The Pocket Guide to Relocation

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Managing international assignments and employee support

Relocating employees is a complex business... Whether you’re moving people within the UK or internationally, whether you’re new to relocation or a seasoned professional, this guide covers all the key information you need to operate successfully. Even with the shortest overseas business trip or commuter assignment, there are risks to be considered – risks you can’t afford to ignore, as we explain on page 6. But don’t worry – we’re here to help! Our quarterly magazine and monthly e-newsletter keep you in touch with the latest trends. The Re:locate website provides in-depth coverage, plus a growing series of downloadable factsheets on essential topics. And Smart Move, our new employee support website, saves you time and trouble by answering a host of relocation-related questions on your behalf (see page 14).

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Contents 3 6 10 14 15

Introduction Risk Areas Policy Employee & Family Support Property & Moving


Suppliers Directory

Re:locate Magazine Spray Hill Hastings Road Lamberhurst Kent TN3 8JB Tel: 01892 891334 Suppliers Directory


Risk Areas

Property & Moving

Employee & Family Support Get the full | 5

Risk areas Did You Know...? Today, employers regularly send their staff to work in another country, whether for a few days or for several years. Many are aware of the risks associated with cross-border working. But, as globalisation increases and businesses rush to compete for opportunities, priorities are often not focused on the relevant risk areas. The four areas of highest risk for international assignments and cross-border working are the ones

managers tend to consider least:


,W LV HDV\ WR DVVXPH WKDW VRPHRQH working in one European country is able to work in another; to assume that employees are not OLDEOH WR SHUVRQDO LQFRPH WD[ LQ their host location if they are paid by their home payroll; to assume

“In today’s economic climate, tax authorities around the world are becoming more vigilant.â€? someone else in the organisation is making the necessary corporate WD[ DQG ILQDQFH DUUDQJHPHQWV IRU the project or assignment. And it is easy to forget about social security altogether! 6XFK DVVXPSWLRQV DQG omissions could result in significant financial, employment and reputational damage to the employer, as well as personal cost and disruption to the employee, director or partner. ,Q WRGD\¡V HFRQRPLF FOLPDWH WD[ DXWKRULWLHV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG are becoming more vigilant over

foreign workers and foreign companies undertaking business in their jurisdiction. Where the DXWKRULWLHV GLVFRYHU WD[ RU VRFLDO security avoidance, or where immigration formalities have been ignored, penalties – both financial and for the continuation of the business – can be severe. The good news is that, providing we know about the cross-border workers, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate the costs, avoid the penalties and ensure the employer is compliant with all relevant legislation.

Keep up to date with the latest on the domestic and international relocation scene Subscribe online to Re:locate magazine and our monthly e-newsletter, Re:locate Extra. For your FREE subscription, go to: Get the full | 7

Be Aware And Take Action Immigration $OPRVW HYHU\ FRXQWU\ UHTXLUHV a foreign national undertaking productive work in that country to have permission to do so. Regulations vary, and it is vital to check before starting a project, an assignment or – in some places – even a business trip. While the EEA promotes the free movement of labour, this does not mean that D 86 HPSOR\HH ZLWK D ZRUN SHUPLW IRU )UDQFH PD\ DOVR ZRUN LQ ,WDO\ or the UK. Make sure all your cross-border workers have the correct work permission. Personal income tax ,QGLYLGXDOV FDQ EHFRPH OLDEOH WR D IRUHLJQ LQFRPH WD[ LI WKH\ VSHQG time in another country, and many regular visits can pose the same risk as one long stay. Many countries now have a ‘double WD[ WUHDW\¡ with other countries, and, providing certain

conditions are met, the individual ZLOO RQO\ SD\ WD[ RQ WKH VDPH income in one jurisdiction. However, that jurisdiction might EH RQH ZLWK D KLJKHU WD[ UDWH and the employee will generally H[SHFW UHLPEXUVHPHQW 0DNH sure you take professional advice and monitor the international movements of all your staff, from WKH &(2 GRZQ Corporate income tax 6SHFLDOLVW WD[ DGYLFH LV UHTXLUHG by employers with employees working in another country, as the risks of creating a ‘permanent HVWDEOLVKPHQW¡ LI QR VHFRQGPHQW agreement is in place are high. Businesses should also consider the implications of transfer pricing and cross-border valueDGGHG RU VDOHV WD[HV 6HWWLQJ XS processes to manage these issues might seem costly, but it is money well spent and a sound investment for future international working. Make sure your finance DQG WD[ WHDPV NQRZ about the project, assignment and any cross-border business activity.

Four risk areas

Social security Working in a country with a state social security scheme generally means social security is payable, both by the employer and by the ZRUNHU ,Q VRPH FRXQWULHV WKLV FDQ EH H[SHQVLYH DQG D FHUWLILFDWH RI coverage (available across the EEA and some other countries with D OHJDO DJUHHPHQW H[HPSWV WKH individual from host-country social security payments while continuing contributions to the home scheme. But, where social security is payable, costs for the employer could have a significant impact on budgets, and fines for non-payment can be severe. Make sure you know who is working where, and for how long, and that you apply for (and obtain) any applicable certificates. Additional elements for consideration ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ZRUNLQJ LV D FRPSOH[ DUHD DQG WKHUH DUH many more elements than these to consider; will family members EH LQFOXGHG ZLOO WD[ HTXDOLVDWLRQ apply, how will pension contributions or share plans be treated, what allowances will be paid, to name but a few.

Cross-border working ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WKDW DOO FRPSDQLHV conducting any kind of international business are aware of the risks associated with crossERUGHU ZRUNLQJ &URVV ERUGHU workers may include: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Business travellers ,QWHUQDWLRQDO FRPPXWHUV &URVV ERUGHU SURMHFW ZRUNHUV œ6WHDOWK H[SDWV¡ Those on short- or long-term assignments

To find out more, read the feature on cross-border working in Re:locate magazine Winter 2010/11. Stepping stones Follow the streams highlighted on our website for step-bystep guidance on managing international relocation: Business travellers and commuters Short-term assignments Long-term assignments – ‘lite’ Long-term assignments – ‘full’ Employee support – Smart Move

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Do we need a relocation policy? The simple answer is yes, you do. A relocation policy – whether for international or domestic relocations and assignments - is needed in the same way as a policy on grievance procedures, absence or any other HR issue. ,W EULQJV FRQVLVWHQF\ WR DQ otherwise very fluid area, helps WR UHGXFH XQH[SHFWHG DQG unbudgeted costs, and gives prospective assignees – as well as those managing them – the guidance they need in

understanding the terms, benefits and obligations of the relocation. A policy will tell the employee and the business how the relocation, assignment or WUDQVIHU ZLOO ZRUN ,W ZLOO H[SODLQ the benefits and entitlements DYDLODEOH DQG KRZ WD[DEOH EHQHILWV will be treated, and describe the services to be provided to assist ZLWK UHORFDWLRQ ,W VKRXOG DOVR outline, for those undertaking an international relocation, how SD\UROO LQFRPH WD[ VRFLDO VHFXULW\ and pension will be managed, plans for the individual at the

end of their assignment, and the process for ending any assignment early. Employees, managers and HR all need to know and understand these points and their implications. Having a comprehensive policy ensures there are no surprises and that everyone, whoever they are in the organisation and wherever they are relocating, is treated LQ WKH VDPH ZD\ ,W DQG DQ accompanying letter confirming specific terms and conditions relating to the relocation, is also vital from a legal perspective, ensuring that – if applicable – home-country employment is maintained throughout an international assignment, that H[SHQVHV DUH DQWLFLSDWHG DQG budgeted, that a secondment agreement is in place to mitigate WKH ULVN RI D FRUSRUDWH WD[ H[SRVXUH DQG WKDW FRQILGHQWLDOLW\ is maintained, both internally and ZLWK H[WHUQDO VHUYLFH SURYLGHUV Without a policy, employees will negotiate their own terms. This can lead to spiralling costs, the inability to budget or plan, inconsistency and low morale in the workforce, and potentially difficult repatriation

discussions. Those responsible for administering domestic and international mobility without a policy framework will struggle to determine appropriate terms, to negotiate with demanding individuals, and to be fair to the undemanding, to ensure corporate compliance, and to monitor and manage costs. Finally, having a policy and making it widely and publicly available should mean that managers will seek guidance and support at an early stage and not wait until there is a problem, either with an employee or with the authorities in a host location.

In-depth coverage of key topics in UK and international relocation and how to manage mobility For all the information you need, go to:

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How to write your relocation policy 2XU Re:locate Factsheets series is aimed at everyone managing relocation, whether they are H[SHULHQFHG RU QHZ WR WKH UROH We have two relocation policy factsheets, which will guide you through the process of writing a policy or assist you in evaluating your own policy to check it PHHWV WRGD\¡V IDVW FKDQJLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV Domestic Relocation Policy There are a variety of reasons for domestic relocation in the UK. 5HORFDWLRQ PD\ EH UHTXLUHG ZKHQ DQ HPSOR\HH¡V MRE PRYHV RU WKH\

are needed to fill a vacancy or take up a promotion in another part of the country. An organisation may also move office location for cost UHDVRQV H[SDQVLRQ RU SHUKDSV as a result of a takeover or merger. Many companies also use relocation to support recruitment. Whether you are relocating individuals or conducting a group move, it is essential to have a relocation policy in place. 2XU 'RPHVWLF 5HORFDWLRQ 3ROLF\ )DFWVKHHW JLYHV SUDFWLFDO guidance on covering all the bases and delivering an effective strategy.

International Relocation Policy ,QWHUQDWLRQDO DVVLJQPHQWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR PHHW WKUHH NH\ objectives: strategic, operational DQG GHYHORSPHQWDO ([SDWULDWHV are needed to provide strategic direction and focus within overseas subsidiaries, to fill skills gaps, complete projects and DGGUHVV RSHUDWLRQDO UHTXLUHPHQWV to train and develop local people, and to undertake professional and personal development themselves as part of the talent management process. 2XU ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 5HORFDWLRQ 3ROLF\ )DFWVKHHW SURYLGHV SUDFWLFDO guidance on all the issues that need to be considered when you are compiling or reviewing your strategy, in respect of individuals and their families. Download your FREE relocation policy factsheets NOW at factsheets Further titles to follow throughout 2011. Build your knowledge with factsheets thoughout the year!

Repatriation Repatriation is one of the four key HR elements of successful international assignments, alongside personnel selection, pre-arrival preparation and support in post. A recent survey revealed that 38 per cent of employees leave their company within one year of repatriation. &RPSDQLHV VLPSO\ FDQ¡W DIIRUG WR see talent walk out of the door at the end of an international assignment. Find out how you FDQ KHOS H[SDWULDWHV ZHDWKHU WKH repatriation storm and beat the attrition rate on our website. Useful advice is also provided for repatriating families. Employee Support )LQG RXW LQ WKH QH[W VHFWLRQ how to support your relocating employees, their partners and families to ensure a successful relocation, retain talent and grow your organisation. Keep up to date with the latest thinking at, and refer your employees to

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Smart Move Introduction The importance of employee support in managing successful relocations and international assignments. cannot be overestimated. 6PDUW 0RYH LV Re:locate¡V dedicated free website for relocating employees and their families. This invaluable resource, FRPELQHG ZLWK WKH H[SHUW advice given in the pages of Re:locate magazine and on our website, www.relocatemagazine. com, will make life easier for

HR, line managers and global project teams. Wherever you are moving employees and their families, into or around the UK or internationally, refer them to for reassurance, practical help and advice from a trusted source. Relocation is an ongoing process, so you can be sure that, wherever your assignees are in the cycle, there will be something for them – from planning their move to the practicalities of partner

support, from settling in and making friends to repatariation. Here are some of the key areas to consider as a starting point. Property ,W LV DOZD\V KDUG IRU LQGLYLGXDOV and families to uproot themselves. Finding the right property, in the right place, affects the whole family, and so is fundamental to the success of a relocation. There are many factors to be taken into account when choosing a property, whether for purchase or rental. Number one is location. For most assignees, ease of commuting is vital, together with access to transport, good schools, shopping facilities and leisure amenities. Finding a suitable property within budget is often TXLWH D FKDOOHQJH Relocation management companies can help with *XDUDQWHHG 6DOHV 3ULFH VFKHPHV whereby the employee can move to the new area and has a guaranteed price for the old home to purchase the new one. Serviced Accommodation This is a really neat solution for relocation, with provision growing rapidly around the

ZRUOG ,W LV LGHDO DV D VKRUW WHUP PHDVXUH IRU H[SDWULDWHV ZDLWLQJ to go into longer-term rented property, employees on short-term assignments, domestic movers waiting to move into their new home, and business commuters working away on a project. Furniture Rental No need to worry if a shipment is late or your employee can only find an unfurnished property. Furniture rental companies can provide furniture for a whole house, top-up items for an additional room, and even kitchen, linen or bathroom packs for those essential household items. Removals 3ODQQLQJ LV WKH NH\ WR D VXFFHVVIXO PRYH ,I \RX VHOHFW D UHPRYDOV company that specialises in corporate relocation, their H[SHULHQFH VKRXOG SD\ GLYLGHQGV because whatever country you are PRYLQJ HPSOR\HHV WR WKH\¡OO KDYH WKH H[SHULHQFH LQ WKHLU QHWZRUN to deal with customs, security and timescale issues. When negotiating the price, be clear what your priorities are regarding weight, storage and transit time. Take advantage of

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WKH ZHDOWK RI H[SHULHQFH RQ RIIHU from the professionals before making snap decisions based solely on price. Schools &KRRVLQJ D VFKRRO LV D PDMRU concern for relocatiing parents, whether they are moving within the UK or on an international assignment. Many international families prefer to send their children to an international school, or to an independent school offering the ,QWHUQDWLRQDO %DFFDODXUHDWH VR highlight these schools in your area. Boarding is another option for global families on the move. ,I \RX DUH UHORFDWLQJ employees from other parts of the UK, it is a good idea to inform them of the state and private school open days or evenings. &RQVLGHU ZKHWKHU LW ZRXOG LW EH valuable for someone from your HR department to attend, so that they are more informed when the TXHVWLRQV FRPH Education consultants will help individual families, and relocation agents often offer school search and school appointments as part of their service. There are also regional school shows, where you can see a

UDQJH RI VFKRROV H[KLELWLQJ DOO LQ one place. The state education sector is changing rapidly, and can be very confusing. Keep up to date with the latest developments, plus informative monthly features, at Settling In The sooner your relocatee and their family are happily settled, the better, both for the individuals and, ultimately, for the success of the assignment. ,I WKH UHORFDWLRQ LV WR DQ overseas destination, culture VKRFN PD\ ZHOO EH DQ LVVXH 3UH departure cultural and language briefings, for both the assignee and the family, can go a long way towards mitigating this. Those relocating within the 8. PD\ DOVR H[SHULHQFH D GHJUHH of culture shock, and will need time to adjust, plus plenty of area information – on everything from GRFWRUV¡ SUDFWLFHV WR WKHDWUHV health clubs and sports facilities. Partner’s Job 'RQ¡W XQGHUHVWLPDWH WKH importance of career support for the trailing partner or spouse. Though dealing with the upheaval and personal change

that relocation necessitates is a challenge, it is also an opportunity, perhaps for a career change. &DUHHUV DGYLFH &9 ZULWLQJ analysis of transferable skills and interview preparation assistance, plus career development strategies and knowledge of how to get a handle on the local job market, are critical to ensuring that the UHORFDWLQJ SDUWQHU¡V FDUHHU VWD\V on track. A careers consultant can offer help with all these areas. ,I ZRUNLQJ LVQ¡W IHDVLEOH overseas owing to local restrictions, help can be given

with further education and training options or creating a virtual working environment. Location and Area Guides Make sure everyone relocating has access to up-to-date information about the area they are moving to. This provides reassurance, saves you time, and ensures the relocatee can prepare for their move and settle in well. 6HH WKH IUHH VHULHV RI 8. RQOLQH JXLGHV RQ 6PDUW 0RYH and look for overseas alternatives.

Website resource Online newsletter

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:HOFRPH WR WKH QHZ 6XSSOLHU DQG &RQWDFWV 'LUHFWRU\ IURP Re:locate. +HUH \RX¡OO ILQG GHWDLOV RI D KRVW RI RUJDQLVDWLRQV WKDW FDQ PDNH \RXU MRE easier – all in one place. Re:locate, the leading magazine for HR professionals and relocation specialists, covers every aspect of UK and international relocation, from policy, financial, property and legal matters to managing international assignments, recruitment and immigration, as well as the full raft of HPSOR\HH VXSSRUW $ 3') YHUVLRQ LGHDO IRU LQWHUQDWLRQDO UHDGHUV DQG colleagues in overseas offices, is available via the website. Keep up to date with news and views between issues with our free monthly e-newsletter, Re:locate ([WUD 7R VXEVFULEH YLVLW ZZZ UHORFDWHPDJD]LQH FRP But Re:locate is more than a magazine: we run run seminars and webinars, plus the prestigious Re:locate $ZDUGV 2XU ZHEVLWH LV HVWDEOLVKHG DV WKH top resource for HR and relocation professionals – a one-stop shop packed with practical advice, how-to features and other resources to support international and UK relocation, as well as a comprehensive directory of suppliers. ,I \RX KDYH LGHDV IRU WRSLFV \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR see covered in the magazine or on the website, SOHDVH OHW XV NQRZ &DOO RU HPDLO Fiona Murchie Managing Editor

Eastwood House Glebe Road Chelmsford Essex CM1 1RS Contact: Karen Pearse T: +44 (0)1245 355628 E: W:

Farnham Castle Castle Street Farnham Surrey GU9 0AG Contact: Laura Mayo T: +44 (0)1252 720419 E: W:

We offer in-depth discussion and advice on all issues of concern to those facing the challenge of a move to a new location, including: cultural awareness and adaptation; current cultural, social, economic and political issues; living and working conditions; and information and practical advice on business culture symptoms.

Cross Cultural Training

Face-to-face and live online global mobility programmes for any country.


NatWest Global Employee Banking

NatWest Global Employee Banking (NWGEB) is a specialised department within NatWest, working with Company HR functions and Relocation Agencies, offering a streamlined account opening service for relocating employees. NWGEB, established 17 years ago, has long standing relationships with many multinational organisations, including many blue chip corporations. The organisation does not have to bank with NatWest to use the NWGEB service.

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Destination Service Providers

Interdean provides full international relocation services to support HR departments in the transfer of employees to new Interdean International Relocation Ltd business locations. Central Way Park Royal London NW10 7XW

Destination Service Providers

Contact: Simon Price T: +44 (0)20 8961 4141 E: W:

Interdean’s services are used by HR professionals to help in the process of moving skilled staff to and from any international location worldwide. Interdean’s service includes full cost and relocation tracking.

Profile Locations is unique in combining relocation and location knowledge with professional expertise and coaching. Profile Locations Spray Hill, Hastings Road Lamberhurst Tunbridge Wells TN3 8JB Contact: Fiona Murchie T: +44 (0)1892 891334 E: W:

With over 20 years’ experience, we offer a comprehensive relocation service, including home search, schooling assistance, career counselling for partners and cross cultural support. We are the leading supplier of area guides available online and in a variety of printed formats.

The Relocation Consultancy Kalewa The Warren, Caversham Reading, Berkshire RG4 7TQ

Our friendly and professional team advise and assist on all aspects of the relocation process, with services including orientations, homesearches, school searches and repatriation advice.

Destination Service Providers

TRC is a highly regarded, privately-owned company that has been in existence for over 20 years.

Contact: Jenny Hogan Each project is tailor-made T: +44 (0)118 947 0029 to meet the needs of the E: individual, their family and W: their Company.

Portmill House Portmill Lane Hitchin Hertfordshire SG5 1DJ

Our range of relocation services offers adaptable, Contact: Sarah Rushbrook cost-effective solutions. T: +44 (0)1462 420201 We guarantee consistent E: high-quality support to all W: our clients, with the personal attention of our experienced relocation coordinators.

Destination Service Providers

Rushbrook & Rathbone Ltd

Rushbrook & Rathbone is one of the foremost providers of professional UK destination and home management services for both corporate sponsored and privately funded expatriates.

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Furniture Rental

David Phillips The Lightbox 111 Power Road London W4 5PY

Furniture Rental

Contact: Ed Grant T: 07779 257202 E: W:

Fully Furnished Group Unit J3, Ascot Business Park Lyndhurst Park Ascot Berkshire SL5 9FE Contact: Sky de Rôme T: +44 (0)1784 449988 E: W:

David Phillips is the largest specialist supplier of furniture to the property market. We offer a complete UK nationwide furniture rental service from our offices in London, Manchester and Edinburgh. Our service is perfectly suited to relocation agents, with flexible terms and contracts. We offer complete furniture packages to one-off items, and cater to every budget and requirement.

Taking the pressure and complications away from any relocation. Private or corporate, our flexible furnishing solutions suit all budgets and circumstances, to include: t Bespoke inventories – furniture, electricals and housewares t The UK’s most flexible rental terms t Available from stock and installed within days t Nationwide service

28 Barwell Business Park Leatherhead Road Chessington Surrey KT9 2NY Contact: Karen Counterman T: +44 (0)20 8397 9344 E: W:

Furniture Rental

Roomservice by CORT

Roomservice by CORT is the UK’s leading furniture rental company. We provide a range of furnishing solutions to meet the complex demands of global relocation. Whether you are an International assignee working to a budget, or in HR and need help finding long and short term accommodation solutions to fit with your policy, Roomservice by CORT can help.

Are you a winner? Enter the Re:locate Awards 2010/11 Categories for HR professionals: Best Relocation Strategy/Policy Technological Innovation in Relocation Inspirational HR Team of the Year Rising Star in Relocation Relocation Personality of the Year Green Achievement NEW Entries by: 18 February 2011 Gala Awards Dinner: May 2011 Full details at Get the full | 23

Health Insurance

AXA PPP International Union House Eridge Road Tunbridge Wells Kent TN4 8HF T: +44 (0)1892 508795 E: W:

AXA PPP International is a globally recognised provider of international medical insurance, with over two million members around the world. We have 70 years of experience in the healthcare market, and more than 40 internationally, so we can deliver the quality cover and specialist support you rightly expect from your medical insurance provider. Are you looking for a name that’s recognised globally, and a business that’s built on the strongest foundations? As part of the AXA Group – a long established world-leader in financial services – AXA PPP International is the natural choice.

T: +44 (0)1892 508795 E:

Aviva Health UK Ltd Chilworth House Hampshire Corporate Park Templars Way, Eastleigh Hampshire SO53 3RY Contact: International Sales Team T: 0800 051 1524 E: W:

Woolmead House East The Woolmead Farnham GU9 7TT T: +44 (0)1252 745901 E: W:

At InterGlobal, we know that no two customers are the same. That’s why we combine great comprehensive packages – based on our experience as specialist providers of international private medical insurance – with the flexibility to get exactly the cover you need.

Health Insurance

InterGlobal Insurance

You can be reassured that wherever your employees are based in the world they can receive cover from a globally recognised brand. We provide expert support, guidance and quality medical treatment whenever they need it. Our award-wining International Solutions is a flexible product designed to suit your employee’s needs.

Health Insurance

At Aviva, we understand that everyone’s needs for international healthcare are different.

UltraCare is available at four levels of cover, from UltraCare Standard to UltraCare Plus.

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HR Consultants

Mercer Tower Place West Tower Place London EC3R 5BU Contact: Siobhan Cummins T: +44 (0)20 7178 5645 E: W:

Mercer is a leading global provider of consulting, outsourcing and investment services, with more than 25,000 clients worldwide. Mercer consultants help clients design and manage health, retirement and other beneďŹ ts, and optimise human capital. Mercer is experienced in assisting both major and growing, midsize companies and providing high-quality human resource information.

Check out our new-look jobs board! The Re:locate jobs board has just been relaunched, with a fresh new look and improved functionality. As the only targeted jobs board for relocation, it features all the latest posts across this growing industry, for both HR and suppliers.

One Canada Square London E14 5DY Contact: Asma Bashir T: +44 (0)20 7712 1765 E: W:

We ensure that your workforce are able to commence assignments swiftly anywhere in the world.

Title House 33-39 Elmfield Road Bromley, Kent BR1 1LT Contact: James Walters T: +44 (0)20 8461 6660 E: W:

With offices in London and New York, Smith Stone Walters offers innovative ways of providing our clients with effective UK immigration and Right to Work solutions. By way of a highly professional and personalized service, our team of account managers are able to manage all UK immigration/visa matters and provide associated regulatory advice.


The leading UK corporate immigration advisory firm.

Smith Stone Walters


Newland Chase

Newland Chase provides global business immigration solutions to multinational organisations. We have proven expertise in this area and are renowned for our strategic thinking, working in partnership with clients to deliver their personnel objectives on a global scale.

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International Payments

Personal FX 5th Floor 62 Cornhill London EC3V 3NH

Our services can help individuals and companies save money when making international payments. We focus on understanding exactly what our clients need, when they need it. That way, we deliver the right service for them at the right time. By working in partnership with HR departments we can ensure that staff relocating overseas start their new life on the best possible ďŹ nancial footing.


Contact: Nat Davison T: 0800 731 2778 E:

We provide our clients worldwide with functional language capabilities and cultural know how. Directors Languages Directors House Sheephouse Road Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8HH Contact: Alena Sevcikova T: +44 (0)1628 778476 E: W:

Our services include: t Foreign & English language training for international assignees t Language training for business t Face-to-face, virtual, e-learning & blended solutions t Country-speciďŹ c & cross-cultural awareness training

Robertson House 57-59 High Street Twyford Berkshire RG10 9AJ Contact: Ă“sk DanĂ­elsdĂłttir T: +44 (0)118 934 6000 E: W:

Connells Relocation Services Ltd James House 27–35 London Road Newbury Berkshire RG14 1JL Contact: Simon Robins/Tim Rose T: +44 (0)1635 271271 E: W:

Connells Relocation has been trading since 2002 and provides a complete menu of UK domestic relocation and international assignment services to our blue chip clients, which include leading PLCs in the banking, energy, retail, telecoms and defence sectors + HMG. We appreciate that both cost and risk reduction are key drivers in employee relocation today.

Relocation Management

Connells – sensitive to people – sensitive to costs

Languages & Cross Cultural Training

Robertson Languages International

Since 1989 Robertson Languages has supported relocation assignees and their families by providing language and cross-cultural training across the world. t 'BDF UP GBDF POMJOF and blended solutions in all languages pre and post transition t $SPTT DVMUVSBM CSJFmOHT to reduce the risk of cultural shock, improving the relocation success t 0GmDFT JO DPVOUSJFT ensuring consistent delivery worldwide

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Relocation Management

Not all relocation companies are the same.

Clearview Relocation Ltd New Market House Market Street, Newbury Berkshire RG14 5DP

Relocation Management

Contact: George Holmes T: +44 (0)1635 239040 E: george.holmes@ W:

Interdean International Relocation Ltd Central Way Park Royal London NW10 7XW Contact: Simon Price T: +44 (0)20 8961 4141 E: W:

If you are looking for a service driven global relocation company with the right mix of knowledge and resource to meet the needs of your company, assignees and their families, then contact us today.

Interdean provides full international relocation services to support HR departments in the transfer of employees to new business locations. Interdean’s services are used by HR professionals to help in the process of moving skilled staff to and from any international location worldwide. Interdean’s service includes full cost and relocation tracking.

72 Hammersmith Road London W14 8TH Contact: Barrie Gilmour T: +44 (0)20 7559 3412 E: W:

Paragon Relocation combines the vast resources of a global relocation company with local expertise in 150 countries worldwide.

In the UK, we deliver domestic and international 54 Queen Anne Street mobility services from ofďŹ ces London in Aberdeen, Birmingham, W1G 8HN Edinburgh and London. Our unique business Contact: John Sammon model, combining strategic T: +44 (0)121 329 5058 relocation management and E: in-house services, delivers W: consistent quality, local expertise and cost savings.

Relocation management

TEAM Relocations is a European leader in the delivery of integrated relocation, moving and immigration services to the corporate market. TEAM Relocations Ltd

Relocation management

Paragon Relocation

Paragon Relocation is the premier partner of choice in the global mobility industry, providing innovative programmes, value-added support, superior customer service and thought leadership to our clients and the families they relocate around the world.

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Removals & Storage

Britannia Movers provides a professional range of corporate moving and storage services to companies all over the world. Britannia Movers International 1 Pegasus Road Croydon CR0 4RN

Removals & Storage

Contact: Gavin McCarthy T: +44 (0)20 8256 1744 E: gavin.mccarthy@ W:

Our group of 45 UK offices and network of overseas partners allows Britannia to provide national and international moves with the professional Britannia imprint, from start to finish.

Fox Moving and Storage is a leader in international removals to and from anywhere in the world. With branches located throughout Britain, Fox will Fox Group (Moving and Storage) Ltd assist with any move, no matter how big or small. 10 Somerset Road A dedicated corporate Cwmbran relocation team is on NP44 1QX hand with experienced coordinators and qualified, Contact: Steve Blackmore trained crews, who will take T: +44 (0)1633 866923 care of your employees E: wherever in the world they W: are moving from or to.

ICM Gerson Brinkworth House Brinkworth Swindon Wiltshire SN15 5DF Contact: Damon Ward T: +44 (0)1666 511700 E: W:

Covering international and domestic (UK) relocation management, local destination services and International moving services, ICM Gerson has developed a reputation for the delivery of high-quality services and support programmes for nearly 50 years.

Removals & Storage

Interdean provides full international relocation services to support HR departments in the transfer of employees to new Interdean International Relocation Ltd business locations. Central Way Interdean’s services are Park Royal used by HR professionals London to help in the process of NW10 7XW moving skilled staff to and from any international Contact: Simon Price location worldwide. T: +44 (0)20 8961 4141 E: Interdean’s service includes W: full cost and relocation tracking.

Removals & Storage

ICM Gerson specialises in the provision of corporate relocation solutions.

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Removals & Storage

Renmer International Movers Ltd Unit 19 Sheraton Business Centre Wadsworth Road Perivale Middlesex UB6 7JB

Removals & Storage

Contact: Ms. Sadh Kanadia T: +44 (0)20 8997 7943 E: W:

Robinsons Relocation Ltd Nuffield Way Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 1TN Contact: Alistair Murray T: +44 (0)1235 552273 E: W:

Well established family owned Moving company with warehousing, Packing crews, Transportation/ Shipping network of tried and trusted agents worldwide. Renmer promises to deliver a truly exceptional ‘stress-free’ and personalised moving experience for the corporate personnel on the move with their prised possessions. We offer respect and attain perfection like a tailor made solution to match your own criteria and budget.

Robinsons Relocation has firmly established itself as a forward thinking, trustworthy innovator which has used its considerable knowledge and expertise to break into uncharted territory, breaking moving industry tradition and challenging industry perceptions. We believe our desire to challenge convention leads to continual development in delivering a better service to our clients.

Wentworth International Movers Ltd Heritage House 52–54 Hamm Moor Lane Weybridge KT15 2SF

International, UK domestic and storage, corporate unaccompanied baggage service (unique), third country move management services, global network of overseas agents, professional and trained staff, full comprehensive insurance cover.

Removals & Storage

Corporate move specialist.

Contact: Daniel Bagguley T: +44 (0)1932 853344 E: W:

Heywood Portsmouth Road Cobham Surrey KT11 1BL Contact: Lucy Porteous T: +44 (0)1932 869729 E: W:


ACS International Schools

ACS International Schools enrols over 2,500 students aged between 2 and 18, from over 70 countries, at three London area campuses in England. The schools are non-sectarian and co-educational, with both day and boarding available. ACS offers all three International Baccalaureate programmes and a wide selection of Advanced Placement courses.

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International School of London in Surrey Old Woking Road Woking Surrey GU22 8HY


Contact: Brit Beckers T: +44 (0)1483 750409 E: W:

Kent College Canterbury Kent CT2 9DT Contact: Jayne Simpson T: +44 (0)1227 813931 E: W:

Serving the schooling needs of the Surrey expatriate community, ISL Surrey is the first school in the UK to offer the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) alongside the IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP). We are a small, friendly co-educational, day school in Woking offering full EAL/ ESL support and a wide range of mother tongue classes integrated into the curriculum.

This vibrant, independent, co-educational day and boarding school offers excellence in a wide variety of fields. The school is proud of its strong pastoral tradition and has a reputation as a particularly friendly and welcoming school. The school’s excellent academic record is reflected in continuing success at GCSE and A level. The International Baccalaureate is offered alongside A levels in the sixth form.


Marymount International School London George Road Kingston upon Thames KT2 7PE Contact: Chris Hiscock T: +44 (0)20 8949 0571 E: admissions@ W:

Marymount London is a Catholic day and boarding school that welcomes girls of all faiths. Offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma, Advanced Placement classess, American High School Diploma, and an English Language programme. Coeducational Day (ages 3–8) and Boarding (14–18).

Coldharbour Lane, Thorpe Surrey TW20 8TE Contact: Karen House T: +44 (0)1932 582316 E: W:


Located on a beautiful 46-acre campus close to London, TASIS England fosters academic and personal growth in a welcoming community for students from 50 nations. TASIS The American School in England



International Baccalaureate Diploma, advanced placement classes, American High School Diploma, English Language programme. Co-educational Day (ages 3–18) and Boarding (14–18).

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Serviced Accommodation

The Ascott Limited (Ascott) is the world’s largest serviced residence owner-operator with over 26,000 serviced residence units in more than 60 cities worldwide. The Ascott Limited 7–21 Goswell Road London EC1M 7AH

Serviced Accommodation

Contact: Patrick Hegan T: +44 (0)20 3119 3400 E: W:

Its well-known brands – Ascott, Citadines and Somerset – provide a range of options perfect for business travellers on extended business trips or those on a longer-term relocation.

Dreamhouse serviced apartments have been developed to provide the highest standards of luxury accommodation. Dreamhouse Inc 4 Woodside Place Glasgow G3 7QF Contact: Nick Chaffaut T: +44 (0)845 226 0232 E: W:

Our choice of one, two and three bedroom apartments in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow are available for short and long-term stays. Ideal for relocation purposes, business travel and corporate housing. Each spacious apartment is fully equipped to be a home from home.

81 Cromwell Road London SW7 5BW

Serviced Accommodation

Frasers Hospitality

The award-winning Frasers Hospitality, with the Frasers Suites, Fraser Palace and Fraser Residence brands under its umbrella, is an international serviced apartment provider which offers spacious, luxury serviced apartments combined with high-end hotel-style services across the globe.

Contact: Virginie VichĂŠ T: +44 (0)20 7341 5599 E: Key destinations include W: London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Paris, Bahrain, Dubai and Bangkok.

Check out our new-look jobs board! The Re:locate jobs board has just been relaunched, with a fresh new look and improved functionality. As the only targeted jobs board for relocation, it features all the latest posts across this growing industry, for both HR and suppliers. Get the full | 39

Serviced Accommodation

Whether you are relocating or arranging a relocation, it’s always a stressful time. People need flexible short- and long-term accommodation solutions to bridge the gap. SACO Serviced Apartments 7 Whiteladies Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1NN

Serviced Accommodation

Contact: Clare Ace T: +44 (0)117 974 5934 E: W:

Staybridge Suites Staybridge Suites EMEA Oak Court Dudley Road Brierley Hill DY5 1LG Contact: Elizabeth Devaney T: +44 (0)1384 890 908 E: W:

We offer a real homefrom-home environment. Fully equipped kitchens, separate sleeping and living areas, easy broadband connectivity and full home entertainment systems. You’ll feel more at ease than staying in a hotel, with greater freedom and privacy.

Staybridge Suites is an extended-stay hotel for guests who are seeking an alternative to a conventional hotel and are open in Liverpool, Newcastle, Cairo, Abu Dhabi and in over 170 locations in the Americas. Our contemporary apartment-style suites have their own fully equipped kitchen and plenty of space. All hotels have an exercise room, a laundry room, a 24/7 shop, complimentary hot breakfast, after work receptions and Wifi.


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Re:locate Magazine Spray Hill, Hastings Road Lamberhurst, Kent TN3 8JB Tel: 01892 891334

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