Renegade Visions Photography Magazine. Issue #6

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Photography curated by David Collier

Issue #6

• Anna Marcell • Axel Stevens • Axiom • Billy Yarbrough • Christian Sorrentino • Elena Fortunati • Franck Jessueld • Featured Photographers • Jeremy Shaw • Maria Kazvan • Natascha van Niekerk • Nicoletta Branco • Ruth Nitkiewicz • Silvia Maria Montico •




An individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior This version available on HP Magcloud & Issuu

Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier.

“I want to showcase photographers from around the world, especially relatively unknown people who have a unique style and look to their work. There is no set theme or format but photos that evoke emotion in the viewer.” We are always interested in new submissions for possible inclusion: We also publish weekly on Tumblr. David Collier’s photography. Tumblr Facebook Front cover photo: Natascha van Niekerk Back cover photo: Silvia Maria Montico Inside front cover photo: David Collier Design and Layout by Stephen 'sven' Rogers Stock textures:

Anna Marcell


Axel Stevens


Axiom 22 Billy Yarbrough


Christian Sorrentino


Elena Fortunati 48 Franck Jessueld


Jeremy Shaw


Maria Kazvan


Natascha van Niekerk


Nicoletta Branco


Ruth Nitkiewicz


Silvia Maria Montico



Issue #6

Chatting with

Anna Marcell B R O O K LY N , N Y, U S A

for Renegade

Where do you live? Brooklyn, NY

Favorite Drink? Chai

What is life like living there? You have so many cultures around you that there is never a dull moment.

If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Scandanavia

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? My thought process of when I capture my photographs is how I am feeling at that moment or something that I see that inspires me greatly. It can be many things to trigger that emotion or connection to what I want to capture, like the lighting in my room, nature, blossoming of flowers, my cat, the weather, my mood.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) Flickr: annamarcell, Tumblr: www.annamarcell., Facebook: https://, Instagram: www., Website:

You shoot a lot of self portraits, can you tell us how this has evolved? My self portraiture has evolved tremendously, I think that I have so much to capture and to share with people that I feel inspired everyday. It gives people a glimpse into my visual diary, of who I am as a person and a growing artist. In addition, it has taught me that, I'm my best subject when photographing. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Yes, continuing to capture my art and to share it among other people. What do you do for fun? Going on adventures, exploring, creating, spending time in solitude and most importantly being home.



I n the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I don't think about the future... I live in this moment, right here, right now... Anything else? Keep capturing and inspire x


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Anna Marcell




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Anna Marcell


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Anna Marcell




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Anna Marcell


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Anna Marcell




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Anna Marcell



Issue #6

Chatting with

Alex Stevens P uurs , B e lg i u m

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in a small town called Puurs, about 20 kilometers from the city of Antwerp, in Belgium. What is life like living there? Well, it is a place called Home. Live kind of flows like a small mountain stream. There is a book by the German writer Hermann Hesse called “Siddhartha” where the main character Siddhartha departs on a voyage to find himself. Turns out he shouldn’t have left at all. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? One thing leads to another. I photograph within a certain mindset, I’ll take a camera and go to some city or take road trips with a friend and I’ll be extremely focused, open to whatever or whoever comes along. I’ve noticed I have to be alone to make interesting photographs. I look for certain things, previsualisation is a key word here. I’ve noticed that one photograph leads to another. I do the editing and compilation of the work after the fact. Out of a stream of images things start to emerge. I do things with and to pictures, assemble them, make collage-like things, cut them up, I collect flea market photo albums from the 60’s, the 70’s, the 80’s. I’m very interested in family albums, old newspapers from the same era. Images and photographs can be a means to come to other things.



Some of your images use interesting type treatment, can you tell us a bit about this? Some time ago I was thinking of doing something with the five basic emotions; fear, anger, pain, love and pleasure. I thought of using images sourced from the internet or from my own archives of found photographs combined with a certain type. The typeface used is called “City” and it was the main Typeface for the intro frames to the 1960’s/1970’s television detective series “Mannix”. This in turn led to the grid like structure of the works. Things come together here : my love for American detective series from yesteryear, my love for America and American art, think Ed Ruscha, Baldessari, Richard Prince. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? If all goes well ( touch wood ) I’ll be having an exposition somewhere in January 2014 in Brussels. What do you do for fun? I read a lot, watch the tele, actually...going out and making photographs is fun. Favourite Drink? “Damn good coffee” If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? New york New York !! America ! And if at all possible, I would go back to the time when I was 16 years old.


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Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) http://wearebeautifuldreamers.tumblr. com Flinxo Photo gallery Ghent Belgium : axel-stevens/G0000dnXxQ3cLGR8/ C0000WM2Uri_RuW0 - be sure to check out the other galleries and photographers.

Alex Stevens In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I’ll continue to go with the flow ( as a very good friend, now deceased, once advised me a long time ago ) Anything else? Yeah, thanks for putting me up on Renegade Visions. It’s true actually...I’ve always been a renegade.




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Alex Stevens




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Alex Stevens


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Alex Stevens




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Alex Stevens


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Alex Stevens




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Alex Stevens



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Chatting with

iom Axio Catan i a , i taly.

for Renegade


Where do you live? I live in Catania, Italy.

Favorite Drink? Water.

What is life like living there? I am more adapted than most and beautifully detached.

If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Oslo, Florence and Paris are all places I’d enjoy for more than a week.

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? I freeze any cluster of messages that slips through the environment surrounding me as I try to capture them. Some of these objects survive for more than a few days and condensate, precipitate while sounds and words form around them. As they go through this process and I confront them daily some of them fit me and some don’t. Those that you see are those that fit me. What do you do for fun? I stare at things, people, I walk and run and I am always searching for music, I strive for the few minds that complement me.


Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) Flickr: axiomatic/ In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I will be releasing more portraits and film and I will probably be here. Anything else? Thanks for the interview and keep up your work, it’s great.


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Issue #6

Chatting with

Billy Yarbrough San Clemente, California

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in San Clemente, California What is life like living there? Life is quiet and slow. Mostly a retirement town and a great place to raise kids but not much going on in your 20s. Its halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego so I still find plenty to do. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? I tend to go out with my cameras without any expectations. If I plan my shoots too much and it doesn’t follow the plan I wont be as happy with the photos even if they’re good. I’m also a fan of simple, honest moments. I try to shoot a scene as best I can with some patience. Sometimes going back to the location over the course of a few days or weeks. What camera gear do you have/use? Mostly use a Canon 5d 3 and a 50mm Zeiss 1.4 But I love shooting with film too. I bring a 35mm Holga or a disposable with me everywhere. It doesn’t really matter how you capture a scene. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I don’t have any upcoming projects planned but I do see reoccurring themes when I go out shooting that I keep going back to. For example, I see lots of televisions out on the sidewalk, I would love to personify them somehow. Its a funny project that reflects consumerism, but will only be cool to me if I have 100-



200 photographs. I'm also traveling to India for 6 weeks in February 2014. No plans on what ill be shooting though. What do you do for fun? I go to a lot of concerts in L.A. and S.D. I also Surf, rock climb, and love laying around the park slack lining with friends. Favourite Drink? Ice cold watermelon juice. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I’m interested in wandering the Scandinavian countries. The cities and Landscapes look incredible to me. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) I can be found on my website, on Facebook “Photography by Billy Yarbrough” and on Instagram @yea_bro In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I plan on moving away from my hometown and getting some sort of studio space to work and experiment with my photography. Anything else? Thanks for the interview and thanks to anyone that took the time to read it. I’m interested in shooting any and all projects, feel free to drop me a line


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Billy Yarbrough




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Billy Yarbrough




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Billy Yarbrough


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Billy Yarbrough




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Billy Yarbrough


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Billy Yarbrough



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Chatting with

Christian Sorrentino Malag a , S pa i n .

for Renegade

Where do you live? I’m Italian but now I am living in Spain near Malaga. What is life like living there? Love, sun, sea, what can I ask for more? Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Unfortunately I have big defect of not being able to follow for a long time a photographic project, after a while I get bored seeing the same kind of images. I do not think I have a precise photographic indentity. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Yes, I have just started a new photographic project with a polaroid and peel apart film... who knows. What do you do for fun? I read, watch films and a lot of photographs of other photographers, take photographs and above all live



together with my partner. Favourite Drink? A good bottle of red wine and Old Jamaica ginger beer. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Don’t exist a part of the world where I would not go. If I really have to decide I think in Argentina. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) On Flickr photos/30091418@N02/ and Facebook christian.sorrentino.731?ref=tn_tnmn In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I want to be where they are, at the side of my partner, but possibly with a good job in more.


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Christian Sorrentino




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Christian Sorrentino




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Christian Sorrentino


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Christian Sorrentino



Christian Sorrentino




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Christian Sorrentino


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Christian Sorrentino



Issue #6

Chatting with

Elena Fortunati I taly

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live near a lake in the country, forty kilometers from Rome What is life like living there? It’s the calm after the storm Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? In the middle of nothing, suddenly, an image is born in my mind. Every detail of it (a pose, a colour or the tones) is there to represent for me a specific sensation. My happiness is to be successful to make it concrete. What 3 words would you use to describe your work? People use to say that my photos are soft, Nordic and a little bit surreal. If that is so, I’m in the direction that I would like to walk Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I have a project hidden in my heart from a long time. I hope to make it real soon. What do you do for fun? I search. I search good books, vintage photos from family album of people I don’t know, new places, beautiful letters, awesome moments, funny sunglasses, I search. Favourite Drink? Water



If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I’ll go away for Le tour du monde. I would start from northern Europe and then move to the west until I return to the starting point, and so again and again. In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I’ll studying History of Art at the University of LA SAPIENZA, in Rome as I do now and I’ll continue to dedicate my attention at my personal visual studies and at the artists that I love most and I hope to do this with a lovely companionship in all the places that I have not yet seen Anything else? Sleep solves everything Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) elenafortunati/


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Elena Fortunati




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Elena Fortunati


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Elena Fortunati




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Elena Fortunati


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Elena Fortunati




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Elena Fortunati


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Elena Fortunati



Issue #6

Chatting with

Franck Jessueld par i s , f ranc e

for Renegade

mais cela nourrit mon quotidien, c'est un acte de tous les jours.

Where do you live? I come from Paris, I am currently in Buenos Aires for 3 months before I moved to Shanghai in January. Je viens de Paris, actuellement je suis à Buenos Aires pour 3 mois avant de m'installer à Shanghai en janvier.

Can you tell us about your editing process? The main editing work is scanning images as I shoot only in analog. Afterwards, there was cropping and colorimetry; these two steps, I want to remain as faithful as possible to record the selected film. The archive then, occupies an important place, I am very methodical in that level. Finally, the selection step is the most difficult, this is where it all makes sense. Le travail d'édition principal est la numérisation des images vu que je shoot uniquement en analogique. Après, il y a le recadrage et la colorimétrie; pour ces deux étapes, je tiens a rester le plus fidèle possible au rendu de la pellicule choisi. L'archivage ensuite, occupe une place importante, je suis très méthodique a ce niveau là. Pour finir, l'étape de sélection est la plus délicate, c'est là que tout prend son sens.

What is life like living there? Buenos Aires is a very catchy city nights are endless! Buenos Aires est une ville très entrainante, ses nuits sont interminables! Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Most of the time I take pictures of a very intuitive way, at the time, unconscious. It was after the development that I realized my obsessions. As a collector, I collect memories but also objects, people, situations ... I keep it carefully like a old lady keeps her last trinkets showcases her dresser. I do not really know what my interests have pictures Exterior but it feeds my daily life, it is an act everyday. La plupart du temps je prend des photos de manière très intuitive, sur le moment, inconscient. C'est après le développement que je m'en rend compte de mes obsessions. Comme un collectionneur, j'accumule les souvenirs mais aussi les objets, les personnes, les situations… Je garde cela précieusement un peu comme une veille dame garde ses bibelots dernière les vitrines de son vaisselier. Je ne sais pas vraiment quels intérêts ont mes images vu de l'extérieur



Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Yes, I'm about to print my first book, a second is being prepared on a trip to China made ​​in the month of May. I am trying to shoot a third here in South America, it will include travel between Chile, the Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Oui, je suis sur le point d'imprimer un premier livre, un second est en préparation sur un voyage en Chine effectué au mois de mai dernier. Je


suis entrain de shooter un troisième ici en Amérique du sud, il regroupera un voyage entre le Chile, le Peru, la Bolivie et l'Argentine.

Frank Jessueld

Issue #6

What do you do for fun? My goal is to do everything for fun. Mon but est de tout faire pour le fun. Favorite Drink? Soups my grandmother (makes) but I'm in Argentina, Fernet con Cola. Les soupes de ma grand mère mais comme je suis en Argentine, le Fernet con cola. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Everywhere! obviously. Partout ! évidement.

here can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, W youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) I n the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? In three months, I moved to Shanghai. A new life begins. I will look into the book publishing while continuing to take as many pictures above. I am interested in screen printing and printing more and more, I'm going to look further. Dans 3 mois, je m'installe en à Shanghai. Une nouvelle vie commence. Je vais surtout me pencher sur l'édition de livre tout en continuant a prendre autant de photos. La sérigraphie et l'impression m'intéressent de plus en plus, je vais m'y pencher d'avantage.




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Frank Jessueld


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Frank Jessueld




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Frank Jessueld


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Frank Jessueld




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Frank Jessueld


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Frank Jessueld




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Frank Jessueld



Issue #6

Chatting with

Jeremy S haw Sy d n e y, Aus t ral i a

Where do you live? I live in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, about 10 minute drive from the beach and city. I sadly moved away from the beach in earlier this year to be closer to my studio, but I still miss the smell of salt water and I'm planing to move back in the coming months. What is life like living there? Sydney is an amazing city, its fast paced and there is alway something to do, but if you know where to go you can escape the craziness. The city comes alive over summer, the days at long and the water is prefect, Clovelly in the afternoon its truly awesome. I seem to lose track of time when I'm in the water. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? The simplest things will spark an idea, walking around town or swimming etc, so now I keep a list on my phone after I kept losing all the little bits of paper and note pads. Next step is go over the list and see whats been on my mind. After focusing on one or two Ill draw it up whats needed, ie lighting, sets or subjects, shoot a test and if that works Ill set time lines and goals for shooting a full series. 70% of the work is in the planing and testing, I might start working on a project and leave it for a month or two so it can be reworked until I'm happy with the final works.


for Renegade


What 3 words would you use to describe your work? Formal, Naturalistic & Minimal. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? There are three bodies of work going on at the moment, two are studio based, which means setting up and braking now lighting set ups multiple times. On the plus side I'm not effected by mother nature, but my other project requires perfect weather, which means alot of waiting and watching. The other spear times in the day I'm preparing and planing for the next projects to follow. What do you do for fun? Over summer it would have to be the beach, I like to try different ones across Sydney every week. Outside of that I'm always explore the city, looking for new shops, abounded buildings and meeting people along the way. Ive always got a camera over my shoulder, finding cool places or people. Favourite Drink? Has to been Coffee, after gave up sugar earlier this year its the only thing that keeps working me though the day.


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If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Ive always had a fascination with Iceland, its landscapes and architecture, it would be great to spend some time and Ive always wanted to see the northern lights. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) https://www.facebook. com/pages/Jeremy-ShawPhotographer/168628443172539? or

Jeremy Shaw In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I have some travel booked in for the new year, the first being Vietnam at the start of the year for a personal project. I'm planing to see a bit more of remote Australia and then America in the later half of the year.




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Jeremy Shaw


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Jeremy Shaw




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Jeremy Shaw


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Jeremy Shaw




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Jeremy Shaw


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Jeremy Shaw



Issue #6

Chatting with

Maria Kazvan Lv i v, U kra i n e

Where do you live? Lviv, Ukraine What is life like living there? I haven’t been living anywhere else, so I can’t compare. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Nothing special, I get all my ideas while trying to fall asleep or taking shower. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? Looking at all things I was planning and everything i’ve done, I stopped planning at all. I get some ideas, from who knows where, and i’m trying to embody them. If something doesn’t work at the moment, I put idea in my notebook as a drawing, and let them wait. What do you do for fun? Spending time with my dog. Favourite Drink? Milk. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Antarctica, Newfoundland, Kamchatka Peninsula.


for Renegade


What 3 words would you use to describe your work? Well, looking at those you choose, I guess “I don’t do portraits”. More than 3 words, haha. I understood, that faces aren’t that interesting, if there aren’t some surreal or abstract components, if there is no story, evident or hidden. Portraits can be interesting only to those people, i’ve made portrait of. Now i’m discovering surrealism and I wanna make a movie someday. I’m highly inspired my Andrey Tarkovsky. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? Still not planning, just enjoying what I have at the moment. Anything else? Have a nice day!


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Maria Kazvan




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Maria Kazvan


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Maria Kazvan




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Maria Kazvan


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Maria Kazvan




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Maria Kazvan


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Maria Kazvan




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Maria Kazvan


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Maria Kazvan



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Chatting with

Natascha iekerk van Nie P r e tor i a , S ou t h A f r i ca

for Renegade


Where do you live? I live in Pretoria, South Africa.

each day and give an idea on how to use that image as Art in your home.

What is life like living there? South Africa is an extremely diverse and beautiful country. Our landscape is everything, from flat planes, mountain ranges, forests, deserts, seas and lakes. As I’m often inspired by natural spaces, I love traveling our country and discovering new, “hidden” corners of our land.

What do you do for fun? I love being outdoors so hiking would definitely count as a fun thing for me to do. I also enjoy reading novels of strange worlds and epic adventures and spending time with friends with a good bottle of wine!

Can you tell us a little about yourself? I am a Fine Art photographer that specialize mainly in conceptual portraiture and landscapes. I’m greatly inspired by the land and the human connection to it. I love creating characters that are ethereal, and seem to become part of the space into which they are placed, and conveying the silence one experiences when being in a pristine environment. I am also very interested in beautifully designed interior spaces where elements of the land has been incorporated through prints and photographic wallpapers, to merge the line between outdoor and indoor living. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? One of my greatest passions is to combine contemporary photography with Decor displays in homes and office spaces, so I’m planning to embark on a “365 days of decorating with photography” project next year where I will produce and share one image/project


Favourite Drink? Wine, of course! If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Everywhere! But at the moment, top of my list would include South America, Ireland, Italy and Bali. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) My website: Facebook: NataschavNiekerkphotography Flickr: nataschavanniekerk In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? Well firstly, we’re planning to relocate from the city to a coastal town, which will mean that I will be able to create more work consistently, and I’m so excited for that! And then, I’m planning to have a few group and solo exhibitions next year and partake in South Africa’s biggest Decor show. I’m hoping to introduce my


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work into the Fine Art market in South Africa and grow my print sales. Anything else? Deciding to forsake commercial photography and only pursue my Fine Art

Natascha van Niekerk work has been very scary, but a dream come true! I believe in following what is in your heart and not allowing fear of failure to dictate what you can and cannot do.




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Natascha van Niekerk


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Natascha van Niekerk




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Natascha van Niekerk


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Natascha van Niekerk




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Natascha van Niekerk


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Natascha van Niekerk




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Natascha van Niekerk



Issue #6

Chatting with

Nicoletta Branco v i a R O ME , ITA LY

for Renegade

Where do you live? I live in a really small town in the country side of Rome, pretty much in the middle of nowhere


What is life like living there? Amazing, I wouldn't change it for anything.

here can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, W youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) http://nicolettabrancophotography. missnicole/ nicolettabranco

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? Honestly, I'm very impulsive. I have some confused ideas at first and everything comes clear in the very moment I'm there with my camera.

In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I'm in the middle of some pretty huge changes in my life, I don't really know where I'll be in 12 months. India 'till february, then, who knows!

Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I'm going to India in November for 3 months, I can count it as a project, right? What do you do for fun? I like albino animals. I spend hours searching photos of pretty albino flamingos, lobsters, whales. Don't laugh, they're amazing! Check them out! Favourite Drink? Red Wine If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? Literally anywhere. My first choice would probably be a trip through the US, you know, with some kickass motorcycles, some red dust, scotch, fast foods. That's the stuff.



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Nicoletta Branco




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Nicoletta Branco


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Nicoletta Branco




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Nicoletta Branco


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Nicoletta Branco




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Nicoletta Branco


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Nicoletta Branco



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Chatting with

Ruth iewicz Nitkie e as t lon d on , U K

for Renegade

Where do you live? Currently I live in East London, but I'm originally from Brisbane, Australia. What is life like living there? Hectic, noisy, dirty, inspiring. Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? When I approach a shoot I usually want to evoke a particular mood and experiment with new techniques or types of film. Lately, however, I've been putting more planning into my work: giving more thought to locations, the story I want to tell and the methods I want to apply. I've experimented a lot in the past and I'm now starting to refine the techniques that I use. Can you tell us about your editing process? I like to soak my films in a variety of chemicals before shooting. My favourite combination is lemon juice and boiling water. I have tried other combinations as well, such as bleach, detergent, tea and wine. All produce unexpected and wild results, but the most extreme come from using cross-processed slide films. I have also experimented with damaging the negative, post-development. I've done various things: scratching, poking holes through the film with pins, and dripping candle wax on them. Sometimes I can be pretty brutal with my experiments! Another favourite thing is using disposable cameras, as you can be pretty rough with them.



I've tried destroying the lens with hot screwdrivers and nail polish. I wouldn't do this with one of my SLRs of course, so I tend to use dirty lens filters and prisms with those cameras, so I can still diffuse and obscure the image. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? I'm working with a costume designer friend of mine to collaborate on a surreal, fantasy shoot for Halloween, my favourite holiday of the year. What do you do for fun? I like to make collage art and I also play drums in my band Bonfire Nights. Favorite Drink? Nothing beats a pint of beer in my favourite pub. If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? I’d either like to visit Petra in Jordan, or Machu Picchu in Peru. Both would be great locations for some unusual photographs. Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) My portfolio: http://www.cargocollective. com/ruthnitkiewicz Flickr: ruthykins/ Tumblr: http://yourheartsdesire.tumblr. com


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In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I would like to set up a dark room and begin developing and hand tinting my

Ruth Nitkiewicz own black and white prints. Â I'm also really interested in shooting motion picture film, and would like to experiment more with 8mm film making. Â




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Ruth Nitkiewicz


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Ruth Nitkiewicz




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Ruth Nitkiewicz


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Ruth Nitkiewicz




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Ruth Nitkiewicz


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Ruth Nitkiewicz



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Chatting with

Silvia Maria Mont ico Ca m p i nas , B ra z i l

for Renegade


Where do you live? Campinas, Brazil.

Favourite Drink? Gas water, coffee and tea.

What is life like living there? It’s quiet and nice. I live in the countryside and is quite inspiring.

If money was not an object where in the world would you like to travel to? India and forever Berlin.

Can you tell us about your thought process in regard to your work? My photographs transmit my state of mind at the time. I always imagine a story in my mind and I try to tell it to the viewer through images, but I never explain this story. I always leave each photo to be freely interpreted and felt by everyone. Currently I’m fascinated with photograph of the emotions and feelings of people.

Where can we find you? (blogs, Vimeo, youtube, facebook, Twitter etc) website: facebook: http://www. flickr: photos/96704663@N03/ instagram:

Can you tell us about your editing process? I take shots in full colours on a Canon 7D or with film in a Pentax K-1000. In a few times a convert them digitally to B&W or just balance the colors in most cases. I don’t like to excessive corrections, but I think the photoshop could help to leave the image more sensitive and impactful. Do you have any upcoming projects planned? My projects are keep capturing the art that I believe. What do you do for fun? Watching movies, being home with my dogs, or in a home party with my dearest friends.


In the next 12 months, what are your plans and where would you like to be? I quit think about the future, but guess that I'll probably still be here. Anything else? Keep doing your wonderful work!


Issue #6

Silvia Maria Montico




Issue #6

Silvia Maria Montico


Issue #6

Silvia Maria Montico




Issue #6

Silvia Maria Montico


Issue #6

Silvia Maria Montico

115 Curated and published by Australian photographer David Collier. We are always interested in new submissions for possible inclusion: We also publish weekly on Tumblr.

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