ITALIAN FURNITURE MEZTLI | Your Italian Design Partner 1
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Sommario Chi siamo Cosa offriamo Come lavoriamo Entrate nel Mondo del Mobile Italiano “d’Alta Moda” Mobili italiani “stylish” per Case, Hotel ed Uffici Vantaggio Meztli Esperienza Italia con Meztli Minotti Fendi Casa Bentley Home Roberto Cavalli Home Interiors Trussardi Casa Heritage Paul Mathieu Aston Martin Home Collection Tonino Lamborghini Casa Baxter Porada Gallotti & Radice Res Doors & Systems De Castelli Arketipo Firenze Shake Koinor Alchymia Ludovica Mascheroni Home Atelier Caporali Roberti Désirée Divani Extremis
Contents Who We Are What We Offer How We Work Enter the World of Haute Couture Italian Furniture Stylish Italian Furniture for Homes, Hotels and Offices Advantage Meztli Experience Italy with Meztli Minotti Fendi Casa Bentley Home Roberto Cavalli Home Interiors Trussardi Casa Heritage Paul Mathieu Aston Martin Home Collection Tonino Lamborghini Casa Baxter Porada Gallotti & Radice Res Doors & Systems De Castelli Arketipo Firenze Shake Koinor Alchymia Ludovica Mascheroni Home Atelier Caporali Roberti Désirée Divani Extremis MEZTLI | Your Italian Design Partner 3
Chi Siamo Prendendo il nome dalla mitologica dea della luna, Meztli è il primo conglomerato di mobili italiani di lusso a recarsi nell’Incredible India. Per la primissima volta, gli indiani avranno l’opportunità di selezionare il design e i designer più esclusivi, collaborare con più di 30 marchi di altissimo livello e di averne accesso ad altri 100, fino ad ora accessibili solo a viaggiatori appassionati. Oramai sono stati lasciati alle spalle i tempi dove un attento interior designer o un architetto avrebbe dovuto attraversare mezzo mondo per selezionare i migliori marchi di mobili e rendere più esclusivi i propri progetti per farne uno statement. Per Meztli, il mobile è considerato opera d’arte e trattato con il massimo rispetto. Ne scoprirete il motivo non appena ci metterete piede. Vi invitiamo a vivere una parte d’Italia nel cuore di Hyderabad. Venite, sorseggiate un espresso aromatico degustando delle prelibatezze, mentre riempirete i vostri occhi con l’arredamento migliore del mondo. Il paese dell’originalità, dell’esuberanza e dell’eleganza vi chiama.
E’ proprio questo che noi definiamo
Experience Meztli!
Who We Are Named after the mythical moon goddess, Meztli is the firstin-its-space Italian furniture conglomerate making inroads into Incredible India. For the first time ever, Indians will have the opportunity to pick the choicest designs & designers, collaborate with over over 30 high-end furniture brands and access 100 others, hitherto available only to avid global travellers. Gone are the days when a discerning interior designer or an architect had to travel across the world to pick the best of furniture brands to make their projects stand out and make a statement. At Meztli, furniture is considered a work of art and treated with utmost reverence. You’ll see why when you step in. We invite you to experience a piece of Italy right here in the heart of Hyderabad. Come, sip that aromatic espresso and dig into those delicacies, as you feast your eyes on the world’s best furniture. The land of originality, exuberance and elegance beckons you.
That’s what we call
Experience Meztli! 4 MEZTLI | Il Vostro Design Partner Italiano
MEZTLI | Your Italian Design Partner 5
Cosa Offriamo Non state nella pelle dalla voglia di visitare l’Italia, ma non avete abbastanza tempo? Possiamo capirvi. E’ questo che ci ha spinto a portarvi l’Italia sotto forma di Meztli, un autentico Experience center Italiano che vi sorprenderà con un mare di scoperte. Vogliamo sottoporre alla vostra attenzione ogni centimetro di questo centro da più di 4500 mq accogliendovi con storie di artigianato e risvegliando i vostri desideri nascosti. Avete la possibilità di costruire qualcosa con più di 30 marchi di arredamento italiano e, alla fine, non dateci la colpa se rimarrete con l’imbarazzo della scelta! In un mondo di repliche, Meztli promette originalità poichè ogni pezzo che acquisterete verrà rilasciato con un Certificato di Autenticità. Fidatevi, siamo stati presenti in Italia nell’ultimo decennio per assicurarci che “what you see is what you get”. Nel caso voleste più di ciò che vedete, vi porteremo addirittura in Italia fino a quando non troverete quello che cercavate. Sì! State certi di trovare tutto ciò che l’occhio della vostra mente può immaginare durante il vostro viaggio nell’arredamento! Potrebbe essere superfluo affermarlo, ma il nostro obiettivo primario è di assicurarvi un giusto rapporto qualità-prezzo. E` una promessa Meztli! Grazie alla sua ricca esperienza decennale al servizio di una vastissima clientela altamente esclusiva, Meztli è stata il design partner di un gran numero di abitazioni private e progetti di alta qualità. Il lussuoso Experience center Meztli ad Hyderabad porrà fine alle faticose ricerche per assicurarsi uno spazio che possa offrire la user experience dei sogni ai vostri clienti. Non vi resta che fissare un appuntamento e la nostra equipe di esperti sarà lieta di assistervi nel vostro viaggio tra gli autentici ambienti italiani dell’Experience center Meztli.
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What We Offer You so want to visit Italy to choose furniture but you are hard pressed for time? We know that feeling. That’s what motivated us to bring Italy to you in the form of Meztli, an authentic Italian Experience Centre that will take you on a journey of discovery. Vying for your attention, every inch of this 50,000 sq feet centre will welcome you with stories of artisanry, awakening your hidden desires. You have a choice to weave your own from over 30 Italian furniture brands on display. Don’t blame us if you’ll be left spoilt for choice which you will be, for sure. In a world of replicas, Meztli promises originality and every piece that is acquired by you will come with an “Authenticity Certificate.” Trust us, we have been present in Italy for the last decade to assure you that what you see is what you get. And if you still want something more than what you see, we will take you all the way to the Italy to explore until you get what you seek. Yes! What your mind’s eye can envision, you are guaranteed to find it during this furniture tour! Needless to say, our primary focus is that we ensure you get Value for Money. That’s a Meztli promise! With a rich experience of a decade serving hundreds of highly exclusive clientele, Meztli has been the design partner for several high end homes and projects. The sprawling Meztli Experience Centre in Hyderabad will put an end to your quest for a place that can deliver the user experience that you dream of for your clients. All you need to do is fix an appointment, and our team of Italian experts will be happy to serve you as you step into the true blue Italian environs of the Meztli Experience Centre.
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VISION To establish a global brand that impacts the design world
PURPOSE To touch the lives of people and create a special space in people's hearts by enabling them to realize their dreams of designing a beautiful home
VALUE PROPOSITION Innovation • Value for money • Commitment to supreme quality Trustworthy & Dependable • Responsible Design Partner
MEZTLI | Your Italian Design Partner 9
Perche Mobili Italiani? Perche In India? Nel mondo del design, sono gli italiani a dettare i trend e a dominare il mondo. Moda. Cibo. Automobili. Mobili. Design. E` genetica o c’è qualcosa nel Chianti che rende gli italiani maestri di tutto ciò che è artistico? La loro ricca storia si evince non solo dalle loro meravigliose creazioni, ma anche dal gusto intenso e coraggioso racchiuso nella loro cultura e personalità. Tutto quello che viene creato dagli italiani è sempre alla moda, raffinato ed incredibilmente perfetto. Che cosa li rende “bellissimi” ? Beh, pensateci. Gli italiani crescono circondati da stimoli culturali senza eguali. Immaginate di crescere circondati dalla magnificenza di Bernini, Michelangelo, Da Vinci o Botticelli oppure in prossimità dello spettacolare Colosseo? Non c’è dunque da meravigliarsi se un certo stile penetra in ogni loro poro e si trasforma in ispirazione per la produzione di straordinari manufatti. A parte i loro sensi così evoluti, gli italiani hanno un “X factor” che li rende simili agli indiani. Il valore della famiglia, l’amore per le cose belle della vita, il prendersi cura degli altri e condividere emozioni con la comunità, sono solo alcuni dei fattori che gli indiani hanno in comune con gli italiani. La cultura italiana si lega all’ethos indiano. Ciò riassume perché l’India e l’Italia hanno trovato un punto comune in Meztli. Rapporto qualità-prezzo Meztli Possedere un pezzo di design italiano è come esporre un’opera d’arte o una scultura in casa - beh, c’è un prezzo da pagare, a volte decisamente troppo alto. Qui è dove subentra Meztli. Garantiamo prodotti autentici a prezzi competitivi. Nessun intermediario. Vi sfidiamo a trovare offerte migliori delle nostre.
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Why Italian Furniture? And Why In India? In the design community, the Italians set the trends and rule the world. Fashion. Food. Automobiles. Furniture. Design. Is it genetics or something in the Chianti that makes Italians such masters of all things artistic? Not only is their rich history evident in their exquisite creations, but we can also experience the drama and bravado of their culture and personalities. The stuff Italians make is always super chic, gorgeous—and immaculately perfect. What makes them so Bellisimo? Well, think about it. The Italians grow up surrounded by unsurpassed cultural stimuli. Can you imagine growing up surrounded by the brilliance of Bernini, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Botticelli, and in the vicinity of the magnificent colosseum? It’s no wonder style seeps into their every pore and then becomes inspiration for all the splendid things they make. Besides their evolved sensibilities, Italians have an X factor which likens them to Indians. Family values, love for good things in life, caring and sharing with the community are amongst the many common lifestyle factors Indians share with Italians. The Italian culture resonates with Indian ethos. That kind of sums up why India and Italy have found a common ground in Meztli. Meztli’s Value for Money Having a piece of Italian design is akin to having a piece of art or sculpture in your house— well, you have to pay a price for it, sometimes through your nose. But that’s where Meztli steps in. We guarantee you authentic products at the most competitive prices. Because, our collections land straight from the factories to our showroom. No middle men. We challenge you to find better offers than ours!
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Ergonomia, Qualità & Servizio dopo vendita Progettati ergonomicamente: Tutti i marchi esposti alla Meztli credono nell’autenticità dei loro valori e del proprio spirito. Una famosa love seat che vedete viene creata da uno dei legni più pregiati, che viene da una foresta gestita dal marchio stesso. Niente produzione di massa, viene curato ogni singolo albero ed ogni pezzo di legno viene trasformato in arte dall’alto valore ergonomico. Questi prodotti vengono sottoposti a tutti i possibili tipi di prova prima di essere spediti. È come se aveste un albero accuratamente realizzato per illuminare il vostro spazio a casa o in ufficio.
Qualità a vita: Questi pezzi d’arte dureranno per sempre e diventeranno pezzi di eredità che passerete con fierezza di generazione in generazione. Questa è la durabilità garantita dai maestri artigiani. Garanzia: Immaginatevi di avere scelto un sofà blu scuro e quello che vi arriva sulla soglia di casa è nero! O che, dopo tanta attenzione, avete ordinato un letto del vostro marchio preferito e ve ne arriva un esemplare duplicato! Peggio ancora, l’imbroglio si noterà solo qualche tempo dopo e solo allora vi renderete conto che è finto! Il solo pensiero fa venire il nervoso, vero? Ecco perchè è estremamente importante vederlo, toccarlo, sentirlo, provarlo, controllarne il certificato di garanzia e solo dopo aver raggiunto la giusta sicurezza, investire in mobili autentici. Vi aiuteremo ad avere un’esperienza di prima mano e siamo garanti del fatto che riceverete esattamente ciò che ordinerete. Servizio dopo vendita: Oops, avete appena versato del vino
sul vostro prezioso divano e maledite il lato del letto da cui vi siete alzati quella mattina? Non vi preoccupate. Chiamateci. I nostri esperti verranno da voi e lo renderanno come nuovo con il loro abile intervento. Se invece per caso state pensando di comprare quel costoso lucidante per dare una botta di vita al divano...altolà! La pelle del divano non è altro che...pelle! Non ha bisogno del lucidante per essere pulita. La nostra equipe vi mostrerà dei semplici metodi fai-da-te per la pulizia e la manutenzione, perché noi ci teniamo a voi, e ad ogni prodotto che acquisterete da noi. Che compriate un pezzo singolo o un’intera collezione, un marchio o più marchi, Meztli è con voi. Che altro? Vi aiuteremo con qualsiasi prodotto anche dopo anni dall’acquisto. Stanchi delle vecchie federe dei cuscini? Qualsiasi rimpiazzamento ve lo procureremo. Il nostro servizio è senza eguali.
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I nostri punti di forza • Italiani che vendono mobili italiani • 10+ anni nel mercato dell’esportazione dall’Italia al mondo • Sede in Italia • Genuinità al 100% – Value for money & prodotti autentici • Experience Center più grande di tutta l’India • Assistenza design italiana - i nostri designer italiani vi assisteranno per arrivare alla migliore soluzione in termini di design ed ultimi trend ai prezzi più competitivi • Garanzia e servizio dopo vendita • Scelta tra più di 5000 prodotti, aggiornati ogni anno, ogni stagione
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Ergonomy, Quality & After care Ergonomically designed: All the brands that we showcase at Meztli believe in being true to their values and spirit. The beautifully crafted love seat you see would have been crafted from one of the finest wood, which comes from the forests that these brands own. No they don’t mass produce, they nurture every tree, and every piece of wood is turned into an art that holds great ergonomical value. These products are tested in every possible way before they are shipped. In a way you will be carrying a carefully crafted tree to light up your space in your home or office
Quality that lasts a lifetime: These pieces of art will last forever and become pieces of legacy that you’ll proudly pass on to generation after generation. That’s the nature of durability assured by master craftsmen. Guarantee: Just imagine you choose a dark blue sofa and the one that lands up at your doorstep is a black one! Or you order a bed from your favourite brand, after much deliberation, and the one delivered to you comes without authenticity! Worse still, the seams come off after a short while and you realise it’s fake! Just the thought is nerve wracking right? That’s why it’s extremely important to see it, touch it, feel it, test it, check the authenticity certificate and only then, invest in genuine furniture. We’ll help you get a first-hand experience and stand guarantee that you get exactly what you order. After care: Oops, you just spilled wine accidentally on that precious settee and you curse the side you woke up on that
morning! No worries. Just give us a call. Our experts will come over to you and make it look like brand new with their adept handling. And yeah, just in case you’re considering buying that expensive polish to spruce up your sofa that’s losing its sheen, stop right there! Leather is nothing but skin. It doesn’t need polish to be cleansed. Our team will demonstrate to you easy methods of DIY. Because, we care! For you and every product you acquire from us. Buy one piece or the entire collection, one brand or several brands, Meztli will be with you all through. What’s more! We will help you with every product even after years of acquiring them from us. If you need fresh covers for your cushions or anything else that needs to be replaced, we will get them for you. Nowhere else will you find such services.
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Our USP • Italians selling Italian furniture • 10+ years in the business of importing from Italy to across the world • Headquarters in Italy • 100% Genuine – Value for money & Authentic products • India’s Largest Experience Centre • Italian design support - our Italian designers will assist you to arrive at the best solution in terms of design and latest trends at the most competitive prices. • Warranty and After care • Choose from 5000++ Products, updated every season and every year
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MEZTLI | Your Italian Design Partner 17
Vantaggio Meztli
Il Vostro Design Partner Italiano Perché entrare nello stancante vortice della ricerca dei mobili perfetti quando potete trovare tutto esattamente sotto lo stesso tetto? La parte migliore è che potrete ottenerlo direttamente dagli autentici produttori di mobili. Non è necessario identificare gli intermediari che potrebbero o meno sostenere la garanzia dei prodotti. A Meztli, i marchi sono proprio lì per voi affinché possiate sceglierli, toccarli e viverli. E col Certificato di autenticità che accompagna ogni opera d’arte (sì, è questo che li consideriamo) i vantaggi di associare e collaborare con Meztli sono senza pari. Un tesoro di opere d’arte funzionali che chiamiamo mobili, garanzia di autenticità e l’impegno a vita di essere a tua disposizione - Questo è ciò che chiamiamo Vantaggio Meztli. Immaginate di essere in grado di riempire le case dei vostri clienti con tutti i mobili da sogno che abbiate mai visto, i migliori e più raffinati. Meztli è l’unica azienda in India a portare ordine in un mercato altrimenti molto disorganizzato. Se volete esaudire ogni vostro desiderio in un unico posto, venite a trovarci a Meztli, lo sportello unico per tutti i vostri esclusivi desideri riguardanti l’arredamento Made in Italy.
Advantage Meztli Your Italian Partner
Why go on a whirlwind chase looking for those perfect pieces of furniture when you can find everything in one place under one roof? The best part is that you can get it straight from the authentic furniture makers directly. You don’t need to identify middle men who may or may not stand guarantee for the products. At Meztli, the brands are right there for you to see, touch and feel. And with that Authenticity Certificate that accompanies every work of art (yes, that’s what we call them) the advantages of associating and collaborating with Meztli are unparalleled. A treasure trove of functional art pieces which we call furniture, a guarantee of authenticity and a life-time commitment of being at your disposal - That’s what we call Advantage Meztli. Imagine being able to fill your client’s homes with all the dreamlike furniture you have seen with the best and finest, taking your pick from over 30 high-end Italian furniture with an access to 60 more. Meztli is the only company in India that brings order to an otherwise highly unorganised market. If you want to source all your dreams in one place then head to Meztli, the one-stopspace for all your exclusive Italian furniture desires. Meztli, the one-stop-space for all your exclusive Italian furniture desires.
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Il Nostro Metodo Il piacere di vivere circondato dall’eleganza e classe è possibile solo presso Meztli. Immaginate di essere circondati d’arte in ogni momento della giornata e di celebrare la vita con diverse interpretazioni in ogni stanza. Mettendo piede in Meztli, mettete piede in un nuovo mondo. Con questo libro, Meztli vi porta a fare un giro sul suo pianeta, dove i sogni vengono compresi, ideati, proposti ed eseguiti per soddisfare i desideri dei vostri clienti in India. Interpretiamo i vostri bisogni e vi offriamo un servizio senza paragoni, mai visto in questo paese. I nostri professionisti trattano ogni desiderio come un progetto in sé, provvedendo ad una prospettiva fresca e a disegni commerciali e residenziali attraverso un processo creativo dove ogni idea viene catturata e trasformata in un package esclusivo, in un nuovo spazio di vita!
Per assicurarci che i vostri desideri siano realizzati, vi esplicheremo cinque semplici tappe del nostro processo. E non ci fermiamo li! Comunichiamo regolarmente per assicurare che il prodotto venga mantenuto nella migliore condizione.
How We Work The pleasure of living with beauty and class is possible only at Meztli. Imagine being surrounded every waking moment, with art, celebrating life with different interpretations in every room. You step into Meztli, you step into a different universe. With this book, Meztli takes you on a round of its planet where, dreams are understood, ideated, proposed and executed to meet the desires of your clients. We interpret your needs and deliver unparalleled service never before seen in the world. Our professionals treat every desire as a project, providing fresh perspective to commercial and residential designs through a creative process where every idea is captured and transformed into an exclusive package, into a new living space!
To make sure your desires are met we take you through five simple stages of our process. And we don’t stop at that! We communicate regularly to ensure that the product is maintained in its best condition.
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Stage 1
Stage 3
Understand: Knowing and understanding your requirement will be the first step. During this stage, our designers follow a methodical approach in understanding the design goals of the end users. We do believe that God is in the details.
Propose: As per the concept guidelines, a final concept presentation along with the final costing is presented to you. Any minor changes / inputs / comments are incorporated and a final estimate is submitted for your approval. It is during this stage that we deliver:
Stage 2 Ideate: We evaluate the information collected and transform it into a definite concept guideline. During this stage, Meztli designers ideate with the customer / interior designer of the project with multiple design options combining products across brands inline with their understanding from stage 1. Multiple iterations are expected before concluding / forming a “Concept Guideline Document”.
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Concept floor plans with product details in AutoCAD: Our enthusiastic designers will be more than happy to help you conceptualise and will display your floor plans in AutoCAD. Mood boards: We create Mood Boards for your living spaces after getting a brief from you.
Concept renderings: We will render all the concepts you’re looking for with an eye for detail and help you fill the gaps if any. Cost Sheets: Your budget is our prime consideration. Our designers work on cost sheets along with you and assist you in arriving at your desired interiors based on your price considerations. Software rendering: We have made huge investments into latest design software to enable you to visualise how every piece of furniture and accessory looks like in your interiors. Change the location, change the colours, shift them around, mix and match, do what you want to do for as long as you want to, until you’re completely satisfied with the final look. Our design team has all the patience, creativity and energy to assist you till you arrive at your desired outcome.
Stage 5
Stage 4 Execute: Upon receiving customer approval, our sales team and the logistics team execute the final stage. The process includes:
Delivery timelines and updates on shipment: We stick to strict delivery guidelines and adhere to them steadfastly. Updates on the shipment of goods are provided regularly.
Assurance: From the production to ensuring the right finish, we monitor every step and check the produced goods before they are packed. Only after thorough checking are the goods shipped.
Installation: We will not rest till the furniture is installed perfectly at the choice of your place.
Site visit: According to Meztli’s principles, it is mandatory for the sales team to undertake a site visit. Only after ascertaining complete details from the site is the next process initiated.
Maintain: Customer satisfaction is Meztli’s USP. During this stage our customer support team visits the customer’s home and ensures the maintenance of the product to your utmost satisfaction for as long as it is required.
Feedback / testimonial: For us at Meztli, your satisfaction is of utmost importance. We value your feedback. We’re the happiest when we receive your testimonial endorsing our products and services.
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It’s all about YOU Meztli’s Partnership model is a win-win situation. The entire methodology revolves around YOU. Our sole endeavour is to ensure your success which is interlinked with ours. We’ve established successful Marketing & Sales Strategies which will be imparted by our expert teams to YOU. The clincher lies in the fact that YOU don’t incur any investment on Real Estate, which in turn helps in effectively reducing the span of ROI (Return on Investment). At the end, what you get is the opportunity to be present right where your captive clientele is. A Win-Win situation from Day 1.
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How we make it work for You How we make it work for You • Owned by YOU - Operated by Meztli • High-end Portfolio built by Meztli - to position YOU. • Business Versatility for YOU (Multi-locational advantage by Meztli) • Robust Business Processes of Meztli - Easy & Ready Business Model for YOU • Meztli gets customers to YOU at your doorstep. • Meztli gets skilled Italian designers & man power to work for YOU • Well designed robust fool -proof processes to manage operations comprising of overall tried and tested Methodology, Marketing & Sales Strategy developed for YOU • YOU are presented with the advantage of multiple locations ensuring versatility • Top-end high- profile portfolio of Italian brands will be with YOU • YOU don’t wait for the customers; YOU will be present where they are! • Meztli ensures No Capital on Real Estate and no recurring costs for YOU • 3x returns guaranteed • Meztli works for YOU to make profits
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institutional • influencers • individuals
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Institutional The institutional buyer segment comprises luxury developers, top hoteliers as well as exclusive restaurants. Here we have two options. Either a monobrand approach where we involve one brand exclusively, including their own design studio and promote it as “X-homes” or “X-furnished homes.” Or you could opt for the multi-brand approach, in which Meztli excels, where our expert inhouse design team skillfully and tastefully combines various offerings from any of our brands, to align with the budget and style requirements of clients. All the clients who sign up with Meztli will get the exclusive privilege to join the Experience Italy Program, where they will be exposed to partner brands of Meztli. This will ensure that they get an unforgettable experience of gastronomy, sights and culture while holding certain understanding of the refinement, exclusivity and uniqueness of the products they could source through Meztli. In short, Meztli's effort to create memorable moments in building dream homes, results in a fleet of Happy Customers for YOU. From this segment, we will get bulk orders and a large pool of prospective customers at one location apart from creating multiple Brand Ambassadors through a relationship that goes beyond mere collaboration.
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Influencers Influencers are the heart and soul of Meztli Business. They inspire Customers to join the Meztli Family. Architects and Interior Designers play an important role in the life of people who dream of beautiful homes and they enable Meztli in creating memorable moments and thus fall under the Influencers category. Influencers are well pampered through Experience Italy Program with a design lens first and foremost. They will be exposed to a broad selection of brands from Meztli’s portfolio. The training and interaction with the Brand Owners, showrooms and factory tours, will not only deepen their product knowledge and specialities of each brand, but could significantly contribute to their overall exposure in the latest international design trends.
They will also be trained in the use of exclusive Customer Design Tool, "Meztli Slate" which will help them swiftly and elaborately propose a range of real-time design solutions by being able to fish from a pool of over 15,000 + products to which Meztli has direct and exclusive access. The use of this tool will also ensure their customer gets real time experience of concept renderings, instantly when the customer needs multiple concept options and helps in expediting the decision making of their desired concept.
From this buyer persona we can expect a large pool of customers and continuous business. In a nutshell, Meztli's Design Partners across the globe work as an extended arm in helping their customers opt for quality products from Meztli Portfolio.
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Individuals This segment refers to High Networth Individuals who are on the journey of building/ designing their dream home. These clients are familiarised with Brand Meztli in multiple situations. Meztli creates events where the home buyers in residential projects will be invited for the launch of a show flat, or through various exclusive digital marketing and social media platforms or through the Experience Italy Program. This is an exclusive Meztli-driven and organized, all expenses paid voyage to experience the magic of Italy, with the accent on Fun, Food and Furniture. An extravaganza of shopping, sights, culture, gastronomy, as well as a liberal dose of design. The design aspect of the experience will culminate with the showroom visits where dedicated Italian designers from Meztli help them in shortlisting their desired brands, based with their budget, timelines and design specification, and further help them lay the finishing touches to their own home’s design in terms of colors, fabric and more. All these experiences culminate into creating memorable and happy moments deepening their bond with Meztli, with a highly positive emotional connection with in-depth exposure to the brands from Italy. These individuals function as Meztli Brand Ambassadors across their circle of friends and family.
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Multiple Revenue Streams To cover all three buyer personas we operate a plethora of different sales streams to each of them, such as:
where builders become our partners and profit by building happy customers. And Meztli filling gap while being present among its potential customers holds a great deal of business value.
MEZTLI LOUNGES In high-end International Automobile Dealerships, Top-of-the-line Fashion outlets & Exclusive Shopping Malls (customer lounges, final specification rooms etc.)
Large pool of referral business, through design and business partners like Contractors, Top Architects, Design Houses, Premium Household Retailers like Sanitary ware, Home Furnishing stores to name a few, will support Meztli in building individual & potential customers.
MEZTLI FURNISHED HIGH-PROFILE HOTEL LOBBIES and outdoor pool areas, restaurant interiors etc., to launch Meztli Product range are other avenues to be present at the potential footfall areas.
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institutional • influencers • individuals
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Marketing Support To cover all three buyer personas we operate a plethora of different sales streams, such as:
INBOUND MARKETING Each material and varity of events are specifically geared towards three different buyer personas: institutional (residential, commercial, hospitality), influencers (architects and interior designers), and individuals (High networth individuals (HNI's) etc). The end goal of every exercise is to attract the customers to your doorstep. Whether it is a high-end exclusive launch event in a project location or publishing coffee table books featuring elite achievers, Meztli believes in creating properties that ensure footfalls and eyeballs. Every activity is designed with a great attention to every macro and micro aspect of the buyer persona with the ultimate aim of attracting customers and elate them so as to retain them. Cultivating loyal customer base is at the core of every Meztli activity. What it means for YOU, is a custom made platform with standardised high-end formats and hands-on training to clone them.
DIGITAL MARKETING This carefully structured approach ensures that each and every content ranging from print collaterals, social media campaigns, adverts, blog etc. are crafted in a specific manner aimed at drawing the attention of right target audience. Meztli takes the responsibility of planning and executing social media calendars for FB, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin & YouTube. We take charge of Content Generation,Content Management and Content Distribution on these channels. What it means for YOU, is ready made vibrant content generated exclusively for YOU for YOUR visibility, brand building, brand recall and finally, customer delight. We believe that a customer in hand is worth two in the market. At the same time, our indigenous tools ensure that you stand as a cut above the rest with an edge over others. In one sentence, YOU are leagues ahead of any competition.
STATE-OF-THE-ART SOFTWARE & TOOLS All marketing collaterals are designed as per global standards and this includes, Powerpoint & Video Presentations, Brochures, Social Media Adverts, Handouts, Customised Films apart from standardised templates for Design Proposals, Concept Presentations etc. Above all cloud based ERP for billing (with database of over 20,000 products) Design Tool for realtime rendering and concept visualization in photorealistic format and all the required tools are standardised and provided. What it means for YOU, is a fool proof methodology and state-of-the-art tools that are ready-to-use and adapt the way YOU wish to. To make it a notch better, Meztli handles all this for YOU offsetting Software costs, Infrastructure costs, R & D costs and minimising recurring Human Resources costs besides saving time and energy for YOU. All you need to do is Count your Blessings and the Collections. Intelligence is in getting the highest returns from modest investments. That’s what makes a Meztli Franchisee stand apart.
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Business In Style
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Vivi L’italia Con Meztli Siete già stati in Italia? Probabilmente sì! Non solo una volta, ma magari più d’una. E crederete di aver fatto già tutto, ma indovinate un po’: il nostro viaggio alla scoperta dell’Italia meticolosamente organizzato vi porterà a vivere un’indimenticabile esperienza che molto probabilmente rimarrà per sempre nella vostra memoria, lasciando un indelebile segno nel cuore. Abbiamo messo insieme particolari insoliti e cucina locale della Brianza, Milano, Firenze, Como e della campagna scenica di Venezia. Coinvolgendo tutti e cinque i sensi nella pura indulgenza fisica, la vostra anima bramerà ancora di più dopo aver provato la Signature Meztli Italian Experience. Abbiamo realizzato un tour dei luoghi più pittoreschi, assaporando la squisita cucina italiana, esplorando percorsi panoramici alla ricerca della perfezione. Un mix di autentica gastronomia italiana, ospitalità, panorami straordinari e scenari della campagna locale attraverso le zone più panoramiche del paese, la Meztli Experience in Italia lascerà in voi ricordi meravigliosi. Meztli è l’unica realtà in India a regalare un’innovativa esperienza di stile italiano a 360 gradi. Nessun’altra azienda di design di alto livello può avvicinarsi al tipo di offerte ed esperienze che offriamo. Venite a trovarci per trascorrere un po’ del vostro tempo prezioso con noi. Lasciate che la magia si sveli!
Experience Italy
With Meztli
Of course, you’ve been to Italy before. Not once, probably many times. And you think you have been there and done that. But guess what? Our thoughtfully curated tour of Italy will take you on an indelible journey that has the potential of being etched permanently on your mind and leave an impression on your heart. We have put together unusual aspects and authentic cuisine of Brianza, Milan, Florence, Como, and Venice’s scenic countryside. As you engage all your five senses in the sheer physical indulgences, your soul will crave for more after the Signature Meztli Italian Experience. We’ve crafted a tour of the quaintest sights, exquisite cuisine, scenic drives and the pursuit of perfection. A mélange of true blue Italian gastronomy, hospitality, extraordinary sights and scenes of the countryside across the most scenic parts of the country, the Signature Meztli Italian experience will leave behind memories of a lifetime. Meztli is the only place in India that offers such unparalleled real world experience. No other high-end design company can come close to the kind of deals and experiences we offer. Come, spend your precious time with us. Let the magic unfold!
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The World in a Digital Catalogue A digital library of virtual 3D Italian Furniture in multiple finishes. Simply drag and drop in virtual or real environments making 3D renders remarkably easy. Interior designers can now deliver memorable customer experiences as well as augment their own revenues.
Creativity Amplified Choices don't have to be overwhelming. When given a plethora of rich 3D renders clients can shortlist styles and guides with ease. That's what we want.
Design Simplified Our digital catalog will soon have thousands of Italian furniture. That you can select and place in the interior design giving you enormous flexibility and simplifying life.
Seamless Experience Log-In for free and use the tool the way you want. Meztli Slate amalgamates creativity and business seamlessly whilst putting customer experience at the forefront.
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When Alberto Minotti opened his craftsman’s workshop in 1950s, little did the world realise that the era of timeless designs, chic homes, and sophisticated furniture had just begun. By 1980, Minotti had carved its name on many international furniture outlets making Italian furniture the cynosure of the globe. Minotti has redefined the parameters of contemporary elegance taking industrial production beyond barriers. Today, after sixty years of company evolution, the Minotti style represents a well-defined statement of taste and sensibility that goes over and above the aesthetic aspect, to cover the concept of lifestyle as a whole. Each Minotti collection is an invitation to experience living with a refined sense of elegance. Minotti’s pieces are meticulously designed, right down to the last detail, creating a furniture that embraces its past and defines its future. You will be at a loss to choose between luxury and austerity, fashion and comfort as every piece jostles for your attention.
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Fendi Casa, that had its humble beginnings as a workshop in 1925, is now a superior brand in the world of luxury and fashion. Constantly unrolling its style quotient in different geographies, with a tight balance between design and function, Fendi has now landed in Hyderabad! Be it the subtle marble dining table radiating comfort of the unparalleled vintage accents or the passion redpowder pink gradient sofa for the modern woman of various shades, the furniture speaks to you of subtlety, class and modernity while keeping the textures of tradition in the centre. Discover Fendi’s promise to deliver a sophisticated and exclusive lifestyle for your stunning dream home. Discover an unparalleled craftsmanship to build your own Rome! Designs here have been inspired by spirited places like New York, Morocco, Lake Como, Miami and Monte Carlo. Furnishing for homes set in such soulful ambiences will only spell style and elegance anytime. If your interest has peaked and you would want to know how it feels to own a Fendi Casa piece just step into the swankily designed 50,000 sft of the largest Italian showroom, Meztli.
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Bentley Home is just the right choice for those who are in a relentless pursuit of furniture which spells luxury and sophistication. Inspired by the time honoured craftsmanship using only the choicest material that is a trademark of the famed Bentley car interiors, Bentley Home furniture is a partnership between Bentley and Club House Italia, the designer furniture. These designer pieces are a culmination of traditional and modernist designs, without losing out on the Britishinspired style. You can experience the same class as in a Bentley automobile --specifically in the kind of materials used such as metal, leather, glass and veneer that enhance the luxurious interiors and the performance of a sophisticated setting. If you would like to touch and feel a Bentley sofa or recline on a Bentley chaise lounge, you have to visit the largest Italian showroom, Meztli. This is where you’ll find elegant, edgy, inventive, handpicked pieces from different sources. known the world over.
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His dark and broody designs breathe elegance and luxury, taking the world of interior designing to a new level. Dramatic appeal and a varied use of textures create a new fashion. Roberto Cavalli a fashion designer at heart has set his sights in interior designing. Take a look at the checkered floor and the vintage style chairs draped in shocking yellow velvet alongwith the subtly embellished pieces of furniture reflecting trendy yet simple lines. Cavalli is known the world around for his uniquely designed pieces of furniture that formed part of boutiques, private yachts, clubs and homes. You can find his latest collection at India’s largest stylish furniture showroom at Meztli, in Hyderabad.
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This collection is famed for the family mood kind of furniture and style that symbolises deep rooted Italian values and lifestyle. Your eyes can clearly distinguish the elegance and modernity that reflects in every piece. Designed and held together by three generations in a family that has journeyed together in its making, the Trussardi Collection is a treat for all those who believe life’s stories can best be made together. Take a look at the stories this family has made and displayed for you at Meztli.
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Collections unique with depth and style, made from the finest material using innovation, French designer, Paul Mathieu’s pieces are much sought after. Simple yet graceful, Paul Mathieu believes in creating pieces that are in tandem with nature’s sinuous grace and sensuality. The designer’s inspirations lead his clients to believe that he leads a luxurious life, just like his meticulously designed wrought furniture and lighting. But the man as he claims, gains inspiration from a plain white wall! An 18th century haveli in Udaipur has become a standing signature of his artistic marvel once restored. It is said, the designer was so particular about the whiteness of the limestone walls being restored that in order to cure limestone and agate, real fresh coconuts were broken and processed to get fresh oil. Paul Mathieu’s works reflect both simplicity and luxury lending a mysterious quality to them.
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Luxury British carmaker Aston Martin is known for its designs and an ability to instil passion in its audience. Needless to say its furniture designed in partnership with Formitalia has just the spirit one sees in racing cars. If your client is an ardent lover of fast cars and sleek designs, Aston Martin’s collection made from sanded aluminium, leather, carbon fibre and more will just be the right one. The desk here is replete with push buttons and seems allset to take off at jet-setting speed. The tone and tenor set by these pieces matches that of a corporate honcho who loves to be surrounded by furniture that is sophisticated and modern. As an institutional designer, this may be the right choice for you.
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If you are looking for Soul, Power and Beauty in your furniture you can stop here. This range of luxury furniture has the inimitable mark of a driving force. Presented in collaboration with Formitalia, there is the typicality of a Tuscany spirit in the collection. What is invigorating in Tonino Lamborghini’s collection is the need to innovate yet remain faithful to the tradition of Italian way of living. The designs are sleek and seductive yet uncompromising in the level of comfort and ease, providing ergonomic and luxuriant comfort to the buyers of this range. As an interior designer you can pitch the luxury of a sports car in your client’s living room.
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Baxter is the unique story of two Italian entrepreneurs, Luigi and Paolo Bestetti, who put the small sleepy fertile town of Brianza on the world map of exclusive interiors. Started in 1990, the Italian entrepreneurs decided to further the century old tradition of Italian aristocratic furniture and present it to the world. They were successful in their tryst for beauty lovers, made a beeline for their exclusive pieces. Shaping and creating unique pieces from leather, fur and animal skin these pieces speak of long-lost time and also look into the future.
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Those who love wood and its varied uses will recognise the endless beautiful forms it can take once it is artistically shaped and crafted. This love to craft solid wood into dreamlike forms, prompted Luigi Allievi, the founder of Porada, to establish his presence in the crafting of wooden chairs in 1948. For the last 70 years, Porada has been making contemporary furniture using solid wood combining it with glass and metal, embellishing it with various designs of upholstery. Known throughout the world for its craftsmanship, design, functionality and quality, Porada evolved into a household name. Luigi Allievi had a passion to understand wood, so basing his experience in wood manufacturing, the company designs furniture pieces that respects the environment, yet meets the needs of everyday living. These designer pieces are the visions of Giovanna Azzarello, Guiseppe Vigano, Tarcisio Colzani, Marelli & Molteni etc who collaborate in tandem with Porada to bring out its beautiful pieces.
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In 1955, two creative minds Pierangelo Gallotti and Luigi Radice’s shared passion for glass led them to establish a space that showcased the combined talents of innovation and tradition of carving out pieces in glass. They were small, but each one was a piece of art. Some lighting pieces, some mirrors or some furnished sofas, each one stood out as an example of their individual abilities as master craftsmen and they were all hand made. And the world sat up and noticed! Take a look at some of these pieces of art that we have on display and if your heart so desires you could be the proud possessor of these exquisite pieces. The artists realised that passion alone could not survive and they needed to expand and grow in order for the world to remember them. So both of them decided to enrol themselves in design and decoration courses at Sforza Castle and at the School of Industrial Art and imbibed every technical aspect of design in detail. And thus was born Gallotti & Radice. They brought in fresh talent that was equally passionate about glass and its need to be treated specially with every piece. Only those that understood perseverance, research and the secrets that make up these pieces were brought in. And only the best craftsmen survived. Their first collaborated designed piece ‘Adam’ a furniture display cabinet pane commissioned by architect Luigi for a furniture store in Milan, made them a success overnight. The first table made completely from light was thus born. It was 1971. Since then there was no looking back.
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In 1962, an enterprising astute craftsman Enrico Santambrogio established a company Res Italia that specializes in crafting interior doors and systems. With its headquarters in Seregno, famed for high quality and designer furniture companies in north Italy, Res has been successful in becoming a household name in Italy. Its fame slowly but surely crossed the boundaries of the country and reached the shores of Russia, America, India, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Dubai, Turkey and Canada. The interior doors designed by Res have received numerous awards with many of its products now gracing the interiors of high-end designer showrooms, prestigious cosmetics offices like Estee Lauder in New York, the famed-housing complex of Palais Leigi in Rome, in Mogliano Veneto’s Belstaff Headquarter, in Hotel Conservatorium in Amsterdam and in the luxury brand office of Giada in China.
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It is said that the energy of an artist comes from centuries of strength gained from his forefathers. Albino Celato founded DeCastelli in 2003, rooted on the experience of his blacksmith forefathers. He was confident that the deep knowledge of forging and shaping of iron that he gained from his them would prove its worth. He added to his forging experience the knowledge he gathered about the other two natural elements wood and stone, useful in the creation of artifacts and tools. Armed with such knowledge Albino turned every shape that he designed into an expression of art. He shaped the destiny of the company that introduced design using advanced technology and merging it with the painstaking handcrafting methods used in moulding iron for homes and outdoors. This merger of old and new gave a distinct identity to Decastelli. In 2010 the international edition of the DeCastelli brand was launched with reputed architects, designers and landscape artists like Michele De Lucchi, Aldo Cibic, Ramon Esteve, Philippe Nigro contributing to it. It showcased the contemporary products of the brand. Take a look at the latest catalogue of the De Castelli Collection where the vases and sculptures that were created using unusual materials, acquired new meaning, generating an unexpected visual and emotional impact. The entire De Castelli production is distinguished for the finest quality of its construction, expressed in the meticulous attention to details and the handcrafting of all the finishing and decorating work. The USP of De Castelli is the passion to use different materials and create an artifact which is steeped in personal history, lost back across ancient eras when materials, processes and ideas connected with them were all one with arms and mind. The perfect blend between design and technology has made it possible in recent years to make objects that are more and more unique, crafted with great skill in a meticulous process, from the initial idea to its final realization. The passion for materials is the most exciting aspect for De Castelli, it is not just the increasingly sophisticated processes that capture the company’s interest, but the constant research that explores the very essence of iron and its derivatives, in which every molecule can bring unexpected results, producing a myriad of variations, which make each single product unique.
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Arketipo is derived from archetype which means original idea, image or design. Formed by a group of ambitious Italian designers in 1982 in Tuscany, Arketipo believes design is the essence of any project and ensures that every product brought out under its bannership is a piece of art. True to its Italian way of life that believes in continuity, Arketipo’s designers draw inspiration both from the modern and the old to make the best of both the worlds. Decades of design have enabled its designers to imbibe technology with a variety of materials in the most aesthetic manner to gain a world class reputation for its modernity with clean lines, congruous proportions compatible to human engineering. Design defined by its creative think-tanks, ‘is derived from the harmony of matches, materials and colour shades that transcend the contemporary and create a lifestyle between dream and provocation. Arketipo explores our perceptions; the scenario blends design and traditional Florentine craftsmanship of precious fabrics and leathers. Uniqueness everywhere, not easy to choose! Perfection becomes banal and makes diversity the demonstration of manual techniques and pathos that are always different. The result being each product is unique.
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Residential spaces reflect one’s personality and if you want to create your client’s home just the way they are, Shake is the destination for you. Whether your style is laid back in cane, or the beautiful carved pieces from rustic wood, or the urban chic you see yourself in glass and metal, you will find Shake has just that thing a connoisseur needs. Every piece you find here is impeccable in finish, expertly crafted with finesse and has refined aesthetics. In short, you can see yourself in every piece that you choose. Shake allows you to not only live with elan but also allows you to choose your style, your kind of furniture reflects you in every sense of the term. You could choose to sink into sophistication on sofas that are Prism shaped or Soho styled. Made of wood and supported by metallic bronze and leather, the wide range of coffee tables, side tables and other pieces are fit to grace a home that invites warmth and clarity. Influenced by elegance and beauty of minimalistic design, these are no-fuss furniture pieces each one unique in design and style. These pieces comprise of custommade shelves, displays and separate seating units, all metamorphosing into a look that is sleek and inviting at the same time. Sink into one of the sofas and experience the luxuries of life.
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Inspired by the Kohinoor diamond, Horst Muller founded one of the most important furniture manufacturing units in Europe, Koinor. Today the company is a function specialist which combines innovative technology with the contemporary-modern, design-accentuated language of form. From its modest beginnings KOINOR has developed into one of the most prominent makers of upholstered furniture in Europe. The company occupies approximately 50,000 square meters of space distributed over 4 sites. Approximately 480,000 square meters of leather and approximately 200,000 running meters of fabric and microfibers are processed per year. More than 500 parts are delivered every day to specialized retailers in Germany, Europe and overseas. Upholstering is an art. Even the most modern production
plants can only offer support to their employees. The people in the company have inherited this handicraft talent down through many generations and they exhibit strong commitment and a striving for perfection. A chapter which is the prime reason for KOINOR to produce exclusively “Made in Germany� products. Optimal working conditions ensure that KOINOR’s experienced upholstery masters and talented young people trained on the floor of the company will be able to continue to direct their full attention to the perfection of exclusive upholstered furniture. Each piece continues to be carefully crafted by hand precisely as ordered by the customer: in the desired combination, with the desired covering in leather, fabric or microfiber and, naturally, in the desired color. Moreover, feet, seam color, seating height and upholstering are also customized. That makes every piece of furniture a unique piece. Nothing is produced ahead of time. With sophisticated logistics system the company is able to satisfy all individual orders within a short time frame. And this is the only reason they are able to deliver furniture within the given time frame.
In order to achieve this, designers in KOINOR as well as well-known external experts, work with the brand. They work on the optimal implementation of the original idea, reduce forms, leave out what is superfluous or redefine. They thereby give furniture their incomparable look. Sometimes austere, sometimes playful, sometimes modern, or classic. The characters that you see of the furniture are as rich in variety as the personalities of the designers. That is what makes the KOINOR collection so exciting. Meztli is happy to be associated with KOINOR and is thrilled to have its pieces on display.
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In 1977, an artist, Lucio Doro created a small but decorative Atelier that intended to show the world that ancient jewelry and decorative art schools can also be a part of intricate interior design. His atelier proudly projects the finely crafted furniture of north Italy. Lucio Doro trained at Applied Art School, Milan. It has been his passion to start an atelier that merged the contemporary with the modern and so with his family founded the Alchymia atelier in Lentate sul Seveso in Brianza (Lombardy) north Italy. Since then his creations have left a deep impression in the minds of interior decorators and art critics around the world. The hall mark of Alchymia is sophisticated decor. Decor that was inspired by the rich historical culture of Italy. From doors to windows to sofas and armchairs, his work reflected a deep historical meaning. Lacquering is another area that Lucio specifically chose as a medium to express his creativity. Using decoration in relief and gold foil finishing, Alchymia’s lacquer creativity aims to make a contemporary statement on ancient tradition.
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Even today, after many years, in our company we follow the the teachings which are the fruit of the everyday experience, the essence of a work culture that is acquired by doing everyday experience of using hands and heart, a knowledge that needs to respond to clear rules of quality and perfection. After years of collaborations with the biggest furniture makers, with fashion and design worlds, we developed our own haute couture experience, thus mating our savoir faire to the traditional workmanship techniques of furniture. In our creations we mostly use the oldest intruments in the world, the hands; hands which move incessantly and accomplish rhythmic gestures, which sew with extreme precision, which incessantly turn the leather, but which bring perfection that borders on art. “Quality is born out of our every gesture.�
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A tradition that started in 1885 and comes to our days with the 5th generation maintaining historic Tuscan craftsmanship combined with a contemporariness which excites and seduces. In the distant year of 1885, Caporali started its operations in the small parlour of blacksmith Lorenzo Caporali, the pater familias of this lineage which has made of its craft a way of life. In the first decades after its inception, the predominant activity was work commissioned by local churches, convents and owners of manor houses in that area. This meant daily activities could range from forgery of hooves for horses, to hinges and nails for local carpenters, as well as artistic creations for the clergy. Fast forward to today, and one can see that a 1over 30+ years path emerged marked by dedication, constant research, confrontation and experimentation with new shapes and artistic techniques. Caporali is synonymous for the union between innovation and tradition which translates into an elegant and original style expressing exclusive and personalised creations aimed to satisfy the tastes of an ever more attentive and well-documented general public. The iron is the main protagonist of these creations, moulded with mastery thanks to the artisanry not only fully Made in Italy, but especially Tuscany, with the scope of conferring to this material an unexpected and unheard of quality: lightness. In our products we try to amalgamate artisanal abilities with industrial know-how; the capability of a manager, along with the extraordinary ones possessed by the technicians and artisans. It is for this reason that all of our creations can be thought, studied and realised upon request
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Part of the Gruppo Eromobil group, Desiree’s way of interpreting and transmitting emotions and feelings is through the ‘Home Soft Home’ concept. Each of its products is refined, comfortablev with a distinctive design that sets its apart from many others. Each unique detail on the product is there for a reason and is manufactured with utmost care and love. The result as you can see is a furniture suited for those who lead a charming lifestyle distinguished by convivial atmospheres. The Désirée collection of fabrics consists of over 550 textile and leather options supplied by the most qualified companies on the market and includes innovative and exclusive products. The Désirée fabrics and leathers are completely removable. A manufacturer of upholstered furniture since 1968, Desiree’s products have been designed to transform and mould to meet contemporary needs. Collaborated and helped by world renowned designers like Marc Sadler, Setsu & Shinobu Ito, Simone Micheli, Roberto Semprini, as well as a large team of young people that included Jai Jalan, Leonardo Zen and Andrea Lucatello, Desiree’s products are carefully monitored for innovations taking care that technology and materials used are of the best quality. Check out some of the Desiree products that Meztli has on show for you at our showroom
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“Create nothing unless it is both necessary and functional. And if this is the case, do not hesitate to make it beautiful.” This principle always adhered to by the Shaker communities perfectly sums up what Extremis does. Extremis does not aspire to simply put beautiful outdoor furniture on the market. Extremis makes “tools” that make life better. More pleasant. These tools must always be functional. And above all always better than the products already available. In Extremis’ designs every single aspect is the fruit of careful consideration. And each design is always a feast for the eye. Founded in 1994 by Dirk Wynants, Extremis was the result of passion. Passion for design pushed Dirk to create a furniture range that offered so much more than just furniture. Extremis is a brand with a vision. A brand with a mission. A brand that breathes innovation. TU’G VO THOPE TE ZI’N in the local dialect implies togetherness. By combining intelligent design based on Flemish common sense, Dirk created a whole range of extraordinary outdoor furniture uniting exceptional functionality and timeless design. The result? Much more than just a furniture range: a lifestyle that brings people together. That lets them enjoy life together. Long before concepts such as sustainable businesses and corporate responsibility became widespread, Extremis was already paying a lot of attention to the three P’s. It does not matter whether you are dealing with personnel, neighbours, customers, or dealers, they are all people who ensure that Extremis can keep on doing what it is good at. Reducing transport volumes, using sustainably managed raw materials, making optimum use of raw materials, or observing quality standards guaranteeing that products last a lifetime: For Extremis it is essential that our planet remains liveable for centuries to come. And profit? Of course. Only a profitable company can achieve these goals.slogan Tools for togetherness (or Tu’g vo thope te zi’n in the local dialect). Take a look at the products that Dirk has created that are on display at Meztli!
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Ph: ITALY +39 031747492, INDIA +91 9701189109 HQ - Italy: Via Trento 22, 2206, Mariano Comense (CO), Experience Center - India: HICC Lane, Madhapur, Hyderabad - 500081 94 MEZTLI | Il Vostro Design Partner Italiano