MUSCL E, JO I NT, AND BONE I N JUR I E S = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Sprains While Hiking If someone suffers an ankle spra in during a hike and your group must keep walking, do not remove the hiking boot from the injured foot. Th e boot will help support the ankle. If you do take the boot off, the injury may swell so much it will not be possible to get the boot back on . Reinforce the ankle by wrapping it, boot and all, with a bandage, neckerchief, or some other strip of cloth .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = M U SCLE, JO IN T, A ND BO N E I N JURI ES
Broken Bones A fall, a violent blow, a collisio n-all these can cause a fracture, or broken bone. When you suspect a fracture, do not move the person. Check for DOTS : Look for an abnormal shape or position of a bone (deformity), and an open wound, tenderness, swelling, or a bluish color at the injured site. Ask the victim these questions: • Did you hear or feel a bone snap? • Do you feel pain when you press on the skin over the suspected fracture? • Are you unable to move the injured limb?
If the victim answers "yes " to these questions, the person likely has a fracture. Before administering first aid, you should try to obta in the victim's consent. If the victim is unconscious, disoriented , or otherwise appears unable to knowingly grant consent, you can assume it is all right to proceed .
Closed (simple) fract ure
Closed {Simple) Fracture. A closed fracture (also known as a simple fracture) is a broken bone that does not cut through the
skin. For a closed fracture, do the following. • Call 911 or your local emergency-response number. • Treat hurry cases-no signs of life (movement and breathing) in adults; in children and infants, no signs of life and no pulse.
See "LifeThreatening Eme rgen cies" for procedures to follo w in hurry cases.
• Protect the spinal column by supporting the victim 's head and neck in the position found. • Treat for shock (but avoid raising a leg that might be broken). As soon as you have reached your destination, have the person take off the boot. Treat with cold packs and seek medical care.