Renegade Visions Photography Magazine Issue #5

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Photography curated by David Collier

Issue #5

Featured Photographers

• Artemis Pyrpilis • Eni Turkeshi • Hana Haley • Lisa Ceinos • Luiza Potiens • Lukasz Wierzbowski • Rachel Bellinsky • • Sergey Filimonov • Stephen Edwards • Susana Diniz • Synchrodogs • Takuroh Toyama • Victoria Söderström •




An individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior This version available on HP Magcloud & Issuu

Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier.

“I want to showcase photographers from around the world, especially relatively unknown people who have a unique style and look to their work. There is no set theme or format but photos that evoke emotion in the viewer.” We are always interested in new submissions for possible inclusion: We also publish weekly on Tumblr. David Collier’s photography. Tumblr Facebook Front cover photo: Synchrodogs Back cover photo: Eni Turkeshi Inside front cover photo: David Collier Design and Layout by Stephen 'sven' Rogers Stock textures:

Artemis Pyrpilis


Eni Turkeshi


Hana Haley


Lisa Ceinos


Luiza Potiens


Lukasz Wierzbowski


Rachel Bellinsky


Sergey Filimonov


Stephen Edwards


Susana Diniz


Synchrodogs 86 Takuroh Toyama Victoria Sรถderstrรถm

97 104


Issue #5

Chatting with

Artemis P yrpilis T h es s a lo n i k i , G r e e c e

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live between Thessaloniki, Greece (where I was born and raised) and Paris, France where I have been “officially” living for the past 6 years. What is it like living there? These two cities are kind of opposites. Paris is big, cloudy with a river. Thessaloniki is small, sunny with the sea. Sometimes I become schizophrenic when I go back and forth a lot.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I just had my first solo exhibition called “SPAMS” in Greece so while this is an ongoing project I’m trying to submit it in different festivals, open calls and contests. Also thinking of working more on self-editing my series. What are you listening to? A lot of Nino Ferrer and bossa nova (while driving)

Camera gear? Mamiya 645 1000s Polaroid SX70

What do you do for fun? Like Iggy said, no fun..

Could you tell us about your thought process in regard to your photography? I proceed quite instinctively when photographing, however I’m interested in cinematographic aesthetics who share a certain idea of a fixed plan, one that lasts longer than ordinary attention and insists generously to capture what escapes a simple glance.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) www. If money was no object, where in the world would you like to travel to? In Yakutsk.

Some of your work concentrates on everyday settings which you seem to bring to life in a special way. Can you tell is how this has evolved? I don’t know if this has evolved. Details and small fragments of everyday life always capture my eye, it’s something that just happens and at that precise moment I just have to capture it. I just try to evolve by photographing other things too.



In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? Uncertainty is the only certitude. Anything else? Non merci.


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Artemis Pyrpilis




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Artemis Pyrpilis


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Artemis Pyrpilis




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Artemis Pyrpilis


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Artemis Pyrpilis




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Artemis Pyrpilis


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Eni Turkeshi T i r a n a , A lba n ia

for Renegade

Where do you live? Momentarily in Tirana, Albania, my hometown. What is life like living there? I wish there were more parks in here.I really love to live closer to the nature, without needing to be far away from the city life. I also wish my city had more interesting buildings (architecturewise). I really adore old style buildings. Nevertheless, life is fine enough when you have good time with friends. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? If I would describe it in one word it would be timeless. I never know the time it starts, it`s always related to my inspiration or feelings about it.They generally come strong and impulsive and `beat` my brain, so I have to do something about it. That`s how I start creating my stuff. Can you tell us about your editing process? Firstly I think arranging of the environment where I`ll be creating visual work (if photos), is very important so you can enter the creative mood better and focus on the things you want to visualize. If it`s some other medium which requires more technical approach, i`ll try to make the place very functional and practical to work in. In both cases it has to be atmospheric. After the production


part, I analyze the project and if I feel like it will enhance the effect i`ll do some post production work. In digital post production work I use some of the basic photoshop editing tools or other photo editing tools. I dislike to make a `make up` to the photos, so the main effects edited are colors, tones, light and contrast or photo mixing. I like the `controlled or uncontrolled mess` or diversity in photos.I am a fan of multiple exposures in analogue and I do this on digital photos of mine in some cases. Regarding analogue, I like post playing in the darkroom or wetroom.I like hand coloring and toning of the photos as well as the old alternative printing techniques. But mostly I love mixing of all the medias I know to create some fresh imagery. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? All the time, some of them come up spontaneously, some of them are projects i`ve been planning for a while. What do you do for fun? I love dancing, reading and watching movies. Favorite Drink? water, water, water…water + coffee, tea and sour fruits freshly squeezed juices. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to?



Issue #5

I`m very eager to discover new places, so if possible I would like to travel through all the world. I love traveling by train, so I`d really like to try the TransSiberian one especially. I would also like to try undersea traveling one day. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) Webpage: http://eniturkeshi. Facebook: EniTurkeshiImagery Behance : EniTurkeshi Flickr:


Eni Turkeshi Blog: In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I would like to be living elsewhere working on an art project. I love traveling and experimenting with my works in different places of the world, getting the opportunity to meet and experience new friendships and cultures. Anything else? Thanks for the interview and keep on the good work with this blog and your photography as well


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Eni Turkeshi




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Eni Turkeshi


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Eni Turkeshi




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Eni Turkeshi


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Eni Turkeshi



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Hana Haley

S a n F r a n c i s c o, Ca l i f o r n i a , U. S . A .

Where do you live? San Francisco, California What is life like living there? Colorful and inspiring full of sunny mornings and foggy afternoons with delicious sights and expensive coffee. What got you started into photography? A former crush on a male photographer Camera gear? Canon ae-1, Polaroid 300, Yashica t4 (film) Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? I am heavily inspired by isolation in photos, so i seek out the most isolating locations possible. this then leads to creating a color palette which i coordinate through clothes, flowers and other natural items. it’s really important that the clothes interact with the environment through color and texture. Upcoming projects? Photoshooting bi-weekly editorials that I style/produce myself. practice is essential! What do you do for fun? I make short films with my friends, save all my money for airplane tickets, and brush my boyfriend’s hair.


for Renegade


Favourite drink? Berry flavored lemonades. (I’m not a fan of alcohol) Where would I travel? Germany, Poland, Finland… I am in love with Europe. Where can we find you? is my portfolio. is where i post my most recent photos shows my work from 2009 - to the present. is my personal blog with writings and other rare pictures. In the next 12 months/where do you want to be? I hope to have finished filming my first feature film (I’m directed and acting in it) and have my at-home studio up and running with lots of flowers and plants growing in abundance and fresh coffee on my table every morning. Anything else? Thanks for the interview opportunity


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Hana Haley




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Hana Haley


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Hana Haley




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Hana Haley


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Hana Haley



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Lisa Ceinos LON D ON , e n g l a n d

for Renegade


Where do you live? I’ve been living in London this year but I’m currently moving back to Spain. I love this city but I don’t like the uni I was studying at and I wanna finish my studies in Madrid.

Camera gear? It is quite simple. I use a Canon EOS 600D and a 50 mm usually when I take digital photos. I’m in love with analog and I have a few film cameras, like a SLR Minolta and a Diana F+.

What is life like living there? The weather here is quite shitty, so I’m kind of moody all the time. I grew up in the south of Spain, and the sun shines all year around there. London is so big, and for a lazy person like me, is hard to keep in touch with people and go here and there. I like the things you can do here, though. Like going to galleries late, the amazing music scene, all these beautiful girls walking along the streets… But I hate when it rains. And it rains a lot.

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? I don’t usually plan anything. I just feel like going out and taking a picture or just in my room when I do a selfie. The photos I take of my friends are candid, we are just hanging around and I’m with my camera, so if I see something I like I just shoot or ask them to act as I wasn’t there.

What got you started into photography? Well, I don’t really know. I always liked to write and I’ve never been able to draw. I carried a small camera with me and took photos of my friends, they liked them so I became “the one with the camera”. During highschool some boys formed bands and I started to write blogs and take selfportraits as I spent way too much time on my own. It happen and I didn’t notice I was unable to live without taking pictures until some time after. I don’t know if I’ve chosen photography or she chose me.


Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Well, I hope during this summer I get to take more photos. I’m so disorganized, so it’s hard to plan what is gonna come next. But luckily I’ll be in Spain and traveling with my boyfriend and that’s always a good environment to create! Also, I really want to write something serious this summer, writing a book would be a dream come true. What do you do for fun? It’s kind of sad but I realized that I no longer have fun as I used to do. But I still like going to gigs, meeting my friends for a meal or go charity shopping, and seeing my boyfriend who always makes me smile when I have a bad day.


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If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? There are too many corners of the world I want to visit… But let’s be cliché, I really wanna go to US and get a van, hit the roand and go everywhere! Where can we find you? Instagram @lisaoverdose

Lisa Ceinos In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I’m studying in Madrid again, it’s gonna be my 4th year at uni but I’m not even sure if that is what I want. I would like to take photography more seriously, stop being lazy and sad all the time, and… what can I say? I don’t even know where I’ll be next month. I just want to be happy




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Lisa Ceinos


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Lisa Ceinos




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Lisa Ceinos


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Lisa Ceinos




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Lisa Ceinos


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Lisa Ceinos




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Lisa Ceinos


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Lisa Ceinos



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Luiza iens Potie S ão Pau lo, B r a z i l .

for Renegade

Where do you live? São Paulo, Brazil. What is life like living there? Don’t know if it’s actually good. I’m from a city in country side, where the air is clean, there is silence in mornings and a big and warm sun in the sky.. Of course, there is beautiful days in São Paulo, but the skyline doesn’t attract me more with its polution and buildings like it used to years ago when I moved.. Now, I feel a lot better when I’m travelling. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work and how it has evolved? Well, I have a difficult time when I have to tell about my work.. I think it’s because I never actually saw when it was changing. Now when I look through my past images, I can see that I changed and that I’m a lot more critical with it! Probably this was happening at the same time that I was changing too. That being said, I hope I still change a lot and when I look back many years from now, it’ll be fun. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I’m always thinking about new projects. Now I have three on my mind, all with different topics.. Hope it works and you’ll see it soon.



What do you do for fun? Life is always better when you can share it with friends! With an amazing day, good music and some hours to do nothing.. I don’t need anything else. Favourite Drink? Spearmint water.. and bloody mary. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I would probably travel to the rest of my life. Starting with Iceland, Ireland, the Blue Mountains in Australia.. Where can we find you? luizapotiensphotography In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I’m often anxious about future, so now I’m trying to just don’t think about it. Anything else? Keep up with your beautiful work in Renegade Visions, it’s always inspiring.


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Luiza Potiens




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Luiza Potiens


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Luiza Potiens




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Luiza Potiens


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Luiza Potiens




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Luiza Potiens


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Luiza Potiens




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Luiza Potiens


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Lukasz i k s w b o z e ie r i W W r o c l aw, p o l a n d

for Renegade

Where do you live? I currently live and work in Wroclaw, a lovely city on the west side of Poland. What is it like living there? I love it. It’s a city filled with great energy, amazing people and inspiring places you want to come back to. It’s quite intimate but very inviting and it gives space to stimulate senses. Camera gear? Canon Rebel K2, Contax G2 and Olympus Mju II Could you tell us about your thought process in regard to your photography? I’m driven by spontaneity so the process is quite simple. I get in touch with a model, pick a locations and just let the space inspire me. My work is very much based on a connection between me and my model and the surrounding, each session is different as there is no tricky plan we need to stick to.


What do you do for fun? I’m addicted to hula-hoop right now. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) There is quite a few places around the Internet where you can find my works. And if you are fed up with technology get yourself my book called “Sequin Covered Swans” that was recently released by Editions du LIC. If money was no object, where in the world would you like to travel to? Hawaii. Assuming I would be able to bring my friends. In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I have no idea. I want the future to surprise me. I expect it to be both challenging and fun. I’ll be happy as long as I will be able to do what I love.

Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I’m working on a few projects right now, both commissioned and personal, I’m also involved in few collaborations with fellow photographers and fashion designers. What are you listening to? For the last few days: “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” and “Abbey Road” both by The Beatles.




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Lukasz Wierzbowski


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Lukasz Wierzbowski




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Lukasz Wierzbowski


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Lukasz Wierzbowski




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Lukasz Wierzbowski


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Lukasz Wierzbowski




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Lukasz Wierzbowski


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Lukasz Wierzbowski



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Chatting with

Rachel Bellinsky LAS V E G AS , U SA

for Renegade

Where do you live? I just moved back to Las Vegas after 11 years in San Diego. What is life like living there? It’s hot and dry and hostile. It’s also quiet and spacious and magical, especially at night. What got you started into photography? Mostly I would see pictures from other photographers and get very inspired and excited. It’s amazing how the right image can light up your imagination, and I wanted to try my hand at it. I started taking it kind of seriously about 3 years ago. Camera gear? Most of my images were shot with a Nikon D70, but I recently switched to a D4 (big jump.) I have 3 lenses, 50mm 1.8, 35mm 1.4 and 85 1.4. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Lately I’m always looking for slices of other people’s lives. What have they done with the yard? What are they growing? What are they doing inside? What are they neglecting? What have they abandoned? And of course, I love the way animals are framed by these scenes. I attempt a portrait here and there, but I find that a) I’m not very good at it and b) people are pretty boring if you’re not



good at shooting them. I had to try really hard to stop shooting flowers, because you know, flowers. But now that I live in the desert that’s not a problem. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I have very vague ideas about what I want to shoot next. I’m buying a van, I’m gonna drive around in it. We’ll see what happens. What do you do for fun? Take pictures, walk my dog and hang out with my parents. My mom and I just bought a bunch of ridiculous jigsaw puzzles, I can’t wait to put them together. I love to walk more than just about anything, but it’s difficult to do in 110 degree weather. So I just taught my dog to walk on a treadmill. Favorite Drink? My life is incomplete without coffee. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I would take my time driving from one end of this country to the other. It sounds lame, but I love America. I’m also a hopeless anglophile, so England too. I’ll probably go to Israel some time in the next year or so. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc)


Issue #5 rachelbellinskyphotography You can see a little interview I did here: NWMgQUE& In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be?

If I’m in good health and traveling around in my little van, I’ll be very satisfied. Anything else? A portion of the proceeds from my photo book, Tails from the Fishbowl, will go to the Humane Society. You can get one at




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Rachel Bellinsky


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Rachel Bellinsky




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Rachel Bellinsky


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Rachel Bellinsky




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Rachel Bellinsky


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Rachel Bellinsky




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Rachel Bellinsky


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Rachel Bellinsky



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Chatting with

Sergey Filimonov P e n z a , Ru s s i a

for Renegade

Where do you live? Penza. Russia What is life like living there? Life here the most ordinary not similar to dream silt and a dream, but she allows to dream and represent it such what wants to see. I live in the house, I like that around is a lot of the nature and I can leave at any time simple to breathe clean air and to walk Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? In many respects my approach is intuitive. Idea as capacity with water. At first there is nothing besides intuitive desire to make something or inspiration of the comer from any movie or the artist. Then gradually it gets a colour, is filled with emotions and when everything ripens, gathers and coincides when the good photo turns out. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Yes, for example, my indissoluble communication of water and the person attracts. I am inspired by fairy tales about water, pictures of symbolists and mythology. The body of the person to which don’t stir clothes, water and is a little fabulousness here that me now interests.



What do you do for fun? We go with friends on picnics, this my favourite summer occupation. Favorite Drink? In the summer - lemonade. In the winter - mulled wine. At all times - coffee. If money wasn’t an object where in the world would you like to travel to? If money had no value I would like to visit at least 150 countries. My favourites would be the jungles of Africa and Oceania. Where can we find you? My blog on blogspot http:// Russian social network kaffee Instagram sergefilimonov/ Flickr lavenderowl/ In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? It will involve photography. And a trip to Spain and Thailand. Anything else? You create, you love and be independent. Xoxo


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Sergey Filimonov




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Sergey Filimonov


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Sergey Filimonov




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Sergey Filimonov


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Sergey Filimonov




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Sergey Filimonov


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Sergey Filimonov



Issue #5

Chatting with

Stephen Edwards G l a s g o w, S c ot l a n d

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in the West End of Glasgow, Scotland. What is life like living there? I like it a lot. It’s an interesting city with decent shopping, good places to eat and plenty of good people to hang out with. Camera gear?
 I’m currently taking photos on an Olympus XA, Olympus Mju II f2.8, Canon A-1 and Yashica T4. 35mm film. I like changing it up. Do you have any upcoming projects planned?
 I’m holding on to a bunch of new photos from a recent stay on the coast of Donegal, Ireland, in the hope of putting together a zine and maybe even holding a small exhibition. I feel pretty good about these photos and I basically want to present them in the best way I can. What do you do for fun? I go to the gym, meet up with mates in pubs, go to dinner with my girlfriend, buy stuff online, read science articles, get my hair cut and look at photos.



Favorite Drink? Beer. If money was no object where in the world would you like to travel to? Iceland and Thailand. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I’ve just started a new job in Glasgow so I’ll be living and working here. I’m getting a car soon so I’ll be going on road trips and exploring Scotland a lot more. Photos to come… Anything else?
 Thanks for the interview and thanks to everyone who read this. Find me via the links I gave and say hello!


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Stephen Edwards




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Stephen Edwards


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Stephen Edwards




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Stephen Edwards


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Stephen Edwards




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Stephen Edwards


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Stephen Edwards



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Susana Diniz L i s b o n , p o r tug a l

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in Lisbon, close to one of my favourite places in the city, Convento do Carmo, a medieval convent left in ruins as a still frame of the 1755 Earthquake. Also, (and mainly) because it reminds me a lot of Gondor (yes, I am a LOTR nerd!). What is life like living there? I moved in a year ago, from another city in the suburbs, and the difference is abysmal. Living in the center of the capital is like having life spontaneously knocking at your door (sometimes, even too hard!).Despite all the visible problems inerent to a big city, Lisbon still manages to be very pittoresque and traditional place, with its medieval streets and a very close relationship with the riverside. There is always a new cool spot to watch the sunset, or it wouldn’t be called the City of the Seven Hills. What got you started into photography? I’ve always been sensitive to the visual imaginarium (I usually say the fact that I’m as blind as a mole, made me have my own interpretation of what I see). From drawing as a child I moved to fake cd covers as a teenager; as an adult a graphic designer, and finally, just by being myself, I got back to where I started, and centered my work around illustration. It began as a free way of manipulating reality, and using the photography as my raw material. During the process, I



found out how much more intense this “tool” could be, just by transforming the “visible” truth into the context of a sensation. Camera gear? Canon 550D, Brownie Flash Six-20, Agfa Isomat Rapid. What do you like to photograph? Most of the time the image or idea comes as a glimpse, as an involuntary meditation: it is as imagining beings that were created by the earth itself and evolved into their own secret and strange environment; representing the memories of an old house, breaking the boundaries of past and presente time; or even projecting the memories of another self, as an impression left between a real experience and an imagined one. I use metaphors and spectral figures as path to represent it. The early period of photography as inspiration: the aesthetics of it, the ectoplasm and séances theme, and mainly, the apathy on each portrait.Can you tell us a bit about your editing process? Well, as I was mentioning, I’m fascinated by daguerrotype, albumen print and calotype process. I try to simulate the effect of it. I use my analog cameras with expired film to create experiments on my home-lab and use it as “resources” to further apply on my digital pictures, by scanning the


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negatives and mixing it on Photoshop. Of course, I also use my old cameras for conceptual work, but I’m still learning (by myself) the revelation process. Whatever is the final result, it has much more enchantment! What do you do for fun? Go out in the middle of the night, with no direction or plan! Now, during Summer time, I try to see as many Medieval and History Fairs as I can, with my fellow warriors, sister & boyfriend!

Susana Diniz Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) You can find me: On tumblr: On flickr: taciturnsaturn/ On facebook: TaciturnSaturn On behance: taciturnsaturn

Favorite drink? Definitely mead!

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? In a wishful thinking way, I hope I can be opening an exhibition in London, and - who knows!- living there (and have visited Scotland and Ireland, aye!)

If money was no object where in the world would you like to travel to? To past and future, in a time machine!

Anything else? Gaia & Runa (our two cat-creatures) are meowing goodbye! Thank you, David!




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Susana Diniz


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Susana Diniz




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Susana Diniz


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Susana Diniz




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Susana Diniz


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Susana Diniz



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Chatting with

Synchrodogs Ukraine

for Renegade

Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven AKA - Synchrodogs. Where do you live? In Ukraine. What is life like living there? Slow but colorful. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? We often see some brilliant ideas the moment we go to bed and almost fall asleep. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Sure, but the projects are exposed only when they are done. What do you do for fun? Go far from the city with our motorbike or wash small cats.



If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? If we tell we give up a secret regarding the place we dream to shoot. In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? We don’t make plans as they never work. Where can we find you? Facebook group - https:// Synchrodogs/194627720572379 Youtube - romannoven Tumblr - Anything else? Sure! We also have website http://www.


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Takuroh Toyama To k yo, j a pa n

for Renegade


Where do you live? I live in Tokyo.

Favorite Drink? Water. And a little liquor.

What is life like living there? Now, I’m living together with the lover. My room is surrounded by comics, videos, records and photograph collections.

If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I want go around the world, if possible. I would also like to go to California to see my sister.

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? I want to be fresh feeling. I’m looking for a beautiful moment and interesting things at any time. But it is not necessarily anything special. I take photographs when I see them. I’m taking snaps sensuously. The conceptual work, I like the work simple and cool. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I’m taking pictures in nature with friends. I am planning to go to many places with them. I want to summarise the photos of them someday.

Where can we find you? takurohtoyama/ In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I want to hold a photo exhibition. Also, I want to make a zine or photograph collection. But no plans yet.

What do you do for fun? It looks like you like to party? I like to go to parties in order to meet friends. Having fun is quite common. It is music, films, books, friends, lovers, and family. And I take pictures on and off.




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Takuroh Toyama


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Takuroh Toyama




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Takuroh Toyama


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Takuroh Toyama




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Takuroh Toyama


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Takuroh Toyama



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Victoria Söderst röm N o r r kö p i n g , s w e d e n

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in a town called Norrköping, about one hour south of Stockholm, Sweden. What is life like living there? I’ve quite recently moved here and don’t know that many people yet. The days are a bit lonely and I miss many of my old friends. But Norrköping is a beautiful town rich in culture and history. I love the parks, the old buildings and the fact that the trams are having Santa hats during winter. What got you started into photography? I took a photography course when I was 17 but I didn’t like it at all. We only did black & white, analogue photography and my photos always came out flat and dull. But the year after, I bought my first digital pocket camera and took it with me on travels around the world. I guess that’s when my interest in photography started. I used my camera to capture moments and collect memories, and my friends complained about me taking photos all the time. I decided to invest in my hobby, bought a DSLR camera and I was definitely hooked. Camera gear? My main set up is a Canon 5D mark II with a Canon EF 50mm 1.4. But I also love shooting with the lens I bought most recently, a Canon EF 135mm 2.0. On top of that I have a Canon 17-40 4.0 and a Tamron 90mm 2.8 macro.



Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Typically I come up with an idea when I’m listening to music, walking in nature, reading a quote or seeing a prop I like. Then I write the idea down and make a terrible looking sketch, trying to give shape to the vision I have in my mind. Often my ideas deal with psychological concepts. I’m interested in the human being, our inner worlds and how we are part of, and sometimes trapped, in a society we constantly are being affected by. I try to plan as much as possible before going out shooting the concept; pose, camera angle, prop, location. Typically I shoot in nature and I love adding mystery in some way, for example by using fog, smoke, darkness and turned away faces. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? A few weeks ago I had a portfolio review with a Swedish photographer and gallery owner. He discovered that a common theme in many of my photos was captivity versus freedom. Not until he said it, I realized that he was right. I keep coming back to it. My plan is to explore that theme even more. What do you do for fun? Actually photography is what I do for fun. But besides that, I love writing, spending time with friends, lying on a blanket in a park listening to music and eating strawberries, psychology and walk or run in nature.


Issue #5

If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? My brother lives in New Zealand and even though I visited him just a few months ago I would love to go back. Since he lives on the exact opposite side of the planet, I don’t see him that much nowadays. I’ve also dreamt about going to Iceland. And the North or South Pole would be awesome.

Victoria Söderström In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? My photography education will end in June and I have a lot of decisions to make. The world is wide open and I want to do so much. My main goals for the next year are opening a webshop, contacting galleries and start teaching workshops.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) You can find me on my website: http:// On Flickr: victoriasoderstrom/ On Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/VictoriaSoderstromPhotography On Instagram: Victoria_Soderstrom




Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm


Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm




Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm


Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm




Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm


Issue #5

Victoria Sรถderstrรถm

111 Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier. We are always interested in new submissions for possible inclusion: We also publish weekly on Tumblr.

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