New Orleans Magazine February 2019

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february 2019


February 2019 / VOLUME 53 / NUMBER 3

Editor-in-Chief Errol Laborde Managing Editor Ashley McLellan Art Director Tiffani Reding Amedeo Contributing Writers Mary Lou Eichhorn, Fritz Esker, Kathy Finn, Dawn Ruth Wilson, Jason Berry, Carolyn Kolb, Chris Rose, Eve Crawford Peyton, Mike Griffith, Liz Scott Monaghan, Lee Cutrone, Dale Curry, Jay Forman, Tim McNally, Robert Peyton Digital Media Editor Kelly Massicot Social Media Assistant Becca Miller Staff Writers Topher Balfer, Kelly Massicot, Melanie Warner Spencer Vice President of Sales Colleen Monaghan Advertising Sales Manager Kate Henry (504) 830-7216 / Senior Account Executive Claire Cummings Account Executives Meggie Schmidt, Rachel Webber Director of Marketing and Events Cheryl Lemoine Event Coordinator Abbie Dugruise Digital Media Associate Mallary Matherne For event information call (504) 830-7264 Production Manager Emily Andras Production Designers Rosa Balaguer, Meghan Rooney Special Projects Art Director Molly Tullier Traffic Coordinator Lane Brocato Chief Executive Officer Todd Matherne President Alan Campell Executive Vice President Errol Laborde Distribution Manager John Holzer Administrative Assistant Mallary Matherne Subscriptions Manager Brittanie Bryant For subscription information call (504) 828-1380 WYES DIAL 12 STAFF (504) 486-5511 Executive Editor Aislinn Hinyup Associate Editor Robin Cooper Art Director Jenny Hronek NEW ORLEANS MAGAZINE Printed in USA A Publication of Renaissance Publishing 110 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005

New Orleans Magazine (ISSN 0897 8174) is published monthly by Renaissance Publishing, LLC., 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005; (504) 828-1380. Subscription rates: one year $19.95; Mexico, South America and Canada $48; Europe, Asia and Australia $75. An associate subscription to New Orleans Magazine is available by a contribution of $40 or more to WYES-TV/Channel 12, $10.00 of which is used to offset the cost of publication. Also available electronically, on CD-ROM and on-line. Periodicals postage paid at Metairie, LA, and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Orleans Magazine, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005. Copyright 2019 New Orleans Magazine. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The trademark New Orleans and New Orleans Magazine are registered. New Orleans Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork even if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The opinions expressed in New Orleans Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the magazine managers or owners.

8 february 2019

Contents Local Color

Le Krewe, p. 50

On the Cover: Model Sommer Quinn (Makeup by Meggan Ory) wearing Mardi Gras necklaces from Atlas Handmade Beads


Photographed by Theresa Cassagne

Modine Gunch

Top Picks for February 22

Persona Rex Captain 24

Chris Rose Hunt for the RIsing Sun 28

King Cake Lite 30

Joie d’Eve Carnival Cuisine 32

In Tune Something for Everyone 34

Chronicles Henry Clay Warmoth 36

Home Clean and Crisp 38



In Every Issue

Throw Me Something Green!


Eco-friendly throws for Carnival 42

Revel Rousers 12

Le Krewe

Speaking Out

Satire on the March 50

Editorial, plus a Mike Luckovich cartoon 16

Taking to Heart A Threat for Women 56

Julia Street

Top Hospitals

Questions and Answers About Our City 18

Patients’ Picks Of Area Facilities 58

Streetcar A Mardi Gras Strike 104

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DIAL 12, D1 Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, airing on WYES-TV/ Channel 12 on Saturday, February 9 at 7:00 p.m., looks back on the legacy of Fred Rogers. While the nation changed around him, Rogers stood firm in his beliefs about the importance of protecting childhood. Enjoy a portrait of a man who inspired generations of children with compassion and limitless imagination. For all WYES program and event details, go to

The Menu Table Talk The Elysian Bar 62

Restaurant Insider News from the Kitchens 64

Food A Royal Dish 66

Last Call King Cake, The Drink 68

Dining Guide Listings by Neighborhood 70 february 2019 1 1


Revel Rousers St. Anne at 50—And more

If the Society of St. Anne was

a river, the Marigny would be the location of Lake Itasca. That’s the source in upstate Minnesota that begins a trek connecting with arteries to become the mighty Mississippi River. This year is the 50th anniversary of the society, which winds over a course stretching through the Marigny and the Quarter, and is filled with hundreds of maskers who walk a path, centering on Royal Street, leading to Canal Street to pay homage to the passing Rex parade. Along the way, that flow creates one of Carnival’s most effervescent sights, that of a river of costumers who enrich the Quarter with sequined brilliance. There is no phoniness; no hucksterism; no commercialism. St. Anne was founded in 1969 by float designer Henri Schindler, along with friends Jon Newlin and Paul Poche. Through the years there have been sub-groups participating and even variations in the route. For the most part, the path had remained consistent with the R Bar at 1434 Royal Street, being a gathering point for the society and those who just join in. Bands are dispersed throughout. Dancing continues. St. Anne is both joyful and solemn, the latter coming from a tradition, tracing back to the group’s AIDS- era founding, in which some of its members gather at the river to sprinkle the ashes of the departed. The former comes from the joy and spectacle carried along the route. St. Anne at full force is the world’s image of what Mardi Gras should be—blocks filled with maskers (wearing creative costumes) shimmying 1 2 february 2019

to a conga beat that echoes off the Quarter’s ancient buildings. Bound with tradition, as Carnival is, there are lots of “should be’s” to the celebration. Our cover story looks at the emerging issues of throws being more eco-friendly. Not only would that be better for the environment, but it could help support smaller cottage industries specializing in such trinkets. We also look at a revival of what used to be, that being satire in parades. One Krewe, Le Krewe D’Etat is especially good at it, as our pictorial of last year’s parade shows, As for this year, if you’re downtown on Mardi Gras, as you should be, swing by the Quarter and look for St. Anne. Everywhere else the day is just another Tuesday. In New Orleans we pause to worship a saint.

meet the sales staff

Kate Henry Advertising Sales Manager (504) 830-7216

Claire Cummings Senior Account Executive (504) 830-7250

Rachel Webber Account Executive (504) 830-7249

Meggie Schmidt Account Executive (504) 830-7220

Colleen Monaghan Vice President of Sales (504) 830-7215 1 4 february 2019

speaking out

Making Carnival Environmentally Friendly (See cover story pg. 42. for related article.) To judge a parading krewe by

the quantity of its throws is, to us, like judging the quality of a wine by the size of its bottle. The true quality is in the creation not in the numbers. Environmental friendliness should also be an issue. There was a time when if a person came home from a parade having snagged a couple of pairs of beads and a trinket or two that was considered a successful experience. But with the advent of the super krewes, beginning with Bacchus in 1968, the emphasis, in an effort to make more of an attraction of Carnival, shifted to “bigger” not only in the size of floats, or the number of riders, but also on the throws. More was better, and also size, including lethal sized beads. Other krewes that might have

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otherwise staged visually nice parades began to realize that they were increasingly being judged by the tonnage of their beads more than the artistry of their events. With the burgeoning of an escalating Asian manufacturing industry, throws could be made plentiful by the millions. In recent years, however, there has been an increased emphasis on throws that are environmentally friendly, or at least not environmentally harmful. Good work is being done in various ways including recycling, making throws from old paper products and even using some chemicals that are environmentally safe. Some small local businesses are trying to develop throws that are artistic and compatible to nature.

We know that there will be labor What if all krewes would agree and cost efficiency issues. Cottage to a maximum limit of throws per industries could never meet the parade. There would be less litter demands of the really big krewes and more people paying attention that toss throws numbering in the to the design of the parade. If floats hundreds of thousands. But maybe were judged for their beauty rather Carnival can take small steps. than for their beads there would What if the big krewes would be more creativity in the parades. We caution that there is somedesignate one of their units as a “green float” to throw nothing but thing that we do like about bead regionally made, recycled and envi- proliferation: Only in New Orleans is ronmentally friendly throws. Its there the year- round sight of beads riders would not be expected to toss dangling from oak trees, particularly thousands of trinkets along parade route. The image but a few hundred, of beads growing on trees which, if designed An original adds to the city’s magic. The ©Mike Luckovich clever enough, could, Cartoon for New effect, however, could be just because of the limited Orleans Magazine as magical if the beads, like supply, be more of a the leaves, were embraced collector’s item. Their future would by the environment. Ideally, in the be destined more for a display case world of Carnival, Mother Nature than the gutter. should be Queen.

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julia street with poydras the parrot

Fountain at Fischer Place. Carrollton Avenue between St. Charles and Leake Avenues.

Dear Julia, After a round of golf at Audubon, we ate at Cooter Brown’s where South Carrollton meets the river. When leaving, we noticed two concrete structures in the neutral ground, which we had never noticed or could identify. The one closest to St Charles Avenue looked like a mini Arc de Triomph. Can you help us with this? John P. Rome (Destrehan La.) In late 1895, Frederic Fischer, a prominent lumber merchant and former Carrollton fire chief, died. Several months later, the City Council passed an ordinance calling for the creation of Fischer Place, a small park extending down the middle of South Carrollton between St. Charles and Leake Avenues. Fischer Place was to be a local beauty spot, but the Illinois Central 1 8 february 2019

Railroad installed switching tracks there, ruining the park. Around the turn of the century, neighborhood women, many members of the Louisiana Sunshine Society, a benevolent association, fought to have the tracks removed and suggested the reclaimed park be named Sunshine Park. The project languished and the new name was not made official until 1915. The small park was among the first public spaces to be maintained by an all-female commission. An elaborate iron fountain, rimmed in blue marble, still stands as the park’s centerpiece. Long neglected and stripped of its mechanism, the Sunshine Park fountain is currently in a disgraceful condition. A municipal plaque from a 1986 park renovation both misspells Mr. Fischer’s surname and fails to mention Sunshine Park.

have a question for julia? Send your question to: Julia Street, c/o New Orleans Magazine, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005 or email: Errol@ MyNewOrleans. com.

Dear Julia, Sometime back, you received an inquiry about the location of a neighborhood movie theater possibly one which was part of the United Group. Part of the question, I believe, had to do with the relocation of the theater and where the theater was originally located. Your response, as I recall, was that you could find no information about the original location of the theater. As a child about 1948 at the age of 10, I made many visits to the home of a childhood friend who lived on Robert Street. On the way, I would pass a very large abandoned movie theater located on one of three cross streets between Robert and Upperline. I am not sure which cross street housed the theater, but it had to be one of the following streets: LaSalle, Liberty or Saratoga, and was in the middle of the block on the lake side. I was wondering, perhaps, if this was the theater referenced about your inquiry above and also what information you may have on the abandoned theater. Greg Moise (Houma, LA) In December 2014, John Hecker asked about an abandoned movie theater in the general vicinity of Napoleon, St. Charles, Upperline and Daneel. In the 1950s, he and his buddies explored the unsecured property, which he thought may have been at Valence and Baronne. Using his directions, I was unable to positively identify the theater and speculated it may have been the Fine Arts (later known as the Booker T) at 1735 Constantinople. Thanks to your directions, I now believe both of you are recalling the Fern, an old silent-era movie house that opened in 1917 at the corner of Robert and South Franklin (later Loyola Street). Solomon Peritz and Joseph C. Yochim first owned the Fern, which changed hands only a few years after it opened. Its first film, accompanied by a Photoplayer sound effects console, was “Her Greatest Love,” starring Theda Bara. The Fern, which survived into the sound era, appears to have closed around the mid 1940s when its manager, Harry Ehrlich, long associated with the United theater chain, retired. february 2019 1 9


greg miles photo

Rex Captain ready to roll with carnival 2019


February Our top picks for this month’s events by Fritz Esker

Family Gras

The Wizard of Oz

Krewe of Chewbacchus

The Book of Mormon

Metairie’s premier Mardi Gras celebration returns this year at a new location at Clearview Center. There will be music, food, beverages, and, of course, parades from Feb. 22-24. John Oates, Michael McDonald and Brett Eldredge are among the headliners this year. Information,

Have you ever wished you could travel back in time to watch a classic movie at an old-school movie palace? If so, you’re in luck because the Saenger Theater is showing the beloved 1939 film The Wizard of Oz on Feb. 12-13. Information, SaengerNOLA. com.

Get an early start to your parade season this year with the Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus on Feb. 9 in the Marigny. It is a marching parade full of dozens of sub-krewes, each with its own unique theme relating to sci-fi/ fantasy/nerd culture (e.g. The Leijorettes, Krewe du Who, Krewe of the Living Dead). Information,

Leave the kids at home for this raucous, irreverent, and R-rated musical from the creators of the hit TV show South Park. Playing from Feb. 5-10 at the Saenger Theater, The Book of Mormon tells the story of two hapless missionaries trying to spread the Mormon faith around the world. Information, SaengerNOLA.

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Jan. 9-Feb. 3

Feb. 9

The Wolves, Southern Rep. Information,

Iliza Shlesinger, The Joy Theater. Information,

Jan. 16-Feb. 9

Stockholm Syndrome, Little Gem Saloon. Information, Jan. 18-Feb. 3

A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder, Le Petit Theater. Information, Jan. 18-Feb. 17

Shear Madness, Westwego Performing Arts Theater. Information, Feb. 8 & 10

Mozart’s Abduction from the Seraglio, Mahalia Jackson Theater. Information,

Feb. 9

New Orleans Rock ’n’ Roll Marathon, Mercedes Benz Superdome. Information, Feb. 10

My Brother, My Brother and Me, Orpheum Theater. Information, Feb. 12

Glenn Miller Orchestra, Orpheum Theater. Information, Feb. 14

Visions of Vienna and Salzburg, Orpheum Theater. Information,

Feb. 8-10

The Boat Show, Mercedes Benz Superdome. Information,

Feb. 16

Krewe du Vieux, French Quarter. Information,

Feb. 8-24

Dreamgirls, Jefferson Performing Arts Center. Information, Feb. 8

Pod Save America, Orpheum Theater. Information,

Feb. 19

Dancing With the Stars Live: A Night to Remember, Saenger Theater. Information, Feb 19

Blood Orange, The Joy Theater. Information,

Feb. 8-10

Tet Fest, Mary Queen of Vietnam Church. Information,

Feb. 20

Rainbow Kitten Surprise, The Joy Theater. Information,

Feb. 9

The Adventure Zone, Orpheum Theater. Information,

Feb. 28

Need to Breathe: Acoustic Live Tour, Saenger Theater. Information,

Feb. 9

Panic! At The Disco, Smoothie King Center. Information, february 2019 2 3


My greatest memories are of dressing up for mardi gras as a kid.

Q: When did you find out you were the new captain? I found out the year before Mardi Gras 2018. The previous captain, Christi Brown, invited me to lunch. I thought he was going to add to my duties, or even take away from my duties as a lieutenant. I was beyond thrilled and shocked when he told me he would be passing the title to me.

Q: How long does a captain remain in service and what duties are you in charge of? There is no set rule for length of service, and it varies from captain to captain. My role is that of a CEO in charge of running the behind the scenes of the parade and the ball. I am in charge of two legs of a three-legged stool, with the other leg being that of the Pro Bono Publico Foundation.

What’s new with the Pro Bono Publico leg of the Rex organization? The Pro Bono Publico Foundation (which raises money to support charter schools) is truly unique. After Katrina, leadership felt that it was a way to bring our motto into physical existence. The Board runs that Foundation and they work year round. They are diligent in working to continue in their endeavors.

Rex’s New Captain Sir Bathurst Take the Reins by Ashley McLellan

The newly appointed Rex Captain

remains busy preparing for Carnival year-round, with a flurry of activities and costume adjustments ramping up as the big day quickly approaches. Known outside the Rex orga2 4 february 2019

nization as Sir Bathurst, the Rex captain’s true identity remains a mystery to Carnival commoners, while inside the School of Design, the leader plays an integral part in the running of the Rex show. This year’s parade theme is

“Visions of the Sun,” and Sir Bathurst gave New Orleans Magazine a sneak peek within the Rex den and walks us through a day in the (Carnival) life, and more, in this month’s Persona profile.

Are there any changes or new items you’d like to enact as captain? The transition process went as smoothly as one could possibly hope for. There was very little to be done. We are consistently leaders in Carnival throughout the year. As greg miles photo

New Orleans Carnival evolves, we work to be the leader in that evolution.

What is your Mardi Gras day like? I get up very early, maybe have a little breakfast. I then drive over to Rex and pick him up around 6:45. We then go to Audubon Park for the Royal Run, where the Queen always wins, even if she’s not running. I then bring Rex to the Kings Room back here at the den. We quickly change into our costumes. We have some special visitors that will come and toast the king, as has been custom since the 1800s. We finish getting dressed with the pages, and then head outside to the flagpole for the playing of the National Anthem. We then take the king on a tour of all of his floats, and then prepare for a 10 a.m. departure. We are consistently on time. We call it “Rex Time.”

How would you describe the next phase of your day, the Ball? I am lucky to have a ball chairman, as I do also a parade chairman, who are both lieutenants in the organization. We start the ball at 8 p.m. sharp at the Sheraton. The Rex ball is more of a royal reception than the standard European bal masque, and so we are not masked for this portion of the evening. We do wear our masks for the meeting of the courts, which is the next step in the evening.

at a glance

Age: 46; Family: Wife, two daughters, and a son; Born and raised: New Orleans; Education: Trinity Episcopal, Country Day and University of Mississippi; Favorite food: red beans and rice; Favorite King Cake flavor: cinnamon; Favorite restaurant: depends on season, we have family traditions at various amazing New Orleans restaurants; Favorite music/ musician: Doobie Brothers; Favorite New Orleans festival: not sure Mardi Gras qualifies as a festival, but it has always been my favorite New Orleans event, by far; I go to almost every single parade, rain or shine.

How do you end your Mardi Gras, and do you take a vacation afterwards? After the ball, we have the Queen’s reception, where we enjoy a little breakfast and toast with a glass of Champagne. After that I drive the king, just us and our wives, back to his house. I make sure he gets home and then I go home myself and go to bed. I have taken vacations in the past, but this past year I was up just like every day at 7:30 and went into work. It’s all part of Mardi Gras.

What is your favorite part of Carnival? My greatest memories are of dressing up for Mardi Gras as a kid. I remember one year I dressed up as Evil Kenevil. My sister and I, we got in our little red wagon, and my dad pulled us to the parade route from our home in the Lower Garden District. That’s my favorite place to be during Carnival, on the parade route with my kids and family watching the bands. 2 6 february 2019

True Confession: I have absolutely no sense of smell. february 2019 2 7

chris rose

Hunt for the Rising Sun A state by state guide by Chris Rose

Japan is known as the Land of the

Rising Sun. But America is indisputably the Land of the Rising Suns. I discovered this geographical curiosity when my beloved traveling companion invited me to join her on an upcoming business trip to, of all places, Rising Sun, Indiana. How could I pass that up? A place whose name conjures the defining mythic, mystic and perilous qualities of New Orleans, by virtue of a song about a “house” by the same name. Naturally, I was curious about the origin of the name of this place, a quaint hamlet accessible by public ferry from Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, directly across the Ohio River. Rabbit Hash is a speck of a town named after a once-popular local delicacy (try to get that image out of your head) and the only known municipality in the United States whose legitimate, democratically elected mayor is a dog. I’m not making this up. And while researching this story, I suppose you could say I fell down a rabbit hole of Rising Suns. 2 8 february 2019

They’re everywhere, it turns out. And many offer their own histories every bit as intriguing as the song that put them on the map. Except that it didn’t. Turns out, not one of them was named after the song. Rising Sun, Indiana, was so named because of an enchanting sunrise witnessed by its first settlers upon their arrival by flatboat to the banks of the river. A once-bustling hub of 19th century commerce – boat yards, logging, sawmills – Rising Sun was the setting for a 1917 silent movie called “Blue Jeans.” It featured the first known cinematic portrayal of what would become a staple of the suspense genre – a victim, bound by rope on a conveyor belt, slowly inching towards the grinding terror of a buzz saw. One state over, Rising Sun, Ohio, was originally established in the early 19th century as the township of St. Elms. Historical documents reveal that local residents eventually rebelled against the name, deeming it “too genteel for a place in the wilderness.” The name

Rising Sun was settled upon. In 1894, for reasons unclear, it was changed to Risingsun. The town of Rising Sun, Illinois (provenance unknown), is a popular destination for archaeology buffs, home to the Wilson Mounds, distinctive, pre-Columbian burial sites near the banks of the Wabash River. Rising Sun, Montana, is best known for its rugged hiking trails and breathtaking views of nearby Glacier National Park. Rising Sun, Maryland, was named after a local tavern of the same name, a busy Colonial meeting house on the route between Philadelphia and Baltimore. Originally located in Pennsylvania, it was later ceded to Maryland when astronomer Charles Mason and surveyor Jeremiah Dixon (yup, those guys) were commissioned to settle a boundary dispute between the two states, the results of which re-established the border – and Rising Sun’s eventual zip code. Apparently stung by this geographical ignominy, the Quaker State later incorporated the municipality of Rising Sun, PA, on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Delaware, parts of which were also reassigned to Maryland in the MasonDixon survey, subsequently established its own Rising Sun near its capital city of Dover. It seems like the sun never sets on a proper land dispute.

On that note, Kentucky is home to the towns of both Hatfield and McCoy. I was unable to unearth any compelling details about Rising Sun, New Jersey nor Rising Sun, Iowa nor Rising Sun, Mississippi. The now defunct Rosy Acres Winery named its effervescent rosé after the nearby town of Rising Sun, California. And then there’s Rising Sun, Kansas. Now a vacant prairie ghost town founded in 1857, it was so lousy with saloons, gamblers and gunfighters that it was officially decommissioned – and deconstructed – in 1865, and the buildings that weren’t torn down were moved to the city of Medina when the Kansas Pacific Railroad built a depot there. Haunted by a nagging, personal obsession, Eric Burdon, the lead singer for the Animals, whose haunting rendition of “House of the Rising Sun” imprinted the song on the world’s consciousness in 1964, spent nearly 25 years searching for the original brothel for which the song was named. I spent nearly 25 hours on the Internet searching for every American municipality named Rising Sun. At the end of every vision quest, you’ve got to ask yourself: Was it worth it? I’ll be honest with you: I’m more excited to visit Rabbit Hash than Rising Sun. The mayor is a pit bull named Brynneth Pawltro.


Jason Raish Illustration february 2019 2 9

modine gunch

King Cake Lite Preparing for a long season by Modine Gunch

A king cake is a thing you buy,

not a thing you bake, if you got any sense. But my sister-in-law Larva, God help us all, is baking a king cake. A DIET king cake. Every Friday in Carnival season is king cake day at Larva’s office. Last week, she got the plastic baby in her piece, so she has to bring the next king cake. That’s the rule. Problem is—I never thought I would ever say this— king cake season is too long this year. It started King’s Day, January 6, when we was still burping from the holidays, and waddled right through Super Bowl —when we ate whatever we could scoop into our mouth with our hands— and now we got Valentine’s (chocolate!) before it ends at Mardi Gras, March 5. People will be spontaneously exploding on the streets of New Orleans before then. And Larva joined the Baronesses de Pontalba Carnival Club and they got big plans to flounce around on Mardi Gras wearing long skirts and tight bustiers. Larva will bust out of her bustier if she don’t do something. So she turned

30 february 2019

herself in to Weight Watchers. Now, in a normal office, she could eat just one skinny piece of king cake. But in her office, the rule is, everybody has to keep eating until somebody gets the baby. So Larva gets the idea to bake diet king cake. Actually, she asks her mother, Ms. Larda. I got to explain. Whenever anyone in the Gunch family got to bring something to a potluck occasion, whatever we bring is the hit of the party. You wouldn’t think people would fight over the last bean in a green bean casserole, but they will if a Gunch brought it. When they ask for the recipe, we always say it’s a family secret. The secret is that my mother-in-law, Ms. Larda cooked it. She got two freezers; one for regular stuff and one for desserts. That’s where we get our party food. She is the kind of cook who drops a extra stick of butter or pours some condensed milk in whatever she’s making. Well, it takes more than that, but whatever the magic is, she got it. Unfortunately that magic don’t extend to diet king cakes. She is

horrified at the idea. “Just arrange carrots sticks in a oval and hide a baby in there,” she says. Then she sets down to peel some jumbo shrimp I just brought her, and mutters to herself. Larva is rummaging through cookbooks. She finds a angel food cake recipe — that’s low calorie, right? —and she can top it with marshmallow creme — 19 calories a serving— in Mardi Gras colors. And decorate with fruit—frozen banana chunks, berries, pineapple. Weight Watchers approves of fruit. She gets out Ms. Larda’s cookie sheet, and make a oval with aluminum foil, and pour in the angel food ingredients —with double the egg whites— no fat in egg whites— and two kinds of sweetner — never used by Ms. Larda, of course— instead of sugar. While it bakes, Larva dyes bowls of marshmallow purple, green and gold. The cake comes out oval-shaped but lumpy, so Larva smooths it with the cake knife and feeds the lumps to Chopsley, Ms. Larda’s Chihuahua. Then she spreads the

marshmallow cream and arranges the fruit. She is finishing up when Ms. Larda looks out the window and says, “Chopsley’s outside eating grass.” In case you don’t know, that’s what dogs do instead of taking Pepto-Bismol. Larva decides she better test this cake. She takes a slice out of each side of the oval, pushes it back together, and covers the cuts with marshmallow. She eats both pieces before she admits it’s awful. Come to find out, them “frozen banana chunks” were frozen roasted garlic. Also, the label on one sweetner says it loses sweetness if heated longer than 15 minutes. And the other “causes indigestion if consumed in quantity.” By indigestion, they mean the runs. Larva had to call in sick to work. But there’s a bright side: she lost her appetite. She’ll probably be a gorgeous Baroness. Chopsley is still mad.




Carnival Cuisine The top 5 foods of the season By Eve Crawford Peyton

Most nights, my kids are at

least served a healthy meal, even if they don’t always eat it. While Georgia is still in her buttered carbs phase, Ruby and Elliot will happily eat broccoli, greens, sautéed zucchini, sweet potatoes, green beans, chick peas, cucumber salad, and even Brussels sprouts. But right now is not “most nights.” Right now is Carnival time, baby. And so my kids are eating Rice

32 february 2019

Krispy treats, Goldfish, Voodoo Zapp’s, and juice boxes. They’re eating pizza rolls off a paper plate while we’re stuck in traffic. For protein, they get peanut butter granola bars, and the closest they’re going to get to a vegetable until Wednesday is maybe a carrot on a veggie tray at an open house. The food groups of Mardi Gras are different, and everyone knows that Carnival calories don’t count. So what’s fueling us during this

marathon party? Well, anything of butter, softened; 1.5 teaspoons that keeps well (no mayonnaise- of vanilla, 1.5 tablespoons of based salads, people, now or really cinnamon, one box of powdered any other time) and is portable sugar, and 4 tablespoons of milk), is pretty ideal. and top with a king cake baby. 4. King cake. This is frequently breakfast for Ruby, and while I My top 5 are: 1. Boudin balls. These are don’t feel great about that, I also one of my top snack foods, don’t think it’s much worse than even not during Mardi Gras. My cinnamon rolls, and people eat favorites are from Boucherie, but those for breakfast all the time. I’ve had good ones from Tracey’s She drinks a glass of milk with it and McClure’s, too. and sometimes has some fruit, too, 2. Daiquiris. Now these, I defi- so it’s basically part of a complete nitely don’t drink year-round. I like breakfast. I am not a huge fan of the occasional eggnog daq around king cake myself, honestly, but I the holidays, but beyond that, still eat about 8 tons of it every these are only good at a parade. Carnival season just because it’s Several locations will sometimes there. (Side note: I hope all of you even offer a virgin daiquiri for the jerks who eat king cake whenever kids, but not all, as I learned once you damn well please – as if there when then-3-year-old Ruby had aren’t rules about these things – an absolute sobbing meltdown are happy with yourself for this and cried herself to sleep in her dreadful Carnival forecast. YOU did car seat repeating, “I WANT A this to us, you Epiphany scofflaws, DAIQUIRI! I WANT A DAIQUIRI, you king cake heathens. This is MAMA! I WANT A DAIQUIRI!” ALL on you.) Having your kid cry in a drive-thru 5. Popeyes. This one is obvious. daiquiri line is really something Although a spicy dark meat combo with mashed potatoes, red beans, that only happens here. 3. Carnival cupcakes. I make and a biscuit is good on just a these for the kids’ classes every random lazy Saturday, it’s sublime year and often bring them to on the parade route. Just like the parade potlucks. The recipe is sea air makes sandwiches and simple (because more time spent lemonade taste better, something baking cupcakes is less about the sound of time spent catching marching bands Excerpted from Eve beads): Two boxes of and your feet on Crawford Peyton’s white cake mix, mixed blog, Joie d’Eve, which the neutral ground according to directions appears each Friday on makes Popeyes the and then divided into most perfect food three bowls and dyed purple, imaginable. green, and gold. Put 1 tablespoon (And let’s all have a moment of of each color into each cupcake silence for Hubig’s Pie, the lemon wrapper, bake for the time flavor of which sustained me indicated on the box, frost with through several Carnival seasons cinnamon buttercream (3 sticks in high school.)


jane sanders illustration february 2019 3 3

in tune

must-see music feb. 2

Robyn Hitchcock experiments at Gasa Gasa. feb. 7

The Suffers rock Gasa Gasa. feb. 9

Panic! At The Disco rock Smoothie King Center. Robyn Hitchcock

feb. 9

Jmsn brings the soul to Gasa Gasa. feb. 12

Glen Miller Orchestra swings the Orpheum. feb. 13

Slothrust rock at Gasa Gasa. feb. 16

Something for Everyone Four big shows for February

feb. 16

by Mike Griffith

This February is truly a month perform at the Orpheum Theater on of legendary performers. From the 12th. This organization has kept the swing era to the present, we the music of Glen Miller in constant highlight four of the biggest shows rotation since it was established in this month. Things get going on 1956. I love the idea of seeing this the 2nd with Robyn Hitchcock at group in the Orpheum, as the style Gasa Gasa. This is a big show in a of the space will match the charm small location. Since his work with of the music perfectly. The Soft Boys in the 70s, Hitchcock In what is arguably one of the has been quietly making some of biggest shows to come through the best music around. town in a while, Fleetwood Last year, he released a Mac will play the Smoothie remarkable eponymous Playlist of mentioned King Center on the 16th. record of psychedelic bands available It is amazing to me that at: rock. With a catalog InTine2-19 Fleetwood Mac retains both this deep, Hitchcock their remarkable musical could take this show in any number prowess as well as their penchant of directions and you’ll want to for soap opera-like drama. For this be there when he does. tour, Lindsey Buckingham is out and If you’re interested in looking Neil Finn (from Crowded House) back a little further, the incompa- and Mike Campbell (from Tom rable Glen Miller Orchestra will Petty’s Heartbreakers) are in. While

34 february 2019

Fleetwood Mac holds court at the Smoothie King Center.

Arlo Guthrie brings the folk to Tipitinas. it is a shame that Buckingham won’t be with them this time around, I’m excited to see how Finn and Campbell bring new life to these songs. And, of course, Stevie Nicks, who is now the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. This is going to be a huge night of music. Finally on the 22nd, KISS will bring their “End of the Road” Farewell Tour to the Smoothie King Center. If this is truly the end of touring (they have had farewell tours before) for the legends, they leave a legacy that stretches across 45 years and 20 studio albums. Don’t miss this one, just in case it really is the end. It’s also a great way to start the first weekend of Carnival parades.


feb. 19

Blood Orange bring indie rock to the Joy Theater. feb. 20

Rainbow Kitten Surprise psyches out the Joy Theater. feb. 22

KISS rock all night at Smoothie King Center. feb. 26

Car Seat Headrest tell stories at Tipitinas.

Dates are subject to change; email Mike@ or contact him through Twitter @Minima. february 2019 3 5


Henry Clay Warmoth A carpetbagger and his plantation by Carolyn Kolb

Henry Clay Warmoth does

not figure largely in our state’s memory, but the past year was the 150th anniversary of his 1868 election as Governor during Reconstruction (1865 to 1877.) That era, when federal troops were still in the state and laws on racial equality were in effect, was followed by decades of Jim Crow segregation, only ending with Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s. Warmoth was born in Illinois, became a lawyer and opened a practice in Lebanon, Missouri. As the Civil War approached, Missouri was a divided state but did not secede. Warmoth was named a Brigadier-General of the Missouri Militia, and on joining the Union Army served on the staff of General 36 february 2019

John McClernand. Warmoth was wounded in the siege of Vicksburg and sent off to recover. Under General Ulysses S. Grant as commander, McClernand was dismissed from his post, and, in the process, Warmoth was charged with desertion. It took a visit to Abraham Lincoln in Washington for Warmoth to set the record straight. By June of 1864, Warmoth, 26 years old, was back in the Union Army and serving as Judge of the Provost Court in occupied New Orleans. When his military service ended, he opened a law office here. He quickly got a taste for Louisiana politics, and in 1865 helped organize the state’s Republican Party. With implementation of radical reconstruction

(calling for new state constitutions incorporating black suffrage) Warmoth ran for Governor on a Republican ticket in 1868, with Oscar Dunn, as Lieutenant Governor. Dunn died while in office and was succeeded by P.B.S. Pinchback, another former free man of color. Allegations of corruption, opposition through the courts, and anti-black violence plagued Warmoth’s administration, culminating in his impeachment in late 1871. Pinchback would serve as Governor for the final weeks of Warmoth’s term. Warmoth’s political career continued, including a term in the state legislature and an unsuccessful run for Governor. His memoir, “War, Politics and

Reconstruction: Stormy Days in Louisiana,” may not have all the facts in order, but it is an easy read. He remained a resident of the state until his death in 1931, and even found an admirer in Huey P. Long. The admiration was not mutual: Warmoth’s diary notes about Long, whom he never met, show that he thought Long an unsympathetic buffoon. Warmoth married, had three children, and found commercial success as a sugar planter. In the 1870s, he bought Magnolia Plantation in Plaquemines Parish, and hired a black music teacher, Professor J. B. Humphrey, to teach music to his workers. The Magnolia, or “Eclipse” Brass Band played marches, just as the street bands of New Orleans did. The Magnolia Band played at events, dances and clubs: “When the Saints Come Marching In” was a favorite final number. They even went into town to play in Mardi Gras parades. The musicians learned to read music (something not all city players did.) Best of all: “when they learned their numbers they could play them anyway they wanted: they could jazz them up!” Dr. Karl Koenig, in an article on the band in a 1982 issue of the New Orleans Jazz Club’s “Second Line’ magazine, noted many 20th century musicians who came from the band: Sam Morgan, Lee Collins, and Harrison Barnes. Professor Humphrey’s descendants, Willie and Percy Humphrey, were well known parading jazz musicians in New Orleans in the early 20th century and their example influenced musicians we hear today. Maybe Henry Clay Warmoth did not leave happy political memories: but fans of New Orleans brass bands owe him a debt of thanks.


photograph courtesy of The Historic New Orleans Collection, Chet S. Kellogg Collection february 2019 3 7


The living room, located on one side of the center hall, opens onto a side porch; a new working fireplace and a large antique mirror handed down from Winnie’s family form a focal point at one end of the room; the chaise longue from Mark’s mother’s home is an original Eastlake design; the sofa is a classic 1960s piece updated with suede upholstery; painting, Lisa di Stefano.

Clean and Crisp An edited design for a centuries-old house by Lee Cutrone photographed by Greg Miles

Winnie and Mark Brown lived in

their current house for a decade before undertaking a major renovation of the property. Winnie had lived in several other houses on the wide Uptown street before

38 february 2019

marrying Mark. Together the couple raised a blended family of five children in the stucco center hall cottage, which sat atop a hill. By the time they decided to begin the renovation they’d

been considering, they knew the house, and what they wanted inside and out – literally. They hired architect William Sonner, a friend with whom Winnie had worked before, and spent

several years refining the plans. The couple were attuned to maintaining the charm and historic character of the 1920s era home and its neighborhood setting. Therefore, a main goal, according to Mark, was “to not have a raised basement house, but rather a traditional two-story house.” “We wanted to stay true to the integrity of the architecture while at the same time making it modern and functional – and also looking at possibly selling it down the road,” Winnie said. “We wanted a fresh and well-edited floorplan. My mother used to say, take one piece of jewelry off before you leave the house.” The redesign called for elevating the house four feet and eliminating the basement. It also required building a new first floor and turning the original first floor into a reconfigured second floor, complete with a master wing, three additional bedrooms (each with a private bath), a laundry room,

and a beverage/snack “hospitality center” – all of which doubled the square footage of the house. Though now empty nesters, the couple wanted plenty of room and privacy for visiting children and guests. Outside, the remodel removed the existing brick veneer from the façade, kept the original coppertopped bay window and added a copper awning over the second-story doors. Twelve-foot ceilings, French doors and classic materials - including French gray oak floors and original artisan-crafted iron railings – ground

the house with a timeless appeal. New finishes and an open, entertaining-friendly floor plan that party guests have described as having “no dead ends” are unmistakably present day. Linear flooring, the absence of thresh-holds and wide casement openings create an uninterrupted flow that works well for large numbers of people. The couple has comfortably hosted parties for 200. “It’s a great house for entertaining,” Mark said. “Winnie and I are the more the merrier type people. If we’re going to have 10

Top, left: A pair of windows, built-in cabinetry and bookshelves by Steve Bowie, and the center placement of the Dutch Colonial desk give the library order and symmetry. Top, right: The redesigned façade of the house took its cues from the center front door, the pair of windows, and the bay window – now elevated to the second story; original artisan crafted ironwork by Christian Van Campen and Kate Betts. Bottom: Winnie and Mark Brown at home. february 2019 3 9

4 0 february 2019

Facing page: Top: The kitchen designed in collaboration with Singer Kitchens features cabinets painted a custom color called Egret, Thermador appliances and Caesarstone counters and backsplash; the antique French iron chandelier came from an estate sale. Bottom, left: The new foyer has herringbone floors of French gray oak and a dramatic pair of gilded chandeliers; the wall color throughout the house is Cloud Cover by Benjamin Moore and the door is painted a velvety charcoal gloss by Fine Paints of Europe; the antique French garden bench found at auction years ago was repurposed for indoors and is painted the same Mop Black by Benjamin Moore as the outdoor iron railings. Bottom, right: An elegant freestanding soaker tub resides next to the glass and marble shower in the master bath; floors, counters, shower walls, all Carrara marble. This page: The den at the rear of the house is open to the kitchen and overlooks the back yard; French doors flood the room with light and slipcovered seating keeps the room clean and airy; the dog portraits are by Winnie’s sister, Laure Williamson.

people over, we’d just as soon have 20. This house works really well with any group and any amount.” The entire house is zoned for air conditioning/ heat, lighting and electrical, which means that unused portions can be closed off so that it also works well for small numbers. “We can live in as much or as little as we want,” Winnie said. Winnie collaborated with Construction Project Manager Ruth Thompson of DWC Construction on choices of such things as cabinets, hardware and lighting. The Browns also worked with Greg McGavran of Vision Wood, iron artists Christian Van Campen and Kate Betts of S&H Metalworks, color expert Louis Aubert and Singer Kitchens. Serendipity and the couples’ own love of design factored into the project as well. Though they initially planned to use the original wood floors on the second floor, matching them for repairs proved difficult and they decided to install new floors throughout. In what Winnie calls a

“happy accident”, the one material that was immediately available was the French gray oak flooring she had originally dreamed of using. While Winnie was set on an open, high-end kitchen (she loves to cook) and screened porch (“I’m Southern and think everyone needs a screened porch,” she said), Mark designed the brickwork for the front walk, patio and porches, which include Australian bricks from one of the house’s original fireplaces. The Browns’ children especially favor the design of the upstairs baths which have subway tiles and retro hexagonal dot tile floors like those in the trendy Ace Hotel, while the couple prefer the light-filled kitchen and den area where they spend much of their free time. Yet Winnie believes the best part of the renewed residence is the way it works for family and friends and still feels like home. “It’s still very much the house we bought together,” she said. “It still says ‘home’ when the kids come home. It’s just a lot cleaner.”

. february 2019 41

Gr ee n

throw me something

Three companies that are Renewing, reusing and recycling beads this Carnival by Ashley McLellan

photographed by Theresa Cassagne


W When the city’s big vacuum trucks took a

turn around town after last year’s Mardi Gras, many were surprised by the haul of 46 tons, or 93,000 pounds of Mardi Gras beads and Carnival debris that were lodged in the drainage systems. And although the city installed a team of “gutter buddies,” mesh drainage bumpers that hopefully will work to let rainwater flow, but keep out trash and other objects, many carnival krewes and entrepreneurs feel that it’s time to think outside the box with a new look at old throws. We’ve found three alternative solutions that might lighten the carbon load in style this Mardi Gras season.

REDUCE the use of plastic with Atlas Beads

Kevin Fitzwilliam created Atlas Homemade Beads in 2016, with the idea of bringing handcrafted arts to the Mardi Gras celebration. What he got was a bigger return than expected with a company that has big global impact. “ I really started getting involved with the overall idea of greening Mardi Gras six years ago when the artist Katrina Brees (who is not related to our Saints’ own Number 9) hosted a public event on the topic,” he said. “At that time I was hosting a Saturday morning radio show focused on environmental topics, and we would discuss and promote efforts like hers on the show. Then about two and a half years ago I just started researching online different artists and artists’ groups all around the world that could possibly provide a handcrafted alternative to Chinese plastic throws for people who want their specialty throws to be meaningful with a positive social backstory. I reached out to about 40 different groups or artists, including some in the United States.” Each strand of beads is handmade and unique, crafted out

Atlas handmade Beads are uniquely made from recycled magazines

Float On!

2019 Carnival Parade Calendar Saturday, Feb. 9

Krewe of Chewbacchus 7 p.m., Marigny Friday, Feb. 15

Krewe Bohème 7 p.m., French Quarter Saturday, Feb. 16

Krewe du Vieux 6:30 p.m., French Quarter Krewe Delusion 7 p.m., French Quarter Sunday, Feb. 17

Krewe of Little Rascals 12 p.m., Metairie ‘tit R x 4:30 p.m., Marigny Friday, Feb. 22

Krewe of Cork 3 p.m., French Quarter Krewe of Oshun 6 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Cleopatra 6:30 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Excalibur 7:30 p.m. Metairie Saturday, Feb. 23

Krewe of Pontchartrain 1 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Choctaw follows Krewe of Freret follows Knights of Sparta 5:30 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Pygmalion follows

arc GNO participants sort and recycle more than 62 tons of beads each year

of recycled magazine pages by a women’s art collective in Uganda. Atlas offers a fair wage that is well above what the artists could normally make, leading to an improvement in not only their lives, but the lives of their children and families. In addition to having a financial impact on a community far away from the Crescent City, Atlas aims to broaden the appeal of unique, handmade and green Mardi Gras throws, something Fitzwilliam has seen reflected in carnival conversations throughout the season. “There is overwhelming support for Mardi Gras to be less wasteful, from both locals and tourists,” he said. “All you have to do is have a conversation with someone who lives in New Orleans about plastic waste at Mardi Gras, and the odds are that they’re going to say that they’d like to see a more environmentallyfriendly Mardi Gras in general.” Partnering with ArcGNO and working to provide his recycled Atlas Beads to krewes of all sizes, Fitzwilliam takes carnival cleanup seriously, and encourages others to get involved as well. “Last year I was a part of a team which organized the largest and most successful, volunteer-driven recycling effort in the history of Mardi Gras,” he said. “This effort was done on the Uptown route, and it proved that there is tremendous support for having more recycling options for aluminum and plastic and for supporting other missiondriven organizations like the ARC of Greater New Orleans. And as for the tourists, I know firsthand that there are tourists who love New Orleans but who told me that they choose to come to the city at other times of year because the plastic waste on the ground leaves them with a sick feeling. Having ridden in parades myself, I also know the feeling of watching parade goers dodge the plastic beads that I was throwing. So, the necklaces from Atlas Handmade Beads provide an alternative offering a more meaningful specialty throw.” Atlas Handmade beads are available year round in carnival colors, as well as Saints black and gold. Krewes can also purchase beads in bulk directly through the company’s website. “A growing number of riders in a variety of parades will be throwing them this year,” Fitzwilliam said. “I’m in talks with several krewes and floats within krewes about partnering. I want to help riders and the krewes themselves to be able to tell the story behind these necklaces and to feel the

connection to the women on the other side of the globe who supply them.” Fitzwilliam stresses that the new partnership between Atlas Handmade Beads and ARC GNO, is another way to help support each company’s efforts to bring green to the season. “[We] are partnering to provide packages to riders who want to support both missions,” he said. “The necklaces and bracelets are now being sold at the ARC location on Labarre in Metairie, and riders can also purchase mixed-item packages at costs of $250, $500 and $750. These packages will consist of a majority of throws from the ARC with a sampling of specialty throws from Atlas Handmade Beads.” For Fitzwilliam, getting involved in global and green efforts is not only a personal mission, but one that all of Carnival and the city can benefit from. “I think that every creative-minded and entrepreneurial person in New Orleans who loves Mardi Gras should consider getting in the game of helping Mardi Gras to move in the right direction,” he said. “Mardi Gras is about creativity, performance art, color, and fantasy. We can retain all of that while at the same time helping the city to have less plastic waste lying on the ground or heading into our storm drains.” Atlas Handmade Beads,

RECYCLE beads from ARC Greater New Orleans

ARC Greater New Orleans has been in the green Carnival business for decades, helping Carnival goers recycle their catches and krewe members have an affordable and ecofriendly option for bead purchasing, while also providing jobs to New Orleanians of all abilities. “ArcGNO has been recycling beads for a couple of decades, but the project was greatly ​ expanded a​ fter Hurricane Katrina,” said Ann Christian, ArcGNO Public Relations and Grant Coordinator. “The recycle center is one of three social enterprises that ArcGNO manages in order to employ individuals with intellectual disabilities. The recycling of Mardi Gras items has become our most successful social enterprise over the past few years. That’s why we continue to invest more in it, including opening last year a retail store and this year an online boutique, both of which

Krewe of Ceasar 5:30, Metairie Sunday, Feb 24

The Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale 11 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Carrollton follows Krewe of King Arthur and Merlin follows Krewe of Alla follows Krewe of Kings 5:30 p.m., Metairie Wednesday, Feb. 27

Krewe of Druids 6:30 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Nyx 7 p.m., Uptown Thursday, Feb. 28

Knights of Babylon 5:30 p.m., Uptown Knights of Chaos 6:15 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Muses 6:30 p.m., Uptown Friday, Mar. 1

Krewe of Hermes 6 p.m., Uptown Krewe d’Etat 6:30, Uptown Krewe of Morpheus 7 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Centurions 6:30 p.m., Metairie Saturday, Mar. 2

Krewe of NOMTOC 10:45 a.m., Westbank Krewe of Iris 11 a.m., Uptown

Krewe of Tucks 11 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Endymion 4:15 p.m., Mid-City Krewe of Isis 6:30 p.m., Metairie Sunday, Mar. 3

Krewe of Okeanos 11 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Mid-City 11:45 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Thoth 12 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Bacchus 5:15 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Athena 5:30 p.m., Metairie Krewe of Pandora 6:30 p.m., Metairie Monday, Mar. 4

Krewe of Proteus 5:15 p.m., Uptown Krewe of Orpheus 6 p.m., Uptown Tuesday, Mar. 5

Krewe of Zulu 8 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Rex 10 a.m., Uptown Krewe of Elks Orleans follows Krewe of Crescent City follows

allow folks to view and purchase all of our products on a year-round basis.” The numbers back up ArcGNO’s success, with the group selling more than $280,000 in beads and throws last year, according to Christian. Additionally, the efforts resulted in saving tons of products that otherwise would have ended up in the trash or in the streets. “This year for the first time we were able to weigh our intake,” she said. “Since Mardi Gras 2018 we collected 62.3 tons of raw product, all of which we hope to sell before Mardi Gras 2019.” ArcGNO employs two full time staff members, five associates, and more than 80 participants and crucial volunteers across five parishes. When asked why the bead recycle is so important, Christian emphasizes impacts beyond beads. “ArcGNO’s mission is to secure for all people with intellectual disabilities, such as Down syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy, the opportunity​​​​​ ​to develop, function, and live to their fullest potential,” she said. “For a lot of our participants, that means finding employment so they can earn money for themselves and their families.” While ArcGNO has nine donation and support services locations across the area, the group’s packaged beads are a readily available option for people in New Orleans and way beyond. “Mostly riders [purchase our beads], both locals and out-of-towners,” Christian said. “For example, there’s a group that drives in from Galveston every year to buy a trailer full of beads for the Galveston Mardi Gras. We also provide beads to the airport for guests who arrive. We also have customers who buy beads for themed parties or for local Mardi Gras events. In truth, with our new e-store, we’ve begun to see folks purchasing from all over the country for all sorts of reasons.

Krewe of Argus 10 a.m., Metairie Krewe of Elks Jefferson follows Krewe of Jefferson follows

REUSE and repurpose beads with Bayou Throws

Bayou Throws has been creating handmade, eco-friendly throws since 2015, with kid and craft-friendly beads that can be reused throughout the year.

Aron Medders has been at the helm since the beginning, leading a team that hand strings each set from their headquarters in Metairie. “We’ve found ways to make [our necklaces] efficiently and suppliers that could get us materials at reasonable prices,” he said. “Being green wasn’t our original goal but it’s actually worked out in our favor. We’ve found a way to make beads that are reasonably priced making us competitive with the larger bulk metallic beads from China.” Each necklace is made of 100 percent recyclable plastic beads, made in the U.S., that can be taken apart and reused in a variety of creative ways, according to Medders. “Our beads are made from kids’ craft beads, 100 percent virgin polystyrene plastic [the same material used in food-safe packaging and kids’ toys],” he said. “While plastics aren’t ‘green’ in the traditional sense, our beads are fully recyclable using the city recycling program, which puts us worlds ahead of the metallic beads. They can also be taken apart and used in craft projects, hair styling, or tons of other fun uses.” For Medders and Bayou Throws, going Mardi Gras green means a return to a bygone time, when bigger wasn’t necessarily better, and keeping things local was key. “In this case, ‘green’ inherently means a return to more quality throws over quantity,” he said. “There are the obvious reasons for being green and helping to save the planet, but even more so, finding ways to employ local people, making a local product, makes us all better off. Besides, parade-goers don’t want to catch plain old, bulk metallic beads any longer. Why would we keep spending our hard-earned throw money on something nobody wants?” Bayou Throws beads are available in more than 50 colors, for ultimate customization options, and bulk orders are accepted. “Our operations can be scaled very quickly and to order,” Medders said. “Each person we hire can make 4-6 dozen necklaces per hour. The more orders we get, the more people we can hire. We absolutely want to partner with any krewe that will have us. We have a very good relationship with the Krewe of King Arthur already and would very much like to expand our footprint.” •

bayou Beads’ throws can be repurposed and reused Above and beyond fat Tuesday

LE KREWE Satire on the March

by errol laborde photographed by cheryl gerber


unny thing about satire, to be at its best it most often has to be taken seriously. Poking fun and being serious can conjure opposite emotions, but satire, when done right, and especially if it is funny, can be hard work, with hours of bouncing ideas, only a few of which stick. But for an absence of about 100 years to let the Reconstruction cool off, satire has been a part of Carnival parades, at least a few of them. These days, the two krewes that are the best at it are Chaos, a descendant of the former Momus parade (1872—1992) that was a master of the barb, and Le Krewe d’ Etat (Known informally as KDE or simply “d’état’), a relatively new krewe which was no doubt inspired by Momus, but developed its own style, especially in float design. Pictured here are images from the 2018 KDE march. You should know that instead of a king, the irreverent krewe has a “Dictator,” which helps explain last year’s theme, “The Dictator’s Museum of Art.” To the eyes of the satirist, the mythical museum is known as the DicMA. (You’ll have to figure this out on your own.) Besides its floats, the krewe has other signature amenities such as the Dictator’s Banana Wagon (pulled by mules), the High Priest’s Candy Wagon (which resembles the Roman Candy wagon still seen

around town), the skeletal High Priest, and the “Dancin’ Dawlins,” an all-male dance group which last year saluted street repair workers as the “Dancin’ Do-Nothings.” Since we, on the other hand, know something, here are answers to questions about the krewe: Year founded: 1996 Number of riders: 545 Number of Krewe-owned flambeaux: 44 (All were krewe-made.) Innovative throws: Blinking objects, especially KDE green skull. Float builder: Royal Artists Captain’s identity: Secret Place on the floats where the most biting satirical jokes usually are: At the back In a non-satirical gesture we can say that KDE is one of the krewes that does everything right. It is smart with an old style look yet modern humor. There are lots of good bands and marching groups. Oh, we should have mentioned. The krewe’s motto is Vivitie ut Vebatis; Vebite ut Vivatis. Which, of course, as we Latin scholars know, means, “Ride to Live; Live to Ride.” Or as the French might say, Vive le satire.

facing page: Top, Left: Former Mayor Mitch Landrieu is spoofed as a god-like figure on a float entitled “Michelangelo.” While lesser souls look on, he proclaims that there is only one vision, his. this page: Top: A float entitled “The Dance Class” focuses on the allowable age and weight for legalized strippers. Circle: “American Gothic” shows the classic farmer and his wife as part of an angry middle class supporting Donald Trump.

facing page: Top: Radio chatter and obsessing over the Saints set the theme as Tom Benson promotes his then-newly acquired Dixie Beer. Bottom: Obamacare lingered on life support. this page: Top: Walking figures of The Dictator (There is no king) and. bottom: There were real body blows in the NFL last season, and that was off the field, including the national anthem controversy, a pizza chain failing the political correctness test and declining ticket sales causing high-roller owners to lose money.

Top: “Dogs Playing Poker,” a classic fixture in man caves, shows big dogs in international politics gambling on our future. CIRCLE: the krewe’s symbol, The High Priest carrying a torch. FACING PAGE: TOP: Jazz Fest Producer Quint Davis delights over a garden of earthly delights that includes long lines for beers and top dollar for VIP passes. BOTTOM: Listed as “The Curators” a mostly handsome group (with one exception whose hat is too small) of Carnival observers comment on the season. Float builder Blaine Kern sticks to his title of being Mr. Mardi Gras, while an angelic late Herb Jahncke (Royal Artiists) looks on.

Taking to Heart A Threat for Women By Kathy Finn


s she saw it, the year 2004 was going well for Essence Harris Banks. She was enjoying her job in human resources for a corporation headquartered in downtown New Orleans, and she felt invigorated by her part-time work as a personal trainer, which allowed her to share her dedication to fitness and exercise with others. Most of all, Banks delighted in the 4-year-old son, who was the center and joy of her life. But at some point during her 30th year, Banks began to sense there was trouble ahead. Though she was only 30 years old, she began experiencing shortness of breath during her workouts, and a few times even felt heart palpations. At first she tried to shrug off the symptoms, chalking them up to a lack of sleep or missing a meal here and there. But one evening, after her son had fallen asleep in the car as they were driving home, Banks picked him up to carry him into the house and found that she could barely manage it. “I was totally winded when we got inside,”

she recalled. It took multiple medical visits and a barrage of tests before doctors pinpointed the source of Banks’ problems: Two of her coronary arteries were almost completely blocked. How could this happen to a woman who outwardly appeared to be in the peak of health and physical fitness? Such questions echo throughout the ranks of millions of women who suffer from heart maladies, reflecting the many reasons that heart disease has become known as a silent killer. The fact is, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women. Conditions of the cardiovascular system cause one in three female deaths each year, outnumbering the total number of women who die from cancer annually. Yet, despite the ominous numbers, few women are on alert for indicators that they may have heart disease. “Women’s greatest health fear is breast cancer, we all seem to have that mindset,” said Pramilla Subramanium, a professor of medicine in

the section of cardiology at LSU Health in New Orleans. She said that awareness of breast cancer has increased greatly through educational programs and women’s advocacy groups, with the result that most women today understand the importance of being screened through mammograms and understanding their risk factors for the disease. But meanwhile, many women remain unaware of the far greater danger that they may have or will develop heart disease at some point in their lifetime. “All cancers put together do not kill as many women as heart disease does,” Subramanium said. Many factors, from physiology to environment to cultural habits, combine to make the threat to women a serious one. Subramanium also points to some major risk factors. Hypertension and diabetes, for instance, not only increase women’s risk of developing heart disease but are more conditions that are more commonly found in women than men, Subramanium said. Then there’s the matter of cholesterol. “Your cholesterol profile is related to your hormonal status, which changes after a woman experiences menopause” she said. Premenopausal women have a good deal of the hormone estrogen, which helps protect them against heart issues. Women in that stage of life also tend to have high levels of “good” cholesterol, which increases their protection, she said. “But once you hit menopause, you lose the protective effect of the good cholesterol.” Though men also may lose such protection over time, they don’t experience the same “dropoff effect” that hits women as they age, Subramanium said. Another reason that women tend to overlook the dangers of heart disease is the lack of common symptoms. Many men have become alert to chest pain and tightness, and shortness of breath as potential signs of a looming heart attack, but the indicators in women often are more subtle and may vary widely. “Women may feel fatigue or heartburn, or they may have arm or back pain, but not the classic symptoms that tell men they are about to have a heart attack,” Subramanium said. Though risky lifestyle habits, such as smoking, greatly increase the danger of heart disease in both women and men, other factors seem to have a disproportionate impact on females. Diabetic women are at a higher risk than diabetic males, for instance, though doctors are not sure why. Also, physical differences in women, such as smaller coronary arteries, may contribute to a higher incidence of arterial blockages. In addition, heart disease tends to strike women at a more advanced age than men. “Women typically are about 10 years older than men when they have the first symptoms of heart disease, and they are 20 years older than men when they have a first heart attack,” Subramanium said. But, none of that explains why a young, physically fit Essence Banks, who had no history of hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol problems or smoking, fell victim to heart disease 15 years ago. One of her most troubling recollections of the events is that while she suspected she might have a heart problem, she could not get doctors to take the idea seriously. At first her regular doctor suggested that she was having panic attacks and should take a few days off work. Even after she insisted

on seeing a cardiologist, all her test results continued to come back negative for any problem at all. “But finally they did a stress test,” Banks said, and that’s when the impact of her blocked arteries became clear. The doctor immediately scheduled an angiogram, which provides a view of blood moving through the coronary arteries, and in short order he inserted three stents in the blocked vessels to open them once again. “I was lucky, my heart was really strong from all my working out, running and dancing, so I did not lose heart muscle,” Banks said. If she could point to anything that may have contributed to her development of heart disease, Banks thinks it could be her early eating habits. She points out that she grew up in a modest household where her grandmother put Southern-style home-cooked meals on the table every day. “Back then, we didn’t question whether we should be eating things like fried chicken and smothered pork chops all the time,” she said with a laugh. When Banks was growing up, as now, kids ate what was available to them. Today, that too often means children are eating fast food or “junk” foods that fill their stomachs but also deliver a boatload of unhealthy fats, sodium and calories that can lead to obesity and many other health risks. Nutritionist Molly Kimball has been fighting that trend for the past 20 years. A registered dietician with Ochsner Fitness Center and current president of the local chapter of the American Heart Association, Kimball has made it her mission to help break the bad eating habits that have helped send millions of Americans to an early death via heart disease. “One of the things I think is really under people’s radar, and women especially, is the risk of a high-sugar and its influence in heart disease,” Kimball said. She believes women are particularly vulnerable to the ill effects of sugar because women have a tendency to like sweet foods and desserts. “A lot of women think they are eating healthy because they are not eating fried foods and other things they know will be bad for them. But if there is one thing we need to clear out of our diet it’s added sugar,” she said. Kimball has taken her message about improving people’s eating habits into schools, restaurants, medical organizations and many other settings via the program she founded called EatFit Nola. She developed criteria that food providers must meet in order to label their products with the EatFit seal, and many area restaurants and grocery stores now carry and promote the EatFit foods. Meanwhile, Essence Banks is working through other channels to help spread the message of healthier lifestyles to a population segment that does not often receive such information – children. Banks founded a nonprofit organization called Heart n Hands to educate kids, particularly young girls, about the importance of protecting their hearts beginning at an early age. She has reached scores of youngsters not only in school settings but through Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run and other groups focused on young women. “If I can get to them while they’re young,” Banks said.” before they go off to college and have to make their own heart-health decisions that would be great.”

“All cancers put together do not kill as many women as heart disease does”

Top Hospitals Patients’ Picks Of Area Facilities


ere is our attempt to identify the best local hospitals, at least from the patients’ perspective. There is only one source for patient evaluation of hospitals, and that’s Medicare. Using the agency’s data, we compiled a list of those hospitals within the region that when more than 100 patients were surveyed received a positive response from at least 50 percent when asked if they would “definitely recommend the hospital.” Listed here are those top-rated Louisiana hospitals within a 100-mile radius of New Orleans, excluding

New Orleans/Jefferson

East Jefferson General Hospital 4200 Houma Blvd., Metairie, 454-4000, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 73% Recommendation Percentage: 73%

Baton Rouge. • “Patient Rating” stands for percentage of “Patients who gave their hospital a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest).” •“Recommendation Percentage” represents “Patients who reported that ‘Yes,’ they would definitely recommend the hospital.” For more information, visit The list is limited to those hospitals that accept Medicare. Other hospitals may be worthy of consideration.

Ochsner Medical Center 1516 Jefferson Highway, 842-3000, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 71% Recommendation Percentage: 74%

Ochsner Medical Center-Kenner LLC 180 W. Esplanade Ave., Kenner, 468-8600, Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 73% Recommendation Percentage: 72%

Touro Infirmary 1401 Foucher St., 897-7011, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 71% Recommendation Percentage: 72% Tulane Medical Center 1415 Tulane Ave., 988-5263, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 71% Recommendation Percentage: 71% University Medical Center 2000 Canal St., 903-3000, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 72% Recommendation Percentage: 75% West Jefferson Medical Center 1101 Medical Center Blvd., Marrero, 347-5511, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 73% Recommendation Percentage: 72% Regional

Cypress Pointe Surgical Hospital 42570 S. Airport Road, Hammond, (985) 510-6200, Acute Care Hospital Patient Rating: 88% Recommendation Percentage: 87% Lady of the Sea General Hospital 200 W. 134th Place, Cut Off, (985) 632-6401, Critical Access Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 84% Recommendation Percentage: 76% Leonard J. Chabert Medical Center 1978 Industrial Blvd., Houma, (985) 873-2200, leonard-j-chabert-medical-center/ Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 78% Recommendation Percentage: 78%

North Oaks Medical Center 15790 Paul Vega MD Drive, Hammond, (985) 345-2700, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 70% Recommendation Percentage: 68%

St. Elizabeth Hospital 1125 W. Highway 30, Gonzales, (225) 647-5000, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 79% Recommendation Percentage: 76%

Ochsner Medical Center – Northshore, LLC 100 Medical Center Drive, Slidell, (985) 649-7070, ochsner-medical-center-north-shore Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 70% Recommendation Percentage: 71%

St. Tammany Parish Hospital 1202 S. Tyler St., Covington, (985) 898-4000, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 79% Recommendation Percentage: 80%

Ochsner St. Anne General Hospital 4608 Highway 1, Raceland, (985) 537-6841, ochsner-st-anne Critical Access Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 81% Recommendation Percentage: 79% Our Lady of the Angels Hospital 433 Plaza St., Bougalusa, (985) 730-6700, Critical Access Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 78% Recommendation Percentage: 72% Slidell Memorial Hospital 1001 Gause Blvd., Slidell, (985) 643-2200, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 71% Recommendation Percentage: 73% St. Bernard Parish Hospital 8000 W. Judge Perez Drive, Chalmette, 826-9500, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 67% Recommendation Percentage: 64% St. Charles Parish Hospital 1057 Paul Maillard Road, Luling, (985) 785-6242 (3644), Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 78% Recommendation Percentage: 78%

Southern Surgical Hospital 1700 W. Lindberg Drive, Slidell, (985) 641-0600, Acute Care Hospital Patient Rating: 92% Recommendation Percentage: 91% Teche Regional Medical Center 1125 Marguerite St., Morgan City, (985) 384-2200, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 70% Recommendation Percentage: 69% Terrebonne General Medical Center 8166 Main St., Houma, (985) 873-4141, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 77% Recommendation Percentage: 75% Thibodaux Regional Medical Center 602 N. Acadia Road, Thibodaux, (985) 447-5500, Acute Care Hospital Provides Emergency Services Patient Rating: 77% Recommendation Percentage: 79%


jeffery johnston photo

Whipped Ricotta flaky flatbread, preserved mushrooms, herb salad at The Elysian Bar

table talk

meet the chef Heirloom Red Corn Grits tomato braised mushrooms, poached egg, fried shallots

The Elysian Bar A day-to-night gem in the Marigny by Rebecca Friedman

After Chef Alex Harrell closed his French

Quarter restaurant Angeline last June, fans of his creative Southern cuisine were eager to see him back in a kitchen. They got their wish when Harrell was tapped to run The Elysian Bar, the restaurant and café connected to the 6 2 FEBRUARY 2019

Although Alex Harrell’s Alabama roots are evident in his cooking (the proof is in the grits), his simple yet elevated approach was influenced by working in the kitchens of New Orleans chefs Gerard Maras and Susan Spicer, where he picked up training that he carried to Sylvain, Angeline and now to the Elysian Bar. Harrell has worn many hats through his culinary career, from lunch line cook to chef/ owner (at Angeline), and his broad experience serves him well in his current post: “I still look at everything with the eyes of an owner even though I’m not invested in that way.” [The Elysian Bar’s owner is Joaquin Rodas of Bacchanal]. “You become a lot more mindful of the business in general. It’s something I certainly think about as I continue to grow in the role here.”

new Hotel Peter and Paul in Faubourg Marigny. A four-year renovation transformed the former Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church and school into a setting unlike any other in New Orleans – more Burgundy, France than Bur-GUN-dy Street. It’s a string of nooks, jeffery johnston photos

warmed by gingham upholstery, fireplaces and greenery, that meanders from front parlor to glassed-in dining room to an elegant bar and courtyard. During the day, the parlor pairs nicely with coffee and a warm cheddar and chive biscuit (and a copy of the New Yorker from the well-appointed magazine cart). But sunset transforms the cozy café to evening chic. Creating a smooth transition from day to night was a top priority for Harrell and The

The Elysian Bar, 2317 Burgundy Street, Faubourg Marigny, 356-6769, Coffee 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Café and bar 10:30 a.m. to midnight. No reservations. The Delachaise, 3442 St. Charles Avenue, Uptown, 895-0858, D Nightly. L Fri-Sun.

Elysian Bar’s management (the team behind Bywater phenomenon Bacchanal). “We knew we were going to be pretty much operating all day long, without a break, so that really informed the menu choices,” Harrell said. He also acknowledged that “from a design aspect, the space can be a little bit overwhelming, so we wanted the food to be approachable and comforting.” Guided by those parameters and a long-held devotion to seasonality and local sourcing, Harrell designed a Mediterraneaninspired menu that expands as the day goes on. Portions are generous and shareable. Eggs are an outstanding option – at all hours. The heirloom red corn grits (grown in Harrell’s home state of Alabama and milled locally by Bellegarde Bakery) feature an expertly poached egg with tomato-braised mushrooms and a dollop of crisp shallot rings. Another winner is the zesty house-made chorizo with a fried egg, kale and mixed grains. Harrell grew up eating produce from his grandparents’ one-acre garden, and vegetables remain close to his heart. Diners who enjoyed the chef’s Brussels

sprouts at Sylvain or cauliflower at Angeline will be pleased to find tributes to both, the Brussels sprouts fried and flavored by smoked almonds, pickled raisins and bagna cauda. Don’t miss the real star, however – the quirky fermented cabbage flavored with guanciale, bottarga breadcrumbs and a hint of grainy mustard. It’s Harrell’s favorite, the result of an experiment that started with grilled cabbage and evolved into something much more original. Cocktails range from creative aperitivi to classics, and the small wine list is purely domestic (a counterpoint to Bacchanal, which leans heavily toward imports). As Harrell explained, “There are just so many interesting things going on in the United States from a wine production standpoint.” Harrell looks forward to expanding and evolving the menu and to experiencing the first Mardi Gras in The Elysian Bar, which will undoubtedly serve as a base camp for visiting and local revelers. He also plans to continue carving out a distinct identity for the restaurant, built on quality and hospitality. “The space is so unique and so different from any other dining experience I’ve ever been a part of,” Harrell said. “It takes care of a lot, and we’re left to make sure the nuts and bolts of the business work and the service and experience we’re providing are equally as special as the location.”


More Nooks and Crannies

For those who enjoy cozy corners, the jewel box setting of The Delachaise on St. Charles Avenue houses an extensive wine selection and the city’s most addictive pommes frites. If you can see past the frites, try the house-made pâté or one of the innovative daily menu specials. FEBRUARY 2019 6 3

restaurant insider

News From the Kitchen Chef D’z Café, Gyu-Kaku, Barrow’s Catfish by Robert Peyton

“Blackened Catfish Orleans” blackened catfish topped with oysters, shrimp and crab meat in a white wine cream sauce

Chef D’z Café


Barrow’s Catfish

Chef Donald “Chef D” Smith closed his eponymous restaurant Chef D’z Café on Broad Street last year, but re-opened at the start of Carnival season in a new location. You’ll find the same classic New Orleans comfort food that earned Smith a devoted following, and the new location also has a liquor license. Chef D’z Café, 1535 Basin St., 827-1785, MondayWednesday 8 to 8, Thursday-Saturday 8 to 9, and Sunday 11 to 5. Facebook. com/chefdzcafe/

Last month, a location of Gyu-Kaku, a chain of Japanese “yakiniku” restaurants, opened in the CBD. The restaurant’s angle is, similar to some Korean restaurants, that diners prepare much of the meal on charcoal grills built into each table. There’s an emphasis on wellmarbled cuts of beef, but pork, poultry, seafood and vegetarian options are available as well. Gyu-Kaku, 400 Lafayette St., Ste. 101, 507-8800, Sunday-Thursday 5 to 10, Friday and Saturday 5 to 11.

Some restaurants specialize in a particular dish and do it so well that nobody complains about the lack of options. Barrow’s Catfish is one of those restaurants, and after a long Katrina-related hiatus, Barrow’s has reopened serving fried catfish (and a few other things) not far from its original Hollygrove location. Fried catfish poor boys are one of life’s treasures, so get one at Barrow’s. Barrow’s Catfish, 8300 Earhart Blvd., Ste. 103, 265-8995, MondayThursday 11 to 9, Friday-Saturday 11 to 10.

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6 6 FEBRUARY 2019

styled by photographed by eugenia uhl

A Royal Dish


Grillades after the Ball


by Dale Curry

3 pounds beef or veal round steaks, about ½ inch thick Sea or kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

At my first Carnival parade party after moving to

New Orleans, I enjoyed a well-seasoned meat and gravy dish served over grits. Upon saying goodbye to the hostess, I heard a guest say, “The grillades were delicious.” So I asked the guest what she meant, and that was my introduction to the wonderful brunch dish served often during Carnival. The French word grillade (gree-yahd) means grill and usually pertains to meat. We have Creolized it to mean a dish of grilled or fried strips of veal or beef round steak, simmered in a roux-based gravy until tender, and served over grits. Now, I’m a Southern girl from the Deep South (Memphis), and we ate plenty of meat and gravy, but like with many of our Creolized dishes, we just know how to cook it better in Naw’lins. That meaning the grillades gravy not only has flour, salt and pepper, but also onions, bell peppers, celery, garlic, tomatoes, herbs and hot sauce, not to mention that the flour is browned. Now that I have cooked grits and grillades about 100 times, I’ve added red wine and sometimes serve it over grits soufflé or cheese grits. I think plain grits are best, however, since you don’t want to compete with the divine flavor of the grillades. By grilling, the Creoles meant rubbing the meat with seasonings and letting it set for a while before melting a tablespoon of lard in a hot pan, making a roux and frying the meat and veggies. The dish was served often at breakfast with grits or at dinner with red beans and rice. For a small dinner party, veal might be used, requiring a shorter cooking time. For a crowd, beef is the most economical choice and should be pounded first and cooked longer. In the mid-1800s, Madames Begue and Esparbe served grillades for an early lunch for farmers and fishers at the French Market. They were wives of the market workers and operated small riverfront cafes that became some of the city’s first restaurants. Even in the poorest homes, grillades were affordable family food. Luckily, New Orleanians still love them. Kings and queens of Carnival continue the tradition of serving grits and grillades at krewe breakfasts late into the night following their krewes’ balls.

3 tablespoons plus 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 1/2 large onions, chopped 1 1/2 bell peppers, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped with green and white parts divided 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 15-ounce can whole plum tomatoes 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 3 cups beef stock, homemade, canned or made from beef base ½ cup red wine 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/3 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley Grits, cooked according to package directions and the number you are serving

Serving Grits When serving grits, cook them as close to serving time as possible. Lumpy or cold grits are unappetizing so they should be stirred well into the boiling water, simmered very slowly in a covered pot, and placed in a hot serving dish over a warmer while still slightly thin. After cooking, melt a chunk of butter in the pot of grits to make them tasty and keep them smooth.

1. With a sharp knife, cut steaks into strips, about ¾-by2-inches. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and pound to about ¼ inch thick. In a large, heavy pot, heat 3 tablespoons oil and fry meat over high heat just long enough to brown on both sides. Fry in batches one layer at a time, and remove to paper towels. You may need another tablespoon of oil in the last batch or two. Set aside, leaving all brown bits in the bottom of the pot. 2. In a medium skillet, heat the ½ cup of oil, and add the flour, stirring to combine over medium heat. Continue stirring constantly until a chocolate-colored roux is made. When ready, remove from fire and spoon the roux into the large pot. Set pot on medium heat and add white onions, stirring and cooking for several minutes. Add bell pepper and celery and saute a few more minutes. Add garlic and saute one more minute. 3. While garlic is sautéing, remove whole tomatoes from can and chop well. Add tomatoes and juice from can to the pot. Add stock, wine, thyme and cayenne. Return meat to the pot. Mix well, cover, and simmer over low heat for about 2 hours until meat is tender, stirring every half hour. Taste and adjust seasonings. Stir in green onion tops and parsley. 4. Serve over hot grits. Serves eight.

last call

King Cake The drink by Tim McNally

In February, the rest of America

goes into its long winter’s nap with a one-day break for Presidents’ Day. In New Orleans, we will see you that break, and raise you the other 27 days. The entire second month of this year is involved with Carnival, and we start building towards Mardi Gras itself, this year, the first Tuesday in March. You tell us what city has the better idea about how to spend what is usually the coldest month of the year. Naps, early sunsets, cold temperatures and maybe snow, OR formal balls, night after night with exciting parades, unlikely to snow, likely to have temps in the 60s. Seems to be no contest with New Orleans the obvious winner. It really makes sense to enjoy a parade or a day in the Quarter while sipping a drink that features the colors of the season. Being festive applies to your mouth and your eyes.

King Cake Bevvy Recipe

1 cup vanilla ice cream 1 3/4 ounce New Orleans Rum 1⁄2 ounce cinnamon syrup 1⁄4 ounce orgeat 1⁄4 ounce orange juice cinnamon and green, purple and gold sugar for garnish Blend first five ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Garnish with cinnamon and tri-colored sugar then enjoy the Mardi Gras spirit(s)! As featured at Bourbon House. Dickie Brennan’s Bourbon House, 144 Bourbon Street, 522-0111,

6 8 FEBRUARY 2019

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dining listings H= New Orleans Magazine award winner


H Pizza Delicious pizza 617 Piety St., 676-8482, L, D Tue-Sun. Authentic New York-style thin crust pizza is the reason to come to this affordable restaurant , that also offers excellent salads sourced from small farms and homemade pasta dishes. Outdoor seating a plus. $ Carrollton Bourré AMERICAN 1510 S. Carrollton Ave., 510-4040. L, D Tue-Sun. “Elevated” street food along with quality daiquiris and wings are the draw at this newcomer from the team behind Boucherie. $$ Breads on Oak Bakery/Breakfast 8640 Oak St., 324-8271, B, L WedSun. Artisan bakeshop tucked away near the levee on Oak St. serves breads, sandwiches, gluten-free and vegan-friendly options. $ City Park Café NOMA AMERICAN 1 Collins Diboll Cir., NO Museum of Art, 482-1264, CafeNoma. com. L, (snacks) Tue-Sun. Sleek bar and café in the ground floor of museum offers a thoughtful array of snacks, sandwiches and small plates that are sure to enchant, with a kids’ menu to boot. $$ CBD/Warehouse District Balise Louisianian Fare 640 Carondelet St., 459-4449, L Tue-Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Chef Justin Devillier turns back the clock at this turn-of-the-century inspired bistro in the CBD. Carefully crafted fare fits well alongside the excellent cocktail and beer list. $$$

H BH Steak Steakhouse Harrah’s Casino, 8 Canal St., 533-6111, HarrahsNewOrleans. com. D daily. Acclaimed chef John Besh reinterprets the classic steakhouse with his signature contemporary Louisiana flair. $$$$$

H Borgne Seafood 601 Loyola Ave.,

$ = Average entrée price

$ = $5-10 $$ = $11-15 $$$ = $16-20 $$$$ = $21-25 $$$$$ = $25 & up

appeal. $$$

burning oven, and an excellent raw bar. $$$

Drago’s Louisianian Fare Hilton Riverside Hotel, 2 Poydras St., 584-3911, L, D daily. This favorite specializes in charbroiled oysters, a dish they invented. Great deals on fresh lobster as well. $$$$

Q&C Hotel/Bar AMERICAN 344 Camp St., 587-9700, B, D daily, L Fri-Sun. Boutique hotel bar offering a small plates menu with tempting choices such as a Short Rib Poor Boy and Lobster Mac and Cheese to complement their sophisticated craft cocktails. $$

H Domenica Italian The Roosevelt Hotel, 123 Baronne St., 648-6020, L, D daily. Authentic, regional Italian cuisine. The menu of thin, lightly topped pizzas, artisanal salumi and cheese, and a carefully chosen selection of antipasti, pasta and entrées features locally raised products. $$$$ Emeril’s Louisianian Fare 800 Tchoupitoulas St., 528-9393, L Mon-Fri, D daily. The flagship of superstar chef Emeril Lagasse’s culinary empire, this landmark attracts pilgrims from all over the world. $$$$$

H Herbsaint Louisianian Fare 701 St. Charles Ave., 524-4114, L Mon-Fri, D Mon-Sat. Enjoy a sophisticated cocktail before sampling chef Donald Link’s menu that melds contemporary bistro fare with classic Louisiana cuisine. The banana brown butter tart is a favorite dessert. $$$$$ H La Boca Steakhouse 870 Tchoupitoulas St., 525-8205, D Mon-Sat. This Argentine steakhouse specializes in cuts of meat along with pastas and wines. Specials include the provoleta appetizer and the Vacio flank steak. $$$

H Lüke World 333 St. Charles Ave., 378-2840, B, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Germanic specialties and French bistro classics, house-made pâtés and plateaux of cold, fresh seafood. $$$

613-3860, L, D daily. Coastal Louisiana with an emphasis on Isleños cuisine (descendants of Canary Islanders who settled in St. Bernard Parish) is the focus of this high-volume destination adjacent to the Superdome. $$$

Morton’s The Steakhouse Steakhouse 365 Canal St., One Canal Place, 566-0221, D daily. Private elevator leads to the plush, wood-paneled environs of this local outpost of the famed Chicago steakhouse popular with politicians and celebrities. $$$$

Calcasieu Specialty Foods 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 588-2188, For large and small gatherings, the catering menus feature modern Louisiana cooking and the Cajun cuisine for which chef Donald Link is justifiably famous.

Mother’s Louisianian Fare 401 Poydras St., 523-9656, B, L, D daily. Locals and tourists alike endure long lines to enjoy iconic dishes such as the Ferdi poor boy and Jerry’s jambalaya. Come for a late lunch to avoid the rush. $$

H Cochon Louisianian Fare 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 588-2123, L, D, Mon-Sat. Chefs Donald Link and Stephen Stryjewski feature Cajun and Southern cuisine. Boudin and other pork dishes reign supreme, along with Louisiana seafood and real moonshine Reservations recommended. $$

H Desi Vega’s Steakhouse Steakhouse 628 St. Charles Ave., 523-7600, L Mon-Fri, D Tue-Sat. USDA Prime steaks form the base of this menu, but Italian specialties and a smattering of locally inspired seafood dishes round out the

7 0 FEBRUARY 2019

Mulate’s Louisianian Fare 201 Julia St., 5221492, L, D daily. Live music and dancing add to the fun at this world-famous Cajun destination. $$ Palace Café World 605 Canal St., 523-1661, B, L, D daily. Cassic New Orleans restaurant, the Dickie Brennan and Palace Cafe team evolve traditional Creol dishes. Enjoy specialty cocktails and small plates at the Black Duck Bar. $$$

H Pêche Seafood 800 Magazine St., 5221744, L, D Mon-Sat. Award-winning southern-inspired seafood destination by Chef Donald Link serves whole roasted Gulf fish from its massive, wood-

HRed Gravy Bakery/Breakfast 4125 Camp St., 561-8844, B, Br, L, Wed-Mon. Farm-to-table brunch restaurant offers a creative array of items such as Cannoli Pancakes and Skillet Cakes, as well as delectable sandwiches and more. Homemade pastas and authentic Tuscan specialties round out the menu. $$ H Restaurant August AMERICAN 301 Tchoupitoulas St., 299-9777, L Fri, D daily. James Beard Award-winning menu is based on classical techniques of Louisiana cuisine and produce with a splash of European flavor set in an historic carriage warehouse. $$$$$ Rock-N-Sake Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 823 Fulton St., 581-7253, L Fri, D Tue-Sun, late night Fri-Sat. Fresh sushi and contemporary takes on Japanese favorites in an upbeat, casual setting. $$$ Ruth’s Chris Steak House Steakhouse Harrah’s Hotel, 525 Fulton St., 587-7099, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Filet mignon, creamed spinach and potatoes au gratin are the most popular dishes at this steak institution. There are also great seafood choices and top-notch desserts. $$$$$ Sac-A-Lait Seafood 1051 Annunciation St., 324-3658, D TueSat, L Fri. Cody and Sam Carroll’s shrine to Gulf Coast and Louisiana culinary heritage melds seafood, game, artisan produce, and craft libations in an ambitious menu that celebrates local and southern cuisine. $$$$ The Grill Room AMERICAN Windsor Court Hotel, 300 Gravier St., 522-6000, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Modern American cuisine with a distinctive New Orleans flair, the adjacent Polo Club Lounge offers live music nightly. Jazz Brunch on Sunday. $$$$$ Tommy’s Cuisine Italian 746 Tchoupitoulas St., 581-1103, D daily. Classic Creole-Italian cuisine is the name of the game at this upscale eatery. Appetizers include the namesake oysters Tommy, baked in the shell with Romano cheese, pancetta and roasted red pepper. $$$$$ Central City Café Reconcile Louisiana fare 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 568-1157, CafeReconcile. org. L Mon-Fri. Good food for a great cause, this nonprofit on the burgeoning OCH corridor helps train at-risk youth for careers in the food service industry. $$ Covington Don’s Seafood seafood 126 Lake Dr., (985) 327-7111, L, D Daily. Popular neighborhood seafood joint offers an array of crowd-pleasing south

Louisiana dishes, including char-broiled oysters and Zydeco shrimp. Kid’s Menu makes it a good choice for families. $$$ Faubourg Marigny The Marigny Brasserie AMERICAN 640 Frenchmen St., 945-4472, MarignyBrasserie. com. L, D daily. Chic neighborhood bistro with traditional dishes like fried green tomatoes and innovative cocktails such as the cucumber Collins. $$$ Faubourg St. John

H Café Degas French 3127 Esplanade Ave., 945-5635, L, D Wed-Sat, Br Sun. Salad Niçoise, Hanger steak and frites are served in a lovely enclosed courtyard at this jewel of a French bistro. $$

H 1000 Figs World 3141 Ponce De Leon St., 301-0848, L, D Tue-Sat. Vegetarian-friendly offshoot of the Fat Falafel Food Truck offers a healthy farm-to-table alternative to cookie-cutter Middle Eastern places. $$ French Quarter Acme Oyster House Louisianian Fare 724 Iberville St., 522-5973, L, D daily. Known as one of the best places to eat oysters. $$

H Arnaud’s Louisianian Fare 813 Bienville St., 523-5433, D daily, Br Sun. Waiters in tuxedos prepare Café Brûlot tableside at this storied Creole grande dame; live jazz during Sun. brunch. $$$$$ Arnaud’s Remoulade Italian 309 Bourbon St., 523-0377, L, D daily. Home of the eclectic menu of famous shrimp Arnaud, red beans and rice and poor boys as well as specialty burgers, grilled all-beef hot dogs and thin-crust pizza. $$ Antoine’s Louisianian Fare 713 St. Louis St., 581-4422, L, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. This pinnacle of haute cuisine and birthplace of oysters Rockefeller is New Orleans’ oldest restaurant. (Every item is à la carte, with an $11 minimum.) Private dining rooms available. $$$$$ Antoine’s Annex Specialty Foods 513 Royal St., 525-8045, Open daily. Serves French pastries, including individual baked Alaskas, ice cream and gelato, as well as panini, salads and coffee. Delivery available. BB King’s Blues Club Barbecue 1104 Decatur St., 934-5464, new-orleans. L, D daily. New Orleans outpost of music club named for the famed blues musician with a menu loaded with BBQ and southern specialties. Live music and late hours are a big part of the fun. $$$ Bayou Burger Burgers 503 Bourbon St., 529-4256, L, D daily. Sports bar in the thick of Bourbon Street scene distinguishes its fare with choices like Crawfish Beignets and Gator Bites. $$ Bourbon House Seafood 144 Bourbon St., 522-0111, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Local seafood, featured in both classic and contemporary dishes, is the focus of this New Orleans-centric destination. And yes,

bourbon is offered as well. $$$ Bayona World 430 Dauphine St., 5254455, L Wed-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Chef Susan Spicer’s nationally acclaimed cuisine is served in this 200-year-old cottage. Ask for a seat on the romantic patio, weather permitting. $$$$$ Broussard’s French 819 Conti St., 5813866, D daily, Br Sun. Creole-French institution also offers beautiful courtyard seating. $$$$

H Cane & Table Gastropub 1113 Decatur St., 581-1112, L Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Open late, this chefdriven rustic colonial cuisine with rum and “proto-Tiki” cocktails make this a fun place to gather. $$ Chartres House Italian 601 Chartres St., 586-8383, L, D daily. This iconic French Quarter bar serves terrific Mint Juleps and Gin Fizzes in its picturesque courtyard and balcony settings. Also famous for its fried green tomatoes and other local favorite dishes. $$$ Court of Two Sisters Louisianian Fare 613 Royal St., 522-7261, Br, D daily. The historic environs make for a memorable outdoor dining experience. The famous daily Jazz Brunch buffet and classic Creole dishes sweeten the deal. $$$$$ Criollo Louisianian Fare Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal St., 681-4444, B, L, D daily. Next to the famous Carousel Bar in the historic Monteleone Hotel, Criollo represents an amalgam of the various

Louisiana cultures, with a contemporary twist. $$$ Crazy Lobster Seafood 500 Port of New Orleans Place, Suite 83, 569-3380, L, D daily. Boiled seafood and festive atmosphere come together at this seafood-centric destination overlooking the Mississippi River. Outdoor seating a plus. $$$ Creole Cookery Seafood 508 Toulouse St., Suite C110, 524-9632, L, D daily. Crowd-pleasing destination in the French Quarter offers an expansive menu of Creole favorites and specialty cocktails served with New Orleans flair. $$$ Deanie’s Seafood Seafood 841 Iberville St., 581-1316, L, D daily. Louisiana seafood, baked, broiled, boiled and fried is the name of the game. Try the barbecue shrimp or towering seafood platters. $$$

H Dickie Brennan’s Bourbon House Seafood 144 Bourbon St., 522-0111, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Classic Creole dishes, such as redfish on the halfshell, and an Oyster Bar. Its extensive bourbon menu will please aficionados. $$$$ Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse Steakhouse 716 Iberville St., 522-2467, L Fri, D daily. Nationally recognized steakhouse serves USDA Prime steaks and local seafood. Validated Parking next door. $$$$

H Doris Metropolitan Steakhouse 620 Chartres St., 267-3500, L Fri-Sun, D daily. Innovative steakhouse plays with expectations and succeeds with modernist dishes like their Classified Cut and Beetroot Supreme. $$$$ El Gato Negro World 81 French Market Place, 525-9752, L, D daily. Central Mexican cuisine along with hand-muddled mojitos and margaritas made with freshly squeezed juice. A weekend breakfast menu is an additional plus. $$ Galatoire’s Louisianian Fare 209 Bourbon St., 525-2021, L, D Tue-Sun. Friday lunches are a New Orleans tradition at this world-famous French-Creole grand dame. Tradition counts for everything here, and the crabmeat Sardou is delicious. Note: Jackets required for dinner and all day Sun. $$$$$ Galatoire’s 33 Bar & Steak Steakhouse 215 Bourbon St., 335-3932, L Fri, D SunThu. Steakhouse offshoot of the venerable Creole grande dame offers hand-crafted cocktails and classic steakhouse fare and inspired dishes. Reservations accepted. $$$

H GW Fins Seafood 808 Bienville St., 581FINS (3467), D daily. Owners Gary Wollerman and twice chef of the year Tenney Flynn provide dishes at their seasonal peak. On a quest for unique variety, menu is printed daily. $$$$$ Hard Rock Café AMERICAN 125 Bourbon St., 529-5617, L, D daily, Br SatSun. Local outpost of this global brand serves burgers, café fare and drinks in their rock

memorabilia-themed environs. $$ House of Blues Louisianian Fare 225 Decatur St., 310-4999, HouseOfBlues. com/NewOrleans. L, D daily. Good menu complements music in the main room. Worldfamous Gospel Brunch every Sunday. Patio seating available. $$ Irene’s Cuisine Italian 539 St. Philip St., 529-8881. D Mon-Sat. Long waits at the lively piano bar are part of the appeal of this Creole-Italian favorite beloved by locals. Try the oysters Irene and crabmeat gratin appetizers. $$$$ K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen Louisianian Fare 416 Chartres St., 596-2530, ChefPaul. com/KPaul. L Thu-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Paul Prudhomme’s landmark restaurant helped introduce Cajun food to the nation. Lots of seasoning and bountiful offerings, along with reserved seating, make this a destination for locals and tourists alike. $$$$

H Kingfish Seafood 337 Charters St., 598-5005, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Regionally inspired seafood dishes with carefully sourced ingredients and southern influence is the focus at this chefdriven French Quarter establishment. $$$ Le Bayou Seafood 208 Bourbon St., 5254755, L, D daily. Blackened redfish and Shrimp Ya-Ya are a just a few of the choices at this seafood-centric destination on Bourbon Street. $$$ Muriel’s Jackson Square Italian 801 Chartres St., 568-1885, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Enjoy local classics while FEBRUARY 2019 7 1

dining in the courtyard bar or any other room in this labyrinthine, rumored-to-be-haunted establishment. $$$$ Napoleon House Italian 500 Chartres St., 524-9752, L Mon-Sat, D Tue-Sat. Originally built in 1797 as a respite for Napoleon, this family-owned European-style café serves local favorites gumbo, jambalaya and muffulettas. A Sazerac or Pimm’s Cup are perfect accompaniments. $$ NOLA Louisianian Fare 534 St. Louis St., 522-6652, L Thu-Mon, D daily. Emeril’s more affordable eatery, featuring cedar-plankroasted redfish; private dining. $$$$$ Oceana Grill Seafood 739 Conti St., 5256002, B, L, D daily. Gumbo, poor boys and barbecue shrimp are served at this kid-friendly seafood destination. $$ Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar and Bistro Gastropub 720 Orleans Ave., 523-1930, D daily. Wine is the muse at this bistro, which offers vino by the flight, glass and bottle. A classic menu with an emphasis on local cuisine. $$$

H Patrick’s Bar Vin Gastropub 730 Bienville St., 200-3180, D daily. This oasis of a wine bar offers terrific selections by the bottle and glass. Small plates are served as well. $$ Pier 424 Seafood 424 Bourbon St., 3091574, L, D daily. Seafood-centric restaurant offers long menu of traditional New Orleans fare augmented by

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unusual twists like “Cajun-Boiled” Lobster. $$$ Port of Call Burgers 838 Esplanade Ave., 523-0120, L, D daily. It is all about the big, meaty burgers and giant baked potatoes in this popular bar/restaurant – unless you’re cocktailing only, then it’s all about the Monsoons. $$

H Restaurant R’evolution Italian 777 Bienville St., 553-2277, RevolutionNola. com. L Fri, D daily, Br Sun. An opulent place that combines the local flavors of chef John Folse with the cosmopolitan influence of chef Rick Tramonto. Chef de cuisine Jana Billiot and executive sous chef Gabriel Beard are in charge of day-to-day operations, which include house-made charcuterie, pastries, pastas and more. $$$$$ Ralph Brennan’s Red Fish Grill Italian 115 Bourbon St., 598-1200, L, D daily. Chef Austin Kirzner cooks up a broad menu peppered with local favorites such as barbecue oysters, blackened redfish and double-chocolate bread pudding. $$$$$ Rib Room AMERICAN Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, 621 St. Louis St., 529-7046, B, D daily, L MonSat, Br Sun. Old World elegance, house classic cocktails and Anthony Spizale’s broad menu of prime rib, stunning seafood and on Sundays a jazz brunch. $$$ Richard Fiske’s Martini Bar & Restaurant Louisianian Fare 301 Dauphine St., 5860972, B, Bar Lunch daily. Just a few steps off of Bourbon Street is this relaxing bar featuring an innovative menu with

dishes like Crawfish, Jalapeno-and-Bacon Mac and Cheese garnished with fried oysters. Live music a plus. $$$ Royal House Louisianian Fare 441 Royal St., 528-2601, L, D daily. B Sat and Sun. Poor boys, jambalaya and shrimp Creole are some of the favorites served here. Weekend breakfast and an oyster bar add to the crowd-pleasing appeal. $$$ SoBou Louisianian Fare 310 Chartres St., 552-4095, B, L, D daily. There is something for everyone at this “Modern Creole Saloon.” Decidedly unstuffy with an emphasis on craft cocktails and wines by the glass. Everything from $1 pork cracklins to an extravagant foie gras burger on an accomplished yet eclectic menus. $$

bar with plush British décor features live music during the week and late dinner and drinks on weekends. Nouveau Creole menu includes items such as Bombay drum. $$$$ The Pelican Club AMERICAN 312 Exchange Place, 523-1504, D daily. Serves an eclectic mix of hip food, from the seafood “martini” to clay-pot barbecued shrimp and a trio of duck. Three dining rooms available. $$$$$

H Tujague’s Louisianian Fare 823 Decatur St., 525-8676, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. For more than 150 years this landmark restaurant has been offering Creole cuisine. Favorites include a nightly six-course table d’hôté menu featuring a unique beef brisket with Creole sauce. $$$$$

H Tableau Louisianian Fare 616 S. Peter St., 934-3463, B Mon-Fri, L Mon-Sat, D daily, Brunch Sat-Sun. Gulf seafood such as Redfish Bienville and classic Creole brunch dishes like eggs Hussard are the highlights of this Dickie Brennan restaurant that shares space with Le Petite Théâtre. $$$

Garden District Cheesecake Bistro by Copeland’s AMERICAN 2001 St. Charles Ave., 593-9955, L Mon-Fri, D daily, Br Sun. Shiny, contemporary bistro serves Cajun-fusion fare along with its signature decadent desserts. Good lunch value to boot. $$

H The Bistreaux Louisianian Fare New Orleans Maison Dupuy Hotel, 1001 Toulouse St., 586-8000, html. B, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Dishes ranging from the casual (truffle mac and cheese) to the upscale (tuna tasting trio) are served in an elegant courtyard. $$

District Donuts Sliders Brew AMERICAN 2209 Magazine Street, 570-6945, B, L, D daily. Creative sliders (hello, pork belly) and super-creative donuts (think root beer float) are the hallmarks of this next-generation café. $

The Bombay Club Louisianian Fare Prince Conti Hotel, 830 Conti St., 577-2237, D daily. Popular martini

Hoshun Restaurant Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 1601 St. Charles Ave., 302-9716, L, D daily. A wide variety of Asian cuisines, primarily dishes

culled from China, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia. Private dining rooms available. $$

L, D daily. Known as one of the best places to eat oysters. $$

H Mr. John’s Steakhouse Steakhouse

Austin’s Louisianian Fare 5101 W. Esplanade Ave., 888-5533, D Mon-Sat. Mr. Ed’s upscale bistro serves contemporary Creole fare, including seafood and steaks. $$$

2111 St. Charles Ave., 679-7697, D Tue-Sat, L Fri-Sat. Wood paneling, white tile and USDA Prime Beef served sizzling in butter are the hallmarks of this classic New Orleans steakhouse. $$$ Lakeview

H Cava Louisianian Fare 789 Harrison Ave., 304-9034. D daily. Fine dining (and excellent wine list) at this high-end Cajun and Creole restaurant that makes customer service a big part of the experience. $$$

H Mondo World 900 Harrison Ave., 2242633, L Mon-Fri, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. Chef Susan Spicer’s take on world cuisine. This place has a deserved reputation for good food and good times. $$$ Lower Garden District The Tasting Room Gastropub 1906 Magazine St., 581-3880, TTRNewOrleans. com. D Tue-Sun. Flights of wine and sophisticated small plates are the calling cards for this wine bar. $$ Metairie H Andrea’s Restaurant Italian 3100 19th St., 834-8583, L Mon-Sat, D daily, Br Sun. Osso buco and homemade pastas in a setting that’s both elegant and intimate; off-premise catering. $$$ Acme Oyster House Louisianian Fare 3000 Veterans Blvd., 309-4056,

Boulevard American Bistro AMERICAN 4241 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 889-2301. L, D daily. Classic American cuisine including steaks, chops and more is augmented by regional favorites like Boulevard Oysters at this Metairie bistro. $$$ café B AMERICAN 2700 Metairie Road, 9344700, D daily, L Mon-Fri. Br Sun. Ralph Brennan offers New American bistro fare with a Louisiana twist at this familyfriendly neighborhood spot. $$$ Caffe! Caffe! AMERICAN 3547 N. Hullen St., 267-9190. B, L Mon-Sat. & 4301 Clearview Parkway, 885-4845. B, L daily; D Mon-Sat. Healthy, refreshing meal options, and gourmet coffee and espresso drinks create a tasteful retreat for Metairie diners at a reasonable price. $ Crabby Jack’s Louisianian Fare 428 Jefferson Highway, 833-2722, L Mon-Sat. Lunch outpost of Jacques-Imo’s. Famous for its fried seafood and poor boys including fried green tomatoes and roasted duck. $ Deanie’s Seafood Seafood 1713 Lake Ave., 831-4141, L, D daily. Louisiana seafood, baked, broiled, boiled and fried, is the name of the game. Try the barbecue

shrimp or towering seafood platters. $$$


Don’s Seafood seafood 4801 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 889-1550, L, D Daily. Metairie outpost of historic local seafood chain that dates from 1934. Features an array of Cajun and seafood classics like their original ‘Jacked Up’ Oysters and seafood platters. Don’t miss their happy hour specials. $$$

Vincent’s Italian Cuisine Italian 4411 Chastant St., 885-2984, Metairie, L Tue-Fri, D MonSat. Snug Italian boîte packs them in, yet manages to remain intimate at the same time. The cannelloni is a house specialty. $$$

Drago’s Louisianian Fare 3232 N. Arnoult Road, 888-9254, L, D Mon-Sat. This favorite specializes in charbroiled oysters, a dish they invented. Great deals on fresh lobster as well. $$$$

1001 N. Broad St., 821-3271, L Tue-Fri & Sun, D Tue-Sun. One of the classic New Orleans steakhouses. Steaks, sides and drinks are what you get. $$$$

Mr. Ed’s Seafood and Italian Restaurant Seafood 1001 Live Oak St., 838-0022, L, D Mon-Sat. Neighborhood restaurant specializes in seafood and Italian offerings such as stuffed eggplant and bell pepper. Fried seafood and sandwiches make it a good stop for lunch. $$

Five Happiness Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 3605 S. Carrollton Ave., 482-3935, L, D daily. This longtime Chinese favorite offers up an extensive menu including its beloved mu shu pork and housebaked duck. $$

Ruth’s Chris Steak House Steakhouse 3633 Veterans Blvd., 888-3600, RuthsChris. com. L Fri, D daily. Filet mignon, creamed spinach and potatoes au gratin are the most popular dishes at this steak institution, and great seafood choices and top-notch desserts. $$$$$ Sucré Specialty Foods 3301 Veterans Blvd., 834-2277, Desserts daily. Open late weekends. Chocolates, pastry and gelato draw rave reviews at this dessert destination. Beautiful packaging makes this a great place to shop for gifts. Catering


H Crescent City Steaks Steakhouse

Gracious Bakery + Café Bakery/Breakfast 1000 S. Jeff Davis Parkway, Suite 100, 301-3709, B, L daily. Boutique bakery offers small-batch coffee, baked goods, individual desserts and sandwiches on breads made in-house. Catering options available. $

H Katie’s Restaurant and Bar Louisianian Fare 3701 Iberville St., 488-6582, L, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. Creative poor boys, local dishes such as gumbo and Sunday brunch make this a neighborhood favorite. $$

H Liuzza’s Italian 3636 Bienville St., 482-9120, L, D daily. Classic FEBRUARY 2019 7 3

neighborhood joint serves favorites like the “Frenchuletta,” stuffed artichokes and andouille gumbo. Kid’s menu offered. $$

H Mandina’s Louisianian Fare 3800 Canal St., 482-9179, L, D daily. Though the ambiance is more upscale, the food and seafood dishes make dining here a New Orleans experience. $$

H Mona’s Café World 3901 Banks St., 4827743. L, D daily. Middle Eastern specialties such as baba ganuj, beef or chicken shawarma, falafel and gyros. The lentil soup and desserts, such as sticky sweet baklava, round out the menu. $

H MoPho Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 514 City Park Ave., 482-6845, L, D Wed-Mon. Vietnamese cuisine meets southern Louisiana in this upscale casual hybrid by chef Michael Gulotta. Mix-and-match pho and an interesting poor boy menu rounds out the appeal. $$$ Parkway Bakery and Tavern AMERICAN 538 Hagan Ave., 482-3047, ParkwayPoorBoys. com. L, D Wed-Mon. Featured on national TV and having served poor boys to presidents, it stakes a claim to some of the best sandwiches in town. Their french fry version with gravy and cheese is a classic at a great price. $ Ralph’s On The Park Italian 900 City Park Ave., 488-1000, Br Sun, L Tue-Fri, D daily. A modern interior and contemporary Creole dishes such as City Park salad, turtle soup, barbecue Gulf shrimp and good cocktails. $$$$

H Toups’ Meatery Louisianian Fare 845

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N. Carrollton Ave., 252-4999, ToupsMeatery. com. L, D Tue-Sat. Charcuterie, specialty cocktails and an exhaustive list of excellent à la carte sides make this restaurant a carnivore’s delight. $$$ Multiple Locations Café du Monde Bakery/Breakfast This New Orleans institution has been serving fresh café au lait, rich hot chocolate and positively addictive beignets since 1862 in the French Market 24/7. $ CC’s Coffee House Bakery/Breakfast Coffeehouse specializing in coffee, espresso drinks and pastries. $ Copeland’s Louisianian Fare L, D daily, Br Sun. Al Copeland’s namesake chain includes favorites such as Shrimp Ducky. Popular for lunch. $$ Little Tokyo Asian Fusion/Pan Asian L, D daily. Multiple locations of this popular Japanese sushi and hibachi chain make sure that there’s always a specialty roll within easy reach. $$ Martin Wine Cellar AMERICAN Wine by the glass or bottle to go with daily lunch specials, burgers, soups, salads and deli-style sandwiches. $ Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar & Fish House Seafood L, D daily. A seafood lover’s paradise offers an array of favorites like shrimp Creole, crawfish etouffée, blackened redfish and more. A raw bar featuring gulf oysters both charbroiled

and raw. $$$

destination. $$$$$

Reginelli’s Pizzeria pizza L, D daily. Pizzas, pastas, salads, fat calzones and lofty focaccia sandwiches are at locations all over town. $$

HCarrollton Market AMERICAN 8132

H Ruby Slipper Café Bakery/Breakfast B, L daily, Br Sun. Homegrown chain specializes in breakfast, lunch and brunch dishes with unique local twists such as bananas Foster French toast and barbecue shrimp and grits. $$ Theo’s Pizza L, D daily. The cracker-crisp crust pizzas are complemented by a broad assortment of toppings with local ingredients at cheap prices. $$ Zea’s Rotisserie and Grill AMERICAN L, D daily. Drawing from a wide range of worldly influences, this popular spot serves a variety of grilled items, appetizers, salads, side dishes, seafood, pasta and other entrées. Catering services available. $$$

Hampson St., 252-9928, CarrolltonMarket. com. L Sat-Sun, D Tue-Sat. Modern Southern cuisine manages to be both fun and refined at this tasteful boîte. $$$ Upper 9th Ward St. Roch Market Louisianian Fare 2381 St. Claude Ave., 615-6541, B, L, D daily. Historic St. Claude Marketplace with open dining space houses a broad collection of independent eateries including craft cocktails and more. $$ Uptown Audubon Clubhouse AMERICAN 6500 Magazine St., 212-5282, AudubonInstitute. org. B, L Tue-Sat, Br Sun. A kid-friendly menu with local tweaks and a casually upscale sandwich and salad menu. $$

H Boucherie Louisianian Fare 1506

Bouligny Tavern Gastropub 3641 Magazine St., 891-1810, D MonSat. Carefully curated small plates, inventive cocktails and select wines are the focus of this stylish offshoot of John Harris’s nationally acclaimed Lilette. $$

S. Carrollton Ave., 862-5514, L Tue-Sat, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. Serving contemporary Southern food with an international angle, chef Nathaniel Zimet offers excellent ingredients presented simply. $$

Camellia Grill AMERICAN 626 S. Carrollton Ave., 309-2679. B, L, D daily. A venerable diner whose essential character has remained intact and many of the original waiters have returned. Credit cards are now accepted. $

Brigtsen’s Louisianian Fare 723 Dante St., 861-7610, D Tue-Sat. Chef Frank Brigtsen’s nationally famous Creole cuisine makes this cozy cottage a true foodie

Casamento’s Louisianian Fare 4330 Magazine St., 895-9761, L Thu-Sat, D ThuSun. The family-owned restaurant has shucked oysters and fried seafood since 1919; closed


during summer and for all major holidays. $$ Clancy’s Louisianian Fare 6100 Annunciation St., 895-1111, L ThuFri, D Mon-Sat. Their Creole-inspired menu has been a favorite of locals for years. $$$ Commander’s Palace Louisianian Fare 1403 Washington Ave., 899-8221, L Mon-Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. The grande dame is going strong under the auspices of James Beard Awardwinner chef Tory McPhail. Jazz Brunch is a great deal. $$$$

H Coquette French 2800 Magazine St., 265-0421, L Fri, D daily, Br Sun. The food is French in inspiration and technique, with added imagination from the chefs. $$$ Dick and Jenny’s Louisianian Fare 4501 Tchoupitoulas St., 894-9880, DickAndJennys. com. D Mon-Sat. A funky cottage serving Louisiana comfort food with flashes of innovation. $$$$

H Gautreau’s Louisianian Fare 1728 Soniat St., 899-7397, D Mon-Sat. Upscale destination serves refined interpretations of classics along

H La Crêpe Nanou French 1410 Robert St., 899-2670, D daily, Br Sun. Classic French bistro fare, including terrific moules and decadent dessert crêpes, are served nightly at this neighborhood institution. $$$ La Petite Grocery French 4238 Magazine St., 891-3377, L Tue-Sat,

D daily, Br Sun. Elegant dining in a convivial atmosphere. The menu is heavily Frenchinspired with an emphasis on technique. $$$ Lilette French 3637 Magazine St., 8951636, L Tue-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Chef John Harris’ innovative menu draws discerning diners to this highly regarded bistro. Desserts are wonderful as well. $$$$$

H Magasin Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 4201 Magazine St., 896-7611, L, D Mon-Sat. Pho, banh mi and vegetarian options are offered at this attractive and budget-friendly Vietnamese restaurant. Café sua da is available as well. $ Pascal’s Manale Italian 1838 Napoleon Ave., 895-4877, L MonFri, D Mon-Sat. A neighborhood favorite since 1913 and the place to go for the creation of barbecued shrimp. Its oyster bar serves freshly shucked Louisiana oysters and the Italian specialties and steaks are also solid. $$$$

H Patois World 6078 Laurel St., 895-9441, L Fri, D Wed-Sat, Br Sun. French food, with influences from across the Mediterranean as well as the American South, all filtered through the talent of chef Aaron Burgau. Reservations recommended. $$$ Pizza Domenica pizza 4933 Magazine St., 301-4978, L Fri-Sun, D daily. A pizza centric spinoff of the popular Restaurant Domenica brings Neapolitanstyle pies to Uptown. Excellent salads and

charcuterie boards are offered as well. $$

small plates. $$

H Shaya World 4213 Magazine St., 891-

Ye Olde College Inn AMERICAN 3000 S. Carrollton Ave., 866-3683, CollegeInn1933. com. D Tue-Sat. Serves up classic fare, albeit with a few upscale dishes peppering the menu. $$$

4213, L, D daily. James Beard Award-winning menu pays homage to Israel at this contemporary Israeli hotspot. $$$ Sucré Specialty Foods 3025 Magazine St., 520-8311, Desserts daily & nightly. Open late weekends. Chocolates, pastry and gelato draw rave reviews at this dessert destination. Beautiful packaging makes this a great place to shop for gifts. Catering available.

H The Company Burger Burgers 4600 Freret St., 267-0320, TheCompanyBurger. com. L, D daily. Custom-baked butter-brushed buns and fresh-ground beef patties make all the difference at this excellent burger hotspot. Draft beer and craft cocktails round out the appeal. $

Vincent’s Italian Cuisine Italian 7839 St. Charles Ave., 866-9313, VicentsItalianCuisine. com. L Tue-Fri, D Tue-Sun. Snug Italian boîte packs them in yet manages to remain intimate at the same time. The cannelloni is a house specialty. $$$ Warehouse District Lucy’s World 710 Tchoupitoulas St., 5238995, L, D daily. Island-themed oasis with a menu that cherrypicks tempting dishes from across the globe’s tropical latitudes. Popular for lunch, and the after-work crowds stay into the wee hours. $

The Delachaise Gastropub 3442 St. Charles Ave., 895-0858, D daily. Cuisine elevated to the standards of the libations is the draw at this lively wine bar and gastropub. Food is grounded in French bistro fare with eclectic twists. $$ H Upperline AMERICAN 1413 Upperline St., 891-9822, D Wed-Sun. Consummate hostess JoAnn Clevenger presents this nationally heralded favorite. The oft-copied fried green tomatoes with shrimp remoulade originated here. $$$$ H Wayfare AMERICAN 4510 Freret St., 3090069, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Creative sandwiches and southern-inspired

If you feel that a restaurant has been misplaced, please email Managing Editor Ashley McLellan at FEBRUARY 2019 7 5

Dining & Entertainment


Balise Tavern


Cajun Cookery

640 Carondelet St, New Orleans 504-459-4449

701 South Peters, New Orleans 504–302-7496

719 S. Peters, New Orleans 504-302-7496

Balise is a New Orleans-style tavern by husband-and-wife team Justin and Mia Devillier of La Petite Grocery. Set in a 19th century Creole townhouse, Balise features an approachable menu and world-class beverage program inspired by the traditions of Louisiana and New Orleans as a port city.

Our newest Executive Chef, Guy Sockrider will create a coastal contemporary menu and will utilize a large charcoal grill to highlight fresh fish and seafood. Enjoy handcrafted cocktails and our curated wine list as well as small plates perfect for sharing.

Creole Cookery



510 Toulouse St., New Orleans 504-524-9632

515 Harrison Ave, New Orleans 504-266-2511

1601 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans 504-302-9171

Savor authentic Creole dishes prepared by chef John Trinh, formerly of Eleven 79. Delight in traditional dishes such as gumbo, shrimp Creole and crawfish etouffée, as well as an oyster happy hour Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Enjoy handcrafted cocktails and signature drinks in the historic French Quarter.

Francesca's Deli is the new Italian-themed deli and pizzeria located on Harrison Avenue in Lakeview. Nestled between West End and Canal, Francesca’s Deli serves up St Louis style food with a New Orleans flair.

Chinese or Japanese? Can't decide? Hoshun is your answer, offering an extensive menu from classic Chinese dishes to Japanese sushi and everything in between (like Vietnamese pho or pad Thai). Stick with one cuisine, or mix and match. Open daily until 2 a.m.

7 6 FEBRUARY 2019

The newest addition to The Warehouse District, Cajun Cookery is the home of the perfect Cajun and Creole combination. From po-boys to étouffée, Cajun Cookery is the place for New Orleans Cuisine. Check out happy hour from 2-4pm or Weekend Brunch 7am-2pm.


Mandina’s Restaurant

Maple Street Patisserie

3701 Iberville St., New Orleans 504-488-6582

3800 Canal St. 504-482-9179

7638 Maple Street, New Orleans 504-304-1526

Fresh and delicious, “The Legend” features BBQ Shrimp with cochon de lait stuffed into New Orleans French bread. Call to ask about daily special. Open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday and don’t miss the bottomless mimosa Sunday brunch.

Mandina's is the quintessential neighborhood restaurant. "There are some items that have been on the menu for 75 years," says Cindy Mandina. "My grandmother always said, 'Take care of the neighborhood people and locals that come here… cater to their needs and desires’. That's what we're all about." Mandina's is open for lunch and dinner daily.

Mr. Ed's Oyster Bar and Fish House

Mr. Ed's Seafood and Italian

Orleans Grapevine

910 West Esplanade ave., Kenner 504-463-3030 1001 Live Oak, Metairie 504-838-0022

720 Orleans Ave., New Orleans 504-523-1930

Mid-City, Metairie, French Quarter & St. Charles Now open in Mid-City at the corner of Carrollton and Bienville, Mr. Ed's Oyster Bar serves your choice of chargrilled, fried or raw oysters, as well as long time favorites such as Oyster Rockefeller and Bienville. Offering both a stand up oyster bar and cocktail bar, it's the perfect place to relax and enjoy. Four unique locations; one great menu. 2nd French Quarter location now open.

Mr. Ed's has been a local favorite since 1989, offering home-style cooking, Italian cuisine, seafood favorites, and Mr. Ed's Famous Fried Chicken. Open MondaySaturday for lunch and dinner. Daily lunch specials and catering available.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, try our handmade macaroons. Stop by to enjoy all our handcrafted European breakfast pastries, dessert pastries, cakes and breads. Conveniently located uptown on Maple Street, right off streetcar stop at St. Charles Ave and Broadway.

Enjoy true New Orleans atmosphere in a beautiful, tropical courtyard. Orleans Grapevine serves high quality cuisine and one of the largest selections of wine by the bottle or by the glass. Don't miss the popular Bacon Happy Hour, where you'll enjoy free bacon with your cocktails and wine. 4-6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to midnight daily. FEBRUARY 2019 7 7



Dining & Entertainment


Parkway Bakery

Ralph Brennan

Red Gravy

538 Hagan Ave, New Orleans 504-482-3047


125 Camp St., New Orleans 504-561-8844

When it comes to feeding your krewe this Mardi Gras season think of Parkway to fill your float. From Golden fried shrimp to savory roast beef, we have the poorboys to keep you going. Ask about our to go catering trays.

Ralph Brennan Catering is known as New Orleans' premier caterer for groups from 100 to 1,200 people. With the ability to match your palate, theme and budget in your home, restaurant, or venue of your choice, they are dedicated to providing a seamless, professional and, above all, memorable experience.

Restaurant R'evolution

Pascal's Manale

The Pearl Room

777 Bienville St., New Orleans 504-553-2277

1838 napoleon ave., new Orleans 504-895-4877

2310 Hickory Ave, River Ridge 504-737-0604

Chefs John Folse and Rick Tramonto present their imaginative reinterpretations of classic Creole cuisine in a spectacular setting that blends antique architectural details of grand French Quarter homes with contemporary accents. Serving Lunch Fridays, Dinner nightly, and Sunday Jazz Brunch.

This famous restaurant has been family owned and operated since 1913. Pascal’s Manale is the origin of the well-known Original Pascal’s Barbeque Shrimp. The old-time oyster and cocktail bars offer raw oysters on the half shell and all types of cocktails, as well as a great selection of wines. Fresh seafood, Italian dishes and delicious steaks are featured.

The Pearl Room at The Grotto is NOW OPEN in River Ridge, offering modern elegance and the delicious cuisine of Mr. Ed's Restaurant Group. Available for Receptions, Rehearsal Dinners, Luncheons, Corporate Parties and all of your Holiday Events from 50-250 guests.

7 8 FEBRUARY 2019

Can’t decide between brunch and lunch? Why not both! Chef de Cuisine Roseann is serving her handmade pasta with a sweet sausage sugo, fresh ricotta and a sunny up yard egg. Naturally named Breakfast Spaghetti, this dish is a must-try! Voted #1 Brunch AND #1 Italian in New Orleans Magazine and on Open Table. Open Wednesday through Monday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.


1. Perlis 6070 Magazine Street, New Orleans 600 Decatur, French Quarter 1281 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville 8366 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge For 2019 the new stepped stripe rugby joins the PERLIS crawfish logo collection of original Mardi Gras rugbys and polos. 100% cotton American made quality for years of parades and parties. Perfect gift for your Valentine.


2. Talebloo Rugs 2015 Magazine St., New Orleans 504-581-9700 Beautiful 8 x10 Oushak Rug. Store Closing Sale. After 40 wonderful years, closing doors forever! Largest Selection of hand-made rugs. All Must Sell. Ends soon. 3. Effervescence 1036 N Rampart Street New Orleans, LA 70116 504-509-7644 Effervescence giftcards are the perfect Valentine present for everyone you love…what could be better than bubbles and bites! Purchase online at or pop in and we will giftwrap them for you.



4. Fleur D'Orleans 818 Chartres St. 504-475-5254 3701 Magazine St. 504-899-5585 Petite sterling silver fleur d' Lys earrings, hand set with pave diamonds; 14kt gold and black rhodium plated. A perfect gift for Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras and of course the Saints great season. 5. Trashy Diva 2048 Magazine Street | 537 Royal Street 504-299-3939 Celebrate the season of love in Mimi Holliday's Poision Ivy Collection from Trashy Diva Lingerie. Shop Valentine's Day lingerie and gifts online or in-store. 6. Spirit of Avant-Garde 533 St. Louis, New Orleans 504-319-3071 Whether you’re looking for love or mending a broken heart, visit Lady Jezabel for your spiritual cleansers and assorted gifts this Valentine’s Day. Mention this for 10% off with your $25 purchase. 8 0 FEBRUARY 2019




7. Bleu Blow Dry bar Uptown 5228 Magazine St. New Orleans 504-325-5625 Old Metairie 701 Metairie Rd. Ste.112-2A Metairie 504-309-5999 LOVE is in the HAIR. Give the perfect gift to the love in your life: mom, sister, daughter, aunt, bestie, etc. BLEU gift cards are money to “blow” but defintiely not wasted. Use towards services, products, even gratuity. 8. SEWARD JOHNSON 310-264-2400 Gorgeous Coffee Table Book Sculptor Seward Johnson's career spans four decades and this beautiful book offers the definitive record of the beloved artist’s uncannily realistic lifesized bronze sculptures. Hardbound book features 282 pages exploring each series in Johnson's collection and includes over 500 images.




9. Jaci Blue 2111 Magazine St, New Orleans 504-603-2929 Jaci Blue specializes in difficult to find bra sizes with bra fitting experts always available. Designed to be seen under a low cut neckline, the Sachi Plunge Bra takes centre stage this Valentine’s. Bra $64 sizes DD-JJ brief $30 sizes M-4X. 10. Home Malone 629 N Carrollton Ave 504-324-8352 These monstera leaves are hand carved in wax and cast in solid bronze. Each leaf measures approximately 1-3/4" in length (including loop) and approximately 1-3/8" in width. Each piece varies slightly due to its handmade nature. Hand made in Mimosa Handcrafted's south Louisiana studio. $55. 11. Portofino Island Resort 10 Portofino Dr., Pensacola Beach 850-916-5000 Situated along the Gulf of Mexico on Pensacola Beach, Portofino Island Resort is Northwest Florida’s premier beach vacation experience. A playground for guests of all ages, the property features luxurious two and three-bedroom skyhomes, active amenities, fabulous dining, spas, and more.

8 2 FEBRUARY 2019




12. A Renee Boutique 824 Chartres St. 504-418-1448 Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never had a dog! Show off your best friend in style with one of our DOG-gone adorable clutches, handmade by Kent Stetson. The collection includes 17 breeds of dogs and 2 cats. If something is not in stock it can be special ordered and arrives in three days. The perfect Christmas gift to give yourself or a friend.

12. 13.

13. Keil's Antiques 325 Royal St, New Orleans 504-522-4552 For over a century, Keil's Antiques has been providing furnishings for New Orleans' finest homes. A recent visit to Royal Street opened our eyes to their amazing collection of chandeliers. Check out this Antique George Walnut Secretary Bookcase circa 1810. No wonder people come from all over to shop there!


14. Auraluz 4408 Shores Dr., Metairie 504-888-3313 LAMPE BERGER...the perfect Valentine's gift! It's both decorative and functional. Made in France for over 120 years, each Lampe Berger cleanses, purifies and fragrances the air with over 50 fragrances to choose from...all available at AURALUZ.


15. Bra Genie 3054 N. Causeway Blvd Suite C, Metairie 504-644-2500 6021 Pinnacle Parkway, Covington 985-951-8638 7539 Corp. Blvd. Suite 180, Baton Rouge 225-223-6114 Your man deserves support, too! SAXX underwear's Ball Park Pouch delivers. 16. Match Made in NOLA 504-603-6816 Match Made in NOLA is New Orleans' Premier Matchmaking Service. We offer personalized, hand-picked matches based on chemistry, compatibility and connection. Mention this offer and receive $150 off a matchmaking package.

8 4 FEBRUARY 2019

16. FEBRUARY 2019 8 5


Gambling & Excitement


hen looking for weekend fun, a little getaway, or just a night-time thrill, playing the slots, joining a table game, and betting the races can add surprise and excitement to your adventure. The Gulf Coast is rich with casino fun, from beach-front resorts to Big Easy institutions, you can find an atmosphere to fit your taste all within a quick cab ride or hour-long jaunt along the coast. Casino resorts present a vacation-like gambling option with hotel amenities, concerts and entertainment, and diverse eats. Meanwhile, casinos within the city offer options for private parties, horse racing, high stakes games and more. Feeling lucky on Valentine’s Day? Date options abound at casinos and resorts, from nickel slots to exciting dinner theatre, live music and dancing. Show your date a good time while enjoying some responsible, yet edge-of-your-seat fun. Located just over an hour east of New Orleans, Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort offers “The New Way” to stay, eat and play on the Mississippi Gulf Coast! Savor fine dining at Scarlet’s Steaks & Seafood with a Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Special available from February 13-15, including dinner for two and a hotel stay. Please call 228-275-3032 for reservations and details.

8 6 FEBRUARY 2019

February 15-16, join Scarlet Pearl for Tony N’ Tina’s Wedding, an interactive entertainment experience. One of the most successful shows in off-Broadway history, guests will be treated with a traditional Italian wedding, including dinner at the reception. Enjoy All-You-Can-Eat Dungeness and Snow Crab, Friday-Saturday, 4 p.m. -10 p.m.; Sunday, 4 p.m. -9 p.m. at Scarlet Pearl’s Waterfront Buffet. Win a 2019 Lincoln MKZ or Free Slot Play on Saturday, March 2; earn entries now! Earn 25x entries every Monday. For more information, visit or call 888-BOOK-SPC. Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort—voted Best Casino Hotel and Loosest Slots. Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort is located at 9380 Central Avenue, D’Iberville, MS. Since 1872, Fair Grounds Race Course has been a part of the cultural fabric of the wonderful city of New Orleans. With extensive experience, southern hospitality, and unique facilities, the Fair Grounds is able to make your occasion truly memorable. Whether it's a group for "A Day at the Races," a meeting or an evening party, Fair Grounds provides an ideal setting for your next event. A major strength is its flexibility; event settings range from elegant to casual and reception-style to sit-down with your choice of view of the racetrack or downtown New Orleans. With grounds fit for even the most special of occasions, Fair Grounds would consider it a privilege to share in any big day. Host your ceremony or reception in the Paddock and be among the many greats in history that have paraded around this historic site. For groups of 25 or more, request the Fair Grounds Race Course brochure and “Win, Place and Show” your guests an afternoon to remember. Call 504-948-1285 or email Visit online at • FEBRUARY 2019 8 7


Hospital Buzz H

ospitals may not be the most fun place to be, but they can sure offer peace of mind when your health or that of a loved one is in reputably good hands. New Orleans and the surrounding region offer quality healthcare here at home, from routine surgeries to immediate, emergency care, and highly specialized procedures. They continue to expand offerings in healthcare as new technologies present new ways to see patients, diagnose problems, and pinpoint the best treatments available. Medical news is good news, and the latest hospital buzz showcases some of the region’s quality diverse offerings, new, convenient programs, and well-deserved recognition for successful outcomes. Find out more from the following providers and have a happy, safe, and healthy Mardi Gras season. Crescent City Surgical Centre (CCSC) is America’s premier physician-owned surgical hospital. Owned and operated by a combination of 32 elite local practicing physicians and Louisiana Children’s Medical Center, CCSC offers eight operating rooms and two procedure rooms. Using cutting-edge DaVinci robotic laparoscopic technology, CCSC offers patients minimally invasive surgery resulting in less pain and faster recovery time. Twenty VIP private rooms are available, and CCSC can make accommodations for those whose loved ones wish to stay overnight. Catered restaurant-style meals are served and designed to meet patients' personal dietary needs. They offer expedited wait times on appointments in a relaxing and comfortable environment. CCSC features surgical specialists in the fields of Bariatric, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, ENT, Colo-Rectal, General Surgery, Gynecological Procedures, Urology, Interventional Radiology, Pain Management, Plastic, Reconstructive and Advanced Cosmetic Surgery.

Heart Health I

t can be hard to focus on heart health during Mardi Gras and Valentine’s, especially when we’re bombarded with king cakes and chocolates at every turn. But in this midst of your indulging this season, remember to keep up those New Year’s resolutions of incorporating healthier foods, using moderation, and increasing your fitness. Our hearts, and the blood that pumps through them, give us life—this month, takes steps to improve its functioning. There are plenty of resources across the area for helping get your body into shape, from gyms and studios to personal trainers and nutritionists. And while you’re at, have a little heart as well—consider giving blood and helping someone in need. Check out the following area resources for improving your health and enjoy a festive season with a strong ticker that’ll keep you moving and grooving to that “Mardi Gras Mambo” beat.

Fitness Start the New Year off right with Club Pilates. Pure to Joseph Pilates’ original Reformer-based Contrology Method, but modernized with group practice and expanded state-of-the-art equipment, Club Pilates offers high-quality, life-changing training at a surprisingly affordable price. More than just Reformers, Club Pilates teaches classes using TRX, Barre, Exo-Chair, Bosu ball, mats, rollers and more. The studio’s certified instructors perform hundreds of hours of training to meet teacher standards and maximize your workout. Dynamic class sessions are available at a variety of levels and at convenient class times. The Club Pilates team believes that Pilates is the path to a fuller, more satisfying physical existence and that being in control of your body helps you to be in control of your life. And best of all, you can start anytime. No matter your level of fitness, there’s a Pilates class for you. Book your own stress-free intro class for free at, or call 504-484-9650 for more information. Nola Pilates & Yoga/ Xtend Barre is one of Lakeview’s premier fitness studios. The studio’s extensive schedule features over 65 8 8 FEBRUARY 2019

For more information about Crescent City Surgical Centre, please call 504- 830-2500, or visit Illnesses and injuries don’t follow a schedule, so it’s important to be close to medical care that’s available after hours. Children’s Hospital’s Virtual After Hours helps parents access Children’s Hospital providers from wherever they are through a free app. Simply register online and receive face-to-face pediatric care from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Children’s Hospital is committed to providing each child with expert pediatric primary care. With 14 primary care clinics, two After Hours Clinics and the new Virtual After Hours Clinic, quality pediatric care is within reach. To register for Virtual After Hours care, visit To learn more about physicians and services offered through Children’s Hospital, visit Touro is dedicated to improving heart and vascular care for New Orleanians, and is proud to be awarded the Gold Seal of Approval® for Chest Pain Certification by The Joint Commission. This important Chest Pain certification provides Touro with the framework to provide expert, lifesaving care for its community. Following a rigorous onsite review in November 2018, Touro was awarded a two-year Chest Pain certification based on a thorough evaluation of its clinical programs, compliance with national standards, and performance measurements. This designation reflects Touro’s commitment to providing a higher standard of care for patients experiencing chest pain. Join Touro for a Heart Health Women and Wine Tasting Thursday on February 7 at Auction House Market from 6 – 8 p.m. Learn about heart health, visit with the American Heart Association, and enjoy a fun ladies night out. Register at To learn more about heart care at Touro or to find a cardiologist, visit •

group classes per week, including Pilates Reformer, Tower, Mat, Yoga, MELT Method, TRX Suspension and Xtend Barre. One-onone sessions are available in the private equipment studio seven days per week. Classes range in focus and intensity from open-level Pilates Mat and Yoga classes to muscle-sculpting, calorie-torching classes like TRX and Xtend Barre. November 2018 marked the studio’s 11-year anniversary, and owner Kim Munoz fondly recalls opening its doors back in 2007, as small business owners worked tirelessly to revive their city following Hurricane Katrina. “In our first years, we were grateful for the opportunity to offer the local community a positive outlet following such devastation,” explained Munoz. “Over a decade later, we look forward to continuing to serve the New Orleans community and helping you meet your goals, restore your mind, body, and spirit.” Visit the studio online at to schedule your first session. For more information, visit the website or call 504-483-8880.

Health Resources A non-profit community service organization, The Blood Center has a long-standing tradition of providing quality blood products to over 30 regional facilities. Additionally, The Blood Center has partnered with Acadian Air Med, a division of Acadian Ambulance, to provide helicopters with two O positive and two O negative units of red blood cells. Acadian Air Med is the first and only air ambulance with blood supplies to serve the oil and gas industry and the many platforms and workers located in the Gulf of Mexico. “Those patients will now have improved chances of survival, despite being in ultra-remote locations,” says Acadian Chief Medical Officer Dr. Charles Burnell. “When extra time means the difference between life and death, a blood transfusion can be a lifesaving treatment,” says Mark Morris RN, clinical care coordinator for Acadian Air Med. “Having blood onboard can increase the window of time to transport the patient to a dedicated trauma center,” he adds. Visit for more information or to find a blood drive or donor center in your area. • FEBRUARY 2019 8 9

9 0 FEBRUARY 2019

A Special Section of New Orleans Magazine WYES-TV/Channel 12 PROGRAM & EVENTS GUIDE FEBRUARY 2019

Enjoy a portrait of a man whom we all think we know. This emotional and moving film takes us beyond the zip-up cardigans and the Neighborhood of MakeBelieve, and into the heart of a creative genius who inspired generations of children with compassion and limitless imagination. From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville.

W YES- TV/ Cha n n e l 1 2 P R O G R A M G U I D E

WYES Program Guide • JANUARY 2019

Programming Highlights! WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? Saturday, February 9 at 7pm Did you know Fred Rogers’ mother knit the iconic sweaters he wore on “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” which premiered on February 19, 1968? It ran for 31 seasons until 2001. Hear more about the unassuming minister, puppeteer, writer and producer.

MARGARET: THE REBEL PRINCESS Sunday, February 10 at 9pm This intimate two-part series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexual revolution that transformed the western world during the 20th century. Pictured: Queen Elizabeth with the young Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Photo Credit: Getty/ Lisa Sheridan

GREAT PERFORMANCES “Movies for Grownups Awards 2019 with AARP The Magazine” Friday, February 15 at 8pm Shirley MacLaine will receive AARP The Magazine’s 2018 Movies for Grownups Career Achievement Award. The AARP Movies for Grownups multimedia franchise was established in 2002 to celebrate and encourage filmmaking with unique appeal to movie lovers with a grownup state of mind — and recognize the inspiring artists who make them. Photo Credit: Greg Gorman

AMERICAN MASTERS “Sammy Davis, Jr.: I've Gotta Be Me” Tuesday, February 19 at 8pm Explore the entertainer’s vast talent and journey for identity through the shifting tides of civil rights and racial progress during 20th-century America. Features Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, and clips from his TV, film and concert performances. Pictured: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop pose in publicity photo for the film OCEAN’S ELEVEN (1960) Photo Credit: ©Warner Brothers/ Photofest

AMERICAN MASTERS “Charley Pride: I'm Just Me” Friday, February 22 at 8:30pm; Saturday, February 23 at 11pm Explore the complicated history of the American South and its music through the life of country star Charley Pride. Raised in segregated Mississippi, his journey shows the ways that artistic expression can triumph over prejudice and injustice. Photo Credit: Ben De Rienzo


DIAL 12 | February 2019

W YES- TV/ Ch a n n e l 1 2 P R O G R A M G U I D E

S teppin’ Out

WYES Program Guide • february 2019

It’s Carnival Time

Thursday, February 14 at 8pm; Saturday, February 16 at 11pm; SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 AT 6PM; Monday, February 18 at 9:30pm; Friday, February 22 at 9:30pm Host Peggy Scott Laborde, along with Carnival historians Arthur Hardy and Errol Laborde, give their annual overview of the upcoming Mardi Gras season. Hardy is publisher of Arthur Hardy’s Mardi Gras Guide, now in its 43rd year. Errol Laborde is the author of many Carnival-related books, including Mardi Gras: Chronicles of the New Orleans Carnival. Among this year’s topics is the growth of the Krewe of Iris membership, the 50th Anniversary of the Society of St. Anne walking club, and date changes for the krewes of Chewbacchus and ‘tit R x. Additional topics include the route changes in the Jefferson Parish Mardi Gras schedule. Laborde and Hardy will also discuss what’s new for the 2019 Mardi Gras, including efforts to throw environmentally friendly beads. And they will also look back at the 150th anniversary of the Twelfth Night Revelers and the 40th anniversary of the New Orleans Police Strike.

1. The all-female Krewe of Iris parades on the Saturday before Mardi Gras. Photo Credit: Judi Bottoni 2. The Twelfth Night Revelers, celebrating 150 years, is led by the Lord of Misrule on horseback, who leads a procession from their annual krewe dinner to their ball. Photo Credit: Judi Bottoni 3. ‘tit R x stages Carnival’s only miniature float parade. Photo Credit: ‘tit R x




Live! Tuesday, March 5th Mardi Gras Night at 7:30pm Hosts Peggy Scott Laborde and Errol Laborde, along with Dr. Stephen Hales, a Rex Organization official and krewe archivist, provide coverage of the ball.

Watch on WYES-TV/Channel 12 and stream at! DIAL 12 | February 2019


WYES Program Guide • february 2019

W YES- TV/ Ch a n n e l 1 2 P R O G R A M G U I D E

Friday, April 12, 2019 Patron Party | 6:30 p.m. | PATRON $500 | JUNIOR PATRON $225 (ages 21-40) Gala | 8:00 p.m. | GALA $200 | JUNIOR PATRON $100 (ages 21-40) Home of Bob and Sheryl Merrick: 1530 Calhoun Street, New Orleans Special thanks to the event’s co-chairs: Bridget and Bobby Bories, Lauren and Ken Flower, Lisa and Karl Hoefer Thanks to our sponsors: COX | Arthur Gallagher Risk Management Services | Jones Walker Visit for all event details and to purchase tickets. Sponsorship opportunities available

WYES-TV gratefully acknowledges memorial gifts received during this past year in loving memory of the following individuals: In memory of Rosemary Denu Dominic Massa In memory of Joe Epstein Dominic Massa In memory of Frederick A. Korndorffer III, M.D. Coaina and Tommy Delbert Kim W. Korndorffer

LSU Health New Orleans, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Carol Luna Eric and Debbie Skrmetta Charles and Jo Anne Wiesendanger Greg and Sharon Wilde

In memory of Charles W. Lane III Mary Scrignar In memory of Nancy Jean Miller Jack and Cissy Carville Susan and Jimmy Gundlach In memory of Doris White Barbara and Craig Krieger Elly and Merritt Lane

WYES gratefully acknowledges these special gifts and respectfully honors the memory of the named individuals. For more information on making a memorial or celebration gift or a planned gift to WYES through your estate, contact Robin Cooper at (504) 486-5511 or Memorial contributions as of 1/5/2019


W YES- TV/ Ch a n n e l 1 2 P R O G R A M G U I D E





6pm TOM BENSON: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF A NEW ORLEANS SAINT presented by Ochsner Health System shares exclusive photos from Tom and Gayle Benson’s personal collection. The program also features archival materials and footage shot in San Antonio that explore the car mogul’s meteoric rise in the automobile industry.




8:30pm GREAT PERFORMANCES AT THE MET “Marnie” Watch composer Nico Muhly’s reimagining of Winston Graham’s novel about a beautiful, mysterious woman who assumes multiple identities. Stars Isabel Leonard in the title role alongside Christopher Maltman as Mark Rutland. Robert Spano conducts. Photo Credit: Ken Howard/Met Opera 11pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY

7pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 3 of 8) At Osborne House, Albert relishes the opportunity to spend time with the family away from London, but Victoria is desperate to get back to the Palace and the business of politics.

8pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 4 of 7) When Albert leaves the Palace for Cambridge, Victoria faces the traumatic impact of a cholera epidemic on the streets of London.

8pm AUSTIN CITY LIMITS “Buddy Guy/ August Greene”

9pm TALES FROM THE ROYAL BEDCHAMBER Host Dr. Lucy Worsley, Chief Curator at Historic Royal Palaces, snuggles up with Britain’s monarchs to uncover the fascinating secrets of the royal bedchamber. From Hampton Court to Hever Castle to the great English country manors, Worsley shows the opulence of Royal State bedrooms and explains how these private spaces were once very public hubs of English politics and policy.

9pm CAROUSEL (1956) Stars Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones.

10pm MASTERPIECE “Downton Abbey, Season 6” (Episode 6 of 9)


WYES Program Guide • february 2019

7:30pm STEPPIN’ OUT Missed an episode? Watch it on the WYES YouTube channel at

7pm ANTIQUES ROADSHOW “Ca’ d’Zan” (Hour 2 of 3) Travel to sunny Sarasota for standout finds at Ca’ d’Zan, the home of circus royalty John and Mable Ringling! 8pm AMERICAN MASTERS “Althea” Hear the story of Althea Gibson, a truant from the rough streets of Harlem, who emerged as a most unlikely queen of the highly segregated tennis world of the 1950’s. 9:30pm CHEF PAUL PRUDHOMME: A LOUISIANA LEGEND Sharing their memories are Chef Frank Brigtsen of Brigtsen’s Restaurant, who was the first night chef at K-Paul’s; and Ella Brennan and Ti Martin of Commander’s Palace, where Chef Paul first fused Cajun country and Creole sophistication as the restaurant’s executive chef in the late 1970’s. 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: THE PERFECT CRIME

5 TUESDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm FINDING YOUR ROOTS, Season 5 “Freedom Tales” Host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. delves deep into the roots of two African-American guests, actor S. Epatha Merkerson and athlete and television personality Michael Strahan. Both discover unexpected stories that challenge assumptions about black history.

11pm MASTERPIECE “Downton Abbey, Season 6” (Episode 7 of 9)

DIAL 12 | February 2019


W YES- TV/ Ch a n n e l 1 2 P R O G R A M G U I D E

WYES Program Guide • February 2019

8pm NOVA “Decoding the Pyramids” New archeological evidence sheds light on the stunning engineering of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

8pm AMERICAN EXPERIENCE “Sealab” Discover the mostly forgotten story of the U.S. Navy’s daring and groundbreaking Sealab program, whose “Aquanauts” tested the limits of human endurance and revolutionized our understanding of underseas exploration. Pictured: Left to right: Sanders Manning, Lester Anderson, Bob Barth, and Robert Thompson, 1964. Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Man in the Sea Museum 9pm FRONTLINE 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Marilyn Monroe: Beyond the Legend” 11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Steve McQueen: Man on the Edge”

6 WEDNESDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm NATURE “Arctic Wolf Pack”

9pm THE DICTATORS PLAYBOOK “Francisco Franco” Learn how Francisco Franco used the tactics of colonial war to win control of Spain. Driven by a deeply conservative vision, he used torture, murder and incarceration to transform Spanish Society. 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “William Holden: The Golden Boy”



11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Anthony Quinn: An Orginal”

7 THURSDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm THE THIS OLD HOUSE HOUR 8pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 4 of 7) 9pm NEW ORLEANS FAIR GROUNDS MEMORIES Among the many celebrated horses that will be remembered is Risen Star, a Louisiana thoroughbred that won the 1988 Louisiana Derby and went on to capture the Preakness and

8:30pm LIVE FROM LINCOLN CENTER “Pipeline” In this riveting production, Nya Joseph (Karen Pittman) is a dedicated, inner-city public high school teacher who is committed to her students’ achievement, while she sends her only son, Omari (Namir Smallwood), to a private boarding school. When Omari is involved in a controversial incident which threatens him with expulsion from his school, Nya is forced to reconcile Omari’s rage,

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her own parental decisions, and the public and private school systems, as she rallies to save her son. Photo Credit: Jeremy Daniel 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY



8pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 5 of 8) After an assassination attempt, the Royal household visit Ireland. Intrigue, conflict and romance all blossom during a stay at the Palmerston estate.


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10:30pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11:30pm AMERICAN STORY: RACE AMITY AND THE OTHER TRADITION is a film about “the other tradition” in American race relations, the tradition of amity and close cross-racial collaboration to advance equity and social justice.





9pm INDEPENDENT LENS “Hale County This Morning, This Evening” Visit the world of Hale County, Alabama. Composed of intimate and unencumbered moments in the lives of people in the community, the film offers a richly detailed glimpse at life in America’s Black Belt.

WYES Program Guide • February 2019


7pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 4 of 8)


7pm WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville (20 Feet from Stardom), WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? takes a look at America’s favorite neighbor: Fred Rogers. A portrait of a man whom we all think we know, this emotional and moving film takes us beyond the cardigan and the land of make-believe, and into the heart of a creative genius who inspired generations of children with compassion and limitless imagination. Photo Credit: John Beale 9pm EYEWITNESS (1981) Peter Yates’ thriller stars William Hurt as Daryll, a maintenance man obsessed with TV newswoman Tony Sokolow (Sigourney Weaver). 11pm ACL PRESENTS: AMERICANA 17TH ANNUAL HONORS


9pm MARGARET: THE REBEL PRINCESS (Part 1 of 2) The twopart series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexual revolution that transformed the western world during the 20th century. 10pm MASTERPIECE “Downton Abbey, Season 6” (Episode 8 of 9) Scandal and secrets rock Downton Abbey when romances get complicated, Mrs. Patmore needs help, and the staff freelances. Thomas takes a fateful step and Isobel puts her foot down. 11:30pm WHILE WE DANCED: THE MUSIC OF MARDI GRAS

11 MONDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm ANTIQUES ROADSHOW “Ca’ d’Zan” (Hour 3 of 3) 8pm AMERICAN MASTERS “Space Men”

7pm FINDING YOUR ROOTS, Season 5 “Roots in Politics” Host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the diverse family histories of politicians Paul Ryan, Tulsi Gabbard (pictured) and Marco Rubio. They each see a shared vision of the great American melting pot reflected in their ancestors’ stories. 8pm AMERICAN EXPERIENCE “The Greely Expedition” In 1881 a 25man crew sets sail for Lady Franklin Bay with Lt. Adolphus Greely, but three years later only six return. 9pm FRONTLINE 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY Christiane Amanpour leads discussions about world issues and interviews with global leaders. DIAL 12 | February 2019


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11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Mae West and the Men that Knew Her”

WYES Program Guide • February 2019

11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Charlton Heston: For All Seasons”





6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm NATURE “Wild Way of the Vikings“ From the killer whales of the North Sea to the volcanic mounts of Iceland, see the deep history and cultural respect the Vikings had with the land and sea. Ewan McGregor narrates. 8pm NOVA “Rise of the Rockets” 9pm THE DICTATOR’S PLAYBOOK “Idi Amin” See how Idi Amin used military force to achieve power and build his dictatorship in Uganda. 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Roger Moore: A Matter of Class” 11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Joan Crawford: Always the Star”



9pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 5 of 8) 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm AMERICAN EXPERIENCE “The Greely Expedition”


8pm STEPPIN’ OUT “It’s Carnival Time” Host Peggy Scott Laborde, along with Carnival historians Arthur Hardy and Errol Laborde, give their annual overview of the upcoming Mardi Gras season. Hardy is publisher of Arthur Hardy’s Mardi Gras Guide, now in its 43rd year. Errol Laborde is the author of many Carnival-related books, including Mardi Gras: Chronicles of the New Orleans Carnival. 8:30pm WHILE WE DANCED: THE MUSIC OF MARDI GRAS Discover the history of Mardi Gras music from the 1800s to the present. Musicians profiled include Professor Longhair, Al Johnson, Edmond “Doc” Souchon, Johnny Wiggs and Sharkey Bonano.

7pm INFORMED SOURCES Now in its 34th season, this weekly, local news special brings together our region’s top print and broadcast journalists to examine the stories behind the headlines. Marcia Kavanaugh hosts. Errol Laborde is producer. 7:30pm STEPPIN’ OUT 8pm WASHINGTON WEEK


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Among this year’s topics discussed are the growth of the Krewe of Iris membership, the 50th Anniversary of the Society of St. Anne walking club and dates changes for the krewes of Chewbacchus and ‘Tit Rex. Photo Credit: Judi Bottoni


7pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 5 of 8)




8pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 6 of 8) A ball could not come at a worse time as private Royal family pictures are made public.




11pm THE BIG QUEENS OF CARNIVAL: IT’S YOUR GLORY In New Orleans some women were born to be queens, but not because their fathers were kings. They do not inherit their crowns: they create their own. Based on interviews that Ohio State University students conducted in spring 2015, gives voice to the powerful women in a tradition best known for its male leaders. 11:30pm THE BIG CHIEFS OF CARNIVAL: THE SPIRIT LEADS MY NEEDLE captures the artistry and strength of the legendary leaders of New Orleans’ Mardi Gras Indian tribes.


9pm MARGARET: THE REBEL PRINCESS (Part 2 of 2) Peek in on Princess Margaret and Antony Armstrong-Jones at the start of their married life. They’re happy to ride the wave of a cultural and sexual revolution that’s transforming Britain, but a more open society may spell trouble for the monarchy.

7pm FINDING YOUR ROOTS, Season 5 “No Laughing Matter” Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the histories of comedians Seth Meyers, Tig Notaro and Sarah Silverman.

10pm MASTERPIECE “Downton Abbey, Season 6” (Episode 9 of 9)

18 MONDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm ANTIQUES ROADSHOW “Hotel del Coronado” (Hour 1 of 3)

6pm STEPPIN’ OUT “It’s Carnival Time”



8pm AUSTIN CITY LIMITS “Ed Sheeran” The British singer/songwriter performs hits and songs from his album ÷. 9pm A SOLDIER’S STORY (1984) In the racially divided 1940s, Fort Neal, Louisiana, is a military base where black soldiers are sent not to fight in WWII but to play baseball against other armed forces teams. The murder of a black sergeant, Waters (Adolph Caesar) brings an investigator, Captain Davenport (Howard E. Rollins, Jr.) to the base.

9:30pm STEPPIN’ OUT “It’s Carnival Time”

WYES Program • March 2017 2019 WYES ProgramGuide Guide • February

8:30pm GREAT PERFORMANCES “Movies for Grownups Awards 2019 with AARP The Magazine” Watch filmmakers and actors receive the 2019 Movies for Grownups Awards. The awards were established to celebrate and encourage filmmaking that appeals to movie lovers with a grownup state of mind — and to recognize its artists.

8pm POV “Minding the Gap” Three young men bond together to escape volatile families in their Rust Belt hometown. As they face adult responsibilities, unexpected revelations threaten their decade-long friendship.

8pm AMERICAN MASTERS “Sammy Davis, Jr.: I’ve Gotta Be Me” Explore the entertainer’s vast talent and journey for identity through the shifting tides of civil rights and racial progress during 20th-century America. Features Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, and clips from his TV, film and concert performances. Photo Credit: Courtesy of The Estate of Altovise Davis 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY

DIAL 12 | February 2019


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11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Fred McMurray: The Guy Next Door”

WYES Program Guide • February 2019

11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Barbara Stanwych: Straight Down the Line”

10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Walter Matthau: Diamond in the Rough” 11:30pm HOLLYWOOD IDOLS “Alan Ladd: The True Quiet Man”

20 WEDNESDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm NATURE “Living Volcanoes” See the surprising number of animals that survive and thrive alongside these fiery natural phenomena. 8pm NOVA “The Next Pompeii” A team of geologists has found evidence that a huge volume of magma is stirring beneath the surface of the crater and could break through the crust in the near future, triggering an explosive eruption that could kill tens of thousands. The team hunts for clues hidden beneath the surface and assess the risk of a new and potentially devastating eruption.


9pm SECRETS OF THE DEAD “ The Nero Files” Take a closer look at the life and legend of Nero, the infamous Roman emperor, as a forensics profiler attempts to find out what history may have gotten wrong about his alleged tyranny.

7:30pm STEPPIN’ OUT Peggy Scott Laborde is joined weekly by regular guests Poppy Tooker and Alan Smason, plus art reviews, local theatre productions, live music and more! 8pm WASHINGTON WEEK 8:30pm AMERICAN MASTERS “Charley Pride” Explore the complicated history of the American South and its music through the life of country star Charley Pride. Raised in segregated Mississippi, his journey shows the ways that artistic expression can triumph over prejudice and injustice. 9:30pm STEPPIN’ OUT “It’s Carnival Time” 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY









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8pm AUSTIN CITY LIMITS “Robert Plant & The Sensational Space Shifters” 9pm TO SIR, WITH LOVE (1967) Stars Sidney Poitier, Judy Geeson and Christian Roberts. 11pm AMERICAN MASTERS “Charley Pride”



25 MONDAY 6pm PBS NEWSHOUR 7pm ANTIQUES ROADSHOW “Hotel del Coronado” (Hour 2 of 3) Discover covetable California items appraised at Hotel del Coronado like a 1915 San Diego Exposition poster, a Joan Crawford archive from around 1940 and a Margaret Bourke-White photograph of Gandhi. Guess which is valued at $40,000-$50,000.

7pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 6 of 8) 8pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 7 of 8) Albert and Palmerston put their reputations on the line, and Victoria must fight against her better judgement to decide where to place her allegiance.

8pm AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: ROADS TO MEMPHIS Witness the fatefully entwined stories of assassin James Earl Ray and his target, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 9pm FRONTLINE 10pm AMANPOUR AND COMPANY 11pm SONS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS


8pm THE MAYO CLINIC: FAITH - HOPE - SCIENCE Take a timely look at how one institution has met the changing demands of healthcare for 150 years—and what it can teach us about facing the challenges of patient care today.

8pm NOVA “Great Human Odyssey” is a spectacular global journey following their footsteps out of Africa along a trail of fresh scientific clues.



11pm MARDI GRAS MEMORIES 6pm ALL ON A MARDI GRAS DAY celebrates black Carnival in New Orleans in all its riotous, colorful and spiritual glory. Incorporating classic New Orleans music, previously unseen photographs and film footage, and interviews with major Carnival players, the program will explore African-Creole Carnival traditions. These celebrations date from colonial times, through Reconstruction and Jim Crow – and into the 21st century.

in ways that resonate with their lives today.

WYES Program • March 2017 2019 WYES ProgramGuide Guide • February

7pm THE GREAT BRITISH BAKING SHOW “Advanced Dough” In the quarter-finals of the competition, only five bakers remain. First they must make enriched fruit loaves for their Signature, followed by a Technical challenge that stretches them to the limit. Last, they must make 36 showstopping doughnuts.

9pm MASTERPIECE “Victoria, Season 3” (Episode 7 of 8)




7pm FINDING YOUR ROOTS, Season 5 “Hard Times” Host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the family stories of filmmaker Michael Moore and actors Laura Linney and Chloë Sevigny—three people whose distant ancestors overcame great hardships


DIAL 12 | February 2019


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WYES Program Guide • February 2019

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WYES’ quality programming and events are brought to you through the generous support of the following businesses and corporations. We encourage you to take note of the companies that help underwrite our programs and events. Please make a special effort to support these companies as well. To join our list of communityminded groups, contact Jim Tapley at (504) 837-8987, jtapley@ or Kerri Blache at (504) 483-8487,


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WYES Address: 916 Navarre Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 24026, New Orleans, Louisiana 70184 Web Site: • Questions or Comments: General (504) 486-5511 • Membership (504) 831-1503 Programming Questions (504) 838-0389 WYES OFFICERS Chairman Cleland Powell Vice-Chair Anne Redd Secretary Rick Kirschman Treasurer Alan Philipson President & Chief Executive Officer Allan Pizzato


DIAL 12 | February 2019

WYES TRUSTEES Herschel L. Abbott, Jr. Paul Peyronnin Len Aucoin Richard Rodriguez Greg Bensel Mark Romig Manny Blanco Lori Savoie Karen Coaxum Susu Stall Katie Crosby Alison ToussaintRenette Dejoie Hall LeBeaux Jennifer Heebe Iam Tucker Bill Langenstein Pierre B. Villere II Marc Leunissen Roger Villere Jonathan McCall Tommy Westervelt Sharon Perlis

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on 12.2 Enjoy do-it-yourself programming on cooking, arts & crafts, gardening, home improvement and travel. NEW ORLEANS COOKING WITH KEVIN BELTON can now be seen on Create.

streetcar by errol laborde

A Mardi Gras Strike THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY Forty years ago this Mardi Gras season,

New Orleans and its Carnival faced a crisis together. Both would be enriched by the experience, though there would be plenty of pain and stress along the way. At issue were the New Orleans police who had threatened to go on strike just in time for that season’s parades. Without the police there could be no security; without the security there could be no parades. To say that “Mardi Gras would be cancelled” was inaccurate because the day on the calendar would still exist, but without its most visible manifestation, the parades, the season, some feared, would be wrecked. Dutch Morial was the mayor at the time, having been sworn in the previous May. It is relevant to the story that Morial was the city’s first black mayor. Though there had been some concessions made to the police on pay increases, they wanted more, particularly binding arbitration, by which labor disputes with the city would be settled by a third party. Morial was adamant in opposing that, 1 0 4 FEBRUARY 2019

arguing that the city would lose control of the department and its finances. At first there was concern over the white population of New Orleans supporting a black mayor against the police department, but as the parade season drew closer, the police side made blunders. One was the arrival of a Teamster Union official from Detroit to be a speaker for the police. With his open collar and gold chain, the official conjured about as much esteem as the mafia. Then there were local strike leaders who talked about wrecking the city. At a rally a toy rabbit was shown lynched to a pole suggesting that after killing Mardi Gras, the strikers would do the same for Easter. Then came the cavalry. In one of the great moments in the city’s civic history, ten krewe leaders stood together before TV cameras announcing that they were not going to parade. The Rex captain spoke for all, proclaiming that they would not be held “hostage by the Teamster’s Union,” A few krewes, mostly newer ones, did

parade in Jefferson parish that year, but other krewes, especially the older ones, the groups most guided by tradition, stayed off the street. To them, they could not parade anywhere else but in New Orleans. Mardi Gras was Feb. 27 that year. With the tension of the parades removed, there would still be celebrating. The French Quarter was a happy place resembling an urban street festival. The mood was peaceful, but, just in case, National Guard soldiers stood ready at various intersections. Those young men protected the city while girls danced in front of them, some placing flowers in their helmets. From the balconies they saw sights that basic training had just not prepared them for. By the next day, the police strike was in ashes. With Carnival over, the police had lost their leverage and the strike fell apart. The Teamster went home. It was a victory for Morial and the city, which still controlled its own police department Years later a history professor, who was also a friend of Morial’s, told me how hard the situation had been on the mayor. As a lawyer he been sympathetic to unions and represented their causes, but as mayor he had to stand against them for the civic good. Because he was black there was initially speculation that Mayor Morial would not look kindly on Carnival and its mostly white krewes. But the strike solidified the relationships. As though in gratitude for the backing, he was a very supportive mayor. Contrary to rumors about continuing ill will between the mayor and the police, by the next year, 1980, the parades were back in full groove. On the last night of the season there was a ceremony that was quite meaningful, though few people saw it. The Comus parade still closed out the season. Traditionally mayors toast the parades at Gallier Hall. That night the Comus procession included a battery of New Orleans police dressed in full dress uniforms. At Gallier Hall the police paused to receive glasses of Champagne. And then the officers and the mayor, enemies a year earlier, toasted each other. ARTHUR NEAD Illustration

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