VIEW - The RE/MAX NZ Magazine

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The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

Edition 2-15 |

“RE/MAX rises as network of choice” | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX Contents



Nobody in the World Sells More Real Estate than RE/MAX!

RE/MAX New Zealand Regional Team


RE/MAX New Zealand


P. +64 9 309 8478 F. +64 9 309 8479 E. Level 1, 70 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland 1010 PO Box 11331, Ellerslie, Auckland 1542 Managing Director: Michael Davoren Finance Director: Chris Chapman Franchise Director: Keith Walker

front cover: The RE/MAX balloon rises above Hamilton 03

Message from the Managing Director

events 14 Knowledge is power


From the General Manager’s desk

15 Platinum + forum for high achievers

feature 05 Getting to know you: Chris Chapman news from the network 06 Welcome to RE/MAX 08

Marketing campaign deserves high accolades


RE/MAX presence felt on course and court

feature 12 RE/MAXnet Touchpoints Manager: serving more effectively

“RE/MAX rises as network of choice”


Director: Joel Davoren

VIEW The RE/MAX New Zealand Magazine

feature 16 Q&A with Jeff Bracegirdle, #1 commercial team leader awards 19 RE/MAX New Zealand scores highly on global stage 20 Reserve Bank changes to LVR lending ratios - what do they mean? 21

How to sell regional real estate to Chinese buyers

General Manager: Corinna Mansell Business Development: Garry Malcolm Member Services: Coordinator: Jasmine Rimmer Office Administration Manager: Sharon Crossen Public Relations: Lyn Cox

VIEW Submissions for RE/MAX New Zealand VIEW can be sent to Jasmine Rimmer E. Deadline for submissions – 1 December 2015 VIEW editor: Lyn Cox VIEW design: Honor Lock

news from the network 22 Global news

Copyright © 2015 RE/MAX New Zealand. All rights reserved. The materials herin may not be duplicated, copied or reproduced – in whole or in part – in any way without written permission. View magazine is provided to RE/MAX Affiliates as one of many benefits. The opinions of guest contributors and interviewed guests are their own and not necessarily those of RE/MAX New Zealand, or its affiliates, or any of its owners, officers, employees or agents. While every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information it contains, neither the publishers, authors nor their employees, can be held liable for inaccuracies, errors or omission. Readers should not rely on this newsletter as a substitute for professional advice.

Message from the Managing Director

From the Managing Director RE/MAX is figuring as network of choice 2015 is turning out to be a massive year for growth in RE/MAX networks through Australia and New Zealand. At the end of June, the RE/MAX presence extends beyond 110 offices and we will swell our ranks further through the second half of the year. It is vitally important within the framework of this expansion to make sure our strategic plan is the best for our market, the industry and our clients, who in this case are our franchisees. People, the human resources, are the lifeblood of any strategic plan. Earlier this year, we reviewed the five main pillars with the intent of harnessing the greatest strengths in the human resources we have. We identified ‘champions’ who would uphold the pillars’ principles and implement appropriate action going forth. 1. Growth: Australia - Franchise Director, Keith Walker. New Zealand General Manager, Corinna Mansell 2. Marketing and Communications: Marketing and Communications Manager, Aimee Doherty 3. Professional Development: Professional Development Manager, Melanie Marsh 4. Technology: Finance Director, Chris Chapman, and REMAXnet Support Manager, Niki Bell 5. And Fun: This won’t need a champion if we uphold 1, 2, 3 and 4! This structure will allow both the human and other resources to be better utilized over our two countries with a number of these people involved in their portfolios on both sides of the Tasman, though there will be plenty of localized development and implementation as well. And ‘champions’ do not stand alone; behind them exist committed and skilled teams.

Training numbers has been another outstanding area of growth. There is a thirst for professional development and self-improvement that is highly visible and quantifiably growing. Markets are changing and people working in our industry are recognizing more than ever that they need to skill up and be at the top of their game. People are saying: Just because I’ve been in real estate for 15 years, I can’t just assume I can match it with the new sales agents, property managers, finance brokers and administrators coming into the industry. Many of these ‘newbies’ come highly qualified. Fortunately, RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand offer packed professional development programs, plus there is the massive RE/MAX global training offering to tap into as well through RE/MAX University.

“Earlier this year, we reviewed the five main pillars with the intent of harnessing the greatest strengths in the human resources we have. ” Globally In July, there was strong Australian/ New Zealand delegation to the inaugural RE/MAX Asia-Pacific Rim conference in Singapore. This was an opportunity for real estate business owners and agents from the 13 regions involved – Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Guam, Korea, China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka and Mongolia - to form relationships and forge agent-toagent links across countries. And a reminder to our members outside the ‘big two’ markets: Asian investor interest is not restricted to Sydney and Auckland alone!

The Market Both Australia and New Zealand are confronted with major centre problems – in Sydney and Auckland – with the Reserve Banks in both countries trying to prevent property booms in these city markets from getting out of control. It is difficult to introduce effective legislation that won’t be detrimental to other parts of the property landscape. Outside of these major centres, both countries have many examples of greatly improving real estate markets. In both countries, business confidence is growing and interest rates are low or at a record low, and, as the marketplace responds, this points to a strong real estate market for the foreseeable future. Market activity is broad. The upper end of the market is moving, with industry reports of auction volumes and results showing this. An example from the RE/MAX ranks is Juana Bernado with a massive auction month in May where four out of four properties sold under the hammer and the $3.715 million event had 27 registered bidders.

I wish you all a very productive and rewarding second half of the year, personally and professionally. Make the most of the enormous quantity of RE/MAX resources available and stay up-to-date on offerings through your monthly Regional Update. I’ll leave you with my regular message: ‘Happy selling, happy managing, happy administering….’ | Issue 2-15


Message from the General Manager

From the General Manager’s desk… It has been a six-month period of highlights on the RE/MAX New Zealand calendar. Since the summer edition of VIEW, we’ve welcomed the following new offices - RE/MAX Pinnacle in New Lynn, RE/MAX Property in Papatoetoe and RE/MAX SYNRG opened in Alexander to replace the Cromwell office. By the end of June we added RE/MAX VIP Realty in Rangiora and RE/MAX SYNRG expanded into Invercargill. RE/MAX New Zealand also has a great presence through remote sales operations in Tauranga, Whangarei, Taupo and Bulls. Thinking back to February, if you did not attend that RE/MAX Rally you missed a packed trade area with over 15 suppliers offering great conference specials and giveaways and a full day program highlights included keynote speaker Cam Colkoen, Nick Redstone from Make-A-Wish and from RE/MAX New Zealand, Lynne Stevens and Ricky Ali on the Platinum Plus Panel. February also celebrated the RE/MAX New Zealand annual awards, which you can read more about in this edition of VIEW. Congratulations to all the outstanding achievers. Outstanding performances continued for RE/MAX New Zealand, which was placed third for Global Franchise Sales in the RE/MAX International Premier League Division at the R4 International Convention and Jeff Bracegirdle from RE/MAX Pinnacle took out the top spot globally for gross commission in commercial sales for a team. It was such a privilege to be at the R4 International Convention to hear these awards announced, and to visit RE/MAX HQ in Denver, which is an amazing ten-storey-plus building with multiple training areas, a recording studio and offices for the all the marketing, technology, PR and customer relations teams. Although this building is a serious piece of real estate, there was such spirit and life that radiated throughout.


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The Global Referral Exchange at R4 is definitely one of the reasons you should attend next year. With countries from all around the world (we are now in 100 countries!), having the chance to have a stand and promote our country, our listings and culture, is a very unique opportunity. Being part of R4 is not only valuable for your business but also for your personal growth. Back home in New Zealand, we have witnessed some fabulous training opportunities in the past few months, including the massively successful Fast Track with Cindy Tate, the three-day Broker Management training days and RE/MAXnet’s Scott Schindler, who toured NZ training sales associates on the time-saving and money-making features of RE/MAXnet. I sincerely encourage everyone to jump in and book when next course dates are released, as the investment in your business is worth it. In May, I attended the REAA Regulator’s Forum meeting in Wellington where 25 leaders in real estate ensured great discussion; and where ten women and 15 men provided a good balance. The Market The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand’s May report had more ups than downs. There was a 5.3 per cent rise in the national median price in the 12 months to April, and while Auckland experienced an 18 per cent rise, the rest of the country was up $3000 compared with the 12 months to April 2014. It is very positive to see regions outside Auckland showing price increases and rising numbers of

It was such a privilege to be at the R4 International Convention... and to visit RE/MAX HQ in Denver.

sales. REINZ reported that Northland, Hawkes Bay and Central Otago Lakes, for example, were seeing solid gains in both price and sales volumes, Waikato and Bay of Plenty were seeing volume growth and Otago and Taranaki had price growth. Auckland, of course, continues to dominate – the result of high demand and poor supply (i.e. very low listings). For April, the national median price was $455,000. Auckland’s median was $720,000. I wish you well as you set your goals on high achievements through the second half of 2015. On a final note, it is welcome to our new Members Service Coordinator, Jasmine Rimmer, as Lauren Bradshaw begins her business venture. Lauren has been a great asset to our network and we wish her well.

Chris with wife Keryn and two daughters Ashley and Jenna

Getting to know you… Chris Chapman, Finance Director, RE/MAX New Zealand & Australia From June 2007 until December 2012, Chris was the Regional Director of RE/MAX New Zealand. He became Finance Director with the management buyout of RE/MAX Australia and New Zealand in December 2012. How and when did you discover your interest in real estate? I found my way into the industry through my accountancy career. I left the world of Chartered Accountancy to become an accountant in business and joined RE/MAX New Zealand in 2006 as the Financial Controller. That’s where it all started for me. What would be involved in an average working week? No two weeks are the same. It’s a broad role where I could be working with regional teams on projects, managing our company finances and accounts, working on regulatory compliance issues, or planning with the Board of Directors. Another big part is working with our RE/MAXnet technology partner, Renet. Right now we are working on plans to really lift the level of service, support and education for RE/MAXnet to help agents get the most from the software.

What aspects of your role give you greatest pleasure? I enjoy RE/MAX broker owners and sales associates coming together for training and events. That’s when you see the power of so much knowledge and experience, and it is what makes the company successful. I especially enjoy seeing new franchise owners getting started. They are the future of the company and it’s exciting to work with them as they build their business plans.

“A few years ago I

discovered triathlons and I’ve just raced my first Ironman.

What have been some of your most memorable moments since becoming part of RE/MAX? That would have to be the RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas. Thousands of RE/MAX agents from all over the world in one place is a pretty big party. No matter what your role in the company or what stage in your career you’re at, at R4 you’ll find like-minded people with experience to share.

If you were granted three wishes to make your professional life easier, what would they be? Mind reading, seeing into the future, and creating more time! It’s the weekend. Work does not beckon. How would you be most likely to spend your time? A few years ago I discovered triathlons and I’ve just raced my first Ironman. Weekends for the last few months were largely spent in training. I’m on a break from that now so making up some time with the family, which includes rides to the playground with younger daughter Jenna and teaching older daughter Ashley to drive. Something people may not know about you unless we tell them… I’m a neat freak and a minimalist. I like everything in its place and enjoy throwing old stuff away. I love cloud computing for that reason. My family are the opposite. They all like to hoard so there’s old toys, books, games, shoes and so on everywhere. If someone loses something, I’m blamed for throwing it away (only true sometimes)! | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX News from the network

Welcome to RE/MAX RE/MAX is proud to introduce and welcome the newest offices and broker/owners to the RE/MAX New Zealand network. 2015 is proving to be a massive year for growth in our New Zealand and Australian RE/MAX networks. Since the summer edition of VIEW, in New Zealand we have welcomed many new members and new offices including RE/MAX Pinnacle at New Lynn, RE/MAX Property in Papatoetoe and RE/MAX SYNRG opened in Alexander to replace the Cromwell office. By the end of June we added RE/MAX VIP Realty in Rangiora and RE/MAX SYNRG expanded into Invercargill.

01 Broker/Owner Kris Hagena opens RE/MAX VIP in Rangiora


02 New look RE/MAX Country where new office and new signage are creating a fresh look for the Cambridge office

02 01a

03 Broker/Owner Sean Synnott expands the RE/MAX SYNRG presence into Invercargill


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RE/MAX News from the network

04 Broker/Owners Karl Finn & Ashok Patel of RE/MAX Pinnacle open another branch in New Lynn

04a 04 05 The proposed look for RE/MAX Initial, Christchurch’s new office

06 06 Broker/Owner Jeff Brill and the RE/MAX Premier team moved offices to a great location on a very busy North Shore road

05 | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX News from the network

Marketing campaign deserves high accolades RE/MAX Elite’s recent marketing campaign has been nothing short of stunning. It has raised the business profile of agents and the office though a series of striking visuals and clever, warm-hearted stories. From seeing the RE/MAX balloon soaring, to reading that ‘a dream home is great, but the right one is better’, to feeling privileged as we are invited into the homes of broker owner Kate Bradley and Elite agents including Pen Rollston, Sharron Wetere and Janice Emery, the campaign had clever appeal to both the viewer/reader’s professional and personal interests. Who couldn’t help a smile when Kate, with heels kicked off and partner Shorty selecting a bottle of wine in the background, says ‘That couch is almost too good’. And who wasn’t feeling Pen’s excitement as she and her cute pooch Sooty sat on the stairs of her nearly completed home, a replacement


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for the one demolished by a redwood in an April storm last year. The campaign pivoted around print advertising in the ‘Nelson Mail’, Nelson’s daily newspaper; ‘Property Press’; ‘Wild Tomato’, a

popular magazine in the Nelson and Marlborough regions with a reputation for great stories, photography and design; and ‘Admire’ magazine, Nelson’s newest lifestyle magazine.

RE/MAX News from the network

Who couldn’t help a smile seeing Kate with heels kicked off and partner Shorty selecting a bottle of wine in the background. | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX News from the network

RE/MAX presence felt on course and court Golfers and tennis players experience RE/MAX Team Reality’s generosity and commitment to local community with Garry Malcolm’s real estate business sponsoring both the Pukekura Tennis Club and the New Plymouth Golf Club. RE/MAX Team Realty supports numerous other local organisations as well, but Garry says the tennis and golf clubs prove particularly successful in engaging with potential customers and clients. He says the sponsorship of both of these clubs is very valuable to RE/MAX and his own business, both from market exposure and the

fact that both clubs draw the brand to the attention of their members on a regular basis. “Many sales and listings have been achieved through these sponsorship deals. “In addition, both clubs make their facilities available to us for fundraising events, such as our annual golf day. “With sponsorships, you need to ensure that any sponsorship package is negotiated to ensure your brand is recognised and has value to both parties. That’s what we’ve achieved well with the Pukekura Tennis Club and the New Plymouth Golf Club,” said Garry.

SYNRG in sync with soccer fans RE/MAX SYNRG sponsors the ‘Wanaka Ninjas’, an under-14’s local soccer team. Wanaka businesses have a very strong tradition of supporting local sport and particularly in sponsoring the various teams ranging from under-5’s to under-18’s.

“Account manager Merlinda’s son, Michael, plays for the Ninja’s. He is a keen athlete who is also doing very well in National tennis competitions and is ranked second in his age group for New Zealand. “We have other parents on the RE/MAX team who have kids that play,

RE/MAX SYNRG director Sean Synnott says the whole soccer programme is a result of a real community effort that involves the participation and support of many. “The kids all play against Cromwell, Alexandra and Queenstown teams and every Sunday they have to be driven to one of those locations by their supportive parents.

‘Wanaka Ninjas’, under 14’s football team


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and kudos to them for getting up early and driving them, often in potentially inclement weather, to watch them play and cheer them along. “We are proud to do what we can at RE/MAX SYNRG to help our local community.”

RE/MAX News from the network

Offering opportunity comes with the business Kate Bradley believes in giving people opportunities, whether it comes to a professional career in real estate or supporting a promising young sportsperson. A recent recruitment drive resulted in four new trainees joining the team at RE/MAX Elite in Nelson. Another two are very likely to follow and take up the opportunity. RE/MAX Elite promoted the traineeship opportunity through advertising in the Nelson Mail, Trade Me and the office Facebook page.

RE/MAX Elite proudly sponsoring Riley Power Sixteen-year-old Riley Power was recently selected by the International Softball Academy (ISA) to represent New Zealand. Riley began to play softball in Nelson when he was approximately eight years old and currently plays as pitcher/batter in the Men’s A-grade for the Stoke Eagles club. In January he pitched for the Upper South Island team at the under-17 National tournament in Hastings. He has also been selected in the New Zealand Junior Black Sox wider training squad for 2015/2016. A team of 17 athletes will be selected from this squad to contest the 2016 Junior Men’s World Championship in Midland Michigan, USA.

Kate Bradley and Riley Power

The children were treated to a ‘real time’ balloon inflation on a grand scale with one of the largest balloons in the country tethered to the ground. The spectacle was both a treat for the school and a celebration for RE/MAX Country as the event was planned to coincide with news of the expansion of the REMAX office in Cambridge. The office almost doubled its current space, which was vitally

VIEW spoke with 48-yearold Nickie Skinner who had just joined RE/MAX Elite following the recruitment drive and was looking forward to selling her first house... and meeting loads more people.

RE/MAX Elite is proud to sponsor Riley.

Is this a career change? Yes. I am from a shipping background.

In addition to supporting Riley, RE/MAX Elite’s sponsorship also extends to a local ‘Fight for Victory’ fundraiser, a movie night fundraiser and the Nelson Hot Rod Club Pre 49’s Run.

Are you a local? Originally from Christchurch, I moved to Nelson nearly three years ago.

RE/MAX Country fires up The iconic RE/MAX hot air balloon was fired up in the grounds of St Peters Catholic School in Cambridge, much to the delight of the pupils and school staff.

RE/MAX Elite Sales Associate, Nickie Skinner

needed after RE/MAX Country grew from three sales people to ten in just seven months. The additional space allows for a more modern reception area, two interview rooms, separate offices for two senior salespeople, a meeting room and a great venue for auctions.

Why did you respond to the RE/MAX Elite advertisement? Because I’ve always liked houses. We’ve built five and bought two. Why do you want to work in real estate? I thought it would be a great change and a chance for personal growth. Also, I need a bit of flexibility in my workplace in regards to my children. Why RE/MAX? I first met Kate when we were looking at houses a few years ago. I remember her energy. I didn’t realise that she was the ‘boss lady’. I liked the ‘nurturing’ feel of the office, and of Kate, when I came and spoke with her in regards to a career in real estate. | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX Feature

RE/MAXnet Touchpoints Manager: serving clients more effectively RE/MAXnet is the CRM Solution for RE/MAX agents, which is powered by Renet. One of its most powerful features is the Touchpoints Manager, which is a system that enables RE/MAX agents to


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quickly and easily add activity notes to contacts and properties in RE/MAXnet. One of the benefits is the powerful reporting that matches potential buyers with properties. One simple property report quickly reveals all potential buyers for the property, drawing on not only their buying criteria, but their open home attendance and e-brochure views. Agents save time by easily tracking and focusing their follow up on

potential buyers, while also having the information to provide meaningful vendor reporting. Best of all, RE/MAXnet - with its Touchpoints Manager - is a great reason for sellers to list with RE/MAX. By including RE/MAXnet as part of a listing presentation, RE/MAX agents can show prospective vendors how they’ll work efficiently and effectively to find the right buyer.

RE/MAX Events

Administrators reminded of their worth RE/MAX New Zealand hosted a very well-received day at its Auckland regional headquarters in May for its real estate office administrators. The event was all about administrators networking with each other, and being finally able to put faces to the voices, names and email correspondence.

(L-R) Chris Chapman, Sharon Crossen, Darren Young, Lara Cairns, Corinna Mansell, Sunjika Ashraf, Esther de Latt & Neil Woolridge

Finance Director Chris Chapman shared RE/MAX history with attendees and was followed by New Zealand General Manager Corinna Mansell with an intriguing session on personality traits.

She told the audience, “You are the first person seen once those office doors are opened. You are the first and last impression for anyone and everyone who walks through those doors”.

RE/MAX members across the globe, as well as providing a refresher on other RE/MAX tools and resources.

Corinna also spoke at length on the value and importance of an office administrator.

She reminded administrators that they are often the ‘glue’ for everyone inside the office, as well as being the ‘glue’ for an office’s processes and efficiency.

Allowing everyone to come together to talk of shared experiences, along with access to resources, helps each individual to grow. This, in turn, will bring success, growth and progress to the business itself.

An administrator’s purpose and role is often underestimated and undervalued but RE/MAX believe they are the ‘gateway to the business culture’ and completely essential in the day-to-day running of an office.

RE/MAX’s Lauren Brayshaw presented the features of RE/MAX Design Centre and RE/MAX University, which is a fully digital world-class training program for

The program also included Mal Barnett of TradeMe Property. | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX Events

Knowledge is power

Garry Malcolm, Boon Yeoh, Gillian Van der Veeken, Neil Woolridge, Emily Coakley, Jeff Brill, Vayle Hammond, Beth Kingsley, Sammy Watts, Corinna Mansell, Esther de Latt, Linda Dobson, Geoff Bawden, Steve Heywood

RE/MAX Business Development Manager and broker owner of RE/MAX Team Realty, Garry Malcolm, hosted 13 of RE/MAX New Zealand’s newest agents in early June at the Auckland regional office for a day that focused around encouraging new agents into the industry, the importance of selfpromotion, client relationships and attitude. Corinna Mansell presents to the group

Finance Director Chris Chapman and General Manager Corinna Mansell presented sessions on RE/MAX history and the recognition and understanding of personality traits, respectively. Victoria McDonald of ABC Photosigns showcased her company’s service and offers available to all RE/MAX offices and agents, and gave advice on how to get the best results out of marketing. RE/MAX’s Lauren Brayshaw presented the several online tools and resources available to agents and spoke on the features of Mainstreet, RE/MAX

University, Design Centre, RE/MAXnet and Global Training as well as both and global.remax. com websites. This was Lauren’s final training delivery with RE/MAX New Zealand before leaving to begin her own business venture. Garry shared his fantastic energy and insight into his own successful business, RE/MAX Team Realty. He stressed the importance in backing yourself: “Tell them how good you are, because no one else will”, he said. Geoff Bawden showcased the service that New Zealand Property Finance provides RE/MAX. He coached the attendees on creating wealth and building their retirement fund through understanding the bottom line, converting dollars into activity, and facing how hard you want to work and for how long.

Garry Malcolm


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Garry then went through the importance of goal setting, selfpromotion, education and loving what you do. He outlined a ‘typical’ year’s total personal and business expenses and the average income needed to break even, and explained to the agents how constant learning and training mixed with the right attitude was a necessity for growth and success. “It’s all about your attitude, which will determine how successful you’re going to be”, he said. “Knowledge is Power” was a constant, reiterated message heard from Garry throughout the day. Overall the day was a great collaborative session where everyone was able to leave feeling eager, full of ideas and equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to make their mark in the real estate Industry.

RE/MAX Events

Platinum +: Better than the best! The inaugural RE/MAX Platinum + Forum was two full days in the five star Sheraton Fiji Resort jam packed with valuable information, guest speakers, informative panels, interactive sessions, relevant data and a fresh insight into issues and topics that those in the real estate industry tackle on a regular basis. The ‘by invitation’ event was the first in the new format annual event for the highest of RE/MAX’s achievers. Keynote speakers were Nikki Heald and Marcus Chiminello. Nikki is Managing Director of Corptraining and a dynamic, highly sought-after corporate trainer, author and presenter. Her special passion is assisting people develop a strong personal brand proposition that conveys confidence, credibility and authenticity. Marcus is widely recognised as one of Australia’s leading agents, selling well in excess of $200 million worth of Melbourne real estate property every year. He specialises in prestige homes and luxury developments, and has been a company Director since 2010.

Day sessions included considerable ‘stretching’ as panels of RE/MAX top performers delivered on three topics: ‘Stretch your mind and your body’ (Chris Chapman, RE/MAX Australia/ New Zealand; Joel Davoren, RE/MAX Australia/New Zealand; and Alicia Wilson, RE/MAX Colonial), ‘Stretch your goals’ (Roxanne Workman, RE/MAX Innovation; George Vuong, RE/MAX Profile; and Lindi Rademeyer, RE/MAX First) and ‘Stretch your comfort zone, stretch your business’ (Justin Miller, RE/MAX Regency; Mark Cheney, RE/MAX Ultimate; and Mark Wecker, RE/MAX Property Shop). In addition, evening functions organised by Imagine Experiences were a fantastic platform to network, relax, exchange ideas and forge new friendships.

RE/MAX Team Realty’s Monique Taylor had this to say:

“WOW! What can I say? Being a first time attendee I feel totally privileged to have been privy to all the amazing information gleaned. Everyone present was more than willing to share their ideas, and their recipe for success. I left just brimming with ideas, feel I have a tonne of direction and clarity, and am super-motivated to take my business to the next level. I would absolutely recommend this forum. (The fact it was held in Fiji and we got to see the Fiji Pro Surf Contest finals weren’t too bad either!). Tara from Imagine Experiences did a fantastic job of organising the event, nothing was missed, and the entire few days was hugely enjoyable. All I can say is – if you get the opportunity to attend, don’t miss it! Thank you RE/MAX for inviting me! The Platinum + Forum is provided exclusively for RE/MAX high achievers. Delegates at this year’s event agree that it is something every RE/MAX agent should strive for and something that every high achiever should attend each and every year. As one simply put it: “No excuses, put it in your diaries.” | Issue 2-15


VIEW takes a stroll on the beach with

Jeff Bracegirdle At the international RE/MAX R4 Convention in Las Vegas this year, Jeff Bracegirdle from RE/MAX Pinnacle, Royal Oak, was announced the Top Team Leader Global Commercial. Over recent years his team of business brokers has ranked the No 1 Team Internationally (outside the USA and Canada) for the sale of commercial property and/or businesses. Jeff initially studied law and commerce at Otago University, the first of many qualifications he has acquired. He joined RE/MAX in 2006.


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RE/MAX Feature

Why were you attracted to RE/MAX? The number one reason was because I would be given the ability to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, in the way I wanted to do it. Without any doubt, this is what motivates most successful agents. It was that freedom to do things the way I want to do them – I guess you might call it the environment in which to release that entrepreneurial spirit – that was for me, by far, the single most important thing that led to my stepping down as the then number one agent in a relatively large corporate organisation and embracing the RE/MAX concept. It is a decision I have never regretted. Prior to joining RE/MAX I worked for a corporate organisation where the philosophical approach to business was, as it is with so many commission-structured organisations, approach focused. It is about the perceived advantages of ‘bums on seats’, the theory being the more commission agents you employ, the more ‘chance’ you have of more sales! Often accompanying the corporate philosophy is the management practice of spreading the sales across as many agents as possible to gain a perceived strategic financial advantage. In most cases the agents’ commission rates are structured in a staggered incremental manner. This can invoke a deliberate strategy to disadvantage the best agents, which might be as simple as allocating enquiries or referrals that come into the office to the less successful agents as opposed to the more successful, higher income earning agents. It is more joke than feasible theory when it comes to business broking. In the business broking world, to consistently generate real business sales that in turn generate real gross commissions into the office, you require agents with experience and requisite level of skills, otherwise those sales and referrals may disappear into thin air. The RE/MAX model, modified and tailored to the New Zealand market, eliminates that internal conflict of competing income objectives. That was probably the second most important feature that first attracted me to RE/MAX.

What role did you come into? I came into what was then the typical RE/MAX residential office environment where the particular franchisee’s encouragement and vision was perhaps the only thing on offer to someone coming from the business sales perspective. If I wasn’t the first business broker to come into the RE/MAX brand in New Zealand, I would certainly have been one of the first. I brought with me an assistant whom I had originally recruited and successfully trained and, literally overnight, both RE/MAX New Zealand management and the franchisee in question discovered how different and how unprepared they really were for embracing this specialist division of commercial sales, with its very different requirements.

of the team members I had recruited over the years were adversely affected by the perceived hard times. The team got smaller, which, in turn, saw my role change yet again. It freed me of a lot of the administrative and managerial commitment required in running such a successful team and allowed me to concentrate on what I discovered I enjoyed the most i.e., sales of businesses.

Has that role changed? From originally introducing business sales to RE/MAX New Zealand’s portfolio of commission sales - and in many cases designing the processes and the procedures required as a result – yes, the role changed. Initially it changed relatively quickly from a role that saw the evolution of a team of business brokers recruited by me and operating under my management umbrella on a day-to-day basis to a team that was recognized internationally by RE/MAX as being the No 1 Commercial Team in the world outside Canada and the USA based upon the sale of commercial property and/or sale of businesses.

That evolution continues even today. I continue to reinvent and redesign what we do in so many ways, ensuring our competitive advantage in the market place gets stronger with time.

“ It was that freedom to do things the way I want

to do them [that attracted me to RE/MAX]...

I cannot recall the numbers back then but it was just as significant an achievement then as it was last year when we took the same award out for the sixth time in eight years! To put that into context there were close to 100,000 RE/MAX agents in more than 6000 offices and 95 countries internationally, and a significant percentage of those offices were either commercial offices or residential offices which had a commercial sales division. With the global financial crisis and resulting recessionary effects, many

Whilst I was always invariably the highest income selling person in the team from day one, last year saw me soar to new heights where I managed to generate something like 95 per cent of gross sales. That was while working for somewhere between eight to nine months of the year and still achieving the No 1 RE/MAX team ranking!

I went from specializing in franchise sales and accolades of having sold possibly the greatest number of particular franchise brands (existing businesses) to heights of personally selling sometimes ten or more businesses a month, to dealing with innovative marketing budgets occasionally of up to $200,000, and through to today where I am a great deal more strategic in focus and much more successful with outcomes. What do you enjoy most about business broking? I think what I enjoy the most is the diversity of the nature of the businesses that I interact with, and ultimately sell, as much I do the freedom to embrace innovation and technology without limitation. I am a creative person by nature and that creativity embraces both my professional accounting and legal background in ways that you would not believe possible. When that combines with my out-of-the-box strategic thinking and cutting edge marketing strategies it is, even for me, not only mind-blowing but also quite motivating in itself. You are no stranger to awards but is there one that really stands out? I would have to say that I enjoy attending the annual RE/MAX | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX Feature

international awards in the US and each year receiving that No 1 Commercial team award. I would also have to say that, as fun and as acknowledging as it might be, at the end of the day it is just history! I am always looking forward to what tomorrow brings in terms of opportunities and challenges. Awards are, for me, simply the foundation upon which future focus and resultant achievements are built. Describe a typical Jeff Bracegirdle day, if there is such a thing? Yes, there is such a thing! Young as I am (at age 65), I do have a plan. It starts with up at 3.45 am every morning; attend to e-mails before going to the gym at 4.40 am where I often visualize (and deal with!) my challenges in the boxing ring. Sometimes this will vary to the cardio equipment etc. I try to leave the gym around 6 to 6.30 am for home, shower and be ready to work by 8 am. I try to finish work between 5 and 6 pm. This is Monday to Friday. The weekends are variable. I do what I want to do on the weekends, but this is


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the time when I have the opportunity to progress the innovative and creative forces within my business and outside my business.

income you will earn in the first year’. If they believed what they told you, they would be prepared to pay you a salary!.

For instance, last weekend I commenced flying lessons and skiing lessons whilst still working on an innovative technological project designed to generate more listings and consulting with an international corporate brand known to you all which I have convinced, I hope, to incorporate business sales into their leading edge software.

Equally ignore the promises about training that many may make. It often means they will show you the administrative processes, even the marketing strategies, that they have shown your failed predecessors. Or worse still, they will pair you up with a buddy broker in a competitive environment where you are in fact the competition.

What advice to you have for people starting out in your field? Know what your goals are. Then align those goals with the industry you are looking to venture into. If you don’t have a ‘professional’ history of some sort in the business, as opposed to having owned a business before, then stop and think very carefully before you venture down this road.

Many of these ‘dinosaurs’ may make outlandish claims to fame while having 500 to 1000 unsold businesses listed on their web site at any one time and often be struggling to sell less than five per cent of these at best! Your listings might attract the same, or worse, success levels!

Know that most of those who have gone before you have failed. Be very careful in making this decision. Ignore the promotional carrots that many will use, such as ‘the minimum level of

Be aware, too, that you live in an era of regulation and consequences! Business broking is a specialized area of expertise. Time will dictate, if you manage to survive, to what level in that specialist field you will rise to.

RE/MAX Awards

RE/MAX New Zealand scores highly on global stage RE/MAX Australia and RE/MAX New Zealand are coming to the fore as powerhouses in the worldwide network. The networks were very well represented both in the conferencing and networking sessions and centre-stage receiving awards at the 2015 RE/MAX R4 Convention, where around 8000 delegates from throughout the world converged on Las Vegas in March. The two took two of the top three spots in a ranking of global regions; RE/MAX Australia outshone its global peers with an amazing marketing campaign; RE/MAX business owners in Robina, Queensland, have global recognition as Broker Owners of the Year; and New Zealander Jeff Bracegirdle held his title of #1 internationally in commercial sales.

administration professionals joining RE/MAX ranks in New Zealand. Twenty-nine RE/MAX New Zealand members were awarded prestigious Club and Career awards. RE/MAX LLC announced its Top 100 residential agents and sales teams for the 2014 calendar year, and its Top 50 commercial agents and sales teams. Jeffery Bracegirdle from RE/MAX Pinnacle, Royal Oak, was ranked #1 commercial team leader outside US and Canada and #13 across the entire RE/MAX network.

Melanie Stevens from RE/MAX Team Realty, New Plymouth was in the international Top 100 Residential Team Leaders, and Benjamin Jones from RE/MAX Pinnacle, Royal Oak, and David Hilliam from RE/MAX Zest in Howick ranked in the international Top 100 Residential Sales Associates. New Zealand and Australian sales team leaders represented thirtytwo per cent of their ranking. RE/MAX has 100,000 agents in 100 countries around the world.

RE/MAX New Zealand was #3 for Franchise Sales, an award which was hotly contested by 55 regions outside US and Canada. RE/MAX New Zealand General Manager Corinna Mansell said the award reflected many positive great moves and achievements for the network with new and established offices engaged in growth strategies, and new sales agents, property managers and

Making movies proves model for global marketing gong RE/MAX Australia collected the RE/MAX world’s Best Marketing Award for its 2014 ‘Make an ad to sell my pad’ campaign and attracted the highest praise from RE/MAX LLC leaders. The 12-week ‘Make an ad to sell my pad’ campaign involved an Australia-wide engagement-focused competition seeking a winning video that showcased a home. By the campaign end, more than 19,000 had

visited the competition microsite and there was a 19 per cent increase in Facebook followers. The winner was announced on Facebook and the competition microsite, which featured behind-the-scenes content throughout the campaign, videos and a list of more than 90 potential countries where RE/MAX is represented and the winner could choose from for their prize holiday.

“ By the campaign end, more than

19,000 had visited the competition microsite and there was a 19 per cent increase in Facebook followers | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX Feature

Reserve Bank changes to LVR lending ratios - what do they mean? By Geoff Bawden, Manager, New Zealand Property Finance (NZPF) In October 2013 the Reserve Bank introduced temporary limits on high loan-to-value ratio lending with the intention of cooling a fast growing housing market, particularly in Auckland. In May of this year, having acknowledged that measures taken were insufficient to have any significant impact, the Reserve Bank again moved with further policy changes, this time affecting the residential investment market, to come into force on 1 October of this year. In short, further restrictions are to be placed on the Auckland market, while restrictions outside of Auckland have been eased. Let’s start by talking about what is exempt. First home buyers qualifying for a “Welcome Home Loan” are exempt from the LVR restrictions and can borrow up to 90 per cent of the value of their first home provided they meet the guidelines set down for those purchasing under the Welcome Home Loan scheme. The Welcome Home Loan scheme should not be confused with “Kiwisaver”. Qualifying Kiwisaver customers may withdraw a portion of their contributions, their employer contributions and any dividends received and put that money towards the purchase of their first home. This operates independently to the Welcome Home Loan scheme. In certain circumstances, first home buyers purchasing a home currently under construction can also be exempt from the LVR restrictions currently in place. What is not exempt? The current position is that banks must restrict other new mortgage residential lending so that only 10 per cent of what they lend is


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Welcoming Kate Greenslade to the NZPF team

provided to those seeking an above 80 per cent lend. While from October 1 of this year that restriction will be eased outside of the Auckland market the current rules in relation to over 80 per cent funding will continue to apply in Auckland. The 80 per cent cap is being raised to 85 per cent outside of Auckland. The expectation is that it will become easier for those purchasing outside of Auckland to get into their first home. Not only is housing cheaper but the cash required will also reduce, making it easier to save for a deposit. From 1 October further restrictions will be introduced impacting residential investment buyers in Auckland. The maximum amount they will be allowed to borrow for investment property will be 70 per cent of the value of the property. They are of course free to cross collateralize with other assets but maximum exposure must remain within the 70 per cent restriction being introduced. The first of the banks has already changed its preapproval documentation in order to avoid potential embarrassment come 1 October and others now are expected to quickly follow.

The impact of these further changes to the Auckland market are yet to be realised and many have already signalled that they think it will do little if anything to further dampen activity. While it is only an opinion my personal view is that we will see little change to the status quo without further restrictions being put in place. I guess we will have to wait and see. I have recently heard rumours about Mortgage Advisors circumventing the LVR cap requirements, and sure there are genuine exceptions, those receiving family support, utilising other assets etc. We will provide advice about that. There is currently no mainstream bank, however, in a position to provide widespread funding which falls outside of the guidelines I am providing for you. If someone is telling you otherwise they are pulling your chain. To ensure your client is gaining as broad an overview as possible about the options available to them you should be referring them to NZPF. That way you can be sure all the options are being considered.

RE/MAX Feature

Andrew Taylor, co-CEO,

How to sell regional real estate to Chinese buyers I sometimes tell the story of Eric Qiu and Natalie Kong. They are both from China, but they only fell in love after meeting at the University of Newcastle. Now, the two software programmers live in a new, $500,000 five-bedroom brick home in Cameron Park, in Western Newcastle. Their friends of the same 20-something age group are also buying homes in Newcastle, for prices that range from $250,000 to $750,000. When the Newcastle Herald asked Mr. Qiu why he chose that fair city, he said it was much better than Sydney, where ‘the house prices are higher’ and ‘the traffic worse’. The lesson here? When selling regional property to Chinese buyers, emphasize your listings’ strengths, which sometimes are the very things that people hate about more popular locations. Lifestyle and affordability are two key drivers for Chinese-speaking buyers in

Winter in Queenstown

regional New Zealand and Australia. Others come for education, investment or for a particular economic opportunity, such as a job or business. Australia is the second most popular country, and New Zealand is currently the fifth, for real estate buyers from mainland China. In both countries, of course, the big cities receive most of this interest. Regional destinations are quickly gaining more interest, however, even if from a lower starting point. Following are the some popular regional destinations for Chinese buyers on Most of these buyers are from mainland China. Other Chinese buyers are locals. Hot Australian Regional Cities QLD: Gold Coast - NSW: Newcastle VIC: Geelong - TAS: Launceston - WA: Mandurah Hot New Zealand Regional Cities South Island: Christchurch, Queenstown, Dunedin North Island: Tauranga, Taupo

“ When selling regional property

to Chinese buyers, emphasize your listings’ strengths...

Perhaps the greatest lesson is that towns can improve their standing with Chinese buyers. Most regional New Zealand and Australia destinations are simply unknown in China. Once buyers learn more about them, they will be impressed. It just takes some smart and persistent marketing to generate new real estate (and business) investment. Investment destination marketing is an effort that can be undertaken by the local government, or even property marketers like real estate agencies and developers. It needn’t cost much.

*Source: site activity data, 1Q 2015.

Our user data suggests these locations will see an increasing number of transactions with Chinese-speaking buyers in the coming 12 months. The benefits of this investment are clear: tax income, jobs, happier vendors and new construction. That’s why many destinations have a strategy to attract Chinese investment to their areas. Mt Maunganui Beach, Tauranga | Issue 2-15


RE/MAX News from the network

Global News RE/MAX now more than 100,000 agents strong The global real estate franchisor with its agent-centric business model, now counts over 100,000 agents in its network. “Our business model has attracted top producers for 42 years. It’s nice to have such large numbers, but we’re most proud of the quality agents who call RE/MAX home,”


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said Dave Liniger, CEO, Chairman of the Board and Co-Founder of RE/MAX, LLC, “and the most productive agents will want to affiliate with a recognized brand that supports their efforts with valuable resources and innovative technology tools.”

RE/MAX appoints new president RE/MAX President Vinnie Tracey retires in August after a 37-year career. RE/MAX Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Geoff Lewis, who joined the company in 2004 steps into the role. Vinnie Tracey began his RE/MAX career in 1977 as marketing representative in the Tennessee and Kentucky region. He was named President in 2004.

RE/MAX in good hands Ten RE/MAX identities ranked among the real estate industry’s most powerful leaders in Canada and the US in the acclaimed Swanepoel POWER 200 list (SP200). This included RE/MAX co-founder Dave Liniger and President Emeritus Vinnie Tracey, and is a reminder that RE/MAX is in very good hands. SP200 identifies thought leaders that influence, impact, and lead the residential real estate brokerage industry.

Magazine goes all-digital ABOVE, the award-winning RE/ MAX global network magazine, has transitioned to an all-digital public platform. The website, remax. com/above, allows the RE/MAX network to communicate agent successes, productivity and best practices worldwide to real estate professionals inside and outside the network.

RE/MAX Highlights

land a e Z New X A M E/ ce 2015 R of Excellen hlights l ig Schoo alendar H sC Event RE/MAX School of Excellence: another great reason to be part of RE/MAX RE/MAX New Zealand is committed to the professional and personal development of its members and provides numerous events throughout the year. It created its School of Excellence to give all members career paths and the opportunity to achieve their full potential through very regular face-to-face and webinar training options. RE/MAX LLC also runs regular webinars bringing ‘together’ RE/MAX members internationally. RE/MAX New Zealand teams up with Imagine Experiences, a professional creative team of event management specialists, to deliver its very special events. The remainder of 2015 is full of training and events options. The complete Events Calendar is in the RE/MAX School of Excellence brochure, which is available from the RE/MAX New Zealand corporate office. Meanwhile, here are some highlights:

broker/owners Must-note dates in the broker owner’s travel diary include the 12th, 13th 14th of September for the not-to-be-missed Broker Retreat in the Hunter Valley, NSW; or venture further afield to Boston for the Broker Owner Conference on 9th, 10th, 11th of August or the European convention in Berlin on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd October.

october Look out for the first Momentum Training in October. The course teaches a system for building a successful brokerage and creating unstoppable momentum for growth.

November Christmas Broker owners can keep an eye out for festive season dates including the Family Christmas picnic on 4th December.

‘New to RE/MAX’ Induction at the Regional Office is a day where new recruits are able to meet RE/MAX New Zealand regional staff, learn the history of RE/MAX and be shown the resources available to them. The Final Broker meeting for the year in mid-November.

2016 Get ready for the February RE/MAX New Zealand Rally and Annual Awards and the international R4 Convention in Las Vegas in March. In March is the first ‘New to RE/MAX’ Induction for the year, as well as Momentum Training.

So, there’s something for everyone. Experience RE/MAX to the MAX! | Issue 2-15



100,000 agents globally, working for you!

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