RehabMedic - Sveltus Fit balance - User manual & exercises (EN)

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Doris St-Arnaud, Fitness Specialist, Master Trainer and Presenter.

Doris has been involved in the fitness industry for more than 25 years and loves to share her passion for fitness during her various presentations in Quebec and France. She has authored numerous fitness books and DVD about Stability Ball training, Mini Ball training, Balance training and Gliding™.

She has signed several fitness articles in Quebec magazines like Moi & Cie, Mieux-ĂŞtre and Vita, in addition to be selected as the Fitness Expert for <The beauty of real results> contest by Neutrogena Canada. Doris is known as a dynamic presenter and trainer, her energy is simply contagious. She lives in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.








TRAINING WITH THE FIT & BALANCE • Technical information • Progression • Think safety first • The muscular system 2


FIT & BALANCE EXERCISES • Balance exercises • Cardiovascular exercises • Upper body exercises • Lower body exercises • Core exercises

10 11 12 13 14 17 18 25 34 40 54

3 MULTI ELASTIBAND® EXERCISES • Shoulder exercises • Arm exercises • Upper back and chest exercises • Thigh exercises • Core exercises

65 69 74 77 82 86









Fit & Balance exercises INTRODUCTION

For most people, an effective training program involves aerobic activity, strength training and stretching. Whether you create your own fitness training program or seek for the help of a personal trainer, balance exercises should be part of your program so that it is complete. By training to develop greater balance, you will feel improvements in coordination, fitness level, posture and you will experience fewer injuries. Older adults in particular should include exercises to maintain or improve balance in their routine. Why? Because balance tends to deteriorate with age, which can lead to falls and fractures. Balance training will keep you both strong and independent longer. The Fit & Balance board aims for an overall objective, to improve balance and joint stability. This manual combines balance and stability exercises with traditional exercises. This means that Fit & Balance training will help you to develop each one of the fitness components (muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility) in a context of imbalance. After only 2 to 3 months of regular balance training with the Fit & Balance, you will see significant improvement of your postural control, balance and fitness condition.


Fit & Balance exercises

ALL ABOUT BALANCE AND STABILITY Balance: Is defined as the body’s ability to remain upright whether you are standing still or moving. Balance intervenes in all our physical activities: walking, running, standing, lifting, biking, skiing, etc. Balance is provided by three peripheral systems: The inner ear, vision and the proprioceptive system which includes a set of sensors (proprioceptors) that inform the nervous system about the body position in space and the need to make changes if balance is compromised. These sensors are located in the muscles, tendons and joints. They allow adjustments of the core muscles in order to maintain balance. For example, if you lose your balance while walking on ice, a quick reaction time is needed for the body to adjust, regain balance and avoid falling. If you have trained to improve balance, you will have a quicker reaction time and you will be more likely to regain your balance. Balance is classified into two distinct categories: Static balance, when you need to maintain an upright position for a certain period of time. Even in the absence of visible movement, the body is constantly in action. Do the following test: stand up with one foot in front of the other as if you were walking on an imaginary line so that the heel of your front foot touches the toes of your back foot. Now close your eyes; if you can maintain your balance more than 30 seconds, you are doing pretty well! If you lose your balance just about as soon as you close your eyes, your balance is poor and must be improved. Dynamic balance, when you need to maintain an upright position for a certain period of time while moving. Do the following test: stand up on one leg and move the other leg forward, then laterally and then, backward; repeat these movements for at least 15 seconds. Can you maintain your balance during 15 seconds? Great! Now, repeat the same test but this time, with your eyes closed. Isn’t it harder?


Fit & Balance exercises Stability – You’re a star! The core muscles also called postural muscles, are responsible for your spine and pelvis stability as well as your posture. Like a star, your body, is composed of five different branches: the two arms, two legs and head. The point, where join imaginary lines drawn from each end of these branches, represents the center of power (core) of the human body. The core muscles are located exactly in this area, more specifically in the lower part of the trunk, and they consist of the deep muscles of the pelvis, abdomen and back. They create and shift power to the extremities of the upper and lower body. They support, stabilize and protect the spine from stresses, day after day, in all your activities. The body is pretty smart! It has to be stable first before it engages action. Each time you move, balance is compromised and the core muscles must work together in order to stabilize (balance) your spine again, without regard to the movements performed. With such a wide scope of responsibilities, core muscles require proper training. Core exercises are an important part of a well-rounded fitness program; they are as important as sit-ups and push-ups, however, core exercises are often neglected!

To strengthen your core muscles, you need to exercise on an unstable surface. The Fit & Balance is the most revolutionary tool to achieve your goal!


Fit & Balance exercises BENEFITS OF THE FIT & BALANCE The Fit & Balance is specifically designed to: • • • • •

Improve balance, spine mobility and posture. Enhance proprioceptive skills (ability to know where a body part is without having to look). Strengthen the core muscles which are responsible for good balance. Strengthen stabilizing muscles of the joints involved in the exercise. Improve body aesthetics and quality of life by reducing the risk of injury in your daily activities.

The Fit & Balance provides more functional benefits than traditional training. While other traditional training programs focus particularly on cardiovascular or strength improvement in a stable environment, the Fit & Balance teaches you to react and to develop more effective and safe movements in an unstable environment, like in your daily activities where you need to constantly adapt to the changing conditions. The Fit & Balance board increases the muscle activation of specific muscles. A study by Michael J. Wahl and David G. Behm at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in 2008 showed interesting facts about balance board exercises! The study demonstrated that the activation in the muscles of the legs, thighs, lower trunk and lower back is greater when exercising in a standing position on a balance board like the Fit & Balance rather than exercising in a standing position on the ground (stable surface). Electromyography was used to measure the muscle activity in highly resistancetrained individuals. The results are very impressive: • • • • •

Rectus femoris : + 61 to 88%. Biceps femoris : + 53 to 70%. Abdominal muscles : + 26 to 34%. Lumbosacral erector spinae: + 42 to 68%. Soleus : + 38 to 51%.


Fit & Balance exercises TRAINING WITH THE FIT & BALANCE The Fit & Balance is a brand new balance board with multiple levels of difficulty! More comfortable than a classical balance board, you feel safer on it! This is simply genius! When you train with the Fit & Balance, you strengthen your muscles and improve your balance at the same time. How is this possible? Since the Fit & balance is more or less stable, all the exercises performed with the Fit & Balance automatically involve the core muscles. This means that no muscle or muscles group can be strengthened without the involvement of the core muscles which are directly related to balance ability. In Just few seconds, the Fit & Balance transforms from a more stable to an unstable surface to provide a more intense workout. It allows you to perform more than 130 different exercises to strengthen the core muscles, upper body and lower body muscles.


Polypropylene and elastomer. Supports up to 110 kg (242 lb). Non-skid surface and base of support. Easy to assemble.


Light weight: Only 1,5 kg (3.3 lb). Easy to carry. Can be used anywhere: At home, at the office, at the gym or while traveling. Easily cleaned with an all purpose or antibacterial cleaner. Do not use solvents or abrasives.



Raspberry or anthracite.

Fit & Balance exercises TECHNICAL INFORMATION The Fit & Balance offers nine difficulty levels obtained by different height and surface adjustments. This revolutionary balance board is designed for versatile use at home, at the gym or clinic: muscle strengthening, rehabilitation, proprioception and falls prevention. With its four shocks absorbing feet, the Fit & Balance is more comfortable and safe than a classical balance board. The four shocks absorbing feet have the particularity to compress under your weight, then release and return to their moulded shape as you dismount the Fit & Balance. The positioning of the shocks absorbing feet (12 anchors) allows you to select the most appropriate difficulty level for your fitness condition, regardless of the exercise that you practice on the Fit & Balance; the highest stability is achieved when the 4 shocks absorbing feet are placed at each end (1). The central base offers 3 different height adjustments: The more the board is high, the more the instability and the difficulty level of the exercise are significant. To enhance the variety of the exercises, mounting strips for anchoring one or more Elastiband® were added to the Fit & Balance.

Two quick and simple steps allow you to securely attach the Elastiband® to the Fit & Balance: 1. Drag the Elastiband® through the Elastiband® passage and slide the mounting strip through the Elastiband® handle. 2. Anchor the mounting strip to the Fit & Balance.


Fit & Balance exercises PROGRESSION The different difficulty levels* (1 to 9) of the Fit & Balance exercises according to the positioning of the four shocks absorbing feet and the central base CENTRAL BASE POSITIONING

Shocks absorbing feet Shocks absorbing feet Shocks absorbing feet Position 1 Position 2 Position 3













When you first start exercising with the Fit & Balance, Sveltus recommends to adjust the shocks absorbing feet to the positions 1 to 3 gradually. When you are able to perform 8 to 15 repetitions of an exercise while maintaining good posture, you can change the central base position to more intense levels. The difficulty level can be modified as follows:

DIFFICULTY LEVELS 1 TO 3 FOR BEGINNER : Set the central base to the lowest position and the shocks absorbing feet to numbers 1, 2 or 3. These positions offer high stability levels.


DIFFICULTY LEVELS 4 TO 6 FOR INTERMEDIATE : Set the central base to the high position and the shocks absorbing feet to numbers 1, 2 or 3. These positions offer average stability levels.

DIFFICULTY LEVELS 7 TO 9 FOR ADVANCE: Set the central base to the highest position and the shocks absorbing feet to numbers 1, 2 or 3. These positions offer low stability levels.

Fit & Balance exercises THINK SAFETY FIRST! When used properly, the Fit & Balance is a fun functional training tool. The following recommendations will help make your Fit & Balance experience safer: • Before you start, check with your doctor to make sure the exercises are suitable for you. • Only use the Fit & Balance on a dry surface free of any obstacle. Do not use it on slippery or uneven surfaces. • Work out in an open space, away from furniture and other structures that may cause injury. • Wear proper clothing that allows full range of motion. • Wear proper exercise shoes that will help prevent slipping, allowing you to focus on the correct execution of the exercise. Exercising in bare feet or socks is not recommended. • Make sure that the Fit & Balance is in good condition before you start your workout. If any part is found to be damaged, discontinue use and replace it immediately. • Keep the Fit & Balance away from young children.

The Fit & Balance has 4 protection tabs specifically designed to avoid pinching fingers. Be careful! Place your fingers in the cavity between the rounded edge and the protection tab.

Remember that it is more important to maintain correct posture than it is to complete the exercise, listen to your body! Have a great workout!


Fit & Balance exercises


Fit & Balance exercises

The core muscles consist of the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, obliques, rectus abdominis, multifidus, quadratus lumborum and erector spinae muscles (iliocostalis, longissimus). As previously mentioned, all the exercises performed with the Fit & Balance involve the core muscles because it provides an unstable base of support. The core muscles are constantly in action in order to maintain a stable spine and good body alignment throughout the exercises. Strong core muscles make it easier to do everything from bending down to tie your shoes to getting a glass from the top shelf or playing football. Weak core muscles can lead to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries.







Get familiar with the exercises by practicing any exercise on floor first. Look straight ahead otherwise, you could lose your balance. Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. In standing position, keep your knees slightly bent; locked knees will raise the center of gravity and reduce the ability to balance. Do not try to hold the board in a level position; allow the body to react to the movement of the board. Avoid sudden movements. Hold on to a wall or stable object for support if needed. Breathe normally throughout the exercise.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS : Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover postion unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Balance exercises 1. Two-leg balance Variation

STARTING POSITION: Slowly step onto the Fit & Balance, one foot at a time and place your feet hipwidth apart. ACTION: Lift your arms laterally to shoulder level and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 2 minutes. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your arms above your shoulders instead of laterally.

2. One-leg balance Variation

STARTING POSITION: Slowly step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance and lift your arms laterally to shoulder height. ACTION: Slowly, lift your right foot off the floor and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 2 minutes. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your arms above your shoulders instead of laterally.


Balance exercises 3. Trunk rotation

STARTING POSITION: Stand on the Fit & Balance with your feet hipwidth apart and your knees slightly bent. Lift your arms laterally to shoulder height. ACTION: Twist from your waist to the right and twist back to center. Repeat 5 times slowly then, start over on the other side.

4. Side leg lift

STARTING POSITION: Place your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Slowly, lift your arms laterally to shoulder height and your right foot off floor. ACTION: Without leaning to the left, lift your right leg laterally, hold for 2 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat 5 times slowly then, start over on the other side.


Balance exercises 5. Leg circle STARTING POSITION: Place your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Slowly, lift your arms laterally to shoulder height then, lift your right foot off floor. ACTION: Without leaning to the left, lift your right leg to the side, hold this position and draw circles forward and backward. Draw 5 circles forward and 5 circles backward then, start over with other leg.

6. Kneeling balance Variation

STARTING POSITION: Kneel on the Fit & Balance, toes on the floor and knees hip-width apart. Lift your arms laterally to shoulder height. ACTION: Lift your toes off floor, one foot at a time and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 2 minutes. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your arms above your shoulders instead of laterally.


Balance exercises 7. Arms circle

STARTING POSITION: Kneel on the Fit & Balance, knees hip-width apart. ACTION: Lift your toes off floor, one foot at a time and start drawing big circles with both arms. Draw 5 big circles to the right then, draw 5 big circles to the left.

8. Flexion and extension of the ankle

STARTING POSITION: Stand on the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Rock your ankles forward and backward onto the Fit & Balance. Repeat 5 to 8 times.


Balance exercises 9. Diagonal body weight transfer

STARTING POSITION: Place the Fit & Balance in front of you in square position. Slowly step your right foot onto the back rounded edge of the Fit & Balance and your left foot onto the front rounded edge. ACTION: rock the board from corner to corner by transferring your body weight from one leg to the other. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Move your right foot to the front rounded edge and your left foot to the back rounded edge and repeat the exercise.

10. Superman STARTING POSITION: Kneel on the Fit & Balance and place your hands on floor directly under your shoulders. ACTION: Lift your right leg and your left arm (thumb up) until they are parallel to the floor. Breathe normally and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 60 to 90 seconds. Invert your leag and arms position and repeat the exercise.


VARIATION: To make this exercise easier, kneel on the floor and place your hands on the Fit & Balance instead.


Balance exercises 11. V sit STARTING POSITION: Sit on top of the Fit & Balance, toes on floor. Grasp the back of your thighs close to your knees. ACTION: Lean back slightly while lifting your feet off the floor to balance on the board. Breathe normally and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 90 seconds. VARIATION 1: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your arms laterally to shoulder level. VARIATION 2: To make this exercise even more challenging, straight your legs and arms.

Variation 1


Variation 2

CARDIOVASCULAR EXERCISES GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Get familiar with the exercises by practicing on floor first. • During all the cardiovascular exercises, set the central base of the Fit & Balance to the lowest level and the shocks absorbing feet to position 1 (see in section <progression>, page 12). • Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. • Keep your knees slightly bent; locked knees will raise the center of gravity and reduce the ability to balance. • Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. • Contact the Fit & Balance with the entire sole of the foot. Do not allow the heel to land over the edge of the board. • Step up softly on the Fit & Balance to avoid unnecessary impacts. • Look at the Fit & Balance periodically to ensure proper foot placement. • Dismount at 30 cm (12 in) maximum from the Fit & Balance. • Would you like to train to exercise to the sound of your favourite music? Choose music with maximum speed of 120 beats per minute.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS : Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover postion unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Cardiovascular exercises 1. Stepping up and down

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step onto the Fit & Balance with your left foot then your right foot. Step your left foot down then tap your right foot on floor and repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.

During all the cardiovascular exercises, keep your abdominal muscles contracted and look at the Fit & Balance periodically to ensure proper foot placement.


Cardiovascular exercises 2. Alternating knee TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance then, lift your right knee. Step down with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.

3. Alternating kick

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Kick your right leg out in front of you. Step down with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.


Cardiovascular exercises 4. Alternating side lift TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Lift your right leg laterally (toes pointing forward). Step down with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.

5. Alternating curl TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Lift your right leg behind you while bending your knee. Step down with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.


Cardiovascular exercises 6. Alternating repeater 3 knees TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand 30 cm (12 in) behind the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Lift your right knee. Tap your right foot down on the floor (keep your heel elevated during this movement). Again, lift your right knee and tap the floor 2 more times. Step down with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat the sequence starting with your right foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs. VARIATION: Perform repeater 3 side lift or repeater 3 leg curl instead.


Cardiovascular exercises 7. Over the Fit & Balance

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on left side of the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step laterally onto the Fit & Balance with your right foot then your left foot. Step off to the right side of the board with your right foot then your left foot. Repeat from right side to left side. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating sides.


Cardiovascular exercises 8. Side lunge TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on the Fit & Balance with your feet close together and your knees slightly bent. Turn your left foot slightly toward the left. ACTION: Bend your left knee to 90째 angle and tap your right foot on the floor laterally (DO NOT push your right heel into the floor). Return your right foot onto the Fit & Balance and repeat. Repeat during 1 minute with each leg. NOTE: Because of the non-skid surface of the Fit & Balance, I strongly recommend to work one leg at a time to avoid knee torsion.

9. Alternating back lunge TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on the Fit & Balance with your feet close together and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Lean forward and tap your right foot on the floor (DO NOT push your right heel into the floor) while bending your knees to 90째 angle. Return your right foot onto the Fit & Balance and repeat with your left leg. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.


Cardiovascular exercises 10. Lunge to squat

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on the center of the Fit & Balance with your feet close together and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Lunge behind the Fit & Balance with your right leg. Return your right foot onto the board then squat down on the right side of the board. Return your right foot onto the Fit & balance and repeat the whole sequence with your left leg. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes alternating legs.


Cardiovascular exercises 11. Straddle down TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on the center of the Fit & Balance with your feet close together your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Step down with your left foot then your right foot on each side of the Fit & Balance (so you are «straddling» the board). Step your left foot up then your right foot. Repeat during 30 to 60 seconds with your left foot first then repeat during 30 to 60 seconds with your right foot first.

12. Straddle jump

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place the Fit & Balance in square position. Stand on floor, straddling the board with your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Jump up, landing softly onto the Fit & Balance. Step down with your right foot then left foot. Repeat during 1 to 2 minutes



Get familiar with the exercises by practicing on floor first. Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. Avoid locking your elbows. For added comfort, place a towel on the Fit & Balance when you are resting on your forearms.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS : Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover postion unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Upper body exercises 1. Push-Up – hands on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands onto the Fit & Balance, shoulder-width apart.


ACTION: Bend your arms and lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your arms to return to starting position.

Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.

2. Push-up – knees on the fit & balance

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel onto the Fit & Balance and place your hands on floor, directly under your shoulders.


ACTION: Bend your arms and lower your upper body toward the floor. Straighten your arms to return to starting position.

Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.


Upper body exercises 3. One arm push-up TARGET MUSCLES: Triceps, pectorals, deltoids, obliques and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor. Place your left hand on top of the Fit & Balance and your right hand on floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Position your upper body above both hands with your right arm straight and your left arm slightly bent. ACTION: Bend your arms and lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your arms to return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Start over on the other side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.

4. Close grip push-up TARGET MUSCLES: Triceps, pectorals, deltoids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands close together onto the Fit & Balance. ACTION: Bend your arms and lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your arms to return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Variation


VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.

Upper body exercises 5. Push-off TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, rotator cuff, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands onto the Fit & Balance, shoulder width apart. ACTION: Bend your elbows and lower your body until a slight a stretch is felt in shoulders or chest. Immediately and rapidly, push your body up until your hands are 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in) above the Fit & Balance. Return your hands onto the Fit & Balance and repeat. Repeat 8 to 15 times quickly.

6. Staggered hands push-up Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place the Fit & Balance in a square position. Kneel on floor and grasp the upper left rounded edge and the lower right rounded edge of the Fit & Balance.

ACTION: Bend your elbows and lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your arms to return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Grasp the upper right rounded edge and the lower left rounded edge and repeat the exercise. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.


Upper body exercises 7. Rock the board TARGET MUSCLES: Latissimus dorsi, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place the Fit & Balance in square position. Grasp the upper left rounded edge and the lower right rounded edge of the Fit & Balance. ACTION: keep your hips stable and level throughout the exercise and rock the board from one hand to other hand. Keep your arms straight and your shoulders over the Fit & Balance Repeat 8 to 15 times. Grasp the upper right rounded edge and the lower left rounded edge and repeat the exercise. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.

8. Walk up walk down

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, rotator cuff, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your forearms onto the Fit & Balance, elbows directly under your shoulders. ACTION: Straighten your right arm, so that your hand is placed where your elbow was. Straighten your left arm so that your hand is placed where your elbow was. Reverse this process by returning your right forearm then your left forearm onto The Fit & Balance. Repeat 8 to 15 times.


Upper body exercises 9. shoulder tap TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands onto the Fit & Balance, shoulder-width apart. ACTION: Bend your elbows as you lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your left arm and touch your left shoulder with your right hand. Bend your elbows again as you lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your right arm and touch your right shoulder with your left hand. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating sides.

10. Triceps dips

VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position. Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Triceps, pectorals, deltoids, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, levator scapulae and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit in front of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Grasp the left and the right rounded edges of the Fit & Balance so your fingers are pointing toward you. Lift your buttocks about 30 cm (12 in) off the floor. ACTION: Bend your elbows out and lower your buttocks toward the floor. Straighten your arms and push yourself back up. Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, perform it with one leg up.



Get familiar with the exercises by practicing on floor first. Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. In standing position, keep your knees slightly bent; locked knees will raise the center of gravity and reduce the ability to balance. Do not try to hold the board in a level position; allow the body to react to the movement of the board. Avoid sudden movements. When exercising in prone position, supine position or lateral position, place a towel on the Fit & Balance or on the floor for added comfort. Breathe normally throughout the exercise.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS: Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover postion unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Lower body exercises 1. Squat

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand on the Fit & Balance with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times.

2. Squat – one foot on the Fit & Balance

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are parallel and hip-width apart. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 3. Squat - knee TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are parallel and hip-width apart. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your left leg as you lift your right knee up in front of you. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

4. Squat - hip abduction TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip abductors, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are parallel and hip-width apart. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your left leg as you lift your right leg laterally, toes pointing forward. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 5. Squat - hip adduction TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are parallel and hip-width apart. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your left leg as you draw your right leg toward and across your left leg with your toes pointing outward. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

6. Squat - hip extension TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are parallel and hip-width apart. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your left leg as you extend your right leg up behind you. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 7. One leg squat

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Step onto the center of the Fit & Balance then, lift your right foot few centimeters above the board. ACTION: Squat down as far as possible. Straighten your left leg to return to the starting position while keeping your right leg off the Fit & Balance. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

8. Split squat Variation

Target muscles: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance. Place your right foot on floor in a lunging position and keep your right heel off the floor throughout the exercise. Make sure that your right knee is directly under your hip.

Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

ACTION: Squat down until your knees are almost parallel to the floor (DO NOT push your right heel into the floor). Straighten your legs to return to the starting position.

VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your right foot off the floor when straightening your legs.


Lower body exercises 9. Single leg split squat Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopspas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand in front of the Fit & Balance and place your right foot on the board in a lunging position. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Make sure that your left knee remains directly above your foot when squatting down.

Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift your right foot off the Fit & Balance when straightening your legs.

10. Plie squat TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are wider than hip-width apart and your toes are slightly turned out. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and your knees over your toes. Straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 11. Forward lunge TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand far enough behind the Fit & Balance so that you can lunge forward and land with your entire foot on the board. ACTION: Lunge forward and place your left foot on the Fit & Balance. Land firmly with your left knee bent at 90Ëšangle. Step back to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side. VARIATION: Alternate legs.

12. Speed skate TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Stand with your left foot on the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor. Your feet are wider than hip-width apart and your toes are slightly turned out. ACTION: Lean forward, bend your left knee and reach your right hand to your left foot while keeping your right leg straight. Alternate the movement from side to side. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Invert your feet position and repeat the exercise.


Lower body exercises 13. Supine bridge Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie down on your back and place your feet hipwidth apart, on top of the Fit & Balance. Rest your arms by your sides.

ACTION: Lift your hips off floor as high as possible. Hold the position and lower your hips down to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, keep your arms straight above your chest throughout the exercise.

14. One leg supine bridge TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie down on your back. Place your left foot on top of the Fit & Balance. Lift and extend your right leg up so your knees are at the same height. Rest your arms by your sides. ACTION: Lift your hips off floor as high as possible. Hold the position and lower your hips down to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 15. Hip extension – hands on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands shoulder-width apart onto the Fit & Balance. Extend your right leg behind you, toes on the floor. ACTION: Lift your right leg until it is in line with your back. Lower your leg to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, do not touch the floor with your toes when lowering your leg.

16. Hip extension – knee on the Fit & Balance

TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place your left knee onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your hands on floor, shoulder-width apart. Extend your right leg behind you, toes on the floor. ACTION: Lift your right leg until it is in line with your back. Lower your leg to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, do not touch the floor with your toes when lowering your leg.


Lower body exercises 17. Leg curl – hands on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Hamstrings, gluteus maximus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands, shoulder-width apart onto the Fit & Balance. Extend and lift your right leg until it is in line with your back and maintain this position throughout the exercise. ACTION: Bend and extend your right knee in a leg curl. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

18. Leg curl – knee on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place your left knee onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your hands on floor, shoulder- width apart. Extend and lift your right leg until it is in line with your back and maintain this position throughout the exercise. ACTION: Bend and extend your right knee in a leg curl. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 19. Lateral raise – hands on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands, shoulder-width apart onto the Fit & Balance. ACTION: Keeping your knee bent, lift your left leg out to the side. Keep your pelvis stable. Slowly lower your knee to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

20. Lateral raise– knee on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place your left knee onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your hands on floor, shoulder-width apart. Straighten your left leg laterally. ACTION: Lift your left leg out to the side. Keep your pelvis stable. Slowly lower your knee to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 21. Elbow to knee – hands on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliopsoas, pectorals, deltoids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your hands onto the Fit & Balance, shoulder-width apart. Lift your left leg and your right arm (thumb up) until they are parallel to the floor. ACTION: Move your left knee and your right elbow toward each other. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Lift other arm and leg and repeat the exercise.

22. Elbow to knee – knee on the Fit & Balance TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, iliopsoas, pectorals, deltoids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Place your right knee onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your hands on floor, shoulder-width apart. Lift your left leg and your right arm (thumb up) until they are parallel to the floor. ACTION: Move your left knee and your right elbow toward each other. Return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. Lift other arm and leg and repeat the exercise.


Lower body exercises 23. Prone leg squeeze TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Rest your forehead over your forearms as shown. Contract your glutes and lift your legs apart, off the floor. ACTION: Cross your right leg above your left leg. Pause for a moment then separate your legs to return to starting position and repeat. This time, cross your left leg over your right leg. Repeat 8 to 15 times.

24. Lateral single leg lift TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie laterally with your right hip on the Fit & Balance. Place your right elbow on the floor directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Lift your left leg to a comfortable height, then slowly lower your leg to starting position. Maintain your upper body still and your hips stacked one over the other throughout the exercise. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.


Lower body exercises 25. Lateral two leg lift

TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie laterally with your right hip on the Fit & Balance. Place your right elbow on the floor directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Lift your left leg to a comfortable height, and then lift your right leg to meet. Slowly lower your right leg followed by your left leg to starting position. Maintain your upper body still and your hips stacked one over the other throughout the exercise. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side.

26. Lateral leg circle TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie laterally with your right hip on the Fit & Balance. Place your right elbow on the floor directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Lift your left leg to comfortable height and draw 8 circles forward and then, 8 circles backward. This is one repetition. Do 2 repetitions on each side.



GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Get familiar with the exercises by practicing on floor first. • Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. • Keep your back straight, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. • When exercising in prone or lateral position, place a towel on the Fit & Balance for added comfort. • Breathe normally throughout the exercise.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS : Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover postion unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Core exercises 1. Abdominal curl TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Your middle back should be centered on the board and your feet close together. Place your hands behind your neck for more support but keep your head in line with your spine. ACTION: Lift your head and shoulders to comfortable height. Lower your head and shoulders to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times.

2. Abdominal twisting curl TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Your middle back should be centered on the board and your feet close together. Place your hands behind your neck for more support but keep your head in line with your spine. ACTION: Lift your head and shoulders and move your left elbow toward your right knee. Roll back to starting position. Repeat moving your right elbow toward your left knee. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating sides.


Core exercises 3. Bicycle

TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Your middle back should be centered on the board. Place your hands behind your neck for more support but keep your head in line with your spine. Slowly bring both knees to your chest. Keep your elbows pointing to sides. ACTION: Bring your right elbow toward your left knee while lowering your right foot toward the floor. Pause for a moment, and then slowly begin to switch sides. Move slowly to maintain control of the movements. Touch the floor with your toes only. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating sides.

4. Dead bug

TARGET MUSCLES: Core muscles, quadriceps and iliopsoas. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Your middle back should be centered on the board. Extend your arms above your chest and keep your head in line with your spine. Lift both legs off floor with your hips and knees bent at 90Ëšangle. ACTION: Slowly, lower one leg and touch the floor with your toes. Return to starting position and repeat with other leg. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating legs. VARIATION: To make this exercise easier, keep your arms by your sides, on the floor.


Core exercises 5. Figure 8

TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit with your hips centered on top of the Fit & Balance. Place your feet close together and clasp your hands in front of your chest. ACTION: Lean back slightly and trace a figure 8 pattern by rotating your trunk (including your shoulders and your head) and moving your hands from side to side. Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, hold one leg up throughout the exercise.



Core exercises 6. Roll back TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles.


STARTING POSITION: Sit with your hips centered on top of the Fit & Balance and clasp your hands in front of your chest. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet close together. ACTION: Lean back and straighten up. Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, hold one leg up throughout the exercise.

7. Russian twist Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, rectus abdominis, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit with your hips centered on top of the Fit & Balance and clasp your hands in fornt of your chest. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet close together. ACTION: Lean back slightly and slowly rotate your torso from right to left (including your head and shoulders). Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating sides. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, hold one leg up throughout the exercise.


Core exercises 8. Side bridge Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, hip abductors and adductors, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, deltoids, pectorals, rotator cuff and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie laterally with your right elbow on top of the Fit & Balance, directly under your shoulder. Bend your knees to 90째 angle. ACTION: Lift and lower your hips. Keep your hips stacked one over the other throughout the exercise. Repeat 8 to 15 times on each side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, straighten your legs. NOTE: Maintain your right shoulder down, away from your ear throughout the exercise.


Core exercises 9. T-plank Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, hip abductors, hip adductors, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, deltoids, pectorals, latissimus dorsi, levator scapula and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie with your right elbow on top of the Fit & Balance, directly under your shoulder. Bend your knees to 90째 angle. ACTION: Lift your hips off floor and hold the position during 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 2 minutes. Repeat on other side. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, straighten your legs. NOTE: Keep your right shoulder down and away from your ear throughout the exercise.


Core exercises 10. Elbow plank Variation 1

Variation 2

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids, rotator cuff and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor and place your forearms onto the Fit & Balance. Make sure that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. ACTION: Extend one leg at a time until you are balanced on the balls of your feet. Make sure that your body forms a straight line from shoulders to the hip, knee and ankles. Breathe normally and hold this position for 15 to 30 seconds. Gradually work your way up to holding this exercise for 2 minutes. VARIATION 1: To make this exercise easier, perform the exercise with straight arms, hands on the Fit & Balance. VARIATION 2: To make this exercise more challenging, lift and extend one leg off floor.


Core exercises 11. Back extension Variation


TARGET MUSCLES: Erector spinae, quadrates lumborum, trapezius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Extend your legs keeping your toes on floor. Bend your elbows and place the back of your hands against your forehead. ACTION: Lift your upper body as far as you possible and lower your upper body to starting position. Repeat 8 to 15 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise easier, keep your forearms on the floor and straighten your arms during the back extension.


Core exercises 12. Swimming TARGET MUSCLES: Erector spinae, quadrates lumborum, trapezius, deltoids, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Lift your feet, arms (thumbs up) and chest as high as possible. ACTION: Begin to ÂŤswimÂť by lifting your opposite arm and leg a little higher, then alternate sides, making a fluttering motion. Continue to alternate arms and legs and gradually add some speed. Repeat during 30 to 60 seconds.

13. Superman Variation TARGET MUSCLES: Erector spinae, quadrates lumborum, trapezius, deltoids, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Extend your legs keeping your toes on floor. Straighten your arms in front of you with your thumbs up. ACTION: Lift and lower your right leg and your left arm then, lift and lower your left leg and your right arm. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating legs and arms. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift both legs and both arms at the same time.


Core exercises 15. Swan dive

TARGET MUSCLES: Erector spinae, quadrates lumborum, trapezius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Extend your legs keeping your toes on floor. Rest your forearms on the floor. ACTION: Straighten your arms to a back extension. Bend your elbows again to return your forearms on the floor while lifting your legs off floor. Lower your legs to the floor again while straightening your arms to a back extension. Repeat 8 to 15 times.





Multi Elastiband® exercises

The Multi Elastiband®: A fitness center in your pocket… The revolutionary, patented Multi Elastiband® has eight numbered sections along its length, which provide a variety of grip positions for a complete total body workout. It is made of two large handles (16.5 cm / 6.5 in each) at each end allowing for a wider passage for thighs and exercise shoes, combined with 4 handles (11 cm / 4.3 in each) in the central part. With an effective length of 110 cm (3.6 ft), the Multi Elastiband® is the perfect accessory to use with the Fit & Balance. Wrap the Multi Elastiband® around your hands, your feet or fix it through one of the four Elastiband® passages of the Fit & Balance to perform a series of upper and lower body exercises. The benefits of the Multi Elastiband® are a permanent tension and a resistance that increases with the stretch of the band.


Elastodiene, Polyester, Polyamid. Dimensions: Length: 110 cm (3.6 ft). Width: 4 cm (1.5 in). Weight: 60 gr (2.1 oz). Maximum pulling strength force: 10 kg (22 lb). This multipurpose, trim tonic elastic device makes exercising more effective and much more


fun. Highly compact, it is easy to carry and can be used anywhere. Inexpensive and long lasting, this device is an excellent value for money.


Multi Elastiband® exercises TECHNICAL INFORMATION

HANDLES SELECTION: You will notice, next to the title of each exercise, a mention about the appropriate handles to use during the exercise; these numbers were selected, based on individuals of average height (approximately 1, 65 m or 5’ 5"). However, because body proportions differ, you may have to experiment to find the appropriate handles for you. If you are taller than average, you will probably have to select handles that are closer to the ends of the Multi Elastiband® than the suggested numbers. For example, if the description of an exercise mention to use handles 2 and 8, it might be more appropriate for you to use the handles 1 and 8. For another example, if the description of an exercise mention to use handles 1 and 8, you should consider usage of an additional Elastiband® handle sold separately on Feel comfortable to make adjustment if needed. On the contrary, if you are smaller than average (like me!), you might have to select handles that are closer to the center of the Multi Elastiband® than the suggested numbers. For example, if the description of an exercise mention to use handles 2 and 8, it might be more suitable for you to use the handles 3 and 8. Make some adjustment if needed. Vertically, number 1 is at the top of the Multi Elastiband® and number 8 is at the bottom. Horizontally, number 1 of the Multi Elastiband® is on your left side and number 8 is on your right side.


Multi Elastiband® exercises

GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • At starting position, the Multi Elastiband® must be tensed but not stretched in order to generate fluid, uniform and smooth muscular contractions throughout the exercise. • Control momentum and avoid jerky movements in order to maintain good posture. Range of motion should be increased gradually. • Engage your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. • Keep your back straight, your knees slightly bent, your head in line with your spine and your shoulders down. • When exercising in prone, supine or lateral position, place a towel on the Fit & Balance for added comfort. • Breathe normally throughout the exercise.

EXERCISE INTENSITY LEVELS : Easy Challenging The most challenging

Square position

Clover position

Place the Fit & Balance in clover position unless the description of the exercise indicates the square position.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises SHOULDER EXERCISES 1. Shoulder press (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, triceps, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handles 1 close to your shoulders, palms facing forward. ACTION: Push the right handle upward while extending your elbow. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat on left side. Repeat 8 to 12 times alternating sides. VARIATION: Push both handles at the same time.

2. Shoulder abduction (handles 2 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 2 with your right hand, thumb up. ACTION: Lift your arm laterally, keeping your elbow straight and palm facing forward. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side. VARIATION: Work both shoulders at the same time using two Multi Elastiband速, one on each side of the Fit & Balance.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 3. Shoulder extension (handles 5 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, triceps, latissimus dorsi and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Place your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor as shown. Bend forward at hips, keeping your back straight. Hold handle 5 with your right hand, palm facing backward. ACTION: Keeping your elbow straight, push the handle behind you. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

4. Shoulder front raise (handles 2 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, pectorals, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 2 with your right hand, thumb up. ACTION: Keeping your elbow straight, lift your arm upward and stop at shoulder height. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side. VARIATION: Work both shoulders at the same time using two Multi Elastiband速, one on each side of the Fit & Balance.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 5. Shoulder front raise (handles 2 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, pectorals, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 2 with both hands in front of you. ACTION: Keeping your elbows straight, lift the handle upward and stop at shoulder height. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

6. Upright row (handles 2 and 8) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, trapezius, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handles 2 in front of you. ACTION: Pull the handles toward your chin while bending and lifting your elbows above your shoulders. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times. VARIATION: Alternate sides.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 7. One-arm bent over row (handles 4 and 8) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Slightly bend forward at hips and hold handles 4 in front of you. ACTION: Pull the right handle, lifting your elbow up and laterally. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 8 to 12 times alternating sides. VARIATION: Pull both handles at the same time.

8. Rear deltoid fly (handles 2 and 8) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the left mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward at hips and support your upper body with your left arm as shown. Hold handle 2 with your right hand, palm facing toward the left. ACTION: Pull the handle, lifting your arm up and laterally as high as you can. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

VARIATION: Work both shoulders at the same time using two Multi Elastiband速, one on each side of the Fit & Balance.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 9. Seated shoulder external rotation (handles 2 and 5) TARGET MUSCLES: Rotator cuff, deltoids and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit on the center of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Hold handle 2 with your left hand and handle 5 with your right hand, palms facing up. Bend your elbows to 90属 angle. ACTION: Keeping your back straight and your elbows by your sides, pull the ends of the Multi Elastiband速 outward. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

10. Seated arm circle (handles 2 and 7) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit on the center of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Hold handle 2 with your left hand and handle 7 with straight amrs as shown. ACTION: Keeping your arms straight, move and stretch the Multi Elastiband速 over your head and lower it behind your back in a rotational movement. Hold and slowly reverse the movement to return to starting position. This is one repetition. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises ARM EXERCISES 1. Biceps curl (handles 2 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handles 2, palms facing up. ACTION: Pull the handles toward your shoulders, keeping your wrist straight and your elbows by your sides. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side. VARIATION: Alternate the arms.

2. Concentration curl (handles 2 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the left mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 2 with your right hand, palm facing in and place your left arm behind your back. ACTION: Pull the handle toward your shoulder, keeping your wrist straight and your elbow by your side. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 3. Seated biceps curl (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit on the center of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Place the Multi Elastiband速 around your feet. Hold handles 1 and 8 close to your knees, palms facing up. ACTION: Pull the handles toward your shoulders, keeping your wrists straight and your elbows by your sides. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

4. Triceps overhead extension (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 1 with your right hand behind your head, elbow bent and palm facing forward. ACTION: Keeping your elbow pointing straight up, extend your arm and pull the handle as high as possible. Hold and slowly return to starting position. You may use your other hand to hold your elbow in, close to your head. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 5. Triceps kick back (handles 4 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Place your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor as shown. Bend forward at hips and rest your left elbow over your thigh. Hold handle 4 with your right hand. Pull your elbow as high as you can and maintain this position throughout the exercise. ACTION: Push the handle backward and downward by extending your elbow. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises UPPER BACK EXERCISES AND CHEST EXERCISES 1. One arm row (handles 4 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Delto誰ds, rotator cuff, rhomboids, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Place your left foot onto the Fit & Balance and your right foot on floor as shown. Bend forward at hips and support your upper body by placing your left hand over your thigh. Hold handle 4 with your right hand, palm facing left side. ACTION: Pull the handle by lifting your elbow as high as possible. Hold and slowly, return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

2. Shoulder shrug (handles 4 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handles 4 with both hands, palms facing in. ACTION: Keep your arms straight and pull the handles by lifting your shoulders as high as possible. Hold and slowly, return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 3. Seated row (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Deltoids, rotator cuff, rhomboids, trapezius and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit onto the center of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Place the Multi Elastiband速 around your feet and hold handles 1 and 8, palms facing in. ACTION: Pull your elbows back until your hands are closed to your hips. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

4. Lat pull down (handles 2 and 7) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids, pectorals, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handles 2 and 7 above your head, palms facing forward. ACTION: Pull the handles downward, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Stop at shoulder height. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times. VARIATION : To make this exercise easier, alternate sides.


Multi Elastiband® exercises 5. One arm chest press (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, triceps, deltoids, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Place your right foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your left foot on floor as shown. Hold handle 1 with your right hand close to your shoulder, palm facing forward. ACTION: Press the handle up and away from your body to 45˚ angle. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

6. Standing chest fly (handles 1 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hipwidth apart. Hold handles 1 and 8 with the Multi Elastiband® around your upper back. Extend your arms out at shoulder height, palms facing forward ACTION: Cross your arms in front of your chest. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 7. Seated chest press (handles 4 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Sit onto the center of the board, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Hold handles 4 close to your shoulders, palm facing forward. ACTION: Press the handles up and away from your body to 45属 angle. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

8. Supine chest press (handles 5 and 8) Variation

VARIATION: Alternate sides.

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward with your knees bent and your feet close together. Hold handles 5 close to your shoulders, palms facing forward. ACTION: Press the handles above your chest. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 9. Push-up (handles 1 and 8) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Pectorals, deltoids, triceps and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Kneel on floor. Place the Multi Elastiband速 around your upper back and hold handles 1 and 8 with both hands. Place your hands onto the Fit & Balance, shoulder-width apart. ACTION: Bend your elbow and lower your upper body toward the Fit & Balance. Straighten your arms to return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, raise your knees off floor, forming the plank position.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises THIGH EXERCISES 1. Romanian dead lift (handles 6 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip adductors, trapezius, rhomboids, Latissimus dorsi, erector spinae and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance, place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Hold handles 6 with both hands by your sides. ACTION: Keeping your back straight, bend forward at hips as low as possible without bending your knee more. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

2. Squat (handles 2 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handles 8 of two Multi Elastiband速 to the right and left mounting strips of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance, place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Hold handles 2 close to your shoulders. ACTION: Squat down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs to return to the starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 3. Hip extension (handles 4 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the front mounting strip of the board. Kneel on the balance board and place handle 4 around your right foot. Place your hands on floor, shoulder-width apart and extend your right leg behind you, toes on floor. ACTION : Lift and lower your right leg slowly. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

4. Leg press (handles 4 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the front mounting strip of the board. Kneel on the balance board and place handle 4 around your right foot. Place your hands on floor, shoulder-width apart. ACTION : Press your right leg back. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 5. Seated leg press (handles 2 and 7) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit onto the center of the Fit & Balance. Hold handles 2 and 7 close to your shoulders with the Multi Elastiband速 around your right foot. ACTION: Press your leg in front of you. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

6. Supine leg press (handles 2 and 7) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hamstrings, hip adductors, soleus and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing up. Place your left foot on the floor. Hold handles 2 and 7 close to your shoulders with the Multi Elastiband速 around your right foot. ACTION: Press your leg upward. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 7. Hip abduction (handles 5 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip abductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the front mounting strip of the board. Lie laterally onto the Fit & Balance. Place handle 5 around your left foot and straighten your legs. Place your right elbow on floor, directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Lift and lower your left leg slowly. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

8. Hip adduction (handles 6 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Gluteus maximus, hip adductors and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the front mounting strip of the board. Lie laterally onto the Fit & Balance. Place handle 6 around your right foot and straighten your legs. Place your right elbow on floor, directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Lift and lower your right leg slowly. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises CORE MUSCLES EXERCISES 1. Side bend (handles 5 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, quadratus lumborum and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 5 with your right hand. ACTION: Lean toward your left side. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.

2. Overhead Side bend (handles 1 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, quadratus lumborum and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the right mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 1 with your right arm extended overhead. ACTION: Keeping your arm extended, lean toward your left side. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times on each side.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 3. Standing trunk rotation (handles 3 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, quadratus lumborum and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Attach handle 8 to the front mounting strip of the board. Step onto the Fit & Balance and place your feet hip-width apart. Hold handle 3 with both hands and lift your elbows at chest height. ACTION: Rotate your trunk toward right side, return to center then, rotate your trunk toward left side. Repeat 8 to 12 times alternating from side to side.

4. Seated twist (handles 2 and 8)

TARGET MUSCLES: Obliques, quadratus lumborum and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sitting on the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Place the Multi Elastiband速 around your upper back and hold handles 2 and 8 close to your shoulders. ACTION: Extend your arms out to sides. Then, rotate your trunk toward right side. Return to center. Bend your arms to starting position. Repeat the whole sequence on left side. Repeat 8 to 15 times alternating sides.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 5. Back extension (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, quadriceps, iliopsoas and core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit with your hips centered on top of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Place the Multi Elastiband速 around your feet. Hold handles 1 and 8 against your stomach. ACTION: Keep your back straight and lean back by stretching the Multi Elastiband速. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

6. Seated oblique roll back (handles 1 and 5) TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Sit with your hips centered on top of the Fit & Balance, knees slightly bent and feet close together. Place handle 5 around your left foot and hold handle 1 with your right hand. Lengthen your arms in front of your chest. ACTION: Lean back and simultaneously, rotate your torso to right side and pull your elbow behind you. Hold and slowly return to starting position. Follow your elbow with your eyes. Repeat 8 to 12 times. Invert your position and repeat the exercise.


Multi Elastiband® exercises 7. Abdominal curl (handles 1 and 8) Variation

TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Your middle back should be centered on the board. Bend your knees and place your feet close together. Hold the Multi Elastiband® folded in two above your head.

ACTION: Lift your head and shoulders to comfortable height and move the Multi Elastiband® toward your knees. Hold and return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times. VARIATION: To make this exercise more challenging, lift and hold one leg off floor.

8. The hundred (handles 1 and 8) TARGET MUSCLES: Rectus abdominis, obliques, quadriceps, iliopsoas and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing upward. Lift your legs and bend your knees to 90˚angle. Place the Multi Elastiband® against your legs. Hold handles 1 and 8 in each hand between thumb and index finger.

ACTION: Lift your head and shoulders off floor and hold this position throughout the exercise. Take 5 short breaths in through your nose and 5 short breaths out through your mouth while simultaneously pulsing arms down and up. Repeat 10 times, for a total of 100 pulses.


Multi Elastiband速 exercises 9. Prone back extension and lateral row (handles 2 and 6)

TARGET MUSCLES: Erector spinae, quadrates lumborum, trapezius, deltoids, gluteus maximus, hamstrings and other core muscles. STARTING POSITION: Lie face down with your hips centered on the Fit & Balance. Extend your legs keeping your toes on floor. Straighten your arms in front of you and hold handles 2 and 6. ACTION: Lift your upper body to comfortable height and stretch the Multi Elastiband速 a few centimeters laterally. Release the stretch and return to starting position. Repeat 8 to 12 times.





The stretches Stretches help counter the soreness that typically follows a workout. They also lengthen the muscles, improving range of motion and flexibility. It is important to stretch all your muscles and to pay special attention to areas of your body that are usually tensed. Stretches also help prevent injury during exercise, improve circulation, decrease stress and release tension.

GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Set the central base of the Fit & Balance to the lowest height and the shocks absorbing feet to level 1. • Stretch your muscles when they are warm, at the end of your workout because they extend more easily with less discomfort. • Stretch your muscles slowly and statically until you feel nothing more then a slight discomfort. • Hold each stretch at least 30 to 60 seconds. • Make sure you breathe while stretching. Holding your breath can reduce the effectiveness. • If your muscles burn or start to shake reduce the intensity of the stretch as this is a message that you are over doing it. • Flexibility is easily lost so include regular but less frequent stretching sessions to avoid losing your hard-won elasticity. • Some relaxing music may enhance your stretching but is not essential.


The stretches 1. Hamstrings and erector spinae muscles

STARTING POSITION: Place one foot on the Fit & Balance with your knee straight and bend other leg. ACTION: Keep your back straight, reach toward your toes and lower your torso toward straight leg. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with other leg.

2. Quadriceps muscles

STARTING POSITION: Lie prone on the Fit & Balance. ACTION: Pull your ankle or forefoot toward your buttocks. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with other leg.


The stretches 3. Quadriceps muscles

STARTING POSITION: Lie laterally with your right hip onto the Fit & Balance. Place your right elbow on floor, directly under your shoulder. ACTION: Pull your left foot toward your buttocks. Push your knee backward and hold it at your hip height. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with other leg.

4. Hip flexors muscles (iliopsoas and quadriceps)

STARTING POSITION: Lunge forward and place your right knee onto the Fit & Balance. Place your left hand over your left knee. Keep your back straight. ACTION: Push your right hip forward, as far as possible and stretch your right arm up. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with other leg.


The stretches 5. Hamstrings and back muscles (latissimus dorsi and erector spinae)

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and straighten your legs out in front of you. ACTION: Slowly, lean forward and reach your fingers down toward your toes without bending your knees. If you can’t reach your toes, place your hands against your front legs. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

6. Hip adductors muscles

STARTING POSITION: Place your left foot onto the center of the Fit & Balance and your hands over your right thigh. ACTION: Bend your right knee while leaning forward. Keep your back and your left leg straight. Lift your toes toward you. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat with other leg.


The stretches 7. Back (trapezius, rhomboids, multifidus) and obliques muscles

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and cross your legs. Keep your back straight. ACTION: Slowly, rotate your upper body toward left side and place your right hand against your left thigh. Grab the back rounded edge of the Fit & Balance with your left hand. Accentuate the rotation. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat other side.

8. Hip abductors, obliques and erector spinae muscles

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and cross your right leg over your left leg. Place your left hand against your right knee and rotate your upper body toward right side. Keep your back straight and grab the back rounded edge of the Fit & Balance. ACTION: Slowly, pull your right knee toward you. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat other side.


The stretches 9. Obliques, quadratus lomburum and latissimus dorsi

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and cross your legs. ACTION: Slowly, straighten your right arm up and over your head. Place your left hand on the floor for balance as you move deeper into the stretch and hold (do not keep your left arm straight, bend your elbow and release your shoulder). Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and repeat other side.

10. Pectorals and shoulders

11. Pectorals and shoulders

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and cross your legs.

STARTING POSITION: Lie on the Fit & Balance facing up and bend your knees.

ACTION: Interlock your fingers behind your back and slowly, pull your arms up and away from your body.

ACTION: Release your head, upper back, shoulders and arms to the floor.

Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.


The stretches 12. Child pose (hips, thighs and back muscles)

STARTING POSITION: Kneel on the floor and place your arms on the Fit & Balance. ACTION: Sit over your heels. Slowly, lower your upper body toward the floor and reach your arms out on the Fit & Balance. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

13. Lotus (relaxation and meditation)

STARTING POSITION: Sit on the Fit & Balance and cross your legs. ACTION: Place your hands on your knees, palms facing up and your thumbs touching the index fingers. Relax completely and breathe slowly. Think of nothing, focus on your breathing. Hold for few minutes.





Training programs GET MOVING ! The following training programs are based on the exercises presented throughout this book. There are four specific training programs (cardiovascular exercises, core exercises, upper body exercises and lower body exercises) as well as 2 full-body training programs (Fit & Balance and Multi Elastiband®). Before you start, warm up your body with about 5 minutes of low impact exercises such as walking, stationary bike or just going up and down stairs. Warming up helps reduce your risk of injury and the aches and pains that come with exercise. The warm up assists your circulatory system in pumping oxygenated blood to your working muscles by increasing circulation throughout the body in a gradual manner. It also prepares the body for the increased demands of physical efforts. Cold muscles do not absorb shock or impact as well, and are more susceptible to injury. VARIETY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! • • • • • •

The cardiovascular programm can be combined with all other programs. Simply changing the order of the exercises will keep your body reacting to the training program and your motivation level high. Try not to always do the same training program! Do 8 to 15 repetitions of each exercise. If you feel like doing more, go through the workout twice or do 2 sets of each exercise. Create new challenges by replacing some or all the exercises by other exercises for the same muscle group. Practice two to three times a week.

Have a great workout!


Training programs CARDIOVACULAR EXERCISE PROGRAM (Pratice each exercise for 2 minutes and take a 30 seconds pause between the exercises)


Stepping up and down page 26, exercise 1.


Repeater 3 knees page 29, exercise 6.


Straddle jump page 33, exercise 12.


Side lift page 28, exercise 4.


Over the Fit & Balance page 30, exercise 7.


Alternating curl page 28, exercise 5.


Straddle down page 33, exercise 11.


Alternating back lunge page 31 exercise 9.



1 2

One-leg balance page 19, exercise 2.

V sit page 24, exercise 11.


Roll back page 58, exercise 6.



Side bridge page 59, exercise 8.


Abdominal curl page 55, exercise 1.


Bicycle page 56, exercise 3.


Back extension page 62, exercise 11.


Superman page 63, exercise 13.


1 2

Arms circle page 22, exercise 7.

Push-up page 35, exercise 1.


Rock the board page 38, exercise 7.


Triceps dips page 39, exercise 10.


Walk up walk down page 38, exercise 8.


Push off page 37, exercise 5.


T- Plank page 60, exercise 9.


Superman page 23, exercise 10.



Leg circle page 21, exercise 5.


Split squat page 44, exercise 8.



Flexion and extension of the ankle page 22, exercise 8.



Alternating knee page 27, exercise 2.

Squat - one foot on the Fit & Balance page 41, exercise 2.


Plie squat page 45, exercise 10.



Supine bridge page 47, exercise 13.

Hip extension page 48, exercise 16.



Trunk rotation page 20, exercise 3.

Alternating kick page 27, exercise 3.


Close grip push-up page 36, exercise 4.



Squat hip adduction page 43, exercise 5.


Leg curl page 49, exercise 17.

Single leg split squat page 45, exercise 9.


One leg supine bridge page 47, exercise 14.


Lateral single leg lift page 52, exercise 24.



Abdominal twisting curl page 55, exercise 2.



Figure 8 page 57, exercise 5.


T-plank page 60, exercise 9.


Swan dive page 64, exercise 15.



3 4

Kneeling balance page 21, exercise 6.

Squat page 82, exercise 2.

Lat pull down page 78, exercise 4.

Leg press page 83, exercise 4.

7 5

Seated chest press page 80, exercise 7.


Hip abduction page 85, exercise 7.


Biceps curl page 74, exercise 1.

Hip adduction page 85, exercise 8.




11 12

Triceps kick back page 76, exercise 6.


Seated oblique roll back page 88, exercise 6.


Shoulder press page 69, exercise 1.

Side bend page 86, exercise 1.


Back extension and lateral row page 90, exercise 9.

The hundred page 89, exercise 8.

RESOURCES: Doris St-Arnaud (2004). Totally Stable. Doris St-Arnaud (2002). Stability ball exercises for a healthy back. Andre Noel Potvin, Chad Benson (2007). The Great Balance and Stability Handbook. Springer BA, Marin R, Cyhan T, Roberts H, Gill NW. (2007). Normative Values for the Unipedal Stance Test with Eyes Open and Closed. Michael J. Wahl and David G. Behm, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (2008). Instability-Related Muscle Activation in the Highly Trained.



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