Residents Handbook Vasey RSL Care

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Our Vision

That veterans and war widows live with independence, control and dignity, feeling safe, valued and respected.

Our Purpose

Serving those who served

Our Promises

Traditional Values

We honour our heritage and traditions.


We strive always to provide you with safety, predictability, punctuality and attention to detail.


We provide compassionate care that is considerate of the individual.


We welcome and accept you: we encourage you to connect and share.


We foster respect, privacy and dignity for all.


We do everything in our power to enable you to continue to live a life with meaning and purpose.


Our community deserves the best available care and we are committed to evidencebased, innovative practice that puts you at the centre.

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We warmly welcome you to Vasey RSL Care, an organisation with a long and proud tradition of offering care, support and accommodation to Australia’s seniors, veterans and war widows for 100 years.

Choosing a new home should be a positive life experience, no matter what stage of life we are at. Downsizing, decluttering and moving can be a challenge, but at the end of the project, your move should leave you feeling happy, safe, secure and well looked-after in your new surroundings. That’s what we are here to help with.

Vasey RSL Care promotes and respects your rights as an individual and seeks to provide personcentred care where you are at the centre of your own decisions. Our staff members are here to assist you and your family with this change in your life and to encourage ongoing discussion so that your needs can be met and your personal preferences realised.

This Residents’ Handbook has been created to let you know about the care and services we offer at our Residential Aged Care Homes and to enable you to make decisions about your own care and lifestyle.

We are committed to Our Vision, Our Purpose and Our Promises: they have been developed from what our residents have told us is important to them and they inform our decision-making in every aspect of our service and care.

I would like to personally welcome you to your new home and assure you of my commitment to you and your care. I hope that you will be very happy in our community.

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Approved July 2021 Form no 08-20 Vasey RSL Care version 11 Authorised by GMACS Page 4 July2021 Residents’Handbook Residents’ Handbook Our Residential Aged Care Homes Home Address Telephone Brighton 21 DownesAve  9596 7485 Brighton East 709-723 Hawthorn Road  9519 3400 Bundoora 5-7 TowerAvenue  9466 9615 Frankston South 85 Overport Road  9787 2844 Contents 1. Arriving at your New Home.................................................................................................. 5 2. Making Yourself At Home 8 3. Engaging and Contributing ................................................................................................. 12 4. Meals and Refreshments ................................................................................................... 17 5. Personal Clothing and Laundry 19 6. Visitors Welcome ............................................................................................................... 21 7. Your Complete Wellbeing 24 8. Coming and Going from Your Home .................................................................................. 27 9. Your Safety and Security .................................................................................................... 29 10. Administration 32 11. Questions?.......................................................................................................................... 33 Appendix A: Charter of Aged Care Rights 35

1. Arriving at your New Home

Your first day at your new home will go something like this…

• Arrive at a prearranged time.

• Meet some of the staff members.

• Meet with a nurse and talk about your care needs, your food likes and dislikes, any health issues, allergies etc. You may like to have a family member or friend support you. There will be some forms to fill in.

• A staff member will take you to your new room and help you settle in. All rooms have an ensuite bathroom with basin, toilet and shower. The staff member will show you the Call Bell, how to work the equipment such as your electric bed and tell you about meal times and locations.

• They will introduce you to some of your new neighbours and show you around the lounge, sitting room, dining room and other shared areas. They will show you your nearest kitchenette where you can make tea and coffee for yourself and visitors at any time.

• You may feel a little overwhelmed with all the new information and new faces: take your time and don’t worry about finding your way around – our staff will make sure you are taken to the dining room for meals, and introduced to other residents.

Time to Adjust

It will take time to get used to your new surroundings and lifestyle and there will be a period of adjustment for you as well as for your family members and friends.

Our staff are here to help you settle into your new home and we look forward to getting to know you.

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Residents’ Handbook

Please find more information about all aspects of your new home in the following pages. You do not need to read this all at once – dip in as you need to.

Care and Services You can expect

Our organisation will provide you with an extensive range of care and services to live with dignity and choice, with the support you require.

This includes:

 Your room, fitted out with furnishings

 Building and grounds maintained in good order

 Meals and refreshments

 Personal care and assistance, such as bathing, eating, help with taking medications and carrying out health treatments

 Essential toiletries

 A program of social activities

 Individualised care such as special bedding, mobility aids (walking frames and wheelchairs, but not motorised or custom made aids), incontinence aids, nursing services, medication management and therapy services, eg speech therapy, podiatry and physiotherapy

Each of our homes is unique and the buildings, gardens and services vary accordingly. If you have any questions about your home, please speak to one of the staff members for full details.

Staff and Their Roles

At our aged care homes, there are a variety of staff with different roles:

Residential Manager (RM) The Residential Manager manages the home and is responsible for the staff at this location.

Facility Care Coordinator (FCC) The Facility Care Coordinator is the clinical lead and is responsible for clinical and personal care and ensuring independence and the best health and wellbeing outcomes for residents.

Quality Coordinator (QC) The Quality Coordinator works with all staff to ensure that systems and processes are followed and the home complies with its accreditation requirements.

Administration Staff Each home has administration staff who ensure that visitors are welcomed, phones are answered and the home runs smoothly. Administration staff wear red uniforms.

Nurses There are Enrolled Nurses (EN) and Registered Nurses (RN) and there is always at least one nurse on duty. Nurses wear teal/blue uniforms.

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Personal Care Workers (PCW) Personal Care Workers are the people who spend most time with residents, helping them with personal care if required, such as showering, dressing etc. Personal Care Workers are on duty around the clock, 24 x 7 x 365 and wear teal/blue uniforms.

Lifestyle Staff

Each home has a team of people who focus on providing activities that respond to the preferences of the residents: there are many regular activities provided and these change regularly.

Food Services Staff

Each home has a Chef and food services team that provides freshly cooked meals on the premises. Food services staff wear black, white or checked uniforms.

Laundry Staff

Maintenance Staff

Each home has an on-site laundry service. Laundry staff wear teal/blue uniforms.

Each home has a Maintenance Officer who ensures that all aspects of the property are functioning as they should.

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2. Making Yourself At Home

Living at a residential aged care home ensures that you receive the support and assistance you need to feel safe and secure.

At Vasey RSL Care we will do all we can to make you feel welcomed and at home in your new surroundings. We will help you settle in and introduce you to new friends.

Personal Items

You may find that having familiar personal belongings around you helps you feel more comfortable. You are welcome to bring personal items with you, such as:

 Pictures or paintings

 Photos

 Ornaments or souvenirs

 Books

 Radio (see Electrical Equipment below)

 TV, except Brighton East where TVs are provided (see Electrical Equipment below)

Items of Value and Insurance

A lockable drawer is provided for items of value and the resident is responsible for all personal items kept in their room.

A small valuables safe can be provided on request: the resident is responsible for remembering the safe’s code, as this code cannot be given to any Vasey RSL Care staff member.

We advise residents to only keep small amounts of cash in their rooms. If you are unable to manage your cash, the service administration can hold up to $100 for you.

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Please be aware that while the organisation has insurance for general effects, it does not cover personal items of value belonging to residents. We recommend you arrange insurance cover for any specific items of value that you wish to have with you.

Electrical Equipment

If you wish to bring any electrical items, including radios and TVs, these must be tested and tagged in accordance with legal requirements and must not be used until they are tested and tagged. Speak to the Residential Manager who will organise the necessary arrangements.

Note: The cost of testing and tagging is the responsibility of the resident.

Bar Fridges: you may have a bar fridge (up to 50 litre capacity) in your room: please speak with the Residential Manager before bringing or purchasing a fridge.

Note: for health and safety reasons, residents are required to make arrangements for regular checking of food expiry dates and for regular cleaning of the fridge.

Items Not Permitted: for safety reasons, electric blankets, kettles and toasters may not be used in your room.

Larger Items

If you would like to bring a larger item, such as a piece of furniture, please discuss your plans with the Residential Manager prior to bringing the item into the home. Maintaining safety for residents and staff members is our first priority and we will do our best to accommodate your request and reach a solution that is acceptable to all.

Room Alterations

Making an alteration to your room, such as cabling/wiring, installation of antennas, fans or airconditioners, is at the discretion of the Residential Manager with advice from the Property Services Department. If you would like to make an alteration, you must complete an ‘Upgrade for Fixed Equipment’ form (available from the Residential Manager). If the alteration is approved, we will provide you with costs and details about the equipment and installation.

Note: the cost of any alteration is the responsibility of the resident.

With regard to air-conditioning at our Bundoora and Frankston South homes, if the room does not have a unit, our staff will work with you to determine a suitable unit and will organise installation.

Note: the cost for purchase and installation are the responsibility of the resident.


Many residents have mobile phones. However, if you would like a ‘landline’ or traditional phone in your room with your own personal number, this can be arranged. Please discuss your requirements with the Residential Manager.

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Note: arrangements and associated costs, fees and charges remain the responsibility of the resident.

Internet Connection

Internet connection is generally not available to residents at our homes. However, some of our homes provide a PC for resident use, which is connected to the Internet.

We do not offer Wi-Fi connection.

If you wish to have your own personal Internet connection, our staff can provide you with contact details so that you can arrange to have it put on.

Note: the cost for this is the responsibility of the resident.

Home and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance

While cleanliness, tidiness and grounds maintenance are the responsibility of our staff, if you are able and wish to, you are welcome to maintain your room. Cleaning of ornaments, souvenirs and other personal items is the responsibility of the resident or family.

If you have an interest in gardening and would like to either look after a garden area yourself or join in with a gardening group, please speak to the Lifestyle Coordinator at your home.

If you or your visitors notice any problems regarding building or garden maintenance or cleanliness, please speak to a staff member: this assists us to provide prompt attention and repairs as needed.

Pets and Companion Animals

Many residents have been used to having pets and often, pets are rehomed with family members when residents move to an aged care home.

We understand that pets are ‘family’ and we welcome visits from your family pets: note that they must be under supervision and suitably restrained at all times. At some of our homes we have regular visits from volunteer organisations who bring dogs into the home to engage with residents who are dog lovers.

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Hair Salon

Each of our homes has a hair salon and visiting hairdressers provide regular services. Ask a staff member how to make an appointment.

Note: hairdressing costs are the responsibility of the resident and payment is made direct to the hairdresser.

Newspapers and Magazines

If you would like to have newspapers and/or magazines regularly delivered, speak to our staff who can assist you to arrange this through a local newsagent. Accounts for newspapers and magazines from the newsagent are the responsibility of the resident.


Each Vasey RSL Care home publishes its own regular newsletter which is freely available to all residents.

The organisation produces a quarterly newsletter which is available in hard copy or by email to all residents and to family members.

Postal Service

A daily postal delivery and collection is provided Monday to Friday: deliveries are made direct to your room.

Staff are able to assist residents with posting outgoing mail.

Note: cost of postage stamps is the responsibility of the resident.

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3. Engaging and Contributing

At Vasey RSL Care we strive for continuous improvement and we are committed to a personcentred approach to care whereby we engage and partner with you.

It is important for your health and wellbeing that you are fully engaged in your own care and we strongly encourage you to contribute your views on any aspect of your experience.

Your rights as a resident are guarded by the Charter of Aged Care Rights and you will find a copy of this in Appendix A. Our management and staff respect and support your rights as a resident and are always open to hear your views and feedback.

We recognise that communication is key to our relationship with you and with your ‘important others’. We will support you in your engagement with us.

Getting Involved in How the Home is Run

Some of the ways residents can become involved in discussions and decisions about the aged care home include:

• Completion of a ‘Have Your Say’ form (see below)

• Residents’ meetings (see below)

• Community engagement forums (see below)

• Individual meetings with management – you can arrange this at any time

• Resident experience surveys – these are usually carried out annually

Offering Feedback, Complaints and Compliments

We encourage everyone to have input – residents, family members, friends, staff and volunteers. We use this feedback – which we recognise can be negative or positive – to inform

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continuous improvement for you and for others. We can assist you to access an advocate or language services if you choose.

To provide feedback or make a complaint you may:

• Speak directly with the staff member in charge at that time, or the Facility Care Coordinator, or the Residential Manager.

• Telephone the Residential Manager at your home on:

o Brighton 9596 7485

o Brighton East 9519 3400

o Bundoora 9466 9615

o Frankston South 9787 2844

• Email the Residential Manager at your home:





• Complete a ‘Have Your Say’ form: this ‘gold’ form is available at all homes as we consider that ‘all feedback is gold’ since it provides important information that enables us to continually improve. If you would like help, staff can assist you to complete a form and put it in the suggestion box for you. If you wish, you can put the form in a sealed envelope before putting it in the box, or you can post it to Vasey RSL Care, Central Office, PO Box 203, Hawthorn VIC 3122.

• Write a letter addressed either to the Residential Manager of the home or to Vasey RSL Care, Central Office, PO Box 203, Hawthorn VIC 3122.

• Email the General Manager Aged Care Services at

All feedback is taken seriously: it is investigated and where appropriate, we will follow up with you and seek your input into how to resolve any concerns. Your comments, suggestions and views help us improve our quality of care and take action to respond to ideas for improvement.

Residents’ Meetings

Meetings with residents are held regularly at each home and family members are welcome to take part. These meetings provide a way for you to have input into the daily running of the home, to raise any concerns you have and to make suggestions for improvements.

The meetings also provide the opportunity for staff to bring up any matters that may affect residents and to talk about upcoming events or changes, or any other topic of interest.

The meetings are conducted in a semi-formal manner following a written agenda and with minutes distributed to residents and family members after the meeting.

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Community Engagement Forums

Community engagement forums are conducted regularly via ‘Zoom’ with residents from each aged care home presenting their research on a specific theme or topic to members of the Board Quality & Risk Sub-Committee and members of the Executive Management Team. Find out more about these forums from your lifestyle team members.

Open Disclosure

We know that despite our very best efforts, things can go wrong. If there is an incident or accident that has caused harm, we will use a best-practice approach that is called ‘Open disclosure’. This approach is a process whereby staff:

• Tell you about the incident and help you understand what happened

• Give you an opportunity to provide your observations and ask questions

• Let you know about the investigation into what happened

• Talk with you about actions planned/taken

• Engage you in processes to address the situation and the actions to remedy the situation

• Use this process and information to improve the quality and safety of care and take steps to prevent it happening again

Being open and honest about these occasions is important in resolving them and avoiding a recurrence.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission (ACQSC)

The Department of Health’s aged care regulatory functions are handled by the ACQSC. Their role is to protect the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of people receiving aged care. If you find that a complaint has not been addressed or resolved to your satisfaction, or if you or your family member/representative would prefer to make a complaint without going through our staff, you can contact the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission:

• by telephone to  1800 951 822

• in writing to Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission, GPO BOX 9819, Melbourne Vic 3000

• or online:

More Information on Rights

More information on residents’ rights can be obtained from Elder Rights Advocacy (ERA), an independent agency established to protect the inte rests of people living in residential care in Victoria. ERA is part of the national body, OPAN – the Older Persons Advocacy Network.

Elder Rights Advocacy (ERA) offers a free, confidential and independent service to older people (or their representatives), offering advocacy assistance to support older people to uphold their rights.

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Contact ERA:

• by post to Elder Rights Advocacy, Level 2, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne Vic 3000

• by telephone to  (03) 9602 3066 or 1800 700 600

Changing Care Needs

We are committed to assisting all residents to have the best accommodation and level of care to suit their individual needs. This commitment a pplies both at the time of arrival and at any later time.

If you experience a significant change in physical health, mobility or other characteristic, your accommodation and care needs will need to be reassessed and in some instances, our home may no longer be able to provide the most suitable accommodation for your needs.

If a change of accommodation is necessary, it will be carried out in full consultation with you and/or your authorised representative and our staff will ensure that suitable care and support is provided throughout any transition or transfer.

Dignity of Risk and Honouring Choice

Vasey RSL Care supports and respects 'dignity of risk'. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Guidance (2019) defines dignity of risk to mean 'the concept that all adults have the right to make decisions that affect their lives and to have those decisions respected, even if there is some risk to themselves’. Dignity of risk means respecting your right to make your own decisions.

Care and services must strike a balance between respect for your autonomy and the protection of your other rights (such as safety), unless it is unlawful or unreasonably impinges on the rights of others.

The dignity of risk applies when the resident has the capacity to make informed decisions. There are occasions when the resident’s choice may create a risk to themselves and cause concern for their family/loved ones and this can result in conflict between the resident’s desire for independence and to take risks, and the desire of loved ones that the resident is safe.

In this situation, we will work with all parties to help you maintain your independence as safely as possible, noting that where you have the capacity to make an informed choice, a plan to honour that choice will be established and included in your care plan. The resident’s rights will be supported, even if there is conflict between the resident and family over these rights.

Maintaining Relationships of Choice

Residents have the right to have control over and make choices about their personal and social life, including the right to intimacy, sexual freedom, and to give and receive affection.

Vasey RSL Care supports your right to exercise choice and independence, including making connections with others and maintaining relationships of choice and intimate relationships. If at

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any time you feel we are not supporting you to maintain connections of importance, please speak to the Facility Care Coordinator.

Respecting Others

As in any other situation where there is a group of people, there are expectations that each person will treat all others with respect: this includes staff, volunteers, contract staff, visiting health professionals, residents and family members.

Every resident is responsible for their own conduct and behaviour as a member of this community. Residents are expected to show care for each other and should not pass on any information of a personal nature about any other resident. Residents must respect the rights of staff to work in an environment which is free from harassment.

Maintaining Dignity and Respect

Vasey RSL Care places high importance on providing a positive environment where all residents are shown dignity and respect at all times. The organisation has a zero-tolerance policy for any behaviour that contravenes this requirement.

Staff are required by law to report any act of harassment, abuse or neglect that they see, suspect or experience.

As a resident, if you see, suspect or experience an incident of harassment, including abuse or violence, or if you see, suspect or experience disrespectful care or discrimination, including from another resident, we ask that you tell the staff member in charge or Residential Manager without delay.

Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)

All Australians have a right to live free from abuse and neglect. This is a human right, current law, and a reasonable community expectation. The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) is an initiative to help prevent and reduce incidents of abuse and neglect in residential aged care services subsidised by the Australian Government. The SIRS sets arrangements for approved providers of residential aged care and flexible care delivered in a residential setting to manage and take reasonable action to prevent incidents with a focus on the safety, health, well-being and quality of life of aged care consumers. Please speak to the Facility Care Coordinator if you would like more information about SIRS.

Government Elections and Voting Rights

Electoral and voting rights are maintained for all residents who wish to vote, with support provided if needed. Mobile polling booths are arranged at each home by the electoral office for the convenience of residents.

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4. Meals and Refreshments

One of the most evident aspects of moving to a residential aged care home is a change in meals and refreshments.

At Vasey RSL Care, food is cooked fresh daily on the premises and our chefs and kitchen staff take pride in their roles.

Our food safety standards comply with the requirements of the Food Safety Act (1984). We offer a multi-choice menu based on residents’ comments and feedback, nutritional information provided by our dieticians, and the care and innovation of our Food Services team.

When you arrive, we discuss your food and drink likes and dislikes so we can provide for your requirements as closely as possible. Special dietary requirements associated with medical conditions and other preferences can be met and our dietician can review your requirements as needed.

Meals & Refreshments

Main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner are served daily. As meal times vary by aged care home, please speak to a staff member for details.

Light refreshments for morning tea, afternoon tea and supper are also provided each day. There are kitchenettes located throughout each of our homes so it is not far for any resident to go to make a hot drink at any time they wish. Visitors are welcome to make use of the facilities for tea and coffee at any time.

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Meals for Your Visitors

Your visitors can join you for a meal if they wish to: there is a small cost for the meal and we ask that you speak with a staff member for details of the cost and to find out how much notice is required.

Bringing Food into the Home

We have a legal obligation to protect all our residents from the risk of gastro and food poisoning. Therefore, any food items brought into the home must be recorded in the Food Register at reception. Speak to a staff member if you require assistance.

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5. Personal Clothing and Laundry Your Clothes

As a new resident, you may find it difficult to know what clothing to bring with you. Room temperatures may differ from what you are used to and it will take a little while to determine what activities you will be involved in and what items you will find most useful.

We recommend that when you first arrive, you bring enough items to last you for a week – as if you were going on holiday.

After a week or so, you will have a much better idea of your new lifestyle and what clothing you need to have with you: your family members will be able to assist you in bringing any additional items and taking away any that you do not use.

You may find it helpful to review your wardrobe at the changes of seasons and swap clothing to meet your requirements.


For your safety and to reduce the chance of falling, shoes must fit well and be in good condition.

We recommend comfortable casual shoes for everyday activities. When you have got used to your new home and you are familiar with your new lifestyle, it will become clear which shoes are most useful.

Laundry and Labelling of Clothing

At each Vasey RSL Care home, we have our own well-equipped laundry service with commercial equipment and laundry staff who provide an efficient service.

Note: the laundering of any items that cannot be machine-washed is the responsibility of the resident and/or their family members.

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To ensure your personal clothing is returned to you promptly, make sure that all items are clearly labelled with your name, using any labelling system you choose. If you need help to obtain labels, speak to one of our staff members.

Note: at most of our homes, the cost for labelling of clothing is the responsibility of the resident. Please speak to the staff to find out more.

Dry Cleaning

We do not provide a dry cleaning service. Any items that require dry cleaning must not be put out with other laundry.

Note: dry cleaning can be arranged for you by our staff and a dry cleaning price list is available: costs for dry cleaning are the responsibility of the resident.


If you would like to iron your own garments at any time, an iron and ironing board are available for your use. Speak to a staff member for details.

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6. Visitors Are Welcome

We welcome your friends and family members to all our homes. In normal circumstances there are no set visiting hours at any home and you can invite your family and friends to visit you when it suits.

Note: there are times when an aged care home has to restrict visiting for infection control purposes. In these circumstances, the organisation follows government regulations, and our organisation reserves the right to make its own decisions about restricting access in the interests of all residents.

For security reasons, the external doors are locked in the evening, overnight and on weekends. At these times, visitors are required to ring the doorbell to enter: if you have regular out-ofhours visitors, we ask that you speak to the Residential Manager or Facility Care Coordinator to make arrangements that will work for you.

Family members are also welcome to join in many of the activities of the home such as events for Mothers’ Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas, Easter and so on. Many family members become extended members of the community and some go on to become volunteers, which is greatly valued.

Please note that visitors who are unwell are asked to stay away: see section 10 for details.

Our Expectations of Visitors

Our aim is to provide an environment that is happy, safe, warm and welcoming and that promotes the safety and security of all.

As such, we expect that all visitors will be courteous, respectful and considerate of all residents, staff, volunteers, contract staff, visiting professionals and other visitors. The Residential Manager or Facility Care Coordinator are happy to discuss any visitation issues.

The following Visitor Code of Conduct applies to all visitors to all our homes.

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Visitor Code of Conduct

We ask that all of our valued visitors:

 Treat everyone with respect and dignity;

 Recognise the right of our workers to work in an environment free of harassment and bullying or any anti-social behaviour;

 Recognise the right of residents and workers to practice any religion of their choice and to have their cultural identity respected;

 Recognise individuals have a right to work in a professional and supportive environment;

 Understand that Vasey RSL Care has legal and ethical responsibilities to protect its workers;

 Understand that if Vasey RSL Care fails to protect our workers we are at a significant risk of losing them which could lead to the loss of knowledge, expertise, commitment and compassion that these workers actively and willingly provide to residents;

 Recognise that our workers are trained to provide the best possible care to residents. We ask you do not attempt to provide care to other residents or assist other residents with mobility. Please do not request to assist with moving a resident (‘manual handling’). To do so could you put and the resident at serious risk;

 Protect the personal privacy and confidentiality of all;

 Understand we do not allow surveillance equipment to be installed in a resident's room due to the intimate and private acts performed, for example showering or bathing, and to do so would compromise the resident's dignity;

 Adhere to this Code of Conduct so that all individuals who live, work and visit Vasey RSL Care do so in a safe, harassment-free environment which promotes wellbeing and fosters respect and co-operation between all.

Please be advised that the following behaviour will not be tolerated:

× Verbal abuse including but not limited to shouting, abusing, swearing (in English or any other language);

× Intimidation, including but not limited to:

i) Physical, such as standing over persons or use of aggressive gestures, pursuing persons, attempting to force open doors.

ii) Psychological, such as making threats.

× Physical assault, including but not limited to throwing objects, pushing, shoving.

If any of the above behaviours occur, management reserves the right to take any of the following actions:

• To request any individual (other than a resident) to leave the home immediately;

• To contact the Police and request that the offender be removed from the home;

• To deny access to the home to any individual exhibiting any or all of the above behaviours.

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Thank you for adhering to this code of conduct and showing respect to the people taking care of you or your loved one.

Visitors who are Unwell

We take the health and wellbeing of our residents very seriously.

To prevent the spread of illness to residents and staff, visitors (including infants and children of any age), should not visit the home if they are unwell.

If visitors have any of the following symptoms, they must stay away:

• diarrhoea

• vomiting

• coughing

• sneezing

• headache

• temperature

• any other potentially infectious illness

‘Visiting’ via Zoom

For those family members who live interstate or overseas, or even in rural Victoria, and cannot get to visit easily, we offer ‘virtual visits’, using laptop or tablet computers so you can see and talk to your family member.

To arrange a Zoom visit, speak to one of the lifestyle team members at your aged care home.

Community Visitors Scheme

The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) supports volunteer visits to provide friendship and companionship to older people. Visits are available to anyone who receives governmentsubsidised residential aged care and is socially isolated and experiencing loneliness. This can happen if connection with friends and family has dropped, or living in aged care has left them feeling isolated from their culture and heritage. It can be exacerbated by mobility issues that prevent them from taking part in social or leisure activities.

The CVS volunteers provide friendship and companionship and help residents develop social connections. All volunteers are trained in supporting older people, go through a police check, and are matched with a resident. Volunteers will visit at least 20 times per year.

CVS receives referrals from aged care service providers, family members and friends and residents can refer themselves if they are feeling in need of some social support. Please speak to your lifestyle team if you would like more information.

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7. Your Complete Wellbeing

Complete wellbeing takes in all aspects of health and that includes cultural, emotional, physical, social and spiritual. When you move to one of our homes, we ask you what is important to you in your life. It is essential to have meaning and purpose at every stage of our life, and during times of transition and change, it is especially important to be aware of the possible issues that can arise.

Thrive at Vasey RSL Care

As we welcome you to your new home, we encourage you to connect with others and take part in the life of the home.

Every home has a Lifestyle Team whose role is to encourage residents to engage in those activities that give them pleasure and bring them fulfillment. We value your customs, beliefs, culture and ethnic backgrounds and our staff are sensitive to individual needs.

The Lifestyle Team puts together a comprehensive and varied program of activities that offers opportunities for residents to maintain their cultural, emotional, physical, social and spiritual health. The programs offer faith-based and spiritual activities, social celebrations, art and craft activities, hobby groups, sporting activities and more.

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It is important that you continue to do the things that make you happy. You are welcome to take part in any of the activities available, those you know you will enjoy and those you might never have done before. You are welcome to try new things. For full details about activities offered, please speak to the staff.

We also encourage you to continue to participate in activities outside the home, and spend time with family and friends as you choose.

Planning for Personal, Clinical and Medical Care

When you move to one of our aged care homes, we also find out about your health and care needs and goals.

Creating an Individualised Care Plan

We partner with you in ongoing assessment and planning that helps you get the care and services you need for your health and wellbeing. This assessment and planning has a focus on optimising health and wellbeing in accordance with your needs, your goals and your preferences, and results in an Individualised Care Plan: it is unique to you and is a private and confidential document.

We also ask you about your choices for when you want other people (family/representative) involved in your care and information you want shared with them. This ongoing partnership with yourself and those others that you wish to involve, is an important part of our personcentred approach to care.

Your health and wellbeing are as important to us as they are to you and we are here to ensure that you have the best quality of life possible.

Your Doctor

Each home has a number of doctors who support our residents and visit regularly: you may like to consider changing to one of these. If you wish to continue to have your current doctor provide your medical care, please note that they must be able to provide (or arrange for) 24 hour, 7 day per week cover. For more information, please contact the Facility Care Coordinator.


Medications are prescribed by your doctor and while you are living at one of our aged care homes, they are generally administered by our qualified staff. Our organisation is legally bound to ensure that medication is administered according to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled substances Act 1981 (Vic)

Should you wish to administer your own medication, a nurse will work with you to make an assessment and your doctor will be required to determine your competency. You will be required to sign an indemnity letter to take responsibility for your medication.

Note: the cost of medication is the responsibility of the resident.

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Residents’ Handbook

Specialised Therapy Services

Our staff will assist you to access health and other specialised services, such as:

 Dental

 Medical

 Mental health

 Speech pathology

 Podiatry

 Physiotherapy

 Occupational therapy

 Audiology

 Optometry

 Diet

 Stoma support

Note: costs for these services depend on the individual’s needs assessment. Please speak to a staff member for more details about the referral process and costs.

Those with Memory Loss, Dementia and/or Cognitive Impairment

We have a Memory Support Unit (MSU) at all except our Brighton home. The MSU provides specialised care for residents with memory loss, dementia and/or cognitive impairment in order to help them live in a secure and happy environment. Entry to the MSU is on the basis of an assessment of the resident’s physical health, mobility and other characteristics.

Advance Care Planning: Respecting Your Wishes

Advance Care Planning is the process of making plans and decisions for your future health and care in the event that you lose your decision-making capacity. It captures your wishes and values, and ensures that you continue to influence treatment decisions even if you can no longer actively participate in them. Evidence shows that being involved in decision-making improves satisfaction with treatment and care choices. At Vasey RSL Care we are committed to working in partnership with you so that your views and wishes are respected.

This sometimes requires that we ask you difficult questions that you may feel are confronting. If at any time we ask questions you are not ready answer, please let us know the time is not right. These questions are asked so we can support your right to independence, choice and decisionmaking. Questions can include things such as: If you became really sick, how much medical treatment would you want? Would your answer change if you were not going to return to your previous state of health? Who would you like to make medical decisions for you if there came a time that you could not speak for yourself?

It is important you are aware that CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is not offered at Vasey RSL Care. CPR cannot be performed effectively without a doctor and life support equipment, neither of which are available at our homes, and evidence indicates poor outcomes for frail older people with multiple health problems or severe dementia, and success rates below 1%.

We also ask that you nominate a funeral director of your choice and provide the location of your Will and the name of your Will’s Executor . Again, you may find this confronting, but we have found that this is of great assistance to your loved ones and lifts the burden off them. Having this important information recorded can make a great difference both to you and to your loved ones at difficult times. Advance Care Planning enables us to ensure that your wishes are always respected.

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8. Coming and Going from Your Home

As you become accustomed to your new home and lifestyle, we hope you will make new friends and take part in the life of the home.

There are probably activities, hobbies or groups that you belong to and wish to continue to attend, and there may be other reasons you need to leave the home from time to time, for social or medical reasons.

Engagements Outside the Home

Important: please note that to maintain safety and security, it is important that you let us know when you are leaving the home at any time, what time you expect to return, and notify us when you have returned. This ensures that in the case of an emergency, we know exactly who needs to be accounted for.

Each home has its own signing in/out process to record this information.

Taxi Services

If you would like a taxi booked, please speak to a staff member: note that taxi costs are the responsibility of the resident.

Attending Medical Appointments

We encourage you and your family members to be involved in decisions relating to your care and this may involve having a family member accompany you to attend health care visits, such as x-rays, or to see a specialist, or for personal appointments in the community.

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Residents’ Handbook

If a family member or close friend is not able to accompany you to an external appointment, and you would like to be accompanied, please speak to a staff member to organise for a suitable person to escort you: note that there will be a cost associated with this.

Holidays and Absences

If you wish to go out for the day, all you need to do is inform staff so that we are aware of your absence and know your expected return time: record your absence using the signing in/ out process at your home.

If you wish to go away on holiday or to stay with friends, please inform staff in advance so that if you have any medication needs, they can be arrange. Record your departure and arrival using the signing in/out process.

‘Social Leave’

Time that you spend away from your home is known as ‘Social Leave’ and for up to 52 nights per financial year, government subsidies will continue to be paid on your behalf. However, if you stay away for more than 52 nights in a financial year, the government subsidies will stop and we may ask you to make up any deficit. During time away, residents must continue to pay their usual fees and accommodation payments.

‘Hospital Leave’

If you have to go into hospital, time away from the home does not count towards Social Leave and government subsidies will continue to be paid on your behalf.

Ambulance Costs

In the case of a health emergency that requires you to go to hospital, we may need to call an ambulance.

Residents who have a Centrelink pension card, a health concession card, or a DVA card receive concessions for the cost for an ambulance.

Residents who do not have one of these cards are strongly advised to obtain ambulance cover, as an ambulance ride is very costly.

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9. Your Safety and Security

We have a number of systems and processes to provide safety and security to our residents.

Call Bell

There is a Call Bell in every resident’s room, and throughout all homes in communal areas such as lounges and dining rooms. Examples are shown here.

If you or your family require assistance, press the Call Bell for a member of staff.

Fire and Emergency System

Each home has a fire detection system to notify residents and staff in the event of a fire. Please be ready to participate in regular fire or evacuation drills (practices) at any time, so that you are prepared in case of a real emergency.

Emergency Action: Residents & Visitors

If you SMELL SMOKE, ALERT STAFF (press your Call Bell)

If you hear an ALARM, STAY CALM and AWAIT INSTRUCTIONS from staff

If you are asked to evacuate:

o Stay calm

o Follow staff instructions

o Leave your belongings behind

o Stay in the assembly area until staff or emergency services announce ‘all clear’ After the emergency, if you have any concerns, speak to staff.

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Residents’ Handbook

In the event of fire, certain staff members will act as Fire Wardens: they will take control and give instructions to residents and visitors until the arrival of the emergency services.

Wheat Bags (heat packs)

Some people find that a heat pack can be a great help to relieve aches and pains. However, there have been a number of instances where wheat packs have overheated and caught fire: the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) has released warnings regarding their use. To ensure the safety of all residents, wheat packs are not permitted.

We have other types of heat pack available: please speak to a staff member if you require one.


Vasey RSL Care homes permit smoking in designated areas only: smoking is not permitted in any other area.

If you smoke and would like to quit, please discuss this with your doctor.

If you wish to continue to smoke, staff will run through a safety assessment to explain our safety procedures to you.

Chemical Storage

In accordance with relevant safety guidelines, we are required to maintain a chemical register and to store chemicals according to safety guidelines. Chemicals are selected to ensure the highest level of safety for staff and residents.

Please do not bring any chemicals into our homes.

If you have any questions about this, please speak to the relevant Residential Manager or Care Coordinator.

Safely Moving Residents

At Vasey RSL Care, we have a policy regarding the safe movement of residents, sometimes known as ‘manual handling’: staff are provided with training on how to minimise or eliminate unnecessary activities related to moving and repositioning residents.

We are committed to minimising risks to our residents and staff members and at times, this involves the use of lifting or transfer mechanical aids.

The need for lifting or transfer equipment is assessed by a physiotherapist.

Bed Poles/Sticks

A bed pole or bed stick is a vertical pole attached to the side of the bed to enable the person to roll over, sit up from a lying position, and get in or out of bed.

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Bed poles are not designed to prevent the person from falling out of bed and they are not advised for residents who have a history of falling or rolling out of bed, due to the possibility of becoming trapped against the pole.

Our Facility Care Coordinator will provide advice and guidance to residents who are considering a bed pole for their independence.

Reducing Infection

Infection prevention is everyone’s responsibility.

Hand-washing: this is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of infection. All staff are trained in hand hygiene and infection control

We also encourage all residents to regularly wash their hands, or make use of the alcohol-based hand gel available throughout the home and in your room.

Vaccinations: all residents, staff, visitors and volunteers are strongly encouraged to have annual flu and COVID-19 vaccinations We are committed to maximising the rate of vaccination across all groups to help protect our community.

Infectious Outbreaks: in the case of an infectious outbreak of any type at any of our homes, depending on the severity and extent of the outbreak, visitors may be asked not to visit. In some instances, visitors may be not be permitted entry, in order to contain the infection and protect residents and the community: your understanding is appreciated.


Residents are free to exercise choice to drink alcohol and we recommend that you follow the government’s national guidelines for alcohol consumption.

Please note that if a resident’s intake of alcohol impacts on other residents, staff, other people or the individual’s personal safety, an assessment may be required to identify risks. The results will be discussed with you and your doctor so that you can make informed decisions.

Motorised Scooters

We are committed to promoting your mobility and independence, while maintaining a safe and secure environment for all residents and staff.

You may be used to using a motorised scooter, and if you would like to continue to do so, please speak to the Residential Manager or Facility Care Coordinator to discuss your scooter, its storage and battery-charging.

General Storage

We do not provide long-term storage at our homes: if you have bulky items you no longer use (such as walking frames, arm chairs, scooters, televisions etc), please make arrangements for them to be removed.

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10. Administration Privacy and Confidentiality

Vasey RSL Care takes the privacy and confidentiality of information very seriously. All information is stored securely and accessed in accordance with relevant legislation. A copy of our Privacy Policy Statement will be provided to you prior to moving into our home, and your consent to the collection and disclosure of information will be sought.

Power of Attorney

A ‘Power of Attorney’ is a legal document that allows you to give another person the legal right to make decisions for you in the event that you become unable to make decisions for yourself, known as ‘losing capacity’.

Capacity is defined as the ability to reason things out; to understand, retain, believe, evaluate and weigh relevant information. A person may lose capacity to make decisions permanently, or temporarily due to accident or illness.

Two Powers of Attorney covering different areas of decision-making are relevant:

• Enduring Power of Attorney (personal and financial) lets you choose someone who can make decisions for you about financial and/or personal matters.

• Prior to March 2018: Enduring Power of Attorney (medical treatment) enables you to choose someone to make decisions about medical treatment on your behalf.

Post March 2018: Victorians are able to appoint a medical treatment decision-maker who will make medical treatment decisions when you no longer have decision-making capacity (this replaces the ‘Enduring Power of Attorney – medical treatment’ document).

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Vasey RSL Care encourages all residents to consider making a Power of Attorney and appoint a Medical Treatment Decision Maker. We are all at risk of experiencing an accident or illness that could affect our ability to make decisions. These powers give your decision-maker the authority to act on your behalf when you cannot make your own choices.

In the event that you are unable to make decisions about living arrangements, health care, access to services, or financial and legal matters and you do not have a Power of Attorney, the government may appoint a guardian or administrator on your behalf.

Further information about these processes and options is available from the Office of the Public Advocate: Telephone  1300 309 337 or

Donations and Gifts

As a not-for profit, Vasey RSL Care puts all income back into the running of the organisation, and where donations are made, these can allow us to extend our programs, such as our lifestyle and leisure activities. Our Hero’s Wish program is fully funded by donations and fulfills the wishes of our war widows and veterans in our community.

Vasey RSL Care has DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status and any donation over $2 is tax deductible.

Donations can be made via cash or cheque to any home or central office and a receipt will be provided. Alternatively, you may make a donation on the website:

Note: please do not give or lend money to staff under any circumstances.

All donations are very welcome and gratefully received.

11. Questions?

We hope the information provided here will give you a good overview of the services and care available to you and give you an idea of what to expect.

You are welcome to ask questions at any time, and you may find it helpful to write a list of questions during the first few weeks and make an appointment with the Facility Care Coordinator so you can make sure you have the answers you need – and if you would like to invite a family member or representative to be with you, please do.

The following page can be used to keep a note of questions you wish to ask.

We warmly welcome you to Vasey RSL Care and we hope that you will be very happy here.

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Questions Answers

Appointment with (insert name, role) __________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________________________

Time: ________________________________________________________________ Location: ________________________________________________________________

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Residents’ Handbook

Appendix A: Charter of Aged Care Rights

From 1 July 2019, the Charter of Aged Care Rights replaced the Charter of care recipients’ rights and responsibilities – residential care, the Charter of care recipients’ rights and responsibilities –home care, and the Charter of care recipients’ right and responsibilities – short-term restorative care (part 1, residential care setting; part 2, home care setting).

Charter of Aged Care Rights (from 1 July 2019)

I have the right to:

1. safe and high quality care and services

2. be treated with dignity and respect

3. have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported

4. live without abuse and neglect

5. be informed about my care and services in a way I understand

6. access all information about myself, including information about my rights, care and services

7. have control over, and make choices about, my care, personal and social life, including where choices involve personal risk

8. have control over, and to make decisions about, the personal aspects of my daily life, financial affairs and possessions

9. my independence

10. be listened to and understood

11. have a person of my choice, including an aged care advocate, support me or speak on my behalf

12. complain free from reprisal, and to have my complaints dealt with fairly and promptly

13. personal privacy and to have my personal information protected

14. exercise my rights without it adversely affecting the way I am treated


We have made every effort to provide complete and accurate information which is correct at date of publication. However, please be aware that as circumstances change, this may have an impact on the information provided. This information is intended as a general guide only. You may wish to refer to your contract for specific details.

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Thank You

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to residents for their valuable assistance in developing and updating the

Residents’ Handbook Vasey RSL Care Brighton Vasey RSL Care Brighton East Vasey RSL Care Bundoora Vasey RSL Care Frankston South
Vasey RSL Care ABN 88 109 464 360 | 172 Burwood Road, Hawthorn VIC 3122 T 1300 602 108 | E | W
Vasey RSL Care Residents’ Handbook.

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