Rejoice Essential Magazine August 2021

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06 “Happy In the Face of God and Beautiful” 08 “The Weeping Prophet” 10 Amos 12 You Can’t Do Nothing Without God 18 Prophetess Anna 19 Walking in Forgiveness Requires Faith 28 Ravin Cheek 42 Who Am I And How Do I Relate to The Prophets In The Bible

55 John the Baptist

61 Prophet Habakkuk

57 Jonah

49 Anna and Huldah

59 Micaiah: When Ministry Isolates

65 “My Past is My Push for My Purpose”

51 Ezekiel




Kimberly Moses

Tron Moses

LaRose Angela Richardson

Founder And Editor

Photographer, Marketer, Designer


Effingham, SC

Effingham, SC

Baxley, GA

Pastor Brian Machache Writer 569 Mkoba 2, Gweru, Zimbabwe

Keiyia Jackson-George Writer And Chief Editor Cane Garden Bay, Tortola Virgin Islands









Graceful, dedicated and surrendered describes my favorite prophet, Prophetess Anna.

Testament as a prophetess. As I read the account of her ministry in the temple, I became fond of her lifestyle.

Luke 2:36-38 records an older widow from the tribe of Asher who was dedicated to serving in the temple. Her name in Hebrew means “Favor or Grace.” She is my favorite because of how she surrendered her life to God after the loss of her husband. She is the first woman mentioned in the New

Prophetess Anna lived a life of fasting and prayer at the temple. The Bible says she never departed and that she served God night and day. She never left her post as a watchman! It was in the temple where she encountered the infant Jesus, the awaited Messiah! How awesome it must have

been to have lived a life in close fellowship with God, be given the promise of the Messiah, and see the Messiah face to face as an infant! Prophetess Anna was in a position to see the manifestation of this promise! As a woman of faith, I have stood in faith, believing God for many things. Some have yet to come to pass. However, I still believe. This is an aspect that I can most relate to with


Prophetess Anna - staying in faith and waiting on the promises of God to be made manifest! Prophetess Anna is an example of a woman of God who kept her ear to God’s mouth. God truly did speak to her about the Messiah! I love the spirit of this woman of God! She was steadfast and unmovable! Luke 2:37 says, Anna “did not depart from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day.” She was fully dedicated and surrendered her life to the things of God. She didn’t lose hope and feel empty because she was a widow, but she found her purpose in life fulfilled by serving in the temple, watching, praying, worshiping, fasting, and serving God. The biblical account states she served God with ‘fastings and prayers” (both plural). This tells me that the time in the temple was spent on many assignments in helping God’s people. I can only imagine the many souls she labored for in prayer, not to mention hearing from God and praying for His will to be done on the earth. The Bible says that some things only come out by fasting and prayer (Matthew 17:21). Another lovely characteristic about Prophetess Anna was thankfulness! Luke

2:38 records, “And coming in that instant, she gave thanks to the LORD.” In biblical times, women needed a husband for provision and protection. Women were seen as blessed and favored to have a husband and children and may have been looked down on when they didn’t. The biblical account of Anna doesn’t indicate she pitied herself or her circumstances. Though widowed at a young age, Anna still gave thanks to God! Prophetess Anna surrendered her mouth as a spokesperson for God. She proclaimed the good news and redemption before the apostles were even commissioned by Jesus Christ to do so. She had a word of hope for lost Israel. She spoke of what God told her and proclaimed it to all who would listen. The Bible says Prophetess Anna was in the temple when Joseph and Mary came to have baby Jesus circumcised. As baby Jesus was brought to the temple for purification, according to the laws of Moses in the Old Testament, Simeon and Anna prophesied that the Messiah had come! Anna witnessed Jesus as a baby and knew that He was the Christ sent by God as the Redeemer. The Bible says Anna spoke

this message of Him (Christ) to all those who looked for redemption. Though the account of Prophetess Anna is short, she comes from a long linage dating back to Jacob in Genesis 35:26. Her father, Phanuel, came from the tribe of Asher. Asher was the eighth child of Jacob and is listed as being one of the 12 tribes of Jacob. Phanuel means “the face or appearance of God,” and her tribal name means ‘happy.’ ( Anna is a Prophet of God who came from a happy tribe! They were looking for the face, appearance of God! Her tribe was also known to have the most beautiful women in the Mediterranian! How awesome is that? Her life is so rich with legacy and purpose! The meaning of her father’s name describes where Anna would spend most of her life. She was seeking the face of God and awaiting the appearance of God the Son, the Messiah! Moreover, Anna’s name means ‘favor or grace’ in Hebrew! Now, I’ll put all of this together to describe my favorite prophet! Happy in the face, appearance of God, and beautiful!





Jeremiah, who was first mentioned in 2 Chronicles 35:25, is known as the “weeping prophet.” He was born in Israel and was around the age of 17 when God called him into full-time ministry. He was also instructed to remain unmarried. He is referred to around 134 times in the Bible and is mentioned in five books of the Bible: 2

Chronicles, Ezra, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Matthew. I would consider Jeremiah my favorite prophet because he wept over his nation’s rebellious, self-destructive acts. He also spoke more on turning away from sin and repentance more than any other prophet in the Bible. He was mocked by a false prophet, threatened by a King, arrested, thrown into

prison, and even his own family plotted to kill him, but Jeremiah the prophet did not quit. Jeremiah 1:4-6 “the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. ‘Alas, Sovereign Lord,’ I


said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.’” The above scripture shows God calling Jeremiah, and Jeremiah using his young age as an excuse. However, God reassured Jeremiah that He will be with him and has put His word in his mouth (Jeremiah 1:7-10). Jeremiah’s assignment was to deliver harsh words to the people of Judah because of their wickedness. God assured him that they would fight against him, but they would not overcome him because He is with him, and He will rescue him (Jeremiah 1:19). During this time, Jeremiah called on the nation to repent and turn from their wicked ways, but they ignored him. His warning of judgment went unheeded, which caused Jeremiah to respond to Judah’s rebellion with tears of mourning. During this time, Jeremiah suffered greatly. Jeremiah’s family betrayed him and even set up plots to destroy him. God warned him not to trust them (Jeremiah 12:6). The people of Anathoth threatened to kill him if he prophesied in the name of the Lord (Jeremiah 11:21-22). Jeremiah stood in the temple and prophesied to the people that God was bringing disaster to the city and the surrounding cities because of their stubbornness and disobe-

dience (Jeremiah 19:15). Pashur, the chief Temple priest, heard these prophecies and had him beaten up and put in the stocks (Jeremiah 20:1-3). Jeremiah then prophesied that the temple would be destroyed and was almost killed by an angry mob (Jeremiah 26:69). Jeremiah was accused of lying by a false prophet named Hananiah (Jeremiah 28). He was threatened by an evil king by the name of Jehoiakim, who then burnt his original manuscript of all the oral messages that had been given for the past 23 years (Jeremiah 36:1-2, 2123). Jeremiah, depressed, frustrated, and hopeless, complained to the Lord (Jeremiah20:7-9). We see that Jeremiah suffered a lot. I’m sure there were many times he wanted to quit and throw the towel in, but he continued to do what God called him to do. Jeremiah 9:22 “This is what the LORD declares: ‘Dead bodies will lie like dung on the open field, like cut grain behind the reaper, with no one to gather them.’” I can relate to the word in Jeremiah 9:22 that he gave to the people. In 2020, during the pandemic, this was the same dream God revealed to me. At that time, I had never known it was spoken in the Bible. In this dream, I was on a

moving train. As I looked out of the windows, I saw thousands of bodies that made up the fields. They were interlocked with each other as if they were doing a backbend. I saw one individual squirming and trying to get up, but he could not. As the train was going down a hill, I looked down and saw thousands of bodies that were laid perfectly together that made up the tracks. Then the train stopped. Two of my family members and I got off and ended up on a bed-like object under a white sheet. There was a black figure trying to grab me every time I came from under the white sheet, so we huddled together to keep the white sheet over us. After reading this scripture and receiving revelation from God, I wept uncontrollably for days, and every time I thought of it.





Amos is one of the prophets I love and admire. Amos’ obedience to God was an honor. God didn’t have to make Amos go to the people to deliver the message. Amos left his home and business to do the will of God. Amos had the boldness to face those people who he knew nothing about. He was a simple herdsman who attended to his sheep on a daily basis. God called him to prophecy mainly in the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the entire house

of Jacob. (Amos 3:1,13) He prophesied during the time reign of Uzziah, King of Judah, and Jeroboam, King of Israel. Amos never attended the school of the prophets. He was chosen and called by God to go to the different tribes of people and deliver the message. The message was, “Repent and turn from your wicked and evil actions,” but they ignored Amos’ message from God even more.

These people were God’s chosen people. They thought that because God had chosen them, they could sin and do whatever they wanted to do, and God wouldn’t punish them. This is how it is in today’s world among some of God’s chosen people and non-believers. Some believe that God will forgive us, so they will party and have some good old times. When God has had enough of our folly of sins, the wrath of God will fall upon us drastically.


Judgment came upon Syria because of their hatred and their cruelty (Amos 1:3-5). Judgment fell on Philippa for selling the Israelites into slavery (Amos 1:6-8). He brought judgment on the Phoenicia for breaking their covenant with Israel (Amos 1:9-10). Judgment was bought against Edom for mercilessly pursuing and killing fellow Israelites (Amos1:11). The wrath of God fell upon the Ammon for violence against Israel (Amos 1:13). God’s judgments fell on Moab for injustice (Amos 2:1). God’s wrath was kindled against Judah for despising and rejecting the law of the Lord (Amos 2:4-5). Israel didn’t escape God’s wrath on them for immoral acts (Amos 2:6-16). God punished all of the tribes. This goes for us in today’s society. Whatever we sow, we will reap. Good or bad, God’s judgment is upon us. It is very critical in our lives to live holy before God. God will never change His laws to suit our wrongdoing. His law is written in truth, and we must obey his law. These tribes of people were hard-headed and

wicked before God, and He commanded them through Amos to change and repent. Amos interceded many times for the people before God, and God held back His judgment. They were warned numerous times. We are warned every day when we are awakened each morning with God’s grace and mercy to do what’s right before our Father, which art in heaven. There are no excuses and exceptions to God’s laws. As Amos continued interceding and God withheld His judgment. Amos had five visions that warned of God’s impending judgments. Locusts stripped the land clean, and Amos cried out (Amos 7:2). The Lord relented (Amos 7:3). Fire devoured the land, and He cried to the Lord again. God relented (Amos 7:4). A plumb-line was set amongst the people, and God pronounced judgment upon Israel (Amos 7:7-9). A basket of summer fruit (on its way to rotting). God indicated He would not pass by again and the people will perish (Amos 8). God standing at the temple, supervising the judgment upon the people. When the

judgment was completed, God promised that only the sinners would be ‘sifted’ out, and that the people would eventually be restored (Amos 9). After God’s judgments were pronounced, Amos’s assignment ended with God’s promises to restore and bless. Amos was just a simple herdsman to his farm of herds. He was called by God one day to travel to the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the whole house of Jacob to deliver a message to His people to repent and turn to the God they once served. Amos was rewarded for his obligation and obedience to God and his service.

The message was, “Repent and turn from your wicked and evil actions,” but they ignored Amos’ message from God even more.





Philippians 4:13 (NKJV), “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This verse is Paul talking about some troubles and trials that he was going through at the time. How many of us have quoted this scripture? This scripture is only for the believers and followers of God. You can only use the scripture if you

have Jesus as your Savior. Many people have quoted this scripture and believe what they have quoted. It takes belief in God, faith to do all things through Christ, especially when God gives you a task to do in ministry. The first thing that comes to our mind is that we can’t do what He asks us to do. But actually, you

can in God, but you can’t in your own ability. The world operates in the mindset that they got successful on their own. The children of God know that it wasn’t anything that we have done, but God made ways and opened doors for us. All Christians (Christ-like) should know and not even question who has helped


them get where they are now. Especially since the pandemic of the COVID 19, and even before then, God has kept many of us from destroying ourselves. Proverbs 3:5 (ESV) says, “Trust in the LORD with all of your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.” This means that we need only to trust in God to lead and guide us the way that we should go. When we lean to our own understanding, we end up making a mess of things instead of waiting on God. Many times, we try to move ahead of God in our lives. I have known many who have only preached their trial sermons and the next thing they want is to Pastor a church. Well, they are not ready or spiritually mature enough to handle that type of responsibility right now. God wants to groom them and mold them into that spot, but it will take time. God has to get the world out of them before He releases them to Pastor over someone else. God wants to heal the traumas and wounds of your past so you can lead from a healed place. There are so many wounded and bleeding leaders that weren’t ready to lead a flock. It is okay to get

into a church and be trained before you get into something you can’t handle. God wants to take you through a process to grow you up into His Son or Daughter before He releases you to these positions. There is no reason to have a ministry if it is not going to be effective. People are looking for demonstration. They are looking for the presence of God. They are looking to be healed, delivered, and set free. They are tired of the way they live and want something different from what they have been getting before the pandemic started. God wants to show His power, His love, to a lost and dying world. We need the Holy Spirit to function the way He did when He walked this earth. Luke 3:22 (NLT) says, And the Holy Spirit, in bodily form, descended on Him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, “You are my dearly beloved Son, and you bring me great joy.” Jesus had to have the presence of the Holy Spirit living on the inside of Him. He healed all that was sick and oppressed that was brought to Him. Therefore, we need the Holy Spirit. There is no way around it. We have no power in us

It takes belief in God, faith to be able to do all things through Christ, especially when God gives you a task to do in ministry. The first thing that comes to our mind is that we can’t do what He is asking us to do.

unless we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us. We don’t have time to be faking it till we make it either. I know that gifts and callings come without repentance, but if you are using them without the presence of the Holy Spirit, then you are using them illegally. We need the Holy Spirit to make a difference in this world that we live in. The leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit is the only way that can be effective in the world. I don’t care how many times we try to do things in our own strength; it will never work out without the presence of God in it. If it succeeds then, it will last for




God also loves it when we sing to Him you don’t need a beautiful voice to sing to God, because the only thing that God is listening for is the posture of our heart. He doesn’t pay attention to what the world pays attention to.

only a season. But with the help of God, we will be able to be successful season after season. Remember that God’s timing is the best timing for our lives and ministries. I would rather be in timing with God than going around the same mountain year after year and still not getting anything done. If you don’t have the Holy Spirit, you have to pray and ask Him to come into Your life and give Him total control of your life. And if you already have the Holy Spirit, then ask Him for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit to saturate Your life daily. God wants to help every one of us if we allow Him to do so. He will make your life so

much easier and better if you surrender to Him and let Him take full control of everything. Especially if you know that what you have been doing for yourself is not working for you. Give God a chance to make your life complete. People are looking for happiness in houses, cars, husbands, wives, and children, but true happiness and joy can only be found in God. People have looked all their life for happiness and have purchased all the finer things in life to still have that empty feeling in their hearts. Because material things will not complete you, the only person that can complete you is Jesus. Jesus is your joy, peace, healer, deliverer, a friend who sticks closer than any brother, protector, etc. Everything you can ever need is wrapped up in Jesus and the moment you realize it, the better off you are. Surrendering your life to Christ is the best answer I can give you because giving my life to Christ and totally surrendering to Him was the best move I have ever made. So, I know what worked for me, and I know that it will work for you as well. Jesus is the answer to whatever problem you could ever have. When we have a problem, we need to run

to Him first and get into His presence and cry out to Him and He will heal you in whatever you need healing in. Put some praise and worship music on and get into His presence. God also loves it when we sing to Him. You don’t need a beautiful voice to sing to God because the only thing that God is listening for is the posture of our hearts. He doesn’t pay attention to what the world pays attention to. Remember, the Word of God says in Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV), “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are my ways your ways.” This verse tells me that He doesn’t even think as we think. Our thinking is small compared to what He is thinking. He is thinking about our future when He sees us. He already knows what we can do when He tells us to do something. He also knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb. He already has our lives planned out. The only thing that we need to do is to cooperate with Him through the process. Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” This scripture actu-





ally speaks for itself, but to break it down means that there are plans that have already been made for all of us who surrender our lives to God. He wants to use us for His glory. He wants us to be His mouthpieces that will go and tell men and women about a life-giving God who loves and cares about them. And the life that they seek is only found in Him and not anyone else. God wants the best for each one of us, and He will give us His best too, but there must be an exchange on our part. We must cooperate with God to get to the destinies that He has already planned for us. We must cooperate and let Him get what He needs to get out of us so that we can be healed and delivered in every area of our lives. We can only walk in the grace that God has given each of us. Jesus said that we would be doing greater works than He did while He walked this earth, but the greater works are only found in a deeper relationship with Christ and a greater commitment to Him. If we put Him first, just like Matthew 6:33 (NLT) says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”He has to be first before or spouses, children,

families, mothers, fathers, He wants to be first in your life, and when you put Him first, He will add anything else that you need in your life. Hopefully and prayerfully, after reading this article, you will know that you need one if you don’t have an intimate relationship with God. Go ahead and do it now because tomorrow is not promised to any of us, but if we die in Christ, we will live again in heaven. For those that have backslid, it is time to renew your relationship with Christ today. Whatever has separated you from Christ, ask Him to forgive you and get back up again and move forward in Him. For those born again and Holy Spirit-filled, then continue to move forward in God. There are deeper depths and higher heights that we can go to in God. We have not touched the surface of who God really is. He is so much more than we could ever imagine. But to see and experience all that He is, we have to keep moving forward and not quit regardless of how much confusion is going on around us. Lord, we pray today that You will give everyone who reads this article the peace

they need in their lives in Jesus’s name. Lord, give them the wisdom and knowledge they need in this season of their lives in Jesus’s name. Lord, we ask that You send Your Holy Ghost fire to saturate their hearts and minds, so they will know without a shadow of doubt that You love them and are concerned about everything they are going through in their lives. Lord, help them consult You about everything that comes into their lives before they make a move. Lord, give them a fresh filling of Your Holy Ghost fire right now in Jesus’s name. Lord, we thank You for Your unconditional love and strength in Jesus’s name. Lord, help us not to do anything without Your presence in our lives so we can be effective in everything that you need us to do for You in Jesus’s name. Amen.






Anna is my favorite prophet in the Bible. We first read about Anna in Luke 2:36: “And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, she was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin.” The meaning of Anna’s name is gracious, one who gives. She was a member of the tribe Asher which means blessed. Anna was not like most women of her time; she chose a different path. Anna was definitely serious about her Father’s business. She never left the temple. She stayed there day and night,

worshiping God with fasting and prayer. She chose to remain single after the passing of her husband. She chose to serve the Lord. She didn’t give up. Even with dealing with the pain of losing her husband, being a widow, and having to rely on others financially, her faith was strong. She taught others how to be strong, and she proved to us that no matter how bad your circumstances may seem to you, God is always with you. Anna taught me that God could use you. If you’re married, single, male, female, rich, or poor, there is need of you in the kingdom. Anna showed me how

courageous she was by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone she came in contact with. She was a strong witness for Christ. She listened to God for direction. She knew from her past experiences that the Lord answered her prayers, and He provided for her. Wow, this means that God will answer your prayers and provide for you too. Psalm 17:5-6: “My steps have held to your paths; my feet have not slipped. I called on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.”



Forgiveness and faith walk hand in hand. Remember that faith is the currency for the kingdom of God. We can’t do anything without faith. Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith, it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that

he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” So having faith in God is the key to walking in forgiveness. The Disciples asked Jesus a very important question: “How many times should we forgive those who trespass against us?” Jesus answered, “Seventy

times seven,” which means it is a continuous thing that we must do as long as we live on this earth. Jesus said, “When you are offended…” Offense is going to happen and we will have to forgive at some point. The only way that




Forgiveness and faith walk hand in hand. Remember that faith is the currency for the kingdom of God. We can’t do anything without faith. So having faith in God is the key to walking in forgiveness.

we can avoid taking the bait of Satan is by responding positively towards what is being done to us instead of taking the offense the way the enemy wants us to. The enemy wants us to walk in offense instead of love. If we succumb to the enemy’s desires, the world will not believe that God sent Jesus to die and redeem man back to God. Regardless of how we feel about a matter, we cannot be ruled by our emotions because they are soulish and are not dependable. When we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us, leading and guiding us, then we are not alone, but we have the help of God to be able to get along with

those hard-to-love people. Forgiveness is the key to waking into all that God has for us. When we operate in unforgiveness and bitterness for long periods of time, it separates us from God. When we walk in offense, unforgiveness, and bitterness, we can’t hear God as clear as we need to be hearing Him. There is no way in this world that we should still be holding people hostage by something that happened to us years ago. God wants us to forgive them. Remember it has not always been them that has hurt people. If we have been living a long time, then we have hurt other people as well. When we repented of the matter to God, He forgave us, and He didn’t question us one time about it. We have to do the same for other people as well: forgive them, release them, and continue to move on in the Lord. Forgiveness is not for them. It is for you, so you won’t have anything blocking your walk with God. Some of the people that have hurt us don’t even know Christ. They don’t have anything in them to stop them from doing whatever they have done to you. Those that are supposed to be in Christ may have hurt you as well. It is because

they are hurting and bleeding all over other people. God wants these people healed as well, but they have to first admit they have a problem before they can receive help. Many times, if we keep going through this forgiveness issue, it is because we haven’t really healed in that area yet. God wants us totally healed in this area of our lives. When we feel ourselves feeling some type of way, and the spirit of frustration sets in, then it is time to get into the presence of God and start spending more time with Him. We cannot allow the cares of this world to steal the peace that God has given us. Start singing a worship song and release all the frustration to God. Let Him refill you daily. With the world that we are living in, we can’t afford to let a day go by without worshipping God and getting into His presence. Remember, it is the enemy’s job to steal, kill, and destroy you and to stop you from being who God has called you to be in life. Therefore, he is going to be throwing everything at you, including the kitchen sink, to get you to quit moving forward in God. That is why we must be aware that the enemy will use anybody that lets them, including you. We


have to be careful that he is not using us as to offend other people. We are to preach the Word in season and out of season. The Word cuts all by itself to bring correction to us. We can read the Word and inspect our own lives, and if we aren’t where we need to be in an area, God is there to help us through it. The only thing we have to do is admit we have the problem and ask God for help. He will help us overcome that giant in our lives. Far too often, the vicious cycle of offense and unforgiveness happens in the life of the believer over and over. Healing and deliverance must come in these areas. Healing and deliverance are continuous, and it doesn’t happen overnight for some, but they do come for the ones that want it. Healing and deliverance require faith to make it happen because you have to first believe that God can help you and heal you from walking in unforgiveness and bitterness. We all go through this at some point in our lives, but as we grow and mature in God, it should start hitting us differently. We shouldn’t keep responding like the world would react to it, but we should respond according to what the Word of God says about

it. God has given us many scriptures that we can pray, decree, and declare that will help us hide the Word in our hearts to not sin against God. Walking in unforgiveness and bitterness is a sin. Many people may not ever apologize to you, but we must forgive them regardless. Remember, if we are dealing with someone who is carnal or not saved at all, they don’t know to apologize. The devil may have hardened their hearts toward you, and they won’t care to apologize. We must be alright with it if they never apologize because, in their mind, they have not done anything wrong. Only when they have a light bulb moment and the Spirit of God convicts them about their behavior will you get an apology. No matter how hard it may seem, we must have already forgiven them. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but we are fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are fighting against demonic spirits that have taken possession of our loved one’s bodies, minds, and hearts. We are in a battle for souls, and as a friend, parent, or grandparent, we want to

We are to preach the Word in season and out of season. The Word cuts all by itself to bring correction to us. We can read the Word and inspect our own lives, and if we aren’t where we need to be in an area, God is there to help us through it. The only thing we have to do is admit we have the problem and ask God for help. He will help us overcome that giant in our lives.

see our children and loved ones saved and delivered from whatever is controlling them. Since we are spiritual beings, we must fight spiritual things in the spiritual realm and not in the natural realm. We have many tools to help us and help people that we are interceding for. We have prayer, which will go overseas or to other cities and states. It is vital to have an active prayer








life to cover our loved ones and ourselves in prayer. The enemy cannot do anything with the name of Jesus or the blood of Jesus. These are some of the weaponry that God has given us. God has also given us fasting and praying. We can pray in English or tongues. The enemy cannot interpret our tongues, and this is where we have the advantage over him. He doesn’t know what we are saying, but God does know exactly what we are saying. This is a powerful tool if you don’t know how to pray for certain things in your life, your family’s life, and other people you are interceding for lives. The Word of God in Romans 8:26 (NLT) says, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” This is still all about faith. Everything discussed thus far requires walking in faith. We have to believe that when we pray, God hears us and will work on our behalf concerning the prayers that we have prayed in English and in tongues too. God gives all believers a measure of faith, but our faith should be grow-

ing stronger. The Word of God states in Romans 1:17 (NIV): “For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed-a righteousness that is faith from first to last (Faith to faith), just as it is written: ‘The righteous live by faith.’” So actually, we need faith to forgive other people of their trespasses against us; as we forgive their trespasses against us. We have to learn to give other people the same grace that God has given us. Grace is more than unmerited favor. It’s the ability to do what we can’t do on our own. It takes faith to activate the grace of God on our lives and in our lives. As you can see, we can’t do anything on our own apart from God. It takes the love of God to teach us how to love people right so we can have healthy relationships. That is a part of living a prosperous life in God. The next time someone says something out of line to you, go ahead and forgive them and keep moving forward in God. God is testing us daily. He allowed Satan to test Job to see if he would curse God in His face after Satan stripped him of everything that he owned and his health. The only thing Job cursed was the day that he was born. Job passed the tests. In the

No matter how hard it may seem, we must have already forgiven them. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but we are fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are fighting against demonic spirits that have taken possession of our loved one’s bodies, minds, and hearts.

midst of all the confusion that he was going through, Job forgave his friends that misrepresented God by accusing Job of doing something to cause the trial that he was going through. Job prayed for his friends and forgave them, and God gave him double for the trouble and hardships that he went through. God will give us double too, but we have to forgive just like Job did and pray for the ones that are mistreating us and accusing us of wrongdoing when there is none


done on our part. God will bless us more when we can walk in the faith of forgiveness to our fellow man or woman who has hurt and wronged us. To walk in the blessings that Job, many other people in the Bible, and people we see today that God has blessed abundantly, we have to learn to forgive and forget it for a season. We need only to remember it for a testimony that we will tell in the future about how God has delivered us in that area to help someone else walk in the faith of forgiveness. Allow God to heal you in any area that He wants to heal and deliver you in because it will make your relationship with people so much better, especially if you are working in ministry. We have to walk in faith in everything that we do for Christ. There is no way we can make it in any ministry without faith and forgiveness. People will be people and do things to upset or erk you, but you still have to remain in a peaceable frame of mind. People join and leave churches all the time. Some have gotten offended by what you have been preaching, but if it is the Word of God, then it is sent to bring correction. If you have done it in decency and in

order of God, then you have done nothing wrong. Many people leave places that they are required to grow in. God has given some of them the okay to leave if they have talked it over with their leaders, and God has released them to do so. A leader that is led by the Holy Spirit has already been told to release them. All of this requires the same kind of faith for forgiveness because we can’t be bitter leaders and mad at people for leaving our churches. Everybody is not meant to be our member. Many of them are just passing through as the church moves closer to God. God also sends people to your ministry to stay and work with your vision for the ministry. God will show you long-term members over seasonal members. You build with the long-term members and pray that God will send you more that are ready to run with the vision that God has given you. God is willing to help each of us, and all we have to do is ask Him for His help with everything we need in this life. But all of it boils down to and is tied to walking in the faith of forgiveness. If you take this walk, you will walk in the blessings of God on your life, ministry, family, marriage, business, etc.

To walk in the blessings that Job, many other people in the Bible, and people we see today that God has blessed abundantly, we have to learn to forgive and forget it for a season. We need only to remember it for a testimony that we will tell in the future about how God has delivered us in that area to help someone else walk in the faith of forgiveness.








RAVIN CHEEK INTERVIEWED BY KIMBERLY MOSES Interviewer: Amen! Thank you for allowing me to interview you today. I just want to start by asking you a little bit about yourself and your ministry. Ravin Cheek: Okay, Yes! So, I am Ravin Cheeks and I do a podcast slash vlog called Rejoicing with Ravin T.V. Interviewer: Amen! I think that your blog is so cute, and I got that theme song in my head. We are the Cheeks! We are the Cheeks! (laughs) What inspired you guys to start vlogging? Ravin Cheek: I was watching another cute little couple and they were like recording their story. I said that we should record ours too. We mostly do it when we are going out of town. We get the kids growing up and stuff like that, so we will have those memories as well. We want people to see our little family (laughs) and just our story of how we came to be. My husband was a little shy initially on the vlog, but he is opening up a little bit. (laughs).

Interviewer: Okay. Okay. I think that is so cute and you have two beautiful kids and a wonderful husband. How do you balance everything? Ravin Cheek: Oh, My goodness! (laughs) Yes! That is a good question (haha). Uhm, well, you know one thing about it: we support each other, and he is very aware of what I do and things like that. So, if I am going on a live show and if I have an interview with rejoicing with Ravin T.V., he makes sure he keeps the kids quiet or gives them a movie or gives them some popcorn to keep them busy. You know it is all about helping each other (laughs). You know, sometimes I tell him I want to spend time with God, so I will go into a room and just get quiet before God and worship Him. My husband will allow that, and he will tell the kids don’t bother Mommy. She is worshiping right now and stuff like that (laughs). Yes, so it is good that balance. Interviewer: That is awesome, I love that and you

are into fashion, and you give give-a-ways. Tell us about that? Ravin Cheek: Oh, Yeah! I do beauty. So what Rejoicing with Raven T.V. is about is that I want to give the family, the faith, and the finances. It is like a one-stop-shop (laughs). God has opened up doors for me so I can get a little bit of knowledge about finances. I have made a lot of mistakes in that area. I want to teach people the godly way. I am taking a class right now, and once I get that under my belt, that will be more finances and talking about finances on Rejoicing With Ravin T.V. because I want to share the news. We are supposed to be good stewards of our finances. God has given us Biblical principles that we can utilize in our businesses as well as our personal faith. I am excited about what is coming up. Definitely stay tuned for that. Interviewer: I love that, and I like how you are offering beauty. I have a beauty store too and I know the


whole beauty aspect. Ravin Cheek: Yeah, about the beauty. I wasn’t trying to go that way (laughs), but I ended up there, and I thank God for it because I’ve run into women who are just impactful and it’s just another way to bond. God is utilizing that beauty market as a tool because some women don’t feel confident enough. I actually met some women as I was taking my dogs to the groomer and I

gave them my booklet with all the facials and things like that, and they just called me and poured out their little hearts. You know that God is utilizing the beauty genre. People might say, ‘girl that is too cliche.’ Being a wife and after having kids, I started letting myself go. I don’t want to speak of depression, but things became overwhelming when I started having my kids, especially after the first girl. I started not dressing up as

much. You know how you did when you got the man? Interviewer: Talk about it! Ravin Cheek: He said honey, “Can you put on a little makeup or a little lipstick sometimes?” He reminded me that those things are important. So, thank God for utilizing the makeup tool (laughs). Interviewer: Yes!




We support each other, and he is very aware of what I do and things like that. So, if I am going on a live show and if I have an interview with rejoicing with Ravin T.V., he makes sure he keeps the kids quiet or gives them a movie or gives them some popcorn to keep them busy. You know it is all about helping each other (laughs).

Ravin Cheek: He definitely got me back into it, and you know I put it on, and now I feel a little confident. I joined this genre because I feel like if I am going this way, why not? You know that if you are going to buy makeup, they go for it! (laughs). You know, make it a business, so I am wearing it and making it a business. I can confidently speak to people, and I feel like I look

good. I feel like I look pretty good. Interviewer: That is right. Amen! Ravin Cheek: I am more confident than I was once because I can speak to people and love it. I just love uplifting women and talking with other women, and I thank God for what He is doing this season with me. It is blowing me away. I was telling another lady, and I am getting more feedback. More people are coming to Rejoicing with Ravin T.V. and asking, Can I get an interview? I am just excited because God is opening doors. He allows me to have a platform, give Him glory, and hear other people’s testimonies. Sometimes people may not go and tell their testimonies, but they feel like I am okay with Ravin or maybe they are okay with Kim. Somebody may not just go to everybody, but they may just be comfortable with you or me. They say, “Hey!” I want to tell my story because you are doing it and feel comfortable with you, so I thank God for that. I had a lady reach out to me and tell me that she wants to tell her testimony. I am just happy that she reached out to me. You know she could have chosen anybody else. She chose Rejoicing with Ravin.

Interviewer: I want to say two things about that because I want to piggyback off what you said. Alright. So! It is good that you have empowered women to be beautiful because I hear a lot of backlash. A lot of people feel like if you wear lipstick, you are a Jezebel. You know that they don’t want Christian women to be beautiful, and you don’t have to be ugly worshipping God. I like that about you. Ravin Cheek: Oh Yeah! Interviewer: Also, how can we connect with your beauty business so we can support you? Third, how can we get an interview with Ravin for those that want to find out what you have going on? That is like three questions in one. Ravin Cheek: Yes, I have my own personal Facebook, Ravin Cheek on Facebook and I have my own personal Youtube channel, Ravin Cheek. You can type in www.rejoicingwithravintv. com and those are the ways that you can find me on all the social media platforms with Ravin Cheek. That is how they can reach me and definitely, we will try to do a live interview. People are starting to open up to interviewing and feeling comfortable, so many of


Trust The BIG

G O D!




my interviews are not every Friday. But you know, we try to put it on the platform and let everybody know to tune in this Friday or once a month. We try to give you some content. We definitely want everyone to keep in tune with what is going on and get that education about finances. We definitely want testimonies and we want to hear your story on Rejoicing With Ravin T.V. That is what it is about. We want to uplift God and give Him the glory! Interviewer: Amen. I love that! I am so happy that God is calling women to go

More people are coming to Rejoicing with Ravin T.V. and asking, Can I get an interview? I am just excited because God is opening doors. He allows me to have a platform, give Him glory, and hear other people’s testimonies.

into the beauty industry because it is so perverted. I get tired of seeing men wearing shapers and tired of seeing men with the wigs on. Oh my God!! Talk about kingdom influences. Ravin Cheek: Yes! We got to reclaim God’s glory. There is another lady that calls her beauty business, “Beauty For Ashes.” I love it and I can’t wait to interview Mrs. Needa. You can tell that the glory of God rests upon her life. She wears her little lipstick and she wears her pearls. It is nothing at all godless or Jezebelic about her. She is a Woman of God and has a husband. As a wife, you have to present yourself a certain way. You know how you did all that to get him? You have to continue to do it to keep him. Interviewer: You have to give him some eye candy? Right? Ravin Cheek: Yes! I am a representation, and I not only represent God, but I am also representing my husband, and God wants to present us as His beauty for ashes. I am also doing an upcoming Podcast called “The Exchange.” God will give us beauty for ashes, and it is going to come from the inside out. People are going to see that you have the glow of God on you. Yes,

you will, so I just wanted to let the people know that there is nothing wrong with that. Interviewer: Amen. Yes, I like that! That is a good point because when people get married, they just let themselves go, especially after having kids. I am going to listen to my husband and put on lipstick and some makeup. A lot of women need not to let themselves go and just feel beautiful again. I just love what you are doing! Ravin Cheek: Yes, it is definitely a time and a place, you know what I mean, if you are seeking God and you want to wear your face clean. I let my husband know that I am going on a fast. I will inform him because we are married. When I used to be alone, I could do that stuff and hang out with sweatpants in my college days while waiting on a mate. I am connected to a visionary by God. Things are just not about me anymore. So, I will tell him, “honey, I am going on a fast, and this is kinda like what I want to do.” I may not put on all the makeup. You know that kind of stuff. I may just want to pray and be laid back. That is fine because there is a time for everything. We just got to know what time and what place we are in and





I am a representation, and I not only represent God, but I am also representing my husband, and God wants to present us as His beauty for ashes. I am also doing an upcoming Podcast called “The Exchange.” God will give us beauty for ashes, and it is going to come from the inside out.

be able to seize it, seize the moment. Hmm Hmm. Interviewer: Amen. You talked about financial classes, and I know you teach something like wealth building. So can you tell us a little bit about your financial aspects or just any tips you can give us? Ravin Cheek: Like I was saying, I am studying to get informed about insurance because my father just passed recently and he did not have a will. He didn’t have anything like that as far as

his children; nothing was in place. I definitely want to tell our community to get your house in order. (laugh) You never know what day or time it is. We don’t know when God will take us, so I just can’t stress it enough. Let’s get ourselves prepared and get your will, your insurance and all of that for your children because the Bible does say a wise man lays up and stores for his children’s children. You will then know that your grandbabies will be okay when that stuff is in place. We now have to fight for my father’s estate. Yes, so my experience is I definitely want to be a vocal tool and tell people that you don’t have to go through it. So, get your finances, your will, and your insurance and things like that in order. So, I am definitely going to be talking more about that. I also want to talk about how you can use Biblical principles in building your business. That is definitely going to be another thing that we will talk about with Rejoicing With Ravin T.V. So, stay tuned for the tips and take notes. Interviewer: That is really good to hear because, like in this season, many people are dying and you just never know. That is a great reminder to get your house in order. Absolutely! Absolutely!

Ravin Cheek: So, I initially did not want to talk about it. I have been there, trust me. When they come knocking on my door and walk to talk about life insurance, I run from them. I was like, “No!” I don’t want to talk about that! Interviewer: Me too!! Girl!! Ravin Cheek: It was scary, but you actually can get good life insurance that is set up for living benefits. That is what I did not know. Living benefits are what you can have now while you are living and you can utilize some things. I know that some insurance policies would allow you to pay a premium to cover you if you lost your job and can’t pay your house mortgage. They will help you with that. So, there are different ones out there that are really, really good. Yeah! Hmm Hmm, really, really, good! (Laughs) Go ahead and get your stuff in place. We are not saying bad things will happen, but we just want people to just be ready. You know, My grandma used to say, “prepare for war in a time of peace.” (laughs) Yes! Yes! Interviewer: Amen! Amen! Ravin Cheek: So, we got to prepare for war in the time of peace, Yup!





Interviewer: One thing that I like about you is the joy of God coming from you. I admire your strength. You are really strong after your father passed and everything like that. You still have God’s joy. Do you have any words of encouragement for those that are grieving or for those that are just going through in life? Ravin Cheek: Yes. I remember being thankful to God and feeling fortunate that He allowed me to experience life with my father even at a young age. Even more so during his sickness. He lived in Charlotte, North Carolina. We were able to attend Billy Graham’s Crusade. We are not far from the Billy Graham Parkway. My father was there in a wheelchair, but he wanted to get out so bad. He had oxygen and everything connected to him. I was able to push him through the Billy Graham Library. Billy Graham preached about salvation, and my father was so elated (laughs) and just so happy to be there. Billy Graham prayed the salvation prayer. My dad threw his hands up like he was at a football game. I just saw so much joy in my father, and I knew that my father was ready after we left that place. You know, ready!! Ready to be with

the Lord, so that kinda gave me blessed assurance that I don’t have to worry about my father. So, another thing that has gotten me through is that Jesus has let me know it. He said, Ravin, I will go and prepare a place for him, and after he told me that I was okay. I was like, okay, you got him, you got him, and I thank God for that. I just thank God that he has my father and He has your loved ones if they are saved. He got them and He knows their ending before their beginning. He also told me that there are other people here, living that need you now. So, you have to focus on the people here that are left. I had to grieve a little bit, though. Remember, He said, like your mom’s living and my grandmother, she is 91 or 92 years old! (laughs). Interviewer: Wow! Wow! Ravin Cheek: She is in her right mind, and she lives by herself. God takes care of her, Yes. I go see her. He gives me chances to go see her. I’m just thanking God because He is like focus on her. She is living. Focus on your mom too. Pray for your mom. I thank God that He gives me other people to focus on and pray for. They are living and I’m spending time with them. Spend time

I am studying to get informed about insurance because my father just passed recently and he did not have a will. He didn’t have anything like that as far as his children; nothing was in place. I definitely want to tell our community to get your house in order.

with your living ones right now and deposit whatever you can. If you have time to go see your grandma and take a picture. I record her now. She says, “I don’t want all of that video,” but I am recording because I want the memory. Interviewer: Amen! Amen! I like that. I know that before COVID 19, you did a lot of events. So, tell us about the events and will you do them again and start them back up? Ravin Cheek: I am taking a little break right now. I just want to connect with my


Rejoicing with Ravin ministry. I am so excited about my ministry unfolding and I thank God for you too. I don’t think I would have stepped out even though I knew everybody prophesied to me since I was born. I knew that I had a calling and that me and my husband had to speak and preach. God does precept upon precept, here a little, there a little until He reveals to His people. So, it doesn’t happen overnight, but this is like my step of faith to step out, so Rejoicing with Raven T.V. is like my step-out moment. I am just thanking God that I am kind of in the genre where it has been spoken over my life. I am doing it, so that’s powerful to me. When God calls you to do something, you actually are walking in it. You’re like, “Yeah! I am doing it.” (laughs) It is like a baby in kindergarten when they first go to kindergarten. They’re like Yeah! I am in school! (laughs)

so encouraging!

Interviewer: Right! Right!

Ravin Cheeks: Well, define supernatural? Now, I have heard other people telling me about their supernatural experience on Rejoicing with Ravin T.V. and I find their experiences awesome. The other night I had a dream. I am a dreamer, so everything in my dream seems so real. The last dream that I had, the Holy

Ravin Cheek: I am doing it and I thank God for that because He is helping me and giving me the strength every time to conquer fear and just get out there and talk to the people because He said so.(laughs) Interviewer: Wow! That is

Ravin Cheek: Yes! Interviewer: Have you had people reach out to you? Ravin Cheek: Yes. People are still reaching out to me about those events. God was on me then because I was like traveling with it and I was in Greensboro, North Carolina. I then came down here, but I was everywhere, traveling with the events. Interviewer: Wow! Wow! Ravin Cheek: I feel like that it hasn’t stopped because of COVID 19. When everybody gets over COVID 19, we’ll move forward and see what God wants to do, later on, you know. It is not like I have completely stopped. No! We have just paused the event. Right! Interviewer: Have you had any Supernatural encounters you can share with us?

Spirit came in, and I asked Him to manifest Himself to me. He came in and blew at me a mighty rushing wind. (laughs) I mean it was powerful. It felt as if I could actually feel it. I said to myself, ‘is this for real?’ Sometimes you can not tell if you are up or asleep. A mighty rushing wind blew at me, and I could see the silhouette, but I couldn’t see a face. It was the Holy Spirit. He was blowing such a powerful wind, and it almost blew me away, but I grabbed onto my husband and the Holy Spirit blew at both of us! (laughs) Interviewer: Your husband felt it too?

I remember being thankful to God and feeling fortunate that He allowed me to experience life with my father even at a young age. Even more so during his sickness. He lived in Charlotte, North Carolina. We were able to attend Billy Graham’s Crusade.




Ravin Cheek: Yes, He was blowing at both of us, and we were just holding onto each other, just taking in the wind, and we knew it was God, so we didn’t get scared because it was not a scary wind. (laughs). We knew we were just taking it and then when He disappeared. He left a whole treasure full of gold dust like piles of it. Interviewer: Wow! Wow! Ravin Cheek: I was just picking it up in my hands because it was something that was falling like sand. It was just gold dust everywhere. Then I woke up and I was like, Wow! (laughs) What just happened? So, those are my encounters. He usually comes to me in my dreams, and it is just so real and vivid. I can feel the wind, and it is so vivid. The Holy Spirit has come to me before, and He will take His hand and wave it over my face like He was hovering over me. When He comes to me in my dreams, He wakes me up immediately. Those are my encounters. Interviewer: Do you try to interpret dreams sometimes? Ravin Cheek: Usually, when He gives me a powerful dream, he wakes me up immediately. That is how I

knew who my husband was. My dreams are so vivid. He would give me little dreams when He wants to reveal something to me. He will wake me up and say, “Go back to your dreams.” He will then take me back to a particular dream and talk about it! (laughs) That is how He showed me who my husband was. I was dreaming back in the day, when I was sinning, about the boyfriend I had in college. He even showed me that he was out there cheating. I could tell him exactly, “Oh, you were with her, and you were with her,” and they were tripping out. I was tripping out, too because I didn’t know that the Holy Spirit talked to me even when I wasn’t even thinking about the Holy Spirit! (laughs) Interviewer: Powerful! Ravin Cheek: He is definitely vivid in my dreams. I can interpret them for other people too. They tell them, and I might have to go pray about it because some folks want you to give it to them right then and there. I am like, “No.” Sometimes, I could be walking and hanging out and forget about their dream, and it will come to me, and He will tell me what to say. Interviewer: That is Bibli-

cal to pray about it because Daniel prayed about the dream, you know. So, that is absolutely Biblical. Ravin Cheek: Yes, I just can’t give it to you on the spot. I don’t even think about it. The Holy Ghost will come back to me and say, this is what I want you to say. For instance, if He wants me to do a Podcast as I told you earlier, He will wake me up in the middle of the night (laughs), and He will say Ravin, “I want you to write the title down first.” He will say the title is “The Exchange.” He then gave me

I am so excited about my ministry unfolding and I thank God for you too. I don’t think I would have stepped out even though I knew everybody prophesied to me since I was born. I knew that I had a calling and that me and my husband had to speak and preach.





another title. He makes me write down a lot of stuff. That is why I have to keep pens and paper, so if you are a dreamer and you are prophetic, you have to keep your old-fashioned pen and paper. I do the old-fashioned pen and paper. I don’t use the phone (laughs). I just let it sit there because when the Holy Spirit starts talking, I just pick up the pen and just go to write. He told me that I am His news reporter. (laughs) Interviewer: Okay. I love that! Ravin Cheek: He gives it to me so differently than everybody else. He gives it to me differently, I guess because I am different and I hear things differently. Yeah! He said, “You are my news reporter, so you say what I say. (laughs) I love it! I love it! I love how God is and how He is just so real. He is so real and I love how He talks to me. He just comes at me so real you know, and I can talk about Him for days. Interviewer: Amen! That is so powerful! Amen! I want to ask you to talk about your podcast called Trust A Big God? Ravin Cheek: I am actually going to call it Ravin the News Reporter Podcast. For

now, it is under Rejoicing with Ravin Podcast, and He gave me, “Trust A Big God” because we always put God in a small box. We really do what the world does. We have listened so much to the world that we are so used to the drama and the clutter of this world that we forgot that God is big. He is huge. He is beyond all of this and He has us. He got you, so we have to remind ourselves to trust the big God. So, listen to that podcast. Interviewer: I trust you, Lord. Yes! Absolutely! Amen. Do you have any upcoming events like any projects that you want the readers to know about? Ravin Cheek: Just the Podcast that is coming. My new podcast that is coming up is “The Exchange.” I will be bringing more financial conversations to my Live, so tune in for that. It is educational because some seasons, we have to sit down and take notes, and I feel that He is allowing me to do that. I get the message to the people because I am the News Reporter. God said you are the News Reporter, so right now, that’s the genre that He has me in, and I love it. Interviewer: Awesome! So do you have any last words

Usually, when He gives me a powerful dream, he wakes me up immediately. That is how I knew who my husband was. My dreams are so vivid. He would give me little dreams when He wants to reveal something to me.

of encouragement for our readers? Ravin Cheek: Just remember to give God your worship. I know sometimes that life keeps us busy and full of busyness and many distractions and everything that goes on, but everybody has to take that time for quiet time. Even if you have to go away by yourself. He will wake you up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. Utilize that time and don’t call that insomnia. That is God waking you up. He is saying that it is time to pray (laughs), Give Him the glory, Give Him that first fruit and worship Him. I think that this is the time we need it most. It was prophetic that we ran out


of gas at certain places in the USA. I said that it was prophetic to listen. We are losing our gas. He is our gas. We have to go and get some gas. We can’t just walk around here on “E.” So, that is what He gave me. Interviewer: Amen. I like that. God is our gas (laughs). Okay, go get it! Yes God! Ravin Cheek: And if you don’t cry out, the rocks will! Interviewer: Yes, Amen! I love that because I was just up last night worshipping and I said that I need to get back to that place of worshipping Him. Ravin Cheek: Me too though. (laughs) He uses my own mouth to talk to me!

(laughs) Interviewer: That is right! (laugh) Ravin Cheek: I have to say things out loud sometimes to myself. God then says, can you hear me? (laughs) Interviewer: I preach and prophesy to myself too. Amen! Ravin Cheek: Right, encourage yourself in the Lord. Yes! Interviewer: Absolutely! Ravin Cheek: I thank you for choosing me to come on and just talk to the people about what Rejoicing with Ravin T.V. is about. Interviewer: Amen! Thank

you so much for your yes to the interview today. It was awesome!

He makes me write down a lot of stuff. That is why I have to keep pens and paper, so if you are a dreamer and you are prophetic, you have to keep your old-fashioned pen and paper.





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As I reflect over my life, I can recall God dealing with me in the number of three’s. So, I’m going to break down three people in the Bible that I can relate to. Those three people are Leah, Deborah, and Esther. Then I will speak about my past, my present, and my future. The story of Leah can be found in the book of Genesis 29:1-35. If I can paraphrase for a moment, we have Jacob on this journey traveling to the East. He comes across this young lady named Rachel, who turns out to be Laban’s daughter. Laban is his mother’s brother. “Hello Jacob,” said Rachel as she introduced him to Laban. He was so excited about meeting his sister’s son. He embraced him with a kiss and said, “Surely you are bone of my flesh.” They both got to talking, trying to catch up on old times. Laban offered Jacob a job, but Jacob had something else in mind (Genesis 29:9-15 KJV). Here’s what caught my attention. I noticed some favoritism when he describes his two daughters (Genesis 29:16- 18 KJV). Leah is looked upon as tender-eyed, but Rachel was beautiful and well-favored (Genesis 29:17 KJV). Leah deals with the psychological pain of being a Misfit, Misused, Abused, Hurt, Shame,

Rejected, Unloved, Broken, and Betrayed. Nevertheless, she carries the qualities of a faithful wife. She has a prayer life. She understands her genealogy. She is a woman who loved her family. I also learned that for Rachel to have a child, she had to go to her sister for help (Genesis 30:1,14-16 KJV). These verses introduce us to the additional children born by Leah. Her eldest son Reuben discovered wild mandrakes in the wheat fields that became a bartering advantage for Leah in her battle for her husband’s love. Surprisingly, she also used trickery. When they were relocating, Rachel stole her father’s statue. This caused him to hunt Jacob down. “And Laban went to shear his sheep: and Rachel had stolen the images that were her father’s.” (Genesis 31:19 KJV) Isn’t it a shame when the very people you love and call family are the ones who treat you like nothing? Having a father like Laban, using trickery just to get you married off because he doesn’t think you’re beautiful enough or good enough to find love on your own. Trickery is the act of deceit. He gives Leah away in marriage, not knowing or caring about what she even thought.

(Genesis 29:20-26 KJV). She’s inside the room with Jacob, who doesn’t have a clue that … That is not the woman he worked seven years for. As the sun rises, he pulls back the cover with a big smile on his face when she turns over in the bed…. It’s Leah instead of Rachel. Come on! How many of us have been in somebody’s bed or somewhere we know we had no place being. Our back was up against the wall, and we couldn’t say or do anything. Although we know that Laban was Rebecca’s father and Jacob’s uncle, we know little else about him. Was he married? Was he a widower? The text is silent. Furthermore, although Scripture does not say much about their mother. I can imagine Jacob feeling betrayed and all sorts of thoughts running throughout his mind, “should I kill him or stand my ground?” I’m pretty sure it was eating him up on the inside. He was tricked. He did it to his brother Esau when he stole his birthright. Could this be Karma? Poor little Leah, broken, and her own father Laban broke her spirit and made her feel insecure. How can the people who love so much be so cruel and break your spirit? Leah speaks so much to my




past. There are secrets I do not want anybody to really know how I felt about myself, my life, and how people treated me. I had to release that when I asked God to set me free. That meant letting go of all things. Low self-esteem, bitterness, wishing I could look like Farrah Fawcett or Halle Berry, or have what the Jones’s have. I had to let go and let God cleanse me from the inside out and the outside in. To look that giant in the face, I first had to learn how to stand against the wiles of the devil. I had to face all my fears like overcoming sleeping in the dark, overcoming church hurt, overcoming what people are saying about me, better yet, I had to overcome ME. If we really think about it, we can be our own worst critics. If we think about it, there’s a scripture that says, “3. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; 4. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price (I Peter 3:3-4 KJV).” The book of I Samuel 16:7 says, “But the LORD said

unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart (KJV).” I had to learn to be an overcomer and face what was done and said about me. I was told that you are just like your father. You aren’t anything and never going to be anything. I recall watching this talk show one day with Oprah Winfrey. Bishop T.D. Jakes was on there and he said that we look for people to love us a certain way. We look towards our mothers and fathers to take care of us in a certain capacity, but they can only give you the love on the level they have. Bishop T.D. Jakes goes on to make it clearer when he says, “There are people like me and you in this room that are voluminous. We are 10 gallon people and when you are looking for love, you want it on a 10-gallon level. But they can only give you a pint capacity because that’s all they have. It might be from sincerity. But when you have a 10-gallon level capacity a pint just won’t do for you. Nevertheless, you must learn to forgive them and move on because you cannot allow your past to

hinder your future.” My past is what helped shape me, mold me, and taught me to stay on my knees and pray until God answers my prayers. The story lets us know every time Leah called on the name of Jesus, He Answered. Phase two prepares me for leadership and for combat. The book of Judges 4:49 says, “4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. 5 And she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beth-el in-mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment. 6 And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun? 7 And I will draw unto thee to the river Kishon Sierra, the captain of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his multitude; and I will deliver him into thine hand. 8 And Barak said unto her, if thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go. 9 And she said, I will surely


Airs every Tuesday at 5 am EST everywhere you listen to podcasts Prophetic voice, publisher, prolific author, entrepreneur, and intercessor Kimberly Moses shares insight on how to pray effectively when engaging in spiritual warfare. She shares supernatural encounters and strategies that the Lord Jesus gave her as she opens the Bible and pulls out the hidden treasures. Receive impartation and revelation as you apply the word of God with the given tools.








go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou take shall not be for thine honor; for the LORD shall sell Sierra into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh.” (KJV) Deborah speaks more about the present time. This is where God is bringing me into. “Leadership.” Deborah was the first lady that ruled over the children of Israel as a Judge. God appointed her to set things in order. Her story teaches me that God does use women to do His will and stand strong. Don’t let your past or anything hold you back. We are to trust and have faith in God no matter what it looks like. The story of Queen Esther foretells my future as a King’s Daughter and as a “Daughter Moving in Power.” Show Them Who You Are! Let me give you a quick summary of the book of Queen Esther. She is a Jew who was raised by her uncle Mortdecai after the death of her parents. He gained custody as her guardian. There was a party going on inside of the palace and King Xerxes, also known as Ahasuerus, king of the Persian Empire. He commanded Queen Vashti to put on her finest clothes and come there so that he might show her off to his guests. When

she refused, the king was furious. On the advice of one of his seven princely advisers, Memucan, who regarded Vashti’s conduct as a personal insult to the king as well as a general threat to the men of the realm whose wives might follow her haughty example, King Xerxes issued an edict on the spot: Vashti was hereby stripped of her rank; a successor was to be sought, and all women throughout the empire were to show their husbands proper respect. Like all royal edicts, this decree was irrevocable (chap. 1). Soon afterward, King Xerxes launched an empire-wide search for a new queen. Among the bevy of beauties brought to his bed (but only after a year-long beauty treatment) was Esther (or Hadassah), daughter of Abihail, the niece and adopted daughter of Mordecai the Jew. A beautiful and shapely maiden. Queen Esther was not looking to be someone’s wife. She was working for the Kingdom of God. She was at the right place at the right time. She never let the fact that she was an orphan break her spirit. When you least expect it, the hands of God can position you in a place you never have to work for. All that is re-

quired is to be obedient, stay humble, and keep our eyes on Jesus. Queen Esther adorned herself in Holy elegance. She believed in fasting, praying, and following instructions on what God was speaking through her Uncle Mordecai. Every last one of these women spoke into my life depending on what season God was dealing with me in. This is why I couldn’t just relate to one person. Leah carried me through when I was broken from the inside out and the outside in. She taught me to keep on praying until you’re able to reach the heart of God. Deborah, the first leading lady to rule a kingdom in righteousness, let us know what may be impossible with man is not impossible with God. With God, all things are possible. It was written that all authority was given to men and not women at that time. Women were not allowed to get involved with the affairs of men. Notwithstanding, the God, we serve, saw fit to turn it over into the hands of a woman. God can use whom He chooses to get the job done. Hebrews 2:4 says, “God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?” (KJV)



Two of my favorite Prophetesses in the Bible are these awesome women of God, Prophetess Anna and Prophetess Huldah. In some ways, I can see myself in both of these women. King Josiah always asked Huldah to seek the Lord’s advice in different situations, for he was a Godfearing king and needed

good sound help. Her assignment was to advise him to make the best decision, a decision that God would agree with. Huldah’s name means mole or weasel. When I think of a weasel, I think of someone telling something. That fits Huldah because that was what she was doing, telling the King

about the directions from God and His word. Mole is also one of the meanings of Huldah, which today means someone planted or hidden in a situation. God really planted this Sister in this place. Prophetess Huldah’s prophetic oracles identify with the words that the King of Judah heard from Yahweh. He had spoken and




When I think of a weasel, I think of someone telling something. That fits Huldah because that was what she was doing, telling the King about the directions from God and His word.

declared that word to be Holy Scripture. Huldah also had a great understanding of the word of God and a great reputation for being a godly woman. She had a great relationship with God in the spiritual realm. I like to think of myself as a godly woman. I am living the word while trying my best to encourage others to come into the Kingdom of God. I can remember my Pastor calling me and asking for spiritual advice about a certain situation. He respected the decisions because he knew they would be based on the word of God. There were times when he called and asked for prayer for different things going on in his life because he trusted the God in me. This is one of

the ways in which I can relate to Huldah. We both are instrumental in blessing the Men of God. Huldah was a favorite for me because we both desire to live Holy and have a spiritual relationship with God. I will continue to show myself approved in the word of God and be led by his light to direct me in more of His ways. As a woman, I can see all those men and even some women being jealous of Huldah and Anna in their position. Even though they weren’t that different, they both were dealing with kings. They were both spiritfilled and had to deal with men in their world ministering the word of God in some fashion. Prophetess Anna, whose name means favor and grace, was an elderly woman and later in life became a widow. She began to worship and pray at the temple then she prophesied about Jesus. In 1992, I became a widow. Jesus then became my husband. I don’t mind sharing Him with others at any time, whether it be day or night. I love to go to the church and pray, but not many people will come out to pray in this pandemic. It’s a blessing they are praying in their homes. Prophetess Anna’s assignment was to tell about the baby Jesus and

tell of our Savior. This was also a place where not many women were allowed to be used at that day and age. I can see the problems that Anna might have had with men in the ministry. Prophetess Anna was written in the Bible in Luke Chapter 2, verses 36-38. She and Simeon saw the baby Jesus and began to sing songs to all that was around. This is why I believe these two women to be similar. They sang, worshiped, studied, and fasted to the King. o The King of Kings was born in the natural world as Jesus. Both women worshipped the King of Kings and so do I.



So far, my favorite prophet is Ezekiel. Ezekiel was 30 years old when he saw a vision from God. He received revelation from God for about 22 years. He had his last one in his 50s. Here is an example of God’s omnipresence (God’s presence is everywhere). We see this in the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel. His vision was elaborate. With all that he saw, he knew that he was experiencing the Glory of the Lord. What

makes him stand out to me is he possessed a reverential fear of the Lord, which made him fall on his face. In contrast to Ezekiel, I have had many dreams of which I needed to have interpreted, and when I had a vision, I had no clue what it was. The assignment that God placed upon his life, God gave him specific instructions. He said to Ezekiel, “Don’t be afraid of them nor their words.” His assignment was to go to the nation of Islam and give them the messages

says the Lord. God was sending Ezekiel to warn a rebellious nation, knowing that they were not going to listening. His was to make known that the land would be destroyed and why. I can relate to this prophet because I have seen bits and pieces of the Glory of the Lord. When I was a small girl, I saw things that made me so afraid that I even was afraid to sleep. As I got closer to God in my late 20’s, I realized that God




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speaks through dreams and visions and that your mind is the battlefield of the enemy. Ephesians 6:10 tells us to put on the hamlet of salvation to protect our minds and thoughts. I remembered when I saw what seem to be God from my living room window. I didn’t think it was Him because there was a light mist around him as he hovered in the window like in Ezekiel 10. I now understand that windows mean revelation and the mist is in scripture. I have also seen an angel in my dreams. It was a dream of myself dreaming of some numbers. She was huge with an off white garment with purple/lavender embroidery all over her garments. Without me speaking I looked to her for interpretation. She said it means new beginnings with slight correction. I was shocked that all these years of dreaming I am finally seeing the gift of having such experiences. In chapter 37 after Babylon had fallen and the people’s hearts were hard but then there came a wind. It blew over the people and the people were no longer dried bones. They were in a new season. All things were new even their skin. Surely it must have been a challenge to be called to a specific group of people

who had given up on God. It is hard to see our own faults and also to receive good news when you’ve been in darkness for so long. Here we see that we have to go through some things to get to where God needs us to be. In Romans 8:28, all things work together for them that love God and for those called for his purpose. Ezekiel had an assignment and with no questions asked, he moved. He did what was placed on him. I love how he accepted his call to serve the people and first most God Himself.

In contrast to Ezekiel, I have had many dreams of which I needed to have interpreted, and when I had a vision, I had no clue what it was. The assignment that God placed upon his life, God gave him specific instructions. He said to Ezekiel, “Don’t be afraid of them nor their words.” His assignment was to go to the nation of Islam and give them the messages says the Lord.



John the Baptist is my favorite prophet because he was the epiphany of the word “different” on so many levels. He was different multiplied by infinity. John’s message, appearance, diet, and lifestyle were contrary to the norm in his day, thus, making him quite peculiar in his day. 1 Peter 2:9: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,

a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I relate to John the Baptist in numerous ways. The start of John’s existence began in an unusual way. An angel foretold his conception to his aged parents and barren mother. The angel also told his parents to name him John. (Luke 1:6-7-13)

When his mother was only six months pregnant, John was also filled with the Holy Spirit and leaped in his mother’s belly. (Luke 1:15, 41-44). When I was seven years old, I was outside playing in the snow and throwing snowballs. I looked up and saw fire coming out a window on the third floor. The kids I was playing with said, “Let’s throw snowballs




and put the fire out.” I heard for the first time the voice of God. This voice said so clearly, “Run and yell, ‘Fire! Fire!’” It told me to bang on the doors in my apt building, and I did exactly what I was instructed to do. My response saved so many lives and especially my family. Unfortunately, a newborn baby died where the fire started because her mother left her unattended while at a bar. I also recall around that same time, my parents had a set of Holy Scriptures (the Bible), and I would sit down and read them. One day, my mother and grandmother were sitting and talking. I was sitting and reading the Bible. I would pronounce the words, and I remember asking what a word was. I heard my mother and grandmother say, “My God, she’s reading the Bible!” and they looked at me with such unbelief. It was supernatural because no one taught me how to read, and yet I was reading the Bible. This is what I call a peculiar beginning in my life. John the Baptist faced opposition from the world systems of his day, the religious and the laws of the land, and the rulership of King Herod. The religious sector consisted of the Pharisees and the Sadducees. It was

often referred to as “Brood of Vipers” (Matthew 3:7) by John because he considered them venomous and the sons of the serpent. The Pharisees were the keepers of the law and promoted tradition, and the Sadducees were the wealthiest ruling class, full of tradition, legalistic, hypocritical, and corrupt. They are the very people that wanted Jesus crucified.

from being compromised. He looked different, spoke a different message of his time, and he did not eat the king’s or anyone’s food. This allowed John to boldly confront the hypocrisy of the religious establishment. He was not a people pleaser (Proverbs 29:25) and did not hesitate to call out the sin of King Herod’s marriage (Herod married the wife of his brother Phillip).

John 15:19: “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of this world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hated you.”

No compromising and boldness caused John to be beheaded. He’d rather be martyred than compromise his conviction (Matthew 14:3-12, Mark 6:17-29). John had a “For God I live and a For God I die” in his spirit in so many words. John 1:23: “He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Elias.” John the Baptist was an end-time prophet, and his assignment was to be a forerunner (prepare the people for the Messiah’s return through the repentance of their sins) and live a holy and truthful life.

John the Baptist came on the scene from the backside of the desert, and he did not fit in. John did not go with the flow because the world systems had no hold on him. He lived a consecrated life. Luke 1:15: “For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.” John lived an ascetic lifestyle, a life of severe discipline, self-denial, frugality, solitude, spiritual discipline, celibacy, strictness, and the rejection of the pleasures of the world. John’s life of consecration kept him



My favorite prophet is the prophet Jonah, son of Amittal and Rivaka. God chose Jonah to carry out the assignment of warning the people of Nineveh to turn from their sinful ways. Jonah quickly showed a side of rebellion against God. He refused to accept the call. Instead, Jonah fled from the presence of God. Jonah paid for a fare to leave to hide from God on a ship headed to Tarshish. (Jonah 1:3) As ministers, God often gives us assignments that may be uncomfortable or

out of our comfort zone. If we look closely at our own experiences, we see that we can relate to Jonah in some ways. We should ask ourselves how many times God asked us to do something, and we give excuses after excuses. It didn’t matter if we felt fear, intimidation, unqualified, or not anointed enough for the assignment or task, and we abandoned the assignment as Jonah tried to do. God will never send us into battle without equipping us. God allowed Jonah to feel he is not noticeable on the ship and that

no one knew who he really was running from: God. (Jonah 1:4) God caused such a mighty wind upon the sea that the ship was in danger of being broken and of the lives on board perishing. The men on the ship cried out to their own God for help. As Jonah slept, the men became enraged with Jonah. They knew that evil had come to them. After casting lots, they fell on Jonah. They quickly learned who he was upon questioning him. These men realized that this




We should ask ourselves how many times God asked us to do something, and we give excuses after excuses. It didn’t matter if we felt fear, intimidation, unqualified, or not anointed enough for the assignment or task, and we abandoned the assignment as Jonah tried to do. God will never send us into battle without equipping us. God allowed Jonah to feel he is not noticeable on the ship and that no one knew who he really was running from: God. (Jonah 1:4) God of Jonah was angry, and the men became even more afraid. Disobedience to God can bring destruction for yourself and others as we learn from Jonah’s mistakes. (Jonah 1:12)

Jonah asked to be thrown overboard to save the men on the ship and to calm the sea. As they threw Jonah into the sea, God had a plan to spare his life. God caused a great whale or fish to swallow Jonah. For three long days and nights, he was in the belly of this whale. Jonah felt like he entered Hell and was broken to repentance. We look at times of our own disobedience and how we cried out to God for forgiveness. The consequences weren’t pleasant until we surrendered to God’s call or assignment. (Jonah 3) It must have been horrific being inside this whale. Jonah cried out with such intensity that God heard his voice. Jonah repented for his disobedience and surrendered to God’s assignment. This time Jonah goes to Nineveh to preach. He lets them know that in 40 days, Nineveh will be overthrown. The people believe the prophet Jonah. The king of Nineveh declared a decree over the land. He mandated that every man and beast would not eat or drink and fast unto God. The people cried unto God for his forgiveness and they repented. God showed His kindness and mercy to His people and turned His wrath from Nineveh. (Jonah

4) Jonah was angry with God because of the kindness He showed toward the people of Nineveh when they repented. When Jonah left the city, he wanted to die. God showed His kindness to Jonah as well and prepared a gourd to cover his head from the sun. Jonah was very appreciative of the gourd. The next day, God caused a worm to smote the gourd, and it withered from the sun. Because of the harsh sun exposure, Jonah fainted. Again, Jonah spoke of wanting to die. God inquired of Jonah if he cared so much about the gourd to want to die. He reminded Jonah that Jonah neither tended the plant (the gourd) nor made it grow. He also reminded Jonah that Jonah was more concerned about the gourd than he was for the people of Nineveh. (Jonah 4:11) I enjoyed this prophet’s story. It gave Jonah’s true feelings, from start to finish.




Micaiah, son of Imlah, was an itinerant prophet during the reign of King Ahab. Little is known about his life other than that King Ahab reported being disappointed by previous prophecies he gave. It is possible that Micaiah once served in the na-

biim palace institution and was banished from the prophetic presbytery for unfavorable prophetic messages. Indeed, the messenger who was sent to summon the prophet encouraged him to share a positive message, as if he was already acquainted

with the tenor of Micaiah’s previous prophecies. What is remarkable about his ministry is the incredible loneliness and isolation he must have lived with. Since God did not design humans to be alone, we know that prophets thrive best




What is remarkable about his ministry is the incredible loneliness and isolation he must have lived with. Since God did not design humans to be alone, we know that prophets thrive best in prophetic communities. We rejoice when we find a tribe that fits our prophetic inclinations.

in prophetic communities. We rejoice when we find a tribe that fits our prophetic inclinations. We embrace the opportunity to lean on each other. We’re grateful for the accountability, cherish the familial connection, and celebrate the space to be vulnerable with people who get it. Unfortunately, the very grace to prophesy, which should have connected him to the prophetic community, was the thing that isolated him from them. The sacred space that should have embraced the

diversity of God’s messages rejected him for being too dissimilar. Micaiah’s life is remarkable because he resisted the pressure to prophesy along prophetic party lines. The hushed truth is that prophetic tribes and circles have prophesying cultures. When you prophesy war in a prophetic culture that only shares messages about peace, you’ll inevitably find yourself ostracized from the community that was meant to sustain you. Michaiah resisted the pressure to conform to the culture of the community. I’m leery of prophetic communities that lack diversity. Many contemporary prophetic communities are eerily reminiscent of personality cults in which everyone conforms to the lifestyle choices, thought patterns, and prophetic tenor of the lead person. Micaiah’s resistance was rooted in his resolution to only share messages from God, not in any rebellion against conformity for its own sake. I wonder if it is this resolution that made him a trustworthy vessel for God. While the other four hundred prophets divined from a lying spirit, Micaiah was entrusted with the truth of God’s mind, a truth that would further isolate him by confining him behind physical bars.

Micaiah’s story is dear to me because of our shared struggle to conform to ‘community’ to fulfilll our heart’s desire for belonging. As Ahab berated him, “How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord?” (1 Kings 22.16), perhaps we hear the history of Micaiah’s many unsuccessful attempts to give in to the pressure to belong. No matter how many times we are threatened with physical violence, ex-communication from prophetic circles, incarceration, death, or isolated living, we insist on telling nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord. From this episode in Micaiah’s life, we learn that it’s okay to be different if speaking the truth in the name of the Lord makes you different. We learn that faithfulness to God trumps our allegiance to denominations or tribes. It means we deny ourselves and carry the cross of possible isolation as we play our part in equipping the saints for the work of ministry. When speaking the truth in the name of the Lord means lions’ dens, fiery furnaces, or solitary confinement, may we hear the comforting voice of our master saying, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Matthew 28.20).



There are so many prophets of the Bible that did amazing work for God. Figuring out which prophet was my favorite was a hard decision to make as I analyzed the things the I went through in my life. The prophet I admire the most is Habakkuk. This prophet had a lot

of influence on many people today that can attest to the patience of waiting on God. Habakkuk was a man that complained to God on two occasions about idolatry and wickedness in Babylon. These occasions made him angry with God because he did not receive an answer.

He felt as if his prayers were not going to be answered by God, so it cast a sense of doubt. I know waiting will make you begin to doubt the things you ask God, but it is only a test of your faith. I had to learn how to wait and depend upon God so he can really do a perfect work.




I had to review Habakkuk’s two complaints, and I found myself in the same conditions petitioning to God about my life. The first complaint that Habakkuk made to God was about his nation being so corrupt and decisive (Habakkuk 1:2-11). Habakkuk’s dialogue with God made him impatient to get an answer to help his nation. Not receiving a reply from God is something that may challenge your belief in God. The second complaint was concerning how God allowed wickedness to run upon the Earth without being chastened. God answered Habakkuk and revealed to him, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it: because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (Habakkuk 2: 2-3). You must wait patiently too see His hand move upon your petition. God listens to our prayers, so I had to condition my mind to learn how to wait. The challenge of losing a child to brain cancer led me to rely upon the story of Habakkuk. I wanted to return to school but found it to be so difficult with not enough money. I realize the

key source for me to return to school was God. My faith was tested, but I went before God with a prayer, asking him for the finances to return to school and complete my degree. I did know how much it would cost, but I asked God to help me find someone that can help in this journey. I had some distractions that tried to keep me off the right course. I found myself in the position of Habakkuk: waiting and asking how long. I began to doubt, but it only led me to feel so discouraged about my prayer to God. I did not want to seek any advice from anyone. I went to church one Sunday morning. I met a prophet that visited my church, and I was called out about doubting God. I was told to trust and believe in God more for the things that would come to pass. He also told me that I had a calling on my life and needed to write down things to pray about. I began to write down things in a journal to help me reflect on God. I began to have dreams that I was in the classroom writing on a board in a school. The return to school was on my list, and God answered my prayers. My father had a conversation with my high school principal and told her that I wanted to go back to

school. In the summer of 2000, I returned to school with a full scholarship. I did not have to pay for anything. I just had to show up for my classes. I had to wait on God to make the necessary connections to be manifested. I always keep a journal and write down things to pray about before God. I also make sure there are no selfish prayers but reflect on people, places, and things in my life. I want to see people’s prayers manifest, but patience is the key to all things through our Almighty God.

Habakkuk was a man that complained to God on two occasions about idolatry and wickedness in Babylon. These occasions made him angry with God because he did not receive an answer.







My favorite prophet is Moses. Moses’ story is inspirational for anyone who has felt cast out of their “home” of protection and perceived safety due to warfare and the enemy’s strategies. It’s a story that captures the very meaning of, “What the devil

means for evil, God means it for good.” Moses was a Hebrew who lived with his family (as a baby) in Israel. The Children of Israel were slaves. As the population of slaves grew, Pharaoh became afraid that

the slaves would overtake the kingdom. Therefore, he ordered the sons of the slaves to be thrown into the river and drowned/ murdered. I can only imagine the anxiety, fear, pain, anger, and every variance of emotion felt by the parents








Moses’ story is inspirational for anyone who has felt cast out of their “home” of protection and perceived safety due to warfare and the enemy’s strategies. It’s a story that captures the very meaning of, “What the devil means for evil, God means it for good.”

and families. I’m sure there was already a feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness, as they were being held captive and born into slavery. The Children of Israel were oppressed, controlled, and led to believe that they were not good enough. They were also led to believe that they were less than human. However, in God’s word, He says: Genesis 1: 26-28 “Let us make humankind in our image, according to Our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every

creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.” Therefore, according to his words, all of us were made in his image. He declared that we have dominion, not over each other, but over animals! Pharaoh was completely operating against God’s word and design. Nevertheless, God had a bigger plan! When Moses realized who he truly was, regarding his Hebrew roots, he was immediately conflicted. He fed into the fabricated ideology that the children of Israel were considered less than the Egyptians. This ideology was hard for him to shake, as slavery was also the reality. His sister prophesied that he’d be used by God to save his people, but he couldn’t imagine how he’d be the one to do this. This would mean forsaking the family that raised him for a larger purpose and his divine assignment. HOW DO I RELATE TO THEM? The intersection between my life and Moses’ life is strikingly similar. I am an African American female whose ancestors were born into slavery. Although I was not alive during slavery, I’ve experienced the posttraumatic trauma of societal oppression, racism, biases,

and prejudice that continues today. I’ve experienced it in every place, including religious organizations, school, work, and relationships. I was dismayed by this, as I couldn’t fathom why the people who looked like me would be included in the entities that projected the framework, “You’re not enough.” This wasn’t all that was projected. However, I’d begin to feed into the negative and allow it to fester. I developed people-pleasing behavior and developed an identity that wasn’t me, just like Moses. I conditioned myself to be palatable to what the world wanted. Meanwhile, I knew I wanted to overcome challenges and further my education, so I continued reaching higher and finished college. Despite this, I would still “play it safe.” I operated in my comfort zone and would often assimilate to the environment that I was in. I wasn’t stretching myself beyond anything that I felt I couldn’t do. I was plagued with the ideology that someone like me was not enough to be in certain spaces. Getting a college degree and helping people seemed like an admirable thing, but I hadn’t and haven’t operated at my full capacity due to spiritual and mental yokes of peoplepleasing behavior versus


the focus on being pleasing to the Lord. Although I was doing “something with my life,” my ego was grounded in what I thought I was and was not. Therefore, my capacity to walk in my purpose was low, as it was guided by being self-preserving. My pride caused me to want to fit in and be liked by the majority and the popular, and fear of judgment would prevent me from stepping into the purpose that God truly had for me. WHAT WAS THEIR ASSIGNMENT? Moses began to experience an internal conflict, now knowing the truth of his roots. Regardless of the perceived royalty, and limitless resources, the truth began to disrupt the corrupted moral standards. While witnessing a Hebrew slave being beaten, Moses became so angry and killed the Egyptian that beat the slave. Exodus 2:12 “Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.” He thought no one was looking and transitioned from a pleasing behavior to vengeance. However, another slave saw this and pointed it out.

Exodus 2-13-14 “The next day he went back and saw two Hebrew men fighting. He said to the one who was in the wrong, ‘Why are you beating up a fellow Hebrew?’ The man answered, ‘Who made you our ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me just as you killed that Egyptian?’ Then Moses was afraid and said to himself, ‘People have found out what I have done.’” Moses fled, as the King wanted him killed. He went to Midian, got married, and had a son. He was seemingly in his comfort zone. Of course, Midian would appear like a retreat and respite compared to being sought after to be slaughtered! The scriptures discuss his feeling of being a stranger to this new land while he simultaneously felt like a stranger in Israel. He didn’t know who he truly was in God. He was able to remain alive, but he existed under a guise or mask of confusion about himself and purpose. Moses went to Mount Sinai while taking care of his father-in-law’s flock. He was led to go into the holy mountain. A burning bush appeared, which was the presence and voice of God. It called his name, and Mo-

I am an African American female whose ancestors were born into slavery. Although I was not alive during slavery, I’ve experienced the post-traumatic trauma of societal oppression, racism, biases, and prejudice that continues today. I’ve experienced it in every place, including religious organizations, school, work, and relationships. ses answered. God told him to take off his sandals and relayed His concern about the torment and oppression of the Children of Israel. The Lord expressed to Moses that He wants to deliver the Children of Israel and set them free so they may go to a rich land, flowing with milk and honey. He assigned Moses to this task. Exodus 3:10 “Now I am sending you to the king of Egypt so that you can lead









my people out of his country.” Fear instantly overcame Moses. The last time he was there, there was an order for his life to be killed. Then came the rationale to not return, which also indicated that when operating with our human perception and eyes, we cannot fathom the mindset and ultimate plan of God. It’s divine. Therefore, it’s not meant for us to fathom it! Moses came strong with the excuses as he looked through the lens of his deficiencies. “I can’t speak. I’m slow. I am nobody.” This reminds me of how we can be so committed to a familiar discomfort or what we think we are versus being committed to an unfamiliar new possibility. God emphasized that he’d be with Moses throughout the journey and opposition. WHAT OPPOSITION DID THEY FACE? Moses encountered extreme opposition! The Pharaoh had passed away, but his son was in his place. The King was obstinate, as was customary for Egyptian rulers, and seemingly prospered by building their kingdom on the backs of slaves. However, God’s word says, Proverbs 22:16 ESV “Whoever oppresses the poor to

increase his wealth or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.” After Moses spoke to the Children of Israel, he spoke to the Egyptian King. The King adamantly refused and made the enslaved work even harder! Exodus discusses how the slaves’ murmurings and pain became even more heightened as they were experiencing increased and extensive physical labor. Moses was instantly dismayed, as he felt his role worsened the oppression and subjection. He talked to God, who reminded Moses that God is “I am that I am.” God keeps his promises. He told Moses to go back and impart his promise to the children of Israel. Moses again looked at his perceived deficiencies. However, God instructed and imparted to Moses to focus on the bigger/ divine plan. This plan would consist of Moses using the miracles of God to teach the King and Egyptians very hard lessons. Moses continued to face opposition but ultimately listened to God. Various plagues were unleashed (such as water turning to blood, frogs, flies, death of animals, and the death of the firstborn son) until the Egyptian King conceded. Even as they left, the opposition followed them to the sea. Through God,

Moses parted the red sea. Exodus 15: 19-21 “The Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. But when the Egyptian chariots with their horses and drivers went into the sea, the Lord brought the water back, and it covered them. The prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took her tambourine, and all the women followed her, playing tambourines and dancing. Miriam sang for them: ‘Sing to the Lord, because he has won a glorious victory; he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.’” God keeps his promises and can use anyone to do Kingdom work! We all have a divine assignment, but we must first do what is said in Proverbs: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Just like Moses, I like to say, “My Past is My Push for My Purpose!” Be inspired and move in your design purpose!







WINNING IN MINISTRY (1 Timothy 6:12) (2 Timothy 4:7) 1) The devil doesn’t want you to worship God. He wants you to backslide 2) The devil doesn’t want you to work for God; he wants you to be an ordinary believer 3) The devil doesn’t want you to grow spiritually; he

wants you to be an ordinary believer


4) The devil doesn’t want you to be a spirit led believer; he wants you to be a carnal believer

1) Overcome barrenness/ stagnancy in ministry (John 15:16)

5) The devil doesn’t want you to be a reliable Christian Refuse to allow the enemy from stopping you in ministry

a) Abide in Christ always b) Remember that you are ordained to bear fruit 2) Overcome dryness/emptiness in ministry (Matthew 5:6) It is caused by lack of




prayer, lack of church involvement, lack of commitment. Choose to participate. 3) Overcome laziness in ministry (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Stop procrastinating. Set targets for yourself. Do the work of God now

and run for God 10) Overcome rebellion in ministry (1 Peter 5:5) Choose to be loyal OVERCOME TEMPTATION (1 Corinthians 10:13)

4) Overcome resistance in ministry (James 4:7)

1) There is no new temptation

You can feel opposed in ministry. It can also be call spiritual hardness. You overcome by resisting the devil

2) You will not be tempted above your ability to overcome

5) Overcome spiritual blindness in ministry (John 9:35-38) (2 Corinthians 3:16) Refuse to see things with the physical eyes only. You have the ability to see into the spiritual realm. 6) Overcome confusion in ministry (1 Corinthians 14:33) (Psalms 71:1) 7) Overcome spiritual deafness in ministry (Matthew 13:15-16) Divine guidance and divine direction is your portion 8) Overcome ignorance in ministry (Hosea 4:6) (John 8:32) Be hungry for knowledge 9) Overcome tiredness in ministry (Isaiah 40:29-31) You cannot afford to be tired at your age. Stand up

3) God opens a way of escape in every temptation OVERCOME PERSECUTION (John 16:33) Don’t allow the opposition that you face in ministry to stop you. Choose to serve God more in times of persecution. OVERCOME DIFFICULT TIMES (Psalms 34:19) God is faithful to bring you out of every difficult time so that you can serve him continuously WHAT WINNING IN MINISTRY IS ALL ABOUT (2 Timothy 4:5) (Colossians 4:17)

1) Starting - You can’t succeed in a ministry that you are not involved in 2) Running - You are to run with your vision 3) Correcting - Be humble enough to correct your mistakes 4) Finishing - You have to serve God up to the finishing line Fight to be available, consistent and faithful in ministry



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