GCSE Combined Science Trilogy What will I gain from studying this subject? This qualification is aimed at those students who do not intend to follow the separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) at GCSE. Students have different reasons for choosing this course; they may feel that their interests lie elsewhere or it may be felt that they are more likely to achieve two better grades in Science (Double Award) than the three they may achieve in the separate sciences. It is normal to delay a decision regarding the choice of pathway until several months into the course. All of our students begin on the separate sciences pathway. The decision to switch to the Science (Double Award) pathway is made on a case by case basis, usually part way through Year 10. Each of the three sciences is given equal weighting and students attend Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons in the same way separate science students do. They do not, however, study all of the content from the separate science courses. The reduction in content reduces the demand of the course. The Science course is not an easy option and many demanding topics need to be mastered. Progress to the A Level sciences is possible with good grades in Science, although any student considering A Level sciences is advised to follow the separate science pathway.