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The Official Monthly Publication of the Diocese of Lafayette 2009
January 2011
Volume 27
Number 1
Pro-life marches/rallies planned throughout the diocese DIOCESE OF LAFAYETTE Pro-life communities throughout the Acadiana area are once again inviting and encouraging individuals to show their support by attending a pro-life march/ rally. Several of these have been planned for the latter part of January. In Broussard, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Knights of Columbus Council #7557 will host a March for Life on January 15. Participants will depart from Sacred Heart Church at 9:00 a.m. and process to Broussard Middle School before returning to Sacred Heart; refreshments will be served. For more details, please contact Mike Malagarie at (337) 344-4701. In New Iberia, the South Region March for Life and Silent Procession from the Lourdes Grotto to St. Peter Church is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18. The silent
procession will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be followed by the celebration of Mass at St. Peter’s. Parishioners of St. Peter’s also invite everyone to join them for a Rosary Congress with Eucharistic Adoration, which will span five days, beginning on the day of the march. Following the Mass, the pro-life rosary will be recited every hour, twenty-fours a day, for the duration of the Congress. For additional information, please call (337) 369-3816. On Wednesday, January 19, St. Cecilia School in Broussard will host a pro-life school walk, immediately following the school Mass. For details, please contact Glenda Serio at (337) 837-6363. On Thursday, January 20, Teurlings Catholic High School will host its March/Rally for Life. Several local Catholic schools will join Teurlings faculty and students in a march which will
Individuals and pro-life groups throughout the diocese will be participating in annual Pro-Life marches such as the one pictured above during the month of January. Photo by P.C. Piazza.
depart from the school at 12:00 noon; the group will proceed to the grounds of the Immaculata Center, where they will hold the rally. Contact persons for this event are Ramey Badeaux and Tiffany Dugas; they may be reached at (337) 235-5711, ext.
Regional workshops to introduce music for new translation of the Mass DIOCESE OF LAFAYETTE In Advent 2011, Roman Catholics in America and other English speakers will celebrate the Mass with a new English translation. This translation changes the wording of the prayers of both the priest and the congregation. The main parts of the Mass will stay the same, but wordings will change. For example, when the priest greets the congregation, he still says, “The Lord be with you.” Under the new translation, the people will say, “And with your spirit.” The intention of the new translation is to follow more closely the Latin text of the Roman Missal. The Vatican has been planning these changes for 10 years, but many Catholics are just beginning to hear about the new translation and what it will mean. Because the English words of the Mass are changing, the music
for some of the sung parts of the Mass must change, such as the Gloria, the Holy, and the Memorial Acclamations. As part of our preparations for this upcoming change, the Office of Worship will sponsor four regional music workshops in early 2011 to help our parish musicians begin preparing for the new
translation. At these workshops, Faye Drobnic from the Office of Worship and musicians from around the diocese will explain various aspects of the new translation. The musical parts of the Mass will be reviewed in detail. Tom Niel, the director of music at the (Continued on page 8)
Holy Rosary property to return to Holy Family Sisters LAFAYETTE After consultation with Diocesan Consultors, the Diocesan Finance Council and the Diocesan Pastoral Council, along with the support of the Holy Rosary Alumni Board, Bishop Michael Jarrell has reached an historic agreement with the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Family. Through an act of donation, the Diocese of Lafayette has returned the ownership of
Holy Rosary Property to the Holy Family Sisters. Transfer documents were signed on December 29, 2010. In September of 1930 the original act of donation to the Diocese of Lafayette from the Sisters contained the condition that the property be used primarily for the religious and secular education of African American students. If the (Continued on page 19)
216. On Saturday, January 22, the St. Edmond Knights of Columbus #10293 will host its Right to Life Walk, with worship and music beginning at 8:30 a.m. on (Contined on page 4)
Inside this issue Two of the 2011 Regional Conferences of Acadiana scheduled ........................5 Father Manny Fernandez to speak at St. Thomas More ..............................12 Military Mass scheduled for Feb. 17 ..........................14 “Prepare the Way” – Praise rally with Kerry Bueche is Jan. 29 ...........................17 Rucks Family Foundation to host conference and youth event...............................21 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass is January 14........22 Catholic Schools Week section ...........................33 January Catholic Digest features Charlene Richard ..........................54
Acadiana Catholic
Page 4 January 2011
Pro-life marches/rallies planned throughout the diocese Continued from page 3
the grounds of St. Edmond Church in Lafayette. The group will depart at 9:00 a.m. and proceed to St. Mary Church (Lafayette) before returning to St. Edmond’s. The guest speaker for this event will be Chad Judice. For further details, please contact Norris and Patsy Thibodeaux at (337) 984-9947, or Pat LaBorde at (337) 988-5580. Also on January 22, the St. Landry Right to Life Walk is scheduled to depart from Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Opelousas at 10:00 a.m. Participants will continue on to the New Life Center (Opelousas), where they will receive a blessing and refreshments. Contact persons for this event are John and Jeri Miller, who may be reached at (337) 948-9559. In Baton Rouge, the Louisiana Life March is also scheduled for January 22. Participants are asked to gather between 9:00-10:00 a.m. behind the old state capitol (downtown Baton
Rouge). The group will march to the state capitol, with prayer and inspiration scheduled on the steps outside at 11:00 a.m. Governor Bobby Jindal has been invited to address the crowd. For more information, please go online to www.LALifeMarch.com, or call 1866-463-5433. On Sunday, January 23, the Ville Platte ProLife Walk will depart from Our Lady Queen of All Saints Church immediately after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. The group will proceed to Sacred Heart Church (Ville Platte), where guest speakers will address those who gather. For more information, please contact Pitchy Tuminaro at (337) 363-4533 or Stephanie Andrus at (337) 831-0638. Also on January 23, a Pro-Life Walk will depart from St. Ann Church in Mamou at 10:00 a.m. Participants will proceed to the St. Ann Religious Education Building. Additional information may be obtained by calling (337) 468-3159. Pro-life supporters are also asked to remember all those who will be participating in the National March for Life (Washington, DC) on Monday, January 24. This event is held in
the nation’s capital every year as a spiritual protest to the 1973 Supreme Court decision known as Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in this country. Lastly, Notre Dame High School will host a Pro-Life March/Rally on Tuesday, February 1; the time is to be announced at a later date. For further details, please contact Mary Ann Hadaway at (337) 783-3849.
Catholic Schools Week January 30 – February 5, 2011 “Catholic Schools – A+ for America”
ACADIANA CATHOLIC ACADIANA CATHOLIC (ISSN0888-0247) (USPS507-760) is published monthly for $12 per year by the Southwest Press, 1408 Carmel Ave., Lafayette, LA 70501-5306. Periodical postage paid at Lafayette, LA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Acadiana Catholic, 1408 Carmel Ave., Lafayette, LA 70501-5306 Official Monthly Newspaper for the Diocese of Lafayette, Louisiana Copyright 2011
Publisher Most Rev. Michael Jarrell, D.D. Bishop of Lafayette
Editor/Director Deacon Thomas R. Sommers (337) 261-5511 tsommers@diolaf.org Marketing Director Business Mgr / Advertising Director Patrick Breaux (337) 235-7704 pat@breaux.com Staff Writer Stephanie R. Martin (337) 261-5512 smartin@diolaf.org Contributing Writer Kathleen Toups Theological Consultants Msgr. H.A. Larroque, J.C.D. Father Curtis Mallet, J.C.L. Vicars General
A young Bishop Jules B. Jeanmard, left, newly consecrated as first Bishop of Lafayette, posed for this 1918 photo with a class from Mt. Carmel Catholic School of Lafayette, and Father W.J. Teurlings, right, then pastor of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette.
The Diocese of Lafayette serves eight civil parishes with population of 331,000 Catholics. Published monthly. Deadline for news and advertising copy is noon of the 15th day of the month preceding publication. For renewal subscriptions, the name of your church parish and your address label (if available) are requested. The publisher and editor reserve the right to reject, omit or edit any article or letter submitted for publication. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Lafayette and/or the Acadiana Catholic cannot be held liable, or in any way responsible for the content of any advertisement printed in this paper.
Diocese of Lafayette Web page: www.diolaf.org
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 5
2011 Regional Conferences of Acadiana “Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly” Y o u h a v e b e e n t o l d , O m a n , wh a t i s g o o d , a n d wh a t t h e L O R D r e q u i r e s o f y o u : O n l y t o d o t h e r i g h t a n d t o l o v e g o o d n e s s , a n d t o wa l k h u m b l y wi t h y o u r G o d . ~ M icah 6: 8
North Region
Central Region
South Region
West Region
Speaker: Rev. William J. Jarema, B.A., M.S., M.Div. Founder/Executive Director Mercy Center Colorado Springs, Colorado
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Floyd Calais Retired Priest Diocese of Lafayette
Speaker: Grayson Warren Brown Liturgical Composer, Recording Artist, Author, Speaker
Keynote Speaker: Roy Petitfils Counselor and Author
Saturday, February 12 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon (Registration at 8:30 a.m.)
Workshop Presenters: Priests of the Central Region Saturday, February 26 8:30 a.m.—12:00 noon (Registration at 8:00 a.m.)
Saturday, March 19 1:00—3:30 p.m. (Registration at 12:30 p.m.; Mass to follow at 4:30 p.m.)
St. Anthony of Padua Church 310 West Vine Street Eunice
Holy Cross Church 415 Robley Drive, Lafayette
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 2514 Old Jeanerette Road New Iberia
Contact: Jackie Griffin 337-831-2621 Jgriffin@diolaf.org
Contact: Mary Bergeron 337-654-8682 Mbergeron@diolaf.org
Contact: Deacon Jerry Bourg 337-923-4591 Gbourg@diolaf.org
Workshop Presenters: Roy Petitfils Sarah Brabant, Ph.D. Msgr. Robie Robichaux, JCL, JV Saturday, April 2 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon (Registration at 8:30 a.m.) Vermilion Catholic High School 425 Park Avenue, Abbeville Contact: Janeth Harrington 337-258-0073 Jharrington@diolaf.org
Two of the 2011 Regional Conferences of Acadiana scheduled EUNICE The first in a series of four 2011 Regional Conferences of Acadiana is scheduled for Saturday, February 12 on the grounds of St. Anthony of Padua Church in Eunice. The conference will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon inside Jeanmard Hall. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. The cost is $5 per person. The speaker will be Father William J. Jarema, founder and Executive Director of the Mercy Center for Healing the Whole Person in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Father Jarema is also the author of numerous books and has conducted workshops, retreats, and clergy conferences throughout the world. His presentation at the North Regional Conference is open to everyone who is searching for a ministry in which to participate, or looking for ways to enhance and grow in the ministries they currently serve. Through his speech, Father Jarema will offer individu-
Father William J. Jarema
als the necessary tools to work with others, and the motivation to become more engaged in the Catholic Church and her ministries. The North Regional Conference has been approved by the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Christian Formation for Catechist Certification: Level III or IV—Parish Class (3 credits); or Level V or VI: Elective (substitute), 3 credits/2 hours. Further details about the conference may be requested from Jackie Griffin
by telephone at (337) 831-2621 or e-mail at jgriffin@diolaf.org. The Central Regional Conference is also scheduled for the month of February. It will be held on Saturday, February 26, at Holy Cross Church in Lafayette. Registration will open at 8:00 a.m., and the keynote speaker will be Father Floyd Calais, retired priest of the Lafayette Diocese. In addition to Father Calais’ presentation, participants will be able to attend two of eight different workshops which are to be presented by various priests of the Central Region. The cost is $10 per person, and the conference will conclude at 12:00 noon. Additional information may be obtained by calling or e-mailing Mary Bergeron at (337) 654-8682, mbergeron@ diolaf.org. The two remaining regional conferences will take place later in the year. The South Regional Conference is scheduled for 1:00-3:30 p.m. on Saturday,
March 19, at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in New Iberia; the speaker will be Grayson Warren Brown, Liturgical Composer, recording artist, and author. Registration will begin at 12:30 p.m., and the conference will be followed by the celebration of Mass at 4:30 p.m. Further inquiries may be directed to Deacon Jerry Bourg at (337) 923-4591, or gbourg@diolaf.org. The West Regional Conference will be held on Saturday, April 2, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon at Vermilion Catholic School in Abbeville. The keynote speaker will be Roy Petifils, counselor and author, with additional workshops to be presented by Petitfils, Sarah Brabant, PhD, and Father Robie Robichaux, JCL, JV. Registration will open at 8:30 a.m., and additional information may be obtained by containing Janeth Harrington by telephone at (337) 258-0073 or e-mail at jharrington@diolaf.org.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 6 January 2011
Another year behind us, a new one ahead: looking back on 2010 LAFAYETTE As we enter the first month of a brand new decade with January 2011, let us take the time to reflect on the many events in 2010 which have played a part in shaping our future.
January 2010 • Acadiana starts the year with traditional pro-life rallies/marches in prayerful opposition of the 37th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade • Bishop Jarrell celebrates Vocations Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist (Lafayette), in conjunction with Vocations Awareness Weeks, Jan. 10-16 • Catholic schools celebrate Catholic Schools Week Jan. 31Feb. 6; “Dividends for Life” was the 2010 theme
February 2010 • Local church parishes & their parishioners continue to open hearts and wallets for Haiti relief, raising $573,201.09 to be sent to Catholic Relief Services to assist with earthquake recovery in the impoverished country • Lafayette Diocese reflects
on the one-year anniversary of the death of Bishop Edward J. O’Donnell (Feb. 1, 2009) • Offices of Catholic Social Services & Pro-Life Issues collaborate to launch “Companions Along the Journey”—a bereavement support group for those suffering the loss of a loved one.
March 2010 • Bishop Jarrell presides over Rite of Election Ceremony, welcoming 71 catechumens and 157 candidates from throughout the diocese • Overwhelming participation in annual Diocesan Marriage Anniversary Celebration prompts Office of Marriage & Family Life Ministry to begin hosting two separate Masses—the first in honor of couples celebrating 50+ years and the second honoring couples celebrating 25 or 40 years • Renowned organist Paul Goussot performs concert at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the cathedral’s organ • Bishop Jarrell appoints Cristina LeBlanc to serve as new Di-
Commissioned char coal drawings by Louisiana ar tist
rector of the Office of Hispanic Ministry
April 2010 • Opelousas native son, Bishop Dominic Carmon (auxiliary bishop for New Orleans), honored for 50 years as a priest • Diocese’s central region hosts Divine Mercy Conference 2010 for a sold-out crowd at the Cajundome Convention Center in Lafayette • Bishop Jarrell appoints Ed Boustany as new Director of the Office of Justice & Peace
May 2010 • Diocese welcomes two new transitional deacons, David Hebert and Garrett McIntyre, in ceremony on May 23 • Archbishop Harry Flynn (Lafayette Diocese, 1986-1994) celebrates 50 years in the priesthood
June 2010 • Diocese welcomes three new priests—Corey Campeaux, Kendal Faulk, and Jared Suire—during priesthood ordination ceremony • Church celebration of “Year of the Priest” draws to a close • Diocese’s weekly TV program Tell the People welcomes Father Michael Champagne, CJ, as the new host of its “What It Means to be Catholic” segment • Lafayette Catholic Services Center officially opens the doors to a brand new facility to house St. Joseph’s Diner
July 2010 • Diocese welcomes Father Curtis Mallet, JCL, as new Vicar General • Father Jason Mouton (St. Anne Church, Youngsville) travels to University of Notre Dame to participate in symposium on vocations to the Catholic priesthood within the African American community
August 2010 • Lafayette Diocese joins with Dioceses of Baton Rouge and Lake Charles to sponsor the first Life Awareness Retreat in support of vocational callings (Aug 6-8)
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• Relics of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta displayed for public veneration at St. Genevieve and Immaculate Heart Churches in Lafayette, as well as others. • Bishop Jarrell presides over Mass for military and their families at St. Michael Church in Crowley (Aug 12)
September 2010 • Bishop Jarrell celebrates annual Principals’ Mass to begin 2010-2011 school year • Bishop Jarrell and priests gather at Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist for inaugural convention of the Priestly Association of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Priest and Victim
October 2010 • Diocese introduces VIRTUS® as a means of online support for continuing education in the Safe Environment program • Office of Marriage & Family Life strives to incorporate PREPARE/ENRICH as assessment tool for marriage counseling and prep throughout the diocese
November 2010 • Diocesan church parishes continue to join other Roman Catholic communities throughout the U.S. in preparing for the implementation of the third edition of the Roman Missal, scheduled for Advent 2011 • Diocese turns over land/buildings formerly used for Holy Rosary Institute to the Sisters of the Holy Family
December 2010 • Bishop Jarrell encourages all Catholics to “Come Home for Christmas” • Diocesan regions prepare for series of 2011 Regional Conferences of Acadiana
January Ordination Anniversaries Father Neil McNeill Msgr. Douglas Courville Father Michael S. Guidry Father Edward Degeyter
Jan. 2, 2001 Jan. 3, 1976 Jan. 8, 1971 Jan. 24, 1970
Acadiana Catholic
Man-to-Man Conference planning slated for Jan. 15 LAFAYETTE A special planning event is being planned for the 2011 Man-toMan Conference which will be held in at the Cajundome Convention Center on Saturday, April 30, 2011. The planning event will be held at St. Pius X Family Life Center on Saturday, January 15, from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Guest presenter will be Father Floyd Calais. Snacks and refreshments will be served to participants. The purpose of the preliminary event is to begin the publicity campaign for the Conference. For more information, please call 962-3336.
Father Corey Campeaux to speak at February “Food for the Journey” LAFAYETTE The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food
January 2011 Page 7 for the Journey,” a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out the faith in their daily lives. Speaker for February will be Father Corey Campeaux, associate pastor of St. Pius X Catholic Church, La- Father Corey Campeaux fayette. Father Campeaux was ordained for the Diocese of Lafayette on June 5, 2010. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday, February 1, at Crowne Plaza Hotel (formerly “Hotel Acadiana”), 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning just after 12:00 noon. An optional buffet lunch is available beginning at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $12.00 and includes meal, drink, dessert and tip. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”. Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682) or visit www.centralregiononline.org
Bishop Jarrell’s Christmas and New Year’s message By Bishop Michael Jarrell I know it is a bit late, but today I share with you some Christmas gift suggestions, courtesy of a gentleman by the name of Owen Arnold. He suggests that you give: To your enemy, forgiveness; To an opponent, tolerance; To a friend, your heart; To a customer, service; To all, charity; To every child, a good example; To yourself, respect. All of us appreciate the material gifts we receive from others. Non-material gifts deserve the same appreciation. In Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, true God and true man, God has given us a material gift and we are thankful. He also gives spiritual gifts: peace, grace, salvation and many more. Today I pray that you and your family may experience all of God’s gifts in their fullness. Merry Christmas everyone!
Reflecting on the New Year, American poet, Edith Lovejoy Pierce wrote, “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” There are 365 pages ahead of us waiting for words, waiting for our choices. In the coming year, we in the United States will make choices that affect peace in the world, the welfare of the poor, the prosperity of the nation and the health of our planet. Let us pray for divine guidance in making noble and principled choices for the common good. Let us pray for peace in the world and in our homes. May God stand beside us and guide us to all that is good and right in the year that lies before us. Once again, we have a great opportunity. May the words that we write this year bear fruit in time and in eternity. Happy New Year everyone!
Acadiana Catholic
Page 8 January 2011 education hours as required by the diocese’s Office of Catholic Schools. Individuals may register for any one of the seven cycles conducted by the VLCFF throughout the year; there is no obligation to sign up in any numerical order, although courses will vary from cycle to cycle. A 2011 calendar is available at www.vlc.udayton. edu. Registration for Cycle 2 of the VLCFF will be held from January 25-March 9, with classes being conducted from March 13-April 16. Classes will include: Catholic Beliefs; Evangelization and Discipleship; Praying with Children; and more. For additional information about the benefits of the VLCFF experience, please contact the Office of Christian Formation at (337) 261-5550.
Registration for Cycle 1 of VLCFF closes Jan. 19 LAFAYETTE Registration for Cycle 1 of the University of Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) will close on Wednesday, January 19, 2011. Those who wish to participate in the cycle must register by that date; classes will be conducted from January 23-February 26. Some topics include: Church and Communication; Introduction to Prayer; and Survey of Catholic Doctrine. A complete listing of Cycle 1 courses and their detailed descriptions may be accessed at www.vlc.udayton.edu. Due to the Lafayette Diocese’s partnership with the University of Dayton Institute for Pastoral Initiative, residents of the diocese may participate in the VLCFF at the cost of $40 per course. Successful completion of these courses may be applied toward the earning of a Certificate in Catechesis from the University of Dayton—in partnership with the Lafayette Diocese—and catechists may earn continuing
Opelousas Catholic Tasters’ dinner, auction and culinary competition OPELOUSAS Opelousas Catholic School will hold its annual Tasters’ Dinner, Auction and Culinary Com-
petition on Wednesday, February 2nd, at the new Opelousas Civic Center on Creswell Lane Extension. Doors will open at 6 p.m. The evening will consist of approximately 20 area chefs sharing their delicious dishes to guests in a friendly “people’s choice” competition. A silent auction will again present a variety of unique offers; and once again this year, there will be a “live auction” on a few select items. Tickets at $30 per person are available in the O.C. Development Office, Piggly Wiggly on Heather Drive, St. Landry Homestead Bank, and Bodemuller the Printer in Opelousas. For more information, contact general chairperson Kathy Hebert at 9425404 ext. 105.
Regional workshops to introduce music for new translation of the Mass Continued from page 3
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, will teach the revised English chant settings from the Sacramentary. Mass settings—both newly composed and revisions to existing settings—will be presented for parish musicians to consider for their particular faith communities.
The workshops will be held on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in locations around the diocese, with registration at 8:30 a.m. Musicians may attend any workshop; the content on each date is identical. The dates and places of the workshops are as follows: Jan 29 - Central Region - St. Pius X Church, Lafayette Feb 5 - South Region - Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church, Coteau Feb 19 - West Region - St. Alphonsus Church, Maurice Mar 26 - North Region - St. Landry Church, Opelousas There is no cost to attend the workshops. For planning purposes, those who would like to attend are asked to register through their local church parishes. The parishes will provide the Office of Worship with a count of attendees for each workshop. Later in the year, workshops will be presented by the Office of Worship for Catechists, Liturgical Ministers, Deacons and members of the Congregation. For additional information, please contact the Office of Worship staff: Faye Drobnic, Assistant to the Director, by phone at (337) 261-5554 or via email at FDrobnic@diolaf.org; or Darlene Savoy, Secretary, by phone at (337) 2615505 or via e-mail at DBSavoy@ diolaf.org
A missionary first told him. When Ame Voilong was about 12 years old, he heard about Jesus from an Italian priest who had journeyed to Ame’s homeland of Myanmar. Within a year, he was baptized. Today, Voilong is like the Italian missionary who first told him the “Good News.” He travels throughout his new home village, now in Thailand, with, he says, “a zeal to tell about Jesus and His love.” More than 50 people have been baptized through his instruction. Won’t you help catechists in the Missions as they continue to bring the hope-filled “Good News” of Jesus Christ to your mission family?
The Society for The ProPagaTion of The faiTh yB 1POUJmDBM .JTTJPO 4PDJFUZ Msgr. Richard Mouton 1408 Carmel Ave. / Lafayette, LA 70501
Enclosed is my gift for the Missions of $_______
Name __________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State_____________Zip _______________
Tell the People schedule for January LAFAYETTE The Office of Radio/TV Ministry is pleased to begin the New Year by continuing to provide quality Catholic programming to the people of the Lafayette Diocese. On the first episode of 2011, which aired on January 2, Bishop Michael Jarrell took the time to reflect on the events and accomplishments that defined the year 2010. On January 9, Tell the People will feature Trista Littell, from the diocese’s Office of Pro-Life Issues. Trista will offer information on the numerous pro-life walks and gatherings which are planned throughout the month of January. Later in the episode, Bishop Jarrell will also discuss the Catholics Come Home Evangelization Campaign. On January 16, Lewis Bernard will be on hand to talk about the upcoming concert with John Michael Talbot, and Bishop Jarrell will focus on the importance of pro-life activities. On January 23, Mary-Rose Verett will visit Tell the People to provide information on the Marriage Anniversary Celebration Mass, as well as other upcoming events sponsored by the Office of Marriage & Family Life Ministry. On January 30, Superintendent of Catholic Schools Anna Larriviere will talk about the celebration of the 2011 Catholic Schools Week. Each episode of Tell the People also features Father Michael Champagne, CJ, in a segment entitled “What it Means to be Catholic.” The program airs at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday morning on KATC TV-3.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 9
Detailed Nativity Village hints at Holy Land complexity 2,000 years ago By Tom Tracy POMPANO BEACH, Fla. (CNS) If the typical parish Nativity set is comparable to a high school musical, then Virginia Zimmerman’s creation at St. Gabriel Church in Pompano Beach is a set design for a Broadway-style blockbuster. Zimmerman, a retired legal assistant, has developed an extensive landscape of biblical figurines --- some handmade -around all three sides of the sanctuary in what she calls a Nativity Village, now in its third year. The idea was to make the Christmas-time concept of a Nativity scene, but to show a more three-dimensional, spiritual and education depiction of the Holy Family in Bethlehem by including much more peripheral information. The result is a breathtaking, well-organized array of miniature sets offering a glimpse of the universality and variety of the Holy Land and its trade and cultural links to other regions. “It’s just gotten bigger and bigger and bigger, so each year we add to it,” said Zimmerman, who started the Nativity Village project at the suggestion of Father Anthony Mulderry, pastor of St. Gabriel Parish. “Father insisted that everything be absolutely accurate, so I made accurate colors and outfits and food which reflect the time of Christ.” Armed with her trusty Encyclopaedia Britannica and a growing collection of other historical and biblical reference books, Zimmerman started by collecting Nativity scenes and other miniature bric-a-brac that would be useful in creating the expansive display. Sometimes she took extra figurines from Nativity sets and Christmas displays, literally stripped them of their clothes and other telltale features, and redeployed them as new characters: lesser Biblical figures, fabric and jewelry makers, farmers, shepherds and olive oil and wine merchants to name a few. In one instance, a Jerusalem money lender was created from what used to be a Santa. In another area, a woman standing near a kettle “was formerly an angel from one of the many Nativity sets I bought,” Zimmerman explained. “I chopped an angel’s wings
off and she is now the lady who is dyeing clothing,” she told the Florida Catholic, newspaper of the Miami Archdiocese. “There is another angel converted into a little girl selling jewelry. And there is a loom made out of a thread holder.” In all, there is a cast of some 25 or 30 characters apart from the principal figures of the Holy Family caste, Zimmerman estimates. The assembly of the Nativity Village began this year just before Thanksgiving. Zimmerman and several volunteers pull the items from a year-round storage facility and for three days unpack them in the church, make any necessary repairs and assemble the village. It’s a busy visual, and one that takes time to explore but one that Zimmerman says hints at the bustling and diverse dynamics of Jerusalem and the Holy Land 2,000 years ago. “This is what Mary and Joseph saw as they entered Bethlehem as they came for the census; there was no room at the inn, it was crowded with people, there were vendors, store owners, crowds,” she said. New elements this year include some figurines representing a woman making pottery, while a wealthy client nearby indicates he wants a mosaic on his pottery. Also new is a woman and husband thatching. On the other side of the altar is a livestock tent, the wine merchant and a little grocery market. “I even baked the bread out of clay.” In all, there are three separate zones: the Nativity Village in the center, to the left is the Three Kings traveling to Bethlehem. On the right are scenes showing the regions of the world just before and after the time of Christ. There are references to ancient Rome, Greece, silk robes, trade routes, precious gems, spices -everything coming in and out of the Asia Minor region. Zimmerman also shows what is going on in faraway places that would not know of Christianity for another 1,500 years, including the Far East and the New World. “We show llamas of South America, potatoes which are not yet known in the Old World, poinsettias in Mexico, bison and blueberries in North America and of
course the Native Americans.” There also are references to ancient China. “I have always loved history, and when this came up I thought this sounds like fun. It makes it
more real to people in terms of how Biblical-era people lived. We are trying to bring out that these weren’t plastic characters but that there was a real spiritual movement at the time of Christ.”
Father Anthony Mulderry, pastor of St. Gabriel Parish in Pompano Beach, Fla., stands near a Nativity scene at the church Dec. 6. Parishioner Virginia Zimmerman has developed an extensive landscape of biblical figurines, some handmade, displayed around all three sides of the sanctuary in what she calls a Nativity Village. (CNS photo/Tom Tracy)
Acadiana Catholic
Page 10 January 2011
Father Curtis Mallet to speak at Theology on Tap LAFAYETTE Father Curtis Mallet, JCL, will speak on “Sacraments 201” at the next gathering of Theology on Tap, which is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19 at Tsunami Restaurant in downtown Lafayette. Father Mallet is Pastor of St. Genevieve Church in Lafayette and Vicar General of the Lafayette Diocese. Theology on Tap is held in the side bar of Tsunami’s, to the right of the main entrance. Participants are reminded that only drinks may be ordered during the presentation; those who wish to order dinner are encouraged to arrive early and do so in the main restaurant. For additional information on Theology on Tap, please contact Mary-Rose Verret (Office of Marriage & Family Life Ministry) at (337) 261-5653. Individuals may also sign up to receive a monthly e-mail reminder by submitting their e-mail addresses to mverret@diolaf.org
RCIA training scheduled for 2011 The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Christian Formation has scheduled four RCIA workshops for 2011. All of the workshop will be held on a Saturday, from 9:0010:30 a.m., and will be facilitated by John Schexnaildre, RCIA Consultant for the diocese. There is no cost to participate, and the
schedule is as follows: Jan. 15 “Purification & Enlightenment,” Sacred Heart Church, New Iberia Mar. 26 “Mystagogy,” St. Mary Church, Lafayette Jun. 18 “Ongoing RCIA Process,” Sacred Heart Church, Broussard Aug. 27 “Sponsors and Dismissal,” Holy Ghost Church, Opelousas In addition to the training, these workshops will provide an opportunity for various church parishes to meet and share their best practices involving the RCIA process. To register, please contact Lynne Broussard at (337)261-5674.
In-service for keeping sacramental records LAFAYETTE The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Archives will host a Sacramental Recording and Retaining In-Service on Wednesday, February 9 at the Immaculata Center in Lafayette. The in-service, which is open to all pastors, parish administrators, and/or their designees, will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, inside Fusilier Auditorium. Registration forms have been mailed to all pastors and administrators. The deadline to return those forms is January 31, 2011. Questions and inquiries about pre-registration may be directed to Barbara DeJean at bdejean@ diolaf.org or Candace Brunet at cbrunet@diolaf.org. Those who are interested may also contact the Office of Archives at (337) 261-5639 or (337) 261-5667.
Father Melancon talks about vocation successes
Father Aaron Melancon, center, was guest speaker for the December Food For the Journey, held at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Lafayette. Pictured with Father Melancon, are, Father Thomas James, SVD, VE, left, and Mary Bergeron, Central Region Executive Assistant, right.
By Kathleen Toups LAFAYETTE Some problems and successes in vocation recruiting were discussed by Father Aaron Melancon, director of vocations and seminarians at the December Food for the Journey. He was introduced by Mary Bergeron, executive assistant to Central region vicar Father Thomas James, S.V.D. She pointed out that while Father Melancon has held several different parish assignments, he still devoted a lot of time to successful vocation recruiting. Stressing the need for young people to be invited to consider a vocation, he noted there are three choices, the priesthood, and/or religious life, married life, and the single life. In his parish assignments he has noted very young people at Mass with their parents, in the Communion line, praying with a computer game. There is no eye contact with the church ceremonies. Or in a restaurant for a meal, again the concentration on a computer game, no conversation with others at the table. On a more positive note, his office has taken steps, with the approval of the diocese, to alert young people, suggesting the possibility of a religious vocation. In cooperation with the neighboring dioceses of Baton Rouge and Lake Charles the vocation officers of the three dioceses have initiated the life awareness retreat program. An initial retreat was held in late August last summer with great success. Some twenty religious communities made presentations to the 30 retreatants at the St. Charles center at Moss Bluff near Lake Charles. Strong evaluations were given and another is
scheduled for this year. Father Melancon commended the leadership of Sister Judith Coreil in this initial event. Father Melancon also reported on the national convention for vocation directors which he attended in Milwaukee, Wis. He said that the speakers pointed out some of the problems faced by vocation directors including the sexual revolution, easy access to computers, the internet, cell phones, the attraction of internet pornography. It is difficult to attract young men to celibacy in the priesthood when parents are not always aware of these negative influences. Father Melancon read from a letter from Pope Benedict VI to seminarians which recalled the pope’s early interest in being a priest even in the midst of war. “We will always need God,” the Holy Father said, “and we will need priests who will bring us God who always loves us. Every hair on our heads is numbered and God loves us all,” the pope wrote. It is important for parents or grandparents to say something when a child is playing in church with a computer, paying no attention to the ceremonies.. Father Melancon pointed out. Regarding the vocation situation in this diocese, “we are doing all right” he reported. “The numbers are not as high as we would like; we want to reach 40 seminarians, and we’re going to get there. We’re doing well because the priests are very encouraging, and the people are praying for vocations. We are grateful to the people for their love and support,” Father Melancon concluded. Food for the Journey is a monthly speaker’s program sponsored by the Central Acadiana region.
PRAY FOR YOUR DEPARTED CLERGY Father Simon Catherin, Jan. 1, 1955 Msgr. Jules O. Daigle, Jan. 2, 1998 Father Wayne Richard, Jan. 4, 2005 Father John Spekschate, Jan. 5, 2010 Father Hughes Dandurand, Jan. 6, 1973 Msgr. John A. Vigliero, Jan. 8, 1968 Father Oris Broussard, Jan. 8, 2006
Father Alfred J. Dupret, Jan. 9, 1934 Father Oscar J. N. Drapeau, Jan. 12, 1958 Father Arnold Verheem, Jan. 16, 1959 Msgr. William Frantzen, Jan. 17, 1970 Father Gus J. Johnson, Jan. 17, 1988 Father Desire Senneville, Jan. 19, 1977 Father John P. Ferret, Jan. 20, 1936 Father Louis Espitallier, Jan. 20, 1954
January 2011 2
Epiphany of the Lord
Christmas Weekday Holy Hour for Vocations, St. Patrick Church, Lafayette, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The Baptism of the Lord Weekday (First Week in Mass to begin National VocaOrdinary Time) tions Awareness Week, CatheOur Lady’s Rosary Makers, dral of St. John the Evangelist, Immaculata Center (Katherine Lafayette, with seminarians and Drexel), 9:00 a.m. parents in attendance 12:00 noon. Contact Trista Littell at (337) 261-5607 National Vocations Awareness Week begins
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Anthony, Abbot Dr. Martin Luther King, Day – Diocesan Offices Closed
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fourth Sunday in Ordianry Time Catholic Schools Week begins
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor National March for Life, Washington, D.C. Christmas
Saint John Bosco, Priest
February 1, 2011: “Food for the Journey” Speaker Series, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lafayette, 11:30 a.m. lunch, 12:10 - 12:45 p.m. speaker Sign Language Class, Deaf Action Center, Lafayette, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Saint Elizabeth Seton “Food for the Journey” Speaker Series, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Lafayette, 11:30 a.m. lunch, 12:10 - 12:45 p.m. speaker
Weekday Bishop’s Conference, Immaculata Center, Lafayette, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Priests’ Vespers and Social, Immaculata Center, 6:30 p.m.
February 5, 2011: Music Workshop, South Region: “Musical Settings of the Mass” — a preview of newly composed and revised settings of the new English translation of the Roman Missal. Our Lady
Saint John Neumann “Rediscovering the Gifts of Awe and Wonder” In-service with John Angotti for faculty and ministry leaders, St. Michael Church, Crowley, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Contact Penny Habetz @ 783-1410
Weekday Boards Supper, Immaculata Center (Marian Hall), 6:00 p.m.
The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle Religion Administrators’ Meeting, Immaculata Center (John XXIII), 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sign Language Class, Deaf Action Center, Lafayette, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
League of the Sacred Heart Apostleship of Prayer January general intention:
That the riches of creation be preserved, valued and made available to all, as a precious gifts from God to mankind.
Mission intention: That Christians may achieve full unity, bearing witness of the universal fatherhood of God to the entire human race.
February 2, 2011: Council of Priests Executive Meeting with Bishop, Immaculata Center, 10:00 a.m.
of Prompt Succor Church, Coteau, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. Sponsored by the Office of Worship, 261-5505 Diocesan Celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life, Mass at 4:00 p.m. with Bishop Michael Jarrell, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette, 4:00 p.m. Reception following at K.C. Hall
Christmas Weekday
Christmas Weekday Annual Red Mass, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette, 12:05 p.m.
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God
Christmas Weekday
DRE/CRE Support Group Meeting, Central Region, Level VI: 2 credits, St.Edmond Church, Lafayette, 10:00 a.m. RSVP Carol Broglio, 981-0874 or cybroglio@st-edmond.org
Weekday Pro-Life Oratory Contest for High School Juniors and Seniors, Immaculata Center, Lafayette, 6:00 p.m. Contact Trista Littell at 261-5607 for more information
Sign Language Class, Deaf Action Center, Lafayette, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Sign Language Class, Deaf Action Center, Lafayette, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Father Jules Speyrer, Jan. 21, 2010 Bishop Maurice Schexnayder, Jan. 23, 1981 Father Odilion Brise, Jan. 26, 1952 Father Lloyd Hebert, Jan. 28, 2004 Deacon Hector Naquin, Jan. 29, 1993 Father Willis A. Petteault, Jan. 29, 1968 Father Peter Blom, Jan. 30, 1993 Father Roy Edwards, Jan. 30, 2006
Weekday “Monthly Manna,” Forest Restaurant, Franklin. Gathering at 11:00 a.m., meal served at 11:30 a.m., followed by speaker at 12:05 p.m./
Saint Timothy and Saint Titus, Bishops Principals’ Meeting, Immaculata Center (John XXIII), 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Weekday Registration for University of Dayton Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation online courses. Cycle 2: Courses scheduled Feb. 28-March 20, 2011. Email: vlcff@udayton.edu / Companions Along the Journey (Bereavement Support Group), Immaculata Center, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Weekday Council of Priests Meeting, Immaculata Center (Jeanmard Conf. Room 226), 10:00 a.m.
Weekday Weekday Reverend Martin Luther King R.C.I.A. Presentation: “PuriAwards and Mass Celebrafication and Enlightenment, tion, Cathedral of St. John Presenter: John Schexnaildre, the Evangelist, Lafayette, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. RSVP: 7:00 p.m. Lynne Broussard, 261-5674 or lbroussard@diolaf.org
Saint Agnes, Virgin
DRE/CRE Support Group Meeting, South Region, Sacred Heart Church, New Iberia, 10:00 a.m., RSVP Dru Provost @ 364-4439 Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting, Immaculata Center, 6:30 p.m.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor
Weekday Diaconate Formation Class, Immaculata Center (John XXIII), 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Faith Formation 2020: Creating the Future of Faith Formation in Catholic Parishes, Immaculata Center, 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Refer to www. diolaf.org, Christian Formation, Calender of Events
Weekday Music Workshop, Central Region: “Musical Settings of the Mass” — a preview of newly composed and revised settings of the new English translation of the Roman Missal. St. Pius X Church. Time to be announced. Sponsored by the Office of Worship, 261-5505
Acadiana Catholic
Page 12 January 2011
St. Edmond Altar Society will host day of reflection March 10, 2011
Father Manny Fernandez to speak at St. Thomas More
The St. Edmond Altar Society, pictured above with Father Gilbert Dutel, pastor, will host a day of reflection on Thursday, March 10, 2011. The conference will be conducted by Father Jerry Mesley, retreat master. Registration will begin at 8:15 a.m. in the atrium. The Rosary will be prayed in church at 9:00 a.m. and Mass will be at 12:10 p.m. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the Way of the Cross will follow the conference. Tickets for the event are $9.00 and includes lunch. Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, March 3, 2011. Please send checks to: St. Edmond Altar Society, c/o 116 Delmar Lane, Lafayette, LA 70506.
should have more than f s l a r e n resh flowers. Fu • Lasting Memorial Video • Children’s Room • Full Color Memorial Folders • Memory Tables & Boards • Personalized Caskets • Cremation Services • Special Music
LAFAYETTE Manny’s special healing service Father Manny Fernandez, pasbefore the Blessed Sacrament tor of St. John Parish in Henry, will help rid our hearts and minds and St. James Parish in Esther, of our burdens.” will be the featured speaker at the In addition to STM students, January 13, 2011, “Parents for parents, and faculty, guests from Light” gathering at St. throughout the diocese Thomas More Catholic are invited to attend this High School. event. Listi states, “We “New Year, New Life especially want to en– A New Year’s Healcourage families from ing Service,” will be the our feeder schools, and topic of Father Manny’s youth and young adult talk. groups from our ownerThe evening’s event parishes, to come out begins with refreshand join us. We strongly ments and fellowship at believe that the mission 6:30 p.m. Followed by of St. Thomas More Father Fernandez Father Manny’s presenHigh School includes tation at 7:00 p.m., in the STM the support of our local parish Mall (please note different start ministry programs as well.” time). The STM “Parents for Light” The Blessed Sacrament will is a monthly speaker program bebe exposed at 7:00 p.m., and will gun by parent volunteers to foster remain exposed throughout the the parent-student relationship in evening. Father Manny’s talk Spiritual Formation. Each prewill be followed by a healing sentation is followed by an hour service. The event will conclude of Adoration before the Blessed with Benediction. Sacrament. Father Manny’s talk will focus Remaining “Parents for Light” on the healing power of God’s speaker schedule: mercy. As John Listi, Director of February 3, 2011 STM Campus Ministry explains, March 17, 2011 “We are all faced with change, One Day Lenten Retreat – challenge and struggles. Father April 9, 2011
National Vocations Awareness Week, Jan. 9
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LAFAYETTE National Vocation Awareness Week in the Diocese of Lafayette begins at the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, January 9 in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Michael Jarrell will be principal celebrant. Seminarians and their parents are expected to be in attendance, according to Father Aaron Melancon, director of vocations and seminarians, who also pointed out that all interested persons are also invited. The week was set aside by the U.S. Conference of Bishops to call attention to the importance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 13
Acadiana Catholic
Page 14 January 2011
Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver donate Afro-centric processional cross LAFAYETTE The Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver, Acadiana District IV, recently donated an Afrocentric processional cross to the Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Black Catholic Ministries. The cross was presented at the African American Catholic Youth Congress in late November, and will be used in various African American church celebrations throughout the year. On behalf of the Lafayette Diocese, the Office of Black Catholic Ministries would like to thank and recognize all the contributors whose generosity made the donation possible: • Little Theresa Court #11 (Lafayette) • St. Theresa Court #51 (Crowley) • St. Alphonsus Council #70 (Maurice) • St. Maurice Court #70 (Maurice) • Our Lady of Lourdes Court
#77 (Abbeville) • St. Anthony Council & Court #166 (Lafayette) • Our Lady Queen of Peace Council #206 (Lafayette) • St. Rose of Lima Court #242 (Cecilia) • Our Lady of the Assumption Council & Court #269 (Carencro) • Our Mother of Mercy Court #75 (Rayne) • Immaculate Heart of Mary Council & Court #76 (Lafayette)
President of the Acadiana District IV Gloria Mezeal (left) offers special recognition to Lady Elizabeth Goodwill (right) of St. Theresa Court #51 in Crowley for her $100 contribution. Photos by Joe Walker
Military Mass scheduled for Feb. 17 OPELOUSAS The North Region of the Lafayette Diocese will sponsor a Military Mass on Thursday, February 17, 2011. The Mass, which will be held at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Opelousas, is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. and will be a tribute to the military. The families of all those who are currently serving our country—especially in Afghanistan and Iraq—are encouraged to attend. A special invitation is also extended to the families of those who have died, and those who have been wounded and disabled. For more information, please contact Jackie Griffin at (337) 831-2621 or jgriffin@diolaf.org.
Representatives from the Knights and Ladies of St. Peter Claver (Acadiana District IV) presented Bishop Jarrell, center, and the Office of Black Catholic Ministries with an Afro-centric processional cross during the closing Mass of the recent African American Youth Congress.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 15
Page 16 January 2011
Acadiana Catholic
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 17
Reflections on 2010 By Bishop Michael Jarrell
The Year 2010 is now history, but it is good to pause for a few moments and reflect on some major events which affected the people in the Diocese of Lafayette. On January 12, 2010, a major earthquake shook the island nation of Haiti and brought about great destruction, especially in the capital city of Port-au-Prince. Everyone’s heart went out to the suffering people of Haiti and aid began to pour in from throughout the world. In the Diocese of Lafayette, over $550,000 was contributed to the cause. Throughout the United States, Catholics contributed $147 million. The challenge, of course, is assuring that aid actually reaches the people who need it. Catholic Relief Services has been very active in the actual delivering of food, water, medicine, housing and other needs. CRS is an agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. CRS was present in
Haiti before the earthquake and it remains active there today. CRS workers were rendering assistance to the people of Haiti within hours of the earthquake. Every year, on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, there is a special collection for Catholic Relief Services, which has personnel stationed in most of the third world countries. It is one of the major relief organizations in the world and it deserves the support of all Catholics. It is difficult to pick and choose among the many events which occurred during the past year. Since the promotion of religious vocations is one of the priorities of the Diocese, I should mention that on May 23 two transitional deacons were ordained and another was added in November. These three, plus another, are scheduled for Ordination to Priesthood on June 11, 2011. Last year on June 5, four priests were ordained for service in the Diocese. I am grateful to these men for offering themselves for service to the Church and I am grateful to all who have helped them in their preparation for priesthood. Currently there are 27 seminarians in various stages of formation. In August, our first ever Life Awareness Retreat was held in Lake Charles. It was a cooperative effort of the Dioceses of Lafayette,
Baton Rouge and Lake Charles. Men and women who are discerning a religious vocation were invited to the event where they were able to learn more about vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life. All who attended expressed appreciation, not only for the information provided them, but also for the opportunity to visit with likeminded individuals and share experiences. I mention this event in order to assure everyone that the Diocese is active in promoting religious vocations. In various situations, I frequently speak about vocations and ask people’s prayers in this regard. I also ask people to support religious vocations, but I am not speaking about financial support. I am speaking about what people say and do, especially in their own homes. The opinions of adults and the way they speak about life are very influential as young people form their own opinions. I pray that God may continue to bless our efforts. Looking forward to 2011, the activity that stands out in my mind is an evangelization program to be conducted throughout the Diocese in the season of Lent. The program, Catholics Come Home, consists of a series of television ads addressed to Catholics (Continued on page 21)
“Prepare The Way” – Praise rally with Kerry Bueche is Jan. 29 By Marilyn deMahy LAFAYETTE A Holy Spirit Praise Rally will be held Saturday, January 29th, “Prepare the Way!” featuring lay evangelist KerryBueche from the Houma-Thibodeaux Diocese. The rally will be held in Fusilier Hall at Immaculata Center, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, begins at 9:30 a.m. and is hosted by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for the Diocese of Lafayette.
“Prepare The Way!” Isaiah 62:10: “Pass through, pass through the gates, prepare the way for the people; Build up, build up the highway, clear it of stones, raise up a standard over the nations.” Kerry Bueche is the founder of “Voice of the Lord Ministries” which covers workshops, Bible foundation, revival, teaching and preaching. Kerry is well known for his gifts in Scripture, knowledge, wisdom, word of knowl-
edge and healing and has been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal for over thirty years. He is a cancer survivor continuing to trust in the Lord and to reach out to others. Registration is $5.00. Music will be by “State of Grace” music ministry. There will be a lunch break at approximately 12:00 noon for about two hours. Participants are asked top bring a brown bag lunch or to go to one
of the many restaurants in the area. The afternoon session will begin sharply at 2:00 p.m. with a closing Mass at 4:15 p.m. There will be confessions and a healing service before Mass. All are invited. Let us start off 2011 throwing open the doors and being open for the Holy Spirit to empower us to “prepare the way for the people” and “to raise the standard”of the Lord! For more information call the CCR Office at (337) 265-3773.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 18 January 2011
Parish-based Bible study Training program at Sacred Heart Parish NEW IBERIA The Bible and the Virgin Mary: Presenter Training Matt Leonard and Rob Corzine of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology will be at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish in New Iberia, LA, (Diocese of Lafayette) on April 2, 2011, to present “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”, the newest of the dynamic Journey Through Scripture series. Join us for Presenter Training as we discover: • How Catholic beliefs about Mary are grounded in the Scripture – both the Old and New Testaments. • Learn why Mary is the “New Eve,” “Ark of the New Covenant,” and our “Queen Mother.” • See how Catholic prayers and devotions are rooted in Scripture • Learn to answer common objections and grow in your devotion to Our Lady The “Bible and the Virgin Mary” is part of the dynamic Journey Through Scripture Bible study series, which combines live presentation, multimedia, small
group discussion and some outside reading. Its goal is to help ordinary Catholics grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures while deepening their understanding of the riches of the Catholic faith. You don’t need an advanced degree or any academic expertise. The training is suited to faithful Catholics living an active sacramental life who want to grow in their knowledge of the Bible. Since its inception only a handful of years ago, thousands of Catholics around the world have begun using and presenting Journey Through Scripture. Founded by best-selling author, speaker, and professor, Dr. Scott Hahn, The St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is a non-profit research and educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition. The Center serves clergy and laity, students and scholars, with research and study tools — from books and publications to multimedia and on-line programming. For more information about the St. Paul Center, visit
SalvationHistory.com. Seeking to make solid, exciting Catholic Bible studies available everywhere, The St. Paul Center travels around the country offering Journey Through Scripture training at the invitation of a diocese, parish or group. This one-day Bible study on April 2nd is open to everyone and will both enrich you personally as well as equip you with all the materials you need to present the study yourself, including Presenter Notes, PowerPoint presentations, Student Outlines and Notes, and more. So come out and join us for “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”
because as St. Jerome said, “ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”… and his Mother. Bible Study Presenter Training date is: Saturday, April 2, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $50 per participant and includes refreshments and lunch. For information or to register contact: Mark Lasseigne, (337) 519-5566 or go to mark. lasseigne@raymondjames.com or contact Dru Provost at (337) 364-8537, or sacredheartdrf@ bellsouth.net The web address for St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology is www.salvationhistory.com
A Thanksgiving Gift
The “Founders of Northside Community Cares” Concert Series featuring Chris Andrus aka Lil’ Fallay and Matt Noel, presented all proceeds from their sixth annual concert series recently at Holy Family Catholic School in Lafayette. Holy Family Catholic School has joined a long list of local schools and non-profit organizations that have benefited from the NCCCS events. Schools and organizations that have been helped include Northside High, Carencro Middle, NP Moss Annex, Evangeline Middle, J.W. Faulk, United Way, 232-Help and the Martin Luther King Jr. Association. With the help of local, national and international artists performing free-of-charge, this event was a seven-hour concert which is held each year. For schools and organizations having a 501-C- ID number who would like to benefit from this event are asked to call Chris at (337) 277-2487 or Matt at (337) 739-5757. Pictured above are, from left to right, Bernadette Derouen , Roger Griffin, Melanie Broussard, Monica Johnson, Nakeisha Pierce, Lil Falley, Father Robert Seay, O.F.M. and Matt Noel.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 19
Holy Rosary property to return to Holy Family Sisters
“BE FIRE!” By Graham N. Smith
“ W e saw His star rising,” these strangers say. “Where is He, the newborn King of the Jews? We have come a great distance, that we may give him worship. Can you tell us where to find Him?” Their faces are full of hope that after their long quest they’ve found someone who can point them to the One they seek. We aren’t likely to meet the Magi, whose visit to the cradle of Jesus we celebrated on Epiphany, but we will meet people who have that same hope - that we can direct them to the One they’ve really been seeking through all of their wandering. They may have no idea who that is, only that there is a great emptiness inside that they have not been able to fill. Some of them may be folks we’ve known a long time, maybe friends or co-workers. What will we tell them? Do we know what to tell them? But isn’t that imposing my religion on someone else? Isn’t my faith supposed to be a private thing? In a word, “no” on both counts. Being excited at an opportunity to share my faith is one of the things that marks me as a
follower of Jesus. In John Paul II and The New Evangelization, Father Tom Forrest writes: “Too few Catholics realize that evangelization is the only adequate and convincing proof of their Christ-like love for both God and neighbor. How can I say that I have learned from Jesus the Master how to love if I show no interest in continuing the mission He gave me after dying on the cross? How can I claim to have found the pearl of great price yet share it with no one?” I’m not suggesting that we should all run around handing out “salvation tracts” warning of Hell for those who haven’t embraced Jesus. I think the best “salvation tract” is how we live our lives. If Jesus shines through, sooner or later someone is going to ask why we’re different. And then, we’ll have the chance to point them to the One who can change them, too. Sometimes, we may need to start the conversation. If we’re really tuned to the Holy Spirit’s nudges, He’ll tell us what to say and when to say it. That’s a great reason to ask the Lord to stir up the gift of knowledge (1 Cor. 12:8) and the other gifts of the Holy Spirit that we all received at Baptism and Confirmation. They’re wonderful gifts to help us be effective at what God calls us to do, and one of those things is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. If any Magi do come our way (or anyone else seeking Him), we want to be ready!
Deacon Jeff Trumps, Diocesan Finance Officer, left, watches as Bishop Michael Jarrell, center, signs the documents turning over ownership of Holy Rosary Institute property and buildings to the Holy Family Sisters. Msgr. H.A. Larroque, right, Vicar General of the diocese waits to add his signature. Photo by Deacon T.R. Sommers Continued from page 3
property would ever be disposed of, then proceeds from the sale would be used for the same purpose. In 1993 it became necessary to close the school located on the property, Holy Rosary Institute. Although the Diocese of Lafayette has tried to faithfully adhere to the conditions of the original act of donation, Bishop Jarrell believes that the Holy Family Sisters can best address the use of the property as outlined in the act of donation and continue the sacred mission they began when they first
purchased the property in 1914. To all our many brothers and sisters who have dedicated so much of their lives to Holy Rosary Institute, the Diocese of Lafayette offers our most sincere gratitude and respect. It is in that same spirit that we acknowledge those who helped Reverend Philip L. Keller develop a dream, especially the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Family and the Divine Word Missionaries. May their vision and dedication help bring that dream to its fulfillment.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 20 January 2011
No room at the inn By Father Frank Pavone
“She wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). The fact that there was no room for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the inn at Bethlehem on the first Christmas should make us wonder, because the birth of Christ was foreseen and planned by God from all eternity. Hundreds of years before it happened, the prophets announced he would be born of a virgin (Is. 7:14) and that Bethlehem would be his birthplace (Micah 5:2). Many other details of his life and death were also foretold. Did God, then, forget to make room for his only Son? How is it possible that there was no room, when the child born at Christmas owns the inn, and Bethlehem, and the
world, and every inch of room in the whole universe? Obviously, God did this on purpose. There was no room in the inn, because this demonstrates that the world has rejected God. The world makes no room for the God who created it. There was no room in the inn because God wanted to show that His Son comes as a Savior, to reconcile a world that is at enmity with God. Being turned away from the inn foreshadows the fact that the Savior himself will be rejected, despised, and ultimately crucified, and that all this was part of God’s plan from all eternity. Ultimately, the lack of room in the inn symbolizes the lack of room we make for him in our hearts. When our hearts are filled with all kinds of other desires than God, we gradually crowd him out altogether. No room at the inn also means that we fail to make room for our brothers and sisters. The first great commandment is to love God, and the second is like it: Love your neighbor. Christ willed to be left out, because he is always in solidarity with those
who are left out, shut out, and crowded out. That is the position of the unborn children today. They are crowded out of the busy schedules of so many people doing so many good and important things, but who don’t have a finger to lift to protect the lives of these children from abortion. They are crowded out of legislative agendas, preaching schedules, career plans, and volunteer activities. There’s just too much going on already; there’s no room in the inn. Christ comes at Christmas to change all that. Today, he does not seek an inn; he seeks room in our own hearts and lives. And he asks that as we welcome him, we welcome everyone whom he welcomes, including the children most defenseless and forgotten. We welcome the Divine Child, and in doing so, we welcome every child. As we celebrate Christmas, we sing in “O Holy Night” the words, “Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother, and in his name all oppression shall cease.” Amen! Let oppression cease and let Christmas come for the unborn!
Marriage anniversary Mass is Feb. 27 OPELOUSAS The Lafayette Diocese’s Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry will sponsor a Marriage Anniversary Celebration in honor of those celebrating 50, 60, or more years of marriage on Sunday, February 27 at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Opelousas.
Bishop Michael Jarrell will preside over the Mass, which begins at 2:00 p.m. During the Mass, the bishop will recognize all preregistered couples with a special certificate suitable for framing. A reception will follow inside the church hall for all participants. Couples may register with the Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministry no later than January 31 in order to be recognized during the Mass. Further registration information is available by calling (337) 261-5653. A second Marriage Anniversary Mass in honor of couples celebrating 25 or 40 years of marriage is also planned for later in the year. The Mass will be held on Sunday, September 11, with further details to be published in the Acadiana Catholic as they become available.
Certified Recognition Masters www.awardmaster.com
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 21
Rucks Family Foundation to host conference and youth event LAFAYETTE The Rucks Family Foundation has announced plans to host two events in April 2011. The first, a youth-oriented event entitled “The Naked Truth,” will be held Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mardi Gras Ballroom of the Cajundome. This event is designed to educate high school and college aged students to the
truth about the dangers of pornography. “The Naked Truth” will feature speakers Heath Evans, fullback for the New Orleans Saints along with Mark Houck and Damian Wargo, two young men professionally known as “The King’s Men.” The second event, an adult conference entitled, “Unveiling the Social Consequences of Pornog-
“Oldest altar server” serves his 1000th funeral
Hospice of Acadiana January 2011 calendar of events
Newton Trahan
KAPLAN Newton Trahan, 87, of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary/St. Frances Cabrini Church Parishes in Kaplan recently served at his one-thousandth funeral service. Newton is affectionately known by the parishioners and pastor Father David Broussard as the oldest living altar server. He not only helps with funerals, he is also an altar server at the 4:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday. Newton began serving under Father William Blanda and has continued serving faithfully over the last decade. He is married to the former Mary Bertrand, and they have been together for 28 years. Together they have seven children.
LAFAYETTE January 24, 2011 8:45 a.m. -3:45 p.m., volunteer training. Hospice of Acadiana, Inc. volunteers provide a wide range of services from patient visits, participating in our speaker’s bureau to office/clerical work. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at Hospice of Acadiana, Acadiana’s oldest and only non-profit hospice, please contact Ann Wallace, Volunteer Coordinator 337-232-1234 to register. January 27, 2011 9:00 a.m. - noon, Journaling Through Grief: The Workshop. Journaling can be a healing exercise for persons grieving. Join Joan T. Broussard, Certified Spiritual Director, for this informative and experiential workshop. Registration is required. Please contact Valerie Caillouet at 337232-1234 to register. January 28, 2011 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Caregiver Workshop. Caregivers are often the ones who are under the most stress and strain and in need of some fun! Please come and have some fun learning how to line dance with Gerrie Cormier. For more information and to register, contact Ann Wallace, Volunteer Coordinator at 337-232-1234.
raphy and the Path to Freedom,” will be held at the Petroleum Club of Lafayette on Friday, April 8, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The purpose of the conference is to raise community awareness to the dangers of Internet pornography. Nationally recognized experts, Dr. Peter Kleponis, Dr. Mary Ann Layden, together with Heath Evans, Mark Houck and Damian Wargo will speak about pornography’s addictive forces
and the consequences on society. They will discuss practical measures that offer significant hope to those struggling in a culture saturated by pornographic images. A panel discussion with interactive questions and answers will conclude the day’s activities. For further information pertaining to either event, contact Margaret Rucks at (337) 2328460.
Bishop’s Column Continued from page 17
who, for whatever reason, are not fully practicing their faith. It is simply an invitation to non-practicing Catholics. It is a statement that we, their brothers and sisters in Christ, miss them and long for their return. Those who wish to preview the ads may access them, as well as other information, at
catholicscomehome.org. Many other works of grace will occur during the Year 2011. I pray that Jesus, the Good Shepherd and his Mother may continue to watch over and care for the 320,000 Catholics in the Diocese of Lafayette. I am confident that it will be a year of blessing.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 22 January 2011
Sister M. Daniel (Kathleen Elizabeth Frailey) CSC NOTRE DAME, IN Mass of Christian Burial for Sister M. Daniel, CSC was celebrated at, Our Lady of Loretto Catholic Church, Saint Mary’s, Notre Dame, Indiana who died December 1, 2010. Sister Mary Daniel was born in Lancaster Pa. February 14, 1911 to the late Henry Edward and Emma R. Smith Frailey. She had one sister and two brothers who have predeceased her. She is survived by two half-brothers:
Robert and Henry E. Frailey; two nieces and two nephews. Before entering the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Sister Mary Daniel completed her high school years at Sacred Heart Academy, Lancaster Pa. She attended St. Mary’s College and earned a degree in art from Dunbarton College in Washington DC. She was a teacher and then moved to being a home visitor, Assumption Parish, and as a social worker at Emergency Aid Center and Poverty Workers/with the Poor all in Franklin, La. and parish ministry at St. Stephen Parish, Berwick, La.
Mary Lorraine Benefiel Becnel LAFAYETTE A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Lafayette for Mary Lorraine Benefiel Becnel, age 93, who died peacefully, with her family members at her bedside at Maison de Lafayette Nursing Home on Monday, November 29, 2010. Monsignor Harry Benefiel, her brother, was the celebrant with Father Howard Blessing, pastor of Holy Cross Church concelebrating. Lorraine is survived by her brother, Monsignor Harry Benefiel, Jr., of Lafayette, her husband of 72 years, Joseph Sidney Becnel; her sons, Darryl Becnel and his wife, Dorothy of Las Vegas, Nev. and Michael Becnel and his wife, Jan of Port Allen, La; three daughters, Mary Ann Becnel of Bay St. Louis, Miss., Kathleen Jennings and her husband, Michael Jennings of Lafayette; and Elaine Romero and her husband, Robert Romero of Baton Rouge,
a daughter-in-law; 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her son, Sidney Becnel; her parents, Harry and Mary Fitzgerald Benefiel, and brothers, George Benefiel and Raymond Benefiel.
Pray for our priests Listed below are the priests for whom Catholics are asked to pray daily. The calendar is sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. Jan. l Pope Benedict XVI Jan. 2 Bishop Michael Jarrell Jan. 3 Father Jose Padinjarepeedika, CMI Jan. 4 Father Paul Patin, SJ Jan. 5 Father Donald Pelous Jan. 6 Father Daniel Picard Jan. 7 Father Mikel Polson Father Donald Pousson Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Father Salvino “Rubin” Primor Father Hernando Ramirez, SJ Jan.10 Jan.11 Father Louis Richard Jan.12 Msgr. Robie Robichaux, JCL, JV Jan.13 Father Raymond Robitaille
Jan.14 Father William Rogalla Jan.15 Father Mario Romero Jan.16 Msgr. Robert Romero, VE Jan.17 Father William Ruskoski Jan.18 Father Michael Russo Father Gary Schexnayder Jan.19 Jan.20 Father Robert Seay, OFM Jan.21 Father Clinton Sensat Jan.22 Father Augustinus Seran, SVD Jan.23 Father Bryce Sibley Jan.24 Father Gregory Simien Jan.25 Father George Simon Jan.26 Father Jody Simoneaux Jan.27 Father Cedric Sonnier Bishop Jude Speyrer Jan.28 Jan.29 Father Joseph Stemmann Jan.30 Father Michael Sucharski, SVD Jan.31 Father Jared Suire
Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass is January 14 LAFAYETTE The Office of Black Catholic Ministries for the Diocese of Lafayette invites the public to its annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Mass and MLK Awards ceremony on Friday, Jan. 14, 2011 beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette. Bishop Michael Jarrell will be the main celebrant for the evening Liturgy. All priests of the diocese are invited to concelebrate with the bishop. Deacons are also invited to vest and be present for the Mass. The celebration will include recognition of all those who have been nominated to receive the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award. Church parishes throughout the diocese were given the opportunity to nominate one individual for the award, and recipients will
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
be given plaques in honor of their achievements. For more information please contact the Diocesan Office of Black Catholic Ministries at (337) 261-5694.
Pope deplores deadly attacks on Christian churches VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope Benedict XVI deplored a series of deadly attacks against Christian churches and other targets around the world at Christmas time. The pope appealed for peace Dec. 26 after bombs went off in churches in the Philippines and Nigeria, killing or wounding several worshipers. In Pakistan, a suicide bombing against a World Food Program depot left at least 40 dead. “At this time of holy Christmas, the desire and the pleas for peace have become still more intense. But our world continues to be marked by violence, especially against the disciples of Christ,” the pope said.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 23
Many returning veterans face Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Contributed by Deacon Patrick Burke There was a sign in a bunker in a Special Forces camp in Vietnam that read...â&#x20AC;?For those who fought for it, life has a flavor that the protected will never know.â&#x20AC;? Many of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s veterans, especially those who were engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, are on an emotional path already walked by those who served in previous conflicts. All war veterans experience at some time or another, to one extent or another, part of the flavor of life that was not envisioned by the man who wrote that slogan on a bunker wall many years ago. That â&#x20AC;&#x153;flavor â&#x20AC;&#x153;of life can also leave a bad taste in your mouth known as post traumatic stress syndrome. It is nothing to be ashamed of. You may feel alone, separated from your family, friends and the rest of society, but be assured that you are not the only one to go through it, and that you also can get through it. Some of the questions that survivors ask themselves are why?â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why me?â&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Why not me?â&#x20AC;? and a thousand other questions; and in those questions, the seeds of PTSD begin to germinate Only a skilled and competent medical doctor specializing in psychiatry can definitively tell you, or your loved one, if you, or they, suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Nevertheless, if since returning from a combat deployment and sometimes many years after returning, if you or your loved one can answer yes to any of the following questions, then you or they may exhibit some symptoms of PTSD: â&#x20AC;˘ Do you have prolonged memories of combat? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you dream about the country in which you saw combat? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you have nightmares or flashbacks? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you suffer from bouts of
insomnia? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you ever seem to shut out the world? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you often feel drained of emotions or just numb? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you avoid things that remind you of combat experience? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you find that anniversary dates of certain events in your combat experience make you feel uncomfortable? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you find it hard to make and keep friends? â&#x20AC;˘ Is your current marriage strained? â&#x20AC;˘ Have you abused alcohol or drugs to help you feel better? â&#x20AC;˘ Do you have no plans for the future, or could you not care less about the future? â&#x20AC;˘ Are you irritable and prone to unexplained outbursts of anger? â&#x20AC;˘ Are you jumpy or over-reactive to things that fail to startle others? Most people experience one of more of these symptoms in the normal course of life. However, the more of these symptoms that a combat veteran has on a recurring basis, the more likely it is that he has some form of PTSD. The important thing to remember is that to seek help is not a sign of weakness; it is actually a sign of strength. Besides your local pastor, or health care professional, the military offers assistance. For instance, Military OneSource offers six free counseling sessions for Service members and their families (1-800-342-9647 or www.militaryonesource.com). The internet can provide information on other resources, such as The Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine http://usachppm.apgea.army. mil/dhpw/readiness/suicide.aspx The important thing to remember is that you are not alone, and as long as there has been war, there has been trauma AND there has always been healing. You are not alone!
Teurlings provides meals for residents
The residents and staff of Village du Lac would like to thank the students, teachers, and parents of Teurlings Catholic High School in Lafayette for the meals which were recently furnished to each resident in the village.
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Acadiana Catholic
Page 24 January 2011
Success of Opus Christi Magnum 2010; Bishop Jarrell presents medals to outstanding members of the community LAFAYETTE A year-end luncheon for Opus Christi Magnum (OCM), was held downtown at IberiaBank recently. Opus Christi Magnum, or the “Great Works of Christ,” is a series of fund-raising events designed to support the works of the Lafayette Catholic Service Center (LCSC) in their mission to the poor of Acadiana. LCSC provides food, shelter and financial aid to hundreds of men, women, children and verterans each year. Several Opus Christi Magnum events are held throughout the year, creating a smaller, more intimate atmosphhere than the galas of the past. Each event is hosted by captains who invite their families and friends within the community to share their support of LCSC. Each event consists of a gathering in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Lafayette followed by a reception at L’Eveche. In the Cathedral, Bishop Michael Jarrell begins each OCM event with a spiritual message. LCSC director, Kimberly Boudreaux then gives an overview and an update of the Lafayette Catholic Service Centers. During the 2010 series, a current or past client provided a testimonial to their experience and success
through LCSC; putting a face with the mission. Bishop Jarrell, Msgr. Keith DeRouen, former pastor of the Cathedral; Father Chester Arceneaux, current pastor; and Kimberly Boudreaux mingle with guests during the reception at L’Eveche where a reception is held. The lunch meeting recapped the 2010 series of OCM. Bishop Jarrell presented gifts of thanks to all who aided in the success of the events including Msgr. DeRouen and Richard Zuchslag. The bishop recognized three outstanding members of the community with Bishop’s Medals for “going over and above” in their support of the Lafayette Catholic Service Centers through Opus Christi Magnum; the special honors were given to Sue Munchrath, Tyron Picard, 2008-2009 OCM chairman; and Ed Hebert, 2010 chairman. Senator Mike Michot has been nemed chairman for the 2011 OCM series. Beth Ardoin will serve as chair for 2012. In attendance were Debbie Alleman, Ed Hebert, Stacy Landry, Mike Michot, Tyron Picard, Mike Thompson, Pat Trahan, Richard Zuchslag, Beth Ardoin, Dr. Kim Hardey, Jimmy Mallia, Jerry Vascocu, Sue Munchrath, Dave Romagosa, Tracy Neuner and John
Butcher. To support the work of Opus Christi Magnum and mission of LCSC, donors may send
their year-end, tax-deductible donation to: Colleen Narido, P.O. Box 3177, Lafayette, LA 70502.
Recipients of the Bishop’s Medal are pictured above with Bishop Michael Jarrell, second from the right. From the left are, Tyron Picard, Sue Munchrath, Bishop Jarrell, and Ed Hebert.
Bishop Michael Jarrell, Beth Ardoin, chairperson for the 2012 Opus Christi Magnum and Senator Mike Michot., chairman for the 2011 OPM.
Collection for the Church in Latin America is weekend of January 22-23, 2011 Please be generous
Acadiana Catholic
36th annual Louisiana Clergy Open Golf Tournnament is May 18 LAFAYETTE Bishop Michael Jarrell and the clergy of the Diocese of Lafayette announce that the 36th annual Louisiana Clergy Open Golf Tournament 2011 will be held at Acadian Hills Golf and Country Club in Lafayette, Louisiana on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Participation in the tournament and/or lunch is free of charge. Excellent prizes are being lined up. Lunch for golfers and non-golfers will be served at 1:00 p.m. at Acadian Hills Clubhouse. “Even if you are not a golfer, we hope you will come for the fraternity and a great lunch!” said the bishop. The invitation is extended to all priests and deacons of all dioceses within the State of Louisiana as well as diaconate formation participants and seminarians of the Diocese of Lafayette. An optional 9-hole team scramble (“best ball”) tournament will also be played beginning at 1:45 p.m. for those wishing to make it a day of golf. To receive a registration/entry form for golf and/or lunch, please do one of the following: • Phone – (337) 261-5613 (Office of the Vicar General, Diocese of Lafayette) • Email – sthompson@diolaf. org Deadlines to return your completed registration/entry forms are: • Golfers – ASAP but NO LATER than Monday, February 28, 2011 • Non-Golfers – Monday, April 18, 2011 For additional information, please contact the Host Committee at: Clergy Open Host Committee: Msgr. Richard Greene P. O. Drawer 219 Cell phone: (985) 518-7124 Patterson, LA 70392-0219 Fax: (985) 395-9129
To subscribe to the ACADIANA CATHOLIC Call (337) 261-5650
January 2011 Page 25
January A-V spotlights LAFAYETTE For the month of January, the Lafayette Diocese’s A-V library would like to spotlight two particular selections. The first is Pontius Pilate—Biography (#3846), a 50-minute DVD for ages junior high to adult. This selection offers a good focus on Pontius Pilate and
looks at different interpretations of his involvement in Jesus’ death, as well as his reign over the Jews. The second selection is Jerusalem—Lost Words (#3847), which is also a 50-minute DVD appropriate for the junior high to adult age group. In this selection, extraordinary computer graphics bring the Biblical Jerusalem to life, allowing viewers to see the city as
it would have appeared in Jesus’ lifetime. Experts used clues from the bible and other ancient documents to recreate the city. For information on reserving these and other selections, or on becoming a member of the diocese’s A-V library, please contact Lynne Broussard at (337) 2615674.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 26 January 2011
Pope hosts hundreds of poor at Vatican luncheon By John Thavis VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope Benedict XVI hosted more than 350 poor people at a post-Christmas luncheon at the Vatican, an event that marked this year’s 100th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. The pope passed among the guests in the crowded atrium of the Vatican audience hall Dec 26, then sat down at a table with 14 others for a three-course meal that featured lasagna, roast veal with potatoes and the classic Italian “pandoro” Christmas cake - this one with melted chocolate and Chantilly cream. When the pope arrived, the guests placed a garland of white
and yellow flowers around his neck, a tradition of India that was adopted by Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. Most of the guests were poor people served at soup kitchens run by the Missionaries of Charity in Rome and the surrounding area. Also in attendance were more than 100 sisters and brothers of the religious order, who sang Christmas carols and handed out small gifts. In a talk after the meal, the pope told the guests that he loved them and prayed for them. He said Mother Teresa’s life was an example of charity in action, with a preference for the poorest and those abandoned by the rest of society.
Memorial celebrated for deceased Fourth Degree Knights of Peter Claver
A memorial was celebrated for the deceased members of the Fourth Degree Division, St. Paul Assembly #3 and St. Paul Chapter #3 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Lafayette recently. Both Council and Court #77 were in attendance with the parishioners. Immaculate Heart pastor Father Thomas James, SVD, served as celebrant for the Mass. The Fourth Degree Sir Knights served as honor guards. The officers of St. Paul Chapter led the procession into the church. The memorial theme was “We Remember Them.” A memorial altar was set up honoring the deceased members. Faithful Navigator Sir Knight Lester Jones, left, and Faithful Captain Elizabeth Goodwill, right, presented a certificate to each of the deceased members’ family members. Gracious Lady and Edresta Jolivette and Faithful Navigator Jones served as co-chairpersons.
A Vacation with the Lord
Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House, Grand Coteau, La. (337) 662-5410 www.ourladyoftheoaks.com
Although the busyness of the secular Christmas season has passed, in our spiritual lives we continue to harvest the richness of Christ’s birth. Jesus has indeed come to be with us, and we recognize his presence in this first month of a new year. It’s a good time to imagine the birth of Christ and the annunciation from God’s perspective and to plumb the depths of what his coming means to our lives today and each day. Try to visualize the scene of the Annunciation, as St. Ignatius Loyola did. God, the Blessed Trinity, looking upon the world saw all the goodness to be found in many people, but God also saw the great pain and suffering that other human beings were inflicting upon one another. The killing, the cursing, the hunger, the violence and war. God is not a detached, far away creator who made the world and then left, not caring what happened to it. Jesus reveals to us God who is a loving parent with a heart that is moved by both human joy and human suffering. God was so moved that He resolved to do something, to come to the rescue and salvation of this world. This was done in the sending of God’s Son in the person of Jesus Christ. Imagine the scene some more: God sent the angel Gabriel to a young girl in an obscure village to ask if she would put her life at the service of God’s plan. See, if you can, God as it were holding his breath in anticipation of what Mary would say. God left her free, as He does us, to listen and let her heart guide her in deciding how to respond to God. Once she knew it was God asking her to be of service, she immediately said “I am the maidservant of the Lord: let it be done as you say.” Again imagine something like a leap of divine joy when God saw Mary’s response to the announcement. Just as God had felt sadness for the state of the world, so also God must have then felt great joy because now the salvation of the world was assured. It’s about love, about heart to heart relationship. God first loved us when He created the world. God then showed love for us individually when He chose to create each of us. God’s gifts are “from the heart” in that they come from a deep love and concern. So great was that love that He made his most personal gift to us: a Savior would be born who was Christ the Lord. Tidings of great joy! Love is shown not so much in words but in deeds. God’s heart moved him to do something. His deed of love was the Incarnation and birth of Jesus. Love demands a response. But how can I possibly respond to a love so great? As did Mary, I ask how this could come about. I am told that it would be by the power of God. If, like Mary, I feel God asking me also to be of service to Him in bringing Christ into my world, will I too let my heart be moved to generously, trustingly, humbly answer, “I am the servant of the Lord: let it be done as you say.” Father Paul Patin, S.J. Retreat Director Our Lady of the Oaks
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 27
Acadiana Catholic
Page 28 January 2011
Has intimacy in your marriage cooled off? CECILIA Many marriages have allowed the necessity of communication to be neglected or abandoned. Often the business of life or the grinding routine of the endless “to do list” has numbed couples from sharing intimately with each other. The energy and effort to go out on a date or attempt to resolve a conflict can easily be abandoned for the sake of “peace” and “harmony.” This may or may not sound familiar but is a common place where marriages can find themselves. Marriages need attending to and daily work to be successful. Please treat yourself and your spouse to this two day workshop for marriage encouragement and enrichment. Dr. Phillip Mango, a Catholic psychologist from New York will be presenting various helpful insights into masculinity, femininity, the beauty of God’s plan for marriage and how to stay in love. Dr. Mango has his Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology with over thirty five years of professional experience in individual psychotherapy and in-depth marital preparation/therapy. He was a mental health consultant for Mother Teresa’s work in the New York area
for over twelve years. Dr. Mango is the President and Co-Founder of St. Michael’s Institute for the Psychological Sciences where he and colleagues seek to unite scientific research and orthodox Catholicism for the Psychological and Dr. Phillip Mango spiritual health of individuals. Besides his professional accomplishments, Dr. Mango patrols part time on the N.Y.P.D. and is married with three children. This workshop will be held on Friday, January 28 and Saturday January 29th at the parish hall of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Cecilia. The schedule is as follows: Friday, January 28, Registration 5:30 pm; Workshop 6 pm - 8:30 pm. Saturday, January 29, 8 am - 3 pm (lunch included). Registration $30 per couple. Please call 337-667-6344 or 667-6555 to register as space is limited.
Canadian court decision could permit human-animal genetic experiments By Deborah Gyapong OTTAWA, Ontario (CNS) A deeply divided Supreme Court of Canada has delivered an opinion that could pave the way for transgenic research combining human genomes with those of other species. “It’s a gross affront to human dignity, that kind of experiment,” said Archbishop Richard Smith, vice president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, in an interview with Canadian Catholic News from his Edmonton Archdiocese. “It’s not a matter of health care but a fundamental issue of human dignity that must rest on national law.” The Dec. 22 split decision, 44-1, also leaves a legal void that could lead to the uncontrolled destruction of human life as embryos. At best, it may result in a patchwork of varying provincial regulations. “We’re talking about a fundamental question of life itself and dignity of human life, this is a consideration that transcends provincial and national boundaries,” said Archbishop Smith.
The court’s opinion originated in a claim by the province of Quebec that sections of the 2004 Assisted Human Reproduction Act violated provincial jurisdiction and were therefore unconstitutional. The Quebec Court of Appeal had determined aspects of the legislation were health matters under provincial control. With its split decision, the Supreme Court affirmed the appeals court. Though four justices, in a decision written by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, agreed that the contested sections of the act properly fell under the federal criminal law power, four others argued they were health matters under provincial jurisdiction. Justice Thomas Cromwell agreed mostly with the latter four, though not for the same reasons. The Canadian bishops intervened jointly with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada when the court heard arguments in April 2009. Don Hutchinson, legal counsel and vice president of the evangelical group, called the decision “regrettable.”
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 29
Acadiana Catholic
Page 30 January 2011
Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke visits Lake Charles Diocese By Morris LeBleu LAKE CHARLES During his recent visit to the Diocese of Lake Charles, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke spoke at the annual fundraising banquet for New Life Counseling, a pregnancy counseling agency, that drew more than 700 people. The Cardinal, who is uncompromising in his support of “right to life,” is Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. His position is comparable to that of the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Cardinal Burke, who was elevated to the College of Cardinals by Pope Benedict XVI on Nov. 20, was introduced by Bishop Glen John Provost of Lake Charles. The two men were seminary students in Rome in the 1970s and were ordained by Pope Paul VI on June 29, 1975 in St. Peter’s Basilica. The Cardinal’s education background, which makes him one of the world’s leading authorities on Canon Law, includes a Doctorate in Canon Law (JCD) with specialization in jurisprudence, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy,
Cardinal Raymond Burke
1984; Diploma in Latin Letters, Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1983; and many other degrees. In his introduction of the Cardinal, Bishop Provost said that he became impressed with New Life Counseling when he became Bishop of Lake Charles. He said the group offers alternatives to abortion; but also gives the mothers the support they need when they choose life, both during the pregnancy and after birth. The Cardinal urged the gathering to never give up the struggle to maintain a culture that is based on respect for life. He said he respects
New Life Counseling so much because it is based on the love of Christ, “New Life Counseling is a witness to the public, but also a witness to government officials. Having come to know your mission, I am honored to be with you, tonight, and to join my support to the support of so many faithful Christians,” he said. In his talk, the Cardinal pointed out that people need to insist that respect for life be addressed by educational systems, including, public, Christian and Catholic. He also noted that many Catholic families have failed to teach the
church’s principles on human life and sexuality to children and that the failure also extends to some Catholic universities which give scandal by sponsoring events and programs that don’t respect life, and are contrary to Catholic teaching. He said Western Europe is an example of a culture that has lost its Christian identity and has become a dying culture. But he said that America has not rejected the Christian roots of our culture and cited New Life Counseling as an example of the way people can defend the right to life.
Our Lady Queen of Peace raises funds to rebuild following fire
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Lafayette, parishioners recently held a gumbo cook-off as part of the ongoing effort to raise funds to rebuild their destroyed church following a devastating fire. Photo by P.C. Piazza.
LAFAYETTE On Saturday December 4th, the parishioners and surrounding community of Our Lady Queen of Peace held a gumbo cook-off as part of the ongoing effort to raise funds to rebuild their destroyed church following a devastating fire on April 16, 2010. The event was held under a large tent, which served as the parish’s worship space for the weekend’s tent revival Massesa welcome reprieve from their temporary home at the Truman Elementary Gymnasium. “Today’s activities are just one in a number that we are doing to raise funds and get the word out about our devastated Church building. Although we are a homeless Church community, you can see that our parishioners are alive and well in their faith,” said Father Hampton Davis, pastor.
As of December 1, Queen of Peace had not settled with its insurance agency. Despite the unknown factors of the insurance settlement the parish created a Fire Fund Campaign to raise funds for the future worship space. The campaign, “Guided by Faith; Lifting Our Hearts, Rebuilding Our Home” is currently raising funds to rebuild as soon as possible. Following the fire, Queen of Peace enlisted Kevin Gossen of Gossen Architects and contractor J.B. Mouton and Sons to explore rebuilding options for the destroyed facility. Those interested in assisting in the rebuilding of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church may contact Our Lady Queen of Peace Fire Fund at 145 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., Lafayette, LA 70501 or queenofpeace1969@bellsouth.net or by calling (337) 233-1591.
Acadiana Catholic
Retreats offered at Jesuit Spirituality Center GRAND COTEAU Feel a need to deepen your spiritual life? There are several opportunities for upcoming retreat experiences. Eight-day, individually directed eight-day retreats scheduled for 2011 are: Jan. 18-27, Jan. 31Feb. 9, Feb. 10-16 (three- and five-day retreats only), Feb. 21Mar. 2, Mar. 14-23, and Mar. 28April 6. Five-day and three-day retreats begin on the same dates as the eight-day time periods listed above. A non-refundable / nontransferable deposit of $50, included in the fee, is required in advance to hold a reservation. On Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011, the Spirituality Center will offer “A Call to Conscious Living: Spirituality for our Busy Lives,” presented by Easton and Robin Hebert. This program focuses on what is needed to re-establish life’s core values for marriage and family living that move us all toward conscious living – balance, simplicity, holy leisure, centering practices and prayer On Saturday, march 12, 2011, Father Dan White, S.J., will present a day of prayer and reflection entitled, “These Forty Days: Prayer in the Lenten Season.” This day of reflection will explore the spiritual aspects of Lent. Participants will consider and pray over the ways these 40 days before Easter lead into a deeper understanding of the central mystery of the Christian faith: the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. “A Spirituality for the Later Years,” will be offered on Saturday, March 26, 2011 by Father Jerry Fagin, S.J. Participants in this reflection will focus on the elements of a spirituality for later life, which in the light of faith, emerges as a rich time, a time to harvest gifts of one’s past life and to foster a new and deeper relationship with God. For application forms visit: jesuitspiritualitycenter.org or call (337) 662-5251, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
January 2011 Page 31
Next Monthly Manna scheduled for Jan. 19 FRANKLIN The first meeting of Monthly Manna for the year 2011 is scheduled for Wednesday, January 19, at the Forest Restaurant in Franklin. The gathering will begin at 11:00 a.m., with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. at the cost of $10 per person. This month, Deacon Thomas Sommers (editor of the Acadiana Catholic) will address those in attendance. In December, participants in Monthly Manna welcomed Deacon Randy Deacon Sommers Hyde, who is assigned to St. Mary Magdalene Church in Abbeville. He is also the director of the Service Center, which reaches out to more than 1,100 families in the Vermilion Parish area through its soup kitchen and food program. Deacon Hyde challenged his listeners to prepare a place for Jesus by allowing their hearts to change. He reminded everyone that in the bible, we are called to a “change of heart” more than 59 times. Deacon Hyde credited the spiritual direction he has received from Father Jerome Frey and Father Michael Champagne of the Community of Jesus Crucified; however, he also noted that his most profound sense of spiritual direction has come to him from his sixyear-old granddaughter. Once, as he was preparing a homily, Deacon Hyde was focused on the thought, “Christ is alive in the world today.” He decided to ask his granddaughter to help him get his message across, and she held up a kaleidoscope. “Look through this and you can see the world as it is,” she offered. Unable to understand what she meant, Deacon Hyde asked for an explanation, and the child then placed her hand on a crucifix and said, “Here—this will help you understand.” Deacon Hyde went on to explain what it was that he began to understand—that Jesus came into the world to offer us God’s love. We receive that love when we receive Jesus and allow our hearts to change. We also receive it whenever we say “I’m sorry” to someone we have wronged and ask for their
From the December meeting of Monthly Manna: Left to right Deacon candidate Russell Hayes, along with Deacons Randy Hyde, Jerry Bourg, and Joseph Thomas.
forgiveness. There is so much that is not right in the world, but if we all allowed our hearts to change, the world would change as well. We are no better than the Scribes and Pharisees we read about in the bible if we only love those who love us. Deacon Hyde also shared the story of a man he encountered while working at the service center. The man was a social outcast—an alcoholic—and he was rummaging through the trash dumpster. He
explained that he needed something to eat when Deacon Hyde approached him, so the deacon put an arm around him and led him inside to give him a bag of food. The moment of generosity and love brought tears to both men’s eyes. Monthly Manna is sponsored by the Regional Pastoral Council of the South Region. For further details on this monthly gathering, please contact Deacon Jerry Bourg (Executive Assistant in the South Region) at (337) 578-2423.
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Acadiana Catholic
Page 32 January 2011
Bishop Olmsted revokes Phoenix hospital’s status as Catholic facility PHOENIX (CNS) St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix can no longer identify itself as “Catholic,” Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted announced during a Dec. 21 news conference in Phoenix at the Diocesan Pastoral
Center. The Phoenix bishop issued a decree revoking the 115-year-old hospital’s affiliation with the Catholic Church. In the decree, the bishop wrote that he could not verify that the hospital provides health care consistent with “authentic Catholic moral teaching.” He said it was his duty to strip St. Joseph’s Hospital of its Catholic identity because its leadership, as well as that of its parent organization, San Francisco-
based Catholic Healthcare West, is not committed to “following the teachings of the Catholic Church.” In May, officials at St. Joseph’s publicly acknowledged that an abortion occurred at the hospital in late 2009. “Consistent with our values of dignity and justice, if we are presented with a situation in which a pregnancy threatens a woman’s life, our first priority is to save both patients,” a spokesperson for the hospital said.
Sister Nicole Schmidt of St. Landry enters Poor Clares postulancy
Sister Nicole Marie Schmidt
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HANCEVILLE, AL Sister Nicole Marie Schmidt, the daughter of Kenneth and Lisa Schmidt entered into the religious life on November 21st (The Feast of Christ the King) as a Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville Alabama. She was home schooled under the St. Elizabeth Seton Home Study Program. Her family currently resides in the town of St. Landry where Nicole played piano for Sunday Mass at St. Theresa’s Chapel. They are also parishioners of St. Peter’s Church in Pine Prairie, Louisiana. Her pastor, Father Richard Broussard and spiritual director Father Paul Broussard played a huge part in her discernment process. The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery is a cloistered contemplative order founded by Mother Angelica (of EWTN), who still resides at the monastery. After one year of being a postulant, Sister Nicole will enter the novitiate and receive her new name given by the abbess under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To learn more about this beautiful shrine and religious order go to www.olamshrine.com .
Trinity Catholic Elementary School Established 1971 Two Campuses . . . One Christ-Centered Community Educating the "whole" child – mind, body, and soul! Pre-K – 8th
TCS CELEBRATES CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: JANUARY 30 – FEBRUARY 5, 2011 Theme: “Catholic Schools: A+ for America” We are an added value for our nation because of our traditionally high academic standards, high level of service and strong moral values. Catholic schools and their graduates make many positive contributions to American society every day. ************ Through a solid academic core, variety of extracurricular offerings and opportunities to worship and practice the faith, students are given the tools to build a strong foundation for life and become contributing members of their community, Church and beyond. Want to Learn More About the Difference a Catholic School Can Make in Your Child's Life? Please visit Trinity Catholic Elementary School, 242 Gary St., St. Martinville, LA or Call 337-394-6693. ************ 2011-2012 Registration Currently enrolled students & siblings – February 7-28, 2011 New Student – March 14-18, 2011 Website: www.trinitycatholicschoolla.org Email: info@trinitycatholicschoolla.org Trinity Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, creed or national origin in accepting applications for student admission as well as in the administration of educational policies, scholarships, athletic and extracurricular programs.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 34 January 2011
Administration and Faculty Openings for 2011-12 Schools of the Sacred Heart is a college preparatory school educating young women and men in single-gender environments. As a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, the school’s educational philosophy is articulated in the Goals and Criteria for Sacred Heart Schools. The school is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest and approved by the State of Louisiana. Division Head of the Upper School of the Academy of the Sacred Heart The Academy of the Sacred Heart, the girls division of the school, is seeking a leader for the upper school (9-12) who possesses a strong commitment to Catholic education, knowledge of curriculum and best practices, and insight into single-gender education for girls. Candidates should also be able to guide and to collaborate with a talented faculty, maintain a budget, and communicate well with parents and colleagues. The Division Head is a member of the senior administration staff and reports directly to the Headmistress. Candidates need to be practicing Catholics with a master’s degree. Boarding School Head of the Academy of the Sacred Heart The Academy of the Sacred Heart is seeking an individual willing to oversee the boarding school program of the girls division of the school. Candidates should posses a strong commitment to Catholic education, a willingness to create a living environment in which residential students can grow academically and personally and learn to live collaboratively with other students. The Boarding School Head oversees the weekly activities of the boarders, works with a staff who helps supervise students during non-academic times, including evenings and weekends. The Boarding School Head is a member of the senior administration staff and reports directly to the Headmistress.
Dean of Students of the Upper School of St. John Berchmans School St. John Berchmans School, the boys division of the school, is seeking a leader for its upper school, which is opening in August 2011 with 9th grade. Additional grades will be added each year. Candidates should possess a strong commitment to Catholic education and a willingness to create an environment in which high school boys can thrive. The Dean of Students is a member of the senior administration staff and reports directly to the Division Head of the Upper School. Faculty Positions (Grades PreK3 -12) Schools of the Sacred Heart is seeking faculty who are interested in a strong academic program within a single-gender environment. Candidates should be willing to embrace the school’s mission of educating students intellectually, morally, socially, and physically. All inquiries will be confidential and should be sent or emailed to: Sr. Lynne Lieux, RSCJ, Headmistress Schools of the Sacred Heart P.O. Box 310 Grand Coteau, LA 70541 lllieux@sshcoteau.org
Schools of the Sacred Heart does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, or national origin.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 35
Mother of Peace prepares food boxes for the needy
ADMISSION POLICY SCHOOLS OF THE DIOCESE OF LAFAYETTE The Diocese of Lafayette, the Diocesan Schools Advisory Council, and the Diocesan Office of Catholic Schools reiterate their policy of nondiscrimination in admission to the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Lafayette. There is to be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in accepting applications for student admissions, as well as in the administration of educational policies, of scholarship and loan programs, and of athletic and extracurricular programs. This policy applies to all schools under diocesan auspices.
Students of Our Mother of Peace Catholic School in Church Point are shown with just a few of the many boxes of canned goods that were sent to the needy during the Thanksgiving holidays. Pictured are Saige Chauvin, front; Lane Gaspard, Blair Stanford, Julia Boone, Gabrielle Boudreaux, Jolie Thibodeaux, and Emily Castille, middle; Msgr. Jefferson Deblanc, Bryson Duplechain, Harley Bellard and Mrs. Mary Guidry, back.
ACADIA PARISH 9-12 Notre Dame Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Our Mother of Peace Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Rayne Catholic Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Redemptorist Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Francis Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Michael EVANGELINE PARISH K-12 Sacred Heart IBERIA PARISH 4-12 Catholic High Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 St. Edward Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 St. Joseph
ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL Open the dOOr tO a brighter educatiOn fOr yOur child. New FAMILY RegIstRAtIoN thursday, February 3 at 7:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 805 e. Northern Ave. â&#x20AC;˘ Crowley, LA â&#x20AC;˘ 337-783-1410
St. Michael School is the only SACS accredited elementary school in Acadia Parish and has over 110 years of Catholic education based on faith, scholarship, leadership and service. Open the door to St. Michael School and see what we have to offer you and your child.
LAFAYETTE PARISH Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Carencro Catholic Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Cathedral-Carmel Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6 Holy Family Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Immaculate Heart of Mary Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Our Lady of Fatima Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Pius Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Cecilia Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Genevieve Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Sts. Leo-Seton 9-12 St. Thomas More 9-12 Teurlings Catholic Pre-K St. Mary Early Learning Center Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 Sts. Peter & Paul
ST. LANDRY PARISH Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 Schools of the Sacred Heart K-12 Opelousas Catholic Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 St. Edmund Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Ignatius ST. MARTIN PARISH Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 St. Bernard Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 Trinity Catholic ST. MARY PARISH 6-12 Hanson Memorial Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 St. John VERMILION PARISH Pre-Kâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Maltrait Memorial K-8 Mt. Carmel Pre-K â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 St. Peter 9-12 Vermilion Catholic
Most Rev. Michael Jarrell Bishop, Diocese of Lafayette Greg Landry President, Diocesan Schools Advisory Council Anna Larriviere Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Acadiana Catholic
Page 36 January 2011
Milestones of faith:
The presence of Catholic Schools in the Lafayette Diocese The following is the 11th segment in a series intended to offer brief highlights in the history of each of the 35 Catholic schools currently in operation in the Lafayette Diocese. 1955: Teurlings Catholic High School, Lafayette. The school owes both its name and its origin to Msgr. William J. Teurlings, who purchased the land to build it while he was pastor of St. Genevieve Church in Lafayette. Originally, the school was known as the Father Teurlings High School, but the name would evolve over the years to the present-day Teurlings Catholic High School. The facility opened its door in 1955 and gradually expanded to a full, four-year high school by 1959; it was officially accredited by the State Department of Education in that same year. In the early 1990’s, the Lafayette church parishes of St. Leo the Great and St. Elizabeth Seton would join St. Genevieve as members of the corporation, and by the end of that decade Bishop Edward O’Donnell also added St. Peter in Carencro, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Lafayette, and St. Bernard in Breaux Bridge. In 2006, the multi-parish ownership of the school extended once more to include the church parishes of St. Patrick in Lafayette and Our Lady of the Assumption in Carencro. The on-campus chapel was constructed in the mid-1980’s, under the leadership of principal Bruce
Baudier. During his tenure, the school also gained accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools; girls’ softball and basketball programs were incorporated; and renovations were carried out on the gym and cafeteria. As the student body of Teurlings Catholic High School expanded, improvements continued under the supervision of Michael Boyer, who was appointed principal in 1997. Academically, freshmen honors’ classes have been introduced, as well as honors’ classes in social studies. Other additions to the older curriculum have included Spanish, speech, fine arts survey, interpersonal communications, business math and English, anatomy, chemistry II, and Louisiana on-line offerings. 1959: Sts. Leo-Seton Elementary School, Lafayette. Another Catholic school which can be credited to the efforts of a former St. Genevieve pastor is Sts. LeoSeton Elementary. Msgr. Charles B. Fortier encouraged the establishment of the original one-story mission school, which housed eight classrooms for 86 students during its first year. Sister Yvonne LaPerie of the Grey Nuns of the Cross served as the school’s first principal, and she was assisted by four lay teachers. By the following year, St. Leo the Great was no longer a mission of St. Genevieve but its own independent church parish, under the leadership of Father Alfred Gaudet. Fifteen years later, the church parish of St. Elizabeth Seton was
also established in the area, and in 1977 the Grey Nuns departed from the school. Near the end of the decade, Bishop Gerald Frey presided over a ground-breaking ceremony which marked the beginning of a three-phase expansion. Over the next six years, this expansion resulted in the addition of classrooms, restrooms, a chapel, labs, and office space for the school. In 1990, a gym and six-classroom facility for pre-K and junior high classes was completed, and soon after school leaders began to discuss the need for library expansion as well. These discussions would be ongoing until 1999,
when a plan was devised to build a brand new, multimedia library and renovate the old library into space for an art lab/classroom, a multi-purpose athletic court, and enhancement for the science lab. Construction of the new library began in the spring of 2002, and renovations for the art studio, science lab, and multi-purpose court were completed during that same school year. Additional renovations to other parts of the campus were also completed in time for the 2004-2005 school year. To date, Sts. Leo-Seton Elementary School continues to provide its students with a progressive learning environment.
Breaux Bridge Kiwanis donate dictionaries
The Breaux Bridge Kiwanis Club recently donated new dictionaries to the sixth grade students of St. Bernard School in Breaux Bridge. On hand to accept the donation were, from left to right: Ray Latiolais,SBS principal; Sadi Jones, SBS sixth grader; Gary Breaux, Breaux Bridge Kiwanis Club; Gavin Knott, SBS sixth grader; Ray Pellerin and Elmer Landry, both with the Breaux Bridge Kiwanis Club.
A Tradition In Excellence since 1967
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 37
Catholic Schools Week – what is it? The annual observance of Catholic Schools Week is scheduled for Jan. 30 through Feb. 5, 2011 The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2011 celebrates the fact that Catholic schools are an added value (“a plus”) for the nation. Because of their traditionally high academic standards and high graduation rates, all supported by strong moral values, Catholic schools and their graduates make a definite contribution to American society. Catholic Schools Week is celebrated nationally beginning the last Sunday in January. For 2011 the dates are Jan. 30 through Feb. 5. Schools typically celebrate Catholic Schools Week with Masses, open houses and activities for students, administrators, faculty, school staff, the community and families. The logo designed for the week displays the words “A+ For America, Catholic Schools” beneath a stylized banner of stars and stripes in red and light blue. “Historically, Catholic schools are known for their high level of academic achievement, moral values and high graduation rates,” said Karen Ristau, president of the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). “What may not be as widely recognized are the outstanding successes recorded by students of low-income families and students from the inner city. That’s certainly a plus for many portions of the American population.” Marie Powell, executive director of the Secretariat of Catholic Education of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, noted: “This year nearly 30 percent of the nation’s 2.1 million Catholic school students come from minority populations. Enrollment of students who are not Catholic has
increased to 14.5 percent, an indication that many diverse families seek the benefits of a quality education with moral underpinnings.” Catholic Schools Week is a joint project of NCEA and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. To view marketing items for Catholic Schools Week, visit the official Web site at: http://catholicschoolsweek.ncea.org, or learn more on the NCEA Web site at: /news/CatholicSchoolsWeek.asp. The NCEA, founded in 1904, is a professional membership organization that provides leadership, direction and service to fulfill the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching mission of the church.
St. Francis School poster winner
Rayne Catholic students deliver Thanksgiving baskets
Students of the Rayne Catholic Elementary campus ministry were busy delivering Thanksgiving baskets filled with food products collected the week prior to Thanksgiving. Many thanks to everyone who donated for the annual event hosted by the Rayne Catholic Elementary campus ministry. Here, students prepare to deliver the many boxes of donations.
Sts. Peter & Paul receive new ENO Boards
Students from St. Francis School, Iota, grades 4-6 entered the Acadia Soil and Water Conservation poster contest. Chosen as first place winner in the district region was Lindsay Breaux, fourth grade student. The poster’s title was Conservation Habits - Healthy Habits, and depicted the students’ ideas of what they can do to make a healthy environment. First place winners in the parish will go on to state competition.
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School in Scott recently received Polyvision ENO Boards for all classrooms Pre-K through 5th grade, made possible through a Stuller Foundation Grant and generous donors in the community. ENO Boards provide teaching options for traditional marker, magnetic and multimedia avenues without cords, cables or a costly installation. From markers, to multimedia, to ink and/or internet, users can switch off at will and can project a computer screen onto the whiteboard, and navigate through documents, presentations or websites right from the board. The ENO Board also enables one to conduct lessons and make notes with a regular dry-erase marker or interactive stylus, and in one simple click, save all the interactive notes to post to a server, print or email. This was made possible through Pictured above, Mrs. Lane Hebert’s Pre-K classroom using the ENO Board.
St. Thomas More Catholic High School educates students to be seekers of truth, individuals of character, and “God’s servant first.”
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St. Thomas More Catholic High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 38 January 2011
Vermilion Catholic School helps elderly have a ‘Merry Christmas’
Redemptorist Catholic elects
Following a school Mass at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Crowley, Redemptorist Catholic School newly elected officers and new members were inducted to the RCS National Jr. Beta Club. Students received certificates and lit candles to symbolize their commitment to service, good conduct, to be honest and truthful, and to maintain a creditable scholastic record. Celebrant for the Mass was Father Matthew Higgenbotham, pastor of Immaculate Heart Church, Crowley.
(Photo above) The New Beta Members (top row left to right) Emily Zaunbrecher, Bailey Thevis, Michael Thibodeaux, Gracie Richard, Abbie Simon, Justin Morgan, Matthew Rosinski, Jaysa Marceaux, Patrick Cormier, Lauren Breaux, Jackson Hetzler, Kevin Callahan, Adam Linscomb, Ansley Boudreaux, Jackie Richey, and Father Matthew Higginbotham. (Middle row left to right) Logan Hebert, Mackenzie Habetz, Lauren Gaudin, Matthew Foster, Craig Domingue, Noah Crochet, Meredith Raspberry, Ethan Lowery, Steven Callahan, Bryant Bertrand, Logan Aguillard, Maggie Arsement. (Bottom row left to right) Cory Wirtz, Mallarie LeLeux, Mallorie LeBouef, Casey Stewart, Chloe Von Sibley, Leonard Robinson, Canaan Reaux, Isabel Credeur, Payton Mouton, Megan Maloz, Tabatha Bridy. (Photo, left) The New Beta Officers, Luke Arsement, Eric LaCombe, Alex Domingue, Katelyn Richard, Hanna Ardoin (not pictured, Emilie Richard).
‘A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated.’ —Horace Mann
Pictured standing to the far left is Denise LeBlanc (VCHS 4-H sponsor) and Rachael August (Abbeville Council on Aging) and to the far right is Reba Broussard (VCHS Religion administrator) and Shannon Waits (Vermilion Parish 4-H office) and a group of VCHS 4-H members.
ABBEVILLE Vermilion Catholic students donated to the young and old of the community during the Advent season. The students joined forces with the Junior Auxiliary of Abbeville and Abbeville Council on Aging to help area residents have a brighter Christmas. Vermilion Catholic students along with the Junior Auxiliary of Abbeville provided gifts for 16 children in the civil parish. The students shopped, purchased and wrapped the gifts for the children. Funding for the project came from weekly Mass collections at Vermilion Catholic. Marcy Lege, a member of the Junior Auxiliary and VC alumnae, was responsible for picking up the gifts and distributing them to the 16 children. Members of the VCHS 4-H Club donated space heaters and blankets to help the elderly of
the community. Rachael August, with the Abbeville Council on Aging, was given the items to distribute to the elderly in need.
Carencro Catholic students of the year
Carencro Catholic School recently announced that Kelsie Melancon (left) was chosen as 8th grade student of the year and Abby Miller (right) is the 5th grade student of the year. Kelsie is the daughter of Barry and Gwen Melancon of Lafayette, and Abby is the daughter of Stacy and Suzanne Miller of Carencro.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 39
St. Ignatius Students of the Year
ACSAA Leadership Award winners Mount Carmel Catholic School in Abbeville recently announced that two of its student-athletes were presented with leadership awards. This year’s recipients in the 7/8 grade category is Alex Clark, left. Grayson Dubois, right, is the award winner in the 5/6 league. These awards were given by the Acadiana Christian School Athletic Association. The award is for leadership displayed by the student athletes. These students earned this award because they exhibited leadership by the efforts they demonstrated while participating in football. They also exhibited dedication to the team and a continuous positive attitude to do whatever was asked of them.
Nominees for Student of the Year at St. Ignatius School in Grand Coteau included 5th-graders Emma Bush, Annie Scruggins, Oscar Scruggins, Keith Simien, and Andy Dakin; and 8th-graders Kristen Arnaud, Julia Daigle, Bryan Thibodeaux, Andrew Smith, and Blaise Broussard. After a panel of faculty members interviewed all of the nominees, Oscar Scruggins (5th grade) and Blaise Broussard (8th grade) were selected as the Students of the Year.
Trinity Catholic participates in its Christmas Service Project
St. Genevieve honors teachers, students and supporters of the year
Trinity Catholic School of St. Martinville recently participated in its annual Christmas Service Project. The seventh and eighth graders donated gifts and joined the St. Martinville Nursing Home residents for Bingo. The sixth graders donated gifts and joined the ARC of St. Martin Inc. and enjoyed games of Bingo. Pictured above some of the residents of St. Martinville Nursing Home enjoy Bingo with students from Trinity Catholic School.
St. Genevieve School in Lafayette recently hosted its Advent program, which was sponsored by the 5th and 8th grade students. At the end of the program, the school also recognized its teachers, students, and supporters of the year. Pictured above from left to right are: Irene Gauthier (middle school teacher of the year), Amy deBoisblanc (elementary school teacher of the year), Wayne and Jennifer Koenig (supporters of the year), Madison Proctor (8th grade student of the year), and Wesley Blazek (5th grade student of the year).
Cathedral-Carmel School celebrates
Catholic Schools Week
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Acadiana Catholic
Page 40 January 2011
Angeltale author pays a visit to Sacred Heart Elementary School
Arlene Hebert, Angeltale Adventure author, recently visited Sacred Heat Elementary for a presentation to grades 2nd – 5th. The first book of the series is Angels in Training: Twin Angel School, a fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Over $23,000.00 to date has been donated to this much needed organization. The target reading age is seven to ten years of age, the books can be read to younger children; adults have also enjoyed the series. For more information visit at www.angeltaleadventures.com. Pictured in the photo are: left to right, Janet Landreneau, Sacred Heart librarian, Arlene Hebert, author and Donna Thomassee, assistant.
St. Edmund students go prospecting
Students from St. Edmund Elementary School in Eunice were recently treated to a visit from Diamond Del’s Mining Adventure. By utilizing this mobile mine, the children were educated about mineral identification and classification through hands-on experience. Pictured above are 3rd grade teacher Stephanie Manuel and student Katherine Sittig, practicing ‘sluicing’ for gems.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK THEMES Catholic Schools Week began in 1974 and is a joint project of the National Catholic Educational Association and the United States Catholic Conference. Catholic Schools Week (CSW) starts the last Sunday in January and the celebration lasts all week. The National Marketing Campaign started in 1992 and is a year-long campaign which includes CSW. The themes were: 1974 - Catholic Schools, Different Where It Counts--Message, Community and Service 1975 - Making the Difference Count 1976 - A Declaration of Interdependence 1977 - Catholic Schools: A Plus for America 1978 - Catholic Schools: Everyone Grows 1979 - Next to the Family, The Catholic School 1980 - The Catholic School: One of the Family 1981 - Choosing a Tradition - Catholic Schools 1982 - The Good News in Education 1983 - In God We Trust & Teach 1984 - Catholic Schools: Beacon of Hope 1985 - Catholic Schools: Sharing Vision, Teaching Values 1986 - A Rainbow of Excellence 1987 - Catholic Schools Touch the Future 1988 - Share the Spirit 1989 - Communities with Memories 1990 - Catholic Schools: A Parent’s Choice 1991 - Catholic Schools: A Kaleidoscope of People National Marketing Campaign & CSW Week Themes: 1992 - Discover Catholic Schools 1993 - Choose Catholic Schools: The Good News in Education 1994 - Support Catholic Schools: Your Choice for Education 1995 - Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In 1996 - Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In 1998 - Catholic Schools: Restoring Faith in Education 1999 - Catholic Schools: Faith for a Brighter Future 2000 - Lighting the Way to a New Century 2001 - Where Faith & Knowledge Meet 2002 – Celebrate Catholic Schools 2003 - Making a World of Difference 2004 - Catholic Schools: A Faith-Filled Future 2005 - Catholic Schools: Faith in Every Student 2006 - Catholic Schools: Character. Compassion. Values. 2007 - Catholic Schools: The Good News in Education 2008 - Catholic Schools Light the Way 2009 - Catholic Schools Celebrate Service 2010 – Catholic Schools – Dividends for Life: Faith, Knowledge, Discipline, Morals 2011 – Catholic Schools – A+ For America
Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School celebrates the birth of Jesus
During Sts. Leo-Seton Catholic School of Lafayette’s annual Christmas prayer service, 7th graders re-enacted the days surrounding the birth of Jesus. The school’s Christmas choir, composed of students in PreK – 8th grade, joined in the celebration adding sweet sounds of the holy Christmas season. Following the star, Angels on High, Three Wise Men and even Santa Claus, joined with others to worship the newborn king, Jesus Christ the Lord.
Acadiana Catholic
Teurlings topples the trailer for Food Net
Students and families of Teurlings Catholic School of Lafayette collected canned goods and other nonperishable foods for Food Net headquarters for the community. The TCH atheletic trailer was filled with hundreds of pounds of food for the Food Net pantry during the “Topple the Trailer” drive. Junior and senior members of the Key Club delivered the goods to the Cajundome for the TV-10 Food Net drive and also assisted during the day by collecting and sorting other donations received.
The Saints go marchin’ in in Franklin
The St. John Elementary third grade class portrayed many of the Church’s saints in observance of All Saints’ Day. Pictured are Father Lloyd Benoit and his “saints” on the steps of Church of the Assumption in Franklin.
January 2011 Page 41
Maltrait students learn about pet adoption, pet care
The Maltrait Memorial Catholic School, Franklin, 4-H Club had a special visitor for their monthly meeting recently. Mrs. Anne Johnson with Lafayette Animal Aid, a non-profit private animal shelter, presented information to the students on pet adoption, pet care and pet sitting services. The guest speaker and her two dogs were welcomed by Jessica Jarred, Maltrait 4-H vice president.
Please support the 2010-2011 BISHOP’S SERVICES APPEAL
Acadiana Catholic
Page 42 January 2011
Five local Catholic schools receive 2010 ACT College Readiness Award Five Catholic schools in the Lafayette Diocese are among the 34 schools throughout Louisiana to earn the 2010 College Readiness Award. The award is given by the Louisiana ACT Council in recognition for increasing the number of students taking the ACT Assessment over the past five years and significantly increasing their level of achievement and college readiness. The five Catholic schools to achieve this are the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, St. Thomas More (STM) and Teurlings High Schools in Lafayette, Hanson Memorial School in Franklin, and St. Edmund Catholic School in Eunice. “The Louisiana ACT Council wanted to recognize those Louisiana high schools that have made significant strides in increasing the college readiness of their graduates as demonstrated
by their ACT score increases over the past five years,” said Karen L. Pennell, Assistant Vice President and ACT Southwest Regional Manager, “This can only happen as a result of the high school’s faculty and staff efforts and the dedication of students and parents to focus on college readiness and raise the level of college readiness for all students.” “This recognition. . .truly enforces my conviction that we have dedicated students who utilize the assets we have on campus to reach their ultimate goals, a college education,” said Beth Christ, principal of St. Edmund’s in Eunice. The sentiment is echoed by the principals of the other schools. “Teurlings has doubled in student population over the past few years, while maintaining high academic standards and expectations,” Michael Boyer (principal, Teurlings Catholic High School)
pointed out. “It is extremely gratifying to receive the recognition by the ACT-LA for the hard work of our students and teachers and for the tremendous support from our parents.” “Our students, faculty, and administrators should be commended for their ‘commitment to a deep respect for intellectual values,’” said Lynne Lieux, RSCJ, Headmistress of the Academy of the Sacred Heart. “This timeless goal of Sacred Heart education has been affirmed by the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s recognition by the Louisiana ACT Council.” “Parents or teachers who profess [that] college is not for everyone are patently wrong,” stressed Vincent Miholic, principal of Hanson Memorial. “Receiving the award is welcomed verification of faculty effectiveness and that student performance does rise to the challenging expectations,” said Vincent Miholic, principal of Hanson Memorial School. “While our ACT scores have
consistently exceeded both state and national standards in all categories tested, it is exciting to know that they continue to rise,” said Audrey Menard, principal of STM. “I am confident in saying, upon graduation, STM students are college ready.” The Louisiana ACT Council is comprised of secondary and postsecondary educators who advise ACT, Inc. on the utilization of ACT programs and services in Louisiana schools and colleges. ACT, Inc. is the not-for-profit organization that provides assessment, research, information, and program management services in the broad areas of education and workforce development and the publisher of the ACT Assessment. The ACT Assessment is the college admissions test that is used and accepted by the colleges nationwide and throughout Louisiana. In 2010, over 90% of Louisiana students took the ACT which is the predominant college admissions and readiness achievement test in Louisiana.
Acadiana Catholic
St. Michael School announces student council officers
St. Michael School in Crowley recently recognized its student council officers. Pictured above from top to bottom are: Elise LeBeouf (president), Julia Schmid (vice president), Laura Stevens (secretary), Brittany Nolan (treasurer), Madeline Barbin (reporter), Gabby Herpin (chaplain), Joe Stringfellow (member-atlarge), and John Michael Besse (member-at-large). The student council helps to share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with the teachers and principal.
January 2011 Page 43
Bethlehem comes to Franklin
St. John Elementary School in Franklin had its annual Christmas program at The Church of the Assumption on December 20. Pictured above are Alli Smith who portrayed Mary and Nora Blakey who was Baby Jesus in “The Birth of Jesus” from the gospels of Saint Matthew and Saint Luke.
The Catholic Schhols Week logo displays the words “A+ For America-Catholic Schools” beneath a stylized banner of stars and stripes in red and light blue. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2011 celebrates the fact that Catholic schools are an added value for the nation. Because of their traditionally high academic standards and high graduation rates, all supported by strong moral values, Catholic schools and their graduates make a definite, positive contribution to American society. Catholic schools give a high level of service (the A+ level) to local communities because of the many service projects students undertake. “Giving back to the community” and “helping others” are values instilled in every Catholic school student. Catholic schools give a high level of service to the nation (the A+ level) by serving students from all economic backgrounds and giving them a strong academic and moral foundation, allowing them to succeed in life, serving in the government, industry, business, non-profit and educational fields.
Page 44 January 2011
Acadiana Catholic
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 45
Please join us in welcoming Fox NewsÕ Bret Baier to Lafayette!
4th Annual Gala, Silent Auction, & Veritas Lecture Saturday, March 12, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. CAJUNDOME CONVENTION CENTER $59 per person in advance Host of Fox NewsÕ Special Report, Bret Baier is a Catholic school alumnus who will speak on American culture and society. Seating is very limited, so get your tickets today! Purchase online at www.PJPA.org or call (337) 896-6050 ~ Hosted by Pope John Paul II Academy ~
Acadiana Catholic
Page 46 January 2011
Forum series opens with talk on John Henry Cardinal Newman By Kathleen Toups LAFAYETTE A new Newman Forum series opened at Our Lady of Wisdom Church with a talk on Cardinal John Henry Newman by Bishop John Glen Provost of Lake Charles. Bishop Provost’s topic was Cardinal Newman’s “Idea of a University,” subtitled “A Grand Harmony.” This was taken from Newman’s “The Dream of Gerontius,” describing the ascent of a soul to God. Since Newman was a musician, Bishop Provost suggested it was a deliberate gesture by the cardinal to use this metaphor to propose his definition of a university. Bishop Provost gave a brief biography of Cardinal Newman whose life spanned the Victorian age 1801 to 1890. As a young man, at the age of 19, he embraced Evangelical Christianity. A graduate of Oxford, he was ordained an Anglican priest but was increasingly interested in the doctors of the Church. He was received into the Catholic Church in 1847 , ordained a Catholic priest and joined the Oratory of
St. Philip Neri, a society which lives in community with an apostolate for lay intellectual formation. He was invited to establish a Catholic university in Ireland. Although the project failed, he wrote a series of discourses on the idea of a university which were the basis for his later work. Pope Benedict XVI referred to it a few weeks ago at the beatification ceremonies of Cardinal Newman in England. “He sought to achieve an ideal environment in which intellectual training, moral discipline and religious commitment would come together.” “John Henry Newman,” Bishop Provost emphasized, “thought all knowledge is a coherent unit, in a word, a circle,” and he quoted Newman, “I have said all matter of knowledge is intimately united in itself, being the work of the Creator.” “Of course, this thinking is not original to Newman,” Bishop Provost pointed out. “It has its roots in the philosopher who dominated Oxford courses through the mid nineteenth century, Aristotle.” “Newman was highly critical of
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what today is called compartmentalism, a professor who expounds his own field with authority but scoffs at the findings of another Even Newman had a harsh word, ‘bigot’ for those who think their own study is key to every thing on earth,” he continued. “A university by its very name implies an exchange of ideas that cannot exclude any segment of inquiry without injuring the whole. They should enter into dialogue with experts in other fields, a sharing of ideas and viewpoints, logical reasonings, pursuing truths, allowing ideas to grow. This dialogue and intercourse can be contagious because professor and researchers pass their enthusiasm along to their students,” the bishop said. Bishop Provost noted, “Newman argues for the inclusion of theology because if it is neglected , other sciences will teach incorrect conclusions in a subject matter they know nothing about. ‘The Great Harmony’ which animates ‘The Idea of a University’ proposes a whole because all its compartments complement one another. “One might explain it as a musical quartet of four instruments” Bishop Provost said, “Each has its own role and four perform together for a united whole. John Henry Newman saw God as the origin of all things and this one origin gave everything a sense of belonging and unity. The ‘harmony’ was grand or mysterious because it left the listener or student or soul yearning for more,” he concluded. Bishop Provost was introduced by Father Bryce Sibley, pastor of Our Lady of Wisdom, who noted the bishop is a native of Lafayette
and former pastor of St. John Cathedral and Our Lady of Fatima parishes in Lafayette. He was appointed Bishop of Lake Charles in 2007. Bishop Provost’s graduate studies were made in England, France and Spain.. Father Sibley in announcing a new Newman Forum series recalled earlier forum speakers several years ago who included William F. Buckley, Jr., and Mortimer Adler.
January Birthdays Deacon Charles Ortego Deacon Harris Soileau Father Joseph Stemmann Father Clair Cazayoux, SJ Father Jerome Neyrey, SJ, Father Paul Onuegbe Deacon Michael Yenik Deacon Wayne Boudreaux Father C. Nicholas Trahan Father Richard Kalinowski, SVD Father Martin C. Leonards Father Mikel Polson Father Donovan Labbe Deacon Albert Marcel Deacon Alvin Dejean Father Anthony Anala, SVD Deacon Samuel Henry Deacon Timothy Ledet Father Donald Pousson Father L. Allen Breaux Father Donald Pelous Msgr. Keith DeRouen Father Gregory S. Chauvin Father Neil McNeill Father Glen M. Meaux Father Juan Luis Gandara Father Cyprien Eze Father Richard Vidrine Father John DeLeeuw FEBRUARY Father T.J. Hebert Father Michael Sucharski Father Michael J. Arnaud Father James Lambert, SJ Father Michael Keith Landry
Jan. 2 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 5 Jan. 6 Jan. 7 Jan. 7 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan.15 Jan. 18 Jan. 18 Jan. 20 Jan. 20 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 27 Jan 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 11
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January 2011 Page 47
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Page 48 January 2011
Acadiana Catholic
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 49
Acadiana Catholic
Page 50 January 2011
Congregation of Holy Cross to merge two United States provinces of priests and brothers NOTRE DAME, IN At its general chapter meeting in Rome this past summer, the Congregation of Holy Cross approved the merger of its two existing U.S. provinces of priests and brothers. The newly-adopted legislation authorizes the Superior General to effect the merger in order to enhance the congregation’s ministries of “parish, mission, education.” At a joint meeting of the Eastern Province and Indiana Province Councils on December 4-5, it was agreed that the merger of the Eastern Province into the Indiana Province should be effected by the Superior General on July 1, 2011 (Feast of the Sacred Heart). The Indiana Province will proceed with the appropriate civil instruments to change its name to the
United States Province of Priests and Brothers. The ministries of the new province will include four colleges and universities: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN, founded 1842), University of Portland (Portland, OR, 1901), King’s College (Wilkes-Barre, PA, 1946), and Stonehill College (Easton, MA, 1948). These and all other ministries will be integrated, including 17 parishes from Vermont to Oregon; André House, a ministry to the homeless and poor in Phoenix; the Downtown Chapel in Portland; Ave Maria Press in Notre Dame; and Holy Cross Family Ministries in North Easton, Massachusetts. HCFM was founded by Servant of God Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., and encompasses Family Theater
Productions, Family Rosary, and Father Peyton Family Institute. The United States Province will also be present in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. To view a map of the new United States Province of Priests and Brothers, please click here. The congregation’s United States Province will comprise over 410 priests and brothers plus 80 seminarians currently in formation
for a life of service in Holy Cross. Holy Cross presence in America began in 1841, when the Frenchfounded order sent Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., who later founded the University of Notre Dame. Holy Cross founder Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., was beatified in 2007, and the order celebrated the canonization of its first saint, Saint André Bessette, C.S.C., on October 17, 2010.
The spirit of Advent at Carencro Catholic
The eighth and sixth Graders of Carencro Catholic School recently teamed up for their Advent service project, collecting Tshirts, socks, and various toiletries for the Lighthouse Mission in Opelousas and the St. Michael Center for Veterans in Lafayette. A vital dimension of their Christian formation is the mandate of Jesus to be His heart and hands, and to show compassion to our suffering brothers and sisters.
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 51
Jesse Davis shares his decision to seek Holy Orders By Jesse Davis To the youth of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lafayette, peace be with you and greetings from St. Joseph Seminary College in St. Benedict, Louisiana! My name is Jesse Davis; I am a seminarian from our diocese, and it is a joy to share with you a bit about my formation to the priesthood and extend to you an invitation to Abbey Youth Fest, a youth rally coordinated by my seminary. I am currently in my senior year of undergraduate formation here at St. Joseph’s, and the time I have spent here has been truly life-changing. My studies in philosophy have given me a love for learning; I’ve gained a wealth of self-knowledge, and I’ve grown in an authentic and genuine relationship with our Lord. I wish that every Catholic had the opportunity to experience the formation of seminary! Along with 74 other seminarians studying for dioceses spreading from Texas to Florida, I am tucked away in the beautiful piney woods of Southeast Louisiana on the 1,200 acre grounds of a Benedictine monastery. The beautiful charism, traditions, and liturgies of the Benedictines have contributed greatly to my experience in seminary, and on behalf of St. Joseph’s, I invite you, the youth of our diocese, to spend a day with us worshipping the Lord, discerning your vocation, and experiencing the richness of the Benedictine life. On March 26th, 2011, St. Joseph Abbey will host its eleventh Abbey Youth Fest, which is a full
day of contemporary Catholic music, inspiring keynote speakers, and the celebration of the Mass. As the sun sets, we unite with the Benedictines in the Evening Prayer of the Church, Vespers, and the night ends with candlelit Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament underneath the stars. Throughout the festival, you will have the opportunity for personal prayer in an outdoor chapel, confession with visiting priests, a tour of St. Joseph Abbey, and exposure to several religious orders and various ministries who set up information booths to share their charisms with the thousands of Catholic youth in attendance. This will be my third Abbey Youth Fest; the first one I attended was as the youth director of Our Lady of Wisdom Parish on the beautiful campus of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. That first experience was amazing. It was the first time I had been to a seminary, and I was very impressed. The grounds were beautiful; the people were friendly, and the liturgy was gorgeous. The atmosphere was electric, and it was truly a blessing to see that many youth wanting to learn how to get closer to Christ. I felt a longing to get to know Christ better. This tug on my heart came into fruition after Archbishop Hughes celebrated the mass. He asked to pray with those who were considering answering “yes” to the call of priesthood or a religious life, and I was one of many that he prayed over. Later that summer I said “yes” to the Lord’s
Incomplete Seminary Burses Your Contributions Help Educate Future Priests DUSTIN DOUGHT is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Davie Dought. He is in his second Theology year at Theological College, Washington, D.C. He is sponsored by St. Genevieve Church in Lafayette.
NICHOLAS DUPRE, the son of Mr. Joseph K. DuPre and Mrs. Charlotte L. Davis, is in the noviate at the Community of Jesus Crucified, Lafayette. He is sponsored by Our Lady of Wisdom Church, Lafayette. SAM FONTANA is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Fontana. He is in his first Theology year at Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., and is sponsored by St. Pius X Church, Lafayette. TAJ GLODD is the son of Mrs. Zelma Kennerson Glodd and the late Mr. Samuel Thomas, Sr. He is in first Theology at Sacred Heart School of Theology, Wisconsin. He is sponsored by St. Theresa Church, Crowley.
BRIAN HARRINGTON, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harrington, is in his second Theology year at Mt. St. Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md. He is sponsored by the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette.
(Photos by P.C. Piazza)
219 Msgr. Wm. J. Teurlings Burse #1 13,417.00 236 John E. Lee Jr. Burse 9,324.60 239 St. Joseph Burse 9,076.48 242 Lee C. Lavergne Burse 7,079.73 244 Rev. Julian Van Exem Burse #2 12,524.06 248 Msgr. Alphonsus Martel Burse 11,000.00 253 Serra Club Burse 14,534.49 254 Rusty Randol Burse 1,742.76 260 St. Theresa Burse #2 5,697.46 266 Paul and Mary Karre Burse 2,105.00 268 M/M Willie Fournet Burse #2 570.65 271 Msgr. Joseph Van Brero Burse 710.00 272 Msgr. P. Alexandre Borel Burse 1,625.00 274 Msgr. Emery Labbe Burse 6,310.00 278 Msgr. Daniel Bernard Burse 3,674.64 281 Rev. Harry Van Tiel Family Burse 3,969.00 283 Noemie L. Petitijean Burse 1,000.00 284 Msgr. Daniel Habetz Burse 6,590.00 286 P.J. Reiners Burse #2 9,500.00 288 Rev. Oscar Drapeau Burse 2,000.00 290 Rev. P.G.J. Kemps Burse 1,000.00 291 Lucille M. Griffin Memorial Burse 5,000.00 292 Anonymous Burse 10,470.00 293 Msgr. Fernand Gouaux Burse 4,770.00 294 Robert A. Frey Memorial Burse 7,360.00 297 “A Priest” Burse #2 7,400.00 308 Harold/Ruby Moreau Family Memorial Burse 5,000.00 309 Libby Holcombre Memorial Burse 2,000.00 318 Msgr. Marcel Murie 5,260.00 319 Rev. Marcel & Alfred Gaudet #5 1,942.80 322 Rev. Jean Fidele Paradis #2 5,000.00 323 Charlene Richard 3,030.00 326 Fr. Raphael Gauthier #2 3,757.17 327 Msgr. Albert Bacque #2 325.00 330 Rev. Verbis Lafleur #3 6,500,00 332 Ben & Louisa Larriviere #2 3,750.00 337 Colonel, Chaplain Kenneth A. Bienvenu, USAF, Burse #2 13,014.99 340 Rev. James Doiron 2,272.17 346 Msgr. Alexander O. Sigur Memorial 2,250.00 348 Rev. J. Wilson Matt & Mire Families 450.00 351 Rev. Alcide Sonnier Burse #2 11,300.00 352 St. Edmond Church Parish (In memory of Frs. Dowling & Murray, SM) 9,000.00 354 Catholic Daughters #3 10,200.63 355 Gabriel Lucas Seminary Memorial Fund (Morse) 15,000.00 356 Mrs. Louise L. White Memorial Fund 10,110.00 358 Therese Esteves #5 7,516.49 359 St. Peter’s Parish – New Iberia 10,422.35 363 Ramona Crosby Bennerfield Burse 2,125.52 364 St. Jude Burse #2 8,030.00 366 A. Otis and Etta B. Hebert Memorial Burse 5,000.00 367 Bishop Edward J. O’Donnell Burse 3,545.00 368 Rev. J.C. Speyrer Burse 10,000.00 370 Msgr. C. Burton Mouton Burse 10,700.00 375 Msgr. Charles Marin 100.00 376 Bishop Jeanmard Burse 3,464.00 377 Marie Louise FranquesKenneth N. LaCaze Burse 3,000 378 Bishop Gerard L. Frey Memorial Burse 12,522.00 379 Rev. Moise Hebert #2 3,403.61 380 Lay Honorees #7 3,200.10 381 In memory of Mrs. Dorphi Duhon 2,181.50 382 An anonymous retired priest burse #7 7,000 383 James Kerney Bourque Memorial Burse 3,730.00 384 Bishop Schexnayder Mem. Vurse #3 940.19 385 Rev. Mike Bakowski Memorial Burse 2,400.00 386 Coignard/Gremillion Burse #2 900.00 387 Gabriel Lukas Memorial Fund (Morse) 194.21
330 355 386 387
MONTHLY DONORS Carroll/Richard Lafleur Morese, Immaculate Coinception Charles Coignard Morse, Immaculate Conception
100.00 121.79 200.00 194.21
(Continued on page 53)
Bishop Jarrell announces clergy leadership program LAFAYETTE Bishop Michael Jarrell has announced that the Catholic Leadership Institute will be sponsoring a two-year program which will help pastors be “Good Leaders, Good Shepherds.” “Good Leaders, Good Shepherds” is a program of the Catholic Leadership Institute that teaches leadership skills to priests to help them excel as Christian leaders and Christian witnesses. The program follows Jesus as the ultimate model of leadership,
believes that prayer inspires and sustains all leaders, and is motivated by love for the Church. The program is ordered around strengthening priestly identity, fraternity and ministry. The materials deal with time management, working with individuals and with teams (such as parish councils), and how to create a vision for the parish or institution and a plan to carry it out. According to Father Gregg Caggianelli, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Venice, Flori-
da, “Priests deal with a variety of issues that they were never taught how to deal with while studying in the seminary. They also have to deal with all of the different personalities within the parish. These men became priests for a variety of reasons and they might not have the business skills to deal with today’s parishes. The priests are getting the education they need and have the added benefit of helping develop the bond with their fellow priests at the same time.”
There are expenses involved with this program. The priest’s parish pays part, the priest himself pays part, and the remainder is paid with diocesan funds for ongoing education as well as from gifts by the faithful. Those who would like to contribute to the “Good Leaders, Good Shepherds” program may send a check to the Diocese of Lafayette, 1408 Carmel Ave., Lafayette, LA 70501. Please write “Good Leaders” in the note area of the check.
Acadiana Catholic
Page 52 January 2011
Nominations for longest married couple still sought by Worldwide Marriage Encounter WASHINGTON, D.C. The continuing search for the longest married couple project sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the original faith-based marriage enrichment program in this country, received
strong support and recognition on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives during remarks made by Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (D-PA). “Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will join me in congratu-
St. Michael students of the year
Fifth-grader Abram Broussard (front left) and eighth-grader Hunter John Lambert (front right), have been named as 2010 Students of the Year at St. Michael School in Crowley. Pictured along with them are principal Ms. Myra Broussard (left) and Father Jared Suire (back).
lating Worldwide Marriage Encounter and all the volunteers and clergy for their efforts to strengthen marriages throughout our country,” Rep. Dahlkemper said. The remarks were made during the closing sessions of Congress last week. The congresswoman added, “Worldwide Marriage Encounter is undertaking a project to recognize the longest married couple from every State, with special recognition to the longest married couple in the United States. As nearly 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, it is truly an inspiration to see how many couples have remained together for so long.” As the deadline for submitting nominations nears it is strongly suggested that they be made to Dick & Diane Baumbach and Father Dick Morse, who serve as the North American Weekend Pillar for the WWME movement, who are overseeing the project. “We know that traditionally families get together during the holiday period and what a perfect time to nominate parents or grandparents who have been married for a long time,” the Baumbachs and Father Morse stated. They also said that couples can nominate themselves for the recognition. Plans call for the Seaborns and Father Griffith to personally present the longest married couple in the United States with special gifts on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, 2011. The individual state winners will also receive special certificates of achievement and other gifts from the Worldwide Marriage Encounter movement on that same day. The state winners will be presented their certificates by Worldwide Marriage Encounter couples. Nominations, which are open to all husband and wife couples, may be submitted by email, regular mail or by calling a special phone number. The deadline for nominations is midnight on January 10th. The contact information for sending in a nomination, which simply requires the name of the couple, their wedding date and where they currently reside plus a phone or email address, is as follows: email dickanddiane66@ bellsouth.net ; regular mail Dick & Diane Baumbach 1430 Scorpious Ct. Merritt Island, FL 32953
and special phone number 321453-2475. Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offering weekend experiences for over 42 years and is considered the original faith-based marriage enrichment program. The programs are continually updated to keep abreast of changes in society, and WWME now offers evening and half-day programs that are presented at parishes and other church facilities. The weekend program, traditionally presented as an overnight experience at a hotel or retreat center, can also be presented at the parish where the couples return to their homes in the evenings. Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers married couples the opportunity to spend time together away from the busyness of the world to focus on each other. It offers tools for building and maintaining a strong, Christian marriage in today’s world. To learn more about the Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends online, go to wwme.org , or you can call 1-800-795-LOVE (English) and 1-800-599-AMOR (Spanish), or contact the WWME Office at (909) 863-9963.
Vatican emerges from WikiLeaks as a key player on global scene VATICAN CITY (CNS) If there’s one clear conclusion that can be drawn from the Vatican-related WikiLeaks disclosures, it’s that the United States takes the Vatican and its diplomatic activity very seriously. In memo after memo in recent years, officials of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See have reported back to Washington on the impact of papal trips, statements and documents; on the Vatican’s behind-the-scenes efforts to head off conflicts; on church-state tensions in Latin America; on the evolution of Catholic teaching on bioethics; and even on the international repercussions of ecumenical affairs. When a Vatican agency organized a conference on genetically modified foods, the U.S. embassy paid attention. When the Vatican condemned human trafficking, embassy officials met with Vatican counterparts to broaden areas of cooperation on that issue.
Acadiana Catholic
Jesse Davis shares his decision to seek Holy Orders Continued from page 51
calling, and the next year, I was back, but not as a youth director or a chaperon. No, the Lord placed me where I could use my talents and express my love for God’s people. The Lord saw fit to place me up on stage as M.C. This was something I could only dream of doing the year before. As M.C., I was blessed to meet a lot of new people and to participate in the Eucharist with everyone, making the Mystical Body of Christ a reality as thousands of youth along with seminarians, religious, priests, and Archbishop Hughes came into communion with one another in the Body of Christ. The theme for Abbey Youth Fest 2011 is, “Ever Ancient, Ever New,” which is taken from St. Augustine’s, Confessions. With youth speaker, Paul George, and Catholic musician, Matt Maher, the event will provide reflections upon and an experience of the beauty of God. So ask your youth minister to get a group together and make the trip to South Louisiana! I hope that you will be able to join me, 74 other seminarians, the Benedictine monks of St. Joseph’s Abbey, several priests and religious from all over the country, and thousands of Catholic youths in worshipping our Lord and searching for the vocation to which He call us. As I bring my letter to a close, I’d like to share with you some fun facts about the seminary, the Abbey, and Abbey Youth Fest. • The first Benedictine monastery dates to around 530 AD • Saint Joseph Abbey was founded in 1889 • Saint Joseph Seminary College has 75 seminarians representing 19 different dioceses • The Benedictine monks at St. Joseph Abbey raise peacocks as a
January 2011 Page 53 hobby • In Abbey Youth Fest’s 10year history, 529 groups have attended • In 2006, Abbey Youth Fest hosted over 4,000 youths • Abbey Youth Fest is held outdoors and has never been cancelled due to rain • Past speakers and performers have included Jason Evert, Jim Caviezel, and Matt Smith For more information and pictures from previous festivals, check out our website at www. AbbeyYouthFest.com and find us on Facebook. You are in my prayers; may our hearts, like St. Augustine’s, find eternal rest in the heart of God. In the peace of Christ, Jesse Davis
Development in the Seelos canonization cause BALTIMORE On May 19, 2009, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, of Baltimore, convoked the opening session of the diocesan inquiry into an alleged healing through the intercession of Blessed Francis Seelos. Episcopal delegate, Father Gilbert Seitz, J.C.L. of the Baltimore Archdiocesan Metropolitan Tribunal and his inquiry panel officials exercised the greatest diligence and commitment in gathering all of the proofs and documentation. Then, on September 21, 2010, Fathers John Vargas and Byron Miller, Redemptorist vice postulators, convened in Baltimore to inspect the Acts, and determined the Inquiry to be comprehensive and thorough, with no further proofs to submit or witnesses to propose. The results of this investigation have now been sent to the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints in Rome, thus completing the diocesan inquiry phase of the canonization process. At some point in the near future, the case will undergo proper scrutiny by Vatican authorities.
Fifth grade student of the year at Sts. Peter & Paul
Sts. Peter & Paul Cathiolic School, Scott, recently selected its fifth grade student of the year. Pictured above are the finalists. Left to right, are Colin Benoit who was chosen as Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School 5th grade student of the year, Madison Mouton, Kevin Prather, Natalie Broussard, and Cullen Gravouia.
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Acadiana Catholic
Page 54 January 2011
Mass! capturing a moment of heaven By Jake Etcheverria It is astonishing to hear and see the number of Catholics voluntarily avoiding the Catholic Mass. It adds great comic relief at times to hear the personal excuses of teens and parents on why they are avoiding the sacred liturgy. It is even more enjoyable to give them the guilt trip on not going to Mass on Sunday. My favorite comeback is “oh I am sure Jesus could have found other things to do instead of dying for you!” Instead of coming up with great guilt trips, which might I add, majority of the time works, let’s look at the reality of the Mass. One of my greatest influences in youth ministry was my high school youth minister, Neil Garcia, who’s well known tag line, is “Capture this Moment of Heaven!”. Going deeper into the possibilities of where this tag line applies, it was evident that Neil’s love for the Mass and more importantly the Eucharist was where the spotlight was focused. The idea that one individual could experience heaven or rather the “King-
dom Come” was attractive and captivating and I wanted more. Living in a fast-paced world and having the attention span of a small child, Mass was not the place where I was being captivated. In my younger childhood my only goal in Mass was not to get the “eyebrow raise” from my father which meant I was getting into trouble. In high school, my goal was to sit next to the prettiest girl in the teen section. This way, I would be able to hold her hand during the Our Father. Sadly, this is the mind of a high school adolescent or younger tween. One of the biggest excuses Catholics have for not attending Mass is it is boring. “Well, if Jesus wanted to die for your entertainment, he would have died at the half time show of a football game!” (Christopher Stefanick, Director of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry Archdiocese of Denver Colorado) The opportunities we have been given to experience Heaven or to see the face of Christ are endless. Every day we have the
opportunity to fulfill the one task Christ specifically asked us to do for HIM, “Then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them saying, “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” (Luke 22: 19). So next time you feel the need to skip Mass to arrive at a family BBQ or because you have too much to do, remember the words of Christ, “Do this in remembrance of ME”. Embrace the sacrament where heaven meets earth, and never forget that the Mass does NOT end until the END of the closing song. Embrace the Grace that God has freely given you, set an example for your children, peers and community by having full, conscience and active participation in the sacrifice of the sacred liturgy. We are not at Mass to be entertained with a dynamic homily or the pretty girl we sat next to, but rather, captivated by the presence of Christ himself, the Kingdom come. “Capture the moment of heaven.”
“What to Do?” personal decision making to be presented at St. Joseph Spirituality Center BATON ROUGE The St. Joseph Spirituality Center will present a program by Sister Lucy Silvio, CSJ titled “What to do? Personal Decision Making,” on January 22, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. The program will be held in the St. Joseph’s Academy dining hall at 3080 Kleinert Ave., Baton Rouge. The fee will be $35. This workshop is for those who are seeking to incorporate spirituality into their decision-making. It will explore the spiritual tradition of discernment developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola with criteria and methods based on his teaching. It will also explore how our personality types affect our approach to the decision-making process, including ways to maximize our personality strengths. To register for this program please call the St. Joseph Spirituality Center at 225-383-3349.
January Catholic Digest features Charlene Richard LAFAYETTE The January 2011 edition of the Catholic Digest, recently on the shelves, features a continuing series of articles on saints, by long-time New Orleans writer George Gurtner. The article, entitled “Saints of New Orleans,” also features Mother Henriette Delille. Charlene Richard, of course, wasn’t from New Orleans, but was born in the small community of Richard more than 65 years ago. Known as the “Little Cajun Saint,” she is known for her handling of her pain while suffering from leukemia, a disease that eventually took her life. Gurtner quotes Father Joseph Brennan, a retired priest of the Diocese of Lafayette, who ministered to Charlene days before her death in 1959. Father Brennan said that “She wasn’t different in any way, except when the crisis came in her life, and it came very early – she accepted it with faith and trust and love. Although Father Brennan only
This monument, a duplicate of the one at the Charlene Richard Mission House in Thailand, stands at the entrance to the cemetery at St. Edward Church in Richard. Photo by Deacon T.R. Sommers.
got to know Charlene during the last two weeks of her life, he spent a great deal of his time with her, noting that she was always smiling and praying... ”Her complete submission...was without boundaries. It changed my life forever.” Many people have claimed
healing through Charlene’s intercession, one in particular – a woman suffering from terminal, inoperable cancer. She prayed through Charlene Richard and was miraculously cured. According to Father Brennan, “Doctors were mystified.” Gurtner says that “since her
death not a day goes by that her tomb in St. Edward Cemetery in Richard is not covered with fresh flowers.” It is estimated that there are 10,000 visitors to her tomb each year. The article mentions the Charlene Richard Mission House in Thailand, a large house with six rooms for volunteers who go over to work in the orphanages for children suffering with HIV-AIDS. The Mission House was the product of several of the permanent deacons of the Diocese of Lafayette and the Redemptorists who minister in Thailand. Father Brennan reflects on Charlene’s death: “Just before she died, Charlene told me that she would pray for me when she got to heaven. In my eyes and in the eyes of many, many people, Charlene Richard is already a saint. We’re just waiting for the Church to catch up.”
Acadiana Catholic
January 2011 Page 55
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Page 56 January 2011
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Acadiana Catholic
German Heritage Museum in Roberts Cove celebrates feast of St. Nicholas
St. Jules parishioner and daughter present handcrocheted lapghans to nursing home residents
St Jules Church of Lafayette parishioner Shirley Gaudin, standing, presents handmade lapghans to residents of Bethany Nursing Home. During 2010 Shirley and her daughter Pam Breaux crocheted 84 lapghans to offer as Christmas gifts to the residents of three local nursing homes; Bethany, Lady of the Oaks, and Evangeline Oaks. Shirley is also the mother of Deacon Gary Gaudin who is assigned to St. Anthony de Padua in Eunice.
January 2011 Page 57 Supporters of the Roberts Cove German Heritage Museum every year on the Feast of St. Nicholas, Dec. 6, help to make ready for St. Nicholasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; visit to area kindergartners. Pictured to the left with St. Nicholas are, left to right, front row: Louis Cramer, Dot Leger, Allie Caillier and Mary Ann Leonards. Back row, left to right: Marcella Ohlenforst, Debbie Meche, Dolores Habetz, Mary Agnes Fabacher, Sherry Rimmer, Jo Ann Ronkartz, Dot Leonards and Josie Thevis.
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Page 58 January 2011
“If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.” —Francis of Assisi
Guest Editorial
Dear atheists: most of us don’t care what you think By Charles Lewis There are always debates between atheists and believers. They have been going on forever but they seem to have ramped up ever since a dedicated group of “new atheists” began writing popular works that captured the secular imagination. You know who they are: Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins and the rest of their dreary crew who are out to prove how stupid religious people are. There is a perennial debate between atheists and the religious there seems to be no end in sight. It seems to sell tickets and for a certain type of intellectual it is like watching boxing without the blood. But the debate is useless for one simple reason: most atheists do not have a clue what religion is about. They see religious people as blind sheep following a series of incomprehensible rules and dogmas and then scoff at their lack of enlightenment. They find the flaw in the painting and say it is all now ruined. Atheists are utopians who believe a perfect society can be built if only religion was not in the way. As far as I can see, those Godless societies have not done too well, unless you consider North Korea a success. When the book Come Be My Light was published three years ago, it was a chance for atheists like Hitchens to pounce. The book was a collection of the private writings of Mother Teresa.
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Nevertheless, it revealed that she had suffered what the saints have called “the dark night of the soul” — a long period of spiritual dryness in which it “seems” God is absent. She continued to pray but did not feel the warmth of God and this was troubling. Hitchens immediately jumped on this, seeing this as proof positive that Mother Teresa was a fraud. He wrote: “She was no more exempt from the realization that religion is a human fabrication than any other person, and that her attempted cure was more and more professions of faith could only have deepened the pit that she had dug for herself.” But Mother Teresa never gave up her faith. All that was happening was that she was struggling and as every serious religious person knows faith includes struggle. Faith is not about sweet “feelings.” Real faith is a lot tougher and more difficult than feelings. Feelings are fleeting, which every adult should learn at some point. Faith is about a certainty of something underlying all that surrounds us and a dogged acceptance that this life is part of an eternal pilgrimage that has trials. Real faith is like real love — something that endures after the first attraction and then sustains life itself. Atheists are under the ridiculous illusion that religious people think that all they have to do is call out to God and help will be on the way. If it were so, Jesus never would have gone up on the cross. The crucifixion is not a contradiction and the anti-religious cannot get their heads around that. Faith is not the avoidance of trouble, it is facing it head on and then finding holiness. Faith is not up for debate. I do not care whether Christopher Hitchens or the guy who sits three rows away thinks I am living in a fantasy. Why would I care? If faith could be broken by mindless criticism then it would not be faith. And the old woman kneeling in the pew every Sunday, or the Orthodox Jew who would never miss a Sabbath in Synagogue, have no need to ask permission of anyone to justify what they do and what they believe. They are far tougher than the people who criticize.
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January 2011 Page 59
Effective immediately: Reverend Michael Long Vu has left for an appointment outside the Diocese of Lafayette. Effective Immediately: Change of Address: Reverend Donald C. Theriot 2004 West Summers Drive Abbeville, Louisiana 70510 Effective January 17, 2011: Reverend Denis Osuagwu, CMF, has been recalled by his provincial and will be leaving the Diocese of Lafayette.