View - The RE/MAX Magazine: edt 1-16

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The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

Edition 1-16 |

“Reset your goal posts and aim even higher.” | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Contents



Nobody in the World Sells More Real Estate than RE/MAX!

RE/MAX New Zealand Regional Team RE/MAX New Zealand P. +64 9 309 8478 F. +64 9 309 8479


E. Level 1, 70 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland 1010 PO Box 11331, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542 General Manager: Corinna Mansell Managing Director: Michael Davoren Finance Director: Chris Chapman

17 03

Message from the Managing Director

04 From the General Manager’s desk feature 05 Adrian Lane-Mullins appointed as chairman events 06 Unstoppable RE/MAX: the August rally feature 08 Losers in real estate cloud perception network news 10 Welcome to RE/MAX

Director: Joel Davoren Chairman: Adrian Lane-Mullin Business Development: Garry Malcolm Member Services: Jasmine Rimmer Office Manager: Sharon Crossen

feature 14 Momentum empowers business owners 17

Ben reads his buyers


Getting to know you: Niki Bell

network news 20 Chris Chapman in the windy city

Public Relations: Lyn Cox

VIEW Submissions for RE/MAX New Zealand VIEW can be sent to Jasmine Rimmer E. Deadline for submissions – 1 June 2016 VIEW editor: Lyn Cox VIEW design: Honor Lock

events 22 Introducing Variety- the Children’s Charity 23

Calendar highlights

13 RE/MAX goes ringside in Taupo

Front Cover: A rear view of the burner shooting a puff flame up inside the envelope of the RE/MAX balloon. Image supplied by Balloon Promoters


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

Copyright © 2016 RE/MAX New Zealand. All rights reserved. The materials herin may not be duplicated, copied or reproduced – in whole or in part – in any way without written permission. View magazine is provided to RE/MAX Affiliates as one of many benefits. The opinions of guest contributors and interviewed guests are their own and not necessarily those of RE/MAX New Zealand, or its affiliates, or any of its owners, officers, employees or agents. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information it contains, neither the publishers, authors nor their employees, can be held liable for inaccuracies, errors or omission. Readers should not rely on this newsletter as a substitute for professional advice.

Message from the Managing Director

From the Managing Director Are you on the podium or merely a spectator? Here we are in another Olympics year, the XXXI Olympiad. While you may not be a Games spectator in Rio or on a podium collecting a medal in August, 2016 is a good year to reflect on your personal performance. Make this a year where you are breaking records, a year of personal bests. What or where is your podium? It may be the RE/MAX Australia or New Zealand awards stage, RE/MAX monthly rankings, real estate industry awards, a conference or convention, your market share, office performance ranking or your own personal measure of success. It may be at the RE/MAX global awards, a podium only the best get access to, and a truly memorable event that’s part of the mega RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas. You have many stages to choose from. The Olympic Games is about personal performances. Make these your priority focus for this year too. Like any fine-tuned athlete or top sportsperson, peak performance comes well before the stadium or sporting arena. It begins with putting in the hard yards, and taking all those individual steps that can lead to supreme ability. And in real estate, it’s our focus on the next sale, the next listing, or the next offer and so on that takes us along a path to success. The best in our business are constantly moving forward, continually bettering themselves. With each New Year, with each new quarter, each month, the real estate industry evolves a little further. The future is a strong real estate industry, and only people not prepared to evolve with it may be disrupted.

Consider how science has turned sport on its ear through evolution in everything from swimming costumes, to starting blocks and putters. There are changed rules. There are balls that give more distance, racquets to give more accuracy and fins to give more power. There are better coaches, trainers and mentors; as well as illegal means through which performance may be improved for those who want to take things too far! The real estate industry has its own parallels and our best people are seizing all positive changes as opportunities. Back in the Seventies, the real estate industry underwent a big upheaval and the word was out that franchising was going to ‘wipe out the independents’. It didn’t occur but a rise of the independents around the turn of the century did give most franchise groups a wake-up call. Today, the successful franchisors create extra value beyond just the brand, which includes access to international marketing platforms and networks, extra income streams, call centres, centralized administration and different business systems. In these ranks are the managers, coaches, mentors and trainers of the real estate world who set the scene so the ‘competitors’, or participants, can do their best. They know their future lies in relationships and the consumer experience. Our industry embraced digital technology a long time ago and continues to accept it at an everincreasing pace. The future is not ‘how many apps’ but digital diversity, where ‘improvements’ truly benefit the consumer. We’ve watched Australia and New Zealand evolve as nations on all kinds of fronts including sport and real estate, and, as one outcome example, Asian participation in our property markets is important to our economies and will continue as such for coming decades.

The past 12 months have delivered very good markets, for the most, in Australia and New Zealand. While some markets like Sydney and Auckland are easing, moving through 2016’s first quarter, the outlook is generally good. Many of the markets devastated through the GFC are bouncing back, especially those regions attracting tourism dollars. We are recruiting more and more ‘newto-the-industry’ people because they see levels of professionalism within the real estate industry that match where they are at, or where they want to be. While RE/MAX is well known for having and attracting successful experienced agents, ‘new’ is not necessarily young and inexperienced. To conclude, RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand is breaking records this year with the biggest crowd ever set to take on the RE/MAX R4 global conference in Las Vegas, and aiming for a company best in events with the Broker Owner Forum in Thailand just prior to the RE/MAX Asia Pacific Conference. Yet, even with all the positive vibes, it comes down to who puts in the hard yards. Don’t be the ‘spectator’; be a part of it all!

I wish you all a very productive and rewarding 2016 personally and professionally. Make the most of the enormous quantity of RE/MAX resources available and stay up-to-date on offerings through your monthly Regional Update. I’ll leave you with my regular message: ‘Happy selling, happy managing, happy administering….’ | Issue 1-16


Message from Corinna Mansell, RE/MAX NZ General Manager

From the General Manager’s desk… 2015 finished on a high for RE/MAX New Zealand. It had proved to be a very successful year in terms of growth and the calibre of RE/MAX members. But if there are three things I’ve learned through experience, they are: 1. You can’t be complacent. When you have come through a period of success in your business, it is vital that you reset your goal posts and aim even higher. 2. You have to focus on working on the business. Last year, I found myself so busy that I was in danger of being swallowed up in the business. When that happens, you don’t have time to work on the business and generally less success will come. 3. Your perceived disappointment - I should have been further ahead. I should have kicked higher goals. I could have/should have… - can hold you back. Do not let it!

December–January saw a settling of the market and for many agents and business owners, it gave a time to really think about making changes, which for me meant a flood of people contacting me with a desire to join RE/MAX in 2016. For as many new agents to the RE/MAX New Zealand ranks so far this year, there are easily as many again who are currently doing their licenses. In New Zealand, this can be quite a lengthy process – with up to four months generally the case though there is no actual limit on time. This means that there is often a considerable waiting period before the effort you put into your recruitment of sales agents comes to fruition. RE/MAX New Zealand is attracting educated professional people wanting to establish their own business in real estate sales. This is really standing out to me. We are attracting business owners - people looking for that pointof-difference in business opportunities, and this is a reflection of the successful people we already have in RE/MAX New Zealand. We are attracting a


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

broad range of business-focused people, and the calibre of the next intake of business owners looks to be outstanding and as good as we’ve ever had. In this edition of VIEW, we feature seven offices new to the region and an additional three that have renovated and/or relocated to new premises in Invercargill, Papatoetoe, Te Awamutu, Tauranga, Dunedin, Warkworth, Dannemora, Albany, Cambridge and Nelson. I am excited and proud to be teaming up with Variety – the Children’s Charity because Variety is about really making a difference in everyday lives. Variety supports families where they can get no other support, no funding. Variety is nationwide – and there is an extensive range of ways in which RE/MAX New Zealand members can support local families and local communities. Members are embracing it. In the first six weeks of the relationship, RE/MAX Pinnacle at Royal Oak held a golf day followed by a charity auction with proceeds completely donated to Variety. Finance director Chris Chapman, coordinator Jasmine Rimmer and administration manager Sharon Crossen attended a Variety Red Carpet event in November and were

For the fourth consecutive year, RE/MAX, LLC holds the lead among real estate brands in the 37th annual 2016 Franchise 500 survey by Entrepreneur magazine. RE/MAX has held the top spot for 13 of the last 17 years.

We are attracting business owners - people looking for that pointof-difference in business opportunities.

very impressed by the calibre of other business Variety associates itself with. It is great kudos to RE/MAX New Zealand to be part of this group. I wish you all well as you set your goals on high achievement through 2016.

RE/MAX Feature

RE/MAX appoints Adrian Lane-Mullins as chairman Adrian Lane-Mullins replaced Phil Kirby as chairman of the RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand Board of Directors in July last year. Phil had stepped down due to health concerns and sadly passed away later in 2015. Adrian’s business pedigree is an extensive history of academic and commercial achievements. He has held senior management roles at local, regional and international levels. His expertise spans organizational and strategic leadership, financial management, business planning and development, risk management and corporate governance, change management and mentoring. He is managing director of Customercorp P/L Business

Consultancy, a company he began 16 years ago and whose major client list includes RACQ-GIO Insurance Ltd and QBE Insurance Ltd. A company director since the age of 26, he has had vast experience with boards. RE/MAX managing director Michael Davoren said the Board intentionally chose an independent chairman from outside the real estate industry, a move Adrian deems intelligent and brave. Michael explained,” We look to the chairman in matters such as use of capital, acquisition and mergers, for example. That’s the guidance we require so we can get on with the operational side of our business.”

Adrian’s business pedigree is an extensive history of academic and commercial achievements.

” Adrian described an external chair as a forward-thinking move by Michael and the other directors, especially for a private company. “I am a businessperson not a real estate agent or a marketer, and looking from outside-in means I can provide a different perspective, which will often be a clearer perspective. “My particular interest is in distribution. That is, how RE/MAX can develop to its greatest potential through the distribution of its knowledge, skill levels, intellectual property and technology to its franchise business owners.” Adrian pays homage to a quote from Michelangelo: The great danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. “Have aims but no end point, and always mini-goals. The best business plan becomes self-fulfilling.” As someone who wants to play in the game not watch from the stands, Adrian is most interested in the dynamics of business. He found there was a lot to learn quickly in the complexities of real estate franchising. He is putting his stamp on RE/MAX through strategic leadership, governance, business acumen and relationships with all directors. “I understand I am dealing with a lot of intelligence around the table so I have to be an astute listener to sift out the irrelevant from the reasonable, and respect the different personalities and skills I have in the room.” | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Events

Award-winning vineyard provides stunning setting for RE/MAX rally Approximately 50 RE/MAX members gathered at Omarino Wine Park in Christchurch mid-August for the RE/MAX New Zealand Rally. Managing Director Michael Davoren followed his welcome with a highimpact session on the fundamentals that make a RE/MAX agent, by focusing around key words and descriptions. The Rally theme, ‘We are RE/MAX’, was reflected in a ten-word series: me, strong, extraordinary, motivated, productive, energised, inspiring, dedicated, global and unstoppable. As Michael points out, if RE/MAX members are all of the first nine then RE/MAX will indeed be ‘unstoppable’. New Zealand Property Finance’s Geoff Bawden explained the five fundamental reasons to be using NZPF. Member Services Coordinator Jasmine Rimmer offered a valuable session with information about RE/MAX systems. She took members through the key features of RE/MAX University’s Video Library and the property websites that can be created in Design Centre, for example, and upcoming events including the announcement of the 2016 Rally, the Las Vegas R4 Convention and the platform change for Global Training onto RESAAS. Colleen Milne, from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand, spoke of the benefits of being a REINZ member. She elaborated on the Institute’s offering to its members, which involves advocacy,

agent support and advisory, market intelligence, professional development, and networking and events, and took the opportunity to tell the RE/MAX audience about Property Smarts, an easy-to-use web site that allows real estate professionals to create a quality, professional comparative market analysis, or CMA, which can be confidently presented to clients. The Rally’s keynote speaker was Linda Coles of Blue Banana and author of ‘Learn Marketing with Social Media in 7 days’ and ‘Start with Hello’. She led into the afternoon with a fantastic session on the presence and use of social media in real estate business. She focused on why it is important to have and to care about your personal brand, how you can develop it, the RE/MAX brand and the brand of the company you work within.

Top: RE/MAX Initial Broker/Owner Murray Irvine and Geoff Bawden, NZPF Manager Bottom: Linda Coles published books, ‘Start with Hello’ and ‘Marketing with social media’ which was given away to Paul Yates, RE/MAX Initial.

She explored the use of social media to grow a business, predominantly using Facebook. Taking a Charles Darwin quote ‘It’s not the strongest that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones that most respond to change’, she gave the translated advice of ‘Keep yourself upto-date and your business modern’. Linda said, “You are all the head marketers of yourself. You work for Company You. Think about what’s

going on at the moment. Think about what you can tap into that is current news.” Everyone in the room took away ideas on what they could do better through the different social media platforms common within business – Facebook and LinkedIn – and how to get maximum benefit and allow social media to make a real impact. Her practical words of advice included:

Taking a Charles • Keep away from things that are Darwin quote ‘It’s not the going to offend people. strongest that survive, • Every time you post or share something, it is going to all nor the most intelligent, of those connections you are but the ones that most connected to and have begun respond to change’.

building a relationship with. When it’s out there, it’s out there forever.

With the Rally closed, it was time for RE/MAX members to share in great food and wonderful local wines. RE/MAX New Zealand thanks its participating preferred suppliers: TradeMe,, Core Logic and NZPF, and the Omarino Wine Park hosts Murray & Eileen Irvine, who along with the stunning property that was the Rally’s venue, own RE/MAX Initial Realty in Christchurch.


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

RE/MAX Events

Success of Singapore convention paves way for annual event The inaugural RE/MAX Asia Pacific Convention was held in Singapore in July 2015. Its purpose was to create an Asia-Pacific region real estate platform that brought industry people together to build relationships, forge links, collaborate with each other and support cross-territorial real estate transactions. RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand Managing Director Michael Davoren attended, along with Australian and New Zealand RE/MAX colleagues. The event attracted huge attention from the Singapore media, resulting in major newspaper and television coverage. Singapore’s main newspaper, The Straits Times, described the event as ‘the convention that agency owners, real estate agents, associates and property developers were waiting for’. Certainly the 1000-plus who walked through the Raffles City Convention Centre over the three days indicated this. Thirteen countries make up the RE/MAX Asia Pacific region – Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Guam, Korea, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka and Mongolia. Add in delegates from the USA and Hong Kong and 15 countries were represented. One of the many questions put to guest-of-honour, Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law, K. Shanmugam, was in relation to

a forthcoming election’s impact on declining house prices. He said, “I don’t know why people link it (house prices) to the elections. An election by itself is not a factor… what is, is the state of the economy, the state of supply and demand, the process and the linkage to wages.”, which reminded Michael of his own response to questions about Australian elections and the real estate market. The three-day program featured a lineup of more than 40 speakers on diverse topics including evaluating market potential globally and fostering lasting business collaborations. Michael facilitated a panel on international referrals with panelists from Philippines, Japan and India joining Cairns -based RE/MAX business owner Tony Williamson, who also sat with Australians Geoff Baldwin, Mark Stevenson, Derek Downes, John Buckley, Ros Waters, Michele Hyde and Angela Broche on panels addressing investment in rural and regional, metropolitan and tourism markets. Across the convention, formal and informal activities encouraged professional discourse and interaction. RE/MAX Singapore signed memorandums of understanding (MOU) with Australia/New Zealand, Korea and Japan, which will drive cross border training and include, amongst other initiatives, the establishment of an international internship program and ambassadors.

Platinum Plus: Better than the best! Last year’s inaugural RE/MAX Platinum + Forum was two full days of speakers, panels and interactive sessions at the five star Sheraton Fiji resort. The ‘by invitation’ event was the first in the new format annual event for the highest of RE/MAX’s achievers from Australia and New Zealand. Keynote speakers were Nikki Heald, managing director of Corptraining, and one of Australia’s leading real estate agents, Melbourne-based Marcus Chiminello. The Platinum + Forum is provided exclusively for RE/MAX high achievers, and those that attend agree that it is something to strive toward and get to each year. “No excuses, put in your diaries,” is how one high achiever puts it!

Its success has secured it as a future annual event and it will be held in Bangkok this year, from 31 August to 2 September. In September 2017, RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand will host the Asia Pacific Convention on the Gold Coast.

The event attracted huge attention from the Singapore media, resulting in major newspaper and television coverage. | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Events

Hunter Valley retreat inspires real estate principals... Franchise owners gathered in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, in September for the RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand Broker Forum 2015. Two days of speakers and panel sessions generated information and practices that business owners could immediately apply for the benefit of their business and its team, and their customers. The general consensus was that the quality of the professional development and network events for RE/MAX members was getting better and better.

Spencer, whose company, Activate, specialises in business growth. Sustainable profit and growth in each and every RE/MAX office is directly related to the quality and quantity of agents that work in the team, the quality and quantity of listings, and the overall experience the customer has.

Reflect on how much the real estate industry has changed and know there are still incredible changes to come, with the certainty being that average is no longer enough because excellence is the only acceptable benchmark in service.

The RE/MAX model supports entrepreneurs to be in business for themselves but not by themselves because they have a powerful underpinning force of knowledge, experience, resources and futures planning. It is imperative that owners create a self-motivating environment within each business.

The Forum’s theme was ‘Would you buy your business?’, which was reflected in day-one key speaker Paul Brooks’ presentation focusing on the lifecycle of a real estate principal, adding value and preparing a business for sale, and day-two key speaker Daniel

Losers in real estate will cloud perception Pleasing both buyers and sellers can be a tough gig in real estate. Managing Director, Michael Davoren, explores how those who lose out in a real estate transaction can blur perceptions of agents and why agents may poll poorly as a result. This article featured in ‘Real Estate Business’, 18 November 2015. Market research company, Roy Morgan, has been polling Australians about the trustworthiness of different professions since 1975. In the first year that real estate agents were included, the profession had just an 11 per cent


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

rating of ‘very high’ or ‘high’ for ethics and honesty. Real estate agents have always polled poorly. In the 2015 poll, nurses, doctors and pharmacists were #1, #2 and #3. School teachers were fourth. At the tail end – 28th, 29th and 30th – were real estate agents, advertising people and car salesmen. In this year’s poll, real estate agents had a nine per cent rating, after having peaked with 12 per cent in 2012. The only professions to have fared worse than real estate agents on some occasions were newspaper journalists, especially pre 2000; union leaders, especially through the late 90s; and to a lesser extent, insurance brokers. This year CoreLogic conducted its Consumer Perceptions of Real Estate survey, wanting to test the stereotype by going directly to people with experience of agents and their performance. Almost 300 recent sellers responded, rating

their experiences and ranking the behaviours and skills that they thought their agents had excelled, or done poorly, in. On one hand, the results threw up a pleasant surprise. The survey identified that the untrustworthy, smooth-talking, selfinterested agent-stereotype was not as bad as we may have thought. The majority of vendors reported positive experiences with their agents. Thirty-one per cent rated the experience as ‘excellent’ and 35 per cent rated it as ‘good’. Sixty-eight per cent of respondents said they would recommend their agent to friends or family. There is a side to the real estate industry that often goes unrecognised. That is the millions of dollars raised for charity, across Australia and across the world. Since 1992, the RE/MAX brand alone has invested in the wellbeing of

RE/MAX Feature

local communities to the tune of well over $150 million, and most real estate groups have their charities of choice. If real estate people are committed to community engagement and helping others; if 66 per cent in CoreLogic’s survey rated their overall experience when selling their home as either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’; and if, for example, the majority of the 980 customers interviewed by a major real estate brand in its own survey this year responded that ‘real estate agents do add value’, then why are real estate agents so unpopular or at least generally perceived to be? Could it be because there are always losers in real estate transactions, and the agents are usually held responsible? A percentage of real estate consumers will feel they have lost - including the buyer who missed out on a property, the person who thinks they paid too much or sold for less than they want, and the landlord sitting with an empty investment property. Property managers feel the ire as much as sales agents. Who do tenants turned down for a rental, or asked to vacate a property, generally blame? A gap between the buyer and seller is always likely, with the seller wanting more and the buyer wanting to spend less. The skill of the real estate agent is in closing that gap and bringing these parties together. Today, a significant percentage of investment properties are being sold by marketers, a group typified by people with big campaigns, generally selling projects, and offering low deposits and attractive repayment plans. In the end, the prices they ask are way over what the local real estate agents may determine those prices should be. The simple way investors can avoid the price trap is to ring a local real estate agent and check a similar property/price range before buying. We find that the marketers are often talking 20 to 30 per cent over the mark and this is tarnishing the reputation of the real estate agent. Third-party marketers are not ‘real’ real estate agents.

And while everyone generally points the finger at the agent, it is predominantly the market itself that drives the outcome. Consumers can easily have a false perception of the market through misinformation and wrongly believing that every headline relates to their own micro-market, for example. In a red hot market such as Sydney has experienced, you have satisfied sellers and frustrated buyers. In many cases, auctions attracted huge numbers of registered bidders. For every 10 registered bidders, nine will miss out. In markets that have been damaged by the mining and minerals downturn, you have sellers with properties worth far less than what they paid for them. It is the real estate agent that usually has the job of breaking that news. In the CoreLogic survey, 34 per cent said their real estate agent’s service had either underwhelmed or angered them. Not all agents have the ability to make everyone feel good but the really good agents stand the best chance. That’s because the best agents can make even the ‘losers’ feel good. This is not a trick but a matter of being honest and delivering a better service, which generally occurs because the agent accesses regular, quality, professional development. So what are the 30-odd per cent of agents doing wrong? Whatever it is they must address it and lift their game. They must be 100 per cent committed to their professional development, seek out the best and be engaged. Like every industry, real estate has its bad eggs – but this is a very small

It is easy for anyone to deliver good news. Often the real estate agent needs to deliver the ‘bad’ but deliver it they must, because only then is there honesty and trust.

percentage because the industry is extremely regulated at all levels and the bad eggs get caught out. So they should; and depending on the severity of their wrong doing, possibly removed! The Core Logic survey identified that agents needed to demonstrate honesty from the get-go to build customer trust, which comes through regular communication, and dependable and accountable behavior. It is easy for anyone to deliver good news. Often the real estate agent needs to deliver the ‘bad’ but deliver it they must, because only then is there honesty and trust. The good news is that I personally see and hear ample stories where consumers applaud agents for good service and good results; and strangely, a lot who say they don’t trust real estate agents will also say that they are very happy with their own agent. Perhaps it is the perceived but unknown ‘untrustworthy smoothtalking self-interested agent’ who they wouldn’t recommend! Overall, we are an industry of skilled professionals who give to our communities, deliver to our clients and customers and receive good support from our peers and the industry itself. We should be unequivocally associated with trust. I’d like to see any future survey reflect that. | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Network News

Welcome to RE/MAX The past 12 months have been busy with growth in our New Zealand and Australian RE/MAX networks. Since the last edition of VIEW we have welcomed many new members and six new offices in New Zealand including at Invercargill, Papatoetoe, Te Awamutu, Tauranga, Warkworth, Dannemora and Dunedin. Other offices have expanded, relocated and celebrated special occasions, including RE/MAX Premier, RE/MAX Elite, RE/MAX Country and RE/MAX VIP Realty.

After four years in property management, Rasheed Muhammed & Nazia Ali opened RE/MAX Property in Papatoetoe and six months later have expanded their business into residential and commercial sales.

RE/MAX spreads its reach in the Waikato with Broker/Owner Andrew Gibson adding RE/MAX Country, Te Awamutu to the group.

Serious about property.


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

Broker/Owner Sean Synnott expands the RE/MAX presence into Invercargill and Dunedin with his RE/MAX Synrg operation.

RE/MAX Network News

Adding to the RE/MAX presence in Auckland are Frank and Lee Cui of RE/MAX Partners, Flatbush/ Dannemora. Pictured are Broker/Owner Frank Cui and RE/MAX New Zealand General Manager Corinna Mansell upon signing.

RE/MAX Premier is celebrating its presence on the North Shore with its sleek new office, as pictured here.

Broker/ Owner Darren Young launches into the Bay of Plenty opening RE/MAX One, Tauranga.

RE/MAX Country has expanded the Cambridge office, taking over a second space in the building. What a change in a year! The RE/MAX Country team has grown from four members to an outstanding 19. Birthday celebrations were in order for the office’s 1st year anniversary.

RE/MAX Elite took over the street and celebrated the expansion of the offices to include property management. The celebrations were captured by the local press.

Broker/Owner Kris Hagena celebrated the opening of RE/MAX VIP Realty in May last year with her team and their partners.

Welcoming RE/MAX Realty Group in Warkworth is Corinna Mansell, General Manager RE/MAX New Zealand (left standing), Shawna Gilbert, from RE/MAX LLC in Denver (right standing) RE/MAX New Zealand Managing Director Michael Davoren (right seated) with Broker/Owners, Ben and Nola Kloppers. | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Network News

Team rewarded with a bit of ‘funny money’ What can you do if you want to reward your real estate agents and administration team for all their hard work, commitment and achievements through the year but you want to move away from the ‘same old’? Garry and Maree Malcolm play out this great initiative in their RE/MAX Team Realty business. At the start of each year, they print a whole load of ‘funny money’. Every listing, vendor-funded marketing and sale that an agent gets attracts a certain amount of this ‘funny money’. The administration team receives the funny money as well. Staff bring their accumulated ‘savings’ to a mystery auction night held biannually at a New Plymouth hotel. Partners are invited as well and RE/MAX Team Realty provides a full service meal. Garry and Maree secure a variety of prizes, which are individually wrapped, numbered and placed at the front

RE/MAX brings dazzling performance to the local stage You wouldn’t generally think of real estate and musical harmony going hand-in-hand but RE/MAX Initial Realty brought the two together when it sponsored the Barbershop World Champions’ South Island tour in August last year. Musical Island Boys, four lads from Wellington, New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia, is the barbershop quartet that won the 2014 international Barbershop Harmony Society’s International Quartet Championship, having beaten a field of over 50 of the best quartets in the world in Las Vegas.


VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

of the function room. Some they purchase and others are donated, such as the prize pack consisting of two tickets to the RE/MAX New Zealand Annual Awards and a night at the Stamford given by RE/MAX New Zealand finance director, Chris Chapman. The staff then bid with their ‘funny money’ for an envelope with a secret number inside, so they have no idea what they are bidding for. A few ‘trick’ prizes are thrown in as well. It has proved a tremendous incentive program for the year, which gains momentum as the months pass, not to mention a great deal of fun!

2004, with just three sales agents and one administrator. The team has grown to 19 sales agents and three administrators. Garry was four-times awarded RE/MAX New Zealand Broker Owner of the Year and RE/MAX International Broker Owner of the Year for 2013. RE/MAX Team Realty has been Top Individual Office for RE/MAX New Zealand for nine consecutive years. His team is a RE/MAX New Zealand ‘Most Productive Office’ award recipient, and initiatives like the annual Mystery Auction, which help create an enthusiastic, positive work environment, play a big part in that.

Garry and Maree opened RE/MAX Team Realty in New Plymouth in July

Musical Island Boys is a cappella quartet, who members combine fourpart harmonic excellence with the class and elegance of their Pacific roots, delivering high-energy performances to audiences worldwide. The quartet has received countless national and international barbershop awards, and is a three-time National Barbershop Quartet champion, smashing New Zealand record books each time they have competed. The boys won Gold at the 2004 Pan Pacific Competition, and in 2006 made history, securing World Championship U25 Gold in Indianapolis, being the first quartet from outside of the United States to capture the prestigious trophy. More than 500 people packed the St Margaret College Auditorium for a great concert from what is considered one of the most distinctive and unique quartets in the world today.

The venue and the program was adorned with RE/MAX branding, flags and banners. RE/MAX Initial Realty’s company photographer videoed the show, which can be viewed at the link: watch?v=ZWXeGoMsByQ RE/MAX Initial Realty’s director Murray Irvine is a great fan of barbershop harmonies and is known to exercise his own vocal chords in the musical craft. When not selling real estate, Murray can be found enjoying working the family vineyard or singing barbershop harmony with the Canterbury Plainsmen.

RE/MAX Network News

RE/MAX goes ringside In Taupo, RE/MAX makes an appearance in what some might seem an unlikely place: emblazoned across boxers’ backsides! Enter Zero Risk King of the Ring, three RE/MAX Pinnacle agents and the RE/MAX Red Team. The fourth King of the Ring in the history of the event, which runs every second year, was held at the Taupo Events Centre in December. RE/MAX came on board as sponsor this year. The RE/MAX Pinnacle connection occurs through Gavin Nicholson, who helps train the boxers, and injured boxer Lane McSkimming, who helps in the ring at each event.

Thank you to Matt Jordan, of Jordan Creatives, for the striking photos that appear on this page. See more about Jordon Creatives at and view the whole gallery of the event on the Jordan Creatives Facebook page.

“Lane has the difficult job of helping the ring girls get in and out of the ring between each round,” laughs RE/MAX Pinnacle’s Shaun Brennan. “It is an awesome event, and was great to see the RE/MAX Red Team win,” he said. Lane, who is from a boxing family, boxed when he was young in Central Otago. Gavin has coached Lane’s son Shannon for around nine years. “Picking up an injury one week out of our first Charity Night was not cool timing, so getting the ring duties job was a small consolation,” Lane says. Shaun describes the event as non-stop boxing and entertainment, with a great band for dancing in between bouts. “More than 1400 people attended the last one and we all paid $250 a seat for a great night. The event has raised over $1.4 million over four years, and they always seem to find 16 locals plus reserves to take part in the fights.” Lane explained that Shannon, at 56kg, has won five National Titles, five New Zealand Golden Gloves and over 40 fights, with Gavin as his corner in all of these.

RE/MAX came on board as sponsor this year.

Shannon has also represented New Zealand in two World Boxing Championships in Kazakhstan and Armenia. Lane was the New Zealand team manager on both these trips. “Overseeing six New Zealand teenagers on the world boxing stage was an honour, and they were amazing trips for all of us.” He said he and Gavin were both part of the initial meeting to run the Zero Risk King of The Ring, at which the event director, Brent Marshall, approached the local boxing gym with his dream and vision, and asked for its help in training the boxers. “The rest is history as they say. “To raise over $413,000 for local charities in just one night shows how much the community loves this event. It was good to see the RE/MAX on the shorts for every fight.” | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Events

RE/MAX Momentum empowers business owners RE/MAX New Zealand has a program for its franchise owners that is designed for business mastery and growing thriving businesses. Championing Momentum are RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand director Joel Davoren, RE/MAX New Zealand general manager Corinna Mansell, RE/MAX New Zealand business development manager Garry Malcolm, RE/MAX New Zealand’s Jasmine Rimmer and RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand’s Melanie Marsh. Corinna and Garry, who facilitate Momentum in New Zealand, participated in the first Australian program in August last year and have been immersed in the program’s content. The two facilitate the program over an initial two training days with constant follow-up occurring as individual business profiles are developed over a three-month period. There is a third training day and again, follow up. “Momentum is a 12-month program of commitment rather than three days in a training room and participants have access to on-line course material,” Garry explains, “and because Momentum is a ‘train the trainer’ program skilling business owners, this includes access to a 12-module complete agent development program. “Skill training around leadership is very often neglected in our industry and this program is designed to address this. I am pleased to be helping both current business owners looking to get to the next level and new business owners who want to develop the leadership skills required to grow a thriving business.”


business owners how to develop these systems,” says Garry. “The planning module explores establishing each participant’s personal office culture, mission and vision to promote office growth. The value phase guides them to discover their office’s unique value and learn how to communicate that to their people. Through the recruiting module, they develop a definitive plan for successful recruiting.” He says that it’s really only a small percentage of real estate businesses that are truly thriving. “Momentum drives business owners to identify where they are at in their

What I’ve really realised in this programme is what we weren’t doing before. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. It’s what every company needs to start growing.

Broker owners like Darren Young, Jeff Brill and Andrew Gibson are heavily implementing the Momentum program into their businesses. The RE/MAX mission statement is direct and to the point: to be the worldwide real estate leader, achieving its goals by helping others to achieve theirs. RE/MAX New Zealand is the right place for real estate entrepreneurs who want a combination of independence, support and unmatched competitive advantages. The Momentum program is proving one of these advantages.

As a franchise group, RE/MAX New Zealand is constantly trying to add value. Momentum is unique in the way its three elements come together. Jeff Brill, Firstly, it is delivered through a RE/MAX Premier consultative process with business owners. Secondly, it provides the tools and resources including financial, organizational and operational business and what they need to do to business planning templates. Thirdly, either remain as a thriving business there is a serious process to keep or to transform their business from program participants on course. merely surviving to thriving.

A successful business owner, he says, is someone who can walk away from their business and come back to a better business than it was before. “That’s what systemization delivers.”

Momentum is comprehensive. Its three key modules of planning, value and recruitment are broken down into clearly defined and manageable practices – providing a turnkey operating system for offices.

He accepts that the program may challenge some as they are forced to take an honest look at their own business as well as their business-life plan.

“Systems drive businesses and people drive systems. Momentum shows our

RE/MAX business owners have described Momentum as revolutionary for the real estate franchise industry

VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

and vastly different to past business training they had experienced because of the long-term commitment to and from participants. They recognise that Momentum is very different to the usual lecture-based courses and that the continual monitoring of participants when back in their businesses is dedicated follow-up that makes you totally accountable.

Momentum, which is exclusive to RE/MAX, empowers offices to increase profitability by adding value for their existing and new agents, and it is a different and exciting way to spread the positive impact RE/MAX can have on agents’ careers.

Systems drive businesses and people drive systems.

RE/MAX Events

(Left to right) Garry Malcolm, Andrew Gibson, Darren Young, Cui Li, Alicia Li, Corinna Mansell, Nola Kloppers, Ben Kloppers, Jeff Brill and Alfred De Silva at Momentum in Auckland, November 2015

Momentum facilitator Corinna Mansell

“It takes us to a different level” – Darren Young, RE/MAX One

Momentum facilitator, Garry Malcolm | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Feature

How to win with Chinese buyers It may all come down to the position of the bed! By Andrew Taylor, co-founder of When Liang Mei wanted to buy a Melbourne apartment for her aging father, it had to be in the suburb of Box Hill, which already had many Chinese-speaking residents, services and clubs. That would make it easier for him to develop a network of friends and it was not too far from Mrs Liang’s home in Richmond. Best of all, the area has good feng shui. Being about halfway up a hill, the suburb has especially good feng shui. If your home is at the bottom of a slope, some say you stay at the bottom in life and don’t progress. If your home is on the peak, then there is no room for further progress. Feng shui is not important to all offshore and local buyers of


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Chinese background, but for many it can break a deal. One survey found that feng shui makes a difference to 83 per cent of ethnicChinese homebuyers. More than three-quarters are willing to offer an average of 16 per cent more for good feng shui. Some houses and apartments can’t be fixed. For example, if the stairs face out the front door, the consequence is that all luck will flow right through the door and out of the house. It’s not easy to rearrange a staircase. Homes at the end of a dead-end street or with the front and rear doors aligned have little appeal. Often, feng shui problems can be corrected and a house or apartment can be made more desirable. The feng shui goal is to create a calm, harmonious environment that improves the flow of positive

energy and outcomes. This occurs through layout, furniture placement, plants and other decor elements. Simple ways to improve the feng shui of any home include cleaning up clutter, carefully placing mirrors (for example, not opposite a bed) and painting in complementary colors. If a bed is in the ‘death position’, with its foot pointing at the door, you can usually just relocate it. This seemingly minor change can have major impact on sales prospects. Forty-one per cent of surveyed ethnic Chinese buyers indicated a badly-oriented bed would discourage them from buying a home. Other improvements vendors might make include repainting kitchens in complementary colors, adding live plants and a full-length mirror to the bathroom, and rearranging furniture.

If you don’t believe in your own capability to advise your vendor The feng shui goal about feng shui, there are many is to create a calm, consultants who can help. Consider including the cost of feng shui harmonious environment consulting in your marketing plan, that improves the flow and ensure the consultant works of positive energy and with your stager or stylist towards outcomes. the same goal.

RE/MAX Feature

Ben reads his buyers Ben Jones joined RE/MAX Pinnacle at Royal Oak in 2008 and quickly made a name for himself through his talent in building relationships. Last year RE/MAX announced Ben winner of the Top Sales Award, inaugural winner of the Business Growth Award and recipient of a Diamond Award, which is the highest annual commissionbased accolade in the RE/MAX system. When RE/MAX LLC releases its prestigious international rankings, Ben regularly figures in the Top 100 residential sales associates. You have been described as having ‘explosive energy’. Why do you think people say so? Ha-ha, really? I hope that’s a good thing! I guess I’m just passionate about real estate and I genuinely love the industry too. It’s natural for me to be excited when I’m helping people. I have lots of fun getting deals together and really enjoy the personalities in this industry. Can you explain how you tap into the psychology of buyers? I just try and put the buyer’s hat on each time! Before I show them anything, I invest some time trying to listen to them, questioning and qualifying their needs so as to ensure they match the property in question. I find if I spend that time up front, it significantly reduces the time I then need to spend in achieving their result. You are a regular – and often the only - New Zealand sales agent to appear in the RE/MAX international ranking. What do you think this reflects? My office is constantly analysing my business and how it can be more efficient, reminding me to say no to time-consuming unproductive and unprofitable work, and to refer work that’s not the best use of my time. Sometimes our changes work and sometimes they don’t; but, importantly, we’re always making changes and improvements in the pursuit of growth. The rankings are a fun way of gauging our own personal journeys and motivating ourselves to grow.

Agents beginning their real estate career will look to you as a role model. What advice can you give them? Every good agent I’ve ever meet works very, very hard. You can only do that if you love what you do. So make sure you have fun! And remember to enjoy the journey. Look to what the good agents in your own area, office and industry do and just replicate it with your own personality; and positively, you really don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

around my two-year-old daughter and watching and experiencing her growing up. I’m pretty fortunate to have been able to do that, as few people with full time jobs can.

... make sure you have fun! And remember to enjoy the journey.

There is no instant gratification when you start in real estate. Unfortunately it will take time, but if you’re consistent now and invest your time, I promise you will find compounding returns later in your career. You have worked both remotely and directly from the Royal Oak office. Which suits you best? Working remotely allows me to work with the RE/MAX system which really suits my type of business in an area that’s not serviced by a physical office. Personally, I like that as it means I’m not tied up with any time-consuming administration and meetings, which means I can really focus more on being productive. However, the very best thing about being able to work from home has been having the chance to be | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Feature

Real estate and finance: together Geoff Bawden, New Zealand Property Finance (NZPF) Manager, explains why the two should be linked. New listings, customer retention and maximising commission are the three phrases in real estate that gain attention; yet, time and time again, I watch as we knowingly put these things at risk. I ask myself why do we do that? The answer I think is simple. It is because we are creatures of habit and we tend to fall back to the way we have always done things because we get busy, we don’t want to rock the boat and it feels safe. Put simply, if we don’t embrace change and dare to be different, nothing changes. We don’t talk to our buyers about finance because we are scared. Scared they will think we are being too pushy and scared we will lose them. I say

that if we are not actively promoting finance options with our clients, we do run the risk of losing them. If we leave the purchaser to their own devices, we are setting ourselves up to fail and, importantly, we are putting our client relationships at risk. What about our vendors? Don’t we owe it to them to do the best job we can in selling their home. We have a ready market of buyers going through our open homes. We could be preapproving so that when we list, we can call on those people as a potential match to the property we are selling. Think about the positive impact that could have when we are asking a vendor to place their faith in us. What a powerful tool that could become. Finally, what about the deals we lose because we left the financing of a purchase to chance? How can we possibly know that all options for funding are being actively pursued if we haven’t taken control of that process? How much more grateful would a client be if we are seen to provide tangible help to get them into a home?

You may have heard me talk about Countrywide in the UK. They used to be known as a real estate company but they now refer to themselves as the UK’s largest property services group. That is because they have fully integrated their sales and finance activity. They understand the value of a ‘one stop solution’. Countrywide doesn’t sell mortgages and other related services just to make a buck. Sure it wants to do that, but more importantly it understands the value it creates by ring-fencing and protecting its customer base from its competitors, and the edge it can create for itself through loan preapproval and fully integrating real estate and finance together. It requires a mind-shift. You might want to think about that next time you run an open home.

Geoff Bawden, New Zealand Property Finance (NZPF) Manager

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RE/MAX Feature

Getting to know you… Niki Bell, RE/MAXnet Support Manager, RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand Niki began her real estate career in 1999 and joined RE/MAX the year after. In July last year, she was appointed to RE/MAXnet Support Manager and is the person RE/MAX members turn to when they want to get the most out of the custom-built software system that is designed to help business bottom line. How and when did you discover your interest in real estate? I was lucky enough to be offered a job right out of high school with a real estate agency. After four years with them, I was offered a role with RE/MAX Bayside Properties and have been in varied administration roles with RE/MAX ever since. I joined the Head Office team, which was always my end goal, in October 2010. What have been some of your most memorable moments since becoming part of RE/MAX? I have always enjoyed being part of the annual awards. When in an office, it meant the world to me to watch my agents getting up on stage being

recognised for their efforts, knowing that I had something to do with their success! Joining the corporate team brings a whole new meaning to the annual awards, but I still love it and have NEVER missed one since I joined RE/MAX in 2002. What would be involved in an average working week? I take many calls each day from our members looking for support with the RE/MAXnet system. I get to go out regularly to visit our offices and do onsite training with our Broker Owners and their staff. Also, each month I handle the franchise returns. What aspects of your role give you greatest pleasure? I love being able to interact with our wonderful members, either over the phone, via Skype or in-person in their own office. It’s the weekend. Work does not beckon. How would you be most likely to spend your time? My family are water people so we

would be out on the boat fishing or we would be over at our favourite place, our boat club on South Stradbroke Island. Why did you choose this photograph? ‘My Family’ - It’s who I am. This was the morning my beautiful family surprised me for Mother’s Day and took me horse riding. It was a magical day that I will never forget. Something people may not know about you unless we tell them… Most people that are close to me know that I live with Multiple Sclerosis. I believe that I am an extremely strongwilled person and although I have Multiple Sclerosis, it does not have me! I try to never let it get me down so I can enjoy every precious minute that I have with my family.

“I love being able

to interact with our wonderful members. | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Network News

Chris runs, rides and swims in the windy city RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand Finance Director Chris Chapman ran a good race in September 2015 when he completed an Olympic distance triathlon in Chicago, on the stunning Lake Michigan. The event was the World Age Group Championships, which is held in five year age brackets. The distance is known as Standard Distance, or Olympic Distance, because it is the distance raced at Olympic Games: a 1500 metre swim, a 40 kilometre bike ride and a 10 kilometre run. Chris qualified for the event by making the top ten in the New Zealand National Championships back in March last year. Chris says the fact he finished in the back half of the field was not surprising given the very high standard. For him, the rewards came from just being there and continuing the improvements he’s made in the past two years since he began training semi seriously. “The great thing about triathlon age group racing is that it is never too late to start. For me the races are fun and provide a goal, but I enjoy the training too and the health benefits that come with that.

“Training takes time and effort, and for me is usually done early in the morning throughout the week and on weekends. “I often squeeze a second workout in at lunchtime or in the evening. “This does affect other things in life so you have to be sensible about it and be prepared to compromise. “To keep perspective, I try to remember the reasons I do it, which are fun and fitness.” Chris says that he will continue to train and compete in local races but plans to focus on some other projects at home and at work before setting his next big triathlon goal.

“It has really highlighted the benefits of planning, consistency, and execution; and these apply not just to sport, but business and home life too,” said Chris.

To keep perspective, I try to remember the reasons I do it, which are fun and fitness.


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RE/MAX Events

Greatest show on earth Professional development facilitator, Jasmine Rimmer, has produced a powerful research tool that gives RE/MAX members access to every event and training offering from RE/MAX New Zealand and RE/MAX LLC (global headquarters) available to them in 2016. Simply named Professional Development 2016, the flip book is a living electronic document. While its content is constantly being updated, a live link takes RE/MAX members to the most up-to-date version. One of the greatest benefits of the flip book is its numerous links to video, which is access that can’t be incorporated in hard copy. Content is broken up into sections covering member roles, areas of specialization such as commercial, project marketing and auction; a great many webinars to access from your desk; and resources available to RE/MAX including New Zealand Property Finance, events management and public relations. With the PDF flip book, it’s always show time!

Standout employees recognised

Employee of the Quarter (July to September 2015), Jasmine Rimmer.

Three special employees were recognised through the second half of 2015 when Managing Director, Michael Davoren, announced two Employee of the Quarter recipients and the 2015 Employee of the Year for RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand. Auckland-based Jasmine Rimmer, Member Services Coordinator for RE/MAX New Zealand, was Employee of the Quarter for July to September 2015. Brisbane-based RE/MAX Professional Development Manager, Melanie Marsh, was Employee of the Quarter for October to December 2015. And off to the RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas in March is the 2015 Employee of the Year recipient, Marketing & Communications Manager Aimee Doherty, who is also based in the Brisbane corporate office. Earlier in 2015, RE/MAX Australia’s Regional Operations Manager, Kathy Boots, had been awarded for the June quarter.

Employee of the Quarter (October to December 2015), Melanie Marsh with Michael Davoren

Off to the RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas in March is the 2015 Employee of the Year recipient, Marketing & Communications Manager Aimee Doherty.

2015 Employee of the Year recipient, Aimee Doherty with Michael Davoren | Issue 1-16


RE/MAX Events

RE/MAX proudly supporting Variety - The Children’s Charity

New Zealand kids to benefit from RE/MAX charity decision In October 2015, RE/MAX New Zealand announced its partnership with Variety - The Children’s Charity and its commitment to this official charity of choice. All real estate offices and team members are encouraged to support Variety, and the great cause the Variety team works towards every day, by taking an entrepreneurial approach to fund-raising that befits the RE/MAX culture. RE/MAX offices and members have many options in their choice of support initiatives, and Variety has

many existing programs that can work with office and member needs. Variety assists individual RE/MAX offices in their fund-raising endeavours wherever possible, including having a representative at events. “RE/MAX New Zealand is very excited to be partnering with Variety”, said General Manager Corinna Mansell. “Our offices and individuals can involve themselves in numerous

fundraising activities across any year, and the money they raise will make a difference,” Corinna said.

Very soon after the relationship was cemented, RE/MAX Pinnacle at Royal Oak held a golf day followed by a RE/MAX New Zealand charity auction, with all proceeds is very excited to be donated to Variety, and many offices have plans well underway for partnering with Variety... fundraising activities this year.

ABOUT VARIETY - THE CHILDREN’S CHARITY Variety - The Children’s Charity is a champion for Kiwi kids; and with one in four New Zealand children growing up in deprivation, its work is essential. Every year the Variety team helps over 13,000 local children to have brighter futures. Variety offers Kiwi kids, and their families, targeted, flexible support to meet their specific needs. They help by providing the basic necessities, much-needed medical equipment and life-changing mobility needs, and also by making innovative educational initiatives possible. Variety works alongside schools, community agencies and healthcare professionals, tackling child deprivation so that one by one, Kiwi kids who urgently need our life-changing assistance are set up to reach their full potential in life. For more information visit


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RE/MAX Highlights

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broker/owners The Momentum programme is in full swing for 2016. An absolute game changer for our Broker/Owners.

RE/MAX Professional Development: another great reason to be part of RE/MAX RE/MAX New Zealand is committed to the professional and personal development of its members and provides many options throughout the year. It teams up with Imagine Experiences, a professional creative team of event management specialists, to deliver its very special events. 2016 is full of training and events options. The complete Events Calendar is in the RE/MAX Professional Development brochure, which is available from the RE/MAX New Zealand corporate office and on Global Training. Meanwhile, here are some highlights:

march Set to be the biggest attendance from RE/MAX Australasia thus far, the R4 Las Vegas convention is bound to be a highlight for our members and kick the year off with a bang. The MGM Grand Hotel is host to the five-day international RE/MAX convention, an event not to be missed. Look out for the various sales training and fire-up sessions starting in March and property management in April. With both internal and external trainers, and varied topics focusing on anything from VPA to auctions or processing stock, make sure to look out for the upcoming events communication to book in!

may Webinars are a-plenty this month, with the first of the Global Training/ RESAAS sessions taking place. Mainstreet and Why RE/MAX webinars will follow.

june The Platinum-Plus Retreat is set to be another great event for our high achievers. It’s held on the gorgeous Hamilton Island in Queensland.

Watch out for these events - in the second half of 2016 Induction Days, RE/MAX Rally, Asia Pacific Convention, Broker Retreat and more project marketing sessions.

So, there’s something for everyone. Experience RE/MAX to the MAX! | Issue 1-16



Retired gentleman looking for grand old lady for rejuvenation Find your perfect property.


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