AHA 23/24 Business Plan

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Australian Hotels Association (Vic) business PLAN 2023/24 On the cover: Bridge Hotel, Richmond


The Australian Hotels Association (Victoria) is the preeminent Victorian pub and hotel industry association, representing a diverse membership incorporating the full range of unique and traditional pubs and hotels, who drive innovation and service excellence in the Victorian hospitality and tourism industries.

AHA (Vic) is proud of and committed to maintaining a vibrant social and stable economic environment allowing members to employ 52,000 Victorians, provide their local community with a unique hospitality experience and contribute some $4.5B to the Victorian GSP.

AHA (Vic) provides industry leadership, lobbies on members’ behalf and promotes best practice in hotel management with a keen eye on the latest trends and innovations that may provide members with a competitive advantage.

Accommodation Australia (Victoria) (AA (Vic)), the Accommodation Division of AHA (Vic), actively contributes to the development and growth of Victoria’s lucrative tourism industry while addressing its members’ specific needs and challenges.

Overarching Strategic Objectives

The ongoing strategic objectives of AHA (Vic) are:

Policy and Advocacy:

• Protect, promote and advance the interests and rights of members;

• Proactive and reactive contribution to the pub and hotel regulatory environment, and

• Uphold and promote the quality, integrity and reputation of the hotel industry


• Provide timely, effective, relevant and value adding services to members;

• Foster the growth of developing member networks, encouraging the new generation of publicans to network; discuss challenges and engage with AHA (Vic) on policy and priority issues, and

• Provide support to the next generation of AHA (Vic) members, as well as like-minded non-members, seeking to contribute to the vibrancy of the industry


• Develop and maintain value-adding partnerships with key industry stakeholders.

Workplace Relations

• Provide members valuable resources to maintain ‘an employer of choice’ position amongst its employees as well as the broader employment market, and

• Provide members with support and representation regarding disputes or through mediation at the Fair Work Commission; Fair Work Ombudsman or other relevant employee related tribunals.


• Maintaining and creating memorable, informative, insightful and thought-provoking events and forums to support members and partners achieve their business goals, and

• State Awards for Excellence & Victorian Accommodation Awards for Excellence.


• Creating an environment that values a diverse range of views, knowledge, and experiences, and

• Maintaining and executing governance policies implemented in 2022/23.


• As an organisation, achieve best practice in administration within the industry association sector

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Protect, promote and advance the interests and rights of members

Through measured consultation and targeted action, continue to represent members’ business interests and rights at all levels of Government and in policy creation, decision-making and implementation.

This includes actively pursuing policy solutions and interventions to mitigate the rising cost of doing business in the pub and hotel industry, including challenges faced by members as a consequence of monopolistic behaviours of a small number of industry suppliers.

Throughout 2022 and 2023, members identified a priority issue across all hospitality and tourism businesses being the continued shortage of available workers. In conjunction with the AHA National Office, AHA (Vic) will continue to advance programs and initiatives with the Federal Government to directly improve the access and availability of skilled and unskilled workers.

In addition, AHA (Vic) and AHA National will maintain representation to the Federal Government, Fair Work Australia and relevant tribunals and agencies in respect of workplace relations matters that impact members’ businesses and staff.

Continuing the focus on implementation of positive workplace initiatives for workers, AHA (Vic) will seek to maintain effective relationships with United Voice, other unions and industrial bodies and agencies.

Proactive and reactive contribution to the pub and hotel regulatory environment

AHA (Vic) will continue to effectively contribute to the State Government’s consideration, development and implementation of key regulatory policies, schemes and initiatives that impact on the hotel industry.

This includes advocating the State Government to implement initiatives that will facilitate responsible innovation and growth within Victoria’s licensed hospitality sector.

AHA (Vic) will seek to address the overall burden of regulation and associated business costs impacting on pubs and hotels through continued consultation with all levels of Government.

Through AA (Vic), continue to contribute to the development and growth of Victorian tourism and tourism-related industries. This includes major events, and facilitating and participating in Federal, State and Government industry tourism-related initiatives to increase visitation to Victoria and Melbourne, including, coordinating programs directed toward achieving increased occupancy rates and room yields.

AHA (Vic) will continue to represent members’ interests in current Government inquiries, taskforces and initiatives, including:

• Ministerial Liquor Control Advisory Council and related working parties;

• Responsible Gambling Ministerial Advisory Council and related working parties;

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• Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission Industry Licensing Matters Committee;

• Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Container Deposit Scheme Advisory Group, and

• City of Melbourne Economy Advisory Board.

Uphold and promote the quality, integrity and reputation of the hotel industry

AHA (Vic) is committed to representing the pub and hotel industry in a professional and effective manner, contributing to the positive perception of the industry to the broader public.

This includes maintaining relationships with journalists and media outlets, ensuring responses to enquires are in consideration of AHA (Vic) policy or position on relevant issues.

Supporting the Hotel Care Foundation (Vic) with their ongoing contributions to the wider community, a longstanding pillar of AHA (Vic) community activity, will see events that support or directly contribute to appropriate charitable and community initiatives.

Representation and promotion of member involvement at local liquor accords and forums across Victoria is key to driving positive community-based relationships and solidifying the integrity and reputation of the pub and hotel industry. AHA (Vic) events reflecting the diversity, quality and achievement of the hospitality industry, ensuring that members are always one step ahead of all legislative changes that may affect their business, will add to this suite of engagement programs.

Facilitating and continually improving the administration of the AHA (Vic) Self-Exclusion Program, and further promotion of appropriate voluntary self-regulatory and compliance initiatives will continue throughout 2023 and 2024.


Provide timely, effective, relevant and value adding services to members

Core AHA (Vic) member services, including support and advice in workplace relations, liquor licensing, food, wagering and gaming regulation and, where appropriate, representation to relevant tribunals and parties will continue throughout 2023 and 2024.

Complementing these core member services is the continuing evolution of activities to engage key-industry partners to connect with members’ business needs

AHA (Vic) will continue to revise and improve the understanding of each member business, allowing for specific and targeted segmentation when communicating relevant and timely advice, information and support.

These key member services and communications are delivered through a range of relevant and valued resources, information programs and seminars to members, including:

• Maintenance of an up-to-date member web-portal;

• Investment in the evolution and efficiency of our member database;

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• Timely issue of member communications on priority issues;

• Maintaining engagement through various social media channels for members and partners to connect with AHA (Vic);

• Member focussed, inclusive and innovative business development and information programs e.g. Pubs, Pots and Profits, Divisional Meetings, HospoFuture events, Pubovation Tour, Women’s Network Events, Renovation Forum, ‘Drinks With’ Series, etc.;

• Regular accommodation hotel specific events and forums, and specific regional ‘keep-in-touch’ programs executed through AA (Vic);

• Workplace relations seminars, webinars and membervisitation programs;

• Delivery of topical seminars on emerging and relevant topics;

• Proactively educating members to their industrial relations responsibilities by way of venue-based gap analysis surveys, back-to-basics ‘Know Your Award’ sessions, podcasts, webinars and face-to-face forums;

• Development and collation of a regular member email, efficiently delivering timely, relevant, valuable information to all members and partners;

• Communicating AHA (Vic)’s position on, and responses to, priority issues affecting members;

• Provision and regular review of the Registered Food Safety Program template, the AHA (Vic) Liquor Compliance Kit, and

• Bi-monthly communication to members via the ‘Hotel Today’ magazine publication.

Foster the growth of developing member networks, encouraging the new generation of publicans to network, discuss challenges and engage with AHA (Vic) on policy and priority issues

AHA (Vic), through the established Progressive Hospitality Network, will continue to facilitate feedback channels, events and forums driving productive discourse on policy, priority issues and member services to ensure AHA (Vic) is well informed of the specific challenges faced by these members.

AHA (Vic) continues to see value in the attendance and presence at various events where members see value, e.g. No Vacancy, Australasian Gaming Expo, etc.

An active program of meaningful, well-structured industry specific events and trips to challenge the mainstream thinking and gain inspiration through exposure to the latest hospitality trends will drive member innovation. This includes intrastate, interstate and overseas programs.

These activities will further align members with innovative industry suppliers to encourage progressive commercial outcomes and to reinforce AHA (Vic)’s position as the industry’s forward-thinking peak body.

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Provide support to the next generation of AHA (Vic) members, as well as like-minded non-members, seeking to contribute to the vibrancy of the industry

By challenging the paradigm of a traditional AHA (Vic) member business profile, membership will expand to include the rapidly evolving pub and hotel sector.

Targeted outreach programs will assist in identifying non-members and seek to address their business needs through

AHA (Vic) member services. The support of the Executive Committee of Management and Council will greatly assist in the broader efforts of changing the perception of AHA (Vic) member support and services.

This will create opportunities and events for non-members to engage with AHA (Vic), appreciating the value that can be added to their business.


Develop and maintain value-adding partnerships with key industry stakeholders

AHA (Vic) have continued to drive growth in the value of its partnership attributes and will seek to execute on its partnership obligations at a high level to the benefit of members and partners alike.

To develop and maintain the strong partnerships AHA (Vic) has fostered, continuous engagement with key industry suppliers will ensure they derive value from their partnership, which includes regular policy and advocacy briefings, various networking opportunities and access to multiple channels of communication to cost-effectively engage with members.

For members, AHA (Vic) will continue to optimise the benefit of the relationship with the hospitality industry superannuation fund HOSTPLUS, work collaboratively with TABCORP to reduce the cost of Sky Channel to members and assisting Carlton and United Breweries with targeted on-premise initiatives to drive innovation.

Underpinning these business objectives is the focus to continuously improve the existing partnership structure to align partners’ commercial objectives with AHA (Vic) member engagement assets.

Workplace Relations

Provide members valuable resources to maintain ‘an employer of choice’ position amongst its employees as well as the broader employment market

AHA (Vic) Workplace Relations Team provide advice and support for members to uphold the workplace rights of their employees.

This advice and support is also provided in the form of structured programs for members to enhance employee job satisfaction, skill development, workplace culture and career opportunities.

The Workplace Relations Team will seek out further opportunities to enhance members workplace profiles, such as the successful ‘Creating Mentally Healthy Workplaces’ training program.

In 2023 and 2024, AHA (Vic) will continue to deliver relevant, value-adding workplace relations advice and information at events, through both our partner network and internally, whereby members gain knowledge of how best to manage their teams and in doing so retain key staff.

Provide members with support and representation regarding disputes or through mediation at the Fair Work Commission, Fair Work Ombudsman or other relevant employee related tribunals

The Workplace Relations Team will continue to support members in understanding their employee obligations and advising best practice in employee management processes. This support extends to mediation and representation on members’ behalf to facilitate fair and reasonable outcomes whilst protecting the integrity of members‘ businesses.


Maintaining and creating memorable, informative, insightful and thought-provoking events and forums to support members and partners achieve their business goals

An events and forums calendar addressing cost-reduction measures, innovative product service ideas, regulatory and legislative advice, and high-impact networking opportunities will be delivered in 2023 and 2024.

AHA (Vic) will continue to develop and grow the Women’s Network, Progressive Hospitality Network, Pubs, Pots and Profits Network and other targeted member groups through relevant events and forums (e.g. HospoFuture Expo

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etc.). This will provide specific member and engagement opportunities, and targeted AHA (Vic) support and advice.

State Awards for Excellence & Victorian Accommodation Awards for Excellence

In 2023, AHA (Vic) executed a renewed judging process for the State Awards for Excellence. Creating a clear, objective and feedback driven process allowed for greater member engagement throughout the entirety of the Awards process.

This will to be an ongoing focus in 2024, whilst continuing to execute a high-value and engaging gala event for members and partners.

AA (Vic) will host its inaugural Victorian Accommodation Awards for Excellence in 2023.


Creating an environment that values a diverse range of views, knowledge and experiences

Through member engagement activities, AHA (Vic) will seek to encourage members to attend Council Meetings in an observer capacity to gain an understanding of the operation of AHA (Vic) and, in due course, provide meaningful contribution.

Maintaining and executing governance policies implemented in 2022/23

In 2022/23, AHA (Vic) created and implemented an Environmental, Social and Governance Policy and a member engagement framework titled “On being a member of AHA (Vic) “.

AHA (Vic) will seek to further embed and maintain these new governance practices in 2023/24.


As an organisation, achieve best practice in administration within the industry association sector

Maintaining the requirement of a high standard of professionalism in all areas of AHA (Vic) administration and encouraging all members of the Administration Team to actively address member concerns and, where appropriate, present these solutions to our broader audience.

AHA (Vic) commits to continuing to invest in the skills of the Administrative Team, providing employees opportunities to upskill, learn or expand their knowledge in areas beneficial to both the individual and AHA (Vic) operations.

An ongoing review of office structures and systems will assist the Administration optimise efficiency and increase output to the benefit of member outcomes.

Ensuring compliance and governance practices are adhered to, the Administration will operate within the approved budget and in accord with the Business Plan.

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AHA (VIC) principal partners AHA (VIC) corporate partners

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