View - The RE/MAX Magazine: edt 1-17

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VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine Edition 1-17 |

“Work local, think global”





New Zealand

0 4 From the G eneral M anager ’s desk

RE/MA X New Zealand Regional Team


R E /MA X N E W ZE AL AN D p. + 6 4 9 30 9 8 478 E . corporate @ remax .co. nz

05 G et ting to know you …

Level 1 , 70 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland 1 01 0

03 M essage from M anaging Direc tor

P O BOX 1133 1 , Ellerslie, Auckland 1 5 42

NET WORK NEWS 0 6 Welcome to R E /MA X 09 R E /MA X races on the stock car circuit 11 Variet y of Chef s

M anaging Direc tor: Michael Davoren Finance Direc tor: Chris Chapman Direc tor: J oel Davoren

EVENTS 13 N ew Zealand Rally 14 Agents dominate A sia Pacific

FEATURE 1 6 O ne in 11 0,0 0 0 – Donna Clif f 17 The Conversation … G eof f B awden

G eneral M anager: Corinna M ansell B usiness Development; Lower Nor t h: G arr y M alcom Member Ser vices Coordinator: Jasmine Rimmer Of fice Administ ration / A ssistant : Rebecca Andrews

19 Shaken , disturbed but not defeated …

Public Relations: Lyn Cox


NZPF G eneral M anager: G eof f B awden

20 Two new R E /MA X web sites go live 21 G oing , G oing , G one!

EVENTS 23 C alendar highlights

NZPF Financial Advisor /Administ rator: Kate G reenslade

Copyright © 2016 RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand. All rights reserved. The materials herein may not be duplicated, copied or reproduced – in whole or in part – in any way without written permission. VIEW magazine is provided to RE/MAX Affiliates as one of many benefits. The opinions of guest contributors and interviewed guests are their own and not necessarily those of

VIEW Magazine, New Zealand. Cover Image Photography captured by Fumi Yasutomi Instagram: Flickr: 2

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RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand, or its affiliates, or any of its owners, officers, employees or agents. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information it contains, neither the publishers, authors nor their employees, can be held liable for inaccuracies, errors or omission. Readers should not rely on this newsletter as a substitute for professional advice.


POWER OF THE PAST. FORCE OF THE FUTURE. Michael Davoren In the future, business will rely pretty much on what it has in the past. What’s he saying, do I hear you say? I am saying that, regardless of what business you are in, whether that be in the business of selling real estate, the franchising business or practically any type of business, your business in the future will rely on much the same as it has before, on relationships, but these relationships must be cultivated and managed in a more refined, effective way.

messaging platform, Messenger, lets you establish groups and communicate on specific topics, which can prompt people to have conversations with agents that they may not usually have.

Through the 50s, 60s and 70s, real estate businesses were focused, by necessity, on having agent-client relationships.

By using what is available to us today to communicate and develop communities, we are adapting the best of the past to be the force of the future.

Generally, unless you really did something wrong, you had a repeat client. Such was the nature of relationships where people personally knew each other.

The external intrusions that may weaken those relationships between agent and customer are only likely to become more severe.

Since then, real estate has evolved in ways that has brought competition, interference and intrusions. While technology has helped the industry evolve, it has also in ways interfered.

Our attention needs to return to the very essence of the relationship. The agent must be the one to find solutions, which involves a total integration of services to make the buying and selling experience as comfortable and positive as possible. This includes everything from finance and utilities connection to investment opportunities including access to the international real estate market.

My father James (Jim) Davoren was a successful Gold Coast real estate identity from the mid 1960’s to early 80’s. In those days, agents knew their community because they were physically part of it, rubbing shoulders with customers and potential customers. My father did not have the virtual community that exists today. Without the aid of technology, agents had no choice but to be personally involved, and agent-customer relationships did not involve the massive databases and communication we are now familiar with. Today, databases can be incredibly huge. Agents may aspire to databases of several thousand, as they concentrate on the broader market. Truly… it is impossible to know that many people! What we in the industry need to do is layer our databases so we can distinguish one ‘community’ from another, with the aim of having communities who can actually get to know us and not just know of us.

Agents must be pre-emptive, knowing their clients well enough that they know their clients’ needs before the client even know what those needs are. The future isn’t static – what we think of the future won’t be the future anymore when we get there – there will be a whole new future. But the future IS relationships and communities. Agents must dig deeper. Do you have people in your database who truly know you? Do they know you well enough to be an advocate? Are they people who sing your praises even when you don’t know they are doing it?

‘Happy selling, happy managing, happy administering…”

‘Large’ databases, per se, are easily available. Anyone can have them, including your competitors. Virtual communities are sensational, but they have to be managed so we too, as agents, can get to know more than just lists of names and really get to know people.The use of filtering and the many other options available allow us to personalise our databases. For example, Facebook’s

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The Art of Conversation Corinna Mansell A successful real estate career and a profitable real estate business involve building relationships with people where they see value in that relationship. A successful future outcome can launch today with a new relationship you establish but, unfortunately, too many agents and business owners find that one of the hardest things to do is to start a conversation. I will often set a challenge when I’m talking with and training real estate professionals. I ask them to speak with five strangers a day, asking each stranger five questions (of their own choosing), for one week. The five outcomes to aim for are: 1.

The right to keep in contact


The appraisal


The listing


The sale


The referral


This forms an ongoing relationship.

The ability to develop cold relationships is one of the most difficult for agents to excel in, but the next time they meet the ‘stranger’ who technically is no longer a stranger, that person may initiate the conversation. Real estate teams have said that after rising to my challenge for a week, it made making cold calls and knocking on doors a lot easier. The art of conversation is a necessary skill for almost everything in life, but many today seem to struggle to master it. Conversations introduce you to people, including friends,


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employees, customers and mentors. Without conversation, there is little basis for a relationship and your business, your career and your social life will likely suffer. The stumbling block for most is getting the conversation started. Try these suggestions. •

Begin with a compliment as a positive opening line, and the more specific the better. Try ‘I’m admiring your glasses’ rather than ’You look nice’; and the conversation can move on to where the glasses came from, for example.

Be friendly, going into the conversation with a big smile and open body language.

Keep the conversation light and accept that small talk is okay.

Be inquisitive and look for ‘tell me more’ opportunities.

Maintain as much eye contact as possible.

Let the other person talk, at which point listen and show that you are genuinely interested.

Social media platforms may be making us lazy. We are at risk of letting technology do the work for us and hoping that it results in meaningful relationships. I know of two 13-year-old friends, a girl and boy, who would talk all day and night through social media if allowed but didn’t know how to strike up and maintain a conversation when they were in the same room. Just like

these two teenagers, we can rely on social media too much. Even though Facebook and LinkedIn have had an enormous and positive impact on my business and are producing good business opportunities every week, such social media platforms must be more about cementing relationships than actually forming the relationship in itself. And when using the social media platforms, you need to post regularly. After all, if you stop talking or communicating with someone, you can’t be surprised if they stop communicating and relating to you. I offer this advice in social media networking: •

Be consistent and regular in posting;

Demonstrate that you are engaged with what you post;

Make what you post reflect your knowledge about what’s going on around you and what is relevant;

Show you are involved through commentary;

Give a bit of yourself, your personality, without going overboard – with daily posts of the new kitten, the flower bed, that night’s dinner etc.

I wish you all well as you pursue your 2017 goals and build a successful future by establishing valuable relationships today, and every day.


GET TING TO KNOW YOU with Jasmine Rimmer

Jasmine Rimmer joined RE/MAX in May 2015 as Member Services Coordinator. She provides and supports all RE/MAX Members within the New Zealand network with training, materials, resources events, and queries. How and when did you discover your interest in real estate, and find your way to RE/MAX? I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Event Management and worked in the Events industry, on weddings and music festivals, but wanted a more structured role. I realized that my passion was customer service. I really get a sense of achievement when I help someone or provide someone with what they need. I knew my RE/MAX role would be a bit different to what I had done in the past but I was really keen and eager for something varied and not a stock-standard predictable role; and I certainly do not have one day the same as another at RE/MAX! What have been some of your most memorable moments since becoming part of RE/MAX?

I also am in constant communication with our RE/MAX Partners and, in particular, our technology support teams that feed all of our listings to our websites and subdomains. What aspects of your role give you greatest pleasure? I have recently helped in the development and maintenance of our and Newsroom websites. I get such a buzz being able to add and alter the information, content and layout of these sites. I’ve never had a burning desire to be involved in the backend side of websites, but there wasn’t one person in the office that didn’t know the day I had completely altered the home page of a website and added buttons and links that actually worked, and went live to the public! It’s the small things!

I was four weeks into my job at the Christchurch rally, where I did my first presentation to a much larger crowd than any classroom or university tutorial I was use to. I was petrified of my session fast approaching. I turned a 45 minute presentation into seven-and-ahalf minutes through my nerves and lightning-speed speech. Needless to say, my public speaking has come a long way since then as I present trainings at the Regional Office and webinars etc every month.

But mostly, I’m someone who is all about relationships. I love creating them and getting to know people.

Another was at my first Annual Awards of 2016 and Garry Malcolm made me take part in lying down in the middle of the dance floor to take a photograph. We had a whole bunch of people hovering over us but Garry kept reminding me, ‘It’s tradition!’

It’s the weekend. Work does not beckon. How would you be most likely to spend your time?

Most recently though, would have to be getting Employee of the Year. Everyone was cheering and congratulating me and I didn’t know what else to do than yell out “I’m going to Vegas!” What would be involved in an average working week? Where do I begin? I am constantly planning and organising events coming up, looking at the upcoming magazine and the content for both that and Newsroom, newsletters, and different communications for events or marketing initiatives we need to put in place. I work very closely with a lot of our office administrators, with the membership process and any enquiries or issues needing resolving from the network.

If you had three wishes, what would they be? •

More hours in the day, and, in particular, more sunshine.

A non-weight gaining body.

My own house.

It depends what season it is, but most likely at the beach, out for a walk, followed with a big cheese board and an Aperol spritz. I recently went to Europe and this drink became an obsession and a part of daily routine post swim. Something people may not know about you unless we tell them… I bought a scroll saw, for no real reason… but I can make little wooden signs to put on cakes, or words to hang up on the wall or sit on a shelf. It’s a lethal machine and I’ll probably be quite lucky if I don’t cut off a finger! Fingers crossed (excuse the pun). Despite my inner foodie that I’m not overly quiet about, I love getting in the ocean, swimming, boating or paddle boarding. And in the winter, on the ski slopes.




WELCOME TO RE/MA X Welcome to the new, the game - changers and the celebrators …

RE/MAX exceeds expectation

C l o ck wise rot atio n

Corinna Mansell R E / M A X A p ex , Te Ka uwh a t a

You will read in this edition of VIEW that the worldwide RE/MAX network now exceeds 110,000 agents.

S p re a din g th e re a ch of th e B ra n d in th e Wa ikato re gio n is Tra c y C o rn e a l ’s Te K a uwh at a of f ice .

Dave Liniger, the CEO, Chairman and Co-Founder of RE/MAX announced back in November that the figure had been topped. Certainly, more professionals across the world are choosing to call RE/MAX home. Week in, week out, I speak with wonderful, talented business people and agents who are interested in joining RE/MAX New Zealand. What I really love is continuing to speak with them after they have become part of the network. It makes me proud when they say that everything they had heard about RE/MAX before they joined was in reality, even better. Common comments include praise for the support, training and the strong brand, all things conducive to productive agents and increased profile.

R E / M A X E n te rp ri se , Th a m es R E / M A X we l co m e s Ed di e C h u r to n b a ck to th e n et wo rk a n d th is tim e a s a B ro ke r/ Own e r. H e is pic tu re d h e re with h is te a m .

R E / M A X P ro p e r t y, M a n u ka u Full - swin g ce l e b ratio n s we re in o rd e r fo r th e f ra n ch ise ’s se co n d a n d so l e ly s a l e s of f ice . Fra n ch ise dire c to r, C h ris C h a p m a n cut s th e rib b o n to of f icia lly o p e n th e M a n u ka u of f ice .

Rebranding broker owners find it makes total sense to match their team’s good name with a global real estate leader like RE/MAX. R E / M A X E d g e , Cl eve d o n

RE/MAX agents have one of the most powerful networks in the word today to tap into, and it is the customer who benefits because RE/MAX can open their home to the world and reach buyers who live beyond the seller’s and the agent’s backyard. Broker owners and agents who work locally and think globally open the door to unlimited business opportunities.

“Work local, think global. Think local, reach global,” Corinna Mansell, General Manager, RE/MAX New Zealand


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I n cre a sin g R E / M A X ’s p rof il e with in Au ckl a n d a n d th e o ute r su b u rbs , R ich a rd S u m n e r a n d M ich e ll e G o o d m a n o p e n in C l eve d o n a s th e f ir s t of f ice fo r 2 017.

R E / M A X I n i t i a l , Ch ri s tch u r ch Ci t y B ro ke r/Own e r, M u rray I r vin e , a d d s h is se co n d of f ice into th e C a nte rb u r y re gio n .


Real estate suddenly became spooky At the end of October last year, alarmed Pokeno residents reported that a local real estate office had mysteriously transformed into a spooky graveyard! In truth, it was the team at RE/MAX Zest inviting the Franklin community to celebrate Halloween with all the fun of dressing up and coming together for a terrific barbecue event. For one day, the much-recognised RE/MAX Zest cottage in Pokeno became a spooky graveyard scene, complete with lots of scary props. Even the weather added to the sense of foreboding. “It was awful”, said RE/MAX Zest principal Eric Chase, “but the Franklin Community residents still came along in full Halloween spirit, with whole families making a great effort with their costumes. “It took a little monkey to win the prize for best dressed.” Eric said he looked forward to making the event an annual event. “It was a wonderful event and the team and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet some of our local residents along with their family and friends. “It was another opportunity to see what a great community this is.” Eric thanked his team for their efforts and everyone who participated, including ASB bank for providing the barbecue, giving excellent service and producing great food. RE/MAX Zest is sure to be involved in planning more fun events for the community. Keep up to date with the team via the RE/MAX Zest Facebook page

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Making all the right moves Meet the latest addition to the RE/MAX Country team: a 1999 Isuzu ELF with a 3050cc Diesel engine. The RE/MAX Country ‘moving van’ is available to any home owner who lists exclusively with RE/MAX Country, and to anyone who purchases a home through RE/MAX Country, and the highly visible vehicle has rarely been off the road for a weekend since it was sign-written. Whoever borrows the van needs to organize their own driver but it is an automatic vehicle that can be driven with a standard car license, though conditions do apply like the driver needing to be over 25 years of age for insurance purposes. Its major outings have been for the purpose of moving households through the region, taking in the sights of Cambridge, Hamilton and Te Awamutu, but it is also available to assist with charity collections, charity deliveries and such like.

Free event to make the down-size more comfortable Janice Emery and Di Connolly, from RE/MAX Elite in Nelson, presented ‘Helping you make your next move’ in October last year. A free event, including morning tea, at the Richmond Library gave valuable information for seniors and their families on moving home, with topics including ‘making downsizing easy’, home maintenance, and legal and financial advice on the program. The two caring real estate professionals had previously launched a ‘help’ book, which they compiled with their senior clients in mind. “We wanted to help make a move as easy and as stress-free as possible so we looked at the type of services our senior clients might need assistance with: for example, the person to tidy up the section, to take away the excess furniture, someone to help with the final clean and also the final shift,” Di said. The book provides contacts for the practical aspects of moving, for services that homeowners may need for their downsize, from solicitors to house-cleaners, with a directory of helpful contact details and a final


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A youth cycling team borrowed it recently for its trip to Napier, for example. reminder check-list to redirect mail, call the power company, and so on. The October event was an opportunity to hear advice on the process of moving from a financial advisor, a property maintenance provider and a surplus clearance manager. The morning also included a lifestyle village presentation, and a solicitor was on hand to answer questions. “Like our book, we designed the information session to be beneficial to people moving into a smaller home and for the family members who are helping them; and when family members don’t live locally, they need extra help to fill in the gaps in local knowledge. “Packing up a family home with all its memories is an emotional time for most people, so practical advice is a godsend,” said Di. Further ‘Helping you make your next move’ events are planned for this year. For more information, contact Di Connolly on 0274 306 518 or Janice Emery on: 0274 470 805

RE/MAX Country has been swamped with expressions of gratitude, especially from customers moving house, who say they really appreciate having one less thing to worry about. Contact RE/MAX Country on: +64 7 823 1395


RE/MAX races on the stock car circuit Donna Russell’s two sons race mini stock cars, the non-contact class designed for drivers from 12 to 17 years of age, so it’s not surprising that she takes a personal interest in stock car racing.

“We opened our franchise in May last year and thought the car would be good exposure for the RE/MAX brand and our real estate business,” said Donna, “and it has definitely created a talking point in our business.

But this proud mum and Broker/ Owner of RE/MAX Central, Rotorua, took matters a step further and bought a couple of stock cars.

“Recently one of our agents drove the car in the parade leading up to the opening meeting and that drew a lot of attention.

The RE/MAX-sponsored car is driven by son Riley Russell.

“People who recognise the RE/MAX branding will often come up and ask us about our business.”

VI P joi n s R E / M A X f o r g o l f d ay

R E / M A X Te a m Re a lt y we l co m e d s p e cia l g u e s t , th e th e n - P rim e M in is te r, J o h n Key, 2 n d f ro m rig ht , to th e N ew Plym o uth G o lf C l u b, wh ich it s p o n so r s , l ate l a s t ye a r.

R E / M A X sco r es t h e ru n s

B e n a n d N o l a K l o p p e r s , R E / M A X Re a lt y G ro u p, a re p ro u d s p o n so r s of th e Ro d n ey Ra m s cricket te a m , a n d we re ve r y h a p py to se e th e te a m at th e to p of th e t a b l e at th e e n d of 2 01 6 .

While home track for Riley is Rotorua, Donna says the stock car, and the family, do venture around the North Island to participate in bigger meetings. “Depending on the schedule we try to attend as many meetings as possible, usually one every couple of weeks. “While we are still waiting for our first win, we are only three meetings in to the season; but we have had very competitive meetings and good finishing places,” said Donna in December.

L o c a l cl u b b e n ef i t s by r e co m m e n d i n g R E / M A X

R E / M A X Te a m Re a lt y a g e nt s , in cl u din g A n n e W il so n pic tu re d h e re o n th e l ef t , d o n ate to th e ir l o c a l C l u b fo r e a ch P u ke k u ra Pa rk Te n n is C l u b - refe rre d lis tin g th at re sult s in a s a l e . V I E W | R E / M A X N E W ZE A L A N D



Relax with RE/MAX on a campervan holiday RE/MAX Go For Sold used the Palmerston North Christmas parade to promote its summer competition, “Win a Kiwi trip’, which had a sevenday campervan holiday as its prize.

RE/MAX Team Realty helps stock food shelves Every year, Foodbank New Zealand distributes more than 150,000 food parcels to New Zealanders from all walks of life who are struggling to make ends meet. Each year in December, RE/MAX Team Realty takes up the challenge in its local Foodbank Drive when Taranaki businesses and the public are asked to donate grocery items that are then passed on to those less fortunate. Trucks make their way through the city in the evening with the aim of getting enough stock to fill Foodbank shelves ahead of the Christmas period, and the pre-Christmas drive generally provides Foodbank with the majority of supplies it relies on for the coming year. The real estate team had ‘RE/MAX Crew’ shirts especially made for the event, and had excellent exposure for the RE/MAX brand while they helped a great cause.


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The real estate team added a campervan to the parade, had their balloon man walk along beside the van and had several staff handing out balloons and flyers. To enter the competition, vendors had to list their property to sell with RE/MAX Go For Sold before the end of February this year. The winner can travel to destinations of their choice. The bonus is that once they give RE/MAX Go For Sold the itinerary, the office will organise dining vouchers for the travelers to collect when they drop into a town’s RE/MAX office along the way.


RE/MAX director whips up a dessert at culinary fund-raiser RE/MAX was in the thick of the action when two culinary greats cooked up a storm to raise more than $85,000 for disadvantaged Kiwi kids through the ‘Variety of Chefs’ event held at SkyCity Convention Centre, Auckland in August. The feature chefs were Singaporean Audra Morrice, who is one of three expert judges on the first ever MasterChef Asia, and Nic Watt, Chef Restauranteur at Federal Street's Masu at SKYCITY Auckland. Audra is widely recognized for cooking with generosity and heart in a style that is eclectically Asian, drawing upon her Singaporean Chinese Indian heritage. Nic's exceptional pedigree and experience includes running highly successful robata restaurants in London, Macau, Hong Kong and America. The two chefs presented a specially designed menu with wine matches in an evening hosted by TVNZ One News presenter, Simon Dallow. New Zealand's favourite foodie, Annabelle White, brought sneak previews from the kitchen throughout the night. The program included special entertainment and an exciting auction, with prizes like business class international flights on Singapore Airlines, to raise funds to support Kiwi children in need through Variety's Kiwi Kid Sponsorship.

At the urging of the RE/MAX crowd, host Simon Dallow chose RE/MAX Director Joel Davoren to come to the stage where he and another member of the audience competed in recreating a Japanese Garden inspired dessert produced by the star chefs of the night. Unfortunately his desert came off second-best! Money raised through ‘Variety of Chefs’ will go towards providing basic necessities for children. Nearly one in three children go without what most of us would consider absolutely basic requirements for children growing up in New Zealand. These include winter clothing, closed-in shoes, school stationery, medicine and their own bed (with warm bedding) through to being able to go on school trips and camps. Each year, Variety supports more than 13,000 Kiwi kids to have better, brighter futures. There is a huge need for more help. Right now, more than 500 children in urgent need are on the waiting list. Through Kiwi Kid Sponsorship, everyday New Zealanders make a direct difference by helping a New Zealand child in need.

Visit Variety on:

Rebecca takes on Auckland Harbour RE/MAX New Zealand’s Rebecca Andrews swam across Auckland Harbour in December, raising funds for Variety-The Children’s Charity with every stroke. Rebecca admits that she had never done anything like it before. “I haven’t even been in a swimming pool for about ten years. I’d hoped that my former surf lifesaving skills and school-based water polo talent would hold me in good stead.” It obviously did, with Rebecca not only reaching but surpassing her fund-raising goal of $700. Rebecca completed the 2.7 kilometre swim in one hour and 20 minutes. RE/MAX New Zealand partners with Variety-The Children’s Charity to help make a tangible difference in the lives of Kiwi kids in need. “It was very gratifying to do my bit to help Variety-The Children’s Charity in its endeavours but I could not have done it without all my supporters. “Thank you for your donations, which kept me going throughout the swim,” said Rebecca. V I E W | R E / M A X N E W ZE A L A N D



Questions from the floor ran appreciated session overtime RE/MAX Property, Manukau, held an event to introduce sales and property management clients to the new office late last year, with the information session also designed to assist landlords in understanding their responsibilities to their tenants. RE/MAX Property’s Steve Heywood explains the programme: “We had Geoff Bawden, General Manager, New Zealand Property Finance, who attracted the most questions from the floor. Amaria Walker and Aaron Martin from Decon Services Ltd, a skilled and experienced chemical methamphetamine decontamination company,’ showed a very thorough and interesting power point presentation on meth’ testing, and also described the dangers of NOT testing rental properties and the possible repercussions of this. Meth is a huge problem in rental properties

in New Zealand, as in most countries, even in the high price brackets. Colin Every, the National Sales Manager from Smoke Alarms, addressed the floor to bring everyone up-to-date on the latest equipment, and we had invited a lawyer who unfortunately was otherwise detained but will be at our next event.” Steve, himself, was very popular with his history of auction covering from 500BC when wives were first auctioned off to the highest bidder, which he then followed up with a description of auction procedure and what happens on the auction arena. He said the audience number was restricted to 25 to allow for ample questions from the floor. “We had very positive feedback, even though we did run over the allotted time due to the volume of questions asked of the presenters. Serving supper provided time to mix and mingle, which was also

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HELLO WORLD, WE ARE RE/MA X! RE/MAX New Zealand chalked up a sensational Rally in August this year with a programme that was packed with information, motivation, entertainment and networking opportunities from General Manager, Corinna Mansell's personal welcome right through to the last drink and canape in the afternoon sun. The air was crisp when the corporate team arrived to begin setting up the 'by the water' conference room at Orakei Bay, but things soon warmed up as 100 RE/MAX members, business partners and invited guests gathered for the resoundingly successful event.

Lorraine Taylor, the CEO for Variety New Zealand, was a special guest. She brought the audience up to speed on the funds RE/MAX New Zealand and individual offices had donated to the organisation and in what areas and programmes the funds had been used. Of special interest was the Bikes for Kids presentation at a South Auckland school where 25 children each received their first bike on behalf of RE/MAX New Zealand. The RE/MAX audience was the first to view Variety’s latest campaign #DearNewZealand which focuses on real children in New Zealand needing basic necessities and having access to memorable childhood experiences as simple as playing a team sport. Closing the day was the award winning speaker and author, Allison Mooney, which RE/MAX New Zealand General Manager Corinna Mansell said was both a privilege and a coup for the Rally organisers. The author of the best-seller, ‘Pressing the Right Buttons’, has won many prestigious speaking awards including Most Inspirational Speaker, Most Humorous and Entertaining Speaker and Speaker of the Year, ‘Pressing the Right Buttons’ earned her Author of the Year through the National Speakers Association of New Zealand.

Sarah Pearce filled the room in the first of the keynote speaker sessions, as she focused on social media and the importance of not embracing the 'Ostrich Effect'. Sought after for her unique blend of knowledge in real estate, business and the digital world, Sarah works full time as a professional speaker, performance coach, and socialstrategist She offered immense value through her coverage of the ‘Seven Sins of Social Media’, and gave the following five rules to ensuring a proactive and successful social media campaign; Be Aware, Be Informed, Be In Control, Be Active, Be Positively Seen. Breakout sessions were popular and successful as four groups championed by RE/MAX members explored important components of real estate business: Anne Wilson with Residential; Nazia Ali with Property Management; Steve Heywood with Auctions; and Jeff Brill with Commercial. These leaders managed their groups into cohesive conversations and discussions surrounding the specialized fields, which rolled into the open- floor questioning to the panel.

Almost everyone in the audience lined up for their copy at the end of the lively and interactive session. The major winners in the RE/MAX Zealand six-monthly awards presentation were: Top Individual, Ricky Ali; Top Sales Team, Team Creative; Top Commercial, Deborah Veragos; and Top Office, RE/MAX Team Realty. The 2016 August Rally had followed a successful broker owner meeting.

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Bangkok fair demonstrated keenness of investors by Michael Davoren

Global network identifies New Zealanders as real estate heroes In September 2016, at the second annual Asia Pacific Convention, the American Ambassador to Thailand, Glyn T. Davies, hosted a cocktail function for all RE/MAX regional owners. RE/MAX is the only global company other than Google to receive such an invitation. In closing the Convention, RE/MAX LLC Director of Global Development, Chip Brekken, presented awards where New Zealand and Australian agents dominated many categories, including Jeffrey Brill, RE/MAX Premier Broker/Owner, who was named the Asia Pacific top international commercial sales agent based on commission. Through his career, Jeff has added a Bachelor of Property (Honours) with a dissertation on the subject of earthquake prone buildings to a Business Degree majoring in Valuation and Property Management. His commercial, residential, management and Investment portfolio experience is extensive. Michael Davoren, Managing Director for RE/MAX Australia and RE/MAX New Zealand said Jeff had demonstrated an ambassadorial role in forging agent relationships throughout the region. RE/MAX business owners who traveled to Bangkok for the Broker/ Owner Forum joined more than 300 delegates at the Asia Pacific Convention, representing all 15


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countries in the Asia Pacific region plus other international regions including the US, the UK and Italy. “The Asia Pacific Convention offered massive networking opportunities for Australian and New Zealand agents, and has tremendous benefits for Asian investors, developers and individuals wanting to emigrate to Australia and New Zealand,� Michael said. RE/MAX Australia and RE/MAX New Zealand host the Asia Pacific Convention on the Gold Coast, Queensland this year, which will provide a unique opportunity for RE/MAX developer-clients, agents, vendors and investors as it attracts delegates from the Asia Pacific region as well as US, Europe, South Africa and many other countries.

The Property Fair at the RE/MAX Asia Pacific Convention I attended in Bangkok allowed property specialists from Australia and New Zealand to showcase projects including apartments, residential developments and land releases alongside properties from across the Asia Pacific region. It was made very obvious that here were a lot of investors in the region who are keen on investing in Australia and New Zealand. Chinese buyers, in particular, seem to have taken new foreign buyer taxes introduced by some Australian states in their stride and factored them into their investment activity. The volume of Chinese tourists is also tipped to increase, and many who fall in love with Australia and New Zealand may well become property investors. Many Asian families are very keen to have their children study here, which is another boost for investor interest. Education, emigration, investment, and lifestyle and travel are the major overseas property investment triggers for the Asian market. Australia and New Zealand are seen as safe and secure destinations, geographically closer to China, closer in time zones and easier to visit. The RE/MAX Asia Pacific region currently involves Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Guam, Korea, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar, but the enormous RE/MAX global footprint has a presence in more than 100 countries and territories. The convention was truly an eyeopener to how much investor money is heading to Australia and New Zealand, and not just from Asia.


MORE ARE CHOOSING TO CALL RE/MA X HOME RE/MAX growth in Australia and New Zealand is travelling a similar upward path as the international scene, says managing director Michael Davoren. In a November broadcast, Dave Liniger, the CEO, Chairman and Co-Founder of the global real estate brand announced that the worldwide RE/MAX network had topped 110,000 agents, a milestone he said confirms that greatness attracts greatness. “The September quarter was the 19th consecutive quarter of growth for RE/MAX across the globe,” said Michael. “Prior to Christmas, RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand both looked on track to record in excess of 20 per cent agent growth through the 2016 calendar year.

“RE/MAX members, though their talents and achievements, have built a brand others want to join. “The experience is the same worldwide,” he said, “with the people who are drawn to RE/MAX being a mix of established and accomplished agents, and newer agents aspiring to get better. “As Dave Liniger acknowledges, the growing agent count benefits us all. It brings more listings, more signboards, more advertising, more brand power, more phone calls, more web traffic and more referrals, along with more satisfied buyers and sellers located, as well as buying and selling, all over the world.”

Managing Director selects the year’s best employees 2016 Employee of the Year – Jasmine Rimmer Jasmine, who joined RE/MAX in May 2015, is the Member Services Coordinator for RE/MAX New Zealand, where she provides support and resources to all RE/MAX members, along with organising training and events. Jasmine has been a critical element in a small team that has facilitated spectacular network growth over the past 12 months,” said Managing Director Michael Davoren, in announcing the award in December, “and she has been instrumental in improving our client relationships, both publically and internally.” In recognition, Jasmine joins the Australian and New Zealand contingent at the spectacular RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas in February 2017. Employee of the Quarter January-March – Tanya Bull Tanya joined RE/MAX in July 2015 as the Executive Assistant to the Managing Director, where she plays an active role in organising almost every aspect of the Managing Director’s business life. Her responsibilities extend to RE/MAX International events, including the R4 Convention in Las Vegas and the upcoming Asia Pacific Convention on the Gold Coast. Employee of the Quarter April- June - Kathy Boot Kathy joined RE/MAX in 1997 as office administrator with RE/MAX Bayside Properties, Alexandra Hills, and has enjoyed many and varied roles with RE/MAX over nearly 20 years and is grateful for the opportunity to constantly challenge and update herself during that time. Her current role is Manager, Regional Services, where she looks after the accounts for both Australia and New Zealand.

Employee of the Quarter July to September – Rebecca Andrews Rebecca joined RE/MAX in April 2016 as RE/MAX New Zealand’s Office Administrator. She performs a variety of administrative duties for RE/MAX New Zealand and assists in managing RE/MAX Associates and the daily operations of the office.

Employee of the Quarter October-December – Melissa Wimberley Melissa joined RE/MAX in March last year as Graphic Designer/Marketing Assistant. She assists with rolling out national campaigns, social media management, assisting with event marketing and promotion, providing graphic design and marketing materials for offices, and assisting broker owners and sales associates with brand guidelines and compliancy matters.

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Lis a B ro n a n d Pa m e l a Le e B u rg e at th e Pin k R ib b o n B re a k f a s t

Agent returns to her passion Donna Cliff is only into her sixth month with RE/MAX Go For Sold and has already celebrated being in the network’s Top Ten agents New Zealand –wide and number four agent for central and lower north island.

ONE IN 110,000! The RE/MAX agent… who is he… or she? Why do they stand out? Firstly, it’s the exceptional qualities… committed, professional, skilled, a people-person plus more. Secondly, it is the culture they are part of. •

RE/MAX agents have a career path.

RE/MAX agents have the flexibility to market themselves.

RE/MAX agents are free to list and sell property anywhere.

RE/MAX agents capture 100% of the lead calls they generate.

RE/MAX agents operate with their peers in the expansive international agent network – 110,000 (+)

RE/MAX agents have a huge advantage within the industry.

RE/MAX agents share qualities and the culture but they are all individuals, with their own stories:


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Donna’s return to real estate this year is a story of positivity and determination. When Donna swapped business ownership to fulfil her dream of working in real estate sales, she found herself forced to let that dream go after almost five years as she battled breast cancer. She took on her illness with the same positive and determined attitude that marked her real estate career. On her return, she saw the requirement to regain her real estate license as a good refresher opportunity and quickly re-established a successful career selling in the Palmerston North market she knew so well. Her time out of real estate reinforced how much her role was a passion rather than a job, and just how much she missed working with people and helping make their real estate dreams come true. Donna has now worked in two very different positions in the property market cycle, from the challenging but rewarding tough years of post-GFC slowdown to the extremely buoyant market of mid-2016.

What stands out to her in both cases is the importance of relationships. She says her first real estate boss summed her up as ‘very real’. Since day one, vendors and buyers remark on her honesty, patience, availability, responsiveness, great communication and valuable guidance, and her ability to take the pressure off and to see solutions rather than problems. Donna cares about people. “I want my customers’ real estate experience with me, and through RE/MAX Go For Sold, to be amazing. “The week I started with RE/MAX was, ironically, Breast Cancer Awareness week, and the office hosted a Pink Ribbon breakfast which I spoke at. “I am very grateful to be invited onto the RE/MAX Go For Sold team and work in such a wonderful, supportive and inclusive environment.” While real estate is her passion, Donna supports the Manawatu Cancer Society; Breast Cancer Foundation; and IHC New Zealand, which provides services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Contact Donna Cliff on:, mobile 02 21 986 382 and follow her on Facebook:


G e of f B awd e n a n d NZP F ’s K ate G re e n sl a d e .

The Conversation Geoff Bawden, General Manager, New Zealand Property Finance (NZPF) Why should a customer talk to a Mortgage Adviser when they can go direct to the bank? A bank will make a decision based on its own individual policy. What the customer needs to understand is that banks are not created equal. Each makes its own decisions influenced by its own perception of the market and the risks that prevail. Interpretation by different banks can be quite different. This leads to sometimes significant differences between what one can do over another. A Mortgage Adviser has an overview and can place business where they are likely to get the best outcome for the customer. When a customer goes direct to the bank, they get one view point only and it can be hit or miss. What does a Mortgage Adviser charge? In most instances, the Mortgage Adviser doesn’t charge a fee. He or

she is paid a commission by the bank they place the business with. If the Mortgage Adviser gets paid by the bank, doesn’t that increase my costs? The question should be: Does it cost any more to use a Mortgage Adviser? The answer to that question is ‘no’. While banks factor in the cost of processing the business, this is already built into their margins and the banks do not differentiate. In fact, the Mortgage Adviser can frequently save on cost because they have a sound knowledge of what pricing they should expect for the business they place, and they frequently negotiate to get a more competitive deal than the client might otherwise be able to generate if they go it alone. Should I just accept the interest rate offered by the bank? No, that is often just a starting point.

Remember all main banks want your business and, at times, they will compete aggressively to get it. A Mortgage Adviser will ensure you receive a competitive offer. It is part of what they do. If I was looking to identify just one really important reason why I should use a Mortgage Adviser, what might that be? I think this answer is really simple. For most people, their mortgage is their single biggest outgoing so you need to know you have it packaged right and you need to review what you have regularly if you want the best outcomes. A Mortgage Adviser will challenge you to make better thought-through and well-informed choices. They will help you take the stress out of the loan application process, and, very importantly, they will still be there to support you next time you want something.

Helping your clients Finance their Dream Home VIEW | R E / M A X N E W ZE A L A N D



When United States’ eyes turned to New Zealand Through the course of last year’s election in the United States, New Zealand appeared to shape up as a viable option for US property investors. Brendon Skipper, Chief Executive Officer of New Zealand’s largest real estate listing site,, gave an insight into what activity the company saw in the market at that time. Did you see a spike in the number of US citizens looking at NZ property around the time of the US election? We had seen US-based users on steadily growing since the beginning of 2016. Two days before the election, we saw a mild spike and then the day of the election, around when the Florida state result came online, we saw an extreme spike in traffic. Was the interest widespread across New Zealand or focused on particular locations?

The interest was most prominent in Auckland, with a sharp focus on Northland. What about buyer demographics? Most traffic was generated by those aged 25 to 44 years, with a 50-50 split in males and females. We generally see a female skew on our residential site, so this activity is a bit unusual. Was US buyer-enquiry still up compared with the same period 12 months ago? Yes, it is up by about 20 per cent. What did market feedback tell you? Our data didn’t tell us specifically why the US based users were interested in the New Zealand market however, anecdotally, through their search terms we saw that ‘water front’ was frequently searched. This suggests that they were looking at beach or lake-front properties.

2,700 Pools 37,200 Homes 1 Location

With the most properties from every real estate brand in the country


all in one location, we’re the largest home of real estate in New Zealand. Statistical figures correct as at 1 June 2016, and intended to be indicative only.

What may all this mean for New Zealand vendors? With US-based users still only making up a small percentage of our total users, I would suggest vendors speak with their local agent. Their local agent will have advice on the best marketing strategies for their property and the market, at the time of sale. So the young Americans may have been weighing up their property investment options last year, especially in November when real time statistics from showed that traffic for the 7th and 8th November 2016 was up 141 per cent compared to the same two days in the previous year. Whether that resulted in property purchases or not in the first half of this year, it certainly added to the international focus on New Zealand property and lifestyle. r e a l es t a te .co. nz h o l d s # 1 p o l e p os i t io n i n t h e d ig i t a l p ro p e r t y s p a ce .


SHAKEN, DISTURBED BUT NOT DEFE ATED… New Zealand has had a number of significant earthquake events, with the most recent being in November 2016 when one struck off the east coast of the South Island in the coastal town of Kaikoura. It was widely felt across much of the country, impacting the cities of Christchurch, Wellington and many smaller communities on the northern end of the South Island. VIEW magazine asked Kate Bradley, Broker Owner of RE/MAX Elite in Nelson and Lisa Berryman, RE/MAX Associates, who offers the RE/MAX experience to clients in the popular and fast-evolving Kapiti Coast market to relate their personal experience and the impact it had on the real estate team. For RE/MAX agents and property managers, being in immediate touch with their customers and clients was paramount. Kate says: “We were woken at 12 am with the shaking, which was really more of a rolling. After realizing that it was going on for a while, we took cover under the doorway. We felt the aftershocks but by morning it was pretty calm. There was no damage that I know of in Nelson, apart from supermarket shelves. “The property managers immediately sprang into action, ringing all of our tenants to check for damage.

Fortunately there was none, and it was good to be able to then pass on this information to each of our landlords.” Lisa says: “We were not affected personally up on the Kapiti Coast, and don’t know of anyone here that was. However Wellington was a different story with the high rises being closed until inspected and the uncertainty for people faced with the prospect of not being able to return to buildings to work. “This was certainly the strongest earthquake that we have experienced and it makes you realize what is not in your control.” Lisa’s immediate action was to visit any vacant properties and call any vendors to let them know about their property, and talk to occupied properties’ owners and tenants to make sure all was well. Both Kate and Lisa say the insurance embargo, which was still continuing when VIEW spoke with the two women, had the greatest impact on the sales side of business. “The insurance companies are not writing new policies, however they will transfer from the vendor to the purchaser,” said Kate.

“The sum insured on the properties needs to reflect the expected value of the property as, if a purchaser was to take on the vendor’s insurance and they have paid more than the sum insured, then it may not meet their finance requirements,” she explained. Kate says earthquakes haven’t changed the Nelson market. “Property investors here aren’t having an issue. The market is still strong and buyers are still buying; they are just being advised to get builder’s reports.” Does working in a market where natural disasters have occurred concern the women? “Nelson is on the main fault line and so far we have been lucky in that we haven’t had a big shake. I guess that living in New Zealand, there is always the possibility,” said Kate “We are as prepared as we can be, but you are never fully prepared enough for a major event,” said Lisa, “and in the office, our risk management plan is safety first for us, followed by checking on the properties and advising the vendors, and giving further help where necessary.”

Lisa felt this may have longer implications.

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The superbly produced and presented, responsive online platform,, showcases the many benefits of the RE/MAX network. “We begin with a question, Why RE/MAX? knowing that it could be the start of a life-changing conversation for business owners and agents,” said Corinna.

Two new RE/MAX web sites go live Recruitment and project marketing information accessed with a click. RE/MAX New Zealand’s dedicated project marketing website went live in the second half of 2016. General Manager Corinna Mansell said the new web site positioned RE/MAX as a leading expert in the project marketing sector and provided a dedicated platform for RE/MAX agents to market their new projects. “Marketing new projects is a specialty and RE/MAX project marketers are among the leaders in the industry. “The development and availability

of new residential building projects is a critical and growing part of the property industry as a growing economy demands new housing opportunities right across the property spectrum, from affordable first homes to high end luxury homes,” she said. The RE/MAX Project Marketing website,, features new project marketing listings, shows the collective strength of RE/MAX and informs developers of project marketing expertise within the RE/MAX ranks. The project marketing website launch came after another important event, the launch of Why RE/MAX?

The recruitment site provides quality information about the brand behind every RE/MAX business, and the global strength, cutting edge technology, personalised support and entrepreneurial culture of RE/MAX, the real estate brand with more offices and in more countries than any other. The RE/MAX New Zealand vision is presented through the video, Your life. Your business. Your way., which is well worth watching to get a sense of the passion and professionalism behind the brand as you hear from Corinna , RE/MAX New Zealand Managing Director Michael Davoren and Directors Chris Chapman and Joel Davoren, and RE/MAX broker owners and sales associates.

Think local, reach global Because buyers live beyond your own backyard.

Photography captured by Fumi Yasutomi 2 0 V I E W | R E / M A X N E W ZE A L A N D

Each office independently owned and operated

GOING, GOING, GONE A history of the auction, compiled by Steve Heywood, Sales Associate and Auctioneer, RE/MAX Property The National Auctioneers Association published this ‘history of auctions’. Here is the most interesting part, with some ‘Heywood enhancements’. •

The word ‘auction’ is derived from the Latin auge which means ‘increase’ or ‘augment’.

Auctions have a long history, having been recorded as early as 500 B.C.

In Babylon, auctions of women for marriage were held annually.

Records handed down from ancient Greek scribes document auctions occurring as far back as 500 B.C. At that time, women were auctioned off as wives. In fact, it was considered illegal to allow a daughter to be ‘sold’ outside the auction method. A ‘descending’ method was used for these auctions, starting with a high price and going lower until the first person to bid was the purchaser, as long as the minimum price set by the seller was met. The buyer could get a return of money if he and his new spouse did not get along well. (But, unlike a horse, maidens could not be ‘tried’ before auction). Women with special beauty were subject to the most vigorous bidding and the prices paid were high. Owners of the less attractive women had to add dowries or other monetary offers in order to make the sale. During the Roman Empire, following military victory, Roman soldiers would often drive a spear into the ground around which the spoils of war were left, to be auctioned off. Later, slaves, often captured as the ‘spoils of war’, were auctioned in the forum under the sign of the spear, with the proceeds of sale going towards the war effort. Today we use an auction gavel, or hammer, and it’s thought that the driving of the spear tradition is carried on today with the fall of the hammer to signify a sale of the goods to the highest bidder.

One of the most significant historical auctions occurred in the year 193 A.D. when the entire Roman Empire was put on the auction block by the Praetorian Guard. On March 23, The Praetorian Guard first killed emperor Pertinax, then offered the empire to the highest bidder. Didius Julianus outbid everyone else for the price of 6,250 drachmas per guard, an act that initiated a brief civil war. Didius was then beheaded two months later when Septimius Severus conquered Rome. In some parts of England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, auction-by-candle began to be used for the sale of goods and leasehold. In a candle auction, the end of the auction was signalled by the expiration of a candle flame, which was intended to ensure that no-one could know exactly when the auction would end and make a last-second bid. In 1660, Samuel Pepys's diary recorded two occasions when the Admiralty sold surplus ships ‘by an inch of candle’. Pepys also relates a hint from a highly successful bidder, who had observed that, just before expiring, a candle-wick always flares up slightly. On seeing this, he would shout his final - and winning - bid. During the American civil war, goods seized by armies were sold at auction by the Colonel of the division. Thus, some of today's auctioneers in the U.S. carry the unofficial title of ‘colonel’.

Steve Heywood initiated the RE/MAX New Zealand Auction Fellowship, a group to foster good relationships between his auctioneer peers with the idea that if an auctioneer is prevented from calling an auction through sickness etc, there is another known and trusted auctioneer to stand in for them. Outside real estate, his auctioneering skills have been put to good use raising thousands of dollars for charities including Child Cancer, Ronald MacDonald House, Hospice North Shore, Riding for the Disabled, Plunket, the New Zealand representative Woman’s Water Polo Team, New Zealand Cadet Forces, and numerous Rotary Clubs and school fund raising events. V I E W | R E / M A X N E W ZE A L A N D



TAR ANAKI ‘A LIT TLE BIT OUT THERE’ The Lonely Planet Best in Travel Awards 2017 named Taranaki as the second-best region in the world that people should visit this year. Someone who already knows the region well is RE/MAX Broker/Owner Garry Malcolm. Garry and his wife Maree own RE/MAX Team Realty in New Plymouth, Taranaki’s largest city, which they opened in 2004. While more global travelers look set to discover the region, New Zealand property owners are already aware of its attractions. Garry answers a few question to put us in the picture. Has the Taranaki property market changed over the years? The Taranaki property market has been very stable since we opened our office. Our regional economy is based around the dairy industry, and over the last two decades we had the benefit of oil and gas exploration. This has meant we are somewhat cushioned from the ups and downs that other regional economies often go through. There is certainly something to be said about stability. The area we service has a population of around 65,000 and approximately 26,000 homes. The average sale price in our office is around $410k. Your thoughts on its future? It is my view that our property market will continue to remain stable and


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affordable. Some might say boring, but stable is a good environment to own and run a business of any type. ‘Hot spots’ to keep an eye on within the region? New Plymouth city is on the coast, facing north, so our growth has been both to the south, the east and the west. Several new subdivisions have been developed over the past ten years. Migration always tends to be north, so I would say Bell Block, a suburb to the north-west of the city, has seen the most significant growth. What attracts people to live in Taranaki? The Taranaki region has a huge amount to offer with Mount Taranaki dominating the skyline, and is surrounded by a circle of varioussized townships. It also boasts outstanding black sand surf beaches, some of which are classed as the best surfing beaches in New Zealand. New Plymouth itself is a vibrant and lively city with top class café bars and restaurants, great gardens, parks and a coastal walkway that is some ten kilometres long. We are not on the main tourist route but when people visit they often end up staying longer, or forever. Where do you take visitors when you want to show off the region? The coastal walkway, the mountain and Pukekura Park top the list of places to visit. Where else in the

world can you climb a mountain in the morning, stop at one of several city café bars for lunch, go for a surf in the afternoon and walk the coastal walk way in the evening? Very few places, if any. Does the region have any ‘best kept secrets’ that you would be prepared to share? Our city, New Plymouth, in my opinion is New Zealand’s best kept secret. As I said earlier when people visit our region often they don’t leave or they keep coming back.

“After managing real estate offices in the region for 23 years, I decided it was time to do something for ourselves. I had had always been impressed with the RE/MAX brand which I considered to be the only one that offered a true point of difference for both its sales associates and business owners.” Garry Malcolm.

B e a p a r t of th e b re a k f a s t se ri e s th is ye a r. C o min g to a l o c atio n n e a r yo u .

G et yo u r se lf to th e Pl atin u m + Fo r u m in Q u e e n s town th is J u n e .

M a ke su re yo u ’re at th e a n n u a l R4 C o nve ntio n in L a s Ve g a s .


H ave yo u h a d th e R E / M A X E xp e ri e n ce? H e a d to th e Re gio n a l of f ice a n d e m b ra ce eve r y th in g R E / M A X . Eve nt s h a p p e n in g M a rch and June.

2017 RE/MAX NEW ZEALAND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & EVENTS: CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS (January to June) RE/MAX Professional Development: another great reason to be part of RE/MAX

S a l e s A s so ciate M ax P ro g ra m m e: a 2 d ay tra in in g eve nt e s se ntia l to b e in yo u r c a l e n d a r th is ye a r.

RE/MAX New Zealand is committed to the professional and personal development of its members and provides many opportunities throughout the year. It teams up with Imagine Experiences, a professional creative team of event management specialists, to deliver its very special events.

Ta p into th e m a ny dif fe re nt we bin a r s h e l d e a ch m o nth to ke e p o n to p of th e l ate s t in te ch n o l o gy a n d th e m a rket .

2017 is full of training and events options. The complete Events Calendar is in the RE/MAX Professional Development brochure, which is available to RE/MAX members from the RE/MAX New Zealand corporate office and on Global Training. Meanwhile, here are some highlights:

And the biggest event on the 2017 calendar… the Asia Pacific Convention in September. Hosted by RE/MAX New Zealand and RE/MAX Australia, this event will be held at the Sheraton Mirage on the Gold Coast, Australia.

R E / M A X Au s tra lia a n d R E / M A X N ew Ze a l a n d will p ro u dly h os t th e R E / M A X A sia Pa cif ic C o nve ntio n o n th e G o l d C o a s t .

There’s something for everyone. Experience RE/MAX to the MAX!

G et f a milia r with R E / M A X N ew Ze a l a n d ’s P rofe s sio n a l D eve l o p m e nt of fe rin g s fo r 2 017.




New Zealand

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