“Science of Healing” is a monthly magazine from the REIKI ART OF HEALING ASSOCIATION. Science of Healing Magazine is dedicated to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual well being which exclusively focuses on Health, Fitness, Wellness, Beauty, Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, Color Therapy, Physical Therapy, Magnet Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Vastu Shastra, Music Therapy, Astrology, Aroma Therapy, Diet Therapy, Dance Movement Therapy and REIKI.
This magazine provides the latest information on “how to maintain Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous life in the day-to-day world.
The science of Healing Magazine is more than just a magazine with a focus on Health, Fitness, Wellness and Health Care.
Science of Healing Magazine is a mirror reflecting magazine for our lives and giving voice to the issues and concerns that influence our overall sense of well-being.