Rehabmedic - Airex Piloga Mat Pilates Exercises (EN)

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Pilo(w)ga The new AIREXÂŽ YogaPilates 190 mat power program

Emotional intelligence training in one movement lesson

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


List of contents


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What is an emotion?


Dealing with emotional intelligence in practice


The Pilo(w)ga lesson


The AIREX® YogaPilates 190 mat


The first part of the lesson: Pilates exercises


Basic principles of Pilates training


Exercise series: Pilates 1


Exercises 1 - 10

11 – 20

What should the trainer be especially aware of in the Pilates part?


The second part of the lesson: Low impact aerobics


Aerobic exercise series: Exercises 1 - 10

24 -33

What should the trainer be especially aware of in the aerobic part?


The third part of the lesson: Yoga


Yoga exercise series: Exercises 1 - 10

37 – 46

Exercise instructions for 3-part breathing


What should the trainer be especially aware of in the 3-part breathing?


Take note of the following in the Hatha exercises


Addresses/ reference sources


© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Introduction Movement pattern and thought pattern are closely related. During his lifetime every person forms habits of thinking and moving or adopts those of role models. These habits are not always the best ones for him. They may bring both joy and suffering. Thus, for example, bad movement habits cause wear on the motor apparatus, cause pain and even immobility. Bad or clouded thoughts or ideas negatively influence our mood and may manifest themselves in depressions. It is therefore rewarding to alter or get rid of patterns of thinking and moving that cause use physical and/or mental-emotional pain. This is not always easy and often requires patience and discipline. There is one basic condition for bringing about any change: the capacity for self perception. For this one must know oneself well and be able to observe oneself, because only in this way can bad habits be discovered, changed or eliminated. By guided motion people can develop the ability of self perception. This starts with quite simple things such as, for example, the experience of how an outstretched arm feels as opposed to a bent arm. Perceiving how strongly the heart is beating under different movement loads is also a form of self perception. Simultaneously with these simple physically perceptible changes, we can also train the ability to express emotions during movement. Emotionally intelligent people are usually more successful, better performers and healthier. This is proven by numerous studies. The discussion of emotional intelligence was initiated by the book of the same name by Daniel Goleman in 1997. While people were previously evaluated for professional life exclusively by the intellectual intelligence – the IQ - , today the intelligence of the heart – the EQ – and the social competence are increasingly considered when making decisions on personnel. The specialized, intellectual education of many people is very good and often proven by extraordinary final scores. Nevertheless, many are not successful in their job in the long term and stumble when it comes to the so-called "human" qualities. They lack emotional intelligence. They do not have access to their own world of feelings.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


What is an emotion

The Brockhaus Encyclopedia provides the following definition: "… an especially intensively experienced feeling with noticeable concurrent physical manifestations. A common feature of all affective states (joy, fear, rage, sorrow, shame, irritation, annoyance, hate, inspiration, et al.) is a deep involvement, a narrowing or restriction of the consciousness to the affect experience and limitation of the control of desires and ability to think critically. In the case of strong emotional excitation, undeliberated, uncontrolled emotional acts as well as positive action impulses are possible…" It may also be said that E-motion is a movement toward the outside that arises in the inside of a person and connects him to his environment. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions and the ability to develop genuine feelings. Social competence means feeling empathy for others and employing emotional intelligence when dealing with others. Five emotions are generally distinguished: • Rage/anger • Fear • Sorrow/sadness • Joy • Loathing/disgust Emotions must run their course in order not to endanger the health. This means that one must perceive his own emotions, he must be aware of them and then deal with them accordingly. The term Management of Emotions is very appropriate for this ability. It is unfortunately true that emotions arouse fear. Therefore, there is often a tendency to suppress feelings appearing briefly and to prefer not to feel anything rather than get off balance due to emotions. But the more often feelings are permitted and experienced, the less fear they instill. If a person experiences himself in his emotions, he gets to know himself very well.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Dealing with emotional intelligence in practice

The movement lesson offers a secure framework for experiencing emotions in a playful hands-on atmosphere. Yes, this is unusual. It involves a great deal of childish role playing. But precisely here is where opportunity exists. Offering the participants opportunities for physical expression makes them more alert for "genuinely" experienced emotions outside of the training. It offers them the opportunity to test themselves and to check/review their behaviour in emotional situations. If emotions are not perceived, are suppressed, in everyday life, if they are little discussed, then this has a negative effect in the body and leads to pain, movement limitations, and ultimately to a reduced quality of life. Visualization is a well-known instrument for reducing stress. The same technique helps us when experiencing emotions in movement training. The Pilo(w)ga lesson diagram is divided into three movement segments. 20 minutes of Plates-oriented exercises, 20 minutes of low impact Aerobics, 20 minutes of Yoga. Visualization is used in the aerobics part to evoke emotions. The trip goes through spring, summer, fall and winter. The movements are matched to the seasons. For example, there is snowflake catching, skating, freezing, picking berries, enjoying the sun, canoeing, etc.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Die Pilo(w)ga hour The Pilo(w)ga lesson consists of three movement units of 20 minutes each: 01.




Middle part:





The AIREX® YogaPilates 190 mat provides these three movement units each with their own reference point in the room. It determines the nature of the movements. It is an advantage that no more space is required in the aerobic part than is provided by the AIREX® YogaPilates 190 mat. This lesson is easily performed in small rooms. Also the same in all parts: simple movements, many repetitions, uncomplicated combinations of steps. Pilo(w)ga is a lesson that •

strengthens the muscles,

exercises the heart, and

provides relaxation.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


The AIREX® YogaPilates 190 mat Pilo(w)ga is done on and with the AIREX® YogaPilates 190 mat, because it is characterized by the following features: . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

it is soft but at the same time firm enough to provide perfect support to precise sequences of movements; the clearly higher density of the YogaPilates 190 mat compared to conventional PE or EVA mats protects against overstressing of the wrists; it assures the important support of the fine hand and foot bones and still permits high stability; the fine pliable surface assures a strong sense of well being; the new length of 190 cm gives even greater freedom of movement; two soft color shades have a calming and soothing effect; warm and comfortable to touch, hygienic through treatment, hard wearing and long lasting, light-weight and easy to roll-up, flat, no slip surface, closed cell structure, impervious to water, multifunctional in use. CE conforming (93/42/EWg), may be used on either side (including outdoors) and problem-free cleaning

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins

Length ca:

190 cm / 75”

Width ca:

60 cm / 23”

Thickness ca:

8 mm / .3”


lilac, anthracite

Weight ca:

1,4 kg / 3.5 lbs


Pilates, Yoga, Fitness


The first part of the lesson: Pilates exercises Pilates training is a holistic [integral] method in which all exercises complement each other. Control of the body is acquired by mental training; breathing is used consciously. The exercises are concentrated on the most important posture muscles; the trunk stability muscles are activated. Weak muscles are strengthened, shortened muscles are stretched. The positions are natural and easy to assume; each movement is carried out slowly and smoothly. Before each exercise, first, the correct posture is assumed so that an increased awareness of the body is achieved. The traditional Pilates training consists of classical exercises which are precisely specified. Whereas only a few years ago the Pilates method was known only to dancers, today everyone is talking about it because of the media. Most recently, after the Hollywood stars became aware of Pilates training, this form of movement experienced a boom here in Germany in the athletic clubs/exercise salons. Classical Pilates has been supplemented today by new exercises – taught according to the same principles. This is also the case with Pilo(w)ga. The exercises do not have to be classical Pilates. But they must respect the basic principles of Pilates training.

Who was Joseph Pilates? Joseph Pilates was born in 1880 in Germany and died in 1967 in New York. He was a delicate and sickly child. To overcome his physical weakness as an adult he developed his own training program in the 1920s. The individual exercises involved both the mind and the body. His goal was to obtain strong and flexible muscles without appearing "lumpy" in so doing. The image of a flexible cat with its ease of movement was always his model. To protect the body against wear and injury he emphasized body awareness, a strong mid-section, mobility and selectively applied breathing.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Basic principles of Pilates training The following principles apply when performing every exercise: Relaxation Every exercise is carried with effort but without overexertion. Concentration In order to maintain control one must concentrate on what one wants to do. Thinking in images [visualizing] helps achieve correct movement. Precision Concentration improves the accuracy of the movement. Through this precision all kinesthetic stimuli and exact movements are implemented. Precision is only possible with absolute concentration and constant control. Coordination Better awareness of the body means better coordination. The movements are refined by repetition. Breathing Inhale for preparation, exhale while executing the movement. Lateral thorax breathing improves the quality and efficiency of respiration. Movement Fluid, calm and slow movements; stretch out from the center. Centering Strong center (powerhouse); navel to spinal column before each movement. "Imagine that your bellybutton is an elevator and the elevator is going up." The pelvic floor is activated by the upward pull. Condition Slowly build up endurance and strength; don't try too hard.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise series: Pilates The lesson starts lying prone or sitting on the YogaPilates 190 mat. Start: Prone. Pull the shoulders away from the ears, the chin pulls in the direction of the larynx, the neck is long.

Wrong: Shoulders are too far up.

Correct shoulder position: Pull both to the rear and down.

Wrong: Head is resting on the neck.

Correct: Move chin in direction of larynx.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 1

Perception exercise for activating the powerhouse.

Inhale and while exhaling pull the navel toward the spinal column. For support the hands may be placed on the abdomen and a slight downward pressure exerted when exhaling.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 2

Inhale and bend the right leg while exhaling.

Continue breathing peacefully, extend the right leg,

bend it again and

lay it down.

Same exercise left side.

8582 / 8584 / 8582 / 8575

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 3

To prepare, inhale, bend both legs while exhaling,

raise them 90 degrees,

extend both legs upward,

lower both legs back to 90 degrees, both feet back to the YogaPilates 190 mat, legs bent,

stretch out both legs on the floor. Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 4

To prepare, inhale, while exhaling

bend the right leg sidewise, knee pointing out ,

straighten the leg out again.

Same exercise left side.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 5

To prepare, inhale, while exhaling

bend the right leg sidewise, knee pointing out,

extend the right leg outward,

bend the right leg, knee pointing out,

return leg to lying position.

Same exercise left side.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 6

to prepare, inhale, while exhaling

bend both legs out to side, knees pointing out,

extend both legs outward,

bend both legs back again,

stretch out legs on floor again.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 7

In the side position, body in straight line, upper hand braced in front. Inhale and while exhaling guide the right leg forward, kick twice with dorsal extension (foot flex in dancing) extend the foot and return the leg to the initial position.

Same exercise left side.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 8

lying on back, and both legs to 90 degree angle. To prepare, inhale

while exhaling raise upper body Grasp legs,

shift weight to the right,

back to center,

shift weight to left

back to center.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 9

lying on back, both feet flat on mat, Both arms stretched out behind head, Inhale, while exhaling

raise upper body and stretch the arms forward

lower the upper body, place arms beside body

raise pelvis vertebra by vertebra and simultaneously guide both arms stretched out behind the head.

Lower pelvis again.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 10

lying on back, both feet flat on mat, both arms stretched out behind head, inhale, while exhaling

raise upper body and stretch the arms forward,

straighten up until sitting and extend both legs (long sitting).

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


What should the trainer be especially aware of the Pilates part? •

The participants always have an activated powerhouse: The navel remains pulled back toward the spinal column.

The participants must actively exhale, because exhaling supports the pulling in of the navel and activates the Musculus transversus abdominis.

The buttocks are loose. The natural lumbar lordosis is maintained.

When both legs are extended the feet also have a suitable "posture". The toes are either extended (plantar flexion, called "point" in dancing), or are pulled in (dorsal extension, called 'flex' in dancing).

The neck remains extended even when prone, the chin drawn slightly back.

The shoulders must be organized upon every arm movement. They draw away from the ears down and back.

Instructions such as "the longest possible path…" help for major arm or leg movements.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


The second part of the lesson: Low impact Aerobic After the quiet, highly focused, beginning of the lesson, it now becomes more dynamic. We remain on the YogaPilates 190 mat as before or use the YogaPilates 190 mat as a step and move while standing. It is important to organize a fluid and above all safe transition from lying to standing. Standing up must involve rolling sideways, assuming a four-footed stance, putting one foot forward, straightening the upper body, straightening the legs. Previously the term low impact referred to steps of low intensity with one foot always on the floor. Hopping and jumping were considered to be high impact – steps with high intensity. Today this classification is not upheld so strictly. A hop and small jumps, as long as they are not repeated in high numbers, are quite permissible and are still considered low impact in the sense of low intensity. The YogaPilates 190 mat is the reference point for free movements in the room. It may be used in various ways: • • • •

in its full length folded in half folded twice rolled.

In addition, it may be aligned vertically or horizontally in all positions. To make the lesson as fluid as possible, it is recommended to stay with one mat position. This avoids unnecessary interruptions and cries of despair if the mat in a new position is not as effective as the first time. It is still possible to use different mat forms in the aerobic part. If the YogaPilates 190 mat is to be arranged differently, this must be specifically indicated.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Balance is particularly needed if the YogaPilates 190 mat is rolled or folded twice. This makes it difficult to execute the aerobic steps and must be included in the instruction plan. For seniors it is recommended that the YogaPilates 190 mat be used only in its full length. The flexible foam material of the YogaPilates 190 mat is already a challenge. The aerobic movements are taught in images of the four seasons. Spring, summer, fall and winter are each set in motion for 5 minutes. The movements are executed in a waltz rhythm and have names such as: "Everything is growing (spring), "Enjoying the sunshine" (summer), "Picking berries" (fall), "The first snowfall" (winter) No limits are imposed on the imagination when developing new steps.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Aerobic exercise series

Exercise 1

Spring YogaPilates 190 mat folded once, mat is in front of the feet.

Move with right foot to the left corner, right hand Pointing down.

"The flowers are starting to bloom."

Same exercise left side.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 2


YogaPilates 190 mat folded once, mat is in front of the feet.

Step with right foot, move left leg to the side, extended, cross arms above head, spread fingers.

Same exercise left side.

"Everything is growing."

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 3


YogaPilates 190 mat folded once, mat is in front of the feet.

Hop on the right leg into the right corner of the mat,

On the left leg into the left corner of the YogaPilates 190 mat,

March in place.


Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 4


YogaPilates 190 mat folded once, standing on the YogaPilates 190 mat.

mambo to the right side, swing both arms to the right.

back to center,

mambo to left, swing both arms left.

"The lightness of being." back to center Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 5


YogaPilates 190 mat folded, standing on YogaPilates 190 mat,

mambo to right and back, curve right arm around above head,

back to center, curve upper body leaning forward, pull arm forward,

mambo left and back, curve left arm up above head,

back to center, curve upper body leaning forward, pull arm forward.

"Summer wind".

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 6


Standing on the YogaPilates 190 mat. YogaPilates 190 mat folded once.

Kick right, feet together, kick left.

"Strolling through the leaves".

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 7


Standing on the YogaPilates 190 mat. YogaPilates 190 mat folded once.

Extend right leg back, move both arms forward, upper body slightly forward, feet together again in the center.

Same on left.

"Picking berries."

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 8


YogaPilates 190 mat is rolled and lies vertically. YogaPilates 190 mat is beside the right foot.

With small steps (waltz steps) go around the mat

Strolling in a snow flurry Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 9

Winter YogaPilates 190 mat is rolled and lies vertically.

Starting position is straddling the YogaPilates 190 mat, arms in the side hold extended

with the right foot into left diagonal right hand on forehand,

back to starting position

with the left foot into the diagonal, left hand on forehead.

Reindeer pulling a sleigh Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 10


YogaPilates 190 mat is rolled and lies vertically. Starting position astride, arms loose,

weight always shifted softly from right to left, like walking on snowshoes.


Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


What should the trainer especially watch for the aerobics part? •

The movements must always be built up.

Always train the legs first, then the arms.

It is often advisable to exercise only one arm at a time, before the arm movement right and left is done in alternation with the steps. This makes the lesson more peaceful.

In order to feel the image of the movement, it must be repeated often and decorated with words. “Imagine that it is spring. The days are getting longer, the plants are starting to grow. It is getting warmer. You are filled with tremendous energy…… The movement is called: Awakening of spring!”

The participants must be watched for their body posture during the execution of the steps. Axis-correct loading of the legs is just as important as an upright posture. Bending stress on the spinal column must absolutely be avoided.

The intensity of the steps should be low to moderate. A too high stress conflicts with the relaxing character of the lesson.

The speed of the music is 110 bpm in 3/4 time.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


The third part of the lesson: Yoga. Yoga is a very old exercise system that has been practiced in India for millennia. The term Yoga is a Sanskrit word whose root yuj is derived from the Indo-European language family. It corresponds to the Latin term jugum, English yoke and German Joch. The Sanskrit root yuj means: hitching (draft animals, oxen) together (under the yoke). From the original meaning two levels of meaning of the term Yoga can be derived. First “join together” (the draft animals under one yoke), and second, “control” (like draft animals are controlled under the yoke). The transferred meanings of joining – with the Almighty – and controlling – of matter by mind – run through the two-thousand year history of Yoga. There are different types of yoga. Some are inimical to the body, others are bodyfriendly. Hatha yoga is a body-friendly form and is usually taught in the fitness sector. The spiritual aspect recedes to the background.

Breathing The quality of breathing essentially decides the sense of well being since it decisively influences the autonomic nervous system and thereby also every body function. The breathing quality is best if it is rhythmical, slow, fluid and fine. Most people have no idea of where they breathe in the body, what breathing spaces they use. The participants therefore learn in this part of the lesson how they breathe and where their breathing spaces are. They also learn to maintain their own breathing rhythm for some time. During the yoga exercises, the so-called Asanas, the breath flows with the mouth closed. The lungs, airways and accessory respiratory organs are involved in breathing. The accessory respiratory organs include the diaphragm, the movable ribs, the muscles lying between and on the ribs and the pleura (chest and lung membrane) which acts as a bellows. A well-functioning respiratory mechanism is important to supply the blood with enough oxygen and thereby contribute to the health of the organism. In yoga there are abdominal, thoracic and clavicular breathing. Complete yogi breathing combines all three.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Most people use the abdomen for breathing. During inhalation the diaphragm moves down, the abdomen bulges outwardly. The base of the lungs fills with air, the rhythmical lowering of the diaphragm massages the contents of the abdomen. This promotes the function of the organs and is relatively the best type of breathing. The intermediate breathing – thoracic breathing – expands the thorax with the ribs (as in the case of a bellows). The lungs are filled in their central region. A small quantity of air is breathed than in abdominal breathing. However, more force is applied. Combined with abdominal breathing the lung is well ventilated. In clavicular breathing the collarbone part is raised. The upper part of the lung receives fresh air. It is a little effective type of breathing that is unfortunately used by most women. Breathing during yoga exercises is light, fluid and silent. The mouth is closed, upper and lower jaws are separated, the tongue lies on the upper palate behind the incisors. The breathing is basically peaceful. The breathing may be deeper in the relaxation phase. Deep exhalation evacuates the lungs and allows them to accept a lot of fresh air. Deep and slow exhaling calms, long or short and rapid inhaling stimulates.

Two possibilities for the yoga part The yoga part may consist of a deep relaxation by practicing the three-part breathing or of a series of exercises from Hatha yoga.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Yoga exercise series:

Exercise 1

The sleeping dove

Abdominal position on YogaPilates 190 mat, right leg bent, knee drawn up to chest, forehead on floor, both arms stretched out full length on the floor.

Straighten upper body, arms to the side at shoulder height.

Same exercise left side.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 2

The camel

Kneeling on the YogaPilates 190 mat, both hands braced behind the head,

raise pelvis, lay head back into the neck.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 3

The rabbit

Kneeling on the YogaPilates 190 mat, both arms extended upward.

Lower the upper body, forehead touching the floor, forearms entwined, forehead resting on arms.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 4

The stretching cat

Four-footed stance.

Lift right arm and left leg simultaneously, looking into the right hand.

Four-footed stance.

Lift left arm and right leg smultaneously, looking into the left hand.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 5

The bear

Back position. Both legs bent, feet in the air, both arms bent.

Extend legs, press heels toward ceiling, extend both arms, hands remain loose.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 6

The dog

Four-footed stance.

Extend both legs, push seat in direction of ceiling, head between arms, press chest downward.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 7

The bird

Abdominal position. Either brace the hands at shoulder height or place the arms beside the body.

Raise head, upper body, arms and legs.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 8

The cobra

Abdominal position, brace hands at shoulder height.

Straighten thoracic spine, raise head.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 9

Threading the needle

Four-footed stance.

Raise the right arm, guided it under the left, put right shoulder down. Extend left arm toward ceiling and rotate the thoracic spine, gaze into the hand.

Same exercise with the left arm.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise 10

Leaning sidewise in the diamond seating position

Sit on heels kneeling. Clasp forearms and raise above head

Shift buttocks to left and lean upper body to the right.

Shift buttocks to right and lean upper body to the left.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Exercise instructions for 3-part breathing The participants lie on the floor. Legs extended outward, arms beside body with palms facing down. Eyes closed. Important: The prone position must be pleasant for the participants; otherwise relaxation is impossible. Legs outstretched on floor often cause discomfort in the lumbar spine. The trainer should therefore absolutely call attention to the fact that the feet may if necessary be set up. Participants having problems pushing their chin in the direction of the larynx may perhaps need a “head cushion” (towel, AIREX® balance pad, etc.) for relief. The trainer’s instructions are as follows: “Put both hands on the abdomen and go into the breathing with your perception. Observe your breathing. Are you breathing slow or fast? Is your mouth open or closed? Listen to your breathing and breathe evenly in and out. If you are now breathing equally deeply in and out, your abdomen fills with air and becomes flat again upon exhaling. Now begin inhaling and exhaling deeper.

Watch with your inner eye how your abdomen rises when you inhale and goes down again when you exhale.

One last time and then no longer so deeply, continue breathing peacefully.

Now push your hands a little higher and grasp your costal arches (rib curves). The fingertips are pointing to each other, grasp the sides of your body. Now when you inhale and exhale more deeply you are expanding your ribs when inhaling to the side and when exhaling they return to the initial position. Imaging your ribs are sails that inflate with wind when you inhale and go slack again when you exhale. Now begin inhaling and exhaling deeper.

Feel the sidewise movement of your ribs.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


With your inner eye watch how the costal arches draw wide apart and slide back again. One last time and then no longer so deeply, continue breathing peacefully.

Now push only one hand a little higher and place it on your sternum (breastbone). You can feel your clavicles with thumb and index finger. Place the other arm on the floor beside your body, palms facing upward. When you now inhale and exhale more deeply, the clavicles rise in the direction of the ceiling upon inhaling and drop back again when you exhale. Now begin inhaling and exhaling deeper.

Here also, with your inner eye, watch how your clavicles move up and down when you breathe.

One last time and then no longer so deeply, continue breathing peacefully.

All three breathing spaces are used in complete yoga breathing. Abdomen, ribs, collarbones. Now when you inhale and exhale deeper, during inhalation first the abdomen fills with air, the ribs expand laterally and the collarbones rise. When you exhale, the collarbones descend, the ribs return to their initial position and the abdomen becomes quite flat. Now begin to inhale and exhale deeper and use all breathing spaces.

With your inner eye watch how the breath flows through all three spaces. Breathe gently and silently.

Your breathing is easy, with no beginning or end. One last time and then no longer so deeply, continue breathing peacefully.

Now slowly move your feet. Hold still again. Move your hands.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Hold still again. Open your eyes and perceive exactly where you are.

Extend the arms successively back above the head. Stretch as if you were just awakened. If you want to yawn, yawn. Roll onto your right side. Get into the long sitting position from the side. From there to the four-footed stance. Move one foot forward. Put your hand on the same side on the thigh. Straighten your upper body. Set up the toes on the foot that is to the rear. Force yourself upward by the strength of the legs. Lift your arms once more and inhale, exhale and place the palms together. Inhale and while exhaling lower the arms to the praying position.

Š Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


What should the trainer be especially aware of the 3-part breathing? Be alert for the following during three-part breathing: •

Participants should assume a comfortable reclining position. Ideally in this case the legs are extended on the floor (optimal passive posture).

• In desired put the feet up to avoid back problems. •

If desired use a towel as a head cushion to avoid discomfort in the back of the neck.

The participants should keep their eyes closed during the exercise in order better to concentrate on their inner being. If this is impossible, the participants should open or close their eyes briefly.

It sometimes happens that the participants fall asleep during deep relaxation. There may be four reasons for this. The trainer should observe this but not assign importance to this. Often the falling asleep is a switching off. Listening to yourself has become too much. But often the participants are also only tired, because they have done a lot or have slept little.

Because falling asleep is promoted by the back position, the voice of the trainer is clear and distinct. Soft, yes, but not monotonous and stupefying. The loudness also varies.

Before the breathing is to be deepened, the trainer must explain exactly what the participants are now supposed to do, because they don’t see anything. “When you are now inhaling and exhaling equally deeply, your abdomen is filled with air when you inhale like a balloon and when you exhale, your abdomen goes flat again. Now begin inhaling and exhaling more deeply.

When the breathing exercise is over the participants must slowly be brought out of the deep relaxation.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


Take note of the following in the Hatha exercises: •

The YogaPilates 190 mat is positioned depending on the exercise positions chosen, either vertically or horizontally.

Every position is held only as long, and each exercise is performed only as intensively as the current training status of the participants permits. Yoga is supposed to honor the body.

The breathing should always be peaceful and evenly flowing. If the breath has to be caught, the exercise is too strenuous for the participants or if it conducted in an exaggerated manner.

The exercises must be adapted to the level of training of the participants.

The exercises must be balanced in every case. The combination of opposites is the basic principle here: Whatever we do to the right we also do to the left. If we bend backward, we also bend forward. Etc.

If the exercise series is so set up that it ends in the back position, the standing up must be done from the side position.

If the exercise part ends on the abdomen or the four-footed stance, it is recommended that a relaxed position be assumed before standing up. e.g., a rolled up sheet of paper.

The yoga part ends with inhaling an exhaling while standing. After the last exhalation, the participants stand in the mountain position and have their hands folded in the praying position.

© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins



Manuela Böhme Institut für Fitnesspädagogik ICAROS GmbH Tel. 040 37 86 96 13


Alcan Airex AG Industrie Nord CH-5643 Sins


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© Alcan Airex AG, CH-5643 Sins


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