BMM Yearbook 2012-13

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Editors: Sanghamitra Ghosh and Nancy George Photos Gathered by Arun Moras Designed by Rejo Varghese


Class Report FY: Kiffer Momin Class Report SY: Keren Benjamin Class Report TY AD: Abhay Raha Class Report TY Journo: Ishita Vora

Thanks To:

Sudhakar Sir, Tina Aranha, Anushi Chaturvedi and Swanil Choksi.

Special Thanks To:

The 2003 batch for contributing content to this yearbook. All photographs belong to their respective owners.

BMM Yearbook 2012-2013 Š 2013, Wilson College BMM Department ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under Copyright Laws. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

This yearbook is dedicated to the first batch (2002-03) of BMM students who graduated from Wilson College and also to the 10th batch who graduated this year.




From the H.O.D.’s Desk


A Word from our Teachers


Meet the First Wilson BMM Graduates


First Year Batch 2013-2013


Second Year Batch 2013-2013


Third Year Batch 2013-2013


TY Students Individual Profiles


BMM Moments


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012




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m h b e o

INTRODUCTION The theme for this year’s yearbook has its roots dug at the very inception of BMM in Wilson College. As we fondly bid adieu to the batch of 2013, we take the opportunity to reflect upon the decade that passed by and how things have changed (as well as remained the same) from the 1st batch that graduated in the year 2003. Our theme is ‘Then and Now’, where we have penned down the fond memories of the very first batch of students who upheld the BMM honour and gave life to this course that grew from the seeds of a vision of one man and bloomed to become the dream of so many.






You haven’t lived three years of Wilson BMM if you haven’t been knocked on your head by him. If you see a tall old man pacing the corridors and carrying a huge bunch of papers, it is advisable to change your path. Odds are that he might just yell at you for your poor attendance record and ask you to find another college even before you consider smiling at him. If you aren’t yelled at by him, you are doing something wrong. Sudhakar Solomon Raj is more than a mere teacher. Flattering words on a glossy paper can never sum up the amount of efforts he takes to live up to the standards set by him as a professor. In a long conversation with him, he takes us on a detour of Wilson BMM. Q: BMM was started in 2000 and you have travelled with twelve batches now. How has the journey been? What changes have emerged out of it? Sir: Technology has drastically changed the face of this course. The idea of social media and digital media did not exist. Wikipedia was developed much after BMM course was introduced. Internet, which is an integral part of the course today wasn’t explored much. Teaching has also seen changes. Students now have an opportunity to learn with teachers of different backgrounds and three full time teachers for the past three years. Infrastructure wise, the department has seen some major changes with three LCD projectors, still and movie cameras and an extensive book and DVD library. The first batch functioned with 22 students in Mackichan Hall which was later shifted to classrooms above the canteen. The department room was allocated in 2001. The first inter collegiate festival hosted by Wilson college was called “Ideas @ speed of light”. It was renamed Polaris in 2002. Students are blessed with greater resources now. The department has been technologically upgraded. From 2005, first year students were



taken beyond Karnala to explore the rest of Maharashtra for industrial visits. IVs, from 2004 onwards became more exciting since we started meeting political leaders and visiting borders of our country. Two of our industrial visits were organized to help the Tsunami victims in Pondicherry (2004) and distribute essential resources in Orissa (2009). We were also very fortunate to have been helped by Nachiket Mor in various ways. Students from various batches have helped with gifts like a still camera, books, DVDs and have contributed monetarily for various events like “Sound of Music”. Ms. Sufiya Pathan who helped establish the department as assistant coordinator was also instrumental in ensuring the first revision of the syllabus of BMM of Mumbai University and has helped tremendously in the laying the foundations of a good and strong department. Q. One has always looked at Wilson BMM differently. Why do you stress on making Wilson BMM different from others? Sir: I have always had industry criticizing the lack of

depth of BMM students. The idea is not to be different but ensure greater value addition to the course. Students studying mass media need to stay in touch with recent developments. Textbooks sadly do not offer these benefits. In a professional course syllabus is only an indicator of basic academic content. Our challenge is to figure out what we do other than what is expected. Our aim is to produce creative professionals with State of Art ideas. The course in Wilson College is rigorous with material from contemporary editions and the latest books, handouts from the Harvard Business Review, The Economist and other national and international publications. Many projects from the first year are ‘live’ projects needing activation outside. Q. Newspapers have spoken about your association of music in academics. Why did you come up with this idea? How is it inspiring to you or the students? Sir: In the 1980s Mrs. Haemes, a colleague from the sociology department said, “While students don’t remember anything of what we teach, they remember lyrics of songs,” and this coincided with my belief that music, songs and poetry touch us more emotionally than intellectually. Conveying a message gets easier. In the kind of music I use for different topics students get a taste of different genres. It is a challenge for me to keep myself updated with their taste in music. I initially started with Bob Dylan and John Lenon but I am now upgrading my playlists. One of my former students, Akul Tripathi has been very helpful in getting me songs which younger students can relate to..

“ Students studying mass media need to stay in touch with recent developments. Textbooks sadly do not offer these benefits.”

tool of escapism? Sir: Travel is the best teacher you can have. We plan industrial visits for each class so that they learn different sides of reality. I believe that one must always be open and understand different kinds of people in our country which in future are going to be their audience. Students when they turn into professionals will understand the global audience better through their travel. Travelling for me is an amazing opportunity to discover and learn.

Q. Have students changed since you started teaching thirty years ago? Sir: The quality of students do not change with time, orientation does. This generation is more resourceful and has access to better technology but as human beings, the issues are same. I am at a basic level the same and so are they. There isn’t much difference. As I grow older, it is tougher for me to relate at the emotional level as I used to relate earlier. Q. The media has undergone a major facelift. What would your advice be to the bunch of fresh graduates who are supposed to carry forward the legacy? Sir: Most of the students focus on form rather than on content, they tend to forget the ‘who of communication’ which is very important in any profession, especially media. They must understand what makes the audience tick i.e. what affects them. Their fundamentals are weak and they must sharpen them before they start experimenting with ideas. A lot of advertising today is irrelevant. Students must focus on packaging of basic ideas and make them relevant and resonant to most people. Q. You are known to travel almost half of the year. What drives you away from the city? Is travel your

Q. You are always vocal about environmental issues and you are seen to carry a ton of handouts each day. A lot of those remain unused. Do you recycle them? Sir: I always remind myself that I could use less paper but I consider this as a sacrifice. Though a lot of students do not read the handouts on their own and keep them in their closets. At least in class I read through the important parts with them and make them underline for later reference. Even if I give online references and links most don’t take the effort to check them out or read. Also, in India, every paper is recycled so I am not guilty about it but we must adapt to technology. First world countries are resourceful and they have replaced paper with technological upgrades and online learning. I hope we match their ways. Q. Are there thoughts in your head about other profession? What would be an ideal job for you? Sir: Teaching has always been my passion and I cannot think of any other job beyond it. My background is in political science but over the years I have learned advertising, marketing, PR and journalism. If I could go back in time, I would like to improve myself as a teacher in terms of academic grounding. However, I was lucky enough to figure out early what I would really love doing as a profession. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13 9

Q. You have called yourself a technologically challenged and modern tools are overpowering this sector. Do you think your methods of teaching holds students’ attention as it used to earlier? Sir: I am not just technologically challenged, I am also not excited with the prospects it offers. One must not judge the power of communication with the tools used. I believe that this field is constantly in a state of flux and dynamic and people like me are fossils but I have extremely creative and tech savvy teachers in the BMM department who are academically very well grounded. Professors like Tina Aranha are academically better grounded than I am. Their experience is more contemporary than mine and they are much closer to students emotionally. Older people like me are not very flexible and can become control freaks.

S.S.R. TRIVIA 5 FAVOURITE BOOKS 1. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery 2. All books by Robert Fulghum 3. Wellsprings by Anthony De Mello 4. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson 5. Bill Bryson’s travel books on Australia

5 FAVOURITE MUSIC PIECES 1. Beethoven’s 9th Symphony 2. Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the wind 3. John Denver’s You say the battle is over 4. Mai Zindagi Ko Saath Nibhata Chala 5. Songs by Pink Floyd

5 FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS 1. Sea food in Alibaug and Calcutta 2. Global Fusion, Mumbai 3. Wazwan, Kashmir 4. Typical Tamil food in Chennai 5. Andhra Bhawan, Delhi



5 FAVOURITE ADVERTISEMENTS 1. Happydent’s Havelli ad (For sheer execution) 2. Advertisements by Anthony Gazelle 3. R Balki’s long grain basmati rice 4. John West Salmon Idea 5. Print ads by Neil French

5 FAVOURITE DESTINATIONS 1. Kodaikanal 2. Himalayas 3. North East India 4. Andaman Beaches 5. Indira GandhiWildlife Sanctuary (Annamalai)



“When I came to Wilson at the beginning of this year, I was incredibly apprehensive about teaching boys! But here we are, at the end of what has been an intense learning experience and a memorable one at that! Each and every one of you has made it what it has been. Thank you for that! I’ve lived to tell the tale! To the FYs and SYs - Thank you for sharing glimpses of your lives through your ECS-I and Creative Writing projects. Spoken word poetry, songs, stories, comic strips, letters to 10 year old selves, poems... You regaled me with your creativity and amazing performances. Each of you is uniquely talented! I hope your experiments have paid off! To the TYs, your exuberance was contagious! In our interactions you have shown me a different perspective every time. You are a set of intelligent, articulate, creative young adults unafraid to question existing norms and teaching you this year has been a wonderfully enriching experience! I will treasure these memories. Thank you.”





or me, Wilson BMM is all about possibilities and challenge. Each day I spend in the classroom with all of your dynamism and restless energy helps me appreciate what an energising and exhausting ride teaching is. Even as I glare and stare, I appreciate all the effort you take and your honesty to yourself. You continue to show me how every song must be sung, every talent must be recognised and life must be laughed at once in a while. I now know better the joy of appreciation, the last minute project mania and ability to handle disappointments. For the play, the intense debates, the songs,

the endless banter and the laughter – a big shout out to the spirited and mischievous TYs. For the passionate classroom discussions, the IV conversations, Polaris and the endless photos – enthusiastic shout out to the passionate and creative Sys. For Karnala, Sociology, the Street Play and the endless banter and warmth – cheerful shout to the vibrant and fun loving FYs. Thank you for all the love. So proud to be a Wilsonian! - Tina Aranha Three years and going... strong)


A note to the three most loving caring and affectionate batches: Two years in Wilson college have just flown by.... I still remember the first day I entered the current TY class- for my first lecture ever. I knew then that it was going to be tougher than I thought. And two years on , things have changed, your academic concerns made me find new explainations, while your carefree attitude propelled me to drag you back to the class. You all have enormous capabilities; all you need is to search, explore and channelize your energy and achieve your goals.

As J.K Rowling, once said in a commencement speech delivered at Harvard: “ So given a Time Turner, I would tell my 21-year-old self that personal happiness lies in knowing that life is not a check-list of acquisition or achievement. Your qualifications, your CV, are not your life, though you will meet many people of my age and older who confuse the two. Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.” You are at the crossroads of life and without a doubt you will find there are many more such crossroads to follow. What is important is that you take with you the memories and learnings of today and leave the baggage in the past. Whatever obstacles you have faced until now will only have been points on the learning curve of life. So remember that and step boldly forward in whichever direction you choose. Try and do right by everyone and everything, and all things good will come your way. Years later when you look back at this time, may you do so with a smile on your face and happy memories in your heart. I will always be happy to hear from you, at any point in your lives when you feel you must revisit the relationship we share. Embrace life and everything it has to offer, the world is waiting for you and your potential. Try and make your mark on it for future generations and remember to enjoy the ride! Thank you for always helping me grow as teacher and supporting me to be a better teacher and a friend. I have learnt a lot from each one of you. Keep loving and laughing. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13



2003 BATCH ggg


Asha Bajpai

sha Bajpai is currently working as Associate Account Director with MSLGROUP India. She has been working in the field of Corporate and Brand communications for over 9 years. Prior to joining MSLGROUP, she has worked across India’s leading public relation firms- Vaishnavi Corporate Communications, Genesis Burson Marsteller and IPAN. As a communications consultant, she has represented brands such as- Tata Sons, Lavasa Corporation, Tata Power, TISS, Kansai Nerolac, Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances, Barista, Lavazza, Vodafone (Hutch), Dow Chemicals, Pepsi, Ford India, IIFA Awards , Lufthansa Airlines, Philips, amongst others. Post her graduation in Bachelors in Mass Media (BMM), Asha completed her Master’s degree in Marketing Management from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.

Deepti Patwardhan


eepti has had a successful stint as a sports writer, specialising in writing on tennis along the way. In her eight years as a sports writer, she’s written on the pinnacle of the sport - covering the Wimbledon (2007) and the World Tour Finals (2010) as also a string of Davis Cup matches. She started out at the Free Press Journal in 2003-4, taking in a short sortie at Asian Age along the way in 2004 and then key roles at Rediff and currently Hindustan Times. She also won the Best Web Writer award in 2006, for a piece on former Indian spinner B Chandrashekhar in 2006.



shita completed her BMM degree in 2003. She stepped in the world of modeling and has been on various ramp shows. She was shortlisted as one of the 15 finalist for Guess watches, 2004. Presently she is associated with Myers, Australia





Hena Khan

ena completed her BMM degree in 2003. From being an amateur, learning from her mistakes, to being a professional writer the past 10 years have been quite interesting for her. Hena is currently Senior Copywriter at Lowe Lintas and Partners, Mumbai and her expertise lie in the Digital Media. In her spare time, Hena blogs, advises clients on digital strategy and also lectures budding communication students once in a while. Her nature of work has made her acquire a deep love for art, style and photography.

Karishma Shah

arishma has a strong track record as a Public Relations professional having worked with leading PR Agencies like IPAN, Vaishnavi Corporate Communications, Hanmer MS&L handling different Indian media conglomerates like the Times Group and Network 18 Group. She is currently working with Integrated Brand Communication & Experiences a division of Bennett Coleman and Company Ltd as a Deputy Manager –Public Relations. Her achievements include the launch of Viacom 18, Worli Festival and Times Literary Carnival to name a few. She has also won the accolade Chairman’s Award twice at BCCL for different initiatiatives in consecutive years.


Rutuja Kathe Priscilla Selwine

utuja graduated from BMM (Advertising) 2003. She wrote and directed a Short Film “Hamara Sheher”(2004) which was selected for International Documentary and Short Films’ Festival(2004). She completed a diploma in TV Script Writing from Indian in 2004. She has worked as an Associate Creative Head with Rajshri Productions for four years. Rutuja has a strong track record as a Associate Creative Head and Associate screenplay writer. She has been working with leading Production houses like Rajshri Productions. Her achievements include working on popular shows like Woh Rehne Waali Mehlon Ki, ‘Do Hanson Ka Jodaa’, ’Main Teri Parchhain Hoon’, ‘Mamta’,‘Kareena Kareena’ etc.




riscilla graduated from BMM (Advertising) 2003. After which she pursued an MBA, Marketing and Human Resource Management from Indian Institute of Planning and Management. Priscilla has over 8 years of experience in marketing with a specialization in online marketing practices like SEM, SEO,SMO, drip marketing, display advertising, lead nurturing. She has extensive experience in conceptualizing and executing digital marketing campaigns for both B2B , B2C and not for profit organizations. She has been associated with Regalix as the Sr Business Manager. She has also worked as Marketing & Business Development at L&T Infotech.

fter BMM, Kshipra joined a production house, as an assistant director for a daily soap, then she moved on to work with ETV Marathi as executive producer for 3 years. She then worked for Saam Marathi and STAR for 2 years each. Currently she is working as Creative Supervisor for COLORS, handling popular shows like Madhubala and Sasural

Sagar More


agar ventured into Direction and worked as Assistant Director with a veteran TV and stage director Kedar Sinde. He also led as a Producer / Director for ‘Brilliant Entertainment Networks at International Film Festival of India, 2006. He has been Supervising Producer for shows like MTV Hero Honda Roadies Season 5,6 & 7. MTV on Job, MTV U etc. He continues to climb up the ladder as Director of MTV Roadies 7 Finale, Creative director on Channel V’s Truth Love Cash season 2. Director on various other shows like Channel V’s Beauty and the Geek, Creative director of Meditech. Currently Sagar is with Colosceum Media as the Creative director for Mtv Splitsvilla 6.



ameera is the CEO & Founder of Motion Ink Content Solutions which is based in Navi Mumbai. Motion Ink is a premier content writing and web marketing company that specializes in offering online entrepreneurs cutting-edge value added media services to give the much required impetus to their businesses.




Stella Turner Saurabh Kulkarni

tella has been a seasoned Journalist, Producer, Bureau Chief, in the electronic media in India. She has traveled to Korea, London, Bangkok for covering special shoots and conceptualizing, getting content for shows for various channels. She has been associated with some of the most successful media groups in India, including BENNET, COLEMAN & CO LTD., NDTV INDIA & NDTV 24X7, STAR INDIA PVT.LTD., STARNEWS, LIFE OK. She was interviewed by BBC when it produced a documentary including interviews of 3 media professionals. She has managed a team of 8 members and gave significant content along with exclusives while she was the Bureau Chief of ZOOM TV.


aurabh worked as an assistant editor with Digital Canvas on shows like “Remix” and “Guns and Roses” for Sony. He was associated with MTV for 6 years and worked on 6 seasons of Roadies, 2 seasons of Splitsvilla, couple of seasons of Stunt Mania. He started a post production company called Video Trims and worked with channels like Bindass, MTV, Channel V etc. He is currently working as a Post Production Head at The 120 Media Collective and working on interesting clients like Red Bull, Pepsi, 7UP etc. He has also edited Love Ka The End for Y Films, Yash Raj Films.



emona is working at Oasis India on a world campaign called STOP THE TRAFFIC (an anti human trafficking awareness campaign) after which she designed office spaces for brands like Lovable, MCX, Fullerton India. Currently she is working as the Marketing Head for Learning Central India, while nurturing a long pending education in counseling psychology.







anvi completed her BMM degree in 2003. She worked as a flight attendant with Malaysia Airlines for three years. Presently she is the owner of KolorKulture, Hyderabad. She believes in promoting Indian art and hence the launch of KolorKulture. She hopes to make KolorKulture grow into bigger brand and be known for its art, innovation and hardwork behind it. KolorKulture caters to a wide range of individuals by introducing different styles of art in the form of Apparels, bags, home decor, paintings, jewellery, etc.


unaina Bhatnagar completed her BMM degree in 2003 with honours, ranking first in Mumbai University in her program. After that she worked in Ogilvy Advertising Agency as a Client Servicing Trainee for a year before leaving for her Masters Degree in Media and Communication at London School of Economics in 2005. She returned to India in Jan 2007 and began working as an Assistant Director to Imtiaz Ali; working on three of his films- Jab We Met (2007), Love Aaj Kal (2009) and Rockstar (2011). Sunaina is now working on her debut feature film.

Vineet Sawant



aidehi is currently working with Acti Media India Pvt Ltd as Manager Client Servicing handling lifestyle portfolio with clients like L’Oreal Professionnel, Spa la Vie by L’Occitane, Enrich Salon & Academy, Gitanjali Group, The Body Shop. She worked as Freelance PR Consultant for Reliance Entertainment Pvt Ltd & RGV Produced ‘Shabri’ starring Esha Koppikar. She worked with Buzz PR handling AXN – strategized & planned 24 (Season 8) launch in India with Anil Kapoor and The Amazing Race Asia (Season 4) FAM trip, Art & Artiste by Durga Jasraj, Godrej Khelo Jeeto Jiyo Season 2 Worked with Buzz PR as an Associate Image Manager servicing Saregama India Ltd , BIG 92.7 FM and Zee Limelight’s ‘Gulaal’ – a film by Anurag Kashyap. Projects handled at Buzz PR Femina 50 Most Beautiful Women Special Issue launch, Femina Carnival, Radhika Mukherjee’s kids furniture store Big Red Bus, ITA Celebrity Cricket Match and forthcoming ITA Awards.


ineet graduated from BMM (Advertising) in 2003. While still in college, he interned with MTV India as an animator with the On-Air-Promos Department.After graduation, he dabbled a little in ad-film making as an assistant director, before joining MTV India as a Promo Producer. Today he is an Executive Producer with Channel V in the On-Air-Promos department. He also worked as a director for Ad films, a Cinematographer, an Editor (won a Silver at the IDPA Awards 2009), and a visiting faculty at Wilson BMM. He has also launched his own production house (MadDog Bites) and a bakery (Nth Degree Baking).In his free time, he likes to juggle between making quick getaways from the city into the wilderness, windsurfing and lying comatose in front of the television set.



inat completed her BMM (Journalism) in 2003. She has worked closely with the BMM department of Wilson College for three years. She is passionate about teaching and has 8 years of teaching experience for the Bachelors of Mass Media Course. Presently she is the BMM Coordinator at SVKM’s Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management. She has been visiting faculty with colleges like National College, MD College, Vivekanand College, Rizvi College etc. She holds a Masters degree in both Mass Communication and Journalism and also in Sociology. She has also cleared the National Eligibility Test in 2004. She is keen to pursue research and is presently a registered PhD Scholar at Mumbai University. She is also in the process of writing a book. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13



2012-13 BATCH ggg


BMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013


BMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

FYBMM BATCH 2012-2013





’d like to think that most of us start the journey without really knowing what we are getting ourselves into. As first year students, we step into the classrooms excited, curious and maybe also a little bit apprehensive about what is to come. Not knowing what the future may hold is infinitely scarier when you are not even sure about the kind of possibilities your hypothetical degree might open you up to. Well, here we are, a year down the line. We’ve had to deal with deadlines and projects, creative lessons and a horrifying exam format. Has anybody in the class ever had to answer in more than one page? Bruised & battered we may have been, after all, the most difficult part about studying a course that deals with people is working with people. But nobody can deny it hasn’t been interesting and regardless of the recent trauma caused by the semester-end exams, a lot of people would agree, it has been fun. We got to discover a little bit about ourselves in the class, see and expand what we are made of. But the best part of the whole experience was getting to know our classmates and working with them, figuring out each other’s specialties and all of this came full circle on our trips to Karnala and our Industrial Visit to Aurangabad- multiple nights of educational fun and the times we actually got to know each other on a more personal basis. Both trips, new friendships were formed and new connections were made. The crazy old man also played an integral part with his special sessions on life, the universe and everything else. On those trips, we also learned about opening up a bit more, and visited the tribal communities of rural and urban India and spoke to them about their lives, widening our perspectives on our own. Never before had we approached people so different from what we were used to dealing with in our lives. We also discovered the wonders of our country, visiting the marvels like the Ajanta and Ellora Caves, the Lonar Lake and the Daulatabad Fort. It was during the Karnala trip that we reached out to people we never had before and this was made all the sweeter at the end of the trip when we were asked to write notes of appreciation to all of our new friends. The same was the case with the Warm Fuzzies in our I.V. So far, first year in BMM has been a challenging and rewarding journey and we just hope that our second year in Wilson BMM follows suit. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 26

This couple will be hitched

These will still be each other’s middle aged ‘chaddi buddies’

Will be the first one to have his/her obituary used by Sir for his lectures

Most likely to win the Nobel Prize

Class rumours that will be used as reunion jokes


l, Ann-Shee l una -K n n A ry Ma



Ann Maria

nd Shikhar a re a i h c ra P together

The crystal ball has prophesized the future for the next decade! And the most popular predictions are…

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Most likely to become the next HOD of Wilson BMM

Will have undergone plastic surgery..twice!

Most likely to be on the cover of ‘Times’ magazine.

Class phrases that will still stick around. SSR quote that will be etched in our memories even as we become one of the rich and the famous.

Tina Ma`am

Kritika, Tania, Alisha


Insane Bro

Please find a new college

Abhishek Rawat

Aishwarya Kirodian

Alisha D’Souza

Ann Maria

Ashutosh Malushste

Avinash Luke

Chaitrali Borkar

Doris Karkada

Edgar Coelho

Gracy Fernandes

Harpreet Kaur

Karan Lakhe

Karen Pinto

Khyati Padhiar

Kieffer Momin BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13



Kritika Rathore

Kunal Pardeshi

Lana Dopaishi

Likhita Sawant

Lizanne D’Souza

Lopamudra Ghosh

Maryann Rodrigues

Minna Cherian

Natasha Mathias

Neil Gaikwad

Nicole Ruth Ellis

Nijanand Deshpande

Nikhil S. Dhiple

Nikita Fernandes

Nikita Malik


Prachi Ganeriwal

Pragun Sunil Anand

Praniti Bhadouria

Priya More

Racheal Fernandes

Radhika Anilkumar

Richard Akash Zilkar

Rohan Kumar

Ron Bezbaruah

Sakshita Khosla

Samruddhi Mistry

Sheel D’souza

Shikhar Mishra

Siddhant Sawarkar

Sorishti Marwah BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13


Sreshta Bhattacharya

Srushti Dhotekar

Swapnil Hanwate

Tania Lobo

Tasneem Bankoda

Tejas Deshmukh

Unmeelan Sarkar

Varad Sugaonkar

Vipul Salian

Riviera Vaz




BMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013


BMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013

SYBMM BATCH 2012-2013





here are several stories about the excitement and fun that BMM entails. This might seem like just another journey of a bunch of BMM students but you will be surprised. Our first year flew by and we were proud of our achievements especially Sound Of Music. Then came the Second year, It began with the Summer vacations of 2012. Preparations for Polaris 2012 had begun in full swing. At first, things just weren’t falling into place but eventually we picked up pace and were able to sail through the storm successfully. The reviews that Polaris 2012 received were overwhelming. Our college festival has not only given us an experience that is worthwhile but also friends across colleges that we are going to keep for a lifetime. Then came the projects, they were not only challenging but also engaging. A majority of us who belong to the student fraternity have fallen prey to procrastination at some point or the other in our lives. The outcomes of these last minute efforts were entertaining and creative at the same time. The projects gave us an opportunity to reinvent the wheel and rediscover our potentials. The 1st semester examinations came as a new wave of enlightenment we weren’t prepared at all. But, a little help from each other and collective efforts helped us pass with decent marks. RAJASTHAN! The Industrial visit is the most awaited part of every BMM students’ life. It is a time to get to know each other, visit and explore new places and have loads of fun with our classmates. Our trip to Rajasthan was divided into two places, Jodhpur and Bikaner. It was a journey through some of the most beautiful and intricate arts and cultures that our motherland grooms.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 34

This couple will be hitched

These will still be each other’s middle aged ‘chaddi buddies’

Will be the first one to have his/her obituary used by Sir for his lectures

Most likely to win the Nobel Prize

Class rumours that will be used as reunion jokes


Aakash Yesha


Nancy, Sagar

Keren Benjamin

d Unnati an p link u k e h is h b A

The crystal ball has prophesized the future for the next decade! And the most popular predictions are…

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Most likely to become the next HOD of Wilson BMM

Will have undergone plastic surgery..twice!

Most likely to be on the cover of ‘Times’ magazine.

Class phrases that will still stick around. SSR quote that will be etched in our memories even as we become one of the rich and the famous.

Tina Ma`am




Full Powe

ve! Please lea n is Perceptio ty li a e R

Aakash Kutty

Aaron D’Souza

Aarti Dodia

Abhishek Burepaga

Aditi Berde

Akshata Bablad

Allan D’Souza

Allan Patil

Alisha Bhalla

Anaha Thakur

Annlin Martins

Anoud Mohamad

Arjun Babhania

Arun Moras

Bennett Nathan BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13



Cassandra Barua

Chaitanya Tiwari

Chetana Mahadik

Cyrus Dumsia

Danesh Razvi

Delnaz Darayus

Dhisti Desai

Eden Naronha

Eurica D’Souza

Forum Gandhi

Gokul Nair

Ian Kartik

Jackson Thomas

Jayesh Vadia

Jhelum Shinde


Joel Cardoz

Johanna Bell

Juilee Deo

Keren Benjamin

Krysta Pancras

Manali Maluste

Mark Edmund

Nancy George

Neha Tyagi

Nimish Puradkar

Omkar Yadav

Patricia Hou

Pearl D’silva

Pooja Bulbule

Poornima Dadarkar BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13



Ramizraja Bargir

Rati Ghosh

Rejo Varghese

Roshan Kokane

Rusell Peters

Sagar Bhandari

Salman Khan

Sanghamitra Ghosh

Sheriar Irani

Sonal Panchal

Tapan Goakar

Trupti Jadhav

Unnati Sinha

Yazad Bilimoria

Yesha Kavaiya








e as a class always considered ourselves to be very diverse from each other , we fought , we laughed , and we made a zillion projects , but at the end of three years all of us have picked up something or the other from someone who is totally different and hails from an entirely different background. At the beginning we might have thought it to be tough to accommodate opinions , but now we can confidently say those ‘other’ opinions actually helped us to a great extent mould ourselves into the people we are today . From the brainy ones to the crazies to the calm and docile , we have them all in this one class . Aspirations and targets are always set high and often met with success , there have been individuals who even surprise themselves , Every Industrial visit that happened brought us closer and matured us to not only learn and understand the world , but to know and learn from each other , the very diverse notions we shunned in th beginning often became our base of learning . In the sprint towards creativity we realised its not about the destination but about the course taken towards it , somewhere in three years it was understood that the process would be remembered more then the result , we hope we can imbibe and keep this in mind for our future endeavours . The BMM department has been a huge source of support , the teachers have have always given in way more than they needed to , and we with heartfelt gratitude thank them . we had a good set of fy’s and sy’s they in their own way made us feel special and some great associations have been made , we know we will miss them , we wish them all the luck . this is us taking a plunge into the real world . thank you for being there for us , do give us an opportunity to do the same .






his year there were 15 different people who came together under one roof to learn journalism. There were new teachers. But this time something different happened. They realized that if they had to survive this rollercoaster, they needed to huddle closer. And thus, was formed the United Class of Journalism, UCJ for short. The UCJ was launched with much fanfare and a press conference which only the classmates could attend. Many activities were undertaken UCJ. The biggest highlight of the year was the play we performed. Every member was involved and the audience was enthralled watching us perform both the sides of censorship. The play was called to beep or not to beep and the high point was sexy lexie! The UCJ was not only a class but more of a family. Birthdays were celebrated and festivals were embraced. This was not only a “class thing”. Christmas was celebrated by Secret Santa, an initiative which got everyone gifts and lots of bonding and love. UCJ was a part of all the college days, including tie and sari day and traditional day. All the girls looked beautiful and men, handsome! UCJ held a united front on everything be it projects or fun. We don’t know if the next class is going to continue UCJ but we are proud that we were a part of it.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 44

This couple will be hitched

These will still be each other’s middle aged ‘chaddi buddies’

Will be the first one to have his/her obituary used by Sir for his lectures

Most likely to win the Nobel Prize

Class rumours that will be used as reunion jokes




Siddharth Mane

Thomson n Muriyada

a Aalam is er h p ra g to o ph

The crystal ball has prophesized the future for the next decade! And the most popular predictions are…

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Most likely to become the next HOD of Wilson BMM

Will have undergone plastic surgery..twice!

Most likely to be on the cover of ‘Times’ magazine.

Class phrases that will still stick around. SSR quote that will be etched in our memories even as we become one of the rich and the famous.

Tina Ma`am

Sneha Prasad


Abhay Ra

lo, Jor se bo . ia lu e ll A ve But we ga tan. is k a P m the

Life is al unfair, de with it.





don’t know how I have changed in BMM over the last three years or how the course has changed me. I can’t even recollect much about the first and second year. Nonetheless, taking up journalism in the Third Year was probably the best decision I made in this college. The times spend with UJC were certainly memorable and extremely fun. As much as the wonderful people in the journo class were responsible for making TY such an incredible expeirnece, I would also like to thank Tina ma’am, Anushi ma’am and Swanil ma’am for being such amazing and understanding teachers. They not only made my final year fun but also easy for me, as I was doubling up work and college and tripling with the projects. I have had quite a few memorable moments during these years but nothing beats Polaris. The Aurangabad trip was another experience of its kind. Thank you Ishita, Sahana, Allan and Ria for that dance off, the ghost stories and all the laughter. Screw the anaepholus osquitos. There are certain people I can’t thank enough. Keerat maam, thank you so much, because if it hadn’t been for you I would still be lost and looking for my passion. And most importantly Sahana, for being the rock in the storm having my back, not only for being a wonderful friend but also an entertaining and adorable company. Thank you so much. P.S: A special thanks to Gokul and Sanghamitra





ell here is the end of a three year journey , and in the rajectory of three years I have learned , gained , lost , changed , achieved and shaped my perceptions as an individual . There are somethings and some individuals who have walked with me side by side in this long journey ,post this some may stick around some may go their own way , perhaps some might be forgotten but one thing I know for sure is that they all at some point played a role in this small story called BMM which unfolded over a significant three years the thing most missed would be the 7:15-7:30 submissions of the crazy old man . I never thought there would be something I’d miss , but within the academic framework , the competition , the fests and the madness , we all knew we belonged to the BMM family , this does not only stand true only to Wilson , but all other colleges we were associated with in any way . Our associations with our seniors and juniors have been fruitful . our staff has been more than helpful . I can say I am proud to be a BMM student !. I have seen some really bright individuals in this course and I have no doubts they will make it big , I wish everyone all the luck in the world and may they remain as wild as they are . “PERCEPTION IS REALITY , AUTOGRAPH YOURS WITH EXCELLENCE”- SSR The line that has stuck to me since the First Year.



years in BMM, I would seperate it into 2 parts: 1) FY and SY 2) TY because in TY I had completely new friends and people who i never spoke to in my class! it was weird for me to gell with the class as certain people ditched(shweta) and went to ad. But it never even took me a week to get close to UCJ and espicially people like ISHITA, RIA AND SANDESH! I enjoyed every minute of it. 1) Mission SAL 1,2,3 2) Polaris 2011 the best i saw 3) FY, SY and TY Industrial visits 4) Admission interviews 5) Football 6) Festivals 7) Letters from the crazy old man, etc.



hird Year, and Graduation has suddenly dawned on us. For those of you who have just walked into College, and are reading this- There is no book with advice on how to cope and get by, no instruction manual on BMM do’s and don’ts, or even words of encouragement for when you require it. You’ve just entered 3 years of hell.. I’m just kidding. You’ve enrolled in a course that tells you vaguely who you can be and gives you a glimpse of the real world. Nothing more. Nothing less. Cherish the moments.. Moments like when the COM, Allan, Abhay and I had a sprint race in Bhopal, the Polaris jingle, the Detour band with Adi, Leron, Becky and Jess. beating our TY’s at footy, 7 30 deadlines and random spas attacks in class. These are a few of the things that make up these rollercoaster 3 years I’ve had! I wouldn’t want to go through it all again, but I wouldn’t mind just a day or two, when I’m taking life too seriously..

There are special people i need to thank ALEX- FOR ALL HIS ENERGY, MANE-WICKEDNEss, EESH- SRK ROWAN - ALWAYS BEING THERE, ABHAY - FOR BEING MY BROTHER, ASTRID - NOTES, SHWETA - FRIENDSHIP, RIA - ENTERTAINING ISHITA - BEING MY 2nd SISTER, SANDESH - for getting me water everyday The hostel has changed me alot i got much more independent and social. 3 years have been a very adventurous journey and it wouldnt be possible without the great CRAZY OLLD MAN, ANUSHI MAM, TINA MAM (my fav), SWANIL MAM. RIYA MAM, KHEERAT MAM and KHALIQ.





o, this is it? I’m still waiting for the whole “college life is coming to an end” feeling to sink in. Nevertheless. Let me take a deep breath and start writing my ‘last 300 words’ for the yearbook. Leaving engineering after pursuing it for a year and going into something most of my family had never heard about, needless to say, was a wee bit upsetting. Wilson BMM! In a class of 60 people with whom i have spent 3 whole years, i still look around and marvel at the amount of creativity, crazitivity and the sheer talent that is crammed into this tiny space. Some draw, some write, some roll out professional copies and designs for advertisements and banners, some make pictures, films and the list goes on and on..Multi-tasking, faffing like a pro, procrastination - they are arts i have mastered in these 3 years. I found photography, i found writing, i won some friends, i lost some along the way, i opened up much more than i thought i would, i danced like nobody’s watching, i sang while everybody was watching, i argued, i laughed, i learned to be my own sunshine, i fell in love. Industrial Visits, Warm Fuzzies, Polaris; thou shall be sorely missed. Also, much love and a big hug to - Sudhakar Sir - For his tough love and secretly soft heart. Tina Ma’am - In my 17 years of education, yours are the best lectures i have ever attended. Deeksha - For holding my hand with the same grip throughout these years. Ruchita - For being my Agony ‘Auntaayy’ and giving me those warm hugs. Abhay - All said and done, when together, we had crazy fun! Arko, Yash, Aalam, Karen, Astrid, Chadha, Jetly, Prajakta, Sunith, Kavya, Benish, Kakad, Thomson - For all the random memories. They will be cherished forever. (I am extremely sorry if i have missed out any names.) Demetrius - I found you here and couldn’t have been more grateful to Wilson BMM.



ALVANIA MENDONCA For All My Friends Days have turned into months, And months into years, Time has just passed by, And it’s been three years. Everyday four of us met, Drish, Macki, Fazi and I, And spoke, joked and chatted, Of everything that would pass by! Never knew just being my friends, You’ll would become this close, And become friends of mine, Who I’ll never want to lose! This friendship of ours, Has come this far. I hope and pray that it does not break, And end up in something sour. Because all of you’ll are special friends, Who have always smoothened my way! You’ll are a gift from God to me, A blessing everyday! A word you’ll say, a word I hear, Even in all of yours absence I feel you’ll near. Our relation is strong, I hope it goes long, And we remain the same, Till our life goes on..!!!!



y yearbook profile, just like most of my work over these few years, is being written at the last minute. But, unlike most times, I’m glad this one’s a late submission, for reasons more than one. Had I written this before the IV, my words would’ve been a lifeless series of ‘thank-you’s and ‘will-miss-you’s. But right now, as I sit pondering and writing two days after our return from the last IV, the overwhelming feeling of finality gushes over me. I could wallow in could-haves and should-haves, regret not loving more, learning more and living it up more. But, in hindsight, after everything I’ve been through with this class during the IV and before, I know I have loved, learned and lived it up. Enough, if not in abundance. All the smiles and tears bear testimony to this fact. While 15 days before the farewell is a tad bit late for me to realize how precious all the people around me are, all I can do is hope our future holds more bonding. Rachel and Nupur, thank you, for all the mothering and love. RAN will be cherished for life. Consonants and Cha Bar shall happen, over and over. Ruchita, Sahana, Fatema, Divya, Natasha, PP, Smaran, you guys have added some mad laughter to my days. Thank you for all the unconditional love and taking-care-when-required *wink*. Benish, I could not possibly fit in all my gratitude into a ‘thank you’ without it seeming too insignificant for everything you’ve done. You’ve been precious. ‘Curt’ Cobain and Courtney and Thug life, forevermore. Sudhakar Sir, for forgiving and loving through countless mistakes, for setting an example with every gesture and amazing us every time, thank you. To everyone I’ve come to know and love only over these last few days, I hope and pray we thrive, after college and against the odds. Lots and lots of love.



rom the time I entered Wilson to this day, CHANGE is one word I can so very associate with. People have changed, things have changed, and most importantly I have changed tremendously in only 3 years, but the most impactful years of my life.

Exciting IVs, fun festivals, creative projects, long & strenuous interviews, is all what BMM in Wilson is made of. Friendships, fights, gossips, bitching, competing is like a part & parcel of BMM. The amount of billboards, print ads & ad agencies we’ve created in these 3 years, I don’t think I’ll make that many in my entire career. But regardless of anything I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. From cribbing about 7 30 submissions, groups made by teachers for projects, computer crashing a night before submission, attendance issues, staying up all night for projects, to awesome night overs, putting up a kickass Polaris, making college my second home, creating some amazing moments with amazing people, lunch and dinners at friends places, celebrating birthdays & attending friends siblings marriages, Wilson has given me the best time of my life. It is just impossible to write down three eventful years in 300 words; so many people to thank, so many memories to cherish, so many IVs & treks experiences, & so many opportunities to showcase talent. After struggling for quite a while, I’ve found a precious gift that Wilson BMM has given me, & I can’t thank my stars enough for this. My biggest THANK YOU to The Crazy Old Man, for taking us to awesome IVs, to adventurous treks, for giving some life learning projects, & also for those huge bundles of handouts. They’ll all be treasured. Thank you Sir for making me the person I would have never been if not for you & BMM. Thank you for encouraging me in all my endeavors, & for building up confidence in me. Your truly respected. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13




wanted to move out of Kanpur, I wanted to travel and explore different facets of the world. College never fascinated me. I never wanted to study further after my 12th. But my parents didn’t like the idea. They wanted me to study further, so they decided to send me to Mumbai to pursue BMM. Getting into Wilson was also not an easy thing. Thanks to the lady at the admission desk, she made Wilson BMM possible for me. It was a culture shock for me in the beginning but I made my way in this class. BMM has been a life changing experience for me. It has forced me to push my limits and experiment new things in life. Work pressure and projects have taught me to sustain my friendship even in difficult situations. I never thought that I will survive in Wilson BMM but my class made it possible for me. TY has been a challenging year for me. Personally and professionally I got to interact with new and influential people through these challenging projects. I want to convey a special vote of thanks to the people who made me push my limits and made these three years worth memorable for me: The Crazy Old Man, whose words always inspired me with this speech to push my limits and for having faith in me. And also for teaching that ‘perception is reality’. Tina Ma’am for being a a mentor and a second mother to me, who held my hand when I needed someone the most. And to all the professors who taught me from my FY. Special thanks to Saurabh Choudhary for being more than a friend and a brother to me and making these three years so eventful for me. Special thanks to all the lovely, amazing and different souls of TY BMM who loved me for being the person I am. And my family back in Kanpur and Delhi for having faith in me and for leaving me independent in an unknown city and for always being the support system. Wilson College you will be dearly missed.



ASTRID PEREIRA How did I bare it all…Three years of embarrassment Being the brand ambassador of laughing cow, McDonals and KFC Being Mama Jenny’s daughter Being called Beyonce Working on a music project and still not released Work on a project and someone else gets the credit Called Idiot infinite times Ready for a speech and end up talking nonsense Bad I.V p.r Try to talk in hindi to a hindi audience (karnala) A whole pinching session by Sir on the way back from Himachal Broke my leg twice at the same I.V Ruined a class party by crying in front of them A carton box thrown at Want to go back home in proper shape Entering the bathroom at the wrong time Somebody ordering 4 plates of omlete pav for me Telling the waiter ‘mere ko maza do’ instead of maaza Being given a hand and getting scraped ‘Hey you look hot’ and not meaning it Etc. And how could I forget Sir grinning everytime I asked a question Tina ma’am punishing me just after sitting in class Anushi ma’am teasing me with a boy Choksi ma’am rolling her eyes every time I smiled And do I still wanna stay here?...hell yeah!!! Who’s fun as long as I get the importance. Special Thanks to: Karen, Priyanka, Allan, Arko, Divya, Natasha, Saurabh, Fatima, Rachel,Arpit, Abhijit, Benish, Yash, Thomson, Eesh, Alex, Rowan, Mane, J.d, Sandesh, Sunith, Harsh, Parag and Mansi.



here’s very few times in life you’d find yourself in an educational course, college and being surrounded by faculty who your parents hold in the highest of regard because there isn’t any “quality education left in the world”. Wilson BMM gives you just that. With a model HOD motivating you at every corner and teachers continuously teaching you and pushing you, the institution moulds you into what is required for the professional world and also to be of good character in life. My term as Chairperson, made me mature as a person more than a lot of experiences in life. And I’m thankful to my classmates for giving me the opportunity for it! Missing out on all such endeavors would probably just make me creatively stagnant and in WC BMM there just isn’t an option for that! There’s been more than one person who have made my stint at Wilson BMM even more worthwhile, here’s a shout out to - Apeksha (you’ve been more than awesome!), Ruchita, Ishita, Alisha, Rachel, Sunith, Abhijit, Nupur, PP and another shout out to people i wish I’d have spent more time with. I think they know who they’re.

CHAITANYA HALGEKAR It all started with the decision of joining BMM after HSC. And after that it has been all about projects, handouts, PPT’s , the who of communication and more projects. Three years have been passed by, the college is the same, the building is the same and of course I too am the same. But something has changed and the journey here after is going to be about living that change. A lot has gone inside the brain during these years and a lot has come out. These three years were total fun, madness, learning and full of life. Every one says the clichéd line- “when we look back we see a lot of change” but I don’t see the need to say that because to feel the change I don’t have to look back I can see the change by looking ahead only. Three years of BMM has changed the way I see the world today. I think this is enough because although BMM taught me to write on and on, it also taught me when to stop. And this is the time to stop…

Here’s to college and now life! :) ‘I’ve learned to leave the path, I’ve learned to learn, I’ve learned to leave a trail.’



DEEKSHA TRIPATHI None of us know why we like Wilson. BMM is like doing any other course. It is the people and the teachers who make it special at Wilson. Tina ma’am and Khaliq sir, I have always loved your lectures. Thank you for making feminism and films from the 60’s so interesting for me. Sudhakar Sir, thank you so much for your constant support and love! The only reason why I feel sad about college getting over is the friends I made here who I am not going to see so often anymore. Alisha, Ria, Kavya, Mansi, Prajakta, Aalam, Suarabh and Smaran- you guys are the ones who made my three years so special. BMM gave me my own films, few brilliant photo folders to my laptop, friends that I am going to cherish all my life, experiences that I have really learned from and three brilliant IVs. It taught me to be alone and strong, to have faith in myself more than ever, to learn from my mistakes and to fight for what I deserve. The journey ends here but the mark it has left on me is something that’s going to stay with me forever. No matter how much you hate it in these three years, by the end of it, you tend to miss it all. I hated it in the first year, got used to BMM in my second year and fell in love with it in my third year. There are three people who I genuinely want to thank for making this whole journey so special for me. Alisha, thank you for all the love and care. You have been my everything-my lover, guide, friend, mother. I simply mean ‘everything’! Jerry, you are simply the best guy I have ever known. Thank you for loving me so sincerely. And Shreyansh, well, you made me fall in love. Words won’t be enough to describe how much I will miss you once college gets over.

DIVYA ROSARIO It’s been a while since I walked into the gothic structure with a perplexed but yet very excited by the thought of being a part of Degree College, however it wasn’t cumbersome as it was the very 1st day that I met my “XAVIERS-LAST BENCHER KIN”. It commenced with a song that he played, a handout to follow it, which still hasn’t stopped although it’s been crumpled, underlined, doodled on, he’s the man who has knocked my head a million times for a million reasons but the funny part is you love it only because of the “expertise” u see in him, thank you Sudhakar Sir for being “NICE”. Year 1 of BMM started off as a last bencher (ended as one too), to the canteen “FUN” sessions, to chowpatty’s gola, to the embarrassing IV (3 girls 1 bathroom and “WATER”), to winning MOSAIC and then being elected (thanks to the voters) as the hospitality head for POLARIS’11 not our “BABY” but our “CARNIVAL”. Year 2 of BMM was the most “vivacious” year as it kick started with POLARIS and then being praised by Sudhakar Sir for being the best hospitality head since 2003 (all thanks to my team *yippee*), next best thing being, the 8 feet orange scroll and doing some classical singing just to embarrass ourselves in the class especially the one who was most embarrassed by us the bubbliest and youngest teacher “Anushi Chaturvedi” , in a gist Year 2 was filled with ups and downs , fun and tears , at the end “ALL ENDED WELL”. Year 3 of BMM was “extreme” with the dramatic projects from Brand-U to Brand Destination to STEER SOBER to CI the baap of it all but in good spirit it was FUN. 3rd year broke relations but made newer ones, FATLELI(Fatema, Matheran without you, kurkure and biscuit, would be incomplete.) The unsurpassed happening in my 3 years of BMM is the one to whom I owe moments of laughter, tears and explicit joy to is “CHIKU”(Natasha) my BESTEST friend, my NOTORIOUS sister, my “cousin-in-law”, my girlfriend, a special thank you for being there at all times (though you’re always late :p), ILY and forever tum ho meri BMM ki dhadkan. P.S- Thankyou “Golzpolz”(Arko) for the cutest pet name ever forever yours “JerryPuppz” And the lamest joke on me by Bab-bes (Smaran): “What will Sudhakar Sir tell Divya if she comes daily to college? :- Divya ROS-A-RI-O” “I won’t cry because it has ended, indeed SMILE because it happened…”



DRISHTI GABA My first day in BMM convinced me that these three years are not going to be the way I had thought it to be. Projects!!!! On the very first day of the class! Least expected!!! Time table was also strange! 8:18amLecture!!!! …it is usually either 8:15 or 8:30 but this was not expected...And then to add to my problem, we had to work in groups with people we hardly knew and who are totally different from you.

EESH KAKKAR We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.

But as time passed these issues were no longer thought of. It was good to work with different people. It’s not that things always went on smoothly in groups, different people different problems. There were clashes, but they were forgotten after projects were submitted Industrial visit were the best part of BMM. Travelling together as class, posing for class pictures, late night fun etc are the best memories any one would have. On the whole BMM for me was an experience which I had never expected. It is BMM that changed my thoughts, opinion, my personality, my thinking process. All under the guidance of our professors. If not here, I don’t think I would have enjoyed these years in any better way. P.S-special thanks Ad class- best discussions ever Maggi –lunch, breakfast for all our projects Last but not the least my friends who are one of the best things BMM has gifted me with.



FAZILAT BIVIJI They say old habits die hard! I believe 3 years is a long time. The shuttle between Jogeshwari and Charni Road, obnoxious class timings, ‘vellagiri’ in the canteen, projects at every thinkable venue and time; all this will be difficult to let go. Though I will little miss the wee hours’ submission timings. Wilson BMM was a surprise in so many ways. It was a fresh method of instruction in an old heritage building. A young staff teaching in old classrooms… Well Almost! In the first year, I was so awe struck when teachers would enter the class and start debates, quizzes and activities such as plays, stream of consciousness, etc. And while talking of all this, how could any Wilsonian BMMite forget about Handouts? The most integral part of the learning process; the virus, which originated from SSR and caught on to every teacher in the department. Group projects have shaped so much of my peoples’ skills. IVs have made me so much more confident. Indeed like any college-going teenage kid, I too have fretted, cried and fussed in these 3 years. But I’ve also smiled, laughed and enjoyed here. I’ve made new kinds of friends, new types of contacts and so much more, which would have been impossible had I not been in BMM and that too in Wilson College. I take back lots of memories. Great ones, good ones and certain forgettable ones too. But indeed in the time that I’ve spent here, I’ve made an attachment to this college which will be truly missed, yet always cherished!



GLADIS MONTEIRO College started and I was new and now college is ending still I feel I am new because suddenly I realize that I am not the old Gladis but have transformed totally. But to be honest I never got so attached to the college. I was just popular amongst my own bunch of five stupid friends and I never felt the need of going to others in their presence for love or care. I will never forget these friends (Suvidha, Rashmi, Manasi and Jessica). Jessica has been my friend and guide since childhood so there was always this special bond which I shared with her. But these three also came close to my heart in all these years which I have spent with them. I wil never ever forget them. Teachers are the other important aspect of all my three years in college. The kind of teacher-student relationship which I observed in Wilson was very unique. All my teachers from first year to my third year have played a big role in creating a new personality in me. I thank all of them from the core of my heart. Their projects especially the field visit project in Journalism and Public Opinion were both fun filled and educative. Those were the best days of my life till now. Lastly I would like to thank everyone including our very dear maushi and all others who in some or the other way have contributed in making my college life a success. Love you all and I hope that in future I may make my college proud and repay for all the favors and blessings which the college has bestowed upon me in numerous and mysterious ways.

ISHITA VORA Unlike everyone in class I have spent 2 years in this college. But 1 day is more than enough to feel connected, feel a part of college. I entered as an unknown, confused, clumsy and lost soul. Not much has changed only that I have become more aware of myself, a stronger person, a little clumsier and found a little more soul. Wilson redefined the student- teacher relationship. Be it Anushi ma’am (the coolest of all), Tina ma’am (the most understanding of all) or Sir, they have been an integral part of shaping me up. No longer had you have to hesitate before asking a question or one no longer felt burdened with boring non-interactive classes. Wilson College also gave me a great bunch of people to interact with, and a few friends to keep forever. I don’t think we are ever going to forget the fun we have had at IVs or in classes on the beach or in the department. Sandy was the rock, Abhay was the new find, all the girls, specially Shweta, Ruchita, Nupur and Sahana have been a part of making me girly, Namit was the clown, and everybody else who helped me find ground, thank you so much! Don’t think I am letting you go for quite some time. Wilson BMM gave us memories for a lifetime. Like when we made every teacher walk out of class (even guest faculty), or when we sang Christmas carols outside the department, made it a point to celebrate the last traditional and sari and tie day in college (unless I fail), celebrate every birthday that came, made amends for the better, acted in the funniest ads, made the most random videos, initiated the UCJ (United Class of Journalism) and stuck around till the end. (Proud smile) In the end it is not about how many lectures we attended or what our rank was. What matters is that we have happy and painful memories, fear defying moments and some memories that are etched on forever.

JANICE RODRIGUES When I first came to India, I guess its safe to say I had certain expectations. I wanted to blend in. I wanted to be liked, to have friends, to have new experiences. As a non-Hindi speaking, non-traintravelling individual, that was all I had dared to hope for. Three years down the line, Wilson College seems to have given me everything I could have possible wanted - and more. Friends, I feel like I have known my whole life and simply cannot imagine living without. Memories - of sitting on Chowpatty, participating in college festivals, staying up all night to complete a submission, arriving at 7 the next morning just to submit that project. All beautiful (and well, slightly painful) memories that will one day make me smile when Im 80 and very senile. At the end of three years, I feel so very grateful and so very blessed. To have amazing friends- Yash Singh, Thomson Muriyadan, Sneha Pillai, Ria Lawrence and Starshine, u guys are the epitome of brilliance! I feel blessed to have people who trusted me enough to vote me in for the position of DCP of Polaris. To having managed to survived, not one, but 2 internships and numerous projects along the way. To finding people, I know I will remember all my life. And of course, to having been a part of ‘UCJ’ - my own family within a larger class. But most importantly, to giving me hope unlike i have never felt before. For the first time in my life, I feel a new confidence, that life doesn’t have to be planned to the dot. Maybe , just maybe, you can try to chase your dreams and you’ll achieve them. It may or may not work, but for the first time, I dare to hope.



JESSICA D’SOUZA Accidentally landing onto a path, without knowing its destination makes your journey so exciting. Wilson BMM is one such journey through which you discover all the odd talents (and I really mean odd :P) and become a totally different person. For me, the first initial days were full of excitement and the latter is just a story to tell. Here, I did not just study Fundamentals of Communication but also the Fundamentals to make your life better for today and tomorrow. From Projects to IV’s, the course has taught me all the basic things of every subject which will make me cooler in my friend’s circle. Describing my journey in BMM is so exciting. Entering the class for the 1st time was not difficult as I had the company of my very own Friend-Philosopher-guide Gladis. But still I was in a great attempt to make new cooler friends. Coming from a suburban area, suddenly getting to know the ‘odd’ behaviour of the South Mumbaites gave me a cultural shock at Karnala. But seriously it was really a new experience to know people that were so different (Mentally, culturally and emotionally). From Group presentations to Brand You Presentations, we learnt one thing that little hardwork and creativity would win it all. (Seriously guys, Branding yourself is so much difficult :D). The IV was totally a new experience. Early morning sessions, long walks, talks with Sudhakar sir, late night sessions, warm fuzzies and so on. The IV’s are one of its kinds. The fests were other opportunities that brought the whole class together in putting up a great show. And yeah POLARIS. Yes you will be missed. (How I wish I too was a part of it in the ty also). There was so much more to it but as of now it’s all I could think off. (In excitement) P.S: This has been written in midst of all excitement as it was a day prior to the last IV to Kashmir. so mistakes regretted. :D



JAYDATTA NIKALJE The crazy old man is the reason I started being emotional. Why the hell did he have to introduce us to Warmfuzzies? I never thought my whole class would respect me and accept me as I was. These three years are the perfect turning point in my life because these years reformed me. I had lost many of my personal abilities over period of time when I was preparing to be an engineer. It was the best decision of my life to say a fourletter word to engineering and do something else. After a diploma in hospitality management I realized I wasn’t made for that so I shifted again. The fun in learning for the first time in my life actually started in the first year of BMM. These weird projects always asked me to be what I was. I, sincerely thank Tina mam for shaping my beliefs and ideology. No one, including myself, thought that I would earn respect at a city like this but my hostel And BMM has earned me this. My warden Dr. Sam Skariah and my hostel have been an unforgettable part of my life. I feel I have wandered through all the possible directions to find my career but thanks to Jovy, my senior and Riya mam who encouraged me to find it in photography. I might not remember all the things I learned in the classroom but the connection with all will be remembered. It’s a great place to be because there’s hardly any difference in teachers and students. Keerat mam, Swanil mam and Anushi mam are more like friends if the projects are submitted on time. The perfect HOD ‘crazy old man’ has become a fatherly person during these years. Well, to sum everything up I shared smiles with people. I just have lived these 3 years to the fullest to learn, explore and share.

JOYCELIN SEQUEIRA Doing BMM is one of the best decisions I’ve taken. Wilson College was not my top priority, but now after completing three years of BMM from Wilson College, I will recommend this college without any hesitation. Getting here was in my destiny and I feel proud to be called a Wilsonian today. The three years I spent in this college were an amazing journey which brought fun into my life; a journey that made me bolder and got me out of my introvert nature, a journey which helped me get over stage fright and achieve things that I never thought I was capable of achieving; a journey which helped me believe in MYSELF. Studying here has given me a lot of exposure. Those never ending projects have made me push my limits and made me believe that there is always sunshine after a rain. The crashing of the computer, Photoshop, movie maker or Quark during a submission has taught me something I will never forget, “Life is unfair, deal with it” and yes, I have dealt with it and sailed successfully through these three years. With all of this exposure to various opportunities, I am quite sure of what I want to do in future. In these three years I have created a lot of memories which I will remember and cherish all my life. I have made a lot of friends, but have certainly made some really true friends as well. My first IV was the most memorable one because it was during this time I knew whom I was going to be with and hang around with in these three years. Being a part of UCJ was such an honour. Celebrating birthdays in class, extending deadlines and the secret santa...was only possible because of the UCJ spirit and of course our ever supportive and encouraging teachers. Satara was truly memorable and thank you everyone for tolerating my madness and randomness. Good luck!

KAREN PEREIRA We go through seasons of change. We start out as one person and end up becoming different people who just look the same. My first year was like the rains. It started with a flood of tears, dark thunderous clouds of doubt and minute flashes of a bright future. Knowing there were 59 others in the same boat made it better. Eventually you learn to love and sing with the rain. With shaky feet you learn to walk that slippery path hoping it leads to some solid ground. Second year was brief. Almost like the autumn breeze; pleasant, peaceful, fun and free. We had our share of warm fuzzes and fall outs, soul searching and dream catching. The ground we stood on felt warm and sturdy. Smiles were shared and memories made. Just like that, it passed and with it happiness. Winter (TY) brought with it abandonment. Our class, half full. Our teachers, some left, others didn’t teach us anymore. But there was beauty in all of this too. We grew closer, dependable and hopeful. We grew up. We had to. Our IV’s were our seasons of spring. Ten days of breaking the ice, spreading hope and sharing happiness (rooms, secrets, clothes, toilets and memories). Our lives; the long summer will start soon. All we can do, is saddle up and take it on with all its seasons (and there will be many, just never the same). Special thanksTo the sunshine I couldn’t get too little or too much of: Astrid, Priyanka, Divya, Natasha, Arko, Sandesh, Allan, Mane, JD, Sunith, Harsh, Parag, Fatty. To the guiding stars: Sudhakar Sir (your craziness made me better), Teachers: Tina, Anushi, Chocksi, Keerat and Riya Ma’am (you made life better) Hie bye people: Tommy, Yash, Pillai, SIES(s), Mishra, Baker. My actors: Ivan, Brandi. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13


KAVYA BHARDWAJ For me spontaneity works best and coming to this college was just that. Meri life mein har step par Drama hota hai , aur yeh teen saal bhi nautanki krte hue beet gye. These three “legen-dary” years have taught me a lot apart from that fixed syllabus. A lot of unexpected awesome shit happened and many times superbly planned stuff went down the manhole. But as the crazy old man says “life is unfair”. Moving on to the people who gradually became the reason to be here, starting from my 1st year, my BADMINTON COACH was the reason I attended college for a year (blush) and then mansi, deeko, alam bhai , pj baebes , my career and how can I forget that promise of not being erratic for the rest of the years. Aisa nahi hai ki mujhe koi dushmani hai baaki sabse, they had been equally great fun but you cant share secrets, cry, bunk, hangout with all 65. Connection samjhte ho na buss, woh hota nahin hai sabse sirf socialize hota hai. Jitni ulti harkate kar skti thi inn 3 saalon mein ki , esp IV’s and post IV stories are epic :D. Well mere sooper-dooper nose par jokes toh chlte rahege. Swad aagyaa by God ! burrrraaahhh ..... P.S : This Orange was worth a squeeze.



MACLINA LOPES There’s so much to share and just a few words to write. Thinking about the fun we had makes me nostalgic. Coming all the way from Dubai into an entire new setting and now not wanting to leave because you’re so used to it. Though there were a lot of twists and turns during these three years, but there was always a reason to smile. From the first trip to Karnala, were I had no idea that the four of us (Allu, Drish and Fazi) would turn out to be the BEST of friends. The truth and date and staying up all night during I.V., Warm Fuzzies .. When making and selling a ‘Baraf ka Gola’ and having Maggi was a part of the projects. It has always given me a chance of exploring a whole new city on your own- “Aapla Pune”. The singing in class, to making the professors walk out of class too.. And even watching Lion King early in the morning when the teacher was too late. But lastly I’d like to thank these people most for making my years so amazing: * Allu and Fazi- for being the best of friends. * Drish- My Punjabi Kuddi and Soul sister! *hug* * Sandy- ‘Gola at Khan’ and Koka! * J-D - Been the best brother.. Smile * Shenna- Best Roomy #AplaPune!



How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. - Thomas Meeha It’s hard to digest the fact that BMM is over. The 3 beautiful years of my life have come to an end. I don’t know if whatever I’ve learnt in these 3 years I’ll take them with me, but one thing for sure I’m taking with me, that is, loads & loads of MEMORIES! Somebody who never really took an effort to socialize, always kept to herself, shy, alone, is now somebody who loves being around these very people. There was so much to learn, so much to see, so much to experience in these 3 years. From Ratnagiri, Dapoli to Bhopal,Indore to Kerela(Nature Trek) to Nashik(Brand-D) to JammuKashmir(still awaiting), it’s been a crazy ride. From being in college all day to submitting early morning 7 30 projects, from long & torturous interviews, to big & loads of projects, Wilson BMM is surely like no other BMM. And of course, how can I forget Polaris. It was one hell of a crazy time. There are so many people to thank, people who’ve given me some wonderful memories to cherish for life time & without whom BMM would be very sad! To, Arko- You are so so special to me & BMM would surely be nothing without you. You’ve changed me, & for the good! You’re truly loved. Rachel- We’ve had the craziest times together, from mad shopping, to having the best shawrma in the world to all the funny CCD stories to the silly fights to not talking for days. You’re so loved & I’m so gonna miss those times. PP- I’ve known you since the first year & you should be awarded for being the most chilled out person ever. I so love this about you. Divya- Matheran & CI will never be forgotten! I’m glad I got to know you after 2 years of being in the same class. Natasha (hair stylist), Karen & Astrid- It’s so much fun to be around you’ll. I love you guys. Jay- You are an awesome photographer & a beautiful person. You’ll be truly missed. Apeksha,Nupur,Ruchita,ShwetaI’ve had some crazy moments with you’ll. They’ll always be cherished. Tanuuuuu- You’ve been an awesome friend. I’ll miss you Blue Santa! Sandesh,Sunith,Mariya,Harsh,Sanket & Parag- You know it’s gonna be a joy ride when you’ll are around. And to all my other classmates- You’ll have been wonderful. I will miss Wilson so damn much! And to all my teachers,Riya Maam, you’re missed alot. You are just like another friend, Anushi Maam. You’ll be missed too much. Thank you Tina Maam for all those ‘sweet’ endings to all the semesters. And of course, special thanks to The Crazy Old Man. He’s the reason I’ve loved & enjoyed BMM in Wilson. Though, I’ll never forget those tough times. Heaps of handouts, 7 30 submissions, interviews, IV sessions, will all be missed badly. Thank you Sir.

Hey, greetings. Let me mention few things before I actually start talking about my life in Wilson BMM for the last 3 years. I am writing this, sitting among my best 4 buddies that Wilson BMM gifted me. No no, don’t stay under impression that filmy friendship we have. We fought, abused, laughed and not to forget *itched about each other too. But we were too open about it, weren’t we, Su, Glad, Jess and Rashmi?? In fact that’s why we remained together even at the end of this course which literally changed our worlds upside down (Oh God, I couldn’t find any better expression!) and Here comes Jay, eating Ghavnas from my tiffin. :-P well that’s not the point. So technically, I was supposed to write this quiet ago but here I am in JammuTavi Train heading towards Kashmir and I have to pour all my feelings on this paper before Loop starts charging me extensively. Well, I am so sorry but I have got very little time to thank all and appreciate deeds of many but I can make it up in my farewell speech. ;-) To put it short, all my three years over here were really special. So special that I learnt to simplify the complicated things and complicate simpler things. ;-) :-D PS: If you are FY or SY student, even you know it really can’t be summed up in this piece of paper. Well if you don’t, you will know it soon, when you will be in my position, writing your yearbook article. Till then have fun. LOVE AND REGARDS.



MANSI KURDIKAR Pal do pal ka sath humare Pal do pal ke yaarane hai. This article was written a night before our Jammu& Kashmir industrial visit. As i sit down to remeber my days in Wilsons i realize that this phase has been such a memorable one that after 10 yrs i could narrate all those happy and embarassing moments to my children and still be proud to have been a student of wilsons bmm department. Its been a journey of memories and memories alone. A bag full of happy-sad and bitter sweet memories. Each year has been a lesson to me. I have learnt, got inspired, broadened my horizon. This was solely possible because of the backbone of bmm thats sudhakar sir whom we pyarse call ‘suddhu’. I could really not converse with him, well not on a regular basis but he has been an inspiration to me. I have learnt to love the things which i could possibly have never attempted to like, i learnt that even when evrrything goes wrong keep trying cause as his words say ‘life is unfair deal with it’. Along with sir, i would also like to mention a few more professors who I would look up to and have enjoyed their lectures and teaching. Firstly khaliq parkar (Mr K) - we could have never understood cinema and political science better. Tina arhana - your teaching was strong and it will forver be imprinted and keep me questioning. Riya Kartha- words wont be enough to describe her. The way she dressed,carried herself, her aura, her ways of making everyone connect to an emotional level. I admire you. You’ve given me new definations to life. H.lakdawala professor ho to aisa. Advertising aapke bina adhura hota. He takes you through the reality of life and mass media industry. His punches and insights, no one could challenge. Aditya nagvekar- it never seemed like it was his first year as a professor. You were amazing. I was a late comer though. All the trips to chaiwala, new york, gokul,sunlight, himmat bhai, canteen, crystals and so many places would have been bland without kavya, deeksha and prajakta. Special mention to my very first and the most lasted friend Ms Kavya Bhardwaj. My jugaad lady. Thanks fpr being there even when i did not need you, those times mattered the most. To Divya and Natasha, my SY year was crazy with you guys. I will never forget those late night trains we caught from malad. Our projects and amazing stayovers at Divya’s place. I miss those. You’ll will always be my fukdis. :) To tanuj joshi, der aye par durust aye. I will never regret being your friend. Mera heera. :p To the most craziest, randomest and adorable friend and train buddy i could ever ask for, prajakta athlekar. We share a starngely different bond but thanks for being a part of my college life. Love you! And to my Fy Arun Moras- many more jam sessions ahead. :) I am going to miss polaris! The only time we ate free food and red bull and reached college only to have fun. Met new people, did rowdy dances and hooted before and after the performances. Festivals were like kindergarten classes where children were left to bond and know each other. Ive witnessed the best of bmm’s time in festivals. Especially blitzkrieg, detour and cutting chai. Yaar bmm mein aake festival nai dekha to kya dekha? ;) A hearty thanks, love and also an apology to anyone i ever hurted or said something, also wishing my to be sy’s all the best for Polaris 2013-14. These years are never to come back but only cherished and remembered. I would really love to catch that 7.24 local and sit in lectures again! :)



MARIYA KAPADIA For me it was a ride, a BMM ride, a ride of precious three years of my life, a ride with exposure to different things, a ride which brought productivity out of me, a ride with many ups and downs. The ride started with projects and through these projects I got a lot more than I expected - a bunch of close friends, good relationship with some teachers, remarkable exposure and life changing experiences. During the three year I did not only try to figure out the WHO of the communication but also who am I. The beauty of Wilson College BMM is that it makes you aware of you. Each day you learn something new about yourself and today that makes me mature enough to go out and face the world. BMM started with the fear of the Crazy Old Man and ended with loving and respecting him the most. It started with difficult and confusing projects and ended by giving some of the best memories of my life. It started with some strangers and ended with best friends. And yes not to forget, it started with a not so informed person and ended with someone who has the ability to understand the complicated world. Yes I feel special, special because I was a part of UCJ (United Class of Journalism), a part of Polaris, a part of Professor Sudhakar’s class (even though I was just a piece of furniture according to him) and never the less a part of Wilson College BMM. These identities will never go apart from me no matter what.

NAMIT CHADHA Only a few more days, and I will then be out into the big, bad ‘real’ world, and honestly, the thought creeps me out. For three years, things were unplanned; from what time the lectures were to what time we would possibly reach home that night. Computers that crashed just before the morning of the submission, printers that broke down and photocopier machines that just seemed to create ‘similar’ projects for every student, this is what made three years at Wilson’s, what they were. Everyday was a new experience, and as clichéd as that may sound, only one word describes a BMM student’s life-unpredictable. BMM with its glorified workload has been one of the best phases of my life. How can I forget my first day in college, which was incidentally my birthday! Needless to say, it was definitely one of the best birthdays ever! Summing up all these years in just 300 words is difficult, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for supporting me and making this time an enjoyable one. My gratitude also goes towards the Crazy Old Man who in my opinion was my best teacher. I take with me the memories of our most awesome IVs , SSR’s daily handout, morning 7.30 submissions, trying to sell yourself through ‘brand you’ , interviews with SSR , and standing at the door after being late for SSR lectures. BMM means a lot more than that to me because it has given me friends who have become and will forever remain an inseparable part of my life. I would like to thank the entire department from the bottom of my heart (special thanks to SSR and Tina maam).

NATASHA D’SOUZA I carried no textbooks, I carried no pens, Sat for lectures mostly for attendance, Sang, danced, howled and hooted or done things both fancy and crazy, BMM to me has been Badwords, Madness and Masti!! Woke up early yet could never make it on time for lectures, Made excuses but (mind you!) creative ones, Turned classrooms into sheer gossip zones, Wore rags to college coz I believed BMM was too cool, Where I learnt that ‘haste does not always make waste’;:p Recycled everything from projects to people’s quotes, Intentionally misspelled words coz I thought that was creativity, Considered google to be the greatest invention of mankind, Replaced ‘reading and writing’ with ‘copy-pasting’, Where exams meant late night fellowship, College fests meant ‘vocal skill’ tests, IV’s meant water fights, dirty singing, baseless bitching, warm cuddles and naughty poses, Train journeys back home have been jolly rides with my bestie, Taking people’s case has been the best case study we’ve ever done, Criticized directors, actors and admen thinking we were training to be the future critiques, Blamed the John Wilson statue for all the trouble we ourselves invited, With all of these we’ve made memories every single day, We’ve lived our lives the Wilson BMM way.. A few people without whom this journey wouldn’t have been possible: Divya – you’ve been a soul sister, bestie, guide, comforter, counselor, crime partner, tolerator, motivator, consoler and a smile-getter. You’ve been my ‘all season valentine’ who has never made me feel the need to have a valentine for 3 years now. Even forever would be too short a span if I’d say I’ll love you forever :D Karen, Astrid, Priyanka, Arko, Saurabh, Rachel, Fatima, Mansi, Smaran and Arpit - you’ll have been a family to me. Thanks for always being there for me in both good times and bad times (eg: exams, admissions, madattacks, etc.):p You’ll have been a set of amazing, crazy, quirky, funny, and wonderful friends to me. Thanks for being so awesome. Mwaahhhhhhh!!! Tina ma’am, Anushi ma’am, and Choksi Ma’am- Thanks for all the selfless love, care and concern :* Sudhakar sir- You’ll always be our hero. Thank you for everything.



NUPUR JETLY ...So we were asked to write our 300 words for a profiles being the Third Year students. All the time spent here in this college has been extremely memorable. I would’ve been one unlucky girl if I did not get admission in this college, but yay I graduate as a Wilsonian. Came here in my Second year and honestly I thought I was coming within a bunch of snobs who wouldn’t care who the new girl were and be all whatever. But as I sit and recollect today, in this college I have made such beautiful friends! Friends who come up to you giving you a warm hug, screaming hiiii men from one end of the class to another. Worked our asses off for projects, throwing our bags at 7:28am for a 7:30 submission and what not! To start up with the many friends I made here. Firstly, Apeksha for waiting back with me in college for 2 hours that day from where we began bonding. Laughing on random things, discussing clothes, clicking pictures with funny faces (I almost had the same smile in every picture.. but well, yeaahh). Bakerr! I had no idea I was going to be such good friends with her. She has made me laugh like nobody’s business. And then the RAN came into picture! Cha bar, causeway shopping day, chicken pox counseling by these 2 idiots and not to forget the SYBMM IV! Arpit, Arko, Fatema, Divya, Natasha, Ishita, Yash, Abhay, Sandesh, we’ve had so some fun in some or the other way! Without a doubt, my constant companions who have been there with me always, Ruchita, Shweta and Sahana! The 4 of us came together and leave together! The many sleepovers, shopping trips, lunches and dinners and my best birthday surprise! Wilson Journey without you all would’ve been blahh! The teachers here are not teachers but friends. And Sudhakar Sir, without whom I wouldn’t have been able to be a part of this class. The millions of interviews and re-reading integrated marketing communication, writing on random things to get in for the next semester have been a little annoying but fun! The memorable projects that we’ve done here, with the same people and different people have been more of a joy ride and a learning experience of course. This college has given me a lot of memories that will be treasured for life. I just hate the fact that I did not come here in my first year. -.Wilson College, Batch of 2012-13, thank you and you’re going to be missed terribly. Love.



PARAG MAYEKAR Confused of “WHO” is the WHO of Communication” year is ending now but still not clear about this anyways I feel that I am always lucky as I had shifts in my life. Like I shifted my bones while playing some years back and now in some way this is ongoing I shifted my mind from Commerce to Arts field. Similarly I shifted my college which was opposite of Marine Drive to Girgaum Chowpatty( feels awesome ) Again how the preferences about career changed as I moved from one decision to another like first year :- It was not decided second year :- It was photography as influenced by Riya ma’am and then third year :- It is advertising, editing and photography there are so many choices but still the same confused!!.Jokes apart I have developed a lot from a quiet, studious, boring guy to lot more. The brand you and brand destination were the projects which were self development projects as I myself got to know more about myself as well my classmates. Brand destination was a project to discover the nature around you. Favorite thing will be doodling in class, laughing sometimes cracking lame jokes and this all happening during lectures. I am an advertising student but I don’t know why but journalism was not the choice as I have attended 2-3 times “The UCJ” journalism classes.(I think so I am the privileged one :-p). Alas !! In the end describing all three years in one note is impossible. [Having Sudhakar Solomonraj as HOD , Khaliq sir , Tina, Riya, Keerat,Anushi, Choksi ma’am and bunch of fellow classmates is a memorable pack of memories which I wish to keep throughout of my life :-)]

PRAJAKTA ATHLEKAR In the end, everything matters. A stroll down the memory lane: Bmm department: ALWAYS making sure that the crazy old man is never around while entering the department, chatting with the teachers and irritating them, also, the never ending “why should I take you ?” interview sessions :P FyBMM: excitement, nervousness, chaos, friendships, hugs that lasted more than a minute, trust, silliness, warm fuzzies, FESTIVALS. SyBMM: irregular, hope, Riya ma’am (will always miss her), new friendships, trust again, beer & FESTIVALS. TyBMM: irregular, made friends, good friends, amazing friends and got back my old friends J couldn’t have asked for a better ending.

PRIYANKA PINTO Three years in Wilson college Bmm have been amazing. I’ve made friends with so many talented people . I tried doing things I would have never thought of doing before, pushed my limits, made a few mistakes but got up with all the help from my friends. The wonderful faculty were not jut teachers but friends and family. The close Bond that we all shared helped me realise my true potential. And so I would like to thank my friends (astrid , Karen, Divya, Natasha, Arko, Fatema,Sandesh, rachel, JD, Yash and Thomson) and all my other classmates for all the fun memories, the crazy nights working on projects, sharing notes and stories and living together like one big happy family. I’d like to thank all my teachers, it’s their projects that helped me push my limits and i have taken alot back from their teachings and last but not least I would like to thank the crazy old man, for his encouragement, his life lessons and his warmth without him BMM Would just be another degree .

Best places outside college, in the descending order of their cost: New York, Gokul, Sunlight, janta and the chai tapri behind our college (p.s. you only get Chai here.) Dear juniors, This is it, there’s nothing else. You’d better decide to enjoy it or you are going to be miserable wherever you go, for the rest of your life. Cheers. :)



RACHEL BAKER 5 years of Wilson college eventually comes to an END. And God knows I’m going to miss this place. I was very skeptical of the course at first, rarely attended class and hardly mixed around with ze classmates. Not Until the second year that I realized what a fool I’d been. The more I got to know people, the more I regretted not making an effort earlier. Two of the best people I’ve known and who had always been there for me Arko & Fatema..I love you guys! PP, Karen, Apeksha, Arko & Fatema - Thank you guys for making the 2nd IV the best trip ever. From all the late project submissions to hours spent at Sunlight and New York to CCD stories, to the awesomest IV’s, to the much awaited Polaris and other BMM fests, to waiting desperately at Himmat bhai & Nisha to get out projects printed, I’m going to miss every damn thing. After 5 years of bitter-sweet moments and memories that will last a lifetime, I walk away with no regrets. And I so agree with the fact - Whatever happens, happens for a reason. Last but not the least, I’d like to thank BMM for Saurabh Choudhary. He is my surprise gift :P

RASHMI KARAMPURI So it’s done? I don’t know but somewhere it is not easy to accept that the three years of my BMM life has come to an end. I entered BMM with a confused soul, and I am still confused but somewhere I have roughly figured out what I want to do with my life. The three years for me was an absolute learning experience I wrote poems (I never thought I will), I clicked pictures, I sang (where bad at it still), I acted, I danced (yeah !! Bollywood) I participated in college festivals and enjoyed, I bunked lectures and went for shopping, movies or I was just bored to get up for a lecture, I made memories, I experienced a lot of chaos during the submission of projects, I made friends, I laughed and I met lot of people with different back grounds and different mind sets. Most importantly I learned the value of time, 7.30am is 7.30am And yeah, the journey just got more trouble-free because of those few people who always stood by my side, Gladis Monterio, Jessica D’souza, Suvida Lokhnande,Manasi jadhav and yeah, of course Shenna Albert. And last but not the least Mr Sudhakar Solomon Raj, Mrs Riya kartha (A beautiful soul who guided me a lot) and Ms. Tina Aranha, are those beautiful teachers who lend a hand and supported me a lot during my tough times.



RIA LAWRENCE It’s not easy to write about three extremely eventful years in a few words, but I’ll try.

RONEN ACHOUBA A quiet sailor sailing forever.

I’m a dreamer. I look upon the future as a wide sea of possibilities, a canvas devoid of any colour waiting to be filled up by a million uncanny hues. So of course with its endless promises, Mumbai seemed the perfect city for me, and yet when I got here I didn’t expect half of what awaited me. Three years and an infinite number of friends, foes, fests, submissions, peaks, valleys and experiences which make my heart race with excitement and head swell with pride, it stuns me how magically, beautifully and painfully fast time has passed me by, and now being so close to leaving it all behind and moving on to new adventures, I take a little bit of every day and experience as an indelible memory. I owe a couple of Thank you’s to these lovely people who made this journey so much more exciting: Janice and Sneha- You are absolutely the most amazing, reliable, demented friends I could have asked for. Sandesh, Allan and Sahana- Much too late but I’m glad I found you all. The UCJ- For being a sortof tiny family, with its many eccentricities and undying loyalty. The BMM experience- For helping me realise and inculcate my fierce passion for Dance and the written word and giving me a spine a steel. So we won’t be together ever again, but there will be songs which will remind me of this place (this part feels like an obituary. which in a way this is, innit?), rushing for submissions, getting drenched in the rain (knock knock, Deeksha), spending hours doing nothing in particular, speaking in gibberish, planning Birthday treats and the UNFORGETTABLE IV’s. So many things. I’ll miss all that. BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13


ROWAN ROBIN JAMES LUKE I would love to start with a really emotional quote of Yash Raj productions but that wouldn’t do justice to these three years. Three years that went by before I could even say “Ogilvy!’ The journey hasn’t been pleasant at all times but has been memorable. The reason for that I guess is that each and every person who you meet is there for a reason. When I look back at all this time I spent in this institution while doing this course, I realize that even though I might not have walked out knowing all the tricks of the trade but I definitely have learnt a lot about life and the people it brings with it. I definitely made and lost a lot of friends over the course of these three years and this is what teaches you. A lot of people made this an absolute peach of an adventure, you know who you guys are, I love you from the bottom of my heart. The days on the I.V (don’t really remember the nights) are what every BMMite fondly protects in his/her treasure cove of memories and so many other things. College fests were a lot of fun. Olio was by far my favourite, had a smashing time over there. One person has to be thanked here. Shenna Albert, the person who was with me every step of the way. Last but in no way the least I would like to thank the entire BMM department for “paal-oing” me and really teaching me things books would never. A big thanks goes out specially to the Crazy Old Man who really pushed (literally,haha) me on and helped me see things clearly and in a much broader perspective). Bus itna hee. Shukriya!



Unlike most of the others, I am only 2 years old in this college. I had to yawn through my First Year at a rather boring college that I would never recommend to anyone, even if it was the only educational institution in the world. Too extreme? Maybe not! Joining Wilson will always be one of the best decisions I ever made. I remember attending Polaris as part of a contingent in the FY and brimming with envy. From admission interviews to fitting in to industrial visits and its episodes, media campaigns, brand destinations, more media campaigns and all the exhaustion; it’s been a hell of a journey. Wilson’s made up for all the memories I couldn’t make in my FY in SIES and some people have played an integral part. Sudhakar Sir – For all the encouraging words, pats on the back, beautiful letters, wonderful insights and all that you’ve taught us. You’ve been an inspiration. Nupur, Shweta, Sahana, the SIES gang is as good as a brand now and it’s never going to leave. We will always be the most loved ‘immigrants’ of Wilson BMM. The never ending sleepovers that followed, long and cherished conversations and the birthday surprises will always be treasured. The persistent laughter, numerous nonsensical discussions, shamelessly retarded behaviour on the streets, railway stations, trains etc has been an everyday routine for 2 years. You three are beautiful and I love you the most. 4 star will remain immortal. Amen! Apeksha, my brother! All the Sunlight escapades, ridiculous humour, warmth, love, RETORT days, ‘fruit lips’ and ‘samosa nose’, short yet long conversations; I could really go on! We have always connected on some level, emotional or retarded. Alisha, you will always be special. Thank you for always looking out for me and encouraging me always. I love you! Arpit, for being my bestfriend, my patient listener, my source of incessant laughter and permanent support. Thank you for everything. It was beautiful and worth every bit of effort! A big shoutout to Benish, Yash, Allan, Divya, Natasha, Abhay, Fatema, Rachel, Smaran, Ishita, Tanuj and everyone else for making the last 2 years so brilliant. I’m going to cherish them the most!



SAHANA SEHGAL I came to Wilson College two years ago looking for a change and lots of opportunities, and God is the proof that I wasn’t disappointed. I’ve been on a ride from the past two years; a ride that took me through ups and downs, at times, left me suspended hanging upside down in mid air! All sense of simplicity was tossed out of the window, be it about the projects or friends, there were times when I was amused by all I saw and did and there were times when I would wonder why I did what I did. I’d like to go through the two years minute by minute all over again! There were some tasks left incomplete. I would have been nicer to people, may be attended some more lectures (they’ll give me hell for my semester 6 hall ticket, but I know they’ll come around, they always do : P), done some crazier stuff, made some more friends or bullied some more people! Either way, some people have been unequivocally important to me, they’ve made me what I am and helped me retain who I was. I came with Ruchita Chandrashekar (I finally spelled her surname right, after five years. Life without her would have been primitive and savage), Shweta Ramesh, my support system and Nupur Jetly, the eternal coolant and ever so practical. Aayush Puthran, I forgot him so many times and finally he became a brilliant friend and made it impossible to forget him ever again, Ishita Vora, for all those times you were with me, when we rushed the injured crow to the hospital or when we saw the double rainbow, Arpit Kyal, who taught me so many things, most importantly, what it actually means to lose friends, and get them back too (a little drama does it). My teachers, Anushi Ma’am, who was always the light at the end of the tunnel, Tina Ma’am, whose brilliant insights made me think one too many times, and of course, Sudhakar Sir (if only I could figure you out!) These two years would have been horrible without these people and many others. They said 300 words, so I will stop now! Good Bye Wilson BMM! I’d love to say phir milenge but that would mean something else, so yes whatever!

SANDESH SAMANT If I had not joined BMM, following things would have been something like this: The Economist – some financial newspaper | CS- Counter Strike | Ogilvy – may be some American President or a British Prime Minister in 19th century? | IV- comfortable 8-10 days trip with your classmates | Karnala – A nice spot for trekking in monsoon | Yes, my world would have been very different if I was not in Wilson BMM. BMM was a journey – started at Karnala and ended at Jammu & Kashmir. It was quite long, but full of memories, experiences and learning. Some journeys are tiring and with lots of difficulties, but only these journeys create memories and teach you lots of things. Wilson BMM was one of them. Studying with a bunch of 64 creatively crazy people for two years changed my perspective to look at the world. Fighting, debating, competing and exploring new things were only possible because of these 64 people. Three months of POLARIS’11 preparation actually shaped me to take risks in life. It was a great experience to work for Polaris [especially to spend two-three hours every day in the police stations to get the permissions ;) ] as the Security Head. IV means really visiting ‘industries’ – this is what I learnt here. Going to tourist places and not visiting any tourist spot is also fun; this is what ‘Wilson BMM’ taught me. It’s impossible to forget the UCJ (the United Class of Journalism :P) while talking about my BMM journey. It was this class where we fought, cribbed, enjoyed and celebrated everything TOGETHER. We proved that journalism is also very creative. Now, it’s time to leave. But, I know I am not going with an empty brain. I have learnt a lot, experienced a lot, explored a lot, enjoyed a lot. And lastly, ‘pushed my limits…..a lot’ to see a whole new world.



SANKET RAJOPADHYE It seems college life has come to an end. Every moment has been worth living twice. It’s the people with whom you make memories that matter and they are the reason you enjoy every bit of life. I was fortunate enough to have plenty of both - memories and friends. Coming to Wilson was pretty much ordained by destiny for me. The first few months were odd and the projects looked huge. Of course, then we beat the system. The comedy, drama, action, and adventure that these three years were all about, even though was a rollercoaster ride, will be tremendously missed by me. These three years have taught me a number of things, the most important of all – ‘SLEEP’, it’s never too much. I take with me the memories of our most awesome IV’s, SSR’s daily handouts, canteen’s samosa, end of the year interviews, controversies, festivals, POLARIS, Polly, FINANCE head for POLARIS 2011, sponsorship tension, 7:30 submissions, knock on head by Suddu and yeah, the list still goes on….. To my class and faculty, I would like to say a big – “THANK YOU.”

SAURABH CHOUDHARY “There’s nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be...” - Lennon bhai sahab Sitting here trying to think about how I spent these three years here in Wilson college, I can only remember that one day when I was just moments away from taking admission in National College. Initially, I was not too glad with the decision I took but as the years rolled down, I figured out why it was meant to happen. For me, College began in the room no. 302 of St. Andrews Hostel. Class to me only meant the first row of the last column with the only friend I made in class (who also happened to be my roommate) for almost a semester. But eventually my class is all that I’m taking from this course. It’s been an institution of learning in itself. It taught me to be Mad, Stupid, Strong and at times it also taught me to be heartless. It taught me to bare some crazy (Natasha, Ofcourse!), some stupidly helpful (Astrid), some overtly helpful (JayD baba), some desi filmmaker (Deeksha), some Unfortunate Genius (Smaran), some friends (Arpit), some other friends, some Idiots, some self-proclaimed ‘stars’, a few avoidable people and one woman who-can-never-be-wrong-andI-still-Love-Her (Rachel). I can never forget the first fashion show I did for Blitzkrieg, the ‘MP is in Gujrat, noh?’ dialogue by Astrid, the world famous Belly Dance by Natasha, the pout by Divya, the Happydent smile obviously by Parag, the baby-gime-kiss by Arko to Fatema, the I.V. Diaries by Pp, the SIES clan, the stop motion project, the ‘Marathon’ project, the SY Detour and a few little memories of TY that I have. Sudhakar Solomon Raj, the old crazy man, I have learnt a lot from him. From his teachings, from his experience and from his mistakes. Tina Ma’am, Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you Arpit for making this journey little easy and a bit more fun. And thank you Rachel for making the last year of college so beautiful.



SELVINA OLIVE D’CUNHA Before the 1st month of Wilson College BMM could end I realized this is no piece of cake, by the 2nd month as the projects started bucketing in I was very certain I’m in “military school”. With some hardcore ASS slogging and shoddy last minute submissions I’m writing about 3 years of WCBMM(still a last minute submission), feels strange and reasonably elderly :D. My dominant memory and remarkable one will be being called by the great “Michael Jackson’s” name, it was not new for me but it was surprising as I was no more from that small town of mine I was born and raised in, it was a gigantic world with many and many people with alike and better talent resembling mine. It was a trip from winning inter collegiate dance events to receiving standing ovations in college for my performances, from winning the title of BOMBAY TIMES FRESH FACE OF WILSON COLLEGE to winning women’s championship 2 years repeatedly, from being nobody knew I existed to being somebody the college thought of when it came to dance, I’m not boasting about myself (well, I’m…a little LOL) but it is this individual WCBMM molded me into, something that I never knew I could be and would have never known if not for WCBMM. These 3 years thought me how to be humble and not take success for granted, because what goes around comes around. Last thing and on no account will be at least thing is that ‘I would have done all of this nowhere else than in WILSON COLLEGE BMM, and would’ve been no one else student than of this crazy old man” P.S.: It’s the survival of the fittest here, so put on your ‘gende ki chamdi’ to walk this razor-sharp journey.

SHENNA ALBERT 1095 days of BMM at Wilson College have left me with 95000….000 moments and memories that will stay on forever. I still remember my first day in college with every possible detail; the anxiety, doubt and fear that I started with, was soon taken over and changed into warmth, optimism, passion and curiosity. Surprisingly, even SSR started seeming like Dumbledore (quite contrary to the Mogambo image that stuck on for a YEAR!) Teachers came and went, friendships grew and ended, projects troubled and nurtured and time flew by while we were busy making memories. Rowan, Alex and Mane have particularly been part of some of the best times I’ve had here at Wilson (Love you guys!). Eesh, Allan, Prajakta, Aalam, Alisha and Abhay have been few others who have made my journey in Wilson fun and memorable (Thank you so much peeplz J). The projects which we both, love and hate, have undoubtedly contributed majorly to these 3 years and I’m really glad they led me to some amazingly talented people like JD Baba, Yash, Thomson, Aalam and Abhay. Three years back, I never knew what it would be like to graduate; I’m still fighting a battle in my head thinking about what’s next; though as I sit here to pen down my thoughts I feel uneasy, I guess it suddenly dawned upon me - ONLY 25 DAYS LEFT! SSR & Co. have always made sure we learn and don’t just study and well, they’ve done so with CLASS! Every time I see an Economist or HBR article in future, I know my face will light up (No, NOT because of the articles :P). Polaris and the infinite bitter-sweet memories attached will always be treasured. As the time to leave comes closer, every person in class seems less like a classmate and more like family! One notable thing about the last three years is that you will not realize when, where and how time flew, before you even know it, it’s gone! L So CHEERS to BMM, SSR & Co., all my classmates, teachers, projects, Polaris, handouts, PPTs, IVs and everything that made the journey here WORTH IT! :)



SHWETA RAMESH Two years of BMM in Wilson has been a larger than life experience. Made many friends , formed perspectives , did epic projects like ‘Peeke Mat Chala’ , had my highs and my lows. I believe you make moments , but instances make you. Have seen some great minds and will cherish these memories for a long long time. Also a few people who made my college life so very special; Nupur (My long lost love), Sahana (My adorable Munchikan) and Ruchita (My emotional shoulder) without whom the idea of fun would have not been what it is. Allan: My closest friend throughout, inspite of all that our dear class put us through :p Abhay: My telepathic buddy. Not to forget Arko, Fatema and Yash who I wholeheartedly adore. Through all of this I can hear the crazy old man saying “Please Leave”, I guess this is my moment to say ‘Are you sure? Because this time I am finally leaving’. But yes fantasy land is what we aspire to live in :p. On a serious note , I can proudly say BMM survived me and I wish all my fellow batch mates all the luck in the world. Cheerio. :D

SIDDHARTH AALAMBAYAN BMM is like your iPod on shuffle. You don’t know what’s going to come next, yet are excited about it. Trust me on one thing; no song will leave you disappointed. The high’s and low’s in my song were all loud. Each one left me with a lesson for life. The subjects I learnt followed a shift+delete pattern, post every exam, but the exam preparations memories are what I am left with. Coming from a town different than Mumbai, my experience with BMM was more of a ‘fitting myself’ in Mumbai and BMM at the same time. I made friends, a hell lot of them, fought over petty issues and resolved them over the best of times. Tried my hand at journalism, photography, acting, theatre & movie making and every thing I could possibly manage. From the entry to the farewell this has been a topsy-turvy ride. Started off with a couple of best friends to end with a completely different set! I owe it to a few who deserve a mention here, Sneha(StarShine) - A person without whom I’d still be the innocent, small town guy; Alisha & Deeksha for conversations and emotional overrides, Kavya my behena, Mansi the surili awaaz & Prajakta - The pretty face. Not to forget - Namit Chadha the instant solution to all my problems & Arko for the long list of bhai giri we pulled off! I was lucky, a lot of times and each person of class has left me with a sweet memory of their own. If I had a book, I could fill it with stories of the three years & it still wouldn’t be enough! BMM mein aake jhol nai kiya, toh kya kiya boss!



SNEHA PILLAI As I sit here thinking of the best possible way to concisely describe the last three years in BMM, there is a warm mushroom cloud of memories rising within me. Memories of absolutely random conversations, stolen sniggers, heated debates, silly fights; from theatres to caves; of gut-wrenching moments and euphoric victories... The last three years are tangled in a web of these little moments, which makes it hard to pen what the journey has truly been like. All I know is that it has been a significant period and if I could, I would live it all again- A little less cynical and a lot more approachable. I still remember the first day in BMM, surrounded by new faces, when our seniors successfully pulled a prank on us, when Khaliq Sir spoke about how BMM would be a completely new experience with no textbooks, when Tina ma’am walked around the class asking us to “Think about it”, when Sudhakar Sir played songs in the middle of a lecture... I remember feeling overwhelmed and excited at the same time. Now as it’s all coming to an end, I feel the same. And for the millions of memories I’ve gathered in the last 3 years, I would like to thank these few. Janice: For being one of the most loyal and truest friends I have known and for always being there. You know how special you are. Ria: For laughing when I laughed, for whining when I whined. Every girl deserves a friend like you, Moronovich. Thomson: For the many many laughs and double-meaning talks. And for those insightful questions which you occasionally threw at us out of the blue. Yash: For being that excited bundle of positivity which you often are, except when hungry. UCJ: For making TY a memorable experience. Honestly, this year would have been so pakao without the 14 of you. You guys are the best!

SNEHA PRASAD They told me to fill a 300-word profile about my three years in BMM. And for someone who hates writing this is what I could come up with. Here it goes! When I realized 3 years of BMM are coming to an end, all I could think about is I can finally get some treatment for my insomnia! What have I learnt in these 3 years? A lot I must say. I’ve learnt how to confidently lie and faff projects. How to secretly make phone calls and message the person sitting right in front while the class is on. How to test your immune system by eating canteen food. How without Wikipedia and Google I would have probably been a regular patient in the psych ward. I have learnt to voice by screaming and cheering in college festivals. I have learnt to connect with people through gossip sessions and that BMM has confused my future carrier choices. You know they say there are things books don’t teach us, and undoubtedly we have mastered that in these years of not having books. What I really learnt after joining this course is that you are officially a certified MAD person. While I learnt all that in college, I also learnt that photography and filmmaking is something that I should continue getting better at. I understood that the friends and connections I made in these 3 years will be loved and missed and these memories will be played like a film without a sound.



SUVIDHA LOKHANDE BMM Express: Unexpectedly I caught the ‘BMM Express’ in the journey of my life (and that also Wilson College’s compartment) without knowing any destination. And that journey is getting over soon; still I am confused about the destination . But I really don’t care about it now because I have understood the way of life. First year of BMM for me, was like a travelling in second class compartment of Virar local where there is uncertainty of getting seat. Match up with a range of attitudes, cultural differences, subject like economics (which will always remain in my hate list) were a headache for me. And taunts from the people- ‘Why you are doing this course? Why not engineering?’ I was fed up with this question and my vague answers (but thanks to my family who supports me for my every decision). Now I can confidently answer ‘why not engineering?’ In these three years, maybe I was a part of ‘furniture’ in the classroom but I cannot explain how much Sudhakar sir has contributed to change my way of thinking. I will really miss Tina ma’am who appreciated me and also scolded me as my elder sister (Ma’am now also you have pura haq to scold me). I cannot forget Ria ma’am and Keerat ma’am who found out my hidden potential of writing and Photography skills. I am also grateful to Khaliq Sir, Anushi Ma’am and Swanil Ma’am for their intellectual inputs. This journey was nothing but the exploring unknown things and that was possible because of the four pillars (Manasi, Jessica, Gladis, Rashmi) around me. Because of them I could realise that people with different mind-set can work, live and enjoy together. I really enjoyed Chota parivar, sukhi parivar- The UCJ (especially pigeon’s love triangle, drawings on the blackboard, bombardment of lame jokes, debates on different issues etc.). I am unable to express my feelings in 300 words. I tried my best. Can you please give me more space????? .........All the best to everyone for successful life. 72 BMM YEARBOOK 2012-13

TANUJ JOSHI It’s been 2 years since I joined Wilson college . I remember the very first day at college looking at the class , the structure which was so beautiful and opposite the college beautiful sea these three things were enough for me to fall in love with the place, the people and lastly the course . After joining Wilson it changed the whole me, the festival , the people , Sudhakar sir whom I thought was some mogambo but after knowing him he is simply awesome he changes the whole you and as people say the “crazy old man” is just great . Right from hanging around in college , to sitting in canteen, to making projects at the last moment doing presentations , to attending college fests dancing like crazy all will be missed like crazy .These 2 years that I have been in this college have been the best thing that could have ever happened in my life and i’m so lucky to be part of the 2013 BMM batch All this will be missed in fact writing this thing now will also be missed .

THOMSON MURIYADAN College did not change me. It helped me discover myself. As the years passed by, parts of what is distinctly me came together to become the person I am today. I will always have a special place for my teachers who have played a monumental role in shaping my personal and professional growth. I will remember Prof Sudhakar for everything that made Wilson College BMM what it is- lectures, nature trails, industrial visits, personal advice, nagging-parent exam wishes, handouts I will always find time to re-read, projects that have truly refined my strengths and made me address my weaknesses. I am indebted to Tina ma’am for always hearing me out, reminding me to find happiness in the little things and not let those I cannot control consume me and for being the much needed friend, philosopher and guide through these years. I fondly remember stimulating conversations shared with Prof Khaliq (especially those outside the classroom!), Demitrius and Ronak for rekindling the designer in me, Keerat ma’am and Ria ma’am for helping me find my writing voice and starting my first blog and Prof Lakdawala for giving me chance to make my best project till date (Peeke Mat Chala). My three year journey would be insignificant without an amazing class, one with passionately unique people who possess amazing abilities. But there are some who have walked an extra mile to make this phase memorable- Yash, my fidus Achates, for being a constant support, Janice, for all the pep-talk and leg-pulling that kept me going! Sneha Pillai, for always finding ways to bring the four of us together, Jaydutta, for gifting me my Pune experience and being a part of my many meaningful collaborations.

YASH SINGH If other courses are feature films, then BMM is a family entertainer. Just like a family entertainer has romance, comedy, drama and action; BMM has culture studies, psychology, economics, law and so many more subjects (that may or may not be relevant). And, the Sajid Khan of this entertainer is THE MAN (who shouldn’t be named.) Now that I have survived after making that analogy (just like I have survived the 7.30 submissions and the Virar fast trains) I’ll share my experience of Wilson BMM. I have discovered and rediscovered myself as a film lover and cinephile here. I have found my calling for design and business. And of course I’ve, developed a new found love for singing performing! (by the way, thank you Astrid, Mansi and Thomson for not killing me every time I ruined your songs with my sexy voice. ;) I would like to thank THE MAN for all those handouts from Economist, which I hope I can completely comprehend some day. For not only teaching us about media, but, business, eco-tourism, nature, music, Mamata Banarjee, life, the universe and everything. Not to forget Khaliq for being the coolest teacher/ friend. In the last three years I have made a lot of friends, but three names that I dare not forget to mention are Thomson, Pillai and Janice. Janice for being the support through my good and troubled times. Thomson for liking (and disliking) my ideas with the same intent and for being the perfect friend. Pillai for baptising me as a fake Malayalee; and then selling that to the world. For everyone who I may have upset over the last three years, please forgive me, I might’ve just been hungry!



SIDDHARTH MANE 3 years of BMM. What a ride!

JIGNESHA KORE Ahh. Don’t know from where to start off from. Probably not from FY and SY because I had very less memories then. But yes, waking up with puffy eyes, coming from Virar, standing near Nisha for Xerox and submitting projects before 7.20 was an achievement for me . Yes, three years of BMM gave me a lot. Here, you get to know each person in class. It taught me how to be patient. I always had stage fear, which is no more because of project interactions and presentations. I actually started enjoying college when I came to TY. I had some amazing projects like Brand Destination, which had completely different people whom I got to know very well and branding our self was the second one. BMM is a completely different world where you don’t have regular timing for sleeping and eating but at the end of it, you have pockets full of memories. By the time you leave college, you realize you have so many of them. The funniest part was the controversy about Avinash and I dating during IV (boss BMM mein log kuch bhi soch sakte hai) He was already dating someone! Cant a boy and a girl be good friends ever? I can never forget the people who motivated me when I was down with my own sad stories, the fun we had, gossips and controversies. Yes, BMM. I got so much more from you than I’d expected.



SUNITH VARTAK After all my years and days spend in BMM I have come to the conclusion that bmm in Wilson will push u further than u expect, for those of u who are already talented you will find an awesome platform and a stern judge (you know who) who will mark your every move and push further. What you need to understand as a student is not to miss college no matter how boring the day is trust me at the end of my days here I realize now that it’s not about the fact that you are a good student in class it is about how good the class is making you as a person or good journalist, advertiser. Even if you are not interested in the lecture it still worth it to be here and explore the college. You don’t need to know the said and unsaid rules of Bmm Wilson that you will learn by yourself no matter you are introvert or an extrovert. Handling projects, group members and so on will come naturally what you can retain from this place is a good foundation internally which will help you take on the world (or at least prepare you for the worst). Here you will learn that good things can be done even in the worst of situations. And no matter how much you don’t understand something there is always someone who will be there for you to explain, simplify your problem. Trust me enjoy every moment, every experience and at the end it will be as if another life lived when you leave this place. Bmm years are the best and worth it even if you receive one knock on the head by sir. So enjoy it don’t waste time on worry of projects and sir and all the things you face because at the end you will miss this feeling. Enjoy. even if the last words you hear is PLEASE LEAVE!.






were occupied, already planning out their next decade, to take out time to write their profiles.









Polaris 2012 launch event at Cinemax.

Polly at Polaris 2012: Where Genius Meets Madness

Steer Sober Campaign (TY AD)

Save Open Spaces Campaign (TY AD)

Hide & Seek Campaign (TY)

Beat The Blues Campaign (TY AD)

The Acapella Choir at Blitz 2012

Metallica at Blitz 2012

MockBand at Blitz 2012

Unending row of dishes in the IV :)

Rihan at his best :P

Dilon me tum apni betabiyan leke chal rahe ho,to zinda ho tum Nazar me khwaabon ki bijliyan leke chal rahe ho,to zinda ho tum Hwa ke jhokon ke jaise aazad rehno sekho Tum ek dariya ke jaise lehron mein behna sekho Har ek lamhe se tum milo khole apni baahein Har ek pal ek naya sama dekhe nigahein Jo apni ankhon mein hairanian leke chal rahe ho,to zinda ho tum Dilon mein tum apni betabian leke chal rahe ho,to zinda ho tum

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss


ggg END ggg

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