R ELAX GREETING After many successful years and the rising demand for quality publications presenting a different image of Thailand and Pattaya, RELAX – Quality Lifestyle is expanding to the Bangkok area. In this issue you will find a map of Bangkok showing the main business areas. This will help visitors to plan their trip to Bangkok. If you would like a complimentary copy of Relax in Bangkok please send a short email to office@ReadRelax.com.
Hotels, Restaurants and other quality venues and projects now have the opportunity to be presented not only in Pattaya but also in Bangkok and overseas. And also, quality businesses from the Bangkok area can attract clients from the Pattaya region. For now and at this time of the year, we suggest you relax and prepare for the coming high season. Take time for yourself to reduce your stress, visit a spa, beauty clinic, nice restaurant or simply take the time to walk along the beach and enjoy the sounds of the sea.
RELAX расширяется в Бангкок! Если вы хотите бесплатную копию, то свяжитесь с нами по office@ReadRelax.com. А пока найдите время, чтобы расслабиться и уменьшить стресс, чтобы подготовиться к ближайшему сезону туризма. توسع اآلن نطاق عملمها في بانكوك! إذا كنت ترغبRELAX لتأخذoffice@ReadRelax.com :بنسخة مجانية إتصل بـ الوقت قد حان لالسترخاء والحد من التوتر الخاص بك لتكون على .استعداد للموسم ارتفاع المقبلة
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Dr Salam
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September - October Autumn 2010
CONTENTS Dental Health Care for Healthy Teeth and Success! Ulthera: Breakthroght in skin lifting and tighteing treatment Training for Building the Perfect Figure Go Nuts For Nuts Beautiful Skin, Healthy Body Deepsee Ultralift The Meaning of Colors for Beauty Ti ps to Care for Your Nails Relax Eyes A New Look for Pattaya
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14 20
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September - October Autumn 2010 To Get Rid of Fat, Don’t Eat Before Exercise Horoscope Aquarium To Relax Visit Thailand Now ... Attractions and Activities in Chonburi Mantra Restaurant and Bar with its Innovative Wine Dinners Asian Dining Uraniwa; a fusion cuisine restaurant in Bali Resort-Style Blue Sky; Sofitel Centara Grand Bangkok
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ألن المرض قد ياتي في أي وقت ...فلذلك أطبائنا وأخصائينا متوفرون 24ساعة يوميا
Dental Health Care for Healthy Teeth and Success!
ealthy teeth make you look good and socially attractive. A healthy mouth will help you to make friends more easily and enhance your career. People with healthy, clean teeth are successful. It is important that people give equal importance to dental health care and general health care. Neglecting your teeth can lead to serious trouble in the future. Many people are afraid of going to the dentist, causing them to neglect their dental care. Today’s dentists understand their patients better and there is nothing to fear.
Keep your teeth clean. The best way to brush your teeth is to ensure that your brush is against the gums at a 45 degree angle. You should proceed with gentle strokes, and brush from gum to teeth. Make sure that you brush your tongue too. Try to change your toothbrush at least every six or eight weeks. Take proper care of your toothbrush. Remember that this is the object that enters your mouth daily. Never ever share your toothbrush with anyone, as it entails a huge risk of serious infections. Thoroughly rinse your toothbrush after use and leave it somewhere it will dry. If many toothbrushes are kept together, do not allow them to come in contact with one another. Do not keep your toothbrush in a closed container that can turn out to be a favorite spot for bacteria to breed.
Floss between each tooth, your floss should be 30 to 40 cm in length. Wrap the floss around each of your middle fingers and slip it between your teeth. Form a U shape against the side of one tooth. Starting at the gum line, use a gentle rubbing motion to remove particles of food. Remember to visit your dentist regularly. You can find professional dentists in this publication.
Забота о Состоянии зубов для Успеха! Здоровые зубы делают вас красивыми и социально привлекательными. Чистите и промывайте Ваши зубы должным образом, ежедневно. Никогда не разделяйте свою зубную щетку! األسنان الصحية وسليمة تجعلك تبدو جميال وجذابا إستعمل فرشاة األسنان والخيط الخاص.اجتماعيا ال تشارك إي شخص.بك بشكل صحيح واليوميا !إطالقا في إستعمال فرشاة أسنانك الخاصة بك
สุ ขภาพฟันแข็งแรงทำให้คุณดู ดแี ละน่าสนใจ ทางสั งคมรวมทั้ งการแปรงฟันและใช้ไหม ขั ดฟันอย่างถูกต้องเป็นประจำจะทำให้ฟันของ คุ ณสะอาด และ ปราศจาก กลิ่ นรบกวน www.ReadRelax.com
Ulthera: Breakthough in skin lifting and tightening treatment. What is Ultherapy? Our faces can tell many stories, and while wrinkles might say ‘experience’ droopiness can say ‘tired’ Surgery has always been an option, but now there’s Ultherapy, a noninvasive ultrasound treatment for counteracting the effects of time and gravity on your skin. The beauty of the 30-minute Ultherapy procedure is that it uses the body’s own regenerative response to gently and gradually restore memory to the skin and underlying tissue – from the inside out. How does the Ultherapy procedure work? As with other ultrasound procedures, a smooth applicator placed upon your skin projects an image onto a screen. This same applicator is then used to deliver low levels of focused heat at just the right depth below the skin to 12
achieve a positive effect leaving the surface of your skin indisturbed. You skin’s response to the energy is to stimulate the growth of new collagen. A gradual tightening occurs, resulting in a natural lift of the skin over time How is this procedure different than other non-surgical skin tightening procedures? Ultherapy is the only skin rejuvenation procedure that uses ultrasound to image and treat skin. The ability to use an established technology—to both see below the skin and then treat it with great precsion—helps ensure both safe and satisfying results. What does it feel like? Comfort levels vary from person to person, but it is unlikely you will need pain medication during the procedure, Many patients describe the sensation as momentary prickling or heat beneath the skin. www.ReadRelax.com
This is the ultrasound energy being delivered into the tissue, which is how Ultherapy lifts and tightens the skin. What can I expect afterward? You are able to return to your normal activities right away, and there are no special measures you need to take. You skin may appear a bit flushed or puffy immediately after the treatment, but any redness should disappear in a matter of hours. Is Ultherapy safe? Ultrasound energy has been used in the field of medicine for over 50 years, and clinical trials have demonstrated the safety of this latest application. As with any medical procedure, there are general safety considerations, which your physician will review with you.
What kind of results can I expect? With just one treatment, the regenerative process is initiated, but the full effect will build gradually over the course of two to three months. In the FDA clinical trial, nine out of ten patients had a noticeables, signifcant lift of the brow line. This resulted in a more open look to the eyes and a more youthful appearance overall. Patients also reported firmer, tighter, better-fitting skin in other areas of the face and neck. There isn’t a replacement for the dramatic effects of surgery, but finally there is a non-invasive approach to significant skin tightening.
Who is a good candidate for Ultherapy? A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with skin that has “relaxed” to the point of looking, and often feeling, less firm. A lowered brow line or sagging skin on the eyelids, for instance, is often the first sign of “ maturing” skin. Ask your doctor if Ultherapy is right for you.
For more information, please contact 038-710 043-6 (Royal Garden Plaza Branch) or 038-723 948-50 (The Avenue Pattaya)
Training for Building the Perfect Figure
ou don’t have to work-out day and night to achieve a perfect figure. Simply keep in mind the following tips and see the difference in your body, and others will also notice. First, get to know your body. Different body types are designed to master different activities. Choose the activities which you most like to do. Some people have a natural preference
for running, while some prefer weight-lifting. Control and pay attention to your diet, no matter what situation you face in your life. Remember that the right nutrition is the key to everything. Putting the right kind and amount of fuel in your body machine can help you achieve the desired physique. Include healthy foodstuffs, fruit, lots of greens and lean proteins in your diet as they are the secret to good health. Ensure that you have a diet rich in proteins to increase your muscle mass. Having five or six small meals a day benefits you leaps and bounds. It increases your body’s metabolism, thus burning more calories. Exercise for a perfect physique. You can use barbells and dumbbells to shape you body. The right way to do this is to work the portion of each muscle that the average bodybuilder neglects, and to
work those portions within your own individual abilities, along with proper nutrition. In order to proportion each muscle fully, you should carry out only one exercise per muscle and this should be the exercise that will work only the target part of the muscle you want to build. It is also good to join and be a member of a Fitness Club; it is always easier to exercise when you work alongside others with similar aims.
Выберите спортивные упражнения, которые Вам нравится делать больше всего, тренируйтесб регулярно и выбирайте правильную еду с нужным количество белков, и Вы достигнете прекрасной фигуры. ،اختار األنشطة الرياضية التي ترغبها أكثر واختار النوع والكمية المناسبة،وتدرب بإنتظام وسوف تحصل على،من البروتينات والغذاء .الجسم الجميل المتناسق
เลือกกีฬาและกิจกรรมที่ คุ ณอยากทำมากที่ สุ ด ฝึกฝน เป็นประจำ และ เลือกชนิดที่ เหมาะสม และ ปริมาณของการโภชนาการอาหารที่ ถูกต้อง แล้วคุ ณจะบรรลุ เป้าหมายได้สัดส่วนที่ เหมาะสม
Go Nuts For Nuts N uts have had a bad reputation: high calories, high fat, added salt, etc. Think again.
Nuts have a lot of nutrition in a small package and they require no preparation, they make great snacks. Nuts contain protein, antioxidants and healthy unsaturated fats as well as vitamin E, which researchers believe may prevent plaque from building up in the arteries, and fibre, which is filling and helps to lower cholesterol. Eating a diet that includes 30 grams of nuts daily can reduce your risk of heart disease by reducing your level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Which Nuts Provide the Most Health Benefits? While most nuts are healthy, when
included as part of a well balanced diet, some are better than others. Among the best are walnuts which contain omega-3 fatty acids, to help lower bad triglycerides in the bloodstream, almonds that are high in fibre, protein, monounsaturated fats, and other nutrients and hazelnuts containing selenium which is reputed to prevent premature aging, cell and tissue degradation, and works with vitamin E to produce healthy red and white blood cells. The list continues with peanuts with vitamins that help maintain healthy skin, and hair, as well as healthy muscle tone and pecans, from the same nut family as walnuts, containing plant sterols which help battle heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels, and are very nutrient-rich with zinc, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate, and phosphorous. Last, but not least are pistachios, which are cholesterol-free and high in monounsaturated fat, (a good fat) and
means that they, along with other nuts, will help protect you from heart attacks. The copper, magnesium, and B vitamins in pistachios all strengthen your immune system, making your body fit. Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, and some varieties of pine nuts, are considered to be less healthy because of their high fat content, though in moderation even these nuts have shown to be beneficial to cholesterol levels.
Сделайте орехи Частью Вашей Ежедневной Диеты: Чтобы увеличить пользу, избегайте орехов с солью, сахаром, или шоколадом! 30 – 60 граммов в день, немного и часто, для Вашей оптимальной пользы здоровью. لزيادة:إجعل المكسرات جزء من غذائك اليومي فوائدها تجنب المكسرات المشبعة بالملح والسكر غراما يوميا06 إلى03 ! أو الشوكوالته، موزعة لعدة وجبات لها فوائد صحية جمة
ทำให้ถ่ั วเป็นส่วนหนึ่ งของการรั บประทาน อาหารอย่างเป็นประจำของคุ ณ : เพิ่ มประโยชน์ ของถั่ วโดยการหลีกเลี่ ยงถั่ วที่ มีปริมาณสูงใน เกลือ, น้ ำตาลหรือช็อคโกแลต 30 - 60 กรั ม ต่อวั นน้อย และ บ่อยครั้ งเพื่ อประโยชน์สุขภาพ ที่ ดี ที่ สุ ดของคุ ณ
Best Dental Clinics in Pattaya Dental Paragon Clinic Tel: 038-720919 www.dentalparagonpattaya.com Dental Paragon’s ultimate goal is to seek perfection in Aesthetic Dentistry. We are a specialist dental team of experienced dental surgeons who received their specialty training in prosthodontics (teeth replacement and dental implant), periodontics (gum treatment), endodontics (root canal surgery) and orthodontics (brace and invisalign). Our dentists and staff are committed to providing you and your family with quality dental care by keeping ourselves updated with the latest technology. Our instruments were constantly sterilized and autoclaved to control infection and AIDS everyday.
Pattaya Smile Dental Clinic Tel: 038-724145 www.dentalpattayabeach.com
PattayaSmile “Your Smile. Our Passion.� is the leading private dental Clinic in Pattaya, Thailand. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry and smile makeover. Our well-trained dentist teams with advanced tech equipments will guarantee you exception satisfying services. We offer you one-stop treatments and dental services; implant, veneer, crown & bridge, filling, scaling, whitening, check-up etc.
Modern Smile Dental Clinic Hotline Pattaya Branch Tel: 038-720820 , 085-2471222 www.modernsmiledental.com
Modern Smile Dental Center has been established since 2001 with 3 branches located in Sriracha city, Pacific Park Robinson and Pattaya city. Three of them are Certified to ISO 9001 : 2008 . We offer a complete range of dental services and provide the highest quality dental care available nowaday. We also strive to make every visit as comfortable as possible by being gentle, and courteous. MSD is loyal to honest principles dedicated to our staff of professionals and committed to the pursuit of providing the most satisfying dental care to each and every individual that visits our office. Seasonal Promotion A Shuttle - free delivery Pattaya Branch Sriracha Branch 038-321600, 085-2471333 Pacific Park (Robinson) Branch 038-771773 , 085-2471444 info@modernsmiledental.com
Dental for you Tel: 038-724215 E-mail: info@dental4youpattaya.com www.dental4youpattaya.com Dental for you, located at South Pattaya, is prompt to provide services on treatment and checking for all problems of gum and teeth health with a highly proficient and experienced dentist team with the assistance of the state-of-the-art technologies Specialty of our dentist team is not the only essential feature for us. Advanced technology and proficiency on using it are what Dental for you take care for since they enable better quality and speedy services.
Beautiful Skin, Healthy Body
id you know your skin is the largest organ of your body? The skin protects the other organs inside your body. It is an indicator of your overall health and well being and it is important to take good care of your skin. You need to figure out which skin care products are the most suitable for you and designed for your individual skin-type. Try small sizes of products to establish which work best for you.
To be able to improve your skin and health you need to understand the factors that affect the health of our skin: a well-balanced nutritional diet, adequate rest and sleep, drinking plenty of water, regular exercise and being exposed to fresh air and light. Avoid junk food especially if you have oily skin, eat fruit and vegetables, drink eight glasses of water a day, and don’t smoke as smoking harms your skin and lips. Aim to moisturize your skin twice a day; in the morning and before bed, and pay special attention to your face and neck; this will slow down the development of fine lines and wrinkles.
health care clinics, you can find in this publication.
Сбалансированная диета, адекватный отдых и сон, выпивание воды и свежий воздух и свет - являются лучшей поддержкой Вашего здоровья и красивой кожи. ،إتباع نظام غذائي متوازن والراحة والنوم الكافي وممارسة التمارين،وش��رب الكثير من الماء وضوء الشمس والهواء النقي،الرياضية بانتظام .هو أفضل عالج لصحتك ولبشرة جميلة
การโภชนาการอาหารที่ สมดุ ลคือการ พั กผ่อน อย่างเพียงพอ การนอนหลั บ, การดื่ มน้ ำให้มากๆ และ การออกกำลั งกายเป็น ประจำ รวมถึงการสั มผั สกั บอากาศที่ บริสุทธิ์ และ แสงสว่างคือการรั กษาที่ ดีที่สุ ดสำหรั บ สุ ขภาพเพื่ อผิวสวยของคุ ณ
Taking care of yourself is better than any product on the market so make this your new skin care routine. For further advice, and specialist skin treatment, visit one of the professional
Deepsee Ultralift “Lifting the surface to reduce slack and wrinkles on the face, for a slender look.” Deepsee Ultralift works by sending high frequency sound waves (Focused Ultrasound) to transmit low energy waves into the the skin. The energy penetrates 3 – 4 mm into the skin to the collagen layer. This innovative technique provides support, strength and elasticity to the skin and has been approved by US FDA. Doctors can tune the treatment to match each client’s needs. Highly secure, with no side effects, the results will last for at least 2-4 years. Results obtained after treatment with Deepsee Ultralift include lifting the face, eyes and eyebrows, reduced size pores and smooth closer fitting skin. The treatment takes only thirty minutes and is not painful; it is quite safe.
How Deepsee Ultralift improves the skin Deepsee Ultralift emits energy waves that are designed to convert sound to heat to fight deep tension. The Deepsee Ultralift process results in new tissue (SMAS) which is better retained by collagen fibers in all directions. With a firm layer below, the rest of the skin also becomes firmer. How will you feel during and after treatment? When ultra sound waves are released into the tissue under the skin, it feels like a needle prick, and your skin will feel warm.. After treatment some people experience slightly red skin, but this will clear within one hour. After treatment, you can apply makeup and live life as usual. How long will the results last? After only one treatment, you will gradually see improvements clearly continuing for at least three months.
Deepsee Ultralift работает, направляя высокочастотные звуковые волны (сфокусированного ультразвука) для передачи волн низкой энергии 20
в кожу. Энергия проникает в 3 - 4 мм под кожу в слой коллагена. Результаты, полученные после обработки Deepsee Ultralift включають подняжку лица, глаз и бровей, уменьшение размера пор и гладкость кожи ближи. Лечение занимает всего 30 минут, и это совсем не больно. Это совершенно безопасно.
วิธกี ารใหม่ของการยกผิวกระชั บ ลดความหย่อน คล้อยลดริ้ วรอย และทำให้ใบหน้าเรียวเข้ารูป โดยปราศจากการศั ลยกรรมโดยใช้เวลาในการ รั กษาเพียง 30 นาที และไม่ทำให้เกิดบาดแผล สามารถแต่งหน้าได้ปกติ โดยไม่ต้องพั กฟื้น ผิวสามารถทำการรั กษาได้กับทุ กสีผวิ มีความปลอดภั ยสูง ซึ่ งประสิทธิภาพและผลการ รั กษาเป็นที่ ยอมรั บจากแพทย์ศัลยกรรมจาก ประเทศต่างๆ อย่างกว้างขวาง www.ReadRelax.com
The Meaning of Colors for Beauty
our beauty is not only achieved from makeup but by body care, hair condition, hair style and your wardrobe. Always keep in mind the colors that work best for all uses and for all occasions are those closest to your natural skin tone and the associated spectrum of pastel colors.
Fashion and beauty experts classify color according to seasons; Spring includes bright, fresh and lively colors, Summer has clear, contrasting and bold
colors, Autumn has soft, cool, slightly grayed colors, and Winter includes deep, dark and muted colors. Additionally, every color has its own “vibration” and meaning, representing how our emotions respond to the different tones: nBlack is mysterious, glamorous and sophisticated, but also severe, glum, depressing and deadly. nBlue is cool, quiet, serene, calming, but also sleepy and sad. nBrown is warm, earthy and drab. nGray is neutral, subtle, dignified and well-informed, but can also be gloomy and cold. nGreen is fresh, loving, greedy, restful, calm and successful. nPink is soft, delicate, feminine, innocent and delicious. nRed is vital, exciting, energetic, cheerful and sexual, but also angry, aggressive, alerting and warning.
nViolet is rich, subtle, stately and royal, but also sexy, passionate, impressive and alone. rWhite is clean, pure, young, safe and simple; the color associated with health and the teenage years. nYellow is alive, optimistic, joyful, clear, sunny, bright, hopeful and positive. nOrange is new, warm, happy, cheerful, motivated and garish.
Цвета Вашей одежды и косметики могут отразить и достигнуть различных эмоций, например: красный представляет нечто захватывающее и веселое или агрессивное, а белый представляет чистоту, здоровье и молодость. Читайте больше в этой статье о других цветах. أل���وان مالبسك والماكياج يمكن أن تعكس فمثال اللون األحمر سيمثل،المشاعر المختلفة اإلث��ارة والمرح أو التهجم واألبيض سيعكس اقرأ المزيد عن األلوان.النقاء والصحة والشباب .األخرى في هذا المقال
สีของเสื้ อผ้าและการแต่งหน้าของคุ ณสามารถ สะท้อนและเกิดอารมณ์ที่แตกต่างกั นเช่นสีแดง จะ แสดงความตื่ นเต้นและร่าเริงหรือ ก้าวร้าวและ สีขาวปัจจุ บันจะบริสุทธิ์ , สุ ขภาพดีและดู อ่อนวั ย อ่านเพิ่ มเติมในบทความ เกี่ ยวกั บสีอนื่ ๆ นี้ www.ReadRelax.com
Face Lift (Rhytidectomy)
A face lift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure used to reduce facial wrinkles, eliminate signs of aging, and improve the overall appearance of the face and jaw area. Face lift surgery can help reverse the harmful effects of time, stress, and the elements. A Face Lift can be an effective way to improve appearance and boost self-confidence. There are many different kinds and options of face lift: mini face lift, lower face lift, mid face lift. The cost here in Thailand in general is much more reasonable than in the west, with a similar quality. Discuss with your surgeon which is the best for you, and all other details! For more information contact RELAX Team for confidential details at 0890813121 or toon@readrelax.com
Подтяжка лица используется, чтобы удалить признаки старения и увеличить красоту. Есть несколько различных процедур. Пожалуйста обсудите со своим доктором лучшую процедуру для Вас! Ein «face lifting» beseitigt die Zeichen des Alterns und unterstuetzt die Schoenheit des Gesichts. Es gibt diverse verschiedene Methoden. Bitte fragen Sie Ihren Doktor nach der fuer Sie bestens geeigneten Moeglichkeit. تستخدم جراحة شد الوجه إلزال��ة عالمات الشيخوخة ! هناك األفضل بالنسبة لك.والتجاعيد وتعزيز الجمال
การยกหน้าจะช่วยให้ผวิ หน้าดู อ่อนเยาว์ สดใสขึ้ น มีหลาย วิธกี ารที่ แตกต่างกั นแต่ทางที่ ดีควรปรึกษากั บแพทย์ผู้เชี่ ยว ชาญ สำหรั บคำแนะนะที่ ดีที่สุ ดสำหรั บท่านเอง.
Ultra-Beautiful With Ulthera From APEX Dr Nantapat Supapannachart at APEX Profound Beauty Clinic successfully presented the revolutionary technology the “Ulthera” ultrasound which can reach the deeper layer of the skin SMAS and gives you a facelift without a surgical operation. As Dr Nantapat explained “Our skin contains multiple layers - the outer layer is the epidermis, the next layer is the fat, and the deepest layer is the SMAS and it is the main supportive structures of the skin which makes it looks smooth and young”. If your skin begun to sagging, wrinkles and starts losing elasticity and you are not ready for a surgery, then Ultera may be the solution. Visit APEX Clinic for more information.
White Sport & Be Chic White Sessions Pullman Pattaya Aisawan had many successful monthly „White Session“ Real Beach Club Parties. It is every first Saturday of the month. The sensation sessions are always a gathering of people enjoying international DJ music, wide selection of fine drinks, live entertainment and more. Don’t forget to join the next White Session – It is a great fun.
“McDang Show” VISITS LA BAGUETTE Popular TV program McDang Show hosted by M.L. Sirichalerm Svasti (Khun McDang) was recently broadcast from in La Baguette French Bakery located in Woodlands Pattaya. Khun McDang was welcomed by Assistant to Managing Director Khun Alisa Phanthusak (left) and Executive Director Khun Darin Phanthusak (right). McDang Show is aired every Sunday on Channel 9 TV station.
Genuine Care Basics Launching
Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa lead by Mr. Geev Andre Bahrampoori, (1st left, 2nd row) Director of Operations, recently launched Genuine Care Basics to all associates in order to inspire their performance with an experience that reflects the guests’ own priorities: excellence, optimism, and professionalism. This is part of Marriott International’s worldwide initiative that enlists 137,000 employees from over 3,100 locations in 68 countries to deliver a genuine care service.
Mantra Restaurant and Bar Celebrates its 4th Anniversary in Style Mantra Restaurant and Bar at Amari Orchid, one of Pattaya’s finest dining place recently celebrated its fabulous 4th Anniversary in style with a number of known faces who enjoyed a wonderful evening of fine food together with a live classical performance by band, “Vietrio”. Guests were warmly welcomed by Mr. David Cumming, the hotel’s General Manager and his team. 24
Siam Green Day The Siam Bayshore Resort & Spa, one of Thailand’s leading GREEN hotels recently organized its annual “Siam Green Day” which focused on creating “green” awareness by its staff plus students from local schools as well as to update other hotels and local officials about its “green” procedures / achievements. Categorized as a 5-leafs resort (the highest possible) by the Green Leaf Foundation the resort’s commitment to go “green” has been used lots of times already as an example for others.
“THE ULTIMATE HIDEAWAY EXPERIENCE” PACKAGE AT SHERATON PATTAYA RESORT Overlooking the Gulf of Siam from lush cliff headlands, Sheraton Pattaya Resort embodies a new level of genuine five-star luxury in a tropical seaside paradise setting. Experience world-class seaside accommodation and fine Thai cuisine to fulfil your holiday break. Spend quality time with your family and friends discovering delectable cuisine at Elements restaurant and gazing
upon panoramic views to nearby islands and the distant blue horizon. Package includes: • Nightly accommodation in your selected room category • Daily buffet breakfast for two persons at Elements restaurant • Daily Thai set dinner sharing for two persons at Elements restaurant (- Minimum 2 nights stay is required - Valid for stays on Sunday – Friday, except Saturday) Rates start from only Baht 5,900++ per room per night From now until 31 October 2010 only!
Academic Tour to the Pullman Pattaya Aisawan Asian University organized a summer University observation tour at the Pullman Pattaya Aisawan recently. Eighteen students participated in this exciting, fun and academic activity at the Beach Club of Pullman Pattaya Aisawan. Students, age 19-29, from various nations such as Russia, Austria, Germany, Portugal, Poland and Venezuela had a unique experience about hotel business. They were joining some games on the beach with our Pullman Pattaya Aisawan team building staff and had a delicious dinner at the Beach Club restaurant after that.
“Ananda” launched the exciting Rope Ladder hanging down the side of a nine story building. To mark the opening of Red Eagle 2010, in which Heroes never die. Five Star productions and Kantana Group, in conjunction with Pattaya City, launched Heroes Never Die or “Insee Daeng” (Red Eagle), a film directed by Wisit Satteng. Based on the crime novel, the splendor of the Great Red Eagle 2010 lives on. The opening in Pattaya featured a helicopter bringing the crime-fighting super hero (played by Ananda Averyham) wearing his signature red mask, to introduce the new character featured in the remake of the movie A rope ladder had been hung down nine floors of the Central Festival Pattaya building, and a competition was announced with a chance to win prizes from Ananda Investment. It goes without saying that the movie has many awesome stunt scenes, even more exciting than the rope ladder. www.ReadRelax.com
A New Look for Pattaya By Lawrence Clarke Much of Pattaya’s new appeal stems from an effort to show the world that Pattaya has much more to offer than beer bars. A clever and handsome new mayor, a high class shopping complex, an ever increasing number of cosmopolitan restaurants and an
abundance of exclusive hotels are all a part of Pattaya’s new image. Opal Sangnark, the lady behind Opal Fashions, is another fresh young face helping to cast Pattaya in a whole new light. Raised in Ayutthaya, Ms. Sangnark started her career eight years ago when she first began to sell her dresses in New Zealand and Thailand. With over 500 designs, and a customer base that has expanded into Europe and America, Opal is ready for the future! As you can see classic evening gowns with detailed beadwork and embroidery are Opal’s
trademark. Her designs are about comfort, elegance and highlighting femininity. With a clientele that continues to be mainly European you needn’t worry, wondering if she has something that fits. Opal’s full length ballroom gowns can transform any woman into a Cinderella. She will be hosting a Fashion show in Pattaya in the New Year. Find out more, www. opal-fashions.com!
Опал Моды это еще одно лицо Паттаи в новом свете. Ее дизайны удобны, элегантны, с выделением женственности. مصصمة األزياء أوبال آخر وجها جديدا لباتايا تصاميمها مريحة.ليضعها في ضوء جديد تماما وأنيقة وتسليط الضوء على األنوثة
แฟชั่ นโอปอลเป็นอีกหน้าตาหนึ่ งของพั ทยาที่ มา แรงในขณะนี้ การออกแบบของเธอสะดวกสบาย เก๋ และจะเน้นไปทางแบบของผู้หญิ ง www.ReadRelax.com
The attractions of Thai culture and traditions of the four regions of Thailand are here for you to visit when you are in Pattaya. You will enjoy the fascination of: •
Thai Style, Buildings
Boutiques ,Shops & Souvenirs
Traditional Thai Performances & Music
Freshly Cooked Delicious Cookery
Traditional Thai Paddle Boats
Fabulous Skywalker Sling
Woodcarving Museums
And many, many more attractions and entertainment for all ages and genders! Open every day from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and soon there will also be a night bazaar! Located on Sukhumvit Road in Pattaya on the way to Sattahip. Telephone: 038-076802 Website: www.pattayafloatingmarket.com www.ReadRelax.com
Паттайя Плавучий рынок - крупнейший в Таиланде - Шопинг-сувениры - Рестораны-Питье - Огромный спектр развлечений для всех - Телефон 0-6000-3-6000
السوق العائم باتايا األكبر في تايالند تسوق هدايا تذكارية أكل وشرب مجموعة كبيرة من الترفيه للجميع-
ตลาดน้ ำ ๔ ภาคพั ทยา ใหญ่ที่สุ ด ในประเทศไทย - ช้ อป ปิ้ง-ของ ที่ ระลึก - รั บประทาน-ดื่ ม - มโหฬาร ช่วง ของ ความ บั นเทิง See You at Pattaya Floating Market! 29
To Get Rid of Fat, Don’t Eat Before Exercise
tudies show that high adrenalin and low insulin are a good fat-burning combo. Scientists also say that if you want to get rid of fat, you should skip the pre-workout snack. If you haven’t eaten before exercising, your body doesn’t have many carbohydrates in reserve. That forces it to burn fat instead, scientists say.
“When you exercise (after fasting), your adrenaline is high and your insulin is low,” said Peter Hespel, a professor of exercise physiology at the University of Leuven in Belgium. Hespel also recommends people exercise before breakfast, since eating carbohydrates interrupts the process of metabolizing fat for about six hours afterwards. “Science is finally catching up with what smart runners have always known,” said Ron Maughan, a professor of sport, exercise and health sciences at Loughborough University in Britain. “If you have a long, hard run without breakfast once a week, that hard run will train you to burn fat,” he said. “And for the rest of the week, have plenty of carbohydrates so you can train hard.” Maughan cautioned against doing too much exercise on an empty stomach. “That might help you get very good at burning fat, but you won’t be very good at whatever exercise it is you’re
doing,” he said. “Without enough fuel, you won’t get the intensity of training you need to make improvements.” “When you postpone breakfast to exercise, it is possible you might eat more afterwards,” he said. “People exercising (without eating) need to respect all the normal strategies of weight control like not overeating.” Daniel Kobbina, a personal trainer in London, said the method requires discipline — but it works. “If you train on an empty stomach, you’ll see that six-pack a lot sooner,” he said.
Вы можете сжечь больше жира, если Вы тренируетесь прежде, чем Вы едите! إذا، يمكنك حرق المزيد من الدهون في جسمك !كنت تمارس الرياضة قبل تناول الطعام
คุ ณสามารถเผาผลาญไขมั นได้มากขึ้ นถ้าคุ ณออก กำลั งกายก่อนรั บประทานอาหาร www.ReadRelax.com
Aries You have the resources to enjoy what’s beautiful in life despite some minor problems of a physical nature or it could just be that you are highly stressed, and this affects your general health. Plan your daily tasks carefully so that you can manage them successfully! Taurus Generally speaking, you’ll be in good shape during the coming month. Minor ailments, if any, are to be expected in the second week of September. Your home will be your place of comfort and harmony. Remember to invite your loved ones to share it! Gemini Currently you are physically fit. Maybe your breathing apparatus needs to be checked, but no serious matter. Be ready to give your close friends extra attention during the end of August and beginning of September when they may need your support or care. Cancer It is a good time to think of obtaining a new home or investment. You’ll have a lot of energy, which will help you during your new investment activities. Socialize as much as possible and try to be kind, but discrete at the same time! Leo You are in a good mood. Think of your health and take a visit to your doctor for a check-up. Be careful to take care of yourself and don’t risk anything! And also watch what you say, write and sign at the beginning of next month. Virgo It’s time for sport! And maybe it’s also time for you to get balanced physically and psychologically, to identify any malfunctions and find cures. It seems that a change is necessary in your lifestyle or attitude… You will be very lucky if your birthday is after 15 September!
Libra Business will flourish but remember to keep your health monitored. A medical check-up will help. If you think something is not right, do something about it immediately and ask a specialist to check you. It is time to think of a luxury spa and a fine dine out. Scorpio You’ll have a good tonus, especially in the first two weeks of September. Family, children and friends need you to be near. It is also a good time to visit friends you haven’t seen for a long time or invite them to dinner! Sagittarius It is time to relax; this month could be rather a stressful month for you. You might also be disturbed by some lack of concentration and various inner fears, which you may not fully understand. But be optimistic and you will manage and win. Your health is OK at this time, but a relaxing spa would help you. Capricorn At this period you need to be careful when traveling, with exams, with your studies and with relationships with people far away! Have a medical check-up because some old ailments might recur. During the last week of September you will have a nice surprise. Aquarius It is a time of moderation for you. No excesses of sport, food or drink! Don’t overestimate your physical, intellectual and material resources! It is also time to think of your relaxation and to be lazy! Think of visiting a beauty clinic for a facial treatment. Pisces High relational stress could cause a minor psychological complaint. Physically, you’ll be quite well and dynamic. It is good time to make time for more physical activity (sport, aerobics, exercise, dancing, etc.). Remember your teeth need to be checked!
Aquarium To Relax Do you have a stressful life, with high blood pressure or insomnia? Keeping an aquarium may be good therapy for you. Studies have shown that gazing at aquarium fish reduces stress and subsequently lowers blood pressure. Additionally it beautifies any room. Thinking of adding an aquarium to your space? Pattaya Aquatics and the owner, Mike and his team offer you all you need for your available space and budget; they can turn even the smallest space into something truly beautiful. An aquarium makes a great decoration and asset to any building or room such as a condominium, house, hotel, restaurant or other private and public spaces
tanks, computer monitored and with a remote control that covers the temperature, pumps and automatic feeding. The Pattaya Aquatics showroom on Thepprasit Road provides some superb examples of what Pattaya Aquatics can offer. The showroom is opposite the Thepprasit night market, approximately 100 metres from the Sukhumvit Road end of Thepprasit. Perhaps the most impressive exhibit is a large tank built around one of the building’s concrete pillars, turning what would be an eyesore into a beautiful feature. I couldn’t stop watching the graceful but menacing movements of the fish. It was so relaxing.
Call and get your Aquarium today at 038 300 511 or 088 208 3809
Pattaya Aquatics Паттайя по водным видам спорта предлагает вам все ваши потребности в аквариуме качеством; они поддерживают вас консалтинг, проектирование, разработку, установку и обслуживание. معرض «باتايا أكواتيك» يقدم لك أحواض السمك التي تناسب المكان والميزانية المتوفرة أحواض السمك ليست جميلة فحسب ولكن.لديك .أيضا مفيدة لصحتك
Pattaya Aquatics ขอเสนอท่านสู่พิพิธภั ณฑ์ สั ตว์น้ำที่ มีคุณภาพไว้ประดั บบ้านหรือออฟฟิต ของคุ ณให้สวยหรูเหมือนอยู่ใต้ทะเลและทาง เรายินดีให้คำปรึกษา ,ออกแบบ, ติดตั้ ง รวมทั้ ง การบำรุ งรั กษา เรายินดีให้บริการท่าน ทุ กๆความต้องการของลูกค้า
Pattaya Aquatics can stock and supply either saltwater of freshwater tanks according to the customer’s preference. The aquaria that everyone is talking about now in Pattaya are the wall-mounted tanks that at first glance resemble a large flat-screen plasma TV. These really are state-of-the-art
Visit Thailand Now ...
Visit Pattaya Now …
… the ultimate in relaxation and peace of mind awaits you Pattaya, Thailand is always a welcoming city, promising relaxation in peaceful surroundings. Whatever goes around the world, Thailand and Pattaya remain peaceful and clam destinations. Thailand, the world’s most famous tourist destination is in continuous holiday mode throughout the year. World-wide statistics show that Pattaya City is one of the most peaceful cities compared with other similar large cities around the globe. Thailand offers you all the ingredients for a perfect holiday, whether you are seeking medical treatment, recreation of leisure, for a short or long stay. Top quality venues of world class accommodation, restaurants, shopping centers, sport and recreation areas are waiting for you. Excellent investment opportunities are also plentiful in this rapidly expanding resort destination. For example Pattaya features wise business people and organizations
and a young dynamic Mayor, Khun ltthiphol Kunplome. The mayor personally is keen to modernize the resort city to make it one of the most outstanding destinations in the world and to offer the visitors all the comfort they may desire.
TAT Pattaya office Director, Mr. Niti Kongrut, has many ideas and activities to ensure the welfare of visiting tourists. For more information please contact RELAX Team at relax@ ReadRelax.com, phone number +66(0) 38 233 490 or phone the call centers of Pattaya City at 1337 or TAT at 1672. See You in Thailand, See You in Pattaya …
Attractions and Activities in Chonburi األماكـن واألنشـطة الســياحيــة في محافظة تشونبوري لمزيد من المعلومات عن األماكن السياحية في تشونبوري إتصل بإدارة السياحة في باتايا هاتف038-427667, 038-428750, 038-423990 : فاكس038-429113 : بريد إلكترونيtatchon@tat.or.th : !Ripley’s Believe It Or Not ريبليز صدق أو ال تصدق ! يعتبر متحف ريبليز صدق أو ال تصدق من أشهر أالماكن السياحية العائلية للنزهة في العالم األسرة والتي نشأت في الواليات المتحدة .المتحف فريد من نوعه بما يحتويه من مجموعات غريبة من العجائب .وهو يعرض بدقة متوازنة بين الغريب والمروع والجميل .ويقدم المتحف عشرة صاالت عرض تحت عنوانين متميزة وتحوي على أكثر من 003معروضة فريدة. وزيارة المتحف مناسبة لجميع األفراد والجماعات وعلى مدار السنة. فاكس + 66 (038) 710-487 : هاتف 8 :إلى +66 (038) 710 -29 4 Nong Nooch Garden - Paradise on Earth الحديقة اإلسـتوائية نونغ نوتش الجنة على األرض على هذه القطعة من األرض الخضراء التي تغطي حوالي 256هكتارا تقع الحدائق االستوائية والمنتجع الرائع بما تحتويه من أنواع هائلة من النباتات الغريبة وت��زرع حول الحدائق وتضم النخيل النادر ،وأشجار السيكاد واألشجار والشجيرات و النباتات المعترشة التي تم جمعها من جميع أنحاء العالم .الجميع ينتظرون حضوركم ولكي لتمتعوا. www.nongnoochtropicalgarden.com السوق العائم في باتايا Pattaya Floating Market يقدم السوق العائم في باتايا يوميا عروض ثقافة عدة مرات و على طوال اليوم ، والتي تعود أصولها إلى أربع مناطق في تايالند .ومنها الرقص التايالندي الكالسيكي ،وإس��ت��ع��راض��ات فنون الدفاع عن النفس ،وكذلك موياي تاي - المالكمة التايالندية المائية ،حيث ينفذ المتصارعون إستعراضاتهم على وتد أفقي فوق القناة .وهناك أيضا مجموعة من مشاهير الفنانين الذين يعرضون مواهبهم الكالسيكية مثل الرسم على المظلة أو رسم الصورعلى اللوح ،و تبقي األبواب ورش عملهم مفتوحة لتسنى لكم مشاهدة فنونهم الجميلة. هاتف 038-706340 :فاكس 038-076800 : البريد اإللكتروني info@pattayafloatingmarket.com : www.Pattayafloatingmarket.com
Flight Of The Gibbon طيران قرد الجبون تعال و انضم معنا في رحلة مع طيران قرد الجبون وهي واحدة من أج��رأ وأمتع أللقاءات التي يمكنك قضاؤها مع الطبيعة من أي وقت مضى. الهاتف 08 99 70 55 11 : www.treetopasia.com Khao Kheow Open Zoo
حديقة الحيوان المفتوحه كاوكي ياو هناك فرصة لكم لمقابلة مختلف أنواع القطط البرية مثل نمور البنغال والنمر االسود والنمر االبيض والفهود. هاتف 038-318444 : www.kkopenzoo.com
Million Years Stone Park & Pattaya Crocodile Farm
منتزه حجر المليون سنة و مزرعة التماسيح في باتايا تقع على قطعة أرض مساحتها أكثر من 70فدانا وتبعد 15دقيقة فقط بالسيارة من باتايا ،المتنزه والمزرعة شئ جديد وجذاب للسواح .مدة إنشاؤها وبجهود دامت أكثر من 20عاما ولتكون مقصدا لجميع عشاق الطبيعة .وتحتوي على أكثر بكثير مما يوحي اسمها .أنها ليست إال متحف حي ألشياء غريبة وجميلة من كل ثالثة ممالك الحيوان ،النبات والمعادن ، .لكنها توفر لكم أيضا عدة أنواع من البرامج المسلية والمثيرة
الفاكس +66-3824-9349 مكتب باتايا :هاتف+66-3824 9347-9, 3824 9311 : الفاكس +66-2279-4008 مكتب بانكوك :هاتف+66-2579 5033, 2941-3251-3 :
مسرح تاي آالنغان باتايا
Thai Alangkarn
في قلب تاي آالنغان يوجد «مسرح» ،وهو من أحدث المسارح يمكنه إحتواء 2000شخص ومزين بنمط تايالندي حديث محتويا على مسرح سداسي الشكل بطول 70متر ،وشاشتين كبيرتين بقياس 15 × 11مترا ،وشاشة مائية بقياس 50متر لعرض اإلستعراضات التايالندية الرائعة .واإلستعراضات مقدمة في إطار بانورامي مع كثير من تقنيات العرض ،مثل االلعاب النارية ،عروض ليزرية باأللوان متعدد ،ونظام صوت واقعي محيطي وأكثر من ذلك فاكس +66 (0) 2216-1872 : هاتف مسرح تاي آالنغان +66 (0) 3825-6007 : فاكس +66 (0) 2216-1872 : مكتب بانكوك +66 (0) 2216-1869 : للحجز +66 (0) 3825-6005 : www.alangkarnthailand.com Thai Submarine
الغواصة التايالندية استمتع بتجربة ال تنسها مع الغواصة الصفراء .غوص لتستكشف العالم الحقيقي تحت سطح البحر مع ENIRAMBUSIAHTذات التكنولوجيا العالية. هاتف 038 415234, 086-31-9457 :
متحف فنون الزجاج Bottle Art Museum المتحف الوحيد في العالم الذي يحتوي على األعمال الفنية التي تبدو معروفة و هامة على حد سواء .ومباني معمارية وضعت في زجاجات بمختلف األشكال واألحجام .وتظهر هذه األعمال الفنية ثقافات وتقاليد ، وظروف المعيشية ،والمناظر الطبيعية و الطقس وهندسة معمارية قيمة ألماكن عديدة عن االيام السالفة .الشخص الذي بدأ خلق هذا النوع من االعمال الفنية القيمة السيد بيتر دليج -فنان هولندي .والسيد برابايسي تايتانينتش أنشأ المتحف في عام 5991وهو فنان حديث في مقاطعة تشون بورى ،وهو تلميذه الوحيد ،والذي يقوم وبشكل مستمر بلمحافظة عليها وإنشاء أعمال فنية جديدة. ولقد نقل متحف الزجاج الى مجمع كينغستون الذي هو أول مركز للتعليم والترفيه في باتايا .ويقع هذا المكان في على شارع سوخومفيت مقابل ميني سيام وجنب مستشفى بانكوك باتايا .وهو مكان واسع يقدم استقبال ودياً للغاية ،ويعتبر من أهم األماكن السياحية الثقافية والمثيرة لالهتمام جدا في باتايا. هاتف/فاكس0-3842-2957 : هاتف ّنقال085-3638989, 081-1487000, 087-6492929 : البريد اإللكترونيbottlemu@gmail.com : Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks
متحف لويس توسو للشمع قف بين النجوم .يمكنك هنا التقرب الشخصي من نجمك السينمائي المفضل من عالم المشاهير .تعال وخلد لحظات جميلة من حياتك مع التماثيل الشمعية في متحف لويس توسو .إجلب عائلتك وأصدقائك معك ولتكون فرصة لكم لتتعايشو مع شخصيات عالمية من جميع أنحاء العالم بما فيها الرئيس أوباما ،األميرة ديانا ،وباتمان ،تايجر وودز ،وديفيد وفيكتوريا بيكهام في غرف ذات تقنية عالية وأحدث تقنيات المؤثرات الضوئية و الصوتية والتفاعلية. «وال تنسى بإحضار الكاميرا معك» هاتف038-710-294 : www.ripleysthailand.com
The Sanctuary of Truth
حَ رَم الحقيقة -ذي سنكتواري حرم الحقيقة هو البناء الخشبي العمالق الذي يغطي مساحة تزيد على ثالثة آالف متر مربع .أعلى نقطة في المبنى تقع 501مترا عن سطح األرض. بني لكي يصمد ف��ي وج��ه الرياح وأشعة الشمس على شاطئ البحر في بانغالمونغ في مقاطعة تشون بورى ُ .شيّ َد المبنى وفقا إلبداعات تايالندية قديمة وكل سنتمترا مربعا من المبنى مغطاة بنحت خشبي .والغرض من الديكور ه��و نحت تماثيل خشبية إلستخدامها كفن وثقافة لكي يكونا انعكاساً للرؤية القديمة من األرض ، والمعرفة القديمة ،والفلسفة الشرقية .وفي هذا المجمع سيتمكن الزوار فهم الحياة القديمة ،ومسؤولية اإلنسان ،والفكر األساسي ،ودورة الحياة ، والعالقة الحياة مع الكون والهدف المشترك مع الحياة المثالية. ,هاتف 0-3836-7229-30, 0-3836-7815, 0-3822-5407 : فاكس 0-3836-7845 : البريد اإللكترونيsale@sanctuaryoftruth.com : www.sanctuaryoftruth.com مسرح تيفاني Tiffany’s Show إسعراض الكاباريه للترانسفستيه األصيل في تايالند والذي يعتبر األكبر في العالم ،ويقدم تيفاني ثالثة عروض كل ليلة خالل الخمسة والثالثين عاما ماضية . ومدة اإلستعراض ساعة وعشرون دقيقة وهو مناسب لكافة أف��راد العائلة والعرض ذو روعة ويحبس األنفاس ويسرع من دقات قلبك ويضعك في إشتياق لرؤية المزيد. ال تفكر مرتين ،وال تتردد وزور اإلستعراض اآلن .إضم إلى عائلة تيفاني وإحتفل معنا ،ونحن نرحب بكم جميعا في إستعراض تيفاني وستكون الليلة ممتعة وحفلة فريد. هاتف +66 3842 1700 :إلى 5 فاكس +66 3842 1711 :إلى 2 البريد اإللكتروني tiffany@tiffany-show.co.th : www.tiffany-show.co.th حديقة حيوان النمور سي راتشا
Sriracha Tiger Zoo
المملكة حياة البرية تمتع بمشاهدة النمور ،التماسيح والفيلة وإحتضن أطفال النمور وغذيهم بالحليب وخذ صورة معهم. وتمتع بمشاهدة أشبال النمر وكيف يتعايش النمر والكالب وحيوانات أخ��رى أليفة م��ع بعضها البعض في سالم .وشاهد أعداد كبيرة من العقارب على جسد سيدة .تعال وأهتف لسباق الحيوانات و لترى مفاجأة الحيوانات الذكية في إجراء عمليات حسابية .وإعمل صداقات مع الجمال واإلبل والخيول القزمة واألرانب والغزالن والقردة. هاتف+66)0( 3829 6556-8 +66)0( 3833 9111 : فاكس+66)0( 3829 6559 : البريد اإللكترونيsrirachatigerzoo@hotmail.com :
Underwater world عالم تحت البحار في عالم تحت البحار يُأخد الزائر في جولة لقاع البحار دون أن يبتل وذلك بواسطى السير في نافذة وه��ي نفق بالستيكي شفاف طولة 001متر. هاتف0 3875 6879 : فاكس0 3875 6977, 0 3875 6875 : www.underwaterworldpattaya.com Sukhawadee
قصر سوكاوادي باحت سوكاوادي مفتوحة للجميع بنية إعطاء الزوار شعور بأنه مالك مشارك ،وإلستكشاف حقيقة الحياة ،والتأمل بالصور المقدسة العديدة مثل صورة والدة بوذا ،وإلهة الرحمة .والملك تاكسين الكبير ،والملك شواللونغكورن الكبير .و كروم لوانغ شومفون أودومساك أب البحرية الملكية التايالندية. وضع كل شيء في هذا البيت ليوفر توازن بين الفن والعلم .ومع قوة المودة وكرم المالك الذي ال يستسلم أبدا ،وال يستسلم للفقر ويعتبر هدف حياته هو الحد من الفقر .و يمكن لجميع هذه األشياء بان تكون إما الدافع أوهي البداية إللهامك وال��ذي سيقودك إلى تحقيق أهدافك في الحياة. هاتف038-223-235 : فاكس038-233-454 : www.sukhawadee.net Alcazar
مسرح ألكازار جرب موجة جديدة من الترفيه .اليمكنك مغادرة باتايا دون رؤية إستعراض ألكازار .إنها تجربة فريدة في العمر التي ال تنسى !إنه أكبر إستعراض في آسيا ويعتبر أسطورة باتايا ،إنضم إلى الجمهور لرؤية معجرة العمر .وبالتأكيد المزيج الرائع من الموسيقى والرقص واألزياء سوف يلمس صميمك. هاتف038 410224-7 : www.alcazarpattaya.com Pattaya Dolphin Dolphin World and Resort
باتايا دولفين عالم ومنتجع الدولفين تعال وتمتع بالكثير من عروض الدولفين .هناك أكثر من 20إستعراضا مميزا. يمكنك أيضا التتمتع بالسباحة مع الدلفين والترفيه بعدد كبير من أنشطة المغامرة ،والرماية وصيدATVمثل تسلق الجبال ،وسيارات األسماك ،و ألعاب وتسالى أخرى عديدة. هاتف 038-235-424 : فاكس 038-235-666 : www.pattayadolphin.com
لمزيد من المعلومات عن األماكن السياحية في تشونبوري إتصل بإدارة السياحة في باتايا هاتف038-427667, 038-428750, 038-423990 : فاكس038-429113 : بريد إلكترونيtatchon@tat.or.th :
إيزي كارت تأسست إي��زي ك��ارت في ع��ام 4002 ويقدم نوع جديد من التسلية والترفية واألكثر إثارة في تايلند والحلبة السباق تعتبر رائدة وأكثر أمانا في آسيا .سباق سيارات الجوكارت يقدم المتعة واإلثارة لكافة الزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم. هاتف086-028-0880 : البريد اإللكترونيinfo@easykart.net : www.easykart.net معهد علوم البحار
Easy Kart
Institute Of Marine Science
لم ت��ري أب��دا شى مثيل له من قبل !شعاب مرجانية حية فقط في مكان واحد في تايالند. هاتف0-3839-1671-3 : فاكس0-3839-1674 : www.bims.buu.ac.th قلعة تاكسيدو للسحر
Tuxedo Magic Castle
بدأت قلعة السحرعندما تخلى السيد تاكسيدو مهنتة كمهندس وليكون ساحرا. وقال انه مزج علمه الهندسي ودرايتة المكثفة بمهارات السحر إلبداع ومسخها لتكون ألعاب خفة اليد و إستعراضات ساحرة يفتن بها الجمهور. وحان اآلن الوقت للجميع ليشهد لمهاراته في قلعة تاكسيدو للسحر. هاتف038-488-880 : www.tuxedo-magic.com المنتزه الترفيهي ميني سـيام هل فكرت للسفر حول العالم؟ تعال إلى ميني سيام وإجعل احالمك تصبح حقيقة .أنشأت ميني سيام في عام 6891بمساحة أكثر من 00054متر مربع، مقسمة إلى منطقتين ،ميني سيام وأوروبا المصغرة. تتمتع بمهارات مدهشة التي إستطاعت جمع وإنشاء أشهر المعالم األثرية في العالم وبناؤها في مكان واحد. هاتف 0-3827-7333, 0-3872-7666 : www.minisiam.com
Mini Siam
Three Kingdoms Park المدينة الترفيهية الممالك الثالثة يقع المنتزه في بانغالمونغ في محافظة تشونبورى .منتزه الممالك الثالث في باتايا هو حديقة مذهلة وهو واحدة من أجمل وأ هدأ األماكن السياحية في باتايا .انه فريد من نوعه في باتايا ويجذب انتباه الكثير من السواح .منتزه الممالك الثالث هو حديقة هادئة وجميلة ومثالية للزوار الذين يعشقون الفنون الجميلة والتاريخ والثقافة التايالندية .وهذه المدينة الترفيهية يمكنها ان تكون إضافة ممتازة ألي برمنامج سياحي لمعالم المدينة ،وال يوجد مكان سياحي متميزا وهادئ مثل المدينة الترفيهية الممالك الثالث في باتايا. هاتف038 241 428-9 : هاتف بانكوك02 633 8114-5 : فاكس02 633 8837 : www.3kingdomspark.com
Mantra Restaurant and Bar with its Innovative Wine Dinners; Welcome to South Africa bar with varied canapés and an unwooded 2007 Chardonnay.
antra Restaurant and Bar has built a solid reputation in Pattaya for its innovative cuisine from seven kitchens and Sunday Brunch in well appointed and spacious surroundings, not matched elsewhere in the area. RELAX was invited to Mantra’s Wine Dinner on June 18 featuring the wines of the Hildenbrand Wine and Olive Estate from Wellington, South Africa. We started in the
The Dinner featured as special guest Ms. Reni Hildenbrand, the owner of the Estate, who carefully restored the 300 year old Klein Rheboskloof property and developed it into a quality producer of both wine and olives. Reni exhibits great enthusiasm and passion for her dual pursuits, making her wines distinguishable and in harmony with nature. Reni characterized the wines possessing a shy nose, but building in the mouth. Most of the wines, which ranged from Semillion, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Chenin Blanc, and Unwooded Chardonnay had this quality, A wine dinner provides a perfect opportunity to match food with wine, and Executive Chef Jens Heier was up to the challenge. Starting with a raw marinated asparagus with salmon tatar, followed by a chilled melon soup. While we were favorably disposed to chilled soup, the seared scallops and Canadian bacon oil made this an exceptional early course. We asked especially about the pairing of the next course, a wok fired sea bass with a red, the Hildenbrand Estate Cabernet Suvingnon Barrique 2000. Contrary to the popular advice to couple seafood with white wine, Chef Heier suggested this.
and flavorful sour marinated beef tenderloin, well complemented by a raisin pine nut sauce. We finished our meal with a Sacher-type cake with fresh Berry Mascarpone cream and Pistashio ice cream, complemented with Sleepless Nights, a late-harvest Semillion. Keeping the grapes on the vine a bit longer made this the perfect dessert wine. Located on the corner of the Hotel Amari grounds on Beach Road, Mantra offers great taste in a truly unique gourmet environment. Mantra Restaurant is open 5 p.m until 1:00 a.m. daily. The Sunday Brunch is served between the hours of 11:00 a.m.- 3 p.m. Tel: +66 (0) 38429591
Мантра Ресторан и Бар хвастается новаторством с его последними ужинами с вином, оснащенными отличной пищей и южноафриканским вином из Hildenbrand Wine & Olive Estate. منترا المطعم والبارالمميز يظهر مؤخرا ويضم غذاء، االبتكار في فن العشاء ممتازا والنبيذ من مزارع النبيذ وزيت الزيتون هلدنبراند في جنوب أفريقيا.
ร้านอาหารมั นตราและบาร์แสดงให้เห็ น ถึงนวั ตกรรมใหม่ของการรั บประทานอาหาร ค่ ำที่ คู ่กับไวน์, ผสมผสานกั บอาหารที่ ดีเยี่ ยม และไวน์ แอฟริกาใต้จาก Hildenbrand ไวน์และ Olive Estate
The excellent sea bass was followed by a perfectly tender 38
Hospitals Bangkok Hospital Pattaya 301 M. 6 Sukhumvit Road. 1 KM 143, Naklua, Pattaya City Tel: 038-259 999 Fax: 038-427 770 Hotline: 1719 ercc@bph.co.th www.bangkokpattayahospital.com Phyathai Sriracha General Hospital 90 Srirachanakorn 3 Rd. Sriracha Chonburi Tel: 038-770 200-8 www.phyathai-sriracha.com
Medical Clinics Медицинские центры
Dr. Olivier Clinic Tel: 038-723 600
Romrawin Beauty 4th Floor, Central Festival Beach Rd. Tel: 033-003 545-6
Thiti Wat Clinic 519/101 Opposit Central Festival Pattaya Beach Tel: 038 424824 8 www.thitiwatclinic.com
Opticians Оптика
Pharmacies Аптеки
Holistic Medical Centre Tel: 02-640 8090 www.hmcthai.com
Dental Clinics Стоматологические клиники Dente Smile Tel: 038-723 981-2 www.dentesmilepattaya.com
Dental for You Tel: 038-724 215 www.dental4youpattaya.com
Apex Profound Beauty 1 St Floor Royal Garden Pattay Tel: 038-710 043-6 www.apexprofoundbeauty.com
Apex Profound Beauty The Avenue Pattaya, 3rd Fl. 4 399 /9 Pattaya 2nd Rd. Tel: 038-723-948-50 www.apexprofoundbeauty.com Meko Clinic Central Festival Pattaya Beach 4th Fl. Tel.: 038 003566 5 www.mekoclinic.com
Mini Siam Tel: 0-3872-7333, 0-3872-7666 My Safe Tel: 038-374-181
Nong Nooch Tropical Garden Pattaya Office: 038-429 321 Pattaya Aquatics 189/12-13 Thepprasit Road Tel: 038 300511 www.pattayaaquatics.com
Medic Group Pharmacy At Tesco Lotus South Pattaya
Thai Alangkarn Theater Tel: 038-256 007
Save Drug Pharmacy Tel: 038-488 304
Tiffany’s Show Tel: 038-421 700-5
Spas SPA
Villa Market The Avenue Pattaya Pattaya 2nd Rd. Tel.038-416 888
Pattaya Oasis Spa 322 (Chateau Dale) Moo 12 Thappraya Rd. Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi Tel: 038-364 070 www.oasispattaya.com
Vimantaitalay Tel: 038-415 234 www.thaisubmarine.com
Health Land Spa & Massage Tel: 038-371 473-7
Aesthetic Clinics & Beauty Косметологические центры
Massic Travel Tel: 038-426 240, 038-413 330 Massic@lox.info.co.th
Ripley`s Believe It Or Not 2nd Floor Royal Garden Plaza Tel: 038-710 294-8
Executive Health Spa www.healthspathailand.net
High Care Wellness & Beautiy Center 78/13 M. 9, Pattaya 2nd Rd. Nongprue, Banglamung Chonburi 26 Tel: 038 361 749-50 www.highcarepattaya.com
Fascino Tel: 038-371 360-4
Amburaya Spa Tel: 038-259 888
Land of Smile Tel: 038-421 426
Hanako Tokyo Tel: 038-236 012
Euro Optic 215/56 Second Road, In Front Of Garden Plaza Tel/ Fax: 038-426 275 9 Mobile: 081-9966 060 www.euroopticthailand.com
Bangkok Mediplex Tel: 02-259 7566 www.bangkokmediplex.com
Dental Paragon Clinic Central Pattaya Soi 9 Tel: 038-720 919 info@dentalparagon.com www.dentalparagon.com
Rinrada Clinic 2nd Rd. near Bangkok Bank Tel: 038-362 310
Underwater World Pattaya Tel: 038- 756 879 www.uderwaterworldpattaya.com
Orchideya Spa & Beauty Complex Soi Pattaya Park Hotel Tel: 038-252 204-7 Rasayana Retreat Tel: 038-253 894-5
Hotels Отели Hotels (North) Север Паттаи Aiyara Palace Tel: 038-416 800 Amari Orchid Resort Tel: 038-428 161, 038-428 323 A-one The Royal Cruise Tel: 038-259 555
Misc Развлечения
Bella Villa Tel: 038-415 410-12
California Wow Experience Tel: 038-399 999
Bella Villa Cabana Tel: 038-703 205-6
Eurofood Pattaya 389/184 Moo 6 Sukhumvit Rd. Tel: 038 428638
Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya Tel: 038-301 234 39
Diana Garden Resort & Driving Range Tel: 038-415 212-23 Dusit Resort Pattaya Tel: 038-425 611-7 Fairtex Sports Club & Hotel Tel: 038-253 888 Garden Cliff Resort & Spa Pattaya Tel: 038-259 333 Garden Lodge Tel: 038-429 109, 038- 421 220 Holiday Inn Pattaya Tel: 038-725 555 Long Beach Garden Resort & Spa Tel: 038-414 616-26 Mantra Pura Resort & Spa Tel: 038-416 555
15 Nantra De Boutique 436/8 Pattaya Beach Rd. Soi 1 North Pattaya Tel: 038-414 696 info@seavilleplace.com www.nantradeboutique.com Pullman Hotels and Resorts Tel: 038-411 940-8 Sandalay Resort Tel: 038-909 800-20 Sabai Inn Tel: 038-361 839-42 Sabai Lodge Tel: 038-361 836-8 Sabai Wing Tel: 038-361 110 Thai Pura Resort Tel: 038-489 307-9 The Cottage Tel: 038-425 650, 038-425 660 The Garden Resort Tel: 038-426 009 The Horse Shoe Point Club & Resort Tel: 038-253 500 The Zign Tel: 038-422 660-3 Woodland Hotel & Resort Tel: 038-421 707
Hotels (Central Beach) Центр All Seasons Pattaya Tel: 038-418 888 www.allseasonspattaya.com 40
Grand Sole Hotel Tel: 038-427 551-60
Grand Jomtien Palace Tel: 038-231 405-8
Pattaya Hill Resort Tel: 306 333
Hard Rock Hotel Tel: 038-428 755-9
Isawanya Beach Boutique Resort Pattaya 17 Tel: 038-233 145
Pattaya Park Beach Resort Tel: 364 110-20
Montien Pattaya Tel: 038- 428 155-56
Jomtien Boat Hoyse Tel: 038-756 143
Nova Lodge Tel: 038-420 016-7 Sun Beam Hotel Tel: 038-427 120-9 www.sunbeamhotel.net Amari Nova Suites Tel: 038-489 488
Jomtien Thani Hotel Tel: 038-232 753-4 Natural Park Beach Resort Tel: 038-231 561-4
Hotels (South) Юг Паттаи
Rabbit Resort Tel: 038-303 303
Camelot Hotel Tel: 038-426 063-4
Sarita Chalet & Spa Tel: 038-233 952-5 www.saritachalet.com
Marrriott Resort & Spa Tel: 038-412 120
Sigma Resort Club and Hotel Tel: 038-231 226-34
Mercure Hotel Pattaya Tel: 038-425 050
Silver Sand Villa Tel: 038-231 288-9
Baiyoke Pattaya Hotel Tel: 038-423 300-2 Dusit D2 Baraquda Pattaya Tel: 038-769 999 New Day-night Hotel Tel: 038-427 620-3
Jomtien Palm Beach Tel: 038-231 350-67
Siam Bayshore Tel: 038-428 678-81 siambayshore@siamhotels. com www.siamhotels.com Siam Bayview Tel: 038-423 871-9 siambayview@siamhotels.com www.siamhotels.com
Hotels (Jomtien ) Джомтиен Anantaya Resort Tel: 038-706 441-3 Ambassador City Jomtien Tel: 038-255 501- 40 Baramie Residence Tel: 038-255 696-9 www.baramie-residence.com Furama Jomtien Beach 457 Jomtien Beach Rd. Soi 13-14 Tel: 038-211 650 Info@furama.com www.furama.com
Royal Cliff Beach Resort Tel: 038-250 421 Sugar Hut Resort & Restaurant Tel: 038-364 186 Royal Cliff Garden Tel: 038-250 421 Sheraton Pattaya Resort Tel: 038-259 888
Hotels (Najomtien) mbassador City Jomtien A Tel: 038-255 501-40 Baan Nammao Resort Tel: 038-255 431 Botany Beach Resort Tel: 038-235 130-4 Isawanya Beach Boutique Resort Tel: 038 232 145 www.isawanya.com
Sugar Palm Beach Tel: 038-231 288, 038-231 889 Ocean Marina Yacht Club Tel: 038-237 310-23 The Jomtien Twelve Pinnacle Jomtien Resort & Tel: 038-756 865-6 Spa Welcome Jomtien Beach Hotel Tel: 038-259 100 Tel: 038-232 716, Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa Tel: 038-235 777
Hotels (Pratamnak Rd., Thappraya Rd.) Asia Pattaya Hotel Tel: 038-250 602-6 Best Western Premier Signature Pattaya 038-422 452 Beverly Plaza Hotel Tel: 038-421 278-9 Cabbages and Condoms Resort Tel: 038-250 035 Cosy Beach Hotel Tel: 038-250 800-3 Hillside Resort Pattaya Tel: 038-250637-8 Manita Hotel Tel: 038-489 490-3 Mountain Beach Hotel Tel: 038-250 502-4
Sea Sand Sun Resort & Spa Tel: 038-435 163 Sunset Park Tel: 038-235 565
Restaurants Рестораны Bar Italia by gie gie 2nd Floor at Central Festival Pattaya Beach Road 26 Tel: 038-043 557 Bruno’s Restaurant & Wine Bar Tel: 038-364 600-1
Cafe Chilli 2nd Floor at Central Festival, Pattaya Beach Tel: 038-043198 19 Cafe des Amis Thappraya Road, Soi 11 Tel: 038-364 327
Captain’s Corner Steak House Tel: 038-364 314 Casa Pascal Tel: 038-723 660
Gian’s Italian Restaurant 21 Tel: 038-364 934 giansrestaurant@yahoo.com
Beauty & Nails Spa Салоны красоты
Jomtien Boathouse Tel: 038-756 146
Pattaya Nails Spa Tel: 081 423 0111
Manhattans Steakhouse 22 20 Nailstudio Tel: 038-259 790 The Avenue Pattaya, 3rd Floor www.manhattans-pattaya.com Tel: 038-052015-6 Mantra Restaurant & Bar Tel: 038-429 591 Flower Shop
Салон флористики
Mata Hari Tel: 038-259 799 Salotto Cafe Tel: 038-233 412 The Coffee Club Royal Garden Plaza G Fl. Tel:038-711 325
Pattaya Flower 198/72 M. 11 Thepprasit Rd. Mobile: 081 781 7727 27 Mobile: 080 619 7042 www.pattayaflower.com
Restaurants (Oriental)
Art & Gallery/ Furniture Салоны мебели и декора
Abu Saeed Restaurant Tel: 038-710 277
Uma Devi Art & Gallery Tel: 038-723 958
Alibaba Indian Restaurant Tel: 038-361 620
Golf / Гольф клуб
Zico’s Brazillian Grill & Bar Tel: 038-043 517 24
Palace Restaurant Central Festival Pattaya Beach 4th Floor, Beach Front Tel: 038-043 221 Palace@alchishty.com Indian By Nature Tel: 038-364 656
Phoenix Golf & Country Club Tel: 038-239 391-6 Siam Country Club Old Course Siam Country Club Plantation Tel: 038-909 600 www.siamcountryclub.com
เอเชี่ ยน ไดนิ่ ง แอนด์ บาร์ อุ ระนิวะ
Grilled Pork Chop with Onion Sauce
Asian Dining Uraniwa; a fusion cuisine in a Bali Style Resort Restaurant
ur Bali Style Resort Restaurant is a romantic place for couples and a great place for family, friends and colleagues to meet. You will find a warm welcome with very impressive service.
The indoor and outdoor dining areas provide a relaxed atmosphere and you can also enjoy live music: on Tuesdays, and Thursdays live singing with a guitarist. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday there is Thai music and dance. Grilled Chicken With Tomato Sauce
It’s easy to find Asian Dining Uraniwa on Ekamai Road between Soi Ekamai 1618, and there’s parking in front. The atmosphere in the restaurant is ideal for all occasions, there’s even a baby-sitting service and a children’s menu! In addition, parties can be catered for. The Uraniwa offers some of the best creative Asian Style cuisine, using fresh seasonal local ingredients The first Uraniwa Okinawa opened nearly sixteen years ago and has proved to be very popular… This second branch has a similar elegant atmosphere with the same emphasis on excellent service.
Tempura Set
Grilled Fish
Stir-Fried Fish
Oysters Gratin
Organic Salad
เอเชี่ ยน ไดนิ่ ง แอนด์ บาร์ อุ ระนิวะ
Menu is applied with combination of variety. We offer the wide range of drinks such as cocktails, wine and champagne. We would like you to order the Signature dishes, which suggest that the Oyster Gratin, Pork Chop with Onion Sauce, or even Stew Humberg Uraniwa Rafftae with a menu that should not be missed as well. The restaurant is open every day from 17:00 to midnight.
Phone 02 381 9331 for reservations. Available For Charter The Restaurant For Your Own Party. Mr.Tetsuya Negishi 081-817-5193 web site: www.asiandining-uraniwa.com/eg/menu.html
We have English Menu with Photos
Blue Sky T
he newest bar in town with a panoramic view of the City of Angels is a good description of Blue Sky Bar & Dining at Sofitel Centara Grand Bangkok. For this, first issue of RELAX Bangkok, and the generousness of Khun Usa Pookpant, Public Relations Manager, RELAX team was
invited to enjoy fantastic accommodation in a Deluxe Suite, a sparkling night on the 24th floor at Blue Sky Bar & Dining with a Relaxing day at Spa Cenvaree. Walking into Blue Sky felt like walking through the night sky, embraced by the stars. The Blue
Sky offers indoor and outdoor dining depending whether you prefer an elegant dining room or spectacular views of the city. With a dazzling range of drinks, and a menu of Mediterranean and Asian meals and snacks, it is fast becoming one of Bangkok’s most trendy places for those who want something special. After our appetizers of seared, peppered prawns and grilled mango with rocket salad and pan seared foie gras, the entrees arrived. Herb marinated Australian
lamb cutlet and Aged grain fed beef tenderloin; this is a menu is to die for!! Khun Usa suggested that we complete our meal with the traditional lemon tart served with tutti-fruitti ice cream and variously flavored Chocolate Bon-bons served on dry ice; these are complimentary for all dining guests. The Relax team was impressed with the excellent preparation by Chef Jean-Claude Pichon and Blue Sky’s team of culinary artists.
Если вы ищете идеальное место, чтобы встретиться с друзьями, провести романтический день, насладиться видом, развлечь гостей или просто отдохнуть по доступным ценам и без дополнительной оплаты, то Blue Sky - это то, что вы не должны пропустить!
หากคุ ณกำลั งมองหาสถานที่ สมบู รณ์แบบเพื่ อ ตอบสนองเพื่ อนๆ มีวันที่ โรแมนติกสนุ กสนาน กั บ การต้อนรั บแขก หรือ เพียงพั กผ่อนกั บราคาที่ ไม่ แพงนั กและไม่มีค่าธรรมเนียมอื่ นๆที่ ได้ดูที่ Blue Sky คือหนึ่ งที่ คุ ณไม่ควรพลาด!
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