ISO sertifisering

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Tildelt tul Multi-site Pro Norge AS, hvor

Issued to the multi-site Pro Norge AS, which

er en del av et multi-site sertifikat tildelt tul Pro Norge AS. Gyldigheten tul dette sertifikatet avhenger av gyldigheten tul hovedsertifi katet

is part of a multi-site certificate issued to Pro Norge AS. Validity of this certificate depends on the validity of the moln certificate

AM Certification AB bekrefter herved at ledelsessystemet er gransket og oppfyller kravene i

AAA Certification AB certifies that the management system has been reviewed and complies with

ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015

Ledelsessystemet onnfatter

The management system covers Handel med promotionsartikler og arbejdstoj

Trade in promotional items and work clothes

Sertifikat nummer: 2319

Utlopsdato: 2026-02-05

Tildelt: 2023-02-10

Certificate number: 2319 Expiry Date: 2026-02-05 Issue date: 2023-02-10

Kvalitetssertifisert siden 2020-02-05

certified since 2020-02-05

Kerstin Larsson

Sertifiseringen omfanget og vitkår framgår av sertifisering vedtak. Dets gytdighet kan kontrolleres

Miljosertifisert siden 2020-02-05

certified since 2020-02-05

\ ED.4 „ n DI rr Accrect no. 1939 Certification of Management Systems ISOJEC 17021-1
Details of the scope and the range of the certificate
in the certification decision Validation of the certificate can be done on
are defined

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