Remi Rough - Images of home 01
Images of home 01 This journal is a collection of images from recent adventures, It’s the stuff you rarely ever get to see... The sketches, the mock-ups, the works in progress, the Instagram images, the graphics and the many other visual delights that live solitary lives within my hard drives and my many sketch books... I hope you enjoy my first journal ‘Images of home 01’ without the gloss of the usual overly processed imagery and I also hope it inspires you to look at and appreciate the bits and pieces we so often forget about and sometimes end up throwing away. Remi Rough Agents Of Change / West Coast Artists
Known > Notorious
Layered mural by Jerry ‘Joker’ Inscoe, Shok1 and Remi Rough London 2012
Mock up for See No Evil Festival, Bristol 2012
Designs for Scratch Expo 17 Exhibition screen prints > 2012
Mural by Remi Rough, Two One and Hendo Melbourne 2012
3 Kings - Dondi, Basquiat and Rammellzee By Remi Rough and System London 2011
Mural by Remi Rough, Kema and Poesia Downtown Los Angeles 2012
Mural by Remi Rough and Augustine Kofie London 2011
Megaro Hotel mural by Remi Rough, Augustine Kofie, LX One and Steve More London 2012
Megaro Hotel rooftop mural London 2011
Risk & Rough West Coast Artists London 2012
Risk & Rough West Coast Artists London 2012
The Deconstructavist Remi Rough & Prefab77 2012
Wayne Chisnall & Remi Rough
AOC 0.3 Future Everything Festival Manchester 2010
Roughe Progressive graffiti writing London 2012
Rough Still rockin the freshness London 2012
Liliana in front of a painting by Shok1
A thousand thank yous to Meeshy & Lili, Augustine Kofie, LX One, Derm, Jaybo, Carlos Mare, Timid, Steve More, Juice 126, System, Stormie Mills, Jerry ‘Joker’ Inscoe, Dabs & Myla, Solo One, Shok1, Prefab77, Two One, Hendo, Reka, Rik Penny, Poesia, Kema, Toowee at Soze Gallery, WCA Crew LA, Risk, Slicer, Kid Acne, RCF1, Retna, Ruth and Jake at Whisper Gallery, Wayne Chisnall and David Shillinglaw. Photos by (In no particular order) Remi Rough, Timid, Shaun Hossack, Steve More, Mark Chua-Changco and Ian Cox. Printed by Ripe Digital. Remi Rough © 2013
The copyright of all images inside this journal belongs to whoever made the image... Steal anything from it and we’ll come and find you! Š 2013 Š 2013