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NOAGE | SAGE New Orleans

Empowering our Elders

ADVOCACY FOR THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY shouldn’t only consider the prosperity of younger and future generations, and in New Orleans, it doesn’t.

SAGE New Orleans, also known as NOAGE, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides critical support for LGBTQ+ elders in the Greater New Orleans area through community action and conversation.

Senior LGBTQ+ citizens often face disparities that are detrimental to their physical and mental health, in addition to affecting their social wellbeing. To address this need, SAGE New Orleans has enacted a community action plan that includes educational seminars, wellness workshops and socialization events, ultimately increasing awareness and competency of issues affecting the aging LGBTQ+ population.

For the mind, body and spirit, SAGE hosts weekly coffee talks and walking groups that promote self-care and interpersonal support. SAGEConnect links local elders with volunteers for weekly phone calls, helping to combat feelings of loneliness and depression that are often affiliated with decreased social engagement. The organization also hosts weekly support group for people over the age of 50 who are living with HIV.

Through the help of community sponsors and volunteers, SAGE New Orleans is meeting the unique challenges affecting LGBTQ+ elders with unique and proactive solutions, ensuring the dignity and welfare of all citizens.

To lend your support through a SAGE New Orleans membership, to volunteer, or to access a comprehensive resource list for LGBTQ+ elders, visit sageneworleans.org

What exactly are the disparities threatening the wellbeing of LGBTQ+ elders? A 2016 study conducted by The Williams Institute identified several critical issues that affect the aging LGBTQ+ community at a disproportionate rate to heterosexual individuals and couples.

LGBTQ+ elders are less likely to seek formal health care. Those who do receive care often conceal sexual orientation or gender identity due to fears of discrimination.

Because LGBTQ+ elders might not have children or relatives, informal care options are often limited to “families of choice” or community organizations.

LGBTQ+ elders experience greater levels of financial risk due to discriminatory barriers keeping them from employment opportunities, as well as legal and social programs, over their lifetimes.

Experiences of victimization and stigma lead to worsened physical and mental health in LGBTQ+ elders, as compared to heterosexual counterparts. Furthermore, transgender elders experience heighted disability and depressive symptoms as compared to cisgender counterparts.

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