2011 Annual Report

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The Mission of RENEW International


RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action.


La misi贸n de RENEW International u

RENEW International promueve la renovaci贸n espiritual enraizada en la tradici贸n de la Iglesia Cat贸lica, inspirando y preparando a comunidades y creyentes para descubrir la presencia de Dios en lo cotidiano, profundizar y compartir la fe, y expresarla en sus actos.


About the Cover u

The fabrics on the cover depict a selection of the altar cloths and vestments RENEW International has received as gifts from communities in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Central America, and the United States. Used in our weekday celebration of Mass in our chapel, they represent the universal Church and the millions of people who have been empowered to faith-filled leadership by participating in small Christian communities through RENEW International. Cover design and photos by Linda L. Eberly


RENEW International Annual Report 2011 u

u The Fabric of Catholic Life

table of contents From Our President and Executive Director


Message from the Board


Pastoral Services Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico?


Executive Summary

ARISE Together in Christ/Levántate Parish-Based Offerings Young Adult Outreach RENEW Worldwide


7 10 13 16 19

Development 22 Financial Summary


Donor Acknowledgements


The Communities We Serve


Board of Trustees


Connect with Us




The Fabric of Catholic Life u

from our

president and Executive Director “As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience … Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:12-14

Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, was chosen as a graduation speaker for her class at the Institute for Not-for-Profit Management Program at Columbia University’s Business School. Sr. Terry’s participation in this continuing education program was funded by the Healey Family Foundation. Credit: Leslye Smith

RENEW International’s Statement of Values • A ministerial community impelled by the life and mission of Jesus Christ • A culture of respect that values the unique gifts and talents of our staff and the many individuals with whom we minister • Nurturing of small Christian communities, incorporating faith sharing into the fabric of Catholic life as a vehicle for individual and communal transformation 2

• Attentiveness to diversity of languages and cultural contexts to effectively meet the pastoral needs of the global Church • Love in the service of justice with special attention to the poor and underserved communities of faith both domestically and internationally

• Highest ethical standards and financial transparency particularly in the areas of human resources, management, finance, and development • Commitment to excellence, innovation, and creativity in all we do.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Dear Friend of RENEW, Throughout Scripture, the imagery of fabric abounds: Old Testament kings robed in purple and gold, Joseph in his many-colored cloak, Jesus wrapped in the manger and in the tomb, soldiers in crimson, the transfigured Christ in radiant white. Even today, these images offer important outward symbols of majesty, humility, power, purity, and holiness. In a letter to the Colossians, attributed to Paul, the fabric metaphor is used to encourage the early Christians to “clothe” themselves in Christ-like virtues, especially love. We at RENEW International know that, like a beautiful tapestry, our outward actions have the potential to reflect inner virtues and values. As part of our ongoing strategic planning process, we invested considerable time in developing our Statement of Values. These values, shown on the facing page, represent the cherished marks of who we are, the virtues in which we clothe ourselves. These core principles reflect and guide our life as a ministerial community, our passion for serving the Church, our standards of behavior, and our commitment to gospel living and justice. During the past year, RENEW’s team has endeavored to weave our core values into our work in ways that will strengthen the fabric of Catholic life. All parts of our ministry have been examined and enhanced: innovative pastoral services that offer greater impact and flexibility, a wider range of timely and relevant small-community publications, creative marketing approaches, funding partnerships to reach the poor and underserved, streamlined operations that better serve our customers, and financial standards to ensure accountability and sustainability. I give thanks to God for each of you and your generous and loyal commitment to RENEW International, our mission, vision and values. With your continued support, we look forward to creating a beautiful and seamless garment of love that will bring healing, reconciliation, and harmony to our wounded and wonderful Church. May God bless you for your generosity and commitment to helping us to renew, rebuild, and reinvigorate the Church—one person, one parish, one diocese at a time. Gratefully,

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, DMin President and Executive Director


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

MESSAGE FROM THE board Dear Supporter of RENEW,

Joseph Franzetti, Chair, Board of Trustees

RENEW International is a unique organization within the Catholic Church dedicated to renewing personal spirituality, building community, and sustaining parish life across the globe. The Board of Trustees of RENEW has been actively involved in the mission, offering direction, advice, and support. It has been an honor to participate in that effort, but it comes with the responsibility of ensuring that the mission of RENEW is preserved and in communion with the Church; to see that its resources are efficiently and effectively deployed, and to position the organization for continued prosperity. The fabric of RENEW weaves together both spiritual zeal and strong management. With the quality and character of those in senior leadership positions, RENEW is in good hands. The dedication and commitment of the staff is exemplary and extraordinary.

RENEW serves a diverse and faithful audience and delivers its gospel message using the most modern technology resulting in an expanding range of recipients. RENEW responds to the needs of the parishioners in the pews with such cutting-edge programming as Why Catholic?, ARISE Together in Christ, and Lifting Up Our Hearts. The dynamic nature of this organization impels it to both respond to the current needs of the Church, as well as to anticipate future demands of those served. The thread that runs through this success is personal and communal hard work delivered through the Holy Spirit. In these troubled economic times, our disciplined focus has never been more important. Good management has resulted in having done more with less. We have stepped up our efforts to attract donations, grants, and contributions using the most efficient methods possible. As a Board, we would like you to know that RENEW International has remained dedicated to its founding principles and continues to offer inspirational services, unwavering in its support of the faith, yet adaptable to the ever-changing needs of the faithful. We thank you for your continued support and trust.

Joseph Franzetti Chair, Board of Trustees


u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

executive summary During 2010-2011, RENEW drew its inspiration and energy from meeting the diverse pastoral and spiritual needs of church leaders, parish teams, and parishioners in the United States and a growing list of international dioceses. As a result, RENEW International ended the year in a strong position relative to mission achievement and financial sustainability.

Pastoral Offerings

From its one basic “RENEW program,” RENEW’s offerings have multiplied in recent years as more dioceses and parishes pursue their pastoral goals in unique and tailored fashions. Revitalizing parish life and deepening Catholic faith take place in new, varied ways: diocese-wide “core processes” with a full complement of training sessions, resources, and pastoral support; flexible parish-based programs featuring downloadable resources and web-based training sessions; and a growing portfolio of resources on faith topics suitable for small groups and personal use. After more than seven years and 48 diocesan engagements, Why Catholic? Journey Through the Catechism was ready for major enhancements. New books and resources and upgraded workshops are helping this ministry successfully touch the lives of everyday Catholics in more meaningful ways. ARISE Together in Christ emerged this year as an ideal option for dioceses that want to continue the blessings of small Christian communities after being involved in Why Catholic? Being attentive to the diversity of languages and cultural contexts present in the Church, RENEW ensured that our efforts have maximum impact by offering multilingual options for our major resources and specific workshops. Beyond Spanish, this meant translation and inculturation into Portuguese, French (Canadian), Vietnamese, Chinese, Lithuanian, Haitian Creole, Xhosa, Afrikaans, as well as large-print editions. Our stated commitment to innovation and creativity meant RENEW proactively developed offerings to meet emerging pastoral needs. With the Third Edition of the Roman Missal coming to all English-speaking parishes in November 2011, RENEW introduced a series of resources to help prepare parishioners for this change. Lifting Up Our Hearts has been promoted extensively to positive acclaim and strong sales to date. Similarly, our Publications Team has been readying Renewing the Priestly Heart as a discussion-centered clergyrenewal resource for parish priests for fall 2011.


RENEW International recognizes that broadening our base of financial support permits us to successfully reach poor and underserved communities. This year has seen growth in the number of individuals donating on behalf of our mission, with new donors coming from beyond our typical geographic base. Newer partnerships and foundations—such as the Catholic Church Extension Society and Our Sunday Visitor Institute—along with our longer-term funders, made RENEW’s processes and materials accessible to young people, poor parishes, and developing-world dioceses that might not otherwise have the means to participate. These outreach efforts were matched with tight control of fundraising expenses during the year.


Staying focused on our Strategic Plan goals, our leadership team and entire RENEW staff have emphasized building management practices to better serve dioceses, parishes, and customers. Marketing and selling approaches were enhanced to foster more loyal relationships. This took the form of guiding dioceses to engage in ongoing spiritual renewal as well as encouraging parishioners to turn to RENEW for more resources. Social media, podcasts, video, and email have all played an important role. Additionally, investments in information technology infrastructure helped us harness the unique gifts and talents of our staff in new, more productive ways. This will further expand in 2012 as we implement a centralized database initiative to enable better analysis and decision-making. Finally, RENEW pursued the highest ethical standards and financial transparency through careful stewardship of funds: cost-benefit analysis for spending projects, audited financial statements, and prudent, socially-responsible investment of its endowment.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

Pastoral offerings


Why Catholic? participants in the Diocese of Jefferson City, MO, sewed a quilt inspired by their spiritual journeys.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? Overview

Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? has become the leading diocese-wide process for evangelization and adult faith formation in the United States. Presented in four 12-week sessions, this process takes participants on a journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church and its four principal themes: Prayer, the Creed, the Commandments, and the Sacraments. Since 2003, hundreds of thousands of Catholics have benefitted by strengthening their appreciation for and connection to the Catholic faith. As a result, many participants have reported a deeper understanding of Church teaching, a return to the sacraments, deeper prayer life, and more engagement in works of charity and acts of justice.

Why Catholic? This book [Life in Christ] brought them out of themselves. They shared unbelievably and profoundly. It was worth the two-year wait.’’

Enhanced Materials

During the past year, the Why Catholic? books on prayer and Christian morality were revised in content and design, following the revision of the books on the sacraments and the profession of faith. All four books were given new titles that are more attractive and easier to remember: Pray, Believe, Celebrate, and Live. While remaining faithful to the themes of the Catechism, the revised books provide a more accessible resource for learning, deepening faith, sharing, and moving to action. These book changes provided an opportunity to improve and update the full range of Why Catholic? materials and resources: new music CDs, downloadable “I learned a lot about all the sacraments during this last year of documents on the RENEW website— Why Catholic? The best was that I learned about unconditional love. posters, flyers, bulletin announcements, homily hints—and a new kit of parish I have been able to see and experience unconditional love in [the team leaders] who show up here every week and really care about us.” materials. Notably, the kit now includes a multimedia faith-sharing resource Inmate at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, Carlisle, IN based on the documentary movie Scenes from a Parish, which relates the real-life experiences of a parish coping with the impact of Participants in Why Catholic? during the past year have immigration and poverty in its community. In addition, the testified to the ways in which their faith sharing deepens as training workshops, faith enrichment workshops, and retreats the process continues. A member of a group in Princeton, NJ, of the Why Catholic? process were updated and enhanced. for example, reported how the first two years had prepared Why Catholic? in the Military participants for the next step in the process, Life in Christ: RENEW has been bringing the Why Catholic? process to Christian Morality, which focuses on the Beatitudes and the Ten Commandments: “The sections on marriage caused the most discussion and interest. We experienced real empathy because by this time folks are more comfortable with one another ... I was glad Life in Christ was the third book. It was a challenge, and folks never would have been able to handle the sharing had we done it earlier.’’ A participant in Jasper, IN, also described the gradual transformative quality of Why Catholic?: “We had two men in Catholics eager to enrich their faith and encounter God in everyday life our group who never shared anything the first two years of attend a Why Catholic? workshop on the military base in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Highlights of 2010-2011


The Fabric of Catholic Life u members of Catholic communities on United States military bases since January 2006, serving all branches. Lay leaders and chaplains attend two weekends of workshops per year. This past year workshops occurred at bases in San Diego, CA; the United Kingdom; South Korea; and Hawaii. Most recently launched in Wiesbaden, Germany, the process has been received with enthusiasm. “The small groups that form become electric,” reports Jane Gottardi, coordinator of Why Catholic? in Wiesbaden. “There is so much love in the sharing that it opens one’s heart to a fellow parishioner. It creates bonds and it strengthens our church community. Small groups offer respect, dignity, love, and trust in one another.’’ Jane, whose husband is an Army general, emphasized the Why Catholic? approach of moving from faith to action. “At the end of each session,” she writes, “we commit to ourselves and to one another in some way to go out and live the Good News until our next session... Our faith tells us to reach outside our comfort zone and to give of ourselves to others. It is in the living of our faith and being instruments of good for others that we are forever changed.’’

Puerto Rico, as well as a parish in Chihuahua, Mexico. In these communities, too, the process has had a dramatic impact on individual lives. For example, one woman who joined about 200 adults and children at a ¿Por qué ser católico? retreat in the Diocese of Orlando, shared that before her parish began the Why Catholic? process, she was not a practicing Catholic. Now she is a member of a small Christian community and attends Mass every Sunday, and she and her family are preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation. While Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? offers a wellguided journey through the Catechism, it can lead to greater understanding of specific aspects of Catholic faith in ways that address the varying needs and interests of participants. The Diocese of Fort Worth, for example, conducted a retreat – El sacramento del matrimonio: comunidad de amor y de servicio / Sacrament of Marriage: a Community of Love and Service. The retreat, a collaborative effort of two diocesan offices and RENEW International, was organized to satisfy the needs of many married and unmarried couples to more deeply appreciate, in an environment of prayer and faith sharing, the sacrament of matrimony.

¿Por qué ser católico?

New Funding Partnership to Serve Mission Dioceses

The faith-formation experience of Why Catholic? is available to Spanish-speaking parishioners through the parallel series, ¿Por qué ser católico? During the past year, the process was enriching the faith and spiritual lives of Spanish-speaking Catholics in the dioceses of Jefferson City, MO; Orlando, FL; Norwich, CT; Fort Worth and Amarillo, TX; and Ponce,

Why Catholic? participants gather in Orlando, FL. The woman, at left front, reported that she was not a practicing Catholic before participating in Why Catholic?, but now she attends Mass every Sunday.


RENEW’s ability to reach parishes with the Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? process has been boosted by assistance from the Catholic Church Extension Society, which underwrites most of the costs of participating in the

Bishop Patrick Zurek spoke at workshops in every region of the Diocese of Amarillo, TX, to parishes beginning Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico?

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

“At the beginning of the process, I couldn’t see the value of ¿Por qué ser católico? Now I see in my own life the fruits of being part of a small Christian community.”

Cesáreo López, Parish Coordinator, St. Teresa of Jesus Parish, Friona, TX, Diocese of Amarillo

Music enriches the celebration at the Spanish Retreat for ¿Por qué ser católico? in Norwich, CT.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u process for parishes in the Diocese of Amarillo, TX. Bishop Patrick J. Zurek generated enthusiasm for the process when he attended most of the workshops. All 49 parishes — more than 5,000 people — in the diocese are participating, including 24 implementing ¿Por qué ser católico?. Amarillo has served as a pilot diocese for this partnership, which will expand in scope to reach even more dioceses in 2012.

The Why Catholic? program is a boon for our diocese by giving us the education tools we desperately need to help faith flourish and qualities of leadership blossom among our people. When local people see leaders rise from among them, it awakens their own desire to participate. It’s a domino effect that we hope will continue to play out for years to come, and we’re so appreciative to Catholic Extension for helping to make it possible.

Most Reverend Patrick Zurek, Bishop of Amarillo, TX

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

Parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston, including the many that completed RENEW’s ARISE Together in Christ process, will begin Why Catholic? in 2012. The process will be available in the archdiocese in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Lithuanian, and Haitian Creole. This process is being supported by a generous grant from The Lynch Foundation, based in Boston, MA, which will offset the cost to parishes. RENEW also looks forward to expanding its partnership with the Catholic Church Extension Society in bringing Why Catholic? and other RENEW pastoral offerings to poor parishes in mission dioceses in the United States.

ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo


ARISE Together in Christ is a three-year evangelization and spiritual renewal process for the entire parish. ARISE Together


in Christ creates a unifying, vibrant spiritual climate in the parish, transforming people through small-group faith sharing, resources for diverse ethnic groups, youth and families with children, and Christian social action.

Highlights of 2010-2011

The Archdiocese of Boston successfully completed ARISE Together in Christ this year. More than 3,000 lay leaders from parishes, prisons, campuses, convents, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes were trained at 200 workshops in four languages. Faith-sharing books were offered in six languages to serve the ethnic communities in the archdiocese. Thanks to the ARISE/LEVÁNTATE experience, which helps people become both hearers and doers of the Word of God, the annual Archdiocesan Social Justice Convocation was reinstituted, helping parishes establish social-justice committees. The effects of ARISE/LEVÁNTATE were broad and lasting. The feedback RENEW received from St. Eulalia’s parish in Winchester was typical: “Participants have reported that their hearts and lives were touched by the Scriptures, family bonds were strengthened, involvement in their parishes increased, and there was a heightened awareness of God’s presence in their lives. Many were saddened when the experience ended and expressed a desire to continue their faith sharing in small Christian communities.” The Diocese of Stockton, CA, completed Season 2 of ARISE/LEVÁNTATE this year, with 97 percent of the parishes

Manuel Hernandez, a member of RENEW’s Pastoral Service Team, visits a correctional facility in the Diocese of Stockton, CA, to meet with inmates participating in ARISE Together in Christ with books donated by local ARISE groups.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Annie Garmey from Hearth shares a cookbook inspired by ARISE Together in Christ with RENEW’s staff member Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, at the Archdiocesan Justice Convocation in Boston, MA. Hearth, a social service agency dedicated to addressing homelessness, received the proceeds from the cookbook sales.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u participating as well as two prisons and the University of the Pacific. “By participating in ARISE,” one parishioner said, “I have learned how marvelous God is. Talking about daily life issues has been helpful. I have had lots of difficulties of late; my mother’s sickness and eventual death was a long and painful process. My small community supported and prayed me through it all, and I continue to see God’s hand in my life.’’ With continuing support from a three-year grant from the William E. Simon Foundation, ARISE for youth—urban edition, a customized outreach for urban teens, continued at St. Augustine Parish in the South Bronx, NY. In fall 2010, RENEW staff met with and trained youth leaders to lead small groups and to put faith into action in the St. Augustine community and surrounding neighborhood. Some activities included collecting food and assembling packages for distribution to those in need in the community as well as planting and harvesting in the parish vegetable garden. This past year included a retreat experience in Goshen, NY, where the small community leaders and participants who are potential leaders gathered to experience various types of prayer in a relaxed, rural setting.

Participants in the ARISE for youth—urban retreat in the Bronx, NY, take a moment of silence to pray and reflect.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

Stockton’s Bishop Stephen E. Blaire will connect participation in ARISE Season 3: In the Footprints of Christ with a diocesan justice event. Parishes will collaborate with the California Catholic Legislative Network, an arm of the California Bishops’ Conference, to engage parishioners more deeply in their civic and moral duty concerning important legislative


St. Edith Stein Parish in Brockton, MA, has gone through some turmoil, including its formation from the merger of two other parishes. A parishioner told RENEW that ARISE Together in Christ has made all the difference:

“Without the ARISE/LEVÁNTATE program we wouldn’t have been able to ‘survive the storm.’ There is indeed a sense of ‘calm.’ Through faith sharing, we have learned how to get along in God’s family. We have supported, nurtured and sustained one another on the journey. Not only have we shared our faith but we’ve shared our cultures which has made us ardent believers in fact that ‘we are all one.’ Faith sharing has truly helped us ‘survive’ the disappointments and fears the many changes have brought our way. We’ve become true believers in the power of prayer and our prayer lives have grown deeper and more meaningful. ... Even though change has made us bewildered at times, our faith sharing and belief in our call as Christians has moved us to work more diligently in outreach to the poor and marginalized.” issues. Bishop Blaire plans to designate November 5-6, 2011 as “Life and Dignity Sunday.” The majority of new dioceses joining the RENEW family this next year, as well as those who are continuing from another RENEW process, have chosen ARISE Together in Christ. This process is easily adapted to individual diocesan synod goals and pastoral plans. Canada’s many dioceses and parishes present an expansion opportunity for ARISE Together in Christ. ARISE was launched in London, Ontario, Canada this past spring. Participants in the diocese will begin faith sharing this fall. As RENEW anticipates the involvement of the Canadian dioceses of St. Boniface and Sault Ste. Marie, it is translating ARISE Together in Christ into Canadian French as DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Highlights of 2010-2011 Lifting Up Our Hearts

On the first Sunday of Advent 2011 – November 27 – the Catholic parishes of the English-speaking world will adopt the Third Edition of the Roman Missal, the text containing prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass. This new English translation includes some changes in the prayers recited by the priest, deacon, and assembly. Anticipating this event, RENEW International developed Lifting Up Our Hearts: Praying with the Third Edition of the Roman Missal for parishes Small groups form as RENEW launches ARISE Together in Christ in the Diocese of London, Ontario, Canada. and dioceses looking for effective ways to take advantage of this “teaching moment.” A variety of tools and resources make it easy to bring the changes to the people. The six-session faith-sharing book addresses different parts of the Mass with a Scripture passage, reflections, prayer, song suggestions, and faith-sharing RENEW is committed to offering a full array of quality questions. The book includes a tear-out pew card with resources for parishes seeking to renew the spiritual lives the assembly’s new responses. This resource was written of parishioners, deepen their faith, and build the bonds of for RENEW International by Dr. Peter J. Zografos, noted community. We continue to develop faith-sharing resources liturgical theologian and presenter for to foster and nurture ongoing small Christian communities. the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Nearly two thirds of our individual customers return to Commissions. RENEW for additional resources within two years of their With generous underwriting from first purchase. These resources, which can be found on the Lavelle Fund for the Blind, Inc., RENEW’s website, include a variety of faith-sharing books, RENEW International published a downloadable parish promotional materials, parish kits, and large-print edition of the Lifting web-based and on-site training tailored to meet the needs Up Our Hearts faith-sharing book with a pew card for of individual parishes and small Christian communities. people with visual impairments. In addition, parishes can take advantage of a companion music CD, promotional buttons, and customizable posters and flyers. Parish “What sets Lifting Up Our Hearts apart is that it is designed leaders are invited to register for one of for parishioners’ use in small faith-sharing groups. Through RENEW International’s web-based training prayerful reflection and faith sharing, Lifting Up Our Hearts will sessions to learn more about Lifting Up Our Hearts, to maximize participation, and to gain help the faithful internalize the new liturgical responses thereby skills to effectively lead the small groups. encouraging active, full, and conscious participation of the laity in Parishioners who used the materials in the liturgy.” From the Foreword to Lifting Up Our Hearts advance of the new edition of the Roman Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson, Missal indicated the more they shared and Chairman of the Committee on Divine Worship, learned about the reasons for the changes in United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the liturgy, the more they understood what

Parish-Based Offerings Overview


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC, leads a workshop on Lifting Up Our Hearts to prepare parishioners in the Diocese of Trenton, NJ, for the Third Edition of the Roman Missal. happens at Mass and why. According to a participant from the Diocese of Metuchen, NJ, “Change can be challenging, and this helped explain and point out the beauty of the changes.”

Longing for the Holy and Sedientos De Dios

Longing for the Holy is a faith-sharing process based on the insights of best-selling author Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI Longing for the Holy and its complementary Spanish-language process, Sedientos de Dios, address a popular theme in secular society today—the need for a spiritual connection—and they seek to help people deepen

Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP, engages with Longing for the Holy participant, Lori Flanagan, in Green Bay, WI.


their awareness of the presence of God in their lives. “We all are dealing with spiritual hungers and interest in how we might grow as human beings and in our spiritual life,” explains Franciscan Sister of Peace Maureen Colleary of RENEW International. The Diocese of Green Bay, WI, took on Longing for the Holy with great enthusiasm during Lent 2011 as a follow-up to Fr. Rolheiser’s appearance in the diocese. More than 50 parishes committed “The sharing was great, to the process and and it sure made me think almost 200 group spiritually on how to get leaders were trained at closer to Jesus. I liked the workshops across the references to modern day diocese. Testimony from saints putting the words participants reveals that and ideas into real life.” they benefited from the process on a variety of Longing for the Holy participant, Diocese of Green Bay, WI levels. In addition to Green Bay, Longing for the Holy and Sedientos de Dios have taken hold within 172 of the 178 dioceses in the United States as well as several in Canada; selling more than 14,000 Longing for the Holy books and 4,200 Sedientos de Dios books. Small-community leaders have been trained to facilitate the Longing for the Holy and Sedientos de Dios processes—either on site or through webinars—in the dioceses of Dallas, TX; San Angelo, TX; Newark, NJ; Baltimore, MD; and Belleville, IL.

Lenten Longings

Written by Sr. Catherine T. Nerney, SSJ, PhD, the Lenten Longings series is based on the three-year cycle of the Lectionary, presenting themes drawn from the year’s Lenten readings. Each book contains six sessions corresponding to the six weeks of Lent with topical reflections and sharing questions. Previously published as part of RENEW’s Impact Series, Lenten Longings:Year A—Let Yourself Be… was updated and repackaged. Several dioceses, including the Archdiocese of Boston, promoted this resource for ongoing small Christian communities in between or after completing RENEW processes.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

reviewed and piloted by a variety of priests and by others engaged in clergy formation. This project also includes an audiobook plus 13 reflections by nationally-known specialists on topics of vital interest to priests.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond Parishioners in Boston, MA, engage in self-reflection and faith sharing with Lenten Longings. The Life of the World—Year B and Seeing with God’s Eyes—Year C will be published for the 2012 and 2013 Lenten seasons, respectively. The Lenten Longings series features a music CD with songs selected for all three liturgical cycles of Lent.

Renewing the Priestly Heart

RENEW International began developing a faith-sharing process specifically for priests: Renewing the Priestly Heart: A Spiritual Resource for Priests Based on the Insights of Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan in collaboration with Our Sunday Visitor Publications. The faith-sharing resource is written by Fr. John E. Sassani, a priest and pastor of the Archdiocese of Boston, and it includes many observations from Priests for the Third Millennium, a best-selling book by Archbishop Dolan of New York, recently-elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Fr. Sassani worked with RENEW International’s project team to identify 12 key themes important to the priestly life. The text has been thoroughly

I thank RENEW International for its innovative work in creating this helpful resource for priests. It is my prayer that these reflections will help those who are seeking to refresh their souls and renew their zeal.

Renewing the Priestly Heart will be promoted at the November 2011 General Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as through partnerships with representatives of various Catholic organizations including Our Sunday Visitor Publications, the National Organization for Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy, and the National Federation of Priests Councils. The process will be launched in the Diocese of Davenport, IA, November, 2011 by Sr. Terry Rickard, our Executive Director. Sr. Terry and Fr. Thomas Devery, the Vicar for Priests of the Archdiocese of New York, will be the keynote speakers at the diocese’s annual clergy convocation. Also Renewing the Priestly Heart will be piloted in the Archdiocese of New York beginning Fall 2011. RENEW International is following up on its popular Lenten Longings series by introducing a faith-sharing process for Advent, beginning with liturgical year B in fall 2011. The process is designed to give participants a respite from the hectic, secular atmosphere of the weeks before Christmas and focus their attention on anticipation of the coming of Christ. The English resource, Advent Awakenings, will include faith-sharing sessions for each of the four weeks of Advent and devotions that participants can use with their families at home: blessings of the Advent wreath, crèche, and Christmas tree; a reflection for Christmas Eve, and a ritual for blessing the home on Epiphany. A companion music CD will be available. The Spanish resource, Reflexiones en Adviento, will include five weekly sessions—one for each Sunday of Advent and one for Christmas Day—written by evangelist/poet Dr. Irma Chávez—as well as an appendix with devotions for the home. Separate books will be developed for liturgical years A and C.

From the Foreword of Renewing the Priestly Heart Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

This group of young people led 97 students at the University of Arizona, Tucson, in Campus RENEW to encounter God in everyday life.

Young Adult Ministry Overview

The Catholic Church, led by Pope Benedict XVI himself, is focusing its attention on a concept known as the “new evangelization,” a revitalization of missionary activity among members of the Church and in the world at large. RENEW International takes that concept to a practical level by offering young adult ministries that reach out to an important, but underserved, group.

Highlights of 2010-2011 RENEW Theology on Tap

RENEW Theology on Tap has been at the center of RENEW’s Young Adult Ministry activity since the beginning of 2011. With 25 new registrations of dioceses and parishes and 100 renewals so far, Theology on Tap has demonstrated its value as a powerful means of meeting the needs of young adults


in the Catholic Church. These programs take place around the United States and Canada, and in South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, and the Bahamas. Sometimes these are diocesan sites and sometimes local parishes. RENEW has launched a concerted effort to progress from being the licensing agent for the Theology on Tap trademark to being the trusted source of information, guidance, and support. “RENEW International’s Theology on Tap” Facebook page links many of the local sites to encourage sharing of topics and ideas among the leaders. Almost daily postings keep the ideas as current as possible. Our team reaches out to all Theology on Tap team leaders and attendees to become “fans” of the site. This summer, RENEW collaborated with the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Conference and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to host a Theology on Tap event at World Youth Day in Madrid. This partnership marked

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Campus RENEW

By the end of the 2010-2011 academic year, our Campus RENEW process was completed at Merrimack College, Stonehill College, and Bentley University in Massachusetts and at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. Purdue University also completed its process and has continued to foster small faith-sharing communities with 200 students using Word on Campus as one of its major resources. In addition, several campuses are participating in the Why Catholic? process in the dioceses of Fort Worth, TX; Orlando, FL; and Louisville, KY.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

the first time a specific effort was made to reach the young adults in attendance during the celebration, and it was the first joint activity among the three organizations. Hundreds of English-speaking participants experienced Theology on Tap first hand at a casual gathering featuring a talk by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle, WA, and performances by popular Catholic musicians.

Recognizing the tech-savvy nature of our young adult ministry contacts, the RENEW Theology on Tap website is undergoing renovation to create more user-friendly event maps and better use of the Theology on Tap forum page as well as Facebook and other social media. Plans are in development for a full schedule of practical and inspiring webinars for Theology on Tap leaders. Some will be aimed at the newest leaders so that they can share their initial questions and concerns, get ideas from each other, and feel more prepared to begin this ministry. We will also invite veteran leaders to be part of these conversations to share their enthusiasm with the new members. Other webinars will be based on specific topics and will be open to all leaders and members of groups, with times for questions and shared discussions. An updated version of the Campus RENEW process for the University of Arizona will be supported through a schedule of web-based training for leaders during this fall and next spring. We will continue to implement Campus RENEW with a special focus on dioceses that are participating in Why Catholic? and ARISE Together in Christ.

Archbishop Sartain inspires young adults at the Theology on Tap reception at World Youth Day in Madrid. Credit: Paul Jarzembowski / NCYAMA


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

Participants fully engage in the launch of Why Catholic? at St. Joseph Church in Chatty, South Africa.


u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

RENEW Worldwide: South Africa Overview

In a very short time, RENEW International has successfully listened to the needs of the Church in South Africa and responded by coordinating, with the local people, a strong effort to form and support small Christian communities. As a result, lay men and women have developed their gifts for ministry, young people have become more involved in their faith, and inactive Catholics have returned to their parish.

Highlights of 2010-2011 We have witnessed the founding of new ministries and the revival of others, and overall a higher level of participation in parish life and mission. The ongoing effort in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth demonstrates that while “RENEW Africa comes and RENEW Africa goes, small Christian communities go on forever”—the slogan we popularized throughout the process.

RENEW Africa

The Diocese of Port Elizabeth completed the fifth season of RENEW Africa in November 2010, and is committed to continuing to encourage and support small Christian communities. Testimonials from participants in these small communities have been very positive. Many have found the small community as a pathway to renewed faith. “I hadn’t gone to church for years,” wrote one participant, “but my neighbor invited me. It was so much easier to cross the threshold into his living room than to climb the stairs of the church. Eventually, I discovered it wasn’t that hard to go back to church, and now I’m filled with joy.” For others, the RENEW Africa process made a clear connection between faith and life. “We can’t ignore the call of the Gospel,” a participant commented. “I knew I needed to take the first step to be reconciled with my brother, but couldn’t. The faith of my community in me, and their prayers, gave me the courage to take the risk. We have been reconciled, and our whole family rejoices in our coming together again.” Updated this past spring, RENEW Africa website pages provide a colorful, engaging, and informative experience for viewers, and a link to further resources for member dioceses.

Fostering Ongoing Small Communities

Small Christian communities welcomed the African editions of Lenten Longings for Cycle A (In English, Xhosa, and Afrikaans) not only in the Diocese of Port Elizabeth but also in a scattering of small Christian communities in other dioceses with the help of national advertising. We foresee continued expansion to other small communities as publicity is renewed for Lent 2012.

“It was my small Christian community that got me through the tragic killing of my son. I was angry with everyone – even God. Members of my community would stop by and visit and pray with us. They helped start the healing process and supported our family. Eventually I was able to let go and forgive the killer.”

RENEW Africa participant, Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Why Catholic?

At the request of the Diocese of Port Elizabeth, we have started rolling out an adapted experience of Why Catholic? for Africa to follow RENEW Africa. Launching workshops began during the month of July 2011, and faith-sharing in the small Christian communities began in August. The materials are provided in English, Afrikaans, and Xhosa as they were for RENEW Africa, and helpful material for will be available in the Why Catholic? web library.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

As the fourth anniversary of our return to South Africa approaches, we foresee expansion into new dioceses during 2011 and 2012. After RENEW’s visits to Johannesburg and Cape Town in 2010, the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and the Anglican Diocese of Saldhana Bay (in Cape Town) expressed interest and have now committed to the RENEW Africa process. The bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Table Bay (in the Cape Town area) has recently requested a presentation to its priests. We look forward to continued expansion of RENEW Africa and the many ways that continued training of local presenters will contribute to creating a sustainable effort in South Africa.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

Youth in El Salvador gather to participate in Jóvenes Para Cristo and develop a deeper relationship with Christ.

Click here to view video

RENEW Worldwide: Latin America Overview

RENEW International’s ministry in Latin America continues to grow as more dioceses learn about the faith formation and evangelization offerings that RENEW provides with both language and cultural relevance.

During this year, the Jóvenes para Cristo team organized activities, including training sessions for youth leaders and retreats for parish teams, which drew hundreds of participants. Some of the workshops prepared youth participants to run special Holy Week events in their own parishes.

Highlights of 2010-2011

Jóvenes para Cristo ( JPC)/Youth For Christ

During 2011, RENEW International’s team based in El Salvador, led by Juan Ramón Córdova, continued to support Jóvenes para Cristo (Youth for Christ) in the Diocese of Sonsonate. This process attracts young people, who might otherwise be at risk of gang involvement, into a positive and faith-filled relationship with Jesus. The youth communities, first established in 2009, continue their development and growth, numbering 181 youth groups and 2,873 active participants.


Juan Ramón Córdova (far left) and Dr. Irma Chavez (far right) interact with participants of the youth program in El Salvador, Jóvenes para Cristo.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

RENEW Proyecto América Latina

RENEW International’s outreach to parishes in South America began in the Archdiocese of Valencia in Venezuela using RENEW’s popular faith-sharing process ¿Por qué ser católico? in a version customized to Venezuelan culture. Between July 2010 and June 2011, faith enrichment workshops and retreats were held throughout the archdiocese with an average of 1,000 participants at each event. These events touched the Catholic community at every level from individual to parish to archdiocese. Small Christian communities started the Celebrar season, which focuses on the sacraments, in mid-2011, and new groups will soon begin the Creer season, which focuses on the creed. RENEW International is grateful to the Vollmer Foundation for providing generous funding for the implementation of this effort in Venezuela.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

RENEW looks forward to pursuing new relationships throughout Central America in the coming year. These contacts emerged from RENEW’s presentation of Jóvenes para Cristo at national youth events and diocesan meetings in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Panama. These presentations generated strong interest with several bishops. We also anticipate expanding RENEW’s work in Venezuela in dioceses that already have extended invitations.

Workshop participants of the RENEW process in Honduras receive a blessing and are sent out to live their faith.

If you would like to support these or other RENEW International pastoral initiatives, please visit www.renewintl.org/donate or contact our Development office at development@renewintl.org or 908-769-5400 x 143. 21

The Fabric of Catholic Life u



Honorees (from left to right: William McGuire, Sr. Mary McGuinness, OP, and Ronald Bushwell) celebrate at our Gala.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011


RENEW International’s development activities are motivated by our stated value of paying special attention to the poor and underserved communities of faith domestically and internationally. Our fundraising efforts allow our staff to foster spiritual renewal in struggling rural and urban parishes in the United States, to bring hope to groups of youth and young adults, and to train lay leaders in faith communities in developing countries. We are grateful to the many individuals and foundations that have supported our mission for more than three decades.

• The Lavelle Fund for the Blind Inc. continued to generously support large-print editions of our materials • Our Sunday Visitor Institute and The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust helped us with the development of the Renewing the Priestly Heart process • The William E. Simon Foundation continued its third year of funding for ARISE for youth—urban edition • Vollmer Foundation helped underwrite efforts in the Diocese of Valencia, Venezuela

Highlights of 2010-2011

Development income for the fiscal year was $652,000. With the economy still weak and financial uncertainty widespread, average donation size declined, while the number of donors increased by 26 percent and the total number of donations received increased by nearly 24 percent. While total dollars raised was lower than planned, the Development Team took actions this year to position RENEW for improved results as the general environment strengthens. These actions were characterized by innovations in fundraising methods, efforts to build a solid infrastructure for the future of the department, incorporation of cost-savings and cost-effective measures, and the success of our 12th Annual Gala. In addition to generous ongoing support from major donors and family foundations, several notable gifts helped us advance specific ministry and infrastructure projects this year. Highlights include: • The Lynch Foundation provided a new grant to implement Why Catholic? in the Archdiocese of Boston

RENEW staff—from left, Yvette Hutchins, Susan Capurso, and Rich Michalowski—gear‐up for the transition to new computers and technology. • An anonymous foundation provided a significant grant to underwrite Lifting Up Our Hearts • A donor provided major funding for RENEW’s upgraded information technology investment Additionally, we worked with the Dioceses of Sonsonate, El Salvador, and Port Elizabeth, South Africa, to secure funding for RENEW’s pastoral initiatives through special funds for Latin America and Africa generated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Our organization is delighted to help make RENEW’s outstanding religious education materials available in large-print editions accessible to parishioners with visual impairments.

Andrew S. Fisher, Executive Director Lavelle Fund for the Blind Inc.

Innovations and building infrastructure

In an effort to expand our donor database, we continue to add names through a “welcome packet program.” More than 300 RENEW process participants, customers of our resources,


The Fabric of Catholic Life u and interested individuals have been added to our database, an important positive step in keeping a healthy growing base for RENEW’s sustainability. To communicate more effectively with our growing base of contacts, the first issue of RENEW’s bimonthly enewsletter was launched in September 2010. Each issue of World RENEW contains updates and news about RENEW around the world as well as Scripture passages, practices for spiritual growth, and information about the latest RENEW resources. World RENEW is sent to nearly 5,500 individuals and it is now linked to RENEW’s Facebook page. Another initiative incorporating cost-effective methods of communicating with our donors has been the creation of eblasts: short seasonal greetings and timely messages with an option to donate. This year’s eblasts were sent at Christmas and Easter wishing those same enewsletter recipients the blessings of the liturgical season and gently asking them for financial support. A series of Gala eblasts related general news of the Gala, the honorees, and details

of the exciting online auction. During the Christmas and Lent seasons, we developed in-house personalized direct-mail appeals for nearly 500 of our donors. Combining these two appeals, we generated donations totaling $39,600 at a cost of $840. This reflects a major turnaround in this type of appeal in support of RENEW’s mission.

Special Events

In September, the 18th Annual Golf Classic gathered friends of RENEW at Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club in Bedminster, NJ. Eblasts, mailings, and press releases allowed us to publicize the event, raffle, sponsorships, and silent auction. Our loyal RENEW golfers enjoyed a terrific day of golf and though their efforts and those of the committee, about $24,000 was generated to benefit RENEW. We are deeply grateful to those who have supported our Golf Tournament over the years. After careful evaluation by our Board of Trustees and staff members, a decision was made to suspend the event for 2011; income will be supplemented by focusing our efforts on enhancing existing projects and developing new events. The major highlight of our fundraising year was the 12th Annual RENEW International Gala held June 2, 2011 at the Pleasantdale Chateau in West Orange, NJ. The honorees— Mr. Ronald J. Bushwell, Sr. Mary C. McGuinness, OP, and

Nellie and Michael Catanzaro enjoying themselves at Gala 2011.


u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Mr. William B. McGuire—are each outstanding examples of individuals whose deep faith, abiding generosity, and creative vision embody the mission and values of RENEW. They honored us with their presence, and we are most grateful to them. In honor of RENEW International’s cofounder and visionary, the inaugural Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler Award was presented at this year’s gala to Sr. Mary McGuinness, who was the creative force behind many of RENEW’s most popular resources and publications. The award is designated for a person who exemplifies one or more of the remarkable qualities of Fr. Tom: a visionary and missionary spirit, commitment to justice, dedication to the formation of lay leadership, and devotion to renewal through small Christian communities. An innovation incorporated into this year’s Gala was an online charity auction featuring more than 40 items. Items donated to RENEW were posted on the RENEW website and advertised through the enewsletter and eblasts. Generous RENEW donors from around the country had the opportunity to bid on these items well in advance of the Gala! More than 295 guests enjoyed a beautiful evening renewing old friendships. All were invited to participate in an exciting silent charity auction and raffles. Throughout the evening, guests were entertained with dance music provided by a live band.

Pat and George Erdman pose with daughter, Jeanne Ellen Pursiano at the Pleasantdale Château in West Orange, NJ.

Through the efforts of the Gala Committee and Board, the generosity of the honorees and guests, and the proceeds of the online auction, the Gala generated $204,000 in net revenue to support RENEW. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us on June 7, 2012 for a memorable evening at next year’s Gala.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

RENEW International continues to look for fresh ways to increase its relevance to current and potential individual and foundation donors. To expand its development outreach, RENEW will host smaller special donor cultivation events beyond our traditional geographic base of donors, starting with an event in the Diocese of Fort Worth, TX, in September 2011. Other initiatives include expanding planned giving opportunities for our donors by creating a memorial card program, developing a comprehensive RENEW brochure, researching and approaching new grant possibilities, and engaging in a significant major donor cultivation initiative.

Planned Giving Opportunities

Donors can consider RENEW International when thinking of planned giving so they will be able to continue supporting the mission of RENEW and make a difference for generations to come. The most common way of remembering RENEW is through a bequest. Friends of RENEW who are unable to make a substantial gift during their lifetime can make contributions of property, stocks, or assets through well-planned wills and trusts. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you and your personal advisor to discuss planned giving that will benefit you, your family, and RENEW International. Please contact our Development Office at 908-769-5400 x143 to discuss such opportunities. CLICK HERE TO MAKE AN ONLINE DONATION


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

financial summary

RENEW works with military bases abroad and within the U.S. like this group in San Diego, CA, which participates in Why Catholic?


RENEW International stayed focused on balancing its long-term mission growth goals with careful cost control and investment management in an uncertain economic environment. This discipline allowed RENEW to deliver both operating and investment income growth, totaling a positive 37 percent versus fiscal year 2010.

Operating Results for Fiscal 2011

RENEW International is pleased to report net income of $651,000 in fiscal year 2011 versus $475,000 for fiscal year 2010. RENEW’s endowment had extremely positive results of $614,000 in fiscal year 2011 and operating income was $37,000, 16 percent higher than 2010 operating income of $32,000.


RENEW International Key Statistics Dollars in Thousands

Full Year Ended June 30 2010 2011

Operating Revenue



Operating Expenses







Operating Income (loss) Endowment Income (loss) TOTAL INCOME (loss)



Total Assets (without Endowment)




$4,037 $4,651

Total Assets (with the Endowment)



Total Equity



Capital Spending



Ratio of Current Assets (with Endowment) to Current Liabilities



Allowance for Doubtful Accounts %





Return on Average Endowment Balance

SOURCE: 2010-2011 RENEW International Audited Financial Report, Max Bussel & Co. CPAs

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

RENEW International Components of Revenue $3,500 $3,000



$2,500 $2,000



$1,500 $1,000



FY 2010 Actual

FY 2011 Actual

$500 0

($ in 000’s)

FY 2010 Actual

Development $ 727 Process Fees $1,297 Publications/Others $1,323

FY 2011 Actual $ 652 $1,114 $1,549

Total operating revenue was $3,315,000, about one percent lower than actual 2010 revenue. • Actual 2011 publication/other revenue was $1,549,000, well exceeding 2010 actuals of $1,323,000. This favorable result reflects the evolving model in which a greater share of RENEW revenue comes from sales of resources across an expanding base of parish and individual customers. This growth was fueled by strong demand for the Longing for the Holy and Lenten Longings publications as well as robust initial start-up revenue for Lifting Up Our Hearts. Other revenue was minor in nature, reflecting income on RENEW’s operating cash accounts.

FY 2010 Actual

$262 $298 8% 9%

Process Costs Development Costs Gen & Admin Costs $2,755 83%

• Actual 2011 process-fee/other revenue was $1,114,000, a decrease of 14 percent from 2010. This decrease occurred across the RENEW processes and reflects the lingering economic malaise in RENEW’s participating dioceses and parishes. RENEW made a commitment to continue working with many parishes particularly hard hit by the recession by providing financial assistance. • Development revenue for 2011 was $652,000 versus 2010 revenue of $727,000. With the economic downturn still impacting all segments of the economy, major gift donations were less than the previous year. However, the number of gifts and donors increased—positive achievements that bode well as the economy recovers. Total operating expenses were $3,278,000, one percent improvement versus 2010. • Actual 2011 process-related costs were $2,777,000, or one percent above 2010. Process costs were 85 percent of total operating expenses, reflecting continued emphasis on channeling spending more directly towards RENEW’s ministry efforts. The slight increase in costs was related to the development and introduction of new resources such as Lifting Up Our Hearts as well as increased emphasis on RENEW’s mission work in South Africa, Venezuela, and Central America. • Actual 2011 development-related costs were $262,000, 12 percent lower than 2010, stemming from more focused and efficient use of funds

FY 2011 Actual

$239 $262 7% 8%

Process Costs Development Costs Gen & Admin Costs $2,777 85%


The Fabric of Catholic Life u • Actual 2011 general and administrative costs were $239,000, 9 percent under 2010. These costs include various building, technology, and overall office-related expenses. Strict expense control contributed to this decrease.

Finally, RENEW’s approach to responsible stewardship has extended to its investment philosophy, demonstrated by commitment to Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) principles according to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ guidelines.


Balance Sheet

RENEW International’s endowment at June 30, 2011 was $4,651,000, an increase of 15 percent over 2010. Endowment income was $614,000, resulting in an average return on investment of 14.1 percent, versus 11.6 percent in 2010. This increase reflected the continued recovery in the equity markets. However, because of persistent economic and fiscal uncertainty both domestically and abroad, RENEW continued to pursue a cautious investment policy. As a result: • RENEW took a very conservative posture in its asset allocation: At June 30, 2011, equity investments were 56 percent of the total endowment with the remaining 44 percent in fixed-income securities. • Additionally, RENEW did not participate in “alternative” investment strategies such as commodities trading or hedge funds. It does, however, maintain appropriate diversification among domestic large-, mid-, and smallcapitalization stocks as well as international stocks. • In light of uncertain interest rate trends, RENEW has kept the overall length of the bond maturities in its fixed-income portfolio weighted toward the short and intermediate maturities. RENEW International Balance Sheet Components: June 30, 2011 Operating Cash $646

Endowment $4,651

Other $1,379

Receivables $483

Fixed Assets $481

Inventory $301 Other Assets $114


Total assets at June 30, 2011, were $6,676,000, an increase of 11 percent over June 30, 2010. Additionally, the ratio of current assets to current liabilities was 8.7 times at June 30, 2011, reflecting an extremely liquid balance sheet. Other highlights include: • Operating cash was $646,000 at June 30, 2011, versus $722,000, the decrease mainly due to increased capital spending on necessary building improvements and technology infrastructure. • Accounts receivables, net of reserves, were $483,000 at June 30, 2011, versus $437,000 in 2010. This increase reflects more publication sales, as well as installment receivables from process fees; however, the reserve for doubtful receivables has dropped to 5.1 percent versus 7.9 percent a year ago, due to enhanced collection procedures. • Inventory was $301,000, up from $274,000 because of a larger amount of published materials, such as Lifting Up Our Hearts. • Fixed assets, net of depreciation, were $481,000 versus $421,000, reflecting increased spending on essential building improvements as well as new servers and computer equipment.

Outlook for 2012 and Beyond

RENEW is acutely aware that the economic environment, particularly unemployment and the equity markets, continues to fluctuate greatly and will certainly impact RENEW’s financial results for fiscal 2012 and beyond. Yet RENEW is committed to achieve positive operating results for fiscal year 2012.

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Operating Revenue

• RENEW has engaged an increased number of new dioceses and parish clusters as well as successfully transitioning several existing dioceses to begin Why Catholic? and ARISE Together in Christ in fiscal year 2012. The partnership with Catholic Church Extension Society will be instrumental in attaining increased diocesan agreements from mission dioceses. • RENEW continues to grow its diverse revenue streams, particularly with the Lifting Up Our Hearts, Longing for the Holy, and Lenten Longings offerings. These offerings were introduced in the past two years and have demonstrated substantial revenue growth prospects. • New products, such as Advent Awakenings and Renewing the Priestly Heart, will contribute to revenue during the current fiscal year.

Operating Expenses

RENEW is committed to cost control, with overall spending in line with last year. A few disciplines may see increased funding (such as marketing, advertising, and web development) in order to stimulate targeted revenue growth.


RENEW expects the endowment results to fluctuate over the early part of fiscal year 2012. It will mitigate issues by staying with its conservative, well-diversified investment policy which has benefited RENEW during the past several years: 50 percent to 55 percent in equities and 45 percent to 50 percent in fixed income. RENEW is committed to matching its passion for high-impact ministries with a strong dedication to sustainability through careful stewardship of our financial resources and audited, transparent internal controls.

Sr. Honora Nolty, OP, Assistant Director of RENEW International (center), meets with members of the Vietnamese community in the Archdiocese of Boston. This group from seven different parishes translated Lenten Longings into Vietnamese for their community after completing ARISE Together in Christ.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

The communities we serve

Parishioners in the Diocese of Trenton, NJ, participate in a workshop for Lifting Up Our Hearts, RENEW’s new resource to explore the Third Edition of the Roman Missal.

Parishes in the archdioceses and dioceses below participated in Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? in 2010-2011 Amarillo, TX Charlotte, NC Evansville, IN Fort Worth, TX Jackson, MS Jefferson City, MO Knoxville, TN


Lexington, KY Little Rock, AR Los Angeles, CA Louisville, KY Military, USA Nashville, TN New York, NY

Norwich, CT Ogdensburg, NY Orlando, FL Paterson, NJ Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Ponce, PR

Reno, NV St. Augustine, FL St. Cloud. MN Springfield, IL Springfield-Cape Girardeau, MO

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Parishes in the archdioceses and dioceses below are beginning Why Catholic?/¿Por qué ser católico? in 2011-2012

Boston, MA

Metuchen, NJ

Philadelphia, PA

Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Parishes in the archdiocese and diocese below participated in ARISE Together in Christ/LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo in 2010-2011

Boston, MA

Stockton, CA

Parishes in the dioceses below are beginning ARISE Together in Christ/ LEVÁNTATE. Unámonos en Cristo in 2011-2012 San Angelo, TX

London, Ontario (DEBOUT Ensemble dans le Christ for Canada)

Parishes in the international archdioceses and dioceses below participated in a RENEW pastoral process in 2010-2011 Bururi, Burundi Sonsonate, El Salvador Valencia, Venezuela

Port Elizabeth, South Africa (RENEW Africa) Queenstown, South Africa (RENEW Africa) Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Parishes in the international archdiocese and dioceses below will be beginning the RENEW Africa process in 2011-2012 Archdiocese of Johannesburg, South Africa Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa Anglican Diocese of Saldanha Bay, South Africa


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

The Welcome Team eagerly awaits Why Catholic? participants in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Campus Ministries and/or Newman centers at the following colleges/universities participated in a RENEW process in 2010-2011 Bellarmine University (Campus RENEW) Purdue University (Campus RENEW) St. Catharine College (Why Catholic?)


Texas Christian University (Why Catholic?) University of Arizona at Tucson (Campus RENEW) University of Louisville (Campus RENEW/Why Catholic?)

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Parishes/Groups in these archdioceses and dioceses participated in RENEW Theology on Tap in 2010-2011 Albany, NY Allentown, PA Altoona-Johnstown, PA Amarillo, TX Arlington, VA Atlanta, GA Austin, TX Baltimore, MD Biloxi, MS Bismarck, ND Boise, ID Boston, MA Brooklyn, NY Buffalo, NY Burlington, VT Camden, NJ Charleston, SC Charlotte, NC Cheyenne, WY Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH Colorado Springs, CO Corpus Christi, TX Dallas, TX Davenport, IA Denver, CO Dodge City, KS Dubuque, IA Duluth, MN El Paso, TX Erie, PA Fall River, MA Fargo, ND Ft. Wayne-South Bend, IN

Fort Worth, TX Galveston-Houston, TX Gary, IN Gaylord, MI Grand Rapids, MI Great Falls-Billings, MT Green Bay, WI Greensburg, PA Harrisburg, PA Hartford, CT Helena, MT Indianapolis, IN Joliet, IL Kalamazoo, MI Kansas City, KS Kansas City-St. Joseph, MO Knoxville, TN La Crosse, WI Lafayette, IN Lafayette, LA Lansing, MI Laredo, TX Lexington, KY Lincoln, NE Little Rock, AR Los Angeles, CA Manchester, NH Marquette, MI Memphis, TN Military Services Milwaukee, WI New York, NY New Orleans, LA Newark, NJ

Oakland, CA Oklahoma City, OK Omaha, NE Orange, CA Orlando, FL Paterson, NJ Peoria, IL Philadelphia, PA Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, ME Portland, OR Providence, RI Raleigh, NC Reno, NV Richmond, VA Rochester, NY Rockford, IL Rockville Centre, NY St. Petersburg, FL Sacramento, CA Salina, KS San Angelo, TX San Antonio, TX San Bernadino, CA San Diego, CA Scranton, PA Seattle, WA Shreveport, LA Sioux City, IA Spokane, WA Springfield, IL Springfield, MA St. Augustine, FL

St. Cloud, MN St. Louis, MO St. Paul-Minneapolis, MN Superior, WI Toledo, OH Trenton, NJ Tucson, AZ Tulsa, OK Venice, FL Washington, D.C. Wheeling-Charleston, WV Wichita, KS Wilmington, DE Yakima, WA Youngstown, OH International Maitland-New Castle, Australia Melbourne, Australia Sydney, Australia Calgary, Canada Halifax, Canada Huron, Canada London, Canada Moncton, Canada Nelson, Canada Prince George, Canada Saskatoon, Canada Seoul, South Korea Toronto, Canada Vancouver, Canada Winnipeg, Canada Taipei, Taiwan


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

donor acknowledgement Your generosity and support makes our work possible. Thank you to all of our donors, especially those who donated $100.00 or more in fiscal year 2011: Individuals

George Aguilar Charles Alberto Herbert and Beatrice Alff Thomas and Allie Anderson Anonymous Individuals Vincent Apruzzese Emanuel Arturi Frederic and Eileen Becker Patricia Becker Jeffrey and Stacey Beer Bradley and Lauren Bofford Joseph Bonaro Kurt Borowsky John and Marguerite Boyce S. Jervis Brinton Michael and Stephanie Brough Hubert and Claire Brown Sheila Brown Tony and Maggie Browne Thomas and Martha Brydon Karl and Dolores Buckman Vincent and Christina Budd Rosalie Bulger Buzzi Msgr. James Burke Marylane Burry Brian and Joy Bushwell Ronald and Rosemary Bushwell John and Robin Butler Muriel and Bill Cagney Robert Callander Mary Lee Clanton and David Calnan Alberto and Bertha Calvo Joan Cappa H. Robert Carey Paul Carlucci Brian Carragher Daniel and Michele Castagna Michael and Nellie Catanzaro Norma Catherine John Cifichiello Msgr. Edward Ciuba Joseph Colalillo Frank and Maria Colangelo Anthony Colao Michael Cole and Jaynee LaVecchia Agnes Collins James and Virginia Collins


E. Christopher Cone R. Peter and Laura Connell Winifred Cordasco Corine and David Cowen David and Denise Crean Sr. Patricia Crowley, OP Regina Crowley Ann Cussen Janice Cuttingham and Alfred Petit Chi Daniels Donald DeFabio Jerry Dempsey Robert Dempsey Lou and Pat DiCerbo John and Amy Dilatush Eric and Karen Dill Robert and Alice Dillon Paul DiLouie Livvy Dinneen Patricia Dinneen and John Mooney Robert DiQuollo Charles and Joyce Doehler Floyd and Dolly Donahue Robert and Patricia Donnelly Raymond and Catherine Donovan Christine Doody Martin and Karen Doris Joseph and Ellen Dougherty Dennis and Janet Drasco Sean and Fiona Duffy Joseph Duggan Bert and Milissa Else George and Patricia Erdman Joseph and Patricia Esposito Claire Fallon Thomas and Carolyn Farley Robert Farrell Remy and Yvonne Ferrario Kathleen Finnegan John and Judith Fitzgerald Thomas Flammer James Flynn Kathleen Flynn Paula Flynn Patricia Ann Foley Paul and Kathleen Foley Cosmo Fontana Joseph and Patricia Ann Franzetti

Martin and Susan Garofalo Monica Garofalo Joseph Gatti Peggy and Craig Gaydos Robert and Kathleen Gluck Charles and Barbara Gnassi Robert and Margaret Graham Joseph and Marion Greco Katherine Grossman Laurence Grunstein Joseph and Carolyn Gugliandolo Marilyn Haggerty Brian and Jean Hallowell Bernard Hartnett, Jr. Thomas and Allison Hayek Thomas and Meg Healey Rev. Francis Heinen Marguerite Henderson Msgr. Owen Hendry Paul and Dorothy Hennessey James and Jackie Higgins Kevin and Patricia Higgins Cathleen and L. Donald Horne Thomas and Michelle Hundt Douglas and Mary Hutchings Florence Jacobson Jennifer Jehn Walter Jitner Eartha and Stanley Johnson John and Mary Elizabeth Kakolewski Jerald and Kathie Kamiel Eric and Randi Katz Mary Kenny Patricia Kent Thomas and Susan Kiernan Ann Kilmartin Richard and Suzanne Kinney Ed and Gertrude Kleissler Dick and Mary Jean Kleissler Bob Kleissler Msgr. Thomas Kleissler Joel and Nancy Kobert Eric and Elizabeth Koch Joseph and Susan Konzelman, Jr. Robert Kribs Joan Lalonde Robert and Jean Lampert Justin and Megan Lavoie

u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Individuals (continued) Kevin and Marie Lawler John Lentinello Todd and Grace Leong Harold Levy Anthony Locastro Charles and Ann Longo Rev. Thomas Looney, CSC Kate and Bill Lund Joan and Jerry Lynch Neil and Judith MacLennan Deirdre and Rick Malacrea, Jr. Roberta Malacrea John and Lynda Mamone, Sr. Henry McCabe Anne McDarby Edward and Margaret McDermott Francis and Patricia McDermott Patricia McDonough John and Mary McEnerney Bob and Margaret McGovern JoAnn McGuinness Patrick and Jen McGuinness Robert McGuinness Thomas and Amor McGuinness Bill and Lois McGuire Lucy McGuirk Mary Ann McLaughlin John and Margarete McNeice, Jr. Richard and Janet Michalowski Carmen Miley Edward and Ellen Miller John Moshides John Mulderig Carol Murphy Eileen Murphy Patricia and Thomas Murray, Jr. Jack and Kathy Norris William and JoAnn Northgrave James O’Dea Kathleen Ogle Mary Beth and Steven Oria Stephen Orlofsky Maria Orsini Mary Noel and William Page Chuck Paolino Michelle Pedigo Sr. Kathleen Phelan, OP David Plaut Anthony and Martha Polemeni Wayne and Susan Positan Bruce Powers Dorothy Prisco Eugene Purcell Carl and Jeanne Ellen Pursiano Leslie and Eileen Quick, III

Elizabeth Quinlan Rev. Joseph Quinlan Michael and Patricia Ramella Kevin Reed Bill Reilly James and Jill Reilly, Jr. Michael and Jane Reilly Rev. Charles Reinbold Mary Reiser Walter and Lynn Rickard Denise Rover Sr. Paula Russell, SC Susan Rymer Marvin and Judy Sachs Alvaro Saralegui William and Marilyn Saydah Peter and Carolyn Seibel Robert and Annemarie Shaw Catherine Shrope Mok Timothy and Joanne Smee John and Dorothy Soley Richard and Anna Spalckhaver John and Myong Ok Stocker Frances and Thomas Sullivan Alan Sussman Brian and Catherine Tack Robert Thoms Mary Tierney Thomas and Gretchen Toolan Renee Trabert and William Heinbokel Richard and Germaine Trabert Michael and Ida Tropiano William and Mary Lee Trousdale Vincent Tuzzio, Jr. Patricia Van Dalen de Pieruci Lorenzo and Annette Vanore Robert and Mary VerNooy Tony and Mary Ann Visocchi Dominic and Kathy Volante, Jr. Howard Wachenfeld Justin and Lana Walder Mel and Ruth Wallerstein Frank Walsh Laurence Walsh John and Janet Weis Joseph and Yu Tsuan Weiyeh Ku Richard and Diane Wenk Donald Whittam Arthur and Barbara Williams George Williams Robert and Carol Williams Sr. Alice Yohe, SSJ

*Omissions and corrections: Please contact Sarah Iles at 908-769-5400 x112 or sarahi@renewintl.org

Foundations, Companies, and Religious Organizations ADP Statewide Insurance Agencies, Inc. (Florham Park, NJ) Airflow Systems (Paramus, NJ) All American Games, LLC (Wharton, NJ) Anonymous Foundation Brinton Eaton Wealth Advisors (Madison, NJ) Chase Bank (Iselin, NJ) Chestnut Ridge Capital (Paramus, NJ) Church of Christ the King (New Vernon, NJ) Church of the Presentation (Upper Saddle River, NJ) Command Web Offset Co. (Secaucus, NJ) The Daniels Group, Inc. (New Providence, NJ) Dermatology & Laser Center of Northern New Jersey, L.L.C. (Livingston, NJ) Diocese of Metuchen (Piscataway, NJ) Dominican Sisters (Amityville, NY) Dominican Sisters (Caldwell, NJ) Dominican Sisters, Our Lady of the Lake Convent (Verona, NJ) Dominican Sisters, Sophia House (Caldwell, NJ) Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club (Bedminster, NJ) Healey Family Foundation (Morristown, NJ) Home & Office Computer Training (East Hanover, NJ) J. Queen New York (New York, NY) James and Loretta Colotto Foundation, Inc. (Hackensack, NJ) Judith Ripka, The Helping Hand (New York, NY) June Walk Foundation (Mahwah, NJ) KABR Management (Paramus, NJ) Kolaco, Inc (Mendham, NJ) Kristine Balsamo Memorial Fund (Bayonne, NJ) Lavelle Fund for the Blind (New York, NY) The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust (Milltown, NJ) Lum, Drasco & Positan LLC (Roseland, NJ) Lumen Center (Caldwell, NJ) The Lynch Foundation (Boston, MA) Marians of the Immaculate Conception (Stockbridge, MA) Max Bussel & Co., CPA (South Plainfield, NJ) Merrill Lynch (Paramus, NJ) Morgan Stanley (Paramus, NJ) Neff Aguilar LLC (Red Bank, NJ) News America Marketing (New York, NY) Our Sunday Visitor Institute (Huntington, IN) PIMCO Investments, LLC (New York, NY) Print Tech (Springfield, NJ) Ricoh, Inc. (Iselin, NJ) Saint Barnabas Health Care System (West Long Branch, NJ) Sandy Hill Foundation (Morristown, NJ) William E. Simon Foundation (New York, NY) Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny (Middletown, RI) St. Felipe Apostol Parish (Chihuahua, Mexico) Thomas Streko, DMD P.C. (Westfield, NJ) Tompkins, McGuire, Wachenfeld & Barry LLP (Newark, NJ) Trump National (Colts Neck, NJ) Vollmer Foundation (Venezuela) White Dove Productions (Bozeman, MT)


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

BOARD OF Trustees

RENEW International Board of Trustees members celebrate at Gala 2011. Back row, left to right: Eric Dill, Walter Rickard, Livvy Dinneen, Bob McGovern, Jack Norris. Front row, left to right: Kevin Lawler, Joe Franzetti, Sr. Terry Rickard, Carol Williams, and Michael Tropiano. Credit: Melissa McNally/The Catholic Advocate

President and Executive Director

Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP President and Executive Director of RENEW International; Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY


Joseph Franzetti Senior Vice President at Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC, industry writer and speaker


Eric Dill Director of the Office of Human Resources, Diocese of Metuchen, NJ


John Norris Retired Wall Street executive with extensive experience in US Treasury securities


u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

John Butler President & CEO of Human Resource Learning Center; Knight of the Order of Malta Federal Association

Robert P. McGovern Retired executive in mortgage-backed securities industry

Most Rev. Edgar M. daCunha, SDV, DD Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar for Evangelization, Archdiocese of Newark, NJ; titular Bishop of Ucres

John Mulderig Media reviewer, Office for Film and Broadcasting, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Jane P. Devlin Attorney at Flynn and Clark, P.C. , Member of Canon Law Society of America Livvy Dinneen Director of Counseling and faculty member, Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University, and private practitioner in psychotherapy Patricia M. Dinneen Managing Director at Siguler Guff, Member of the Archdiocesan (Boston) Pastoral Council, and chair of its Social Justice Committee Leoba (Dolly) Donahue Former Board Member, Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child; former Financial Advisory Committee member, Franciscan Sisters of Ringwood Raymond J. Donovan Retired Executive Vice President, Sciavone Construction Company; former U.S. Secretary of Labor

Mary Noel Page Dame of the Order of Malta Federal Association; Board Member, St. Luke Institute and the Providence Hospital Foundation Maria Fiorini Ramirez President and Chief Executive Officer of Maria Fiorini Ramirez, Inc., (MFR) Walter I. Rickard Chairman of the Board, LSSi Corp, former NYNEX executive Joanne Collins Smee General Manager, IBM Americas Integrated Technologies Delivery Michael Tropiano Chief Financial Officer of Par Pharmaceutical Inc.; Director of Men’s Spirituality, Church of the Presentation, Upper Saddle River, NJ Carol Ann Williams Licensed Professional Counselor; National Certified Counselor and family therapist

Alejandro Fernández-Colmenárez General Manager of Human Resources and Corporate Communications for Brenntag Latin America; Professor of Human Resource Planning, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela Martin Garofalo Executive Vice President of Trade, News America Marketing Jennifer Jehn Senior Vice President, Marketing, for Dow Jones. Hospice Care grief counselor

RENEW International Corporate Members

Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler President Emeritus and Cofounder of RENEW International. Priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ

Most Rev. John J. Myers, JCD, DD Archbishop of Newark, Chairman

Kevin A. Lawler Proprietor, Capricorn Consulting Group; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre

Rev. Msgr. John E. Doran Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia and Acting Chancellor, Vice-Chairman

Rev. Thomas P. Looney, CSC, PhD Provincial Superior of the Eastern Province of Priests and Brothers of the Congregation of the Holy Cross Reinardo Malavè Vice President and Land Development Director, Bowyer-Singleton & Associates, Inc.; Coordinator of the Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Diocese of Orlando, FL


Rev. Msgr. Michael A. Andreano Vice-Chancellor and Secretary to the Archbishop, General Secretary Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Arnhols Vicar for Pastoral Life Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Petrillo Executive Director, Office of Clergy Personnel


The Fabric of Catholic Life u


RENEW International employs a dynamic and diverse team of lay ecclesial ministers, religious women, priests, and a deacon. Working together collaboratively in teams, the RENEW staff develops, produces, and implements processes for diocesan and parish spiritual renewal and faith-sharing publications and resources for parishes and ongoing small Christian communities.

Leadership Team Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP, DMin President and Executive Director Sr. Eileen Carmody, PBVM Human Resources Administrator Eartha Johnson Customer Service Manager Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Kleissler President Emeritus Dr. Laura Zane Kolmar Assistant Director of Pastoral Services Greg Kremer Special Assistant to the Executive Director Deirdre Trabert Malacrea Director of Marketing and Communications Richard Michalowski Controller Sr. Honora Nolty, OP Assistant Director and Director of Pastoral Services Kathleen Ogle Managing Editor Mary Beth Oria Director of Business Operations Sr. Kathleen Phelan, OP Director of Development


u RENEW International Annual Report 2011

Departments and Staff

Pastoral Services Dr. Irma Chávez Sr. Maureen Colleary, FSP Sr. Kathleen (Kass) Collins, SFCC Sr. Marie Cooper, SJC Juan Ramón Córdova Sr. Marenid Fabre, OP Alma Garcia Manuel Hernandez Rev. Alejandro López-Cardinale Sr. Verónica Méndez, RCD Anne Scanlan Sr. Pat Thomas, OP

Publications and Resources Christopher Burns Regina Crowley Deacon Charles Paolino Marketing Amy Reed

Customer Service and Administrative Staff Susan Capurso Cristina Garzon Martha Ann Hagedorn Lynn Hull Yvette Hutchins Carolyn Newkirk

Development Sarah Iles Margarita Morales

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Fr. Tom Kleissler enjoying food and fellowship with Sr. Terry’s grand-nephews at the annual RENEW Christmas party.

RENEW staff members join in song at Mass celebrated by Fr. Tom Mangan. He and Fr. Denis Mullane, both from Ireland, visited RENEW at the invitation of Board Member Ray Donovan.


The Fabric of Catholic Life u

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