoporos Int, 28, 1965-1977, doi:10.1007/ s00198-017, 3986-3. Scharfenberger, AV, Alabassi, K, Smith, S, Weber, D, Dulai, SK, Bergman, JW, Beaupre, LA (2016). Primary wound closure after open fracture: A prospective cohort study examining non-union and deep infection. J Orthop Trauma, 31(3), 121-126, doi:10.1097/BOT.000000000000075. Pitzul, KB, Munce, SEP, Perrier, L, Beaupre, L, Morin, SN, McGlasson, R, Jaglal, SB (2016). A scoping review of potential quality indicators for hip fracture patient care. BMJ Open . In Press. Beaupre, LA, Sharifi, B, Johnston, DWC (2017). A randomized clinical trial comparing posterior cruciate-stabilizing vs posterior cruciate-retaining prostheses in primary total knee arthroplasty: 10-year follow-up. Journal of Arthroplasty, 32, 818-823, doi:10.1016/j.arth.2016.08.030. Dyer, SM, Crotty, M, Nicola Fairhall, N, MagE iner, J, Beaupre, LA, Cameron, ID, Sherrington, C (2016). A review of the long-term disability outcomes following hip fracture. BMC Geriatr, 16, 158, doi:10.1186/s12877-016-0332-0. Sheehan, KJ, Sobolev, B, Guy, P, Kuramoto, L, Morin, SN, Sutherland, JM, Beaupre, LA, Griesdale, D, Dunbar, M, Bohm, E for the Canadian Collaborative Study on Hip Fractures (2016). In-hospital mortality after hipfracture by treatment setting. CMAJ, 188, 1219-1225, doi:10.1503/cmaj.160522. Wozniak, LA, Johnson, JA, McAlister, FA, Beaupre, LA, Bellerose, D, Rowe, BH, Majumdar, SR (2017). Understanding fragility fracture patients’ decision-making process regarding bisphosphonate treatment. Osteoporos Int, 28, 219-229, doi:10.1007/s00198-016-3693-5.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Bostick, G.P., Dick, B.D., Wood, M., Luckhurst, B., Tschofen, J., Wideman, T.H. (2017). “Pain assessment recommendations for women, made by women: a mixed methods study�. Pain Medicine, ePub ahead of print, doi:10.1093/pm/ pnx137, pmid:28549183. Suman, A., Bostick, G.P., Schaafsma, F.G., Schaafsma, F.G., Anema, J.R., Anema, J.R., Gross, D.P. (2017). Associations between measures of socioeconomic status, beliefs about back pain, and exposure to a mass media campaign to improve back beliefs. BMC Public Health , 17 , doi:10.1186/ s12889-017-4387-4_ pmid:28545420. Chepeha, Judy , Magee, David , Bouliane, Martin, Sheps, David, Beaupre, Lauren (2017). Effectiveness of a Posterior Shoulder Stretching Program on University-Level Overhead Athletes: Randomized Controlled Trial. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine , Published ahead of print; accepted January 5, 2017 , 1-7, doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000434. Batty NJ, Fenrich KK, Fouad K (2016). The role of cAMP and its downstream targets in neurite growth in the adult nervous system.. Neuroscience Letters , 15 , 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2016.12.033, pmid:27989572. Callahan A, Anderson K, Beattie M, Bixby J, Ferguson A, Fouad K, Jakeman L, Nielson J, Popovich P, Schwab J, Lemmon V (2017). Developing a data sharing community for spinal cord injury research. Experimental Neurology , 295 , 135143, doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2017.05.012. Li Y, Lucas-Osma AM, Black S, Bandet MV, Stephens MJ, Vavrek R, Sanelli L,Fenrich KK, Dinarzo A, Dracheva S, Winship IR, Fouad K and Bennett DJ (2017). Chronic ischemic hypoxia after spinal cord injury: a new role for pericytes, trace amines and blood flow in the etiology and treatment of motor disorders. Nature Medicine , epub ahead of print, doi:10.1038/nm.4331. Wei, D., Hurd, C., Galleguillos, D., Singh, J., Fenrich, K.K., Webber, C.A., Sipione, S., Fouad, K. (2016). Inhibiting cortical protein kinase A in spinal cord injured rats enhances efficacy of rehabilitative training. Experimental Neurology , 283 , 365-374, doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2016.07.001.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Armijo-Olivo, S, Woodhouse, LJ, Steenstra, IA, Gross, DP (2016). Predictive value of the DASH tool for predicting return to work of injured workers with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity. Occupational And Environmental Medicine , 73 , 807-815, doi:10.1136/oemed-2016-103791. Edelaar, MJA, Gross, DP, James, CL, Reneman, MF (2017). Functional Capacity Evaluation Research: Report from the Third International Functional Capacity Evaluation Research Meeting. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation , Epub , 1-5, doi:10.1007/s10926-017-9707-0, pmid:28389973. Lavoie, CA, Voaklander, D, Beach JR, Gross, DP (2017). The Association Between Rurality And Return To Work For Workers’ Compensation Claimants With Work-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries: An Analysis Of Workers Who Failed To Return To Work Within Typical Healing Time Frames. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health , 30,5 , 1-15, doi:10.13075/ ijomeh.1896.00926, pmid:28584330. Park, J, Esmail, S, Rayani, F, Norris, CM, Gross, DP (2017). Motivational Interviewing for Workers with Disabling Musculoskeletal Disorders: Results of a Cluster Randomized Control Trial. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation , Epub , 1-13, doi:10.1007/s10926-017-9712-3, pmid:28550417. Steenstra, I., Cullen, K., Irvin, E., Van Eerd, D., Alavinia, M., Beaton, D., Geary, J., Gignac, M., Gross, D.P., Mahood, Q., Macdonald, S., Puts, M., Scott-Marshall, H., Yazdani, A. (2017). A systematic review of interventions to promote work participation in older workers. Journal of Safety Research , 60 , 93-102, doi:10.1016/j.jsr.2016.12.004, pmid:28160820 Wong, JJ, Cote, P, Sutton, DA, Randhawa, K, Yu, H, Varatharajan, S, Goldbrub, R, Nordin, M, Gross, DP, et al (2016). Clinical practice guidelines for the noninvasive management of low back pain: A systematic review by the Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) Collaboration. European Journal of Pain , Published online , 1-16, doi: 10.1002/ejp.931, pmid:27712027.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Hall, M., Vanderzalm, J., Patterson, S. (2016). The Experiences of Administrators, Educators and Clinicians during the Development and Implementation of Interprofessional Clinical Learning Units.. Focus on Health Profession Education , 17(3) , 96-106, doi: v17i3.180. Janaudis-Ferreira, T., Araujo, T., Romano, J., Camp, P., Hall, M., Mathur, S., Brooks, D. (2016). Perspectives of Canadian final-year physiotherapy students on cardiorespiratory physiotherapy as a career choice. Physiotherapy Canada , 68 (3) , 282-289, doi:, pmid:27909378 . King, S., Hall, M., McFarlane, L., Paslawski, T., Sommerfeldt, S., Hatch, T., Schmitz, C., Bates, H., Taylor, E , Norton, B (2017). Launching first-year health sciences students into collaborative practice: Highlighting institutional enablers and barriers to success. Journal of Interprofessional Care , 31(3) , 386-393, doi: , pmid:28140716 Nagarajan, S., McAllister, L., McFarlane, L., Hall, M., Schmitz, C., Roots, R., Drynan, D., Avery, L., Murphy, S., Lam, M. (2016). Telesupervision Benefits for Placements: Allied Health Students’ and Supervisors’ Perceptions.. International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health and Social Care , 4(1) , 16-27, doi: . Bolina, M, Jones, C.A., Koshman, S, Heinta, E, Lehmann, R, Sadowski, CA (2016). Documentation of functional medication management in older adults during an acute care hospitalization: A retrospective chart review. Drugs Real World Outcomes , 3 , 401-407, doi:10.1007/s40801-016-0092-3. Li, LC, Shaw, C, Lacaille, D, Yacyshyn, E, Jones, C.A., Koehn, C, Hoens, AM, Geldman, J, Sayre, EC, Macdonald, G, Leese, J, Bansback, N (2017). Effects of a Web-Based Patient Decision Aid on Biologic and Small Molecule Agents for Rheumatoid Arthritis, ANSWER-2: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Arthritis Care and Research , 1- epub, doi:10.1002/acr.23287.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Cott, C.A., Davis, A.M., Badley, E.M., Wong, R., Canizares, M., Li, L.C., Jones, A., Brooks, S., Ahlwalia, V., Hawker, G., Jaglal, S., Landry, M., MacKay, C., Mosher, D. (2016). Commonalities and differences in the implementation of models of care for arthritis: Key informant interviews from Canada. BMC Health Services Research , 16 , 415, doi:10.1186/s12913-016-1634-9. Jones, C.A., Martin, R.S., Westby, M.D., Beaupre, L.A. (2016). Total joint arthroplasty: practice variation of physiotherapy across the continuum of care in Alberta. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 1-7, doi:10.1186/s12913-0161873-9, pmid:DOI 10.1186-s12913-016-1873-9. Sadowski CA, Li JC, Pasay D, Jones CA. (2016). Walking the talk: Interprofessional peer teaching of pharmacy students by physical therapy students.. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education , 79, 10 , 155, doi:10.5688/ ajpe7910155. Westby, M, Klemm, A, Li, L, Jones, C.A. (2016). The emerging role of quality indicators in physical therapy practice and health services delivery.. Physical Therapy - Special Issue: Health Service Delivery. , 96 , 90-100, doi:10.2522/ ptj.20150106 . Bell, S., D’Angelo, K., Kawchuk, G.N., Triano, J.J., Howarth, S.J. (2017). Procedure Selection and Patient Positioning Influence Spine Kinematics During High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulation Applied to the Low Back. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics , 40 , 147-155, doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2016.10.014. Funabashi, M., Kawchuk, G.N., Vette, A.H., Goldsmith, P., Prasad, N. (2016). Tissue loading created during spinal manipulation in comparison to loading created by passive spinal movements. Scientific Reports , 6 , doi:10.1038/ srep38107.

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Funabashi, M., Nougarou, F., Descarreaux, M., Prasad, N., Kawchuk, G.N. (2017). Spinal Tissue Loading Created by Different Methods of Spinal Manipulative Therapy Application. Spine , 42 , 635-643, doi:10.1097/ BRS.0000000000002096. Wong AYL, Kawchuk GN (2016). The Clinical Value of Assessing Lumbar Posteroanterior Segmental Stiffness: A Narrative Review of Manual and Instrumented Methods. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , 0-0, doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.12.001, pmid:27993736 . Xia, T., Long, C.R., Vining, R.D., Gudavalli, M.R., DeVocht, J.W., Kawchuk, G.N., Wilder, D.G., Goertz, C.M. (2017). Association of lumbar spine stiffness and flexion-relaxation phenomenon with patient-reported outcomes in adults with chronic low back pain - a single-arm clinical trial investigating the effects of thrust spinal manipulation. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine , 17 , doi:10.1186/s12906-017-1821-1. Ezeugwu, Victor, Manns, Patricia (2017). Sleep Duration, Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Quality of Life after Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases . In Press. Ezeugwu, V, Garga, N, Manns, PJ (2016). Reducing sedentary behaviour after stroke: perspectives of ambulatory individuals with stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-8, doi: Manns, PJ, Matton, A, Kwok, A (2017). The design and evaluation of worked examples in neurological physical therapy education. Journal of Physical Therapy Education , 1-10. In Press. Musselman, K, Manns, PJ, Dawe, J, Delgado, R, Yang, J (2017). The feasibility of functional electrical stimulation to improve upper extremity function in a twoyear old with perinatal stroke: a case report. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics , 1-17, doi:

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Tremblay, MS, Aubert, S, Barnes, Joel, and others including Manns, P (2017). Sedentary behaviour research network (SBRN) - Terminology consensus project process and outcome. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity , 14 , 75, doi:10.1186/s12966-017-0525-8. McNeely, M.L., Campbell, K.L., Webster, M., Kuusk, U., Tracey, K., Mackey, J. (2016). Efficacy of night-time compression for breast cancer related lymphedema (LYNC): Protocol for a multi-centre, randomized controlled efficacy trial. BMC Cancer , 16 , doi:10.1186/s12885-016-2648-8 McNeely, M.L., Dolgoy, N., Alonazi, M., Suderman, K. (2016). The interdisciplinary rehabilitation care team and the role of physical therapy in survivor exercise.Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing , 20 , 8-16, doi:10.1188/16.CJON.S2.8-16. Pituskin, E., Haykowsky, M., McNeely, M., Mackey, J., Chua, N., Paterson, I. (2016). Rationale and design of the multidisciplinary team IntervenTion in cArdio-oNcology study (TITAN). BMC Cancer , 16 , doi:10.1186/s12885-0162761-8. Stuiver M.M. , Ten Tusscher M.R., McNeely, M.L. (2017). Which are the best conservative interventions for lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery? . British Medical Journal , 357 , j2330, doi:https://.org/10.1136/bmj.j2330 Abdollah, Vahid, Parent, Eric C, Battié, Michelle C (2017). “Is the location of the signal intensity weighted centroid a reliable measurement of fluid displacement within the disc?”. Biomedical Engineering - Biomedizinische Technik , EPUB Ahead of print , 1-8, doi:10.1515/bmt-2016-0178, pmid:28632492. Chan A, Parent E, Narvacan K, San C, Lou E (2017). Intraoperative image guidance compared with free-hand methods in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis posterior spinal surgery: A systematic review on screw-related complications and breach rates. The Spine Journal , Epub 17-APR-2017 , 1-15, doi:: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.04.001. , pmid:28428081.

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Kennedy, M.D., Steinback, C.D., Skow, R., Parent, E.C. (2017). Is performance of a modified eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea test in high ventilation athletes reproducible?. Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research , 9 , 229-236, doi:10.4168/aair.2017.9.3.229, pmid:28293929. Schreiber Sanja, Parent Eric C, Hill Douglas L, Hedden Douglas M, Moreau Marc, Southon Sarah C (2017). Schroth physiotherapeutic scoliosis - specific exercises for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: How many patients require treatment to prevent one deterioration? - Results from a randomized controlled trial: SOSORT 2017 Award Winner. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders. In Press. Zapata, Karina, Parent, Eric C, Sucato, Dan (2016). Immediate effects of scoliosis-specific corrective exercises on the Cobb angle after one week and after one year of practice. Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders , 11 (Suppl 2) paper 36 , 87-91, doi:10.1186/s13013-016-0101-z, pmid:27785475. Allen, K.D., Choong, P.F., Davis, A.M., Dowsey, M.M., Dziedzic, K.S., Emery, C.A., Hunter, D.J., Losina, E., Page, A.E., Roos, E.M., Skou, S.T., Thorstensson, C.A., van der Esch, M., Whittaker, J.L. (2016). Osteoarthritis: Models for appropriate care across the disease continuum. Best Practice and Research Clinical Rheumatology , 30(3) , 503-535, doi:10.1016/j.berh.2016.09.003, pmid:27886944. Baltich, J , Emery, C.A., Whittaker, J.L., Nigg, B.M. (2016). Running injuries in novice runners enrolled in different training interventions: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport , Aug 3, 2016 [Epub ahead of print] , 1-12, doi:10.1111/sms.12743, pmid:27486011. Kenny, S, Palacios-Derlingher, L , Owoeye, O , Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A. (2016). Between day reliability of pre-participation screening components in pre-professional ballet and contemporary dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine and Science . In Press.

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles MacDonald, K., Bahr, R., Baltich, J., Whittaker, J.L., Meeuwisse, W.H. (2017). Validation of an inertial measurement unit for the measurement of jump count and height. Physical Therapy in Sport , 25 , 15-19, doi:10.1016/j. ptsp.2016.12.001, pmid:28254580. Toomey, C.M., Whittaker, J.L., Nettel-Aguirre, A., Reimer, R.A., Woodhouse, L.J., Ghali, B., Doyle-Baker, P.K., Emery, C.A. (2017). Higher fat mass is associated with a history of knee injury in youth sport. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy , 47 , 80-87, doi:10.2519/jospt.2017.7101, pmid:28142363. Whittaker, J.L., Booysen, N., de la Motte, S., Dennett, L, Lewis, C.L., Wilson, D. , McKay, C. , Warner, M. , Padua, D. , Emery, C.A. , Stokes, M. (2017). Predicting sport and occupational lower extremity injury risk through movement quality screening: a systematic review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51, 7, 580-585, doi:10.1136/bjsports-2016-096760, pmid: 27935483. Sonnenberg, L.K., Pritchard-Wiart, L. , Hodgson, C.S. , Yu, Y.Q. , King, S. (2017). Assessment of Resident Physicians’ Communicator and Collaborator Competencies by Interprofessional Clinicians: A Mixed Methods Study. . Teaching and Learning in Medicine , 1-10, doi:10.1080/10401334.2017.13018 17. Baghbaninaghadehi, F, Armijo-Olivo, S, Woodhouse, J. L (2016). Fundamentals of randomization in clinical trial. International Journal of Advanced Nutritional & Health Science , 4(1) , 174-178, doi: php/IJANHS/ article/view/Med-276. Holtby R, Christakis M, Maman E, MacDermid JC, Dwyer T, Athwal G, Faber K, Theodoropoulos J, Woodhouse LJ, Razmjou H. (2016). Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Arthroscopic Repair of Small to Medium-Sized Rotator Cuff Tears: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine , 4,9 , 1-10, doi:10.1177/2325967116665595.

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Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Lewinson, R.T., Vallerand, I.A., Collins, K.H., Wiley, J.P., Lun, V.M.Y., Patel, C., Woodhouse, L.J., Reimer, R.A., Worobets, J.T., Herzog, W., Stefanyshyn, D.J. (2016). Reduced knee adduction moments for management of knee osteoarthritis: A three month phase I/II randomized controlled trial. Gait and Posture , 50 , 60-68, doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.08.027. Razmjou H, , Woodhouse, LJ, Holtby, R (2017). Neuropathic Pain Following Shoulder Arthroplasty: Prevalence, Impact on Physical and Mental Function and Demographic Determinants.. Physiotherapy Canada. In Press. Woodhouse, LJ, Gandhi, R, Warden, S, Poiraudeau, S, Myers, SL, Benson, CT, Hu, L, Ahmad, Q, Linnemeier, P, Gomez, E, Benichou, O (2016). A Phase 2 randomized study investigating the efficacy and safety of myostatin antibody LY2495655 versus placebo in older patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty (eTHA). The Journal of Frailty & Aging , 5(1) , 62-70, doi:10.14283/ jfa.2016.81. Field-Fote, E.C., Yang, J.F., Basso, D.M., Gorassini, M.A. (2017). Supraspinal Control Predicts Locomotor Function and Forecasts Responsiveness to Training after Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma , 34,1813-1825, doi:10.1089/ neu.2016.4565. Hurd, C, Livingstone, D, Brunton, K, Teves, M, Zewdie, E, Smith, A., Gorassini, MA, Kirton, A, Watt, J-M, Andersen, J, Yager, J., Yang, JF (2016). Early intensive leg training to enhance walking in children with perinatal stroke: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy. In Press. Khan, A, Patrick, SK, Roy, FD, Gorassini, MA, Yang JF (2016). Training-specific neuroplasticity in spinal reflexes after incomplete spinal cord injury. Neural Plasticity , 2016: ID 6718763 , 13, doi:10.1155/2016/6718763.

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DeSutter, C, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “Smoking Cessation prior to TJA” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Goodine, T, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “Ankle Stiffness after Ankle Fracture” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Goplen, M, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “Vanguard TKA” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Jack, E, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “Proximal Humeral Fractures QoL Evaluation” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Boettcher, T, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “Impact of Depression and Anxiety on Outcomes following TJA” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Westberg, S, Beaupre, L The University of Alberta Orthopaedic Research Day “RIST Feasibility RCT” (Edmonton, AB, May 26, 2017) Bostick, G.P., Dick, B.D., Ongaro, D., Wood, M., Luckhurst, B., Tschofen, J., Wideman, T.H. The International Association for the Study of Pain, 16th World Congress “Sufferers perspective on pain assessment: what matters to women?” (Yokohama, Japan, September 28, 2016) Stanton, T., Bostick, G.P., Meulders, A. The Annual Canadian Pain Society Meeting “Protective responses in chronic pain and how they become maladaptive” (Halifax Nova Scotia, May 24, 2017) Suman, A., Bostick, G.P., Schopflocher, D., Russell, A.S., Ferrari, R., Battie, M.C., Hu, R., Buchbinder, R., Gross, D.P. The International Neck and Back Research Forum “Long-term evaluation of a Canadian back pain mass media campaign” (Oslo Norway, May 23, 2017) Algarni, FS, Gross, DP, Senthilselvan, A, Battié MC The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Prediction of occupational disability among younger and older workers after work-related musculoskeletal injuries” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 28, 2016)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Algarni, FS, Gross, DP, Senthilselvan, A, Battié, MC The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Prognostic factors for receiving wage replacement benefits among older and younger workers participating in functional restoration programs” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 27, 2016) Carr, E, Wallace, J, Interdisciplinary team including Gross DP Campus Alberta Health Outcomes and Public Health Annual Provincial Forum “Evaluating the benefits of dog ownership for people with chronic pain: Informing a public health program” (Edmonton, AB May 16, 2017) Colangelo, A, Abada, A, Haws, C, Park, J, Niemeläinen, R, Gross, DP The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Word Memory Test Predicts Recovery in Claimants with Work-Related Head Injury” Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 27, 2016) Gross, DP, Williams-Whitt, K The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “A critique of administrative/claims measures of RTW and their validity evidence.” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 28, 2016) McCabe, E , Gross, DP, Miciak, M, Mulder K. The World Federation of Hemophilia Musculoskeletal Congress “Assessment of Therapeutic Relationship in Haemophilia Care” (Seoul, South Korea, May 6, 2017) McCabe, E , Miciak, M, Mulder, K, Gross, DP The 10th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders “Assessment of Therapeutic Relationships in Haemophilia” (Paris, France, February 1, 2017) McCabe, E , Miciak, M, Mulder, K, Gross, DP The Canadian Hemophilia Society Rendez-vous 2017 Congress “Assessment of therapeutic relationships in haemophilia care” (Toronto, ON, May 25, 2017) Park, J, Esmail, S, Rayani, F, Norris, CM, Gross DP The Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability conference ‘Safe, Healthy, and Productive Workplaces’ “Motivational interviewing facilitates improved and sustainable return-to-work outcomes for injured workers: results of a cluster randomized control trial” (Vancouver, BC, June 2, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Park, J, Esmail, S, Rayani, F, Norris, CM, Gross, DP The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Motivational Interviewing for Injured Workers: Results of a Cluster Randomized Control Trial” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 27, 2016) Park, J, Gross, DP The Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Disability conference ‘Safe, Healthy, and Productive Workplaces’ “Motivational interviewing compliments work rehabilitation practice with injured workers workshop” (Vancouver, BC, June 2, 2017) Steenstra, IA, 11-member Multidisciplinary IWH Aging Worker Team including Gross, DP The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Work disability prevention outcomes in older workers; results from a systematic review of intervention studies” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 27, 2016) Steenstra, IA, Cullen, K, van Eerd, D, Mahood, Q, Irvin, E, Geary, J, Gross, DP, Multidisciplinary IWH Aging Worker Team The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “Determinants of work participation in older workers; results from a systematic review of prognostic studies” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 27, 2016) Hall, Mark, McFarlane, Lu-Anne, Paslawski, Teresa , Bostick, Geoffrey, Suleman, Salima, Zarski, Christopher, Schmitz, Cori, Esmail, Shaniff, Martin, Bernadette The World Congress of Physical Therapy, poster presentation “Ready, Set, Go. An exploration of work readiness for physiotherapy students” (Capetown, South Africa, July 2, 2016) Stewart, J., & Hall, M. The Festival of Teaching and Learning, University of Alberta “Delivering Digital Assessments on Student Devices: What have we learned? Teaching and Learning Experience in Higher Education” (Edmonton, AB, May 4, 2017) Yeldon, J., Wilson, R., Laferriere, J., Arseneau, G., Gu, S., Hall, M., Norman, K., Yoshida, K., Mori, B. The Ontario Physiotherapy Association Annual Conference “Let’s talk about the talk: Exploring the experiences of discussing student performance at mid and final points of the clinical internship” (Toronto, ON, April 1, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Shulhan J, Larsen B, Kumar M, Jones A, Shave K, Hartling L. The Pediatrics Research Day, University of Alberta, poster presentation “A scoping review of enteral nutrition and necrotizing enterocolitis and a systematic review of hydrolyzed formulas” Edmonton, AB, May 17, 2017) Sadowski, C, Somerfeldt, S, Ward, C, Fricker, L, Davies, J, Rock, P, King, S, Jones, A, Min, J The Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada (AFPC) Canadian Phharmacy Education and Research Conference, poster presentation “Pharmacy Leadership in Interprofessional Education: Adapting a pharmacy medication game into an interprofessional education activity.” (Quebec City, QC, June 6, 2017) Sadowski, C, Thomson, J, Shaw, C, Wagg, A, Jones, A The National conference for pharmacists, poster presentation “Physical function and drugs in the elderly: A scoping review” (Quebec City, QC, June 5, 2017) Westby MD, Marshall D, Squire-Howden J, Johnston DWC, Jones CA. The American College of Rheumatology 78th National Scientific Meeting “Development of Quality Indicators for Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation” (San Francisco, CA, November 15, 2016) Linda Li, Chris Shaw, Diane Lacaille, Elaine Yacyshyn, C. Allyson Jones, Paul Adam, The American College of Rheumatology 79th National Scientific Meeting “Effects of a Web-Based Patient Decision Aid on Biologics for Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Proof-of-Concept Study.” (Washington, DC, November 14, 2016) Slaughter SE,Lycar C, Wagg AS, Jones CA, Ickert C, Estabrooks CA The National Extendicare Conference “A Simple Mobility Innovation Yields Success on Several Fronts: Results of a Control Trial.” (Toronto, ON, April 25, 2017) Salbach N, Barclay R, Braun S, Brooks D, Grant T, Jones A, Lix L, Mayo N, Ripat J, van Ineveld C, Webber S The Canadian Association on Gerontology 45th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting. “Theory-informed development of the Getting Older adults OUTdoors (GO-OUT) program: An intervention designed to improve outdoor walking in older adults who infrequently walk outdoors.” (Montreal, QC, October 21, 2016)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Barclay R, Salbach NM, Brooks D, Grant T, Jones A, Lix L, Mayo N, Ripat J, vanIneveld C, The 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Quality of Life Research “Getting Older adults OUTdoors (GO-OUT)” (Coppenhagen, Denmark, October 22, 2016) Shulhan J, Larsen B, Kumar M, Jones A, Shave K, Hartling L The Cochrane Canada Symposium “A scoping review of enteral nutrition and necrotizing enterocolitis and systematic review of hydrolyzed formulas” (Hamilton, ON, May 11, 2017) Shulhan J, Larsen B, Kumar M, Jones A, Shave K, Hartling L The Canadian Nutrition Society 8th Annual Conference, “A scoping review of enteral nutrition and necrotizing enterocolitis and systematic review of hydrolyzed formulas” (Montreal, QC, May 25, 2017) Hawker G, Marshall D, Jones A, Woodhouse L, Ravi B, Squire Howden J, Noseworthy T, The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) “Age and Sex Differences in Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) Patients’ Expectations of Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).” (Las Vegas, NV, April 27, 2017) Hawker G, Marshall D, Jones A, Woodhouse L, Ravi B, Squire Howden J, Noseworthy T The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) “The Relationship between Appropriateness’ Constructs and Surgeon Recommendation for Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis (OA).” (Las Vegas, NV, April 27, 2017) Chen S, Jones A, Voaklander D. The Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics Conference “Falls and fear of falling in older adults with total joint replacements” (Banff, AB, May 31, 2017) Thomson J, Jones A, Shaw C, Wagg A, Sadowski C The American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting “Physical function and drugs in the elderly – a scoping review” (San Antonio, TX, May 18, 2017) Tworek K, Ickert C, Bakal J, Wagg AS, Jones A, Slaughter SE The Margaret Scott Wright Research and Innovation Day “The Impact of Knowledge Translation Interventions on Uptake of Evidence-Based Practices in Continuing Care” (Edmonton, AB, November 15, 2016)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Casciaro, Y., Pradad, N., Kawchuk, G The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day, poster presentation “Latent class regression analysis for clustering spinal stiffness curves: An exploratory analysis” (Edmonton, AB, June 9, 2017) Casciaro, Y., Prasad, N., Kawchuk, GN. The Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference, poster presentation “Latent class regression analysis for clustering spinal stiffness curves: An exploratory analysis” (Banff, AB, October 8, 2016) Funabashi M, Pohlman KA, Mior S, Thiel H, Hill MD, Cassidy DJ, Westaway M, Yager J, Hurwitz E, Kawchuk G, O’Beirne M, Vohra S. The World Congress Integrative Medicine and Health 2017, poster presentation “Preliminary findings from an active surveillance reporting system among spinal manipulative therapy providers” (Berlin, Germany, May 2, 2017) Greg Kawchuk, Rune Mieritz The 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain “Can ultrasound help the clinician in more precise palpation?” (Singapore, November 2, 2016) Gregory N Kawchuk, Kyria Slomp, Mallory McNiven, Michael E Kawchuk The 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, poster presentation “The Profile of Low Back Pain Patients who Attended the Emergency Department and Their Reasons for Doing So” (Athens, Greece, May 29, 2017) Hadizadeh M, Kawchuk, GN, Pagé I, Descarreaux M The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day “Reliability of a New Technique for Measuring Spinal Stiffness in Asymptomatic Participants” (Edmonton, AB, June 9, 2017) Hercules Grant, Greg Kawchuck The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Prefrontal Blood Volume Changes with Neck Positioning:Prefrontal Blood Volume Changes with Neck Positioning” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Ian Watts, Pierre Boulanger, Michael Feist, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Can a Patient’s Skin Be Used to Display Anatomically Correct Diagnostic Images?” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Jun, P, Kawchuk, GN The Alberta Biomedical Engineering Conference, poster presentation “Evaluating the feasibility of spinal stiffness measurement during magnetic resonance imaging” (Banff, AB, October 8, 2016) Jun, P, Kawchuk, GN TheFaculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day “Spinal stiffness assessment with simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging: A feasibility study to determine how various spinal tissues contribute to spinal stiffness measures” (Edmonton, AB, June 9, 2017) Katherine Pohlman, Patrick Bodnar, Harrison Ndetan, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Do clinician and patient reports of adverse events align? Assessing adverse event s after chiropractic care at a chiropract ic t eaching clinic: an active surveillance pilot study” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Kent Stuber, Andre Bussieres, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Research resources in Canada: taking inventory before setting priorities” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Madeline Morrison, Aron Downie, Benjamin Brown, Greg Kawchuk, Michael Swain The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Do clinical questionnaires for lumbar stiffness and instability correlate with mechanised assessment of lumbar spinal stiffness? An agreement study” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Malieh Hadizadeh, Greg Kawchuk, Isabelle Page, Martin Descarraux The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Reliability of a new technique for measuring spinal stiffness in asymptomatic participants” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Martha Funabashi, Francois Nougarou, Martin Descarraux, Narashima Passad, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “The interaction between spinal manipulative therapy input parameters on the loading characteristics of spinal segments” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Martha Funabashi, Francois Nougarou, Martin Descarraux, Narashima Prasad, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Spinal tissue loading created during spinal manipulative therapy applied by different methods” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Martha Funabashi, François Nougarou, Martin Descarreaux, Narasimha Prasad, Gregory Kawchuk The 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, poster presentation “Spinal Tissue Loading Created by Different Methods of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) Application” (Athens, Greece, May 29, 2017) Martha Funabashi, Greg Kawchuk The 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain “A comparison of spinal tissue loading created by spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) and passive lumbar movements” (Singapore, November 1, 2016) Martha Funabashi, Katherine Pohlman, Silvano Mior, Haymo Thiel, J. David Cassidy, Michael Westway, Jerome Yager, Eric Hurwitz,, Greg Kawchuk,, Maeve O’Beirne, Sunita Vohra The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Preliminary findings from an active surveillance reporting system among chiropractors” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Peter Jun, Greg Kawchuk The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Spinal stiffness assessment wit h simultaneous magnetic resonance imaging: A feasibility study to determine how various spinal tissues contribute to spinal stif fness measures” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Simon French, Paul Bruno, Jill Hayden, Greg Kawchuk, Steven Passmore, John Srebely, Peter Beliveau The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Research priorities of the Canadian chiropractic profession” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Stephen Miazaga, Greg Kawchuk, Jonathan Kawchuk, Martha Funabashi, Arnold Wong The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “Can you feel it ? Limitations in palpating spinal stiffness” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Ting Xia, Cynthia Long, Robert Vining, Maruti Gudavalli, James DeVocht, Qian Li, Gregory Kawchuk, David Wilder, Christine Goertz The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation “Association of lumbar spine stiffness and flexion-relaxation with patient -reported outcomes in adults with chronic low back pain receiving spinal manipulation therapy” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Yolanda Casciaro, Gregory Kawchuk, Narashima Prasad The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017, poster presentation, “Latent class regression analysis for clustering st if fness curves: An exploratory analysis” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017) Aminian, Saeideh, Ezeugwu, V, Motl, Rob, Manns, PJ The International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 2017 Meeting “Sit Less and Move More: Perspectives of Adults with Multiple Sclerosis” (Victoria, BC, June 8, 2017) Karpman, J, Manns, PJ, Tomkins-Lane, C, Gross, DP The 3rd International Functional Capacity Evaluation Research Conference “Do Wearable Fitness Devices Correlate With Performance-Based Tests of Work-Related Functional Capacity?” (Heliomare-Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands, September 29, 2016) Khan A, Livingstone D, Hurd C, Misiaszek J, Gorassini M, Manns P, Stein RB, Yang JF The Annual Alberta Motor Control Meeting “Training to walk in the ReWalk exoskeleton after chronic spinal cord injury; preliminary results on functional gains and neuroplasticity” (Kananaskis, AB, September 24, 2016) Drefs, Shawn, Hunter, Judith, Martin, Bernadette The Canadian Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting, poster presentation “Interprofessional graduate level pain education offered through a university certificate in pain management program” (Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 23, 2017) Drefs, Shawn, Martin, Bernadette The Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions Annual Conference, poster presentatioin “diversity development of online graduate level continuing professional education programs” (Orlando, Florida, January 20, 2017) Abdollah, Vahid, Parent, Eric C, Battié, Michele C The 19th Biennial meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, poster presentation “The signal intensity weighted centroid is a reliable measurement of fluid distribution and flow within the disc” (McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, July 21, 2016) Arnold YL Wong, Eric C Parent, Sukhvinder S Dhillon, Narasimha Prasad, Dino Samartzis, Gregory N Kawchuk The 44th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine “Differential Patient Responses to Spinal Manipulative Therapy and their Relation to Spinal Degeneration and PostTreatment Changes in Disc Diffusion” (Athens, Greece, May 29, 2017) Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Aslanzadeh, Fatemeh, Parent, Eric, MacIntosh, Brian The Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, poster presentation “A systematic review of torso motor control impairments in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) with implications for the planning of conservative interventions” (Chicago, Illinois, July 7, 2016) Chan, Andrew, Parent, Eric, Lou, Edmond The University of Alberta Faculty of Engineering, poster presentation “3D Ultrasound of Vertebrae for Image Guidance in Spinal Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis” (Edmonton, AB, June 27 2017) Dwight, Maureen, Bettany-Saltikov, Josette, Parent, Eric C The Annual meeting of the Ontario Association of Physiotherapists, InterACTION 2017 “A Physiotherapy Framework for the Treatment of Adolexcents and Adults with Scoliosis” (Toronto, ON, March 31, 2017) Ghaneei M, Parent EC, Adeeb S The 2nd Annual Structures Graduate Students Conference “Improving marker-less surface topography asymmetry measurements for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)” (Edmonton, AB, September 9, 2016) Ghaneei M, Parent EC, Adeeb S The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Spotlight on Research, poster presentation “Improving marker-less surface topography asymmetry measurements for adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)” (Edmonton, AB, September 1, 2016) Ghaneei, Maliheh, Parent, Eric, Adeeb, Samer, Schreiber, Sanja, Moreau, Marc, Hedden, Douglas, Hill, Douglas, Southon, Sarah The Women and Children’s Health Research Institute, poster presentation “Effects of Schroth exercises added to standard care in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis on marker-less surface topography asymmetry measurements” (Edmonton, AB, November 16, 2016) Heitz, Pierre-Henri, Aubin-Fournier, Jean-François, Parent, Eric, Fortin, Carole The SOSORT 2017 Conference “Test-retest repeatability of the upright standing posture among adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis” (Lyon, France, May 4, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Parent, Eric C., Su, Alex, Lou, Edmond, Schreiber, Sanja The SOSORT 2017 Conference “The immediate effect of Schroth Scoliosis- Specific exercises in prone position in trained adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis measured using 3D ultrasound imaging” (Lyon, France, May 5, 2017) Schreiber S, Parent E, Khodayari Moez E, Hedden D, Hill D, Moreau M, Lou E, Watkins E, Southon S The 10th Annual WCHRI Research Day “Schroth physiotherapeutic scoliosis-specific exercises improve Cobb angles in adolescents wtih idiopathic scoliosis - a randomized controlled trial” (Edmonton, AB, Nov 16, 2016) Schreiber, Sanja, Parent, Eric, Hill, Doug, Hedden, Doug, Moreau, Marc, Southon, Sarah The SOSORT 2017 Conference “Schroth Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: How Many Patients Require Treatment To Prevent One Deterioration?” (Lyon, France, May 5, 2017) Su, Alex, Parent, Eric C, Lou, Edmond The SOSORT 2017 Conference “Reliability of curve angle and vertebral rotation measurements from 3D ultrasound images of patients with AIS performing Scoliosis-Specific-Exercises” (Lyon, France, May 5, 2017) Su, Alex, Parent, Eric C., Lou, Edmond Rehabilitation Science conference “Reliability of Curve Angle and Vertebral Rotation Measurements from 3D Ultrasound Images of Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Performing Scoliosis Specific Exercises” Edmonton, AB, Jun 9, 2017) Underschultz, Jack, Abdollah, Vahid*, Parent, Eric C., Wachowicz, Keith, Battié, Michele C The 19th Biennial meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, poster presentation “The Effects of Compression and Traction Loading on the MRI Signal Intensity Profile of Lumbar Discs in Participants with Chronic Low Back Pain” (McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, July 21, 2016) Wong A, Parent E, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Samartzis D, Kawchuk G The World Federation of Chiropractic, poster presentation “Responders/non-responders to spinal manipulation: A relation to spinal degeneration and post-treatment changes in disc diffusion” (Washington DC, March 15, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Emery, C.A., Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Palacios-Derflingher, L. The Research Society International (OARSI) Congress, poster presentation “Research Society International (OARSI) Congress” (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 28, 2017) Ezzat, A., Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Doyle-Baker, P.K., Emery, C.A. The E2i Research Day, British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute “ Is knee confidence a concern in young adults 3-10 years following intra-articular knee injury?” (Vancouver, BC, November 10, 2016) Kenny, S.J., Palacios-Derflingher, L., Owoeye, O., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A. The International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) 26th Annual Conference “Between day reliability of pre-participation screening components in ballet and contemporary pre-professional dancers” (Wanchai, Hong Kong, October 15, 2016) Kenny, S.J., Palacios-Derflingher, L., Shi, Q., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A. The Performing Arts Medicine Association “The association between previous injury and risk factors for future injury in pre-professional ballet and contemporary dancers” (Snowmass, CO, June 29, 2017) Kenny, S.J., Palacios-Derflingher, L., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A. The International Olympic Committee World Conference on Prevention of Illness and Injury in Sport “The influence of injury definition on interpretations of injury risk in pre-professional ballet and contemporary dancers” (Monaco, March 15, 2017) Manaseer, T., Gross, D., Dennet, L., Whittaker, J.L. The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine Research Day, University of Alberta “Gait deviations associated with concussion: A systematic review” (Edmonton, AB, June 9, 2017) Mohr, M., Palacios-Derflingher, L., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A., Nigg, B. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Congress, poster presentation “The effect of leg dominance and knee injury history on ground reaction force asymmetries during a vertical drop jump” (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 28, 2017) Ren, G., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A., Krawetz, R. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Congress, poster presentation “Cytokine network analysis of a youth injury cohort reveals a conserved inflammatory biomarker for early cartilage degeneration” (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 28, 2017) Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Small, S.C., Grimaldi, A., Whittaker, J.L. The International Federation of Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) Congress “Groin Pain and Injury; Time to Move Forward” (Glasgow, Scotland, July 9, 2016) Sunner, S., Moanani, A., Whittaker, J.L., Rouhani, H. The Spotlight on Research Poster Symposium, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, poster presentation “Using wearable technology to monitor single leg hop biomechanics” (Edmonton, AB, October 21, 2016) Toomey, C.M., Patton, D., Whittaker, J.L., Emery, C.A. The International Olympic Committee World Conference on Prevention of Illness and Injury in Sport, poster presentation “ systematic review of the association between adiposity and sport injury risk in youth” (Monaco, March 16, 2017) Toomey, C.M., Whittaker, J.L., Nettel-Aguirre, A., Reimer, R.A., Emery, C.A. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Congress, poster presentation “Higher abdominal fat in youth and young adults 3-10 years following a sport-related knee injury” (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 29, 2017) Wayne, C., Macedo, L., Short, H., Whittaker, J.L. The Research Revealed Undergraduate Forum, Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta “Differences in pre-surgical body composition, physical activity and nutrition in youth and young adults that have an early versus late ACL reconstruction: Implications for future risk of post-traumatic osteoarthritis” (Edmonton, AB, March 31, 2017) Whittaker, J.L., Booysen, N., de la Motte, S., Dennett, L., Lewis, C., Wilson, D., McKay, C., Warner, M., Padua, D., Emery, C.A., Stokes, M The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM) “Predicting lower extremity injury risk in sport through movement quality screening: A systematic review” (Mount Tremblant, QC, June 10, 2017) Whittaker, J.L., Boysaan, N., Wilson, D., Dennett, L., McKay, C., Lewis, C., Warner, M., de la Motte, S., Padua, D., Emery, C.A., Stokes, M. The International Olympic Committee World Conference on Prevention of Illness and Injury in Sport, poster presentation “Predicting sport and occupation lower extremity injury risk through movement quality screening: A systematic review” (Monaco, March 16, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Whittaker, J.L., McKay, C., Reid, D., Padua, D. The International Olympic Committee World Conference on Prevention of Illness and Injury in Sport “Compensations and insufficiencies: moving towards a consensus for screening movement quality in athletes to predict injury risk” (Monaco, March 17, 2017) Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Nettel-Aguirre A, Jaremko, J.L., Woodhouse, L.J., Emery, C.A. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Congress “The consequences of a youth sport related knee injury: Evidence of early post-traumatic osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes 3-10 years post-injury” (Las Vegas, Nevada, April 29, 2017) Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Nettel-Aguirre, A., Jaremko, J.L., Woodhouse, L.J., Emery, C.A. The Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) Congress, poster presentation “The relationship between MRI-defined osteoarthritis, pain, function and strength 3-10 years following a knee joint injury in youth sport” (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 28, 2107) Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Woodhouse, L.J., Jaremko, J.L., NettelAguirre, A. , Emery, C.A. The International Federation of Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) Congress “MRI defined osteoarthritis is discordant with selfreported pain and function 3-10 years following knee joint injury in youth sport” (Glasgow, Scotland, July 8, 2016) Whittaker, J.L., Toomey, C.M., Woodhouse, L.J., Jaremko, J.L., NettelAguirre, A., Emery, C.A. The Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine (CASEM), Mount Tremblant “The relationship between MRI-defined osteoarthritis, 3-10 year history of youth sport-related knee injury, knee injury type and knee surgery in youth and young adults” (Mount Tremblant, QC, June 10 2017) Ospina, P., Pritchard-Wiart, L, Eisentat, D., McNeeley, M. The Pediatric Research Day “Physical therapy interventions for children and adolescents with cancer: Linking patient needs, clinical expertise, and research evidence” (University of Alberta, May 17, 2017) Romeiser, L, Wiart, L, Vogtle, L, Romeiser, JL The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine “Interrater reliability and convergent validity of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine methodology for conducting systematic reviews (single subject design)” (Hollywood, Florida, July 23, 2016) Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Rumsey, D, Kaup, C, Roy, M, Bourassa, L, Khodayari-Moez, E., Verschuren, O., Pritchard-Wiart, L., poster presentation “Six-minute walk test in children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis” (Houston, TX, November 3, 2016) Wiart, L The Banff Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics for Neuromuscular Rehabilitation and Recovery Assessment “Robot-Assisted Gait Training for Children with Cerebral Palsy” (Banff, AB, July 12, 2016) Wiart, L, Wright, V The American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, poster presentation “How do we know if we are making a difference? Developing evaluations for ongoing quality improvement in services for children with disabilities” Hollwood, Florida, September 23, 2016) Wilson, S, Jones, C, Koning, C, Mumme, L, Nicholas, D, Wiart, L The Institute for Patient and Family-Centered Care Conference, poster presentation “Nurturing Authentic Parent Engagement: Families Leading the Development of a Transition Portal” (New York, NY, July 12, 2016) Armijo-Olivo, S, Woodhouse, LJ, Steenstra, IA, Gross, DP The 4th Scientific Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration “The added value of the DASH tool when predicting return to work for injured workers with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity” (Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 28, 2016) Godziuk, K, Prado, C, Woodhouse, L, Forhan, M The 5th Canadian Obesity Network Summit, poster presentation “Differential Health Burden and Clinical Risks Associated with Types of Obesity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis” (Banff, AB, April 27, 2017) Lonnemann, ME, Foster, N, Woodhouse, L, Rivett, D, Cook, C, Reid, D The International Conference for Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, Focused Symposium Panel Debate “Manual Therapy is a Questionable Tool In The Toolkit Of Treatments For Low Back Pain.” (Glasgow, Scotland, July 7, 2016) Miciak, M, Graham, K, Woodhouse, LJ The World Congress of Physiotherapy “Demonstrating Physiotherapy Research Makes a Difference: A Framework for Evaluating Research” (Cape Town, South Africa, July 2, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Steer, K., Nguyen, T., Woodhouse, L.J., Bostick, G.P., Smith, B., McGoey, J., Lambert, R.G.Q., Jaremko, J.L. The Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians “Use of Ultrasound and X-Ray to Predict Improvement in Hip Osteoarthritis Symptoms Following Intra-Articular Steroid Injection” (Whistler, BC, June 5, 2017) Woodhouse, LJ, Slomp, M, Dick, D, Miciak, M, Schneider, G, Bostick, G, McMorland, G, Lei, V, Woodhouse, B, Norton, A, Gazankas, M, Martens Van-Hilst, Y, Esperson, K, Manolescu, A-R, Tsui, K, Qayyum, A, Komant, C, Fernando, N, Phung, A The World Congress of Physiotherapy, poster presentation “Developing a new model of care to eliminate inappropriate care for low back pain patients” (Capetown, South Afrric, July 3, 2017) Hurd C, Livingstone D, Brunton K, Teves M, Kirton A, Gorassini M, Yang JF The Annual Alberta Motor Control Meeting “Early intensive leg training following perinatal stroke to enhance walking” (Kananaskis, AB, September 24, 2016) Smith A, Yang JF, Gorassini M The Annual Alberta Motor Control Meeting “Exploring brainstem reflexes in cerebral palsy” (Kananaskis, AB, September 24, 2016) Zarski, Chris, Hall, Mark The University of Alberta Festival of Teaching and Learning Event “How (free and easy) Technology Increased Student Engagement in our Classrooms” (Edmonton, AB May 4, 2017)

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Invited Presentations Beaupre, LA, Jones, CA The 8th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Education Seminar “Impact of depression and anxiety on outcomes after Total Joint Arthroplasty: Full day session for Rehabilitation Professionals offered at UAH campus as well as by Telehealth and remote webinar. (Edmonton, AB, November 2016) Bezuidenout, L, McInnes, J, Beaupre, L, Jaremko, J, Majumdar, SR, Bouliane, M The AAOS 2017 “Intra rater and inter rater reliability of proximal humerus fracture classification” (San Diego, CA, USA, March 14-18, 2017) Sheps, DM, Balyk, R, Styles-Tripp, F, Beaupre, L, Saraswat, M, Silveira, A, Glasgow Jr, R, Bouliane, M. The AAOS 2017 “Early mobilization following miniopen rotator cuff repair: A randomized control trial.” (San Diego, CA, USA, March 14-18, 2017) Stadnyk, M, Arezodar, FF, Adeeb, S, Carvajal, J, Masson, E, Beaupre, L, El-Rich, MThe 22nd Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics “Pelvic tilt in side lying position during total hip arthroplasty: A gender comparative study” (Lyon, France, July 10-13, 2016) Wideman, T.H., Miller, J.D., Bostick, G.P., Thomas, A., Bussières, A. The International Association for the Study of Pain 16th World Congress “Advancing pain education in Canadian physiotherapy programs: Results of a consensusgenerating national workshop. (Yokohama, Japan, September 29, 2016) Chepeha, J The Innovation Physical Therapy Annual Educational Workshop “Shoulder Update: From Instability to Arthroplasty” (Edmonton, AB, June 10, 2017) Fouad K. A Torres Espin, Reopening the window of opportunity for rehabilitative training after spincal cord injury (Salzburg, Austria, May 11, 2017) Fouad, K. Animal models in spinal cord injury (SCI Summer School, University of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, May 15, 2017) Fouad, K. Harnessing Neuroplasticity following SCI to promote motor recovery (Helmholtz Institute, Bonn Germany, July 6, 2016)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Fouad, K. Harnessing Neuroplasticity following SCI to promote motor recovery (University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, January 24, 2017) Fouad, K. Spinal Research Trust “Cell grafts in SCI translation” (London, UK, December 2, 2016) Fouad, K. The future of spinal cord injury in Alberta (Campus Alberta Neuroscience meeting, August 15, 2016) Fouad, K. University of Louisville “Harnessing Neuroplasticity following SCI to promote motor recovery” (Louisville, KY, January 26, 2017) Gross, DP Canadian Institute for the Relief of Pain and Suffering Nation-Wide Webinar “Clinical Decision Support Tools in the Management of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders” (December 1, 2016) Gross, DP North American Spine Society 2016 Annual Meeting “Societal Perceptions in Back Disability: Are They Modifiable?” (Boston Massachusetts, October 28, 2016) Gross, DP North American Spine Society 2016 Annual Meeting “Work Ability Assessment: What is the Evidence?” (Boston Massachusetts, October 28, 2016) Gross, DP Physiotherapy & Technology Symposium: How does technology improve decisions in physiotherapy? “Computer Decision Support Tools for Selecting Interventions for Patients with Disabling Musculoskeletal Disorders” (Keynote speaker, Saxion University, Enschede, Netherlands, September 22, 2016) Swidrovich JP , Jones A, Sadowski C, Triscott J The Pharmacy Alumni Association, Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Alberta Branch “Bridging the gap between health science professionals and Indigenous patients” (January 24, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Shulhan J, , Larsen BMK, , Kumar M, , Jones CA, , Hartling L The Alberta SPOR Summer Institute: Working Together - Spotlight on Patient-Oriented Research Conference. Poster presentation “Parent priorities for infant nutrition and health outcomes in the neonatal intensive care unit” (June 25, 2017) Kawchuk, GN The Annual Meeting of the European Chiropractic Union “Building Bridges” (Oslo, Norway, July 7 2017) Kawchuk, GN The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2016) “How robotics enhance our understanding of spinal function” (Banff, AB, July 12, 2016) Kawchuk, GN The Faglig Kongress of the Danish Chiropractic Association “Tradition vs. Evolution: A way forward” (Arhus, Denmark, Nov 22, 2016) Kawchuk, GN The WFC’s 14th Biennial Congress 2017 “State of the Art or State of the Old? How Innovation Can Unite The Chiropractic Profession” (Washington DC, March 18, 2017) McNeely, M.L. The Cross Cancer Institute “Managing Cancer Related Fatigue” (Edmonton, AB, October 29, 2016) McNeely, M.L. The Multiple Myeloma Support Group “Managing Cancer Related Fatigue” (Edmonton, AB, April 1, 2017) McNeely, M.L. The National Lymphedema Network: 12th International Conference, workshop “Exercise for Lymphedema” (Dallas, Texas, August 26, 2016) McNeely, M.L. The Rehabilitation Summit “Identification, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation of Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors” (Washington DC, November 12, 2016) Parent, Eric The Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit Summer Institute 2017, poster presentation “The Immediate Effect of Different Schroth Scoliosis-Specific Exercises in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis Measured with Ultrasound Imaging” (Edmonton, AB, June 26, 2017) Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Parent, Eric The CHU Université de Bordeaux “Évaluation de la fonction des muscles stabilisateurs du tronc chez les patients scoliotique et lombalgiques” (Bordeaux, France, March 29, 2017) Parent, Eric The Department of surgery, CHU Bordeaux “Évaluation de la fonction des muscles stabilisateurs du tronc chez les patients avec scoliose, camptocormie et lombalgie” (Bordeaux, France, March 13, 2017) Parent, Eric The Scoliosis Research Society “Current Research: North America” (Prague, Czech Republic, September 21, 2016) Parent, Eric The SOSORT 2017 Conference “A summary of standized recommendations related to exercise research.” (Lyon, France, May 13, 2017) Parent, Eric The SOSORT 2017 Conference “Appraising the Quality of a RCT: Considerations in Planning One” (Lyon, France, May 13, 2017) Parent, Eric The SOSORT Pre-Conference course “Measuring Sagittal Deformities using Plumb Line and Flexicurve.” (Lyon, France, May 13, 2017) Whittaker J.L. The Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAA) Lunch and Learn Webinar “Prevention of pre-radiographic osteoarthritis” (September 21, 2016) Whittaker, J.L. The Active Living & Rehabilitation Research Group Alumni Seminars “A physiotherapist’s journey from the clinic to academia” (Uiversity of Southampton, UK, September 8, 2016) Whittaker, J.L. The Alberta Health Services Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network Osteoarthritis and Obesity Workshop “Prevention of osteoarthritis and obesity post-injury” (Edmonton, AB June 9, 2017) Whittaker, J.L. The Arthritis Society Edmonton Symposium on Arthritis “Physical activity and osteoarthritis” (Edmonton, AB, October 8, 2016)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Whittaker, J.L. The Research Society International (OARSI) Congress “Knee injury cohorts: What can we do about the risk factors for early osteoarthritis and progression to osteoarthritis in ‘Reducing the burden of Osteoarthritis through prevention” (Las Vegas, Nevada, April 27, 2017) Whittaker, J.L. The University of Alberta Sport Conference “Consequences of a youth sport-related injury; implications for future osteoarthritis and other negative health outcomes” (Edmonton, AB, May 18, 2017) Whittaker, J.L. The University of Alberta Sport Conference “Preventing osteoarthritis after knee injury in youth sport” (Edmonton, AB, May 18, 2017) Whittaker, J.L. The Wood Forum, Newcap Radio Stage “What should I do today to live a good life with arthritis?” (Edmonton, AB, October 15, 2016) Whittaker, J.L. The World Rugby Science Network Conference “Preventing future osteoarthritis after knee joint injury in youth sport” (Bath, UK, September 16, 2016) Whittaker, J.L., Le, C.Y. The Edmonton Scottish Football Club Symposium “How to prevent and optimize recovery from soccer injuries” (Edmonton, AB, May 20, 2017) Wiart, L The Policy Wise for Children and Families Policy Symposium “Collaborative Goal Setting in Pediatric Rehabilitation” (Edmonton AB, Nov 29, 2016) Wiart, L, Brunton, L A Physiotherapy Alberta Webinar “The Role of Physiotherapy in Promoting Sustainable Fitness Opportunities for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy.” (December 15, 2016) Woodhouse, LJ The 17th Annual Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) Conference 2017 “Value Based Care, Save Cost, Improve Quality” (Knoxville, Tenessee, April 21, 2017) Woodhouse, LJ The Bone and Joint SCN Workshop on Obesity and Osteoarthritis “Sarcopenic Obesity in Patients with Osteoarthritis” (Leduc, AB, June 13, 2017) Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Invited Presentations Woodhouse, LJ The High Point University, Distinguished Lecturer Series “Innovation for an Ailing Healthcare System” (Greensboro, North Caroloina, March 27, 2017) Woodhouse, LJ The Keynote address to the University of Laval Physiotherapy Graduation Class of 2016 “The Future of Physiotherapy in the Canadian Healthcare System” (Laval, QC, December 16, 2016) Woodhouse, LJ The Mackenzie Conference of the Americas - MDT International Conference 2016 “The Role of Physical Therapists in Primary Musculoskeletal Care” (Miami, Florida, Aug 6, 2016) Woodhouse, LJ, Boissonnault, W, Finucane, L, Nitoumenopoulos, G The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), Session Chair Advanced Practice Professional Seminar (Capetown, South Africa, July 4, 2017) Woodhouse, LJ, Hobbelen, H, Diener, I, Finucane, L, Hernandez, E The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) “Specialisation (DS-12). The specialist vs. the generalist role: can the two co-exist?” (Capetown, South Africa, July 3, 2017) Yang, JF The Annual Conference for Cerebral Palsy at Laval University “Early, intensive leg training to enhance walking in children with perinatal stroke” (Quebec City, QC, April 11, 2017) Yang, JF The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Spinal Cord Injury Unit “Training to wak in the ReWalk powered exoskeleton - update” (Edmonton, AB, December 14, 2016) Zarski, C Burman University Health and Wellness Series “How to Incorporate Exercise into your Day” (Lacombe, AB, April 6, 2017)

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




3rd International Functional Capacity Research Conference

Conference Co-Chair

Access and Participation and Supports Program (ASAP) with Getting Ready for Inclusion Today (GRIT)

Provincial Advisory Committee

AHS, Alberta Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network

Core Committee, Fragility and Stability Clinical Committee, GLA:D Canada Alberta Advisory Committee, Obesity and Osteoarthritis Committee

Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute

Musculoskeletal Core Committee, Research Committee Co-Chair

Alberta GLA:D

Evaluation Committee

Alberta Health Services

Co-Chair of Rehabilitation Research Advisory Committee, Health Care Improvement Team Member, Knowledge Management Representative - Oncology, Provincial Breast Tumour Group Team Member, Provincial Head and Neck Tumour Group Team Member, Supportive Care Council Member

Alberta Health Services, Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)

Educator, Interest Group Member, PT Assessor

Alberta Motor Control Meeting (Neurohike) 2016


American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)

Awards Committee, Abstract Reviewer

Bone and Joint Canada

Database Executive Committee Member, Steering Committee Member

BSc Physiotherapy Program Proposal, Qatar University


Camrose Primary Care Network


Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine Conference

Abstract Review Committee

Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulator

Exam Standard Setting Committee, Evaluation Services Committee

Canadian Chiropractic Association

Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiative

Canadian Council of Physiotherapy University Programs

Curriculum Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Peer Review Member of Fellowships post PhD, Peer Reviewer

Canadian Lymphedema Framework

Board Member

Canadian Lymphedema National Conference

Abstract Reviewer

Canadian Pain Society

Scientific Committee Member

Canadian Physiotherapy Association

Co-Chair, Division Knowledge Management Committee

Chiropractic and Manual Therapies

Editorial Board

CIHR, Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA)

Health Catalyst Grant Reviewer

Dutch Arthritis Foundation


Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Research

Steering Committee Member

Encyclopedia of Behavioural Medicine

Associate Editor

Giles Medal Award


Global Hip Fracture Recovery Research Network Gyro Club of Edmonton Graduate Scholarship Health and Medical Research Fund of Hong Kong. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research

Member Scholarship Adjudication Committee External Reviewer Editorial Board Editorial Board Scholar Clinical Review Panel Member

National Association of Clinical Educators in Physical Therapy (NACEP)


National Institute of Health

Reviewer, Safety Review Committee Member

National Physiotherapy Advisory Group

Triple P Project Steering Committee, Triple P Project Subject Matter Specialist

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best




Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC)

Discovery external reviewer

NorQuest College

Physical Therapy Assistant Advisory Committee

North American Spine Society

Editorial Board - The Spine Journal

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

Respiratory Therapy Advisory Committee

Physiotherapy Alberta College & Association

Discipline Committee, Exam Standard Setter, Strategic Planning Attendee

Queen’s University DSc in Rehabilitation and Health Leadership program proposal


Shoulder and Upper Extremity Research Group of Edmonton (SURGE)


SickKids Foundation of Canada

Internal Reviewer for New Investigator Competition

Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT)

Editorial Board - Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders, Abstract Reviewer for Annual Conference

Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement, University of Alberta

Scientific Committee Member

The Craig Neilson Foundation


World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), 2017 Congress

Abstract Reviewer

World Federation of Chiropractic

Research Council Chair

World Spine Care

Research Committee

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


In the Media Faculty Member

Media type

Title Multicenter SETS study following publication of the PLOS ONE article on the effect of Schroth Exericses. Eleven articles, 1 press article, 1 radio interview (Sirius NY) and 3 TV broadcast segments (Global, CBC, CITY).

E. Parent

Television, Print, and view Radio Also later interviewed by Kathleen Doheny from the Practical Pain Management publication.

J. Whittaker


J. Whittaker


J. Whittaker


Health, Wealthy & Smart Podcasts with Dr. Karen Litzy. ‘Youth Sports Injuries’ University of Alberta News giving-teen-athletes-a-leg-up-on-beating-osteoarthritis-in-adulthood

CBC Radioactive Podcast - April 2017

Global Edmonton TV Health Matters segment on GLA:D J. Whittaker Television Canada – February 2017

CTV Edmonton TV Your Health segment on GLA:D Canada J. Whittaker Television February 2017

Global Edmonton TV Health Matter segment ‘U of A study J. Whittaker Television probes long term effect of knee injuries in kids’ – April 2017

CTV Edmonton TV Your Health segment ‘Researchers studying J. Whittaker Television joint disease’ – April 2017 clipId=1098100&binId=1.1203457&playlistPageNum=1#_gus&_gucid=&_gup=twitter&_gsc=w4eb7Hh

J. Whittaker


Yahoo News ‘U of A study tracking how knee injuries can lead to inactivity’ – April 2017

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


In the Media Faculty Member

Media type


CBC Edmonton TV segment ‘U of A study tracking how knee J. Whittaker Television injuries can lead to inactivity’ – April 2017

D. Gross


New York Times “The Conversation Placebo”

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


For the 2016-2017 academic year a total of 656 placements were coordinated through the office of the ACCE. These include: 623 U of A student placements, 25 student placements for students from other programs in Canada and 8 international students completing placements in Alberta. The international students came from Han University of Applied Science Netherlands, Netherlands European School of PT, Glasgow Caledonian School, and Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile. The out of province students came from the Universities of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Western, Queens, Ottawa, Toronto, Laval and Dalhousie. Additionally, 1 U of A student completed a placement internationally in Hong Kong. 104 shadow experiences were also organised for first year students in facilities in Edmonton, Calgary and Camrose. A rough breakdown of offers per course and practice setting are presented in the tables below. PLACEMENTS BY COURSE / PRACTICE SETTING Course


Practice Setting













Acute Care Rehabilitation Facility Private Practice / Occupational Rehabilitation PT Corbett Clinics U of A student PT Corbett Clinics OOP/OOC students



UA students placed out of province


Out of province/ international placed in Alberta

77 149 14 21


All students have been placed for PTHER 522 and 523. As in the past, the spring

2017 session was particularly challenging again this year with both cohorts out on placement at the same time. The ACCE and CCCE have again met with the Alberta Health Services Student Placement Office staff and discussed the challenges at length. There has been a change in staff in this office so we have been working closely with them to try to increase capacity in the public setting. These challenges notwithstanding we have been able to ensure that each student will graduate with the required hours in cardiorespiratory and neurological practice.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


We continued to use the online ACP through HSPnet which has streamlined the assessment process for clinicians. It also gave us the ability to see the midterm evaluation results and provide any support to the students and the sites. Clinical Educator of the Year Award The PT Clinical Educator of the Year award was presented at the RMSA gala. Kari Kopat from Centennial Centre for Brain Injury was this year’s recipient for excellence in student supervision. Kari has supervised 24 students in her career for a total of 144 weeks of supervision. Students always value the time and effort Kari puts in to students and she goes above and beyond to provide students with the best experience possible. As such, the placements with her are highly sought after. Community Partners Two site coordinator’s meetings were held in each of Edmonton and Calgary with site placement coordinators and rehab managers to discuss issues related to clinical education, to communicate PT program changes, and build placement capacity. Both meetings have teleconference facilities which allowed for site coordinators from across the province to participate in information sharing and decision making. Bryce Rudland, Calgary Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE) led the Calgary meetings, with the ACCE attending via video conference. In addition, Bryce has continued to meet with PT and Rehab leaders within the Calgary zone to discuss the opportunities for increasing placement capacity and to provide significant support to the sites. Both the ACCE and CCCE have shadowed students on clinical placements at sites in and around Edmonton and Calgary to increase the visibility of the Department and connect with clinicians. The main goals of the visits are to offer support to students and to observe them in situ, as well as connect with supervising therapist, build relationships with them and get a sense of student performance.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Department of Physical Therapy acknowledges the following clinical placement sites for their contribution to the student learning experience. AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Calgary AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Central AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton

Alberta Children’s Hospital Canmore General Hospital Claresholm General Hospital Community Health Services - Calgary Fall Prevention Foothills Medical Centre Home Care Calgary Zone Calgary - Integrated Supportive & Facility Living Peter Lougheed Centre Rockyview General Hospital South Calgary Health Centre Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre South Health Campus Strathmore Hospital Tom Baker Cancer Centre Centennial Centre for Mental Health & Brain Injury Community Health Services - Camrose Healthy Living Community Health Services - Camrose Comm. Rehab Community Health Services - Healthy Living Program Community Health Services - Lamont Community Health Services - Red Deer Community Health Services - Sylvan Lake Daysland Health Centre Drayton Valley Community Health Centre Hanna Health Centre Hardisty Health Centre Home Care - Camrose Home Care - Red Deer (Bremner) Innisfail Health Centre Lacombe Hospital and Care Centre Olds Hospital and Care Centre Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre Rocky Mountain House Health Centre Sundre Hospital and Care Centre Three Hills Health Centre Two Hills Health Centre Vermilion Health Centre Wetaskiwin Hospital and Care Centre Cross Cancer Institute Community Health Services - CRIS West Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Home Living Program - Edmonton Zone Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/Edmonton AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/North AHS/South AHS/South AHS/South AHS/South AHS/South Capital Care/Calg Capital Care/Edm Capital Care/Edm Capital Care/Edm Capital Care/Edm CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group CBI Health Group Covenant Health Covenant Health Covenant Health Covenant Health Covenant Health

Royal Alexandra Hospital Strathcona Community Hospital Sturgeon Community Hospital Supportive Living Program - Edmonton University of Alberta Hospital Beaverlodge Municipal Hospital Edson Healthcare Centre Grande Cache Community Health Complex Hinton Healthcare Centre Mayerthorpe Healthcare Centre Peace River Community Health Centre Grande Prairie - Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Seton Jasper Healthcare Centre Westlock Healthcare Centre Brooks Health Centre Community Health Services - Lethbridge Lethbridge - Chinook Regional Hospital Medicine Hat Regional Hospital Pincher Creek Health Centre Continuing Care Calgary - Bethany Care Society Capital Care Grandview Capital Care Norwood Capital Care Strathcona St. Michael’s Health Group, Long Term Care Burnewood Calgary North East Calgary Central Calgary South Chinook Deer Valley Edmonton North West Edmonton South East Leduc Lethbridge Red Deer Action Physiotherapy Red Deer Health Centre Red Deer Hospital Side ReMed Sherwood Park Bonnyville Health Centre Camrose St. Mary’s Hospital Edmonton General Continuing Care Centre Grey Nuns Community Hospital and Health Centre Lethbridge St. Michael’s Health Centre Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Covenant Health Internt LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark LifeMark Momentum Health Momentum Health Momentum Health Momentum Health Momentum Health Other Health Other Non-Health Other Non-Health Out of Province, BC Out of Province, BC Out of Province, MB Out of Province, NT Out of Province, ON Out of Province, ON Out of Province, SK Out of Province, SK Out of Province, SK Private Private

Misericordia Community Health Centre Hong Kong Polytechnic University Academy Place Bridlewood Sport Calgary Sports Therapy Chestermere Crowchild Twin Arena Father Bauer Arena Sherwood Park Genesis Place Grande Prairie Heritage Hill Institute Kingsway Lake Beaumaris Mayor Magrath Millwoods Mira Health Centre Quarry Park Southland Leisure Centre Springborough Stony Plain Sunridge Repsol Sport Centre (Talisman) Village Square Mall Creekside Mission Ogden Westbrook West Springs Association for the Rehabilitation Brain Injured Kinsmen Sport Centre Worker’s Compensation Board Royal Columbian Hospital Vancouver General Hospital Deer Lodge Centre Stanton Territorial Hospital Spinal Orthopedic & Sports PT Ottawa Heart Institute Royal University Hospital Saskatoon City Hospital Wascana Rehabilitation Centre Active Physio Works - Dynamic Active Physio Works - St. Albert Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private PT Health PT Health PT Health PT Health PT Health PT Health Schools Schools Schools UofA UofA UofC

Banff Physical Therapy & Sports Injuries Clinic Camrose Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic Clearwater Physical Therapy (Fort McMurray) Collegiate Sports Medicine Coronation Physiotherapy Crowfoot Physiotherapy Diverse Sports Physical Therapy Clinic Dynamic Physiotherapy Edmonton Musculoskeletal Centre Edmonton Sport Institute Physiotherapy Excel Physical Therapy Fit Physiotherapy HealthPointe Rehabilitation and Sport Therapy Innovation Physical Therapy Jasper Physiotherapy & Health Centre Kinesis Physical Therapy Corp Lacombe Physiotherapy Clinic Lime Physiotherapy Nose Creek Sport Physiotherapy Panther Sport Medicine & Rehab Centres Peak Physical Therapy Performance Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Pivotal Physiotherapy Edmonton Pivotal Physiotherapy Fort Saskatchewan Rebound Health Centre Rocky Mountain Rehab & Sports Medicine Clinic Sherwood Park Sports Physiotherapy Silverado Sport Physiotherapy Millwoods Sports Plus Physical Therapy Strathcona Physiotherapy Summerside Children’s Sport & Physiotherapy Tawa Physical Therapy Advantage Health Aspen Advantage Health Corporate Sport PT Belmead Physical Therapy Market Mall Maximum Potential Physiotherapy Sherwood Park Renfrew Educational Services SD19 Calgary Grande Prairie School District Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic Glen Sather U of A Sports Medicine Centre University of Calgary Sports Medicine Centre Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


During this past year, we entered the 7th year of operations for delivering the MScPT Satellite program. Student demand for the MScPT program has remained steady since the start of the satellite programs with the following percentage of applicants selecting a satellite campus as their first choice:

Percentage of Applicants Selecting a Satellite Campus as a First Choice 45 40








30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2013





Year Since the implementation of the Augustana campus in 2011 and the Calgary campus in 2012, we have had 57 Augustana graduates and 54 Calgary graduates.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Augustana Satellite MScPT Campus had another busy and productive year in 2016-2017. It is hard to believe that it is already the sixth cohort of Augustana students graduating this year! In addition to the successful provision of the MScPT curriculum, there were many Augustana specific collaborations and events. Optional student electives were run in partnerships with the Camrose PCN, with the physiotherapist at the Camrose pool, with the Augustana music department and with local physiotherapists in private practice. The annual lunch and learn was well attended with around 20 attendees hearing Dr. Martin Ferguson-Pell’s vision for the future of rehabilitation. This event is one way in which we say thank you for the ongoing support from the Augustana community as well as local healthcare providers. We also continue to attend local events such as Augustana Preview Days to promote physiotherapy and our program. A new walking initiative was started this year where Augustana physiotherapy students volunteer in a local long term care facility to help promote walking and fitness with the residents while gaining valuable experience in this setting. The sixth annual Augustana Curling Bonspiel was also well attended with a sold out event. Much fun was had by all current students, faculty and alumni that attended the event. The second year Augustana physiotherapy students were very pleased to present a cheque for $1875 to the Camrose Special Olympics as a result of their fundraising at the event. Collaborations continue with the Augustana nursing program. Examples include shared interdisciplinary classes and promotional events such as hosting the students in the Young Medical Minds program. We look forward to providing the MScPT program to our next cohorts of satellite students in the supportive Augustana campus and with our strong community support. Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The Calgary Satellite MScPT Campus enjoyed another great year in 20162017. The campus continues to deliver the MScPT curriculum to two cohorts of students. In addition to this, the campus offers the Internationally Educated Physiotherapist (IEPT) Bridging program, and facilitates video conferencing connections so that Calgary residents can connect to PhD courses in Edmonton. The campus underwent some staffing changes this past year. This was Gabriela Abbud’s first year as a full-time instructor. Gabriela facilitates the second year content in the MScPT program, teaches in the IEPT program and also teaches an online course in human movement. Bryce Rudland has also increased his hours to a 0.8 FTE during peak times so that he can better support the clinical education component of the MScPT program. The Calgary students successfully ran their second annual dodge ball tournament which welcomed teams from the Edmonton and Augustana cohorts. Other notable events in the past year were the Alumni Pub Night in the fall and the Family Fun Event held at the Calgary Campus in the spring. There are no major changes planned for the coming year. We look forward to another successful year at the Calgary Satellite and continued collaboration with the Occupational Therapy program. We also look forward to welcoming in the 2020 Calgary cohort this fall and graduating our forth cohort of Calgary students in the spring.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


The 2016-2017 academic year was a successful one for the Corbett Hall Student Physical Therapy Clinic. The clinic continued to provide novel and innovative placement opportunities for MScPT students and facilitated community engagement by offering impactful physical therapy services that addressed physical therapy gaps within the community, particularly the underserved in the Edmonton region. The Young Hip Exercise Group was offered on a continual basis with a class size of 10 to 20 participants. Parkinson’s Rehabilitiation in Movement Enhancement (PRIME) was offered on a continual basis with class sizes of 5 to 7 participants. Chronic pain management, musculoskeletal, and neurological services continued to be offered by the clinic with an increase in patient visits by 25% compared to 2015-2016. Revenue also increased by greater than 40% compared to 2015-2016. The clinic offered 38 full-time student placements this year for students from throughout Canada and international students from Australia, Chile, and Hong Kong. The Department of Physical Therapy facilitated the acquisition of the Alter G, an anti-gravity treadmill, and the Natus SMART Balance Master, a balance and motor control assessment and treatment technology. The new equipment has increased the clinic’s capability to treat and improve outcomes for clients.

Placement Type UofA National International PTA

Number of Students 19 15 6 2

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Annual David C Reid Sports Medicine Conference The 3rd annual Dr. David C Reid Sports Medicine Conference was hosted in Corbett Hall by the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine in September 2016. The theme for this year’s full-day conference was optimizing musculoskeletal health with a focus on the lumbar spine exploring both surgical and non-surgical management of lumbar spine problems. The conference was attended by Physicians, Physical Therapists, Athletic Therapists, Nurses, and students. 7th Annual Karin Greaves Memorial Seminar This year’s Karin Greaves Seminar Thinking Outside the Box: Understanding Pain, Depression & Anxiety with Total Joint Arthroplasty will include interactive presentations of current concepts in joint arthroplasties was held on November 19, 2016. The seminar was hosted in both Edmonton and Calgary and webcast to those further afield. Wood Forum - Arthritis and You Arthritis and You – a free public forum on the latest research advances in personalized medicine and precision care for arthritis was presented by the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine in partnership with the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health. The event was held in both Edmonton (October 22, 2016) and Calgary (November 5, 2016). PT Student Recruitment Fair The recruitment fair, now in its 6th year was held in Edmonton and Calgary with a variety of physical therapy employers, including Alberta Health Services, Lifemark Health, CBI Health, Pivotal Physiotherapy and Active Physioworks, amongst others. This event is always a great opportunity for final year PT students to connect with prospective employers and explore available job opportunities. Student Recruitment Events Members of faculty and the admissions officer attended a number of recruitment fairs both on campus as well as on other campuses to provide information about the MScPT program to prospective students. Amongst others we attended TAWOW Aboriginal Welcoming event, the Grad Student Expo, and career fairs at the University of Calgary and MacEwan University.

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


Summary of Admission Statistics for September 2016 Enrollment September 2016: 110 students admitted to the MScPT (coursebased) program. • 68 female; 42 male • 97 Alberta residents; 13 Out of province • Average GPA: 3.86 Enrollment summary: • MScPT 2018 Cohort • MScPT 2017 Cohort • MScPT 2016 Cohort

- 106 (Admission year 2015) - 108 (Admission year 2014) - 111 (Admission year 2013)

Convocation 2017 Professional Practice Entry-Level MScPT Program Abdelkader, Yehia Ahbouch, Amal Ali, Naima Barlow, Chelsea Beard, Vanessa Beeforth, Lee Biggs, Jordan Birdi, Simrit Brandt, Rebecca Bullis, Andriana Carignan, Robyn Carrao, Nicole Carter, Miranda Chan, Vivian Claflin, Jessica Cummings, Allyson Dalk, Samuel Dickie, Blair Donahue, Isaac Downe, Cassandra Dulinova, Viktoria Ellis, Michael Fast, Hilary Fast, Steven Fenrich, Robert Firsow, Josh Floreani, Amanda Funk, Kristen Gilroy, Sco

Gra on, JoAnne Green, Bradley Hanson, Brooke Harney, Caitlin Harrison, Cassandra Hazle , Steven Hebert, Kasondra Henderson, Bre Hepp, Anna Maria Herdman, Kendra Hladik, Krista Hoar, Richelle Hutchison, Drew James, Colin Jewer, Stephen Johnson, Ivory Jones, Stephanie Kanuka, Gloria Kastelic, Brent Kirby, Michael La Forge, Riley LaPlante, Lori Lee Wah, Paul Lee, Wing Yin Agnes Lockhart, Brodi Long, Courtney Louie-Poon, Connor Lowe, Ashley Ly, Henry

Mann, Adam McDowell, Caitlin McKay, Joel Michayluk, Katrina Monteiro, Audriana Montpellier, Owen Nenzel, Jason Newman, Janine Nudd, Lara Pasquariello, Chris na Peacock, Vanessa Prpick, Dean Reardon, Miia Richardson, Katlyn Richter, Alan Roelen, Inez Roesch, Nolan Rombough, Lisa Ruetz, Diana Salame, Mansour Scammell, Alanna Schwabe, Adam Sereda, Kaitlyn Shaw, LeRoy Shin, Charlie Short, Steven Siemens, Lindsay Skillen, Jessica Sloan, Darby

Sloan, Preston Smith, Kimberly Smith, Shayle Snyman, Gavin So, Karman Stanton, Kassandra Steinbring, Kimberly Stenger, Joelle Tang, Thanh Thom, Robert Thompson, Alexandra Webber, Talia Werenka, Jaime Whi ng, Jack Wogsberg, Shelby Wong, Jason Wong, Suzanna Wourms, Lindsay Zenith, Laura

Department of Physical Therapy Pursuing Our Best


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