Parent Handbook
Rendcomb College Junior School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to Rendcomb College Junior School and to what we believe will be a great adventure for your child. Our school has committed staff who are dedicated to providing excellent academic experiences, exciting co-curricular opportunities and caring pastoral support.
Any successful school has to be a community and I am sure that you will soon appreciate that being a part of the Rendcomb community is a very special place to be. As parents you are an essential component of your child’s educational experience.
Together, we can work towards laying the foundations that will allow your child to develop into a thoughtful, adventurous and academically ambitious individual who is also able to interact confidently with and care for others.
At Rendcomb, we treat every child as an individual and I should like them to discover their own talents and to have great fun whilst doing so.
I look forward to getting to know you and your child in the years ahead.
Mr Gavin Roberts Head of Juniors
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop thoughtful, adventurous and ambitious young people who are life-long learners. We aim to prepare them with the character and skills to succeed in the ever-changing world after school. Our pupils have the freedom to experience, explore and enquire about the world around them. We aim to encourage independence and tolerance in a safe, caring community and magnificent natural environment.
Set in 230 acres of countryside, Rendcomb College is an independent day and boarding school in Gloucestershire for boys and girls aged between 3 and 18. The school’s ethos is still very much grounded in the Founder’s ambitions to provide a broad education for its pupils in a nurturing environment.
We encourage Rendcombians to think independently, to challenge and to engage. Academic lessons are exciting and stimulating, with a wide range of resources used in our teaching and learning. We provide breadth in our cocurricular provision and our outdoor activities, particularly our outstanding Forest School, to enable pupils to identify their strengths and aptitudes. Rendcomb provides a pastoral framework that creates physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, preparing pupils for life beyond school, fostering confidence, self-reliance and honesty.
The Junior School, which caters for 3 to 11 year olds, is situated in one section of the main building and we share many of the excellent facilities with the Senior School. Mr Rob Jones, Head of College, and Mr Gavin Roberts, Head of Juniors, work closely together within the Rendcomb community.
Our Junior children benefit from small classes, high teacher to pupil ratios and quality teaching with an emphasis on specialist teaching throughout the school. The girls and boys feel safe and secure, relaxed and happy in a homely, caring atmosphere where they can grow in confidence.
Useful Telephone Numbers
The Junior School Office
01285 832310
Mrs Julia Nichols and Mrs Kim Barber are our Junior School Secretaries
Main School Reception
01285 831213
After School Club
01285 832349
Nursery Direct Line
01285 832348
Accounts Office
01285 832305
Medical Centre
01285 832329
The school operates an open door policy with an emphasis on a personal approach towards relationships between school and home. All parents are encouraged to contact their child’s Form Tutor at the earliest opportunity should they have any questions or concerns. Staff are available for informal discussions with parents at the end of the school day, but if parents require more than an informal chat, a meeting can be arranged through the Junior School Office.
School Calendar
The school calendar is available on the Rendcomb College website:
The calendar includes sports fixtures, class trips, assemblies and other activities during the school term.
Weekly Bulletin
A weekly bulletin is emailed to all parents every Friday and includes key information about forthcoming events. The bulletin is an essential reminder for parents regarding changes to events in the calendar and other details to help with planning for your child.
Friday’s Distinction Assembly
Every Friday morning, pupils from Reception to Year 6 attend an assembly in the Dulverton Hall. Parents are encouraged to attend, to see their own child being celebrated and to share in the experience as a community.
Coffee Mornings
The Head of Juniors holds regular coffee mornings for parents of each year group. These events provide parents with the opportunity to chat with each other, to ask questions about events in school and to familiarise themselves with Rendcomb and the Head of Juniors.
Informal Suppers
Each year parents are invited to attend an Informal Supper with the staff. This evening provides an opportunity to socialise with staff and other parents.
Key Events
There are a number of events to which parents are invited including: Information Evening, drama productions, musical teatime concerts, sports day and the summer fête.
What will happen when your child arrives at the school for the first time?
At the start of each term, parents of new pupils are encouraged to bring their child in so that both parent and child can become familiar with the arrangements at Rendcomb. You will be welcomed upon arrival and then accompanied by the Admissions staff to the relevant classroom. Your child will be introduced to their form teacher and there will be a chance to see where your child should put their school belongings. There will be a variety of staff on hand to answer any questions.
Your child will be given a timetable and a fellow pupil from the class will be assigned as the ‘Buddy’ who will accompany your child around the school for the first week. This ensures that your child is supported at all times. Form teachers will also monitor carefully how your child is getting on and, at the end of the first day, they will be able to give you some immediate feedback.
The School Day
For pupils from Reception to Year 6, morning registration is at 8.20am and classrooms are open from 8.10am. Lessons end at 3.30pm for Nursery, 3.40pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils and at 3.50pm for Year 3 to Year 6 pupils.
Wrap Around Care and After School Arrangements
If a pupil arrives early, there is supervision from 7.45am at no extra charge.
For pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, After School Club begins at the end of the normal school day, and is available until 6pm Monday to Friday. Occasionally, the Friday club finishes at 5pm due to holidays. Charges are applicable and details can be obtained from the Junior School Office.
For pupils in Years 3 to 6, there is supervised prep each day until 5pm. There are also activities on offer. At 5pm, Year 3 to 6 pupils will join the After School Club where they can complete prep or enjoy some relaxation and play activities. Parents should sign their children up for activities and the After School Club; further details are available from the Junior School Office.
Nursery Sessions
The Nursery runs during the school term and offers flexible arrangements based on sessions: 5 mornings and 5 afternoons. There is a minimum requirement for children to attend 4 sessions per week.
Drop off is from 8.10am, however if your child does arrive early there is supervision from 7.45am at no extra charge. The morning session officially starts at 9am. After School arrangements are as previously mentioned.
3.30pm Mornings 9am - 12 noon Mornings (including lunch) 9am - 12.45pm Afternoons 12.45pm - 3.30pm
It is normal practice for children to increase the number of sessions during the academic year in preparation for fulltime education in the Reception class. If you wish to amend or increase your sessions at any time, please contact our admissions team on 01285 832 306.
Full Day 9am
Sessions Session Times
Dropping Off
Parents of Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 should accompany their children into school, ensuring that they are placed in the care of the relevant member of staff. Nursery children should be signed in on the register located in the Nursery. Parents of Year 3 to Year 6 pupils can allow their children to come into school by themselves as soon as they feel comfortable to do so.
Picking Up and Signing Out
At the end of the day, Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils must be collected by parents from their classroom, with a clear hand-over from the form tutor. Year 3 to 6 pupils should be collected from the Junior School entrance; parents are able to wait for their children in the Parents’ Waiting Room next to the Junior School Office, particularly if they have siblings who finish earlier. Year 3 to 6 pupils will be signed out by the member of staff on door duty at the Junior School entrance.
Parking and Cars
Parents may park outside the Main College building or in the spaces near the Art and Music block. However, for Health and Safety purposes, please do not park in the area directly in front of the Junior School door which is marked with double yellow lines. Please take care when driving within the school grounds as there are many children walking around the campus. Please park courteously at all times and adhere to the 5mph speed limit.
Rendcomb College offers a bus service for its pupils in the surrounding areas. The routes are determined by demand and in the past have included Tetbury, Malmesbury, Swindon, Cheltenham and Cirencester. We aim to shorten travel times for the children so that pupils do not have too long a day and therefore pick up points will be along main routes rather than in individual villages or towns. For families interested in using our bus service, we ask that they contact Reception on 01285 831213 or
Absence from School
All parents are requested to telephone the Junior School Office between 8.30am and 9am on the morning of their child’s absence from school or if the child is going to be late. If the school is unaware of the reason for the child’s absence, we are required to mark it as an unauthorised absence in the register. All pupils who fail to register with their form teacher, for whatever reason, must report to the Junior School Office before attending lessons.
If there is an intention to take a child out of school during term time, parents should seek permission from the Head of Juniors, explaining the reason for this absence. We strongly encourage parents to avoid unnecessary absence as it impacts on a child’s learning.
Appointments During the School Day
Parents are requested to keep medical appointments or any other absences during the school day to a minimum to avoid loss of valuable teaching time.
Parents’ Absence from Home
If you decide to go on holiday, or are away from home whilst your children remain at school, please inform the Junior School Office, giving the name and telephone number of the person to contact in the case of an emergency.
Health and Safety
Your child’s safety is paramount to us and every step is taken to ensure a safe, happy environment is provided to allow the children to grow in confidence and flourish. The following points are some of the ways we provide a safe environment:
• we have a School Sister on site situated in the Medical Centre;
• all staff are DBS cleared;
• full Health and Safety checks and certificates;
• the outside doors have security pads;
• our equipment is well maintained and appropriate;
• full daily cleaning.
Please be aware that it is a requirement that all children are independent in their toileting and personal hygiene skills before entry to Rendcomb.
Illness Whilst at School
Any pupil who feels ill whilst at school will be taken to the School Sister. The Sister will decide if there is a need to go home and parents will be phoned. Parents are asked to report to Reception before collecting their child from the Medical Centre. If your child is feeling unwell, please keep him/her at home until their condition has improved. If your child has vomited or has diarrhoea, please keep him/her at home for a further 48 hours.
Should your child need medication at school, please hand the medication labelled clearly with your child’s name and the dosage instructions to the Junior School Office. The Junior School Secretary will arrange for the medicine to be dispensed correctly.
General Equipment
Pupils in Nursery to Year 2 need a water bottle and a school book bag. In addition, a change of clothes should be hung in a bag on their peg. Wellies and waterproofs should be kept at school throughout the week.
Pupils in Year 3 to 6 need the following equipment:
• Pen – cartridge pen or roller-ball (blue)
• 2 pencils
• Rubber
• 30cm ruler
• Pencil sharpener
• Coloured pencils
• Glue stick
• Paper cutting scissors
• Pencil case or tin – large enough to contain all of the above
Uniform List for Nursery
Key: All items except shoes and boots may be purchased from ‘Schoolblazer’ or the Second Hand Uniform Shop except where indicated with an asterix*.
Working Uniform
Crested red polo shirt long-sleeved and/or short-sleeved
(Crested) blue smock
Crested sweatshirt
Navy jogging bottoms*
Dark, plain coat*
Black shoes*
Red socks/ tights*
Summer Uniform
Charcoal grey shorts* (boys)
Grey socks* (boys)
Rendcomb summer dress (girls)
White socks* (girls)
PE and Outdoor Kit
White sport socks*
White shorts*
White crested polo shirt
(White) trainers*
Navy waterproof trousers*
Navy crested Legionnaire’s style cap
Navy and red stripe woollen hat
Navy mittens on string*
Wellington boots*
Uniform List for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Key: All items except shoes and boots may be purchased from ‘Schoolblazer’ or the Second Hand Uniform Shop except where indicated with an asterix*.
Working Uniform
Navy crested V-neck jumper
Red crested polo shirt long-sleeved and/or short-sleeved
Navy crested fleece (optional)
Dark, plain coat*
Black shoes*
Charcoal grey trousers and/or shorts*
Grey socks*
Junior girls skirt
Red knee-high socks and/or red tights
School summer dress or shorts
White ankle socks (summer only)*
PE and Outdoor Kit
White sport socks*
White shorts*
White crested polo shirt
Crested school hoodie
(White) trainers*
Navy jogging bottoms*
Navy waterproof trousers*
Navy crested Legionnaire’s style cap (optional for Year 2 pupils)
Wellington boots*
Boys in Year 2 Only
Rendcomb Games socks
Navy rugby shorts
Girls in Year 2 Only
Rendcomb Games socks
Navy skort with burgundy panels
Uniform List for Year 3,
Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6
Key: All items except shoes and boots may be purchased from ‘Schoolblazer’ or the Second Hand Uniform Shop except where indicated with an asterix*.
Working Uniform
Navy crested V-neck jumper
Red crested polo shirt long-sleeved and/or short-sleeved
School scarf (optional)
Dark, plain coat*
Black shoes*
Charcoal grey trousers and/or shorts*
Grey socks*
Junior girls skirt or trousers
Red knee-high socks and/or red tights*
School summer dress or shorts
White ankle socks (summer only)*
Best Uniform for Trips and Eventsadditional items
Blue and white striped school shirt
Crested School Tie
Blue and white striped school blouse
PE and Outdoor Kit
Crested tracksuit top
Crested tracksuit bottoms
White sport socks*
White shorts*
White crested polo shirt
Rendcomb Games socks (navy with red/gold turnover top)
Crested school hoodie (optional)
(White) trainers*
Astroturf boots or trainers suitable for games on the astroturf pitch*
Shin pads* (winter only)
Wellington boots*
Navy rugby shorts*
Football boots (for Games on grass)*
Crested reversible Games shirt
Cricket whites*
Cricket fleece* (optional)
Cricket helmet* (optional, we provide them, but you may wish to provide your own)
Cricket box* (Year 5 and Year 6 only)
Rugby scrum cap* (optional)
Navy skort with burgundy panels
Junior Girls’ Games shirt
Sports Equipment
Any equipment required for sport (such as a tennis racket, hockey stick or cricket bat) will be provided by Rendcomb; however, you may choose to provide your child with these items if you wish.
Pupils should always bring a full sports kit, in an appropriate bag, on the days of their PE/Games lessons and Sports Clubs. Every item of clothing, including towels, boots etc, must be clearly named.
It is advisable to have equipment in school all week for activities, practices etc. Pupils who arrive at a lesson inappropriately dressed may have to watch the lesson rather than participate in it.
We encourage pupils to be proud of their appearance and always to come to school with clean, polished shoes, brushed hair and clean teeth.
We ask that all pupils have sensible haircuts, without gel. Boys: are not allowed to have ‘steps’ or heavy ‘wedges’ or very close shaven cuts. Girls: if hair falls onto the face and/ or is longer than the level of the shoulders, it will need to be tied back. This recommendation is primarily to prevent the spreading of head lice but also to avoid accidents in subjects such as Art and DT. Only plain blue, red or brown hair bands are permitted. If pupils need to wear a hair band to PE, it should be an elastic type. Sensible, small stud earrings may be worn, preferably gold or silver.
Lost Property
Items of clothing or other lost property found at school will be handed into the Junior School Office and can be claimed from the lost property box in the Parent Waiting Room. Responsibility cannot be accepted by the Head, Governors or the School for any items mislaid or stolen. Parents are asked to name all items of clothing, sports equipment and stationery clearly so that if they are lost they can easily be returned to their owner.
Each pupil will have a homework or reading diary which is a useful communication tool for parents and teachers. Whilst the pupil’s form teacher may ask if there are any messages from home, pupils are encouraged to become more independent as they move through the school. There is an expectation that they will hand any messages to their form teacher without prompt. The form teacher will sign the diary each week during tutor period and parents are asked to do the same.
There is a fixed amount of time allocated each day to homework:
Reception: Reading words and reading books
Years 1 and 2: Reading words, spelling and reading books
Years 3 and 4: Maximum 20 minutes of homework each evening and 10 minutes of reading
Years 5 and 6: Maximum 30 minutes of homework each evening and 10 minutes of reading
In addition, there may be times when pupils may be required to complete elements of a project, which helps to foster both independent learning and time management skills.
Break, Lunch and Snacks
We provide a snack at morning break for all pupils and all pupils eat lunch in the dining room. We view lunch as a social occasion and we eat as a school community. Nursery pupils have their own dining room to ensure their first experience of school lunch is in a tailored environment. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils sit with their form teacher and teaching assistant to encourage healthy eating and to help with table manners. Pupils are given a wide variety of choices of nutritious and tasty food, with fruit and bread always on offer. All pupils remain in the dining room for at least 20 minutes. A snack will be provided at the end of the school day, for those staying on for activities.
Extra-curricular Visits, Trips and Outings
Trips are selected for their educational value and are related to curriculum content. Before the day of the trip, a letter will be sent home outlining the purpose for the visit and the dress code for the day, as well as any additional information. A packed lunch and snack will be provided by the school if required.
Private Music Lessons
The Music Department offers individual instrumental lessons for all orchestral instruments: drum kit, guitar (acoustic and electric), piano, organ and voice. Parents can request lessons by completing the form provided.
Individual music lessons start in the second week of the Michaelmas Term. These lessons continue throughout the academic year and notice to cease or suspend lessons should be sent in writing to the Director of Music. Pupils will receive no fewer than 30, and no more than 33 lessons spread evenly over the course of an academic year. The timetabling of lessons is rotated weekly.
The standard lesson length for pupils in Years 5 and 6 is 40 minutes. For students in lower years, the standard lesson length is 30 minutes.
Although dance is part of our PE curriculum for some year groups, dance is also offered as an extra activity for all pupils, Nursery up to Year 6.
A wide variety of dance forms are taught at Rendcomb. The dance forms taught are Ballet (RAD), Folk/ National Dancing (ISTD), Musical Theatre (IDTA), modern, choreography and creative movement. Pupils are given the opportunity to take ballet examinations on a regular basis and have achieved a 100% pass rate.
Pupils have also entered the Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts, achieving medals in recent years. Children also gain experience in choreography, musical theatre and some elements/flavours of world dance, such as Gumboot, Indian and Flamenco. Music and Movement is offered to Reception pupils as part of their school curriculum and ballet is offered to Nursery pupils.
The aim is to teach dance in a creative, imaginative and fun, yet disciplined environment. We continue to develop the role which dance takes within the school curriculum. It gives pupils the opportunity to express themselves through movement and plays an important role in their development as young dancers.
There are a number of items which are needed by pupils who take the ballet lessons and details are available at the Junior School Office.
An optional extra-curricular activity programme is organised from Monday to Friday and varies from term to term. The following is an examples of some activities:
• Art Club
• Ballet and dance*
• Bushcraft
• Chess, Scrabble and Strategy Games
• Choir
• Clay Pigeon Shooting*
• Cookery
• Drama and school plays
• Football
• Forest School
• Gymnastics*
• Hockey Club
• Knex Club
• Knit and Stitch
• Junior Strings
• Cricket
• Lego Club
• Martial Arts*
• Touch Rugby
• Orchestra
• Rock Band
• STEM Club
• Tennis
• Ukulele Club
• Stop Motion Animation
• Allotment Club
* Activities marked with an asterix have a termly charge as they are run by visiting professionals
Assemblies and Chapel
Throughout the week, assembly time is set aside during which staff and pupils have a variety of opportunities to gather for spiritual, moral, social and personal activities that promote the well-being, self-esteem and holistic development of each child. Mr Roberts, the Chaplain and other staff take it in turns to lead an assembly each week.
Year 3 to 6 pupils attend a weekly Chapel service which is held in St Peter’s Church within the school’s campus and is led by the Chaplain.
Reading Assemblies
Pupils are given the opportunity to experience reading in a variety of different ways. They may be involved in group reading activities, encouraged to do independent reading or be called upon to read to the teacher. Pupils in Nursery to Year 2 often do Buddy Reading. These activities help to promote a love of reading across the school.
EYFS (Nursery and Reception)
The Nursery suite consists of a number of light, spacious rooms. All are individually designed to stimulate learning through play, and messy play, as well as providing quiet rest areas.
Children can enter the Nursery Class in the term that they turn 3 years old providing they are potty trained.
Children enter the Reception Class in the September following their 4th birthday and attend full-time.
Fully qualified and experienced staff oversee the planning and implementation of the EYFS curriculum. Through a wide and varied range of activities, a broad and balanced curriculum is followed covering all seven areas of learning from the Foundation Stage:
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Communication and language
• Physical development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive Arts and Design
Pupils also undertake French, Ballet, Forest School, Music and Cookery. By nurturing the children’s natural curiosity, they discover that learning is fun and a good foundation is established for their future progression through the school.
Key Stage 1 and 2 (Year 1 to 6)
Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are taught by their class teacher for the majority of their lessons. Specialist teachers teach the following: French, Music, PE and Games. Year 3 to 6 pupils are based with a form teacher and have lessons with subject specialists. The basis of the curriculum for Year 1 to Year 6 is the National Curriculum.
Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils study:
English Mathematics
Science Languages
History Geography
Religious Education Computing
Music Drama
Art Design Technology
PSHE Games
Physical Education
In addition, some year groups learn Latin or German as an additional language. The older children also undertake a Thinking and Reasoning lesson to prepare them for entry into the Senior School and to encourage them to learn how to study and revise.
Forest School
Forest School at Rendcomb College is a valued area of outdoor learning, founded upon principles of building confidence, boosting self-esteem and encouraging an appreciation for the natural environment.
Our Forest School site is based securely within a large woodland area and provides an environment where children can learn about nature and experience seasonal changes. Wild birds and animals within our Forest School area include owls and woodpeckers, pheasants and deer. There is a wealth of native plant life from the many trees to carpets of snowdrops and bluebells.
Qualified Forest School Leaders run the sessions which provide lifelong learning and life-skill opportunities for all ages. The children engage in a variety of tasks, ranging from mini-beast hunts and creative activities to using tools, cooking on the campfire and den building. These activities are offered within the timetable to children from Nursery to Year 4. Year 5 and 6 children are able to join our Forest School activity sessions after school.
There are two forms of assessment:
Formative Assessment
Through observing children at work and by making notes about significant achievements, teachers can decide on the next steps in learning. This process is known as ‘assessment for learning’.
• Focused observations
• Annotated work or photos
• Marking of written work
• Notes on children’s significant achievements
• Anecdotes, notes or jottings
• Video tapes or dictaphone.
Summative Assessment
Staff complete summative development records at the end of each term to record and show progression.
• Overviews of the ‘Development Matters’ statements are highlighted as your child progresses
• Learning Journals are completed throughout the year
• Scrapbooks are completed to include photos of adventures the children have taken part in at home
• Parents complete ‘Wow’ vouchers to record significant developmental milestones
• In Reception, a baseline assessment is completed in the Michaelmas Term and standardised English and Maths assessments are completed in the Summer Term
Year 1 to 6
Pupils in Year 1 to 6 continue to be assessed in both a summative and formative manner in lessons. In addition, more formal tests are completed to provide tracking details for teachers.
• NGRT Reading and NFER SWST Spelling assessments take place annually
• Standardised assessments in English, Maths and Science take place in the Summer Term
• Pupils in Year 2 and Year 4 undertake Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT) the Summer Term
Further details about these tests will be discussed at our Information Evening or parents are welcome to meet with the Head of Juniors at any time for clarification.
Reporting to Parents
Michaelmas Term • Half Term progress report
• End of Term progress report
Lent Term
• Parent/Teacher consultations
• End of Term progress report
Summer Term
• Full academic reports are issued at the end of Term
We will ask parents to come and see us at any time during the year if we feel their child is experiencing difficulties. Equally, we ask parents to contact us if they have any concerns: academic or social.
House System
All pupils in Reception to Year 6 are attached to one of three Houses.
The Houses are:
Points are awarded for a variety of House events such as World Book Day, the Maths Challenge and Sports Days. Individual termly totals also count towards winning the House Cup.
Teaching staff are attached to a particular House and Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to hold positions of responsibility by being House Captains or Vice Captains.
Effort, good work, good behaviour or good manners are rewarded with merits. Every term the total scores are collated and certificates are issued as appropriate. Merit points are also added to the House point totals.
Pupils are also awarded distinctions which are collected from the Head of Juniors in the Friday assembly.
There is a clear system of sanctions which is available to parents via the behaviour policy. There is also a visual poster of the arrangements in all classrooms so that pupils and staff can refer to it at all times. There are different levels which have specific consequences. Parents are informed as appropriate and incidents are documented as needed.
House Colour
Corinium Red
Dunwoody Blue
Griffin Green
The Rendcomb College Parents’ Association (RCPA)
All parents, guardians or carers of students of the Junior School are automatically members of the RCPA and parental support and involvement is warmly welcomed and highly valued. Meetings are held termly and are attended by the Head of Juniors, Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Social Team Chairman and any parents or guardians who wish to come along.
The RCPA aim is to create and nurture an active, united and supportive school community which will enrich and benefit children, parents and staff alike by:
• welcoming new parents to the school;
• encouraging a sense of community;
• creating memorable and fun events for both parents and children, which bring us together as a community, helping to broaden all-important friendship and support networks;
• supporting time-pressured staff by organising events;
• enhancing communications between parents and staff via class representatives;
• raising money for the pupils and their nominated charities.
Within the RCPA there is a Social Team sub-committee, which comprises a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and representatives from each class in the Junior School including Nursery, and any other interested parents or guardians.
The Social Team is a lively, informal voluntary group who run events throughout the year for both children and parents, to bring us all closer together as a community and to raise money for charitable causes. Regular open meetings are held, and parents are encouraged to drop in and share a cup of coffee and get involved as much or as little as time or inclination permits.
There is a RCPA noticeboard which contains information about the charities being supported, monies raised, latest events, items purchased and members of the committee. This is located in the Parents’ Waiting Room.
The RCPA organises a number of regular events during the year, including a Curry & Quiz Night, Books & Bakes events, Christmas parties, movie nights, a summer fête and much more, as well as supporting local charities which focus on children and animals. A portion of the money raised is also used to purchase extra equipment and resources for the school to enrich the children’s education or play.
School Policies
Our school policies are available on the school website and are also available on request. Please speak to the Junior School Office for further information.
Rendcomb College has a thriving and busy Alumni body who meet formally three times a year at sporting fixtures here
at Rendcomb (rugby, hockey and cricket) and informally throughout. Reunions and events are organised and both pupils and parents are invited to be part of this growing group. We strongly believe that once you and your child join Rendcomb, you will always be considered to be a part of the Rendcomb Family.
Fee Information
The termly fees run from September, and are reviewed annually for the following September. The payment of the first terms fees should be settled prior to arrival at Rendcomb College. For September entry, an invoice will be sent to you in the summer from the Finance Office.
The College is pleased to accept childcare vouchers, contact the Finance Office for further information: 01285 832305 /
We aim to make School Fees as inclusive as possible; however, some items are excluded, the main ones of which are listed below:
• all fees for external exams;
• school trips and external entertainments;
• activities involving material costs or external tuition;
• individual Music Lessons;
• learning Support/EAL Lessons;
• hire of Musical Instruments;
• personal Equipment.
We are unable take payment over the phone by credit/debit card. When paying fees by bank transfer, please quote your unique Rendcomb Account Number (quoted on your first fee bill) as the reference.
Monthly instalments can be arranged via an external commercial school fee plan company at your own arrangement.
Lloyds Bank Castle Street
Cirencester, GL7 1QJ
Sort Code: 30-92-06
Account No: 00234948
IBAN: GB84LOYD30920600234948
We provide compulsory Personal Accident Insurance cover for pupils.
Please note: the Personal Accident Insurance is a compulsory cover, the charge for which is included in the school fees and is not an additional cost.
Personal Accident Insurance
Cover is provided in a very comprehensive and worldwide basis and is applicable 24 hours a day under an annual policy. The maximum benefit payable is £300,000 and a scale of benefits will apply as per the schedule of information.
The policy has been enhanced to also provide cover for physiotherapy treatment in respect of sports injuries to the limit of £225* following written referral from a doctor/ consultant without any additional charge.
The charge for this insurance is £13.44* per annum all inclusive (£4.48* per insured pupil per term), which is included within your annual fees.
*Please note that prices are correct at the time of printing and the prices quoted may vary. Please contact the Finance Office for the most up to date prices.
Rendcomb College, Rendcomb, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 7HA • 01285 832 306 • Rendcomb College, Company Limited by Guarantee 05891198 Charity Number 1115884