/ REASONS / i) Choosing Favela focusing between Beira Rio and Henrique Mindlin, because others are not on the stream.
ii) Selecting Henrique Mindlin since it has a larger possibility of being kept in the same location, as Beira Rio has 74% right on the stream yet Henrique Mindlin only has 30%.
/ CHARACTERISTICS of HENRIQUE MINDLIN / ( Statistic Interpretation ) 1) Environment Spreading of Two-side Connection: Neighborhood being separated and facing each other, which enhance to the idea and importance of building more connection within the neighborhood, and the connection between two sides of the stream. At least 50% of the houses are not on Risk Area.
2) Insufficient Infrastructure: 98.2% of houses are built with brickwork instead of concrete or higher quality materials. 64.7% of the electricity use is “Gato� and 52% is using Public collective water network.
3) Resident Conditions: 72% of the buildings release their dispose in the stream/drainage. The income of the residents are 33.6% of 1-2 units minimum salary and 25.8% of 2-3 units minimum salary.
• No proper drainage system: Therefore 72% of the families release their dispose to the stream. (Based on statistics.) http://www.habisp.inf.br/ed395333-5dd14295-9be43989f2ed6bfc/Henrique%20Mindlin
• Under the condition of Risk 3: http://www3.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/saffor_bu eiros/FormsPublic/serv6AreasRisco.aspx
/ MAJOR DECISION / Should we work keeping everybody there or do we work thinking that we’ll take out people from the risk area? Option 1 - Keep everybody: Need of more specific project drawings (to show more or less the structure that would keep the houses – sections). The way along the stream gets the characteristic of common private area as normally it will be the habitants of that new “street” that will pass there everyday. Option 2 - Take out houses from the risk area: We can give that part as the linear park as we studied, the via Parque. It will get this public side – we need to draw it also to so show how it’s not going to be reappropriated by favelas again. Also, we have arguments for the APP rather than against the risk. Seeing that we don’t have much time to work on both decisions we chose that one. (CHOSEN – Not removing APP zone, but remove ones on Risk 3 area.)
/ RESOLUTIONS / Step 1 – Mark entrances of smaller block units: Large entrance for fire and water emergency evacuations (also garbage collect). Small entrance for having access to the houses and connecting to large entrances. Step 2 – Create parameters and housing combination options for mini Social Housing*: Some houses can be removed next to block plazas, and rebuilt as mini Social Housing with several floors. (Ex. first floor could be commercial or public spaces, while from second to fifth floor work as residence. Parameters of the housing models should offer the possibility for the favela inhabitants to build their own ideal variations. )
*Benefits of mini Social Housing: Keep the removed families that were living in the risk area in the same neighborhood to reduce the problems of moving them to other places of the city. As they already know the neighborhood well, they can remind their own identity. Such housing models can be create a good trend for inhabitants in the neighborhood to follow. Step 3 – How to treat the linear park area where the stream is: Fix part for bikes and people (maybe even an ambulance). Being part of the new linear park is important to think that this is part of a system, so people need to be able to pass there whenever they want. We thought of a park where you are sometimes surrounded by trees (not the favela part) and some by houses. Bridges: being able to cross the stream and reach the other margin or even the street in the other side is a way of connecting the two sides. Giving the park to the city and bringing the city to the park. We discussed some ways to get people closer to the water (deck, floating deck, etc. we need to develop the detail – sections, sketches – after).
/ Alejandro Aravena / Quinta Monroy Housing / Inquique, Chile, 2004
/ Boldarini Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Urbanização do Complexo Cantinho do Céu / São Paulo, Brasil, 2008
/ Peabiru TCA / Parque do Cocaia / São Bernardo do Campo, Brasil, 2010
/ United Nations / SUSHI I Project (Brazil and Thailand) / São Paulo, Brasil, 2009
/ Nordarch / Rabalder Park / Roskilde, Denmark, 2012
/ Atelier Cite Architecture / Development Banks of the Meurthe / Raon-l'É tape, France, 2012
/ Latitud Taller de Arquitectura y Ciudad / Parque do Rio / MedellĂn, Colombia, 2014
Original Map/Topography
Safety Plan
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Removal: Keep those in APP zone, but remove the houses on risk 3 area to create sidewalk paths by the stream.
Relocation: Relocate families to alterated mini Social Housing, or to the large Social Housing Project in the selected area.
Alteration: Reshaping the alteration houses to allow more access to main entrances for safety concerns and create micro public spaces. Also by combining houses together, it enables the living space to reach the standard 36 squaremeters.
* Rearranged 23, * Relocate only 5 from 84 removed houses.
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/ Cheonggyecheon / Seoul, South Korea, 2005 The Korean leader said: Due to the large amount of people living in the urban city, there certainly will be a lot of wastes being produced, so we need a river/stream that has the function of releasing/cleansing the polution. The stream helps to cool down the temperature on the nearby areas by 3.6 °C on average versus other parts of Seoul.
/ Urban Disaster Prevention System in Taiwan/ UN+Japan Disaster Planners: http://duct.cpami.gov.tw/pubWeb2/pdf/1-6.pdf http://www.preventionweb.net/files/8362_160002e1.pdf / Keywords: Urban Disaster Prevention, Prevents Plan, Emergency Management Plan
/ Water-smart Landscape for soil and water preservation in Taiwan / 18,500 earthquakes per year, 1000 can be felt. equal to 37 bombs, 1,250mm (SP: 1,454mm)
/ Governmental Map of Social Housing in Taipei City
/ Farm Slum Reformation in China / Wang Shu / Zhejiang, China, 2012 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAwNDM2MDQyNA%3D%3D&mid=2651 415705&idx=1&sn=cee1f9f3adc644322ceac86861af79ac&scene=2&srcid=0427v1 AicEkFkOlXb6K2Gqxb&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect
/ Unrenovated Farm Houses in China
/ Shuhei Aoyama / Interior Reformation Projects in China / Beijing Hutong 6.8 square-meters, 8 people