New Orleans Magazine June 2019

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june 2019

june 2019 / VOLUME 53 / NUMBER 6 Editor-in-Chief Errol Laborde Managing Editor Ashley McLellan Art Director Tiffani Reding Amedeo Contributing Writers Mary Lou Eichhorn, Fritz Esker, Kathy Finn, Dawn Ruth Wilson, Jason Berry, Carolyn Kolb, Chris Rose, Eve Crawford Peyton, Mike Griffith, Liz Scott Monaghan, Lee Cutrone, Dale Curry, Jay Forman, Tim McNally, Robert Peyton Digital Media Editor Kelly Massicot Social Media Assistant Becca Miller Staff Writers Topher Balfer, Kelly Massicot, Melanie Warner Spencer Vice President of Sales Colleen Monaghan Advertising Sales Manager Kate Henry (504) 830-7216 / Senior Account Executive Claire Cummings Account Executives Meggie Schmidt, Rachel Webber Director of Marketing and Events Jeanel Luquette Event Coordinator Abbie Dugruise Digital Media Associate Mallary Matherne For event information call (504) 830-7264 Production Manager Emily Andras Production Designers Rosa Balaguer, Meghan Rooney Special Projects Art Director Molly Tullier Patty Traffic Coordinator Lane Brocato Chief Executive Officer Todd Matherne President Alan Campell Executive Vice President Errol Laborde Distribution Manager John Holzer Administrative Assistant Mallary Matherne Subscriptions Manager Brittanie Bryant WYES DIAL 12 STAFF (504) 486-5511 Executive Editor Aislinn Hinyup Associate Editor Robin Cooper Art Director Jenny Hronek NEW ORLEANS MAGAZINE Printed in USA A Publication of Renaissance Publishing 110 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005

For subscription information call (504) 828-1380

New Orleans Magazine (ISSN 0897 8174) is published monthly by Renaissance Publishing, LLC., 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005; (504) 828-1380. Subscription rates: one year $19.95; Mexico, South America and Canada $48; Europe, Asia and Australia $75. An associate subscription to New Orleans Magazine is available by a contribution of $40 or more to WYES-TV/Channel 12, $10.00 of which is used to offset the cost of publication. Also available electronically, on CD-ROM and on-line. Periodicals postage paid at Metairie, LA, and additional entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Orleans Magazine, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005. Copyright 2019 New Orleans Magazine. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The trademark New Orleans and New Orleans Magazine are registered. New Orleans Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork even if accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The opinions expressed in New Orleans Magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the magazine managers or owners.

8 june 2019

Contents Local Color Marquee Top Picks for June 22 On the Cover: Crawfish Mac and Cheese at Bonnets NOLA Photographed by Denny Culbert

Persona Jenn Lyon 24

Biz Lafitte Greenway 26

Chris Rose Gutter Punks 28 top dentist, p. 58

Modine Gunch Learning What’s Important 30

Joie d’Eve Memory Lane 32

In Tune Festing and Feasting 34

Chronicles The Orleanian at the Automat 36

Home In Living Color 38



In Every Issue

Food for the Soul


Three Chefs’ favorite recipes 42

The Importance of Cornbread 12

Top Dentists

Speaking Out

New Orleans best 58

Editorial, plus a Mike Luckovich cartoon 16

Julia Street Questions and Answers About Our City 18

Streetcar D-Day Through Time 112

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DIAL 12, D1 The WYES award winning series RESHAPING A GREATER NEW ORLEANS provides a status report on efforts to improve public safety in its latest installment SEEKING SAFETY & JUSTICE. The hour-long program airs on WYES-TV/ Channel 12 on June 13 at 7 p.m. Following the program, a panel of experts will field safety and justice questions from the audience and viewers at home. Hosted by WYES Community Projects Producer Marcia Kavanaugh. Made possible by Baptist Community Ministries.

The Menu Table Talk Cafe Navarre 72

Restaurant Insider News from the Kitchen 74

Last Call Tulio 78

Dining Guide Listings by Neighborhood 78


The Importance of Cornbread On college football nights in

Louisiana there is a cheer for the home team that must boggle outof-state fans: “Hot boudin, cold cush, cush; come on (name team) push, push, push.” (Both “cush” and “push” are pronounced to rhyme as in “swoosh.”) Boudin, a country sausage generally made with pork, has become well known enough to be served at white table cloth restaurants. But what about the cush, cush? There are variations of this dish globally, but in Louisiana it is a simple breakfast classic cornbread and milk. The recipe is easy: first you get a cornbread; break it into pieces, put in a bowl and add milk. Now, the ultimate cush, cush, Louisiana-style, would have pieces of cracklings baked into the bread adding a touch of saltiness to the sweet taste, and a lot of crunchiness. Cornbread comes to mind because of our cover story, which is about soul food, featuring recipes form three different restaurants. Soul food and southern rural cooking have common crossroads. The classic soul food sides, especially various greens, are enhanced by a square of cornbread suitable for dipping into the pot liquor. Cornbread makes them taste even better. But be aware, I recently ate at a restaurant which listed cornbread as a side item. We asked for an order and were surprised that it had no taste, none, zero. Not even a swipe of butter could save it. This was such an offense that for the sake of posterity we had to tell the server who was shocked. She took the remaining bread back and then explained that someone must have made a mistake in the kitchen. Yes, I 1 2 june 2019

would think so. There was no charge for this side item. By contrast, there was Mike Stark, a big man with a flowing red beard who typically wore some type of brightly colored tunic. He was also a minister of some sorts and a mask maker. He was best known as the “King of the Hippies” for whom he provided various social and medical help. Each New Years Day, Stark had an open house, at which the traditional black eyed peas and cabbage were served from his Marigny home. But the truly irresistible item was his cornbread. It remains the best I ever ate; perhaps the best ever made. I don’t remember all his ingredients. I think there was some sort of cream mixed in, but the real showstopper made the biggest difference. Imagine this: into his cornbread he put actual corn that enriched the bread with natural flavor and chewiness. A good cornbread can have true soul. No matter whose soul it is. june 2019 1 3

meet the sales staff

Kate Henry Advertising Sales Manager (504) 830-7216

Claire Cummings Senior Account Executive (504) 830-7250

Rachel Webber Account Executive (504) 830-7249

Meggie Schmidt Account Executive (504) 830-7220

Colleen Monaghan Vice President of Sales (504) 830-7215 1 4 june 2019

speaking out

A Civil Discussion The case for an unseen monument

We support an idea about what

to do with the empty space on the monument where the statue of Robert E. Lee once stood. The suggestion? Do nothing, leave the space empty, at least for a while. This idea is not original to us. It was first mentioned by historian Walter Isaacson in an opinion piece he recently wrote for the New Orleans Advocate. There are few people in town who have as good of a grasp on history as Isaacson, who has written books about Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin, among other enlightened minds, and most recently Leonardo da Vinci. He understands the perfection and imperfections of historic characters and the relative importance of their contributions. As for replacing Lee, Isaacson wrote about his experience from looking at the topless column 1 6 june 2019

from many angles and wondering what should go there. Then the thought hit him: “But with each viewing from each new vantage, I am struck by how evocative and moving and memoryprovoking the current poignant void has turned out to be. It has become a piece of public art, a piece of found art. It memorializes a moment when we as a city had a long and difficult discussion, then lived to remember the tale.” Isaaccson was supportive of the monument’s removal, especially, as he tells it, after a conversation with musician Wynton Marsalis who first raised the issue. We, on the other hand, opposed the removals, especially Lee and, most of all, the one native in the group, Beauregard. So, we come to the issue from different directions but arrive in the same place. History, in this case, is best

served by allowing the minds of by who is in power. the beholders to fill in the vacuum. Isaccson continues: “The vacant When race is a factor in a discus- monument captures that moment sion, the conversation becomes and more. Whatever side of the more sensitive. Although there are debate you were on, each new many people who do not want to viewing evokes not only the admit it, there have been enormous thoughts you had at the time advances in racial justice but also your evolving since the passage of the feelings as time passes. Civil Rights act in 1964; An original You might even secondnevertheless, there are ©Mike Luckovich guess some thoughts you still activists and politi- Cartoon for New had at the time (what Orleans Magazine cians who exploit it. We if we hadn’t taken it are not yet at the point down when we did?), where discussion can be held or perhaps not. How powerful without someone using the word is that? “racist” as a bludgeon. We hope Either way, it makes the current for better days. non-monument into a living and We know that the present is breathing memorial and uninoften an unforgiving juror when tended artistic statement.” To that we add: At its best, the judging the past. In Rome, monuments to pagan emperors (Marcus empty space could be a monument Aurelius and Trajan) were replaced to the complexity of history and by statues of Christian saints, Paul the pursuit of understanding. That and Peter. Virtue is determined could be the greatest tribute of all.

. june 2019 1 7

julia street with poydras the parrot

Crescent Box water meter lid in Charleston, SC. Photo by Laurent Lutz

Dear Julia, In the late 1960s, my parents took me to Oak Alley on a hot summer afternoon. I recall little of the plantation tour but vividly recall a strange insect I saw crawling on the plantation’s lawn. It looked like an enormous ant and had alternating bands of what looked like black and bright red-orange fur. I have never again seen such a creature but am hoping you may know what it may have been. Ren Jones (New Orleans)

Dear Julia, Poydras, and All God’s Other Little Children, I was just reading your March issue about water meter covers, which reminded me of a recently discovered piece of trivia that shocked my system. Suspect you knew this, but mentioning just in case. Those water meter covers and their “iconic” crescent have nothing to do with New Orleans. The design was, apparently, the logo of their maker, The Ford Meter Box of Wabash Indiana. How these have been replicated and sold by the zillions with no trademark infringement I leave to someone else. How I discovered this was staring at the sidewalk while walking through Charleston, South Carolina. If you know something I don’t, please chime in. Did New Orleans do something to get the rights to use this? S&WB is clearly the prominent lettering here, but the manufacturer still is on there in much smaller print. Cheers, Laurent Lutz (Wilmington, Delaware) What a great question. This is an important addendum to New Orleans cultural history. The cover plate shown in our March issue was actually for an electric company service hatch, not a water meter. However, you are correct that the Ford Meter Box Company designed and manufactured the iconic crescent moon water meter covers. The example you photographed in Charleston and which accompanies this column is a lockless Crescent Box Lid (CBLL style) which the Ford Meter Box Company of Wabash, Indiana continues to make and sell. In 1921, Edwin Ford of the Ford Meter Box Company visited New Orleans to meet with the Sewerage & Water Board (S&WB) to discuss the problem of soil subsidence as 1 8 june 2019

it related to water meters. Consequently, Ford designed not only the Crescent Box, a meter enclosure which could be adjusted to compensate for soil subsidence, but the accompanying Art Deco lid. By the mid-1920s, nearly half of the Ford Meter Box Company’s business came from New Orleans, helping the company weather the Great Depression, a fact for which the company remains grateful. The S&WB version of the Crescent Box lid is a registered trademark; penalties for its infringement are detailed in the Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana. In 2007, Louisiana state legislators introduced Senate Bill 319 to provide remedies and penalties for infringement of the Sewerage & Water Board’s “Crescent Cover Logo” trademark. The bill passed as Act No. 470 of the 2007 Regular Session, adding sub-parts J and K to RS 51:300.31 of the state legal code. Under the current state code, unauthorized use of the “Crescent Cover Logo” is punishable by a fine of up to five thousand dollars.

It sounds as if you saw a female red velvet ant, Dasymutilla occidentalis, a type of parasitic grounddwelling wasp sometimes called a cow killer because of the wingless female’s painful sting. Males of the species have wings but lack stingers so look somewhat less like a big brightly-colored furry ant.

have a question for julia? Send your question to: Julia Street, New Orleans Magazine, 110 Veterans Blvd., Suite 123, Metairie, LA 70005 or email: Julia@ NewOrleans

Dear Julia and Poydras, The old T.G.&Y. dime store on South Carrollton was a personal favorite, but I have never known what the initials meant. Was T.G.&Y. a local chain? That place sold all sorts of stuff, ranging from kiddie toys to candy, underwear, pets and cleaning supplies. Janel Miller (New Orleans) Tracing its beginnings to Depression-era Oklahoma, the national variety store chain had nearly 1,000 locations throughout the country; it went out of business in 2001. The company name recalls the first letters in the surnames of founding partners Rawdon E. Tomlinson (ca. 1883–1948), Enoch L. “Les” Gosselin (1901–77) and Raymond A. Young (1904–2002).


Television and stage Actress Jenn Lyon


June Our top picks for this month’s events by Fritz Esker

New Orleans Shakespeare Festival at Tulane – “Much Ado About Nothing”

From June 14 - 30, visit Tulane University’s Lupin Theatre to see Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy “Much Ado About Nothing” as part of the New Orleans Shakespeare Festival at Tulane. The sparring Benedick and Beatrice are two of the Bard’s most memorable creations. Information,

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“Weird Al” Yankovic

On June 13, comic singer/songwriter Weird Al Yankovic of “Amish Paradise” and “Dare to Be Stupid” fame comes to the Saenger Theater for a night full of music and laughter. Information,

Big Top Cake & Pastry Competition

On June 22 at the Southern Food and Beverage Museum, professionals, home bakers and students will showcase their finest cake decorating techniques to the public and judges. Attendees get to vote for the winner while sampling some of the delicious cakes. Information,

The Rat Pack Now

The National World War II Museum’s Stage Door Canteen hosts this world-class tribute to the music of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. Shows run from June 14-16. Information,

calendar May 24-June 9

June 14-16

“How to Kill a Diva,” Westwego Performing Arts Theater. Information,

Kinky Boots, Saenger Theater. Information,

May 28-June 2

Sebadoh, One Eyed Jacks. Information,

June 14

“Come From Away,” Saenger Theater. Information, May 31-June 2

Symphony Book Fair, UNO Lakefront Arena. Information, June 1

New Orleans Oyster Festival, Woldenberg Park. Information,

June 15

Big Easy Rollergirls, UNO Lakefront Arena. Information, June 19

Twenty-One Pilots: The Bandito Tour, Smoothie King Center. Information, SmoothieKingCenter. com. June 20-23

June 3

Derek Hough, Saenger Theater. Information,

NOLA Caribbean Festival, Central City BBQ. Information, June 21-23

June 4

Lany, The Joy Theater. Information,

Festigals, Jung Hotel. Information, June 22

June 5, 12, 19, 26

The Victory Belles, BB’s Stage Door Canteen. Information,

Party for the Planet Presented by Entergy: Pollination Celebration, Audubon Butterfly Garden & Insectarium. Information,

June 7-9

New Orleans Pride, Multiple Locations. Information,

June 22-23

Cajun Zydeco Festival, Armstrong Park. Information,

June 8

French Market Creole Tomato Festival, French Market. Information,

June 29

Rob Thomas: Chip Tooth Tour, Saenger Theater. Information,

June 8

Anderson .Paak, Champions Square. Information, June 8

“Winehoused: The Amy Celebration,” The Joy Theater. Information, June 8

Party for the Planet Presented by Entergy: World Oceans Day, Aquarium of the Americas. Information, june 2019 2 3


New Orleans has welcomed us and we have folded into it....I miss NOLA when I go back to brooklyn.

definitely pays more and you get a couple runs at it.

Q: What have been some of your favorite roles that you have played? Bille Dawn in “Born Yesterday.” Judy Holiday got a Tony and Oscar for the role and it was later played by Madeline Kahn-both idols of mine. Meg in “Crimes of the Heart” by Beth Henley, Jenn Husser in Claws. All complicated and not necessarily educated women, but they are so wily and smart.

Q: If you had to choose, do you prefer comedic or dramatic roles? Comedy contains drama

“Claws” and Effect Jenn Lyon By Ashley McLellan

Television actress Jenn Lyon calls New Orleans,

specifically the French Quarter, home for half of the year (the other half, she spends at home in Brooklyn, New York.) Her locally filmed comedydrama “Claws” on TNT follows the lives of five manicurists at the fictional Nail Artisan salon in central Florida, a role that Lyon embraces for its empowerment of women of all shapes and sizes. Lyon’s credits also include roles in the popular FX drama “Justified,” a Broadway hit show “Fish in the Dark” with Larry David, and many more stage

2 4 june 2019

and screen hits. New Orleans Magazine caught up with Lyon as she wrapped up the third season of production, to find out what she loves about acting, writing and living in New Orleans.

Q: You have an extensive resumé of work in the theater, in films, and on TV. Do you prefer acting for the stage, screen or TV? They are so different. Stage is immediate and exciting but it doesn’t really pay a living wage. TV is longer and permanent but

and vice versa-the best comedy is truthfully falling up the steps which is also dramatic and painful, but hilarious.

Q: Dish. We have a crush on Timothy Olyphant from “Justified” and more. Who has been your favorite romantic co-star? Oh man, you couldn’t have a better crush- he is so thoughtful and talented and funny. It’s a shame he isn’t attractive… Kevin Rankin who plays my husband on Claws is also a doll (he played Devil on “Justified”)

Born/raised: North Carolina-lots of small towns Education: BFA North Carolina School of the Arts Favorite TV show: Dateline Favorite Book: this is an impossible question -anything by Wolfe, Faulkner, Baldwin, Didion or Sagan Favorite New Orleans restaurant: Also impossible! Surrey’s, Pêche, Morrow’s, Daily Beet, Horn’s, Mint Modern Best place to experience live shows in New Orleans: Cafe Istanbul, Favela Chic, Kermit’s Mother in Law Lounge Doughnuts or beignets? Beignets are funnel cake in disguise

Q: Claws has such a diverse cast of female characters? How has it been working with these talented actors and tackling interesting and unique scripts? We have such a good time and it’s a very collaborative process with the writers and hair, makeup, costumes [and] nails. I’ve never experienced getting to have that much input in television and crafting something in this way.

Q: You are also a writer and producer of an on-line sketch group, POYKPAC. How is acting, writing and producing for the internet different from a more traditional stage or film production? Poykpac got in on the very early stages of YouTube, and so it was a cowboy town without rules and we made a glut of content so cheaply and quickly. We could have an idea and since we were the writers, costumes, lights, camera, editing and actors, we could bring it to fruition without permission or consensus--or a lot of money. It was so liberating to create our own stuff rather than wait around to be cast or considered valuable.

Q: What was most surprising about life in New Orleans? The most surprising thing about New Orleans is how many different parts there are to it. I think visiting you might only see the French Quarter, and don’t necessarily get to see all the vibrant communities happening in all the other neighborhoods.

Q: Is it hard to have dual Brooklyn-New Orleans citizenship? I do miss Brooklyn when I’m here, but New Orleans has welcomed us and we have folded into it so now I miss NOLA when I go back to Brooklyn.

Something people don’t know about me is that I play the musical saw and am very average at it!

Q: Brooklyn is known for its pizza; Manhattan for culinary diversity…and those bagels. New Orleans is known for, well, everything delicious. You can tell us. Who has the better food? New York or New Orleans? Y’all are trying to get me in trouble now. Are you trying to get my dual citizenship revoked?! june 2019 2 5


Lafitte Greenway Where commerce takes cues from nature by Kathy Finn

In a city where land available

for commercial development is scarce, it is refreshing to see a strip of green space not only preserved, but transformed into a magnet for new activity, which is what is happening along the corridor that stretches from New Orleans’ Treme neighborhood through Mid-City. The former railroad right-of-way now known as Lafitte Greenway is slowly becoming an oasis of outdoor fun and relaxation thanks to a 2.6-mile bicycle path, with playgrounds and pedestrianfriendly features that have taken shape there. Since the corridor’s opening in 2015, about 320,000 cyclists and pedestrians access the greenway annually, according to automated people counters monitored by local researchers. Now, developers who recognize 2 6 june 2019

the growing appeal of the green space have begun re-purposing adjacent sites and renovating ramshackle structures into new housing, cafés and bars, with plans to make the Greenway a place where people will routinely come for a refreshing break in the heart of a bustling city. This month, the first apartments in a neighboring 382-unit housing complex will open to renters. The Edwards Communities, the Ohio-based developer of the $65 million Mid-City complex, plan a three-phase opening over the next few years, starting with 120 units this summer. An Edwards spokeswoman says the complex aims to attract young professional renters who like the idea of living near the Lafitte Greenway. A block away from those apartments stands a higher-end

residential development that’s also nearing completion. Dubbed the 37 HUNDRED, it consists of 20 two-story luxury townhouses built atop garages, and it touts a range of features that include its location “only steps” away from the Lafitte Greenway. These new Mid-City housing choices join a number of other amenities that have taken shape along the periphery of the green corridor. One of the first commercial entrants was the Hey Coffee Co., a café and roasting operation at the edge of Treme, opened by owners of the Hey Café on Magazine Street. Proprietor Tommy LeBlanc says both shops emphasize environmental sustainability by minimizing material waste and garbage headed for landfills. The Mid-City location opened in a building that was reno-

vated by Green Coast Enterprises, a real estate developer that focuses on community renewal. More recently, the Greenway got a boost from the opening of a stylish beer garden called Wrong Iron, a concept from owners of The Bulldog bar and the Velvet Cactus restaurant. The 5,000-square-foot Mid-City establishment resembles a vintage rail station and offers dozens of beers, cocktails and wines complemented by food trucks that serve the area. The large, dog-friendly patio provides views directly onto the Lafitte Greenway and has 60 bike parking spaces nearby. Meanwhile, plans have solidified for a new micro-brewery with live entertainment on Lafitte Avenue near Broad Street and the Broad Theater. Scott Wood, who also owns the popular Uptown eatery Turkey and the Wolf, looks to open not only a tap room, but a restaurant with full bar that will complement the growing range of activity on the greenway. His Courtyard Brewery is slated to open in the spring of 2020. Sophie Vorhoff, executive director of the nonprofit organization Friends of Lafitte Greenway, says the amount of commercial and residential development along the greenway in less than four years since its opening is encouraging for those who have advocated for a green and sustainable corridor that serves the needs of its neighbors. “It’s exciting to see projects that bring more use and energy to the trail and that embrace the greenway,” she says. “We want to see it continue to develop into a healthy and vibrant public space that connects people to one another and to the neighborhoods all along the corridor.”


cheryl gerber photo june 2019 2 7

chris rose

I’m conflicted. I find myself

re-examining a matter upon which I was quite certain my mind was made up with no chance of equivocation. At issue here are the gutter punks, that vast, unbeloved subculture run roughshod over the French Quarter. For those unfamiliar with the term, I’ll defer to Wikipedia to describe this millenial genre: “Attributes may include unkempt dreadlocks, nose rings, Mohawk hairstyles, and tattooed faces. Sometimes referred to as crusties, or crust punks, traveler kids or punk hobos. “Scumf***” may be used to refer to certain members of the subculture who are perceived as selfish, apathetic, violent, aggressive, overly nihilistic, or overly hedonistic.” If you’ve ever been to the French Quarter, you know them. I call them the brown people. Not in any ethnic sense – because they are predominantly white -- but because their skin, faces, hair, torn overalls, tattered Doc Martens, various packs, satchels and bed rolls – and even their omnipresent canine companions – are all brown. They bum quarters and smokes and block the sidewalk and smell really bad and say innapropriate things and bring out the pretunatural cranky old fartness in a guy like me who just wants to scream – against every prevailing notion in my soul: GET A JOB YOU LAZY SOT! Owen Courreges, a correspondent for the Uptown Messenger, put it this way: “Gutter punks have few defenders. A recognized nuisance with few redeeming qualities, they have created an undeniable groundswell of loathing.” I find it hard to disagree. I encounter these noxious creatures 2 8 june 2019

Gutter Punks The maddening crowd by Chris Rose

on a daily basis as I go about my businesses of giving tours or painting in the French Quarter. They make me loathe. But nobody wants to loathe. And then this happened, the smallest of gestures to give me pause, to try and understand. To empathize. I was walking back to my car after a tour and paused on the sidewalk to catch my breath and take a sip of my beer. To my immediate right were two of the aforementioned species, leaning against a wall, chomping on what appeared to be scavanged crawfish in a Styrofoam container, requisite

tattoos and piercings in place, an irrepressible aura of grunge upon them. And a brown dog. One of the guys was coaxing brown dog to try a crawfish. Being my own irrepressible species of cranky old busybody fart, I cautioned that might not be a good idea; the “crust” of the crustaceans (not the crust punks) availing for, shall we say, difficult digestion. If you’ve ever had a dog and a crawfish boil at the same time, you know what I’m talking about. And so began a casual conversation. About dogs. About crawfish. One of them was born in Ontario so

we talked about Canadian trains; my dream to traverse the country in a sleeper coach on the national railway. Pretty expensive, I said. Not if you jump the freights, they said. Not sure that would work with the girlfriend or kids, I point out. True, they said. We chat amiably for a while. Dogs, trains, wanderlust. It was a country song. We talked about a lot of stuff, me in my collared shirt and dad pants, they in their brown ensembles. During which all the while I am waiting for the inevitable. You know it’s coming. The panhandle. The beg. The grift. But after twenty minutes or so, as I take my leave, it never happened. No ask at all. Not even an intuit. And as I walked away, one said to me: “Hey man, thanks for talking to us. Y’know, just talking to us. Noticing that we were here. Nobody does that. We really appreciate that.” For some reason, that crushed me. Really crushed me. It’s weird, if you’re of a certain age, it’s impossible to see these guys and not think of Pig Pen from the old Peanuts cartoons. And if you remember, Pig Pen was actually a pretty cool dude. A good heart. Quick with a smile, a witty retort or a kind gesture. Smarter than he let on. And, as evidenced in the classic “Charlie Brown Christmas Special,” one seriously natty dancer, busting some funky grooves and moves. But inside, and even out – if you can see through the dust -- a good person. A person with a beating heart and a yearning soul. Maybe even big dreams. And yes, filthy. Misunderstood, perhaps? Therein lies the mystery of the human condition, I suppose.


Jason Raish Illustration june 2019 2 9

modine gunch

Learning What’s Important But it’s not easy by Modine Gunch

First we had the “Marie Kondo Magic

of Tidying Up” to feel guilty about. Now we are hearing about the “Swedish Death Cleaning” (pretty much the same thing, but morbid.) In New Orleans, we got “In-Case-ofHurricane-Cleaning.” We don’t ask, “Does it spark joy?” We ask, “Is it waterproof?” If you do hurricane cleaning, then every June, when hurricane season starts, you put your fancy gown in a tall plastic trash bag and knot the top. You seal the baby picture albums and insurance papers in a Rubbermaid bin. My mother-in-law Ms. Larda takes this to a whole new level. She does Xtreme in-case-of-hurricane-cleaning. This year she was just getting started when she had to have one of them medical “procedures” that you don’t talk about where the grandkids can hear and ask a lot of questions. At least she won’t need Preparation H no more. She is home, plopped on top a rubber doughnut, and she is so nervous about her hurricane cleaning, I said I’d do it for her. Pretty soon, I am wishing for that Swedish Death Cleaning. It’s probably easier. The Swedish call it dostadning, which must be the way the Swedish spell “do standing.” I guess they don’t get down on their knees to scrub floors. They got some sense. Now, when Ms. Larda hurricane cleans, she scrubs everything to within inch of its life, wraps it in plastic, and then puts it as high as possible— on top the refrigerator, high shelf in a closet, in the attic. She only leaves down things that are too big

30 june 2019

to move, like the sofa, which she covers in plastic, and certain gifts people gave her that might tragically float away: the leopard skin throw cushions; the end table shaped like an American eagle with a tray on its head, the stuffed nutria umbrella stand. Also her stationary bike and exercise mat. Then in November she takes everything back down, unwraps each one, and rewashes it in case a molecule of dust got through the plastic. When I store something— like the Drew Brees votive candle I light for every Saints game— I stick it on a top shelf, unwashed and unwrapped. When I take it down, I maybe spray on some Windex if it looks dusty. That’s the difference between me and Ms. Larda. She worries about what if she drops dead and the coroner and his whole crew come in and her house is a mess. It would be worse than getting in an accident and winding up at the hospital in underwear that has holes in it. She would be embarrassed for all eternity, she says. Me, I am fine with the “Kick It Under the Bed” cleaning technique. When the bed actually starts to levitate off the floor, I get down on my hands and knees (some things

you can’t dostadning) and drag out stuff and shove it in the closet. When company is coming, I mop my floors nice and shiny with a wet towel on each foot. That’s the Modine method. But I ain’t arguing with somebody glaring at me from a rubber donut. I scrub and polish and wrap in plastic, like she says. At the end of the day, I run to Rocky and Carlo’s and get po-boys to bring home for the kids and my gentleman friend Lust, who will probably show up for dinner. Plus one for Ms. Larda, of course. When I leave, I tell her to call if she finds anything else to scrub —which I hope to God she won’t. Driving home, I get to thinking: maybe I should be organized like Ms. Larda; follow her example. What do I got that’s important enough to scrub and wrap in plastic? I had called home about the po-boys. When I walk in, Gladiola is setting a lot of napkins on the table; Lust is opening beer and Barq’s; and Gargole is getting out Tabasco. They see me, and they let out a cheer. Suddenly, I know what I got that’s important. But I can’t scrub them and wrap them in plastic. So I pass out the po-boys.




Memory Lane With Bumps Along the Way By Eve Crawford Peyton

I recently headed out to Pensacola, anticipating

a pleasant mini-vacation with the girls – we’d have a cozy night in the hotel before dropping Ruby at her roller derby clinic, and then Georgia and I would explore until she was done at which point we’d all hit the beach for some sand and sun. And that all happened. It was a lovely but brief escape, the girls mostly got along, and even the weather cooperated. What I didn’t expect, although I probably should have, was how being back in Florida would bring back so many memories connected to the last year of my sister’s life. She lived, and died, in Shalimar, which is about an hour east of Pensacola, just north of Destin/Fort Walton Beach, and so we weren’t exactly back on her turf, but all of the stores were the same and seeing the familiar logos brought on a rush of sad memories. The Tom Thumb convenience stores that dot the Panhandle provided the cheap plastic cups that my sister drank her cheap white wine from once her hands got too shaky for her to trust herself with glass. The Whataburger is where I ate dinner by myself when my dad went to see my sister the first time we 32 june 2019

came – almost exactly 10 years ago – and he So I saved myself. I had my daughter didn’t know if she’d be willing to see me. and my floundering marriage and my The Publix where I went shopping for stressful job, and my sister was actively the last meal I ever made my sister and pushing me away (because she loved me where my dad and I later bought the and didn’t want me to see her like this). flowers we threw into the water along I left. I left her there alone, because she with her ashes. wouldn’t come. When I came in April 2009, I was Before I left the first time, when she actually hopeful (before I saw her). I could still eat, I cooked dinner. I cooked thought we could encourage her to get her favorite meal, veal piccata, which treatment, get her life back on track. My we consumed with extra relish because own life was falling apart at the time; my father’s new wife, whom we both my marriage was in its death throes, and despised, wouldn’t allow us to eat veal I was channeling all of my energy into in her presence. We drank wine together, worrying about my sister’s problems so which felt both comfortingly right and guilt-achingly wrong, and stayed up late I could ignore my own. After she died, I wrote of that first watching SNL and giggling. trip, “On the way there, I’d chattered to One memory that stands out to me from my dad about rehab programs, whether that time was being at the Publix by myself six weeks would do any good at all or buying ingredients – lemon, white wine, whether it would need to be more like 16. fresh Parmesan – and pausing in the ice I’d talked about how Dad and I needed to cream aisle because usually, during my be a united front. I’d talked about getting weekly shopping at home, I would pick her involved in charity work or getting out some kind of frozen treat to bring her a puppy. On the way back, we were back to Ruby, then 2, as a surprise. Her quiet. We talked, briefly, about whether delight brought me so much happiness. you can really just let someone die if they Obviously, I couldn’t bring her ice cream don’t want to live. We talked about time, sandwiches from Florida, but the realizaabout how long she’d been so sick and tion that my sister had no one to shop for, no one to surprise, no one to bring how long she had left.” The answer, it turned out, was about joy to, just struck me as unspeakably sad. All those memories washed over me as a year. I went back in November 2009, and by then, she was too sick to eat. I we drove around Pensacola, me and my feel awful, writing this now, as though two girls, one who doesn’t remember my I should have done something – forced sister and one who never even met her. her into the hospital, poured her wine A part of me wanted to share my down the sink, some kind of dramatic thoughts with my daughters, but although gesture – but if you knew her, I want to keep her memory if you’d been there, you knew alive, I only want to share the she was horribly phobic about good parts with them, at least Excerpted from Eve hospitals and forcing her to for now. I tell them about her Crawford Peyton’s do anything would have been blog, Joie d’Eve, which laugh and how much she loved torture and ultimately futile. appears each Friday on to eat and how she was funny She didn’t want to get better. I and generous and always hilarithink sometimes of a passage ously late to every event. in one of my favorite books, “Autumn So I kept my sadness to myself. Street” by Lois Lowry. The main character “Look,” I said to Georgia. “Publix! leaves her best friend alone in the snow That’s the store that makes your sister’s because he won’t listen to her pleas to favorite cream soda! Let’s go get some come inside, and – spoiler alert – he dies. while she’s at practice.” “I left him there,” she writes. “I left him And I held her hand and we walked there alone, because he wouldn’t come, into the Publix together, laughing, excited and because my head swam with fever to be buying something as a treat, as a and the terrifying knowledge that one special surprise for her sister. can, after all, only save oneself.”


jane sanders illustration june 2019 3 3

in tune

must-see music june 3 The Lumineers

Betty Who brings electro pop to Republic. june 4

LANY dreams at the Joy. june 6

Julia Jacklin and Black Belt Eagle Scout rock Gasa Gasa. june 8

Anderson.Paak raps Champions Square. june 10

FRENSHIP make the Hi-Ho move. june 11

Caroline Rose rocks Gasa Gasa.

Festing and Feasting

june 14

Sebadoh explore their garage roots at One Eyed Jacks.

And a road trip too by Mike Griffith

june 15

As the summer really gets Bag of Donuts. Not only does Oyster going in earnest, there are a couple Fest have a ton of great food and of excellent smaller festivals to look help fight the myth that oysters are out for and of course our sister only good during colder months, the festival—Bonnaroo just up the road proceeds go to benefit a number of in Tennessee. Things kickoff with coastal restoration efforts around The Oyster Festival at Woldenberg the state. A bit later in the month marks Park on the 1st and 2nd. In addition to the annual P&J Shucking the return of the NOLA Caribbean Contest on Saturday, and the Acme Festival to Central City BBQ. This Oyster Eating Contest on Sunday relatively young event (founded in the festival boasts a 2014) has grown dramatifull schedule of cooking cally in the past couple of demonstrations and Playlist of mentioned years, and celebrates New musical performances. bands available Orleans’ role as the northernat: The Saturday lineup InTune6-19 most Caribbean city. The features Feufollet, Cha main festival events fall on Wa, Maggie Koerner and Shamarr the 22nd and 23rd with the NOLA Allen with The Underdawgs. On Color Me Krazy Carnival Parade on Sunday, you can catch a little early the 22nd. There are also a whole gospel with Betty Winn and One-A- host of pre- and post-party events Chord who are followed by Amanda to look out for. Definitely check Shaw, The Bucktown Allstars, Brass- out the weekend wrap-up on the A-Holics and, finally, local favorites evening of the 23rd at Deja Vieux 34 june 2019

Food Park. This event features Inna Vision from Hawaii and Jamaica based DJ Megatron, in addition to a large assortment of Caribbean food and drink. Finally, June always means the return of Bonnaroo to The Farm in Manchester, Tennessee. This festival has its roots in New Orleans, and the spirit of the city permeates the event, from its Dr. John inspired title to its satellite location of Snake and Jakes Christmas Lounge. In addition to a plethora of new experiences in the campground plazas and art installations, this year the festival is headlined by Phish, Childish Gambino, Post Malone, Odesza, The Lumineers, Cardi B and more. We’ll have a lot more information online as we get closer to the festival and of course the usual coverage as the event unfolds.


Culture Abuse brings fuzz rock to Gasa Gasa. june 19

Twenty One Pilots astound at the Smoothie King Center. june 28

Steel Panther glams at the Saenger.

Dates are subject to change; email Mike@ or contact him through Twitter @Minima. june 2019 3 5


The Orleanianan at the Automat Fueled by well-made New Orleans coffee by Carolyn Kolb

New Orleanians take pride in

their city’s food: home-cooked, created by Creole chefs, beloved by gourmets worldwide. Yet, New Orleans has also contributed to some decidedly American eating habits. In fact, the earliest American fast food innovation had an Orleanian as partner in the enterprise: the Horn & Hardart Automat. Secret of that success? A New Orleans essential: perfectly dripped and brewed coffee. Frank Hardardt (he would later drop the second D) arrived in New Orleans from Germany, in 1858, age eight. He settled in the city with his widowed mother, a brother and two sisters. He soon went to work. By the age of 13, he was employed in a lunchroom, where he learned the proper way to drip coffee. By 1875 he was listed in the “Soard’s City Directory” as

36 june 2019

a waiter at George McCloskey’s, 76 St. Charles Avenue. In 1876, armed with his coffee-making skills, he bought a ticket to Philadelphia where the Centennial Exposition was being held. He was convinced that his deliciously brewed coffee would be instantly popular. At the time, most Americans just boiled coffee grounds and strained off the brew. Unfortunately, his attempt failed. He returned to New Orleans, got married and saved money. In the “City Directory” of 1880, he was listed as a “Confectioner” in Gretna. But, by 1886, the Hardardt’s had moved to Philadelphia. This time, Hardardt was more successful. At first, he found whatever restaurant work he could. Then, in 1888, he answered an advertisement looking for a restaurant partner. The ad was placed by Joseph Horn, a well-

off Philadelphian. Soon Horn & Hardart (the new spelling) had corner lunchrooms in the commercial areas of the city. Horn had seen a “waiterless restaurant” in Boston, but Hardart, who could afford a trip back to Germany in 1900, found the German version more intriguing. It was called an automat, and it was a giant food dispensing machine costing $30,000. Hardart bought it and by 1902 the first Horn & Hardart Automat opened on Chestnut Street in Philadelphia. Automats were restaurants where dishes of food were made available when little windowed doors were opened after coins were dropped in a slot. A wall of these metal doors could provide you with all the courses of a meal, impersonally dispensed with mechanical precision in the most modern way. Horn & Hardart was known for

quality control. Food was made fresh daily, and their recipes were tasty. Not only was the food popular, the coffee was properly dripped and dispensed from ornate metal spouts. In fact, according the “The Smithsonian Magazine,” Horn & Hardart coffee was freshly brewed every 20 minutes, and they were selling 90 million cups a year in their heyday. (The price of a cup was a nickel until 1950.) The idea of the automat seized the public imagination. By 1912, an automat opened in New York, and at one point there were 40 in the city. The last one closed in 1991. The automat as a quick and inexpensive way to eat appealed to Americans, and in the Depression was essential for urban workers. The automat found its way to popular culture. Lyricist Joe Robin explained in composer Jule Styne’s “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” that A kiss may be grand, But it won’t pay the rental On your humble flat, Or help you at the automat. The automat may be far in the past, but Horn & Hardart Coffee may be part of your future. The Mazzoni family of Philadelphia has acquired company recipes, and recreated their coffee blend. If you want to try some, go to Sip it and sing the Horn & Hardart official song: Irving Berlin’s 1932 lyric “Let’s have another cup of coffee, and let’s have another piece of pie….”

. june 2019 3 7


In Living Color Patterns prettier than the previous by Lee Cutrone photographed by Greg Miles

Leigh Anne Peters became

experienced at home remodeling while doing design work for local builder Mike Bertel of Bertel Construction. During her years in New Orleans, the Mississippi native also befriended contractor Will Erikson of Yazoo Restoration whose work she admired. When she bought the house she now shares with her husband Thomas, 9-month old daughter Maxwell, black Labrador, Shady, and Cavalier King Charles puppy, Lula Belle, her experience combined with Erikson’s would prove a winning collaboration.

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“When I bought this house, I partnered with Yazoo and had them come aboard,” said Peters, who was then traveling to Mississippi to visit her ailing father on the weekends. “I trusted Will to make decisions. He’s just got exquisite taste.” The remodel called for gutting the house, while keeping the footprint and layout mostly the same. It also included remodeling the kitchen and bathrooms with contemporary finishes. At the same time, newly whitewashed doors and pickled floors ground the cottage (originally a double shotgun

with a camelback added later) in its historic roots and provide a counterpoint to sleek components, such as the kitchen’s marble countertops and Caesarstone island. Walls and trim painted with Benjamin Moore’s Linen White enhance the home’s abundant natural light. In fact, Peters originally worked with a local designer to create an all-white interior. Six months later, she was engaged, and marriage and children factored into the equation. She re-thought the design scheme with family in mind. This time she turned to designer

The living room’s colorful exuberance is grounded by the timeless silhouettes of the furnishings; green velvet sofa by Theodore Alexander, lamps and shades by Bunny Williams, metal and leather Klismos chair Bunny Williams; a chair and ottoman from Karla Katz Antiques is upholstered with a Sister Parish fabric, the pair of swivel chairs is upholstered with fabric by Brunschwig & Fils; at right, top painting by Ann Frantic, bottom painting by James Mouton; rug from NOLA Rugs.

Ware Porter, a Birmingham native and New Orleans resident whose work has been featured in such magazines as House Beautiful

and Veranda. “I hired him to order some lamps and some tchotchkes and then ended up doing the whole house,” Peters said. Both client and designer share a love of color, fabrics and wallpapers. But Peters did have a few directives. She wanted the house to be comfortable for a man (there was to be no pink, with

the exception of the master bedroom already decorated with an exquisite chinoiserie wallpaper,) durable for children and pets (“I don’t want to be upset when the dog gets on the sofa with dirty paws,” Peters said,) and functional for entertaining. In a word: livable. Porter responded with a myriad of

Top, left:The pattern and colors of the kitchen’s Roman shade ties the mostly white room together with the rest of the house; counters and backsplash are Calacatta Gold marble, island is Caesarstone, pendant fixtures are from Circa Lighting; the kitchen was designed with the help of Campbell Cabinets. Top, right: An antique secretary inherited from Leigh Anne’s parents is combined with a gilt sunburst mirror. Bottom, right: The historic cottage features Victorian gingerbread and a camelback added during a previous renovation; landscaping by Edward Thomas. june 2019 3 9

Top, left: The elegant dining room table was inherited from Thomas’s grandparents, but the focal point of the room is the custom armoire painted peacock blue and complemented by sconces with red shades; chandelier and sconces by Julie Neill; chairs by Hickory Chair. Bottom, left: Detail of console with blue porcelain A console between the living and dining spaces is topped with a collection of inherited and new blue and white porcelain and a painting by William McLure. Top, right: A settee near the front entrance is covered with a green leopard print by Bob Collins and Sons; the Dhurrie rug is by Madeline Weinrib. Bottom, right: The nursery’s roman shade is made with Schumacher’s fabric version of the wallpaper in the master bedroom; Fiona Walker England felt animal heads above crib, art above crib by Diana Newman Art.

Left: Red is carried from the front of the house all the way to the den at the back of the house where it’s combined with navy; a portrait that Leigh Anne purchased in Nashville hangs above the sofa. Right: The master bedroom’s chinoiserie wallpaper, installed during Leigh Anne’s initial round of decorating, is by Mary McDonald for Schumacher, the antique chandelier is from Wirthmore Antiques; ballet slipper pinks and grays were used for the bedding and upholstery; the headboard is covered with a velvet by Schumacher.

patterns and colors, each prettier than the previous, and a house that manages to be both exuberant and peaceful took shape over the course of a year. “I am known for a look, I use a lot of layers and patterns and color, but we have to use some restraint too,” Porter said. “I always try to be humble and not take ego into anything. It’s a fine line. I wanted there to be elements of sophistication and whimsey, but I also wanted it to be serious. We

always use the word comfortable. Comfortable to us is the ultimate luxury.” Red, the one color that Peters initially didn’t like, became a thread throughout – from the entryway, where a Dhurrie rug and sepia pastorals are edged with it, through to the den at the rear of the house where it’s combined with shades of white and navy. “Ware asked if there was a color I don’t prefer and I named red. But now that it’s a predominant color,

I absolutely love it,” Peters said. “I knew I loved his aesthetic so I trusted him and I said let’s do it.” Though Porter anchors his work with timeless pieces, he has a talent for turning the traditional on its ear – often with color. In the dining room, a clean-lined custom-designed armoire painted peacock blue and flanked with red-shaded sconces takes center stage. The interior, used as a bar, is lacquered red. “I love the peacock blue,” Peters said. “It kind of smacks you in the face when you walk in the door and the fact that it’s lacquered makes it even more unexpected.” Porter also paid careful attention to the details that finish a room. He hand-applied the blue grosgrain that trims the shades of the chandelier above the dining table.

Family antiques inherited by both Leigh Anne and Thomas, glamorous glints of metallic lighting by local designer Julie Neill, new classics from designer lines (including Bunny Williams and Theadore Alexander) and fabrics from such iconic names as Brunshwig & Fils and Schumacher rub elbows with a perspective that’s fresh without being trendy, colorful without being loud. “I don’t like when a house has so much charm and character and people do try to do it inexpensively and do things that aren’t in keeping with the character of the house,” according to Peters, who also did not want the house to feel precious or stuffy. “Ware brought in color and incorporated the old with the new. It’s a lot more livable.” june 2019 41

three restaurants that feed the body and spirit

By Dale Curry photography by denny culbert


Ask Leah Chase what soul food is and she’ll say, “It’s food that soothes you when you eat it. It fills you up. It tastes good. Anybody in the South has been eating it all his life.” She should know. She’s been called the Queen of Soul Food and the Queen of Creole Cuisine. “It’s the same thing,” she says of the two styles of cooking although Louisiana’s soul food differs somewhat from the rest of Deep South cooking because “it’s the seasonings and herbs we put in it here that make it totally different.” Chase, 96, is in the kitchen at 7:30 a.m. at Dooky Chase Restaurant cooking a pot of gumbo or red beans. Her daily buffet defines soul food with award-winning fried chicken, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, greens, cornbread and more. This cooking style was born in the rural American South where enslaved Africans created dishes from limited resources. Cornbread and biscuits were used to sop up juices from stews made with bony parts of meat. Fish and game were caught in the wild, and wood fires delivered some of the South’s first barbecue. Cooks influenced kitchens of plantation houses where soul food merged with European techniques. Katrina reduced numbers of small family-run soul food restaurants in New Orleans. They lost many cooks and waiters who never returned to the city. Some were wiped out entirely by flood waters. Diet changes, too, have prompted menu changes. “There are more vegans than ever,” Chase said. “We’ll cook red beans sometimes with no meat. We use a lot of onions, garlic, bell pepper, parsley, thyme, bay leaves and a little oil and make them good and creamy.” Changes come and go, but one thing stays the same when cooking soul food. “We take our time,” Chase said. “It makes the food taste a whole lot better.”

Bonnets Nola

1910 Magazine St., Hours, Tuesday to Thursday and Sunday, 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday; 11 a.m. to midnight; 827-1959.

Dishes Not to Miss: Crawfish Mac’ and Cheese, Jerk rolls, Fried chicken

arious versions of soul food fluctuate throughout the South, especially in New Orleans where Creole flavors spice up the pot. Myesha Brown’s newly opened soul food restaurant Bonnets NOLA adds another flavor - Caribbean. Brown grew up eating deep-South soul food cooked by her Mississippi-born grandparents in a Caribbean neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. Now a restaurateur in the Lower Garden District, she has created a menu with both fried chicken and jerk chicken, collard greens and yucca. Her diners’ favorite is jerk rolls, a combination of collard greens, jerk chicken and gouda cheese wrapped in an eggroll and deep-fried. “A lot of my best friends are vegan so I wanted that, too,” she says. Some choices are candied yams, Brussels sprouts, chickpeas, cauliflower and nuts in a variety of soul and Caribbean creations. She and Tommy Smith, her New Orleans-born business manager, planned a place where people can have fun. “There’s not a lot of upscale soul food restaurants,” she said. “We wanted music and a good time, too.” A fully stocked bar, not common in soul food eateries, greets guests when they walk in the front door of the brick-walled, chandeliered restaurant where late-night weekend hours extend the party mood. But it’s what’s on the table that attracts all walks of life. Some dishes are marinated overnight for maximum flavor, and there are specialties with oxtails, fresh goat, plantains and spices such as turmeric and cumin. Brown at one time dreamed of a seafood restaurant and delights in the use of local coastal shellfish We wanted and fish. to bring a You are not likely to find a soul food vibrant cuisine restaurant in New Orleans without mac’ to Magazine Street and cheese on the menu. Bonnets NOLA is no exception but its version has a surprise ingredient, crawfish, which marries perfectly with creamy pasta and three cheeses. “We wanted to bring a vibrant cuisine to Magazine Street,” Smith said. “All our food is fresh. We have great red beans and rice.” Various beans and peas are sometimes alternated in the style of Caribbean peas and rice. If Caribbean seems a stretch on a soul food menu, consider that the Creole cuisine of New Orleans comes from five major influences French, Spanish, African, native American and Caribbean.

CRAWFISH MAC AND CHEESE 1 pound cavatappi noodles, preferred, or large macaroni 3 tablespoons butter ½ green bell pepper, chopped ½ red bell pepper, chopped 1 medium onion, chopped 1 stalk celery, chopped 2 cups whole milk 1 cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese ½ cup grated gouda cheese 1/3 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese 1 pound Louisiana crawfish tails Salt, pepper and Creole or Old Bay seasoning to taste 4 green onions, green parts only, chopped Mozzarella and breadcrumbs for topping 1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add macaroni, bring back to a boil and cook until al dente, about 10 minutes. Drain and toss with a little butter, about 2 teaspoons, and set aside. 2. Melt butter in a large heavy pot. Sauté green and red peppers, onion and celery until wilted. Gradually stir in milk and cream. Whisk in flour and heat over medium-low heat, stirring, until thickened. Add cheeses and let them melt. Add crawfish tails and simmer for about 10 minutes, covered. Taste to adjust seasonings. Add green onion tops and remove from heat. 3. To serve, place crawfish pasta in a large baking dish, glass or metal, and sprinkle lightly with more grated or shredded mozzarella and breadcrumbs. Place in a 350-degree oven for about 10 minutes to brown slightly. Serves 8.

Dunbar’s Creole Cuisine

7834 Earhart Blvd.; hours, Monday Saturday, 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.; 509-6287.

Dishes Not to Miss: Gumbo, Red beans and rice, Fried catfish

elestine “Tina” Dunbar was 6-years-old the first time she made gumbo. Her father, a farmer in Lutcher, taught her how and, decades later, she’s still cooking it the same way. For 30 years, she served her Creole-soul style of cooking at her Uptown restaurants where people from all walks of life loved to eat and hang out. Then Katrina washed out her long-running Freret Street location with five feet of water and put her out of business. Finally, she’s back with a much larger restaurant than ever on Earhart Street in Broadmoor where she starts her gumbo at 5 a.m. every morning by her father’s recipe, rolls the crab balls that go on seafood platters and oversees a large operation that opens for breakfast and closes after dinner. Her long-time head chef Frank Jones, who began working for her at 19-years-old, and was redirected to Houston for 10 years by Katrina, has come back to her kitchen at the age of 51. Dunbar’s opens the day with a log roller’s breakfast of fried pork chops, catfish, grilled liver and onions plus eggs, biscuits, pancakes and grits. Lunch moves in with daily specials like mustard greens and turkey necks, fried chicken and okra, red beans and rice, smothered okra and tomatoes, candied yams and stuffed peppers. Dinner expands with steaks, seafood platters, ribs and several Asked what he pasta dishes. Specials and sides change, but likes to cook, there is always gumbo, fried chicken and Chef Frank Jones of Dunbar's says corn bread. "everything." But “I bake all the cakes and desserts,” she his favorites are said, and all the food is fresh. “We peel our stuffed peppers own yams and cook our own greens.” and stuffed fish. In June, she’s hosting a 30-year gala at the restaurant to commemorate her years running restaurants. But it’s harder than it used to be to make it financially. There are so many restaurants now, she said. And, “you can buy (ready to eat) food in all of the grocery stores. You are competing with so many.” She has closed her Sunday brunch except on Mother’s Day and Easter, but hopefully all is well. After two years open, “we’re up to 75 percent now,” she said. Dunbar has traveled a long road and sometimes misses the intimacy of her smaller restaurant on Freret Street. But with grandkids in the kitchen and faithful customers coming back, she’s back at it full-speed ahead with that tantalizing mixture of Creole and country cooking.

CREOLE SOUL GUMBO 1 pound smoked sausage, cut into ¼-inch rounds 6 chicken wings, cut in half with tips discarded 1 pound gumbo crabs 2 0.63-ounce packages dried shrimp 4 bay leaves 2 tablespoons filet powder Black pepper and seasoning salt to taste ¾ cup vegetable oil ¾ cup all-purpose flour 1 large onion, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 3 stalks celery, chopped 3 pounds fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined, or 2 pounds frozen medium-size shrimp Cooked white rice 1. Place sausage, chicken wings, gumbo crabs and dried shrimp in a large pot. Add about 14 cups water and seasonings and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook for about 30 minutes. 2. While gumbo cooks, make a roux by adding flour and oil to a large, heavy skillet. Mix well until smooth. Over high heat, stir constantly until mixture begins to change color. Reduce heat to medium and continue stirring until roux is almost the color of dark chocolate. Reduce heat and add onions, green onions and celery and cook until vegetables are wilted. Remove from heat. 3. When meat and seafood have cooked, gradually stir in the roux until mixed well, and simmer for 15 more minutes. Add fresh shrimp, bring to a boil, cover and cook 1 minute. Remove from heat. Taste and adjust seasonings. Serve over rice. Serves 8.

Li’l Dizzy’s Café

1500 Esplanade Ave..; hours Monday Saturday, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Sunday brunch, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 569-8997.

Dishes Not to Miss: Fried chicken, Gumbo, Stuffed peppers

ou can’t get hot sausage in Baton Rouge” was a common complaint heard by Wayne Baquet following Katrina. “Everyone missed being able to get pickled pork, raw seasoning ham, local brands of smoked sausage and Italian sausage, French bread, coffee and chicory and so on,” he said, proving that local food is different, even 90 miles away. Baquet’s Li’l Dizzy’s Café in Faubourg Treme is an oasis for New Orleansstyle soul food, which he calls Creole-soul. Restaurant mainstays are fried chicken, potato salad and gumbo, but he also serves crawfish bisque, jambalaya and stuffed crabs, local dishes he puts in the soul food category. With a freshly renovated kitchen on Esplanade Avenue, Baquet continues a family tradition begun in the 1940s by his father Eddie Baquet. After working in his father’s best-known and final restaurant Eddie’s, he has owned several of his own with similar menus to Eddie’s. You can judge its popularity by looking at the lines outside. “You can hardly get into the place,” he said of the Sunday brunch. What brings them in are hearty breakfasts, including fried chicken and catfish, lunch buffets of sweet potatoes, butterbeans, red beans, mac’ and cheese, and of menus of fancier fare and steaks. There are also wings, burgers, poor boys and crawfish pies. Most of the recipes come from Baquet’s wife Janet, long known for her cooking, and over the years many of the cooks and waiters have been family members. Baquet has taken his staff to Jazz Fest for 35 years, serving up crawfish bisque, gumbo, and redfish Baquet, a signature dish that once used trout. When it comes to hot sausage, Li’l Dizzy’s makes We do things its own, using ground pork, ground beef, onions, here that you garlic and lots of seasonings. And, here’s a great can’t find any tip for the home cooks who fry their own chicken. place else The secret is icing down well-seasoned chicken, something he learned when carrying chicken to Jazz Fest. The ice-cold chicken is then rolled in flour and deep-fried until pieces float to the top. That’s when it’s done. When it comes to cooking, the bottom line for Baquet is that there is no food like New Orleans food. He said it this way when interviewed for the Southern Gumbo Trail oral histories: “We do things here that you can’t find any place else. We make our own sausages, we make our own stews, gumbos and jambalaya and stuffed peppers, and if you travel anywhere else outside of New Orleans you can’t find it.”

Stuffed Bell Peppers 6 bell peppers 1 pound shrimp ½ pound seasoning ham, diced ¼ pound smoked sausage, peeling removed and diced 1 ½ pounds ground beef ½ small onion, chopped 1 green onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, chopped ½ small bell pepper, chopped 1 tablespoon parsley flakes ½ teaspoon thyme leaves ¾ cup breadcrumbs Salt and pepper to taste ¼ cup water Salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut peppers in half lengthwise and remove stems and white ridges. Place in a pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and place peppers on a baking pan and set aside. 2. Peel and devein shrimp and chop roughly and place in large bowl. 3. In a food processor, grind ham and sausage and place in bowl. 4. Add all other ingredients to bowl and mix well. Move to a large skillet or pot and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned. Distribute equally to stuff peppers and add about a half-inch of water to the bottom of the pan. Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 20 minutes. Serves 10 to 12.


“If you had a patient in need of a dentist, which dentist would you refer them to?” This is the question we’ve asked thousands of dentists to help us determine who the topDentists should be. Dentists and specialists are asked to take into consideration years of experience, continuing education, manner with patients, use of new techniques and technologies and of course physical results. The nomination pool of dentists consists of all dentists listed online with the American Dental Association, as well as all dentists listed online with their local dental societies, thus allowing virtually every dentist the opportunity to participate. Dentists are also given the opportunity to nominate other dentists that they feel should be included in our list. Respondents are asked to put aside any personal bias or political

motivations and to use only their knowledge of their peer’s work when evaluating the other nominees. Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practitioners on their ballot whose work they are familiar with. Once the balloting is completed, the scores are compiled and then averaged. The numerical average required for inclusion varies depending on the average for all the nominees within the specialty and the geographic area. Borderline cases are given a careful consideration by the editors. Voting characteristics and comments are taken into consideration while making decisions. Past awards a dentist has received, status in various dental academies (Academy of General Dentistry, American Academy of Periodontology, etc.) can play a factor in our decision. Once the decisions have been finalized, the

included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disciplinary actions to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Then letters of congratulations are sent to all the listed dentists. Of course there are many fine dentists who are not included in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry in Louisiana. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, we remain confident that our polling methodology largely corrects for any biases and that these lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate, and useful list of dentists available anywhere.

This list is excerpted from the 2019 topDentists™ list, a database, which includes listings for more than 190 dentists and specialists in the New Orleans area. The Louisiana list is based on thousands of detailed evaluations of dentists and professionals by their peers. The complete database is available at For more information call 706-364-0853; write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; email or visit

Endodontics Covington Allen N. Sawyer Sawyer Endodontics 216 West 21st Avenue 985-327-7354 Kenner David J. Toca 2301 Williams Boulevard, Suite B 504-466-3353 Mandeville Rodney J. Isolani Isolani Endodontics 102 Fontainbleau Drive, Suite E-2 985-893-0715 Charles O. Roy Northshore Endodontics 1510 West Causeway Approach, Suite C 985-674-0060 Metairie Dominick J. Alongi Northlake Endodontics & Microsurgery 3621 Ridgelake Drive, Suite 301 504-832-2433

Arthur W. Dickerson II Endodontic Associates 190 Cross Gates Boulevard 985-649-4881 J. Jared Harmon Lakeshore Endodontics 102 Village Street, Suite B 985-643-4600 General Dentistry Belle Chasse Stuart J. Guey, Jr. 8951 Highway 23 504-394-6200 Charles A. Haydel 8635 Highway 23 504-394-7456 Covington Mary A. Beilman 426 South Tyler Street 985-893-5138 Joel E. Burvant Burvant Family Dentistry 601 West 18th Avenue 985-892-2403

Bryan P. Bohning Bohning Endodontics 4051 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 312 504-888-4034

Shannon O. Doyle More Smiles Dental Spa 7007 Highway 190 985-809-7645

Garrett B. Morris Endodontic Specialists 4520 Clearview Parkway 504-885-0177

Kathleen G. Engel 522 East Rutland Street 985-893-2270

Lauren S. Vedros Northlake Endodontics & Microsurgery 3621 Ridgelake Drive, Suite 301 504-832-2433 New Orleans George H. Arch, Jr. Uptown Endodontics and Implantology 2633 Napoleon Avenue, Suite 701 504-895-1100 Lisa P. Germain Uptown Endodontics and Implantology 2633 Napoleon Avenue, Suite 701 504-895-1100 Slidell Scott E. Bonson Endodontic Associates 190 Cross Gates Boulevard 985-649-4881

James A. Moreau, Jr. More Smiles Dental Spa 7007 Highway 190 East Service Road 985-809-7645 R. Glen Spell Family Dental Center 79132 Highway 40 985-893-3900 Gretna Kenneth E. Alfortish 517 Whitney Avenue, Suite A 504-368-2792 Brian D. Connell Connell Family Dentistry 137 Bellemeade Boulevard 504-273-4077 Damon J. DiMarco DiMarco Dental 309 Gretna Boulevard 504-366-5611 Michael Tufton Tufton Family Dentistry

654 Terry Parkway 504-362-5270 Peter M. Tufton Tufton Family Dentistry 654 Terry Parkway 504-362-5270 Hammond Eugene R. Graff, Jr. Louisiana Dental Center 800 C M Fagan Drive, Suite A 985-345-5888 Sue C. LeBlanc Hammond Family Dentistry 1007 West Thomas Street, Suite E 985-345-8602 Jill Truxillo Beautiful Smiles 20204 United States Highway 190 East 985-662-5550 Harahan Dennis L. Henry 6367 Jefferson Highway 504-737-5294

504-464-0202 Madisonville Charles B. Foy, Jr. 400 Pine Street P.O. Box 10 985-845-8042 Melissa H. Pellegrini Miles of Smiles 198 Highway 21 985-845-2992 Mandeville Jason Alvarez Beau Sourire Family Dentistry 2881 Highway 190 Street, Suite D-4 985-626-8980 Martha A. Carr 280 Dalwill Drive 985-727-0047 Glen J. Corcoran 3701 Highway 59, Suite E 985-871-9733 Gabriel F. Daroca III 2140 9th Street 985-624-8268

Harvey Barton C. BarrĂŠ BarrĂŠ Dental Care 2645 Manhattan Boulevard, Suite D-5 504-367-0355

Mandeville Daniela Eversgerd Allure Dental 1901 Highway 190, Suite 14 985-951-2220

Frederick H. Gruezke 1705 Lapalco Boulevard, Suite 2 504-361-3697

Joseph F. Fitzpatrick 812 Park Avenue 985-626-9791

Wendy M. Maes New Orleans Dental Center 1901 Manhattan Blvd., Suite F-201 504-313-1305 Jefferson Charles M. Jouandot Jefferson Dental Care 3809 Jefferson Highway 504-833-2211 Kenner Jacob C. McInnis Exceptional Dental 1305 West Esplanade Avenue 504-469-6333 James D. Roethele Roethele Dental Esthetics 283 West Esplanade Avenue 504-461-0500 Larry A. Wise 909 West Esplanade Avenue, Suite 101

Cherie P. LeSaicherre 3601 Highway 190, Suite A 985-674-0303 Toby B. Moffatt 1510 West Causeway Approach, Suite A 985-727-4848 Louis Passauer, Jr. 231 Saint Ann Drive, Suite 1 985-727-0024 Dennis R. Preau 2140 9th Street 985-624-8268 Marrero Darrell P. Bourg, Jr. Exceptional Dental 2521 Ames Boulevard, Suite C 504-900-1195 Maria R. Burmaster Barataria Dental 2272 Barataria Boulevard 504-341-3120

Metairie Debra C. Arnold 2732 Athania Parkway 504-837-4992

Michael W. Gallagher Gallagher Family Dentistry 4440 Chastant Street, Suite A 504-887-0181

Bridget A. Brahney Bridget Brahney Family Dentistry 3508 Veterans Memorial Boulevard 504-888-6860

Nicole H. Hunn 3108 West Esplanade Avenue 504-838-8118

Joseph M. Campo 4141 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Suite 205 504-888-1617 George P. Cerniglia 3320 Hessmer Avenue 504-454-5880 Hunter L. Charvet, Sr. Charvet Dental Center 2300 Veterans Memorial Boulevard 504-208-4751 Myrna L. Collado-Torres 3330 Kingman Street, Suite 6 504-888-2092 Joseph J. Collura, Jr. 3223 8th Street, Suite 202 504-455-7717 George T. Comeaux, Jr. 2620 Metairie Road 504-834-2180 Stan P. Cowley III Cowley Dental Care 3237 Metairie Road 504-831-4895 Stan P. Cowley, Jr. Cowley Dental Care 3237 Metairie Road 504-831-4895 Duane P. Delaune Delaune Dental 3801 North Causeway Boulevard, Suite 305 504-885-8869 Tre J. DeFelice 1900 N. Causeway Blvd. 504-833-4300 Shelly Ereth-Barone GNO Dental Care 110 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Suite 105-A 504-832-1164 Terry F. Fugetta 4508 Clearview Parkway, Suite 1-A 504-454-7008

Eva L. Jessup Clearview Dental Care 2221 Clearview Parkway, Suite 202 504-455-1667 Wynn Kapit 3024 Kingman Street 504-455-2984 Nanette LoCoco 4325 Loveland Street, Suite B 504-335-2992 Thomas F. McCoy III 4432 Conlin Street, Suite B 504-889-1209 Kirk E. Melton 4224 Houma Boulevard, Suite 320 504-456-5103 James Nelson Nelson Dental Care 3939 Houma Boulevard, Suite 11 504-226-6478 Troy L. Patterson Oak Family Dental 1001 North Causeway Boulevard 504-834-6410 Stephanie A. Picou Picou Family Dentistry 3414 Hessmer Avenue, Suite 201 504-454-0067 Jene’ C. Ponder 2620 Metairie Road 504-834-2180 Greer C. Reisig Schwartz Dental Group 337 Metairie Road, Suite 302 504-832-2043 Garry S. Salvaggio Salvaggio Dental Care 3223 8th Street, Suite 202 504-455-7717 Kevin J. Schellhaas 4741 Trenton Street 504-887-1272 John C. Schwartz Schwartz Dental Group 337 Metairie Road, Suite 302 504-832-2043

Roger W. Sherwood Sherwood Dentistry 2316 Metairie Road 504-833-9552 Joseph P. Simone II 4420 Conlin Street, Suite 204 504-456-0964 Ryan M. Thibodaux Storyville Dentistry 815 North Causeway Boulevard 504-831-4009 Gerard R. Tully, Jr. 701 Metairie Road, Suite 2A-212 504-831-4837 Corky Willhite The Smile Design Center 111 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Suite 777 504-831-1131 Lisa Wyatt Metairie Village Dentistry 701 Metairie Road, Suite 2A-110 504-613-5499 Donald D. Yuratich 2708 David Drive 504-888-8110 New Orleans Mark D. Anderson Mid-City Smiles Family Dentistry 3625 Canal Street 504-485-6575 Donald P. Bennett 1010 Common Street, Suite 810 504-523-4882 Stephen C. Brisco, Sr. Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue, Suite 127 504-619-8721 Robert A. Camenzuli Camenzuli Dental Excellence 1319 Amelia Street 504-895-3400 Roy J. Delatte, Jr. 8384 Jefferson Highway, Suite 3 504-738-7056 Timothy J. Delcambre 3426 Coliseum Street 504-895-6657 Denice L. Derbes 6251 General Diaz Street 504-486-2876 Jay C. Dumas Dumas Family Dentistry 3004 Gentilly Boulevard 504-435-1800 Dov Glazer 3525 Prytania Street, Suite 312 504-895-1137 Shira Glazer 3525 Prytania Street, Suite 312 504-895-1137 Leslie P. Gottsegen 2633 Napoleon Avenue, Suite 610 504-891-5000 Henry A. Gremillion Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-619-8500 Van T. Himel Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-941-8395 Erin L. Katz 2801 Napoleon Avenue 504-891-2826 William E. Kramer III 2801 Napoleon Avenue, Suite A 504-891-2826 Susan S. Lebon 2633 Napoleon Avenue, Suite 605 504-899-5400

James A. Campo Campo Dentistry 2215 South Carrollton Avenue 504-866-0681

Deborah E. Lesem 100 Robert E. Lee Boulevard 504-608-0594

Mark S. Chaney 1407 South Carrollton Avenue 504-861-2523

Edward E. Levy III 7037 Canal Boulevard, Suite 206 504-283-5549

Tracy M. Crear Smiling Faces Family Dentistry 4747 Earhart Boulevard, Suite C 504-392-9874

Frank G. Martello 1502 Amelia Street 504-891-9119

my toughest case

Removing the Fear

Craig Mulcahy photo


Dr. Aymee Costales-Spindler

n the 1960s, when Aymee Spindler (neé Costales) arrived in the United States as a young immigrant from Havana, Cuba, she developed a keen interest in the biological sciences – particularly health and healing sciences. Perhaps it ran in the family. “My grandmother had wanted to be a dentist and used to always tell me how she wished she could have been one,” she recalled. “Dentistry seemed to be the best choice given my aptitudes and likes.” Once she entered dental school at LSU School of Dentistry in New Orleans, she became fond of periodontics — the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, and in dental implants. Upon completion of her degree, she became New Orleans’ first female periodontist. “As a periodontist, I treat diseases and defects involving the periodontium – the soft and hard tissues around the teeth,” she said. “This is accomplished via surgical as well as non-surgical procedures.” Spindler noted that the biggest challenges in her work generally involve patients who have waited a long time to seek professional help and now have a severe condition. “Most of the time, these are people who are ‘afraid of the dentist,’” she said. “They usually have had a traumatic experience involving dental treatment. As their doctor, not only do I have to figure out how to improve their periodontal problem but I also have to find out what their fear is about and how to best alleviate it.” She takes an integrative approach to this type of problem – possessing an awareness of the body as a whole in how to best treat each individual person. “Sometimes, simply having a discussion about their fears and what they would want me to do differently to make their treatment acceptable is all it takes,” she said. Other times, in severe cases, she resorts to prescribing anti-anxiety medication for the treatment day or even IV sedation. “Sometimes we have to opt for alternative, less fear-provoking treatment options,” she said. “Too often, we try to fit patients into categories and push for a certain treatment option that is currently accepted to be the best for their particular problem. Each person is different and I have to find the best way to help, given their current overall physical and emotional state.” This, she added, is a “wisdom that has come to me with time.” - sarah ravits

Periodontal Health Specialists 2540 Severn Ave #402, Metairie, 504-887-8205, Bachelor of Science from LSU Shreveport, 1978 DDS from LSU School of Dentistry, New Orleans, 1982 Certificate in Periodontics from LSU School of Dentistry, New Orleans, 1985

John H. Moffatt, Jr. Moffatt & Walsh 5809 Citrus Boulevard, Suite 100 504-733-8551

10154 Jefferson Highway 504-264-6566

Jonah R. Moore 1534 Aline Street 504-899-2333

Warren J. Palmisano III 2020 Dickory Avenue, Suite 104 504-733-0871

Kendall P. Parker Parker Dental Center 5121 North Claiborne Avenue 504-949-4547

Kerry T. Plaisance, Jr. De Jong-Plaisance Family Dentistry 10154 Jefferson Highway 504-264-6566

Paul C. Perez Avenue Family Dentistry 3600 Saint Charles Avenue, Suite 202 504-304-4761

Slidell Michael J. Appleton Oak Harbor Family Dentistry 480 Oak Harbor Boulevard 985-649-9455

Kristopher P. Rappold Audubon Dental Group 6120 Magazine Street 504-891-7471 Gizelle P. Richard 4460 General DeGaulle Drive 504-394-5330 Elizabeth E. Riggs Elizabeth Riggs Dentistry 3442 Magazine Street 504-891-1115 J. Kent Roby 2633 Napoleon Avenue, Suite 700 504-899-3497 Wallace G. Serpas III CBD Dental Care 316 Baronne Street 504-525-9990 Jessica Tingstrom Mid-City Smiles Family Dentistry 3625 Canal Street 504-485-6575 Kim M. Tolar Tolar Family Dentistry 2502 Napoleon Avenue 504-891-1880 Sammy Tom Uptown Dental 8131 Saint Charles Avenue 504-304-6800 William R. Yeadon Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-619-8721 River Ridge W. Keith DeJong De Jong-Plaisance Family Dentistry

J. Kevin Curley 2800 Gause Boulevard East, Suite D 985-649-7510 John J. Killeen, Jr. Slidell Smiles 110 Village Square 985-643-7516 Kristie L. Reine Lakeshore Family Dentistry 435 Robert Boulevard 985-643-1852

504-456-5033 Michael G. Ferguson Oral Surgery Services 4420 Conlin Street, Suite 203 504-455-9960 Daniel B Harris Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Associates 3100 Galleria Drive, Suite 202 504-456-5033 Walter C. Jackson Jackson Oral Surgery 4051 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 200 504-455-7161 Robert E. Lane Southern Oral Surgery 4224 Houma Boulevard, Suite 230 504-454-4515 Demarcus D. Smith IV Oral Surgery Services 4420 Conlin Street, Suite 203 504-455-9960 New Orleans Kimberly A. Meng 608 Tchoupitoulas Street 504-525-2454

Edmund M. Ring Lakeshore Family Dentistry 435 Robert Boulevard 985-643-1852

Hugo Saint Hilaire New Orleans Craniofacial 3700 Street Charles Avenue 504-444-1551

Stephen J. Tomaszewski Camellia City Family Dentistry 1275 7th Street 985-641-4444

Charles P. Silvia, Jr. Southern Oral Surgery 3525 Prytania Street, Suite 216 504-899-8173

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Covington Ben A. Almerico Almerico Oral & Maxillofacial 195 Greenbriar Boulevard, Suite 100 985-892-9993

Slidell Nathan R. Brown Northlake Oral & Facial Surgery 1271 7th Street 985-643-1010

Marrero Anthony A. Indovina 5132 Lapalco Boulevard 504-340-2401 Metairie Michael S. Block The Center for Dental Reconstruction 110 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, Suite 112 504-833-3368 Edward J. Boos Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Associates 3100 Galleria Drive, Suite 202

C. Bradley Dickerson Pontchartrain Oral Surgery 2334 Gause Boulevard East 985-641-2030 Oral Pathology New Orleans Kitrina G. Cordell Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue P.O. Box 137 504-941-8449 Molly S. Rosebush Louisiana State University School of Dentistry

1100 Florida Avenue 504-941-8333 Orthodontics Covington Laurie L. Fricke 2301 North Highway 190, Suite 7 P.O. Box 1827 985-892-2081 Amy S. Sawyer Sawyer Orthodontics 216 West 21st Avenue 985-327-7181 Gretna Joshua J. Jones Jones Orthodontics 305 Gretna Boulevard, Suite A 504-368-8152 Philip J. Puneky Puneky Orthodontics 250 Meadowcrest Street, Suite 202 504-392-8484 Harvey Julia P. Trieu Trieu Smiles 3708 4th Street, Suite 103 504-309-7830 Kenner David V. Scaffidi Scaffidi Orthodontics 527 West Esplanade Avenue, Suite 101 504-468-6200 Mandeville William R. Ledoux 260 Dalwill Drive 985-674-1500 Darren Miller Miller Orthodontics 1566 Highway 59 985-626-0991 Metairie John O. Clotworthy Clotworthy Orthodontics 1014 Veterans Memorial Boulevard 504-833-4361 Russell J. Cresson 3333 Kingman Street, Suite 200 504-885-8863 Hector R. Maldonado 4432 Conlin Street, Suite 2-B 504-455-5581 Brian J. Olivier Olivier Orthodontics 4408 Trenton Street, Suite C 504-218-7300

my toughest case

Discovering an Undetectible Cause

Craig Mulcahy photo


Dominick J. Alongi, D.D.S., M.S

native of Chalmette who has seen the world, Dominick J. Alongi of Northlake Endodontics always wanted to help people in vulnerable situations. As an endodontist, he treats diseases and injuries of the soft tissues inside a tooth; his specialty is in performing root canals — “one of the most feared procedures that exists,” he noted. His military background in the late ‘80s and ‘90s helped him grow as an individual, he said. It also helped him experience different parts of the country and overseas. His training as a combat medic helped him prepare to treat some truly painful cases and gave him an extra dose of empathy and diagnostic experience; he also worked in the CAT scan department as well as participated as the lead investigator in stem cell research at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, which has paved the way for current research projects. According to Alongi, the toughest case in his career is when he dealt with a young woman who had been experiencing ear and neck discomfort. For months she visited different doctors, but none were able to give her a definitive diagnosis. One day, she woke up with a swelling in her neck near her wind pipe. She suddenly arrived at his office, he performed a quick assessment and determined that she had an infection in the lower jaw region that hadn’t shown up on the X-ray. “It was at this time she was immediately sent to the hospital for emergency surgery,” he said. “She had no idea that her condition was dire and life-threatening.” Over the next few days, fortunately, she recovered, and has “been OK ever since.” What made this case challenging is that “Often, the source of the problem can be undetected and many times overlooked,” he said. As the father of a son with autism, Alongi brings an extra sense of understanding to his practice. Meeting individuals with special needs, along with their families, has taught him how difficult their lives could be. “These families are some of the most caring people in society, and usually do not receive appropriate assistance to ensure a secure future for their loved one.” Alongi keeps this in mind and has decided to set up his practice so that he has the ability to serve these individuals. Overall, as an endodontist, he said his favorite aspect of the job is to provide patients with a pleasant experience. That is “What I look forward to every working day.” - sarah ravits

Northlake Endodontics 3621 Ridgelake Dr. #301, Metairie, 504-832-2433, LSU School of Dentistry, New Orleans, 2006 Shannon K. Simons 3020 Kingman Street, Suite A 504-887-8480 New Orleans Paul C. Armbruster Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue, Suite 230 504-619-8721 Leeann S. Evans Evans Orthodontics 5700 Citrus Boulevard, Suite C 504-301-3413 G. Bradley Gottsegen Gottsegen Orthodontics 3424 Coliseum Street 504-895-4841 Sarita N. Hithe Hithe Orthodontics 3322 Canal Street 504-309-1401 Jamie L. Toso-Miner Toso Orthodontics 1502 Calhoun Street 504-899-8383 River Ridge Daniel P. Bordes 9537 Jefferson Highway 504-737-7324 Slidell Kay D. Daniel Explore Orthodontics 2960 East Gause Boulevard 985-641-2472 Michael J. Guevara Guevara Orthodontics 1251 7th Street 985-641-3587 Pediatric Dentistry Covington Todd S. Brasuell 189 Greenbriar Boulevard, Suite A 985-892-5942 Destrehan Elizabeth A. Thorson Thorson Dentistry for Kids 159 Longview Drive, Suite A 985-307-0072 Hammond Thomas H. Wingo, Jr. Hammond Pediatric Dentistry 1008 West Thomas Street 985-542-6855

Madisonville Katherine E. Vo The Children’s Dental Cottage 704 Main Street 985-845-3211

Metairie Aymee Costales-Spindler Periodontal Health Specialists 2540 Severn Avenue, Suite 402 504-887-8205

Mandeville Jill M. Donaldson Bippo’s Place for Smiles 2935 Highway 190 985-231-2977

Eric Hebert Dental Implants and Periodontics of Louisiana 3521 North Arnoult Road, Suite A 504-885-2611

Michael J. Von Gruben Pediatric Dentistry 1305 West Causeway Approach 985-778-2272

Hisham F. Nasr The Perio Clinic 337 Metairie Road, Suite 301 504-831-0800

Metairie Pamela R. Shaw Dentisitry for Children 701 Metairie Road 504-838-8200

A. Margarita Sáenz The Perio Clinic 337 Metairie Road, Suite 301 504-831-0800

New Orleans Kellie S. Axelrad New Orleans Childrens Dental Center 6264 Canal Boulevard, Suite 1 504-833-5528 Nicole R. Boxberger Bippo’s Place for Smiles 4061 Behrman Highway 504-368-1990 Claudia A. Cavallino New Orleans Childrens Dental Center 6264 Canal Boulevard, Suite 1 504-833-5528 Suzanne E. Fournier Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-941-8199 default.htm Slidell Tessa M. Smith Bippo’s Place for Smiles 1128 Old Spanish Trail 985-646-2146 Periodontics Covington Caesar Sweidan Saint Tammany Periodontics & Implants 5024 Keystone Boulevard, Suite A 985-778-0241 Gretna Charles T. McCabe 250 Ochsner Boulevard, Suite 204 504-392-4734

David Wilson Periodontal Health Specialists 2540 Severn Avenue, Suite 402 504-887-8205 New Orleans Gerald H. Evans Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue Box 138 504-941-8277 default.htm Kristi M. Soileau 3634 Coliseum Street 504-899-2255 Slidell Thomas W. Mabry 1241 7th Street, Suite A 985-646-1421 Prosthodontics Covington Israel M. Finger More Smiles Dental Spa 7007 Highway 190 985-888-0668 Gretna Michael B. Smith 250 Meadowcrest Street, Suite 100 504-392-6057 Metairie Roger A. Vitter 4228 Houma Boulevard, Suite 210 504-883-3737 New Orleans Jonathan X. Esquivel Louisiana State University School of

Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue, Box 222 504-941-8283 Luis E. Infante Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-941-8287 Laurie F. Moeller Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-941-8289 Alika K. F. Yu Louisiana State University School of Dentistry 1100 Florida Avenue 504-619-8721 Slidell Robert J. Rooney II Slidell Dental Implants 100 Smart Place 985-641-6607

This list is excerpted from the 2019 topDentists™ list, which includes listings for more than 190 dentists and specialists in the New Orleans area. For more information call 706-364-0853; or write P.O. Box 970, Augusta, GA 30903; by email ( or at topDentists has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant that the information contained herein is complete or accurate, and does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Copyright 2010-2019 by Top Dentists, LLC, Augusta, GA. All rights reserved. This list, or parts thereof, must not be reproduced in any form without permission. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without permission of topDentists. No fees may be charged, directly or indirectly, for the use of the information in this list without permission.

my toughest case

Learning to Communicate Beyond Words

Craig Mulcahy photo


G. Bradley Gottsegen, DDS

nspired by his orthodontist father, the dental field was always a big part of G. Bradley Gottsegen’s life. Now he practices in the very same office his father, who retired post-Katrina, built in 1970. The father-and-son team worked together for the first eight years of Gottsegen’s career. “He was not only my partner – he was my teacher,” he said. “I’ve learned everything I know about how to run a practice, how to manage patients, and how to treat people with honesty, dignity and respect from him.” His wife, Leslie, is also a dentist. “She’s constantly keeping me up to date on the latest restorative techniques and materials,” he said. Gottsegen’s practice is generally limited to the specialty of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. He also treats disorders of the jaw joints and is interested in sleep medicine and “improving people’s airways and ability to breathe well.” His most challenging case over the course of his career was when he treated a young girl on the autistic spectrum who was completely non-verbal and struggled to make eye contact. “Her orthodontic needs were routine,” he said, but “we had to get to a place where she would actually lie down in the chair and let us work on her.” It took six or seven appointments before he was able to perform treatments on her. As the child was unable to speak, he had to think of inventive, alternative ways to communicate with her. “I had to learn how to ‘talk’ with this patient in her way – often using hand signals, body language and other gestures,” he said. Over time, she was able to understand him and developed a level of trust in him. “It was difficult at first, but it became easier as we got to know each other,” he said. “Overall, it was a fascinating learning experience for me, and, I’m confident, an empowering one for her.” Now, according to Gottsegen, “she’s very proud of her smile.” The experience taught him that “people need to be treated in a manner that is customized to their individual situation,” he said. “I, along with my staff, have to be adaptable, creative and most importantly, patient. I have a soft spot for people with special needs and do everything I can to give these folks a fun, positive experience on their terms.” - sarah ravits

Gottsegen Orthodontics 3424 Coliseum St., New Orleans, 504-895-4841; 4425 Clearview Parkway, Metairie, 504-454-6272, Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Washington and Lee University, 1989 DDS from Louisiana State University School of Dentistry, New Orleans, 1995 Certificate in Orthodontics from LSU School of Dentistry, New Orleans, 1997

sponsored veneers, comprehensive care is offered all over the city. Take a look at the following dental resources, their unique offerings and approaches, and get your next cleaning on the calendar today.

Dental Resources


confident smile often comes from confidence in pearly white, straight teeth. But a confident smile can also come from confidence in one’s oral health—an ability to eat a sticky treat or crunchy food without worry. Oral health is important for a lot reasons, and while a strong, white smile offers cosmetic benefits, it also offers health benefits. To ensure a lifetime of good oral health, caring for teeth should begin at an early age, with regular visits to the dentist. New Orleans offers exceptional dental practices with advanced technologies and experienced, awardwinning dentists ready to help improve your and your family’s smiles. From braces and Invisalign to dental implants, whitening services, and

For nearly 20 years, Dr. Jason Parker has been taking care of the dental needs for children of all ages with gentleness and compassion. Patients travel from within a 45-mile radius of his Metairie, Covington, and Slidell offices to see him and his incredible staff. “The key is having an energetic, friendly, experienced staff that creates a relaxed, positive and fun experience for every child,” says Dr. Parker. In 2008, Parker received the New Dentist Award from the Louisiana Dental Association. Throughout his career, he has extended care beyond his practice with a number of philanthropic endeavors. As chairman for the 2007 March of Dimes Gala, he raised $7,000 for neonatal research. Parker has also been involved in many levels of organized dentistry; he has served as chairman for Children’s Dental Health Month for the New Orleans Dental Association, helped to produce a documentary with the American Dental Association, and is a 2019 Honoree for the American Cancer Society Belles & Beaus Gala. To schedule an appointment for your child or for more information, visit With almost 40 years of experience, Oak Family Dental, the family-run practice of Drs. Troy Sr., Jr., and Margaret Patterson has continued to adapt and grow with the advances in dental treatment. With the advent of digital dental technology, including radiology, impressions, same-day crowns, Invisalign, implants and cosmetics, this practice in Metairie has continued to excel by offering the latest and greatest dentistry has to offer. A family-run practice, this father-daughter-son dental team works together creating beautiful smiles for patients of all ages. Recognizing the wants and needs of their patients, this practice focuses on

Eva L. Jessup, DDS


learview Dental Care is the private practice of Eva L. Jessup, DDS, a New Orleans native with over 21 years of General Dentistry experience in the Metairie area. Dr. Jessup provides dentistry for the entire family in a relaxed environment. Procedure offered include everything from routine cleanings to tooth-colored filings, crowns, bridges, dentures, partials, veneers and implants. She graduated from Archbishop Chapelle, LSU and LSU School of Dentistry. She is commited to excellence in all areas of her practice and is dedicated to continued education for herself and her staff.

2221 Clearview Pkwy, Metairie 504-455-1667 |

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sponsored comprehensive care, with particular attention to overall health. A variety of procedures ranging from preventative to full-mouth rehabilitations, including implants, are offered. Providing top of the line procedures in house makes it more convenient for patients and reduces the overall cost. A membership plan is available for non-insurance patients, which includes preventative and emergency visits at no charge, as well as a discount on all procedures. For more information, visit or call 504-834-6410. A family and team of native New Orleanians, Tufton Family Dentistry is the practice of Dr. Peter Tufton, who works side-by-side with his wife, a dental hygienist, and his son, Dr. Michael Tufton. Dr. Peter Tufton founded the practice in the ‘70s and offers decades of of invaluable dental experience. A comfortable and inviting space for patients of all ages, Tufton Family Dentistry is equipped with advanced technology to provide outstanding care. They use the Trios 3D scanner for digital impressions, intraoral cameras, and digital x-rays for more accurate diagnoses. DentalVibe is used by the practice for pain-free injections. Each treatment room is equipped with a touch-screen computer, which allows patients the opportunity to see firsthand the images of their teeth while discussing the diagnosis and treatment process directly with doctors. The wide range of services offered by Tufton Family Dentistry include implants, veneers, and botox. Tufton Family Dentistry offers affordable care and several financing options. Visit for more information. Want a brighter, whiter smile? Drs. Kristie Reine and Edmund Ring are eager to answer your questions and help create a beautiful, brilliant smile while boosting your confidence. With a wide range

of services and advanced equipment and technology, Lakeshore Family Dentistry can help you maintain clean teeth, restore shine and whiteness to your teeth, or restore lost or damaged teeth with services such as implants. Drs. Reine and Ring are both Louisiana natives and proud graduates of LSU School of Dentistry. They are each active members of the American Dental Association, Louisiana Dental Association, and Lake Pontchartrain Study Club. Take the first step towards a more beautiful smile and call Lakeshore Family Dentistry to make an appointment with Dr. Reine or Dr. Ring. A variety of payment options ensure a beautiful, healthy smile is within reach for everyone. The practice is located at 435 Robert Boulevard in Slidell. Call 985-643-1852, and visit DeFelice Dental is committed to a conservative approach in patient care—focusing on preventative measures and maintenance as well as on patient education. They provide top quality care in a relaxed atmosphere. For patients who may require more complex treatment, the DeFelice Dental team provides comprehensive care with a gentle, caring touch. Services provided at the practice include gentle cleanings, tooth-colored fillings, nonsurgical gum care, teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, natural looking crowns, and implants. In addition to visual cancer screenings completed during appointments, Velscope oral cancer early detection technology is available for patients needing or requesting more advanced screening. Prior to leading his team at DeFelice Dental, Dr. Tre DeFelice worked as the Clinical Director of a unique specialty practice in New Orleans, where he planned, delivered, and coordinated patient treatment along with a team of dental specialists, gaining tremendous experience and knowledge along the way. Dr. DeFelice spends many hours in continuing education to advance in areas of comprehensive

DiMarco Dental


iMarco Dental has provided quality care for over 50 years in a friendly, family environment. DiMarco Dental provides a holistic approach to dental health. Doctors Damon DiMarco, DDS and Joanne Hoppe, DDS offer individualized care and tailored solutions unique to each patient’s health and smile. We love creating and keeping beautiful smiles. We keep up with the latest technology and techniques to bring patients the highest quality most economical options. Patients travel from all over the metro area and across the lake to come to our Gretna office located just minutes from the CBD.

309 Gretna Blvd., Gretna 504-366-5611 |

6 8 may 2019

sponsored patient care, esthetics, and dental implants. DeFelice Dental is conveniently located on at 1900 N. Causeway Blvd. near I-10. For more information, visit or call 504-833-4300. All that is good begins with a smile. At Dr. Bridget Brahney Family Dentistry, your smile is a top priority. Dr. Brahney and her team are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain long-term dental health and a beautiful smile, whether it be through routine cleanings and checkups or through finding a solution to a more complex dental concern. When you visit Dr. Bridget Brahney Family Dentistry, you will experience all that modern dentistry has to offer, including the latest advancements that reduce discomfort and expedite care. Dr. Brahney offers a comprehensive list of general, restorative, and cosmetic dental services to meet the needs of the whole family, from Velscope oral cancer screening to fillings, crowns, and tooth whitening. Not only are Dr. Brahney and her team focused on the beauty of your smile, but they’re also concerned about your health. To that end, they focus on thorough exams and routine cleanings. For more information about Dr. Bridget Brahney and her practice, or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 504888-6860. Conveniently located on the Canal streetcar line in Mid-City, Mid-City Smiles Family Dentistry offers complete dental care for all ages—everything from routine cleanings and cosmetic procedures to advanced implant dentistry and comprehensive orthodontics for the whole family. Dr. Mark Anderson, Dr. Jessica Tingstrom, and Dr. Julio Marin pride themselves in their top-quality, patientfirst approach to family dentistry and are excited to welcome a new

dentist to their team: Dr. Katerine Pagoada. Born in Honduras and raised in New Orleans, Dr. Pagoada is a graduate of UNO and the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. Dr. Mark Anderson is recognized as a leading area provider of Invisalign. At Mid-City Smiles, Invisalign is offered for teens and adults. The practice also offers other orthodontic services, including braces. Mid-City Smiles’ state-of-the-art office features the latest technology, allowing the team to employ advanced techniques in creating and restoring beautiful, healthy smiles. Mid-City Smiles is uniquely positioned to serve the Spanish-, Vietnamese-, and Lebanese-speaking communities of New Orleans. For scheduling and information, visit or call 504485-6575. Your smile is one of your most important features; it’s unique to you. Everyone’s oral health, overall health, and financial position is different, so at DiMarco Dental, Drs. Damon DiMarco and Joanne Hoppe provide individualized care and solutions that fit your specific needs. From routine cleanings, custom snore guards, whitening, to implants and Invisalign, DiMarco Dental provides a variety of oral health services that will keep you both healthy and happy. It’s never too early to visit DiMarco Dental. Patients start as early as two years old, as developing good habits early can lead to a lifetime of healthy smiles. Young patients often require sealants and other preventative measures to combat the temptations of the modern diet, especially sugar found in foods and beverages. To schedule an appointment or for more information on DiMarco Dental and the practice’s holistic approach to dentistry, call 504-3665611 or visit New patients are welcome at their Gretna-based of office at 309 Gretna Blvd. • may 2019 6 9


jeffery johnston photo

Tex Mex Omelette: chicken,onion, bell pepper, avocado, salsa, cheddar cheese AT Cafe Navarre

table talk

meet the chef Blackstone Benedict

Café Navarre

If the last name Riccobono doesn’t ring a bell, it should – Heather’s family has been running restaurants in the city for three generations. The Peppermill on Severn and Panola Street Café hold special places in many a local’s heart. Working in the family restaurants was a rite of passage for her, so it is not a surprise to see her at the helm of her own place now. Along with Café Navarre, where she is joined in the kitchen by Mike Goss (pictured above), Heather owns Café Sala along with her brother, which is a more upscale lounge and café out on West End by the lakefront.

A Definitive Neighborhood Restaurant by Jay Forman

New Orleans is a city of distinct neighbor-

hoods each with its own personality, flavor and favorite haunts. Yet even food writers can slip into a rut of covering the same beats – Warehouse District, Magazine Street and the Quarter – so

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much so that they miss what else is happening around town. Therefore, I was happy to come across Café Navarre, which opened my eyes to a whole new banquette upon which I could lounge away a long weekend brunch.

jeffery johnston photo

Perched on the corner of Navarre version with pulled pork, ham and Avenue and Vicksburg Street, it is pickles. It is pressed and comes the kind of anchor every neigh- out crispy on outside and hot and borhood should have: affordable, melty on the inside. loaded with both character and eggs And the menu is well balanced – Benedict, and staffed by friendly there are plenty of lighter, healthier locals. The overall feel is a direct options as well. The Mediterranean expression of its owner, Heather Omelet, with spinach, artichoke, Riccobono, whose family has been tomato and feta is one such choice. running a clutch of restaurants in “My favorite thing is our turkey New Orleans for three generations. avocado panini – I eat that all the But back in 2005 Heather was time,” says Riccobono. There is also a bit aimless. “I was bartending, a kids’ menu, making it an easy goofing off and wasn’t choice for families. really sure what I Café Navarre is a wanted to do with buzzy place – it is Café Navarre, 800 my life,” she recalled, especially popular Navarre Avenue, Faubourg Navarre, Then she came across on weekends and 483-8828. B, L, Brunch the flooded former poor draws not just from daily; boy shop and knew the neighborhood, but also from people what her next move was going to be. “My boyfriend, visiting the Cemeteries and City brother-in-law and I bought the Park – so get there early to avoid the property together,” she said. “They wait. Going into late summer look did the dirty work and rebuilt for an upgrade to the patio area, it.” With the space renovated, which will bring additional seating, Heather put the concept and menu lights and fans, making al fresco together and opened the doors in dining even more appealing. 2007. And just as she had hoped, the neighborhood recovered. “It didn’t just come back; it came back with a vengeance and it is thriving,” she said. The approachable menu is built around a core of breakfast, lunch and brunch fare – think crowdpleasers like pancakes, poor boys and omelets – jazzed up with the appeal of adult beverages (Tito’s Bloody Mary, anyone?). Personally, my eyes were drawn to a section devoted solely to glorious variations on eggs Benedict. I’d recommend the eggs cochon, a split English muffin upon which is heaped a pile of shaggy pulled pork, gently poached eggs and a generous Rosedale The neighborhood of Navarre dollop of hollandaise. The pork, is nestled between the Cemeteries hollandaise and egg yolk combine and City Park. It is a leafy, mostly for a triple whammy of richness. residential area that hides a couple Cubed potatoes (or grits, for those of culinary surprises. One such is so inclined) guarantee you won’t Rosedale, an eclectic restaurant go home hungry. If you’d like to established by Susan Spicer and temper things a bit, try the turkey built in a former jail. Its unique avocado version. takes on southern and regional From the lunch menu, you can opt for a decadent roast beef poor fare make it a fun choice and also boy, slow-roasted for eight hours. one that doesn’t get nearly the Lovers of Cubans will dive into her attention it deserves.

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restaurant insider

News From the Kitchen Gianna, Mama Thai, Barracuda by Robert Peyton

Campanelle with grilled greens, zucchini, black pepper and pecorino


Mama Thai


Gianna, an Italian restaurant from the Link Restaurant Group, opened in late April in the CBD. Executive chef Rebecca Wilcomb, most recently of Herbsaint, heads the kitchen. Wilcomb’s menu focuses on southern Italy, where, much like our local cuisine, the food tends to be spicier and features more seafood than the northern parts of the country. Gianna, 700 Magazine St., 399-0816, Mon-Thurs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Fri-Sat. 11 a.m.-11 p.m.,

A new Thai restaurant, Mama Thai, has opened in Bucktown. It’s run by Pannee Varnishung, a veteran of the restaurant scene whose Mai Tai on the West Bank is credited as being the first to serve Thai food in the city. The opening menu is short, but it hits the high points, and if commerce is an indication, they’re doing well. Mama Thai, 200 Old Hammond Hwy., 267-0040, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5 p.m.-9 p.m., every day but Sunday. No website at the moment.

Barracuda, a new taco joint, opened recently on Tchoupitoulas, between Napoleon and Louisiana. The menu is essentially five tacos that run the gamut from chicken in an adobe made with turmeric on flour tortilla, to the “farmer,” which is grilled spaghetti squash and canary beans with mint and pumpkin seeds on corn tortilla. You can order the tacos as “bowls,” too. Barracuda, 3984 Tchoupitoulas St., 266-2961, Mon-Fri. 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri-Sun. 9 a.m.-11 p.m.

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last call

Tulio Inspired by Nonna — and Italy by Tim McNally

The old expression about the

best meals served in our internationally respected restaurant town being served in people’s homes is absolutely correct. Every chef within shouting distance will credit their mothers and fathers for setting them on a winning path. Rebecca Wilcomb, James Beard Award winning chef at Herbsaint, will tell you that her nonni, grandmother Gianna, was and still is the inspiration of her career and life. Partnering with oft-awarded chef and multiple restaurant owner, Donald Link, Rebecca has made her grandmother very proud with the opening of Gianna, inspired by the family’s Italian heritage in the Veneto region of that storied land. Keeping with the “home” theme, Bar Manager Ben’s grandfather-in-law was an Italian immigrant fond of Bourbon, and he loved a good Boulevardier as much as the next new American. In his honor, Ben has created the Tulio, a dual nationality drink if ever there was one.

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1 oz Campari 1 oz Coffee Cynar* 1.5 oz Bourbon Bar spoon saline (1 oz (volume) salt/ 10 oz. (volume) of water) Stir, strain over big cube of ice in rocks glass, orange twist

*Coffee Cynar 1 Liter of Cynar artichoke aperitif 1 cup of whole coffee beans Combine, store in air tight container for as long as desired. As created and served at Gianna, 700 Magazine Street, 399-0816,

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dining listings H= New Orleans Magazine award winner


H Pizza Delicious pizza 617 Piety St., 676-8482, L, D Tue-Sun. Authentic New York-style thin crust pizza is the reason to come to this affordable restaurant , that also offers excellent salads sourced from small farms and homemade pasta dishes. Outdoor seating a plus. $ Carrollton Bourré AMERICAN 1510 S. Carrollton Ave., 510-4040. L, D Tue-Sun. “Elevated” street food along with quality daiquiris and wings are the draw at this newcomer from the team behind Boucherie. $$ Breads on Oak Bakery/Breakfast 8640 Oak St., 324-8271, B, L, seven days a week. Artisan bakeshop tucked away near the levee on Oak St. serves breads, breakfast, sandwiches, 100 percent vegan. $ City Park Café NOMA AMERICAN 1 Collins Diboll Cir., NO Museum of Art, 482-1264, CafeNoma. com. L, (snacks) Tue-Sun. Sleek bar and café in the ground floor of museum offers a thoughtful array of snacks, sandwiches and small plates that are sure to enchant, with a kids’ menu to boot. $ CBD/Warehouse District Balise Louisianian Fare 640 Carondelet St., 459-4449, L Tue-Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Chef Justin Devillier turns back the clock at this turn-of-the-century inspired bistro in the CBD. Carefully crafted fare fits well alongside the excellent cocktail and beer list. $$$

H BH Steak Steakhouse Harrah’s Casino, 8 Canal St., 533-6111, HarrahsNewOrleans. com. D daily. Acclaimed chef John Besh reinterprets the classic steakhouse with his signature contemporary Louisiana flair. $$$$$

H Borgne Seafood 601 Loyola Ave.,

$ = Average entrée price

$ = $5-10 $$ = $11-15 $$$ = $16-20 $$$$ = $21-25 $$$$$ = $25 & up

appeal. $$$

burning oven, and an excellent raw bar. $$$

Drago’s Louisianian Fare Hilton Riverside Hotel, 2 Poydras St., 584-3911, L, D daily. This favorite specializes in charbroiled oysters, a dish they invented. Great deals on fresh lobster as well. $$$$

Q&C Hotel/Bar AMERICAN 344 Camp St., 587-9700, B, D daily, L Fri-Sun. Boutique hotel bar offering a small plates menu with tempting choices such as a Short Rib Poor Boy and Lobster Mac and Cheese to complement their sophisticated craft cocktails. $$

H Domenica Italian The Roosevelt Hotel, 123 Baronne St., 648-6020, L, D daily. Authentic, regional Italian cuisine. The menu of thin, lightly topped pizzas, artisanal salumi and cheese, and a carefully chosen selection of antipasti, pasta and entrées features locally raised products. $$$$ Emeril’s Louisianian Fare 800 Tchoupitoulas St., 528-9393, L Mon-Fri, D daily. The flagship of superstar chef Emeril Lagasse’s culinary empire, this landmark attracts pilgrims from all over the world. $$$$$

H Herbsaint Louisianian Fare 701 St. Charles Ave., 524-4114, L Mon-Fri, D Mon-Sat. Enjoy a sophisticated cocktail before sampling chef Donald Link’s menu that melds contemporary bistro fare with classic Louisiana cuisine. The banana brown butter tart is a favorite dessert. $$$$$ H La Boca Steakhouse 870 Tchoupitoulas St., 525-8205, D Mon-Sat. This Argentine steakhouse specializes in cuts of meat along with pastas and wines. Specials include the provoleta appetizer and the Vacio flank steak. $$$

H Lüke World 333 St. Charles Ave., 378-2840, B, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Germanic specialties and French bistro classics, house-made pâtés and plateaux of cold, fresh seafood. $$$

613-3860, L, D daily. Coastal Louisiana with an emphasis on Isleños cuisine (descendants of Canary Islanders who settled in St. Bernard Parish) is the focus of this high-volume destination adjacent to the Superdome. $$$

Morton’s The Steakhouse Steakhouse 365 Canal St., One Canal Place, 566-0221, D daily. Private elevator leads to the plush, wood-paneled environs of this local outpost of the famed Chicago steakhouse popular with politicians and celebrities. $$$$

Calcasieu Specialty Foods 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 588-2188, For large and small gatherings, the catering menus feature modern Louisiana cooking and the Cajun cuisine for which chef Donald Link is justifiably famous.

Mother’s Louisianian Fare 401 Poydras St., 523-9656, B, L, D daily. Locals and tourists alike endure long lines to enjoy iconic dishes such as the Ferdi poor boy and Jerry’s jambalaya. Come for a late lunch to avoid the rush. $$

H Cochon Louisianian Fare 930 Tchoupitoulas St., 588-2123, L, D, Mon-Sat. Chefs Donald Link and Stephen Stryjewski feature Cajun and Southern cuisine. Boudin and other pork dishes reign supreme, along with Louisiana seafood and real moonshine Reservations recommended. $$

H Desi Vega’s Steakhouse Steakhouse 628 St. Charles Ave., 523-7600, L Mon-Fri, D Tue-Sat. USDA Prime steaks form the base of this menu, but Italian specialties and a smattering of locally inspired seafood dishes round out the

7 8 JUNE 2019

Mulate’s Louisianian Fare 201 Julia St., 5221492, L, D daily. Live music and dancing add to the fun at this world-famous Cajun destination. $$ Palace Café World 605 Canal St., 523-1661, B, L, D daily. Cassic New Orleans restaurant, the Dickie Brennan and Palace Cafe team evolve traditional Creol dishes. Enjoy specialty cocktails and small plates at the Black Duck Bar. $$$

H Pêche Seafood 800 Magazine St., 5221744, L, D Mon-Sat. Award-winning southern-inspired seafood destination by Chef Donald Link serves whole roasted Gulf fish from its massive, wood-

HRed Gravy Bakery/Breakfast 4125 Camp St., 561-8844, B, Br, L, Wed-Mon. Farm-to-table brunch restaurant offers a creative array of items such as Cannoli Pancakes and Skillet Cakes, as well as delectable sandwiches and more. Homemade pastas and authentic Tuscan specialties round out the menu. $$ H Restaurant August AMERICAN 301 Tchoupitoulas St., 299-9777, L Fri, D daily. James Beard Award-winning menu is based on classical techniques of Louisiana cuisine and produce with a splash of European flavor set in an historic carriage warehouse. $$$$$ Rock-N-Sake Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 823 Fulton St., 581-7253, L Fri, D Tue-Sun, late night Fri-Sat. Fresh sushi and contemporary takes on Japanese favorites in an upbeat, casual setting. $$$ Ruth’s Chris Steak House Steakhouse Harrah’s Hotel, 525 Fulton St., 587-7099, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Filet mignon, creamed spinach and potatoes au gratin are the most popular dishes at this steak institution. There are also great seafood choices and top-notch desserts. $$$$$ Sac-A-Lait Seafood 1051 Annunciation St., 324-3658, D TueSat, L Fri. Cody and Sam Carroll’s shrine to Gulf Coast and Louisiana culinary heritage melds seafood, game, artisan produce, and craft libations in an ambitious menu that celebrates local and southern cuisine. $$$$ The Grill Room AMERICAN Windsor Court Hotel, 300 Gravier St., 522-6000, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Modern American cuisine with a distinctive New Orleans flair, the adjacent Polo Club Lounge offers live music nightly. Jazz Brunch on Sunday. $$$$$ Tommy’s Cuisine Italian 746 Tchoupitoulas St., 581-1103, D daily. Classic Creole-Italian cuisine is the name of the game at this upscale eatery. Appetizers include the namesake oysters Tommy, baked in the shell with Romano cheese, pancetta and roasted red pepper. $$$$$ Central City Café Reconcile Louisiana fare 1631 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 568-1157, CafeReconcile. org. L Mon-Fri. Good food for a great cause, this nonprofit on the burgeoning OCH corridor helps train at-risk youth for careers in the food service industry. $$ Covington Don’s Seafood seafood 126 Lake Dr., (985) 327-7111, L, D Daily. Popular neighborhood seafood joint offers an array of crowd-pleasing south

Louisiana dishes, including char-broiled oysters and Zydeco shrimp. Kid’s Menu makes it a good choice for families. $$$ Faubourg Marigny The Marigny Brasserie AMERICAN 640 Frenchmen St., 945-4472, MarignyBrasserie. com. L, D daily. Chic neighborhood bistro with traditional dishes like fried green tomatoes and innovative cocktails such as the cucumber Collins. $$$ Faubourg St. John

H Café Degas French 3127 Esplanade Ave., 945-5635, L, D Wed-Sat, Br Sun. Salad Niçoise, Hanger steak and frites are served in a lovely enclosed courtyard at this jewel of a French bistro. $$

H 1000 Figs World 3141 Ponce De Leon St., 301-0848, L, D Tue-Sat. Vegetarian-friendly offshoot of the Fat Falafel Food Truck offers a healthy farm-to-table alternative to cookie-cutter Middle Eastern places. $$ French Quarter Acme Oyster House Louisianian Fare 724 Iberville St., 522-5973, L, D daily. Known as one of the best places to eat oysters. $$

H Arnaud’s Louisianian Fare 813 Bienville St., 523-5433, D daily, Br Sun. Waiters in tuxedos prepare Café Brûlot tableside at this storied Creole grande dame; live jazz during Sun. brunch. $$$$$ Arnaud’s Remoulade Italian 309 Bourbon St., 523-0377, L, D daily. Home of the eclectic menu of famous shrimp Arnaud, red beans and rice and poor boys as well as specialty burgers, grilled all-beef hot dogs and thin-crust pizza. $$ Antoine’s Louisianian Fare 713 St. Louis St., 581-4422, L, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. This pinnacle of haute cuisine and birthplace of oysters Rockefeller is New Orleans’ oldest restaurant. (Every item is à la carte, with an $11 minimum.) Private dining rooms available. $$$$$ Antoine’s Annex Specialty Foods 513 Royal St., 525-8045, Open daily. Serves French pastries, including individual baked Alaskas, ice cream and gelato, as well as panini, salads and coffee. Delivery available. BB King’s Blues Club Barbecue 1104 Decatur St., 934-5464, new-orleans. L, D daily. New Orleans outpost of music club named for the famed blues musician with a menu loaded with BBQ and southern specialties. Live music and late hours are a big part of the fun. $$$ Bayou Burger Burgers 503 Bourbon St., 529-4256, L, D daily. Sports bar in the thick of Bourbon Street scene distinguishes its fare with choices like Crawfish Beignets and Gator Bites. $$ Bourbon House Seafood 144 Bourbon St., 522-0111, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Local seafood, featured in both classic and contemporary dishes, is the focus of this New Orleans-centric destination. And yes,

bourbon is offered as well. $$$

Creole dishes sweeten the deal. $$$$$

Bayona World 430 Dauphine St., 5254455, L Wed-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Chef Susan Spicer’s nationally acclaimed cuisine is served in this 200-year-old cottage. Ask for a seat on the romantic patio, weather permitting. $$$$$

Criollo Louisianian Fare Hotel Monteleone, 214 Royal St., 681-4444, B, L, D daily. Next to the famous Carousel Bar in the historic Monteleone Hotel, Criollo represents an amalgam of the various Louisiana cultures, with a contemporary twist. $$$

Brennan’s Louisianian Fare 417 Royal St., 525-9711, B, L, D daily. Chef Slade Rushing’s innovative Cerole menu borrows influences from French and Spanish ancestry with modern updates and distinct seasonal offerings. $$$$ Broussard’s French 819 Conti St., 5813866, D daily, Br Sun. Creole-French institution also offers beautiful courtyard seating. $$$$

H Cane & Table Gastropub 1113 Decatur St., 581-1112, L Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Open late, this chefdriven rustic colonial cuisine with rum and “proto-Tiki” cocktails make this a fun place to gather. $$ Chartres House Italian 601 Chartres St., 586-8383, L, D daily. This iconic French Quarter bar serves terrific Mint Juleps and Gin Fizzes in its picturesque courtyard and balcony settings. Also famous for its fried green tomatoes and other local favorite dishes. $$$ Court of Two Sisters Louisianian Fare 613 Royal St., 522-7261, Br, D daily. The historic environs make for a memorable outdoor dining experience. The famous daily Jazz Brunch buffet and classic

Crazy Lobster Seafood 500 Port of New Orleans Place, Suite 83, 569-3380, L, D daily. Boiled seafood and festive atmosphere come together at this seafood-centric destination overlooking the Mississippi River. Outdoor seating a plus. $$$ Creole Cookery Seafood 508 Toulouse St., Suite C110, 524-9632, L, D daily. Crowd-pleasing destination in the French Quarter offers an expansive menu of Creole favorites and specialty cocktails served with New Orleans flair. $$$ Deanie’s Seafood Seafood 841 Iberville St., 581-1316, L, D daily. Louisiana seafood, baked, broiled, boiled and fried is the name of the game. Try the barbecue shrimp or towering seafood platters. $$$

H Dickie Brennan’s Bourbon House Seafood 144 Bourbon St., 522-0111, B, L, D daily, Br Sun. Classic Creole dishes, such as redfish on the halfshell, and an Oyster Bar. Its extensive bourbon menu will please aficionados. $$$$ Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse Steakhouse 716 Iberville St., 522-2467, L Fri, D daily. Nationally recognized steakhouse serves USDA Prime steaks and local seafood. Validated Parking next door. $$$$

H Doris Metropolitan Steakhouse 620 Chartres St., 267-3500, L Fri-Sun, D daily. Innovative steakhouse plays with expectations and succeeds with modernist dishes like their Classified Cut and Beetroot Supreme. $$$$ El Gato Negro World 81 French Market Place, 525-9752, L, D daily. Central Mexican cuisine along with hand-muddled mojitos and margaritas made with freshly squeezed juice. A weekend breakfast menu is an additional plus. $$ Galatoire’s Louisianian Fare 209 Bourbon St., 525-2021, L, D Tue-Sun. Friday lunches are a New Orleans tradition at this world-famous French-Creole grand dame. Tradition counts for everything here, and the crabmeat Sardou is delicious. Note: Jackets required for dinner and all day Sun. $$$$$ Galatoire’s 33 Bar & Steak Steakhouse 215 Bourbon St., 335-3932, L Fri, D SunThu. Steakhouse offshoot of the venerable Creole grande dame offers hand-crafted cocktails and classic steakhouse fare and inspired dishes. Reservations accepted. $$$

H GW Fins Seafood 808 Bienville St., 581FINS (3467), D daily. Owners Gary Wollerman and twice chef of the year Tenney Flynn provide dishes at their seasonal peak. On a quest for unique variety, menu is

printed daily. $$$$$ Hard Rock Café AMERICAN 125 Bourbon St., 529-5617, L, D daily, Br SatSun. Local outpost of this global brand serves burgers, café fare and drinks in their rock memorabilia-themed environs. $$ House of Blues Louisianian Fare 225 Decatur St., 310-4999, HouseOfBlues. com/NewOrleans. L, D daily. Good menu complements music in the main room. Worldfamous Gospel Brunch every Sunday. Patio seating available. $$ Irene’s Cuisine Italian 539 St. Philip St., 529-8881. D Mon-Sat. Long waits at the lively piano bar are part of the appeal of this Creole-Italian favorite beloved by locals. Try the oysters Irene and crabmeat gratin appetizers. $$$$ K-Paul’s Louisiana Kitchen Louisianian Fare 416 Chartres St., 596-2530, ChefPaul. com/KPaul. L Thu-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Paul Prudhomme’s landmark restaurant helped introduce Cajun food to the nation. Lots of seasoning and bountiful offerings, along with reserved seating, make this a destination for locals and tourists alike. $$$$

H Kingfish Seafood 337 Charters St., 598-5005, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Regionally inspired seafood dishes with carefully sourced ingredients and southern influence is the focus at this chefdriven French Quarter establishment. $$$ Le Bayou Seafood 208 Bourbon St., 5254755, L, D daily. Blackened redfish and Shrimp Ya-Ya are a just JUNE 2019 7 9

a few of the choices at this seafood-centric destination on Bourbon Street. $$$ Muriel’s Jackson Square Italian 801 Chartres St., 568-1885, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Enjoy local classics while dining in the courtyard bar or any other room in this labyrinthine, rumored-to-be-haunted establishment. $$$$ Napoleon House Italian 500 Chartres St., 524-9752, L, D daily. Originally built in 1797 as a respite for Napoleon, this family-owned European-style café serves local favorites gumbo, jambalaya and muffulettas. A Sazerac or Pimm’s Cup are perfect accompaniments. $ NOLA Louisianian Fare 534 St. Louis St., 522-6652, L Thu-Mon, D daily. Emeril’s more affordable eatery, featuring cedar-plankroasted redfish; private dining. $$$$$ Oceana Grill Seafood 739 Conti St., 5256002, B, L, D daily. Gumbo, poor boys and barbecue shrimp are served at this kid-friendly seafood destination. $$ Orleans Grapevine Wine Bar and Bistro Gastropub 720 Orleans Ave., 523-1930, D daily. Wine is the muse at this bistro, which offers vino by the flight, glass and bottle. A classic menu with an emphasis on local cuisine. $$$

H Patrick’s Bar Vin Gastropub 730 Bienville St., 200-3180, D daily. This oasis of a wine bar offers terrific selections by the bottle and glass. Small plates

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are served as well. $$

jazz brunch. $$$

Pier 424 Seafood 424 Bourbon St., 3091574, L, D daily. Seafood-centric restaurant offers long menu of traditional New Orleans fare augmented by unusual twists like “Cajun-Boiled” Lobster. $$$

Richard Fiske’s Martini Bar & Restaurant Louisianian Fare 301 Dauphine St., 5860972, B, Bar Lunch daily. Just a few steps off of Bourbon Street is this relaxing bar featuring an innovative menu with dishes like Crawfish, Jalapeno-and-Bacon Mac and Cheese garnished with fried oysters. Live music a plus. $$$

Port of Call Burgers 838 Esplanade Ave., 523-0120, L, D daily. It is all about the big, meaty burgers and giant baked potatoes in this popular bar/restaurant – unless you’re cocktailing only, then it’s all about the Monsoons. $$

H Restaurant R’evolution Italian 777 Bienville St., 553-2277, RevolutionNola. com. L Fri, D daily, Br Sun. An opulent place that combines the local flavors of chef John Folse with the cosmopolitan influence of chef Rick Tramonto. Chef de cuisine Jana Billiot and executive sous chef Gabriel Beard are in charge of day-to-day operations, which include house-made charcuterie, pastries, pastas and more. $$$$$ Red Fish Grill SEAFOOD 115 Bourbon St., 598-1200, L, D daily. This vibrant, seafood-centric polished-casual landmark delivers innivative twists on casual New Orleans seasfood, including local favorites BBQ oysters and double chocolate bread pudding. $$$ Rib Room AMERICAN Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, 621 St. Louis St., 529-7046, B, D daily, L MonSat, Br Sun. Old World elegance, house classic cocktails and Anthony Spizale’s broad menu of prime rib, stunning seafood and on Sundays a

Royal House Louisianian Fare 441 Royal St., 528-2601, L, D daily. B Sat and Sun. Poor boys, jambalaya and shrimp Creole are some of the favorites served here. Weekend breakfast and an oyster bar add to the crowd-pleasing appeal. $$$ SoBou Louisianian Fare 310 Chartres St., 552-4095, B, L, D daily. There is something for everyone at this “Modern Creole Saloon.” Decidedly unstuffy with an emphasis on craft cocktails and wines by the glass. Everything from $1 pork cracklins to an extravagant foie gras burger on an accomplished yet eclectic menus. $$

from the casual (truffle mac and cheese) to the upscale (tuna tasting trio) are served in an elegant courtyard. $$ The Bombay Club Louisianian Fare Prince Conti Hotel, 830 Conti St., 577-2237, D daily. Popular martini bar with plush British décor features live music during the week and late dinner and drinks on weekends. Nouveau Creole menu includes items such as Bombay drum. $$$$ The Pelican Club AMERICAN 312 Exchange Place, 523-1504, D daily. Serves an eclectic mix of hip food, from the seafood “martini” to clay-pot barbecued shrimp and a trio of duck. Three dining rooms available. $$$$$

H Tujague’s Louisianian Fare 823 Decatur St., 525-8676, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. For more than 150 years this landmark restaurant has been offering Creole cuisine. Favorites include a nightly six-course table d’hôté menu featuring a unique beef brisket with Creole sauce. $$$$$

H Tableau Louisianian Fare 616 S. Peter St., 934-3463, B Mon-Fri, L Mon-Sat, D daily, Brunch Sat-Sun. Gulf seafood such as Redfish Bienville and classic Creole brunch dishes like eggs Hussard are the highlights of this Dickie Brennan restaurant that shares space with Le Petite Théâtre. $$$

Garden District Cheesecake Bistro by Copeland’s AMERICAN 2001 St. Charles Ave., 593-9955, L Mon-Fri, D daily, Br Sun. Shiny, contemporary bistro serves Cajun-fusion fare along with its signature decadent desserts. Good lunch value to boot. $$

H The Bistreaux Louisianian Fare New Orleans Maison Dupuy Hotel, 1001 Toulouse St., 586-8000, html. B, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Dishes ranging

District Donuts Sliders Brew AMERICAN 2209 Magazine Street, 570-6945, B, L, D daily. Creative sliders (hello, pork belly) and super-creative

donuts (think root beer float) are the hallmarks of this next-generation café. $ Hoshun Restaurant Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 1601 St. Charles Ave., 302-9716, L, D daily. A wide variety of Asian cuisines, primarily dishes culled from China, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia. Private dining rooms available. $$

H Mr. John’s Steakhouse Steakhouse 2111 St. Charles Ave., 679-7697, D Tue-Sat, L Fri-Sat. Wood paneling, white tile and USDA Prime Beef served sizzling in butter are the hallmarks of this classic New Orleans steakhouse. $$$ Lakeview

H Cava Louisianian Fare 789 Harrison Ave., 304-9034. D daily. Fine dining (and excellent wine list) at this high-end Cajun and Creole restaurant that makes customer service a big part of the experience. $$$

H Mondo World 900 Harrison Ave., 2242633, L Mon-Fri, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. Chef Susan Spicer’s take on world cuisine. This place has a deserved reputation for good food and good times. $$$ Lower Garden District The Tasting Room Gastropub 1906 Magazine St., 581-3880, TTRNewOrleans. com. D Tue-Sun. Flights of wine and sophisticated small plates are the calling cards for this wine bar. $$ Metairie H Andrea’s Restaurant Italian 3100 19th St., 834-8583,

L Mon-Sat, D daily, Br Sun. Osso buco and homemade pastas in a setting that’s both elegant and intimate; off-premise catering. $$$ Acme Oyster House Louisianian Fare 3000 Veterans Blvd., 309-4056, L, D daily. Known as one of the best places to eat oysters. $$ Austin’s Louisianian Fare 5101 W. Esplanade Ave., 888-5533, D Mon-Sat. Mr. Ed’s upscale bistro serves contemporary Creole fare, including seafood and steaks. $$$ Boulevard American Bistro AMERICAN 4241 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 889-2301. L, D daily. Classic American cuisine including steaks, chops and more is augmented by regional favorites like Boulevard Oysters at this Metairie bistro. $$$ café B AMERICAN 2700 Metairie Road, 9344700, D daily, L Mon-Fri. Br Sun. Ralph Brennan offers New American bistro fare with a Louisiana twist at this familyfriendly neighborhood spot. $$$ Caffe! Caffe! AMERICAN 3547 N. Hullen St., 267-9190. B, L Mon-Sat. & 4301 Clearview Parkway, 885-4845. B, L daily; D Mon-Sat. Healthy, refreshing meal options, and gourmet coffee and espresso drinks create a tasteful retreat for Metairie diners at a reasonable price. $ Crabby Jack’s Louisianian Fare 428 Jefferson Highway, 833-2722, L Mon-Sat. Lunch outpost of Jacques-Imo’s. Famous for its fried

seafood and poor boys including fried green tomatoes and roasted duck. $ Deanie’s Seafood Seafood 1713 Lake Ave., 831-4141, L, D daily. Louisiana seafood, baked, broiled, boiled and fried, is the name of the game. Try the barbecue shrimp or towering seafood platters. $$$ Don’s Seafood seafood 4801 Veterans Memorial Blvd., 889-1550, L, D Daily. Metairie outpost of historic local seafood chain that dates from 1934. Features an array of Cajun and seafood classics like their original ‘Jacked Up’ Oysters and seafood platters. Don’t miss their happy hour specials. $$$ Drago’s Louisianian Fare 3232 N. Arnoult Road, 888-9254, L, D Mon-Sat. This favorite specializes in charbroiled oysters, a dish they invented. Great deals on fresh lobster as well. $$$$ Mr. Ed’s Seafood and Italian Restaurant Seafood 1001 Live Oak St., 838-0022, L, D Mon-Sat. Neighborhood restaurant specializes in seafood and Italian offerings such as stuffed eggplant and bell pepper. Fried seafood and sandwiches make it a good stop for lunch. $$ Ruth’s Chris Steak House Steakhouse 3633 Veterans Blvd., 888-3600, RuthsChris. com. L Fri, D daily. Filet mignon, creamed spinach and potatoes au gratin are the most popular dishes at this steak institution, and great seafood choices and top-notch desserts. $$$$$ Sucré Specialty Foods 3301 Veterans Blvd.,

834-2277, Desserts daily. Open late weekends. Chocolates, pastry and gelato draw rave reviews at this dessert destination. Beautiful packaging makes this a great place to shop for gifts. Catering available. Vincent’s Italian Cuisine Italian 4411 Chastant St., 885-2984, Metairie, L Tue-Fri, D MonSat. Snug Italian boîte packs them in, yet manages to remain intimate at the same time. The cannelloni is a house specialty. $$$ Mid-City

H Crescent City Steaks Steakhouse 1001 N. Broad St., 821-3271, L Tue-Fri & Sun, D Tue-Sun. One of the classic New Orleans steakhouses. Steaks, sides and drinks are what you get. $$$$ Five Happiness Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 3605 S. Carrollton Ave., 482-3935, L, D daily. This longtime Chinese favorite offers up an extensive menu including its beloved mu shu pork and housebaked duck. $$ Gracious Bakery + Café Bakery/Breakfast 1000 S. Jeff Davis Parkway, Suite 100, 301-3709, B, L daily. Boutique bakery offers small-batch coffee, baked goods, individual desserts and sandwiches on breads made in-house. Catering options available. $

H Katie’s Restaurant and Bar Louisianian Fare 3701 Iberville St., 488-6582, L, D Mon-Sat, Br JUNE 2019 8 1

Sun. Creative poor boys, local dishes such as gumbo and Sunday brunch make this a neighborhood favorite. $$

H Liuzza’s Italian 3636 Bienville St., 482-9120, L, D daily. Classic neighborhood joint serves favorites like the “Frenchuletta,” stuffed artichokes and andouille gumbo. Kid’s menu offered. $$

H Mandina’s Louisianian Fare 3800 Canal St., 482-9179, L, D daily. Though the ambiance is more upscale, the food and seafood dishes make dining here a New Orleans experience. $$

H Mona’s Café World 3901 Banks St., 4827743. L, D daily. Middle Eastern specialties such as baba ganuj, beef or chicken shawarma, falafel and gyros. The lentil soup and desserts, such as sticky sweet baklava, round out the menu. $

H MoPho Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 514 City Park Ave., 482-6845, L, D Wed-Mon. Vietnamese cuisine meets southern Louisiana in this upscale casual hybrid by chef Michael Gulotta. Mix-and-match pho and an interesting poor boy menu rounds out the appeal. $$$ Parkway Bakery and Tavern AMERICAN 538 Hagan Ave., 482-3047, ParkwayPoorBoys. com. L, D Wed-Mon. Featured on national TV and having served poor boys to presidents, it stakes a claim to some of the best sandwiches in town. Their french fry version with gravy and cheese is a classic at a great price. $ Ralph’s On The Park louisianaian fare 900 City Park Ave., 488-1000, RalphsOnThePark.

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com. Br Sat., Sun, L Tue-Fri, D daily. A modern interior and contemporary Creole dishes such as City Park salad, turtle soup, barbecue Gulf shrimp and good cocktails. $$$

H Toups’ Meatery Louisianian Fare 845 N. Carrollton Ave., 252-4999, ToupsMeatery. com. L, D Tue-Sat. Charcuterie, specialty cocktails and an exhaustive list of excellent à la carte sides make this restaurant a carnivore’s delight. $$$ Multiple Locations Café du Monde Bakery/Breakfast This New Orleans institution has been serving fresh café au lait, rich hot chocolate and positively addictive beignets since 1862 in the French Market 24/7. $ CC’s Coffee House Bakery/Breakfast Coffeehouse specializing in coffee, espresso drinks and pastries. $ Copeland’s Louisianian Fare L, D daily, Br Sun. Al Copeland’s namesake chain includes favorites such as Shrimp Ducky. Popular for lunch. $$ Little Tokyo Asian Fusion/Pan Asian L, D daily. Multiple locations of this popular Japanese sushi and hibachi chain make sure that there’s always a specialty roll within easy reach. $$ Martin Wine Cellar AMERICAN Wine by the glass or bottle to go with daily lunch specials, burgers,

soups, salads and deli-style sandwiches. $ Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar & Fish House Seafood L, D daily. A seafood lover’s paradise offers an array of favorites like shrimp Creole, crawfish etouffée, blackened redfish and more. A raw bar featuring gulf oysters both charbroiled and raw. $$$

offers excellent ingredients presented simply. $$ Brigtsen’s Louisianian Fare 723 Dante St., 861-7610, D Tue-Sat. Chef Frank Brigtsen’s nationally famous Creole cuisine makes this cozy cottage a true foodie destination. $$$$$

HCarrollton Market AMERICAN 8132

Reginelli’s Pizzeria pizza L, D daily. Pizzas, pastas, salads, fat calzones and lofty focaccia sandwiches are at locations all over town. $$

Hampson St., 252-9928, CarrolltonMarket. com. L Sat-Sun, D Tue-Sat. Modern Southern cuisine manages to be both fun and refined at this tasteful boîte. $$$

H Ruby Slipper Café Bakery/Breakfast

Upper 9th Ward St. Roch Market Louisianian Fare 2381 St. Claude Ave., 615-6541, B, L, D daily. Historic St. Claude Marketplace with open dining space houses a broad collection of independent eateries including craft cocktails and more. $$ B, L daily, Br Sun. Homegrown chain specializes in breakfast, lunch and brunch dishes with unique local twists such as bananas Foster French toast and barbecue shrimp and grits. $$ Theo’s Pizza L, D daily. The cracker-crisp crust pizzas are complemented by a broad assortment of toppings with local ingredients at cheap prices. $$ Zea’s Rotisserie and Grill AMERICAN L, D daily. Drawing from a wide range of worldly influences, this popular spot serves a variety of grilled items, appetizers, salads, side dishes, seafood, pasta and other entrées. Catering services available. $$$ Riverbend

H Boucherie Louisianian Fare 1506 S. Carrollton Ave., 862-5514, L Tue-Sat, D Mon-Sat, Br Sun. Serving contemporary Southern food with an international angle, chef Nathaniel Zimet

Uptown Audubon Clubhouse AMERICAN 6500 Magazine St., 212-5282, AudubonInstitute. org. B, L Tue-Sat, Br Sun. A kid-friendly menu with local tweaks and a casually upscale sandwich and salad menu. $$ Bouligny Tavern Gastropub 3641 Magazine St., 891-1810, D MonSat. Carefully curated small plates, inventive cocktails and select wines are the focus of this stylish offshoot of John Harris’s nationally acclaimed Lilette. $$ Camellia Grill AMERICAN 626 S. Carrollton Ave., 309-2679. B, L, D daily. A venerable diner whose essential character has remained intact and many of the original waiters have

returned. Credit cards are now accepted. $ Casamento’s Louisianian Fare 4330 Magazine St., 895-9761, L Thu-Sat, D ThuSun. The family-owned restaurant has shucked oysters and fried seafood since 1919; closed during summer and for all major holidays. $$ Clancy’s Louisianian Fare 6100 Annunciation St., 895-1111, L ThuFri, D Mon-Sat. Their Creole-inspired menu has been a favorite of locals for years. $$$ Commander’s Palace Louisianian Fare 1403 Washington Ave., 899-8221, L Mon-Fri, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. The grande dame is going strong under the auspices of James Beard Awardwinner chef Tory McPhail. Jazz Brunch is a great deal. $$$$

H Coquette French 2800 Magazine St., 265-0421, L Fri, D daily, Br Sun. The food is French in inspiration and technique, with added imagination from the chefs. $$$ Dick and Jenny’s Louisianian Fare 4501 Tchoupitoulas St., 894-9880, DickAndJennys. com. D Mon-Sat. A funky cottage serving Louisiana comfort food with flashes of innovation. $$$$

H Gautreau’s Louisianian Fare 1728 Soniat St., 899-7397, D Mon-Sat. Upscale destination serves refined interpretations of classics along H La Crêpe Nanou French 1410 Robert St., 899-2670, D daily,

Br Sun. Classic French bistro fare, including terrific moules and decadent dessert crêpes, are served nightly at this neighborhood institution. $$$ La Petite Grocery French 4238 Magazine St., 891-3377, L Tue-Sat, D daily, Br Sun. Elegant dining in a convivial atmosphere. The menu is heavily Frenchinspired with an emphasis on technique. $$$ Lilette French 3637 Magazine St., 8951636, L Tue-Sat, D Mon-Sat. Chef John Harris’ innovative menu draws discerning diners to this highly regarded bistro. Desserts are wonderful as well. $$$$$

H Magasin Asian Fusion/Pan Asian 4201 Magazine St., 896-7611, L, D Mon-Sat. Pho, banh mi and vegetarian options are offered at this attractive and budget-friendly Vietnamese restaurant. Café sua da is available as well. $ Pascal’s Manale Italian 1838 Napoleon Ave., 895-4877, L MonFri, D Mon-Sat. A neighborhood favorite since 1913 and the place to go for the creation of barbecued shrimp. Its oyster bar serves freshly shucked Louisiana oysters and the Italian specialties and steaks are also solid. $$$$

H Patois World 6078 Laurel St., 895-9441, L Fri, D Wed-Sat, Br Sun. French food, with influences from across the Mediterranean as well as the American South, all filtered through the talent of chef Aaron

Burgau. Reservations recommended. $$$ Pizza Domenica pizza 4933 Magazine St., 301-4978, L Fri-Sun, D daily. A pizza centric spinoff of the popular Restaurant Domenica brings Neapolitanstyle pies to Uptown. Excellent salads and charcuterie boards are offered as well. $$

H Shaya World 4213 Magazine St., 8914213, L, D daily. James Beard Award-winning menu pays homage to Israel at this contemporary Israeli hotspot. $$$ Sucré Specialty Foods 3025 Magazine St., 520-8311, Desserts daily & nightly. Open late weekends. Chocolates, pastry and gelato draw rave reviews at this dessert destination. Beautiful packaging makes this a great place to shop for gifts. Catering available.

H The Company Burger Burgers 4600 Freret St., 267-0320, TheCompanyBurger. com. L, D daily. Custom-baked butter-brushed buns and fresh-ground beef patties make all the difference at this excellent burger hotspot. Draft beer and craft cocktails round out the appeal. $ The Delachaise Gastropub 3442 St. Charles Ave., 895-0858, D daily. Cuisine elevated to the standards of the libations is the draw at this lively wine bar and gastropub. Food is grounded in French bistro fare with eclectic twists. $$ H Upperline AMERICAN 1413 Upperline St., 891-9822, D Wed-Sun. Consummate hostess JoAnn Clevenger

presents this nationally heralded favorite. The oft-copied fried green tomatoes with shrimp remoulade originated here. $$$$ H Wayfare AMERICAN 4510 Freret St., 3090069, L, D daily, Br Sat-Sun. Creative sandwiches and southern-inspired small plates. $$ Ye Olde College Inn AMERICAN 3000 S. Carrollton Ave., 866-3683, CollegeInn1933. com. D Tue-Sat. Serves up classic fare, albeit with a few upscale dishes peppering the menu. $$$ Vincent’s Italian Cuisine Italian 7839 St. Charles Ave., 866-9313, VicentsItalianCuisine. com. L Tue-Fri, D Tue-Sun. Snug Italian boîte packs them in yet manages to remain intimate at the same time. The cannelloni is a house specialty. $$$ Warehouse District Lucy’s World 710 Tchoupitoulas St., 5238995, L, D daily. Island-themed oasis with a menu that cherrypicks tempting dishes from across the globe’s tropical latitudes. Popular for lunch, and the after-work crowds stay into the wee hours. $

If you feel that a restaurant has been misplaced, please email Managing Editor Ashley McLellan at JUNE 2019 8 3


Galveston Beach Resort

Summer Weekends


veryone likes to go at their own pace over the weekends, some jumping into home improvement projects, others looking to unwind with a couple days off of work. There are countless ways to spend your summer weekends, and the culturally rich Gulf Coast region provides something for everyone. A weekend beach trip can be accomplished with as little as an hour’s drive. Playing tourist in your own town is another option, with historic neighborhoods, thrilling entertainment, fascinating museums, and exceptional restaurants all a stone’s throw away. Find the fun that suits you, your friends and family among the following destinations, activities, and resources. Whether you’re looking to get started on that kitchen and bath remodel or would rather hit a bar for a cocktail and live music, you’ll find a number of fun and exciting adventures awaiting you this summer.

Home Renewal With Southern Refinishing, you don’t get a contractor—you get a family. Southern Refinishing offers more than 40 years of experience in bathroom and kitchen reglazing projects for customers in the Gulf South. In addition to saving homeowners the cost of replacing their bathroom and kitchen fixtures, the company’s goal is to make every customer’s experience as comfortable and painless as possible. They know how stressful it can be to have a contractor disrupting your personal space, so the company works to minimize disruption throughout the remodeling process. From walls, countertops, and sinks to fiberglass and acrylic tub repairs and tub/shower conversions to clawfoot tubs, Southern Refinishing has the equipment and expertise to work with any fixture. A local New Orleans company, Southern Refinishing is experienced with both small and large jobs, from residential homes to commercial projects such as hotels. Get a customized quote today by calling 504348-1770. Visit for a gallery of projects and additional information.

8 4 JUNE 2019

Exterior Designs, Inc., a comprehensive landscape design and build company, is known locally for helping homeowners increase the value of their homes with landscaping. Beverly Katz, owner/designer, creates New Orleans inspired landscapes by blending timeless Spanish and French influences of the city’s architecture with functional solutions for the modern homeowner. Exterior Designs has an exceptional ability to transform even the largest landscapes into intimate spaces perfect for entertaining and relaxing. An interior designer before realizing her talent for landscape architecture, Beverly has a keen eye for detail combined with an affinity for problem solving, drainage, material selection and spatial composition. Because of her background, her creations are an extension of her clients’ homes. When Beverly visits for the initial consultation, she takes note of the client’s design aesthetic and continues it to the outdoors. Exterior Designs offers design, construction, installation, and project management for residential or commercial landscapes. Visit for design inspiration or call 504866-0276 for a consultation.

Shopping Claudia Croazzo is a bespoke international fashion house founded in 2016 in the UK by designer Claudia Croazzo. The fashion house specializes in affordable couture collections as well as bespoke made-to-measure gowns for that red-carpet look. Claudia Croazzo’s unique, sleek, and sophisticated style takes inspiration from Claudia’s Italian heritage, and each collection tells a story. From ready to wear and black label dresses and jumpsuits to beachwear, the elegant and playful designs of Claudia Croazzo are now available at the company’s exclusive United States store on Magazine Street in New Orleans. Claudia’s designs have showcased twice at official LFW closing events, been published in numerous fashion editorials, including UK Elle and Vogue, and been worn at many red carpet events. All items are

sponsored carefully and thoughtfully designed, and all fabric is sourced by Claudia Croazzo herself, with all designs tailored to her personal taste. For more information or to shop online, visit Visit the Uptown New Orleans location at 4214 Magazine Street.

Dining & Imbibing Justine is a brasserie in New Orleans’ historic French Quarter. Opened by husband-and-wife team Justin and Mia Devillier, Justine combines the sophistication of Parisian brasseries with the playfulness of the South’s most lively district. Featuring dishes like Poisson Amandine, Fois Gras Torchon, and Moules Frites, the menu honors the technique and simplicity of French classics, while evoking the senses with exciting, grand presentation. True to the heart of French brasserie culture, the multi-roomed restaurant offers a versatile space to be enjoyed by all, whether it’s for a weekday lunch, afternoon glass of wine, celebratory dinner, or late-night revelry. The café side opens to the Chartres Street sidewalk, emulating the quintessential Parisian-street experience. The kitchen room is anchored by two large communal tables overlooking the kitchen led by James Beard Award Winning-Chef Justin Devillier, and in the smoked-mirrorembellished bar room, Bar Director Jesse Carr embraces French spirits and the drinking culture that surrounds them. For reservations and information about private dining, visit Spend summer outdoors with a glass of wine in the serene courtyard at Effervescence Bubbles & Bites. Enjoy the peaceful fountain, relax on the outdoor couch, or grab a sidewalk table on North Rampart and treat yourself to bubbles. The impressive wine list spans the globe, including over 80 Champagnes by the bottle and 30 sparklers by the glass.

Every Wednesday, Effervescence pops open a magnum of Champagne to pour by the glass—double the excuse to celebrate midweek! Flights are the perfect way to explore the list, available by the full or half glass. Try their summer sparkling rosé flight for a fun, crisp and fruity sparkling adventure. The full bar also serves bubbly cocktails, beer, and spirits. Effervescence’s bites menu features fresh and local ingredients prepared by the Michelin-trained chef couple. Highlights include a Caviar Service, Dry-Aged Louisiana Wagyu, Pommes Frites and their signature Gulf Seafood Plateau, featuring five local, refreshing, and thoughtful seafood preparations. Effervescence is open Wednesday-Sunday; for hours, menus, and event bookings, visit Look for upcoming events including wine classes and outdoor movie screenings. Limited reservations available on OpenTable. Voted Tops of the Town #1 Brunch by New Orleans Magazine for the third year in a row, Red Gravy welcomes summer with a number of new dishes and specials by Owner Roseann Melisi Rostoker. "As always, for the past nine years, our menu changes and evolves according to the seasons and our travels,” says Roseann. While keeping all the menu favorites—especially anything with a meatball—the restaurant has recently added new items, including the hugely popular fried chicken and biscuits served with a white sausage gravy. The mac and cheese turnover is a close second, served with eggs and red gravy. Roseann has also been busy baking, adding croissants, danishes, turnovers, and muffins in addition to the restaurant’s popular raspberry zeppoles and homemade cannoli. Look for specials all summer long inspired by Roseann’s upcoming travels to New Jersey, Cape May, and Italy. Since seating is limited, reservations are recommended. View the menu and make reservations online at, or call 504-561-8844. JUNE 2019 8 5

sponsored Mr. Ed’s has been a local favorite since 1989 and is still regarded as among the best eateries in New Orleans today. Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar serves your choice of chargrilled, fried, or raw oysters as well as longtime favorites such as Oyster Rockefeller and Bienville. Offering both a stand-up oyster bar and cocktail bar, it's the perfect place to relax and enjoy. With five unique locations across Greater New Orleans, including the newest, second French Quarter location at 821 Iberville St., Mr. Ed’s Oyster Bar & Fish House brings its fresh seafood, poboys, platters, and specialties to Metairie, the French Quarter, Mid-City, and St. Charles Avenue. “Mr. Ed” McIntyre also oversees Mr. Ed’s Seafood & Italian Restaurant of Metairie and Kenner, Austin’s Seafood & Steakhouse of Metairie, and The Pearl Room of Harahan. Explore each savory menu at Located on Magazine Street, Tito’s Ceviche & Pisco brings exceptional, authentic Peruvian cuisine to Uptown New Orleans. Helmed by Executive Chef and Owner Juan Lock, Tito’s features seafood favorites such as Ceviche Criollo (gulf fish) and Ceviche Nikkei (yellowfin tuna) in addition to Arroz con Mariscos, a popular Peruvian style paella. The menu also features a number of well-spiced beef, duck, and lamb dishes, including Anticuchos de Res (hangar steak) and the Lomo Saltado (tenderloin tips). The restaurant takes great pride in freshness, offering the highest quality ingredients in its dishes and handcrafted cocktails. The bar at Tito’s is famous for its selection of Piscos, a Peruvian-made brandy. Sip a Lychee Cocktail or Cucumber Mule, or indulge in the variety of selections of Pisco cocktails with a fruity blend of tropical juices. Happy hour runs Monday through Friday, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m., and features a variety of drinks and small plates perfect for satisfying late afternoon cravings. For more information, and reservations, visit or call the restaurant at 504-267-7612. Tito’s Ceviche & Pisco is located Uptown at 5015 Magazine Street. Taste the rich history of New Orleans this season by going to Pascal’s Manale, home of the original BBQ Shrimp. Founded in 1913, this New Orleans tradition is now in its 3rd, 4th, and 5th generation of family involvement and still serves the classic dishes for which it’s been famous for decades. A blend of Italian and Creole, Pascal’s Manale’s menu includes New Orleans and Italian favorites, steaks, and seafood dishes. Start your night with raw oysters from the oyster bar before indulging in the succulent BBQ shrimp. The Veal Gambero and Fish Pascal specials have flavors all their own while also incorporating the richness of the BBQ Shrimp and its sauce. Other Pascal’s Manale favorites include the Oysters Bienville, baked oysters topped with a mushroom, shrimp, and bacon dressing, or the Combination Pan Roast, oysters, crabmeat, and shrimp chopped in a blend of parsley, green onions, and seasonings baked with a topping of breadcrumbs and butter. Monday-Friday, from 3 - 6 p.m., enjoy half-priced raw oysters at the oyster bar as well as half-priced beer, wine, and select cocktails at the bar. For reservations, call 504-895-4877 or visit them at Find all of “Nawlins'” favorites at New Orleans Cajun Cookery, located just outside the French Quarter at 719 S. Peters Street in the CBD. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the Cajun Cookery is perfect for visitors and downtown professionals alike. Highlights of the menu include Chicken & Waffles, Shrimp & Grits, seafood platters, and poboys. The Cookery’s full bar features hand-crafted cocktails and a vast selection of craft beers from Louisiana’s growing list of breweries. Pony up to the bar between 3 - 6 p.m. and enjoy $5 drinks and appetizers. Outdoor seating is available and perfect for those breezy summer mornings, afternoons, and evenings. For more information on the restaurant and its offerings, call 504-407-0653. 8 6 JUNE 2019

Royal Frenchman Hotel

Celebrate summer in the heart of the French Quarter with family and friends at New Orleans Creole Cookery. Stop in and relax from a day of shopping or exploring with authentic Creole fare and the timehonored tastes of classic favorites such as Gumbo, Shrimp Creole, Crawfish Etouffee, and Snapper Pontchartrain. Looking to cool off? Come in for a cold beverage and fresh oysters at the oyster bar. New Orleans Creole Cookery is everything you love about New Orleans in a setting to fit every occasion. Enjoy casual fine dining at its very best in your choice of the charming Toulouse Lautrec dining room, romantic courtyard, or lively oyster bar. Each offers a Creoleinspired menu complemented by tempting handcrafted cocktails. Located at 510 Toulouse Street in one of New Orleans’ oldest and most storied locations, New Orleans Creole Cookery is just steps from French Quarter excitement. New Orleans Creole Cookery is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. for lunch and dinner, and a jazz brunch on Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Learn more at Call 504-524-9632 for reservations. This summer, visit the Warehouse District’s recent addition, Briquette, the new restaurant at 701 S. Peters Street by Anna Tusa, Owner of New Orleans Creole Cookery. Helmed by Chef Guy Sockrider, Briquette puts seafood and contemporary coastal cuisine at the center of the dining experience. As the name indicates, the restaurant features a large charcoal grill to highlight the fresh coastal flavors. The menu emphasizes small plates for sharing the variety of fish and seafood, including whole grilled fish. Other flavorful menu items include aged beef, pastas, and more. The bar at Briquette features a curated wine list to accompany the menu along with specialty, hand-crafted cocktails. Start a new tradition this summer with delicious food shared with friends and family together at Briquette. For more information and reservations, visit Briquette online at or on Facebook. Lunch is available Monday through Friday beginning at 11 a.m.

Travel & Accommodations The historic Royal Frenchmen Hotel enjoys the distinction of being the sole, luxury boutique hotel in the midst of all of the action and entertainment of Frenchmen Street. But behind its historic walls, the hotel offers much more than its luxury accommodations. The bar at Royal Frenchmen Hotel has recently been named the #3 hotel bar in New Orleans in the Where Y’at Best of the Big Easy Awards behind only the storied French Quarter Carousel and Sazerac bars. The Royal Frenchmen Hotel bar offers live music daily and features a Friday night residence by the Treme Prince, Glen David Andrews. Happy hour brings daily $3 martinis from 4 – 7 p.m., a perfect way to relax in the afternoon as music begins to fill the streets.


Savannah College of Art and Design

The hotel’s beautiful and spacious courtyard can accommodate up to 150 guests for weddings and other special events, placing guests right in the heart of New Orleans’ musical and cultural epicenter. Learn more about the Royal Frenchmen Hotel and book your stay or event by visiting or by calling 504-619-9660. Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort is “The New Way to Stay & Play” on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Start your summer off right with a family weekend getaway. Play an exciting round of mini-golf on Scarlet Pearl’s multi-million dollar course, Lava Links Golf Club. These two, 18-hole golf courses feature lush gardens, waterfalls, footbridges, great music, and a live erupting volcano, promising fun for the entire family. Need to relax? Take a break from the action in the luxurious shade of the Garden Oasis, Scarlet Pearl’s breathtaking swimming pool. Whether you’re taking a slow float or stretching out under the palms with a boat drink, there’s no better place to rejuvenate than this tropical paradise. Feast with the family and dive into All-You-Can-Eat Dungeness and Snow Crab at Scarlet Pearl’s Waterfront Buffet every weekend. Scarlet Pearl Casino Resort—your home away from home. Book your next ultimate getaway at or call 888-BOOK-SPC. Big Bay Lake is a one-of-a-kind planned community on Mississippi's largest private recreational lake. Located just outside of Hattiesburg, Big Bay Lake blends seamlessly into its natural surroundings. Homesites are available on the water starting at $100,000. Both the homes and homesites within this community provide unique opportunities to create the perfect home or weekend getaway. It’s time to relax, unplug, make memories and create new traditions at Big Bay. Whether you are a boating or fishing enthusiast, or just a family who loves to make a big splash, Big Bay Lake is simply about the lure of the water. Come enjoy sun-kissed, fun-filled days at Big Bay Lake, where the little things make life… “Big!” Big Bay Lake is only 90 minutes from New Orleans. Call for a boat tour today at 877-4BIG-BAY or visit Don't wait to make a splash in one of the many beautiful Texas lakes perfect for family memory-making activities such as fishing,

boating, tubing, and waterskiing. Holiday Inn Club Vacations® has a number of Texas properties to suit your family’s penchant for fun. Holiday Inn Club Vacations® Villages Resort is located on Lake Palestine and just a short drive from the Tyler Rose Garden and many other attractions. Holiday Inn Club Vacations® Piney Shores Resort sits on the Lake Conroe shore and is only about an hour from Houston. Holiday Inn Club Vacations® Hill Country Resort overlooks Canyon Lake and is about an hour away from both San Antonio and Austin. There are also beachfront resorts—sink your toes in the sands of the Gulf Coast at one of two beautiful Galveston Island resorts. Holiday Inn Club Vacations® Galveston Beach Resort is located directly on the beach and is great for kids and adults alike with numerous activities, while Holiday Inn Club Vacations® Galveston Seaside Resort offers both standard and luxurious Signature Collection villas in a relaxing escape farther down the island. Book your stay today at Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery is excited to announce Three Hundred More, a compelling promotional offer designed by Old No. 77 to continue the enthusiasm generated by the city’s tricentennial celebration while further deepening the property’s connection to the community. Three Hundred More illustrates Old No. 77’s commitment to seeing New Orleans thrive for another three centuries. Speaking to the growing need for meaningful, authentic, and contributive travel shared by many Old No. 77 guests, Three Hundred More will expand Old No. 77’s creative partnerships with organizations such as Where Y’Art, Goods that Matter, and others. In partnership with Where Y’Art, Old No. 77’s latest gallery exhibition, 300 More celebrates South Louisiana’s Coastal Regions with heavy florals, wetlands, and swamps. As part of Three Hundred More, Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery is offering 20 percent off with a five percent donation to a coastal restoration non-profit, Restore the Mississippi Delta. The 167-room hotel is located in the Warehouse Arts District, three blocks from the French Quarter and a short stroll from the Convention Center. Book online at Car windows rolled down, the feeling of wind and sun on your skin—summertime and a long-awaited road trip are here. Don’t let unexpected car trouble ruin your journey. Fortunately, you can make sure your vacation stays on track with the peace of mind from AAA’s 24/7 Roadside Assistance. AAA covers you in any car, SUV, or pickup truck, even if you’re not the driver. AAA provides free towing, free tire change, free lock-out assistance, free minor mechanical first aid, free jump start, and free delivery of emergency fuel. For a limited time, readers of New Orleans Magazine can join AAA for only $50 and get a second household member free (promo code 175490). Current AAA members can add one new household member free (promo code 175492). For more details, see the AAA ad in this issue, visit your local AAA branch, call 844-330-2173, or visit Join AAA Today. JUNE 2019 8 7

sponsored The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) offers degrees in more than 100 programs, including architecture, animation, immersive reality, fashion, film and television. This year, SCAD celebrates its 40th anniversary with SCADstory, a new immersive experience bringing the university’s 40 creative years to life. SCADstory is open to the public to experience and is located in SCAD’s historic Poetter Hall on Bull Street. A global university, SCAD enrolls nearly 15,000 students at locations in Savannah and Atlanta, Georgia; Hong Kong; and Lacoste, France. SCAD facilitates travel for its students to study across these locations, helping define their SCAD experience on an international scale. Visitors to Savannah enjoy both shopSCAD(featuring artwork created by students and alumni) and the world-renowned SCAD Museum of Art. SCAD’s 99 percent alumni employment rate is testament to the creative careers of the more than 40,000 SCAD graduates working at the world's most prestigious companies. Career preparation is woven into every fiber of the university. For more information on SCADstory, visit For SCAD Museum of Art, visit

Entertainment & Events Haunted History Tours offers a variety of thrilling tours across New Orleans largely focused on the paranormal. Recommended by The Travel Channel as "a must do,” Haunted History's French Quarter Ghost & Legends Tour takes participants to numerous locations known for actual, documented hauntings. Be sure to take lots of pictures! Ninety percent of tour participants will capture paranormal activity in their photos. Experts in haunted history, the company compiled the mildly theatrical, hugely historical, and thoroughly entertaining book, New Orleans Ghosts, Voodoo, & Vampires. Other popular tours include the Cemetery, Voodoo, Vampire, Pub Crawl, Five In One Tour, and Garden District Tours. The company offers walking tours as well as the nightly Dead of Night Graveyard and Ghost Tour by bus. Tour-seekers should purchase their tickets in advance through Haunted History’s website, HauntedHistoryTours. com. Haunted History Tours serve as perfect outings for bachelor and bachelorette parties and wedding groups in addition to school, church, and convention groups. The company often books private tours for groups, which allows the customer their choice of pick-up time and location. Customers interested in arranging private tours should call 504-861-2727. At Love Swimming Swim School, students of all ages are taught by a team of expert adult instructors who are passionate about teaching. Through safe, fun, and small classes, Love Swimming strives to provide swimmers with a strong foundation of love and respect for the water. Love Swimming's teachers motivate individuals to explore their abilities beyond their fears and expectations. With an indoor facility, Love Swimming Swim School never gets rained out, and their heated pools create a comfortable learning environment where swimmers can get right to swimming. This comfort is key to accelerating the learning process and developing strong safety skills that will last a lifetime. The organization believes swimming is the best exercise for babies, kids, and adults and offers classes for ages six months to adult. Begin your swimming adventures for both fun and exercise by starting lessons now. Call 504-891-4662 or visit

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This summer, soak in a bit of Louisiana history with a visit to beautiful St. Joseph Plantation, where you can walk through time and enjoy a glimpse into the lives of the fascinating people who have called it home. Thanks to the plantation’s historic allure, scenes from All The King’s Men, Skeleton Key, 12 Years a Slave, Underground, Queen Sugar, the remake of Roots, and four-time Oscar nominee Mudbound were filmed at St. Joseph Plantation. Additionally, the plantation plays host to a number of weddings and private events throughout the year. Tour the grounds and learn about the Priestly family and grandson H. H. Richardson, who was born at St. Joseph and became one of America’s most important architects of the 19th century. Explore the story of Valcour Aime, known as “The Louis XIV of Louisiana,” and his two daughters, and learn about the slaves that lived and worked here. A thriving sugarcane plantation, St. Joseph also offers insight into the region’s significant sugarcane industry. Visit or call 225-265-4078 for information on tours and private events. In 1999, Harrah’s brought 24/7 gambling action back to New Orleans with the opening of Harrah’s New Orleans Casino. Take a shot at more than 1,500 of the hottest slots and more than 130 table games including blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps and three-card poker. The fun extends outdoors to three outdoor smoking and gaming courtyards. When you’re ready to dine, indulge in a 30-day, dry-aged New York Strip at The Steakhouse at Harrah’s New Orleans Casino, or enjoy never-ending favorites at The Buffet. Options for a quick bite about as well, including the award-winning burgers and wings served up at Manning’s Sports Bar and Grill located on Fulton Street. When ready for a cocktail, try a specialty “potion” at Hoodoo Lounge, and dance the night away in Masquerade Nightclub. For a memorable souvenir or piece of jewelry, shop at Essentials, Uniquely NOLA, Swarovski and Crislu. Relax and stay as close as possible to the action at Harrah's Hotel, an award-winning AAA Four Diamond hotel. For more information, visit Combining historic restoration and new construction, The Historic New Orleans Collection’s (THNOC) brand new exhibition center at 520 Royal St. houses a continuing exhibition on the history of the French Quarter, changing exhibitions, dynamic interactive displays, an immersive film, an educational space, café, and shop. Like THNOC’s other locations, admission is free. Events this summer include “Art of the City: Postmodern to Post-Katrina," presented by The Helis Foundation, running through October 6. Painters, sculptors, photographers, and mixed-media artists all explore the city’s colorful patchwork of neighborhoods, its resilience in the wake of tragedy, and its larger-than-life characters. Through August 4, explore “New Orleans Medley: Sounds of the City,” which leads visitors on a procession through three centuries of music in the Crescent City, from Chitimacha rhythms to Mexican military bands to Big Freedia Bounce. In advance of Juneteenth, THNOC will host an event on June 18 with Voices in the Dark Repertory Theatre Company that will commemorate 300 years since the first ship of enslaved African Americans arrived in Louisiana. For more details and other events, visit •


Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine


rthopaedic injuries can affect everyone, not just the athlete. Repetitive motions within our bodies cause wear and tear over time, and whether it’s in your shoulder, knees, or spine, an injury or ailment can negatively impact your quality of life. Living with pain not only causes stress, it can also put a person at risk for overcompensating and injuring another part of the body. Orthopaedic specialists in New Orleans treat a wide range of conditions, from complex spinal issues, to bone fractures, joint replacements, foot conditions, and other painful injuries or issues. Consult a specialist about your pain, and you may be able to find a non-invasive treatment to get you back to normal activities quickly. As technologies evolve and advances are made, orthopaedic care continues to improve, offering more options for New Orleans patients. Serving the West Bank and Greater New Orleans region, Westside Orthopaedic Clinic provides superior general orthopaedic treatment with a specialty in spinal care. The clinic has been in operation since 1961, making it one of the longest standing orthopaedic clinics in the city. Dr. Ralph. Katz is a board certified and fellowship-trained orthopedic specialist who has performed over 500 minimally invasive procedures with consistently excellent outcomes. For the right patient who has failed

conservative treatment (e.g. medication, physical therapy, injections), a minimally invasive microdiscectomy can be done in an outpatient setting with an incision that can be covered by a band-aid. The procedure typically takes less than an hour. Most patients can return to normal activities within three to six weeks. Additionally, Dr. Katz performs cervical and lumbar spinal fusions, utilizing small incisions with minimally invasive systems. He is one of few local surgeons who perform both cervical and lumbar disc replacements. Westside offers full-service, in-house x-rays, EMG/NCS, as well as physical therapy services with access to new rehabilitation equipment. Same day appointments can be accommodated. For more information, visit or call 504-347-0243. Tulane Orthopaedics doctors are elite, fellowship-trained surgeons who combine their expertise and sub-specialty areas into a single comprehensive program. Patients have access to some of the most capable surgical care in the nation as well as one of the finest rehabilitation programs. This ensures a faster and more effective recovery, regardless of whether you’re trying to get back on the sports field or back to daily life. Specialists offer care and prevention of sports medicine injuries, total joint replacements of hips, knees, shoulders, elbows, and ankles, treatment of pelvic and other bone fractures, and treatment of spinerelated conditions ranging from scoliosis in children to adults with disc herniations and spinal stenosis. Other conditions treated include painful foot ailments such as bunions and painful nerve compressions. With multiple locations, including the Institute of Sports Medicine, in uptown New Orleans, Tulane-Lakeside in Metairie, and downtown at Tulane Medical Center, their doctors and staff are able to serve the entire Greater New Orleans community. For more information, call 504-988-8476 (988-TISM) or visit • JUNE 2019 8 9


Achieving Wellness


mproving wellness is a growing focus in medicine. Rather than treating the body ailment by ailment, improving overall health and wellness takes a more comprehensive approach to achieving a better functioning body while often serving a preventative role as well. From prioritizing physical fitness to trying physical or massage therapy and dialing in nutrition, there are number of ways to access a more healthy life. In addition to helping one’s self, there are also ways to help others—blood donation remains an important and necessary contribution to the community. Improving wellness for an older loved one by helping them get the care they need, whether at home or from a doctor, can be helpful for families. Looking and feeling better go hand in hand when it comes to wellness. Find ways to improve your overall health today and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Wellness & Rehabilitative Therapy Touro’s Back in Action Center provides comprehensive physical and occupational therapy services to adolescent, adult, and geriatric patients, as well as case management for patients with orthopedic diagnoses. The Center also offers therapeutic wellness through its multidisciplinary Therapeutic Wellness Program and physical therapy for women's health services. From treating conditions such as shoulder, hip, and knee pain, sprains and strains, headaches, and joint replacement to improving wellness through restorative yoga and meditation, lifestyle adjustment and fitness, the Touro Back in Action 9 0 JUNE 2019

Center is dedicated to helping patients restore their mobility and improve their strength. Clinical services include skilled physical and occupational therapy, patient/family education, aquatic therapy, functional training, treatment of the spine, and Lymphedema treatment. Patients are required to have a prescription or referral from a Louisiana licensed physician, podiatrist, dentist, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant for Touro’s Back in Action Center. The Center is located at 1525 St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans. For more information, visit or call 504-897-8157. The Wellness Center of Thibodaux Regional, located in Lafourche Parish, is changing the health of the community. The Center offers WellFit, which integrates wellness into clinical care. WellFit is an eight-week, physician-referred program that offers a customized plan for improving an individual’s health and well-being. Participants receive nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian along with fitness education and unlimited access to the Center’s Fitness Center. Smoking cessation options, physical therapy, and behavioral health screenings are also available if needed. “The goal of WellFit is to help people live the highest quality, most active lifestyle possible,” says Education and Training Coordinator, Katie Richard, MA, BSN, RN. Physician specialists helped to shape the WellFit pathways. “We want people to feel that their unique needs are being met and that their doctor was a part of the process,” says Richard. Call 985493-4765 for more information or visit

sponsored Most people have some level of pain they deal with on a daily basis. It could be caused by an injury, a medical condition such as arthritis, or most commonly, from poor posture and overuse of today’s smartphones and mobile devices. At Metairie Massage Center, Mika Brauner works individually with clients to get to the source of their pain so that permanent changes can be made to increase health and happiness. Simply need to de-stress? Brauner offers world-class techniques for relaxation in an inviting atmosphere. Additionally, Metairie Massage Center offers neuromuscular, deep tissue, myoskeletal alignment, and sports massage. Since graduating from the Florida School of Massage in 1979, Brauner has continued to study with top massage teachers across the country. She incorporates her degree in Health & Wellness with extensive experience in neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, myoskeletal alignment, and therapeutic exercise. At Metairie Massage Center, Brauner offers a calming and personable atmosphere to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible. Book an appointment and let the healing begin. Visit or call 504-723-7239.

Blood Donation Did you know that every three seconds someone needs blood? A non-profit community service organization, The Blood Center has a long-standing tradition of providing quality blood products to over 30 regional health facilities. Blood shortages typically occur during the summer season when schools are out and families are taking vacations. Your business or organization could help combat shortages—donating blood is a great team-building exercise for organizations both big and small. If you can get 25 or more people to sign up to save a life, The Blood Center will help you host a blood drive and send a team to your business, school, civic, or religious center. If you’re a small group, visiting one of their dozen fixed site locations in Southeastern Louisiana or Southern Mississippi is easy and convenient. Visit to find a blood drive or donor center near you, and consider calling 800-86-BLOOD to organize your own blood drive.

medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, and provides free prescription delivery throughout East Jefferson. A full-service pharmacy and the oldest independent pharmacy in Jefferson Parish, Patio Drugs is also a leading provider of home medical equipment. For everything from a Band-Aid, to medication, to a hospital bed, Patio Drugs is the one-stop source for your family’s healthcare needs. In addition to providing retail and medical equipment, Patio Drugs can assist with long-term care as well as specialty and compounding services. Patio Drugs is accredited by The Joint Commission in Home Medical Equipment, Long Term Care, and Consultant Pharmacy Services. Their Compounding Pharmacy is PCAB accredited through ACHC. Patio Drugs is located at 5208 Veterans Boulevard in Metairie. For more information, call 504-889-7070. Patio Drugs, “Large Enough to Serve You, Yet, Small Enough to Know You.”

Men’s Health It is not uncommon for men to avoid discussing their health, even with their loved ones and medical providers. That is especially true when the health issues concern sensitive topics like sexual dysfunction or urinary incontinence. The Tulane Urology Clinic is leading this conversation—and this medical field—by creating a comprehensive men’s health program to educate those in the New Orleans region about the health risks, issues, and solutions unique to men. Common men’s health conditions treated by the clinic include male infertility, sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction, enlarged prostate, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, low testosterone and hypogonadism, hormone imbalances and kidney stones. The Tulane urology team offers a wide variety of the latest, most advanced treatment options available, including many minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment tools and procedures. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call the Tulane Urology Clinic at 504-988-5271. Men’s health services are also now provided at Tulane Multispecialty Clinic Metairie, and appointments can be made there by calling 504-988-8050.

Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery Home Care Poydras Home is reaching deeper into the Greater New Orleans area to fulfill the diverse care needs of even more seniors with the acquisition of an independent, in home, sitter companion services company, Home Care Solutions. Continuing Care Retirement Communities such as Poydras Home recognize that community living is not the only option available to our aging population. By offering support at home, seniors and their families can choose their optimum environment. For the first time in its 201-year history, Poydras Home will now be able to offer in-home sitter companion services to those who elect to remain at home. Through Home Care Solutions, Poydras Home can also deliver Life Care Management services, personally advising seniors and their families as they face a wide variety of healthcare choices. This new venture will allow greater flexibility to meet the growing needs of more New Orleanians. For more information about Poydras Home visit or call 504-897-0535.

Does your appearance reflect your inner energy? If it doesn't, consider a consultation with board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Elliott Black or Dr. Summer Black. There are a variety of surgical and non-surgical techniques available to help individuals enhance and refresh their appearance. “Surgery is not the only option these days,” Dr. Elliott Black emphasizes. “Laser technology and other developments in the cosmetic field such as Botox and fillers offer alternatives to surgery with excellent results,” Dr. Summer Black adds. “The patient benefits with little downtime and minimal or no swelling or bruising. Many non-invasive procedures also provide immediate results," she says. The father and daughter team have expanded their facilities to house a full range of laser equipment, including SculpSure noninvasive fat melting, IPL, laser hair removal, fractionated erbium, and fractionated CO2. For information on available surgical or non-invasive cosmetic procedures, contact Dr. Elliott Black or Dr. Summer Black at 504-8838900, or visit their office at 3798 Veterans Memorial Blvd. in Metairie. •

Pharmacy & Medical Equipment Generations of families have turned to Patio Drugs for assistance in managing their healthcare needs. Family owned and operated since 1958, Patio Drugs helps customers understand their JUNE 2019 9 1

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sponsored be caused by loud noises and events, certain illnesses, and even certain medications. Knowing how to care for your hearing is an important part of maintaining wellness over time. If you have questions or want to know more about your own hearing or that of a loved one, consult a healthcare professional who specializes in audiology. Protecting your hearing will have longlasting benefits on your life and relationships.

Hearing Care


any people take their senses for granted, assuming as long as they can see, hear, or smell enough, they’ll be able to navigate life okay. Any loss of the senses can have a bigger, more damaging effect on life, however. When a person loses their hearing, they often lose much more, including comprehension and connections with family members and loved ones. While hearing loss can happen naturally, it can also

Hearing loss affects individuals without regard to age, gender, or income—it doesn’t care if you’re a welder, a dentist, or a Supreme Court judge. Everyone is at risk for hearing loss, and when audition (hearing) decreases, so does cognition (comprehension). When we hear, we listen and comprehend; but interruptions to this flow can wreak havoc on a person's life. Hearing loss causes a person to lose their sense of the world—they begin to question and doubt, ultimately losing comprehension. There are solutions, however, and only a qualified audiologist can provide the bridge to better hearing and a better life. For more than 40 years, the Doctors of Audiology at Associated Hearing have been impacting patients’ lives by reconnecting those with hearing loss and tinnitus to their loved ones. Drs. Daniel Bode and Alaina Johnson use state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to create customized treatment plans based upon the patient’s individual lifestyles and listening environments. For a complimentary consultation, please call 504-833-4327 (Metairie) or 985-249-5225 (Covington) today to begin your journey to better hearing. Visit for more information. • JUNE 2019 9 3

9 4 JUNE 2019


1. Aucoin Hart 1525 Metairie Rd., Metairie 504-834-9999 Sterling Silver "WHO DAT" money clip from Aucoin Hart Jewelers on Metairie Road, the Official Jeweler of the WHO DAT NATION. $195.00 2. Queork 839 Chartres St., New Orleans 504-481-4910 3005 Magazine St., New Orleans 504-388-6804 The perfect gift for him! Cork is an extremely durable, vegan alternative to leather and is naturally water resistant, stain resistant, anti-microbial, and scratch resistant. Queork’s bifold wallet has a money slot, as well as 6 additional interior slots for organization and comes in several cork fabrics. Bifold Wallet $59 3. Perlis 1281 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville 8366 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge 6070 Magazine Street, New Orleans 600 Decatur, French Quarter For your active Dad, the PERLIS Crawfish Performance Mini Stripe Polo's lightweight and super-smooth feel is the perfect mix of comfort and style. Multiple colors available. 13% Spandex / 87% Polyester.



2. JUNE 2019 9 5

9 6 JUNE 2019

streetcar by errol laborde

D-Day Through Time Some kids were playing on Omaha

Beach, building sand castles. Nearby an adult couple walked along the sand at shore’s edge, presumably looking for shells, the nautical kind rather than those fired from cannons. The shards of war have long been taken from this historic beach, now it stands as it should—a quiet passive place where castles are built, if only for the moment. If the day is clear the faint coast line of Britain across the channel can be seen. If the imagination is even clearer, it can envision 2,000 ships as they approached on June 6, 1944, 75 years ago this month. The mind peppers the sky with hundreds of bombers heading over France that day. Nearby is the town of Arromanches. It was there that one of two artificial piers were built to unload the allied ships as they approached the beach. The town itself now survives on D-Day tourism, including a museum, shops and, at least on the day we were there, a character dressed to imitate Winston Churchill. Two of the best quotes from the war were due to the British Prime Mister. One contained the fiery words of 1 1 2 JUNE 2019

his rallying speech to parliament: “We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.” And the other great quote is about Churchill rather than by him. It is attributed to American broadcaster Edward R. Murrow who, in speaking of the impact of Churchill’s speeches, said, “He mobilized the English language and sent it to battle.” In Churchill’s day, fighting on the beaches was made more successful by a New Orleans made vessel: Andrew Higgins’ landing boats were constructed in the city. They are what brought the troops from the transport ships to near the beaches where they could indeed fight on the landing grounds. Hitler knew about New Orleanian Higgins and referred to him as “the New Noah.” Years later, historian Steven Ambrose would claim that Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower once referred to Higgins as the man who

won the war. Higgins wasn’t alone in deserving that praise, but it is true that the landing crafts that were key to the greatest invasion in history were first tested on Lake Pontchatrain. As fortune would have it, Ambrose’s academic trail eventually took him to UNO where he excelled as a leading authority on the war. By 1994, at the time of the invasion’s 50th anniversary, Ambrose was one of the experts seen on just about every war documentary. For the 50th anniversary of D-Day he led a group of tourists to Omaha Beach, where he was so moved by being there that historian Doug Brinkley would recall the professor leading the charge toward the shore. Ambrose was in charge that day, Brinkley would recall; he was Eisenhower. Ambrose’s book, “Band of Brothers,” is a major contribution to the war’s history, especially after it was made into a TV series by HBO, (I have watched some episode so many times that I can almost recite them, except for those show when I felt too emotionally wrenched I couldn’t watch more.) Ambrose led another charge while in New Orleans and that was to build a museum dedicated to the war. In a city of attractions, the National Word War II Museum, where the site includes a former Higgins plant, is as triumphant as American soldiers marching through the streets of Paris. General Colin Powell once said of America’s wars “that the only land we ever asked for was enough land to bury our dead.” The grandest of such spots is the American national cemetery located on a Normandy bluff overlooking the charging sea. Battalions of wooden crosses and Stars of David are the sentinels along the Atlantic Coast. Normandy always leaves me wanting to know more. Once I was on a cruise ship moving along the British side of the English Channel. From a map on a TV channel I could tell that on the opposite side was Normandy, but I was not sure of exactly what location. The night was solid black. I was mesmerized by the darkness thinking what the moment must have been like to a 19-year-old soldier sailing through the darkness not knowing what the next day would bring for him, or even if he would live to see the day after. Then I noticed something from the Normandy side, a blinking light, possibly from a light house. In another era it could have been a sign from the European mainland pleading to be liberated. On a summer night a quarter century ago, a navy of Noahs was heading its way


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